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Index: 1960 High School: Clinton, Clinton Co., IA

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Index: 1960 High School: Clinton County, Iowa
Copyright © 2001 by Annette Lucas. This copy contributed for use in 
the USGenWeb Archives.  <>

Pages 10-21

H. W. Weber			Principal

Mr. McMahon: Devoted forty years of his life to Clinton High School.  It was with great sorrow that we learned of his death just one year before he was to have retired.  He contributed much to the good of his school and the welfare of the community in which he lived.  We will remember him fondly and know that we have gained immeasurable value from his having  "passed our way."

Miss Raun: Through the many years that Miss Raun has been teaching at C. H. S., she has constantly made American History come alive for many students.  She introduced student government at Clinton High and has	worked continually for the betterment of our school. We sincerely regret to see her leave, but we wish her many years of happiness in her retirement.

Mr. Olson			English

Miss Davidson		English

Mr. Law			Machine Shop

Mr. Neilsen			Driver Education

Mr. Sharar			Dean of Junior College

Mrs. Hill			Sec.

J. R. Mounce
Cliff Leory
Carroll Johnson
Mrs. Warren Johnson
Walter Laurtegen
Emmett Meggenburg
Vernon Cook
Mrs. Pauline Nelson
Mr. Mounce			Supt.
John Wulf
Leonard Paetz
Bob Lothringer

Miss Englert			Bus. Ed.

Mr. Erickson			English

Mr. Jones			Boy's Counselor & Assistant Principal

Miss Raun			Social Studies

Mr. Wallick			Gen. Math

Mr. Korneisel			Bus. Ed.

Mr. Phillips			Social Studies		

Mr. Roberts			Social Studies

Mr. D. Jones			Auto Shop

Miss Steward			English

Mr. Romey			Industrial Arts

Miss Hyer			Nurse

Mr. Williams			Math

Miss Wornock			Librarian

Mr. Bohlke			Chemistry

Miss Davis			English

Mr. Goodell			Mechanical Drawing		

Miss Stoddard			Social Studies

Mr. Lorenz			Science

Mr. Hayes			Science

Mr. Pollack			Social Studies		

Mr. Rochan			Art

Miss Mussett			Phy. Ed.

Mr. Lange			Driver Education

Mrs. Neubauer			Phy. Ed.

Mr. Sloan			Phy. Ed.

Miss Foster			Home Economics

Miss Hartman			Spanish

Mr. Whipple			Bookkeeping

Mis Mathisen			Bus. Ed.

Mr DeHaan			Music

Mr. Wilson			Building Trades

Mr. Stoskopf			Band

Mrs. Stoskopf			Orchestra

Miss Jones			English

Mr. Rashke			Wood Shop

Miss Austin			English

Mr. Rippel			Social Studies	

Miss Carter			Latin

Mr. Moore			Physiology

Mr. Holslaw			Social Studies

Miss Arnold			English

Mr. Travis			Speech

Miss East			English

Mr. Johnson			Bus. Ed.		

Miss Blakely			Girl's Counselor		

Mr. Luebe			Mechanical Drawing & Bus. Ed.

Mr. Judd			Phys, Ed.

Miss Fuhrmann, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Bandy, Mrs. Hicks

Miss Ingraham

Mrs. Braudt

Mrs. Bell

Mrs. Clark

Mr. Lang, Mr. Lunkuhl, Mr. EcEleherem, Mr. Pieper, Mr. Edens, Mr. Parr, Mr. Woods

Mr. Petersen, Mr. A. Holgaard, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hansen. Mr. J. Holgaard

Mr. Newton			Boy's Counselor

Mr. Lynn			Director Of Athletics

Miss Streib			Home Economics

Mrs. Raines			Math

Mr. Mogack			Math

Mr. Empson			Psychology
Mr. Reuve			Physics

Mr. Kirkman			Social Studies


Page 24

Bruce Abbott			"Thought is free-- and I'm broke"
				F B 2,3.

Bernard Adkins  "Bernie"	"He does his own living"
				Bach's Club, 4; FB2, 3, 4; BB 2,3,4; Maj Let 3.

Beth Anderson  "Bethie"	"The world belongs to the energetic" Hr sec 4; Drum Mj 4; 					Mj 2,3; G Glee 2; A'Cap 3,4; P-Club 4; Pan Am 4; Y-teens 					2,3,4; HR Rep 2; Fta 3,4.

Flint Anderson  "Andy"	"He does his own living"
				St. B Pres. 4, Class Pres. 2, St B Treas. 3, A 'Cap 4, Lat 					Club 2, 3' Co-C 3 Bach's C 4, F B 2, Tr 2, Sw 2, Prom King 				3, Boys' St, St C Dist. Pres.

Marlene Baker			"Smiles the year around for everyone"
				Y-Teen 2, 3, 4.

Marvin Baker			"Men of few words are the best men"
				Bach's Club 4.

Gary Bartels			"The good die young, but that doesn't bother me.
				F B 2, 3, Tr 2, 3, 4; Wr 2, 4.

Janice Bates  "Jan"		"She that refraineth her lips is wise"
				Band 2, 3; Maj Let 3, Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Judith Behr  "Peanuts"		"Just a quiet firl"
				Y-Teen 3, 4; Short Award 60.

Connie Behrens  "Blondie"	"Infinite riches in a little room"
				Clint An 2, Mic C 3, 4; Pan Am 2, Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.


John Bendixen			"A quiet fellow, but--"
				H R Tres 2; Lat Club 2, Bach's Club 4; Sci Club 4.

Sandra Bentrup  "Sandy"	"You don't have to short to be sweet"
				Tri Week 2; Annual 2; Pan Am 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; H R 					Rep 4.

Connie Bergeson  "Tootie"	"She is dreaming wide awake"
				Gra 2; Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Hr Rep 3.

Ron Billionis			"Never a care know I"
				Lit Th 3; S-Crew 2, 3; Fort Dodge 2, 3.

Lynne Bisson  "Lynnie"	"It's practice that makes perfect"
				Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4;  Mj Let 3; Orch 3, 4; Pan 					Am 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 2, 4, V P 4.

Tom Blanchard  "Frog"	"Give me a women"
				H R Pres 2; B Glee 2; A "Cap 3; Bach's Club 4; FTA 4; FB 	
				2, 3, 4; BB 2; Tr 2, 3, 4' Maj Let 3, 4; Wr 3, 4; Maj Let 4.

Dale Blinkinsop  "Blink"	"I'm tired of planning and toiling"
				HR Sec-Treas 4; Bach Club 4.

Jerry Blount  "JB"		"I want what I want when I want it"
				B-Glee 2. Mic Ch 2, A "Cap 3; Pan Am 4, Bach Club 4
				Sci Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4. Maj Let 3: Tr 3, 4,, Maj Let 3, 4;
				Wr 2.

Ulrich Boehnke "All's"	"Just listen to that voice"
				HR Pres; VP 3; St C 4; B-Club3; A 'Cap 3, 4; V-Pres 4; 					Bach Club 4; Sc Club 4; Tr 2, 3, 4, ; Maj Let 4; Sw 2, ,3 ,4; 					Maj Let 4.

Diane Boitman  "Crout"	"Always talking and spreading joy"
				Hr Pres 3, 4; Sec-Treas 2; C-Weekly 2, 3; G-Club 2; A 'Cap 				3, 4; Pep C 3, 4; Sec 4; P-Wogs 2, 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4,; 					Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; VP 3' S-Club 4.

Page 26

Steve Bonebrake  "Bones"	"For he's a jolly good fellow"
				B-Glee 3; A 'Cap 4; Pan Am 2, 4; Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 2;
				Tr 2, 3, 4; Maj Let 4; Wr 2,3,4; Maj Let 4.

Lottie Bousman  "Lou"	"Never let your lessons interfere with your education"

Judith Boyer  "Judy"		"The ideal of courtesy wit, grace and charm"	
				Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc Club 4.

