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WAYNE COUNTY  GA  Will - Smith, Charles  (Estate)

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by 
Barbara Winge


Know all men by these presents that we Charles Smith and
James Harper, John Brown and Willey Roberts are held and
firmly bound unto these honors the Judges of the Court of
Ordinary for said county and their successors in office
in the Just and full sum of Four Thousand Dollars for the
payment of which sum to the said Judges and their
Successors in office we bind ourselves our heirs
executors and Administrators in the whole and for the
whole sum jointly and severally and firmly by these
presents.  Sealed with our Seals and dated This first day
of July Eighteen hundred and thirty-three ---

The Condition of the above obligation is such that of the
above bound Charles Smith and James Harper administrators
of the goods and chattles and credits of Charles Smith
Sen late of this County decd do make a true and perfect
Inventory of all and Singular the goods, chattles and
credits of said Decd which have or shall come to the
knowledge or prossession of the said Charles Smith and
James Harper or into the hands or possession of any other
person or persons for him and the same so made do exhibit
into the said Court of Ordinary when they shall be
thereunto required and such goods and chattles and
credits do well and truly Administer according to law and
do make a true account of their actions and doing so
there is when they shall be Thereunto required by the
Court of Ordinary for said County and all the rest of the
good chattles and credits which shall be found remaining
upon the Acct. of the said Administration The same being
first allowed of by the Court shall deliver and pay to
such person or persons respectfully as are entitled to
the same by law and if it shall appear that any last will
and testament was made by the said deceased and the same
be proven before the Court and the executors obtain a
certificate of the probate thereof and the said Charles
Smith and James Harper do in Such case of required render
and deliver up the said Letters of Administration Then
this obligation to be void else to remain in full force -
                                           Charles Smith  (Seal)
Signed Sealed and                          James Harper  (Seal)
acknowledged in open                       John Brown  (Seal)
Court this first day of                    Willey Robison  Seal
July 1833
          Robert Howe  C.C.O.
                        Recorded July 4th 1833
                                    Robt Howe -
Georgia        )) 
Wayne County   ))  
  Know all men by these presents that we Emanuel Paris  
Willie Robeson   and Caleb Perdarvis are held and firmly
bound unto their honors the Judges of the Court of
Ordinary for said County and their Successors in Office
in the just and full sum of Two hundred dollars for the
payments whereof to the said Judges and their successors
in office we bind our selves our heirs executors and
administrators jointly and severally. firmly. by these
presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the Sixth day of
January Eighteen hundred and Thirtyfour.  The Condition
of the above obligation is such that whereas Emanuel
Paris is this day appointed Guardian to Joh Smith Orphan
of Robert Smith now if the said Emanuel Paris do well and
truly demean himself as guardian aforesaid agree ably to
letters of Guardianship bearing even date here with and
agreeably to law in such case made and provided the above
oblitation to be void else to remain in full force and
Signed and acknowledged                
Emanuel Paris  (LS)
in open Court                          
Willie Robeson  (LS)                                       
Caleb Pendarves  LS
Robert Howe Clk
            Recorded Jan 27 1834

                          GEORGIA   WAYNE COUNTY

Know all men by these presents that we Rebecca Smith
Caleb Pendarvis and Joseph Pendarvis are held and firmly
bound unto their honors the Judges of the Court of
Ordinary for said County and their Successors in Office
in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the
payment of which sum to the said Judges and their
Successors in office we bind ourselves our heirs
executors and administrators Jointly and severally fimrly
by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the
Sixth day of January Eighteen hundred and thirty four.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that
whereas Rebecca Smith is this day appointed Guardian to
Margaret and Bryant Smith Orphans of Charles Smith Sen
deceased.   Now if the said Rebecca Smith do well and
truly demean herself as Guardian aforesaid agreeably to
letters of Guardianship bearing even date herewith and
agreeably to law in such case made and provided the above
obligation to be void else to remain in full force and

Signed and                        )  Rebecca her mark Smith  (LS)
acknowledged in                   )  Caleb Pendarvis  (LS)
open Court the date above         )  Joseph Pendarvis (LS)
   Test                           )
     Robt Howe  Clk               )

         This Bond Void by the Children
         chosing other Guardian
                   See page 64

Wayne County  Georgia                   19th July 1833
Recd of James Harper and Charles Smith jun Adm on the Esate of Charles
Smith Sen decd 44 head Cattle agreeable to a division made the above date
among the heirs of the Estate that has been gathered and penned at the
House of Said Decd
                                        Daniel E. Dykes

Wayne County   Georgia  19th July 1833
Recd of James Harper and Charles Smith Jun Admr on the Estate of Charles
Smith Sen decd 44 head of Cattle agreeable to a Division make the above
date, among the heirs of the Estate out of the Cattle, that has been
gathered and penned at the House of decd
                                        Elizabeth Harper
Wayne County   Georgia   19th July 1833
Recd of James Harper and Charles Smith jun Admr on the Estate of Charles
Smith Sen decd 44 Head of Cattle agreeable to a division made the above
date among the heirs of the Estate of Charles Smith Sen decd out of the
Cattle that has been penned at the house of Decd
                                        Rebecca her mark Smith

Wayne County   Georgia  19th Jul 1833
   Recd of James Harper and Charles Smith jr Adms on the Estate of Charles
Smith Sen decd 44 head Cattle agreeable to a division made the above date
among the heirs of the Estate out of the Cattle that has been penned at
the House of the Said decd'      
James  his mark  Harper

Wayne County Georgia  19th July 1833  Recd of James Harper and Charles
Smith Hun Admr on the Estate of Charles Smith Ser decd 45 head of Cattle
agreeable to a division made the above date among the heirs of the Estate
out of the Cattle that has been penned at the House of Said decd.
                          Patience  her x mark  Smith

Wayne County Georgia 19th July , 1833.  Recd of James Harper and Charles
Smith Admr on the Estate of Charles Smith Senr decd forty four head of
Cattle agreeable to a division made the above date among the heirs of the
Estate out of the Cattle that has been gathered and penned at the House of
the said Decd
                               James Strickland

Wayne County Georgia  19th July 1833  Recd of James Harper and Charles
Smith Adm on the Estate of Charles Smith Senr decd Eighty Eight head of
Cattle agreeable to a division made the above date among the heirs of The
Estate out of the Cattle that had been gathered and pened at the house of
the said decd
                         Rebecca her mark Smith for
                         Bryant Smith orphan and
                         Peggy Smith Orphan

Wayne County Georgia 19th July 1833  Recd of James Harper and Charles
Smith jun Adm of the Estate of Charles Smith Sen decd 44 head of cattle
agreeable to a division made the above date among the heirs of the Estate
out of the Cattle that has been pened at the house of the Said Decd
                                        Charles Smith Junr
Georgia Wayne County
   Recd of The heirs of John Rooks in full their part of the Estate this
the Twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Eight hundred and thirty three
James B. Lewis                        Isaac Cambell
Jesse Lewis J.P.                      Martha  her x mark Campbell

John Browns Returns for the Year 1833 for Stephen Roberts orphan
  Bought 12 head of Stock Cattle a 5 per head $60 total of head of Stock
Cattle belonging to the Orpahn
Paid Clk C.O. for Letters of Guardianship
                                                         2 .. 81/2
     I have on hand  $3..5, before the Orphan            2 . 574-         

                     Received Jany 16, 1834
                            Robert Howe

(Submitted by Barbara Walker Winge,

(Submitted by Barbara Walker Winge,

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