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Warren COUNTY  GA  Wills - Smith, Jacob

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by R. J. SMITH


To all to whom these presents may concurn  Warren county 
[know ye that I Jacob Smith of the state and county
aforesaid, being of weak of body but of sound mind and
disposing memory do make. Constitute and appoint this my
last will and testament. I hereby revokeing any and all
others heretofore made. 1st. I will that all my just
debts be paid. 2nd I will unto my wife Christian Smith
during her natural life

or widowhood 5 negroes David, Burrel, Juda, Rebecca,
Rose, The planitation where on I now live,with the
woodling land there unto Belonging , to the land and
planitation is cousidered to by on the south side

Of a branch runing between me and where Naine Smith now
lives. And up said branch to the fork thence a strait
line to a fence corner on th west Line. My waggon ,one
still, one eight day clock, stock of all and every kind
Plantation tools of all description all my household and
kitchen furnture And all my blacksmith tools. 3 rd I will
to my grand children Martha Jeter, Mary Farr,Cyntha Farr,
Rebecca Farr, and Jacob Farr all that part of a tract of
land which I Purchasued of Juaae Davidson  that lies on
the west side of the branch Of childries creek which runs
through said track also one other track ajoining The
other purchasued of Rubin Mcgee contianing 350 acres.
Which said land I will My daughter Catherine the mother
of said children to have the use of during her life For
her supaport in such a way as my excurtors may think
best. 4 th I will to my daughter Martha Johnson the tract
of land where she now lives containing 252 acresalso
after the death of my wife Christian Smith two negroes (
David and Juda 5 th I will to my grandson Vincent Smith
one picee of land joining  where I now live and lieing on
the west side olivers creek and on the north side of
branch named in the record of said branch to the fork
then a strait line to a fence corner on the west. 6th I
will to grandson H illimon Smith all the land I ownto the
east side of Olivers creek also to Vincent and Hillimon
affordsaid the balance of the tract of land you chaved of
Isaac Davidson all said tract on the west sideof a branch
runing through the same to be divided between them 7th I
will that my negroe Collin be sold to the man he may
chose for a master and that the money kept at interest
for the daughterof John Smith my grand daughter Nancy
Collier Episey Smith, Eliza Smith,Emaly Smith,and Martha
Jane  Smith and as they arrive to lawful Age each to
recive an equal portion of said money

After the death of my wife Christian Smith the negro
Burrel I will to my grandchildren Martha Jeter,Mary Farr,
Cyntha Farr, Rebacca Farr,Jacob Farr which said nergo I
will To my daugther to have the benefit during her life
in such way as my executors may think best. After the
death of my wife Christian Smith I will the plantation
whereon I now live with The woodling land thereunto
belonging to my grandson John R.Smith. I will that after
the death of my wife, the estate then left of all and
every kind and Discription, except beding beds,
bedclothing, and all other kinds of anything which Is to
be at my wifes disposal, to be sold and the procedes
equally divivded between all my Grandaughters herein
warned share and share alike. N.B.Hace a part of this
item is omitted  because it is thought to be illegal for
the clerk to record it . as it stands in the original I
will to Moses Johnson, a relation that I raised one negro
Rabecca to be given to him

After the death of my wife Christian Smith. And lastly I
do hereby appoint William Castleberry and Elias Wilson as
Excutors to this my last will and testament, in witness
whereof hereto set my hand and Affix my seal this day
nineteenth day of May in the year Of our lord one
thousand eight hundred and thirty six 1836 hand seal and

in the presents of

signed Jacob Smith ( JS)
Timothy Granade
Jacob Ivy
Jarried M. Sanders
Gidion Granade
Georgia           ] You Jarred M Sanders, Timothy Granade,Gidion Granade, 

Warren county]  do swear that you saw Jacob Smith sign
seal,and publish and

Prepare this writing to be and contain his last will and
testament  and at

The time thereof he was of sound mind and memory and he
did it freely

Without compulision to the best of our knowledge so help
you god.
(signed)  Jarried M Sanders
Timothy Granade
Gidion Granade
Warren county, Georgia, will book 1829-52
Pages    84&85

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access. ==============