Sandra Boyert  "Sandy"	"Power will accomplish much, bur perseverence more"
				Band 2, 3, 4; Orch 3; G-Glee 4; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Sandra Brandenburg  "Sandy"  "Dimples and disposition to match"
				RC Rep 2; Tri-Week 2; G-Glee 3; Mix Ch 4; Pan Am 4; Y-
				Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4.

Sharon Braudt  "Boomer"	"Ever joyous, ever gay"
				HR Sec-Tres 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Maj Let 3; M-Ch 3; A 'Cap
				4; FTA 3, 4; Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4.

John Broadrick  "Bob"	"What's this dull town to me"

Carla Brown"Charley Brown"  "Nothing is foreign that relates to man"
				Y-Teens 4.

David Brown  "Dave"		"Ah life"
				Band 2, 3,; Bach's Club 4; Tr 4; Ten 2.

Judith Brown  "Judy"		"Don't have to tickle me, I'm laughing already"
				RC Rep 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 2, 3, 4; Sumph 3;
				 Lat  Club 2, 3,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Page 27

Susan Brown	"Shoe-On"	"Economy is a great revenue in itself"
				C-Tri Week 4; GRA 2, 3,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Rep 2;
				Sc-Club 3, 4,; FTA 3, 4.

Ed Bruggenwirth  "Pep"	"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise coming on, I lie down 					until it passes"
				HR VP 4; Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 2, 3, 4; VP 4; Sc-Club 4; 					FB 2; Wr 2.
Jack Bullard  "Curly"		"He's dreaming wide awake"

John Bunn 			"A little man but well grounded in logic"
				Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 3, 4; Sc-Club 4; Wr 2.

Elna Burkey			"A gracious innocent soul"	
				HR Pres 3; VP 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2,3,4.

Julia Buxton  "Julie"		"A quiet lass who gets her way alone"
				Y-Teens 4.

Charles Byers  "Bud"		"Silence is the better part of valor"
				Bach's Club 4.

Lucille Byers  "Lucy"		"Giggles all day, giggles all evening, happiest girl who now
				is breathing"
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Barbara Carlsen  "Bobby"	"Dependability is the key to success"
				C-Tri Week 3; P-Club 3, 4; GRA 2; RC Rep 3, 4; Lat Club 					3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4; FTA 3, 4; Treas 4.

Bonnie Carpenter		"Friendship's the wine of life"
				Hr Sec-Treas 2, 3, 4; M-Ch 2; A "Cap 3, 4; GRA 3; Pan Am 				2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4;

Page 28

Lawrence Carr  "James"	"Life is a joke that's just begun"
				M-Ch 3; FB 3, 4; Tr 2, 3.

Frances Carson  "Fran"	"Laughter and happiness in the form of a girl"
				RC Rep 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; GRA 2, 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 				3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Kurt Chalgren  "Chalgs"	"I can be good, or I can be bad"
				Band 2, 3; Mj Let 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Wr 2, 3, 4; Mj 					Let 4.
Cherol Christiansen  "Tootie"  "The silent one"
			Y-Teens 3, 4;

Dea Christiansen		"It's nice to be natural when you're naturally nice"
				Pan Am 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4;

Gerald Christiansen  "Chris" 	"Life if a ball"
				FB 2; Tr 2.

Barbara Clark  "Barb"	"She has faced the world with her smiles"
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Short AW 80 wpm.

Darrell Clark  "Clark"	"I talk--sometimes"
				Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; Lit Th 2, 3, 4; Pres 4; "Cheaper by the 					dozen"  "Love is Eternal" Nat For. 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Maj 				Let 3; Orch 2, 3, 4; Bach 4; Sc Club 4; Fb 2, 3; Tr 2.

Alan Clausen  "Claus"	"Where duty bids he confidently steers"
				Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; Lit Th 2, 3, 4; VP 4;  "Cheaper by the 					Dozen"  "Love is Eternal" C-Wee 2, 3, 4; Sp Ed 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Vp 4; Mj Let 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Bach 4; Sc-Club 4.

Kenneth Cline  "Ken"		"Mathematical no, artistic, yes"
				Bach club 4.

Page 29

Lynn Coman  "Pinku"		"Short but sweet"
				M-Ch 3; A "Cap 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 3.

Roger Cook			"He doeth all things well"
				Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 4.

Steve Cook			"I enjoy the good things of life"

Jeff Cooley  "Jeff"		"Tomorrow is another day"

Billie Jean Cooper		"She dwelt among the untrodden ways"

Michael Corder  "Crash"	"He doesn't  have a lot to say, yet he's helpful in every way"
				HR Pres 4; St Council 4; Band 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Off 3; 					Bach Club 4; Sc-Club 4; FB 2, 3; Sw 3.

Connie Covert  "Con"		"Fresh as the dew in the morning"			
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; GRA 2, 3; HR VP 2; FTA 4.

Jack Curtis			"Never any problems"

Robert Curtis  "Bob"		"A free to all"

Judith Dahl  "Peanuts"		"I never cheat myself a pleasure"
				HR Sec 2; G-Glee 3; GRA 2, 3,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Ty Aw 50; 				Sh Aw 80.

Page 30

Janet Dann  "Jarhead"		"She sparkens up the party"
				P-Club 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; TY Aw 50;
				Sh Hand Aw 60.

Bob Darr  "Bob"		"Little said is sooner mended"
				St. Mary's High 2, 3.

Carol Dean			"A girl anxious to meet the world"
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Beverly Decker  "Bev"	"Ill feeling toward none"
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR 				Rep 3.

Ronnie Determan  "Ron"	"The future always holds something for the man who keeps 					his faith in it"
				Bach's Club 4.

Joyce Detterman		"Her ways are ways of pleasantness"
				M-Ch 2; GRA 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Cleo Dodge			"There are no tricks in plain simple faith"
				Bill Clerk 4; G-Glee 3; GRA 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Gary Doney			"A angry man opens his mouth and shut his eyes"

Marsha Dorathy		"Genius in the infinite art of taking pains"
				Band 2, 3; Mj Let 2; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-					Club 4; FTA 3,4.

Sally Dorsey			"What is the little one thinking about"
				HR-Sec 2; Pan Am 3; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 3, 4; FTA 3, 				4.

Page 31

Terry Doyle "Terrance"	"And as I laugh at any mortal thing, it is that I may not weep"				Pan Am 3, 4; Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 4.

Ruth Edens  "Shorty"		"Nice things come in small packages"
				M-Ch 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Donald Ekland  "Eck"		"Pep Ability plus"
				Wr 2, 3, 4.

John English  "Fearless"	"Good-humor is the health of the soul"
				Bach's Club 4.

Bill Ernst  "Willie"		"He was once caught studying, but has almost lived down t					he reputation"
				Hr Pres 2; Wr 2.

Carolyn Elsinger		"For she that once is good, is ever great"
				Hr Sec 3, 4; Trea 3. 4; Band 2,3,4; Mj Let 3; A "Cap 3, 4; 					Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Mike Ewan  "Charlie"		"Always curious about life"
				Bach's Club 4; Sc Club 4.

Donald Fenzel			"Young fellows will be fellows"

Sharon Flack			"Of all things by which women are curst, their own bad 					tempers are the worst"

Robert Flannery  "Flans"	"I stand on the verge of a great career, will someone push 					me off"
				Hr Pres 2; Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 2.


Page 32

Bette Fossum			"Your future is a mystery"

Sue Ann Fowler  "Susie"	"A youth to whom was given so much earth, so much of 					heaven"
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 3, 4; GRA 2; Pan Am 3. 4; Lat-					Club 3, 4,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4,; Sc-Club 4.

Barbara Fullick  "Barbie"	"Good to all unpleasant to none"

Kenneth Garrett		"Naturally frank and generous"
				Catonsville High School

Patricia Gates  "Pat"		"Friendship is the wine of life"
				Pan Am 4, Lat-Club 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Rep 2.

Jane Gearman			"I don't talk much, but I think a lot"
				Hr Pres 4, Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4, Mj Let 3; Pan Am 				2, 3, 4; Lat-Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 3, 4; Se3.

John Giunta  "Dago"		"Brightness is the lite that leads on"	
				Bach-Club 4.

