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This file was donated to USGenWeb by Patty Goff ( 

If you find someone you have searched for, it is a possibility that she may have more on that 
person.  However, Patty only hasinformation for ONARGA, and not the whole of Iroquois County.

Onarga  Mortality  Records

The Lehigh Cemetery
The Frame Graveyard
The Pangborn Cemetery
The Jefferson Cemetery
The Onarga Cemetery
Funeral Records of the Onarga Funeral Home, May 1891-Nov. 1916


One of the most important records of early Onarga, in my opinion, is H. W. Beckwith's History of
 Iroquois County which was published in 1880 by H. H. Hill and Company, Chicago, Illinois.  

The following is quoted from that book, pages 593-595:  [In my opinion, Mr. Beckwith did not 
make enough use of paragraph breaks for easier reading, so I have taken the liberty of doing so.

In the limits of the town [Onarga] there are five places where the dead are buried.  The first 
is called the Lehigh graveyard.  It is on a high point, putting out from the south into the big
 bog southwest of Del Rey; it is in the S. E. cor. of the W. 1/2 of lot 4 of N. W. 1/4 of 
Sec. 1, T. 25, R. 10 E.  There are, as near as can be determined, 190 graves in the inclosure. 
No better place could have been selected in the neighborhood for that purpose, and it is in a 
reasonably good condition.  

The second, as to age, is known as the Frame graveyard.  It is on the east bank of Spring Creek,
 near the N. W. cor. of S. W. 1/4 of Sec. 15, T. 26, R. 14 W; the bluff is near twenty feet 
hight at this place, rendering the locality always dry.  There are thirty-three graves in all.  
In one inclosure twelve of the Frame and Rounsavell families are buried.  There are 
two or three other inclosures, but the fences are all going to decay rapidly; no fence incloses
this spot.  

The third is known as the Pangborn burying-ground.  It is in the edge of the timber on a high 
bluff east of the creek, near the N. E. Cor. of S. E. 1/4 of Sec. 19, T. 26, R. 14 W.  At this 
place have been buried about sixty-four persons; about twelve have been removed to the cemetery 
at Onarga.  This place is inclosed by a good fence.  

The fourth is known as the Jefferson burial-place, located near the creek on the S. W. 1/4 of 
W. W. 1/4 of Sec. 12, T. 26, R. 14.  The first grave was that of Henry Jefferson, and it marks 
one corner of the spot where Hamilton Jefferson, his father, located his first cabin in 1837.  
There are twenty-three graves at this place.  It is in a pasture and but few of the graves are 

Onarga Cemetery Association was organized under the laws of the state in March, 1858.  
Thirty-six persons were present out of the forty-six, who had at a previous meeting subscribed 
$5 each toward acemetery fund.  Enoch C. Hall was elected president; William H. Skeels, 
secretary; Elisha G. Babcock, John C. Culver, and Lewis Russ, directors.  At this meeting the 
officers were directed to purchase ten acres of land, the present cemetery lot.  In the summer 
of 1858 a tract of land was purchased and laid into blocks, lots, walks, and driveways, and on 
the 7th of August the stockholders met and bid for chouce.  R. B. McCready bid the highest, and 
secured the lot were he was afterward buried.  The net proceeds of the chouce bids amounted to 
$48.  In the spring of 1867 the grounds were ornamented by shade trees; a reception vault was 
constructed at an expense of $350, and a fine substantial gateway with iron gates was put up, 
at a cost of near $175.  In Ocbotber 1877 five acres were purchased on the south at an expense 
of $550.  It is a most esirable addition for future use.  This resting place for the dead is a 
beautiful knoll, rising gently from all sides to the summit near the center, the soil is sand, 
and naturally well drained.  There is now a fine growth of elms along the main driveways and a 
variety of evergreens along the walks.  Such grounds are a credit and an ornament to Onarga.  
The respect paid to the  dead is a just measure of our appreciation of the living.

That is all Mr. Beckwith had to say concerning Onarga's graveyards.   Not to belittle his 
wonderful book and the tremendous amount of research and work he put into creating it, but it 
would have been of enormous help to genealogists if he had listed the names and information on 
the gravestones in each of those cemeteries.  As it is, we do have a great deal of information.  
All that I am aware of existing is on the following pages.


The following lists are inventories of the Lehigh or Del Rey Cemetery of Del Rey, Onarga 
Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.

The first list is of inscriptions copied by Ruth D. Bricker and Lucy loomquist on 
October 4, 1965.  (This copy alphabetized by this compiler.)  At this time, neither Ruth nor 
Lucy can be found by this compiler.  The number found under the heading "Page #" refers to the 
page(s) in the Beckwith History of Iroquois County where information can be found concerning 
that person.  These are personal notes; they may not be complete, and there may be more 
information on more persons, but they are included to aid any researcher who may want that 

The second list is the result of the work of Harold and Verna Drake in 1986.  My intention was 
to combine both of these lists, but they don't match, and too many notes would have to be 
included which might confuse the reader.   (Not to mention the writer.)  Therefore, both lists 
are included here.

Abbreviations used are:  b - born,   d - died,  d/o - daughter of,   s/o - son of,   w/o - wife 
of,  ae - age,  m - months,  y - years,  ds - days.  Ages are given as  YEARS - MONTHS - DAYS.

Name             Page #         Comments

Ayres, Alice C.   d/o S.M. & E. M.  d. Nov 14 1854  ae 5-3-19
Ayres, Elizabeth  w/o S.M.   d Apr 25 1854
Ayres, Lidia M.  98  d/o S. & E.   d May 7 1850  ae 9-4-9
Beach, Lizzie Lindsey  600   1867-1933
Blakeley, David L. d. Jan 19 1848  ae 57-5-16
Conn, Henry B.  d. in the U.S.A. at Camp Butler  Jul 4 1863  ae 32 yrs
Conn, Nancy  w/o G.L.  d Sep 22 1841  ae 33 yrs.
Conn, Smith W.  Sep 22 1841 - Mar 31 1906  G.A.R.
Conn, Violetta S.  Feb 4 1853 - Mar 17 1913
Dalton, Eliza  b Apr 11, 1815   d Feb 17 1898
Dalton, Isaac  b Oct 21 1813  d Jan 17 1878
Darner, Mary J.  w/o A.  d Apr 21 1893  ae 45-2-5
Dietman, Adaline N.  d/o J. & W.  d Jan 22 1875
Dietman, Johan A.  Feb 21 1814 0 Mar 27 1897
Dietman, Samuel R.  s/o John & Wilhelmina  b Apr 1872  d Mar 22 1879
Dietman, Wilhelmina  b Apr 9 1834
Fetherivegill, Mary Alice  w/o W.G.  d Feb 22 1877  ae 22-11-18
Freeman, Zene B.  s/o W.M. & S.A.  d Jan 28 1855  ae 2-3-7
Gilbert, Eber J.  d Oct 9 1871  ae 30-7-19
Gilbert, Lizzie  d/o E.J. & M.H.  d Feb 19 1863  ae 2-7-12
Gilbert, William H.  s/o E.J. & M.H.  d Feb 2 1868  ae 4-3-17
Grice, Maria  d/o J.B. & S.  b May 17 1854  d Oct 19 1860
Grice, Sarah H.  d/o J.R. & S.H.  d Aug 6 1852  ae 7m
Grice, Sarah H.  w/o J.C.  d Jan 6 1852  ae 37y
Harper, Eliza  w/o William   d Dec 5 1851  ae 29-10-28
Hever, Carl  1870-1911
Higgerson, Mertie H.  w/o S.  d Jan 15 1876  ae 32-1-15
Hitchcock, Almerson  d Apr 2 1864  ae 41-8-9
Hitchcock, Eliza  d Apr 17 1878  ae 78-11-23
Hitchcock, John  d Jan 9 1875  ae 81-8-5
Hollingsworth, Arthur P.  s/o J. & H.A.  d Jan 29 1872  ae 1-9
Hollingsworth, Ovid M. s/o J. & H.A.  d Feb 3 1872  ae 1-11 
Holmes, Kitty  d/o J. & S.  d Jan 2 1876  ae 8-7-17
Hull, David  d Dec 8 1855  ae 41-3-10
Johnson; Family of Mons Johnson
Johnson, Betsey  Sep 18 1841 - Sep 9 1927
Johnson, Mons  Apr 16 1837 - Sep 1901
Johnson, Infant  b + d  Oct 5 1874
Johnson, Infant  b + d  Nov 18 1877
Johnson, Infant  b + d  Jan 9 1880
Johnson, Infant  b + d  Sep 4 1890
Lehigh, Alvira  561  d Mar 19 1846  ae 19 y
Lehigh, Benjamin d Mar 21 1851  ae 21 y 8 m
Lehigh, Charles M.  Apr 6 1862 - Jan 30 1898
Lehigh, Experience  451, 552-553  w/o A.D.  Mar 20 1860  ae 58 y 4 m
Lehigh, John  d May 3 1906  ae 84 y  27 d
Lehigh, Lucretia  w/o John  d May 6 1857
Lehigh, Mrs. Margaret  d Jul 4 1902  ae 81-11-12
Lehigh, Alvin  s/o T. & C.F.  d Jul 5 1851  ae 9 m 23 d
Lindsey, Caroline F.  w/o T.  d Apr 4 1851  ae 23-1-17
Lindsey, Charles  s/o T. & E.M.  d Oct 25 1865  ae 3 m  14 d
Lindsey, Forest  d May 20 1889  ae 67-4-4
Lindsey, Ira  552-553, 598, 600  b Jun 27 1795  d Apr 2 1844
Lindsey, Irene M.  w/o Forest  d Jan 8 1875  ae 50 y 3 m
Lindsey, James F.  s/o B.F. & C.F.  d Oct 25 1869  ae 11 m 1 d
Lindsey, James S.  d. Sep 8 1860  ae 24-5-10  "Thy body is deposited here, Thy Spirit rests 
  above; a Monument to thee we rear, for token of our Love."
Lindsey, Maria Boyd  former wife of Ira Lindsey  b Mar 18 1810  d Apr 3 1883
Lindsey, Minnie  d/o T. & E.M.  d Jul 10 1864  ae 24 wks
Lindsey, Robert  1853-1925
Lindsey, Thomas  588, 600 d May 29 1891  ae 67-6-1  
Looker,  [?]  w/o R.  d Jul 22 1859  ae 31 y 3 m
Lyon, Caroline  620  d May 12 1879  ae 45 y 6 d
Lyon, Eveline M.  Dec 22 1833 - Apr 26 1895
Lyon, Howard  619  Mar 1 1831 - Mar 3 1909
Major, Amy F.  w/o Samuel M.  d Oct 19 1856   ae 21-6-23
Major, Jas. H.  570  d Jan 15 1882  ae 78-5-27
Major, Mary  w/o J. H.  d Jan 7 1875  ae 70-9-23
Mandeville, Joseph N.  s/o A. & Mary  d Apr 15 1853  ae 4-0-18
Mandeville, Mary  w/o Dr. A.E.  d Mar 27 1859  ae 49-3-0
Marshall, Florence  d/o G.W. & L.A.  d Sep 25 1871  ae 49-3-0
McGowan, Darsey V.  d/o J. & B.  d Aut 29 1878  ae 9 d
McKinney, George W.  s/o J.S. & Sarah  d Nov 17 1854  ae 10 m 12 d
Miller, Andrew W.  d Feb 13, 1856  ae 26 y
Miller, George  s/o John & Julia  d Oct 11 1854  ae 1 m 29 d
Miller, John  551  d May 12 1882  ae 81 y 3 m
Miller, Margaret  552  Oct 1 1840 - Jul 20 1870
Miller, Margaret  552  w/o John  d Feb 5 1840  ae 38-3-11
Miller, Robert  d Dec 30 1852  ae 21-9-26
Miller, William  b Aug 15 1868  d Sep 15 1869
Misler, Henry W.  s/o George & Eliza  d Oct 22 1855  ae 10 m 12 d
Niver, Donald  s/o Edward W. & Tillie  b Feb 20 1981  d Apr 27 1891
Norvell, Hattie M.  d/o W.S. & M.  d Jan 26 1881  ae 9-10-11
Perry, Elizabeth  his wife   b May 5 1815  d Sep 23 1898
Perry, Eugene P.  d  Jan 24 1873  ae 36 y
Perry, Hiram  b May 11 1814  d May 11 1888
Perry, Nellie B.  d/o D.G. & L.I.  d Dec 7 1878  ae 10 m 14 d
Porter, May B.  d/o I.B. & M.A.  d Sep 12 1985  ae 21-4-11
Pritchard, Francis  s/o T.V. & S.L.  d Jul 25 1856  ae 0-9-23
Ramsey, Cathurah   [Keturah?]  612  w/o J.C.  May 26 1827 - Aug 5 1854
Ramsey, Martha  Dec 21 1853 - Aug 16 1854
Ramsey, Martha  d/o J.C. & Cathurah
Ramsey, William M.  Apr 11 1852 - Mar 7 1855
Reed, Jane  w/o James [no dates]
Reed  My Husband James Reed  d Jun 9 1879  ae 45
Robinson, James M.  d Feb 19 1859
Robinson, Josephine  d/o W.D. & Louvina  d Sep 11 1850
Robinson, Louvina  559  w/o W.D.  d Mar 26 1851  ae 38-11-26
Robinson, Rollin  d Jan 31 1859  ae 18-11-26
Robinson, William D.  559  d Jan 3 1856  ae 16-9-17 [or 45 y ?]
Rockhole, Benjamin W.  557, 558  [Rockhold? Rackhold?]  d Jul 20 1854
Rockhole, Sarah  557  w/o Benj.  d Sep 23 1856  ae 15 y  [45 y ?]
Rummel, Peter  1842-1915
Rummel, Sarah  1850-1940
Saddlemire, George  s/o Rachel & George  d Jan 17 1857  ae 2 d
Saddlemire, Rachel  w/o George  d Jan 29 1857  ae 21-1-21
Shipley, John  559  d Sep 9 1850  ae 44 y 2 d
Simpson, Charles H.  s/o M. & H.J.  d Aug 4 1863  ae 2 m 11 d
Simpson, Daniel  s/o M. & H.J.  d Nov 9 1871  ae 1 m 22 d
Simpson, Mary Jane  d/o M. & H.J.  d Nov 17 1861  ae 3-7-9
Simpson, William  d Sep 25 1868  ae 70-6-0
Smith, Francis M.  s/o W.B. & M.A.  d Jul 23 1854  ae 10-11-20
Smith, J. M.  588  d Jul 15 1854  ae 23 y
Smith, James [Jonas ?]  552-553  d Mar 22 1843  ae 74-9-11
Smith, Jas.  553  d Sep 24 1839  ae 32 y 11 d
Smith, Rachel  d Feb 19 1847  ae 14-5-9
Stein, Isaac  [Stine ?]  PVT 11th Cav. Ind. G.A.R.  d Jun 18 1915
Stout, Catey G.  d Nov 11 1869  ae 69 y
Sutton, George W.  s/o S. & H.  d Apr 29 1871  ae 20 yrs
Van Sickel, Mary Jane  d/o Charles & Marthy  d Oct 18 1855  ae 5 y 18 d
Webber, R. H.  588  d Jul 18 1854  ae 25-5-1
Woodard, Amanda Jane  w/o Richard  b Mar 16 1827  d May 4 1890
Wray, Jemima  w/o M.W.  d Aug 7 1876  ae 30 y
Wray, William P.  s/o M.W. & J.  d Apr 23 1877  ae 5-1-1

[The notes that follow and the information on Experience Lehigh were included and attached to 
the inventory of the Lehigh Graveyard.]

Notes:  James Smith died July 15, 1854 at French Lick Springs, Orange County, Indiana.  His body 
was returned to Illinois for burial in the Lehigh Cemetery.  Mr. Smith had died of Cholera.  
Joseph Morris and R. H. Webber opened the coffin.  R. H. Webber subsequently contracted Cholera 
and died on the 18th of July.  Morris became ill but recovered.  Benjamin Rockhole and sons Noah 
and Charles died within a few days.  There wer eight cases of Cholera, four of whom died.

EXPERIENCE LEHIGH  [451, 552, 553]
Experience Lehigh was born in Genessee County, New York, November 28, 1801.  Her father, William 
Guild, emigrated from Vermont to that country and was married to Abigail Streeter.  Miss Streeter 
was born in Connecticutt.  Her second husband, Euseluis Fargo, was also from Vermont.  He had 
lived in Canada some years before their marriage.  In November of 1814 they emigrated to West 
Virginia.  Four days before her sixteenth birthday Experience Guild was married to Abraham 
Lehigh.  Mr. Lehigh was born in Vermont but lived most of his early life in Canada.  From 1817 
to 1819 they farmed.  Mr. Lehigh was a hard working, frugal man and well liked by his neighbors.  
In the fall of 1829 with six children they gathered their small possessions and with a team of 
three horses and a large wagon started for the Wabash.  At this time Experience's half brothers 
and sisters were:  Viletty (who married William Hall, now a resident of Onarga), Irene, Henrietta 
La Ralt (in Kentucky), Adelia (wife of T. A. Nowell, Gilman, Illinois), Amanda, Luna, John, 
Nancy, Lucinda (wife of Nelson Skeels of Montana), and Abigail, all of whom with their father 
and mother were left behind.  William Gould Lehigh, their eldest child, named for her father, 
was 11 years old.  Mary was nine, John seven, Irene Maria four, Alvira two, and Benjamin was 
five months old.  The journey across Ohio and Indiana took a month including a few days' 
stopping on their route because of the illness of Mrs. Lehigh.  Perrysville was their 
destination.  There they lived with five children and there two more were born, Nancy and 
Lucinda.  Mr. Lehigh had feeble health and much was demanded of Mrs. Lehigh.  In the fall of 
1834 he made a selection of land on Spring Creek and moved there the following winter.  In 
the spring of 1836 Mr. Lehigh died leaving a widow and eight children, the eldest eighteen and 
the youngest, Frederick Abram, born April 14, 1835, eight months old.   They had 194 acres and 
a claim of 120 acres, a team of oxen, the usual household goods, and farming implements.  William 
and John did the work of men.  William, being the eldest, was his mother's main assistant until 
he married, at which time John took his place.  Experience saw that her children received 
educational advantages.   When the older ones were married, she removed the remainder of her 
family to Middleport (now Watseka).  Benjamin, then 21, went with a large company of men to 
California.  He returned in a year and died within a few days.  After three years in Middleport, 
she returned to the farm.   Benjamin died March 21, 1851, leaving her with her youngest son, 
Frederick, then sixteen, as her only farm help.  In 1856 she bought a house and lot in Onarga 
where she lived until 1857 and then returned to the farm.  She lived to see her children settled 
in life.  William lived with his family in town; Mary became the wife of Samuel Harper; John took 
on one half of the old farm; Irene Maria became the wife of Forrest Lindsey; Lucinda became the 
wife of M. H. Messer; and Frederick Abram lived on the farm with her.  Experience died March 28, 
1860, mourned by all who loved her.


This cemetery is located south of the village of Del Rey.  To reach it, follow the highway past 
the village to the first right then turn across the railroad tracks a short distance and it will 
appear on the right side of the rock road.  If you are using a plat book, the cemetery is located 
in Section 1, Onarga Township, T25N R10E, Lot 4, NW 1/4.  The only transaction, located after a 
full day's searching Moore's Atlas of Original Purchases, Grantor and Grantee Indexes to Iroquois 
County Land Records, is found in Volume 205, page 636, transferring the property from Seeley 
Hetfield, City of Watseka, to Del Rey Cemetery Association, 35 rods and 14 links East of the 
Southwest corner, Lot 4, north 27 rods, 12 links, east 16 rods, 12 links, south 27 rods, 12 
links, and west 16 rods, 12 links.  The transaction was dated 21 January, 1891.  Original 
purchasers were DB & LS Gardiner, November 4, 1861.

Burials have been made there since pioneer days, the 1830's and 1840's.  The cemetery is known 
to many persons as the Lehigh Burial Ground.  The Lehigh family is buried on the northern part 
of the cemetery.  The cemetery is located atop a knoll of ground with several trees on it, it 
is well kept and still used by residents and former residents of the Del Rey community.

The cemetery "census" was done by Harold and Verna Drake in 1986.

 [??]  d Jun 12            [Stone in old tree]
Ayres, Alice C.  d/o SM & EM  d Nov 14 1854
Ayres, Elizabeth M.  w/o SM  d Apr 25 1851
Ayres, Lidia M.  d/o S&EM d May 7 1850 ae 9-4-9 [stone no longer there]
Baker, Annabelle  his wife  Mar 2 1867 - Jun 11 1916
Baker, William  Mar 13 1864 - Nov 22 1927
Beach, Lizzie Lindsey  1867 - 1933
Blakeley, David L.  d Jun 19 1848  ae 57-5-16
Boyd, Baria L.  formerly wife of Ira Lindsey  Mar 18 1810 - Apr 3 1883  MOTHER
Burk, Adella  his wife  1861 - 1935
Burk, Philip  1871 - 1926
Conn, Caroline E.  Oct 22 1879 - Apr 21 1938
Conn, George H.  1876 - 1936
Conn, Henry A.  Feb 13 1890 - Apr 21 1938
Conn, Henry B.  d in USA at Camp Butler, IL  Jul 4 1863  ae 32
Conn, Hugh S.  1871 - 1936
Conn, John  Sep 15 1847 - Mar 2 1935
Conn, Mary G.  1874 - 1968
Conn, Nancy  w/o GL  d Sep 22 1841  ae 33
Conn, Smith W.  Sep 22 1841 - Mar 31 1906    GAR Marker
Conn, Theresa A.   1880 - 19
Conn, Violetta S.  Feb 14 1853 - Mar 17 1913
Conn, Wm. R.  Nov 26 1873 - Apr 22 1937
Corbett, Adaline M.  1902 - 1980
Corbett, Glecia J.  Apr 30 1901 - Apr 22 1984  Pvt US Army
Dalton, Eliza  Apr 11 1858 - Feb 17 1893  Mother
Dalton, Isaac  Oct 21 1813  - Jan 17 1878  Father
Darner, Mary J.  w/o A  d Apr 21 1893  ae 45-2-5
Deitman, Adaline F.  d/o J & W  d Jan 23 1875  ae 19-10-10
Deitman, Samuel E.  s/o John & Wilhelmina  Apr 1873 - Mar 22 1879
Dittman, Johan A.  Feb 21 1814 - Mar 27 1897
Dittman, Wilhelmina  Apr 9 1834 -
Dobbin, Edward  Jan 29 1862 - Jan 23 1947
Dobbin, Margaret M.  Apr 2 1873 - Mar 9 1937
Fetheringill, Mary Alice  w/o W G  d Feb 22 1877  ae 22-11-18
Freeman, Zeno B.  s/o HM & SA  d Jan 28 1855  ae 2-3-7
Fritsch, Joseph  1880 - 1967
Fritsch, Mayme A.  1881 - 1956
Gilbert, Eber J.   d Oct 9 1871  ae 30-7-19
Gilbert, Grace  1877 - 1948
Gilbert, Hiram  1871 - 1951
Gilbert, Lizzie  d/o EJ & MH  d Feb 19 1863  ae 2-7-12
Gilbert, Wm. H.  s/o EJ & MH  d Feb 2 1868  ae 4-3-17
Grice, Maria  d/o JB&S  b May 19 1854  d Oct 19 1860
Grice, Sarah H.  d/o JB & SH  d Aug 6 1852  ae 7 mo
Grice, Sarah H.  w/o JB  d Jan 6 1852  ae 37
Harper, Elizabeth Jane  w/o Wm.  d Dec 5 1851  ae 29-10-28
Heuer, Carl  1870 - 1911
Higgerson, Mertie H.  w/o S  d Jan 15 1876  ae 32-1-15
Hitchcock, Almerson  d Apr 2 1864  ae 41-8-9
Hitchcock, Eliza  d Apr 17 1878  ae 78-11-23
Hitchcock, John  d Jan 19 1875  ae 81-8-5
Hitchens, Henry D.  1868 - 1926
Hitchens, Mary H.  1877 - 1947
Hitchens, Wm.  1897 - 1947
Hollingsworth, Arthur P.  s/o J&HA  d Jan 29 1872  ae 4-9-14
Hollingsworth, Mildred C.  1894 -
Hollingsworth, Ovid M.  s/o J&HA  d Feb 3 1872  ae 1-11-21
Hollingsworth, Victor E.  1892 - 1971
Holmes, Kitty  d/o J & S  d Jan 2 1870  ae 8-11-17 or 2-11-17
Hull, David  d Dec 8 1855  ae 41-3-10
Jimison, Walter, infant  s/o Erle 7 Fay  Oct 3 1912 - Dec 16 1912
Johnson, Betsey  Apr 9 1841 - Sep 9 1927  Mother
Johnson, infant  b & d  Sep 4 1890
Johnson, infant  b & d Jun 9 1880
Johnson, infant  b & d Nov 18 1877
Johnson, infant  b & d Oct 5 1874
Johnson, Mons  Apr 16 1837 - Sep 30 1901  Father
Keller, Eva  1877 - 1961
Lehigh, Alvira  d May 19 1846  ae 19-0-9
Lehigh, Benjamin  d May 21 1851  ae 21-8-0
Lehigh, Charles M.  Apr 6 1862 - Jan 30 1989
Lehigh, Experience  w/o A  d May 28 1860  ae 58-4-0  MOTHER
Lehigh, John  May 3 1906  ae 84-0-27
Lehigh, Lucretia  w/o John  d Mar 6 1859
Lehigh, Mrs. Margaret  d Jul 4 1902  ae 81-11-12
Lindsey, Alvin  s/o T&CF d Jul 5 1851  ae 0-9-23
Lindsey, Caroline F.  w/o T  d Apr 4 1851  ae 23-1-17
Lindsey, Charles  s/o T & EM  d Oct 28 1865  ae 0-3-14
Lindsey, Forrest  d May 20 1889  ae 67-4-4
Lindsey, Ira  b Jun 27 1795  d Apr 2 1844  [stone no longer there]
Lindsey, Irene M.  w/o Forest  d Jan 8 1875  ae 50-3-0
Lindsey, James J.  s/o BF & CF  d Oct 25 1869  ae 11 mo 1 da
Lindsey, James S.  d Sep 8 1860  ae 24-6-10
Lindsey, Minnie  d/o T & EM  d Jul 10 1864  ae 24 weeks
Lindsey, Robert  1853-1925
Lindsey, Thomas  d May 29 1891  ae 67-6-1
Looker  Wife of Robert  d Jul 12 1859  ae 31-3-1
Luke, Edwin D.  1915 - 1971
Lustfeldt, Anita F.  1906 - 1975
Lyon, Caroline  d May 12 1879  ae 45-0-6
Lyon, Charles H.   1902 - 1936
Lyon, Evaline   Dec 22 1833-Apr 26 1895  ae 62-4-4  [stone broken]
Lyon, Howard W.  Mar 1 1831 - Mar 2 1909
Lyon, James A.   Mar 29 1865 - Feb 23 1909
Lyon, Robt. T.  1872 - 1934
Major, Amy F.  w/o Samuel M.  d Oct 19 1856  ae 21-6-23
Major, Jas. H.  d Jan 15 1882  ae 78-5-27
Major, Mary  w/o JH  d Jan 7 1876  ae 70-9-23
Mandeville, Joseph N.  s/o AE & Mary  d Apr 15 1853  ae 4-0-18
Mandeville, Mary  w/o D & AE  d Mar 27 1859  ae 49-3-0
Marshell, Florence  d/o SW & LA  d Sep 25 1871 (?)  ae 1-1-8
Martin, James   Pvt, Cat Dickinson's Va. Regt. War of 1812   Sep 16, 1848
McGowan, Daisey V.  d/o L&D  d Nov 29 1878
McKinney, George  s/o J S & Sarah  d Nov 17 1854  ae 0-10-13
Miller, Andrew  d Feb 13 1856  ae 56 [tree-shaped monument]
Miller, Dora  1894 - 1937
Miller, Elizabeth  his Wife  1853 - 1933  Mother
Miller, George  s/o John & Julia  d Oct 11 1854  ae 0-4-29
Miller, H. H.  Jul 15 1870 - Sep 21 1870
Miller, John  1893 - 1976
Miller, John  d May 12 1882  ae 81-3-0
Miller, Margaret  Oct 31 1840 - Jul 20 1870
Miller, Margaret  w/o John  d Feb 5 1840  ae 38-3-11
Miller, Maude L.  Mother  1873 - 1937
Miller, Robert  d Dec 30 1852  ae 21-9-26
Miller, Winfield S.  Father    1863 - 1931
Miller, Wm.  1833 - 1917  Father
Miller, Wm. Jr.   Aug 15 1868 - Sep 15 1869
Niver, Donald  s/o Edward W. & Tillie  Feb 20 1891 - Apr 27 1891
Norvell, Charles  1875 - 1954
Norvell, George  d Mar 3 1898  ae 25-3-9
Norvell, Harrie  d Jan 26 1881  ae 9-10-11
Norvell, Hattie   d/o WS & M d Aug 26 1881 ae 5-10-11 [new stone]
Norvell, Martha  Dec 4 1844 - Aug 10 1909
Norvell, Willis S.  d Feb 27 1903  ae 59-9-20
Parminter, Frank M.  1896 -
Parminter, Hattie M.  1895 - 1978
Perry Family  
Perry, Elizabeth  his wife, May 5 1815 - Sep 23 1898
Perry, Eugene P.  d Jan 24 1873  ae 36
Perry, Hiram  b May 11 1814  d May 11 1888      (stone not found here)
Perry, Nellie B.  d/o  GG & LI  d Dec 7 1878  ae 0-0-14
Porter, May B.  d/o IB & MA  d Sep 12 1895  ae 21-4-11
Pritchard, Francis F.  s/o T&SL  Jul 25 1856  ae 0-9-23
Ramsey, Catwalla  w/o JC  b May 26 1827  d Aug 5 1854
Ramsey, Martha  b Dec 21 1853  d Aug 16 1854
Ramsey, Martha  d/o JC & Catwala  d Apr 16 1854
Ramsey, Wm. M.  b Apr 11 1852  d Mar 7 1855
Reed, James  d (Mar 1) 1878
Reed, Jane  wife of James
Reid, Wm.  s/o James & Jane Reid
Reinagle, Bishop Frances   M.  1907 - 1956
Reinagle, Mary Jean  Feb 5 1928 - Feb 10 1932
Robinson, James M.  d Feb 19 1859  ae 25-8-10
Robinson, Josephine  d/o WD & Louvina  d Sep 11 1850
Robinson, Louvina  w/o  WD  d May 26 1854  ae 38-2-11
Robinson, Rolind  d Jan 31 1859  ae 18-11-26
Robinson, W. D.  d Jan 3 1856  ae 46-9-17
Rockhold, Ben J W  d Jul 30 1854
Rockhold, Sarah  w/o Ben J W  d  Sep 23 1856  ae 51-0-15
Rummel, Peter  1842 - 1915
Rummel, Sarah  1850 - 1940
Saddlemire, Geo.  s/o George & Rachel  d Jan 17 1857  ae 2 d
Saddlemire, Rachel  w/o Geo.  d Jan 29 1857  ae 21-1-21
Schumers, Christopher  1857 - 1903
Shipley, John  d Sep 9 1850  ae 44-0-2
Simpson, Charles E.  d Aug 1 1863  ae 0-2-11
Simpson, Mary Jane  d/o M&HJ  d Nov 17 1864  ae 3-7-9
Simpson, Samuel ( or Daniel?)  s/o M & H (?) J   d Nov 9 1871  ae 0-1-22
Simpson, William  d Sep 25 1868  ae 7 (?) - 6-0
Smith, Francis M.  s/o EB & MA  d Jul 23 1854  ae 10-11-20
Smith, Geo. W.  d Apr 15 1853
Smith, J. M.  d Jul 15 1854  ae 23
Smith, James  d Sep 24 1839  ae 32-0-11
Smith, Jones  d Mar 22  1843  ae 74-9-11
Smith, Rachel  d Feb 19 1847  ae 14 (?) -5-9
Stine, Isaac      Ind 11 US  US Cav  Jun 18 1915  Babcock Post GAR 16, IL
Stout, Catey G.  d Nov 11 1869  ae 69 y
Sutton, George W.  s/o E&M  d Apr 29 1874  ae 20-7-11
Tyler, Lillian R.  1906 - 1974
Tyler, Robert G.  1891 - 1978
Van Sickle, Mary Jane  d/o Chas & Marthy  d Oct 18 1855  ae 5-0-18
Weakley, Elinor I.  1917 -
Weakley, Rudell E.  1916 - 
Weber, R. H.  d Jul 18 1854  ae 25-5-1
Wilson, Mary Ellen Baker  1896 - 1979
Woodard, Amanda Jane  w/o Richard  Mar 16 1827 - May 4 1890
Woodard, james B.  1855-1929
Woodard, James P.  s/o James & Marillia  Dec 7 1886 - Jan 24 1887
Woodard, Lena M.  Feb 23 1890 - Dec 22 1916
Woodard, Marilla  Oct 28 1861 - Sep 3 1911
Woodard, Olof Ira  1895-1925 132nd US Inf. 66th Brig. 33rd Div.
Woodard, W M Shelton  s/o JB & M  Dec 22 1889 - Sep 18 1903
Wray, Jemima  w/o MW  d Aug 7 1876  ae 30
Wray, William A.  S/o MW & J  d Apr 3 1877  ae 5-4-1
Wright, Jonathan  d Dec 23 1863  ae 78-5-14
Wright, Joseph  s/o J&R  b Feb 4 1811  d Sep 8 1845
Wright, Noah L.  d Jan 19 1854  ae 27-9-27
Wright, Rachel  w/o Jonathan  d Sep 1 1855  ae 69-7-20
Wright, Ruth  d/o BF & MN  d Dec 30 1854  ae 0-10-7
Wright, Sarah   d/o BF & MN  d Oct 3 1853  ae 0-8-23


The Frame Graveyard is located on the east bank of Spring Creek on the NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec. 
15, T. 26, R. 14 W. on a bluff.  [Frame and Rounsavell families]

The following information was obtained from Cheryl Gocken of the Iroquois County Genealogical 

This burying ground is located in the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 
15, Onarga Township, Township 26 North, Range 14 West, Iroquois County, Ill.  Although no 
stone exists, Thomas FRAME was buried in this cemetery, December 1836.  He died 20 December 
1836.  (Beckwith History of Iroquois County, Page 554)

JEFFERSON:		Anna M.	Died March 25, 1812 [1842?]  age 20 yrs, 11 mos, 7 days
			George W.	son of H. and J. Jefferson
					Died March 7, 1842		age 10 yrs, 10 mos., 7 das.

BROWN:		Elizabeth	daughter of Wm. N. and C. A. Brown
					Died September 25, 1855	age 1 yr, 23 mos.
			Catherine	wife of Wm. N. Brown
					Died January 29, 1855	age 24 yrs, 11 mos, 14 das.

ROUNSAVELL:	George W. B.	Died May 30, 1857		age 45 years
				Stranger as you pass by
				Are now so o--r was I.
				---- now son you'll be
				Ready for death and follow me.
			Antrim F.	son of G. W. and M. J. Rounsavell
					Died Jun 10, 1852		age 1 mo, 6 das.


From:  The Onarga Chronicles, 1991, by Patricia Dissmeyer Goff

The Pangborn Cemetery,  Onarga, Illinois

This is a list of graves in the Pangborn Cemetery.  The list found at the Old Courthouse 
Museum in Watseka, Illinois was a physical inventory apparently taken in the early 1900's.  
It should be greatly appreciated because the old cemetery was visited by this author in June 
of 1985, and most of the stones are illegible, broken, or covered over.

Entries given here are just as they are in the original list, in alphabetical order.  Information 
contained within parentheses [such as these] is information found either in the Beckwith's 1880 
History of Iroquois County or from this compiler's own research.

I am told the cemetery is on land belonging to the Ikins Family.

This cemetery is located in Onarga Township, Section 29  T26N-R14W, near old tile factory site 
on Ransom B. Pangborn land.  (Re.  Ralph D. Moore)

Brown, Olneda  Jan 24, 1856  53 yrs   wife of James Brown
Denney, Elmer  31 Aug, 1857  3m, 20 da
Denning, Polly   21 Nov, 1861  6 yrs, 5 mo, 6 da
Evans, Mahala    11 Feb, 1849   wife of Loved  born Jan or Jun 9, 1809  [See Beckwith's  
  p. 557,  Daughter of   John Kyrk]
Hall, Francis A.  30 Sep, 1851  3 yrs, 9 mo  [William A. Hall family?]
Harper, Alexander  14 Feb, 1845  ? yrs, 5 mo, 4 da  [Beckwith's p. 556, 599.  A. Harper  
  born Oct. 16, 1808, husband of Diana]
Harper, Harriet L.  14 Oct, 1841 -  28 May, 1848
Kyrk, John  5 May, 1847  Jan 19, 17xx [birth date?]  [Beckwith's p. 557.  husband of Sarah]
Kyrk, Sarah  13 Aug, 1847  27 Jul, 1787 [birth date?]  wife of J. Y. Kyrk.  [Children:  
  Isaac, Mary, William, Hannah, Mahala Evans - Hannah married Reuben Skeels]
Kyrk, William  17 May, 1848  July 1828 [birth  date?]  [son of John and Sarah]
Machims, Darins  14 Aug, 1857
Morgan, Ginnor  11 Apr, 1861  28 yrs, 3 mo
Morgan, Jane A.  29 May, 1856  21 yrs, 11 mo, 18 da
Morgan, John  20 Nov, 1856  18 yrs, 6 mo
Morgan, Richard W.  30 Jan, 1873  79 yrs, 10 mo  [Gr-gr-grandfather of some current Onarga 
  residents named Oldridge]
Norvell, John T.  13 Mar, 1844  13 das
Oldridge, Lemuel  6 May, 1853  1 yr, 1 mo, 24 das  [Tombstone actually says LEMUEL son of L. 
  & A. Aldridge]
Oldridge, Mary E.  25 Sep, 1898  8 mo, 7 da
Oldridge, Nancy S.  4 Oct, 1853  13 yrs, 6 mo, 21 da
Pangborn, John  25 Sep, 1845  70 yrs, 6 mo, 11 da  [Beckwith's p. 555. husband of  Miranda Miller]
Pangborn, Johnson  T.  12 Dec, 1837  1 yr, 14 da  [Beckwith's p. 555. Son of T.M. and  Jane 
  Pangborn - first person buried here]
Pangborn, Lorenzo  1 Jan, 1844  4 yrs, 5 mo, 23 da  [Son of Ransom and Margaret (Harper) Pangborn]
Pangborn, Mary  7 May, 1850  21 yrs, 1 mo, 2 das  Beloved Wife  [Beckwith's p. 602.  Mary 
  (Taylor) Pangborn was 2nd wife of Cyrus S. Pangborn, son of John]
Rengers, John J.  11 Jul, 1856  21 yrs, 9 mo, 5 da  Son of J. H. & E.
Root, Diana  30 Mar, 1848  3 mo, 8 da
Scott, Melery Jane  20 Feb, 1847  20 yrs, 2 mo, 7 das
Skeels  23 Sep, 1845  2 days  Infant Dau. of N. and S.A. Skeels
Skeels, Danell  Sep, 1850  7 mo, 1 da  (R. & S. E.)
Skeels, Hannah  6 Apr, 1855  48 yrs.  (R's Wife) [Beckwith's p. 557.   Daughter of John Kyrk, 
  Reuben Skeels' 2nd wife]
Skeels, Henry  4 Feb, 1849  36 yrs, 7 mo, 17 da  [Beckwith's pp. 557, 581, 600.  Son of  Reuben]
Skeels, Orvis  18 Sep, 1841  22 yr, 4 mo, 21 das  [Son of Reuben]
Skeels, Reuben  22 Apr, 1864  75 yr, 9 mo, 24 das  [Beckwith's pp. 557, 568, 601.  Wife - 
  Hannah Kyrk]
Skeels, Sally  16 Jul, 1838  48 yrs, 7 mo, 16 das  [Beckwith's p. 557.  nee Reed, first wife of 
Skeels, Sarah  18 Nov, 1858  44 yrs, 2 mo, 4 das

From:  The Onarga Chronicles, 1991, by Patricia Dissmeyer Goff
	The following is genealogical information condensed from various sections of  The Onarga 
	Chronicles concerning the Pangborn family.
	The Pangborns were early English settlers in this country.  Several ancestors were soldiers 
	in the Revolution, one of them being confined by the British in some of the Wallabout prison 
	The first knowledge we have of any particular member of the family is of Peter Pangborn and 
	his wife Grace of Newton, Long Island, New York in 1669.  They had six sons:  Peter Jr., 
	Richard, Stephen, Edmond, Ephriam, and William.
	Stephen Pangborn married Joanna Tuttle of Woodbridge, N. J.  They had seven sons:  Joseph, 
	Gideon, Timothy, Samuel, Stephen, John, and Nathaniel.  Timothy's wife's maiden name was 
	Partridge.  They lived on the banks of the Au Sable River near the town of Essex, Essex 
	County, New York, not far from Lake Champlain.  Their children were:  Elizabeth, Libeas, 
	Joseph, John, Nathaniel, and Thaddeus.	John Pangborn married Miranda Miller  (who lived 
	near Burlington, Vermont just across the lake from the Pangborns) on April 15, 1805.  We 
	know very little of the Millers, but her mother was Rebecca Belden.  The Beldens had 
	formerly lived in Wethersfield, Connecticutt.  Rebecca and Mr. Miller had three children:  
	Abner Belden Miller, Royal Miller, and Miranda.  John and Miranda Pangborn lived on their 
	farm near Keene, Essex County, New York.  There three of their children were born:  
	Triphenia, Thomas Miller Pangborn, and Ransom Belden Pangborn.   In 1816, John and Miranda 
	and their children they emigrated to Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.  There they had two 
	more children:  Maria and Cyrus Skeels Pangborn.  They lived about three miles from 
	Worthington and about seven miles from Columbus, Ohio.
	In a few years a number of their friends and relatives followed them to Ohio: Libeas, Joseph, 
	and Thaddeus Pangborn along with their aged father and mother, Timothy Pangborn and his wife.  
	Also to come to Ohio was Royal Miller and his mother, Rebecca Belden Miller.
	Thomas Miller Pangborn was married in 1832 to Jane Harper.  In May of 1836, Thomas Pangborn, 
	along with some of his neighbors, came to Illinois to get homes.  Thomas and Ransom Pangborn 
	entered farms on Spring Creek and were among the earliest settlers in what is now Onarga, 
	Iroquois County, Illinois.
	The first winter ten persons wintered in a small log house.  Among those persons was Ransom 
	Pangborn and Margaret Harper, who afterward became married in 1838.  Margaret was the sister 
	of Jane (Harper) Pangborn, and both were daughters of Samuel H.  and Mary (McCoy) Harper of 
	Thomas and Jane Pangborn had four daughters:  Triphenia (married Capt. Elkanah Doolittle), 
	Emily (married Henry Haven of Oakland, Ca.), Mary Ann (married Charles Haven of Oakland, Ca.), 
	and Miranda (sister Triphenia died and Miranda became the second wife of Capt. Elkanah 
	Doolittle).  Ransom and Margaret had two sons and four daughters:  Lorenzo Dow, Jane, Olive, 
	Maria and Louise (twins), and Burt.   Thomas Pangborn was associate Judge for Iroquois County 
	and for many years a member of the M. E. Church, and a class leader for thirty six years.  
	Maria A. Pangborn was born in Ohio in 1819 and was married to Truman Bishop Hall in 1841.
	Cyrus Skeels Pangborn (youngest child of John and Miranda Pangborn) was born February 5, 
	1822 near Columbus, Ohio.  Cyrus was married to Mary Jane Gilmore May 22, 1845 in Ohio.  
	The same summer they started for Iroquois County, Illinois, but Mary Jane died before they 
	reached their destination.  His father, John Pangborn, died about a month after their 
	arrival in Illinois.  In July 1849, Cyrus Pangborn was married to Mary Taylor.  She died 
	in May of 1850 leaving a new infant son, John Alonzo, who lived only a few months. Cyrus 
	Pangborn's third marriage was on August 19, 1852 with Rosanna Riner.  They had seven 
	children:  Frank E., Josephine H., E. Viola, Jesse, Melvin, Mary May, and Quincy June.

From:  The Onarga Chronicles, 1991, by Patricia Dissmeyer Goff
	This section is taken from The Onarga Chronicles, Chapter II, When Onarga Was Young, by 
	Ethel Fisher, August, 1951, which is condensed from Beckwith's History of Iroquois County. 
	Early in 1834, a new settlement began on Upper Spring Creek in the vicinity of Del Rey.  
	Jesse Amos moved over from Sugar Creek and was soon joined by John Miller from Covington, 
	Indiana.  In the fall, Ira Lindsey, James Smith, and Abram Lehigh from Virginia, located in 
	the same area.  
	Among those who came in 1836 were Thomas Pangborn, Caleab Jewett, and Oliver Miller, all 
	from the Columbus, Ohio area.   Ten grown persons wintered in a small log cabin: Samuel and 
	Mary Harper, Thomas M. and Jane Pangborn, Alexander and Diana Harper, Ransom Pangborn, and 
	Samuel H. and Margaret and Mary Ann Harper.  In December the infant son of  Thomas and Jane 
	Pangborn died and was the first person buried in the Pangborn burying ground.
	In the fall of 1836 a school was organized and taught by Marilla Ayres.    Louisa Wright 
	taught in the Lehigh cabin in 1837, and in 1838 Mrs. Diana Harper taught in the same place.  
	William  Prentiss taught the following winter in one of the Amos cabins.  Caroline Grice and 
	Nelson Skeels were teachers in the Lindsey neighborhood and in the winter of 1842-43 Thomas 
	Pangborn taught in one of the Kyrk cabins.  The next fall a log school house was built 
	northeast of Elkanah Doolittle's place.  In 1843, after the Lindsey family moved into their 
	brick house, Mrs. Lindsey taught a school in their cabin.  Onarga was from the very first 
	the educational center of Iroquois County.
	In 1841 Loved Evans improved land and made a claim within the limits of what was to become 
	the village of Onarga.  In 1851 he sold acreage to Addison Lockwood who purchased the log 
	schoolhouse northeast of E. Doolittle's place, moved it to his claim, and this was the first 
	building in the village.   It was occupied by W. P. Pierson a part of the winter of 1854-55.    
	In the spring of 1854 W. P. Pierson commenced the first business in the village.  His stock was 
	less than a carload of lumber.  He and his wife boarded at Judge Pangborn's.  By the next spring 
	he can completed his dwelling, office, and business house combined, a structure 12 by 16 feet.  
	He soon added to his lumber a general line of hardware, farming tools, coal, and flour.  His 
	business increased and he erected buildings for himself and to rent to others.   Later, Mrs. 
	Pierson began a Sabbath School in this same building.  
	The first preacher on Spring Creek was the Rev. Mr. Springer.  He was the first Methodist 
	minister located in the county and lived at John Nelson's on Sugar Creek in 1834.  He held 
	meetings at Abraham Lehigh's and Jesse Amos' in 1835.  In the winter of 1838 a church was 
	organized.  Reuben Skeels and his wife Sally, Henry Skeels, Mrs. Diana Harper, Margaret and 
	Mary Ann Harper, Mrs. Jane Pangborn, and Orvis Skeels were its founders.  The first meetings 
	were held at the home of Reuben Skeels, afterwards at Alexander Harper's.  This church was 
	known as Iroquois Mission as late as 1844.  At the organization of the church Mr. Skeels was 
	appointed class leader and in 1840 Thomas M. Pangborn took his place.



As published in the Iroquois County STALKER, Vol. XIX, No. 4, November, 1989

The Jefferson Cemetery is the fourth cemetery in Onarga Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.  

