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Screven-Early-Thomas County GaArchives History .....Stephen And Jane Burney Gordon Mills Family Records 1765
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Stephen and Jane Burney Gordon Mills of Screven Co, GA
A Family that Disappeared for One Hundred and Seventy-Seven Years
A Timeline of Associated Documents that Returns the Family to History
(Family trees posted at the end)

The Thomas Mills family of Screven Co, GA, has long been a puzzle to 
researchers.  Clyde Hollingsworth collected data and speculated about who 
begat whom.  Stephen Mills, the son of Thomas and Lucy, was born in 1765.  He 
married the widow Jane (Burney) Gordon in the 1790’s or early 1800’s and died 
in 1825.  What no one has known about his family is that after his death, 
Stephen’s widow and children moved to Florida, where Jane remarried and died, 
and after which the children then moved on to Early County, GA.  Beginning in 
1840, epidemics, migration, and the Civil War removed this family from the 
memory of all who remained in Screven County.  The following is a timeline of 
documents.  Breaking these documents into small pieces to load under separate 
categories would continue the chaos of the past 177 years as it relates to 
Stephen and Jane’s descendants.  Putting the documents together 
chronologically is the only means of restoring Stephen and Jane Burney Gordon 
Mills’ line to its place in history.  

Jane Gordon was the daughter of Richard Burney of NC.  Jane Burney first 
married a Gordon then she married Stephen Mills.  Her sister Lucy Burney 
married Wesley Forbes.  Jane and Lucy’s sister Catherine Burney married first 
Enoch Forbes, brother of Wesley, then Lemuel B. Skaggs.  Their sister Mary 
married John Robinson.  The Burney sisters’ brothers Ellis, Willis, and Harris 
all moved to Florida with Jane Mills and her family, with the Forbes, and with 
the Skaggs.  At the end of the chronology as a means of reference are family 
trees for the Mills, Burney, Forbes, and Bryan/Bonnell descendants.  

•	1740-1780
Thomas Mills, father of Stephen, is born, marries, has children, and serves as 
a Lieutenant in the Georgia Militia.   He is a pioneer of Screven County (then 
St. Matthews Parish), GA.  Richard Burney, father of Jane, lives in St. 
George’s Parish and in St. Matthew’s Parish [later in Burke County before 
moving to Washington Co, GA].

Compiled by Mrs. Howard H. McCall, Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia 
Vol I.  Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing for the GSDAR, 1968, Rpt Clearfield 
Publishing, 1996, 2004. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 127
Thomas Mills, b. Rowan Co., N.C., 1740; d. Screven Co., GA.  Served as 2nd 
Lieut. 1st Regiment, 2nd Batt., Ga. Militia, 1776.  Marc. 1760, Lucy-.
1. Hannah, mar. 1792, John Lewis Lanier (1762-1812).

Abstracted and compiled by Elizabeth Kilbourne.  Savannah, Georgia, Newspaper 
Clippings Georgia Gazette Vol I 1763-1770 p. 182, Published by Elizabeth Evans 
Kilbourne, October, 2000, Savannah, GA. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Wednesday, November 12, 1766
Richard Burney informs of a black yearling colt and a dark bay mare.  The 
owner must prove his property before Davis Lewis, T. M. St. George’s Parish.

Abstracted and compiled by Elizabeth Kilbourne, Savannah, Georgia, Newspaper 
Clippings Georgia Gazette Vol II 1774-1785 p 50.  Published by Elizabeth Evans 
Kilbourne, October, 2000, Savannah, GA. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Wednesday, June 15, 1774
     To be sold by the subscriber, 2000 acres in the parish of St. Matthew, 25 
or 30 miles from Savannah, bounded on the northwest by land of Lieutenant 
Harry Munro on the southeast by land of Joseph Barnes; 850 acres on Grant’s 
Creek.  3 or 4 miles above the Irish settlement, bounded by lands of John 
Bowman, Esquire, Mrs. Hugh Ross and Mr. James Lambeth; 650 acres whereon 
Richard Burney has a mill: 300 acres between Richard Burney’s and Reason 
Whitehead’s on a branch of Lambeth’s Big Creek. (Signed) Anthony Stokes.

Davis, Robert S., Jr, Georgia Citizens and Soldiers of the American 
Revolution.1979: Georgia Historical Press, Easley, SC., NSDAR Library # 70079, 
GA Military 1775-1783 DAV. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 65
[NOTE: 'When the British retook Georgia in 1780, all of the old colonial 
institutions were reestablished, including the courts, colonial militia, and 
royal governor and counsel.  The following are two petitions by the people of 
the restored St. George Parish and a list of the officers of one of the 
restored royal militia regiments.  The petitions are from the Telamon Cuyler 
Collection, Special Collections, courtesy of the University of Georgia 
Libraries.  The militia officers list is reproduced from Collections of the 
Georgia Historical Society, Vol. X., and is used here through the courtesy of 
the Georgia Historical Society.”]
Officers of Lieutenant Colonel Mathew Lyle’s Loyalist Militia, St. George 
Parish, 4th Regiment, Colonial Georgia Militia, 1780.
. . . John Morrison, Capt. John Ervine, Lieut. and James Archer, Ens. in the 
2nd Company or District from Livingston's Fording to the Head of Buckhead and 
in a direct Line from that to Richard Burney's on Lambert Big Creek . . .
• 1783-1785
Stephen serves in the militia and in the local government.  Richard Burney 
lives in Burke County.

Hollingsworth, Dixon, Clyde and Essie, The Hollingsworth Surname Card 
Collection.  3x5 cards contain names and information about families in Screven 
County, GA, Cards accessed on the Screven-Jenkins Regional Library 
System.<>Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Card 50
Mills, Stephen.  Card Indexes, Archives, Atlanta
James Williams a private in Captain Stephen Mills Company, Effingham County, 

Hollingsworth, Clyde, Pioneer Days, a History of the Early Years of Screven 
County, Georgia, Donated by the Brier Creek Chapter DAR, Sylvania, GA. DAR 
Library # 51949.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 16
14 Dec 1793 Screven created by an act of the Georgia Legislature.  'Among 
those that were active in the cause of the new county, and who took an active 
part in the affairs before and after the county's creation were: . . . Stephen 
Mills . . .

Compiled and Published under authority of the Legislature by Allen D. 
Candler.  The Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia Volume II, 1908: 
The Franklin-Turner Co, Atlanta, GA. NSDAR Library, Washington, DC, # 42558.  
Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Minutes of the Executive Council, from January 14, 1778, to January 6, 1775, 
and Journal of the Land Court, from April 6 to May 26, 1784.
p. 810
Burney, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 779
p. 779
Burke County
Richard Burney 100 acres

Compiled by Robert Scott Davis, JR. AND Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., The 
Families of Burke Co 1755-1855 a Census. GA Counties Burke DAV, 1981: Southern 
Historical Press, Easley, SC NSDAR Library, Washington, DC, # 70261, Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 96 
under ‘Land Owners, St. George Parish, Georgia by William H. Dumont. ‘
Burney, Richard, Jan 1784, granted 100 a.
p. 162-163
Under ‘List of State Land Grants in Burke, Jefferson and Screven Counties’
Grantee		Location 	Grant Book     Page   Acres    Year
		of Grant                             Granted  of Grant
Bryant, Henry    Screven  	L. 5		515	600	1817
Bryant, Henry	 Screven	M. 5		457	250	1818
Burney, Richard  Burke		FFF		341	100	1785
Burney, Richard  Burke		TTT	      826-827	200	1790
NOTE:  The above also found in:
Lucas, Rev. Emmett, Jr., Ed. Index to The Headright and Bounty Grants of 
Georgia 1756-1909 Revised Edition 1982: The Southern Historical Press, 
Greenville, SC.  NSDAR Library, Washington, DC, # 152640.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
pp. 75-77.

• 1790-1799
Thomas Mills dies about 1790 in St. Matthews Parish.  Following Thomas Mills’ 
death, Elizabeth deeds Stephen land.  Stephen continues as a civil servant.  
Richard Burney moves to Washington County.  

Brightman, Pauline (Burney), The Burneys From North Carolina, Page: pg. 40, 
Misc Enterprises; December 1992.
Stephen Mills of Screven County marries Jane Burney Gordon, widow [likely 
sometime in the late 1790s or early 1800s].  

Screven County, GA, Superior Court Deeds Book A, Box 110 Reel 45 Georgia 
Archives, Morrow, GA. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 87  
Mrs. Elizabeth Mills To Mr. Stephen Mills
Deed of Gift for 100 acres of Land
State of Georgia
Effingham County
To all people to whom these presents shall come, I Elizabeth Mills do ____  
____ [?] know ye that I the said Elizabeth Mills of the County of Effingham in 
the State of Georgia, Widow.  For and in consideration of the Loe good will 
and affection which I have and do bear towards my Loving son Stephen Mills of 
the said County and State aforesaid have given and granted and by these 
presents do fully [?] clearly and absolutely give and grant unto the said 
Stephen Mills his heirs Executors and administrators, all that tract or parcel 
of land containing one hundred acres Situate lying and being in the County of 
Effingham in the said State and bounding and butting bounding on all sides by 
vacant land having Such marks and form as is represented in the plot together 
with all and Singular the Rights members and appurtenances thereof whatsoever 
to the said tract or parcel of Land belonging or in every wise appertaining & 
all the estate right title Interest claim and ____ [?] and of the said 
Elizabeth Mills her heirs or apigns [?] of in to or out of the Same.  To have 
and to hold all the Said tract or parcel of Land with the appurtenances unto 
the Said Stephen Mills his heirs Executors administrators apigns [?] from 
henceforth at his and their proper good forever absolutely without any manner 
of conslition [?].  In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal 
that third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred 
and ninety one, and in the fifteenth year of the Independence of the United 
States of America.  Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of
Joseph Rodgers					Elizabeth Mills  {SL}
Jacob X Mindy
Registerd in the clks office of the Superior Court of Scriven in Book A
			James Caswell CSCSC
Recorded this 20 [?] day of Sept 1797
[NOTE: this deed was signed in 1791 but not recorded until 1797.]

Payne, Joyce D., Pioneers of Georgia Vol. 1: A Genealogist Research Book. 
1992, 1994: Mandy Gray Press, Tampa, FL., NSDAR Library, Washington, DC.  # 
117673.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 96
Burney, David had 587 acres land surveyed in 1787 Washington Co., GA
Burney, James had 450 acres land surveyed in 1789 Washington Co., GA
p. 97
Burney, John had 200 acres land surveyed in GA 1790 Washington Co., GA
Burney, Randal had 5000 acres land surveyed in 1793 Washington Co., GA
Burney, Richard had 1252 acres land surveyed in 1792 Washington Co., GA

Book A Deeds, Screven County, GA, p. 8.  Georgia Archives Box 110 Reel 45.  
Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Georgia, Scriven County
Stephen Mills mark and Brand polar leaf in the right Ear and split in the left 
ear Branded, S. M. recorded Twentieth of June one Hundred seven hundred and 

Margaret Thompson on Hollinsworth's notes on Stephen's inheritance.
 A-107: Elizabeth Mills widow of Thomas died 1797
heirs: Stephen Mills; Mary md Anthony Bonnell; Archibald (w. Elizabeth Bonnell)
l; ? md Francis Jones; Betsy md James Jones; Betsy md James Jones; Hannah md 
John Lanier; Polly md Mathew Jones

Index for Screven County Deeds: Book A, p. 106.  Box 110, Reel 45.  Georgia 
Archives, Morrow, GA., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Grantee   	     Grantor	  Transaction  Date Recorded   Book  Page
Mills, Stephen  Bonnell, Anthony    Bond 1797	 Nov 6, 1797	A     107

Hollingsworth, Dixon, Clyde and Essie. The Hollingsworth Surname Card 
Collection.  3x5 cards contain names and information about families in Screven 
County, GA, Cards accessed on the Screven-Jenkins Regional Library 
System.<>Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Book ‘A’ pp. 106-07, Deed records Screven County. 1-3-1797
Conveyance of 450 acre tract of land of Elizabeth Mills, widow, by her and 
children Elizabeth conveying her dower.  The children sign this order.  
Anthony Bonnell, Archibald Mills, Elizabeth Jones, Betsy Jones, John Lanier, 
Hannah Lanier, to these add Stephen Mills, the purchaser of the property.  
Since these grantors were the children of the widow Elizabeth, Anthony 
Bonnell, Francis Jones and James Jones were signing in right of their wives.  
Since no wife signed with [end of notation].

Hollingsworth, Clyde, Pioneer Days, a History of the Early Years of Screven 
County, Georgia, Donated by the Brier Creek Chapter DAR, Sylvania, GA. DAR 
Library # 51949.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 26
14 Feb 1799  . . .papers were signed at the State House in Louisville, Georgia 
[by Governor James Jackson].  The first . . . certifies to the election 
of . . . Stephen Mills . . .[among others] as Justices of the Inferior Court.  
On May 2nd, 1799, Governor Jackson signs an order which authorizes the 
Justices, "or any two of them" to administer the Oath of Office to the 
following Justices of the Peace, namely . . .
pp. 23-24
15 Feb 1799  . . . the General Assembly of Georgia passed an Act creating the 
Town of Jacksonborough as the county seat.  Commissioners were appointed to 
lay out the town, build a courthouse and jail and other public buildings.  
Those appointed to server were . . . and Stephen Mills.