Linda Goddard		"Quiet and a friend to all"
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 2, 3; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Donna Goers			"She's as modest as she looks"
				Y-Teens 2, 4.

Marilyn Goettsch "Blotch"	"Go gettum Blotch"
				Lit-Th 3, 4,; C-Annual 3, 4; Co-Ed Copy 4; G-Glee 2; P-					Wogs 3, 4; Pan-Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2,3,4; FTA 3, 4, 					A"Cap3.

John Gosma   "Gooz"		"But youth of course must have its fling--so pardon us"
				Class Pres 4: HR Pres2; B-Glee 2: Mix-Ch 2; A "Cap 3, 4,; 					Pan-Am 4; Bach Club 4; FB2; BB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; Tr 3, 4,; 				Mj Let 4.

Mary Gregg   "Burt"		"Better to be out of the world than out of fashion"
				Red-C Rep 2, C-Week 2, P-Club 3,4; Pan-Am 2, 3, 4; Y-					Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 3.

Harold Grell			"I'm afraid that I'll never grow up"
				Bach's Club 4.

Robert Grell			"A man I am, crossed with adversity"

Lynne Greve			"For beauty lives with kindness"
				HR 2; Treas 3; Mix-Ch 3: Cheer-leader 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4: 					FTA 3, 4.

Frank Griffin			"Thought is free and I'm broke"

Joyce Haack			"She who has conquered the heart has conquered 						everything"

Melvin Hagen  "Hogan"	"I never cheat my-self of pleasure"

Suzanne Hagge  "Suzy"	"Her real beauty is something ti applaud"
				Debate 2; C-Ann 2; Pan-Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR rep 3.

Rose Marie Hague  "Rosie"	"She loved but one and how"
				HR Pres 3; Sec 2; Treas 2; Red-C Rep 2; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; 					G-Glee 2; Sec 2; Pan-Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4.
Carol Hall   "Coco"		"She puts her worries in the bottom of her heart, sits on the 					lid, and smiles."
				Mix Ch 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; P-Club 3, ; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Michael Hannafan  "Magoo"	"Joking, laughing gay is he."
				Hr Vp 4, Sec 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Trum Trio, Mj Let 3, 4,; Pan-					Am 2, 3, 4; Bach-Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4;
				Mj Let 3, 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Darrell Hansen  "Hans"	"One keeps late hours? Not me."
				Bach's Club 4, FB 2, 3,; TR 2; We 2.

Kathleen Hansen  "Kay"	"In her very quietness there is charm."
				G-Glee 2; Mis-Ch 3, 4; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 4; Sc-Club 				4.

Tom Hansen   "Hans"		'One must keep himself occupied in the short life."
				Bach's-Club 4, FB 2, 3; TR 2; Wr 2.

Marilyn Harkins		"She loves but one--at a time."
				HR Sec 2; Red C Rep 3; St Coun 2, 3, 4; C-Week 3, 4,; Bus 					Man 3,4; C-Ann 2; G-Glee 2; Pan-Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; 					FTA 4.

Rozella Hanthor ne  "Rosie"	"She says she's bashful."
				Debate 2, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; DeWitt High School 2, 3.
Helen Harkson			"Good natural, capable and obliging."

Jim Hartman			"Life has but few mysteries."
				Bach's Club 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; Sw 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4.

Raeann Hass			"Speech is the index of the mind"		

Charles Hayes	  "Chuck"	"I never cheat myself a  pleasure."
				Bach's Club 4, Tr 2.

Sally Heath			"What a strange thing man is."
				Mix-Ch 3. Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Dennis Heavilin		"He is not without ambition."

Ellen Heisterkemp		"A gracious innocent saol"
				HR Trea 2, CX- Ann 3, G-Glee2, Mix-
				ch 3, A'Cap 4, Pan Am, 4, Lat-Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; 					FTA 4.

Bill Hwnning  "Willy B"	"Oh the brave music of the distant drum"
				HR Pres 2, Red-Cross 2, Band 2, 3,4; Mj Let 3, A "Cap 3,
				 Bach 4, BB 2, Golf 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4.

Gene Henricksen		"Don't worry about the job you don't like Somebody else 					will have it soon"
				Bach's Club 4, FB 2, Wr 3, 4.

Michael Hereid  "Zorro"	The great secret of life is never to be the way of others."
				C-Week 2, Bach's Club 4, S-Crew 3, 4,.

Randy Hey   "Rans"		"Laugh and the world laughs with you, frown and you'll 					wrinkle your face
				HR Pres 2, VP 3. Pan-Am 4, Sc-Club 3, Tr 4.

Joyce Hicks			"Not much talkbu sweet silence."
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sh-Hand Aw 80.

William Hicks  "Will"	"Faithful and true."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, Bach's Club 4, FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4, 					TR 2, 3; Wr2, 3.

Page 36

David Higby  "Dave"		"A car is a man's castle."
				Wr 2.

Bob Holle  "Newt"		Take me as I am."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Bach Club Ex-Board r, FB 2, 3.

Jim Holmes  "Homer"		"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds 					to be."

Carolyn Houseberg		"Don't worry (might be more appropriate to add others)."

Linda Houseman		"A diligent seeker for the germs if knowledge."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, Orch 2, 3, 4: Mj Let 3, Pam-Am 3, 4; 				Lat-Club 2, 3,; Y-Teens 2, 3,4; Ty Aw 50, Sh-Hand Aw 					120, FTA 3, 4.

Bob Housenga  "Housie"	He's as modest as he looks."
				Red Cross Rep 2; Lat-Club 2, 3; Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 2.

Sandra Howard  "Sandy"	"Quiet and unassuming"
				Mix-Ch 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Bob Hughes  "The Nose"	"I'm all thunk out."

James Hunter  "Boone"	"For he's a jolly good fellow."
				Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; Lit The 2,3, 4; Mix-Ch 3, Lat-Club 2, 3, 4; 					Bach Club 4, Pres Sc-Club 4; FB 2, 3; Tr 2, 3; Sw 2, 3, 4; 					Mj Let 2, 3, 4.

Marilyn Hurlburt		"A pleasant smile for everyone."

Page 37

Charles Hvidston  "Frankie"	"If silence were golden I'd be a beggar."	
				HR pres 4, VP 2, C-Weekly 3, B-Glee 2, Mix Ch 2, A "Cap 					3, Pan Am 4, Bach Club 4, BB 2, 3; Tr 2, Golf 3.

Carol Ingraham		"Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well."
				HR Treas 3, Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Sec 4, Nat Thes 2, 3,; 					Declam 3, St. C-Week 2, 3, 4; Ed 4, Mix Ch 2, A 'Cap 3, P-					Wogs 2, 3, 4; Sec 3, P-Club 3, 4; Pan-Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 					2, 3, 4; Treas 4.

Hiroko Ito  "Roko"		"You charm when you talk."	
				HR VP 4, St-Coun 4, A "Cap 4, Y-Teens 4, Foreign 						Exchange Student.

Bill Iverson  "Hort"		"Why work, if you can talk your way out of it."
				HR VP 2, Sec 4, St- Coun 2, 3; Bach Club 4, BB 2, 3, 4, Mj 					Let 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4.

Linda Jacobsen  "Jake"	"The age of miracles hasn't passed."	
				Class Treas 2, St. Coun 2, 3, 4; Lit Th 2, 3; C-Week 2, 3; 					Ann 3, 4; Mix Ch 2, A'Cap 3, 4; P-Wogs 2, 3, 4; VP 3, Pres 					4, C-Lead 2, 4; Pam Am 2, 3, 4; VP 3, Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 
				4, Sc-Club.

Frederick Jensen  "Fred"	"How y'gonna keep 'em down on the farm."
				Bach Club 4.

Keith Johnson			"There's not another one to take your place>"
				Class Treas 3, St Body VP 4, B-Glee 2, Mix Ch 2, A "Cap 					3, Pan Am 4, Bach Club 4, FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4; BB 2, 3, 					4;  Mj Let 3, 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4.

