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			      Shoshone County, Idaho - 1917-1918


   		Indexed and submitted for use by the IDGenWeb Project Archives,
			      by Raymond H Banks, 23 January 1998

				   IDGenWeb Project NOTICE
In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used 
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Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated 
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The information below was abstracted from by Raymond H. Banks from civilian registration cards 
completed in 1917-1918.  All rights reserved.  Some men do not have birth locations listed 
because they registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was 
not recorded.  Almost 24 million men registered for the draft -- not always in the county of 

    NOTE:  Draft registration does not necessarily mean the registrant served in the war.

CAUTION:  Middle Eastern and East European national boundaries and country names were quite 
different than those seen on today's maps.

Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter 
Day Saints (LDS...the Mormons).  Researchers can probably order loaner copies of specific reels 
from Salt Lake City through requests at local LDS family history centers.  Payment for mailing 
costs is required.  Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS -- WORLD WAR I 
[although these records are not actually military records].  Original cards are kept at the 
National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.

The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address the name and address of next of kin, 
occupation, work address, general physical description and occasionally listed general 
description of a disability.  Please consult the original card to verify all information.


	4TH COLUMN:  	BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable)

  For specific names searches, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of your web browser.

Linburg, Erich Gotthard                            5 May 1882 W rel. lives Coos Bay Br. Colum.  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, Carl August                                  9 Apr 1880 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, Carl John                                    1 Apr 1889 W Christinastad Finland           Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, Dave                                        24 Nov 1878 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, Erik                                        11 Jan 1884 W citizen of Sweden               Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, John Albert                                 17 May 1889 W Nevada City CA                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lind, Thomas Augustus                             22 Oct 1887 W Nevada City CA                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindahl, Magni                                    20 Aug 1888 W Wascia Sweden                   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindblad, Oscar Nelson                             1 Dec 1883 W uncle lives Livermore IA        Shoshone           ID                                 
Linden, Albert                                    11 Jan 1884 W Finn; rel. in San Francisco CA  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindenan, Oscar                                   31 Dec 1879 W citizen of Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindley, Frank Victor                             23 Jan 1887 W Richland Center WI              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindman, Erick                                    17 Jan 1882 W relative lives McCord WI        Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindquist, Ed john                                13 May 1885 W Swede; card in Linn section     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindquist, John                                   23 Jan 1893 W Esse Wasalieu Finland           Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindquist, Wallace John Aleff                     13 Mar 1899 W relative lives Blue Creek WA    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindroos, Gust William                            30 Aug 1873 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindroos, Nick                                    29 Oct 1873 W citizen of Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindsay, Ira Middleton                             6 Feb 1890 W Rossport Ontario                Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindsay, Ira Middleton                             6 Feb 1890 W dad b. Kincardine Ontario       Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindsay, Ira Middleton                             6 Feb 1890 W lives Nelson Brit. Columbia     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindsay, William Carrroll                          2 Jan 1883 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindsey, Herschel Thomas                          26 Oct 1898 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lindstrom, Anselm Elmer                           21 Apr 1894 W Kritstinebery Dalarne Swed.     Shoshone           ID                                 
Line, Herman                                      27 Jul 1882 W citizen of Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lingafelt, Clyde                                  14 Apr 1886 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Linkins, Myron Woodard                            14 Oct 1891 W Leadville CO                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Linkins, Myron Woodard                            14 Oct 1891 W lives in Aspen CO               Shoshone           ID                                 