• 1820
Ann Wolf, granddaughter of Benjamin Lanier and future wife of Archibald Mills, 
lives in Emanuel County.  
1820 Emanuel County Georgia Census File 
contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by James Keene
p. 102             
John Wolf               
1 male under 10, 1 male 45 and over, 3 females under 10, 1 female 26-

Lanier and Mills Family Bible Record.
	"Lanier & Mills Family Bible Record
	Transcribed by:  Ida Kirkland Boyce  Email:
	Compiled by: Mr. Eustus Howard Hayes,  sometime between 1954 - 1956
	Obtained from:  Microfilm at the Georgia Archives,  Drawer 91, Roll 62
In possession of Mrs. Nina Morgan Smith of 317 Shotwell St., Bainbridge, 

Benjamin Lanier son of Bird Thomas Lanier and Mary his wife was born Dec
14th, 1732
Mary Lanier Dau of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah her mother was born Dec 25, 1759
Clement Lanier son of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah his mother was born June
23, 1762
Berraman Lanier son of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah his mother was born
March 16, 1766 died Sept 11, 1785
Bird Lanier son of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah his mother was born Nov 20, 1770
John Lanier son of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah his mother was born March 9, 1774
Betse Lanier dau of Benjamin & Susannah his mother was born Sept 13, 1779
Larey or Lucy Lanier dau of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah her mother was
born June 12, 1782
Nancy Lanier dau of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah her mother was born May 10, 1783
Benjamin Lanier son of Bird Thomas Lanier & Mary his mother was born Dec
14, 1732 died Aug (blot) 1817 83 yrs of age

Mills Record
Thomas Mills son of Archibal Mills & Elizabeth his mother was born April
1st Day
in the Year 17 (blot)
Nancy Lanier Mills, wife of Thomas Mills born May 10, 1783
Susannah Mills dau of Thomas Mills & Nancy born April 30, 1808 died May 5, 1816
Mary Ann Madderson Mills dau of Thomas Mills & Nancy was born Dec 3, 1809
Hannah Dickson dau of Mikal Dickson & Mary his wife was born May 29, 1803
John Lanier Dickson son of Mikal Dickson & Mary his wife was born Dec 14, 1806
died July 10, 1856
Elizabeth Mills was born Jan 23, 1812
William Jasper Mills son of Thomas Mills & Nancy his mother was born Feb.
(blot) 1814
Rebecca Mills dau of Thomas Mills & Nancy her mother was born June 12, 1816
Died Jan (blot) 1820
John Lanier Mills son of Thomas Mills & Nancy his mother was born about 1824.
Archibald Mills son of Thomas Mills & Nancy his mother born 1820
Robert Dickson was born the 13 of Nov 1777
Hannah Lanier wife of Robert Dickson dau of Benjamin Lanier & Susannah
Mills (Lanier)
was born Sept 13, 1779
John Lanier Dickson was born March 12, 1799 died Sept 16, 1802
• 1825
Stephen writes deed of conveyance of property, slaves, and goods to Jane and 
sons.   Thomas and Archibald receive slaves that are listed in their estates 
in Early County, GA., in the 1840s.  Stephen Mills dies 8 Nov 1825.  Ellis 
Burney, Jane’s brother, is the first to move to Florida, appearing on the 1825 
Leon, FL, Census. 

Book L Deeds Screven Co, GA, p 154.  Box 110 Reel ?. Georgia Archives, Morrow, 
GA.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
State of Georgia, Screven County
Know all men by these presents, that I, Stephen Mills of the State & County 
aforesaid for & in consideration of the natural love and affection I have & 
bear unto my beloved wife Jane Mills & also for other good causes & 
considerations, me the said Stephen Mills hereunto moving have given, granted 
and confirmed & by these present do give, grant & confirm, unto the said Jane 
Mills, all my plantation, & possessions whereon I now live, together with all 
the appurtenances, therein to belonging without any reserve whatever, also my 
negro man Robbin, my negro woman, Cherry, and a Girl by the name of Rose & a 
boy called Frank.  Also all my stock of Horses, cattle, Sheep, & Hogs to have 
& to hold the same, for her own proper use & behoof, & for her to dispose of 
as she may think proper, & that all my children that now lives with me shall 
be suffered to continue to live & have a support out of said property so long 
as they may think proper to continue with their property on the said 
plantation.  And for the love & affection I have & do bear unto my son Thomas 
Mills & for other good causes doth give, grant & confirm unto the said Thomas 
Mills my negro man Bob & one Bed and furniture.  And for the love and 
affection I have & do Bear until my son Archibald Mills, & for other good 
causes do give, grant & confirm unto the said Archibald Mills my negro boy Ben 
and one feather Bed and furniture.  And also for the love & affection I have & 
do bear unto my son John Mills do give, grant & confirm unto the said John 
Mills my nego woman Doll & a lot of land lying in Early County known in the 
plan of and County by (No 265) two hundred & Sixty five & twentieth district. 
And also for the love that I have & do bear unto my son Stephen Mills, do 
give, grant and confirm unto the said Stephen Mills my negro girl Amy.  For 
them the said Thomas Mills, Archibald Mills, & Stephen Mills to have & to hold 
the same forever.  And for the love I have & do bear unto my step daughter 
Elizabeth Gordon do give, grant & confirm unto the S [?] Elizabeth Gordon & to 
the issue of her body my negro Girl called Nance, & one feather Bed & 
furniture.  And also for the love & affection that I have & do bear unto my 
step daughter Jane Gordon do give, grant & confirm unto the said Jane Gordon & 
to the issue of her body my negro boy called Will for them the said Elizabeth 
Gordon & Jane Gordon & the issue of their body to have & to hold the same 
forever.  In Witness whereof I have here until set my hand & seal this twenty-
ninth day of July Eighteen hundred & twenty-five.
	The boy Frank interlined [?] before signed
Signed, Sealed In the presence of			Stephen Mills {Seal}
William Doughtry
William H. Wade J. P.
		Recorded this 8th day of November 1825
						Seaborn Goodall C. C. C.
1.  Sales and Returns Book B 1839-1849, Early County, GA, p. 58.  Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
"Georgia, Early County
Appraisement and Inventory of the Goods, Chattles, [etc?] of the Estate of 
Archibald Mills deceased exhibited to us by Stephen Mills Administrator 
January 21st 1842.

1 Negro man named Ben . . ."

[This is an excerpt. Note: the name of the slave listed on this appraisal 
matches the name of the slave given to Thomas by his father Stephen in Screven 
Co, GA, in 1825.  I do not list the value of this person nor the names of any 
of the other individuals out of deference to them and out of abhorrence of the 
cruel nature of the institution of slavery.  It is my intention only to 
illustrate the connection between the Mills in Early County, GA, with their 
father Stephen Mills of Screven County, GA.  The confusion over who were 
Stephen’s children has continued from the early Nineteenth century (beginning 
on DAR applications for another family of Mills in Screven) because all 
members of the Early County Mills family including their mother Jane Burney 
Gordon Mills left Screven County, GA, and moved first to Leon County, FL, and 
then to Early County, GA.].

2.  Sales and Returns Book B 1839-1849, Early County, GA, p. 126.  Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
“Inventory & Appraisement of the Esate of Thos. Mills decd cont.

One Negro man by the name of Bob . . ."

[This is an excerpt. Note: the name of the slave listed on this appraisal 
matches the name of the slave given to Thomas by his father Stephen in Screven 
Co, GA, in 1825.  I do not list the value of this person nor the names of any 
of the other individuals out of deference to them and out of abhorrence of the 
cruel nature of the institution of slavery.  It is my intention only to 
illustrate the connection between the Mills in Early County, GA, with their 
father Stephen Mills of Screven County, GA.  The confusion over who were 
Stephen’s children has continued from the early Nineteenth century (beginning 
on DAR applications for another family of Mills in Screven) because all 
members of the Early County Mills family including their mother Jane Burney 
Gordon Mills left Screven County, GA, and moved first to Leon County, FL, and 
then to Early County, GA.].

1825 Territorial Census of Leon County, Florida. Accessed 12 Sept 2005. Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee.
"The census of Leon County, which James Cameron, receiver of tax returns, 
filed with the clerk of the county court on 11 Nov 1825, is in the Florida 
State Library.  Although it has been poorly preserved, most of it is 
decipherable and is given in full below.
A Census of Leon County as Taken by the Receiver of Tax Returns, September, 
Key to 1825 Census:
WM+21 = White Males over 21
Burney Ellis  1 WM+21   1 WM-21  1 WF+21  3 Whites  Slaves [manuscript torn]  
Total [Manuscript torn]"
[NOTE: Apparently, Ellis Burney was the first to migrate to Florida, although 
the slot directly above his shows a torn manuscript where the name should be.  
Wesley Forbes, Harris, Willis, Josiah R Burney, Lemuel B Skaggs, Asa McCoy, 
and Ellis Burney are on the 1830 Leon, FL, census.  Ellis died before the next 

• 1826
Archibald Mills marries Ann Wolf, and brother Thomas Mills purchases his first 
land in Florida.

Screven County, GA, Marriage Records.  From Beverly Bryan Tabor’s files. 
Mills, Archibald 01 Oct 1826 Ann Wolfe Screven

Florida Land: Records of Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land Office 1825-
1892, Heritage Books. NSDAR Library, Washington, D.C. Copy on file Sharon Dean 
SECTION 21   - T2N R3E 
NE      21  2N  3E  MILLS THOMAS 678   C   1826/06/01
W/SE    21  2N  3E  MILLS THOMAS 679   C   1826/06/01

• 1827 
Jane Gordon Mills and Thomas Mills continue to administer Stephen Mills’ 

Book A, Annual Returns 1821-1833, Screven County, GA, p. 165 [Folio 191].  GA 
Archives, Morrow, GA.  Box 37, Reel 29., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
The Estate of Stephen Mills in Acct Current with Jane & Thos. Mills Admin 
[1827 for 1826]
1826  To    Amount paid S. Goodall  p. receipt	No. 1	$ 6.12
      To    do    do  L. H. Smith p. acct     ”   2	  10.-
      To    do    do  E. Burney   p. note     ”   3	  23.-
      To    do    do  M. Marsh    p. receipt  ”   4	   5.-
      To    do    do  Cleland F Fraser p. receipt ”   5 70.17
      To    do    do  & took up note given to James Ponder by E. Mills 
(notes) ”   6  229.33
      To    do    do  & took up note given to Daniel M. Donald by E. Mills 
(notes) ”   7  210.-
      To    do	  do  Dennis Davis p. acct	”   8	  30.-
      To    do	  do  Lucy Woolf   p. note	”   9	 166.-
      To    do	  do  Noel Buie	   p. acct	”  10	  25.-
      To    do	  do  of commission on $ 1408.50 ”        70.42
      To    do	  do  F. Jones	   p. receipt	”  11	  31.34
      To    do	  do  William Murray p. receipt ”  12     19.27
      To   Commissions on $50.64		           2.53 $888.25
      To Amount recd from John Tummorrow [?] for a Tract
		of Land in Walton County	                $1408.50
Sworn before me
This 8th Jan of 1827		Thomas Mills Admn
S. Goodall Clk
			Recorded this 19th day of January 1827
				Seaborn Goodall CCOSC [?]

[NOTE: the above document is significant in proving the connection of the 
Mills in Leon County, FL, and later in Early County, GA, to Stephen Mills.
1. E. Burney (Ellis Burney) was Jane Burney Gordon Mills’ brother.  He 
appeared on documents with Enoch and Wesley Forbes in Laurens and Washington 
Co, GA, and on documents concerning the Forbes in Leon, FL.  Ellis Burney was 
Stephen Mills’ brother-in-law.
2. Lucy Lanier Woolf was Archibald Mills’ mother-in-law.  Archibald, son of 
Stephen and Jane Burney Gordon Mills, married Ann Woolf, daughter of John and 
Lucy Lanier Wolf, on 1 Oct 1826 in Screven Co, GA.  Subsequently, after 
Archibald purchased land in Leon County at the same time as the Burneys and 
Forbes, land that was in the same area, the couple moved to Leon County.  
Archibald’s obituary in the Savannah paper in 1841 stated that he was a native 
of Screven County, GA.  Archibald and Ann Wolf Mills were residents of Early 
County, GA, when he died.
3. Elizabeth Mills, mentioned as having given notes to two individuals that 
the estate paid, had earlier bequeathed land to Stephen.
4. James Ponder, one of the individuals to whom Elizabeth Mills gave a note, 
was the brother of Elizabeth Ponder Brown, who later married widower Wesley 
Forbes, father-in-law of Thomas Mills.  Wesley Forbes’ first wife was Lucy 
Burney, sister of Jane Burney Gordon Mills.  Ephraim G and William G Ponder 
later moved to Thomasville, GA, where Thomas Mills’ daughter Catherine 
Elizabeth was born after his death.  William G. Ponder served on the board of 
Fletcher Academy in Thomasville, where all five of the Thomas Mills’ children 
attended boarding school in 1851.
5. Francis Jones’ son James married Betsy Mills, Stephen Mills’ cousin.  Their 
daughter Lavinia married James Young, who built Greenwood Plantation in 
Thomasville.  The Young children also attended Fletcher Institute.]

Minutes of the Ordinary, Screven County, GA, p 128, 9th Jan 1827.  GA 
Archives, Morrow, GA.  Box 110, Reel 45. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
The good Current returns to the court by the Adm. Thos. Mills on the Est. of 
Stephen Mills decd. Examined approved and ordered to be recorded.