The other three in sequence are:
			The Lehigh Cemetery   	southwest of Del Rey
			The Frame Cemetery		northeast of Onarga
			The Pangborn Cemetery	southeast of Onarga

	The Jefferson Cemetery is located in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 26,  
	Range 14 W.  In the early years of settlements this location was known as Jefferson's Point.  
	A more direct location is in the timber a short distance north of the convergence of 
	Shavetail Creek and Spring Creek; also, approximately 1/4 mile west of the Heartland 
	Health Center, formerly the Kam Lake Farm owned by the late Doctor Karl. A. Meyer.  Thanks 
	to the awareness and generosity of Dr. Meyer, the cemetery is fenced.
	In September 1988 permission was granted to myself, my son James Randall, and my grandson 
	James Michael Cultra by the late Donald Eldert and his wife Nancy, the present owners, 
	to enter the property for the purpose of restoring the cemetery to an assemblage of its 
	original form.  This required much needed removal of trees, brush, and briars, and leveling 
	and uncovering of grave markers.  Beckwith's History of Iroquois County  states that there 
	are 28 graves.  We uncovered several markers, however most are crumbled and broken and are 
	not legible.   The readable ones are:

Henry Jefferson, died March 3, 1852, age 27 years, 5 months, 3 days  born October 29, 1824
Eliza Crowe, wife of James Crowe, died January 30, 1867, age 45 years, 2 months, born November, 
Charles A. Crowe, son of James and Eliza, died November 20, 1862, age 1 year, 9 months, 16 days, 
  born Feb, 1861
John W. Potts, son of C. M. & P. Potts, died August 10, 1873, age 18 years, 4 days,  born August, 
Another son of C. M. & P. Potts, died August 7, 1869, age 1 year, 11 months, born June, 1867

	Fortunately, the grave marker for Henry Jefferson, my great-great-uncle, and the oldest child 
	of  Hamilton Jefferson and my great-great-grandmother Sarah Jones Sayre Jefferson, is in near 
	perfect condition.  Henry Jefferson was the first to be buried in the cemetery and his grave 
	marks one corner of the first cabin constructed by Hamilton Jefferson in the year 1837.
	To establish a more comprehensive understand of my interest in renovating the Jefferson 
	Cemetery, it is necessary to go back to March 23, 1835 when a party of 26 people, including 
	Hamilton Jefferson, his wife Sarah Jones Sayre Jefferson, her son, Spencer Sayre (my 
	great-grandfather), their four sons and five daughters, the families of Seth and Henry 
	Jones, and Jephtha Hayman, embarked in their boat, 70 feet in length and 12 feet in width,
	from Grahams Landing, Meigs County, Ohio and floated down the river to the mouth of the 
	Wabash River.  From there they towed and poled the boat up the Wabash to Tilson's Ferry 
	where they landed on the 8th day of May.  On the 20th of May they were in Georgetown, 
	Vermilion County, Illinois.
	In the summer of 1836, Jefferson and the two Joneses came to Iroquois County to select land 
	for their homes.  They made claim on the Iroquois River.  The Joneses remained there, but 
	Jefferson abandoned his claim when informed by the Indians that colts and papooses could not 
	be raised there on account of cold fever, milk fever.  They assured him that there was no 
	danger on Spring Creek.  This brought him to a point of timber afterwards known as Jefferson's 
	Point.  He entered the west 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 26, Range 14W 
	and in February 1837 built a cabin.  In October his family moved into their new home.  That 
	summer Jefferson and his stepson, Spencer Sayre, had raised a crop in the neighborhood.  This 
	location was the home of the Jeffersons for a number of years.  Mrs. Jefferson, my 
	great-great-grandmother, died in 1858 while on a visit with relatives in Ohio and West 
	Virginia and is buried there.  Hamilton Jefferson, who was related to Thomas Jefferson, is 
	buried in the Onarga Cemetery.  He enlisted and served throughout the War of 1812.
	Spencer Sayre, the father of my grandmother, Olive Sayre Cultra, had his home on land he 
	owned along the Iroquois River in Section 25 in Iroquois Township.  His three wives are 
	buried in the Pierce Cemetery a short distance from their home.  He died July 14, 1891 at 
	Lamar, Missouri and is buried there.

NOTE:  A road 15 feet in width provides access from the road and extends to a point close to the 
Jefferson Cemetery.

[The following is taken from Mr. Beckwith's book concerning Hamilton Jefferson]:

Hamilton Jefferson (deceased), was born in Alexandria, Virginia, May 1, 1798.  His father, 
George Jefferson, was born in Scotland and emigrated to America when he was fifteen years old.  
His mother (Anna) was a daughter of Sir Harry Glenlyn; she was married in England and arrived in 
this country in 1796.  Two sons were born to this couple.  Thomas, the younger, died early.  When 
Hamilton was eleven years old his father and mother both died, leaving him alone in the world.  
Though the relationship between the subject of this sketch and Thomas Jefferson was remote, 
nevertheless both descended from the same stock.  Hamilton lived with an uncle in Alexandria 
until the commencement of the war with Great Britain, when he ran away and enlisted.  He served 
throughout the war, and was in several actions, and at its close went to Philadelphia.  There he 
worked for two years in a cigar manufactory.  He next went to Cincinnati, and in 1820 was married 
to Mrs. Sarah Sayres, whose maiden name was Jones.  They lived in Virginia until 1836, when they 
moved to Illinois, and settle first near Georgetown, in Vermilion county.  In 1837 they came to 
this county, and fixed their home on the banks of Spring creek, in Onarga township, on Sec. 24, 
T. 26, R. 14.  They brought eight children -- four sons and four daughters.  Of  these only two 
are living: Thomas, residing in Deadwood, Dakota; and Hannah, who married Moses Oppy, and now 
lives in Kansas.  His wife died in Virginia in 1858, while there on a visit.   He celebrated his 
second marriage with Nancy (Darby) Eoff, relict of Garrett Eoff, January 9, 1859.  They had one 
daughter (Cincinnati M.), who was born March 8, 1860.  In 1873 he moved from his farm to Onarga, 
where he had previously resided between 1865 and 1868.  In an early day he held the office of 
postmaster, and served one term as county commissioner.  He was reared "after the straitest seet" 
of Scotch Presbyterians, whose rigid discipline caused him to conceive a strong dislike of that 
denomination, and when he was twenty-three years old he united with the M. E. church.  Toward the 
close of his life his sentiments were largely tinged with Universalism.  He was a Royal Arch Mason 
for many years.  He died, much esteemed, September 29, 1876.


This information is taken entirely from the "Iroquois County STALKER," a publication of the 
Iroquois County Genealogical Society, Volume 17, Numbers 1, 2, and 3, 1987.  
The original cemetery occupied Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12.  Many removals from 
farm and roadside burial grounds were made according to the records.  These began in the early 

The grounds have three buildings.  The first, built in 1867, was a hold vault for burials to be 
made later for a variety of reasons.  The second, a small chapel, erected in 1913, was used upon 
request for funeral services and for some time by a small church group.  It is called a Memorial 
Chapel, erected by Lindie M. Groh-Johnson, born August 24, 1852 and died August 11, 1930.  Andrew 
Groh, born July  24, 1836 and died August 24, 1912, was her father.  Added later was a shed for 
equipment and tools, a restroom, and an office for the custodian.  The cemetery is located on a 
knoll, planted many years ago with pines, now towering homes for birds of all kinds, creating a 
most pleasant setting.

The following listing has been copied from the listing in the Stalker   The reason for the text 
being in slightly different format than it was in the Stalker, is so the computer could 
alphabetize by surname and include all information pertaining to that name, including the row 
and section.  For that reason, entries such as "his wife" had to be entered "wife of ___."   I 
have also chosen to omit most of the periods and commas that should be included in text, but 
are really not important in lists such as these.  


1.  Rev. Abraham Pierson from Yorkshire, England, 1639, founded Newark, NJ, 1667.  Also founder 
    and pastor of the first Presbyterian church at that place, died 1678, age 65.
2.  Rev. Abraham Pierson, Jr., taken from his statue on Yale campus:  First president of Yale 
    College from 1701 to 1707, died 1707, age 66.
3.  Abraham Pierson, "The Worshipful" Old Colonial Magistrate for four years, Clinton, Conn. d. 
    1752, age 72.
4.  Samuel Pierson, Sr., Killingsworth, Conn., d 1801, age 80.
5.  Samuel Pierson, Jr., Killingsworth, Conn., d. 1801, age 51.
6.  Philo Pierson of Killingsworth, Conn., and LeRoy, NY, father of Wm. P. Pierson, d. 1820, 
    age 34.


1.  Wm. Buell of England.  Emigrated to Dorchester, Mass., 1630, died at Windsor, Conn., 1681,  
    age 71.
2.  Samuel Buell of Windsor and Killingworth, Conn., died 1720, age 79.
3.  Samuel Buell of Killingworth, Conn., died 1732, age 69.
4.  Daniel Buell of Killingworth, Conn., died 1782, age 84.
5.  Nathan Buell of Killingworth, Conn., died 1770, age 42.
6.  Asa Buell of Killingworth, Conn., and LeRoy, New York, died 1827, age 67.
7.  Lucretia Buell Pierson, mother of Wm. P. Pierson, died at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1865, age 72.
8.  William Porter Pierson, born at LeRoy, New York, Dec 8, 1811, died Onarga, Ill., June 10, 1909.

	Mary Condit Pierson, wife of Wm. P. Pierson and daughter of Rev. Robert W. Condit, D. D. of 
	Oswego, New York, born Nov 25, 1821, died Onarga, Ill., Dec 30, 1890.