Dave Jones  "Boobie"		"Nearly all the great men are dead and I'm feeling ill."
				Clas VP 2, St 2, 3, 4; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; B-Glee 2, Mix Ch 2, 				A "Cap 3, Pan Am 4, Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Bach 4, FB 2, 3, 4; 					Mj Let 3, 4; BB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4, Tr 2, 3; Dar His. Aw.
Judith Jones			"To have friends be friendly."

Marlene Jones			"Indifferent to all advances."				
				Gra 4, Y-Teens 4, Sterling High School 3, 4.

Page 38
Mary Lou Jones "Emmy lou"	"There's a little bit of bad in every good little girl."
				Hr Sec 2; St Coun 2, 3, 4; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; VP 4, C-Week 					2, 3, 4; Copy Ed 3; Feat Ed 4; G-Glee 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; P-					Club 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Douglas Jordan  "Doug"	"I may look busy bur I'm only confused."
				Bach Club 4; Sc-Club 4; Waukesha High 3.

Ron Jordan  "Jawbone"	Bach's Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4; Wr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Jo Ann Jorgensen "Joey"	"It is the quiet worker, with a smile that succeeds."
				HR Treas 4, Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; 					FTA 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Spanish Aw 2.

Judith Jorgensen "Judy"	"Leave me with a smile."
				Red-C Rep 3; Mix Ch 3; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Lat Club 				4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 4.

Ron Junge  "Fu"		He's just a regular sport."
				Class VP 4; HR Pres 3: St Coun 4; A "Cap 4; Bach Club 4; 					 BB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; Golf 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4; JR Car 
.				King 3.

Beth Kelly  "Beth Hazel"	"Just easy going"
				HR sec 3; Red-C Rep 2,3; Lit Th 3; "Love is Eternal"  C-					2,3; Orch 2,3; Pan-Am 2,3,4; Y-teens 2,3,4; HR Rep 3, 4; 					FTA 3, 4; Sec 4.

Catherine Kerns  :Cathy"	"You don't have to be short to be sweet."
				GRA 2; Pan Am 4; Y-teens 2,3,4; Ty Aw 60; Sh-Hand 					120 FTA 4.

Tom Kershner			"Small but mighty."

Page 39

Jim King			"Never in a hurry."
				Bach's Club.

Paul Kirchdoefer  "Krunch"	"Oh, how I love that Latin."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Bach Club 4.

Judith Kirschner  "Judy"	"Modesty and charm hath she."
				G-Glee 2; Mix Ch2; P-Club 3, 4; Pan Am 4; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; 
				FTA 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Helen Klare			"True as a leaf is to a tree."
				Y-Teens 4.

Mary Ann Knight		"A Friend to all."

Michael Knutsen		"A teacher is your best friend, Huh."

Bob Knutson			"He seems mighty quiet, but when you know him, he's quite 					a riot."

Douglas Koepp  "Bugsy"	"A pilot he hopes to be."
				Bach's Club 4.

Mary Koepp			"Her idol is Elvis."	

Patricia Kohten   "Pat"	"Smiles, smiles, and smiles.

Page 40

Nancy Konkle			"A Violet by a mossy stone, half hidden from the eye."
				HR VP 3; Rec-C Rep 4: Mix-Ch-3; Y-Teens 4.

Martha Kramer		"A silent firl , with a load of smiles."

Richard Kranovich  "Dick"	"Forever I am Undefeated."		
				HR VP 4; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; C-Week 3: C-Ann 3, 4; Co-Ed 					4; Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 3, 4; Tr 2; Golf 2, 3, 4.

Herome Krebs  "Jerry"	"A great tennis star some day."
				HR SEc 2; Trea 2, 4; Pan Am 3; Bach's Club 4; BB 2; Tr 2; 					Tennis 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4.
George Kunau			"Always I am around."	

Carol Kwick			"A girl whi is usually around."
				HR Sec 4; Red-C Rep 2; GRA 2, 4; Y-Teens 2; 4; Sc-Club 					4.

John Lage			"I live in the midst of laughter."

Dick Lampe			"No cares beyond today."

Al Langrehr			"Full of laughter and glee."
				Bach's Club 4.

Jim Larkin   "Larks"		"He hath never a dull day."
				Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 2; Tr 2; Sw 4.

Page 41
Carol Larsen			"I am a part of all that I have met."	
				Orch 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Mix-Ch 3; Lat Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Gerald Larson  "Jerry "	"Short on stature, long on talk."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Pan Am3;
				ach Club 4.

James Larsen   "Jim"		"A well fed, well read, gentleman.:
				Nat Thes 3, 4; Lit Th 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2; Orch 2, 3, 					4; A 'Cap 3, 4; Bacj Club 4; Sc-Club 3, 4.

Kathy Lathrop			"Ever let the fancy roam."

Judy Leggett  "Leggs"		"Someone young and smiling."
				Class Sec 4; HR Pres 2, 3, ; St Cou 2, 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; 					Trea 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; JR Car Queen 3.

Barbara Keonard  "Kitten" 	'Lets live today ."
				Mix-Ch 3, 4; GRA 3; Y-Teens 3, 4.

James Leonard  "Jim"		Silence and common sense make a man."
				Nat Thes 2, 3; Lit Th 2, 3; B-Glee 2, 3; Mix-Ch 2, 3; A "Cap 				; Bach Club 4; S-Crew 2.

Judie Lewis  "Judie"		"To have friends--be friendly."
				P-Club 3, 4; Pres 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Sec 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; 					FTA 2, 3, 4.

Barbara Lockhart  "Barb"	"Common sense like hers is not a common thing."
				C-Week 2; Mix Ch 3; P-Club 4; Lat Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Raymond Limke		"Time tell on a man, especially a good time."

Page 42

Kathleen Lundeen  "Kathy"	"Experience is what you get while looking for something 					else."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 3, 4; GRA 2, 3, 4; Treas 4; Y-					Teens 2, 3, 4.

Terry Lyon   "Lye"		"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty."
				HR Pres 3; VP 2; B-Glee 2; Mix-Ch 2: A "Cap 3; Bach Club 				4; Ex Board 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4; BB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 					4,; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Robert Mahoney		"Life is anything but boring."

Jerry Malone  "Moose"	"Silence and common sense make a man."	
				Bach's Club 4.

Jocelyn Maresca  "Joci"	"Always ready to smile out loud."	
				Mix-Ch 2, 3,; GRA 2, 3; 4;Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 2.

Doug Martensen  "Frogie"	"Love is not be laughed at."
				Bach's Club 4.

Penny Martensen  "Penenope"  "The goal of yesterday will be the starting point of 						tomorrow."
				Y-Teens 3, 4.
Phyllis Marti  "Millis"	"A laugh is worth a thousand tears in any market."
				G-Glee 2; A 'Cap 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4: FTA 					2, 3, 4; Ty-Aw 60; Sh Hand Aw 100.

Thomas Martin  "Slater"	Industrious and helpful."
				Lit Th 2, 3, 4;  Mix Ch 3; A "Cap 4; Bach Club 4; S-Crew 2, 				3, 4; Sc-Club 4; BB 2.

Donald  Mason   "Don"	"A light heart lives long."

Page 43

Patricia Matthew  "Pat"	"It is the quiet worker with a smile that succeeds."
				HR Treas 3; St Coun 3; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Mj Prod,  "Love 					is Eternal"; Nat For 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Lat Club 					3; Off 3; Y-Teen 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4.
James Matzen   "Hoop"	"What can I do to become famous."
				C-Week 3, 4; A'Cap 4; Bach Club 4; Sxc-Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4; 				Mj Let 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4; Wr 2, 4.

Susan Maxheim  "Mox"	"Lord, what fool invented kissing."
				HR Red-C Rep 3, 4; St Speech 3; C-Week 2: C-Ann 3, 4,; P-				Club 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4,; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Alan Mayer  "Duke"		"A little lad with a great big smile.  He'll be a great 						businessman after a while."
				St Coun 4; Pan Am 4; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Bach Club 4; Sec-Tr 					3, 4; Mj Let 4; Sw 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; FTA 3, 4.