Minutes of the Ordinary, Screven County, GA, p 129, 5 March 1827.  GA 
Archives, Morrow, GA.  Box 110, Reel 45. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
"Order that Jane & Thomas Mills Adm^ors of the Est. of Stephen Mills, decd 
late of Scriven County have leave to sell a certain tract of land containing 
four hundred acres situate, lying and being in the County of Bulloch & State 
of Georgia the same being a part of the real Estate of the said deceased and 
sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said decd upon or which 
of twelve months after their given the notice required by law it appearing to 
the Court that a nine months citation has been regularly published."

Book A, Annual Returns, 1821-1833, Estate Records, Screven Co, GA.  Folio 
191.  Box 37 Reel 29.  Georgia Archives, Morrow, GA.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
[Note: the two entries above this one are recorded by Seaborn Goodall but the 
recording was in Decatur Co, GA.  There is a symbol of some kind before Jane 
Mills’ name (Drr?)]

Jane Mills Admin In a/c Current with the Estate of Stephen Mills decd
To cash recd on John Mincey and James Dixons note a bal due at the death 
                                     S [?] deceased  . . . . . $ 10.25
To ” cash recd on John Standford’s [Sandford?] note given to deceased in his
                                        life time  . . . . . . . 40.—
Nov 6th   To ” amt Sale of 400 Acres of land in Bulloch County by order of 
court 	                                         . . . . . .  3.75
                                                     [Total] $ 60.10¼ 
Jany 8    By cash pd  S Goodall  p receipt      		 $ 10.25
Nov 6	  ”  Cash pd  ”     do       p     do		           30.62 ½ 
	    By Com. On $60.10 ¼ recd $41 pd out @ 2 ½ ct  [?]	    2.53
								   43.40 ½ 
Sworn to before me this 6th November 1827  
S. Goodall Clk		Jane X Mills			

• 1828
1826 Administrative Bond for Stephen Mills’ estate is recorded in 1828.  Jane 
becomes administrator of Stephen Mills’ estate.  Jane and son Archibald 
purchase land in Florida.  

Book A, Screven County, GA, Ordinary Estate Records 1821-1833, p. 67.  Georgia 
Archives, Morrow, GA, Box 37, Reel 30. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
"Georgia, Screven County.  Know all men by these presents that we Jane Mills, 
Thomas Mills, Wm. H. Wade, & George Newton are held & firmly bonded [?] to 
their Honors the Judges of the Court of Ordinary for the said county& their 
successors in [?] office, in the sum of Two thousand dollars to be paid to the 
said Judges or their successors [?] to which payment will & truly to be made & 
done, we bind ourselves as executors & administrators, in the whole & for the 
whole jointly & severally, firmly by their presents [?].  Sealed with our 
seals, & dates this 2nd day of January one thousand eight hundred & twenty-
six.  The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound 
Jane Mills & Thomas Mills, administrators of the good & chattels, rights [?] 
and credits of Stephen Mills late of this county, deceased, do make a true and 
perfect inventory of all & singular the goods, chattels, & audit, of said 
deceased, which have or shall come to the hands or possession of the said Jane 
Mills & Thos. Mills, or in the hands or possession of any other person or 
persons for them and the same, so made, to exhibit unto the office of the said 
Court of Ordinary when they shall be thereunto required, & such goods, 
chattels, & credits, do well & truly administer according to law, & do make a 
true & just account of their adings and doings, therein which they shall be 
thereunto required, by the said Court of Ordinary for said county, & all the 
rest [?] of the goods, chattels, & credits, which shall be found remaining 
when the account of the said administration, the same being first allowed by 
the said Court, shall deliver & pay to such person or persons respectively, as 
are entitled to the same by persons said if it shall hereafter appear that any 
last will & testament was made by the said deceased, and the same be proved 
before said Court, and the executors obtain a certificate of the probate 
thereof, then the said Jane Mills & Thomas Mills in such case, if required, 
render & deliver up the said letters of administration then their obligation 
to be void.						
Signed, Sealed & Acknowledged 				Jane X Mills L.S.
In open Court							    mark
Seaborn Goodall Clk 					      Thomas Mills L.S.
Newton  L.S.
	William H. Wade L.S.
That the said Jane Mills, & Thomas Mills were on the day and date within 
written duly qualified as administrators of the Estate of the within named 
Stephen Mills, decd. According to the oath prescribed by law.  Certified 
by             S. Goodall CCOSC
Recorded this 27th, day of May 1828   		  Seaborn Goodall CJCSC [?]
[NOTE: Wm H. Wade was the administrator of Thomas Mills’ estate in Early Co, 
GA, in 1845.]

Austin, Jeannette Holland, Georgia Intesate Records, Genealogical Pub, 
Baltimore, 1986.  NSDAR Library, Washington, D.C. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Mills, Jane, admx appvd, p. 218, Screven, OM [Minutes of the Ordinary]

Florida Land: Records of Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land Office 1825-
1892, Heritage Books. NSDAR Library, Washington, D.C. Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 194
2253 Mills, Archibald(of Fla.) Feb 11, 1828, 5 miles NNE Wadesboro Leon Co. E. 
1/2 NW 1/4 Sect. 21 1p. 2 
p. 195
2319, Mills, Jane
(Widow) March 24, 1828, 2 miles E. Copeland, Jefferson Co. W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sect. 
35 Tp. 3R. 3, north and east.

Hollingsworth, Dixon, Clyde and Essie, The Hollingsworth Surname Card 
Collection.  3x5 cards contain names and information about families in Screven 
County, GA, Cards accessed on the Screven-Jenkins Regional Library 
System.<>Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Card 2511
Williams, Robert
1. son, Robert
2. son, Theophilus
3. dau, Nancy
4. dau, Penelope
5. dau,  Sarah
Wit: Patience Mizell, Jinsy Gordon, Jane Mills, John J Triggs
Dated Oct. 28, 1827
Proved: July 2, 1832 Screven County Will Book 2 B pp. 52 & 53

• 1829
Stephen Mills’ estate is settled in Screven County, GA.  Jane’s daughter Jincy 
Gordon marries in Leon, FL.  

Minutes of the Ordinary, Screven County, GA, p 148, 5 Jan 1829.  GA Archives, 
Morrow, GA.  Box 110, Reel 45, Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Ordered that letters of dismissory be granted unto Jane & Thomas Mills 
Administrators of the Estate of Stephen Mills decd. Late of said County it 
appearing to the Court that a six months citation has been duly published in 
terms of the law, in such cases made and provided.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
William M. Ragsdale Gincy Gordon 10 Dec 1829 Leon, FL

• 1830
Jane appears for the last time on a Screven County, GA, census.  Wesley 
Forbes, married to Jane’s sister Lucy Burney, purchases land in Leon Co, FL, 
and moves from Jasper Co, GA.  Archibald Mills and various Burney and Forbes 
family members appear together on the 1830 Florida census.

1830 Screven Co, GA Census. Heritage Quest Online, Fairfax Public Library,
Jane Mills 
Males 1 15-20, 1 20-30 Females 2 5-10, 1 40-50 [Jane born between 1780-1790]

Florida Land: Records of Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land Office 1825-
1892, Heritage Books. NSDAR Library, Washington, D.C. Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 90
3293. Forbes, Wesley
Feb 12, 1830 5 miles ENE Wadesboro, Jefferson Co E ½ NW ¼ Sect, 29 Tp. 2 R. 3, 
north and east
3294.  Forbes, Wesley
Feb 12, 1830 3 miles NE Wadesboro, Leon Co NW ½ NW ¼ Sect, 29 Tp. 2 R. 3, 
north and east
3488.  Forbes, Wesley
April 21, 1830 2 ½ miles N by E Wadesboro, Leon Co E ½ NW ¼ Sect, 20 Tp. 2 R. 
3, north and east

1830 Leon County, Florida Federal Census Magnolia, Leon, Florida; Roll: 15; 
Page: 124m Heritage Quest Online, Fairfax Public Library,
Archibald Mills
1 male 20-30; 1 female under 5; 1 female 20-30
[NOTE: also on the same page of the 1830 Leon Census with Archibald are Josiah 
R Burney, Levi Moore, Lemuel B Skaggs, Ellis Burney, Harris Burney, Asa McCoy 
(1 male under 5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female under 5, 1 female 20-30).]

Wesley Forbes 
1 male (Enoch)  10-15  (in 1850, Enoch reports himself as 30)
1 male (Wesley) 40-50  (42)
1 female (Eliza Jane?) 15-20  [Note: Eliza Jane married the following July in 
Leon County. (Eliza Jane reported her age as 32 on the 1850 census, yet she 
would have been at least 35 if this listing is correct).]
1 female 30-40 (Was Wesley’s wife Lucy Burney still alive?)
11 in household; 7 slaves, 6 males and 1 female

• 1831
Thomas Mills marries his first cousin Eliza Jane Forbes in Leon, FL.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
28 July 1831 Thomas Mills to Eliza Jane Forbes   Benj Gordon MG

• 1832
Jane Burney Gordon Mills joins her children in Florida when she marries a 
distant cousin Arthur Burney.

Florida Marriages, 1822-1850,, Dodd, Jordan R, et. al.. Florida 
Marriages, 1822-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations 
Network, Inc.
Arthur Burney Jane Mills 5 Apr 1832 Jefferson FL

• 1836
Upon Jane’s marriage to Arthur Burney, son Thomas Mills takes over as guardian 
for the minor children Stephen, Catherine Ann, and Jane Ann Mills.  Burney and 
Forbes family members sign as guarantees for the guardianship bond. 

#248 County Judge's Court Leon County, FL, Estate of Mills--Lenora A., Thos. 
A., Catherine E., and A. H. Jerkins--minors, Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Filed 1836
[It appears to be the binding for a container that would have held papers. The 
following is recorded on the spine.]
Mills-Stephen, Catherine
Ann & Jane Ann, minors
Thomas Mills, Gdn
Filed 1836

Court of the Ordinary, Leon Co, FL 1836, original on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Mills-Stephen, Catherine Ann, and Jane Ann-minors
Thomas Mills, GDN
 [The document is broken away in parts on the right side]:

Territory of Florida
County of Leon
Know all men by these presents that we, Thomas Mills Lemuel B. Skaggs and 
Guilford Burney are held and firmly bound unto Richard K Call Governor of the 
Territory of Florida and . . . Successors in office in the trust and full 
sum . . . dollars good and lawful . . . of the United States, for the true 
payment of . . . will and truly be made we bind our . . . with our seals and 
dated this 13the day . . . 1836.  The condition of the above obligation Such 
that whereas the above bounden Thomas . . . has been duly appointed according 
to law G[uardian] of Stephen Mills Katherine Ann Mills and Jane Ann Mills 
(Minors) Now if the said Tho[mas] Mills his heirs Executors or administrators 
shall . . . and truly pay and deliver or cause to be paid and delivered unto 
the said Stephen Mills Katherine Ann Mills and Jane Ann Mills, all such esta
[te] or estates as now are or hereafter shall appear to . . .  due to the said 
Stephen Mills Katherine Ann [Mills] and Jane Ann Mills, when and as soon as 
they Shall attain to lawful age or when thereto required by legal authority.  
Then the above obligation to [the] said, otherwise to remain in full forever 
[?] and virtue [?].
								Thomas Mills 
								Lemuel B 
Skaggs {Seal}
Burney [{Seal}]"
[NOTE: Lemuel B. Skaggs married Catherine Burney Forbes, who was Jane Burney 
Gordon Mills’ sister; Guilford Burney was Jane Burney Gordon Mills’ nephew, 
son of Jane’s brother Willis Burney]

• 1837
Lucy Burney Forbes has died and Wesley remarries to Elizabeth Ponder Brown, a 
widow.  Archibald Mills and Benj L Wolf sell land in Emauel Co, GA.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
p 28  
23 Feb 1837 Wesley Forbes married Elizabeth [Ponder] Brown Wm Gassaway, MG
[NOTE: Elizabeth Ponder was daughter of Hezekiah Ponder and sister of Wm G and 
Epraim G Ponder]

Emanuel-Bulloch-Jenkins County GaArchives al Johnson - et al 
Johnson 1827, 
Deed Index for Johnson 1827-1896
Grantee              Grantor
Rowan Johnson +   Benj. L. Wolf     Feb.  8, 1837/1,034 a. Emanuel Co.
Littleberry John- Archable Mills    Jan.  4, 1825/200 a. in Emanuel Co.
Seaborn Johnson   Benjamin Wolf     Oct. 26, 1835/103 a. Scull's Creek

• 1839
Archibald, Thomas, and Stephen Mills have moved to Early Co, GA, sometime 
after 1836 and prior to the marriages of Stephen and Catherine Ann Mills in 
1839. Archibald, Thomas, and Stephen appear along with Thomas Mills’ brother-
in-law Hillary Philips [married to Mary Forbes] with Winifred Bryan for the 
administration of the estate of Thomas Bryan following his death in Randolph 
Co, GA, and for the guardianship of the minor heirs of Thomas Bryan.  
Winnifred is the likely sister of Wesley Forbes.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
Stephen Mills to Leonora Phillips 14 Nov 1839
Katherine Ann to Mills  John R. Parramore13 Jan1839