(Unknown)  b Maryland Dec 16 1840  d Dec 17 1893  Two  2
?  [Homemade stone - top gone]   d. Apr 1917  Four  3
?  (Father)  GAR  Four  3
?? , Annie  May 25 - Jun 18 1866   [Twin of Minnie ?]  Eleven  16
?? , Minnie  May 25 - Jun 6  1866  [Twin of Annie ?]  Eleven  16
Abelos, Pablo Raul  Apr 7 1986 - Apr 7 1986  Fifteen  20
Ackerman, Agnes M.  1877 - 1965  Ten  7
Ackerman, John F.  1872 - 1961  Ten  7
Adams, Creno A.  1871 - 1942  Seven  12
Adams, Fentje  1848 - 1928  Ten  17
Adams, Jacob  1854 - 1950  Ten  17
Adams, Maggie  Sep 19 1869 - Jul 6 1919  Ten  16
Adams, Mary K.  1865 - 1950  Seven  12
Adams, Sophia Burt  w/o Lyman Pike, MD  1821 - 1902  Five  10
Ahlden, Eileen B. Dubbel  May 30 1919 -   American Legion Marker, VFW   Marker  Fifteen  2
Ahlden, Wilbert E.  Apr 20 1921 - Mar 22 1983  Fifteen  2
Ahlden, Wilbert E.  T Sgt US Army WW II  Fifteen  3
Ahlen, Arthur J.  1889 - 1973  One  9
Ahlen, Edith J.  1894 -   One  9
Ahlen, Harold H.  1920 -  Fifteen  19
Alberda, Agnes  1815 - 1897  Two  3
Alberda, Carrie  1850 - 1931  Two  14
Alberda, Hattie L.  May 4 1888 - Nov 15 1888 ch of K&C Alberda  Two  16
Alberda, Henry L.  Jun 21 1885 - Apr 28 1886  ch of K&C Alberda  Two  16
Alberda, Louis  1854 - 1883  Two  2
Alford, Winifred A.  w/o RJ  1901 - 1926  Ten  7
Allen, Catherine  d Oct 9 1898  ae 89-10-21  Nine  2
Allen, Wm. R.  d May 27 1877 ae 41-10-11  Nine  16
Allison, Lillian E.  May 15 1862 - Sep 10 1942  One  10
Allison, T P  Oct 4 1858 - Feb 11 1926  One  10
Allison, Thadeus, Jr.  Feb 8 1886 - Mar 15 1951  One  12
Amerman, Bruce W.  1911 - 1950  Son  Fourteen  5
Amerman, Emeline S.  d/o Isaac & Marg. B.  1845 - 1929  Six  16
Amerman, Flossie H.  1889 - 1982  Fourteen  5
Amerman, Fred K.  1888 - 1950  Fourteen  5
Amerman, Harry J.  1885 - 1961  Fourteen  20
Amerman, Isaac  1822 - 1910  Six  14
Amerman, Margaret B.  1824 - 1895  Wife  Six  14
Amerman, Melvin T.  Nov 24 1861 - Nov 4 1925  Eleven  1
Amerman, Melvin T.  b near Dana Ind Nov 24 1861  d Onarga ILL Nov   4 1925   Eleven  2
Amerman, Nannie G.  Dec 24 1865 - Sep 10 1943  Eleven  1
Amerman, Nannie G.  b  Clarkshill Ind  Dec 24 1865  d Onarga ILL Sep   10 1943  Eleven  2
Amerman, Richard  Mar 6 1867  s/o Isaac & Margaret B.  Six  14
Amerman, Richard  s/o Isaac & MB  b Oct 11 1875  Six  16
Amerman, Ruth H.  1889 - 1971  Fourteen  20
Anderson, Abigail B.  Apr 4 1844 - Nov 14 1873  Nine  2
Anderson, Alice Lyman  1857 - 1927  Twelve  35
Anderson, Belle B.  1888 - 1973  Three  14
Anderson, Clara Belle  1887 - 1976  Twelve  35
Anderson, Kenneth L.  1st Lt 109 Inf 28 Div  1891 - 1934  Amer Leg  Twelve  35
Anderson, Myron  Co B  ILL  d May 17 1864  ae 21-5-1  Nine  10
Anderson, Robert Alder  1853 - 1940  Twelve  35
Anderson, Robert N.  1884 - 1963  Three  14
Anderson, Robert Paul  Capt Co E 55 Eng  1884 - 1929  Twelve  35
Andrews, Rovena Pearl  1894 -     Beloved wife of Raymond Andrews,   1902-1983  Eight  1
Arends, Everett A.  1923 -  Fifteen   12
Arends, Lois M.  1924 -  Fifteen  12
Armstrong, Ellen  May 26 1855 -   One  9
Armstrong, Emma B.  1865 - 1947  Eleven  3
Armstrong, Hugh  d Mar 23 1867  ch of H&J  ae 1 da  One  8
Armstrong, Hugh  Feb 20 1827 - Sep 12 1907  One  8
Armstrong, Jane  Sep 29 1825 - Nov 13 1899  One  8
Armstrong, Joseph  Mar 15 1850 - May 22 1923  One  9
Armstrong, Margaret  ch of H&J  d Aug 10 1859  age 1 day  One  8
Armstrong, Margaret  ch of H&J  d Aug 18 1861   1 da  One  8
Armstrong, Mary J.  d Mar 6 1870  ch of H&J  1-6-0  One  8
Armstrong, Samuel  1864 - 1952  Eleven  3
Armstrong, Thomas  ch of H&J  d Mar 17 1862  9-3-0  One  8
Armstrong, Tom H.  d Nov 17 1865  ch of H&J  ae 1 da  One  8
Arrowsmith, Ann  w/o Thomas  Dec 11 1808 - Jun 1 1886  Five  1
Arrowsmith, Thomas  Nov 28 1818 - Nov 13 1886  Five  1
Asay, Anthony  May 23 1820 - Dec 13 1883  Nine  10
Asay, Anthony  May 4 1866 - Nov 19 1867  Nine  10
Asay, Edward F.    Dec 29 1847 - Sep 26 1848  Nine  10
Asay, Lydia K.  w/o Anthony  Jan 1 1829  d May [March?] 1   1866  Nine  10
Ashley, Andrew J.  1861 - 1936  Twelve  13
Ashley, Katie B.  1872 - 1925  w/o Andrew J.  Twelve  13
Atkins, Charlotte H.  1915 - 1960  Fourteen  26
Atkins, Grace M.  1912 - 1986  Fourteen  26
Atkins, Samuel E.  1909 - 19     Fourteen  26
Atkinson, Nancy A.  Jul 29 1843 - Dec 11 1882  Five  8
Atteberry, Beulah  1907 - 19     Fifteen  10
Atteberry, Frank H.  1905 - 19       Fifteen  10
Austin, Charles J.  1853 - 1916  Father  Ten  13
Austin, Donald R.  s/o JR&MM   Sep 27 1909 - Mar 29 1917  Ten   15
Austin, Francelia A.  d/o JK & HL  d Jan 26 1872  ae 20-7-27  Nine  5
Austin, Helen L.   w/o JK  d Feb 4 1897  ae 63-2-15  Nine  5
Austin, J K  d Nov 6 1908  ae 82-4-11  Nine  5
Austin, James  s/o J&E  Dec 13 1903  Twelve  8
Austin, James T.  s/o GT & M  d Sep 4 1884  ae 1-3-2  Nine  5
Austin, Joseph R.  1885 - 1969  Ten  15
Austin, Mary E.  1851 - 1925  Mother  Ten  13
Austin, Mary M.  1883 - 1955  Ten  15
Auten, Daza Durham  1866 - 1932  Five  10
Auten, Gustavis W.  1854 - 1909  Five  10
Avery, Francis P.  Sep 5 1863 - Mar 1 186(4)? dau (or son?) of   SP&SM  Nine  15
Avery, Infant  b&d ? 10 1866  Nine  15
Avery, Simeon P.   no dates  Nine  15
Avery, Simeon P.  Jan 1 1813 - Mar 1 1876  Nine  16
Avey [Avery?], Lewis  1799 - 1859  Six  10
Ayres, George W.  d May 14 1889  ae 44-3-7  Cpl Co C, 1st US   Artillery (1845-1889)  GAR  One  17
Ayres, Laura H.  1855 - 1932  One  18
Babcock, Charles H.  s/o Horace & Sarah M.  d May 5 1857  ae 10-7-0  Six  5
Babcock, Harriet Coates w/o Wm Avery  b N Stonington Conn Feb 23 1829  d Onarga Nov 30 1892 Five 17
Babcock, Horace  Sep 13 1821 - Jul 9 1886  Six  5
Babcock, Kendrick E.  s/o EG&J  d Nov 26 1857  ae 1-10-7  Six  4
Babcock, Sarah Deshun  Jun 1 1820 - Jul 4 1905  Six  5
Babcock, Wm. Avery  b N Stonington Conn Sep 4 1817  d in Onarga   Apr 7 1875  Surgeon in Chief 19th 
         Army Corp USA War of Rebellion  Five  17
Bailey, Charles F.  1923 - 1975   Father  Married May 4 1931  Fifteen  4
Bailey, Edith I.  1917 -     Mother  Fifteen  4
Bailey, Francis Eugene  1949 - 1967  One  15
Bailey, George Ide, Rev.  Nov 3 1826 - Jan 14 1905  Twelve  2
Bailey, George W.  Mar 17 1862 - Aug 30 1890  Five  8
Bailey, Irene Faye  1941 - 1942   Daughter  One  15
Bailey, Leslie Lee  inf s of M/M P L Bailey  1965  Two  1
Bailey, Paul L.  Jul 24 1933 - Jan 24 1970  Fifteen  2
Bailey, Rebecca J.  w/o GW  Feb 25 1837 - Dec 2 1919  Five  8
Baker, Abbie C.  1840 - 1928  Ten  12
Baker, Clarence A.  1890 - 1960  Thirteen  24
Baker, E Alice  Dec 10 1902-     One  3
Baker, Edith M.  1892 - 1980  Thirteen  24
Baker, Francis Irene  d/o Wm H & N E, Jun 2 1894-Jul 18 1906  One  2
Baker, George  1889-1951  One  3
Baker, Harrison P.  1837 - 1916  Ten  10
Baker, N Estella  w/o Wm H, Jun 3 1864-Jan 27 '35  One  2
Baker, Nellie M.  1899-     One  3
Baker, William H.   Jan 29 1860-Nov 8 1941  One  2
Baldin, Mary M.  1866 - 1944  Eleven  4
Balding, Dennis  Nov 1-26 1942  Three  14
Balding, Lawrence W.  1907 - 1985  Eleven  4
Baldwin  Feb 14 1860 - Sep 20 1891   Six  5
Baldwin, Eliza J.   1833 - 1913  Five  13
Baldwin, Gordon   d Mar 7 1864  ae 67 years  Five  14
Baldwin, Harriet S.   w/o Gordon  d May 6 1874  ae 74-9-0  Five  14
Baldwin, James B.  1830 - 1913  Five  13
Baldwin, Julius  d Oct 8 1861  ae 30 years  Five  14
Baldwin, Mary S.  1858 - 1889  Five  13
Balknap, Florence  no date  Five  2
Balster, Anka  w/o Ben  Dec 31 1815 - Dec 17 1911  Ten  10
Barbar, Arabella S.  Nov 9 1843 - Mar 5 1924  Seven  4
Barber, Carolyn A.  1916 - 1972  Fifteen  22
Barber, Charley K.  1867 - 1935  Seven  9
Barber, E. Ferne  1922 -    Fifteen  24
Barber, Edwin J.  Sep 30 1881 - Mar 26 1966  Seven  6
Barber, Edwin J., Lt.  17 NY LA  Seven  4
Barber, Helen G.  Feb 16 1888 - Dec 9 1961  Seven  4
Barber, Jennie  1866 - 1955  Seven  9
Barber, Kenneth G.  1911 - 1979  Fifteen  22
Barber, Lenmore W.  Jun 5 1913 - Mar 28 1971  Illinois Tec 4 Inf Tng   Bn WW II  Fifteen  25
Barber, Lennore W.  1913 - 1971  Fifteen  24
Barber, Ralph W.  1921 -        Fifteen  22
Barber, Rebecca O.  1926 -        Fifteen   22
Barber, Sarah M.  w/o E J  d May 14 1876  ae 42-4-14  Seven  4
Barchelor, Cecilia  d/o Geo & Christina  Jan 20 1862 - Dec 4 1870  Seven  4
Barnabee, Elisha  Cpl. Co B 86 ILL Inf  Ten  7
Barnard, Ethel Mae  1894 - 1922  Ten   16
Barnard, George W.  Jul 15 1854  FFB  Three  8
Barnard, Harriet   w/o George W  Feb 20 1859 - Mar 3 1942  Three  8
Barnard, Johnnie  ae 1-6-0  Five  1
Barnard, Margaret  w/o WS  Aug 22 1843 - Nov 16 1895  Five  2
Barnard, May  w/o WH  Nov 18 1875 - Nov 11 1903  Five  2
Barnard, William S.  Co G Inf NY  enlisted Apr 23 1861  discharged   Sep 5 1865   Feb 26 1842 - 
         Jan 15 1905  Five  2
Barnes, Charles H.  Co C 57 Regt ILL Vol Inf  1836 - 1862  Six  10
Barnes, Ella  1851 - 1931  Seven   1
Barnes, Horace  1822 - 1918  Seven   1
Barnes, Lorette  1832 - 1907  Seven  1
Barnes, Louisa  1824 - 1851  Seven   1
Barnes, William S.  1848 - 1938  Seven  1
Barnum, Charles E.  1848 - 1910  Six  16
Barnum, Emery  s/o CE&FJ  1880 - 1905  Six  16
Barnum, Fannie J.  1853 - 1934  Six  16
Barnum, Mahala   b at Richmond Ind  May 22 1822  d Nov 26 1893    ae 71-6-4  Six  15
Barnum, William R.  b at Cortland NY  Jul 1814  d Mar 31 1873  ae   58-8-26  Six  15
Barritt, Fern McQueen  1889 - 1984  Twelve  11
Barritt, Florence E.  Dec 21 1896 - Feb 25 1901 ch of WW & Louesa   Barritt  Two  15
Barritt, Gracie M.  Sep 7 1871 - Nov 9 1871 ch of WW & Louesa  Barritt  Two  15
Barritt, Harvey J.  Apr 20 1881 - Sep 19 1883 ch of WW & Louesa   Barritt  Two  15
Barritt, James W.  Sep 27 1890 -     One  7
Barritt, John H.  Jun 21 1852 - Jan 17 1928  One  7
Barritt, Lena E.  w of JW,  Jun 19 1890 - Dec 9 1939  One  7
Barritt, Marion R.  Jan 2 1891 - Jan 3 1891  ch of WW & Louesa   Barritt  Two  15
Barritt, Matilda  Mar 11 1807 - Jan 4 1880  Seven  7
Barritt, Virginia A.  w of JH,  Aug 7 1851 - Sep 5 1923  One  7
Barritt, Walter E.  Jan 17 1873 - Oct 29 1874 ch of WW & Louesa   Barritt  Two  15
Barritt, Zimri   d Jul 17 1895  ae 34-6-5  Ten  5
Barrows, Isadora  w/o O T  d May 16 1876  ae 32-10-28  Seven  4
Barrows, Jessie M.    d Sep 1 1881  ae 14 days  ch/o OT & CA   Barrows  Seven  4
Barrows, Mabel  d Aug 12 1881 ae 0-4-25 ch/o OT & CA Barrows  Seven  4
Bartle  Our Baby  Nov 12 1898  ch of JB & AD  Two  6
Bartle, Anna D.  1866 - 1947  Two  6
Bartle, Rev. Josiah B.  1862 - 1923  Two  6
Barton, Eva L.  1901 - 1955  Mother  Eleven  10
Barton, Harold E.  1922 - 1986  Eleven  12
Barton, Jack W.  1890 - 1932  Father  Eleven  10
Barton, Margaret B.  Oct 11 1867 - Feb 6 1959  Mother  Four  4 
Batchelor, Christina  1830 - 1923  His Wife  [George]  Seven  5
Batchelor, Davina  1859 - 1933  Seven  5
Batchelor, George  d Aug 29 1897  ae 73-3-27  Seven  5
Baxter, Horace R.  1888 - 1929  Three  10
Baylor, Harvey Pratt  1872 - 1950  Eleven  10
Baylor, Laura Grace  1881 - 1961  Eleven  10
Beach, E. E.  Husb. of Mary E.  May 16 1866 - Nov 21 1939  Seven  14
Beach, Frances B.  Nov 25 1829 - May 24 1905  Nine  14
Beach, Freedus Poe  Oct 15 1827 - Jul 1 1912  Seven  13
Beach, Nancy Lewis  Nov 8 1828 - Mar 9 1903  Seven  13
Beach, Samuel Eldred  Apr 5 1816 - Nov 8 1892  b near Worthington, Ohio  Nine  14
Becker, John C.  1888 - 1967  Fourteen  21
Becker, John Donald  1920 - 1952  Fourteen  21
Becker, Myrtle L.  1894 - 1982  Fourteen  21
Beckwith, Mary A.    d Aug 30 1868  ae 1-8-0  Six  1
Beddeo, Francis   Aug 31 1860 - Dec 20 1915  Twelve  42
Beddeo, Julia  Apr 28 1861 - Jan 22 1915  Twelve  42
Bedee, Frank  1881 - 1949  Three  9
Bedee, Nellie P.  1888 - 1953  Span-Amer War Vet  Three  9
Beesley, Charles E.  1863 - 1943  Thirteen  22
Beesley, Eliza  Feb 18 1837 - Jun 1 1995  Mother  Four  1
Beesley, Pearl  1882 - 1975  Thirteen  22
Beesley, Samuel  Jun 4 1822 - Feb 23 1903  Father  Four  1
Behling, Beverly   1932 - 1956  Fourteen  23
Belding, Dorothy C.  1906 - 1978  Three  13
Belding, Nimrod C.  1902 - 1972  Three  13
Belknap, Emily  no date  Five  2
Bender, Charles F.  ILL Sgt Sup Co 33 Inf WW I  Jun 9 1896 - May   1 1967  Fourteen  18
Bender, Edward C.  h/o Josie  Mar 9 1856 - Mar 6 1933  Ten  10
Bender, George Francis  ILL Pvt 1 Cl Ho & Mil Police Co  3 Div  May 11   1940  Ten  10
Bender, Harrison E.  ILL Pvt US Army Nov 25 1888 - Jan 3 1919  Ten  12
Bender, Harry  s/o EC & Josie  Nov 23 1886 - Jan 3 1919  Ten  11
Bender, Josie  w/o EC  Jun 10 1864 - Feb 12 1902  Ten  10
Bender, Margaret Grady  Aug 15 1888 - May 1 1954  Ten  12
Bender, Riley Alvin  Jul 8 1890 - Mar 6 1973  Ten   12
Bennett, Burnes V.  1914 - 1954  Eleven  15
Bennett, Hannah Green  The s/v widow of Lewis J. Bobnat  b at   Kingsbury NY  Feb 23 1812  d at 
         Washington   DC Jul 19 1900  Nine  13
Bennett, Lewis J.  d Jun 26 1877  ae 70-5-10  Nine  13
Bennett, Newman I.  1902 - 1954  Eleven  15
Bennett, Sarah  w/o Warren C.  d Jul 10 1877  ae 39-0-28  Nine  13
Bennett, Sarah M.  1848- 1932  Two  8
Benson, Elizabeth S.  Mar 2 1825 - Aug 11 1901  Nine   8
Benson, Thomas   Oct 24 1824 - May 1 1899  Nine  8
Berkema, Catherine  Jul 30 1861 - Jan 15 1944  Wife  Ten  17
Berkema, Henry Frederick  Jun 13 1852 - May 28 1920  Ten  17
Berkema, Ira John  Feb 13 1884 - Aug 5 1955  Ten  17
Berkema, John Alberda  1852 - 1935  Ten  18
Berkema, Louis Henry  Oct 18 1887 - Feb 2 1888  Ten  17
Bernal, Rangel  1974 - 1974  Fifteen  12
Bernard, Sarah C.   1874 - 1952  Ten  16
Bernard, William F.  1869 - 1952  Ten  16
Berry, Jacob  s of Henry & Mary  d Sep 3 1863  ae 20-11-27    GAR  Two  5
Besier, Ida Jane  Jul 12 1868 - Aug 30 1933   Wife  Twelve  12
Besier, John Harmon  Dec 8 1860 - Dec 25 1926  Twelve  12
Betzer, Emma  1865 - 1940  Three  10  
Betzer, Gladys  1901 - 1971  Three  10
Betzer, Irvin S.  May 10 1838 - Feb 17 1909  One  14
Betzer, Isabella  w/o Irvin  Jan 13 1830 - Oct 22 1909  One  14
Betzer, Jepthia I.  Apr 14 1866 - Feb 21 1931  One  13
Betzer, Lona Kilgore  1918 - 1959  Fourteen  19
Betzer, Mary E.  1881 - 1970  Fourteen  19
Betzer, Mary J.  1876 - 1942  Three  6
Betzer, Mary  O.  d of IS & I  Jan 27 1861 - Feb 18 1908  One  13
Betzer, Sarah  1866 - 1935  Wife  Seven  12 
Betzer, William H.  Dec 16 1863 - May 30 1909  Seven  10
Betzer, William N.  1871 - 1966  Fourteen  19
Bevins, Nathan  1915 - 1967  Fifteen  1
Bewsey, Benton  Feb 7 1871 - Feb 24 1940  Ten  14
Bewsey, Ralph W.  Nov 7 1911 - May 22 1961  Thirteen  22
Bewsy, Theresa  Jan 4 1887 - Mar 13 1965  Ten  14
Beyea, Isaac  1822 - 1902  Five  11
Beyea, Phoebe  d/o Samuel & Della  d Apr 16 1904  ae 23 yrs  Five  12
Beyea, Rose L.  w/o Isaac  dau of Cornelius & Phoebe  1830 - 1904   Orra, James, Rennie, 
       Isabella - inf ch of  Isaac & Rose L. Beyea  Five  11
Bicknell, Susan M.  w of TR  d Apr 27 1900 ae 60-0-18  Two  9
Billings, Mrs. Martha   Babcock  Aug 26 1799 - Oct 18 1872  Six  4
Binford, Emily D.  w/o George W.  Sep 17 1825 - Nov 7 1887  Nine  7
Binford, George W.  Apr 2 1825 - Mar 2 1903  Nine  7
Birch, Gladys Risley  1921 - 1974  w/o John, mother of David, Leslie Ann, Wm. B.  Fourteen  21
Birch, John Bernard, Dr.  Sep 29 1912 - Aug 20 1985  Campbell Funeral Home, Abingdon, VA Fourteen 21
Birch, John David  s/o John B & Gladys R.  1943 -49  Fourteen  21
Blake, George P.  Jan 12 1865  ae 0-1-1  s/o JW&LM  Five  4
Blake, Sarah  w/o Peter E  Sep 20 1864  ae 61-9-7  Five  5
Blakely, Francis M.  1881-1969  One  3
Blakely, Infant  1874  One  3
Blakely, Mary J.  1841-1891  One  1
Blakely, Thomas  1841-1918, GAR  One  1
Bland, Josephine  1903 - 1971  Eleven  3
Blotcky, Byron Ralph  Sep 24 1896 - Aug 26 1959  b. at Des Moines,   Iowa   d. at home n. Onarga   
         American Legion Thirteen 19
Blotcky, Osa Lindsey  Nov 26 1893 - Apr 6 1978  b. at home n. Delrey   d. in Watseka Thirteen 19
Boatman, George Edward 1949 - 1977  Fifteen  4
Boben, William F.  1929 - 1984  Fifteen  15
Bochard, Arthur Franklin  Jan 23 1913 - Oct 10 1915  ae 2-8-13  Four  3
Boggs, Henry Sr.  1826 - 1919  Seven  14
Boggs, Mary  1838 - 1911  Seven  14
Bohannon, Lewis W.  1961 - 1972  Son  Fifteen  7
Bohlman, Chas. H.  Feb 8 - Dec 23 1943  Ten  16
Bohlman, Elizabeth  Apr 10 1903 -            Md. Dec 12 1923  Thirteen  26
Bohlman, Herman  Nov 23 1903 - Nov 22 1981  Md. Dec 12 1923  Thirteen  26
Boner, Lucy M.  w/o Hank  d Feb 16 1886  22-0-2  Ten  1
Booth, Charles H.  d Jul 4 1880  ae 27-1-4  Six  5
Booth, Charles H.  1904 -    Fourteen  11
Booth, Chauncey LaMott  1892 -        Twelve  14
Booth, Chauncy Brown     Oct 17 1866 - May 15 1900   Six  5
Booth, Elizabeth Paine  1873 - 1959  Fourteen   11
Booth, George  1871 - 1952  Fourteen  11
Booth, Henry  d May 1 1884  ae 64-9-25  Six  5
Booth, Jeanne Wheeler  1893 - 1960  Twelve  14
Booth, Jennie F.  d Mar 27 1875  ae 1-5-22  Six  5
Booth, Lamott R.  d Feb 27 1894  ae 25-4-21  Six  5
Booth, Sophonia A.  d Jan 17 1921  ae 87-7-29  Six  5
Booth, Virginia E.  1913 -     Fourteen  11
Booth, Wallace E.   d Oct 18 1888  ae 28-0-3  Six  5
Boring, Robert N.   1901 - 1948  Fourteen  18
Bork, Earl D.  Mar 18 1942 - Jan 1 1972  Husb, Father  Fifteen  6
Bork, Myrna M.  Jun 3 1938 - Jan 14 1972  Fifteen  6
Bork, Patrick E.  Aug 11 1973  Fifteen  8
Bostick, Elizabeth Beels  w/o Wm.  d Jun 24 1886  ae 86-1-23  Seven  2
Bostick, Leroy S.  Co H 8 Regt  ILL Inf  d. in battle at Fort Donaldson, Tenn  Feb 15 1862  
         ae 22-1-12 Seven  2
Bostick, William  d Dec 3 1878  ae 77-7-10  Seven  2
Bostwick, Catherine T.  w/o JS  1827 - 1875  Six  4
Bostwick, Ernest S.  1856 - 1944  Six  5
Bostwick, Hezekiah  s/o JS & CT  d Mar 11 1863  ae 13-3-2  Six  4
Bostwick, James S.  1825 - 1906  Six  4
Bostwick, Lulu  1871 - 1945  Six  5
Bostwick, Minnie M.  d/o JS & CT  d Aug 12 1866  ae 8-4-11  Six  4
Boswell, Charlie P.  Mar 23 1858 - Mar 25 1858  Two  9
Boswell, Eliz. P.  Dec 24 1835 - Feb 9 1900  Two  9
Boswell, Eva O.  Sep 15 1853  Two  9
Boswell, George F.  Apr 28 1868  Two  9
Boswell, Pence A.  Sep 22 1862 - May 29 '72  Two  9
Boswell, Perry C.  Apr 7 1859 - Jan 25 1864   Two  9
Boswell, Tennie  Nov 26 1864 - Aug 25 1865  Two  9
Boswell, Williw M.  Mar 14 1856  Two  9
Boswell, Wm. A.  Jul 29 1830 - Jul 2 1902  Two  9
Bottoreff, Edward N.  1859 - 1937  Three  1
Bottoreff, Olive  1869 - 1939  Three  1
Bottorff, Arthur M.  Feb 6 1908 - Jun 30 1982  Fifteen  12
Bottorff, Dorothy L.  Jan 20 1912 -  Fifteen   12
Bottorff, Harry  1911 -  Fifteen  10
Bottorff, Helen G.  1911 - 1977  Fifteen  10
Bottorff, Ralpho  s/o EN & O  Apr 5 1905 - Oct 20 1906  Three  2
Bottorff, Ray N.  Jul 1 1902 - May 10 1922  Three  4
Bottorff, Spencer  1896 - 1918  Three  2
Bowden, Eleanor  d Nov 1896  ae 84-0-5  Nine  5
Bowden, George  d Jun 20 1870  ae 53  Nine  5
Boyd, Dr. Lemuel  d Jan 20 1874  ae 78 years  Two  14
Boyd, Oliver  1878 - 1963  Uncle  Seven  15
Bradner, Andrew  Feb 26 1882 [1883?]  ae 68-0-8  Six  6
Bradner, Charles E.  only s/o Andrew & Mary  d Apr 10 1860  in 21st   yr of his age  Six  6
Bradner, Mary Ann  w/o Andrew  d Sep 20 1882  ae 68-0-8  Six  6
Bradshaw, John C.  Nov 11 1892 -   Fourteen  2
Bradshaw, Kempton J.  1908 - 1976  Fourteen  2
Bradshaw, Lucy  Apr 1 1897 - Dec 12 1959  Fourteen  2
Bradshaw, Nancy T.  1903 -    Fourteen  2
Braithwaite  1921 -    Fifteen  16
Braithwaite, Harold A.  1893 - 1985  Fifteen  16
Brantley, Duane E.  Sep 1 1927  Fifteen  2
Brantley, Lillie M.  Jan 31 1898 -     Married Feb 6 1916  Fifteen  2
Brantley, Margaret N.  Mar 20 1931 - May 28 1984  Fifteen  2
Brantley, Richard D.  SR US Navy Korea  Oct 9 1930 - Jul 24 1982  Fifteen  2
Brantley, Samuel R.  Aug 26 1889 - Mar 28 1964  Fifteen  2
Brelsford, Cassius M.  Oct 25 1845 - Dec 18 1873  Seven  1
Brelsford, Dora A.  w/o James R.  Mar 17 1862 - Nov 10 1914  Ten  10
Brelsford, Horace M.  Co M 9 ILL Cav  Seven  2
Brelsford, James R.  Oct 30 1853 - Dec 18 1920  Ten  10
Brenner  Baby son of WL&HL  d Nov 21 1893  4-4-20  Nine  17
Brenner, David M.  d May 8 1891  ae 72-3-28  Nine  15
Brenner, Jennie  Apr 5 1853-    w/o Scott  Nine  15
Brenner, Rollin R.  Oct 18 1905 - Mar 8 1946  ILL Tec 4-253 Inf 63   Inf Div WW II  Seven  7
Brenner, Scott  Sep 28 1848 - Jul 6 1913  Nine  15
Bresee, Christopher  Dec 13 1818 - Jan 12 1892  One  16
Bresee, Holland F.  Nov 24 1844 - May 6 1908  One  18
Bresee, Mary F.  Jul 18 1819 - Aug 11 1891  One  16
Brewer  1885 - 1921  Nine  3
Brewer, Andrew J.  Apr 5 1899 - Jun 13 1978  Three  9
Brewer, Carl B.  1875 - 1912  Nine  3
Brewer, Cyrus B.  1848 - 1919  Nine  1
Brewer, Elizabeth Drake  d Sep 1 1864  ae 40-7-2  Nine  13
Brewer, Elsie M.  Mar 11 1903 -   Three  9
Brewer, Jessie  s/o CB & LA  d Jun 21 1872  ae 0-1-28  Nine  1
Brewer, John  d Jan 25 1897  ae 74-9-21  Nine  13
Brewer, Lina A.  1853 - 1927  Nine  1
Brewer, Maria Bostick  w/o John  d Jun 24 1922  ae 86-5-2  Seven  2
Brewer, Richard A.  1897 - 1974  Thirteen  1
Brewer,, Frances H.  1904 - 1977  Thirteen  1
Breyt, Jennie  1863 - 1937  Six  2
Briggs, Elmer  s/o GL & ML  d Jan 4 1890  ae 0-1-18  Eight  1
Broadbent, baby   Nine  8
Brod, Herbert  1882 - 1942  Thirteen  13
Brod, Sara Blotcky  1887 - 1953  Thirteen  13
Brogden, Alfred  Feb 11 1811 - Sep 21 1870  Ten  4
Brogden, Jane Hall  w/o A  Nov 12 1810 - May 10 1890  Ten  4
Brooke, Belle  1862 - 1947  Five  15
Brown, Beverly L.  1916 - 1928  Twelve  34
Brown, Blanche S.  1888 - 19  Twelve  34
Brown, Charles  Jun 4 1807 - Aug 21 1859  Six  7
Brown, Charles F.  Mar 12 1867 - Jun 7 1937  Six  4
Brown, Clara Jane  d Oct 25 1930  ae 81-3-26  Ten  2
Brown, Daniel Colton  1840-1912  GAR  One  1
Brown, David J.  s of CR&J, d Nov 21 1871 ae 16 yr  One  1
Brown, Drusilla M.  Feb 18 1813 - Aug 17 1876   Wife  Six  7
Brown, Edward D.  s/o Elias & Catharine  Jul 27 1836 - Nov ? 1875  Nine  10
Brown, Edwin  Dec 30 1847 - Sep 12 1908   188 NY Vol. Inf.  Six  7
Brown, Elias  d Apr 27 1884  ae 70-8-12  Nine  10
Brown, Florence A.  1855 - 1945  Five  1
Brown, Frank Elfis  1877-1913  One  1
Brown, Gilbert L.  1854 - 1933  Five  1
Brown, Grace Wilcox  1874 - 1893  Five  11
Brown, Harriet M.  d/o E&C  d May 12 1864  ae ?  Nine  10
Brown, Harry L.  DVM  1881 - 1957  Twelve  34
Brown, Henry W.  Mar 5 1843 - Aug 28 1859  Six  7
Brown, J. Robert  Sep 22 1916 -  h/o Judith  Married Sep 3 1938  Fifteen  12
Brown, James Bailey  Nov 4 1927 - Feb 10 1970  ILL AS USNR WW   II  Fifteen  4
Brown, Jane  d Jan 31, 1897  Two  3
Brown, John A.  s of DC&L, Apr 5 1885 ae 17-5-23  One  2
Brown, John Eckie  1867-1885  One  1
Brown, Judith M A  Jul 29 1918 -   w/o JR  Married Sep 3 1938  Fifteen  12
Brown, Lee C.  Dec 15 1830 - Sep 26 1904  Six  4
Brown, Lee C.  Dec 15 1830 - Sep 26 1904  Six  5
Brown, Lydia Helm  1842-1942  One  1
Brown, Marie S.  Jun 18 1870 - Mar 30 1929  Six  4
Brown, Martha B.  Feb 1 1848 - May 12 1940  Six  4
Brown, Martha B.  w/o Lee C.  Feb 1 1848 -   Six  5
Brown, Maude  1890 - 1985  Mother  Eleven  3
Brown, Mrs. Jane  d. Sep 21 1885  ae 62-6-19  One  1
Brown, Ross  1886 - 1952  Father  Eleven  3
Brown, Samuel  d Feb 11 1873  ae 52-9-13  Co D 113 ILL Vol Inf  Ten  2
Brownell, Maria J.  w/o A  d Aug 28 1913  ae 73-1-21  Six  1
Brumley, Clarence W.  1919 - 1980  Fourteen  26
Brumley, Clarence W.  Tec 5 US Army WW II  1919 - 1980  Fourteen  27
Brumley, Frank  1885 - 1962  Fourteen  25
Brumley, G. Joyce  1923 - 1968  Fourteen  26
Brumley, Geraldine  1888 - 1963  Fourteen  25
Brumley, Laura B.  1857 - 1937  Four  3
Brumley, Stephen W.  1850 - 1923  Four  3
Brumond, Kathryn W.  1884 - 1966   Sister  Fourteen  19
Bryan, Jennetta  1856 - 1917  Seven  14
Bryan, Josephine  1854 - 1924  Seven  14
Bryant, James  (Buck Hoy)  1942 - 1965  Four  3
Brydel, John M.  d May 4 1863  ae [in concrete]  Nine  10
Bryden, John  1863 -  Nine  9
Bryden, Minnie  1891 -   Nine  9
Buell Genealogy   See beginning of this Chapter   Six  1
Bullington, Sarah   w/o James  Dec 22 1808 - Jun 13 1875  Five  5
Bunker, Alice O.  1893 - 1983  Eleven  12
Burell, Ulesses G.  1866 - 1932  Eleven  4
Burgard, Myra E.  Mar 24 1890 - Dec 26 1964  Fourteen  7
Burgett, Effie Ogden  1887 - 1942  Twelve  9
Burgett, Warren E.  M.D.  1858 -  Twelve  9 
Burgos, Iris F.  1896 - 1973  Eleven  12
Burgos, John  1884 - 1965  Eleven  12
Burke, Mabel A.  Nov 23 1894 - Nov 14 1982  Fourteen  18
Burke, William J.  IL Pvt Str Army Tng Corps WW I May 7 1896 -   Sep 29 1964  Fourteen  18
Burkhalter, Calvin  1847 - 1919  One  10
Burkhalter, Gladys L.  1909 - 1977  One  12
Burkhalter, Hannah  1849 - 1926  One  10
Burkhalter, Harriet  Jul 14 1844 - Dec 29 1891  Seven  10
Burkhalter, Harrison E.  1889 - 1966  One  12
Burkhalter, John  Dec 3 1848 - Oct 2 1932  One  10
Burkhalter, Joseph  Feb 8 1816 - Apr 23 1884  Seven  10
Burkhalter, Lucy  1883 - 1957  One  12
Burkhalter, Melissa J.  w of J  Dec 23 1857 - Jun 30 1901  One  10
Burkhalter, Tressey R.  w/o Joseph  Dec 5 1814 - Aug 6 1891  Seven  10
Burley, Carrie  Dec 20 1864 - Feb 16 1891  w/o W S Burley  Six  2
Burlingame, Alice Starry  1848 - 1921  Five  9
Burnam, Clara  Jan 1 1811 - Mar 25 1907 Eight  1  [surname should be Burnham]
Burnam, Ida M.  Mar 9 1877 - Nov 17 1898  Seven  10  [surname should be Burnham] 
Burnam, Nicholas  Jul 24 1810 - Apr 10 1904  Eight  1  [surname should be Burnham] 
Burnam, Phoebe  Feb 11 1869 -   Eight  1  [surname should be Burnham] 
Burnam, Theodore  Oct 16 1864 -    Seven  10   [surname should be Burnham] 
Burnett, Alva R.  1887 - 1969  Three  12
Burnett, Minnie Jr.  1896 -   Three  12
Burnett, Shirley Marie  1936 - 1937  Three  12
Burnside, Emily  1838 - 1925   w/o JL  Eleven  1
Burnside, J. L.  1831 - 1913  Eleven  1
Burrell, Luiza  Jul 5 1857 - Oct 1 1927  Eleven  4
Burson, Andrew J.  1839 - 1914  Five  4
Burson, Capitola  1859 - 1870  Five  6
Burson, Elsie M.  1898 - 1980  Eleven  4
Burson, George H.  1888 - 1948  One  10
Burson, Jane  1854 - 1918  Five  4
Burson, Mrytle  1887 - 1974  One  10
Burson, Schuyler D.  1898 - 1969  Eleven  4
Burson, Verna  1856 - 1871  Five  6
Burt, Oliver P.  d Jul 20 1873  ae 62-5-3  Five  10
Burton, Eula M.  1925  Eleven 6
Busker, Oltmann H.  1864 - 1919  Three  4
Butler, Addie J.  1893 - 1950  Three  4
Butler, Bertha M.  1885 - 1966  Mother  Eleven  4
Butler, Clarence W.  1887 - 1945  Three  4
Butler, Oscar J.  1874 - 1924  Eleven  4
Butler, Sarah    w of FA  d Oct 5 1871  21-11-10  One  14
Byrd, Annie E.  1872 -  One  5
Byrd, William  1853 - 1911  One  5
Cady, Guy P.  1903 - 1907  Ten  9
Cady, Nora M.  1866 - 1941  Ten  9
Cady, Simon P.  1860 - 1938  Ten  9
Calkins, Ebenezer  d Jan 5 1863  ae 15-5-15  Two  2
Callahan, Cecil P.  1893 - 1974  Fifteen  4
Callahan, Leroy S.  Jan 1 1920 - Feb 27 1971   IL  PFC  US Army   WW II  Eight  3
Callahan, Scott  1891 - 1975  Fifteen  4
Calvert, Rosa B Wells  w/o Geo  Sep 26 1879 - Jun 3 1904  d/o GW &   Harriet Wells  Three  8
Cambridge, C Myron  1912 -  Two  14
Cambridge, Charles M.  1882 - 1955  Two  14
Cambridge, Dorothy E.  1914 - 1972  Two  14
Cambridge, Ernst  1915 -  Two  15
Cambridge, Josephine M.  1887 - 1960  Two  14
Cambridge, M. Avanell  1914 - 1984  Two  15
Cameron, Manuel Jr.  1964 - 1965  Fifteen  4
Camio, Morris Edward  May 3 1920 - Aug 7 1930  Eleven  7
Campbell, John M.  1840 - 1929  GAR  Nine  4
Campbell, Marilla L.  1849 - 1921  Nine  4
Campbell, Merle Leon  ?? 17 1907 - Aug 3 1907  Nine  5
Campbell, S. E.  1838 - 1923  Nine  15
Cane, Elizabeth J.  1888 - 1985  Five  4
Cane, Emma  w of James, d Jun 17 1888, ae 37-9-10  One  4
Cane, Frederick Charles   b Crescent City, IL. Dec 23 1879, d Watseka  Sep 16 1942   s James & 
      E One 6
Cane, James  s of James & Sophia, b in Hastings, England, Jun   18 1849-Sep 5 1935  One  4
Cane, James W.  1877 - 1956  Five  6
Cane, Samuel Henry  br, b Crescent City, Il. s of James & Emma, Sep   19 1891-Apr 29 1945  One  4
Cane, Willis N.  1886 - 1959  Five  4
Capen, Charles S.  1869 - 1947  Father  Ten  3
Capen, Earnest J.  1904 - 1929  Son  Ten  3
Capen, Elizabeth J.  1878 - 1961  Mother  Ten  3
Capen, Mate E.  1870 - 1889  Nine  2
Carlile, William  d Feb 3 1865  ae 27  Nine  10
Carmany, G. Francis  1883 - 1964  Fourteen  22
Carmany, Gertrude L.  1885 - 1963  Fourteen  22
Carney, Arthur  d Sep 26 1892  ae 70-1-10  Nine  16
Carney, Edward  1851 - 1929  Eleven  4
Carney, Emma V.  w/o Arthur  1847-19  Nine  16
Carring, Mac  1901 - 1986  Two  3
Carrington, Anna Payton  w of JM  Dec 25 1874 - Apr 27 1901  Two  4
Carrington, Delores  May 22 1897 - Apr 8 1898  0-10-18  Two  4
Carrington, Donna Maude   McClain,  w of JM  1881 - 1953  Two  4
Carrington, Helen  1907 - 1977  Two  3
Carrington, J. M.  Mar 24 1873 - Mar 18 1956  Two  4
Carrington, Margaret Anna  Dec 25 1874 - Apr 27 1901  Mother  Two  3
Carrington, Mary E.  1875 - 1955  Fourteen  14
Carrington, Stella E.  1884 - 1948  Fourteen  14
Carrington, William E.  1877 - 1944  Fourteen  14
Carter, Alice K.  1886 - 1978  Three  10
Carter, Elizabeth Hicks  1879 - 1973  Thirteen  14
Carter, Ralph R.  1880 - 1939  LDS TRG USN Spanish American   War Marker  Thirteen  14
Carter, Robert F.  1869 - 1946  Three  10
Case   child of HC&S  Six  16
Case, Grace L. Stanley  1869 - 1896  Six  14
Case, Henry C.  1829 - 1918  GAR  Six  14
Case, May  d/o HC&S  d Nov 17 1868  ae 0-1-27  Six  16
Case, Sarah P.  1835 - 1922  Six  14
Causey, Charles E.  1845 - 1919  Two  15
Causey, Eliza Jane  1849 - 1895  Two  15
Charley   [no other info]  Five  8
Cheever, Alma A.  1915 - 1920  Three  4
Cheever, Gerhardena J.  1883 - 1967  Three  4
Cheever, James E.  1881 - 1942  Three  4
Christian, Jennie  Sep 2 1842 - Jun 2 1908  Twelve  38
Christian, Nelson  Dec 2 1847 -  Twelve  38
Clark, Alice E.  d/o Luther T & Mary E Jul 21 1851 - Dec 29   1888  Nine  2
Clark, Anna G.  1895 - 1984  Fourteen  14
Clark, Anzina  w/o WO  Jun 30 1854 - Aug 3 1922  Twelve  9
Clark, Carl C.  1895 - 1964  Fourteen  14
Clark, Charles A.  Son  d Aug 21 1865  ae 3 mo.  Six  4
Clark, Charlotte  1989 - 1974  Six   5
Clark, Electa J.  w/o H. H.  1841 - 1888  Six  15
Clark, Elizabeth  w/o Samuel  d Dec 2 1880  ae 79 years  Nine  1
Clark, Emma Stoutemyer  1872 - 1939  Mother  Ten  9
Clark, Etta  Dau  Six  4
Clark, Etta M.  1881 - 1959  One  15
Clark, Frances Torrey  1819 - 1904  Ten  4
Clark, Frank L.  s/o WO&Anna Sep 21 1878 - Apr 14 1880  Ten  5
Clark, George  1857 - 1929  Six  5
Clark, George H.  1861 - 1948  Five  18
Clark, H. H.  1840 - 1923  Six  15
Clark, Harriet  1864 - 1954  Five  18
Clark, Hattie A.  d/o B&M  Oct 13 1869 - Mar 10 1890  Ten  5
Clark, Henry W.  Son  d Mar 31 1855  ae 2-11-2  Six  4
Clark, Howard M.  1887 - 1952  Twelve  37
Clark, Jessie M.  1887 - 19  Twelve  37
Clark, John B.  1806 - 1885  Six  15
Clark, Katherine  1858 - 1932  Six  5
Clark, Lyman Budd  1877 - 1950  One  15
Clark, Maria  w/o Robert  Oct 12 1830 - Nov 9 1889  Ten  5
Clark, Mary E. Stone  1844 - 1912  Nine  2
Clark, Robert  Jun 15 1827 - Feb 13 1899  Ten  5
Clark, Sophia A.  w/o John B.  1808 - 1866  Six  15
Clark, Susan L.  d/o Henry & Martha  d Dec 2 1861  Five  17
Clark, William W.  Mar 12 1857 - Dec 18 1925  Twelve  9
Clarke, Charlotte B.  w/o Oliver L.  d Jun 20 1894  ae 70 years  Six  4
Clarke, Henry W.  Jan 8 1809 - Dec 19 1891  Five  17
Clarke, Oliver L.  d Jul 20 1883  ae 67-8-0  Six  4
Clarke, Sarah T.  w/o HW  Sep 26 1816 - Apr 10 1893  Five  17
Claywell, Brian F.  Apr 3 1959 - Mar 11 1979  Fifteen  9
Click, John T.  1886 - 1963  Fourteen  2
Click, Maude V  1889 - 1970  Fourteen  2
Clifton, Clarence E.  1894 - 1959  Ten  16
Clifton, Geo. B  1888 - 1968  Ten  18
Clifton, Gertrude H.  1885 - 1970  Wife  Ten  18
Clifton, Hazel E.  1916 - 1922  Ten  16
Clutter, Miles F.  1861 - 1915  Five  3
Cobson, Firman M.  d 1872  [behind another stone]  Nine  5
Coe, A. Maude  Sep 9 1879 - Oct 26 1914  Three  1
Coe, Nettie  Oct 27 1840 - May 2 1906  Three  1
Coffman, Ansel Victor  1875 - 1941  Five  16
Coffman, baby  no date  Two  9
Coffman, Ezra Durham  1913 - 1972  Five  18
Coffman, Harriet Durham  1880 - 1930  Five  16
Coiley, Lorin P.  1889 - 1959  Fourteen  9
Coiley, Margaret T.  1892 - 1985  Fourteen  9
Coiley, Roy F.  Jul 4 1911 -  Fourteen  9
Coiley, Sara E.  Mar 8 1912 - Jan 20 1964  Fourteen  9
Colebank, Caroline   Elizabeth  1845 - 1902   w of JD  One  13
Colebank, Chloe  1876 - 1936  Eleven  13
Colebank, Grant  1868 - 1970  Eleven  10
Colebank, Hazel M.  1894 - 19  Two  4
Colebank, James  1871 - 1965  Eleven  13
Colebank, James D.  d Jan 22 1875  ae 47-9-10  One  13
Colebank, Jessie A.  1870 - 1931  Eleven  10
Colebank, Leo W.  1933 - 1975  T M 3 US Navy "Korea"  Fourteen  22
Coleman, Amanda  d Dec 18 1932  ae 85-5-4  Nine  8
Coleman, Frank P.  1909 -  Fifteen  1
Coleman, George  d Jul 2 1893  ae 50-11-29  Nine  8
Coleman, Harvey A.  1872 - 1952  Nine  8
Coleman, Josephine  1876 - 1953  Nine  8
Coleman, Ruth H.  1909 - 1982  Fifteen  1
Collier, James R.  1866 - 1924  Twelve  24
Collier, Lida R.  1868 - 1940  Twelve  26
Collier, Margaret J.  Mar 1 1842 - Mar 22 1916  Twelve  25
Collier, Susan M.  1865 - 1939  Twelve  24
Collier, Wm. Simeon  Apr 15 1837 - Sep 19 1905  Co H 12th Ind Vol   Inf  enl Aug 8 1862  disch 
         Jun 18 1865  Babcock Post Emblem  Twelve  25
Compton, Edwin M.  1888 - 1964  Twelve  19
Compton, Grace Martin  1884 - 1967  Two  7
Compton, Hiram S.  1851 - 1931  Twelve  19
Compton, Iva E.  1889 - 1934  Twelve  19
Compton, Lucy  1859 - 1932  Twelve  19
Conard, Harold  s of George & Lenora  b Apr 26 1897  d Aug 3   1897  Two  9
Coner, O.  Sep 1883 - Mar 7 1901  Six  13
Congdon, Lilia V.  d/o Ira Z & MR  d May 9 1863  ae 5-1-0  Nine  10
Congdon, Iva L.  d/o Ira Z & MR  d Aug 8 1861  ae 8-11-0  Nine  10
Conklin, Benjamin F.  Jun 10 1867  ae 33 years  GAR  Six  14
Conn, Bessie C.  1896 -      Wife  Thirteen  8
Conn, Caroline A.  1858 - 1916  Six  11
Conn, David Paul  s/o Ronald & Benita   Jan 13 1958  Thirteen  9
Conn, Ethel E.  1898 - 1943  Mother  Thirteen  8
Conn, Leon D.  1895 - 1983  Father  Thirteen  8
Conn, Leon Paul  1927 - 27  Son  Thirteen  8
Conn, Mary E.  1853 - 1904  Mother  Nine  16
Conn, William T.  1855 - 1929  Six  11
Connell, Dorothy Thrasher  1908 - 1932  Eleven  7
Cook, Alfred A.  Jul 3 1855 - Feb 8 1930  Six  15
Cook, Alfred A.  1853 - 1930  Husband [of Emily]  Six  16
Cook, Amos  Dec 22 1811 - Jan 3 1897  Six  15
Cook, Asa P., Lt.  8 ILL Vol Cav  Jan 11 1873   ae 32 years  Six  15
Cook, Bernice M.  1911 -  Fifteen  25
Cook, Cecile G.  Dec 29 1890 - Mar 27 1977  Three  13
Cook, Clara M.  1884 - 1957  Six  15
Cook, Clara M.  1884 - 1957  Daughter [of Alfred A. & Emily]  Six  16
Cook, Deborah  d/o A&S  Nov 30 1868   ae 24  Six  15
Cook, Emily  w/o Alfred  Dec 29 1862 - Dec 15 1946  Six  15
Cook, Emily  1862 - 1946  Wife [of Alfred A.]  Six  16
Cook, Ferris W.  Sep 6 1910 - Mar 13 1923  Three  13
Cook, Glenn C.  1909 - 1971  Fifteen  25
Cook, Roger A.  Mar 20 1886 - Oct 21 1948  Three  13
Cook, Sarah  w/o Amos  Feb 26 1914 - Mar 22 1899  Six  15
Cooper, James Lewis  1855 - 19?6  Eleven  7
Cooper, Susan Irvin  1862 - 1915  Eleven  7
Copple, John  1868 - 1926  Twelve  38
 Corbett, Glenn W. 1909 - 1979  Fourteen  9
Corbett, Larraine L.  1914 - 1982  Fourteen  9  
Corbett, Robert Gay  1879 - 1970  Sp Amer War  Fourteen  9
Corbett, Sarah Catherine  1875 - 1958  Fourteen  9
Cos, Stella E.  1876 - 1961  Three  12
Coulombe  Inf s/o C & J  1948  Eleven  12
Courtney, Elizabeth  Nov 22 1869 - Jan 3 1949  Two  14
Cox, Bertha M.  1878 - 1966  Fourteen  13 
Cox, Cyrus  1947 - 1927   [??]  Three  10
Cox, Earl W.  1895 - 1981  Twelve  22
Cox, Earl W.  May 18 1895 - Mar 6 1981  Staff Sgt US Army   WW 1  Twelve  23
Cox, Gertrude B.  Aug 21 1900 - Nov 27 1942  Fourteen  12
Cox, Gracie E.  Apr 3 1896  17-6-17  d/o C&M  Three  10
Cox, John  1870 - 1943  Fourteen  13  
Cox, L. Glenn  Jul 20 1901 - Sep 19 1974  Fourteen  12
Cox, Marie M.  1901 - 1982  Twelve  22
Cox, Mary  1857 - 1933  Three  10  
Cox, Mildred M.  1883 - 1968  Three  12
Coyner, Amanda  Oct 17 1833 - Jun 29 1893  Six  2
Coyner, Anna Amela  Oct 16 1849 - Aug 26 1860  Six  2
Coyner, Josephine  Jan 20 1857 - Mar 18 1867  Six  2
Coyner, William  Jan 17 1826 - Dec 14 1888  Six  2
Craig, Eda I.  1886 - 1967  Seven  13
Craig, Edith L. Yancy  1895 - 1963  Seven  13
Craig, Flora  1873 - 1918  Seven  13
Craig, Flora E.  1904 -  Seven  13
Craig, John C.  1872 - 1955  Seven  13
Crawford, Dr. A. N.  d Dec 5 1862  ae 30-8-0  Five  11
Crawford, Mary  d/o Thomas & Mary  d Aug 11 1871  ae 20-1-0  Ten  1
Creeman, Emily  1839 - 1918  Mother  Eleven  9
Crist, Carlene L.  Sep 25 1941 - Nov 4 1985  Fifteen  24
Crist, Donald O.  M 21 1939 -  Fifteen  24
Crooks, Louisa Meroa  1848 - 1917  Five  18
Crooks, Thomas Armor  1842 - 1920   Five  18
Crozier, Catherine A.  May 1 1831 - Jun 25 1892  One  11
Crozier, children of   Christopher and Catherine  Fanny J.  d Oct 20 1876  ae 19 yrs 
Johnson   d Jun 21 1871  ae 20 yrs
William  d Dec 6 1867  ae 3-10-0  One  11
Crumrine, Chauncey L.  1887 - 1964  Seven  12
Crumrine, Clifford  Sep 15 1894 - Oct 20 1946  ILL Cook 237 PW  Escort Co, ASC WW II  Two  3
Crumrine, Cora B.  1880 - 1925  Seven  12
Crumrine, Frances D.  1860 - 1941  Ten  15
Crumrine, Leonara  1866 - 1935  Ten  15
Cultra, Amy J.  Aug 15 1907 -  Thirteen  23
Cultra, Archie J.  1875 - 1974  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Caroline M.  1860 - 1936  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Charles V.  May 2 1871 ae 10-6-24  s/o J? & Caroline G.  Five  7
Cultra, Corine  d/o Harry & Mabel  Nov 24 1911  Ten  18
Cultra, Grace B.  1882 - 1965  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Harry Blaine  1940 - 1983  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Harry Blaine  1876 - 1940  s/o Robert B. & Olive Sayre Cultra    Veteran of Civil War; 
        b. Nov 11 1876  d. Jan 15 1940, Veteran Spanish American War, Cuba, Phillippines, Porto 
		Rico, USA  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Helen Black  Jan 15 1911 - Mar 11 1983  b. Cole County ILL d/o John Roy & Sylvia Reeder 
        Black; homemaker & teacher;  md. Aug 27 1935 at  Bloomington, Indiana; "HOME" The Tile 
		Mill Place, Onarga, loved by their children, Rebecca  Jane and Paul Quentin  Thirteen  19
Cultra, Homer Winston  1911 - 1982  s/o Archie James and Grace Brooke   Cultra,  b. Jun 13 1911  
        d Jan 25 1982 at home  Onarga; landscape architect & farmer  Thirteen  19
Cultra, J. Edward  1857 - 1942  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Lella K.  1890 - 1971  Thirteen  21
Cultra, Mabel B.  1888 - 1940  DAR  d/o Burton Niles & Cora   Bruner Slone  b Paxton Dec 10 1888  
        d St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago   NSDAR 254400  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Margaret Elizabeth   Fritsch  1913 - 1957  d/o Joseph & Mayme Conn Fritsch    b. Jan 29 
        1913 at Delrey, buried at Delrey; md. Stuart Blaine Cultra at Vincennes, Ind Mar 4 1933, 
		children born at Mercy Hospital, Urbana:  Constance Carol, Jun 3 1938, Harry Blaine, 
		Oct 5  1940.  Mother died at home Aug 20 1857 in Onarga, IL.   Thirteen  18
Cultra, Olive  1847 - 1923  Ten  18
Cultra, Robert B.  1835 - 1912  GAR  Ten  18
Cultra, Robert Ronald  Jun 16 1907 -  Thirteen  23
Cultra, Ruby G.  1870 - 1895  d/o Robert & Olive  Five  7
Cultra, Stuart B.  1914 - 1966  b. Jan 4 1914 at Onarga, IL. d at   home Oct 19 1966   
        Grandchildren:  James D., Jr. Aug 22 1958;  Margaret M. Aug 6 1959  Thirteen  18
Cultra, Vernon E.  1891 - 1975  Thirteen  21
Culver (?), Nettie   Six  1
Culver, Claricy   1826 - 1860  Six  1
Cummings, Ben  Feb 11 1881  ae ?-10-16  s/o RE&MA  Five  7
Cunningham, John W.  1838 - 1922  Seven  8
Cunningham, Kitty  1873 - 1948  Seven  9
Cunningham, Rachel E.  1840 - 1917  Wife [of John W.]  Seven  8
Cupp, Ernest S.  1892 - 1948  Three  7
Cupp, James T.  1914 - 1939  Three  7
Cupp, M. Irene  Oct 1 1910 -  Twelve  41
Cupp, Sophia O.  1893 - 1941  Three  7
Cupp, Warren W.  Mar 2 1951 - Mar 4 1951  Twelve  41
Cupp, Wayne M.  Jul 17 1905 - May 25 1983  Twelve  41
Curham, Georgiana   Babcock    Five  16
Curphey, Carrie E.  1862 - 1930  Two  14
Curphey, John T.  1861 - 1953  Two  14
Curphey, Nona F.  1893 - 1980  Thirteen  23
Curphey, R. Harold  1894 - 1960  Thirteen  23
Curphey, Ross E.  1889 - 1925  Two  16
Daily, William  Jun 8 1875 - Aug 9 1954  Two  2
Danforth, Amelia   1827 - 1903  Six  10
Danforth, Arthur L.  Apr 9 1882 - Apr 22 1958  Two  16
Danforth, D. S.  Jun 12 1853 - Nov 4 1925  Two  15
Danforth, Dana S.  Ens US Navy WW II  1923-1985  Fifteen  11
Danforth, Elisha L.  1829 - 1917  Six  10
Danforth, Hattie A.  1878 - 1964  Mother  Two 11
Danforth, Ida J.  Mar 20 1890 - Apr 3 1974  Two  16
Danforth, Jerry  Oct 24 1876 - Sep 3 1930  Two  12
Danforth, Julia A.  w/o DS  Jan 2 1859 - May 17 1902  Two  15
Danforth, Mahaleth H.  Mar 29 1847 - Aug 31 1931  Two  12
Danforth, Marie  Aug 27 1874 - Sep 23 1927  Two  12
Danforth, Minnie Cultra  Jun 24 1885 - Jul 2 1967  Two  16
Danforth, Ray R.  Oct 3 1890 - Dec 19 1950  Two  16
Danforth, Ruth G  1906 -  Two  12
Danforth, Willard D.  Apr 29 1847 - Apr 25 1901  Two  12
Danforth, Willard F.  1905 - 1979  Two  12
Dannehl, Gussie J.  1894 - 1977  Mother  Eleven  13
Dannehl, Russell C.  1920 - 1936  Son  Eleven  13
Dannehl, William H.  1890 - 1938  Father  Eleven  13
Dannehl, Wm. L.  IL 1st Sgt Co A 52 Engr C Bn WW II  Aug 13 1918 - Jul 5 1956  Fourteen 17
Darlinger, Edward J.  1915 - 1928  Ten  10  
Daugharthy, Bertha A.  1883 - 1946  Ten  9
Daugharthy, Chester S.  1880 - 1962  Ten  9
Daugharthy, Delta I.  1905 - 1970  Fourteen  15
Daugharthy, Dora M.  1886 - 1964  Fourteen  15
Daugharthy, Talbert S.  1874 - 1948  American Legion  Fourteen  15
Daugharty, Bradford H.  Sep 26 1836 - Oct 6 1918  Ten  7
Daugharty, Carrie A.  Nov 8 1847 - Sep 12 1918  Ten  7
Daugharty, Clifford D.  1904 - 1910  Ten  7
Davenport, Charvey  Nov 16 1888 - Nov 27 1888 s/o Rev & SJH  Three  10
Davenport, Chas. Benton  Feb 25 1882  s/o Rev & SJH Davenport  Three  10
Davenport, Susie J. Harvey  Sep 12 1863 - Jan 22 1894  w/o Rev CL   Davenport  Three  10
David, Alvira  1847 - 1923  Mother  Nine  2
David, Charles  1835 - 1925   Father  Nine  2
Davies, Henrietta Maria  w/o Thomas  Jun 18 1829 - Sep 10 1880  Ten  1
Davies, Sarah F. Namm  Sep 13 1817 - Jan 9 1886  w/o Thomas  Ten  1
Davies, Thomas  1821 - 1902  Ten  1
Davis, Alma V.  Apr 5 1893 - Sep 19 1974  Six  11
Davis, baby  1922  Five  4
Davis, Frank J.  1898 - 1974  Five  6
Davis, Katie E.  Dec 4 1874  ae 18-7-2  d/o Wm & SM  Five  8
Davis, Lester Tugwell  Sep 7 1924 - Nov 5 1943  ILL Aviation Cadet   Army Air Forces Fourteen  16
Davis, Mark M.  1883 - 1947  Seven  4
Davis, Reba B.  1895 -  Five  6
Davis, S Emma  1882 - 1961  Seven  4
Davis, Susie A.  inf d/o Frank & Jenne  d Sep 3 1883  ae 0-7-14  Five  8
Davis, W. Palmer  Sep 14 1893 - Apr 7 1956  Six  11
Davis, Wm. P.  d Feb 21 1874  ae 21-4-9  Five  8
De Leon, Eusebio  1896 - 1985  Fourteen  27
De Leon, Maria Raquel  1914 - 1985  Fourteen  27
De Souza, Fekla V.   vilna Russia  1888 - 1977  Fourteen  23
Dean, David  Jun 11 1829 - Feb 1 1917  Ten  4
Dean, Hannah A. Jun 7 1824 - Mar 12 1910  Ten  4
Dearing, Hilda  1886 - 1949  Sister  Three  4
Deaver, Irene  Nov 10 1917  Baby  Eleven  16
DeLuce, Francis  d Aug 4 1863  ae 39 years  Five  16
Denning, Harriet  w of WH   d Nov 23 1891  ae 71 y  One  8
Denning, Milton A.  s   Mar 8 1860 - Jan 7 1889  One  8
Denning, W H  May 19 1813 - Dec 10 1898  One  8
Dennis, Claude Charles  1883 - 1941  Twelve  13
Dennis, L. Louese Wheeler  1890 - 1969  Twelve  13
Devor, Arthur  Nov 9 1825 -    Six  7
Devor, Elia  Mar 21 1793 - Aug 12 1881  Grandmother  Six  7
Devor, Homer  Mar 2 1885 - Apr 22 1890  Six  7
Devor, Mary  no dates  Five  13
Devor, Mary Alice  w/o W M  1858 - 1920  Six  8
Devor, Mary Ellis  Sep 7 1855 - Nov 3 1865  Six  7
Devor, Ruby  Jan 8 1883 - May 14 1884  Six  7
Devor, Sheridan  May 18 1865 - Nov 24 1896  Five  13
Devor, Sussanne  Oct 9 1828 - Mar 24 1881  Six  7
Devor, William M.  1858 - 1930  Six  8
Dial, Clara Frazee  1874 - 1972  Two  8
Dickenson, Della Ann  1893 -  Fifteen  2
Dickenson, Douglas  1956 - 1974  Fifteen  4
Dickenson, Frances M.  1923 -  Fifteen  4
Dickenson, George E.  1915 - 1967  Fifteen 4
Dickenson, George E.  Oct 3 1915 - Mar 25 1967  ILL SC 2 USNR WW   II  Fifteen  5
Dickenson, Sam L.  1886 - 1966  Fifteen  2
Dickenson, Shirley  1931 -   Fifteen  4
Dickenson, T. N. "Newt"  1921 -  Fifteen  4
Dickey, Blanche Wand  1907 - 1977  Fourteen  5