Sandra McClusky  "Moose"	"With still a million things to say."
				HR Pres 4; VP 3; Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; Lit Th 2, 3, 4; Debate 3; 					Mic Ch 2; A "Cap 3; Pan Am 3; Lat Club 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Cheryl McCool  "Meryl"	"Full of dreams."
				Nat Thes 3, 4; Lit Th 3, 4; Mj Prod, "Mother is a Freshman."  				"Cheaper by the Dozen"; Mix Ch 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 					3, 4; Lat Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4.

Diane McCoy  "Di"		"A quiet miss--at times."
				G-Glee 2; Mix Ch 3; P-Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Patricia McFadden  "Patrick" "She loved but once and how."	
				Hr Sec 3; Mix Ch 2; A'Cap 3; Pan Am 4; Lat Club 2; Y-					Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Rep 2.

Terry McGauvan   "Magoo"	"Why be serious? I'm not."
				Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; Lit Th 2, 3, 4; Mj Prod, "The Doctor in 					Spite of Himself,"  "Mother is a Freshman"; C-Week 2, 3, 4; 				C-Ann 2, 3, 4; Co Ed 4, A 'Cap 3; Bach 4.

Doug McGovern  "Oonee" 	"Knowledge is power, but it won't take the place of 						gasoline."
				FB 2, 3; Mj Let 2.

Page 44
Sharon McKinney   "Shari"	"Give us a song."
				G-Glee 2; A "Cap 3; FTA 4; Pan Am 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Carol Ann McMahon  "Carole"  "Ever let the fancy roam."
				Mt. St. Clare 2, 3.

Robert McManus   "Mac"	"A nice guy to have around."
				Bach's Club 4.

Peggy McPeck   "Trixie"	"Ain't Misbehaven'"
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Ronald Melchert  "Ron"	"He'll make his mark."
				B-Glee 2, 3; Mix Ch 3; Bach Club 4; Sc-Club 4.

Gary Menz   "Garr"		"To be called great is to draw a straight line."
				HR VP 4.

Margaret Metzger		"Example hasten deed to good effects."
				Mix Ch 2.

William Meyermann		"To works is an injustice."

Ronald Michaelsen  "Ron"	"Work is but fools play."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4; Bach's Club 4.

Wesley Michaelsen  "Charlie" "Silent as the whisper of the wind."
				Bach's Club 4.

Page 45

Christy Mickey   "Chris"	"For she that once is good, is ever great."
				Class Treas 4; Red- C Rep 3, 4; St Coun 2, 4; Nat Hon Soc 					3, 4; Debate 3; Nat Fro 3; A 'Cap 3; P-Club 3, 4; Pan Am 4; 					Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FES Student 3.

Ji, Millard  "Kentucky"	"Wild as the wind."
				HR Sec 4; North Platte High School 2.

Charles Miller   "Chas"	"Life is fun, isn't it."
				Band 2, 3 4; Mj Let 3; Bach's Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Tr 2.

Thomas Mulligan  "Tom"	"For he is not without a smile."
				Bach's Club 4.

Gary Mohr			"I've got a secret."

Raymond Moore  "Ray"	"Don't fence me in."
				HR Sec 2; Bach's Club 4; FB 2; Sw 2, 3; Ten 2.

Frans Muller			"His motto is to work well."
				BB 2; M. U. L. O. Zonnebloem, Holland 2, 3.

Gary Munson  "Mumps"	"He is short, but it is quality not quantity that counts."
				HR VP 2, 3,; Bach's Club 4; Wr 2.

Page 46

Jeanne Murphy   "Murph"	"For cuteness a winner, for flirting  a sinner."
				HR Sec 3: G-Glee 2: A "Cap 3, 4.

Don Mussman			"Human knowledge is the parent of doubt."

Ronald Motsinger		"All great men have defects, and I have a few myself."

Jo Ann Naeve  "Jo"		"Laughter is the key to joy."

Charles Nance  "Chuck"	"The more honestly a man has, the less he affects the air of a 				saint."

Carolyn Nelson		"A real athlete as well as a real girl."
				Orch 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2; A "Cap 3, 4; GRA 2, 3, 4; VP 3; P-					Club 3,  3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 2, 3, 4.

Carol Niebuhr 		"I know more than you think I do."
				Mix Ch 2, 3; GRA 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 4.

Robert Nielsen   "Niel"	"He sits high in all the people's heart."
				HR VP 2; Pan Am 4; Bach's Club 4; VP 3; Tr 4; Red-C Rep 4; HR Treas 4.

Janet Nissen   "Jan"		"The rest of your days depend upon the rest of your nights."
				Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Marilyn NyQuist  "Nyki"	"A smile for everyone, a laugh for everything,"
				HR Pres 2; Red-C Sec 3; G-Glee 2; A "Cap 3, 4; Cheer L 2, 				, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens Assn. VP 2; Sec 3, Pres 4; FTA 				3, 4; Homecoming Att. 2; Prom Queen 2.

Page 47
Bill Oakes			"Women never bother me."
				Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Bach Club Ex Br 4; FB 2, 3; Sw 2, 3, 4; Mj 					Let 3, 4.

Don Obermiller  "Obee"	"Life is but a dream."
				Bach's Club 4; FB 2; Tr 2; Sw 2, 3, 4.

Kenneth Michael  Ough  "Kingsize"  "What shall I do with all the  days and hours."
				Bach's Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; Sw 				2.

Thomas Palsgrove  "Tom"	"Flattery is from the teeth out."	
				Mix Ch 3; A "Cap 4; Bach's Club 4.
Penny Paulsen  "Bunny"	"Everone excells in something in which another fails."
				Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Beverly Petersen   "Bev"	"The hand that hath made you fair hath made you kind."
				HR Sec 3; C-Ann 2; Mix Ch 3; P-Club 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; 					Lat-Club 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Donna Petersen		"Her record good, her motto better."
				Mix Ch 3; GRA 2, 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 					3, 4.

Jeri Kay Petersen  "Pete"	"We all know Pete, we also know she can't be beat."
				Hr Vp 3. Sec 2, Mix Ch 2; A "Cap 3, 4; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2, 				3, 4; Treas 4; T-Teens 2, 3, 4; Assn VP 4; FTA 3,4.

John Peterson   "Pete"		"Time tells on a man--especially a good time."
				Bach's Club 4; Culver Militaty Acad. 2, 3.

Larry Petersen   "Pete"	"What do I care--Nothing worth it."
				B-Glee 2; Mix Ch 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; Pan Am r; Bach Club 4; 					Treas 4; Sw 3; FTA 3, 4.

Page 48

Loren Peterson  "Pete"	"Who says I don't love the ladies."
				HR Pres 4; Mix-Ch 3; A "Cap 3, 4; Bach Club 4; S-Crew 2, 					3, 4; VP 3, Pres 4.

Thomas Petersen  "Tom"	"No cupid darts for him."

Roy Petersen  "Oral"		"Though vanquished , he could argue still."
				Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Bach Club 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 4; TR 2, 3, 					4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4; Sw 3; Wr 2.

Wilma Peterson		"Never trouble, 'til trouble troubles you."

Pamela Pfundstein  "Pam"	"Gentlemen prefer blonds."
				Lit Th 2, 3; Pan Am 2, 3, 4;  Y-Teends 2, 3, 4.

Bonnie Phelan			"Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low; an excellant thing 				in women."
				C-Week 2; C-Ann 2; Mix Ch 3; A 'Cap 4; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; 					Y-Teens 2, 3, 4' FTA4.

Gale Pieper			"Air and manner are more expressive than words."
				Red-C Rep 2; C-Week 2; C-Ann 3; GRA 2; P-Club 3, 4; Pan 				Am 3, 4,; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Harry Piper   "Pipe"		"To be strong is to be happy." 
				Bach's Club 4; FB 2; BB 3.

Jerry Potter   "Pots"		"Let thy words be few."
				Bach's Club 4; Tr 3; Sw 3, 4,; Mj Let 4; FTA 4.

Thomas Powell  "El Glatto"    "I am my own commander."
				Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 2.

Page 49

Joyce Proud			"She speaks, behaves, and acts as if she meant it."
				Pan Am 2,. 3, 4,; Span Aw.

