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PENSION: Felix Whortenberry, 1892/1907, Shelby/Jefferson Co., KY

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Transcribed by
Date: 31 Dec 2000
General Affidavit

State of Kentucky County of Spencer on this 9th day of June A. D. 1892, personally 
appeared before me, a Notary Public George S. DOWDY age 56 years, a resident of 
Harrisonville in the County of Shelby and state of kentucky whos Post office address 
is Harrisonville, Shelby County, KY and Elisha S. BROWN aged 51 years, a resident of 
mt. Eden in the county of Spencer and state of Kentukcy whose post office address is 
Mt. Eden Shelby County, KY.

well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, 
declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That they have known the applicant Felix WHORTENBERRY for 31 years that is since he 
enlisted on the 16th day of October 1861 in Co. D 6th regiment KY inf they know that 
he enlisted as Feilding HORTENBERRY and that the applicant who has applied under the 
name of Felix HORTENBERRY is the same person and that he is what he represents himself 
to be they know these facts from having served in the same co and regiment three years 
of the war and have known him ever since ??????. they futher declare that they have no 
interest is said case and are not concerned in its prosecution.

Elisha S. BROWN


Also, presonally appeared J. M. WHORTENBERRY residing at Louisville, Kentucky and 
Millie LAWRENCE residing at Louisville, KY persons whom I certify to be respectable 
and entitled ???? and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw 
Mary A. HORTENBERRY the claimant, sign her name to the foregoing declaration, that 
they have every reason to belive from the apprearance of said claimant, and their 
acquaintance with her of 4 years and 20 years respectively, that she is the identical 
person she represents herself to be, that she is without other means of support that 
her daily labor and an actual net income of not exceeding two hundred and fifty 
dollars per year, and that they have no interest direct or indirect, in theprosecution 
of this claim.


Sworn to and subscribe before me, this 13 day of May A. D. 1907.


Declaration for Widow's Pension act of June 27, 1890, as amended by Act of may 9, 1900

State of Kentucky, county of Jefferson on this 13 day of May A. D. one thousand nine 
hundred and seven personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the 
county and state aforesaid, Mary A. HORTENBURY age 62 years a resident of Louisville, 
county of Jefferson state of Kentucky who being duly sworn according to law, makes the 
following declaration in order to obtain pension under the provisions of the ACT of 
CONGRESS APPROVED June 27, 1890 as amended by the ACT OF AMY 9, 1900.  

That she is a wido of Felix HORTENBERRY who was enrolled under the name of Felix 
HORTENBERRY at Camp Segal, KY on the 20 day of October 1851 as a Private in Co D. 6th 
Reg. KY Inf. and honorably dischared Dec. 31, 1864, having served ninety days or more 
during the late war of the rebellion.  That the soldier was not in the Military or 
naval service of the United States except as stated above. 

That she was married under the name of Mary A. MURPHY to said soldier at Spencer 
County, KY on the 25 day of December, 1861 by Rev. Henry SPARR that there was no legal 
barrier to the marrriage, that she had not been previously married, that the soldier 
had not been previously married.

That the said soldier died May 7, 1907 at Louisville, KY that she was not divorced 
from him, that she has not remarried since his death, and that she is without other 
means of support than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding two 
hundred and fifty dollars per year.  

That the names and dates of birth of all the children of the soldier,  now living, and 
under sixteen years of age at the date of the soldier's death, are as follows:
no childre under 16 years of age survived the soldier

That she has not heretofore applied for pension, see Invalid certificate no. 820 309 

That she herby appoints R. B. MAYNARD of Louisville, Kentucky her ture and lawful 
attorney, to prosecute this claim and directs that the sum of Ten Dollars be paid here 
for her services.

That her post office addres is 1618 Mellwood Ave. Louisville, county of Jefferson, 
state of Kentucky.

seal  Pension U. S. Office  May 18, 1907


Application for reimbursement

State of Ketucky
County of Jefferson
On this 10th day of April A. D. 1932, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared 
Maudie BUSAM age 44 years, a resident of Louisville, coutny of Jefferson state of 
Kentucky, who makes the following declaration as an application, for and claim is 
hereby made for, reimbursement fromt he accrued pension for expenses paid or 
obligation incurred in the last sickness and burial of Mrs. Mary A. HORTENBERRY who 
was a pensioner of the United States by certificate No 634 497 and who died April 
28th, 1927 at Louisville, Kentucky and was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, 

That the answers to questions propounded below are full, complete, and truthful to the 
bestof my knowledge, information and belief, and that no evidence necessary to a 
proper adjustment of all claims against the accrued pension is suppressed or with 

1.  What was the full name of the deceased pensioner?

2.  In what capacity was decendent pensioned? 

3.  If decendent was pensioned as a soilder or salior
Was he married?
How many times, and to whom?
 once to Mary A.
If married, did his wife survive him?  
If so is she still living?  
If not living, give full names and dates of all wives
Was he ever divorced?