Dickey, Robert Andrew  1947 - 1975  Fourteen  5
Dietz, Charles Christian  Sep 21 1832 - Aug 7 1910  Ten  18
Dietz, Emma Elizabeth  Apr 3 1839 - Mar 12 1919  Ten 18
Dietz, Emma F.  Dec 18 1872 - Aug 20 1943  One  12
Dietz, Godlove Arth  Aug 17 1872 - Mar 23 1929  Ten  18
Dietz, John H.  May 15 1863 - Aug 22 1940  One  12 
Dietz, Milton A.  Oct 6 1859 - Jun 1 1940  Ten  18
Dietz, Pearl W.  s of JH & EH Aug 4 1893-Jan 17 1894  ae 0-5-13  One  11
Dillon, Angeline  w/o Lemuel  d Apr 22 1883  ae 47-1-16  Nine  13
Dillon, Charles  s/o LE & A  d Sep 7 1870  ae 1-8-0  Nine  13
Dillon, Clifton  1859 - 1911  Nine  12
Dillon, Jacob  s/o LE & A  d Dec 7 1866  ae 4-1-1  Nine  13
Dillon, Lemuel  Sep 20 1831 - Feb 10 1894  Nine  13
Dillon, Lewis A.  1883 - 1904  Nine  12
Dillon, Willie N.  s/o LE & Angeline  d Jul 12 1868  ae 3-6-0  Nine  13 
Dimmitt, Amelia W.  w/o JR  Feb 29 1848 - Jun 11 1908  Seven 8
Dimmitt, Bertie  s/o JR&AW  d May 10 1879  ae 7-8-18  Seven  8
Dimmitt, Eva Luella  Dec 10 1873 - Aug 23 1940  Seven  8
Dimmitt, John R.  d Mar 30 1877  ae 31-2-11  Cpl Co L 11th ILL   Cav, Amer Leg  Seven  8
Dincan, Crissa  d/o Mary J & Newell   d Oct 28 1862  Nine  2
Dirks, Scott  1968  Ten  9
Dissmeyer, Doris Mae  Jun 28 1924 - Nov 29 1981  S1 US Navy WWII [d/o Archie & Ethel Fisher] 
           Three 13
Dix, J. Fern  Nov 9 1892 - May 26 1941  Eleven  6
Dix, Mathilah H.  1853 - 1921  Mother  Eleven  4
Dix, Oliver  Jan 5 1888 - Jun 13 1924  Eleven  6
Dix, Orville E.  1852 - 1940  Father  Eleven  4
Doan, James E.  Jan 12 1845 -  One  8
Doan, Susannah  w of James E   Jul 19 1838 - Mar 25 1890 ae 51y  One  8
Dodge, Jennie M.  1857 - 1926  Six  9 
Doeden, Armand H.  1945 -  Twelve  40
Doeden, Fred  1879 - 1935  Ten  10
Doeden, Geske  Mar 14 1886 - Feb 7 1919  Ten  10
Doeden, Geske  w/o H.  Mar 8 1848 - Jul 31 1916  Ten  10
Doeden, Harm  1873 - 1950  Father Ten  7
Doeden, Harm F.  1900 - 1979  Twelve  40
Doeden, Hinderk H.  Nov 15 1846 - Apr 17 1920 Ten  10
 Doeden, Jennie  1887 - 1937  Ten  10
Doeden, Lydia M.  1900 - 1983  Twelve  40
Doeden, Sophie  1876 - 1907  Mother  Ten 7
Doolittle, Charley  no dates  Six  6
Doolittle, E. [Elkanah]  Jul 16 1829 - Nov 19 1897  GAR  Six  6
Doolittle, M. J.  Jan 19 1832 - Feb 24 1900  Six  8
Doolittle, M. T.  Jul 27 1878 - Apr 7 1898  Six  8
Doolittle, Triphenia  w/o E  Nov 4 1834 - Jul 20 1868  Six  6
Doolittle, Warren Elkanah  Feb 22 1860 - Dec 23 1887  md. Oct 19 1886  Six  6
Dowell, Anna Batchelor  w/o DR  Jun 17 1869 - Dec 17 1901  Seven  5
Dowell, David R.  1866 - 1927  Ten 16
Dowell, Edward D.  Cpl US Army Air Force  Airplane & Eng   Mechanic  1942 - 1945    1916 - 1981  
        Fifteen  15
Dowell, Florence M.  1878 - 1955  Ten  16
Dowell, Thomas D.  1915 - 1918  Ten  17
Drake, Henry R.  s/o Jesse & Hannah  d Dec 28 1876  ae 20-1-25  Nine  13
Drake, Jordan  2 Ohio Mil. War of 1812 Nine  13
Drechsel, Adolph  1881 - 1958  Ten  16
Drechsel, Lena  1885 - 1959  Ten  16
Drechsel, Louis  1904 - 1921  Ten 16
Du Frain, Olin Roy  1904 - 1964 Fifteen  2
Du Frain, Sarah G.  1913 -  Fifteen  2
Dubbel eleven inf ch of George & Anna  One  7
Dubbel, Anna  1871 - 1960  One 7
Dubbel, George J.  1867 - 1936  One  7
Dubbel, Henry G.  1893 - 1983  Fifteen  2
Dubbel, Henry G.  Jan 21 1893 - Sep 17 1983 Fifteen 2
Dubbel, Hilda E. Sep 14 1896 - Jan 8 1967  Fifteen  2
Dubbel, Hilda E. Onken  1896 - 1967  Fifteen  2
Dubbell, Tiark B.  Oct 23 1833 - Jan 23 1905  Two  4
Duff, Leona  d/o Leander  d Jan 27 1885  ae 1-1-23  Nine  8
Duke, Mary L.  1836 - 1915  One  11
Duke, William T.  1832 - 1877  Co K, 76th Inf, Sgt  One  11
Duncan, Mary J.  w/o Newell  d Jul 13 1867  ae 33  Nine  2
Dunker, Brunk  1845 - 1918  Eight  3
Dunker, Clarence  1916 - 1935  Eleven  12
Dunker, Grace  1854 - 1925  Wife [of Brunk]  Eight  3
Dunker, Herman  1882 - 1933  Eleven  10  
Dunker, Rena  1891 - 1950  Eleven  10
Dunkers, Sadie  1878 - 1945 Two  14
Dunkers, Theodore  1885 - 1958  Two  14
Dunn, Frank McKinley  May 3 1896 - May 30 1926  Eleven  5
Dunn, John  Aug 4 1881 - Jan 18 1904  Two  4
Durham, Benjamin Harris  1845 - 1923  Five  10
Durham, David Faulkner  1812 - 1866  Five  12
Durham, Ezra Daniel  Five  16
Durham, Ezra Daniel  1849 - 1919  Five  17
Durham, Georgiana   Babcock  w/o Ezra D.  1850 - 1910  Five  17 
Durham, Josie Ward  Sep 1 1863 - Jun 17 1950  Twelve  10
Durham, Lucy Ann  1822 - 1897  Five  12
Durham, William Thomas  May 26 1858 - Dec 22 1941  Twelve  10
Duvall, Glenn H.  1904 - 1984  Fifteen  5
Duvall, Olive  1910 - 1969  Fifteen  5
Earle, Courtland  Feb 26 1868  ae 14-10-13  s/o Dr. S&MA  Five  4
Earle, Dr. Silas  1819 - 1873  Five  6
Earle, Mary Ann  1826 - 1904  Five  6
Ebert, Clara E.  Dec 5 1925 -  Fifteen  19
Ebert, David H.  Apr 5 1946 - Jun 11 1964   Son  Fourteen  20
Ebert, Donald G.  Apr 26 1922 - Jul 23 1984  Fifteen   19
Ebert, Fredrica    Fourteen  20
Ebert, George  1878 - 1961  Fourteen  24
Ebert, Harold H.  1918 - 1970  Fourteen 20
Ebert, Ronald Wayne  s/o M/M Harold  Nov 6 1949  Fourteen  20
Ebert, Tona  1889 - 1960  Fourteen  24
Edith A. L.  d Apr 1877  [stone broken]  Ten  4
Edwards, Russell Sr.  Mar 20 1914 - Aug 4 1973  Eleven  12
Egley, Bella T.  w of JK  Sep 22 1854 - Nov 5 1902  One  17
Egley, Callie M.  1884 - 1958  wife of GB  Two  2
Egley, George  d Dec 19 1890  ae 81-6-9  One  17
Egley, George Budd  1872 - 1934  Two  2
Egley, George W.  1879 - 1945  Three  1
Egley, Gertrude M.  1871 - 1957  Three  1
Egley, Ida L.  w/o GW  Dec 24 1879 - Apr 18 1905  Three  1
Egley, J. K.  Jul 2 1852 - May 10 1922  One  17
Egley, Jennie A.  w of JK?  Jun 1 1852 - Jul 1 1935  One  17
Egley, John H.  Apr 29 1907 -  One  17
Egley, Leroy G.  Aug 19 1894 -  Two  2
Egley, Lizzie K.  inf dau of WH & MT d Mar 25 1980  One  17
Egley, Martha A.  w/o George  d Mar 13 1900  69-9-21  One  17
Egley, Mary Viola  w of GB  Apr 19 1873 - May 7 1908  Two  2
Egley, Mila T.  w/o JH  d Jun 10 1891  ae 34-8-28  One  17
Egley, Viola  Aug 10 1898 - Aug 4 1899  Two  2
Egley, Viola Gray  Sep 1 1862 - Nov 11 1936 Nine  10
Egley, William H.  May 28 1854 - Aug 1 1928 One  17
Eheart, Any K.  1960 - 1965  Fifteen  1
Eheart, Betty W.  1935 - 1965  Fifteen  1
Eheart, Wanda M.  1962 - 1965  Fifteen  1
Eilts, Betty J.  1925 -  Fifteen  24
Eilts, Melvin  1922  Fifteen 24 
Eisenhower, George A.  Aug 1 1864 - Jun 16 1945  Twelve  32
Eisenhower, Lucy  Oct 24 1863 - Jul 13 1921  Twelve  32
Ellinger, Frank H.  1892 - 1952  Fourteen  16
Ellinger, Mallie L.  1902 -  Fourteen  16
Ellison, Seth  1845 - 1928  Nine  15
Emerson, Mary L.  d Dec 1 1861  ae 20 [or 70]-7-0  Nine  10
Empey  1869 - 1953  Three  3
Empey, Anthony R.  h of Mary  Jul 18 1866 - Apr 3 1894  Three  1
Empey, Edward F.  1894 - 1964  Eleven  7
Empey, Everett E.  Pvt US Army WW II  1916 - 77  Eleven  7
Empey, Irene  1891 - 1933  Two  15
Empey, Joseph H.  1881 - 1976  Eleven  9
Empey, Lola F.  1897 - 1924  Eleven  7
Empey, Margaret H.  1877 - 1968  Three  1
Empey, Mary  1866 - 1947  Three  3
Empey, Myrtle I.  1897 - 1916  Eight  3
Empey, Nellie V.  1900 - 1971  Eleven  8
Empey, Robert N.  1881 - 1949  Eight  2
Empey, William E.  1888 - 1931  Eight  3
Erdman, Robert L.  1945 - 1960  Four  4
Erickson, Emil C.  1874 - 1967  Fifteen  4
Erickson, Ruth A.  1904 - 1971  Fifteen  4
Ernest, Clarence  1911 - 1971  Fifteen  10
Erwin, Jesse  1915 - 1975  Fourteen  26
Erwin, Mary  1919 - 1973  Fourteen  26
Eshleman, Annadel M.  1910 -  Fourteen  12
Eshleman, Glenn Lee  1906 - 1953 Fourteen  12
Estep, Johney E.  Tec 5 US Army May 1 1926 - Dec 20 1974  Fifteen  2
Evans, Eva Havens  Nov 24 1852 - Jan 4 1946  One  14
Evans, Eva Leona Dec 24 1880 - Feb 13 1902  One  14
Evans, Joshua  d Dec 10 1868  ae 40-5-8  Five  17
Evans, Lucretia  d/o L&M  d Dec 15 1860  ae 1-1-0  Five  16
Evans, Mahala  w/o Loved  d Feb 11 1849  ae 39-1-2  Five  16
Evans, Owen L.  d Jan 4 1863  18-5-13  Five 16
Evans, Wilbur  Jan 28 1846 - May 5 1933  Co K, 100 Pa Vol Inf.  One  14
Eveans, Josephine  d/o Lovead & Mary  d Aug 11 18??  ae 1-3-7  Five  16
Everett, Harriet C.  Mar 27 1825 - Aug 8 1907  Two  11
Everett, Samuel F. Dec 18 1823 - Jul 6 1902  Two  11
Eversole, Catherine E.  1875 - 1960  Ten  18
Eversole, Elizabeth Ann    Fourteen  10
Eversole, Emanuel S. 1842 - 1917  GAR Ten  16
Eversole, Hardy A.  1871 - 1949 Ten 18
Eversole, Hulda M.  1885 - 1933  Fourteen  10
Eversole, John L.  1887 - 1983  Fourteen  10
Eversole, John Logan II  1956 - 1978  Fourteen  10
Eversole, John Wayne  Jul 16 1925 - Jul 11 1983 Lt Col US Army WW II American Legion  Fourteen  10
Eversole, Marion E.  1905 - 1923  Ten  18
Eversole, Sarah E. 1850 - 1942  Ten  16
Eyre, Geo. W.  1856 - 1926  Eight  1
Eyre, Melissa  1865 - 1954  w/o Geo W Eight  1
Eyre, Rovena  w/o Geo W.  d Sep 16 1888 ae 34-8-19  Eight  1
Fairclo, George C.  May 13 1877 - Apr 2 1961 Three 8
Fairclo, Mabel L.  Sep 21 1878 - Feb 20 1961  Three  8
Fargo, Lois Baldwin  w/o John F.  Sep 22 1870  ae 33 years Five  11
Farr, Charlotte  1846 - 1928  Wife  Twelve  18
Farr, Edward J.  1884 - 1964 Fourteen  7
Farr, Hariet A.  1904 - Fourteen  7
Farr, Jacob  1844 - 1928  129 ILL Vol Inf  Twelve  18
Farrington, Gertrude Maude  Mar 18 1868 - Sep 20 1868  d/o Vincent & MA  Eight  3
Farrington, Margaret  Amerman  Dec 4 1847 - Nov 16 1916   Wife [of Vincent]  Eight 3
Farrington, Maude M.  w/o Paul  1884 - 1923  Eight  2
Farrington, Paul  1879 - 1963  Eight  2
Farrington, S M  1869 - 1930  Eight  2
Farrington, Vincent  Jun 17 1834 - Mar 14 1920  Member of 82 Inf   Vol  Eight  3
Father   no other info on stone   Ten  4
Fauber, Mollie C.  Apr 2 1848 - Feb 20 1926 Six 12
Fauber, Samuel H.  May 30 1850 - Jul 14 1926  Six  12
Feagin, Albert  1860 - 1936 Six  4
Feagin, Amanda E.  1849 - 1937  Six  5
Feagin, Jessie R.  1865 - 1894  Six  5
Feagin, Niles W.  1819 - 1865 Six  4
Feagin, Susan  1824 - 1890  Six  4
Featheringill, Emma L.  Jun 24 1858 - Feb 14 1930 w/o Theodore A.  Six  15
Featheringill, John T.  Sep 2 1824 - May 6 1897 Six  15
Featheringill, Martha  J.  Jul 31 1824 - Mar 20 1901  w/o John T.  Six  15
Featheringill, Theodore A.  Dec 19 1854 - Aug 7 1930  Six  15
Featheringill, Wm. G.  Dec 12 1849 - May 4 1918  Six  15
Fehrm, Dorothy K.  1882 - 1968  Thirteen  27
Fehrm, Victor F.  1887 - 1965  Thirteen  27
Fekla, Anastasia Romedios  1895 - 1985  Fourteen  23
Felker, Friederich  Sep 28 1834 - Aug 18 1907  Five  16
Felker, Gertrude  d/o F & Mary  d Mar 11 1824  ae 2-0-24  Five  16
Felker, Mahala G.  d Jun 17 1860 ae 27-3-7 Five  17
Felker, Mahala H.  d/o Frederick & Mahala d May 19 1876 ae 18-3- 2  Five 17
Felker, Mary Jane d/o Frederick & Mahala d May 19 1876 ae 18-3- 2  Five  17
Felker, Mary Major  w/o Frederick  d Oct 15 1895  ae 62-11-10  Five  16
Fickle, Lt. Geo B.  Co D 113 ILL Inf Five 16
Ficklin, Lucille K.  1928 -  Fifteen  12
Ficklin, Roy L.  1930 -  Fifteen  12
Ficklin, Roy T.  1907 - 1981 Fifteen  12
Fink, Charles L.  1904 - 1980  Fourteen  29
Fink, Francis M. Rev.  1854 - 1930  Eleven  7
Fink, Lenora O Cummins  1868 - 1942  Eleven 7
Fink, Nancy Jo  Jul 19 - 30 1964  Thirteen  24
Fink, Pearl A.  1902 - 1983 Fourteen  29
Fischer, Eugene Willard  s/o M/M Wm.  Jan 16-Jun 17 1918  Ten  14
Fischer, Louis G.  1868 - 1930  Father  Ten 13
Fischer, Nellie M.  1894 - 1982  Ten  15
Fischer, Ruth L.  1920 - 1977  Daughter  Ten  15
Fischer, Sydnah A.  1888 - 1949  Mother Ten  13 
Fischer, William C.  1895 - 1948  Ten 15 
Fish, Ann  w/o Frederick  Jul 5 1808 - Jan 9 1892  Five 17
Fish, Frederick  d May 11 1875  ae 75 years Five  17  
Fishback, Dorothy Hardy  1925 - 1977  Vern, Barb, Eric, Joey -- All Our Love  Thirteen  24
Fishback, George  1890 - 1960  Thirteen  24
Fishback, Jennie 1897 - 1977  Thirteen  24
Fisher, Archie L.  Mar 28 1899  md Oct 12 1918 [actual md. year 1919 to Ethel;  ALF died May 7 
        1991]  Father  Three  13
Fisher, Ethel L.  [Morgan] Mar 6 1899 - Aug 14 1982   Mother   Three  13
Fisher, John H.  [brother of Archie L.]  1907 - 1944  Three  14
Fitchen, Mary M.  1870 - 1924  Four  4
Fitchens, Geo.  1872 - 1946  Four  4 
Flagg, George W.  Jul 2 1859  ae 29 years  Five  11
Foley, Gladys Mae  d/o SS & DE  Sep 7 - Nov 28 1904  Twelve  21
Foley, Matilda E.  1866 - 1964  Twelve  21
Foley, Sandy S.  1870 - 1958  Twelve  21
Force, Daisy M.   1882 - 1929  Five  13
Force, Frank H.  1859 - 1929  Five  13
Force, H. M.  1858 - 1939 Five  13
Force, Lloyd E.  1887 - 1929  Five  13
Force, Lucy A.  1860 - 1944  Five  13
Ford, Anna  Oct 10 1807 - May 27 1882  w/o LD  Seven  10
Ford, Anna M.  w/o SW  Oct 11 1833 - Apr 12 1883  Seven 10
Ford, Cecille M.  1920 -  Fifteen  4
Ford, Charles E.  1877 - 1943 Three 10
Ford, Kenneth J R  1913 - 1971  Fifteen  4
Ford, Kenneth J R  May 28 1913 - Aug 26 1971  Tec 5 US Army   WW II Illinois  Fifteen  5
Ford, Martha R.  1883 - 1955  Three  10
Ford, Michael  Feb 13 1847 - May 25 1968  Illinois SP 4 US   Army Vietnam PH  Fifteen  5
Ford, Rachel May  1905 Four  1
Ford, Sidney W.  Jan 13 1832 - Seven  10
Foreman, Guyn  1856 - 1914  Five  4
Foreman, Mattie A.  1866 - 1925  Five  4
Fosnaugh, Frank  1864 - 1921 Eleven 3
Foster, Fannie  Dec 3 1829 - Jun 17 1919  Wife [of Frank]  Seven  8
Foster, Frank  d Jun 23 1895 Seven  8
Foster, Frank Boyd  1855 - 1928 Eight  2
Foster, John A.  Co K  3 Pa H A  Eight  2
Foutch, Edna  w/o LF  Oct 21 1875 - Jun 9 1904  Twelve  6
Foutch, Victor C.  1893 - 1936  Twelve  6
Fowler, Alfred  Dec 12 1825? - Jan 20 1885  One 4
Fowler, Arthur  Mar 19 186? - May 14 1885  One  6   
Fowler, Eva  Jul 7 1872 - Sep 30 1892  One  6
Fowler, Hattie  Oct 18 182? - Apr 3 1894  One  4
Fowler, Sallie  Jul 30 18?? - Sep 23 1892  One  4
Fowler, Veva M. 1909 - 1951  Three  12
Frank, Ernest  Aug 31 1926 - Oct 16 1970  Seven  10
Frantz, Carl  Oct 2 1887 - Aug 15 1896  s of LJ&N  Two  8
Frantz, Ellenora  w/o John  Sep 15 1836 - Oct 7 1922  Two 9
Frantz, John  Oct 5 1824 - Feb 5 1903  Two  9
Frantz, Leroy J.  Jun 8 1862 - Aug 15 1923  Two  9
Frantz, Nettie  w/o Leroy  Feb 22 1869 - May 16 1928  Two  9
Frazee  w/o Turner  Jun 19 1797 - Apr 2 1880  Six  10
Frazee, Ada F.  1890 - 1978  Two  10
Frazee, Carl L.  1876 - 1878  Six  11
Frazee, Doris E.  1888 - 1942  Two  10
Frazee, Edith  1871 - 1899  Two  8
Frazee, Edith L.  1883 - 1949  Eleven  9
Frazee, Edith M.  dau of FS & EB  Apr 29 1871 - Nov 4 1899  Two  9
Frazee, Effie A.  1883 - 1910  Six  11
Frazee, Eleanor  1843 - 1919  Two  8
Frazee, Eleonor B.  Jul 15 1843 - Dec 11 '17  Two  9
Frazee, Eliza Robinson  Mar 14 1846 - Sep 28 1908  Babcock Post 416    GAR   Illinois  Eleven  1
Frazee, Flodia  Aug 14 1874 - Jun 2 1875  Eleven 1
Frazee, Frederick S.  Feb 4 1830 - Nov 8 '16 Two  9
Frazee, Fredrick S.  1830 - 1916  GAR  Two  8
Frazee, Jessie M.  1873 - 1926  Eleven  7
Frazee, John L.  May 27 1876 - Apr 10 1860  Two  9
Frazee, John L.   1876 - 1960  Two 10
Frazee, John T.  1841 - 1925  Eleven  7  
Frazee, Louis D.  Mar 5 1837 - Feb 26 1920 Eleven  1
Frazee, Mary A.  1849 - 1908 Six  11 
Frazee, Turner  Jun 9 1799 - Mar 11 1861  Six  10
Frazee, William H.  Co D  Maryland  d Oct 6 1864  ae 14-0-18  Six  9
Free, Rebecca  d/o Geo & Mophia  d Oct 12 1866  ae 0-11-2  Five  8
Freeman  Jun 17 1833-Dec 29 1902 Co C 25th ILL Vol Inf  Five  1
Freeman, Anna  Jan 20 1855 - Nov 16 1927  Seven  10
Freeman, Bertha M.  1879 - 1901  Ten  5
Freeman, Beulah  Feb 8 1867 - Apr 14 1869  ch of James B & Cath  Nine  8
Freeman, Catharine A.  Oct 23 1845 - Jul 20 1917 Nine 8
Freeman, Elizabeth Jane  1845 - 1918  Five  1
Freeman, Flora D.  Aug 21 1877 - Aug 19 1879  Five  1
Freeman, Grunden  1905 - 1917  Five  1
Freeman, James B.  Sep 30 1842 - Jun 2 1902  Nine  8
Freeman, Leona N.  Mar 15 1885 - Jan 3 1887  Five 1
Freeman, Nellie A.  Aug 20 1864 - Dec 12 1882  Nine  8
Freeman, Theodore  Mar 23 - Apr 15 1869 Five  1
Frey, Walter J.  1908 - 19  Fourteen  25
Frey, Zora H.  1907 - 1961  Fourteen  25
Frisbae, Lynde N.  s/o HL & MC  d Apr 18 1875  ae 0-4-26  Nine  10
Frisbie, Betsy  1812 - 1893  Nine  10
Frisbie, Harvey  1813 - 1903  Nine  10
Frisbie, Henrie L.  1835 - 1920  Nine  10
Frisbie, Idolene M.  d/o Henrie L & Sarah F  Aug 22 1866 - Jun 19   1890  Nine  10
Frisbie, John R.  s/o Marvin & Belson  d Oct 26 1864  ae 22-2-27 Co F  25 Regt ILL Vol  Nine  10
Frisbie, Lt. Henry L.  Co D  113 ILL Inf  GAR  Nine  9
Frisbie, Maria C.  1848 - 1933  Mother  Nine 10
Frisbie, Sarah V.  w/o Henry L   d Sep 8 1871  ae 31-8-12  Nine  9
Frobish, Alice  1870 - 1950  Thirteen  10
Frobish, Helen B.  1911 - 1962  Two  13
Frobish, John  1864 - 1945  Thirteen  10
Frobish, Lettie D.  1889 - 1957  Two  13
Frobish, Lowell B.  Jul 3 1918 - Aug 4 1977  Sgt US Army WWII    American Legion  Thirteen  11
Frobish, Walter E.  1888 - 1949  Two 13  
Froehling, Hilda F.  Aug 20 1908 - Apr 10 1975  Fifteen  9
Frye, Earl B.  F 1 USN WW II Jul 26 1917 - Apr 9 1983  Thirteen 20
Fryer, Emma R.  1852 - 1944  Six  13
Fryer, Gladys Lindsay  1928 - 1930  Ten  18 
Fryer, Harry R.  1897 - 1982  Ten  18
Fryer, Hazel G.  1911 -  Ten  18
Fryer, James W.  1841 - 1913  Six  13
Fryer, Lenore E.  Mar 9 1900 - Nov 23 1975  Fifteen  14
Fugar, Edit P.  1873 - 1964  Three  12
Fugar, Evert W.  ILL Pvt Str Army Tng Corps WW I  Jun 14 1897   - Mar 22 1963  Fourteen  24
Fugar, Lois F.  1902 - 1960  Fourteen  24
Fugar, S W  1871 - 1943  Three  12
Fugett, A. Colvin  1881 - 1922  Father  Three  14
Fuller, Charles  s/o WS & EA  Mar 15 1862 - Nov 10 1872  Nine  1
Fuller, Charles M  s/o T&L  d Dec 22 1860  8-5-22  Five  14
Fuller, Emma  Feb 16 1840 - Jul 24 1872  Nine  1
Fuller, Lucy Ann  d/o T&L  d May 17 1858  20-3-22  Five  14
Fuqua, Wayne J.  s/o JW & CM  Jan 21 1892 - Apr 8 1898  Seven  2
Furby, Ira W.  1875 - 1949  Seven  2
Furby, JB  1847 - 1918  Nine   6
Furby, Louisa  1872 - 1966  Seven  2
Furby, Mary E.  1853 - 1929  Nine  6
Gabel, A. N. Sr.  1821 - 1908  Co M 9th ILL Cav  Nine  15
Gabel, Alfred N.  1853 - 1929  Five  14
Gabel, Eddie K.  d  May 15 187?  Five  14
Gabel, Effie May  d   ? 30, 18?  Five  14
Gabel, Ellen B. Beale  d Sep 22 1901  ae 77-2-0  w/o A N Gabel  Nine  16
Gabel, Johny  s/o JC & FA   no dates  Five  13
Gabel, Josie  no dates  Five  14
Gabel, Margaret A.  w/o John C.  d May 17 1873  ae 33-6-0  Five  13
Gabel, Mercy Ann  AN & MM  Feb 27 1865  ae 5-8-8  Five  14 
Gabel, Roy  d Aug 29 187?  Five  14 
Gable, Ida E.  d/o JC & MA  d Sep 6 1862  ae 2-10-25  Five  13
Gaeuman, Marjorie Belle  1905 - 1944  Three  1
Gaines, George  Mar 13 1867 - Sep 12 1900  Two  6
Garcia, Nacio  Enero 18 1918 - Fallecio Sep 19 1984  Recuerdo de sus hijas y Hermanos Fifteen  20
Gardner, A. D.  Aug 14 1817 - Mar 27 1864  Five  10
Gardner, Mary  Sep 5 1826 - Feb 21 1909  Five  10
Garner, Alf  1861 - 1927  Three  13
Garner, Darrell R.  1916 - 1986 Three  13
Garner, Omar A.  IL Pvt Co B 5 Inf Tng Bn WW II  Dec 11 1899 -   Jan 23 1965  Three  13
Garrish, Henry  d Sep 21 1870  ae 66-10-0  Five  5
Gau, Bertha  1863 - 1885  Ten  1
Gee, Livia  wife of Abner  Sep 8 1881  ae 68 yrs  Two  1
Genzel, Elsie Woodard  1903 - 1927  Eleven  1
George  footstone, no surname  Two  5
George, Harriet M.    w of George  d Oct 11 1890  ae 52-6-17  One  17
George, John D.  s of D & ND   d Jul 7 1912  ae 84-7-24  One  17
George, Miller A.  son,  d Sep 14 1888  ae 25-10-19  One  17
Gerkin, Grace M.  1902 - 1948  Mother  Three  13
Gerrish, Harriet R.  1858 - 1937 Ten  3
Gibbons, Julia Ann  1812 - 1884  Six  10
Gibbons, Theodore T.  1813 - 1876  Six  10
Gibson, Bettie  1875 - 1944 Three  12
Gibson, Dave C. 1875 - 1956  Three 12
Gibson, Emery J.  Fifteen  18
Gibson, Hal H.   Fifteen  16
Gibson, James M.  1936 - 1984  Fourteen  26
Gibson, Joe R.  Fifteen  16
Gibson, Joseph  1951 - 1973 Fifteen  18
Gibson, Juanita Fox  1937 - 1973  Fourteen  26
Gibson, Juanita L.   Fifteen   16  
Gibson, Martin C.  1911 - 1977  Fourteen  7
Gibson, Mary G.  1913 - 1965  Fourteen  7
Gibson, Ora E.  1882 - 1950  Fourteen  14
Gibson, Rosalie D.   Fifteen  16 
Gibson, Vonda E.   Fifteen   18
Gilbert, Edwin F.  d Mar 13 1859  ae 25-5-5  Six  12
Gilbert, John S.  1844 - 1923 Seven  4
Gilbert, Mabia F.  w/o B P  d Nov 12 1861  ae 58-7-8  Six  12
Gilbert, Mary S.  w/o BP  widow of Francis DeLege Sr.  Dec 3   1803 - Oct 10 1868  Five  16
Gill, Georgiana Hall  Jan 12 1879 - Nov 12 1901  Seven  10
Gillespie, Irene  1902 - 1973 Ten  7
Gilman, Ralph  ch of Wm H & Sarah  d Apr 27 1892  ae 12 days  One  12
Gilman, Warren  ch of Wm H & Sarah  d Apr 19 1892  ae 3 days  One  12
Gish, Carl C.  s of DV & CB  d Dec 24 1886  ae 0-1-9  Two  2
Gish, Charles J.  July 16 1869 - Apr 2 1913   Father  Two  2
Gish, David W.  1862 - 1931  Two  2
Gish, E. A.  w of JA  1837 - 1903  Two  2
Gish, Edward M.  1861 - 1931  Two  2
Gish, Emory  d Oct 6 1895  ae 39-1-28  Two  1
Gish, Josephus A.  1829 - 1929  Two  2 
Gish, Leona B.  w of David W.   1866 - 1906  Two  2
Gish, Luella   d Jun 16 1950  ae 86-8-22  Two  1
Gish, Nellie V.  Nov 16 1874 - Aug 17 1911   Mother  Two   2  
Gleason, Cathleen E.  1851 - 1915  Nine 1
Gleason, Mollie McIntyre  1872 - 1936 Nine 2
Gleason, Otis S.  1869 - 1936  Nine  1
Glover, Ervilla Myers  Nov 16 1906 - Mar 12 1985  Twelve  23
Goben, Joan B.  1939 -   Fifteen  15
Goldenstein, Frank I.  1902 - 1975  Fourteen  23
Goldenstein, Hattie  1907 - Fourteen  23  
Goldenstein, Larry Roy  Sep 4 1950 - Jun 20 1954  Fourteen  22
Golman, Deborah  w/o Rev.  J  Apr 17 1826 - May 20 1897  Ten 2
Golman, James Rev.  d Apr 22 1894  ae 78-11-28  Ten  2
Goodwin, Bessie C.  1894 - 1918  w/o McGinnis  Eleven  2
Goodwin, Delcinia  1861 - 1936  Eleven  1
Goodwin, Gladys S.  1894 - 1911  Eleven  1
Goodwin, James M.  1880 - 1974  Eleven  1
Goodwin, Maude  1892 - 1966  Eleven  1
Goodwin, McGinnis  1886 - 1959 Eleven  2
Gosnell, Kittie P.  w/o PJ  d Mar 13 1869  ae 20-4-5 [stone broken] Five  16
Gould, Adeline  1833 - 1928  Mother  Ten  11
Gould, Edmund  1830 - 1918  Father  Ten  11
Gould, Fern  1891 - 1982  Twelve  28
Gould, Gerald  1918 - 1928  Twelve  28
Gould, Irene Reddick  Dec 27 1893 - Oct 26 1918 Ten  11
Grace, Robbie  infanc child of YM & AC Six  10
Graham, Edna P.  1893 - 1951  Two 15
Graham, Orin M.  1891 - 1935 Two  15
Grant, Mary Ann  w of Abner Stephenson  Oct 13 1811 - Aug 15   1892  One  14
Grasshans, Barbara  1882 - 1946  Eleven  9
Graves, Carrie M.  1846 - 1936  Ten  12
Graves, Eliza Nickolson  1816 - 1899  Two  3
Graves, Franklin  1817 - 1903  Two  3
Graves, James C.  1842 - 1920  Civil War Vet  Ten  12
Graves, James L.  1883 - 1911 Ten  10
Graves, M. Glenn  Dec 7 1890 - Oct 14 1918  Eleven  1
Graves, O. P. Rev.  Sep 1 1866 - Oct 18 1918 Eleven 1
Gray, Charles E.  1878 - 1957 Six  1  
Gray, Charles S.  1833 - 1899  Six  1
Gray, Charles S.  Aug 16 1833 - Dec 14 1899  Six  2
Gray, Charlie E.  1912 - 1977  Fifteen  24
Gray, Charlie E.  May 13 1912 - Dec 24 1977  Fifteen  25
Gray, Clara A.  1883 - 1959 Six  1
Gray, Georgia  Six  2
Gray, Kate  w/o Charles S  Dec 5 1836 - Nov 11 1899  Six  2
Gray, Kate C.  1836 - 1899  Six  1
Gray, Kezia Test  Nov 12 1819 - Aug 22 1902  Nine  10
Gray, Marie  Jul 10 - 11 1935  Eleven  16
Gray, Velma P.  1915 -  Fifteen  24
Gray, William Alphonso  May 25 1851 - Oct 5 1901  Nine  10
Gray, William P.  Jan 19 1821 - Nov 25 1891  Nine  10
Green, Henry D.  d Sep 26 1856  ae 57-0-23  Nine  15
Green, Scott  s/o HD&M  d Oct 23 1856  ae 10-1-0  Nine  15
Greene, Elizabeth M.  d/o Chas & Sarah Morris  Five  2
Greenleaf, Hester  w/o Luther B.  1848 - 1928  Three  2
Greenleaf, Luther B.  1835 - 1902  Three  2
Greer, Cora M.  d Oct 15 1879  ae 11-9-16  Five  6
Greer, Mary J.  d Mar 22 1866  ae 0-7-22  Ch of Wm F &   Matilda Greer  Five  6
Greer, Samuel T.  d Mar 8 1873  ae 53-0-1 Five 6
Gregory, Irene May  1912 - 1973  Fourteen  2
Grider, Robert Lee  ILL S Sgt Co L 323 Inf 81 Div WW II  Jun 17   1921 - Jul 8 1969  Fourteen  26
Gromoll, Gwendolyn G.  1909 -  Fourteen  19
Gromoll, Irvin G.  1908 - 1950  Fourteen  19
Grove, Alice  No dates  Twelve  3
Grove, Frank  1885 - 1954  US Expeditions to Cuba, 1906;   China, 1912; Mexico, 1916; France, 
       1918; Germany, 1918; Siberia, 1919; he was well born and sealed in cement beneath Twelve  4
Grove, Grace  No dates  Twelve  3
Grove, Lemuel  1836 - 1904  Co F Ohio Vol Inf  Twelve  3
Grove, Mary E.  1846 - 1933  Twelve 3
Grubbs, John W.  Aug 26 1894  ae 65-10-8  Three  2
Grubbs, Lorinda  d Feb 4 1914  ae 79-2-25  Three  2
Grubbs, Malissa J.  d of JW & L  d Feb 1 1884  ae 18-10-26  Three  2
Guenea, Wm. P.  d Feb 10 1876  ae 80-4-25  Five 2
Guiss, Bertha Whitney  1873 - 1946  Six  14
Guiss, James Edward 1868 - 1951  Six 14
Guiss, Jennie Winder  w of James E  Nov 15 1867 - Mar 14 1901  Two  12
Guiss, Ralph  s of James E & Jennie  Mar 7 1887 - Nov 20   1893  Two  12
Guthrie, baby  Oct 18 1901  Two  9
Haerr, Herman  1906 - 1937  Three  12
Hahne, Albert C.  1891 - 1980  Fourteen  11
Hahne, Elva M.  1891 - 1958  Fourteen  11
Haight, Joseph H.  1864 - 1865  Five  4
Haight, Maj.  d May 26 1865  ae ? ? and 19 days  Two  6
Haines, Mildred Dix  1890 - 1954  Eleven  6
Hall  inf s of AE & SA  d Aug 22 1864  ae 21 da  Two  8
Hall  inf son  Aug 1 1865 - Aug 22 1865  Two  9
Hall  infant son  Jan 12 1879  Seven  10
Hall, Allen F.  Jan 21 1839 - Oct 10 1890  Two  9
 Hall, E. G.  Six  10
Hall, Edith  1869 - 1871  Ten  2
Hall, Edward G. Serg.  d n. Vicksburg, Miss Feb 13 1863ae 18-8-0 GAR  Nine  15
Hall, Eli  Mar 21 1865  ae 80-5-27  Six  14
Hall, Emma C.  Sep 9 1860 - Jun 8 1897  Six  10
Hall, Evelyn C.  1909 -  Fourteen   4 
Hall, Frances  Dec 12 1914 -  Fifteen  9
Hall, Frank M.  Nov 26 1879  Two  9
Hall, George L.  1877 - 1974  Ten  3
Hall, Glen F.  1910 -  Fourteen  4
Hall, Glenn D.  1946  Son  Fourteen  4
Hall, James A.  1828 - 1909  Ten  2
Hall, Jennie A.  1875 - 1954  Ten  3
Hall, Katie Eliza  Aug 29 1870 - Mar 29 1938  Seven  10
Hall, Maria A.  Dec 11 1872  ae 58-2-10  w/o T. B. Hall  Six  14
Hall, Martha  Feb 19 1865  ae 79-8-15  w/o Eli Hall  Six  14
Hall, Mary A.  Oct 31 1837 - Dec 22 1919  Six  15
Hall, Mary A.  w/o James A.  1832 - 1871  Ten  2
Hall, Mary Melvina  Apr 30 1876 - Oct 27 1881  Seven  10
Hall, Pheba L.  1882 - 1960  Mother  Fifteen  1
Hall, Robert J.  Dec 6 1914 -  Fifteen  9
Hall, Sarah A.  May 24 1838 - Mar 6 1921  Two  9
Hall, Virginia L.  1903  Sister  Fifteen  1
Hall, Wallace E.  d Aug 24 1863 aboard the Fr. Colorado off   Mobile, Ala.  Nine  15
Hall, William A.  1917 - 1978  US Army WW II   Son  Fifteen  1
Hall, Woodrow  Aug 26 1913 - Feb 28 1982  Brother   Pfc US Army WW II  Fifteen  1
Hamby, Albert J.  1875 - 1950   Father  Two  13
Hamby, Nelly B.  1872 - 1944   Mother  Two  13
Hamer, Alice  1835 - 1910  Mother Twelve  15
Hamer, Clara  1870 - 1936 Twelve  17
Hamer, David T.    1858 - 1931  Twelve  15
Hamer, Emma L.  1869 - 1943 Twelve 15
Hamer, Fred  1865 - 1912  Twelve  17
Hamer, Rowena M.  1865 - 1957  Twelve 16
Hamer, Thomas  1831 - 1914  Father  Twelve 15
Hamer, Wm. Harry  1863 - 1918  Twelve  16
Hamilton, Chester L.  Aug 13 1935 - May 18 1965  Seven  12
Hamilton, Clementine  1863 - 1942  Mother  Twelve  28
Hamilton, Margaret  1864 - 1955  Eleven  10
Haney, Charles Freeborn  1859 - 1919  One  18
Haney, Jane Elizabeth  1861 - 1930 Six  8
Hanna, Forrest C. Dec 11 1908 - May 16 1985   Wed 54 years  Fifteen  21
Hanna, Rev Elmor  Mar 9 1875 - Aug 20 1952  Eleven  13
Hanna, Rev Matie Frazee  Dec 9 1875 - May 21 1936  Eleven  13
Hanna, Virginia E.  Feb 16 1913 -  Fifteen   21
Hanner, A. Louise  1918 - 1922  Eleven  6
Hanner, Adda  1884 - 1926  Eleven  6
Hanson, Alvin  Jun 16 1892 - Feb 5 1967  IL PFC Btry B 312   Field Arty WWI  Five  7
Hanson, Cathern B.  b Coeymens NY, d St. Louis MO. 1831-1892  One  8
Hanson, Donald R.  May 16 1924 - Mar 6 1926  Eleven  4
Hanson, Edward  Jan 23 1923 - Nov 18 1954  IL Pvt Hq Co 2 Port   TC, WW II, Amer Leg  Two  3
Hanson, John H. 1886 - 1932  Thirteen  5
Hanson, Joseph R.  1856 - 1936  Thirteen 5
Hanson, Loretta M.  1894 - 1969  Mother Thirteen  24
Hanson, Lylia A.  Jul 3 1819 - Jun 18 1906  One  7
Hanson, Mary A.  1864 - 1930  Mother  Thirteen  5
Hanson, Ralph  b Cherry Valley NY, d St. Louis MO. 1824-1875  One  8
Hanson, Russell  1880 - 1902  Father  Thirteen  24
Hanson, William H.  May 31 1816 - Jan 29 1905  One 7
Harding  Aug 4 1892 - Nov 25 1955  ILL Pvt Btry B 70   Arty CAC WW1  American Legion  Thirteen  3
Harding, Blanche J.  Jan 29 1914 - Sep 11 1982  Mother  Fifteen  2
Harding, Electra  Dec 8 1825 - Dec 5 1896  Three  1
Harding, Ernest  Sep 25 1905 -     Father Fifteen  2
Harding, Jessie Lee  Nov 19 1882 - Mar 30 1974 Thirteen  1
Harding, May F.  1898 - 19  Thirteen  3
Harlan, Ella M. w/o WP  1854 - 1914 Ten  4
Harlan, John C.  1848 - 1928 Thirteen  5
Harlan, Mary H.  1860 - 1953 Thirteen  5
Harlan, Pearl  1890 - 1952  Fourteen  14
Harlan, Raymond  1894 - 1960  Fourteen  14
Harlan, W. P.  1848 - 1928  Ten  4
Harmer, Annie M.  d of Wm & Maria  d Jan 13 1871  ae 1-4-0   Two  6
Harmer, Robina  d of Wm & Maria  d Feb 27 1875  ae 3 days  Two  6
Harmon, Charles J.  d Nov 12 1897  ae 49-3-20  GAR  One  5
Harmon, Emil P.  1859-1940  One  6
Harms, Herman E.  Jul 31 1881 - Mar 17 1913  Three  4
Harms, Sada L. Martin  Oct 9 1884 - Apr 1 1913  Three  4
Harper, Addison  May 16 1807 - Dec 1 1888  Five  7
Harper, Alfred   Feb 29 1812 - Nov 13 1883  ae 71-8-14  Five  8
Harper, Alfred J.  1877 - 1958  Five  5
Harper, Andrew  Dec 24 1862  ae 22-1-0   Halley Spr  Five  8
Harper, Bernice  Jun 13 1894  Twelve  12
Harper, Charlotte  w/o A  Dec 30 1821 - Feb 20 1867  ae 45-1-20  Five  8
Harper, Diana  w/o Alex.  Sep 16 1881   ae 64-11-40  Nine  12
Harper, Eddy  Mar 25 1857 - Jan 26 1930  Six  15
Harper, Eva  Mar 25 1857 - Dec 9 1912  Six  15
Harper, George W.  Jan 26 1840 - Jan 30 1898  Six  15
Harper, JC  1849 - 1928  Five  8
Harper, John  May 6 1845  Co D 113 Regt ILL Vol  Captured   by guerillas near
        Lagrange, Tenn. Aug 28 1864  Six  15
Harper, Lottie B.  d/o JC&MA  d Nov 2 1888  ae 8-3-2  Five  8
Harper, Mary  w/o S. H.  May 22 1820 - Apr 24 1894  Six  15
Harper, Merle S.  1927  Three  9
Harper, Mossa A.  w  Sep 21 1855 - Sep 16 1915  59-11-25  Five  8
Harper, Myrtle M.  1887 - 1978  Three  9
Harper, Reuben Hemala  ILL 1st Lt Air Service WW1  Jun 30 1894 - Jan 7   1967  
        American Legion  Twelve 12
Harper, Samuel H.  Mar 20 1814 - Apr 21 1889  Six  15
Harper, Vincent E.  1877 - 1969  Three  9
Harper, Viola J.  1875 - 1961  Five  5
Harper, Wallace  s/o  A&G  Mar 27 1855 - Dec 4 1869  ae 14-7-7  Five  8
Harris, Bessie I.  no other information  Two  5
Harshbarger, Blanche  1875 - 1934  Mother  Three  14
Harshbarger, Gwendolen A.  1911 -  One  10
Harshbarger, Irvin  1875 - 1949  Father  Three  14
Harshbarger, Oscar L.  1915 - One  10
Hartka, Fredericka  1832 - 1914  Mother  Seven  12
Hasselbring, Bernice  1917 - Fifteen  5
Hasselbring, Harold  1913 - 1984  Fifteen  5
Hastings, Cornelius  s of Warren & Jennie  d Aug 25 1872  One  17
Hastings, Cornelius  s of Warren & Jennie  d Aug 25 1872  One  17
Hastings, Daniel M.  1867 - 1928 Eleven  4
Hastings, Eliza A.  1868 - 1936  Eleven  4
Hastings, Elsie B.  1908 - 1934  Eleven  4
Hastings, Jane E.  1837 - 1883 One  18
Hastings, Mary H.  d of JW & JE  d Dec 9 1872 (1877?)  One  17
Hastings, Mary H.  d of JW & JE  d Dec 9 1872 (77?)  One  17
Hastings, Roy C.  1901 - 1925  Eleven  4
Haubach, Laura Myers  Dec 7 1884 - Jan 17 1960 Twelve  22
Haven, Alice E.  d Aug 27 1874  ae 0-2-8 grandchild of TM & Jane Pangborn  Six  10
Haven, Franklin P.  Dec 6 1807 - Feb 19 1880    grandchild of TM & Jane Pangborn  Six  10
Haven, Jennie T.  Apr 12 1872 - Jul 28 1873  grandchild of TM & Jane Pangborn  Six  10
Haven, Thomas P.  s/o Henry & Emily  d.  ? 26 1865  ae 0-4-10  Six  9
Havens, Edmund F.  Feb 16 1812 - Dec 4 1884  Six  5
Havens, Elisabeth L.  Mar 16 1832 - Apr 3 1897  One  14
Havens, Emily T.  Jan 17 1812 - May 17 1912  Six  5
Havens, Reuben  Nov 28 1828 - Nov 14 1907  One  14
Hawk, Caroline  w/o James  d Apr 5 1876  ae 55-1-3  Seven  4
Hawk, James  d Apr 14 1884  ae 86-2-19  Seven  4
Hawkins, Lucille  1908 - 1986  Two  15
Hawkins, Theodore R.  1905 -  Two  15
Hawley, Elizabeth  Mar 31 1818 - Mar 5 1896  Three  2
Hayhurst, Myrtle  91, 1889 - 1980  Kapp Fun'l Home  Two  6
Healy, Leon W.  1881 - 1964  Three  1
Healy, Mary W.  1885 - 1980  Three  1
Healy, William V.  Sep 11 1840 - May 28 1905  Three  2
Heiberger, Emma  1867 - 1925  Seven  10
Heiberger, Harry  1895 - 1911  Seven  10
Heiberger, Henry  1887 - 1974  Fifteen  5
Heiberger, Pearl  1891 - 1972  Fifteen  5
Heiberger, Samuel  1863 - 1943  Seven  10
Heins, Matthew  Mar 9 1982  Fifteen  7
Heller, Mary L.  1854 - 1885  Five  14
Hemala, Richard J.  1863 - 1923  Twelve  22
Hemala, Rudolph W.  1903 - 1970  Twelve  23
Hemala, Victoria W.  1871 - 1968  Twelve  22
Henderson  no other info  Two  6
Henderson, Daniel  d 1888  ae 3 yrs  Nine  5
Henderson, Don  1842 - 1883  Nine  6
Henderson, Elihu P.  Feb 7 1829 - Jan 5 1870  Father  Two  5
Henderson, James B.  1857 - 1925  Two  14
Henderson, Mary  1842 - 1926 Nine  6
Henderson, Miles  s of MC & RM  Feb 12 1896 - Jan 15 1901  Two  7
Henderson, Perry D.  Jan 17 1883 - Jun 30 1903  Two  15
Henderson, Sarah M.  1857 - 1935  Two  14
Henderson, Susannah   Thompson  w of EP  Feb 21 1837 - Apr 23 1901   Mother  Two  5
Hendricks, Charles  Co M  9th ILL Cav.  GAR   no dates  Two  6
Henegar, Dennis M.  1903 - 1984  Fourteen  21
Henegar, Mack D.  Pfc US Army WW II  1925 - 1976 Fourteen  21
Henegar, Pearl  1906 - 1958  Fourteen  21
Hess, Rosa A.  his wife [?] Nov 19 1875 - Oct 6 1902   Mother  Four  1
Hessenius, Henry G.  1861 - 1911  Nine  9
Hewitt, G. Harland  1906 - 1984  Fifteen  2
Hewitt, Lillie B.  1917 - 1980  Fifteen  2
Hibbler, Altena H J  1901 -  Three  6
Hibbler, Henry  1890 - 1968  Amer Leg mkr  Three  6
Hicks, Claude G.  Jun 28 1869 - Dec 5 1900  Ten  5
Hicks, Frank J.  1881 - 1958    Ten  7
Hicks, H. P.  Nov 15 1841 - Mar 13 1904  Ten  5
Hicks, John E.  Mar 12 1872 - May 16 1921  Ten  5
Hicks, Josephine  w/o H P  Nov 27 1847 - Jul 1 1927  Ten  5
Hicks, Lucy C.  w/o Claude G.  May 8 1869 - Nov 24 1953  Ten  5
Hicks, Ralph  s/o J & HP  Feb 17 1878 - May 1 1894  Ten  5
Hicks, Roy  s/o Claude & Lucy Oct 3 1898 - Feb 28 1899  Ten  5
Hildebrand, Ellis R.  1902 - 1970  Three  8
Hildebrand, Virginia  1899 - 1978  Three  8
Hildenbrand, Charles  1877 - 1953 Nine  6
Hildenbrand, Grace May  1880 - 1966  Nine  6
Hildenbrand, Henry Jr.  d Apr 6 1899  ae 20  Nine  5
Hildenbrand, Henry Sr.  d Apr 5 1893  ae 64-10-20  Nine  5
Hildenbrand, Lizzie  d Jul 7 1910  ae 48  Nine  5
Hildenbrand, Wilhelmina  [w/o Henry Sr.]  d May 16 1933  ae 97-11-23  Nine  5
Hilderbrandt, Charles S.  1879 - 1949  Ten  13
Hilderbrandt, Nellie, Mrs.  1867 - 1922  Ten 13
Hilgert, Harry H.   Dec 3 1919 - Feb 1 1981  E M2 US Navy WW II  American Legion  
         Married Aug 30 1941  Fifteen  9
Hilgert, Viola E.  Sep 5 1918 -  Fifteen  9
Hill, Addie  d of JB & IJ   d Feb 11 1881  4-5-4  One  8
Hill, Charlie  s of JB & IJ   d Feb 8 1870  ae 4? y  One  8
Hill, Laura Bell  d/o Geo W & Josie  d Feb 6 1887  ae 0-2-8 Eight  1
Hilterbrick, Samuel E.  d May 6 1887  33-5-7  Seven  1
Himmel, Adam E.  Oct 5 1900 - Mar 21 1973  Fourteen  1
Himmel, Daniel John  May 6 1955 - Jul 11 1974 Fourteen 1
Himmel, M. Ann  Jan 26 1924 Fourteen 1
Hinckley, Enoch C.  1858 - 1911  Five  8
Hinckley, John W. M.D.  d Mar 28 1865  ae 44-5-20  Five  8
Hinckley, Mother  1823 - 1911  Five  8
Hinrichs, E. G.  Oct 12 1886 - Nov 12 1969 Ten  16
Hinrichs, Mary M.  Jan 23 1889 - Nov 29 1950  Ten  16
Hitchcock  inf s/o L & NV  Feb 19 1916  Five  12
Hitchcock, Althea Louise  d/o L & NV  Jun 9 1912 - Sep 1 1913  Five  12
Hitchcock, Edward  1869 - 1928  Five  10
Hitchcock, Edward  Sep 4 1835 - Nov 25 1903  Five  11
Hitchcock, Isabelle  1879 - 1967  Two  5
Hitchcock, James G (Bert)  1877 - 1948  Five  12
Hitchcock, Juline  w/o E  May 29 1839 - Jan 4 1899  Five  11
Hitchcock, Leverett  Jan 12 1863 - Feb 26 1916  Five  10
Hitchcock, Lewis  1872 - 1961  Five  10
Hitchcock, Lillian M.  d/o L & NV  Oct 19 1905 - Sep 5 1906  Five  12
Hitchcock, Nettie V.  1877 - 1950  Five  10
Hitchcock, Sarah  d/o E&J  1865 - 1866  Five  12
Hitchcock, Viola A.  d/o L & NV  Jan 24 1904 - May 25 1905  Five  12
Hitchcock, Wilda E.  d/o L & NV  Oct 2 1914 - Nov 25 1916  Five  12
Hixson, Levi Sloan  d Jan 8 1892  ae 49 years  Nine  12
Hobbis, Carrie  1855 - 1937 Seven  13
Hobbis, John  1844 - 1910  Seven  13
Hockersmith, Alta L.  Jun 21 1874 - Sep 18 1965  Twelve  31
Hockersmith, Flora Lehigh  Aug 26 1866 - Aug 29 1944  Twelve  29
Hockersmith, Frank F.  Sep 17 1872 - Mar 25 1963  Twelve  31
Hockersmith, Harry  Dec 27 1903 -  Twelve  31
Hockersmith, John F.  Sep 19 1840 - Apr 16 1917  Twelve  29
Hockersmith, Lydia M.  Sep 4 1848 - Jun 7 1906  Twelve  29
Hockersmith, Mabel  Jul 12 1904 - Apr 25 1968  Twelve  31
Hockersmith, Robert E.  Nov 23 1927 - Jan 22 1950  Twelve  31
Hoel, Margaret E.  1905 -  Fifteen  12
Hoffman, Frank  d Nov 3 (?) 1864  ae 33 yr  Nine  15
Hoge, Amy  May 30 1842 - Feb 7 1890  One  8
Hohmann, Rose E.  Aug 2 1876 - Mar 13 1914 Seven  10
Hokanson, Betty Joyce  Sep 16 1937 - Jan 11 1938  Eleven  5
Holliday, Virgil  1911 - 1964  Eleven 7
Hollingsworth  [no other info]  Three  14
Hollingsworth, Joseph M.  1857 - 1928  Three  15
Hollingsworth, Katherine E.  1870 - 1939 Three  15
Hollingsworth, Lulu M.  1889 - 1960  Three  15
Hollingsworth, Marye L.  1984 - 1984  Fifteen  5
Hollingsworth, Nicholas L. ILL Pfc Co 5 Cav 1 Cav Div Vietnam PH Sep 12 1948 - Apr 30 1968  
               Twelve 34
Hollingsworth, Sarah M.    Aug 12 1833 - Jan 16 1915  Three  13
Hollingsworth, William  Apr 29 1817 - Aug 28 1894  Three  13
Hollingsworth, Wm Harvey  1864 - 1950  Three  15
Holmes, Henry  Sep 15 1835 - Oct 1 1919  One  8
Holmes, Julia S.  w of Henry  Feb 22 1864 - Jun 22 '51  One  8
Holmes, Susan  w of Henry  d May 12 1889  54-5-8  One  8
Holz, Caroline K.  w/o Mathew  Jan 28 1830 - Mar 16 1909  Nine  9
Holz, Charles  1871 - 1951  Two  10
Holz, Charles Lloyd  s/o WA & E  Sep 3 1894 - Mar 9 1910  Nine  9
Holz, Hazel P.   1886 - 1946  Nine  11
Holz, Jackson A.  Sep 17 1863 - Oct 25 1940 Nine  11
Holz, John F.  Apr 29 1860 - Apr 22 1901  Nine  10
Holz, Mabel C.  d/o LD & FA  d Jan 15 1893  ae 6 mo  Nine  7
Holz, Mathew  Jun 11 1828 - Jan 9 1893 Nine  9
Holz, Matthew  d Jan 9 1893  ae 64-6-28 Nine  10
Holz, Sarah Estella  1868 - 1947 Nine  8
Holz, William A.  1865 - 1952  Nine  8
Homer, Hester M.  w/o Wm J  Sep 13 1857 - Feb 21 1893  Nine  5
Homer, Janetta W.  1903 - 1972  Fourteen  24
Homer, Percy A.  1902 - 1957 Fourteen  24
Homer, William J.  Co. ? ? 2   Regt  ILL Vol    b May 12 1840   d   Oct 13 1888  Nine  5
Honeywell, Henry H.  d Oct 4 1874  Six  13
Honeywell, Howard H.  1904 -  Six  13
Honeywell, Marilla Wing  1869 - 1949  Six  13
Honeywell, Oscar  d Jan 19 1872  Six  13
Hopkins, Garner Oliver  1918 - Nine 9
Hopkins, James G.  1863 -  Nine  9
Hopkins, John E.  1859 - 1932 Nine  9
Hopkins, Sarah  1883 - 1971  Nine  9  
Hornback, Ray H.  Feb 19 1912 - May 4 1962  ILL SC2 USNR WW   II   American Legion  Thirteen  24
Horsley, ??   Sep 10 1842 - Sep 25 1917  Four  1
Hoy, Frank N.  Tec 4 US Army WWII  Oct 10 1916 - Dec 4   1983  Four  4
Hubner, William Paul  Feb 8 1921 - Oct 21 1978  Pfc US Marine Corps   WW II   VFW  Fifteen  23
Hudson, Anna  1858 - 1941  Five  13
Hudson, Anna  1858 - 1941  Daughter  Five  14
Hudson, L. T.  1823 - 1907  Father  Five  13
Hudson, Littleton T.  1823 - 1907  Father  Five  14
Hudson, Mary J.  1832 - 1910  Mother  Five  13
Hudson, Mary Jane  1832 - 1910  Mother  Five  14
Huebner, Edith  1876 - 1945  Ten  9
Huff, Fannie M.   1870 -   Seven  14
Huff, Frank. O.  husband  1875 -  Seven  14
Huffman, Arthur  Jan 17 1866 - Oct 21 1897 Nine  16
Hull, Elizabeth White  Jan 28 1850 - Oct 27 1912 Ten  10
Hull, Elmer  Sep 15 1844 - Jul 31 1917  Ten  10
Hull, Harriet E.  w/o O. Hull  May 18 1849 - Dec 25 1910  Six  15
Hungerford, [?], Archer  1855 - 1905  Six  2
Hungerford, [?], Johanna  died 1950  Six  2
Hungerford, [?], Mary  1860 - 1886  Six  2
Hungerford, Charles L.  1857 - 1933  Six  1
Hungerford, Father  1822 - 1904  Six  1
Hungerford, Frank  1854 - 188?  Six  1
Hungerford, Helena  1851 - 1893  Six  2
Hungerford, Mother  1826 - 1876  Six  1
Hunt, Annie Eliz.  1846-1893  One 5
Hunt, George M.  d Nov 21 1866  ae 30-8-5  Nine 15
Hunt, Leona  1863 - 1923  Three  8
Hunt, Samuel  1848-1921  One  5
Hunt, Solomon  1880-1894  One  5
Hunt, Aaron  1865-1875  One  5
Hurd, Etta  d/o Geo & Harriett  d Jun 30 1868  ae 10-6-0  Nine  8
Hurd, George  Dec 16 1815 - Dec 2 1889  Nine  8
Hurd, Harriet E.  Sep 11 1830 - Mar 22 1890  Nine  8
Hutchins, Leroy W.  Lt. Col US Army  Apr 20 1905 - Feb 12 1975  Fourteen  27
Hynd, H. Kinley  1917 - 1978  Fifteen  10
Hynd, Ilad  "Austin"  1916 -  Fifteen  10
Hyre, Nellie G.  Jul 27 1890 - Apr 6 1909  Sister  Ten  7
IDA   [on old stone; no other information]   Two  3
Ikins, Daisy B.  1895 - 1983  Two  5
Ikins, Earl R.  1892 - 1955  Two  5
Ikins, Eliza Ann  w of Geo  Jan 2 1844 - Mar 22 1918  Two  6
Ikins, Etta  w of Edward Lee  Jan 28 1867 - Apr 14 1900  Two  6
Ikins, George  Jun 15 1831 - Apr 24 1900  Two  6
Ikins, George E.  May 18 1865 - Mar 21 1907  Two  6
Ikins, Hanna M.  w of F I Gilmer, Apr 4 1874 - Jan 15 1908  Two  6
Ikins, Maria M.  w of George  Oct 23 1856 - Jun 16 1902  Two  6
Inskip, Nellie  dau of J&A, Nov 14 1879-Dec 31 '99  One  1
Ireland, Allen L.  Sep 25 1898 - Feb 27 1971  Fourteen  8
Ireland, Elsie  1902 - 1983  Five  5
Ireland, H. Glenn  1895 - 1969  Fifteen  25
Ireland, Jesse F.  Sep 9 1907 - Jan 8 1968  Fourteen  8
Ireland, Josephine D.  Jul 20 1905 - May 23 1969  Fourteen  8
Ireland, Merle F.  1904 - 1979  Five  5
Ireland, Muriel  1936 - 1936  Five  6
Ireland, Stella A.  1896 - 1971  Fifteen  25
Ishmael, Louis  s/o HP & ME  d May 31 1873  Nine  7
Ishmael, Sadie  Nine  2
Ishmiel, Clarence E.  1981 - 1943  Three  13
Ishmiel, Clayton   1888 - 1961  Ten  13
Ishmiel, Hallie M.  1892 - 1958  Three  13
Ishmiel, Hugh H.  1888 - 1948  Father  Three  14
Ishmiel, Julius R. Sr.  1890 - 1917 Ten 13
Ishmiel, Nellie  1985 - 1967  Ten 13
Ismael, John W.  Aug 28 1851 -  Nine  7
Janes, David H.    Pfc US Army WWI  May 28 1893 - Sep 29 1983  Four  3
Janes, Mary M.  w/o William  1860 - 1935  Four  3
Janes, William A.  1850 - 1937  Four  3
Jardon, Gilbert E.  1918 - 1982  Fourteen  21
Jardon, Ronald D.  1947 - 49  Fourteen  21
Jardon, Vivian R.  1922 -  Fourteen  21
Jean, Catherine Rene  Jan 11, 1965   Daughter  Fifteen  1
Jeans, James Franklin  1876 - 1948  Three  10
Jeans, Miriam  1836 - 1911  Three  7 
Jeans, Pearl Jeanette  1882 - 1961  Three  10
Jeans, Thomas   Co A 66 Ind Inf  Three  7
Jefferson, Cincinnati M.  w/o Dr. J. W. Fuqua  Mar 8 1860 - Jan 28 1897  Seven  2
Jefferson, Hamilton  May 1 1798 - Sep 28 1876  Seven  2
Jefferson, Nancy  Dec 2 1819  Seven  2
Jelly, Catherine  1867 - 1944 Ten  6
Jelly, J. F.  1861 - 1933  Ten  6
Jemison, Erle  1881 - 1956  Ten  16
Jemison, Joy E.  1883 - 1979  Ten  16
Jemison, Laury M.  1851 - 1921  Ten 16
Jemison, William H.  1858 - 1932  Ten 16
Jenkins, A. H.  1844 - 1871  GAR  Nine  4
Jenkins, Arthur F.  s/o Arthusa & B I, Apr 1 1866-Apr 22 1889  One  4
Jenkins, Arthusa   B I, his wife, Jan 20 1832-Jan 28 1903  One  4
Jenkins, Francis T.  Jun 15 1867 - May 12 1871  Ten 1
Jenkins, Frankie T.  s/o NS&L  d Mar 12 1871  ae 3-8-27  Ten  2
Jenkins, Louisa  Dec 24 1838 -   (His wife) [w/o Nelson S.]  Ten  1
Jenkins, May  Jul 12 1872 - Jul 13 1872  Ten  1
Jenkins, May   d/o NS&L  d Jul 11 1873  Ten 2
Jenkins, Nelson S.  Co K 76 ILL Vol Inf  Feb 27 1832 - Apr 25 1902  Ten   1  
Jenkins, Zephaniah F.  Feb 13 1828-Jul 10 1903  One  4
Jessee, Clara V.  1917 - 1935  Mother Fifteen  5
Jewell, A. N.  1826 - 1903  Three 1
Jewell, Harry  s/o A.N.  1866 - 1884 Three  1
Jimison, Edith  1898 - 1959  Fourteen  22 
Jimison, Harold  1897 - 1958  Fourteen  22
Jimison, Lillie May  1870 - 1969  Fourteen  5
Jimison, Nina L.  1892 - 1966  Fourteen  7
Jimison, Reta Marie  1927 - 1983  VFW Aux  Fourteen  22
Jimison, Rolland Burr  1923 -  Fourteen  22
Johnson, Bertha E.  Apr 18 1873 - May 10 1947  Thirteen  7
Johnson, Bethshuea  d Nov 30 1863  ae 78  Nine  7
Johnson, Carl  1823 - 1912  Seven  13
Johnson, Carl  1823 - 1912  Seven 14
Johnson, Charles A.  s/o (Wm & ?)  d Oct 2 1865  ae 2-6-0  Six  15
Johnson, Charles Ralph  1902 - 1957  Six  15
Johnson, Clarence E.  1894 - 1977  American Legion Eleven  4
Johnson, Docia  d  ? 8 1888  ae 33 yrs   GAR  Two  2
Johnson, Ella Austin  1881 - 1983  Twelve  7