Lois Proud			"Take me as I am."
				Lat Club 2; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Goldie Pruett			"A nice name for a nice girl."
				GRA 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sh Hand Aw 60.

Irene Puetsch			"In her very quietness there is charm."
				Y-Teens 2.

Wayne Putman			"Man, I like the way he fights."

Ruth Ann Putney   "Putt"	"I lived and loved and understood."
				HR Sec 4; Treas 2; Lit Th 3, 4; C-Ann 4; Mix Ch2; P-Wogs 					2, 3, 4; VP 4; Cheer L. 2, 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Sec 3; Y-					Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Gene Quackenbush  "Quack"	"Oh, why should life all labor me."
Margaret Qualman  "Peggy"	"The silent one."
				Pan Am 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4;  FTA 3.

Judy Ralston			"Speech is the index of the mind."

John Randall			"Why worry things will happen anyway."
				Bach's Club 4; S-Crew 2, 3, 4.

Page 50

John Rashke  "J.R."		"The wisest of the wise."
				HR Pres 2, 3; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Treas 4; C-Week 2, 3, 4; 					Sports Ed 3; C-Ann 3, 4; Sports Ed 3, 4;  B-Glee 2; Mix Ch 					2; A 'Cap 3; Bach 4; FB 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3. 4; BB 2, 3, 4; Mj 					Let 3, 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

David Rederer  "Dave"	"Strange to the world--he wore a bashful look."

Donna Reed			"A merry heart that goes all day."
				Red-C Rep 3; GRA 2, 3, 4; Sec 3; Pres 4; P-Club 3, 4;
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Louis Reed			"Don't bug me man."

Fred Reedy			"Eat, drink and be merry."
				Bach's Club 4.

Judith Regenwether "Judy"	"Content to let the world wag on as it will."
				Y-Teens 4.

Bill Reichert  "Butch"		"If work interferes with pleasure, give up work."
				Limestone High, Quincy High School 2, 3.

Donna Repp  "Sis"		"She's a good sport, but never loud.  Always mixes with the 				crowd."
				GRA 2; Y-Teens 2, 4.
Linton Reynolds		"Hard living maketh the man."

Bette Richardson  "Betsy"	"All the world's a stage."	
				HR.Pres 3; VP 4; Nat Thes 2, 3, 4; "Cheaper by the  Dozen."
				"The Doctor Inspite of Himself." C-Week 2; C-Ann 2; Mix -
				Ch 2;  A "Cap 3, 4; P-Club 3; Pan Am 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3,4.

Page 51

Patricia Robbind  "Pat"	"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece
				Y-Teens 3, 4; Sc-Club 3.

Dorothy Roberts  "Dot"	"She loved but once."
				Mix-Ch 4; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Barbara Robinson  "Babs"	"A girl of excellant manners."
				Y-Teens 3, 4;

Jacqueline Rohwer  "Fletch"	"Why pretend--be what you are."
				G-Glee 2; A "Cap 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; GRA 3.

Ronald Rowe  "Ronnie Round"  "Haste makes waste I never waste anything."

Margaret Rushton  "Ann"	"The kindness, which is bestowed on the good is never lost.:
				Red-C Rep 2; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; S-					Crew 3; S-Club 3.

Kay Sattizahn			"Her ways are ways of pleasantness."
				HR Pres 4; VP 2, Sec 3; St-Coun 2: Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; Nat 					Thes 2, 3, 4;  Lit Th 2,3,4; "Opening of a Play.; C-Week 2, 					3, 4; Ast. Ed 4; G-Glee 2; A'Cap 3; P-Club 3, 4; VP 4; Lat-					Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Lana Schlotfeldt  "Lanalin"	"She is a sweet, studious, little girl."
				Debate 2; Nat For 2, 3, 4; G-Glee2; A'Cap 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 					3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Rep 2.

Lynn Schultz  "Schulse"	"I have no time for work."
				Bach's Club 4; Wr 2.	

Karl Schoppa			"To be liked is to be great."
				Humboldt High School 2, 3.

Page 52

Carolyn Schroeder  "Red"	"You can't judge her temper by her hair."
				C-Week 2; Y-Teens 4; R-Cross Rep 3.

William Schwarz  "Bill"	"An an unforgettable laughter."
				Bach's Club 4; HR Pres 2; FB 2, 3.

David Seeser  "Dave"		"He hath faced the day many times with courtesy."
				HR VP 2, 3; Bach's Club 4; Wr 2; FB 2.

Jeffery Shannafelt  "J.L." "Quack"    C-Week 4; Lat-Club 2, 3; Bach Club 4; Tr 3; Sw 3, 4; 				Mj Lat 4.

Mike Shannon  "Shantz"	"Sometimes I sit and think and other times I just sit."
				Bach's Cl;ub 4; BB 2. 3. 4; Mj Let 3, 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2. 				3.

Dale Sharp   "Tiny"		"Is he not passing fair?"

Robert Shore  "Tim"		"Still water runs deep."

Norma Shull			"Industrious and faithful."
				G-Glee 2; Mix Ch 3; A "Cap 4; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; 					Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 2, 3, 4.

Marcia Sloppy  "Marsh"	"Good- humor os the health of the soul, sadness its poison."
				C-Ann 2; Mix Ch 2, 3, ; GRA 2; Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

David Smith  "Dave"		"He that refraineth his lips is wise."
				Tr 2; Mj Let Let 2.

Page 53

Judy Smith			"Friendship with all, but entangling, alliances with none."
				Y-Teens 3, 4; Mix-Ch 3.

June Smith  "June Bug"	"Men may come and men may go, but mine is true forever."
				Mix-Ch 2; A'Cap 3, 4.

Larry Smith  "Smitty"		"Men of afew words are the best men."
				B-Glee 2; Mix-Ch 2; A "Cap 3, 4.

Carol Sorenson		"She may be little, but O my."
				Red-C Rep 2; C-Week 2; C-Ann 2, 3, 4; Bus Man 3, 4; Mix-					Ch 2; A "Cap 3; P-wogs 2, 3; Gra 2; P-Club 4; Pan Am 2,3,4

Rose Marie Soule		"Naught amiss in thee we find."
				Orch 2, 3, 4; Symph 4.

James Spangler  "Jim"	"Worry and I are another world."
				Red-C Rep 3; Lat Club 2; Bach's Club 4.

Thomas Spier  "Tom"		"The chief ingredient of my make-up is bluff."
				Bach's Club 4.

Marcia Spooner  "Mouse"	"How far that little candle throws its beam."
				P-Wogs 3, 4; Lat-Club 2.

Lynn Stanton  "Lynnie"	"An Living ray of intellectual fire."
				Red-C Rep 2, 4; Debate 2, 3, 4; Nat For Lea 2, 3, 4; Pres 4; 					C-Week Club 3, 4.
Sandra Still  "Sandi"		"A Light heart lives long."
				Band 2; P-Wogs 3, 4; Y-Teens 4; Typing Aw 50.

Page 54

Dennis Stoddard  "Stud"	"I'm tired of planning and toiling."
				Tr 2.

John Stuedemann		"Work?  Where have I heard that word before."
				Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 3, 4.

Steve Stumbaugh  "Stumper"	"Life is a joke that's just begun."
				Bach's Club 4; FB 2; Tr 3, 4;Sw 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 32, 3, 4.

Karen Subcleff  "Sub"		"Any male today?"
				HR VP 4; Lit Th 3, 4; C-Week 3, 4; C-Ann 3,4; A'Cap 3; P-					Wogs 2, 3, 4; P-Club 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4;  Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; 					Sc-Club 4; FTA 3, 4;

Mary Kay Swanson		"Live while you live."	
				Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Pep 2, 3, 4.

Donald Sweeny  "Don"	"Wise men say nothing in dangerous times."
				Bach's Club 4.

Karen Sweesy			"Brightness is the light that leads us."
				Y-Teens 4; Mt . St. Clare 2, 3.

Karl Tadsen			"Your future is a mystery."
				R. V. High School Los Angeles 3.

Barbara Tallman  "Barb"	"A perfect women nobly planned."
				HR VP 3' Sec 2, 4; Pan Am 4; Cheer Lead 2; Y-Teens 4.