1839 Randolph Court of Ordinary, pp. 117-123. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee and 
D. S. Rogers. NOTE: The estate papers for Thomas Bryan were filed both in 
Randolph Co, GA, and in Russell Co, AL.
	[See also: Austin, Jeannette Holland, Georgia Intestate Records, 
Genealogical Pub, Baltimore, 1986, p. 51.  DAR # 83926.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
	"Bryan,Thomas, decd, Winifred Bryan and Stephen Mills, admrs. 1/24/ 
1839, Randolph”]
p. 117
Randolph County
	Know all men by these presents that we Winefred Bryan Stephen Mills 
Thomas Mills Archabal(sic)Mills and Hollary (sic) Philips are held and firmly 
Bound unto the Honourable Justices of the Inferior Court of said county just 
and full sum of eight thousand dollars for the payment of such sum to the said 
justices as aforesaid and their successors in office we bind ourselves our 
heirs Executors and  administrators in the Whole and for the Whole sum Jointly 
and Severally and firmly by these presents Sealed with our date the twenty 
fourth day of Janry 1839. The conditions of the above obligation is such that 
if the above Bound Winifred Bryan and Stephen Mills administrators of the 
Estate real and personal of Thomas Bryan late of this County Deceased do make 
a true and perfect Inventory of all the Estate Both real and personal of said 
deceased which shall or amendto the Hand posesion (sic) or knowledge of the 
said admirs or unto the hands of possessions of any other person or persons 
for them, and the said so made do exhibit unto the said Court of Ordinary. 
When they shall be there unto Required and such Estate do well and truly 
administrator according to Law and to make a just and true account of all 
their actings and doings therein when they shall be thereunto required by the 
Court of Ordinary for said and the rest of the Estate which shall be found 
remaining upon the account of the said administration the same being first 
allowed by the Court Shall deliver and pay to such person or persons 
Respectively as a are written to be the same by Law in and if it shall 
hereafter appear that any Last will and Testament was made to the deceased and 
the same be proven before the Court of Ordinary and the Executor obtain a 
certificate of the probate thereof and the said administrators do in such 
cases of required under and deliver up the said Letters of administration then 
this obligation to be void Else to Remain in full force.
Signed and Sealed and acknowledged before me the day and date above written by 
Order of authority of the Court.
James Buchanan, Clerk                         Winefred Bryan {seal} 
                                              Stephen Mills {seal}
                                              Thomas Mills {seal}
                                              Archibald Mills {seal}
                                              Hillary Phillips {seal}

Guardian Bonds Randolph Co, GA. Copy on file with Sharon Dean Lee, Beverly 
Bryan Tabor, & D. S. Rogers.
Randolph County
Page 148
Know all men by these presents that we Winifred Bryan, Brockman W. Henderson 
and Archabald Mills are held and firmly bound unto the Justice of the Inferior 
Court Sitting as a Court of Ordinary and their successors in office in the 
just sum of thirty thousand dollars payable by the same Winifred Bryan, 
Brockman W. Henderson and Archabald Mills or either of them their heirs 
executors administrators or assigns jointly and severally to be void on 
condition that if the said Winifred Bryan shall do and perform all the duties 
of guardianship of the person and property of Henry B. (R) Bryan, Lenora C. 
Bryan, Allen W. Bryan, Ann Bryan, Thomas C. (A) Bryan, Daniel L. Bryan, Susan 
Bryan and Benjamin Franklin Bryan orphans of Thomas Bryan as the law requires 
of her otherwise to remain in full (page 149) force power and virtue. Witness 
our hands and seals.
This 10th Day of July 1840 
Winifred Bryan LS
B. W. Henderson LS
Archabal Mills LS
James Buchanan CCC. 

•	1840
Wesley Forbes remains in Leon, FL, but Archibald, Thomas, and Stephen Mills 
are in Early County, GA, where they have moved along with various of the 
Lanier cousins, sometime between 1836 and the 1839 marriages of Stephen and 
Catherine Mills.

1840 Leon FL Census, copy on file Sharon Dean Lee, Heritage Quest Online, 
Fairfax Public Library,
Wesley Forbes (see 1830 and 1850 census)
1 male 20-30
1 male 50-60
1 female 10-15
1 female 30-40 (Note: since Wesley remarried in 1837, and since the female on 
both the 1830 and 1840 Leon census are listed as in the same age bracket, I 
feel that the 1830 female may have been Wesley’s first wife Lucy Burney 
Forbes).Elizabeth Ponder Brown Forbes died before the 1850 census.

1840 Early County Census Capt Barton’s District 863  Series: M704  Roll: 40  
Page: 117, copy on file Sharon Dean Lee, Heritage Quest Online, Fairfax Public 
Archibald Mills: 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 1 female under 5, 
1 female 30-40
NOTE: On the 1840 Early County census, Archibald had a male under five, a male 
between 1 and 10, a female under five, and a female between 30 and 40.  It 
fits.  We found no guardianship papers for his children there in Early, but 
neither did we find any for Thomas Mills.  Archibald’s brother-in-law Benjamin 
Wolf is between 20-30 in 1840 and is 31 in 1850.  He filed guardianship papers 
for Benj F Mills, son of Archibald, after Ann Wolf Mills Ward died leaving 
Benj a minor.

1840 Early County, GA, Census, Captain Barton's's District 863, 863 Series: 
M704 Roll: 40 Page: 125. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee, Heritage Quest Online, 
Fairfax Public Library.
Thomas Mills: 1 male 5-10, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 30-40, 2 females under 5, 1 
female 20-30

• 1841
Archibald, who is appointed a commissioner for the poor school in March, dies 
in Florida in May, very likely one of the earliest casualties of the yellow 
fever epidemic, while on a business trip.  Jane Ann Mills marries John Gillion 
in Early County in June, a little later than two weeks after her brother 
Archibald’s death.   John appears with the Stephen Mills as an appraiser on 
Archibald’s estate bond.  Samuel Gainer, who also appears with Stephen as an 
appraiser on Archibald’s estate bond, marries Mary E Phillips, likely sister 
of Stephen Mills’ wife Leonora Phillips. 

Superior Court, Early Co, GA, March Term 1841. Copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
Monday 1 March 1841.  Ordered that Silas Dill, Sutton H Trulock, Edwin B. 
Lightfoot, Archibald Mills, and John Phillips be appointed commissioners of 
the poor school funds for the County of Early.

Marriages and Obituaries from Early Georgia Newspapers. Abstracted by the Late 
Judge Folks Huxford,, FASG 1989.   DAR Library, Washington DC# 98469.  
Southern Historical Press.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 234
From the Southern Christian Advocate:
Death of Archibald Mills in Fla.  Died 26th of May, ult., Archibald Mills in 
his 36th year.  He was a native Georgian and had lived in Scriven County until 
grown, then removed to Florida.  Was licensed to preach four years ago.  Wife 
and four small children.  Signed or reported by R. J. Coward.  June 25, 1841.

Guardians Bonds A 1834-1881, Early County, GA, copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
p 49. 1 July 1841.  Stephen and Thomas Mills signed a $20,000 bond, and 
Stephen Mills was appointed administrator of the estate of Archibald.

Guardians Bonds A 1834-1881, Inferior Court of the Ordinary, Early County, 
GA., Copy on file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 52 
8 Nov 1841. Stephen Mills, Samuel Gainer, and John Gillion pledge twelve 
thousand dollars that they will make an accurate inventory of the goods, 
chattels, and credits of Archibald Mills, decd.  The agreement will be 
canceled if a will is found.  Recorded 10 Nov 1841.

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA, Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 118-119  
8 Nov 1841 to 1 Feb 1844.  Estate of Archibald Mills, decd, Stephen Mills, 
administrator. Reference to property in Quincy and Tallahassee, FL, and in 
Troup, GA. “Remarks” follow and detail that Archibald Mills owed more than his 
estate had money to pay off (“will fall far short of paying the demands.”

Superior Court, Early Co, GA, March Term 1841. Copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
Monday 1 March 1841.  Ordered that Silas Dill, Sutton H Trulock, Edwin B. 
Lightfoot, Archibald Mills, and John Phillips be appointed commissioners of 
the poor school funds for the County of Early.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
John Gillion to Jane Ann Mills 15 Jun 1841
Gainer, Samuel to Phillips, Mary E. 07 Jan 1841

Guardian Bonds "A" Early Co, GA. 1834- 1881, original on file Dianna Rogers.
194, Ward Ann, Benj. Wolf Prin.& Adm
162 3 Mar 1851 Benj A Lanier minor, guardian Byrd Thomas Lanier, Ben Wolf and 
Stephen Blocker
166 Isham R. Mills Security Thom Ward
175 Lanier, James orp of John L., guardian B. T. Lanier, Benj Wolf and Luke 

Early County, GA, Court of the Ordinary Minutes Book C 1839-1849, p.191.  Copy 
on file Sharon Dean Lee and D. Rogers.
May Term 1855: Benjamin F Mills, orphan of Ann Ward, deceased, being of the 
age of fourteen years appeared in court and chose Benjamin L Wolf as his 
Bond five hundred dollars. 4 June 1855.

• 1842
John R. Parramore bonds as guardian for Asa and Elizabeth McCoy’s orphan 
Louvenia Jane McCoy in Early Co, GA.  Elizabeth McCoy, daughter of Jane Burney 
Gordon Mills, likely remarries in Leon, FL.  Stephen is administrator of 
Thomas Bryan’s and Archibald Mills’ estates.  John Parramore, father of 
Catherine Ann Mills’ husband John R. Parramore, dies in Early County.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
P 43   S.W. Brown to Elizabeth McCoy 1842

Guardians Bonds A 1834-1881, Early County, GA. Copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
p. 64  
5 Sept 1842.  John R Parramore and Stephen Mills sign a twelve hundred dollars 
bond guaranteeing John R. Parramore as the guardian of Luvenia Jane McCoy, 
orphan of Asa McCoy, decd.

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA., Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
pp. 58-59  
21 Jan 1842. Inventory of the estate of Archibald Mills, Stephen Mills, 
administrator.  Includes “450 acres Land it being the plantation whereon the 
buildings are at 7.00 per acres 1 Lot of land No 52 28 district Early County 
no examined 1 Lot of Land No. not known in Lownds County.”  A number of notes 
with individuals, among whom are Augustus H. Lanier and Thomas Mills.  Hillery 
Phillips, James Buchannon, and Thomas Mills sign that the appraisal is 
accurate.  Dave M Jordan J.P. signs the appraisal.

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA., Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
22 Jan 1842. A List of the Sale of the Estate of Arch Mills deceased.

Administration and Guardian Bonds 1840-1851 Randolph County, GA, Abstracted by 
Flo Merritt Young. <>.
[NOTE from abstractor: While the cover states these are Administrators Bonds 
there are also Guardian bonds mixed in.]
Winefred Bryan, Thomas Muse, Stephen Mills, Thomas Mills, and Henry R. Bryan, 
$36,000, 8 Feb. 1842, Winefred Bryan, Administrix of estate of Thomas Bryan.

1850-1857 Annual Returns A, Early County, GA.  Copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
pp. 57-58 
4 Jan 1842.  William W. Parramore, John R Parramore, Hillery Phillips, Thomas 
Mills, and Joshua L. Vann pledge ten thousand dollars that William W. 
Parramore and John R Parramore, administrators of the estate of John 
Parramore, deceased, will make an accurate account of the contents of the 
estate. Recorded 8 Jan 1842. James G Collier, Clerk of the Court.

Minutes, Court of the Ordinary, Jan Term 1842, Early County, GA.  Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
Thomas Mills appointed Commissioner of Roads for the Blakely or 866th district 
along with W. W. Parramore and James Buchannon.

Gene Mills Berta on "Uncle Stephen and Uncle Archibald"
"Daddy always called them Uncle Stephen and Uncle Archibald" as he had learned 
from his father.  Gene Mills Berta's father Wesley Osborn Mills was the son of 
Thomas Sidney Mills.  Thomas Sidney Mills was born in 1842 in Early County, GA 
to Thomas and Eliza Jane Forbes Mills.They called Catherine Ann Mills Aunt 
Kate Perryman"

• 1844
Stephen Mills is no longer administrator of Archibald’s estate, which has 
insufficient funds to reach settlement.  Thomas Mills is a member of Magnolia 
Masonic Lodge.  Ann Wolf Mills remarries.

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA., Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
1 May 1844  Inventory of the personal effects of Archibald Mills, decd.  
Includes a list of notes owed to Archibald Mills.  Augustus H. Mills and the 
firm of Thompson and Hagner in Florida have notes.  Stephen Mills, former 
administrator, received money and claimed that the land he sold as part of the 
estate should still be with the estate, but the new administrator James G 
Collier commented, “no papers for the said land has ever come to my hands”.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
Mills, Ann  Ward, James   07 Aug 1844

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA, Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 118-119 
8 Nov 1841 to 1 Feb 1844.  Estate of Archibald Mills, decd, Stephen Mills, 
administrator. Reference to property in Quincy and Tallahassee, FL, and in 
Troup, GA. “Remarks” follow and detail that Archibald Mills owed more than his 
estate had money to pay off (“will fall far short of paying the demands.”.

Jack Standifer, History of the Magnolia Lodge #86 (information provided by D. 
S. Rogers.).
"History of the Magnolia Lodge #86 by Jack Standifer, was mentioned with a 
list of some of the members. It is about the early days of the Masonic Lodge 
in Blakely. I looked in there and one of the earliest names is Thomas Mills. 
However, it said that ‘nothing is known about this man’. The mention of Thomas 
Mills was on page 3, at the very beginning of the Lodge. Probably around 1844 
or so."

• 1845
Thomas Mills dies in Early County.  Eliza Jane Forbes Mills, pregnant with 
their fifth child Catherine Elizabeth (Callie) Mills, leaves the 
administration to William H. Wade and goes to Thomasville, where Callie is 
born.  Catherine Ann Mills Parramore’s husband John R. dies in Early County.

Early County, GA, Court of Ordinary Minutes Book 1820-49 p 227, 13 Jan1845 
Original on file D. S. Rogers.
Eliza Jane Mills has applied for administrator of the estate of Thomas Mills, 
deceased, but now refuses; thus, William H. Wade is appointed administrator 
(Possibly Eliza Jane has left Early County).