Linko, Gust Reinholt                               6 Aug 1881 W citizen of Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Linn, Samuel Hans                                 30 Jun 1873 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Linney, Edward Joshua                             31 May 1887 W Kellogg ID                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Linney, Fred Volanie                              21 Mar 1892 W Kellogg ID                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Linney, Fred Volanie                              21 Mar 1892 W [card filed in Sin section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Linney, William Henry                             24 Dec 1888 W Kellogg ID                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Lioses, Christ                                     4 Feb 1894 W Fanare Greece                   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lipczuk, Stefan                                    8 Sep 1886 W Kuty Stari Galicia Austria      Shoshone           ID                                 
Lippa, Giuseppe                                   16 Mar 1882 W citizen of Italy                Shoshone           ID                                 
Lippa, Nicola P.                                  17 Jun 1876 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lipscombe, Hary Bentley (Harry)                    5 Nov 1883 W relative lives Wallace ID       Bonneville         ID                                 
Lissoni, Adolfo                                   24 Jun 1884 W rel. lives Molinello Carro. ItalShoshone           ID                                 
Litchfield, Edward Harman (Haran)                 18 Jan 1894 W London England                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lithen, Edward                                    26 Apr 1891 W Wassa Finland                   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lithgow, Frank Cyril                              18 Mar 1878 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Litsvin, Michael                                     Sep 1876 W Austrian; lives in Bovill ID    Shoshone           ID                                 
Little, Harley                                    15 Jul 1877 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Litwin, Joe                                        6 May 1898 W rel. lives Gumli Manitoba       Shoshone           ID                                 
Liva, Joachim                                     16 Dec 1873 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Liver, Paul                                       29 Jun 1886 W Sarn Switzerland                Shoshone           ID                                 
Livingston, Roderic G.                            29 May 1876 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Livingston, William                               14 Apr 1878 W lives in Spokane WA             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lloyd, Elmer Louis                                30 Oct 1899 W lives in Germfask MI            Shoshone           ID                                 
Lobus, Mike                                       15 Jan 1894 W Blary Sapry Serbia              Shoshone           ID                                 
Loch, August                                      27 Oct 1883 W citizen of Germany              Shoshone           ID                                 
Locke, John Randolph                              16 Jan 1878 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Locke, William Coleman                            30 May 1900 W works in Antelope OR            Shoshone           ID                                 
Lockhart, Frank Edward                             3 Jul 1895 W Oakley ID                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Lockman, Paul                                     28 May 1894 W Wallace ID                      Canyon             ID                                 
Lockman, Tilden Thomas                             6 Feb 1896 W Wallace ID                      Canyon             ID                                 
Loeber, William                                   13 Aug 1873 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Loeks, Garret                                     12 Dec 1893 W Lucas MI                        Shoshone           ID                                 
Loeks, Garret                                     12 Dec 1893 W lives in Campbell MN            Shoshone           ID                                 
Loeks, John                                       10 Jun 1890 W Lucas MI                        Shoshone           ID                                 
Loer, Henry F.                                    16 Nov 1882 W sister lives RFD Burlington IA  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lofstedt, Peter                                   13 Jul 1887 W Lafanger Vesterbottes Swed      Shoshone           ID                                 
Lofswold, Wilbur                                  16 Oct 1881 W relative lives Rock Valley IA   Shoshone           ID                                 
Loftin, James Amos                                13 Oct 1883 W [card filed in Laf section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Logan, Frank Charles                              22 Feb 1880 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Logan, Frank Whitfield                             8 Oct 1895 W Stanwood WA                     Shoshone           ID                                 
Logan, Matthew                                    26 Jul 1889 W Fisher MN                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Logan, William Austin                             25 Aug 1890 W Aghamie? Ireland                Shoshone           ID                                 
Lombard, John Clinton                             30 Mar 1875 W relative lives Clarks NE        Shoshone           ID                                 
Lommel, Nicholas William                           4 Aug 1893 W Ft. Pembino ND                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lommel, Walter Reno                               21 Mar 1896 W Fort Reno OK                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lonergan, Richard Anthony                         21 Apr 1893 W Colfax WA                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Long, Andrew William                              30 Nov 1899 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Long, James Joseph                                19 May 1894 W Webb City MO                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Long, Levi Floyd                                   5 Jul 1893 W Ellijay GA                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Long, Levi Floyd                                   5 Jul 1893 W lives in Coeur d'Alene ID       Shoshone           ID                                 