Charles Taylor "Charlie Brown"  HR Pres 4; Bach Club 4; FB 4; Mj Let 4; BB 3, 4; Mj 					 Let 3, 4; Tr 3, 4;

Page 55

Terry Tenboer  "Tere"	"My brain it teams with endless schemes."	
				HR Pres 3; C-Week 2, 3; C-Ann 2, 3; Pan Am 3.

Fred Terrock  "Big Boo"	"Rest first and then work."

Janet Thayer			"By my efforts I hope to rise>"
				HR Treas 3, Orch 2, 3, 4; Ensem 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2; St Orch 3
				Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 4; Nat Spa Aw 3; FTA 3, 4.

Bob Theisen  "Theis"		"Give me liberty or a good relay race."	
				HR Pres 2; Bach's Club 4; FB 2; BB 2; Tr 2,3,4; Mj Let 3, 4

Richard Tholen  "Dick"	"What shall I do with all the days and hours."
				Lat-Club 3; Bach's Club 4.

Mike Thomasen  "Thomps"	"Underneath all his foolishness is real worth."
				Sc-Club 4.

Sharon Timmons "Cookie"	"When she thought anything, she said it."
				G-Glee 3; Mix-Ch 4; Pan Am 3; Y-Teens 2, 3; FTA 3.

Beverly Todtz  "Todsy"	"What she undertakes to do, she does."
				Gra 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; HR Rep 2

Bonnie Tollenar  "Tolly"	"Smiles, smiles, unending smiles."
				Mix-Ch 3; GRA 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 4.

Bonnie Tompkins  "Boonie"	"Not much talk but sweet silence."
				G-Glee 4; Mix-Ch 3; Pan Am 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3; FTA 3.

Page 56

Tom Tuttle  "Finster"		"Better late then never."
				Class Pres 3; VP 2; HR Pres 4; St. Body Treas 4; Nat Hon 					Soc 3, 4; Pres 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3; Orch 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 				3; A "Cap 3; Bach 4; BB 2, 3,; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3.

Tom Vailmont			"Trifles are elegent in him."
				St Mary's 2.

Robert Voda  "Toad"		"An honest face with heart to match."
				Bach's Club 4.

Sharron Voelkers		"The future belongs to those who prepare for it."
				C-Week 2; Mix-Ch 3; GRA 2; Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Stanley Waldorf  "Stan"	"Manhood, not scholarship, is the first aim of education."
				Pan Am 2; Bach's Club 4.

Marsha Wall  "Marshmellow" "A quiet maid of winning ways."
				Mix-Ch 3; GRA 2: Pan Am 2, 4; Y-Teens 2, 4.

Suzan Wallace  "Wally"	"When a child she fell out oa window and came down 					plump."
				Band 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2; Orch 3, 4; Mj Let 4; A'Cap 3; P-					Wogs 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; Sc-Club 4; FTA3, 					4.

Paul Ward			"Punctuality strengthens confidence and secures respect."
				Sw 2; Sw. Mang 3; FB Mang 4; BB Mang 4: Bach 4.

Judy Warner "Cookie"	"Vivacious and sweet."
				Class Sec 2, 3; St. Body Sec 4; HR Pres 2; Sec 3; Nat Thes 3, 4; Lit Th 3, 4; C-Ann 2; Mix-Ch 3; Lat-Club 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 4; Home Att 3; Gateway 2.

Janet Waterman "Watermelon"  "She looks into the future."
				Mix-Ch 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Page 57

Harold Watts  "Harry"	"A man without show or pretense."
				HR Pres 3; Bach's Club 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Judith Weber  "Judy"		"Her motto is to work well."
				Bettendorf High 3.

Judith Weeden  "Judy"	"A living model of pep and cheer."
				HR Sec 2; G-Glee 2; A 'Cap 3, 4; P-Wogs 2, 3, 4; Cheer L. 					, 3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Y- Teens 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Queen 				4.

Donna Welch "Welchie"	"I must get out of these wet clothes abd into a dry martini."
				Mix-Ch 3; A;Cap 4; P-Wogs 2, 3, 4; Sec 4; GRA 2; P-Club 					3, 4; Pan Am 2, 3,4; Y-Teens 2, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Janet Wells "Red"		"She's not mean; never a cat, often seen in a friendly chat."
				T-Teens 2.

Jerry Wells  "Jer"		"I would rather talk with a pretty girl than with the 						President."
				Hr VP 2; Sec 4; B-Glee 3; Mix-Ch 3; Bach's Club 4; Sc-					Club 4; Sw 2, 3; Wr 4; Mj Let 4.

Jerry L. Wells			"No one cares beyond today."

Carolyn Weseman  "Shorty"	"Precious things come in small  packages."
				C-Week 2; G-Glee 3; GRA 2; Pan Am 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4.

Jack West			"What can I do to become famous."
				HR Sec 2; B-Glee 2; Mix-Ch 2, 3; A "Cap 4; Bach's Club 4; 				Sw 3, 4, 2; Mj Let 3, 4.

Sharon White			"Her good nature we can't doubt, for we never saw her 					pout."		
				Band 2, 3, 4.

Page 58

Dan Whitted			"Dan's interests are outside of school."
				HR VP 4; Bach's Club 4; Sw 2, 3, 4;  Mj Let 4.

John Wiley  "Rile"		"A man without show or pretense."
				Bach's Club 4; Tr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Dave Woods  "Woody"	"Chase me girls I am full of fun."
				HR Pres 3; B-Glee 2; Mix Ch 2; A'Cap 3, 4; Pres 4; Bach's 					Club 4; BB 2, 3,  Ten 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 3, 4.

Lonnie Wright  "Lons"	"Money is the jack of all trades."
				Bach's Club 4; Sc-Club 4; Wr 2, 3, 4; Mj Let 2, 3, 4.

Valerie Wynes  "Val"		"Music is the universal tongue."
				HR Sec 3; Nat Hon Soc 3, 4; C-Week 4; A'Cap 3, 4; Mix-					Ch 2; Lat Club 2, 3, 4; Sc-Club 3, 4; FTA 3, 4; Pres. 4.

Linda Zirbes  "Nicky"		"Always seen but seldom heard."
				GRA 2, 3, 4; Treas 3; Sec 4; Pan Am 2, 3, 4; Lat Club 2, 3, 					4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

Page 59

Senior Class OfficersPres.--John Gosma
V. Pres.--Ron Junge
Sec.--Judy Leggett
Treas.--Christy Mickey.


Page 62

Christina Abell
Jull Adler
Maxine Albright
Kent Alcorn
Gerri Anderson

Sandra Anderson
Sharon Anderson
Tracy Anderson
Jill Andrews
Phillip Babcock

Willa Bailey
Sandra Baker
William Barber
Jum Bartels
Dave Basarich

Linda Behrend
Carol Bell
Dianne Bengston
Gary Bicker
Gayle Bieber

Mary Birkett
Richard Bilger
James Blaess
Linda Blunt
Edward Booth

James Borup Judith Borup
Marvin Borup
Peter Bowyer
Betty Jo Brandt

Kathy Britt
David Brown
Suzanne Bryden
Ruth Buren
Dick Burligame

Jackie Bush
Sandra Bylsema
Betty Campbell
Linda Carenen
Jean Carlson

Page 63

Dorothy Charnoski
Dennis Carter
Sandra Casad
Bonnie Charnoski
Kay Clark

Steven Clark
Tom Clark
Tom Clausen
Karen Clement
Dorothy Colson

Leona Cook
Renee Corr
John Cox
Bill Crews
Jan Current

Sharon Dabner
Judy Daley
Dwanna Damm
Ardiss Dann
Lynne Damon

Sandra Dannatt
Judy Dash
George Davis	
Ronnie Deatherage
Dorothy Deters

Donna Diephuis
Connie Dierks
Carole Dierksen
Janis Diettrick
Kathe Diss

Carolyn Dockstader
Jerry Domer
Rita Domsalla
Tom Donahue

Leonard Dose
Chuck Driblebeis
Joel Drews
Claudia Earhart
Barbara Eastland

Page 64

Steve Eckman
John Edens
Nancy Edens
Richard Ede;man
Bonnie Edlen

Fred Edmunds
Sanda Flannery
Pat Fossum
Carole Foster
Dixie Foster

Roger Gard
Clifford Geerts
Georgia Gerke
Velma Gladhill
Nancy Goble

Robert Goodsman
Carol Gray
John Greves
Larry Greenwalt
Wylie Griffith

Dennis Grimes
Nan Gustavison
Sandi Haffner
Carol Hagemen
Jerry Hagerman

Leon Hale
Kent Hamdorf
Sigrid Hamil
Bob Hammond
Kenneth Handy

Page 65

Janet Hansen
Ronald Haring
Velma Harlock
Gene Hass
Ronnie Hass

Janice Hawk
Janet Healess
Ronald Hebdon
Bill Neinemann
Robert Heinsen

Shirley Hellweg
Sandra Hendricks
Janice Hensel
Tom Hensley
Sharon Holdgrafer
William Hollar
Bonnie Holm
Linda Holm
Richard Holm
Sharon Holm