Johnson, Elsie  1895 - 1941  Three  10
Johnson, Elsie B.  1858 - 1941  Twelve  43
Johnson, Fred A., M. D.  1890 - 1963  Fourteen  20
Johnson, Howard C.  1881 - 1927  Twelve  7
Johnson, Ira B.  1859 - 1917  Twelve  43
Johnson, Jennie H.  w of Wesley  1860 - 1907  Two  4
Johnson, Joseph M.  1883 - 1971  Thirteen  7
Johnson, M. Ethel   1883 - 1941  Thirteen  7
Johnson, Marie  1834 - 1910  Seven  13
Johnson, Marie  1834 - 1910  Seven  14
Johnson, Marion  May 11 1831 - Apr 10 1913  Seven  13
Johnson, Nellie G.  dau of Wesley,  Mar 18 1870 - Dec 18 1901  Two  4
Johnson, Nora  dau of Wesley,  May 20 1874 - Jan 13 1907  Two  4
Johnson, Otto & Minnie  no dates Seven  15
Johnson, Vernia M.  1898 - 1926  Eleven  4
Johnson, Wesley  Mar 12 1846  no other info.  Two  4
Jones, Alice  1856 - 1943 Ten 14
Jones, Charles W.  1905 - 1983  Fifteen  16
Jones, Hattyone  1892 - 1973  Eleven  3
Jones, Henry  s of Wm & Safronia  Oct 9, 1889 - Mar 19 1890  One  5
Jones, J. A. Dewey  1898 - 1950  Father Eleven  9
Jones, Jesse B. Wilcox  1886 - 1955  Five  10
Jones, Kate B.  Mr 28 1880 - Mar 10 1930  Seven  6
Jones, M. Simpson  1851 - 1927  Ten  14
Jones, Rebecca  Jan 15 1853? - Jun 30 1874 One  6
Jones, William H.  inf s/o Wm & Safronia  Feb 22 1888-Feb 11   1889  One  6
Jones, Wilma  1911 -  Fifteen   16
Jonkman, Edith F.  d/o HT & FD  d May 6 1877  ae 1-9-24  Seven  2
Jonkman, Emma E.  1881 - 1968  Thirteen  12
Jonkman, Frances D.  d Dec 21 1914  ae 79-8-0  Seven  2
Jonkman, Garrett H.  1870 - 1953 Thirteen  12
Jonkman, Henry T.  d Oct 21 1901  ae 67-4-0  Seven  2
Jonkman, Jacob H.  Sep 7 1866 - Jul 28 1933  Seven  2
Jonkman, Jennie H.  Sep 18 1868 - Nov 1 1925  Seven  2
Justus, Aquilla  Oct 11 1817 - Mar 21 1882  Co D, 150th Regt,   ILL Vol  One 10
Justus, Earnest E.  1879 - 1918  One  12
Kalar, Mary E.  1863 - 1945  Ten  6
Kamerer, Floral  w/o GM  May 21 1869 - Sep 14 1889  Seven  14
Kanaley, Mary Alma  1894 - 1959  Thirteen  1
Kanaley, Roy Preston  1900 - 1960 Thirteen  1
Kanosky, David  M.  1956 - 1986  Fifteen  17
Karwacki, Joseph  1888 - 1930  Four 3
Keen, Anne  1840-1921, Mother  One  1
Keen, Mary  1869-1919  One  1
Keen, Rachel  1874-1879  One  3
Keene, Harry H.  1873-1941  One  1
Keene, Laura M.  1879-1977  One  1
Keever, Edward W.  1863 - 1930  Eleven  4
Keever, Ermon Wemon  ILL Cpl Co A 324 Inf WW1  Jul 6 1894 - Jan 6 1973  American Legion  Eleven 6
Keever, Helen Ruth  May 15 1898 - May 16 1939  Eleven  6
Keever, Ira J.  s/o E W  1899 - 1919  Eleven  4
Keever, Narcisus  1866 1937  w/o E W  Eleven  4
Keever, St. Clair Francis  Feb 23 1911 - Oct 9 1970  Eleven  6
Keiser, Mary J.  w of Jacob, Nov 10 1845-Oct 28 1887  One  4
Keith, Maxine E.  1929 - 1981  Twelve  9
Kendall, Caroline E.  w/o JD  d Feb 10 1878  ae 32-10-10  Nine  12
Kennedy, Dannie  Sep 22 1863 - Feb 16 1891  One  13
Kennedy, Mary A.  Mar 6 1835 -  One  14
Kennedy, Sadie  1877 - 1902  Five  9
Kennedy, Willis E.  Jun 2 1871 - Jul 12 1893  One  14
Kent, Louise M.  1849-1931 One  3
Kern, Calvin Eugene  May 8 1876 - May 3 1896  Ten  4
Kern, Catherine  May 5 1838 - Jun 11 1910  Ten  4
Kern, Henry Sylvester  Apr 27 1871 - May 20 1871  Ten  4
Kern, Owen  Nov 5 1834 - Jan 28 1908  Ten  4
Kern, Theresa  1860 - 1953  Ten  6
Kerns, Adelaide  1872 - 1922  w of Charles HOLZ  Two  10
Kerns, Alice  Nov 21 1849 - May 19 1939  Two  9
Kerns, Carrie  Jun 24 1873 - Apr 14 1917  Two  9
Kerns, Charles H.  Mar 26 1843 - Jan 20 1897  Two 9
Kerns, Ella R.  1880 - 1963  Fourteen  14
Kerns, Wilbur  1879 - 1952  Fourteen  14
Kewley, Adeline W.  1873 - 1948  Twelve  18
Kewley, Daniel   1835 - 1903  Twelve  18
Kewley, Ellen  1844 - 1909  Twelve  18
Kewley, James  1867 - 1926  Twelve  18
Kietzman, August F.  SFC US Army WW I  Jun 28 1887 - Aug 28   1983  Two  6
Kietzman, Charles  1885 - 1967  Twelve  19
Kietzman, Francis A.  May 17 1915 - Nov 24 1985  Fourteen  17
Kietzman, Henry  1891 - 1969  Fourteen  17
Kietzman, Iva  1892 - 1952  Fourteen  17
Kietzman, Jane  1883 - 1966 Twelve 19
Kietzman, Julius  1846 - 1919  Twelve 19
Kietzman, Laura Search  1897 -  Two  6
Kietzman, Lillian M.  Dubbel  Aug 12 1917 - Married 20 June 1936  Fourteen  17
Kietzman, Martha  1889 - 1978  Twelve  20
Kimbell, L.   d Apr 13 1883  Two 2
Kincade, Harold O.  1919 - 1986  Fourteen  23
Kincade, Jenetta   Fourteen  23
Kincade, Otto R.  Fifteen  18
Kincade, Viola L.  1902 - 1975  Fifteen  18
Kindig, Benj G.  d Oct 9 1888  ae 74-0-11  One  5
Kindig, Delilah  d May 7 1907  ae 90 years  One  5
Kindig, Ellis J.  Aug 8 1873 - Sep 30 1949  Two  13
Kindig, Emery G.  1877 - 1947  Three  7
Kindig, Eva Retta  w/o Samuel H  1868-1934  One  14
Kindig, John D.  Jun 14 1852-Nov 10 1911  One  5
Kindig, Lotta M.  1886 - 1954  Three  7
Kindig, Lyle G.  1909 - 1942  Three  7
Kindig, M Eliz  Aug 2, 1857-Dec 26 1930  One  5
Kindig, Olive  Aug 27 1875 - Nov 7 1956  Two  13
Kindig, Samuel H.  d Mar 7 1893  ae 39-2-7  One  14
King, Cpl. George  1887 - 1918  Co K, 326 Inf, d at Base Hosp. II, France, Amer Leg mkr  One  14
Kinnison, William  b Milie Co., Ohio  Mar 6 1822  d Mar 6 1858  ae 36 years  Nine  16
Kirby, Sarah A.  w/o Harrison  Jan 2 1826 - Nov 30 1899 Nine  7
Kirk, Shirley L.  1940 - 1958  Daughter  Fourteen 6
Kirs, Sandra  Jan 31 1958 - May 26 1958  Dau  Fourteen  6
Kissack, Carrie A.`  1875 - 1964   Eleven  4
Kissack, John C.  1876 - 1943  Eleven  5
Kissack, John L.  ILL Pfc US Army WW1  Dec 4 1899 0 Oct 22    1963  Amer. Leg.  Eleven  7
Kizer, Elizabeth  d/o Daniel & Mary  d Apr 21 1872  ae 41-7-18  Nine  16
Kizer, Etta R.  d/o OC & MJ  d Sep 15 1870  0-3-28 Five 8
Knoche, Baby  Aug 1925  Twelve  36
Knoche, Christian  d Sep 3 1893  One  14 
Knoche, Elizabeth  w of C  d Aug 4 1910  90-5-0  One  14
Knoche, Henry  1849 - 1933  One  14
Knoche, Henry W.  1901-1924  One   14
Knoche, Lucy Ramsey  Jan 21 1862 - Nov 11 1947  Six  1
Knoche, Margaret  1895 - 1981  One  15
Knoche, Robert D.  AS USN WW II   Jul 14 1919 - Feb 5 1980  One  13
Knoche, Rolland  1888 - 1972  One  15
Knowlton, David  1849 - 1939 One 13
Knowlton, Frank  s of DW & R  Dec 24 1880 - Apr 27 1904  One  15
Knowlton, G. A.  Aug 10 1827 - Jan 30 1902   Mother  One  15  
Knowlton, Jane W.  Jan 14 1848 - Mar 27 1909  One  13
Knowlton, Rena A.  w of DW   d Jan 13 1894  ae 45-2-16  One  14
Knowlton, S.  Jul 22 1823 - Nov 4 1901   Father  One  15
Koester, Bessie Seaman  1899 - 1930  Ten  15
Koon, Clarence Haney  U. S. Army 1st Lt WWI  Jul 3 1893 - Apr 29   1979  Six  6
Koon, Elizabeth  1835 - 1917  One  13
Koon, Elizabeth H.  1862 - 1942  One  15
Koon, Elmer  1862 - 1945  One  15
Koon, Emma V.  1858 - 1940  w of J Harvey  One  13
Koon, J Harvey  1854 - 1930  One  13
Koon, Lizzie A.  1839 - 1908  Six  7
Koon, Mae R.  wife of Will T.  1886-1947  One  3
Koon, Mary  1862 - 1917  One  15
Koon, Mary Haney  1853 - 1936  Six  6
Koon, Maude E.  1876 - 1940  One 15
Koon, Orange W.  1832 - 1917  One  13
Koon, William B.  1842 - 1918  Six  6
Kottwitz, Margaret Marie   Cupp  Aug 7 1935 - Dec 15 1 963  Three  7
Krablin, Ester L.  1914 - 1949  Daughter  Thirteen  1
Krablin, Harry A.  1897 - 19     Father  Thirteen  3
Krablin, Jennie A.  1869 - 1949  Mother  Thirteen  1
Krablin, M. Ellen  1898 - 1974  Mother  Thirteen  3
Krablin, William J.  1870 - 1954  Father  Thirteen  1
Krambeer, Louise S.    Ten  16
Krambeer, Milton A.    Ten  16  
Krause, Alice M.  Mom   1876 - 1939  Thirteen  14
Krause, Charles E.  ILL M/Sgt 1 Marine Air Wing WW I & II  Oct 19 1899 - Jan 1 1956  Thirteen  2
Krause, Charles L.  Dad  1872 - 1939  Thirteen  14
Krause, Hilda M.  Nov 19 1893 - Feb 8 1986  Thirteen  2
Kretzmann, Anna  1858 - 1938  Twelve  19
Krouse, John  1838 - 1912  Ten  10
Krouse, Mary  1841 - 1933  w/o John  Ten  10
Kuhlman, Almuth   1896 - 19  Three  6
Kuhlman, Amanda M.  1896 - 1985  Fifteen  5
Kuhlman, Charles  1905 - 1970  Fifteen  4
Kuhlman, Ed Hinrich  1901 - 1966  Three  6
Kuhlman, Florence  1907 -  Fifteen  5
Kuhlman, John H.  1894 - 1975  Married Sep 3 1914  Fifteen  5
Kuhlman, John W.  1907 - Fifteen  5
Kuhlman, Mabel I.  1903 - 1979 Fifteen  4
Kuhlman, Wilbur Melvin  1912 - 1944  Father  Fourteen  14
Kuipers, Kyle Lee  Sep 4 1976  Fifteen  12  
Kuntz, Bernice M.  1907 - 1978  Three  9
Kuntz, Marvin M.  1911 - 1978  Three  9
Kussel, Alice O.  1861 - 1936  Three  13
Lagger, Helen Evans  Nov 19 1882 - Jan 5 1923  One  14
Lambert, Beatrice E.  1892 - 1981  Fourteen  26
Lambert, Clyde A.  1903 - 1955  Ten  16
Lambert, Edith  Sep 27 1901 - Jun 22 1934  Seven  13
Lambert, G. Wesley  1887 - 1966  Seven  14
Lambert, Geo. M.  1910 - 1917  Seven  14
Lambert, Gertrude E.  1889 - 1979  Seven  14
Lambert, James O.  Jul 25 1890 - Mar 6 1972  ILL Pvt 9 Ordinance   GD Co WW I  Fifteen  4
Lambert, Lloyd E.  1895 - 1968  Fourteen  26
Lambert, Mary E.  Jun 20 1860 - Aug 22 1937  Seven  13
Lambert, Moses  Apr 16 1853 - Feb 26 1912  Seven  13
Lambert, Wendell C.  1923 - 1926  Seven  14
Lampman, Alvah W.  1850 - 1917  Ten  13
Lampman, Eunice A.  1842 - 1880  Ten 5
Lampman, Ina V.  1865 - 1962  Ten  13
Lampman, Ruby Smith  Apr 13 1912 -  Ten  14
Lampman, Stephen A.  Aug 28 1904 - Nov 29 1984  Ten  14
Lane, Gladys Smith  1890 - 1958  Six  4
Lane, Hiram  s of Nelson & Bessie, Aug 22 1899-Dec 16 1918  One  4
Lane, Raymond J.  1882 - 1970  Six  4
Larkin, Albert J.  1874 - 1947  F L T  Eleven  13
Larkin, Evaline  1875 - 1968  Eleven  13
Larkin, Lucinda E.  Aug 1 1894 - Dec 29 1906  12-4-28  Two  15
Larkin, Sarah E.  Aug 5 1850 - Mar 20 1900  Two  15
Larkin, Thomas M.  Apr 6 1853 - Oct 19 1935  Two  15
Laube, Elizabeth  1891 - 1961  Fourteen  9
Laube, Emil  1891 - 1956  American Legion  Fourteen 9
Lawhead, Amanda  w of Hiram Darst   Jul 27 1838 - Jan 21 1868  One  11
Lawhead, Bessie  Sep 9 1876 - Nov 10 1904  One  11
Lawhead, Father  Mar 27 1842 - Sep 9 1904   GAR  One  11
Lawhead, Hiram Wm.  1840 - 1917  One  10
Lawhead, James  Apr 27 1815 - Apr 27 1845  One  11
Lawhead, Jane  w of James  May 4 1817 - May 4 1875  One  11
Lawson, Anna M.  w/o John D.  Apr 29 1837 - May 16 1896 Two  9
Lawson, Betty C.   1923 - 1958  Fourteen  3
Lawson, John D.  Jan 7 1828 - Mar 25 1910  Two  9
Layer, Augusta   Nov 26 1842 - Sep 4 1924  Wife  Twelve  14
Layer, John David  Aug 25 1837 - Jul 26 1905  Twelve  14
Leach, Benj O B  s/o M/M A J  May 29 1920 - Dec 13 1920  Four  4
Leach, Cora E.  1867 - 19  Three  10
Leach, John A.  1865 - 1937  Three  10
Lee, Gary C.  Jan 26 - Dec 22 1941  Three  13
Lee, Glenn V.  1910 - 1968 Fourteen  4
Lee, Helen M.  1910 - 19  Fourteen  4
Leef, Charles S.  1852 - 1934  One  16
Leef, Edgar H.    Five  6
Leef, Ellen Hobbs  Oct 13 1847 - Oct 5 1926  Nine  6
Leef, Frank  d May 6 188?  ae 31  Nine  1
Leef, Geo. W.  Jul 8 1847 - Feb 23 1906  Nine  6
Leef, Harry  1870 - 1923  Five  4
Leef, Irwin  1901 - 1907  One  18
Leef, Jennie  1845 - 1920  One  16
Leef, Leroy W.  d May 25 1875  ae 60-1-9  Nine   5
Leef, Mollie C.  1870 - 1923  Five 4
Leef, Nellie  Oct 29 1844 - Oct 21 1914  Nine  4
Leef, Robert  Jan 1 1878 - Jun 2 1917  son of FM & AL Leef    Spanish Amer. War  Nine   1
Legan, Alfred  1880 - 1957  Three  14
Legan, Alfred L.  1913 - 1981  Fourteen  23
Legan, Grace   1888 - 1976  Three  14
Legan, Richard E.  Mar 10 1955 - Apr 26 1965  Fifteen  1
Legan, Robert E.  Apr 30 1952 - Dec 10 1970  Fifteen  1
Legan, Ruth P.  1914 -  Fourteen  23
Leguire, Charles N.  1868 - 1953  Three  13
Leguire, E. Jane  1868 - 1955  Three  13
Leonard, Arthur S.  1908 - 1935  Fourteen  1
Leonard, Jeanette  1913 - 19  Fourteen  1
Lewandowski, Nick  1868 - 1940  Fourteen  18
Lewis, Alma  1901 - 1966  Fifteen  1
Lewis, Alpheus  d Jun 22 1872  36-9-3  Nine  4
Lewis, Altena W.  1918 -  Fifteen  2
Lewis, Amanda A.  Mar 26 1819 - Sep 18 1891  w/o Rev. NC  Seven 10
Lewis, August  1915 - 1976  Fifteen  2
Lewis, Blanche M.  1897 - 1963  Eleven  13
Lewis, Clarence  1902 - 1966  Fifteen  1
Lewis, Clarence C.  ILL Cpl Air Corps WW II  Oct 20 1927 - Apr 25   1948  Eleven  13
Lewis, Ernest V.  IL Sgt 1 Cl 268 Aepz So  Jul 15 1832  Amer Leg  Eleven  13
Lewis, Helen K.  Nov 21 1910 - Dec 31 1979  Fourteen  7
Lewis, Ira W.  1905 - 1962  Fourteen  8
Lewis, James I.  1932 - 1954  American Legion  Fourteen  8
Lewis, Leona M.  1912 -  Fourteen  8
Lewis, Marion F.  1902 - 1959  Four  1
Lewis, Mary L.  d Aug 27 1883   44-11-0  Nine  4
Lewis, Minttie  d/o Alpheus & Mary L Lewis  d Jan 10 1882  Nine  5
Lewis, Myrtle  d/o TM & Sarah  May 5 1901 - Aug 28 1901  Four  2
Lewis, Paul F.  Aug 14 1912 - Mar 26 1955  Missouri Sgt 388   Bomb GP AAF WW II  Fourteen  7
Lewis, Rev. Nath. C.  Feb 15 1815 - May 28 1882  Seven  10
Lewis, Richard T.  Feb 22 1922 - Mar 22 1971  ILL Pfc US Army WW II  American Legion  Eleven 14
Lewis, Sarah  1873 - 1960  Mother Four  1
Lewis, Thomas N.  Feb 13 1867 - Jun 15 1935 Four  1
Lewis, William  d Apr 9 1888  ae 12-4-23 Nine  5
Lewis, Wm. A.  their son  Jul 2 1893 - Aug 15 1895  Four  1
Lewis, Wm. J.  May 1 1862 - Jun 24 1941  Four  1
Lewler, Frederick  May 28 1889 - May 24 1889  ch of JS & Clara  Nine  12
Lewler, Henry E.  Dec 14 1891 - Jun 11 1892  ch of JS & Clara  Nine  12
Lewler, John  Jun 17 1887   age 1 day  ch of JS & Clara  Nine  12
Lewler, John S.  d Apr 1 1892  ae 34 years  Nine  12
Lewler, Martin  Aug 7 1829 - Jul 24 1916  Nine  13
Liacas, Nettie Elizabeth  Jul 10 1902 - May 2 1967  Fifteen  4
Lick, Walter Fred  Jul 4 1904 - Jan 29 1978  USN WW II  Fourteen  15  
Lindsay, B. F.  Jan 13 1838 - Jun 24 1901  Two  12
Lindsay, Francis C.  w/o BF  Apr 13 1846 - Jan 26 1918  Two  12
Lindsay, Francis Catherine  stone broken  Two  11
Lindsay, James Forest  s of A&M  d Mar 25 1884  ae 0-3-21  One 10
Lindsay, Lloyd F.  1902 - 1963  Two  13
Lindsay, Robert E.  s of Lloyd & Lilath 1926 - 1929  Two  13
Lindsey, Anna B.  b Apr 3 1833   no other dates  Two  14
Lindsey, Benjamin Franklin  stone broken  Two  11
Lindsey, Carrie Capen  Feb 9 1872 - Mar 26 1944  b. on farm n. Adrian,  Mich. 
         d. at home, Onarga Thirteen  17
Lindsey, George C.  Oct 25 1850 - Nov 25 1883  Seven  10
Lindsey, Ira Mason  Feb 3 1867 - Dec 24 1938  b. at old home n. Delrey on land granted to his 
         g/f by the govt during the Van Buren Adm.  d. at his home in Onarga  Thirteen  17
Lindsey, Leon Mason Aug 5 1895 - Jul 14 1979  b. at home n Delrey d. Prescott, Arizona  Thirteen 17
Lindsey, Lester J.  1904 - 1969  Fourteen  22
Lindsey, Muryl Rohrback  1904 -  Fourteen  22
Lindsey, Stewart  d Jan 26 1885  ae 66-3-0  Two  14
Lindsley, Sarah E.  d/o JS&ME  d Apr 14 1866  ae 2-1-23  Five  5
Link, Emma M.  1871 - 1942  Mother  Eleven  8
Link, Lawrence M.  1900 - 1981  Fourteen  26
Link, Lovell G.  1898 - 1930  Eleven 7
Link, Lovell G.  1898 - 1930  Eleven  8
Link, Ollie J.  1900 - 1983  Eleven 7
Link, Ollie J.  1900 - 1983  Eleven  8
Link, Susie E.  1899 - 1979  Fourteen  26
Lisiecki, Mark  1871 - 1939  Eleven  10
Lockwood, Albert L.  1877 - 1879  Six  10
Lockwood, Alfred A.  1849 - 1868  Six  10
Lockwood, Athelia Ann  Aug 12 1836 - May 3 1876  Six  10
Lockwood, Clara M.  d/o WA & AA  d Nov 10 1865  ae 1-5-0  Six  10
Lockwood, Dolly B.  w/o Walter  d May 13 1880  ae 81-1-27  Our   Mother  Six  6
Lockwood, Eliza J.  d Sep 13 1885  ae 70 years  Six  10
Lockwood, Elmer  Jan 30 1835 - Mar 23 1899  Six  6
Lockwood, Emily  1825 - 1863  Six  10
Lockwood, Etta  1861 - 1861  Six  10
Lockwood, Eugene  Sep 4 1851 - May 26 1932  Five  14
Lockwood, Freddie  May 5 1884 - Sep 9 1884  Five  14
Lockwood, Frederick  1824 - 1913  Six  10
Lockwood, Lois V.  d/o Elmer & Sarah  d Feb 6 1861  ae 0-8-20  Six  7
Lockwood, Mahala  1839 - 1924  Six  10
Lockwood, Mary  w/o Eugene  Aug 28 1854 - Jul 15 1930  Five 14
Lockwood, Oma & Ama  1857 - 1857  Six  10
Lockwood, Oscar  s/o E&S  d Mar 19 1865  ae 1-6-12  Six  7
Lockwood, Sarah  w/o Elmer d Dec 14 1886  ae 49  Six  6
Lockwood, Sarah E.  1854 - 1860  Six  10
Lockwood, Silas G.  d Apr 19 1881  ae 51 years Six  10
Lockwood, Vernie  May 13 1885 - Feb 18 1891 Five  14
Lockwood, Walter  (June) 9 1800 - Mar 28 1885  Six  6
Lockwood, Walter L.  1873 - 1873  Six  10
Logsdon, Barbara L.  1928 - 1937  Thirteen  14
Loma, Claris  1922 -  Fifteen  15
Looker, Frank E.  1875 - 1934  Ten  4
Looker, Maude W.  1885 - 1958  Ten  4
Looker, Robert  Jul 26 1829 - Mar 6 1916  Nine 16
Looker, Sarah A.  w/o Robert  Jul 23 1831 - Jan 4 1911  Nine  16
Loucks, Desdemona Marsh   w of John G.  d Nov 18 1880  65-5-0  One  17
Louden, Florence Garner  1866 - 1954 Three 13 
Loudon, Clara A.  1854-1929  One  1
Loudon, William Wesley  1853-1933 One  1
Lovell, Henry M.  1828 - 1903  Six  4
Lovell, John  1792 - 1864  Six  4
Lovell, Julia B.  1827 - 1926  Six  4
Lovett, Clara S.  1869 - 1925  Five  7
Lovett, Ellen 1845 - 1920  Seven  2
Lovett, Irene Hanson  1892 - 1945 Five  7
Lovett, J. W.  18709 - 1903 Seven  2
Lovett, Michael  1844 - 1918  Seven 2
Lovett, Walter  1868 - 1923  Five  7
Lowe  inf s/o JB & JL  d Jun 1 1871  Six  10
Lowe, Cynthia Skeels  w/o Hiram Lowe  Oct 23 1828 -  Six  13
Lowe, George W.  1870 - 1937  Ten  5
Lowe, Hiram  Jan 1 1825 - Jul 23 1898   Six  13
Lowe, Ira P.  1918 - 1976  Ten   5
Lowe, John B.  d Jan 18 1892  ae 48 years  Six  10
Lowe, Josephine L.   d Feb 19 1884  ae 42 years  Six  10
Lowe, Laura A.  1880 - 1959  Ten  5
Ludwick, Claude H. Lt.   Col.  1898 - 1951  Fourteen  18
Ludwick, Mary E.  1845 - 1898  One  8
Ludwick, Sarah C.  w of Thomas W.  d May 4 1874 ae 31-2-0  One  8
Ludwick, Thomas W.  d Apr 27 1887  ae 44-6-0   GAR  One  8
Ludwig, Susan  w/o    Dec 25 1872  ae 86-11-0  Seven   1
Lupke, Henry D.  Sep 18 1881 - May 10 1961  Ten  9
Lupke, Reka  Dec 10 1887 - Jun 28 1949  Ten  9
Lyman, Deborah K.  w/o Wm. B.  Mar 24 1827 - Nov 17 1897     ae 70-7-23  Nine  13
Lyman, Emma L.  Apr 17 1850 - Jul 8 1851  ae 1-2-21  Nine  13
Lyman, Lewis B.  Sep 1 1862 - Jul 19 1871  ae 8-10-18 Nine  13
Lyman, Mary Ada  Aug 1 1852 - Feb 8 1855  ae 2-6-8  Nine  13
Lyman, Simeon A.  Nov 19 1859 - Aug 6 1860  ae 0-8-16  Nine  13
Lyman, William B.  b Dec 27 1822   d  Aug 26 1892  ae 69-7-29  Nine  13
Lyon, Howard B.  1892 -  Fifteen  5
Lyon, Margaret M.  1894 -  Fifteen  5
Lyon, Naomi Ford  1915 - 1959  Three  12
Lyons, Alia  1846 - 1926  Eleven  3
Lyons, David  1845 - 1932  Eleven  3
Lyons, Gail R.   Fifteen  16
Lyons, John Harry  1898 - 1984 Three  12
Lyons, Maggie M.  1891 - 1925 Eight  1
Lyons, Pauline  Fifteen   16
Lyons, Wm E.  1877 - 1963 Three  7
Macdermid, John  b in Scotland ca 1824  d Jun 12 1896  Two  3
Mace, Mary Ann  w/o William  Apr 28 1838 - Jun 4 1901  Two  12
Mace, William  Nov 22 1842 - Jul 7 1904 Two  12
Mack, Clara Crumrine  1892 - 1929  Ten  15
Maddin, Cassius M.  Dec 28 1860 - Mar 3 1922  Twelve  11
Maddin, Cordelia W.  Oct 30 1864 - Feb 1 1938  Twelve  11
Maddin, George R.  1898 - 1973  Twelve  11
Maddin, James Walter  1891 - 1953  Twelve 12
Maddin, Marcia Glee  1891 - 1973  Twelve  12
Maddin, Marilyn Jean  1927 - 1938  Twelve  11
Maddin, Merle V.  1899 -  Twelve 11
Major, Katharyne  Aug 14 1848 - Jul 16 1929  Nine  7
Major, Samuel M.  Apr 24 1830 - Mar 10 1908  Nine  7
Malone, Ida Foster  1877 - 1943 Eight  3
Maltby  1837 - 1918  Three  2
Maltby, Ann  his wife  1832 - 1899  Three  2
Mans, Ella M.  1886 - 1957  Seven  12
Mans, George W.  1884 - 1936  Seven  12
Mans, Henry  1870 - 1940  Seven  10
Mans, Mary A.  1842 - 1912  Seven  10
Margerum, Henry  no dates  Five  14
Margerum, Jackson  1830 - 1899  Five  14
Margerum, Jennie  no dates  Five  14
Margerum, Sarah  1836 - 1894  Five  14
Margrey, Clyde R.  1927 -  Ten  18
Margrey, Clyde S.  1900 - 1977  Ten  18
Margrey, Leonard D.  1875 - 1924  Ten  16  
Margrey, Rosalie  1876 - 1949  Ten  16
Margrey, Vernita D.  1899 - 1978  Ten  18 
Markham, Maggie A.  w/o JA  Nov 3 1844 - Sep 9 1870  Five  11
Marshall, Bertha Lois  1883 - 1955  Ten  7
Marshall, Esther Egley  1896 - 1932  Two  2
Marshall, James M.  Co E ILL Vol Cav  1846 - 1907  Ten  7
Marston, Benni  Aug 21 1855  ae 1-9-0  s/o SK&SF  Five  7
Marston, Ebeneezer  1801-1862  Five  8
Marston, Sanford K.  1831 - 1904  Five 8
Marston, Sarah Field  w/o SK  1831 - 1904  Five  8  
Marston, Sarah S. Rideout  w/o Ebenezer  1802 - 1886  Five  8
Martin, Anna M.  Dec 8 1876 - Feb 4 1941  Two  3
Martin, Clara  Aug 15 1875 - Mar 19 1898  Two  3
Martin, Clara  Aug 15 1875 - Mar 19 1878  Two  4
Martin, Daniel  Oct 5 1830 - Sep 10 1897  Father  Two  3
Martin, Daniel  d Sep 10 1897  ae 66-10-25  Two  4
Martin, Emma  Mar 2 1874 - Apr 7 1909  Two  3
Martin, Emma  Mar 2 1874 - Apr 7 1908  w of Robt D  Two  4
Martin, John  1866 - 1926   Father  Seven  9
Martin, Mollie  1868 - 1937   Mother  Seven  9
Martin, Robert D.  Jan 6 1865 - Sep 29 1917  Two  4
Martin, Sarah  Jul114 1840 - Jul 9 1925  Mother  Two  3
Martin, Sarah  d Jul 9 1925  ae 84-11-25  Two  4
Maskal, Elma  1903 - 1982 Three  8
Maskal, George  d Jun 2 1889  ae 22-9-27  Co M 9th ILL Regt   Cav  Ten  4
Maskal, John  1902 - 1969  Three  8 
Maskal, Leonard  d Jul 3 1888 ae 48-6-28  Ten  4
Mason, Emma  1868 - 1954  His Wife [wife of William H]  Nine  2
Mason, Julia H.  1900 -  Eleven  2
Mason, Richard  1896 - 1976  Eleven  2
Mason, William H.  1858 - 1915  Nine  2
Mason, Wm. E.  Dec 27 1890 - Feb 8 1902  Nine 2
Mathews, Ellen  no dates  Nine  4
Mathews, John William  d Jul 18 1869  ch of James & A Mathews  Nine  4
Mathiason, Cora L. Hanson  1858 - 1896  One 9
Mathiason, Peter Bernhardt  1844 - 1915  One  9
Matthews, ??   His wife {John's wife]  1814 - 1898  Nine  5
Matthews, George Hall  d Jun 23 1880  Children of James & Ann   Matthews  Nine  5
Matthews, James  d Apr 8 1909  ae 64-6-8  Nine  5
Matthews, John  Apr 9 1806 - May 29 1886  GAR  Nine  5
Matthews, John William  Dec 12 1869  Nine  5
Matthews, M Jane  1849 - 1914  Six  16
Matthews, Martha May  Dec 11 1869  Nine  5
Matthews, RR  1888 - 1901  Nine  5
Matthews, William D A  1847 - 1923  Six  16
Maxson, Joseph T.  d Oct 3 1866  ae 47-3-13  Six  12
Maxson, Oren N.  s/o Joseph T & Sarah L   d Aug 31 1866   ae 18-  4-18  Six  12
Maxson, Sarah L.  w/o Joseph T.  ae 87-3-0  Six  12
May, Lottie M.  1863 - 1912  Ten  10
McCann, May E.  1907 - 1965  Fourteen  4
McCann, R. Paul  1905 - 19  Fourteen  4
McCarthy, Ednah L.  1885 - 1952  Five  6
McCord, A Lillian  1855 - 1880  One  13
McCord, Carrie T Lawer  1853 - 1892  One  13
McCord, Claudius T.  1866 - 1924  GAR  One  15
McCord, James M.  1852 - 1934  Two  1
McCord, Leonora Goes  1863 - 1957  DAR marker   One  15
McCord, Sarah A.  1828 - 1883  One  13
McCord, Virginia R.  1858 - 1944 Two 1
McCord, William R. 1827 - 1914 One 13
McCready, Joephus B. Jan 12 1863  ae 18 yrs Six 2
McCready, Lucinda B. Dec 8 1849  ae 8 yrs Six 2
McCready, Riley R. Oct 21 1875  ae 65 yrs   Six  2
McCready, Sarah S. wife   Jan 2 1892  ae 86  Six  2
McCurdy, Ben  Mar 25 1908 - Aug 30 1984  T/Sgt US Army   WW II  American Legion  Fourteen  9
McDonald, Tessa  1898 - 1971  Thirteen  15
McDowell, Angie  w/o Jason Lee & d/o James & Margaret Wilson d Aug 25 1876  ae 30-4-17  Six  1
McElroy, Elsie F.  1896 - 1947  Ten  13
McFadden, Chancy D.  1894 - 1984  Fifteen  4
McFadden, David Walter  1923 - 1923  Four  3
McFadden, Elin C.  1904 - 1980  Fifteen  4
McFadden, Nettie A.  1876 - 1959  Three  13
McFadden, Timothy Lee  1954 - 1954  Four  3
McFadden, Walter B.  1866 - 1947  Three  13
McGough, John  1870 - 1940  Two  16
McGough, Martha  1878 - 1968  Two  16
McGowan, Donald E.  1899 - 1976  Twelve  16
McGowan, Ethel M.  1897 - 1966  Twelve  16
McGregor, Joanne  Sep 24-5 1953  Eleven  7
McIntosh, Darrell H.  1925 - 1919  Seven  5
McIntosh, Ellen  w/o John  Jun 2 1847 - Sep 20 1925  Seven  4
McIntosh, Florense M.  w/o J F  Feb 26 1864 - Jan 31 1902  Seven  5
McIntosh, Isabell  w/o William  d 1877  Seven  4
McIntosh, J. F.  Sep 2 1874 - Oct 17 1950  Seven  6
McIntosh, John  Apr 13 1839 -  Aug 3 1910  Seven  4
McIntosh, Martha Eva  inf of JF & FM  Nov 9 1896  Seven  5
McIntyre, Abbie E.  May 25 1841 - Nov 15 1916  Nine  14
McIntyre, Catherine  Nov 26 1872  ae 69-9-18  Five  7
McIntyre, HE  Nine  14
McIntyre, Hiram E.  Apr 16 1836 - Sep 3 1921  Nine  14
McKinney  six children, not named [ch of Ralph & Eliza]  Six  6
McKinney, Eliza  1828 - 1905  w/o Ralph  Six  6
McKinney, Ralph  1824 - 1896  Six  6
McKinney, Thirza  w/o John B.  d May 5 1868  ae 35-9-4  Nine  8
McMillan, Elizabeth H.  no other info  Three  4
McMillan, Elizabeth H.   w/o Geo W  Dec 18 1834 - Jun 25 1885  b   Hampshire Co., Va  Three  5
McMillan, George W.  Feb 12 1840 - Dec 19 1907  Three  5
McMillan, John W.   s/o Geo W  b Apr 30 1867  d Oct 23 1906  Three  5
McMullen, Clarence C.  Feb 17 1886 - Jun 9 1914  Ten   10
McMullen, M.  Jun 30 1896 - Aug 22 1926  Ten 10
McMullen, Miner R.  May 8 1849 - Feb 15 1896f  Two  1
McQueen, Anna M.  Jan 1 1861 - Aug 9 1928  Twelve  11
McQueen, James Floyd  1891 - 1938  Twelve  11
McQueen, Thomas E  Feb 23 1854 - Mar 20 1922  Twelve  11
McRill, Charles  1863 - 1922  Ten  13
McRill, Sadie  1868 - 1939  Ten  13
Meadows, Anna  1893 - 1976  Three  4
Meadows, Eleaner C.   Apr 6 1902 - Feb 26 1959  Eight  3
Meadows, Ida Jane  1866 - 1932  Eight  2
Meadows, Louise B.  1914 - 1918  Three  6
Meadows, Thomas W.  d Jul 13 1896  ae 63-7-0  Seven  10
Meadows, Walter  1898 - 1910  Four  1
Meadows, William A.  1892 - 1971  Three  4
Meadows, William R.  1868 - 1917  Eight  2
Mears, Charlie  d Sep 14 1860  ae 0-1-14  Five  14
Mears, Charlie  Sep 11 1860   s/o JM & LA  0-1-1  Five  15
Mears, Dan A.  1859 - 1942  Five  13
Mears, Frank   Apr 15 1862 - Aug 2 1932  Five  15
Mears, Henry C.  s/o JM&LA  Jul 3 1872  3-1-0  Five  14
Mears, Henry C.  d Jul 3 1872  ae 3-1-20  Five  14
Mears, Jairus M.  Feb 22 1825 - Jul 24 1910  Five  14
Mears, Lydia A.  w/o JM  Mar 24 1832 - Jan 30 1906  Five  14
Mears, Nora W.  1870 - 1952  Five  13
Measaw, Maxine E.  1929 -  Twelve  9
Measaw, Stanley J.  New York Pfc 331 ORD Depot Co WW II   Jul 15 1927 - Aug 23 1970  Twelve  9
Meinhard, Margarethe  Apr 13 1881  d/o H & W  Seven  7
Mendell, Sara  sister of Rev. J. Mendell  d May 12 1858 ae 36   yrs  Two  6
Meredith, John  1874 - 1921  Seven  14
Meredith, Leona M.  1873 -     Wife  Seven  14
Meredith, Mary F.  b Frankfort Ky, May 16 1840  d Chicago Jun 20   1899  Two  4
Meredith, Mary Findley  1840 - 1899   Wife  Seven  14
Meredith, Robert  1844 - 1918  Seven  14
Meredith, Robert S.  1878 - 1904  Seven  14
Meredith, Sada  1881 - 1904  Seven  14
Messer, Antie  1861 - 1876  Six  2
Messer, Charles E.  May 31 1885 - Jan 4 1910  Seven 10
Messer, Lucinda A. Lehigh  Jan 21 1838 - Apr 18 1904  Six  2
Messer, Moses Haynes  Jan 29 1829 - Apr 4 1900  Six  2
Messer, Nellie  Jan 17 1865 - Aug 11 1865  ae 0-6-4  Six  2
Messer, Warren  Feb 2 1859  ae 13 days  s/o MH&LL  Six 2
Messerly, Caroline Miller  1866 - 1942  Seven  6
Messerly, J.R.  Sep 22 1847-Jan 27 1912  One  5
Messerly, Mary E.  d Aug 12 1899   Mother  One  5
Metzger   s/o DH & SH d Sep 26 1869  ae 16-3-0  Nine  13
Mexson, Bertha E.  1898 - 1974  Fourteen  8
Mexson, Francis G. R.  1901 - 1958  Fourteen  8
Meyer, Dorothy M.  Dec 8 1914 -  Thirteen  27 
Meyer, Frank  s/o D&I  d Oct 23 1862  ae2-0-19  Nine 10
Meyer, Louis F.  Jul 12 1914 -  Thirteen  27
Meyer, Willie H.  s/o D&L  d Oct 31 1862  ae 0-1-2  Nine  10
Michels, John A.  1875 - 1957  Three  10  
Michels, Leta  1886 - 1943  Three  10
Mick, Maria E.  Dec 1 1798 - Dec 4 1874 Two 9
Mick, McKendree  Jan 1 1808 - Oct 14 1876  Two  9
Miller, Ada L.  Jul 6 1867 - Dec 10 1898  Nine  7
Miller, Adelaide R.  Nov 14 1841 - Oct 29 1907  Nine  2
Miller, Blanche V.  1905 - 1978  Ten 9
Miller, Bonnie  Jul 8 1938 -  Seven  8
Miller, E. Bernice  1915 - 1980  Thirteen 24
Miller, Earl L.  1909 -  Thirteen  24
Miller, Edna  d/o JC & AJ  Dec 31 1878 - Jan 1 1881  Seven  5
Miller, Edward A.  Jul 25 1920 - May 30 1955  Major 312 F T R   Bomber  WGAF WW II  Korea  
        AM&OLC  American Legion  Fourteen  10
Miller, Edward H.  Apr 30 1895 - Jun 29 1972  ILL Pvt US Army   WW I  Fourteen  10
Miller, Ellen L. [Lockwood]  1834 - 1873  Six  10
Miller, Emma M.  Jul 17 1899 - Feb 23 1972 Fourteen  10
Miller, France Lee  1867 - 1937  Seven  7
Miller, Harrison Aug 4 1822 - Sep 30 1907  Nine  7
Miller, Ineza V.   Featheringill Mar 20 1857 - Dec 1891  d/o John & Martha  Six  15
Miller, Lewis E.  1870 - 1935  Nine 8
Miller, Lizzie M.  w/o Merton A.  Sep 30 1881 - Jul 15 1912  Twelve  25
Miller, Margaret May  1872 - 1938  Seven  7
Miller, Mother  w/o J C  Apr 27 1840 - Jul 4 1912  Seven  4
Miller, Oma M.  1899 - 1930  w/o Edward H.  Twelve  13
Miller, Raymond  Jan 29 - Feb 23 1925  Ten  13
Miller, Robert C.  1892 - 1966  Thirteen  4  
Miller, Sarabell  1905 - 1946  Seven  7
Miller, Verneal  Apr 27 1902 - Jun 12 1915  Seven  7
Miller, William H.  Aug 4 1832 -   Nine  2
Miner, Charles H.  1865 - 1949  Nine  6
Miner, Forbes H.  Dec 14 1810 - Nov 30 1893  Nine  5
Miner, Fred G.  1859 - 1948  Nine  4
Miner, Isabel  1872 - 1961  Nine  6 
Miner, Mary  Mar 18 1831 - Apr 23 1913  [wife of Forbes H]  Nine  5
Mintyre, Adelna  d/o LB & HD  d Nov 26 1862  4-11-4  Six  7
Mintyre, Leonora  d/o LB&MD  d Oct 12 1857  2-7-4  Six  7
Mitchell, Elmira E.  1886 - 1959  Ten  18  
Mitchell, H. Franklin  1879 - 1946  Ten  18
Molck, Christine E.  1909 -   Thirteen  3
Molck, Henry E.  1897 - 1972  Thirteen  3
Molck, Max W.  1893 - 1962  Fourteen  25
Molck, Rieckie  1886 - 1960  Fourteen  25
Moody, Celia  b Ky  d Onarga  Sept 5 1912  Four  1
Moon, Margaret J.  Apr 4 1854 - Feb 28 1932  w/o S C Moon  Six  15
Moon, Margaret J.  Apr 4 1854 - Feb 28 1932  Six  15
Moon, Samuel C.  Feb 29 1868 - Jun 28 1952  Six  15
Moore, Margaret  1859 - 1949  Ten 3
Moore, Sarah E.  w of Robert,  Aug 17 1821 - Apr 22 1890  GAR  One 7
Moore, Wm. C.  1822 - 1862  Five  16
Morgan, Addison E.  1856 - 1919  Five  15
Morgan, Alta G.  1902 - 1974  One  13
Morgan, Amy L.  1872 - 1939  Nine  1
Morgan, Clarence N.  1881 - 1927  Twelve  24
Morgan, Donald C.  1902 - 1985  One  13
Morgan, Dorothy M.  1907 -   Three  14
Morgan, Earle L.  1904 - 1976  Three  14
Morgan, Emma R.  1856 - 1929  Five  15
Morgan, Irene  Jun 22 1881 - Mar 25 1982  Fourteen  15
Morgan, Jesse E.  1872 - 1946  Nine  1
Morgan, Jessie  w/o E R  Oct 6 1883 - Aug 21 1969  Twelve  10
Morgan, Lester  Jul 22 1898 - Jan 6 1924  Eight  3
Morgan, Lillie C.  1884 - 1966 Twelve  24
Morgan, Lonnie  Jan 17 1892 - Feb 16 1895  Eight  2
Morgan, Lula B.  w/o  Aug 31 1881 - Apr 4 1937  Twelve  10
Morgan, Mae  May 1 1876 - Nov 22 1918  Eight  2
Morgan, Matilda B.  May 21 1854 - Jun 2 1930  Eight  2
Morgan, Ralph L.  Aug 10 1916 - Jan 23 1919  Twelve  10
Morgan, Roscoe L.  Dec 16 1889 - Aug 22 1912  Eight  3
Morgan, S. R.  Jun 18 1876 - Nov 13 1974  Twelve  10
Morgan, Thomas R.  May 25 1845 - Dec 18 1914  Eight  2
Morris, Anne E.  w/o Wm C  1838 - 1921  Five  2
Morris, Benj. C.  s/o Geo W  d in Andersonville Prison July 13 1864 ae 23-0-18 grave #3263 Five  2
Morris, Bertha C.  1887 - 1965  Eleven  4
Morris, Carrie M.  w/o S B Burchard  d Feb 11 1877 ae 29 years  Five  2
Morris, Charles D.  Feb 6 1879  ae 64 years  Five  2 
Morris, Frank  1862 - 1949 Five 2
Morris, Frank E.  Dec 31 1895 - 1980  Twelve  33
Morris, Freeman T.  s/o Geo & M  Sep 15 1836 - Dec 20 1891  Five  2
Morris, George W.  d Jul 27 1874 ae 62-0-10  Five  2
Morris, Joseph W. Pvt.  1901 - 1917  27th Recruit Co  US Army  d. Jefferson Barracks, Mo. 
        Jan 12 1917  Twelve  4
Morris, Lester E.  1885 - 1925  Eleven  4
Morris, Maria  w/o Geo W  d Nov 16 1882  ae 73-11-8  Five  2
Morris, Mary A.  1861 - 1932  Five  2
Morris, Mollie  1875 - 1929  Mother  Twelve  32
Morris, Rebecca J.  w/o J.T.  d Aug 29 1868  ae 40 yrs 11 mo  Six  12
Morris, Ruth I.  1908 - 1944  Eleven  4
Morris, Sarah  w/o Charles  d Oct 25 1903  ae 92-1-0  Five  2
Morris, Vera V.  Aug 2 1903 - Nov 26 1973  md Dec 31 1919  Twelve  33
Morris, William C.  Dec 25 1838 - Oct 16 1963  [1863?]  Five  2
Morris, William Nicholas  1908 - 1932  Son  Twelve  32
Morris, Woodrow Wilson  1912 - 1932  Son  Twelve  32
Morrison, Mabel    d Sep 14 1881  ae 1-3-3  Nine  13
Morrison, Sherman M.  s/o GG & X   d Apr 11 1852  ae  3-0-19  Nine  4
Morton, Katherine M.   Baylor  w/o William H.  1862 - 1924  Ten  11
Morton, William H.  1858 - 1917  Ten  11
Mosher  Co B 21 Regt Maine Vol Inf   GAR  Three  14
Mosher, Madison E.  Jul 19 1846 - Apr 23 1910  Three  13
Mother  no other info on stone Ten 4
Moysey, Janet W.  1893 - 1947  Six  7
Munson, Elizabeth 1869 - 1921  Eight  1
Munson, Follett C.  1888 - 1955  Thirteen  2
Munson, Follett J.  s/o FC & HL  d Sep 19 1918  ae 2 days  Seven  14
Munson, Hedwig L.  1889 - 1983  Thirteen  2
Munson, John Follett  1862 - 1940 Eight  1
Munson, Mary  Jul 18 1866 - Dec 7 1932  Seven  15
Murray, Albert J.  1930 - 1958  Four  4
Myers, Bert F.  1880 - 1933  Ten  6
Myers, Charles E.  Dec 14 1877 - Jul 25 1908  Ten  5
Myers, Charles E.  Nov 21 1912 - Jun 1 1971  ILL SM3 USNR   WWII  Twelve  23
Myers, Clara  1879 - 1956  Ten  6 
Myers, Edna  Oct 22 1890 - Dec 19 1972  Ten  5
Myers, Edna L.  1888 - 1982  Thirteen  6
Myers, Edward C.  1881 - 1949  Thirteen  6
Myers, Eliza May  dau of P A M Myers  d Dec 23 1871  ae 3-6-23  Two  1
Myers, Elsie M.  Sep 1 1881 - Jul 28 1944  Ten  5
Myers, Estella W.  w/o Bert F.  Nov 13 1878 - Jun 8 1909  Ten  5
Myers, Eva B.  1864 - 1937  Ten  3
Myers, Frank L.  Sep 12 1879 - Mar 17 1921  Twelve 22
Myers, Henry S.  s/o Sol & Eva  d Jan 14 1895  ae 1-10-28  Ten  2
Myers, James T.  1905 - 1979  Thirteen  1
Myers, Jessie M.  d/o John & Louisa  d Jul 8 1894  ae 18-11-1  Ten  5
Myers, John  Feb 18 1845 - Nov 30 1929  Ten  5
Myers, Lloyd A.  1904 - 1924  Ten  4
Myers, Louisa Mitchell  w/o John  Dec 18 1856 - Jun 29 1919  Ten  5
Myers, Mary  d Mar 30 1888  ae 60-6-17  Ten  2 
Myers, Mary S.  w/o Solomon  d Dec 18 1889  ae 31-1-14  Ten  2
Myers, Peter  d Oct 18 1880  ae 56-5-3  Ten  2  
Myers, Solomon  May 17 1850 - Sep 12 1924  Ten  2
Myers, Walter E.  Jun 3 1883 - Aug 1 1946  Ten  5
Myers, Wendell P.  1907 - 1924  Ten  4
Nally, Ethel M.  1912 - 1983  Ten  15 
Navigata, Robert F.  Nov 17 1925 - Mar 15 1982   S1 US Navy WW II  American Legion  Fourteen  15
Neal, Elsie M.  1914 - 1976  Fifteen  4
Neal, James R.  ILL Cook 295 Mil Police Co WW1 Mar 1 1895 - Jul 22 1962 American Legion  Eleven  8
Neal, John F.  1907 - Fifteen  4  
Neal, Marie P.  May 15 1900 - Apr 16 1983  Thirteen  20
Neal, Sudie I.  Jun 7 1898 - Dec 23 1953  Eleven  8
Nelson, Archie D.  1878 - 1961  Fourteen  19
Nelson, Archie H.  1909 -  Fifteen  5
Nelson, Bertha E.  1912 -  Fifteen  5
Nelson, Maude E.  1874 - 1949  Fourteen  19
Newton, Charles A.  113 ILL Inf  1832 - 1888  GAR  Six  7
Newton, Clara N.  1881 - 1953 Six  7
Newton, Courtlant  1874 - 1874  Five  6
Newton, Daza  1873 - 1878  Five  5
Newton, Doza B.  1870 - 1871  Five  5
Newton, Edward  s/o Earle & Clara  Six  8
Newton, Edward D.  1842 - 1924  Five  5
Newton, Fanny E.  1847 - 1924  Five  5
Newton, Father  1824 - 1905  Six  7
Newton, Fred Earle  1879 - 1932  Six  7
Newton, Lillie  1866 - 1869  Five  5
Newton, Lizzia B.  d/o GA & EM  d Jan 15 1869  1-5-0  Six  7
Newton, Mary  1864 - 1869  Five  5
Newton, Mother  1831 - 1921  Six  7
Newton, Tirzah B.  1811 - 1888  Six  6
Newton, Walter  1807 - 1858  Six  6
Nichels, Daniel  d Jan 21 1863  in his 28th year   GAR  Two  2
Nichoalds, Edna L.  see next row  Ten  4
Nichoalds, Edna L.  1899 - 1977  Ten  5
Nichoalds, Gertrude  1892 - 1912  Ten  5
Nichoalds, John M.  1858 - 1937 Ten  5 
Nichoalds, Maggie A.  1862 - 1934  Ten  5
Nichoalds, William A. see next row  Ten  4
Nichoalds, William A.  1886 - 1962 Ten  5
Nichols, Charlie W. s/o I&MA  d Nov 27 1858  ae 15 days  Six  1
Nickerson, Archie B.  1886 - 1959  One  12
Nickerson, Benjamin F.  Nov 11 1920  IL Pvt 23 US Inf.,  GAR  One  9
Nickerson, Charles E.  Nov 29 1882 - Jan 27 1906 One 7
Nickerson, Edd  Sep 12 1889 - Jul 5 1897  One  9
Nickerson, Herbert  s of SR & RA  Mar 23 1892  ae 0-1-1  One  11
Nickerson, Hull  d May 16 1891  ae 45 yrs   GAR  One  7 
Nickerson, Janet  1877 - 1965  One  10
Nickerson, Jeanette  Mar 22 1916 - Mar 5 1936  One 11
Nickerson, Jessie  1881 - 1969  One  10
Nickerson, Laura E.  May 14 1856 - Apr 12 1903 One  7
Nickerson, Palmer R.  1883 - 1977  Amer Leg mkr  One  12  
Nickerson, Rosa A.  w of SR  Sep 20 1852 - Oct 9 1897  One  11
Nickerson, Ruth A.  1892 - 1976  One  7
Nickerson, Solomon R.  Aug 8 1844 - Jul 8 1938  One  11
Nielson, Andrew C.  Nov 2 1942 - Apr 4 1983  Fourteen  16  
Nielson, Vernell W. Nov 7 1916 - Apr 16 1966 S Sgt 43 Inf Co Sch Trps WW II  Amer. Leg. Fourteen  16
Nighsonger, Frank  May 26 1883 - Dec 17 1926  Eleven  4
Nighsonger, Harold  1907 - 1985  Fifteen  22
Nightingale, Ella  w of Frederick J   d Dec 8 1899  ae 28-2-4  One  5
Nipp, Jack Stuart  1931 - 1973  Twelve  17
Niswander, Eldrid  1920 - Fifteen  5
Niswander, Glenn  1910 - 1983  Fifteen  5
Norton, Charles S.  1886 - 1951  Eleven  6
Norvell, Anna E. Butler  Nov 18 1839 - Mar 24 1912  Nine  12
Norvell, Benjamin  1875 - 1952  Three 7
Norvell, Benjamin J.  Nov 14 1892  ae 81-9-8  Nine  13
Norvell, Bessie A.  1919 -  Fifteen  4
Norvell, Brick  1876 - 1934  Nine  13
Norvell, Darwin L.  1848 - 1927  Father  Nine  12
Norvell, Hiram Rupert  Mar 7 1844 - Mar 7 1925  Nine  12
Norvell, James E.  s/o T&A  d Sep 3 1848  ae 10-11-21  Nine  12
Norvell, John H.  Cpl Co M 9 ILL Cav  Nine  13
Norvell, Joseph  d Jan 10 1880  Nine  13
Norvell, Julia  1849 - 1922  Mother  Nine  12
Norvell, Martha A.  d/o T&A  d Jan 13 1888  ae 36-3-28  Nine  12
Norvell, Mary J.  d Jan 10 1902  ae 78-4-17  Nine  13
Norvell, Mary M.  d/o T&A  Nine  12
Norvell, Minnie  1879 - 1941  Three  7
Norvell, Pirl T.  s/o T&A  d Feb 11 1862  ae 19-11-5  Nine  12
Norvell, Sarah A.  d/o T&A  Nine  12
Norvell, Sarah Ihler ?  Jun 6 1848 - Aug 1 1929  Nine  12
Norvell, Walter P.  1912,  1974  Postmaster  Fifteen  4
Norville, Caroline E.  d/o T&A   also Sophia  Nine  12
Norville, Joseph N.  s/o T&A  also Olinda  Nine  12
Norville, Lucendia I.  d/o T&A Nine  12
O'Hare, Arnold L.  1914 - Thirteen  27
O'Hare, Mardelle W.  1919 - 1984  Thirteen  27
O'Neal, Hazel S.  1903 - 1967  Wife  Thirteen  14
O'Neal, Robert E.  1911 - 1953  Husband  Thirteen  14
O'Toole, Cora Skeels  1867-1951, Mother  One  1
O'Toole, Thomas P.  1850-1940, Father  One  
Ogden, Celia A.   1878 - 1949  Twelve  8
Ogden, John T.  1878 - 1942  Twelve  8 
Ogden, Noah  1885 - 1919  Twelve  9
Ogden, Ruby Leone  Feb 10 1902 - Nov 1 1903  Twelve  8
Ohlenkamp, Alvin E.  1900 - 1976  Pvt US Army  Fifteen  4
Ohlenkamp, Edward, Pvt.  1898 - 1917 27th Recruit Co. US Army 
           d. Jefferson Barracks, Mo Apr 12 1917  Twelve  4
Ohlenkamp, Harry L.  ILL Pft US Army WW II  Dec 6 1900 - Oct 28   1972  Fifteen  2
Ohlenkamp, Johanna  1867 - 1913  Four  3
Ohlenkamp, Walter H.  ILL Pfc Btry C 1230 Field Arty WW I  Jan 6 1894 - Jun 20 1971  
           American Legion  Fifteen   2
Oldridge, Fred E.  1879 - 1940  Three  6
Oldridge, Mary E.  w/o WL  d Jan 24 1886  ae 45-11-6  Three  4
Oldridge, Matilda L.  1887 - 1978  Three  6
Oldridge, Wendell L.  1914 - 1939  Twelve  30
Oliver, Isabell W.  w/o G  d Jan 1 1881  ae 49-1-19  Seven  8
Oliver, Mary A.  d Dec 11 1881  ae 74-8-16  Seven  8
Olsen, Hannah  1865 - 1939  Wife  [of John G.]  Ten  9
Olsen, John G.  1875 - 1946  Husband  [of Hannah]  Ten  9
Olsen, Mat  1873 - 1942  Eleven  7
Olson, Alber S.  1839 - 1924  Two  11
Olson, Carrie  1849 - 1929   Mother  Eight  1
Olson, Florence Mae  1900- 1921  Two  13
Olson, Florence Maude  1871 - 1944   Mother  Two  13
Olson, Frank N.  1900 - 1963  Two  11 
Olson, George A.  1869 - 1958   Father  Two  13
Olson, George Bert  1893 - 1970  Fourteen  22
Olson, Katherine C.  1894 -  Fourteen  22
Olson, Mary Alice  1896 - 1898  Two  13
Olson, Nora  Dec 6 1886 - Oct 11 1950  Fourteen  18
Onken, George  1888 - 1958  Amer Leg mkr  Three  4
Onken, Hattie Martin  1888 - 1956  Three  4
Orem, Uriah  Dec 9 1855 - Jul 14 1908  Four 1
Ortman, Elmer E.  May 20 1895 - Aug 16 1953  Father  Fourteen  9
Ortman, Mamie  Aug 6 1896 - Apr 23 1947  Mother  Fourteen  9
Osterbur, Marcia Jo  Apr 23 1954 - Apr 26 1970  Fifteen 2
Otcheck, Forrest E.  Jul 23 1904-  One  3
Otcheck, L Leona  Sep 14 1905- One  3
Owen, Abraham  Dec 7 1822 - Jan 17 1878  Six  7
Owen, Ann  Nov 20 1820 - Nov 24 1905  w/o James  Six  6
Owen, Emma E.  1861 - 1935  Five  17
Owen, Florence  1859 - 1955  Six  7
Owen, Frank  1882 - 1939  Five  17
Owen, George A.  d Jul 20 1904  ae 29-6-7  Twelve  1
Owen, J. W.  1813 - 1886 Six  11
Owen, J. W.  1813 - 1886  Six  11
Owen, James  Nov 13 1815 - Apr 22 1897  Six  6
Owen, James E.  1843 - 1919  Five  17
Owen, Martha  w/o James E.  Dec 6 1847 - Dec 7 1883  Five  17
Owen, Matilda  1815 - 1885 Six  9
Owen, Nancy Harriet  1843 - 1867  Five  17
Owen, Sarah  1812 - 1894  Six  11
Owen, Stepman  d ?? 15 ???  -- 5 days  Five  18
Owen, Walter  1858 - 1960  Six  7
Owen, William  d Aug 25 1879  ae 62-3-14  Six 9
Owen, William  1841 - 1866  Six  10  
Owen, Willie B.  s/o FW & NJ  d Jul 29 1865  ae 9-0-11  Five  18
Owens, James  Mar 5 1839 - Mar 15 1906  Co D 113 Inf  Seven  7
Owens, Lydia G.  Jun 19 1845 - May 18 1915  Seven  7
Page, Bertha E.  1890 - 1929  Eleven  10
Page, William H.  1874 - 1933  Eleven  10
Palmer, Adaline H.  1842 - 1927  Seven  10
Palmer, Carrie A.  1865 - 1914  Seven  10
Palmer, Clifford G.  ILL Cpl Co E  5 Supply Tn  5 Div WW1   Mar 7   1880 - Jan 19 1946  
        Amer Leg  Three  7
Palmer, Edmond H.  1861 - 1950  Seven  10
Palmer, Elizabeth G.   1894 - 1954  Seven  12
Palmer, Emma  1849 - 1915  Three  4
Palmer, Florence  1882 - 1936  Three  7 
Palmer, George A.  1834 - 1924  Seven  10
Palmer, Helen M.  1906  ae 7 1/2 mo  Three  6
Palmer, Ira F.  Cpl Co G  147 ILL Inf   GAR  Three  4
Palmer, Ira Gordon  s of Paul J & Dessa  Sep 13 1901 - Mar 24 1902  One  17
Palmer, James Stacy  1880 -1881  Seven  10
Palmer, Lawrence E.  1906 - 1918  Three  6
Palmer, Lydia D.  1899 - 1975  Ten  9
Palmer, Maggie E.  1864 - 1943  Ten  7
Palmer, Paul J.  1874 - 1925  Three  4
Palmer, Ralph F.  1903 -  Ten  9
Palmer, Russell  1874 - 1971  Seven  12
Palmer, William H.  1853 - 1925 Ten  7
Pangborn, Jane  May 15 1812 - Oct 10 1902  w/o Thomas M.  Six  10
Pangborn, Jesse  s/o CS & R  d Mar 11 1872  ae 7-10-3  Nine  9
Pangborn, John  Feb 29 1832 - Oct 21 1834  s/o TM & Jane  Six  10
Pangborn, John  d. Sep 25 1854  ae 70-6-13  Nine  9
Pangborn, Johnson T.  Nov 28 1836 - Dec 12 1837  Six  10
Pangborn, Lorenzo  s/o RB & MK  1839 - 1844  Ten  2
Pangborn, Margaret K.  w/o Ransom B.  d May 17 1871  ae 53-11-9  Ten  2
Pangborn, Maria A.  d/o RB & MK  1851 - 1898  Ten  2
Pangborn, Miranda  w/o John  d Jan 6 1872  ae 89-3-28  Nine  9
Pangborn, Thomas M.  born Essex County New York Jun 1 1806  d Oct   23 1892  Six  10
Parcel, Cosette I.  d of FO & RI  Oct 6 1900 - Jun 22 1902  Two  16
Parcel, Daniel  1796 - 1871  Ten  2
Parcel, Ellis  1841 - 1862  GAR  Ten  2
Parcel, George  1842 - 1862  Ten  2
Parcel, Grace  1880 - 1979  Ten  3
Parcel, Letticia  1809 - 1899  Ten  2
Parcel, Lloyd  1890 - 1983  Ten  3
Parcel, Mary  Jan 25 1855 - Aug 1874  w/o Hampton Parcel  Six  2
Parcel, Mary  1854 - 1910  Mother  Ten 1
Parcel, May  1893 - 1963  Ten  3
Parcel, Wm. Lloyd  Pfc US Army  Jun 25 1890 - Feb 6 1983  Ten  2
Parcel, Wm. S.  1844 - 1938  Father  Ten  1
Parmelee, Caroline  1829 - 1917  w/o John L.  Nine  16
Parmelee, Charlie  1864 - 1885  s/o John L. & Caroline  Nine  16
Parmelee, Dan  1856 - 1903  s/o John L. & Caroline  Nine  16
Parmelee, Geraldine  1862 - 1863  d/o John L. & Caroline  Nine  16
Parmelee, John L.  1822 - 1875  Nine  16
Parminter, Elly E.  Sep 1 1872 - Mar 5 1950  Wife  Seven  14
Parminter, William F.  Mar 5 1872 - Nov 25 1909   Seven  14
Patterson, George O.  Sep 13 1913 - Feb 25 1944  IL Pvt 327 Flexible Gnry Tng GPAC  Thirteen  16
Patterson, Kimiyo  1932 -   Fifteen  1
Patterson, Lewis M.  IL Pvt 309 Inf 78 Inf Div WW II  Sep 26 1898 - Mar 24 1950  Thirteen  20
Patterson, Mae  1891 - 1969  Mother  Thirteen  15
Payne, Lela M.  1901 - 1980  Fifteen  1
Payne, William E.  1897 - 1970 Fifteen  1
Peck, Ira L.  d Jul 6 1898  ae 0-5-22  Seven  14
Peck, Lyman  d Oct 17 1883  ae 42 years  Seven  14
Peckham, Minnie  Baby  Nine  13
Pemberton, Bessie S.  Dec 4 1852 - Apr 8 1901  Nine  4
Pemberton, William G.  s/o J&M  d Oct 6 1866  ae 0-6-1  Nine  5
Pence, Lueva  1898 - 1977  Fifteen  1
Pence, Stanley R.   1897 - 1970  Fifteen  1
Perkinson, Edith  d of B & E  Dec 3 1894 - Aut 14 1895  Five  12
Perkinson, Emma J.  w/o RS  Dec 9 1858 - Aug 11 1929  Five  11
