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Lawrence County KyArchives Obituaries.....Cassell, Henry T December 4, 1897
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Deanna Meeks January 8, 2024, 3:09 pm

Big Sandy Mews January 7th 1898
Jan 7

Henry T. Cassell died of consumption at the home of his venerable parents near 
Kise station December 4th, 1897 aged 37 years, 7 months and 4 days. He was the 
son of William and Cynthia Cassell, good, pious old people whom it looked hard 
indeed to have such a bitter trial in their old age. Henry T. had been sick one 
year. He joined the Methodist church two years ago but was not converted until 
eight days before his death. Three children have preceded him the better land. 
He found disease and death so hard and clung so fondly to life until he saw that 
he must meet his God, prepared or unprepared, then he prayed earnestly for 
divine grace to sustain through the ordeal of death, and for the salvation of 
his soul, and the good Lord who never turns any one away empty handed, heard his 
prayer and spake peace to his soul. Just a moment before his spirit took its 
flight he called his mother ( Mother! oh word that makes the home!). He clasped 
her hand and said : Farewell Ma; I’m going home!” and he was gone to our 
Father’s house where are bright mansions prepared for all who put their trust in 

“Death but summons us to come,

To our Fathers home of love,

Just to close our eyes in sleep,

While our hearts our souls above.”


“ Then to join the heavenly throng

Of God’s angels bright and fair,

Safely anchored in His house

Freed from earthy woe and care”


Henry T. as we always called him, was born and lived all his life in this 
vicinity. He was a quiet citizen and was called by his brethren “a Good Old 
fellow,” and he died a good Christian, in the full triumphs of a living faith. 
Can we ask for more? His form and name have faded to a memory but when we say he 
is gone where the chilly winds of adversity will buffet him no more! Gone where 
there is no more sickness or sorrow, where he will never say, “I am tired! so 
tired!” anymore. Gone from all this is sad and sorrowful to the place where 
Jesus is; to the home of the soul, where all is good, and true, and beautiful.

His loved one can meet him as he asked them, in the home of the soul. For it is 
said: Look unto me, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved. What a glorious 
thought, that there is no death, only sleep, sweet sleep.

Oh how sweet it will be in that beautiful land,

So free from sorrow and pain,

With songs on our lips, with and harps in our hands,

To meet one another up there.

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