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DEED: Lawrence Roby Jr. & William Roby, 1846, Bullitt Co., KY

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Submitted by: Margie
Date: 15 Dec 2000

This is a handwritten deed and very difficult to interpret.  I will mark those words I 
can't make out.

THIS INDENTURE made this 20th day of April 1846 between Lawrence Roby Jr and Nancy his 
wife late Nancy Richey widow of Jesse Richey dec of one part, and William Roby of the 
other part all of Bullitt County, Witnesseth: That the said Lawrence Roby Jr in and 
for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred dollars in hand paid, the receipt 
of which is hereby acknowleged, that the said Lawerence Roby Jr and wife have sold and 
conveyed, and do by these presents sell convey and confirm unto him the said William 
Roby and to his heirs forever the following tract of land on the South side of Salt
Riber in Bullitt County the same whereon said Roby and wife now live containing one 
hundred and fifty acres more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed by 
Porey D. Grant and Sophia his wife to said Jesse Richey deceased by deed dated 4 May 
1839 and recorded in Bullitt County Clerks Office in deed book K page 76 reference to 
such deed will more particularly shew the boundary of said land: and said Jesse Richey 
dec. by his last will and testament of record in the Bullitt Count Court Office
devised said land to his said wife Nancy Richey now the wife of said Lawrence Roby Jr 
as above named, references to said will were shew: with the appurtenances to the said 
150 acres more or less of land belonging or in any ______________unto him the said 
William Roby _________forever and the said Lawrence Roby Jr and wife for themselves 
_____________________do hereby covenant and agree to and with said William Roby that 
they the said Lawrence Roby Jr  and nancy his wife will ____________shall forever 
warrant and defend the land and appurtances here sold unto him this land William Roby
and to by him forever against the claims of all ____________ claiming by 
________through ________them in any way whatsoever.  Witness the hands and seals of 
the grantor this date first herein written. 

X MARK  Lawrence Roby Jr (seal)

X MARK  Nancy Roby (Seal)