Carolyn Hilmes
Rebecca Holmes
Barbara Holt
Beverly Hood

Larry Hood
Carol Hopkins
Douglas Horn
Reed Hoskinson
Sue Hudelson

Nancy Huebner
Tom Huebner
Jerry Hunter
William Hulburt
David Hvidston

Page 66

Irene Inman
Carolyn Irey 
Tom Iverson
Richard Jacobs
Merrill Jacobsen

Virginia Jackson
Jim James
Leslie Jenkins
Kathleen Jennings
Ray Jennings

Beverley Jensen
Judy Jensen
Robert Jensen
Karen Jepsen
Maxine Jepson

Carol Johnson
Joanne Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Janet Jones
Lani Jones

Geraldine Jordan
Jerold Judd
Ronald  Judd
Karen Jacobsen
Gary Hughes

Gerald Hunter
Bill Junginger
Grace Kane
Carl Kaup
Jerry Keeney

Jim Keeney
Tom Kelly
David Lendrick
Michael Kent
Joyce Ketelsen

Richard Ketelsen
Vicki Ketelsen
Dick Kipping
David King
Jeanne Klare

Page 67

Karen Kofahl
Dale Koppenhaver
Jim Koranda
Sharon Kosin
William Kramer

Peggy Kuehl
Joe Lampe
Judith Lanaghan
Mary Lane Susan Lanning

David Lenson
Judy Less
Richard Lewandowski
Barbara Lind
Dennis Loechel

Janet Lohse
Kay Lorenzen
Allen Luckritz
Robert Luckritz
Vicki Luckritz

Richard lundgren
Joan Lunquist
John Luther
Sandy Madsen
George Maher

Betty Mahoney
Charlene Marr
Jim Marshall
Linda Marshall
Beverly Mason

Tom Matje
Judy May
Marcia May Bruce McAlpine
Judith McClusky

Page 68

Ruth McCool
Terry McCoy
Carol McDaniel
Michael McGinn
John McKee

Mary McLaughlin
Midge McKinley
Richard McMahon
James McManus
Shirley Melvin
Donna Mensinger
Jerry Mensinger
James Mensinger
Charles Meyer
Linda Meyers

Anthony Michelson
Anna Milder
Gary Miller
Jo Miller
Ruth Morgan

Dwight Moulton
Joel Murphy
John Murphy
Jill Murphy
Judy Nash

Eileen Neumann
Jim Neumann
Beth Newton
Dick Nielsen
Terry Nielsen

Carol Nord
Lyn Oakes
Gayle O'Hern
David Olsen
Vincent Ottoway

Joyce Otto
Wayne Owen
Connie Parchen
Linda Parr
Bill Parris

Page 69

Kenlyn Passick
Marie Paup
Janet Paysen
Beverly Peasley
Sandra Pestka

Theodore Pestka
Barbara Peters
Larry Petersen
Patti Petersen
Prudence Petersen

Roberta Petersen
Sandra Petersen
Sandra Petree
Mark Petterson
Lola Point

Willard Poston
David Rand
Paula Rashke
Laurie Rathje
Carol Raun

Linda Redell
Phil Qualman
Sandy Reedy
William Ramig
Raymond Richards

Janice Ridenour
Janice Ridgeway
William Rose
Bob Ruma
Fred Ryder

Dick Sack
Gary Sager
Thomas Sampson
Linda Sanders
John Schafer

James Shadid
Roger Scheer
Bill Schlotfeldt
Deanne Schmidt
John Schmidt

Page 70

Robert Schmidt
Bill Schmidt
Linda Schultz
Dennis Schvincht
Sharon Scranton

Monika Seegert
Ellen Selby
Charles Sexton
Robert Sheldon
Brenda Sharar

Linda Shaw
Diana Shields
Joel Shields
Debbie Sidlinger
David Simpson

Melvena Simpson
Paul Slaughter
John Sloane
Dorothy Smith
Lyle Smith

Millard Smith 
Paul Smith 
Sally Smith
Dale Sorenson
Virginia Sorenson

Carole Spier
David Stahl
David Stamp
Russell Stanley
Robert Starr

Patsy Steffey
Gary Stemilson
Harry Stevens
Linda Stilwell
Keith Stovers

Ronald Strolley
Sherry Stolp
Steve Straley
Robert Stuedemann
Margaret Strhlman


Linda Swanson
Gloria Svenson
Elizabeth Tallman
Robert Taylor
Kathy Thayer

David Thomas
Jerry Tieso
Linda Tintey
Tom Tjalas
Linda Thompkins

Janice Totten
Larry Travis
Georgia Trout
Joyce Trumbo
Rebecca Tucker

Susan Tufford
Harold Turrentine
Sandi Utrosla
John Van Allen
Lois Van Doren

Robert Van Horn
Leo Van Loo
Judith Voelkers
David Vogel
William Voltz

Jack Voss
Ruthie Voss
Charles Wagner
Jil Wait
Tom Waldorf

Steve Wall
Janice Walwer
Cary Warner
Richard Warren
Bob Waterman

Elizabeth Weaver
Betty Wendland
Marcella Wentworth
Robert Wemzel
Gloria Wernick

Page 72

Robert Wernick
Patricia Whalen
Janet Wheeler
Ted Whitley
Edith Wiese

Maurice Wilden
Jerrann Wildman
Charlotte Willard
Nancy Williams
Bill Williams

Nancy Willis
Jim Wilson
Susan Wing
Donald Winter
Judith Witt

Richard Witt
Priscilla Wolever
Audrey Worlein
Warren Worlein
Sheila Wriedt

Ed Wright
Laurie Wright
Ada Wyatt
Donna Yost
Beverly Youngblood

Dick Brooks
Bob Brown
Laverne Burt
Del Carpenter
William Cook

John Dauplaise
Allen Duncan
Dean Hutton
Dave Marr
Craig Martin

Donald McCune Jr.
Ronald McGrew
Vincent Ottaway
Larry Ridenour
Harold Volguardsen

Junior Class Officiers

Pres.--John Van Allen
V. Pres.--Keith Stivers
Sec.--Maxine Jepsen
Treas.--Kathy Britt


Gone are they now, but in memory They remain,
With their goals known on earth, Their death not in vain,
Remeber them always, Their laughter, Their smile, 
The joy we shared for a small while*

Jerry Blount			Ulrich Boehnke		Cherol Christiabseb Stamp
Randy Hey			Charles Hvidston		Mary Ann Knight
Martha Kramer		John Lage			Nancy McClary
Robert Mahoney		Jerry Malone			Terry Melenbacher
Margaret Metzger Spaulding	Ronald Michaelsen		John Petersen
Thomas Petersen		Gene Quakenbush		Donna Repp
Ronald Rowe			Judy Weber			Janet Wells Motroni
Dan Whitted							Dave Utroska
Larry Smith							Peggy Qualman Meyers
*Exert from poem by Marilyn Goettsch Petersen, 1960 Clintonian.


