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Lawrence County Indiana

Copy of Letter from William H. Huston written to his brothers James Brown
Huston and Jonathan Bloomfield (Bloomer) Huston, who were living in Iowa.
                        Bono     Dec 25th 1849
Respected Brothers
            I embrace this opportunity of writing to inform you that we are all well
my health has been tolerable good since I see you.  But my arms & shoulders
continues stiff and contracted and but little prospect of getting right
    Our friends & cousins are all well hoping that this may find you all
enjoying the same Blessings.
    Nothing happened on my road home worth notice only I was disappointed in
finding my things at Boonville  & had to go to Mr. Beck’s after them which
made my trip 16 days longer and cost me several dollars.
    Corn is worth 25 cents per Bushel & Pork Meat from $2.25 to 2.50 at home
it was all Bought on foot gross prices $1.50 to $1.90.  David sold his
Hoggs for $390.00 & Father got $82.00.  Father & David has been keeping
House since you left alone.
    Died last summer Aunt Rachael Combs this fall Aunt Polly Huston Aunt Betsy
Davis and Sally Tyler & James Conly.            Charles Miller has Bought Old
Templemans Farm for $1500.00   E. Brock was in this fall.  Father sold them
Sheep & settled with him.    R. Green is selling goods in Fulton, Illinois
Coon Skins is in great demand James Prow is given 50 cents for all He can
get and if I was out in Iowa and the prices of Furs was as usual I would
make a dime.
Page 2
There has been two snows 4 or 5 inches deep the first fell on the 3rd & lay
4 days the Second 20th of this month and yesterday it partly melted away
But last night and today tolerable cold & Clear.  There is the least to do
Here I ever see on Christmas in my time this is certainly the most selfish
place entirely. {Bono}
    I traded my old watch in Warsaw MO for a silver patent lever and gave 8
dollars boot & the Silver Smith in Salem Says it is worth 35 dollars
    I wish Both of you & My friends Wright Goodson & Stump would keep your
eyes on my Claims on the River and not let no man cut my timber for I don’t
want a stick cut on it for there has more than 100 dollars cut Allready on
it for that is all my dependance for fencing a farm below on the Bottom.
My opinion was when last I see you & is yet that when you look round you
can find places that will please you Better than the grove where you are
and sell it just before it comes in Market.  Sell it for money Enough to
enter several quarters of land Elsewhere.  I received a letter a few days
since from Noak Simson he wrote that Bloomer Stayed all night with him as
he moved and was all well and seemed to like the Country, don’t fail
writing and tell how you all are & how you like the Country & the Winter &
how you succeded in getting corn & meat & how your stock is doing and Stum
& Wright comes on with their Mill & what coons Skins is worth in Fort des
Moines.    buy them from the merchants whole sale.
Page 3
 Bloome don’t fail writing to me right off and tell me where you are and
how you like the country and how you & Wrinke and Selly Ann & children
stood the trip from where I left to Polk County.  I wrote a line from
Keokuk tell me if all was right, & what luck you have in getting provisions
& how many Wolves & Deer you have caught with your grayhound &c
    Owen Mason is in Vanburen County not far from Farmington Iowa and James
Hardman moved this fall to that county & Uncle Samuel’s Samuel went with
him.    Thomas Reid was in Iowa & Bought land not far from Burlington & is a
going to move.  Old man Beck & old lady was well when I was there.  Moses
Homes is maried to Forgeys girl.  Ashworth moved back from 10 miles above
Ft Desmoines a few days before I got to Bolivar he don’t like Iowa
{Strange}    Arington Simpson & family was well & I stayed with them one
afternoon & killed a deer & old Abe is fat & on rising ground I think but
    I have some notion of Turning out to buy coon Skins  this Winter for I can
make money if I can find them for sale in the contry.
    It is now 11 oclock and I have nothing interesting But remain yours
Truly   Wm. H. Huston
                                            Bono   In
    To James, } Bloomer } & family

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