Long, Samuel Vivian                               12 Nov 1883 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Loof, John                                        19 Feb 1886 W rel. lives Furrndal Sweden      Shoshone           ID                                 
Loomis, Albertus Eugene                           15 Feb 1877 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Loomis, Cecil Lynn                                13 Jul 1877 W relative lives Spokane WA       Shoshone           ID                                 
Loomis, Harry Frank                                7 Mar 1888 W Coffeyville KS                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Loop, Henry                                       30 Jun 1882 W relative lives San Diego CA     Shoshone           ID                                 
Looski, Nick                                      15 Dec 1892 W Trembowla Plemabwka Austr       Shoshone           ID                                 
Lopez, Tony                                              1891   Pachuca Mexico                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorass, Hjalmar Martin                            14 Jun 1895 W born & lives in Cumberland WI   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorden, Dennis                                    26 Apr 1874 W relative lives Lead City SD     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorentzen, Conrad L.                               8 Apr 1877 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorentzen, Leander Emil                            4 Apr 1889 W Stamsund Norway                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorenzen, William Christian                       12 Aug 1889 W Keiel? Schleswig Holstein       Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorenzi, Michele                                  29 Sep 1893 W Vitiana comune d Coreg. Italy   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorenzi, Pietro                                    3 Apr 1883 W rel. lives Vitiana Italy        Shoshone           ID                                 
Lorius, George                                    17 Sep 1884 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Losh, John L.                                      1 Nov 1877 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Losh, Roy                                         21 Nov 1880 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lott, Charles George                               7 Apr 1891 W Huntingburg IN                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lott, Charles George                               7 Apr 1891 W lives in Louisville KY          Shoshone           ID                                 
Loukko, Robert                                    24 Dec 1891 W Ylikiminki Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Loukko, Robert                                    24 Dec 1891 W [card filed in Loo section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Loux, Carl Herbert                                19 Feb 1889 W Halsey OR                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Loux, Carl Herbert                                19 Feb 1889 W lives in Poccatello ID          Shoshone           ID                                 
Lovass, Hjalmar Martin                            14 Jun 1895 W born & lives in Cumberland WI   Shoshone           ID                                 
Love, Chester Martin                              23 May 1894 W Cambridge NE                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Love, Robert Murdoch                               9 Oct 1880 W Scot; rel. lives Troy NY        Shoshone           ID                                 
Lovejoy, William Frank                            17 Dec 1878 W lives in Fair Haven MN          Shoshone           ID                                 
Lovely, Orin Harvey                               18 Feb 1892 W Par_fairfield ME                Shoshone           ID                                 
Low, Roy Valentine                                14 Feb 1890 W Ritzville WA                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lowe, Robert George                               11 Sep 1884 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Loyer, William                                    16 Aug 1873 W relative lives Cavalier ND      Shoshone           ID                                 
Loyer, William                                    16 Aug 1873 W [card filed in Lay section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Luaranto, Michele                                  9 Apr 1893 W Ciglie Sit Italy                Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucac, Steve                                      15 Apr 1892 W Zumana Gracac Austria           Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, G.D. George                                27 Feb 1884 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, John                                       21 Oct 1884 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, Joseph John                                22 Jul 1878 W Irish; rel. lives New York NY   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, Louie                                      15 Jul 1888 W Zurmana Grecae Austria          Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, Steve                                      15 Apr 1892 W Zumana Gracac Austria           Shoshone           ID                                 
