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p. 349    Will and Proof of Ruben H. Moore

State of Indiana
Lawrence County
                                February 18th 1867
Know all men by these presents that I Ruben Moore of the state and county
aforesaid do hereby in the name of Almighty God and of our Lord Jesus
Christ this day make this my last will and testament as follows   That
after my decease all my earthly goods and affects shall be dispersed of as
follows Viz   I do give and bequeath at my death to Columbus Moore my son
the South half of North East quarter of South West quarter of section
thirty five Town four north of Range one West Also the South half of North
West quarter of the South East quarter Same section Town and Range   I do
further give and bequeath to my son Thomas C Moores widow America Moore and
his Thomas Moores heirs viz Sidney S Moore Christiann Moore Juliann Moore
Thomas L Moore the North half of the North East quarter of South west
quarter of Section thirty five Town four north of Range one West Also the
North half of the North West quarter of South East quarter Same Section
Town and Range all my right and title in said Real Estate on condition that
my wife Jane Moore is to be comfortably maintained by said heirs during her
natural life time and having an equal amount of the claims against said
   I also hereby appoint Columbus Moore my son my executor to settle
all Just and lawful claims and demands of my Estate and further whatever
may be left of my personal property And affects after defraying all
necessary funeral expenses furnishing my mortal remains a decent and
Christian entermant be equitably divided between Columbus Moore and the
lawful heirs of Thomas C Moore and his widow
                                    Reuben Moore
Attest   John F Pless
    Elihu S McIntire

The State of Indiana   Lawrence County SS
Be it remembered that on the 4th day of December AD 1869 Elihue S McIntire
one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing last will and
testament of Reuben Moore late of said county deceased personally appeared
before the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County in the
State of Indiana and being duly sworn by the Clerk of Said Court upon his
oath declared and testified as follows that is to say that on the 18th day
of February AD 1867 he saw the said Reuben Moore sign his name to said
testament in writing as and for his last will and testament and that this
deponant at the same time heard the said Reuben Moore declare the said
instrument in writing to be his last will and testament and that the said
instrument in writing was at the same time at the request of the said
Reuben Moore and with his consent attested and subscribed by the said
Elihue S McIntire and John F Pless in the presence of said testator and in
the presence of each other as subscribing witnesses thereto and that the
said Reuben Moore was at the time of the signing and subscribing of said
instrument in writing as aforesaid of full age (that is more than twenty
one years of age) and of sound and disposing mind and memory and not under
any coercion or restraint as the said deponant verily believes and further
the deponant says not
                                Elihue S McIntire

Sworn and subscribed by the said Elihue S McIntire before me John Riley
Clerk of said Court at Bedford the 4th day of December 1869
                                John Riley

I John Riley Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County Indiana
do hereby certify that the within annoted will and testament of Reuben
Moore has been duly admitted to probate and duly proved by the Testimony of
Elihue S McIntire one of the subscribing witnesses thereto that a complete
record of said will and of the testimony of the said will and of the
testimony of the said Elihue S McIntire in proof thereof has been by me
duly made and recorded in book A at page 349, 350 & 351 of the records of
wills of said County.
                                In Attestation Whereof
I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court at
Bedford this 4th day of December 1869
                                John Riley   Clerk
                        Court of Common Pleas  Lawrence County

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