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Lawrence County Illinois
Deed Record-FHL #1311701
This Indenture Made this Sixth day of August A. D. 1838 between Benjamin
Umfleet and Mourning his Wife of the First part and Abner Greer School
Commissioner and as School Commissioner of and for the County of Lawrence
of the second part. Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Umfleet and wife for
and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and thirty four dollars
($134) to them paid by the said party of the second part the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath dranted bargained and hold and by there
presents do grant bargain and sell alien and Confirm unto the said Abner
Greer School Commissioner aforesaid and his Successors in office all of
that Certain Tract or parcel of Land Known as Lot No Eight (No 8) being
part of Section 16. T.3 N.R. 13 W--Containing Sixty seven acres liing &
being in the County of and State aforesaid To have and to hold the premises
aforesaid and every thing thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining
unto him the said Abner Greer School Commissioner and his Successors in
office forever provided always and it is expressley understood that they
presents all upon this Express Condition that if the said Benjamin Umfleet
his heirs executors or Administrators shall pay or cause to be paid to the
said Abner Greer, School Commissioner or his Successors in office the sum
of one hundred and thirty four Dollars in three equal annual installments
for Which he the said Benjamin has executed his Notes Conditional as
follows (Viz one Note for forty four 67/100 Dollars payable 6th august 1839
one note for Forty four 67/100 Dollars payable august 1840 & one note for
44 67/100 payable 6th August 1841 all being even date with these presents
then and from thence fourth all herein Contained Shall Cease and be void
any thing to the Contrary Not Withstanding.
In Witness Whereof the said Benjamin Umfleet and Mourning his wife have
hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date first above Written
signed Sealed & delivered in presents
Benjamin Umfleet
Mourning x Umfleet
Recorded 18 May 1841

Lawrence County Illinois
Deed Record-FHL #1311702
This Indenture made this 7th day of January in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty seven between, Benjamin Umfleet of the
County of Lawrence and State of Illinois of the one part and Seth Umfleet
of the County and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the
said Benjamin Umfleet for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty five
Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do
hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey, and confirm unto the said Seth
Umfleet his heirs and assigns for forever all that tract or parcel of Land
situated and being in the County of Lawrence in the State of Illinois, a
certain lot of land lying in the County aforesaid being part of Section
number Sixteen granted by the United States to the State of Illinois for
the use of the inhabitants of Township number three north, Range number
thirteen West of the Second principal meridian for the use of schools known
and designated on the map of the said section as made by the Trustees of
School land within the said Township as lot Number Eight Containing Sixty
seven acres by survey, together with all and singular the appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the
above described premises unto the said Seth Umfleet his heirs and assigns
for forever and the said Benjamin Umfleet the aforesaid premises, unto the
said Seth Umfleet his heirs and assigns, against the claim of claims of all
and every person whosoever, do and will warrant and forever defend by these
presents in witness whereof the said Benjamin Umfleet of the first part
have hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year above written.
Benjamin Umfleet
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
James French
State of Illinois
Lawrence County
A justice of the peace of said County do certify that Benjamin Umfleet
whose signature appears to the foregoing deed and who is personally known
to me to be the person described in and who executed the same did
acknowledge the same to be his free and voluntary act and deed, for the
uses and purposes there in mentioned.
Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of Jan A.D. 1847

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