Perkinson, Frances K.  1884 - 1974  Fourteen  19
Perkinson, Marilyn Ann  1930 - 1931  Eleven  10
Perkinson, Milton S.  1883 - 1962  Fourteen  19
Perkinson, R. S.   Feb 23 1859 - Jan 12 1935  Five  11
Perkinson, William R.  1902 - 1981  Eleven  12
Perry, Albert Leroy   Nov 14 1881 - Nov 20 1900  Two  14
Perry, Alice C.  1899 -  Three  6
Perry, Harry A.  1900 - 1967  Three  6
Perry, Henry   1890 - 1971  Brother  Three  4
Perry, Lewis  1850 - 1934  Father  Three  4
Perry, Ralph B.  1886 - 1960  Brother  Three  4
Perry, Ray, Pvt.  1893 - 1918 Co B 90th 358 Inf Div  Killed in   Action near Steray, 
       France Nov 10 1918  Twelve  4
Perry, Sarah A.  Aug 31 1851 - Apr 15 1942  Two  14
Peter, David  Feb 20 1831 - Mar 23 1897  Two  9
Peter, Elmira  Oct 19 1828 - Nov 22 1910  Two  9
Peter, Irvin F.   s/o David & Elmira  Apr 8 1855 - Oct 31 1929  [five -pointed star]  Two  9
Peters, Clara A.  1883 - 1953  Three  12
Peters, Evelyn M.  1918 - 1978  "Tillie"  Three  12
Peters, Fred A.  1902 - 1965 Fourteen 3
Peters, Merritt C.  1882 - 1962  Three 12
Peters, Ruby H.  1908 - 19  Fourteen  3  
Peterson, Ida A.  w/o Lewis J.  1864 - 1922  Ten  13
Peterson, Lewis J.  1850 - 1925  Ten  13
Pfenenger, Amanda Copple  1882 - 1942  Twelve  38
Pfenenger, Elsie May  1933 - 1942  Eleven  9
Pfenenger, Henry F.  1884 - 19  Twelve  38
Pfenenger, Mable A.   1902 - 1953  Eleven  9
Phelps, Arthur M.  May 14 1854 - May 15 1894  Five  14
Phelps, Nettie A.  Feb 12 1855 - Dec 1 1899  Five  14
Phelps, Samuel   d May 5 1873  ae 85-2-21  Nine  7
Phenenger, James Lee  ILL Pfc Quartermaster Corps WW 1  Jan 25 1892 - Feb 2 1961  
           American Legion  Eleven  9
Phillippo, George W.    Nine  7
Phillippo, Lola B.  Feb 13 1898 - Jun 25 1917  Nine  8
Phillippo, Susan S.    Nine  7
Phillips, C. G.  1857 - 1920  Twelve  14
Phillips, Charles E.  1886 - 1968  Fourteen  24 
Phillips, Delilah J.  1855 - 1944  Mother  Twelve  14
Phillips, Ethel M.  1905 -  Fourteen  24
Phillips, Hugh  ILL Chauf 612 Aero Sq Apr 14 1940  Twelve   14
Phillips, Sarah M.  1888 - 1936  daughter  Twelve  14
Phillips, William E.  Jan 1 1939  ILL Pvt 1 Cl 17 Field Art'y 2 Div   Amer Leg mkr  Three  10
Phillips, William H.  1880 - 1949  F L T  Fourteen  18
Pierce, Edward J.  May 13 1855 - Jul 8 1922  Five  17
Pierce, Franklin  Sep 22 1846 - Jan 2 1909 Four  1
Pierce, John F.  Sep 12 1874   ae 52-4-0  Five  16
Pierce, Sarah J.   w/o John F.   Aug 1 1821 - Jun 25 1893  Five  16
Pierson Genealogical Memorial    See Beginning of this Chapter   Six  1
Pilcher, Elsie  1903 - 1971  Fifteen   12
Pilcher, Leslie  1900 - 1985  Co F 108 Engr 33 Div WW I   ILL  Fifteen  12
Pinney, Chester  Jul 28 1785 - Dec 19 1863  Nine  12
Pinney, Desiah  Oct 14 1813 - Dec 2 1887  Nine  12
Pinney, Francis L.  Feb 6 1835 - Sep 26 1899  Nine  12
Pinney, Horace  Mar 27 1813 - Jul 22 1898  Nine  12
Platt  s/o HH & I Platt  d Jan 27 1872  ae 3-10-27  Six  16
Platt, Adelia  Feb 21 1803 - Nov 2 1888  Seven  1
Platt, Hannah  d Feb 23 1868  d/o L&M  ae 3-0-22  Six  16
Platt, Homer  soldier of War of 1812  d Sep 13 1878  ae 84    Patriot, Father, Friend  Seven  1
Platt, John A.  d Jan 15 1875  ae 11-8-19  Seven  1
Ponton, Hattie Earle  1868 - 1897  Mother  Five  4
Pool, John S.  1852 - 1923  Father  Twelve  12
Pool, Mary E.  1853 - 1921  Mother  Twelve  12
Porter, Alice J.  d Sep 28 1867  ae 18-10-26  Six  15
Porter, Asa  d Feb 16 1892  ae 74-7-28  Six  15
Porter, Emily J.  w/o Asa  d Aug 20 1890  ae 67-9-4  Six  15
Porter, Harriet C.  d/o A& E Porter  d Mar 14 1871  ae 11-5-11  Six  15  
Porter, Harris H.  Aug 24 1890  ae 35-7-5  Six 15
Porter, John Q.  May 12 1835 - Nov 4 1903  Ten  5
Postell, Rosa A.  Dec 12 1897 -  Fourteen  24
Postell, Samuel Jr.  ILL M Sgt 93 Engr Co WW II  Nov 16 1920 -   Mar 18 1960  Fourteen  24
Potts, Cecil A.  1898 - 1985  Eleven  7
Potts, Frank U.  1868 - 1945  Eleven  7
Potts, Mabel E.  1902 - Eleven  7
Potts, Mary J.  1876 - 1955  Eleven  7
Poulson, Elias  Oct 6 1845 - Jun 15 1929  Ten 4
Poulson, Eliza  1867 - 1944  Four 1
Poulson, Elmer  1875 - 1962  Ten 4
Poulson, Finley E.  1883 - 1960  Fourteen   17
Poulson, Mabel M.  1884 - 1957  Fourteen 17
Poulson, Maria Louisa  Sep 10 1848 - Sep 19 1902  Ten  4
Powell, Grace  d/o LJ  d May 22 1888 ae 2 da  Seven  5
Powell, Hazel  1892 - 1965  Eleven  12
Price, Anna E.  Oct 17 1870 - Jul 17 1910  One  10
Price, Claudina Irene  1906  ae 10 da  Four  1
Price, E. Louise  May 8 1910  Ten 6
Price, Edna M.  Oct 28 1919 - Fifteen 4
Price, Effie J.  1878 - 1950  Three  13
Price, Fred B.  May 9 1907 - Oct 14 1983  Tec 5 US Army WW   II  Fifteen  5
Price, James Phillip  1949 - 1966  Fifteen 1
Price, John S.  1874 - 1947  Three  13  
Price, Perry H.  Jan 25 1916 - Fifteen  4
Price, Sammie  1898 - 1906 Four 1
Price, Walter Lee  1904 - 1973  "Barney"  Three  13
Pritchard, Annabel  d/o James & Belle  d Mar 23 1880  ae 1-6-12  Seven  8
Pritchard, Belle Foster  Aug 4 1856   His Wife [James R ?]  Seven  8  
Pritchard, Flossie  d/o James & Belle  Seven  8
Pritchard, Frank A.  s/o James & Belle  Seven 8
Pritchard, James R.  17 Army Corps, Tenn. d Dec 8 1909  Seven  8
Pruett, John E.  Jul 17 1902 - Jan 22 1958 Twelve  26
Pugh, Mary  1851 - 1936  Eleven  7
Pugh, Robert  1848 - 1933 Eleven 7
Pugle, John  1892 - 1977  Three 10
Putnam, D (avid) H.  Co M, 9th ILL Cav, GAR, d at Memphis Apr 10   1864  Two  2
Quinn, William  1858 - 1929  Nine  16
Ralster, Ben  s/o Ben & Anka  Jul 28 1857 - Jan 13 1917  Ten  11
Ramsey, Eliza Agnes  Feb 3 1828 - Nov 30 1917  Six  2
Ramsey, George  s/o JC&EA  d Dec 14 1875  ae 18-0-28  Six 2
Ramsey, George S.  1844 - 1919  Seven  5
Ramsey, John C.  Sep 23 1824 - Feb 14 1902 Six  2
Ramsey, Keizziah J.  1851 -  Seven  5
Rankin, Mary Durham  Dec 24 1850 - Nov 25 1903  Six  4
Rankin, W. D.  no dates  Six 4
Rankin, Warfield B.  no dates Six  4
Rankin, William A.  Capt Co K 33 ILL Inf  Aug 12 1838 - May 30   1916  Six  4
Rask, Maude  Jan 2 1900 - Fifteen  4
Rasmussen, Harry  1900 - 19  Ten 13
Rasmussen, Ruth L.  1898 - 19 Ten  13
Raymond, Charles W.  1858 - 1939  Two  1
Rea, Flora Barnard  1875 - 1953 Five  2
Rea, H. Emmet  1860 - 1935  Eleven  7
Rea, Pearl L.  dau   Oct 1907 - Aug 1911  Five  2
Rea, Raymond Emery  Pvt Co B 129 Inf 33 Div WWI  Oct 3 1899 - Dec   13 1972  Five  3
Reasoner, Anna M.  w/o JH  Feb 9 1860 - Mar 3 1925  Eleven 10
Reasoner, Anna M.  1861 - 1925  Eleven  10
Rector, Onley  1917 - 1973  Fifteen  12
Redenius, Eike  1885 - 1957  Four  1
Redenius, Elmer I.  1900 - 1983  Fifteen  5
Redenius, Fred  1901 - 1941  grandson Ten  9
Redenius, Katie  w/o Albert Balk  May 10 1869 - Sep 27 1885  Four  1
Redenius, Lloyd Wilbur  s/o M&S  1909 - 1918  g/son  Ten  9
Redenius, Martin  1875 - 1937  Thirteen 14
Redenius, Sena  1878 - 1955  Ten  9
Redfield  Mar 20 1826  d.  [no date]  Five  1
Redfield, John H.  ae 10 yrs  Five  1
Redfield, Louisa  Apr 21 1831 - Sep 24 1902  Five  1  
Redfield, Wm. F.  ae 16 yrs  Five  1  
Reed, Margaret  1820 - 1891  Seven  6
Reed, Mary  d/o Philip & Marg.  Feb 16 18??  d May 8 1877  Seven  4
Reed, Phillip  1815 - 1897  Seven  6
Reed, Richard  1894 - 1982  Fifteen  1
Reiff, George  1878 - 1964  Fifteen  2
Reiff, Pearl G.  1892 - 1967 Fifteen  2
Reitz, Alma P.  1890 - 1970 Fourteen  15
Reitz, John A.  1883 - 1964  Fourteen 15
Rexroat, Toby Duane  Jun 1986  Fifteen  3
Reynolds, Blanche M. 1896 - 1923 Four  1
Reynolds, Chester H.  1902 -  Fourteen  13
Reynolds, Ira  Nov 26 1863 - Jun 4 1937  Ten 8
Reynolds, James S.  1853 - 1932  Eleven 4
Reynolds, Martha E.  1854 - 1925  w/o James S  Eleven  4
Reynolds, Ritchie A.  1903 - 1947  Fourteen  13
Reynolds, Sarah E.  May 9 1872 - Feb 18 1911   Wife Ten  8
Rice, Diane Jackson  Dec 17 1932 - Sep 14 1975  Fifteen  25
Rice, Leo Merrill Apr 2 1903 - May 17 1978  Fifteen  25
Richards, Ella L.  Aug 11 1871 - Feb 22 1951  Mother  Three  7
Richards, Evah  1895 - 1976  Fourteen 13
Richards, Frank M.  Aug 14 1871 - Aug 8 1952  Father Three  7
Richards, Harvey  1862 - 1926  Twelve 5
Richards, Laura F.  1853 - 1926  Twelve 5
Richards, Rolland C.  1899 - 1959  Three  8
Richards, Rufus  1895 - 1984 Fourteen 13
Rickards, Corwin E.  Mar 4 1895 - Sep 17 1964  ILL Pfc 303 Repair   Unit MTC WW1  
          American Legion  Thirteen  26
Rickards, Mildred A.  Jan 26 1896 - Sep 17 1964 Thirteen  26
Rickey, Marrion F.  Jan 29 1859 - Apr 30 1928 Eleven 10
Riley, Harry 1858-1914,  Father  One  4
Riley, Maria  1863-1915, Mother  One 4
Riner, Daniel  b Smyford, Va. Oct 19 1796  d May 5 1885  Nine  16
Riner, Daniel B.  d Feb 17 1862  ae 29-3-16  Nine 15
Riner, Mary  w/o D  d Nov 8 1861  ae 62 years  Nine  16
Riner, Rhoda w/o D  d May 30 1867  ae 53-10-21 Nine 16
Riner, Samuel b Warren Co., Inc. Sep 6 1835  d Iroquois Co.   Dec 22 1857  Nine  16
Riser, Nicholas  s/o G&M  d Sep 19 1863  ae 1-4-0  Five  8
Risley, Charleen 1929 - Fourteen  8
Risley, Edna Stratton 1885 - 1959  Mother  Thirteen  14
Risley, Fred C.  1925 - 1978  Fourteen 8
Risley, Fred C.  PTR 3 US Navy WW II  Sep 24 1925 - Aug 13   1978  American Legion  Fourteen 8
Risser, Anna K.  1863 - 1952 Twelve 10  
Risser, Blanche Rollins  1874 - 1948  Twelve  9
Risser, David 1834 - 1903  Twelve  9
Risser, Edgar David  1870 - 1946 Twelve  9
Risser, Emily M.  1845 - 1918  Ten  1
Risser, George C.  1883 - 1956  Twelve  11
Risser, Isabella  1841 - 1915 Twelve 9
Risser, Lewis J.  1848 - 1909  Ten 1
Risser, Mary E.  1825-1903 Ten 1
Risser, Mary Edith  1871 - 1872 Ten  1
Risser, Miriam Evadne  d/o Edgar & Blanche  1900 - 45  Twelve  10
Risser, Peter 1822 - 1898  Ten 1
Risser, Robert Lewis  1881 - 1895  Ten 1
Risser, William E.  1868 - 1937  Twelve  10
Roach, Agnes  1868 - 1959 Fourteen  23
Roach, William T.  IL Cook Btry D 71 Field Art'y WWI   Nov 20   1889 - Apr 23 1953  
       Amer Leg mkr  Three  8
Robbins, Emma E.  d/o Louise, Mar 22 1852 - Sep 18 1926 One  5
Robbins, Louise D. Dec 26 1814 - Aug 2 1886  One 5  Robert, Our Little  1877 [no surname]  Two  4
Roberts  1869 - 1930 Nine  1
Roberts, Cora A. Burgett  1879 - 1950 Six  9
Roberts, Florence M.  May 26 - Jul 16 1919 Ten  10
Roberts, Joseph W.  Jan 23 1881 - Jan 12 1962 Ten 10
Roberts, Lenora G.  Jun 5 1884 - Feb 11 1969  Ten  10
Roberts, Louisa M.  1835 - 1926  Nine 1
Roberts, Luther 1876 - 1942  Six 9
Roberts, Robert  1846 - 1918 Six 9
Roberts, Thos. H. 1833 - 1904 Nine  1
Roberts, Veral  d/o JW&GL  Oct 16 1907 - Sep 16 1909  Ten  10
Roberts, Virginia E.  1852 - 1939  w/o Robert  Six 9
Robinson, Ann  w/o  Seven  2
Robinson, Charlotte  w/o Thomas  Aug 12 1819 - Oct 3 1903  Seven  2
Robinson, James  Pvt Co M 9th ILL Cav  b at Toronto, Canada Mar   12 1834  d at 
          Danville, Ill. Jan 21 1903  Seven 2
Robinson, Joseph  180? - Sep 19 1873 Seven 2
Robinson, Rachel Bennett  Wife  b Royalton, NY Sep 20 1828  d Onarga   ILL Jul 18 1901  Seven  2
Robinson, Thomas  d Sep 25 1873  Seven 2
Rock, Ramona M.  1918 - 1982  dau Twelve  13
Roderick, Wm. Benj.  d Mar 23 1872  ae 26-6-1  Nine 12
Rodman, Mary E.  Mar 19 1828 - Jan 2 1906  Four 1
Rohrback, Dorothy M. Apr 8 1931 - Oct 22 1954  Fourteen  10
Root, Almira  w/o Henry  d Mar 10 1882  ae 68-7-21  Nine  12
Rose, Elias  Sep 30 1872 -   Nine  2
Rose, Lillian  d/o E&S  d Dec 27 1890  ae 1-1-10  Six  13
Ross, Francis E.  Nov 1883 - Sep 1923  Three  12
Rueck, Clara  1887 - 1967 Ten  9
Rueck, Dr. E. J.  1887 - 1949 Three  9
Rueck, Fred L.  1898 - 1975  Fourteen  29
Rueck, Samantha E.  1901 - Fourteen 29
Rufner, Albert L.  1905 - 1959  Father  Three  10  
Rufner, Albert L.   1934 - 1944  Three  10
Ruley, Lois Louise Dec 15 1901  Nine  3
Ruley, Luzena Canady  Jul 26 1886 - Feb 28 1903   wife of Stanley S.  Two  8
Ruley, Stanley S.   Nov 10 1830 - Aug 2 1902  Co A 17th ILL Inf  Two  8
Ruley, Willard  Dec 28 1902,  inf ch of JB & AN Ruley  Nine  3
Rummell, Henry  Co M 1 Mich Cav   GAR   no dates  Three  1
Rush, Martha A. w/o Joseph  d Jan 13 1862  ae 26-3-28  Nine  12
Rusher, Ralph  1924 - 1982  Fifteen  13  
Rutledge, Hattie  d/o Rev. James E & Emma A.  Sep 12 1867  Kewanee - Jun 12 1874 Onarga  Seven  1
Rutledge, Ira G. 1890 - 1973 Fourteen  28
Rutledge, Nellie B.  1897 - 1970 Fourteen  28
Ryan, James ILL Pvt M G Co 350 Inf WWI,  Oct 18 1891 -   Apr 2 1964  Amer Leg mkr  Two  1
Ryan, Ole  1882 - 1963 Thirteen 15  
Sahula, Joseph  Mar 18 1868 - Apr 20 1908  Twelve 36
Sains, Cleave  1884 - 1919  Three  8
Sains, Evelyn  1913 - 1925  Three  8 
Sains, Vivian 1912 - 1929  Three  8
Salisbury, Hiram S.  d Jan 5 1888, ae 60 years One  4
Salisbury, Lydia R.  Jun 23 1829-Dec 2 1900  One 4
Sallee, ?    1858 -    [info not legible]  Knapp Funeral Home  Three  14
Sallee, Emma    - 194?  [info not legible]  Three  14
Salmon, Edmund H.  1915 - 1973 Fifteen 14
Salmon, Evelyn F.  1918 -  Fifteen  14 
Saltsman, Henry F.  1883 - 1956 Thirteen 2
Saltsman, Jane M.  1883 - 1959  Thirteen 2
Sams, Barney  IL Pvt 804 Pioneer Inf    Sep 20 1933  Three  13
Sander, Johan Gerhard  d Sep 2 1881  11-3-21  Seven  10
Sandlin, Russell O.  Jun 14 1892 - Feb 6 1914  Ten  12
Sands, George E.  1899 - 1971  Fifteen 7
Sands, Hazel K.  1899 -  Fifteen  7
Sarles, Ann C.  d Jun 6 1907  79-1-11   Wife  Nine  16
Sarles, Edwin R.  d Dec 28 1891  ae 67-8-20  Nine 16
Sawyer, W. H.  1856 - 1925  Seven  10
Scaggs, Almeda  1908 - 1981  Fifteen  6
Scaggs, Paul B.  Jul 31 1907 - Apr 18 1980  Tec 5 US Army WW   II  Fifteen  6
Scanlon, Peter E.  1879 - 1968  Three  2
Schalber, Carl J.  1913 - 1983  Thirteen  24
Schalber, Emma M.  1917 -  Thirteen  24
Schalber, John E.  Aug 14 1944 - Jul 7 1964   Son  Thirteen  24
Scharpe, Sarah E.  1860 - 1911  Ten  4
Scheppelman, Albert C.  1886 - 1953  Three  6
Scheppelman, Louis  May 2 1899 - Oct 22 1906  Eight 1
Scheppelman, Orvil  Sep 27 1904 - Oct 23 1906  Sons of L & J   Scheppelman   Eight  1
Scheppelman, Verna E.  1898 - 1979  Three  6
Schjervheim, Arvid J. DDS  1916 - 1982  Amer Leg  Fifteen  9
Schjervheim, Marian H.  1925 -  Fifteen  9
Schmid, Almet L.  Jun 26 1890 - Mar 29 1914  Nine  8
Schmid, C Emory  Mar 21 1881 - Dec 2 1963  Nine 8
Schmid, Ferdinand  1850 - 1928   Father  Nine  7
Schmid, Mary C. 1856 - 1933   Mother  Nine  7
Schmidt, Freeman H.  1907 - 1959  Husb of Romona M. "Elk"  Fourteen  10 
Schnurr, Albert A.  1877 - 1955 Thirteen  4 
Schnurr, Amelia C.  1868 - 1962 Thirteen  4
Schnurr, Charles  1873 - 1939  Thirteen  4
Schnurr, Clifford K.  Mar 8 1913 - Aug 21 1977 Fifteen 14
Schnurr, Edna M.  1891 - 1948   Wife Thirteen  4
Schnurr, Edward J.  1872 - 1949  Thirteen  4
Schnurr, Elma A.  1885 - 1978  Thirteen  4
Schnurr, Frances B.  Aug 17 1912 - Fifteen  14
Schnurr, Frank  1867 - 1931  Thirteen 4
Schnurr, Leander  1834 - 1932  Thirteen  3
Schnurr, Louis I.  1890 - 1980   Husband  Thirteen 4
Schnurr, Magdalena  1847 - 1925  Thirteen  3
Schnurr, William  1870 - 1946   Thirteen  4
Schriefer, Bernard W. Mar 5 1902 - Jan 3 1952 ILL Pvt 1959 SVC Comd Unit WW II  Amer Leg Three 10
Schriefer, Helen B.  1910 - 1945 Three 10
Schuler, _____  19 Apr 1851? One  14
Schuler, _____  d 13 Jan 1894  ae 50-10-22  One  14
Schuler, Grace  Jul 15 1873 - Mar 27 1895  One 14
Schultz, Louis  Jul 26 1849 - Aug 15 1896  Four  4
Schumers, Loueva H.  Mar 21 1898 -   Twelve  29
Schumers, Willis S.  Oct 27 1898 - Mar 7 1975  Twelve  29
Scott, Daniel H.  Jul 28 1919   IL Pvt 161 Depot Br.  One  4
Scott, Kassandra Rae  Mar 25 1981  Ten  13
Scott, Myrtle M.  d/o JW & ME  Oct 25 1905 - Feb 17 1906  Twelve  28
Search, Elizabeth M.  1863 - 1939  Two  5
Search, John Thomas  DDS,  1862 - 1944  Two 5
Searles, Electa  d Jul 8 1870  ae 72 yrs  Five 1
Seggebruch, Emma  May 24 1912 - Oct 6 1979 Fifteen  24
Seggebruch, Ernest  Mar 31 1907 - Nov 14 1981  Fifteen  24
Seiling, Gladys H.  1891 - 1958 Ten  1
Seiling, Louis J.  1885 - 1975 Ten  1
Seipel, Daniel W.  1914 -  Seven  10
Seipel, Harold E.  1920 - 1974 Seven 10
Seipel, Jr.  1918 - 1969  Seven  10
Setinsky, John  Jul 24 1867 - Twelve  37
Setinsky, Julia  Apr 12 1871 - Mar 13 1920  Wife  Twelve  37
Settlemyre, Norma J.  Nov 11 1930 - Nov 22 1979  Eleven  14
Seward, Emma C. Aug 24 1912  ae 61 years  Nine  7
Seward, Emma E.  inf of JB & EC  1881  Nine 8
Seward, Joseph B.  d Mar 1900  ae 70 years  Nine  7
Seward, Joseph B.  inf of JB & EC  1881  Nine  8
Seyforth, Cora Dean  1864 - 1943  Ten  5
Seyforth, Fred Robert  1906 - 1942  Ten  5
Seyforth, Frederick W.  1863 - 1932 Ten  5
Shallenberger, Benjamin F.  d Oct 13 1896  ae 63-1-15  Two  2
Sharpe, Adam  Apr 29 1836 - Nov 24 1899  Two  12
Sharpe, Jane De Ette  w/o Adam  1850 - 1922  Two  12
Shaw, Amos  Bat. I  1st ILL Lt Art  1845 - 1927 Nine  13
Shaw, Amos & Emma    Nine 12
Shaw, Emma 1862 - 1944  Nine  13
Shaw, Joseph  d Sep 13 1892  ae 75-11-7 Nine 16
Shawl, J. L.  M.D. 1866 - 1939 Eleven  1
Shawl, Linda T.  w/o J L  1876 - 1950  Eleven  1
Shawl, Sarah Ella  w/o JL  1868 - 1913 Eleven 1
Shear, Ten-Eyck  1873 - 1937  Three  3
Shear, Theresa W.  1873 - 1940 Three 3
Shepherd, Avery D.  May 7 1908 - May 4 1982  Lt. Col. US Army  Fifteen 23
Shepherd, Roberta M.    Fifteen  23
Sheppelman, Edna I.  1899 - 1983 Thirteen 2
Sheppelman, Ervin R.  1907 - 1974  Son  Eight  1
Sheppelman, Julia  1865 - 1940  Mother Eight 1
Sheppelman, Louis J. 1860 - 1949  Father Eight 1
Sheppelman, William H.  1894 - 1982  Pfc US Army WW1  Thirteen  2
Sherman, Allen  1837 - 1913  Seven 13
Sherman, Drusilla  1833 - 1920  Wife [of Allen]  Seven  13 
Sherman, Mother  no other info.  Ten  1
Sherman, Oscar E.  Eldest s/o Allan & Drusilla  d Feb 2 1883    ae 26-5-19  Seven  13
Short, Alvia  Dec 4 1905 - Jun 29 1975  Fifteen  9
Short, Geneva  Oct 17 1911 -  Fifteen  9
Short, Jane  w of Richard  d Feb 4 1892  ae 86-1-7  Two  1
Shottenkirk, J C  Mar 14 1819 - Sep 11 1885  Five  2
Shottenkirk, Mary  w/o JC  Nov 17 1822 - Sep 13 1914  Five  2
Shotwell, Isaac  s/o J&C  d Apr 6 1859  ae 0-5-8  Six  12
Showalter, Polly 1822 - 1900  w of Wm Thompson  Two  8
Shroyer, Esther E.  1893 - 1982 Ten  17
Shroyer, John D.  1881 - 1968 Ten 17
Shumway, Hazel E.  1919 -  Thirteen  4
Shumway, Wayne B.  1901 - 1973  American Legion  Thirteen  4
Simon, Ignac 1875 - 1937  Ealniger Service Three  10
Simonds, Clara Duke  1870 - 1927  Mother  Twelve  20
Simonds, Fred W.  1866 - 1942  Father  Twelve  20
Simonds, Fred W. Jr.  F 3 US Navy WW1  Dec 22 1899 - Jun 5 1977  Twelve  20
Sims, Eliza Ann  Jul 15 1842-May 2 1911  One  4
Sims, Lucille M.  1915 - 1973 Ten 16
Sims, Samuel Miles  Sep 21 1835-Nov 19 1919  One 4
Sims, William C.  1915 - 1967  American Legion  Ten  16
Sinderson, Ann  Oct 6 1828 - Sep 14 1907  Wife [of George]  Seven 8
Sinderson, George  Jan 12 1830 - Nov 19 1905  Seven  8
Sisson, Amelia L.  1887 - 1918  Seven  12
Skates, L. Wayne  1913 - 1967  Fifteen  1
Skates, Ruth V.  1911 -  Fifteen  1
Skeels, ?illia S. F.  Apr 11 1859  ae 24-8-14  Nine  15
Skeels, Augusta  1869 - 1949  Mother  Two  11
Skeels, Curtie  ch of L&ME, Oct 26 1862-Apr 8 '63  One  2
Skeels, Cyntha A.  d/o N & LA Skeels  d Aug 27 1861  ae 0-5-9  Nine  13
Skeels, Floyd Newell  ILL Pfc Adv Ord Depot 4 WWI  Mar 5 1893 -   Dec 9 1966  Two  13
Skeels, Hiram L.  s/o R&S  Mar 1 1859  ae 0-7-15  Six  12
Skeels, Irvin R.  Oct 12 1846 - Six  13
Skeels, Laura A.  d/o N&LA  d Aug 12 1861  ae 1-8-16  Nine  13
Skeels, Laura Turner  w/o I R Skeels  Aug 18 1849 -   Six  13
Skeels, Margaret E Snouffer  w/o Wm L,  May 2 1843-Aug 19 1930  One  2
Skeels, Myrtle  adopted dau of R&L Skeels  Jan 8 1883 - Sep 14   1896  Six  13
Skeels, Reed  d Apr 24 1861  ae 38-6-19  Six  12
Skeels, Thomas  d Feb 2 1863  ae ?  Six  12
Skeels, W. F.  1869-1928, Father  One  3
Skeels, Walter L.  ch of L&ME, May 3 1875-Nov 23 1876  One  2
Skeels, William  of the 95th (?0  d Aust--  Tenn.  Dec 24 1864  ae   20-2-25  Six  13
Skeels, William L.  Nov 6 1839-Dec 29 1929, GAR  One  2
Skeels, Wm. H. Jul 22 1871  ae 61-1-1 Nine 15
Slinn, Elizabeth A.  1908 - 1934  Daughter Eleven 10
Slinn, Howard E.  1879 - 1936  Father  Eleven  10
Slinn, Maud H.  1883 - 1959  Mother  Eleven  10
Slone, Burton N.  May 15 1862 - Aug 16 1932  Twelve 26
Slone, Cora M.  May 11 1868 - Feb 19 1953 Twelve  26
Smalley, Lorenzo W.  1837 - 1901  One 7
Smalley, Luretta  1871 - 1900  One 7
Smalley, Maggie M.  d/o IC & AC Starry  Oct 10 1871 - Apr 10 1897  Five 8
Smalley, Mary E. Larkins  w/o Lorenzo,  1842 - 1918  One  7
Smethurst, Ann  w/o E  d May 1 1849 Five  5
Smethurst, Elizabeth J. 1828 - 1909  Five  4
Smethurst, Ellen  d Feb 11 1872  ae 25 yrs  Two  2
Smethurst, Ellis  d Mar 17 1866  ae 81 years  Five  5
Smethurst, Frank  1890 - 1941  Seven  12 
Smethurst, Hattie  1865 - 1930  Eleven  12
Smethurst, Hattie L.  w/o Ellis  1861 - 1901  Five  5
Smethurst, John  1824 - 1913  Five  4
Smethurst, John P.  1864 - 1943 Three 10
Smethurst, John W.  1886 - 1919  Seven 10
Smethurst, Katherine A.  1880 - 1916  Seven  10
Smethurst, Mary  1878 - 1952  Three  10
Smethurst, Raymond H.  1909 - Three  10
Smethurst, Thomas  1866 - 19  Eleven  10
Smethurst, Thomas  1865 - 1947 Eleven  12
Smethurst, Vera M.  1914 -  Three  10
Smiley, Robert  Sep 27 1913 - Feb 5 1931  Eleven  7
Smith, Alice Marion  1885 - 1951  Fourteen  10
Smith, Almina  Sep 1 1841 - Nov 28 1912  Wife  Seven  8
Smith, Anna B.  1888 - 1962  Fourteen  14
Smith, Arbie A.  d Sep 17 1872  ae 1-8-15  Five  17
Smith, Burr  Jul 30 1834 - Oct 6 1901  Seven  8
Smith, Caroline N.  Feb 15 1845 - Oct 24 1915  Six  7
Smith, Chancy  1860 - 1930  Seven  9
Smith, Charles E.  1854 - 1934  Ten  1
Smith, Cora B.  1894 - 1915  Eleven  1
Smith, Donald  1888 - 1935  Thirteen  2
Smith, Edmund Tracy   1893 - 1918  Hq Co 6 Reg USM  Awarded Croix   de Guerre Jun 6 1918  
       Killed in Action near Vierzy Jul 19 1918  Buried in France   Eleven  1
Smith, Ello O.  w/o Maruice K.   Apr 25 1856 - Sep 30 1904  Three  2
Smith, Emily J.  1860 - 1948  Seven  9
Smith, Eva C.  1880 - 1952  Ten  9
Smith, Eva Clark  1905 - 19  Fourteen  22
Smith, Flora E.  1887 - 1972  Thirteen  2
Smith, Frederick  formerly of Hanningfield County, England  d Oct   6 1867  ae 81 years  Two  1
Smith, George J.  1865 - 1937  Eleven  1
Smith, Hannah  1836 - 1915  w/o John  Five  7
Smith, Harriet E. Baldwin  Aug 20 1860 - May 8 1930  Six  5
Smith, Harriet Everett  1865 - 1940  Two  11
Smith, Hattie  d/o ED & KB  d Aug 4 1892  2 mo  Five  16
Smith, James E.  s/o JH & MT  May 13 1908 - Nov 8 1909  Ten  13
Smith, James H.  1857 - 1942  Ten  13
Smith, James M.  1816 - 1891  Nine  1
Smith, John  1830 - 1921  Five  7
Smith, Julia Havens  1866 - 1958  Eleven  1
Smith, Kate B Kingsley  w/o E D  b Southhampton Mass Mar 19 1837 -   Nov 9 1881  Five  17
Smith, Laura  Mar 4 1877 - Apr 4 1936  Mother  Thirteen  10
Smith, Lawrence B.  Jan 4 1891 - Apr 25 1950  Seven  7
Smith, Leroy E.  1881 - 1947  Fourteen  14
Smith, Leslie R.  1870 - 1951  Ten  9
Smith, Lucy A.  1823 - 1903  Nine  1
Smith, Mabel C.  1871 -  Six  7
Smith, Margaret Brown  1914 - 1961  Ten 7
Smith, Margaret T.  1879 - 1960  Ten  13
Smith, Martha C.  1900 - 1968  Mother  Fifteen  12
Smith, Mary A.  1852 - 1927  Eleven  7
Smith, Maurice K.  Feb 11 1856 - Jan 23 1920  Three  2
Smith, Mildred  Jan 9 1891 - Jan 4 1936  Five  7
Smith, Nancy Ann  1883 - 1959  Fourteen  22
Smith, Oliver N.  1841 - 1930  Six  7
Smith, Oscar  1859 - 1915  Five  9
Smith, Owen S.  s/o Lester & Ruth  Nov 16-19 1915  Ten  14  
Smith, Phinley  Jul 20 1875 - Mar 24 1950  Father  Thirteen   10
Smith, Robert C. Cpl.  1910 - 1964  #36002702  WW II  Fourteen  22
Smith, Rosella R.  1860 - 1926  Ten  1
Smith, Sarah E.  d/o S&H  1854 - 1877  Five  9
Smith, Sarah M.  1889 - 1957  Three  1
Smith, Tommy    ILL Tec 4 Btry B 277 CA BN WWII  Aug 21   1913 - Jul 8 1972  Four  3
Smith, Tracy K.  d Jun 8 1882  6-2-25  ch of Ed & KB Smith  Five  17
Smith, Willie  d Sep 21 1874  ae 20 days ch of Ed & KB Smith  Five  17
Smithhurst, Ellis  Oct 1 1877 - Aug 15 1911  Two  7
Smithhurst, Thomas E.  Feb 19 1825 - Jul 10 1897  Two  3
Smithurst, Eliz J.  d/o J & EJ  d Sep 14 1865  9 mo.  Five  5
Smithurst, Jennie Martin  1872 - 1958  Two  5
Smithurst, Joe  Sep 22 1868 - Jul 1 1949  Husb.  Eleven  8
Smithurst, Lydia Jane  Feb 7 1874 - Jan 26 1960  Eleven  8
Smithurst, Nannie  d/o Ellis & Hattie  Aug 10-Sep 7 1895  Five  5
Snapp, Arminta  1876 - 1953  Eleven  4
Snapp, George W.  1848 - 1931  Father  Co D 150 ILL Inf  Eleven  4
Snapp, Grace B.  1887 - 1927  Ten  7
Snapp, Harvey M.  1889 - 1970  Eleven 4
Snapp, Matilda C.  1849 - 1928  Mother  Eleven  4
Sparks, Mary L.  w/o N  Ten  5
Sparks, Nelson  Co C Regt.  Jul 8 1889  18 yrs  Ten  5
Speck, George W.  1847 - 1933  Six  7
Spellman, Clara B.  May 22 1903-Jun 18 1931  One  3
Spellman, Clarence B.  Jul 27 1897 - Dec 11 1958 One 10
Spellman, Ferne D.  d 1972  One  10
Spellman, Harry Bert  Sep 26 1925  Infant  One  3
Spellman, Kate Marie  Feb 10 1870 - Dec 17 1956 Eleven  1
Spellman, Martha Elizabeth  1843 - 1939  Twelve 16
Spellman, Roscoe N.  Dec 1 1870 - Apr 28 1962  Eleven  1
Spellman, Walter Keene  Nov 17 1927  Infant  One  3
Spence, Golda Alegra  Apr 10 1910 - Feb 26 1916  Ten  13
Spence, John E.  1870 - 1952  Ten  13
Spence, Maude E.  1875 - 1924  Ten  13
Spurgeon, Cynthia E.  wife of Wm H  Apr 21 1836-Feb 26 1907  One  1
Spurgeon, Lucy  d of Wm H&CE, b Jun 17 1866, d Nov 17 1881  One  1
Spurgeon, William H.  d Sep 10 1884  ae 53 yr  One  1
Standiford, Flora Ladd  1855 - 1920  Five  4
Standiford, Lucy  1884 - 1924  Five  4
Stanley, Nick  1952 - 1985  "Moose"  Fifteen   14
Starr, Harry W.  1879 - 1934 Five  13
Starr, J. W.  1842 - 1919  Father  GAR  Five  13
Starr, Jemima W.  1843 - 1888  Mother  Five  13
Starr, Margaret Inez    d/o JW & JW  d Jun 20 1872  ae 0-8-20  Five  13
Starr, Mary E.  1850 - 1925  Mother  Five  13
Starr, Nettie H.  1882 - 1950 Five  13
Starry, John W.    s/o G&H  d Aug 31 1863  Five  8
Starry, NC  Jan 21 1849 - Mar 7 1900 Five  8
Stater, John Allen  1880 - 1909  Father  Four  1
Stauffer, Marvin D.  Y N 3 US Navy   Amer. Leg.   Jun 12 1930 - Nov   6 1974  Fifteen   23
Stauter, Nellie Aug 1 1915 - Apr 25 1952  One  11
Stearman, Fred E.  1872 - 1942  Three  1
Stearman, Robert E.  1909 - 1939  Amer Leg mkr Three  1
Stedman, Marette  w of LO  Jun 3 1853 - Dec 5 1904  Two  11
Stephans, F. Wallace  Sep 18 1923 - Jul 7 1965  Fourteen  6
Stephans, Frank M.  Mar 2 1882 - Aug 10 1960  Fourteen  6
Stephans, Hazel Hewes  May 1 1887 - Feb 13 1956  Fourteen 6
Stephens, Charles E.  1910 - 1970  Thirteen 1
Stephens, Harry W.  1889 - 1978 Fourteen 8
Stephens, Hazel A.  1885 - 1983 Fourteen  13
Stephens, John B.  1884 - 1973  Fourteen  13
Stephens, Mary C.  1909 - 1984 Thirteen  1
Stephens, N. Ethel  1888 - 1960 Fourteen  8
Sterrenberg, Claus W.  1894 - 1967 Fourteen  12
Sterrenberg, Gertrude E.  1901 - 1980  Fourteen 12
Stevens, John  1875 - 1937 Eleven 6
Stevensns, Mary E.  1870 - 1940  Eleven  12
Stevenson, Edward S.  May 22 1834 - Oct 18 1905  Six  2
Stevenson, Virginia S.  Dec 18 1842 - Sep 11 1907 Six  2
Stickle, Jennie M.  1859 - 1936  Seven 7
Stickle, Steward A.  1856 - 1928  MWA Seven  7
Stimpson, Esther  Oct 23 1828 - Apr 24 1892  One  16
Stitt, David A.  1856 - 1924 Twelve  34
Stitt, Mary E.  1856 - 1946  Twelve  34
Stitt, W. Clarence  1884 - 1907 Twelve 36
Stocking, John H.  Jul 16 1821 - Oct 14 1894 Five  1
Stockwell, Angeline  Oct 28 1846 - Apr 20 1929 Seven  5
Stockwell, Angeline   Hubbard  1846 - 1929   Mother  Seven  5
Stockwell, John  Co K 76 ILL Inf,    GAR  Seven  5
Stockwell, John W.  Co K 76 ILL Vol  Jun 17 1842 - Mar 18 1928  Seven  5
Stockwell, John W.  Co M 4 ILL Inf  Sp Amer War  Seven  5
Stokes, Mary A.  1881 - 1980  Fifteen  6
Stone, Altha  w/o Wm.  Sep 1 1825 - Apr 26 1888  Seven 7
Stone, Harley  Jan 22 1864 - Dec 19 1880  s/o Wm. and Altha Seven  7
Stonestreet, Donald   Webster  Aug 14 1944 - Jul 7 1985  Married Jul 31 1981  Fifteen  24
Stonestreet, Melinda Sue  Apr 6 1962 -  Fifteen  24
Stoutemyer, Anna J.  1846 - 1923  Ten  7
Stoutemyer, Florence Mae  1875 - 1942  Ten  9
Stoutemyer, Leonidis T.  Co E 45 Ohio Vol Inf  1841 - 1907  Ten  7
Stoutemyer, Margaret Lee  1883 - 1911  Ten  7
Stoutemyer, Nanna Eleanor  1877 - 1929  Ten   7
Strange, Frankie  1899 - 1912  Seven  7
Strange, J. R.  s/o RT & JE  d Sep 12 1905  ae 0-11-17  Seven  8
Strange, Richard T.  Feb 9 1897 - Jan 5 1950  Seven  7
Strange, Richard T., Sr.  1865 - 1929  Seven  7
Stratton, Perry J.  son  1915 - 1939  Thirteen  14
Streeter, Benjamin  born in England Feb 17 1813 - Mar 8 1888  Nine 10
Streeter, Catharine  w/o Benj.  Oct 3 1820 - May 22 1868  Nine  10
Streeter, Charles N.  Oct 23 1851 - May 29 1866  Nine  10
Streeter, George B.  Aug 10 1855 - Apr 13 1875  Nine  10
Streeter, Jacob O.  Jun 23 1849 - Jun 18 1870  Nine  10
Streeter, Smith O.  Jul 14 1844 - Dec 17 1930  Nine  10
Strevey, Daniel  Aug 6 1846 - Jun 22 1897  One  8
Strevey, Docia M.  Feb 18 1890 - Jan 28 1904  One  8
Strevey, Grace  d D&R  Sep 2 1882 - Sep 7 1900  One  7
Strevey, James W.  s of D&R  Feb 6 1880 - Feb 22 1902  One  8
Strevey, Rosanna Francis  w of D  Aug 18 1847 - Oct 4 1906  One  8
Strevey, Warren  s D & R  Mar 18 1874 - Jan 14 1902  One  7
Stubbert, Edward L.  1861 - 1883   Uncle  Two  16
Stubbert, Esther M.  1896 - 1974   Daughter  Two  14
Stubbert, George B.`  1881 - 1883   Brother  Two  16
Stubbert, J. Fred  1884 - 1918   Brother  Two  16
Stubbert, James F.  1854 - 1916   Father  Two  14
Stubbert, Mary C.  1858 - 1929   Mother  Two  14
Stump, Chester  1914 - 1978  Fifteen  24
Stump, Helen  1922 -   Fifteen  24
Stumpe, Larry Gene  1942  Eleven  4
Sturdevant, Frances A.  May 17 1832 - Oct 17 1915  w/o Jonathan  Seven  14
Sturdevant, Jonathan  Nov 22 1831 - Sep 5 1886  Seven  14
Sullivan, Jennie M.  1900 -  Eleven  3
Sullivan, Mark T.  Co G 127th Inf 32nd Div  1892 - 1934  Amer   Leg  Eleven  3
Summers, A.  1843 - 1917  Four  4
Summers, Mary J.  w/o A  1846 - 1916  Four  4
Sumrall, Cleo P.   1908 - 1970  Thirteen  21  
Sumrall, Thomas B.  1906 - 1961  Thirteen  21
Sutton  [other info not legible]  Four  3
Sutton, Robert M.  Oct 22 1840 - Jan 11 1910  GAR  Three  1
Swafford, Elias W.  1835 - 1917  Seven  2
Swafford, Malinda A.  1837 - 1920  Seven  2
Swartz, baby  1913  One  10
Swartz, Charles  1878 - 1965  One  12
Swartz, Christine Ann  1963 - 1971  Daughter  Eleven  12
Swartz, Donald L.  Jul 20 1947 - May 6 1983  "Duck"  Eleven 10
Swartz, Joseph Earl  Jan 21 1957 - Jan 23   Our Son Eleven 10
Swartz, Rachel  May 17 1925  Eleven  10
Swartz, William H.  Jul 4 1920 - Oct 31 1966 Eleven  10
Swearingen, Edgar B. May 24 1915 - Aug 26 1974  Eleven  7
Swearingen, John P.  Jun 5 1884 - Dec 17 1960 Eleven  7
Swearingen, Mildred G.  Apr 21 1916 -  Eleven  7
Swearingen, Oma G.  Sep 29 1891 - Nov 1 1954  Eleven  7
Tadloch, William Jack  Jan 28 1926 - Mar 22 1948  "I like to fly at Dusk because then the Gateways 
         to Heaven are open"  Fourteen 11
Tadlock, William P.  ILL Pfc 2518 AAF Base Unit WW II  Jan 28   1926 - Mar 22 1948  Fourteen 12
Tadoch, Kathern E.  1894 - 1986  Fourteen  11
Tadoch, Thomas E.  1858 - 1964  Fourteen  11
Talbert  ch of AH&LA  Nine  13
Talbert, Albert H.  1858 - 1952  Nine  12
Talbert, Anna B.  1857 - 1948  Ten  7
Talbert, Catherine  w/o GW  d Jun 18 1860  ae 28-0-16  Nine  16
Talbert, Clarence H.  1907 -  [died July 1996] Fourteen  17
Talbert, Clyde A.  May 1 1896 - Sep 9 1981  Pvt US Army WW I  American Legion  Fourteen  15
Talbert, Edwin D.  s/o Geo W & D  d Mar 26 1872  ae 18-1-20  Nine  16
Talbert, Emma Fannie  1880 - 1966  Ten  9
Talbert, Frank  Oct 5 1890 - Dec 19 1890  Nine  13
Talbert, George W.  d Mar 28 1862  ae 38-6-25  Co M 8th ILL Inf.  Nine  16
Talbert, Horatio N.  1856 - 1922  Ten  7
Talbert, Kate Elizabeth  Feb 2 1970 - Oct 9 1972  Fourteen  18  
Talbert, Laura A.  1866 - 1952  Nine  12
Talbert, Lyman L.  1879 - 1938  Ten  9
Talbert, Marion  Jun 26 1895 - Feb 26 1980  Fourteen  15
Talbert, Mary Mae  1924 -  Fourteen  17
Talbert, Myrtle  inf d/o HN & Anna B.  1885  Nine  16
Talbert, Stella E.  Mar 16 1898  ae 9-5-5  Nine  13
Tarvin, Jennie S.  1884 - 1970  Eleven  10
Tarvin, Murel E.  1904 - 1934  Eleven  11
Tarvin, Thomas T.  1877 - 1939  Eleven  10
Tatro, Laura M. Hanson  Aug 28 1890 - Jan 30 1926  Thirteen  5
Taylor, Alonzo  d Sep 18 1885  ae 82-3-15?  Ten  1
Taylor, Gladys B.  1903 - 1983  Fourteen  23
Taylor, Malinda  d Nov 1 1881  ae 79-9-13  Ten  1
Taylor, Maria  1814-1889  One  5
Taylor, Minnie  1855 - 1945  Seven  7
Taylor, Ruel S.  1902 - 1980  Fourteen  23
Taylor, Zachriah   Aug 10 1855 - Oct 15 1918  Seven  7
Teeter, Robert  Co K 76 ILL Inf   GAR  Nine  12
Test, Mary  w/o Wm  Aug 25 1863  Five  16
Theesfeld, Bernard  1855 - 1915  Ten  8
Theesfeld, George J.  1887 - 1975  Thirteen  23
Theesfeld, Henry B.  23 Feb 1885 - Apr 23 1890  Ten  7
Theesfeld, Karl U.  Apr 23 1886 - Apr 23 1890  Ten  7
Theesfeld, Margaret G.  1892 - 1974  Thirteen  23
Theesfeld, Talke  Apr 29 1855 - Jan 4 1907  Ten  8
Theesfield, Anna C.  1894 -  Fifteen  1
Theesfield, Elmer L.  May 29 1926 - Dec 24 1983  Cox US Navy WW   II  Fifteen  1
Theesfield, Ulrich  1885 - 1963  Fifteen  1
Thisler, George W.  s/o MD & A  d Aug 16 1861  Five  14
Thomas, A. Harvey  1902 - 1922  Ten  15
Thomas, Alice M.  Mar 7 1874 - May 7 1884  Four  4
Thomas, Alva B.  1862 - 1936  Ten  13
Thomas, Baby T.  Mar 8 1888  Four  4
Thomas, Bemas  Oct 31 1846 - Feb 28 1901  Four  4
Thomas, Carrie D.  1876 - 1973  Ten  13
Thomas, David E.  s/o E & NW  d Mar 20 1878  Six  9
Thomas, Elizabeth  w of Lewis  One  10
Thomas, George F.  1905 - 1952  American Legion  Ten  15
Thomas, Harvey D.  s/o E&NW  d Jul 17 1865  ae 14-3-5  Six  10
Thomas, Hattie L. d/o E& NW  d May 11 1865  ae 16-3-10  Six  10
Thomas, James  Co D  113 ILL Inf  GAR  Six  10
Thomas, Joseph W.  Apr 2 1884 - Mar 17 1885  Four  4
Thomas, Kenneth C.  1908 - 1981  Ten  13
Thomas, Margaret M.  1912-19  Ten  13
Thomas, Marie E.  w/o Bemas  Apr 25 1850 -  Four  4
Thomas, Mary E.  Apr 19 1878 - Jan 3 1901  Four  4
Thomas, Nancy W.  1823 - 1902  Mother  Six  9
Thomason, John W.  1874 - 1953  Fourteen  11
Thomason, Margret  1870 - 1947  Fourteen  11
Thompson  May 25 1813 - Jan 23 1909  Two  9
Thompson, Adella L.  w/o Geo H   d Feb 11 1870  ae 41-7-23  Nine  9
Thompson, E. W.  1882 - 1950  Seven  13
Thompson, Eva M.  1895 -  Fourteen  16
Thompson, Frank  Sep 20 1867  18-1-0 Three  2
Thompson, Harriet Marsh  w of John L.  d Apr 28 1870  48-1-12  One  17
Thompson, John L.  1883 - 1964  Fourteen  16
Thompson, Olive  Oct 19 1834   no other info  Three 2
Thompson, Rev. John L.  d Oct 11 1872  ae 61-4-17  One  17
Thorne, Betty C.  1901 - 1962  Fourteen  9
Thorne, Blanche  Jul 11 1895 - Feb 18 1897  Ten  5
Thorne, Christine  1874 - 1942 Ten  4
Thorne, Clarence M.  Jun 25 1875 - Dec 29 1914  GAR Two 13
Thorne, Gleason  1872 - 1942  Ten 4
Thorne, Harriet A. Jan 26 1850 - Feb 20 1935  Two  11
Thorne, Lloyd O.  1893 - 1978  American Legion  Fourteen  9
Thorne, M. Guy  Co H 1 ILL Inf  Apr 6 1880 - Aug 24 1898  Two  13
Thorne, Mabel  Jun 2 1903 - Jun 22 1909  Ten  5
Thorne, Manly D.  May 8 1848 - Feb 7 1938  Father  Two  11
Thorne, Patricia Glea  Jan 29 1926 - Oct 11 1926 Ten  5
Thorp, Elizabeth  d/o E & A Smethurst  d May 14 1849  Five  5
Thrasher, Frank B. Jr.  1913 - 30  2nd Cl Troop, Boy Scouts of Onarga,  
          Mar 27 1913 - May 9 1930  Eleven  7
Tilghman, Almeda L.  1923 - 1982  Fifteen  6
Tilstra, Ada Luella  Jun 12 1888 - Jun 7 1933  Eleven  1
Tilstra, Clarence  1853 - 1922 Ten  16
Tilstra, Clarence, Sr.  May 25 1884 - Jun 11 1957  Eleven  1
Tilstra, Dwoke  d Nov 22 1891  ae 40--?-?  Two  15
Tilstra, Eelkje  1854 - 1925  Ten  16
Tilstra, Effie M.  1884 - 1933  Mother  Ten  5
Tilstra, Hattie  1891 - 1959  Ten  13
Tilstra, Jacob Sr.  1879 - 1923  Father  Ten  5
Tilstra, John  Nov 7 1897 - Aug 6 1980  Ten  18
Tilstra, Kenneth F.  1914 - 1956   Father  Thirteen  2 
Tilstra, Linda Kay  Dec 25 1961 - Feb 17 1962    DAU  Thirteen  2
Tilstra, Orville G.  1913 - 1978  Ten  14
Tilstra, Peter  1847 - 1924  Two  15
Tilstra, Ralph L.  Sep 27 1908 - Feb 25 1952   Son  Eleven  1
Tilstra, Sam, Sr.  1886 - 1949  Ten  13
Tilstra, Sammy, Jr.  Dec 14 1929 - Jan 18 1932  Ten  13
Tilstra, Shirley June  Oct 30 1926 - Aug   Ten  13
Tilstra, Thelma Ann  Mar 6 1935 - Jun 24 1950  Eleven  15
Tilstra, Walter & Louise  Twins  1921  Eleven  1
Tinglepaugh, Hannah  w/o William  d Jan 9 1871  ae 31-1-19  Six  4 
Tinglepaugh, William  d Nov 13 1861  Six  
Tinsley, Damon E.  1894 - 1940  2d Ord Supply Co  Amer Leg  Twelve  27
Tinsley, Mary A.  1890 - 1952  Twelve  27
Toelstede, Jannie  Mar 17 1875-Jul 10 1896  One  4
Tomlinson, Frank  s/o S&AE  d Sep 16 or 18  1864  Nine  1
Tomlinson, Oscar  s/o S&ZE  d Jun 6 1871  ae 8-2-21  Nine  1
Tomlinson, Silas  Co M 12th Cav   d Dec 22 1864  ae 27-3-0  Nine  1
Torrey, Charles T.  1847 - 1900  Ten  4
Torrey, Joseiah  1821 - 1876  Ten  4
Townsend, Edgar L.  1877 - 1965  Nine  2
Townsend, Eva D.  1883 - 1962  Fourteen  15
Townsend, Frances A. Coe  Jan 22 1844 - Oct 11 1919  Nine  1
Townsend, Frank O.  Feb 1 1905 - May 21 1925 Eleven  4
Townsend, George R.  1874 - 1957  Fourteen  15  
Townsend, Grace  1874 - 1911  Five  8
Townsend, Lucia B.  Jul 26 1872 - Sep 14 1951  Eleven  4
Townsend, Nellie B.  1874 - 1952`  Nine  2
Townsend, Oliver  Cpl 2 ILL Cav   Nov 12 1837 - Jan 22 1919  Nine  1
Townsend, Paul Theodore  s/o SC & LB  Feb 7 1909 - Aug 28 1909  Eleven  4
Townsend, Pearl M.  1880 - 1936  Mother  Eleven  7
Townsend, Samuel C.  Aug 18 1871 - Apr 5 1940  Eleven  4
Townsend, William Fry  1879 - 1957  Eleven  12
Toyne, Henry  b May 29 1841 -  Six  12
Toyne, Susan E.  Dec 17 1829 - Jun 18 1906  His Beloved Wife  [w/o Henry]  Six  12
Tucker, John W.  1911 - 1986  Fifteen  13
Tucker, Mary  1910 - 1982  Fifteen   13
Tullis, Isaac  Co D  113th ILL Inf   GAR   no info  Two  5
Unknown Soldier   US,  GAR  Two  5
Uphoff, Alice  1880 - 1959  Four  4
Vaeth, Charles  Oct 17 1877 - Feb 18 1926  Ten  7
Valentic, Helen F.  1902 - 1970  RNA  Fourteen  19
Valentic, Joseph F.  1906 - 1958  Fourteen  19
Valentic, Joseph F.   IL Pfc US Army WW II  Jan 26 1906 - Sep 29 1958 American Legion Fourteen  20
Valentine, Jesse  1821  Two  2
Valentine, Julia  d Jan 15 1890  ae 52 yrs  Two  2
Valentine, W P  d Feb 9 18?1  ae 18-11-0  Two  2
Van Cleave, Mary Durham Vennum  1889 - 1965  Five  12
Van Dervoort, Alpheus R.  1859 - 1947  One  12
Van Dervoort, Annie  1867 - 1893  One  10
Van Dervoort, Father  1830 - 1896  One  10
Van Dervoort, John F.  s of AR & LL  1900-1900  One  11
Van Dervoort, Lelia L.  1869 - 1964  One  12
Van Dervoort, Margaret  Gathany   1862 - 1943  One  10
Van Dervoort, Mother  1839 - 1913 One  10
Van Dervoort, Paul N.  s of AR & LL  1893 - 1906  One  11
Van Dervoort, Theodocia  1868 - 1909  One  10
Van Neste, Almira S.  1860 - 1866 Five  8
Van Neste, Emily J.  1833 - 1871  Five 8
Van Neste, George H.  1826 - 1910  Five  8
Van Neste, Mary E.  1838 - 1917  Five 8
Van Neste, William A.  1868 - 1894  Five  8
Van Tassel, Ella A.  d/o JP&A  d Aug 28 1871  ae 16-7-15  Ten  1
Vanatta, Hannah A.  m of Jennie A. Egley  Mar 10 1829-Nov 23 1907  One  16
Vandoren, Edgar R.  1870 - 1934  Twelve  18
Vandoren, Mary E. Farr  1870 - 1924  Twelve 18
Vanvliet, Maria L.  Nov 13 1838 - Mar 4 1914  Nine  12
Vanvliet, Ward D. Dec 1 1892   ae 66-6-0  Nine  12
Varner, Edward V. Sr.  IL Pvt 193 Glider Inf 17 AB Div WW II   Feb 1 1921 - Oct 13 1944  
        Amer Leg  Fourteen  8
Varner, Fleta I.  1921 - 1979  Fourteen 8
Veatch, Jennie L.  May 4 1934   Entered into Rest  Ten  15
Veatch, John N.  Regt. ILL Vol Cav  Nov 7 1832 - Aug 4 1895  Ten  14
Veatch, Mary A.  w/o John N.  Jun 28 1836 - Nov 4 1912  Ten  14
Veatch, William John  Mar 7 1931   Entered into Rest  Ten  15
Veath, Carolina  1853 - 1930  w/o Frank A.  Ten  8
Veath, Frank A.  1846 - 1915  Ten 8
Veeder, Eleanor Mathews  Mar 3 1812 - Mar 29 1886  Nine  7
Veeder, Peter  b Johnstown, Mont Cy, NY  Jul 16 1805  d   Onarga Sep 11 1871  Nine  7
Vennum, Lucy Ann Durham  1853 - 1932  Five  12
Virkus, Myra E.  1914 -  Thirteen  12
Virkus, Willis A.  1907 - 1986  Thirteen  12
Voorhees, Lizzie P.  1866 - 1932  Nine  17
Voorhees, Theo. R.  1858 - 1933 Nine  17
Waddington, Mary V   Davenport  1890 - 1952  Three  10
Wade, Blanche M.  inf   1918  Seven  6
Waide  1843 - 1932  Seven  4
Waide, Charles W.  ILL Pfc 35 Station Hospital WW II  Oct 22 1915   - Aug 13 1960  Fourteen  25
Waide, Elizabeth  1843 - 1929  Seven  4
Waide, Frank E.   ILL S/Sgt hq Co 95 Inf Div WW II BSM  Nov 22   1912 - Aug 29 1968  Seven  6
Waide, Kenneth Johnson  M/Sgt US Army WW II May 4 1905 - Feb 5   1978  Seven  6
Waide, Minnie  1867 - 1952  Seven  6
Waide, Minnie V.  1878 - 1936  Seven  4
Waide, William S.  1865 - 1945  Seven  4
Walker, Jess Eyre  dau  1899 - 1976  Eight  1
Wallace, Albert  Jul 28 1906 - Oct 10 1921  Ten  16
Wallace, Frank  1892 - 1962  Seven  10
Wallace, John  1881 - 1953  Ten  18
Wallace, Rena  1884 - 1959  Ten  18
Wallace, Sadie  1895 - 1965  Seven  10
Walters, Ester  1916 -    Mother  Thirteen  1
Walters, Lee Roy  1913 - 1956  Father  Thirteen  1
Walton, Miriam Hall  1866 - 1944  Seven  12
Wanamaker, Nellie  1894 - 1945  Three  13
Wand, Adeline W.  1873 - 1958  Seven  6
Wand, Andrew M.  1860 - 1946  Seven  6
Wand, Frederick A.  1900 - 1966  Fourteen  4
Wand, Margaret C.  1902 - 1977  Fourteen  4
Wand, Thomas  1834 - 1910  Seven  4
Wand, William W.  1898 - 1962  Seven  6
Ward, Bessie M.  1879 - 1943  Three   12  
Ward, Bethena S.  1889 - 1960  Ten  12
Ward, D F  1846 - 1909  Seven  13
Ward, Esther  1892 - 1924  Four 4
Ward, Jennie  1851 - 1928  Four  3
Ward, Martha Barritt  1848 - 1920  Seven  13
Ward, Martha E.  1853 - 1924  Ten  10
Ward, Walter T.  1886 - 1952  Ten  12
Ward, Walter Talmage, Jr.  ILL PHM3USNR  WW II   Mar 7 1927 - Jul 24   1954  Ten  12
Ward, William T.  1839 - 1915  Ten  10  
Ward, William T.  1918 - 1928  Ten  12
Wardell, Anna  1880 - 1911 Ten  7
Wardell, Charles O.  1879 - 1951  Three  10
Wardell, Charlotte  1834 - 1920 Ten  7
Wardell, Jesse  1870 - 1943  Ten  7
Wardell, Lulu  1879 - 1944  Ten  7
Wardell, Minnie M.  1876 - 1967  Three  10
Warnock, Amanda H.  Feb 1 1845 - Mar 18 1940  Twelve   11
Warnock, Catharine  w/o    Sep 5 1808 -  Seven  5
Warnock, Charles Howard  Jun 19 1887 - Feb 25 1968  Twelve  11
Warnock, Frances J. Boyd  Oct 4 1892 - Nov 18 1954  Twelve  11
Warnock, James  Dec 17 1806 - Sep 23 1886  Seven  5
Warnock, James M.  s/o James & M  d Dec 16 1877  ae 39-9-2  Seven  4  
Warnock, James M.  Mar 14 1847 - Dec 16 1877  Seven  5
Warnock, Lawrence D.  Co D 172 Regt Ohio N G Inf Vol  Oct 9 1838 -   Oct 24 1917  
         Babcock Post 416  Twelve 11
Warns, Elizabeth A.  1883 - 1974  "Eastern Star"  Fourteen   19
Warns, George A.  1885 - 1973  "Mason"  Fourteen  19
Warns, Harold A. 1925 - 1953  Fourteen  19
Warren, Harvey  1878-1879  One  2
Warren, May  1865-1889  One 2
Warren, Nellie  1869-1884  One  2
Washington, George  Mar 19 1896  Two  3
Wasmer, Clarence R.  1905 - 1958  Fourteen  22
Wasmer, Karen Lee  Dec 8 1958 - Feb 24 1959  Fourteen  22
Watson, Anna  Nov 14 1850-Dec 24 1941  One  1
Watson, Rev. J. J.  Aug 1, 1846-Sep 7, 1926  One  1
Wattie, baby  Nine  8
Waugh, Emmaline  1869 - 1936  Ten  12
Waugh, James E.  1907 - 1912  Ten  10
Waugh, William C.  1861 - 1937 Ten  12
Weagant, [?] Leonora  d/o ?  Sep 13 1871 - Jun 26 1891  Nine  10
Weagant, Eliza  w/o George A.  Apr 29 1838 - Oct 17 1899  Nine  10
Weagant, George A.  May 19 1832 - Oct 24 1904  Nine  10
Weakley, Hazel L.  1886 - 1975  Thirteen  22
Weakley, John W.  1890 - 1960  Thirteen  22
Weakly, Ellen  w of T B  Sp 10  1842 - Sep 16 1877  Two  1
Webb, Bernice G.  1913 - 1981  Fifteen  22
Webb, Elizabeth  w of WH  d Feb 17 1897  ae 58-7-3  Two 12
Webb, W. G.  Co D 113 ILL Inf  Five  11
Weber   1862 - 1940  Ten  4
Weber, Almada  Apr 6 1910 - May 24 1985  Fourteen  4
Weber, Charles  1856 - 1937  Ten  4
Weber, Clarence  Aug 8 1910 - Nov 17 1964  Fourteen  4
Weber, Ellis  1893 - 1962  Fourteen  27
Weber, Lizzie  1884 - 1910  Ten  6
Weber, Lloyd Edward  Pfc US Army  WW II  1910 - 1979  Amer Leg,   VFW markers  Three  5
Weber, Pearl  1899 -  Fourteen 27
Webster, Timothy Jr.  Jul 15 1867  ae 27-4-21  Six  13
Webster, Timothy Sen.  Feb 18 1791 - Mar 27 1860  Six  13  
Webster, Timothy Sen.  Apr 26 1862  ae 40-1-11  Six  13
    Timothy Webster's grave marker:
    SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF T I M O T H Y  W E B S T E R, who was Executed as a Spy by the
	1967 this grave marker was almost illegible; at the present time, it cannot be read at all.]