Lucas, Wyllys Lund                                17 Jul 1878 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Ludington, Harley                                 13 Oct 1895 W Harrisville MI                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukic, Nikola Simo                                28 Nov 1892 W Zrmanja Austria                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukic, Sava                                       25 Jan 1892 W Zimania Croatia                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukich, Govo                                      14 Dec 1894 W Hungary                         Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukich, Milan                                     17 Apr 1895 W Zrmanja Croatia                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukich, Nickola                                    5 Feb 1885 W citizen of Croatia              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukich, Petar                                     15 Oct 1892 W Zeminji Croatia                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukich, Red                                       15 Oct 1894 W Zaumina? Austria                Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukie, Nikola Simo                                28 Nov 1892 W Zrmanja Austria                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lukos, Martin                                     27 Feb 1890 W Gospic Croatia                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lulloff, William Edward                           16 May 1890   Hurlay WI                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Andrew                                       3 Jun 1887 W Russwick Norway                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Arthur Andrew                               27 Dec 1888 W Spokane WA                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Fred                                        15 May 1894 W Wasa Finland                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, John Herman                                 15 Aug 1873 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Louis                                        9 Dec 1888 W Bergen Norway                   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Sam Erik                                     9 Mar 1887 W Cranais Wassa Finland           Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Swere George                                21 Nov 1896 W Fennefoss Station Norway        Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Swere George                                21 Nov 1896 W lives Christanea Norway         Shoshone           ID                                 
Lund, Swere George                                21 Nov 1896 W relative lives Deep Creek WA    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundberg, Albert                                  10 May 1885 W rel. lives Haradsbeck Sweden    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundberg, Oscar Alfred                             9 Aug 1888 W Osrmark Sweden                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundgren, Ben                                      1 Oct 1882 W rel. lives Skipperstad Sweden   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundgren, Oscar                                   19 Aug 1897 W Park City UT                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundgren, Oscar                                   19 Aug 1897 W dad b. Stockholm Sweden         Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundin, Johan D.                                   4 Nov 1897 W Osshammar? Sweden               Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundquist, Albrt Bror                             16 Jun 1893 W Skruv Sweden                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lundy, Rutherford B.                               9 Aug 1876 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lungberg, John David                               7 Apr 1887 W Peterson IA                     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lungberg, John David                               7 Apr 1887 W lives in Sulphur SD             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lungberg, William Lee                              3 Jul 1893 W Peterson IA                     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lungberg, William Lee                              3 Jul 1893 W lives in Sulphur SD             Shoshone           ID                                 
Luoma, Erick A.                                   24  Oct 187 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Luoma, Herman                                      9 Jul 1878 W citizen of Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Lusian, Alfred Joseph                             16 Aug 1877 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Luther, Charles                                   10 Apr 1885 W Italian; rel. lives Chicago IL  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lutjens, Elmer William                            23 Nov 1886 W Plattville WI                   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lutjens, Elmer William                            23 Nov 1886 W lives in Murray ID              Shoshone           ID                                 
Luvisott, Angelo                                  18 Oct 1884 W rel. lives Castionsdi Italy     Shoshone           ID                                 
Luzovich, Nick                                       Jun 1881 W Austrian; rel. lives Elk River IShoshone           ID                                 
Luzovich, Nick                                       Jun 1881 W [card filed in Los section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyman, Collin Joseph                               5 Jun 1888 W Ontario Canada                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynch, Henry Virgil                               21 Mar 1873 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynch, John                                       29 Jun 1900 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynch, Peter Bernard                              27 May 1899 W lives in Spokane WA             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynch, Peter Bernard                              27 May 1899 W relative lives Ogden UT         Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynch, Thomas Charles                              8 May 1894 W Kellogg ID                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyne, Christopher                                  7 Jul 1880 W citizen of Co. Kerry Ireland    Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyne, Christopher                                  7 Jul 1880 W relative lives in Hartford CT   Shoshone           ID                                 