Guardians Bonds A 1834-1881, Inferior Court of the Ordinary, Early County, 
GA., Copy on file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 93 
13 Jan 1845. William H. Wade, James Buchannon, and Edwin B. Lightfoot pledge 
five thousand dollars that William H. Wade, administrator of the estate of 
Thomas Mills, decd, will make an accurate inventory of the estate.  Recorded 
14 Jan 1845.

Sales and Returns Book B 1839-1849, Early County, GA.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 126 
18 Jan 1845.  Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Thos Mills, decd, 
cont. Has a list of five slaves.  Frances M. Reese, Peter Howard, and John R. 
Parramore, appraisers, and Joseph A Johnson, J.P.

1839-1852 Sales and Administrative Bonds Book B, Early County, GA., Copy on 
file with Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
30 June 1845 to 1 Jan 1847.  Estate of Archibald Mills.  Acct Current with 
James G. Collier, Admin.  Sept 1845 includes an amount for expenses in going 
to Tallahassee and Quincy on business for the estate.

Official Copy United Daughters of the Confederacy, Application for Membership 
Children of the Confederacy Stars and Bars Chapter No. 351, Mobile, AL, 
Chapter Roll Book No.
Catherine Elizabeth Mills born April 9, 1845, Thomasville, Thomas Co, GA
Catherine Elizabeth Mills married Allen William Bryan  June 11, 1865, 
Daleville, Dale Co, AL.

Marriages of Thomas County, GA.
8 Jan 1852 Wesley Forbes [b, 1807] to Ann H Everitt 
[NOTE: This Wesley is speculated to have been Eliza Jane's brother.  If so and 
if he was living in Thomasville in 1845, Eliza Jane may have stayed with him 
to have her baby Catherine Elizabeth Mills in April after the death of Thomas 
Mills, Eliza Jane's husband, in Early County in Jan 1845.]

• 1846
The estate of Thomas Mills is advertised and sold.

1850-1857 Annual Returns A, Early County, GA.  Copy on file with Sharon Dean 
Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 167 
13 Dec 1846.  Thomas Mills estate, current account report.  Of interest in 
report: advertisement of estate in the Fort Gaines Whig (newspaper), payment 
of James G. Collier for coffin, sale of land to be made first Tuesday in Jan 

Sales and Returns Book B 1839-1849, Early County, GA.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
p. 154-156  
8 March 1845-1 Jan 1846.  The account of the sale of the perishable property 
of Thomas Mills, decd.  [Of interest: Enoch Forbes (E. Forbes) purchased an 
item from the estate.]

• 1847
Archibald Mills’ estate in Early County is advertised and sold.  Enoch Forbes 
is listed with his Burney cousins as part of the estate of Ellis Burney in 
Leon, FL.

Abstracted by Tad Evans., Albany, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings Vol I 1845-
1852, p. 164, 1996: Published by Tad Evans, Savannah, GA.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
August 4, 1847
Georgia, Early County: Will be sold before the Court House door in said county 
on the first Tuesday in February, next, between the legal hours of sale, all 
property belonging to the estate of Archibald Mills, late of said county, 
deceased.  Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said estate.  
(Signed) James G. Collier, Adm.

Annual Returns, Early County, GA, 1850-1857, Book A.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 331 
1 Jan 1847-1 Jan 1850.  The estate of Thomas Mills.  Acct current with Wm H 
Ward, admin.  Payments made.  Recorded 20 May 1850.

Sales and Returns Book B 1834-1881, Early County, GA.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
p. 337  
24 June 1845 and 1 Jan 1847.  A. H. Lanier vs. Thomas Mills.   Wm H. Wade, 
admin. of Thomas Mills estate ordered to pay in full principle and interest to 
A. H. Lanier.

Letters of Guardianship, Book A, 1856-1887.  Copy on file, Sharon Dean Lee and 
D. S. Rogers.
p. 214  
5 Jan 1847. The Estate of John R. Parramore, decd.  Note on Thomas Mills, 
Matthew Perryman guardian of James T. McCoy, Joseph P. Hardee.

BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCES. Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript 
Collections, General Editors: John H. Bracey, Jr., and Sharon 
A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
Race, Slavery, and Free Blacks
Series II, Petitions to Southern County Courts, 1775-1867
Part A: Georgia (1796-1867), Florida (1821-1867), Alabama (1821-1867), 
Mississippi (1822-1867)
Reel 6 Florida
0499 (Accession # 20584706). Leon County, Florida. Guilford Burney, executor 
of the estate of the late Ellis Burney, petitions for assistance in 
distributing the property. He explains that he established a life estate for 
Ellis’s widow, Elizabeth Burney. When she died in 1836, Guilford intended to 
sell the property, pay the debts, and distribute the remainder, as directed in 
Ellis's will, but Elizabeth's sister, Mary Smith, objected, claiming that the 
property was Elizabeth's in her own right. The court entered a compromise 
stating that the portion of the estate bequeathed to Ellis Moore should be 
distributed. The remainder was to be sold and the proceeds divided: half going 
to the brothers and sisters of Ellis Burney and half to the heirs of Elizabeth 
Burney. Guilford distributed the slaves bequeathed to Moore, including a boy 
named Warner and a
woman named Charlotte and her children, and a portion of the money to which he 
was entitled. Now Moore has died childless, and Guilford has possession of 
that property, planning to distribute it equally between the brothers and 
sisters of Ellis Burney and the heirs of Elizabeth Burney as directed. He asks 
the court to subpoena the various heirs and assist him in settling the estate.
[Also associated with the above document as listed in the index:]
Burney, Guilford
6: 0499
Burney, Janus A. [James A]
6: 0499
Burney, Richard
6: 0499
Burney, Simon C.
6: 0499
Burney, Willis
6: 0499
Forbes, Enoch
6: 0499

• 1849
Elizabeth Ponder Brown Forbes dies.
Marriage and Death Notices Southern Christian Advocate by Holcombe -8/31/1849 
Issue, provided by Bob Forbes.
Died 25th of July - Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes, consort of Rev. Wesley Forbes and 
daughter of Hezekiah and Ann Ponder and formerly of Camden Co. Georgia in the 
44th year of her age.

• 1850
Ann Wolf Mills Ward’s third husband has died.  Wesley B. and Lucy F. Mills are 
in school at Fletcher Institute in Thomasville, GA.  Stephen Mills has moved 
to Panola, MS, where he appears on the 1850 census with John and Jane Ann 
Mills Gillion.  Also on the census with the Gillions is Elizabeth A. McCoy, 
daughter of Asa and Elizabeth Gordon McCoy and granddaughter of Jane Burney 
Gordon Mills Burney.  Stephen Mills has remarried to Mary A. Jackson, daughter 
of Abraham G. Jackson.  Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman is living in 
Henry Co, GA, with her 2nd husband Matthew T.  Louvenia Jane McCoy, daughter 
of Asa and Elizabeth Gordon McCoy, is living in the Perryman household.

1850 Early County Census District 25 Series: M432  Roll: 68  Page: 296.  
Ward, Ann [Wolf]  41 F   GA
John Mills  16 m  home   GA
Benjamin F  14 m         GA
Mary C      12 f         GA
[NOTE: I believe that John Mills was born in FL because he was born abt 1834, 
at which time Archibald and Ann Wolf Mills were likely still in Florida.  
Possibly Benjamin was also born in Florida.]

1850 Leon, FL, census p 67a & p 68, copy on file Sharon Dean Lee, Heritage 
Quest Online, Fairfax Public Library,
19  406  406 Forbes Wesley  62   M Farmer  4,160     N. C.
 20  406  406 Mills  Eliza Jane  32   F              Geo
 21  406  406 Forbes Enoch H.    30   M   Farmer     S. C.
 22  406  406 Mills  Wesley      18   M   Student    Flor   X
 23  406  406 Mills  Lucy        13                  Flor   X
 24  406  406 Mills  Leonora     10   F              Flor
 25  406  406 Mills  Thomas       8   M              Geo
 26  406  406 Mills  Catherine    6   F              Florida
  9  382  382 Jerkins Zecheriah  47   M   Farmer     Geo [no personal net 

1850 Thomas County, GA Census District 81, Thomas, Georgia; Roll: M432_83; 
Page: 53; Image: 457.
pp 52-53 28 Oct 1850
Wesley and Lucy Mills at boarding school: This is assuredly Thomas and Eliza 
Jane Forbes Mills’ Wesley B and Lucy F Mills, b. FL although Wesley’s age is 
slightly off.  Both children are reported on the Dec 1850 Leon Co, FL census p 
68, but since the census was taken in Dec in Leon they could have been at home 
when it was taken; thus, they appear on two census reports.  Wesley is listed 
as a student on the one in Leon.  The time lapse can also explain the 
difference in Wesley’s age.  Lucy in Thomasville is 12 but on the Florida 
report she is 13.
From the Boarding School group by 1860:
JOHNSON L C 24 M W FL FL JEFFERSON MONTICELLO P O 1860 10,000 in land 40,000 
in personal property
BYRD LEONIDAS 26 M W FL FL LEON TALLAHASSEE P O 1860 merchant 2.000 6,000
SMITH PEYTON P 48 M W GA GA DOUGHERTY ALBANY 1860 Smith was a M E Minister 
(Methodist Episcopal, which are all over Florida) in 1850 with real estate 
valued at $3500. In 1860 he is also a minister, worth $17,000 in land and 
$3,000 in personal property."
This boarding school was called Fletcher Institute, started y the Florida 
Methodist Episcopal Conference in 1848.  Peyton Smith was the minister who 
provided the enthrusiam that won the Institue for Thomas Co.  He was the 
minister for that region.  William G Ponder, Wesley Forbes' brother-in-law was 
on the board of directors for the school.  It was one of the most influential 
schools in the Southern region.

1850 Panola Co, MS Census Dist 18 Series: M432 Roll: 379 Page: 315, Heritage 
Quest Online, Fairfax Public Library, 
John Gillion 38 farmar 1400 GA
Jane A Gillion 28 GA
Catherine D.J. Gillion 8 GA
Lanora E V Gillion 6 GA
Elizabeth A McCoy 16

Stephen Mills 33 M farmer 500 GA
Mary A F 22
Charles A  M 4
Julian W M 6/12

Abraham G Jackson

Family Data Collection-Births,
about Mary A Jackson
Name:	Mary A Jackson
Father:	Absalom Jackson
Mother: Emma B Hall
Birth Date: 1827
City:	Meyhew
County: Atauga
State:	AL
Country: USA

1856 Will of Abraham G Jackson Abstracted from Arkansas genweb,
Northern District - Des Arc, Arkansas
1852 - 1901
Page 21
JACKSON, Abraham G.
Beloved wife, Else
Negroes: Ellic, Sarah, Hadie, Milley, Dick, Manda, Julian
Heirs: Eliza A. Oliver, Saborn W. Jackson, James A. Jackson, Mary A. Mills, 
Edna M. Gibson, Sophronia H. Jackson, L. Angeline Jackson
N. B. Eliza A. Oliver, deceased, her bodily heirs, Mary T. Oliver, Eliza J. 
Oliver, and Ann Oliver.
Appoint my son, Seaborn W. Jackson and Stephen Mills, executors.

1850 Henry County AL Census Reel: M432-6 Page: 436A ,  Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee.
Matthew Perryman   M 49  Farmer    5,000  GA
Catherine   F 30  GA
M M     M 17  AL
Matthew   M  18  Farmer AL
Martha 16  F  AL
Jeptha  14  M  AL
J. R. 12   M  AL   
Richard  11 M  AL (sic)
Marianne  8  F  AL
Th. W.  7  M  AL  (sic)
Lovina J H  3  F  AL
Mason William  40  M  SC  Millwright
Lovina McCoy  20  F  FL

• 1851
Eliza Jane Forbes Mills files advertisements in the Thomasville paper 
concerning the guardianship of her minor children, who are in school at 
Fletcher Institute in Thomasville.  Lovina Jane McCoy, daughter of Elizabeth 
Gordon and Asa McCoy, marries Rufus S Herring, brother of Lucy F Mills 
Herring’s husband John.  Wesley Forbes performs the ceremony.  Rufus Herring’s 
name is on many of the receipts fot the Mills’ children’s expenses in the 
1850’s, including the expense of taking Leonora to Texas in 1860.

Annual Returns, Early County, GA, 1850-1857, Book A.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 395.  1 March 1850-1 March 1851.  The estate of Thomas Mills.  Returns 
account current.  Wm H. Wade.

Abstracted by Tad Evans, Georgia Newspaper Clippings Thomas County Extracts, 
1826-1907, pp. 111, 113, 2005: Published by Tad Evans, Savannah, GA.  Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 111
Tuesday, July 8, 1851
	Georgia, Thomas County: Eliza J. Mills makes application to this court 
for letters of guardianship on the person and property of the minors of Thomas 
Mills, deceased.  These are therefore to cite all persons interested, to file 
their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters 
will be issued to the applicant.  (Signed) E. Seixas, C. C. O. -(Source: SR)
p. 113
Tuesday, September 9, 1851
	Georgia, Thomas County: Eliza J. Mills files his (her, their) letters 
of dismission from the guardianship of W. B., L. F., L. A., T. S., and C. A. 
Mills, minors.
	These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred 
and others concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed 
by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be 
granted.  (Signed) E. Seixas, C. C. O.-(Source: SR)

Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969,  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
Jane McCoy to Rufus S Herring 4 Jun 1851 Henry, Alabama 
Performed By Title: MG Wesley Forbes  License issued 03 Jun 1851.