Weeden, Lucy R.   1839 - 1896  Five  1
Weeden, M. Lois  1878 - 1973  Five  1
Weeden, Samuel F.  1832 - 1919  Five  1
Weekly, Hazel N.  and two infants   w/o JW  Jun 7 1889 - Dec 23   1915  Four  3
Wells, Caroline E. Munson  Jun 25 1846 - Jan 30 1921  Seven  10
Wells, Charley F.  Feb 19 1887 - Apr 6 1888 s/o GW & Harriet  Three  8
Wells, Flossie M.  1887 - 1961  Fifteen  1
Wells, G. W.  Dec 24 1850 - Apr 15 1930  Three  8
Wells, John T.  Mar 1 1829 - Mar 31 1873  Nine  1
Wells, Leonard  1908 - 1983  Fifteen  1
Wells, Leslie E.  Feb 5 1878 - Mar 25 1885  s/o GW & Harriet  Three  8
Wells, Maria E.  Nov 23 1820 - Dec 13 1889  Nine  1
Wells, Mary E.  w/o GW  Apr 1 1854 - Sep 13 1940  Three  8
Wells, Sadie  1890 - 1985  Fifteen  1
West, Jessie Brown  1889 - 1984  Ten  7  
Wheeler, Bhue J.  w/o E L  May 4 1830 - Mar 30 1884  Six  10
Wheeler, Dan'l E. A. M.  Dec 13 1842 - Feb 22 1871  ae 28-2-9  A   Member of the
         Faculty of Grand Prarie Seminary, a Christian, a true man, and faithful teacher  Six  12
Wheeler, Edwin L.  Sep 8 1815 - Oct 9 1892  Six  10
Wheeler, Edwin L.  Apr 6 1860 - Apr 28 1918  Twelve  13
Wheeler, L. Morris  Dec 2 1887 - Aug 10 1974  American Legion  Twelve  13
Wheeler, Lorna Morris  Feb 9 1865 - Apr 20 1944  Twelve  13
Wheeler, Marguerite  Mar 24 1890 - Oct 4 1981  Twelve  13
Wheeler, Martha A.  w/o E L  Feb 8 1826 - Nov 7 1870  Six  10
Wheeler, Wells Lou  1869 - 1872  Six  12
Whisker, Mark T.  Jan 6 1953 - Jul 6 1958  Grandson of L B Smith  Seven  7
White, Blaine V.  s/o VH & LF  Jun 16 1927  Three  12
White, Ivan T.  Sep 29 1916 - Mar 8 1959  Sgt US Marine Corps WW II American Legion  Thirteen  12
White, Jane  1872 - 1964  Mother  Thirteen  12
White, Joseph M.  d May 7 1878  ae 36-11-27  GAR  Two  1
White, Levina Coffin  Oct 24 1815 - Jul 2 1886  Ten  10
White, Lula F.  1892 - 1980  Three  10
White, Thomas G.  1864 - 1947  Father  Thirteen  12
White, Victor H.  1891 - 1979  Pvt US Army WWI  Three  10
White, Victor H.  Pvt US Army WWI  1891 - 1979  Three  11
Whitemore  d Sep 12 1896  ae 54 yrs  Two  9
Whitemore, Charles Upton  d Jun 29 1871  ae 0-6-18  Two  9
Whiteside  My Mother dier   d Jan 1 1865  ae 71-1-10  Six  7
Whiteside, Alida Hazel  May 31 1895 - Oct 24 1980  Two  8
Whiteside, Edna L.  1889 - 1971  Two  9
Whiteside, Edward Edgely  Jun 28 1894 - Oct 26 1985  Two  9
Whiteside, Howard  1901 - 1981  Two  9
Whiteside, Jessie B.  1863 - 1932  Six  8
Whiteside, Lawson H.  1887 - 1939  Six  7
Whiteside, Leonard  1868 - 1908  Six  7
Whiteside, Mille W.  1882 - 1939  Six  7
Whiteside, Samuel A.  1860 - 1939  Six  8
Whiteside, William  1856 - 1890  Six  7
Whitham, Carrie Beach  w/o G S  d Feb 14 1890  ae 30-0-5  Seven  13
Whitham, Ida M.  1887 - 1979  Mother  Fourteen  24
Whitlow, Ira  Aug 31 1933  IL Pvt 1 C1 361 Bakery  Ten  16
Whitmore  1906 - 1969  Thirteen  6
Whitmore, Gerald E.  no date  Two  9
Whitmore, Ida Susan   Guthrie  May 4 1877 - Sep 16 1960 Two  9
Whitmore, James G.  1881 - 1963  Father  Thirteen  6
Whitmore, Minnie P.  1884 - 1926  Mother  Thirteen  6
Whitmore, Susan A.  Mar 18 1843 - Mar 11 1916   Mother  Two  8
Whitmore, Susan A.  May 18 1843 - May 11 1916  [NOTE: name is   spelled Whitmore on some stones 
          and  Whitemore on others]  Two  9
Whitmore, Theodore A.  Oct 27 1869 - Sep 7 1934  Two  9
Whitney, Margaret M.  1842 - 1930  Mother  Six  12
Whitsel, Amanda E.  1898 - 19  Four  4
Whitsel, Ralph R.  1897 - 19  Four  4
Wickizer, Lem?  s/o Asa M & MJ  Jan 17 1880 - Apr 24 1881  Nine  7
Wickizer, Margaret Jane  May 12 1851 - Feb 3 1881 Nine  7
Wickizer, Ovis E.  s/o Asa M & MJ  Jul 1 1875 - May 1 1881  Nine  7
Wilcox, Gladys  d/o ST & Elma  Sep 20 1900 - Oct 22 1906  Five  12
Wilcox, Harriet E.  1844 - 1923  Five  11
Wilcox, Hattie  inf ch of RG & Hattie  Five  11
Wilcox, Mary A.  1899 -   Seven  12
Wilcox, Mary Palmer  1868 - 1954  Seven  12
Wilcox, Palmer  1890 - 1895  Seven  12
Wilcox, Penelope  1811 - 1884  Five  11
Wilcox, Robert G.  1834 - 1917  Five  11
Wilcox, Sherman T.  1887 - 1903  Five  11
Wilcox, William Dana  1867 - 1940  Seven  12
Wilken, Bertha H.  1891 - 1938  One  18
Wilken, Fannie  1881 - 1966  Fourteen  17
Wilken, Francis H.  1909 - 1952  Fourteen  18
Wilken, Geraldine M.  1911 - 1976  Fourteen  18
Wilken, Hazel  1891  Thirteen  26
Wilken, Joe  1883 - 1954  Fourteen  17
Wilken, John  1888 - 1968  One  18
Wilken, Louis  1892 - 1975  Thirteen  26
Wilken, Maude  May 29 1881 - Apr 25 1932  Twelve  39
Wilken, Thelma B.  d/o Wm & Maud  Apr 3 1914 - Mar 25 1915  Twelve  39
Wilken, Violae  d/o Wm & Maud  Feb 23 1907 - Aug 13 1909  Twelve  39
Wilken, William  Nov 11 1880 - Jun 21 1923  Twelve  39
Wilkey, Arthur N.  1879 - 1964  Fifteen  1
Wilkey, Ida S.  1899 - 1980  Fifteen  1
Wilkin, John  Feb 17 1845 - May 22 1911  Ten  7
Wilkin, Mildred S. Wilson  1891 -  Eleven  3
Wilkin, Talke  Sep 21 1856 - Jul 2 1936  Ten  7
Wilkinson, William W.  1852 - 1930  Eleven  7
Willhide, Annie M.  w/o JF  d Nov 5 1873  23-5-27  Ten  4
Willmer, Iva Pearl  1908 - 1973  Fifteen  5
Willmer, John A.   1900 - 1978  Fifteen  5
Wills, Charles Jr.  1914 - 1942  Three  12
Willson, D. Michael  Oct 2 1948 - Oct 7 1965  Thirteen  27
Wilson, Bertha G.  1867 - 1933  Mother  Eleven  1
Wilson, Donald R.  May 1 1936 - Dec 4 1976  PFC US Army Korea  Fifteen  23
Wilson, Elta L.  1910 -  Fourteen  19
Wilson, Ernest Jr.  Feb 8 - Jun 11 1930  Eleven  4
Wilson, George C.  1837 - 1902  Six  1
Wilson, Georgia E.  1909 - 1964  Eight  3
Wilson, Grace L.  1906 - 1969  Three  7
Wilson, Howard Wesley  1st Lt. Vet Corps USA  1891 - 1928  Amer Leg  Eleven  3
Wilson, Isaac W.  d Nov 10 1907  ae 53-6-2  Seven  14
Wilson, James  1806 - 1873  Six  1
Wilson, James  Dec 19 1806 - Mar 25 1873  Six  2
Wilson, Josiah D.  1907 -  Fourteen  19
Wilson, Julia A.  Jun 20 1884 - Jul 26 1918  Seven  14
Wilson, Louis N.  1862 - 1922  Father  Eleven  1
Wilson, Louise P.  1872 - 1952  Seven  10
Wilson, Mamie B.  1884 - 1978  Two  1
Wilson, Margaret  1811 - 1902  Six  1
Wilson, Richard E.  1910 - 19  Eight  3
Wilson, Russell W.  1909 - 1954 Three  7
Wilson, Sarah Gaylord  w/o Isaac W.  d May 22 1883  ae 63-1-20  Seven  14
Wilson, Walter R 1878 - 1964  Two 1
Wing, Frank S.  1852 - 1942  Six  13
Wing, Jennie H.  w/o Frank S   1858 - 1918  Six  13
Wing, Zaccheus  1814 - 1871  Six  13
Winter, Flora B.  1862 - 1944  Five  11
Winter, G. B.  1828 - 1918  Five  11
Winter, George B. Jr.  1853 - 1935  Five  11
Winter, Julia  1881 - 1882  ch of GB & FG Winter, Jr  Five  11
Winter, Julia P.  1878 - 1879  ch of GB & FG Winter, Jr.  Five  11
Winter, Katie M. Hawkes  1826 - 1907  Five  11
Wise, Sara Greene  w/o John S, Jr.  d in NY  May 11 1919  ae 47 yrs  Five  2
Wood, Charles Hiram  1832 - 1890  Five  13
Wood, Cornelius  Soldier of War of 1812  Dec 6 1797 - Feb 5 1888  Five  11
Wood, Elmer H.  Jan 12 1854 - Mar 30 1917  Seven  2
Wood, Julia Baldwin  1834 - 1891  Five  13
Wood, Linnie L.  Aug 6 1854 - Nov 9 1923 Seven  2
Woodard, Margaret  1879 - 1918 Eleven  1
Woodard, Mary J.  Jun 6 1841 - Oct 29 1906 Ten  4
Woodard, William  1864 - 1918  Eleven  1
Woods, Ann  w of John  May 12 1834 - Jan 24 1913  Two  6
Woods, Blanche V.  1917 - 1971  Fifteen  6
Woods, Capt. Henry C.  s of Winslow 1829-1879 Co K, 11 ILL Cav,   GAR  One  17
Woods, Charles F.  1868 - 1945  Two  7
Woods, Edward C.  Sep 30 1870 - Nov 6 1893  Two  6
Woods, F. C.  Sep 30 1870 - Nov 8 1893  GAR   Father  Two  5
Woods, Gernie C.  1874 - 1937  Two  7
Woods, J. A.  Oct 10 1861 - Oct 9 1902  Two  5
Woods, John  Jan 15 1820 - Apr 20 1909  Two  6
Woods, Kenneth C.  1912 - 1951  Fifteen  6
Woods, Laura J.  w of Henry C.  1830 - 1916  One  17
Woods, Lydia  w of Winslow  d Feb 14 1869  ae 69-8-0  One  17
Woods, Nellie Josephine  Apr 20 1916  Eleven  8
Woods, Peter  1853 - 1935  Two  7
Woods, Winslow  1797 - 1887  One 17
Workman, Marie E.  1870 - 1958  Fourteen  17
Workman, Philip S.   1869 - 1945  Fourteen  17
Workman, William Joe  1901 - 1960  "Mason"  Fourteen  16
Wright, Lowell E.  Apr 21 1907 - Nov 21 1965  Mason  Fourteen  24
Wright, Lt. Jack Morris  pilot aviator AEF  son of GL & Bara Greene  Wright, 
        fell in France Jan 24 1918  ae 18 yrs   Five  2
Wright, Velma Gray  Sep 26 1906 - Aug 25 1964  OES  Fourteen  24
Wunderlich, Alice Hamer  1910 - 1972  Twelve  17
Yaw, Agnes  May 15 1833 - Jul 5 1899  Five  11
Yaw, Cinthia L.  w/o John Wyhoff  Feb 7 1864 - Dec 31 1901  Five  11
Yaw, Dwight  1856 - 1930  Eleven  7
Yaw, Emma J.  1860 - 1942  Eleven  7
Yaw, Fern S.  1889 - 1976  Eleven  7
Yaw, Frank  1886 - 1945  Eleven  7
Yaw, Henry  Jun 25 1824 - Nov 2 1904  Five  11
Yeaman, Carl L.  1891 - 1975  Five  3
Yeaman, Eliza  w/o Charles  d Aug 1 1869  37th yr of her age  Five  7
Yeaman, Elizabeth M.  1894 - 1971  Five  3
Yeomans, Albert Redfield  s/o James & Sarah H.  d Jan 31 1855  ae 10 years  Five  17
Yeomans, Fred W.  Apr 21 1854 - Jan 16 1876  s/o James & Sarah H.  Five  17
Yeomans, James  Mar 14 1817 - Mar 9 1876  Five  16
Yeomans, Rose  w/o Edwin J.  Apr 19 1856 - Jun 12 1875  Five  16
Yeomans, Sarah H.  Dec 8 1821 - Jul 8 1904  Five  16
Yocam, Edna M.  1869 - 1953  Twelve 30
Yocam, Galen K.  1901 - 1929  Twelve  30
Yocam, Wm. E.  1871 - 1950  Twelve  30
Young, Hector S.  Dec 30 1847 - Nov 6 1870  son & dau of (Stowe)   & Aurilla Young  Six  13
Young, J. M.  Dec 9 1866  ae 19-1-13  s/o Richard & Elizabeth  Six  14
Young, Lovinna  May 1 1844 - Jun 30 1869  Six  13
Young, Oliver P M  Nov 22 1876  ae 9-11-11 s/o Richard & Elizabeth  Six  14
Zearley, Sarah  1834 - 1914   Mother  One  13
Zeedyk, Frank  1892 - 1946  Thirteen  2
Zeedyk, Laura  1895 - 1980  Thirteen  2
Zirkle, Bernice B.  1914 - 1978  Fifteen  23
Zirkle, Henrietta Reed  1893 - 1976  Mother  Three  10
Zirkle, John B.  1872 - 1936  Father  Three  10
Zirkle, John W.  1914 - 1971  American Legion  Fifteen    23
Zirkle, Marie G.  Fifteen  23
Zirkle, Mary G.  1959 - 1959 ?  Fourteen  23
Zirkle, William A.  1910 -  Fifteen  23