Lynn, Edward                                       6 Sep 1880 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyon, George Mark                                  4 May 1875 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyons, Jack Kessler                                3 Jul 1884 W relative lives Pendleton OR     Shoshone           ID                                 
Lyons, Robert Patrick                             18 Dec 1882 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Lytzen, Walter William                             7 Oct 1882 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Maben, Earl Porter                                 1 Sep 1883 W relative lives in Franklin MT   Shoshone           ID                                 
MacDonald, Angus John                              9 Jul 1881 W rel. lives Addington N. Scotia  Shoshone           ID                                 
MacDonald, Ronald A.                               1 Jan 1889 W Broad Cove Nova Scotia          Shoshone           ID                                 
MacDonald, Thomas Albert                          27 Apr 1880 W rel. lives Bayside N. Brunsw.   Shoshone           ID                                 
MacGuffie, Joseph                                 22 Aug 1882 W citizen of Great Britain        Shoshone           ID                                 
MacKay, Donald Robert                             14 Jul 1888 W born & lives in Denver CO       Shoshone           ID                                 
MacKay, James Harry                                2 Dec 1900 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
MacKay, Murdo                                     17 Mar 1894 W Stoneway Scotland               Shoshone           ID                                 
MacLennan, Duncan                                  1 Apr 1879 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
MacMillan, James Herbert                           8 Mar 1876 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Machan, Gibb                                      18 Jul 1874 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Machy, John                                       30 Apr 1888 W Warsaw Finland                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Maciejewski, Leon Ferdinand                       18 Dec 1887 W Berlin WI                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Mack, Earl Blaine                                 16 Oct 1894 W Wallace ID                      Latah              ID                                 
Mack, George Andrew                               21 Sep 1898 W mom lives in Butte MT           Shoshone           ID                                 
Mack, John                                        30 Nov 1885 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Mack, Victor                                      11 Jan 1883 W Finn; bro. lives Amheiser MI    Shoshone           ID                                 
Mackedon, John Gregory                             3 Jul 1881 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Mackenzie, George                                 16 Jan 1876 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Mackey, Elson Frederick                            8 Apr 1881 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Macki, Frank                                      22 Apr 1875 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Macki, Gust                                        6 Jun 1888 W Karpilahti Finland              Shoshone           ID                                 
Macky, John                                       30 Apr 1888 W Warsaw Finland                  Shoshone           ID                                 
Madar, John                                       10 Aug 1900 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Madders, William Thomas                           23 Nov 1877 W rel. lives Hoole Chester Engl.  Shoshone           ID                                 
Maddox, James William                             31 Dec 1889   Roscoe MO                       Shoshone           ID                                 
Maddrell, Robert Henry                            17 Feb 1881 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Madore, Austin                                     1 Jan 1882 W                                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Madronich, John                                   18 Jan 1878 W relative lives Omak WA          Shoshone           ID                                 
Magee, Peter                                       8 Jun 1884 W Irish; rel. lives Brooklyn NY   Shoshone           ID                                 
Maggi, Cesare                                     17 Oct 1888 W Besano Italy                    Shoshone           ID                                 
Maggy, Percy Irving Joseph                         8 Nov 1889 W Champion MI                     Shoshone           ID                                 
Maglia, Louis Jim                                 16 Jul 1875 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Maglio, Louis Jim                                 16 Jul 1875 W [card filed in Mog section]     Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, Arvid Nathanael                          5 Nov 1888 W Carlstad Sweden                 Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, Clifford Albert                         10 Aug 1896 W Ashland WI                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, Harry John                               2 Mar 1895 W Ashland WI                      Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, John                                    10 Apr 1872 W naturalized citizen             Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, Olaf Wallfrid                           26 Feb 1878 W sister lives St. Maries ID      Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnuson, Peter Christian                         20 Jan 1889 W Mrble Hinsbey Denmark           Shoshone           ID                                 
Magnusson, Magnus Wolfrid                         13 Oct 1889 W Cirasmark Sweden                Shoshone           ID                                 
Magone, Patrick                                    9 Jun 1887 W Bavan Mayobridge Ireland        Shoshone           ID                                 

  For other sections of the alphabet, please return to the Shoshone County Table of Contents.