Rogers, William Warren, Antebellum Thomas County 1825-1861, p. 98, 1963: The 
Florida State University, Tallahassee. USDAR Library.  Copy on file Sharon 
Dean Lee.
p. 98 with footnotes # 37, 39, and 41-42:
     Fletcher Institute was a secondary boarding school begun in Thomasville, 
GA, by the Florida Methodist Episcopal Conference in 1848, and it became one 
of the era’s most prestigious secondary boarding schools.  ". . . By early 
1850 there were 132 students, seventy-five males and fifty-seven females, ten 
of whom came from Florida.37
     Two large brick buildings were constructed just outside of Thomasville.  
The school grounds consisted of about six acres, shaded by native oaks 
interspersed with pines.  The school and residences combined to make the 
community an attractive one.  Because the ground was high, 'Fletcherville,' 
the settlement where the school was located, enjoyed the reputation of being a 
healthy locale.  The school admitted both male and female students, although 
they met class in separate buildings and had different teachers.40  From the 
first, Fletcher Institute assumed an important position in the life of 
Thomasville.  L. C. Bryan, thorugh the pages of his 'Southern Enterprise,' 
became an indefatigable promoter of the school.41  In 1856 Fletcherville was 
incorporated and seven residents were made town commissioners.42"
     William G. Ponder of Leon, FL, and Thomas Co, GA, (and a neighbor and 
brother-in-law of Wesley Forbes) was on the board of trustees (f. #39).  
Wesley B and Lucy F were also on the 1850 Thomas County, GA, census taken 28 
Oct while they were at boarding school at the Fletcher Institute in 
Thomasville. Along with several other children from Florida and South 
Carolina, they were under the listing of the Methodist Episcopal minister 
Peyton P. Smith. In December of 1850 while they were home from school on 
vacation. Wesley B. and Lucy F. Mills were listed on the Tallahassee, Leon Co, 
FL, census with their grandfather Wesley Forbes and their mother Eliza Jane 
Forbes Mills.
     In 1851 all five Mills children attended Fletcher Institute, the three 
girls listed as being from Fletcherville, GA (see the Hopkins' Collection for 
the list of children attending Fletcher Institute in 1851).  Enoch Forbes, the 
Mills children's uncle, advertised property he owned in Fletcherville for sale 
in 1865 (see source "In the Shadow of the Pines"). Very likely, Enoch owned 
the property while the children attended school there.
[NOTE: for a list of all children in school in 1851, see the file on Fletcher 
Institute entered separately.]

• 1852
Thomas Mills’ estate is settled in Early County, GA.

Annual Returns, Early County, GA, 1850-1857, Book A.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
1 March 1851-7 Feb 1852.  Final current returns of the estate of Thomas Mills, 
decd, Mrs. Eliza Mills, widow.  Two notes on Archibald Mills, one note owed to 
Augustus H. Lanier.  Letter of dismissal 28 Feb 1852.  Payment to Wm H. Wade, 
admin, 1 March 1852.  Discharged and recorded 30 Jan 1852.  Minor heirs of 
Thomas Mills: Wesley B. Mills, Lucy F.Mills, Thomas S. Mills, and Catherine E. 
Mills [Lenora A Mills not listed]. Wit: A T Holmes, Benjamin L Wolf, J J O.

Annual Returns, Early County, GA, 1850-1857, Book A.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 37 
7 Feb 1852.  The Estate of Thomas Mills, decd.  Interest and taxes.  Notes 
given to Mrs. Eliza Mills:  Richard Caldwell being out of date and insolvent, 
one noteWilliam Mills both handed over to Mrs. Eliza Mills, guardian for 
minors.  2 notes on Archibald Mills, payable to Griffin and Fletcher, 7 
negroes to be levied as payment for A. H. Lanier.  Payments to Wm H Wade, 
admin for services.

• 1853
The estate of Archibald Mills is still not settled.  Wesley Forbes dies.  Lucy 
F. Forbes marries in Leon, FL.  Eliza Jane Forbes Mills remarries in Leon, 
FL.  Wesley B. Mills is deputy clerk of the court in Newport, FL.  

Annual Returns, Early County, GA, 1850-1857, Book A.  Copy on file Sharon Dean 
p. 53  
1 March 1850-1 March 1852.  The estate of Archibald Mills, decd.  Account 
current.  Recorded 20 Jan 1853.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
p71 31 May 1853  John W. Herring to Lucy F. Mills   R.H. Luckey MG 
p72  8 Nov 1853 Zachariah Jerkins to Eliza Mills   Thos. N. Gardiner MG
[NOTE: Wesley Forbes died in Oct and Eliza Jane remarried in Nov.  Her 
children were incensed.  Zachariah died in Nov of 1854 and Eliza Jane died in 
Jan of 1855]

[Wesley Forbes dies 7 Oct 1853]
Methodist Preachers in Georgia 1783-1900,  Lawrence, Harold, ed an compiler, 
Boyd Publishing, 1984 p. 189.
Forbs, Wesley (1787-10-7-1853) d. Leon Co., FL; m/Elizabeth Ponder (1805-1-25-
1849) dau.of Hezekiah & Ann Ponder of Camden Co., GA. *nv Forbes.
(L) GEORGIA CONFERENCE: 1836 Recommended elder but not elected."

Court of the Ordinary, Wakulla, FL 1841-19--  p 245. Copy on file Sharon Dean 
W. B.  Mills Deputy Clerk of The Court on a document 1 Aug 1855.
[Wesley B. Mills was son of Thomas Mills and Eliza Jane Forbes]

• 1854
Ann Wolf Mills Ward has died in Early County, GA, and her brother Benjamin F. 
Wolf, assumes guardianship of Benjamin F. Mills, Archibald Mills’ youngest 
son.  No mention is made of the daughter, Mary C. Mills who would be 16 and 
who was listed on the 1850 census with Ann.  No marriage has been reported for 
an Ann C Mills up to this date.  Wesley B. Mills purchases a lot in Newport, 
FL.  Eliza Jane Forbes’ second husband Zachariah Jerkins dies 3 Feb 1855 in 
Leon, FL. 

Grand Lodge of Georgia 1854
Magnolia Lodge No. 86, Blakeley, Early County. Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee, file permanently for free access. This file was contributed 
	Carolyn L. Harper Johnson <>.
Benj. L. Wolf, Steward

General Index to Real Estate Conveyances--Wakullla, FL,--Grantees, original on 
file Sharon Dean Lee.
June 24, 1854;  Grantee Mills, Wesley B et al; Grantor Abner H Wilson; kind of 
instrument Morg; Book A pg 393; & Book A-B pg 251; Part of Lot 23 New Port.
Jan 13 ,1856;  Grantee Mills, Wesley B; Grantor William G Gardner et ux;  Kind 
of Instrument W D; Book A pg 467; L in Lot 23 New Port.  
[Wesley B. Mills purchases lot in Newport, FL, now economic seat of middle 

• 1855
Wesley B. Mills is a juror in Newport, FL. Eliza Jane Forbes Mills dies 3 Feb 
1855 in Leon, FL, in January, leaving an infant and her other children as 
orphans.  Benjamin F. Mills chooses Benjamin F. Wolf as his guardian in Early 
County, GA.  Callie Mills is in school at Miccosukee Academy in Jefferson Co, 

Court of the Probate, Leon Co, FL. pp. 362-363, L345.  State Archives of 
Florida, R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee Florida., Copy on file Sharon Dean 
1 Jan 1855 William Laffoon is administrator of Zachariah Jerkins’ estate.  

Court of the Probate, Leon Co, FL. p. 392, L345.  State Archives of Florida, 
R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee Florida., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee
2 Feb 1855 Wesley B. Mills appointed administrator of the estate of Eliza J. 
Jerkins with Enoch H. Forbes as guarantee.

Florida Juror and Witness Certificates-Wakulla County 1855 Term of Court .  
Original on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p. 13
W. B. Mills, Juror.

Early County, GA, Court of the Ordinary Minutes Book C 1839-1849, p.191.  Copy 
on file Sharon Dean Lee and D. S. Rogers.
May Term 1855: Benjamin F Mills, orphan of Ann [Wolf Mills] Ward, deceased, 
being of the age of fourteen years appeared in court and chose Benjamin L Wolf 
as his guardian.  Bond five hundred dollars. 4 June 1855.

• 1856
Wesley B. Mills marries Emily R. D. McMichael in Clay County, GA.  Emily is 
the neice of Wesley’s future brother-in-law and first cousin, Allen William 
Bryan.  Wesley assumes guardianship of his minor brother Thomas Sidney Mills 
and sisters Leonora A. Mills and Catherine Elizabeth (Callie) Mills.  Leonora 
A Mills enters Andrew College in Cuthbert, GA, in the fall of 1856.

Marriage Records of Clay County, GA.
3 Jul 1856 Wesley B Mills  Emily R D McMichael

Berta, Gene Mills, Family Oral History on How Wesley B Mills met Emily R. 
"One story in the Alabama Mills family oral history is about how Wesley B. 
Mills met his wife Emily R. McMichael. When Wesley went to visit his sister 
Leonora, who was in school at Andrew College in Cuthbert, he saw Emily peeking 
out at him from behind a post and feel in love with her. They married in 1856. 
Since Andrew College received its charter from the State Legislature in 1854, 
Leonora and Emily were among the first students. By 1860, Leonora was teaching 
school in Texas. By 1862, Wesley had been killed at the Battle of Cross Keys 
in New Hope, VA, where he is buried at New Hope Baptist Church.
[Note: "The Charter of Andrew College, granted in 1854 by the Georgia 
Legislature, is the second oldest charter in the United States giving an 
educational institution the right to confer degrees upon women.""]

Jack Butler.
	"Posted by: Jack Butler (ID *****5261) Date: July 09, 2005 at 13:34:00
I believe that Eliza and Zachariah are buried in the White Church (that is its 
name) Cemetery in Woodville, Florida. There are no tombstones, but there are 
several broken ones - tops missing - in the area from the 1850s, and the 
church records state only that Mr. and Mrs. Jerkins (no first names) were 
buried there."

#248 County Judge's Court Leon County, FL, Filed Sept. 10, 1856. Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
#248 County Judge's Court Leon County, FL, Estate of Mills--Lenora A., Thos. A.
(sic), Catherine E., and A. H. Jerkins--minors; Wesley B. Mills, Gdn.  Filed 
Sept. 10, 1856.

Court of Probate, Leon Co, Fl, p 197, L 76. State Archives of Florida, R. A. 
Gray Building, Tallahassee Florida., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
"State of Florida
County of Leon
Court of Probate	In chambers September 10th A. S. 1856.
	In the matter of the Estate of Lenora A Mills, Thomas S Mills, 
Catherine E. Mills, Zachariah H. Jerkins, minors, It is ordered that 
guardianship of said minors be committed to Wesley B. Mills on his filing his 
bond in the office in the penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned as the 
law directs with R. S. Herring and E. H. Forbes as his securities.
						L. W. Guyum [?]
							Judge of Probate
I do certify that the foregoing is a true record duly made in my office this 
10th day of September A. D. 1856.
[NOTE: Guardianship Bond also included with the pledge of Enoch H. Forbes, R. 
S. Herring, and W. B. Mills to provide guardianship and their seals.]

**See the related document at the end with all of the receipts from 1856 (and 
some of 1855) through 1861 for the expenses Wesley B. Mills paid for the 
minors Leonora A,  Thomas S, and Eliza Jane Forbes Mills.  Enoch H. Forbes was 
co-guardian of the infant Zachariah Jerkins and also filed expense reports 
through Wesley Berryan Mills with the Court of Probate in Leon Co, FL.  The 
interest in the receipts is in the story they tell about the whereabouts, 
education, and purchases of the children as well as the association of a 
number of individuals involved with their care and of several mercantiles of 
the area surrounding Clay, Early, and Randolph Counties in Georgia and of Dale 
County in Alabama.

• 1857
Callie is boarding in Blakely, GA, with Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman 
and attending Blakely Academy.  Leonora A. Mills is attending Andrew College 
in Cuthert, GA. Thomas Sidney Mills is attending school in Daleville, Dale 
County, AL. [See receipts **]

• 1858
Callie is boarding in Blakely, GA, with Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman 
and attending Blakely Academy.  In January, Leonora A. Mills is attending 
Andrew College in Cuthert, GA. Thomas Sidney Mills is attending school in 
Daleville, Dale County, AL.  Leonora and Callie travel to Tallahassee. [See 
receipts **]

• 1859
Callie is boarding in Blakely, GA, with Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman 
and attending Blakely Academy.  Leonora A. Mills, still a minor, makes 
purchases and travels to Texas. 

• 1860
Wesley B. Mills, his wife Emily and children Thomas A. and Mary E. along with 
brother Thomas Sidney, sister Catherine Elizabeth, and a Henry A Mills are 
recorded on the 1860 census living in Dale County, AL, where they moved in 
1857 prior to his son’s birth.   Leonora A. Mills has moved to Texas where she 
is teaching school in 1860 and marries that year.  Callie Mills begins Andrew 
College.  Stephen Mills has moved to Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas, where he 
appears on the 1860 census with Archibald’s son John Mills and his family.  
Lucy F Mills Herring and family are in Texas on the 1860 census, including her 
husband John W. Herring’s brother Rufus S. and wife Luvenia Jane McCoy Herring.