RECORDS OF THE ONARGA FUNERAL HOME, Onarga, Iroquois County, Illinois, 
                                     May 1891- November 14, 1916

Name of Deceased,  Date (year, day, month),  Ordered By,  Cause of Death,  Age

Alberda, Ona   1897  10  Jul  John Alberda  Overcome by heat  82
Aldin, Richard   1891  21  May  Stranger  Pneumonia  62
Allinger, Elizabeth  1902  29  Nov  Heart Disease  50
Amerman, Isaac   1910  28  Dec  Chas. Hungorford  Pneumonia  89
Arahen, Helena, Mrs  1893  1  Jan  Fred Oldridge  Childbirth
Armstrong, Hugh   1907  12  Sep  Mrs. Cupp  Old Age  80
Armstrong, Jane   1899  13  Nov  Theo. Whitmore  Dropsey  74
Arnold, Emily, Mrs.   1908  7  Mar  A. S. Pool    87
Asherman, J. H.  1900  30  May  Wm. Asherman  Deranged   99
Ashley, Hardy's baby  1898  16  Aug  Hardy Ashley    3 wks
Austin, Chas.   1916  12  Jan  Jim Austin  Heart Trouble  63
Austin, J. K.   1908  6  Nov  Mrs. M. D. Thorn   Parilitic Stroke  82
Babcock, Mrs.   1905  4  Jul  W. L. Elliot  Old Age  85
Baggs, Henry, Sr., Mrs.   1911  20  Jan  Henry Baggs, Jr.  Paralysis  72
Bailey, Lucy A.   1904  18  Sep  Geo. Ramsey   70
Baker, Anabelle   1916  11  Jun  Dr. Shawl  Heart Trouble  49
Baker, H. P.   1916  27  Oct  Dr. Nellie Baker  Acute Peritonitis  79
Balding, Clara  1894  10  Jan  Oliver Townsend  Typhoid Fever
Balding, Mary  1901  29  May  Mike Lovett  Dropsey  73
Baldwin, Chas. E.   1908  3  Jun  The. Whitmore  Rupture  51
Baldwin, James, Mr. &   Mrs. (Burial)  1913  26  May  Mrs. Hague
Balk, John's child  1894  7  Mar  John Balk   7 mo
Barnaby, Ethel   1906  5  Dec  Dr. Palmer  Diptheria  11
Barnard, Geo.  1902  28  Jan  Wilbur Parter  Pneumonia  
Barnard, Wm.   1905  15  Jan  John Diercouff  Consumption  63
Barnard, Wm. Jr., Mrs.   1903 11  Nov   Consumption
Barnerd, Margaret  1895  16   Nov  Charlie Barber  Consumption
Barret, Jeremiah   1895  20  Jul  Dr. Kinell  Scalded
Barrett, Jim's  baby  1895  14  Feb  Jim Barrett  Hooping cougn
Barrett, Jim, baby  1893  18   Jul  Jim Barrett
Basche, Tyllbe, child  1895  4  May  Tyllbe Basche  Hooping cough
Batchlor, George   1897  26  Aug  Mrs. James Clark  Blood Poison  73
Beach, Francis Bell, Mrs.   1905  24  Apr  Mrs. Risser  Cancer   76
Beach, Mary C., Mrs.    1906  9  May  Mrs. Chas. Shaw   71
Beach, Nancy   1903  9  Mar  Cliff Beach  Paralysis  74
Beasley, George, Baby  1892  10   Oct  Mrs. Beasley, Old   Lady  Stillborn
Beasley, S. , Mrs.  1895  1  Jun  Geo. Beasley  Stomach Trouble
Beasly, Samuel   1903  23  Feb  Wm. Scott  Old Age
Beddeo, Francis   1915  20  Dec  Geo. Eisenhour  55
Beddeo, Francis, Mrs.   1915  22  Jan  Geo. Eisenhower  Pneumonia  53
Betzer, Isabelle, Mrs.   1909  19  Oct  Jim Betzer  Old Age  79
Betzer, Wm. H.   1909  30  May  James Betzer  Typhoid  45
Blackne, Jennie 
1906   9   Sep   W. T. Jackson   Cancer   48       
Blum, Chas., Baby of   1916   1   Sep   Chas. Blum      2 mo   
Bock, Edward Henry ,  shipped to Chicago  1915  19  Jul  Heine Bros.  Tuberculosis  16
Boltorf, Ed, baby of    1906   20   Oct   Mrs. Newton   Diptheria   1 1/2 yrs      
Bostwick, James    1906   11   Jul   Dr. McIntyre   Cancer   81      
Boswell, Wm. Sr.   1902   2   Jul   Geo. Boswell            
Boswell, Wm. Sr., Mrs.   1900   9   Feb   Dr. J. F. Palmer      69      
Bradwick,J.W. , little    boy   1891   26   Oct   Harry Egley   Whooping Cough         
Brewer, John    1897   25   Jan   L. Edwards   Heart Disease   
Brigina, Frank, baby   1912   15   Jun   Dr. Palmer   Stillborn         
Brown, Gordin, Mrs.   1893   24    Feb   Fred Brown   Consumption         
Brown, Jane    1897   30   Jan   Sam Hunt   Heart Disease   67      
Brown, Lee C.    1904   26   Sep   Mr. Anderson   killed by train         
Brown, Samuel    1893   11   Feb   Geo. Vannest   Cancer         
Brownell, Mrs.    1913   28   Aug   Emaline Amerman      81 
Brumley, Ella   1900   29   Oct   John Copple   typhoid fever   20      
Brusee, Hal    1908   6   May   Chas. Leef   Paralysis         
Buck, Rev. T. G.    1916   24   Mar   Mrs. Edwards   Pneumonia   56      
Buckly case   1895   8   Jun   Zeke Marr            
Buckly case   1895   20   Jul   Zeke Marr            
Burkhalter, Hattie    1891   29    Dec   Young Burkhalter   Consumption         
Burkhalter, John, Mrs.   1901   30   Jun   Mr. Eisenhower            
Burkhalter, Old Lady,Mrs   1891   7   Aug   Young Burkhalter            
Burline, Mike   1900   12   Aug   J. Marr            
Burnham, Ida   1898   10   Nov   Bert Boswell   Pneumonia         
Burnham, Old Man   [Nicholas]  1904   8   Apr   Dr. Norvell   Paralysis   93      
Burnum, Mrs.    1907   25   Mar   Mrs. Foley   Dropsey   87      
Burson, Andy    1914   17   Apr   Geo. Snapp            
Burt, Florence   1897   2   Nov   Mr. Burt   Whooping cough   1 1/2      
Butler, Eliza Norvel, Mrs   1912   24   Mar   High Norval   Paralysis   72      
Butler, Francis    1914   29   Aug      Burning   5      
Calord, Nora Janson    1897   7    Jan   Wes Jonson   tumor   25      
Calvert, Birdie Wella    1904   3   Jun   Tim Weilsly   Pneumonia         
Campbell, Murl    1907   5   Aug   Harley Campbell      2 wks      
Campbell, W. W.    1900   2   Apr   Chas. Barnum   killed by train   55      
Cannon, C. M., Mrs.    1916   29   Mar   Charlie Ward   Paralysis/Heart   43      
Carrington, Dad    1910   4   Jan   Joe Carrington            
Carter Baby    1899   25   Jun   Carter & Geo.    Beasley   Stillborn         
Cimmel, Chas., Mrs.    1895   1   Apr   George Barnerd   Childbirth   38      
Clark,  J. B., Mrs.   1904   13   Aug      Erzsiphilis   85       
Clark, Harry W.   1891   21    Dec   J. K. Egley   Old Age         
Clark, Robert    1899   16   Jan   Acy Porter & Will    Clark            
Clark, Sarah, Mrs.    1893   12    Apr   Bird Egley            
Classen, Helen M.    1897   8   Jul   John Classen   Typhoid Malaria   19      
Clemen, Blanche   1902   20   Dec   Sam Hunt   Typhoid Fever   18      
Clutter, Miles Franklin,    Burial    1915   27   Jun   Miss Nellie Morris            
Clutterback, Mary A.    Shipped to Chicago   1913   20   Jun   Dr. Shawl   Apoplexy   37      
Coalbank, Mrs.   1902   31   Oct   Tom Lewis   Cancer   54      
Coe, Maud, Miss    (Chicago)   1914   26   Oct   H. D. Lunlow   Bronchitis   35      
Coe, Nettie    1906   2   May   H. McIntyre            
Collier, Margaret J., Mrs.     1916   22   Mar   Jim Collier   Nehteritis [?]   74      
Conn, Mary, Mrs.    1904   25   Sep   Mr. Looker   Cancer   51      
Conn, Smith    1906   31   Mar      Heart Trouble         
Conn, Smith, Mrs.    1913   17   Mar   Hugh Conn   Paralysis   60      
Conn, Will, Mrs.    1916   5   Sep   Will Conn   Nephritis   58      
Coper, G. T., Mrs.    1915   29   Sep   G. T. Cooper   Cancer   52      
Copple baby   1899   14   Dec   Will Copple      3 days      
Cox, Grace    1896   3   Apr   Cyrus Cox   Typhoid Fever   18      
Cox, Louisa    1908   18   Feb   John Cox   Paralysis   73      
Coyner, Amanda, Mrs.    1893   29   Jan   Fred Brown   Dropsey         
Croswell, Evylin    1913   11   Nov   Mrs. Bretsford   Blood Poison   70      
Crusenberry, Walter    1896   31   Jul   Willard Danforth   Appendicitis   31      
Culber, B. W.    1899   20   Jul   Dr. Palmer   Paralysis of Stomach   30      
Cultra, R. B.    1912   23   Oct   Harry Cultra   Old Age         
Cultra, Ruby   1895   26    Dec   Geo. Ramsey   Consumption   24      
Cupp, Florance    1908   4   Jun   Mrs. Cupp    (Mother)   Consumption   19      
Cupp, Joseph   1902   31   Dec   Willis Barnaby   Athsma   45      
Dabbhl, Geo.    1899   16    Sep   Geo. Dabbhl      1 hr      
Danforth's, Old Lady at    1903   2   Jul   Owen Clossum            
Danforth, Amelia    1903   6   Mar   Dana Danforth   Heart Disease   75      
Danforth, Julia   1902   17   May   Jerry Danforth   Heart Trouble   43      
Danforth, Willard   1901   24   Apr   Dana Danforth   Heart Failure   54      
Daugherty, Clifford    1910   11   Mar   Chester Daugherty   Spinal Meningitis   5      
David, Charles' baby   1896   15    May   Charles David   Stillborn         
Davies, Thos.   1902   7   Nov   Will Risser   Old Age         
Davis, W. A.    1906   29   Dec   Dr. Palmer   Pneumonia   88      
Dean, David, Mrs.    1910   12   Mar   Earve Dean   Old Age   85      
Devore, Sheridan   1896   24   Nov   Sam Clark   Hurt by train   30      
Dickman, Harry    1897   2   Jan   Ellis Smithers   Heart Disease   25      
Dillon, Lou    1904   14   Apr   Jake Shear   Typhoid   21      
Dillon, William    1912   26   Feb   Harry Jackson   Tuberculosis   56      
Ditman, John    1897   26    Mar   Young Man    Ditman   Old Age   83      
Doane, James E.    1912   8   Dec   Chas. Austin   Pneumonia   76      
Dobbins, Ella, Miss    1910   22   Jul   Ed Dobbins   Dropsey   50      
Dobbins, Pat    1910   3   Jan   Ed Dobbins   Parilitic Stroke         
Dobbins, Pat, Mrs.     1907   27   May   Ed Dobbins   Heart Trouble   72      
Dordau, Sophie    Stradtman    1907   16   Jun   H. Doiden   Blood Poison   31      
Dowl, Dave, Mrs.   1901   17   Dec   Dr. J. F. Palmer   Pneumonia         
Dubble, Geo., Baby   1911   14   Jul   Geo. Dubble   Stillborn         
Dubble, John, baby   1905   8   Mar   John Dubble      1 wk   
Dunn, John    1905   19   Jan   Wm. Dunn   Consumption   24      
Dunns, Susie, baby   1904   19   Sep   Frank Mitchell      2 mo      
Earle, Mary A.    1904   10   Dec   Ed Newton   Paralysis   78      
Ebberts, Mrs.    1905   28   Mar   John Zahn,    Roberts, Ill.      36         
Edwards, Lemuel M.    1913   28   Mar   Webb Jenkins   Apoplexy   82      
Egley, Belle I.   1902   5   Nov      Typhoid Fever   48      
Egley, G. B., Mrs.    1908   7   May   Dr. Palmer   Childbirth   35      
Egley, Geo. Leroy    1895   10   Aug   Budd Egley   Bowell Complaint   11 mo      
Egley, Geo., Mrs.     1905   18   Apr   J. K. Egley   Childbed Fever   25      
Egley, Hannah A., Mrs.     1907   23   Nov   J. K. Egley   Fall Downstairs   78      
Egley, John H.    1907   1   Feb   J. K. Egley   Paralysis   20      
Egley, M. R., Mrs.    1900   13   Mar   WH & GB Egley   
Egley, Mila T.    1891   14   Jun   Harry Egley   Neuralgia of Heart   36      
Egley, Viola    1899   4   Aug   G. B. Egley   Spasms   1      
Elison, Ruth, Mrs.     1908   27   Feb   Seth Elison   Pneumonia   57      
Elmore, John, Mrs.,   shipped to Litchfield, Ill.    
    Apr. 13 (Monna Cleo Fisher Elmore) 1916   11   Apr  John Elmore   Pulmonary Tuberculosis  19      
Emma, Mrs.    1912   24   Aug   Mae E. Seward   Blood Clot         
Empey, George    1894   22   Dec   William Dunn   Hooping cough         
Empy, Geo., Baby of   1900   1   Jul   Geo. Empy   Stillborn         
Empy, Geo., Baby of   1900   3   Sep   Geo. Empy      2 mo      
Evans, Leona    1903   13   Feb   Wilbur Evans   Consumption   22      
Evens, Elizabeth, baby of    John Evens   1909   22   Oct   Harvey Stork      9 mo      
Evens, Joe Jr.   1909   6   Sep   Joe Evens Sr.   Burns, Spinal    Meningitis   2 1/2      
Everett, H. C., Mrs.    1907   8   Aug   Mary Scott   Old Age   82      
Faters, Robert    1894   11   Aug   Dr. Palmer   Old Age   89      
Foley, Gladys    1904   28   Nov   Dr. McIntyre   Pneumonia   2 1/2 mo      
Follett, Charles    1914   1   Sep   Mary Munson      89      
Ford, Rachael , baby of C. Ford   1905   23   May Carter Larkins  Inflammation of bowels  6 wks      
Foreman, D. G.    1914   14   Aug   W. H. Egley      58      
Forlstide, John, Mrs.   1892   3   May   John Forlstide   Childbirth         
Foster, J. A.   1898   15   Oct   Charlie Freeman      57      
Foster, Juliet   1893   28   Aug   All Foster   Bowell Trouble   2      
Fouller, Mrs., darkey   1893   23   Sep   John Williams   Consumption         
Frantz, Sadie   1902   2   Oct   James Smith   Consumption   24      
Franz, Carl   1896   15   Aug   Frank Davis   Drowned   9      
Franz, John    1903   5   Feb   Clarence Franz   Congestion, Lungs   78      
Frazee Fred    1916   7   Nov   John Frazee   Old Age   86      
Frazee, Aaron B.    1916   4   Feb   John Frazee   Bronchial    Pneumonia   90      
Frazee, Lew, Mrs.    1912         C. E. Causey            
Freeman, Alonza   1902   29   Dec   Dell Freeman            
Freeman, Barney   1902   2   Jun   Joe Freeman            
Freeman, Birdie   1901   27   Mar   Wm. Ishmael      21      
Freeman, Joe    1912   23   Jul   Henry Berkema      73      
Frisbey, Mrs. , old lady   1893   5   Apr   Old Man Frisbey            
Frisbie, Henry    1903   25   Feb   Henry Frisbie   Old Age   90      
Funeral at Ashkum   1903   22   Sep   Ed Myers            
Funeral at LaHogue   1903   5   Oct   Ed Meyers            
Gabel, A. N.    1908   20   Dec   Chas Gabel   Operation for water    trouble   87      
Gabel, A. N., Mrs.   1901   22    Sep         77      
Gains, Geo.   1900   12   Sep   High Compton      31      
Galloway, Ada    1891   11    Jul   Eliga Galloway   Suicide   17      
Galloway, Julia, Mrs.    (Shipped to Columbus,   1906   Ohio)   8   May   Dr. Newell  Old Age         
Gardner, A. D., Mrs.     1910   21   Feb   Mrs. Frank Foster   Old Age   83      
Garner, Mary, Mrs.    1916   14   Oct   Alf. Garner   Heart Trouble   77      
Garrett, Ben    1896   14   Feb   Charlie Thomas   Heart Disease         
George, John D.    1912   7   Jul   Harry Ward   Old Age   84      
German child   1895   8   Sep   German            
German child   1899   16   Jan   German      1      
German child   1899   31   Dec               
Gilbert, Edward    1916   18   Mar   William Perry   Endocarditis   47      
Gilbert, Hannah    1904   12   Aug   John Gilbert   Old Age   81      
Gilbert, Monroe    1896   14   Apr   H. H. Clark   Pneumonia   72      
Gilberts, Ed's baby   1894   19   Aug   Pat Rumel            
Gill , George, Mrs.(Tot    Hall)   1901   21   Nov   Fred Oldridge      22      
Gilmer, Hannah M.    1908   15   Jan      Typhoid   22      
Gingerich, Gertie    1903   24   Oct   John Gilbert   Hemmorage   26      
Gish,  E. N., Mrs.   1903   19   Aug   Mr. Sutton   Heart Trouble   65      
Gish, Chas.    1913   2   Apr   Ed Gish   Hemorage and Liver    Trouble   4      
Gish, Chas., Mrs.     1911   17   Aug   Chas. Gish   Surgical Operation   37      
Gish, T. B., Mrs.    1906   4   Nov   J. A. Gish   Cancer   40      
Gleason, Otis, Mrs.    1915   10   Aug   Otis Gleason   Cancer of Liver   63      
Goodwin, Gladys    1911   4   Nov   Jim Goodwin   Childbirth   17 1/2      
Goodwin, Gladys,baby    of    1911   4   Nov   Buried with    Mother            
Gose, Peter   1895   8   Nov   Mr. Wilkinson   Dropsey   26      
Gould, Leo, Burial, Little    1914   23   Jan   Eden Boy      2      
Graves, Franklin    1903   3   Sep   Mr. Lauch   Old Age         
Graves, James Leroy    1911   27   Dec   Mrs. Roy Brenner   Consumption   28      
Gray, Catharind    1899   11   Nov   Dr. Newell   Pneumonia   63      
Gray, Charlie    1899   14   Dec   Dwight Yaw   paralysis   66      
Gray, Kezia   1902   22   Aug   John Egley   Malaria Fever   82      
Gray, M. A.   1901   5   Oct   W. H. Egley   Epiliptic trouble   50      
Gray, Mr. (Mrs. W.H.    Egley's father)   1901   14   Nov   Mrs. W. H. Egley            
Grear,  John, Mrs.    1904   16   Mar   Wess Louden   Cancer         
Greenleaf, Lucian B.   1902   30   Jul   Flora Greenleaf   Heart Failure   68      
Grover, Lemuel    1904   25   Aug   Frank Grover      68      
Grubb, Larinda, Mrs.,    Burial   1914   4   Feb   Mrs. Roy Brenner      79      
Guise, Jennie   1901   13   Mar   Dr. Palmer   Stomach Inflamma.   3 yrs      
Guthrie, Abb, baby   1901   18   Oct   Mrs. Whitmore            
Hadly baby   1895   18   Aug   Mrs. Christian   Bowel complaint   11 mo      
Hall, Geo., baby   1909   15   May   Geo. Hall   Stillborn         
Hall, James    1907   20   Jan   Wess Landin   Paralysis   79      
Hall, Laura G.    1914   7   Nov   Mr. Elliott   Cancer   54     
Hamer, Fred A.    1912   8   May   Harry Hamer   Cancer / Stomach   47      
Hamer, Thos.    1914   27   Dec   E. T. Townsend   Old Age         
Hames, Thos., Mrs.    1910   30   Nov   Ted Townsend   Plural Pneumonia         
Hanson, Mrs.    1906   18   Jun   Walter Hanson   Old Age         
Hanson, W. H.    1905   30   Jan   W. B. Hanson   Old Age   88      
Harding, Electa J.    1896   5   Dec   Chas. Barmins   Asphyxiated         
Harlan, Ella, Mrs.    1914   15   Oct   Sol Myers   Gallstones   60      
Harper, Geo.    1898   30   Jan   Ed Harper   Carbuncle        
Harper, Mary A.   1902   17   Feb   Will Harper   Old Age   85      
Harper, Mary, old lady   1894   24   Apr               
Harris, Eliza    1904   24   Feb   John Barrett            
Harrison, Mrs. (at    Gilman)   1910   27   Jun   Chas. Myres   Dropsey         
Hartke, Mrs.    1914   2   Jun   Mrs. Will    Lockwood   Paralysis   81      
Hasbrouch, Sarah, Mrs.    1915   21   Jul   Howard Shinn   Dropsey         
Havens, Emily Luttle    1912   17   May   Will Havens   Old Age   100 yrs.      
Healey, Wm.    1905   28   May   Chas. Leaf   Pneumonia         
Hegans, Mrs. baby   1896   26   Apr   Pinwell & Dobins   Bowel Comp.    5 mo      
Henderson, Perry    1903   30   Jun   Dr. Henderson   Drowning   20      
Henderson, Vincent   1901   16   Jan   Tom Henderson   Membrane Croup   5 yrs      
Henry, Mrs., Gilman, Ill.   1908   5   Jul   Chas. Meyer            
Heppe, Dan, baby   1906   6   Feb   Dan Heppe   Born Dead         
Hess, Chas.    1912   6   Dec   Wm. Fisher      36      
Hess, David Scott    1899   8   Oct   Wm. Lewis   Old Age   70      
Hess, May    1895   11   May   Lew Oldridge   Consumption         
Hichcock , Lew, baby   1906   5   Sep   Isinhower   Cholary Infection   11 mo      
Hichin, Dug, twin babys   1909   25   Apr   Old Man Polsin      1 wk      
Hildenbrand, Lizzie,    Mrs.    1910   7   Jul   Chas. Hildenbrand   Cancer   48      
Hiney, Christ    1909   20   Apr   Jack Ashley   Kidney Trouble         
Hinney, Mrs.    1910   28   Dec   Jack Ashley   Paralysis         
Name of Deceased   Date   Ordered By   Cause of Death   Age      
Hitchcock, Edward    1903   11   Nov   Fred Brown            
Hitchcock, Lew, Baby of    1905   25   May   Ed Hitchcock   Spinal Menengitis   16 mo      
Hollingsworth, Sarah M.    1915   16   Jan   Harve    Hollingsworth      81      
Hollingsworth, William    1894   30   Aug   High Hix            
Holtz, Floyd    1910   9   Mar   William Holtz   Tuberculosis   15      
Holtz, John    1901   22   Apr   Jackson Holtz   Consumption   41      
Holz, Caroline, Mrs.    1909   16   Mar   Chas. & Wm. Holz   Pneumonia   79      
Houstein, Serrah Jane    1906   24   Nov   Roy Day   Brights Disease   14      
Howard, Clarke   1896   20   Sep   A. M. Peck   Old Age   85      
Hubbs, John    1910   31   Aug   Geo. Egley            
Hungerford, R. A.    1904   10   Jan   Chas. Hungerford            
Hunt, Eliza   1893   5   Nov   Hugh Ishmael   Consumption         
Hunt, Soliman   1894   8   Jun   Anthony Merideth      16      
Hyre, Nellie    1909   6   Apr   John Ackerman   Appendicitis   18      
Ikins, Geo.    1907   21   Mar   Mr. Bedoes   Consumption   41      
Ikins, George   1900   24    Apr   Isenhour   Paralitic Stroke         
Ikins, Marie    1904   16   Jun   Geo. Ikins   Suicide   48      
Inskip, Nellie   1899   31   Dec   Will Gilbert   burned   20      
Ishmael, Louise    1894   5   May   William Ishmael   Consumption   19      
Ishmiel, Clarance, baby   1913   7   Feb   Hugh Ishmiel   Stillborn         
Iwarts, Corbin H.    1905   14   Oct   Garfield Iwarts   Consumption   21      
James, Ole, Mrs.    1915   30   Aug   Ole James   Tuberculosis of    Stomach         
James, Ward, baby,    Burial of    1914   6   Jan   Ward James   Stillborn         
Jeans, Lee   1902   5   Dec   Ed Jeans   Consumption   31   
Jeans, Lee, Baby of   1901   7   Mar   Dr. Palmer   Hooping cough   9 mo 
Jeans, Merium, Mrs.     1911   10   Jul   Frank Jeans   Paralysis   68      
Jenkins, L. F., Mrs.   1903   28   Jan   Will Jenkins   Pneumonia   71      
Jenkins, Lifrkin [?]   1901   2   Sep   Horris Merideth            
Jenkins, Y. F.    1903   19   Apr   Arvin Jenkins   Heart Failure         
Jilia, Annie Scott, baby   1911   3   Oct   Howard Scott   yellow jaundice   2 wks      
Jimison, Walter H.    1912   16   Dec   Dr. Morgan   Smotherd   2 1/2 mo      
Johnson, Jesse B., baby   1912   30   Mar   Jesse B. Johnson      8 hrs.      
Johnson, Man [?]   1901   30   Sep      Pneumonia   64      
Johnson, Mr. (Burial)     (Chicago)   1913   13   Apr   Mrs. Johnson      82      
Johnson, Wesley, Burial    1914   27   Jan   T. Washington   Paralysis   67      
Johnson-Gains, Nellie   1900   18   Dec   Wes Johnson   Cold   31      
Jones Baby   1899   31   Aug   Hezekiah Jones   Typhoid Fever   2 mo      
Jones, Hezekiah's baby   1894   27   Dec   Hez Jones   Hooping cough         
Jonhkman, Henry   1901   21   Oct         67      
Jonkman, Francis, Mrs.    1914   21   Dec   Jake Jonkman   Old Age   79      
Kauffman , John, baby   1907   1   Aug   Thee Whitmore   Stillborn         
Kellar, Mrs., of Gilman   1903   19   Oct   Ed Meyers            
Kerns, Cal   1896   8   May   Mr. Hitchcock   Consumption   21      
Kerns, Owen    1908   28   Jan   Beddeo   Old Age   73      
Kerr, Owen, Mrs.    1910   11   Jun   The Children            
Kindig, Henry H.    1914   10   Sep         84      
King, Hiram W.    1909   17   Jan   Dr. J. F. Palmer   Senility   81      
Kingsley, Carrie   1902   30   Oct   Mr. Oleson   Typhoid Fever         
Kingsley, Chas.    1912   27   Oct   Remsburg   typhoid Fever         
Knoche, Old Lady    1910   4   Aug   W. E. Risser   Old Age   90      
Kohlman, Dick, Baby of    1908   17   Aug   Old Man Palsun      3 wks      
Kohlman, Hy    1892   1   Jan               
Kolb, Martin, Geo., Mrs.     1909   8   Apr   Mrs. Rickey   Jaundice, Gallstones         
Kramp child   1895   13   Oct   Will Trasdale   Throat trouble   6      
Krieger, Henry    1915   3   Dec   Henry Krieger      3 das      
Krouse, Ben, Girl of    1898   9   May   Dr. Palmer   Killed by train at    Ridgeville   8      
Kuhlman, Chris little boy   1911   8   Mar   Chris Kuhlman   Bone Cancer   6      
Kuhlman, Dick, Mrs.    1915   16   Jan   Art Danforth   Cancer   43      
Kuhlman, James Glenn    1907   2   Jun   Richard Kuhlman   Brain Fever   39 days      
Kussell, Peter    1899   6   Aug   Dr. Hemela   Cancer tumor    stomach         
Kyln, Fred, baby   1909   27   Sep   Herman    Schumacher   Stillborn         
Lambert, Mose    1912   26   Feb   Robert Pugh   Cancer of Liver   59      
Larkins, Luella    1906   30   Dec   Geo. Larkins   Consumption   12      
Larkins, Mrs.    1900   19   Mar   James Cadbank            
Laughlin, Mary Moore    1908   20   Oct   Mr. Margery      57      
Laura, Della   1902   1   Aug   Chas. Wordelmann   [illegible]   3 m 20 d      
Lavlin, John    1892   2   Apr   Ford   Consumption         
Lawhead, Bessie    1904   10   Nov   Robbie Lawhead   Heart Failure   28      
Lawhead, Robert    1904   9   Sep   Mrs. Eisenhower   Cancer/Stomach   62      
Lawrence, J. P.    1911   1   Oct   Remsburg &    Paddock,    Thawville            
Layer, David    1905   26   Jul   Lou Layer   Cancer   65      
Leaf, Geo. W.    1906   23   Feb   Ed Leaf   Heart Trouble         
Leaf, Irwin    1906   17   Oct   Ed Leaf   Diptheria         
Lee, Charlie    1907   19   Jun   E. Meyers / Gilman            
Lee, Etta, Ikins, Mrs.   1900   14   Apr   Wm. Lee   Paralysis   33      
Leef, Jane, Mrs.    1908   4   Nov   Ed Leef            
Leef, Nellie, Miss    1914   21   Oct   Chas Leef   Brights Disease   68      
Lehigh   1902   4   Jul   Ben Hull   Old Age   81      
Lehigh, Charles    1898   30   Jan   John Lehigh   Softning of brain         
Lehigh, John (Shipped to Farm Ridge, 1906  2  May  Ben Hull Lasalle Co., Ill.) Paralytic stroke  84      
Lewis baby   1895   15    Aug   Will Lewis   Bowel complaint   2      
Lewis, Rose   1902   6   Oct   Joe Carrington   Dropsey   27      
Lewis, Tom, Baby of    1901   30   Aug   Tom Lewis      4 mo      
Lewler, Martin    1916   24   Jul   Will Lewler   Old Age   86      
Lindsay, Frank   1901   24   Jun   Ira Lindsay   Typhoid Fever         
Lindsey, Sturate    1895   26    Jan   Telegram            
Lockwood, Fred   1913   18   Jul   Chas. Hildenbrand   Paralysis   89                              
Lohrke, Lola May    1912   14   May   Will Ishmiel   Carbolic Acid    Suicide         
Louise, Mary, Mrs.   1902   18   Sep   Phone   Gallstones   54      
Lovell, Henry    1903   18   Sep   C. E. Messer   Operation   75      
Lovett, John    1903   23   Mar   Will Wade   Pneumonia         
Lowe's baby   1898   12   Aug   Mr. Lowe      1 day      
Lowe's baby   1898   21   Aug   Mr. Lowe      1 1/2    wks      
Lowe, Bessie    1913   31   Aug   Geo. Lowe      21 mo      
Lowe, Dave, baby   1905   28   Sep   Dave Lowe      2      
Lowe, Hiram    1898   23   Jul   Tom Lindsay   Tumer of Liver   73      
Ludwick, Mary    1896   2   Apr   Harry Ludwick   consumption   50      
Lyman, Deborah    1897   17   Nov   Ed & Charlie    Lyman   Cancer of Stomach   70      
Lyons, Chas., baby   1915   9   Feb   Chas. Lyons      2 mo      
Lyons, Chas., Baby of    1914   22   Jan   Chas. Lyons      2 mo      
Lyons, Howard, Mrs.   1895   26   Apr   Henry Jimison            
Lyons, Mary, Mrs.    1903   16   Oct   James Lyons   Cancer         
Mace, Mary   1901   4   Jun   Gordon Brown      63      
Mace, Wm.    1904   7   Jul   Burn Hamley   Cancer/Stomach   61      
Madden, James    1904   22   Jul   John Uphoof   Dropsey   76      
Maloney,  Anna Mary   1898   27   Jul   Mr. Karington   Armania   68      
Maltby, Elizabeth A.    1899   30   Oct   Dr. Palmer      67      
Mann, M. H., Mrs. of    Gilman   1901   12   Feb   Ed Myers            
Mann, Mary Ann, Mrs.    1912   13   Mar   Henry Mann   Cancer of Stomach         
Marcher, Geo.    1906   14   Aug   Chas. Marcher            
Margrum, Jackson    1899   9   Sep   Will Margrum      68       
Martin, Daniel   1897   10   Sep   John Martin,    telegram   accident         
Marvall, Mary, Mrs.   1902   10   Jan   Dan Marvall      78      
Mason, Blanche   1902   8   Feb   Henry Knoche   Hip Disease   11      
Mason, John    1916   9   Feb   Sol Myers   Hemorage/Brain   82      
Mason, Will    1915   5   Nov   Thos. Hapenney   Dropsey   55      
Mathews, Geo. K.   1901   25   Jan   Mrs. Godfrey,    James Mathews   Appendicitis   12      
Matthews, James    1909   8   Apr   Mr. Wilson   Pneumonia   65      
Matthews, Martha    1903   16   Feb   Mrs. Godfrey      88      
Mavity, Nettie, Mrs.   1896   20   May   Mr. Mavity   Consumption   30      
McCord, W. R.    1914   12   Mar   T. McCord            
McGaughy, J. G., Mrs.     1913   11   Feb   Mrs. Mortan Ware   Pneumonia   71      
McIntosh   1903   17   Aug   Mrs. McIntosh            
McIntosh, Flora   1902   31   Jan   Paul Palmer   Pneumonia   37      
McIntosh, John    1910   3   Aug   McIntosh boys   fall from painter's    scaffold   71      
McIntyre, Dr.    1908   3   May   Ed McIntyre   Rheumatism   40      
McKinney, Eliza    1905   19   Jan   Ed McKinney   Heart Trouble         
McLean, Archibald    1907   24   Dec   Mrs. John Harker   Bladder & Kidney   63      
McMillen, Clarence    1914   9   Jun      Pneumonia   27      
McMillen, Geo.    1907   19   Dec      Heart Trouble         
Meadows, Amelie, Mrs.   1907   10   Nov   John Meadows   Gall Stones   71      
Meadows, Thomas    1896   13   Jul   Sam Meadows   consumption   64      
Mears, J. M.    1910   24   Jul   Dan Mears   Dropsey   86      
Mears, Lydia A.    1906   30   Jan   J. M. Mears   Dropsey   74      
Merideth baby   1897   23   Mar   Tony Merideth   Stillborn         
Merideth, Anthony   1902   13   Jul   Tony's boy   Heart Trouble         
Meridith, William    1916   5   Jul   M. T. Amerman   Heart Failure   53      
Messerley, Mary E.    1899   13   Aug   Bostwick & Farr   Tumor   52      
Messerly, J. R.    1912   27   Jan      Heart Trouble   64      
Miller,  H., Mrs.   1899   30   Nov   Parks Miller      74      
Miller, Harrison    1907   30   Sep   Parks Miller   Old Age   89      
Miller, Jane    1912   4   Jul   Mrs. Holmes   Bronchitis   72      
Miller, Katherine    Verneal    1915   12   Jun   Miss Davis   Tuberculosis of    Bowels   13      
Mitchell, Eugene, baby   1903   17   Oct   Eugene Mitchell      13 mo      
Mitchell, Eugene, baby   1911   17   Sep   Howard Scott      1 wk      
Moore, Mrs.    1895   11    Aug   Wess Johnson   Dropsey         
Morgan, Ross    1912   26   Aug   Sam Morgan   Carbolic Acid    Suicide   22      
Morgan, Thomas    1914   18   Dec   Geo. Eisenhour   Pneumonia   71      
Morris, Ophelia, Miss    1910   1   Apr   Lester Morris   Tuberculosis   24      
Morris, Sarah, Mrs.    1903   20   Oct   Mr. Segur      92      
Morris, Wm. C.    1903   16   Oct   Harve Weaver   Inflamm. Bladder   71      
Moser, Earl, , child of    Miss Moser   1900   26   Dec   Mrs. Cramp      26 da      
Mosher, Lena J.    1915   16   Oct   Howard Shinn      46      
Mosher, Madison E., Mr.     1910   23   Apr   Mrs. Mosher   Parilitic Stroke   65                              
Munson, Flora    1909   28   Aug   Mary Munson,  moved from  Watseka Cemetary  
        [consult original records - more is written]         
Munson, George    1903   7   Sep   Fred Oldridge            
Munson, Ransom    1909         Mary Munson,    moved from    Watseka Cemetary   
        [consult original    records - more is    written]         
Murrey, Jessie    1898   16   Dec   Dr. Palmer   Lockjaw   32      
Myers, Saul's baby   1895   15   Jan   Saul Myers   Hooping cough         
Myres, Estelle Wegund    1909   8   Jun   Bert Myres   Consumption   30      
Myres, John's girl   1897   2   Jan   John Myers   Croup   6      
Nellie Tilstra   1916   7   Apr   Dr. Shawl   Septicemia   13      
Nicholds   1902   2   Nov   John Nichols      2      
Nicholds, Will, Mrs.    1912   9   Nov   Dr. Shawl   Heart Failure   22      
Nickerson, Laura    1903   9   Apr   Mrs. Palmer   Heart Failure   47      
Northrup, Adeline   1902   30   May   Philip Burke   Old Age   69      
Norval, Willis    1903   27   Feb   Cindy Norval   Pneumonia   59      
Norvall, Andrew    1915   3   Jun   Mrs. Ford   Dropsey   47      
Norvall, Daniel    1903   19   Apr   Dr. Norvall   Overdose/Laudenum   65      
Norvel, Willis, Mrs.    1909   10   Aug   Andy Norvel   Dropsey   64      
O'Coller, Margeret   1901   7   Mar   Mrs. Nickerson,    Elder Andrews   Heart Trouble   18      
O'Connell, Charley's    baby   1893   30   Mar   Charley O'Connell   Stillborn         
O'Toole, Bridget, Mrs.    1899   9   May   Thomas O'Toole   Heart Trouble   80      
O'Connel, Wm.    1907   30   Mar   Chas. Myres   Paralysis         
Ogden, Ruby    1904   2   Nov   John Ogden   Typhoid Fever   21 mo      
Oldrige   1904   3   Nov   Steve Oldrige   Old Age         
Orvin, Geo. A.    1904   20   Jul   Chas. Barnum   fell on a pitchfork   29      
Owen, Geo.    1905   1   Aug   Mr. Dora   Typhoid Fever   48      
Owen, J. K., Mrs.    1915   13   May   Geo. Eisenhower   Paralysis   69      
Owen, James K.    1906   15   Mar      Cancer/Stomach         
Owen, Janses, Sen.   1897   22   Apr   Joe Owen   Congestion   82      
Paler, Ira Gordon   1902   17   Feb   Dr. Palmer   Spasms   6 mo      
Palmer, Clifford, baby   1912   13   Mar   Clifford Palmer      2 wks      
Palmer, Helen    1906   14   Sep   Paul Palmer   Cholera   7 mo      
Palmer, J. F., Dr., Mrs.      1915   16    Nov   Dr. Palmer   Neuralgia/Heart   68      
Parcell, Cossette Irene   1902   22   Jun      Spinal Meningitis   20 mos      
Parmalee, Dan    1903   13   Jul   Harry Skeels   Permanent Anemia   47      
Parry, Mrs. Gill    1891      May   Gill Parry   Cancer   37       
Parry, Wm.    1909   27   Feb   Louis Parry   Pneumonia   25      
Parsell, Wm., Mrs.    1910   14   Dec   Mrs. Cal    Burkholder   
Tourmours Grvati    [?]   53      Patterson, Harry, Mrs.     1906   4   Oct      Suicide         
Pearce, Frank    1909   28   Jan   J. M. Thurston   Consumption   63      
Pearce, Mr.    1910   11   Jan   Remsburg &    Paddock            
Peeters, Elmira    1910   22   Nov   Flora Peeters   Paralysis   82      
Pemberton, Bessie   1901   8   Apr   James Owen   Rheumatism of heart   48      
Perkinson baby   1895   14   Aug   Mr. Perkinson   Bowel complaint   1      
Peters, David moved to    1910   1   Dec   another grave            
Pfeffinger, Ray    1909   7   Jun   Hiram Schumaker   Cramps   4      
Phelps, Nettie, Mrs.   1899   1   Dec   Scott Bremer            
Pierson, Job    1905   2   Nov   Jno. Peters   Old Age   73      
Pinney, Francis    1899   26   Sep   F. P. Beach   Paralysis   64      
Pinney, Horace    1898   22   Jul   Gordon Brown   Old age   85      
Poole, Burial, baby   1916   12   Jan   Chas. Poole   Stillborn         
Porter, Acy, Sr.   1892   17    Feb   Willard Danforth            
Porter, J. D.    1903   4   Nov   H. McIntyre            
Porter, May   1895   12   Sep   Henry Jimison   Throat trouble   20      
Powell, Grace    1898   23   May   James Clark   Spasms   2 da      
Price, John's boy   1906   14   Jul   Dr. Hall            
Price, John , [?] of    1906   18   Apr   John Price      1 1/2 wk      
Pugh, Mrs. (M. S.    Burrell's mother)   1911   16   Dec   M. S. Burrell   Dropsey   64      
Pugh, Robert, baby of   1898   2   Jun   Robert Pugh      4 mo      
Quigley, Maggie    1897   17   Jan   Jim Quigley   Consumption   27      
Ramsey, John   1902   14   Feb   Dr. Palmer   Pneumonia         
Randall, John   1900   23   Oct   Dr. Palmer            
Ray, Emet, Twins   1907   25   Feb   Emet Ray   Stillborn         
Ray, Mrs.    1912   8   Dec   Mrs. Roy Brenner   Cancer         
Ray, Pearl    1912   14   Aug   Mary Munson   Summer Complaint   3      
Rea, Virginia    1897   11    Sep   Rob Saul            
Reademis, John's  child   1895   1   Jun   John Reademis   Consumption         
Rebholz baby   1912   26   Oct   Joe Brown      3 mo      
Redfield, Mrs.   1902   24   Sep   Mrs. Barnard   Gallstones   71      
Reed, Reuben   1896   9   Sep   Ed Salisbury   Spasm   3 mo      
Reed, Wm.    1905   21   Sep   Tom Weekley   Heart Trouble         
Reynolds, Ira, Mrs.    1911   18   Feb   Mr. Chas. E.    Causey   Creeping Paralysis   39      
Richards, Jess,  darkey   1895   19   Jan   Art Oldridge            
Rieley, Stanly   1902   2   Aug   John Gilbert            
Risser, David    1903   19   Jul   Mary Scott   Consumption   47      
Risser, David, Mrs.    1915   25    Jul   Ed Risser   Cardiac Dilitation   72      
Risser, L. J.    1909   13   Apr   John Bezear   Heart Failure   60      
Risser, Wm.,  baby   1899   12   Oct   Wm. Risser   Spasms   1 da      
Roberts baby   1895   10   Jan   Brumley & Cady   Hooping cough         
Roberts, Robert's baby   1895   25   Jan   Cordy   Hooping cough         
Roberts, Vera Leona    1909   16   Sep   Joe Roberts   Cholera   23 mo      
Robinson, James   1902   31   Dec   Wallace Lovett            
Ruley, Luzena    1903   28   Feb      Paralysis   66      
Rummel, Henry    1899   17   Sep   Mrs. Henry    Rummel   paralysis of heart   58      
Sahula, Joe    1908   20   Apr   Dr. Shawl   Pneumonia   40      
Salisberry, J. R. , Mrs.   1900   2   Dec   E. Salisberry   Train Accident   71      
Sandlin, Orestes    1914   6   Feb   Joe Roberts   Spinal Meningitis   22      
Schriefer, Herman, Little    girl of    1916   26   Jan   Ed Myers, Gilman   Strychnine   3      
Schumer, Chris    1903   4   Feb   L. Talbert   Pneumonia         
Scidmore, Steve    1912   23   Jul   Dr. Shawl   Hemorage/Stomach   43      
Scott, Wm., Baby of    1906   17   Feb   Wm. Scott      3 mo      
Sedgewick, Tom   1895   17   Feb   Hedgman   Hooping cough         
Serton, Robert    1910   11   Jan   Mrs. Robert Sutvis      70      
Sharks, Mary T.    1915   21   Dec   Will Ishmiel   Old Age   73      
Sharp, Sarrah, Mrs.    1911   19   Oct   Wm. Clark   Cancer         
Sharpe, Adam   1899   24   Nov   Con. Sharpe   murdered         
Shawl, Dr., Mrs.    1913   3   Feb   Dr. Shawl   Paralysis   43      
Shear, J. C.    1914   3   Oct   Mrs. Gertie Booth   Heart Failure   86      
Shellenberger, Benjamin   1896   13   Oct   Charlie Leaf   Tumor         
Sheonheider, Annie,    Mrs.   1900   3   Oct   J. Marr   Heart Complaint   40      
Sherman, Infant of    1891   19   Jun   Old Man Sherman   Bowels Comp.   6 mo      
Sherman, Wm.    1906   6   Nov   Mrs. John Nichols   Cancer   27      
Shirmer, Chris, Baby of   1902   28   Jan   Chris Shermer      1 da      
Sholtz Baby    1899   14   Dec   John Lepple      2 mo      
Short, Jim    1892   4   Feb   M. T. Amerman   Dropsey   87      
Shottenkirk, Mary, Mrs.    1914   13   Sep   Theo Whitmore   Paralysis   92      
Sinderson, Geo.    1905   19   Nov   Dr. Newell   Neuralgic Heart   76      
Sinderson, Geo. Mrs.   1907   14   Sep   John Martin   Old Age   80      
Skeels, Myrtle    1896   14   Sep   H. Hicks   Tumor   14      
Smiley, Hazel    1906   30   Dec   Dan Mears   Killed by cars   12      
Smiley, Ida    1905   24   May   Chas. Holz   Cancer         
Smith, Burr   1901   6   Oct   Mr. Thompson      67      
Smith, Burr, Mrs.    1912   23   Nov   Chan Smith   Tumor   71      
Smith, Cora Belle    1915   15   Mar   Dr. Shawl      20      
Smith, Earl (baby of    James Smith)   1909   8   Nov   James Smith   Measles   18 mo      
Smith, John, Mrs.    1915   11   Apr   Dr. S. F. Palmer   Pneumonia   78      
Smith, Lester, Baby of    1914   19   Nov   Lester Smith   Smothering   3 das      
Smith, Lucy, Mrs.    1903   20   Feb   Otis Gleason   Pneumonia   80      
Smith, M. K., Mrs.     1904   30   Sep   Charlie    Hildenbrand   Cancer         
Smithers baby   1895   8   Sep   Ellis Smithers      6 wks      
Smithers, Thomas    1897   10   Jul   s/o Mr. Smithers   Overcome by heat   72      
Smithurst, Elis, Mrs.   1901   19   Nov   Elis Smithurst   Cancerous tumor         
Smithurst, Ellis    1911   15   Aug   Mrs. Ellis    Smithurst   Peritonitis   54     
Smithurst, John, Mrs.    1909   15   Apr   Ellis Smithurst   Old Age   81      
Soulsbery, Edward    1891   19   Jun               
Southwerp, Frank's little   1910   26   Nov   girl  moved  from   one grave to another         
Southwerp. Frank's  little    girl   1895   12   Mar   John Southwerp   Hooping cough         
Southwert, John    1910   25   Nov   Frank Southwert   Old Age   93      
Southworth, Earl (baby)   1914   11   Sep   Earl Southworth   Smothering Spells   6 wks      
Southworth, John, Mrs.    1904   20   Mar   Jim Austin   Paralysis         
Sparks   1900   28   Jun   Wm. Ishmael      6     
Sparks, Carl, Baby of   1896   12   Nov   Hugh Ishmael   Pneumonia   1 mo      
Sparks, Ed,  Baby of    1901   7   Apr   Wm. Ishmael      8 das      
Sparks, Lillie   1900   10   Jun   Wm. Ishmael      3      
Spence, Goldie    1916   26   Feb   Chester Spence   Killed with shotgun         
Spense, Mary Elisabeth,    C. C.'s  baby   1906   10   Feb   C. R. Spense   Pherriwinona   6 mo      
Spinney   1907   27   Mar   E. Spinney   Pneumonia   9 mo      
Squires   1902   3   Oct   Parks Miller      5      
Steadman, L. D., Mrs.    1904   5   Dec   M. D. Thorne   Pneumonia   51      
Steadman, Minnie    1898   16    Nov   Mr. Steadman   Consumption         
Stephens, Susannah    1904   3   Aug   Geo. Stephens   Paralysis   77      
Sterling, Ama, Mrs.    1908   27   May   Mrs. Scot   Old Age   81      
Stevenson, Ed.    1908   18    Oct   Scott Brenner            
Stevenson, Jennie    1907   11   Sep   Mrs. Kay   Cancer   65      
Stickler, Carrie, Mrs.    1905   12   Dec   Mary Scott   Tuberculosis   36      
Stiphens, Geo., Mrs.    1895   7   Apr   Whipple   Childbirth         
Stitt, Clarence    1907   6   Dec      Typhoid Fever   23      
Strange, Carl, baby   1910   29   Aug   Carl Strange      3 wks      
Strauge , J. C., baby   1905   12   Aug   Jim Lyons   Cholera Inflamm.   11 mo      
Streavey, Dashua    1904   28   Jan   Jake Messerly   [illegible]         
Streavey, Warren   1902   10   Jan   Frank Streavey   Consumption         
Streavy, Daniel    1897   22   Jun   Mr. Mavity   Heart Disease   51      
Streavy, Grace   1900   7   Sep   Oren Streavy   Consumption   18      
Streavy, Wm.   1902   24   Feb   Frank Streavy   Consumption   22      
Streevy, R. R.    1906   4   Oct   John Smith   consumption   49      
Strmhulber, Jacob Sr.   1891   22   May   Jacob Strmhulber   Old Age   62      
Stubbert, James    1916   29   Jul   Fred Stubbert   Leakage of Heart   62      
Suthers, Wm.   1901   22   Jan   Ellis Edwards      77      
Sutton, Alma   1895   18   Aug   Lew Oldridge   Fever   18      
Swafford, Henry, Mrs.    1910   30   May   Mr. Swafford            
Swarford   1906   16   May   Saml. Myres   Epileptic fits   30      
Talbert   1898   27   Mar   Rash Talbert   Measles   9      
Tarvin, Martha Hellen   1908  4  Nov  Frank Southwart Stricken of the bowels & pendicitis   2   
Terock [?], Baby of   1901   27   Jul   Mr. Terock            
Tharasher, Dena Skeels    1896   10   Nov   B. H. Skeels   Heart Trouble   36      
Thomas, Marie, Mrs.    1913   15   Feb    S. N. Gowens   Paralysis   65      
Thomas, Mrs., old lady   1910   29   Jun   Andy Burson   Parilitic Stroke   81      
Thome, Lorena L.    1904   30   May   Mr. Althouse   Gastro Entratic   8 mo      
Thompson, Kate, Mrs.    1912   12   Jul   Wit Thompson   Cancer of Heart   60      
Thorne, Blanch    1897   19   Feb   M. P. Thorne   Scalded   19 mo      
Thorne, Clarance    1914   29   Dec   M. D. Thorne   Typhoid Fever   39      
Thrasher, Louella   1902   9   Feb   Chan Thrasher   Heart Disease   43      
Tiarks, Fred    1907   2   May   John Barrett   Pneumonia         
Tistus, Peter, Mrs.   1891   25    Nov   Harry Burkemeir   Consumption         
Townsend, Chas F., Mrs.    1911   7   Jul   Chas. F. Townsend   Cancer   37      
Townsend, Paul Theodor   1909   28   Aug   Sam Townsend   Summer Complaint   8 mo     
Turner, Ella May, baby   1912   15   Aug   Sam Hunt   Stillborn         
Tuvell,  John, baby of    1898   25   May   John Tuvell   Spasms   8 da      
Van, Maria, Mrs.    1913   12   Feb   Mrs. Foley   Paralysis   73      
Vanderwoort, J. T.    1896   18   Jul   Dr. Bretsford            
Vandevort, Theodosia    1909   28   Aug   Mr. Gathney   Cancer/Liver   39      
Veach, Moving Mr. from    Thawville, Mrs. Veach   1912                     
Veatch, Mr.    1895  3  Aug   Veath, Frank A.  1915  24  Sep  Mrs. Frank Veath Found dead in bed  68      
Veath, Wm., baby   1908   14   Mar   F. A. Veath   Tonsilitis   1      
Veeder, Margorite ,    Kankakee   1915   1   Jul   Dick & Hertz   Tuberculosis   62      
Vincent, Calvin    1904   29   Dec   Wess Johnson   Pneumonia   28      
Vliet, Van, Mrs.    1914   4   Mar   Hiram McIntyre   Pneumonia   75      
Waldon, Jeunie Thomas    1903   26   Feb   Pres Thomas      1 hr      
Wallace, Mrs. F.    1905   12   Jun   E. Spinny            
Walsh, Matilda, Mrs.    1912   21   Oct   Dan Mears   Typhoid Fever   71      
Walsmith, Mrs.   1900   5   Jun   J. Marr      81      
Ward, W. T.    1915   17   Sep   Mrs. W. T. Ward   Diabetes   75      
Warrington, Mr. at    Gilman   1903   20   Oct   Ed Meyers            
Washington, Geo.    1896   19   Mar   Jessie Valentine   Old Age         
Washington, George   1902   19   Sep   Geo. Washington    Jr   Dropsey   62      
Washington, John    1894   24   Jul   Wesley Janson            
Wath, Mrs.   1901   27   Jul   Young Rober[a]   Heat & old age   91      
Waugh, James    1912   18   Jul   Mrs. Carney   Rheumatism   5      
Weagant, Eliza    1899   17   Oct   Edd Myre   Athsma   61      
Weaver, Wyss, Mr. &    Mrs., Baby of     1916   17   Aug   Dr. Shawl   Stillborn         
Weekley & Woodard    relation   1891   12    May   Weekley &    Woodard   Old Age         
Weekley, Bert, baby   1910   29   Feb   Mrs. Bert Weekley   Spinal Menengitis   5 mo      
Weekley, John, Mrs.    1915   23   Dec   John Weekley   Kidney Trouble   26      
Weekley, John, twin    babies of   1915   17   Dec   John Weekley   Stillborn         
Wegeant, Geo.    1904   24   Oct   W. Eshalman      72      
Weibing, Henry   1902   26   Oct   Henry Knoche   Kicked by horse   31      
Weiling, Joseph John    1903   12   Mar   John Weiling   Dropsey   69      
Wells, Charlie    1898   6   Apr   Will Larvis   Measles         
Wells, Harry Geo., Allse   
Wells baby  1911  12  Mar  Allse Wells  Pneumonia  2 mo   
Wells, Wellington Lester   1916  25  Oct  Gid Wells  Bowell Trouble  1 m 23d   
Wells, William A.   1912  13 May  Mrs. Lampman  Pneumonia  21   
White, A. A., Baby of   1916  21  Feb  A. A. White  Stillborn   
White, Jiles Bradley   1907  11  Apr  Joseph White  Pneumonia  9   
White, Russell   1906  28  Apr  Paralysis  4   
Whiteside, A. H.  1902  24  Aug  Sam Whiteside     
Whitmore baby  1904  24  Oct      2 1/2 mo   
Whitmore, Isaac N.   1896  12  Sep  Son & Daughter  Killed by train  57   
Wickizer, Elizabeth   1913  8 Dec  Pneumonia  76   
Wilcox, Elizabeth  1902  20  Jan  Dr. Palmer  Pneumonia  74   
Wilcox, Henry   1910  28  Jan   Old Age  80   
Wilcox, L. B.   1909  12  Mar   Wilken, John   1911  22  May  Sons  Brights Disease  66   
Wilkins, Thelma   1915  25  Mar  Will Wilkins  Pneumonia  1 yr   
Wilkins, Viola   1909  13  Aug   Billy Wilkins  Summer Complaint  3  
Wilkinson, Robert   1895  5  Mar  Budd Egley  Blood poison     
Wilson, Isaac W.   1907  9  Nov  Walter Hanson  Old Age     
Wilson, Mr. of Gilman  1907  24  May  Ed Myres   
Wood, Mary A., Mrs.   1906  11  Mar  Dr. Palmer  Pneumonia  84   
Woodard, M. J., Mrs.   1906  29  Oct  T. B. Lehigh  Cancer/Stomach  69   
Woodard, Will, baby  1913  27  Sep Will Woodard  Stillborn   
Woods, John  Jr.  1902  8  Oct  Mrs. Woods  Stomach Trouble   
Woods, John, Mrs.   1913  24  Jan  Frank Woods  Paralysis  78   
Wopkoff, Sylvia L.  1901  31  Dec  Dwight Yaw  Childbirth  38   
Words, John, Mrs.   1909  20  Apr  Mrs. Robert Sutton  Bowel Trouble   
Yaw, Agnes   1899  5  Jul  Mr. Perkinson  Cancer  67   
Young, Arvilla   1899  29  Oct     85   
Young, J. D.  1892  18  May  Harry Egley   
Young, Mrs.   1910  16  May  M. T. Young   
Young, Wm. H., Aurora,   Ill.  1916  4  Aug  Healey Bros.   Apoplexy   
Zearley, Sarrah, Mrs.   1914  26  Dec  Howard Clark  Old Age  79   
Zum Mallen, Henry   1898  2  Jan  Dix Zum Mallen  Malaria Fever