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DANIEL McLEAN - Lawrence County, Indiana

SUBJECT: DANIEL McLEAN - Lawrence County, Indiana
DATE: Oct 02, 1999

Book: Scott County, Kentucky Pensioners
DANIEL McCLAIN. He enlisted in the county of Cumberland, Town of Carlisle,
State of Pennsylvania, date of February, 1776.

His widow, NANCY McLEAN, applied for pension in the County of Lawrence,
State of Indiana, date of December 2, 1837. They were married in the State
of Pennsylvania, County of York, in August 1770. She was three months older
than he. She was 88 years old when she applied for pension. She stated
in 1839 that she had been living in Lawrence County, Indiana for more than
20 years.

Affidavit of a fellow soldier who served with him, by the name of Robert
Lemon, was made in Scott County, Kentucky, September 8, 1819. He knew him
in Pennsylvania, at the beginning of 1777 and afterward.

ROBERT McLEAN was born Dec. 14, 1780. RUTH McLEAN was born September 6,
1782. JOHN McLEAN was born April 25, 1786 at 8 o'clock in the morning,
(bible Records)

In 1837, the widow stated that 5 of her oldest children had died and that
ROBERT McLEAN her 6th son was born in Dec. 1780.

Thanks to Verona Hosack of Detroit, Michigan for the following items, which
duplicates the preceding but adds different information:
Pension Application # W9183. DANIEL McCLAIN/McLEAN

Declaration ..... State of Indiana Lawrence County } On this second day
of December 1837 .... NANCY McLEAN a resident of.... Lawrence and the State
of Indiana aged eighty eight years....make the following declaration.....

That she is the widow of the late DANIEL McLEAN who was a Pensioner in
the County of Scott and State of Kentucky... And she refers to his papers
on file for evidence of his service..... She further declares that she
was married to said DANIEL McLEAN sometime in the month of August seventeen
hundred and seventy in York County State of Pennsylvania. And that she
is unable to obtain any record evidence of her marriage. And that Five
of her oldest children have departed this life and that ROBERT McLEAN,
her sixth son, was born in December seventeen hundred and eighty and that
her husband the aforesaid DANIEL McLEAN died on the sixth day of June eighteen
hundred and twenty one and that she has remained a widow ever since that
period And that she is unable from bodily infirmity to appear in Court.....



ROBERT McLEAN was born desember 11th, 1780

RUTH McLEAN was born in September 6th, 1787

JOHN McLEAN was born in Apl 25 at Eight o'clock in the Morning 1786

I N. L. Barnett of Lawrence County State of Indiana do State that the above
paper hereunto attached was this day copied from the Bible of NANCY McLEAN.
which I believe to be her Family Record which shows that her son ROBERT
McLEAN was born on the 11th day of December 1780 - and I do further State
that I have been acquainted with the said NANCY McLEAN for more than twenty
years and have examined the declaration made by her and do most fully concur
in the belief of the truth thereof And I do further State that I was acquainted
with her husband DANIEL McLEAN of Scott County, Kentucky in his life time
and that She the said NANCY McLEAN is the widow of him The said DANIEL
McLEAN and that she has never married since his death within my knowledge
or belief

Given from under my hand this 9th day of December 1837

				N. L. Barnett


I DANIEL McLEAN of Lawrence County State of Indiana state that I have examined
the foregoing declaration made by NANCY McLEAN and believe it contains
the truth. And I know that She is the widow of the late DANIEL McLEAN and
has not been married to any other person since his death. And that he departed
this life at the time stated by her

Given under my hand this 2nd day of December 1837



In reply to your request of _______, received __________ for a statement
of the military history of DANIEL McLAEN pens as McCLAIN and McLEAN a soldier
of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR, you will find below the desired information as
contained in his (or his widow's) application for pension on file in this
Bureau. W File 9.183
Feby 76, 1 yr, Private, Captain Wm. Rippey, Colonel Wm. Irvine, 6 Pa. Battln
Mch 77, to fall 1782, Sergt, Captain Alexr Parker, Colonel Wm Irvine, 7
Pa regt.
Residence of soldier at enlistment, enlisted at Carlisle, Penn.
Date of application for pension, Sept. 8, 1819. His claim was allowed.
Residence at date of application, Scott Co., Ky.
Age at date of application, about 70 years

Remarks: Sol. mar. York Co., Pa. Aug 1770 NANCY
He died June 6, 1821 ---
Wid. appl. Dec. 2, 1837 ae 88 res Lawrence Co., Ind. ch. ROBERT (6th son)
born Dec. 11 1780. RUTH b. Sept 6 1782. JOHN b.Apl 25 1786 - Five oldest
(names not stated) d. prior to Dec. 2, 1837

District of Kentucky fs. On this 2nd day of October 1820 personally appeared
in Apellate Court DANIEL McCLAIN aged 72 years, resident in the county
of Scott....doth declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows.

In the company commanded by Capt. Alexander Parker in the 7th Pennsylvania
Regiment commanded by Col William Irven two years and in the 6th Regiment
under Capt. William Rippay the year before which was commanded by Col.
Irvin in the Pennsylvania line agreeably to an Original declaration dated
in the eighth day of September 1819; and Pension Certificate No. 16.461

And I do solemnly swear .... I have not since that time by gift sale or
in any manner disposed of my to diminish it as to bring
myself within the provision of an act of congrefs....and that I have not,
nor has any person in trust for me, any property, or securities, contracts
or debts, due to me, nor have I any income other than.........

One old shot gun (without a lock) and shot bag worth two Dollars.

That he is by profefsion a blacksmith but altogether unable to pursue it
being very infirm and Scarcely able to walk. and that he has no person
in family except himself				DAU CLAEN

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