1860 U.S. Census Dale County, AL page 5 (M420), original on file.
30 | 35 | 35 | Mills W. B. |26 M | Farmer|4500 7700|Fla|M420|
31 | 35 | 35 | Mills Emily R.|22 F||   | Geo| | M420|
32 | 35 | 35 | Mills Thomas A.[Ashley]|2 M|Ala M420|
33 | 35 | 35 | Mills Mary E.|9/12|Ala||M420 |
34 |35 |35 |Mills Henry A.|23 M|Farm Laborer|Geo|M420 [I don’t know who this 
Mills is.  I assume it is a cousin.]
35|35|35|Mills Thomas S.17 M|Farm Laborer|Geo|M420 |
36 |35 |35|Mills C. E.|15 F| Fla||M420|

1860 Precinct 8, Polk, Texas Census Precinct 8, Polk, Texas; Roll: M653_1303; 
Page: 53; Image: 106.
Jno Herring 45
Lucy Herring 24
Natchel Herring 3
Joshua Herring 18
Leonora Herring 21
[NOTE: this is Leonora A. Mills, not Leonora Herring]

Herring's in the census, 1850 FL and 1860 TX.
1850 Division 8, Leon, Florida; Roll: M432_59; Page: 69; Image: 139. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee
Rufus S Herring  32  M  Merchant  $550 NC
James Herring  24  M  Merchant  	      NC

1850 Columbia, Florida; Roll: M432_58; Page: 84; Image: 164. 
Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee
John W Herring 35 M Farmer $550  NC
Mary Herring 65  F  NC

1850 Jefferson, Florida; Roll: M432_59; Page: 22; Image: 46. Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee
John O Herring 29 M $350  NC
Elizabeth 24 F GA
Eliza J  3 FL

1860 Precinct 8, Polk, Texas; Roll: M653_1303; Page: 53; Image: 106.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee
Jno Herring 45  M farmer  $1440 70500?  NC
Lucy ” 24 F GA
Natchet ” 3 M Texas
Joshua 18  M Texas  [no ditto mark]
Leonora 21  GA    [no ditto mark]  

Look at the age of the Joshua (Lucy F Mills married John Herring 31 May 1853; 
her mother Eliza Jane married Z. Jerkins 5 Nov 1853. On the 1880 Texas census 
Joshua T Herring lists being born in 1859.  He would not have been Lucy’s 
child.  Perhaps Joshua was a brother or sister of John’s son.) 

Rufus S. Herring 42 farmer $1448  10,000  NC
Cynthia, age 45, (marked out), and in her place is listed Lavina Jane, age 20 
b. GA
Ann Davis 15 GA

Leonora A Mills to Robert Lucius Williams 14 Nov 1860 Polk Co, TX

Marjorie A Cain email on Leonora A Mills’ family history.
	I talked to my 2nd cousin, Helen, last night. She's a great 
granddaughter of Leonora Mills Williams, and 92 years old with a great memory. 
She remembers .....
(1) Grandpa Williams (John Wesley, Leonora's son) taking her fishing and 
telling her lots of family stories, one of which is about Leonora going to 
Alabama to visit her brother Thomas. As previously told you, I also have this 
in affidavit from another family member many years ago. I believe Leonora 
traveled on a "flat boat" made by John F. Carr who was a brother-in-law to 
Robert Williams, Leonora's husband.
(2) A Connection to Lucy Mills Herring ?? Helen (and her two sisters, still 
living) remember an "Uncle" Ben Herring coming to visit them from Beaumont, 
Jefferson County, TX. In fact, Leonora's son (John Wesley) named one of his 
sons Benjamin Briant Williams for this man. They told me this story years ago 
about Ben Herring and wife Susan bringing Ben Williams a "blowing horn" and 
his mother was angry with him for not properly thanking the Herrings. They 
said he imported Bramha cattle to TX and was known as the "cattle king." The 
Herrings had two children, and I believe they may have been somehow connected 
to the prosperous McFaddin family in Beaumont (Spindletop oil boom).
(I tried checking this connection out years ago and couldn't find one; do you 
know if Lucy's family migrated to Texas??)
(3) Leonora was a teacher at a school at Swartout in Polk County, a town on 
the Trinity River with lots of shipping trade but nothing now except a 
historical marker."

1860 Early Co, GA Census, 6 and 28th Districts, Octavia PO, July 1860
	Reel: M653-120 Page: 650, contributed by Dianna Scarborough Rogers.
"Dwelling - - Family 448 
Catherine A. Perryman, 40 yrs, F, W, No occupation, 4000, 9000, - - 
Family 449 is: 
Richo Parramour, 20 yrs, M, W, Planter, - - 
Wm. Thos. Parramour, 17 yrs, M, W, - - 
Lavinia Perryman, 12 yrs, F, W, Ala"

1860 Early County Census  August 1860 District 25 Series: M432  Roll: 68  
Page: 296., copy on file Sharon Dean Lee, Heritage Quest Online, Fairfax 
Public Library,
Benjamin Wolf 47 m Planter 12,000  24,000  GA
Mary            41 f                       GA
Roxiann C       17 f                       GA
Laura F         15 f                       GA
M Luella        12 f                       GA
Benj Green       7 m                       GA
James G          5 m                       GA
Elizabeth        3 f                       GA
Benj F Mills    24 m       Teacher         GA

1860 Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas Census.
Stephen Mills 46
Birth Year:	abt 1814
Birthplace:	Georgia
Stephen Mills 46; Mary A Mills 32; Adolphus Mills 15;  Julien Mills 10; Eudora 
Mills 5; Mary Mills 2"
1860 Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas
	Jno W Mills     24 	FL
	Angie Mills      20 	MS
	Benj F Mills       2 	AR
	John Mills      2.12      AR.

• 1861
Thomas Sidney, Wesley Berryan Mills, Allen William and his brother Daniel F. 
Bryan join the Alabama 15th Infantry. Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman’s 
sons join the military in Early County, GA.  Benjamin F. and John W. Mills, 
sons of Archibald and Ann Wolf Mills, joined the Confederate army in 
Dardanell, Arkansas.

EARLY COUNTY, GA - MILITARY - Co. G 13th Regiment Copyright. All rights 
reserved. This file was 
contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia Crilley Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: Company G, 13th Regiment 
Early County "Early Guards."  Information contributed by Sharon Dean Lee.

Parramore, J. Richard -- Co. G 13th Regiment "Early County "Early Guards" 
Private - September 4, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Virginia April 9, 1865. 
Died at Blakely, Georgia in 1873. 

Parramore, W. Thomas -- Co. G 13th Regiment "Early County "Early Guards" 
Private - July 8, 1861. Wounded at Malvern Hill, Virginia July 1, 1862; 
Fredericksburg, Virginia December 13, 1862. Captured at Spotsylvania, Virginia 
May 20, 1864. Released at Elmira, New York June 30, 1865.

Military Records of the Alabama 15th Reginent, CSA.
"Alabama Co. "E", Beauregards [This company was organized in Dale County as 
the "Beauregards.”  Esau Brooks was elected captain.] Infantry
MILLS, Wesley B., 1st Cpl., 1st Sgt., 2nd Lt. (enlisted, aged 25; KIA, Cross 
Keys || 

MILLS, BENJAMIN F.  ---- Died 11Mar1862 at Dardanelle, AR 
MILLS, JOHN W.   CPT Disch 4Jun1862.

Civil War Service Records Box: 376; Extraction: 16; Record: 3798
Name: Benjamin F. Mills 
Company: H  
Unit: 21 Arkansas Infantry.  
Allegiance: Confederate  

Civil War Service Records Box: 376; Extraction: 16; Record: 3824
Name: John W. Mills 
Company: H  
Unit: 1 Mounted Rifles. Arkansas  
Rank - Induction: Private  
Rank - Discharge: Private  
Allegiance: Confederate  

Civil War Service Records Box: 376; Extraction: 16; Record: 3825
Name: John W. Mills 
Company: D  
Unit: 17 (Lemoyne's) Arkansas Infantry.  
Rank - Induction: Captain  
Rank - Discharge: Captain  
Allegiance: Confederate  
Notes: 21 Ark. Inf.  

Civil War Service Records Box: 376; Extraction: 16; Record: 3826
Name: John W. Mills 
Company: H  
Unit: 21 Arkansas Infantry.  
Rank - Induction: Captain  
Rank - Discharge: Captain  
Allegiance: Confederate  

Arkansas Confederate Regimental Histories: Infantry17th (Lemoyne's) Arkansas 
Infantry Regiment.
The 17th Arkansas Infantry was organized with 9 companies on August 1, 1861 in 
Fairfield, Yell County, Arkansas under orders of the Arkansas Military Board. 
The field and staff officers were Col. George W. Lemoyne, Lt. Col. S.W. 
Williams, and Major Lawrence of Danville, and adjutant William A. Dowdle of 
Conway County. The company commanders were: Co. A, Cpt. J.M. Dowdle, Conway 
county; Co. B, Cpt Bryan A. King, Conway county; Co. C, Cpt. Harsell, Pope 
county; Co. D, Cpt. John Mills, Yell county, Co. E, Cpt. John Perry, Johnson 
county; Co. F, Cpt. Bone, Yell county; Co. G, Cpt. Bull, Prairie county; Co. 
H, Cpt. J. Homer Scott, Pope county; and Co. I, Cpt William Herrod, Yell 
County. Maj. Lawrence was accidentally killed near Pocahontas on the march 
into Missouri, and Cpt. J.M. Dowdle was promoted to major in his place, Jordan 
E. Cravens then being elected from the ranks to replace Cpt. Dowdle as A Co. 
commander. After serving a short time in the garrison of Fort Pillow, TN, the 
regiment was held to duty in the vicinity of Memphis and in the early summer 
of 1862 was assigned to Rust's Brigade, Jones' Division in the Army of the 
West where it participated with distinction in the Corinth campaign and the 
battle of Corinth.

Maj Robert H. Crockett became Colonel of the regiment by promotion, and Cpt. 
W.N. Parrish was promoted to Lt. Col. "for gallant conduct on the field." 
After the Battle of Corinth on October 3-4, 1862, the 17th and 21st 
(McCarver's) Arkansas were consolidated into a single unit. Cpt. Jordan 
Cravens of Co. A was elected colonel of the consolidated regiment, which was 
thereafter known as the 21st Arkansas, and assigned to duties in the Army of 
Mississippi, defending Vicksburg, MS. The 17th/21st Arkansas participated in 
the battle of the Big Black River on May 17, 1863, and thence served in the 
garrison of Vicksburg during the 47-day siege of that place. The regiment was 
surrendered with the Vicksburg garrison on July 4, 1863. Col. Cravens was 
captured at the Big Black River and, with the other officers, was sent as a 
prisoner to Johnson's Island for the duration of the war.

• 1862
Wesley Berryan Mills is killed in the Battle of Cross Keys, New Hope, VA, 8 
July, 1862, where he is buried.  Benjamin F. Mills dies in Dardanelle, AR, 11 
March 1862.

Letter of William Thompson Pouncey to his father Jesse Pouncey, 15 June 1862, 
"15 June 1862
Dear Parents, 
     I now take the pleasure to write you a few lines to let you no that I am 
well and harty at this time. I wrote you a few lines the other day but I dont 
no whether you will get it are not. Albert Aston got back two are three weeks 
ago and I was glad to hear from you for I had not heard from you since Captain 
Edwards came back. I have some nuse to write you this time. We have joined 
Jacksons army and went up to frontroil [Front Royal] and got after old Banks 
and run him on the other side of the potomac into mariland. It caused a 
greateal of excitement in washington citty. Old linkon called out all of his 
malishey, but the funnyest part of it was when we was up at harpers fery the 
yankees serrounded us and we had to fight our way back. Our regiment has not 
bin engaged but one. W. B. Mills was killed, he is all the one that was killed 
in our company. B. A. Lanier was wonded in the foot, the ball never entered 
into his foot, it struck him on the shoe heel, it brused it and burnt a 
blister. The loss in our regiment was nine killed and thirty-six wonded. We 
was in the fight on the 8th of June, that is the day that lieutenant Mills was 
killed. He was a great loss to this company. Nearly every man in the company 
loved him like a brother. In going to Harper's ferry and back, Jackson had 
seven fights and he gave them a whiping every time, and captured five are six 
thousand prisoners, two are three thousand dollars worth of medicine, and a 
good many provisions. We never got very many men killed, until the fight on 
the 9th of June, we had a good many killed or wonded. I heard that Johnson had 
give them a good whipping at richmond; run them back to their gun boats. I 
recon I have said enough about the fights. When I come out of the fight I come 
out without any clothes but what I had on. We was out on picket and they came 
to large a force for our regiment and we had to retreat back to our forces 
and, we was so near rundown we cut loos our napsacks and left them, and that 
left us all without clothes only what we had on. I lost that shirt that Albert 
brought me. When you get the chance send me another one like it, and I will 
put it on and if the yankees get it they will get me with it. I must come to a 
close. The boys joins with me in sending their best respects to you and 
family. Henry sayes he wants you to write to him. Write as soon as you can, 
and I will do the same. Tell the boys all to write, for I love to hear what 
they have got to say for themselves. I have got a bad chance to write, so when 
I write to one I mean all. I must come to a close nothing more at present, but 
remain your son until Death.
This from Wm. Pouncey, to Jesse Pouncey"

Edwards, William A, “Letter  to W. E. Painter, Dallas, Tex., Nov. 11, 1915.”  
Published in Southern Star, Jan. 5, 1916. Available online, 
"Lieut. Mills was killed at Cross Keys, when an unexpected retreat was ordered 
our regiment. He was a high-toned, brave, Christian gentleman, confided in at 
home and honored and loved in the army. He was devoted to his mess and his 
mess to him, quiet, intelligent, refined and dignified, a high type of 
Christian gentleman, yet he always impressed me that a cloud was over his 
spirits, and I have never thought he expected to survive the war, and I 
thought, and still think, that terrible spectre of presentment was ever before 
his eyes."

