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Talbot County  Georgia Military Pension Mrs. Lizzie Smith (widow of C.M. Smith)

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Barbara Walker Winge  <>

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Hon. L. T. Peed, Ordinary,
Taylor County,
Butler, Ga.
has filed in this office an application for the Georgia pension allowed to widows of Confederate veterans; and it appearing that the late husband of this applicant performed actual military service as a Confederate soldier and was honorably separated from such service, and that applicant was married to said soldier prior to January 1st, 1920, and that she was not remarried; it is, therefore,
That said applicant be admitted to the pension roll of the State of Georgia for the month of January, 1938, and thereafter; and that a copy of this order be sent to the Ordinary of said County.
This, the 27th day of December 1937.
                                                   L. Thos. "Pat" Gillen
                                          Director, Confederate Division
                                          State Department of Public Welfare

Page 2
                           OF A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER
Taylor County
     Personally appears before me Mrs. Lizzie Smith of said State and County and hereby applies for the pension allowed by the Act of 1910, as amended by the Act of 1919 and the Constitutional Amendments of 1920 and 1937, and submits testimony to support the same, and, after being duly sworn, true answers to make to the questions propounded, answers as follows, to wit:
1.  What is your name, and where do you reside?  Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Butler Ga., Taylor County
2.  How long and since when have you been, continuously, a bona fide resident citizen of the State of Georgia?  All her life
Give date, or year, of your birth  May 6th 1865
3.  When Where and to whom were you married?  November 29th 1903  Taylor County, to C. M. Smith
a.  Have you married since the death of first and soldier husband?  No
b.  When and where did your first husband die?  May 7th 1919
c.  Were you residing together when he died?  Yes
d.  If not...
e.  Are you now a widow?  Yes
f.  Have you or your husband heretofore been paid a pension by the State?  My husband did
g.  If so when and for what cause ... Confederate Soldier
SECTION II........ N/A
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the]
24th day of July 1937]                                     Mrs. Lizzie Smith\L. T. Peed, Ordinary ]
of Taylor County         ]
Page 3
                             Widow's Application
Under Act of 1910 - As Amended by Act of 1919, and Constitutional Admendents of 1920 and 1937.
County      Taylor
Name         Mrs. Lizzie Smith
Widow of    C. M. Smith
Date of Marriage   Nov - 29th, 1903
Date of Husband's Death   May 7th 1919
Company    B
Regiment    32nd Ga.
Approved     Dec 27th, 1937
L. Thos. Gillen
State Dept. Public Welfare; Atlanta, Oct 23, 1907.
Chas. M. Smith enlisted as a private in Co. B, 32nd Regt. Ga. Inf. Apr. 18, 1862.  Surrendered, Greensboro, N. C. Apr. 26, 1865.
Lillian Henderson
Director Confedertate Records Div.
                               Ordinary's Certificate
Taylor County,
       I, L. T. Peed, Ordinary of said County, do certify that I know Mrs. Lizzie Smith the applicant for pension; that she is the person she represents herself to be, and that she has been continuously, a bona fide residen citizen of said State since January 1st, 1920; that I also know H. P. Wallace the witness who swears to the service of husband and/or the marriage; that both of them are now residents of said County and were duly sworn by me before signing the forgoing affidavits, and that they are truthful and trustworthy and their statements are entitled to full faith and credit.
       Given under my hand and seal of office this  24th day of July 1937.
(SEAL OF ORDINARY)                                  L. T. Peed, Ordinary 
                                                                         of Taylor County.
Page 4
                                                Office of
                              JUDGE COURT OF ORDINARY
                                             Taylor County
                                               Butler, Ga.
To whom it may concern,
                                               Personally appeared before me J. L. Rustin, J. P. and on oath says that he did on the 29th day of November 1905 marry C. M. Smith, and Mrs. Lizzie Aultman, and that they lived together as man and wife, until the death of said C. M. Smith, May 7th, 1919.
          This affidavit is made to prove said marriage, in the absence of any record of such marriage.
                                                                                  J. L. Rustin
     This 28th of July 1937.
     L. T. Peed  Ordinary
Page 5
 Questions for Witness as to Marriage and Service of Husband
Taylor   COUNTY.
   H. P. Wallace of said State and County is hereby presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Lizzie Smith for the pension provided by the Act of 1910 as amended by the Act of 1919 and the Constitutional Amendments of 1910 and 1937, in said State, who, after being sworn true answers to make to the questions propounded, answers as follows, to-wit:
1.  What is your name and where do your reside.  H. P.Wallace, Butler, Ga.
2.  How long and since when have you known Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Have known her for the past 50 years
3.  Where does she now reside...  Butler, Ga., has resided in Ga all her life
4.  When and to whom was she married.  Nov- 29th 1903 to C. M. Smith, they have lived near me these years.
5.  How long and since when did you know  C. M. Smith  I knew him until he died.
6.  When and where did C. M. Smith the husband of applicant, die?  May 7th 1919
7.  Were the applicant and her husband living together as husband and wife at the date of his death?   Yes
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the}         H. P. Wallace
24th day of July, 1937
L. T. Peed, Ordinary
of Taylor County

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