• 1863
Lucy F. Forbes Herring dies in childbirth in Texas.  Emily R D McMichael Mills 
files for a widow’s pension. 

ADAH Alabama Department of Archives and History Civil War Service Database. 
Copy on file, Sharon Dean Lee,
"Last Name: Mills Wesly B
Birth Information: USA, Georgia
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Farmer
Enlistment Date: 1861/07/03
Enlistment Information: Age 25, Alabama, Westville, 1st Corporal Promoted 1st 
Sergeant Promoted 2nd Lieutenant
Date of Death: 1862/06/08
Death Information: Virginia, Cross Keys, Killed
Branch: Infantry
Regimental Unit: 15th Alabama Regiment
Company Unit: E
Engagements: Present: Winchester, Virginia 1862/05/25;Killed: Cross Keys, 
Virginia 1862/06/08
Co. Unit Name:
Pension Rec:
Authority: Record Roll 1865/01/03 near Richmond, Virginia
Authority: List, Condition of Claims, 2nd Aud., C.S. Treas.	First Name: 
Wesly    MI: B
Engage. con't:
Remarks: Promoted 1st Sergeant December 12, 1861; elected 2nd Lieutenant April 
23, 1862. Residence: Daleville, Alabama Killed June 8, 1862 at Cross Keys, 
Remarks con't: Remarks: Claim filed March 17, 1863 by E. R. Mills, widow, 
Dadeville (sic), Alabama.

• 1865
Benjamin F Wolf’s daughter Roxanna marries in Early Co, GA.  Enoch H. Forbes 
sells lots he owns in Fletcherville, GA.  With the war over, Allen William 
Bryan returns home to marry Catherine Elizabeth Mills after the death of his 
first wife.  Thomas Sidney Mills returns home to the loss of his inheritance, 
which Wesley B. Mills’s wife Emily McMichael Mills had sold in 1863 and 
disappeared to the family (although she remarried over in Clay County, GA).

Compiled by Wayne and Judy Dasher, In the Shadow of the Pines Vol. 
2. “Southern Enterprise”: January 2, 1861 to Dec 25, 1861; July 12, 1865 to 
Dec 20, 1, 2001: Wayne and Judy Dasher Publishers, Nashville, GA, p. 157. Copy 
on File Sharon Dean Lee.
"For Sale.-Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in December: Three lots and 
improvements in Fletcherville formerly belonging to Herring Quinn and one five 
acre lot on the Tallahassee road adjoining Fletcherville together with the 
stock, Household and Kitchen furniture, Sugar mill and Kettle, a lot of 
leather, a lot of Raw Hides, forty pair of shoes and many other articles too 
numerous to mention.  All will be sold on the day above mentioned, if not sold 
before at private sale.  E. Forbes.  Nov. 14th, 1865."
Evidently, Enoch Forbes owned property in Fletcherville, GA, incorporated 
around Fletcher Institute sometime after 1848 (see source note on Fletcher 
Institute); thus, the children may have been living with their mother there in 
1851 when they are listed as attending school at Fletcher Institute (see the 
Hopkins Collection).

ADAH Alabama Department of Archives and History;  Pension application papers 
of Allen WIlliam Bryan and Callie Bryan, copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
1901--Allen William received a pension during the last year of his life for 
his service as a private in the Alabama 15th.  Thomas Sidney Mills, brother-in-
law, signed with him as witness, and Allen William claimed $50 in personal 
property.  Two doctors signed that he was disabled.

After his death, Callie filed for pension-1902-1903-on the Alabama 15th 
record.  She listed $15 in personal property and two people signed for AW’s 
service: J. M . McCarty and W F Collins.

In 1914, a series of sworn testimonies by Mathew Cooper of Geneva Co, AL; John 
Austin of Dale County, and son L. N. Bryan of Dale County, reveal that Allen 
William served in Co A Morrison’s Co, Lewis’ Battalion of the Confederate Army 
(Cooper said as a second Lt.) after having transferred from the infantry, and 
that he served out the remainder of the war except, as L. N. Bryan notes, 
when “at home on furlough to visit his wife and my mother.”  At first, the 
petition is denied (Jan 1914), but with appeal, he (I suppose Callie) is 
granted pension (12 July 1914).

Evidently, in 1920 the legislature amended the acts so that the widows had to 
reapply: “Widows Blank for Reclassification under Section 11, as Amended by 
Acts of Legislature approved October 5th, 1920.”  Callie’s handwriting 
reflects a much feebler woman.  She is living with my grandparents T. J. Dean, 
and as she always has on every application and census, listed her place of 
birth as Leon Co, FL.  She lists that her father Thomas Mills died in GA in 
1845.  She states that Allen William died in January of 1902 in Junction 
River, FL.  She states that Allen William was a first sergeant."

Dr. Ken Jones.  Co. “A”, Lewis' Cavalry Battalion (Dale County and Jackson 
County, FL; formerly Co. "D"). From: kjones []
	Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 1:14 AM
	To: Sharon Dean Lee
	Subject: RE: Muster roll request.
*BRYAN, Allen William, 1st Lt. (also in Co. “C”)

ADAH Alabama Department of Archives and History Civil War Service Database. 
Copy on file, Sharon Dean Lee,
Last Name: Mills [1]
First Name: Thomas    MI: S  (Sidney)
Date of Birth:
Birth Information: USA, Georgia
Occupation: Farmer
Enlistment Date: 1861/07/03
Enlistment Information: Age 19, Alabama, Westville, Private
Regimental Unit: 15th Alabama Regiment
Company Unit: E
Authority: Historical Roll dated 1865/01/03 near Richmond, Virginia
Authority: Pension Application Dale County 1920/12/03	Marital Status: Single
Engagements: Present at: Winchester, Virginia 1862/05/25, Cross Keys 
1862/06/08, Malvern Hill 1862/07/02, Ceder Mountain 1862/08/09, Hazel River 
1862/08/23, Manassas Junction 1862/08/27, Manassas Plains 1862/08/28-30, 
Chantilly 1862/09/01, Harpers Ferry 1862/09/13,
	Engage. con't: Suffolk, Virginia 1863/05/03, Battle Mountain 
1863/07/24, Chickamauga, Georgia 1863/09/19-20, Raccoon Mt., Tennessee 
1863/10/27, Lookout Valley 1863/10/28, Camel Station 1863/11/16, Knoxville 
1863/11/20 & 29, Dandridge 1864/01/16, Wilderness 1864/05/06,
Remarks: (Engag. con't) Spottsylvania, Virginia 1864/05/08 & 12, Cold Harbor 
1864/06/03, Chester Station 1864/06/17, Deep Bottom 1864/08/14;Severely 
Wounded: Sharpsburg 1862/09/17, Gettysburg 1863/07/02, Fussell Mill 1864/08/16;
(con't next record)
Remarks con't: Residence Daleville, Alabama Pension Application filed by 
Lavina I. Mills, widow.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
Wolf, Roxanna   Harris, Howell J  14-Dec  1865    GA Early

• 1866
Emily R D McMichael Mills, widow of Wesley Berryan Mills, remarries in Clay 
County, GA.  Thomas Sidney Mills marries.

Marriage Records of Clay County, GA.
4 Jan 1866 Abner Benton  to Emily Mills

Mills-Pouncy Bible in the possession of Gene Mills Berta
1 Mar 1866
Clayhatchee, Dale County, AL

• 1867
Benjamin F. Wolf’s daughter Hannah marries in Early County, GA.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
Wolf, Hannah  Williams, King    18-Aug  1867    GA Early

• 1868
Leonora A Mills Williams remarries.

Leonora A Mills Williams to James Osborn Stevens 10 Jan 1868  Polk Co, TX

• 1869
Benjamin F. Wolf’s daughter Laura marries in Early County, GA

Early County, GA, Marriage records
Wolf, Laura   John, Nick   30-Dec  1869    GA Early

• 1870
Archibald’s son John W and family are living in Arkansas.  Catherine Ann Mills 
Parramore and sons are living in Early County, GA.  Catherine Elizabeth Mills 
Bryan and family are living in Dale County, AL.  Lucy F Mills Herring’s and 
Leonora A Mills Williams’ families are living in Texas.  

1870 Census Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas Roll: M593_67; Page: 525; Image: 463., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Jno. W Mills 35 M farmer GA
Angela 29 F MS
Benjamin 11  Ar
Willis A  5  AR
Edgar S  3  AR
Ora 5/12  AR

1870 Early County, GA census Blakely P. O., p, 8,  Heritage Quest Online, 
Fairfax Public Library. Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee. 
34 34 John Parramore 31 yrs, M, W, (wife Mary, 22 yrs. F, W, b. GA; son 
Burrill Thomas 2 mos).

1870 Early County, GA, census Blakely P. O., p, 9, Heritage Quest Online, 
Fairfax Public Library. Copy on 
file Sharon Dean Lee. 
60 60 W T Parramore 27 yrs, M, W, (wife Marsha 25 yrs, b. GA).

1870 Early Co, Georgia Census ; District 28, Roll: M593_148; Page: 66; Image: 
132. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
127  127 Dubose, V. W.   M 32   Merchant AL
         Louvenia  F  29   AL
         Perryman, Kate    F 50   GA

• 1873
Leonora A Mills Williams Stevens dies in childbirth.

Marjorie A Cain on Leonora Mills' burial location.
(3) Leonora's burial - unknown:
8-23-2000 Following info is from Kevin Ladd, Curator of Chambers County 
Historial Library/Society after my inquiry about Leonora's burial place: "We 
only have about 3 cemeteries in Wallisville. The Wallis Family Cemetery dates 
back to the 1840's but only has about 7 tombstones. We do know of a number of 
unmarked graves in the cemetery and we know the cemetery was used up until the 
late 1870s when these large town ants took over the burial site and a new 
Wallisville Cemetery was established further on down the road. I feel 
reasonably sure she would be in the Wallis Family Cemetery since it was used 
by most of the people around here. Right across I-10 from our museum is 
another old cemetery called Whittington Cemetery but don't have any real 
bearings on its real location. There were supposed to be tombstones in the 
cemetery back in the 1930s or 1940s but no one has seen anything of the 
cemetery in a long while. Since cattle graze there, our supposition is that 
the cows knocked over the markers and they are probably in some thicket or 
something of that sort. This cemetery was established by or for the family of 
George W. Whittington. I don't know of any records off the top of my head that 
would document her place of burial but that doesn't mean we might not get 
lucky and find something some day. I'm assuming that this James O. Stevens 
tied in with the Stevens family of Polk County. Mr. Moody Jackson of 
Livingston, now deceased, was down here many years ago researching that 
family.    /s/ Kevin Ladd, Curator. 

• 1877
Benjamin F. Wolf’s daughter Mary L marries in Early County, GA.

Early County, GA, Marriage records
WOLF, MARY L.   JONES, ABNER    21-Jan  1877    GA Early

• 1880
Allen William and Catherine Elizabeth Bryan are living in Dale County, AL. as 
are Thomas Sidney and Lavinia Pouncey Mills.  Catherine Elizabeth dies in 1923 
in Dale County, AL.  Thomas Sidney Mills dies in 1902 in Clayhatchee, Dale 
County, AL.  Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman continues to live with her 
daughter in Early Co, GA, living there until her death in 1901.  John W. Mills 
has died by the 1880 Arkansas Census.

1880 Dale Co, AL census. Heritage Quest Online, Fairfax Public Library, copy 
on file Sharon Dean Lee.,

Bryant, Allen W M 58 husband farmer  Ala GA GA
Callie E  W F 35  wife keeping house FL (sic) Callie was born in GA GA GA
Frank A W M 14 son laborer AL GA GA
Alma W F 12 daughter keeping AL GA GA
Wiles W M 8 son AL GA GA
Pomeroy W M 6 son AL GA GA
Charles W M 3 son AL GA GA
Robbert W M 1 son AL GA GA

Mills, Thomas W M 35 (sic)  [Thomas was born 1842]  GA  GA  GA
Levina    W F 32   AL  GA  GA
Lucy P.   W F  9   AL  AL  GA
Phelp     W M  7   AL  AL  GA
Jessie L  W F  3   AL  AL  GA
Attie M   W F  1   AL  AL  GA

1880 Gravelly Hill, Yell, Arkansas Census Roll: T9_60; Family History Film: 
1254060; Page: 441.2000; Enumeration District,  Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
Age: 37 
Estimated birth year: abt 1843 
Birthplace: Mississippi 
Relation to head-of-household: Self (Head) 
Father's birthplace: Georgia 
Mother's birthplace: Georgia 
Neighbors: View others on page  
Occupation: Housekeeping 
Marital Status: Widowed 
Race: White 
Gender: Female 
A. L. Mills 37  widow   [Angie, widow of John W Mills]
W. A. Mills 16  [Willis A]
E. L. Mills 13  [Edgar L]
O. A. Mills 9  [Ora A]
J. H. Boreel 5  
S. H. Mills 39 MS widow sister [may be the Helen Mills that was a widow and on 
the 1870 census; theoretically, she may be the widow of Benjamin F. Mills]

• 1901
Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman dies 28 Feb 1901 in Blakely, Early 
County, GA.
Blakely City Cemetery, Early Co. GA  Copyright. All rights reserved. 
Perryman, C.A. Mrs. 16 Mar 1820 28 Feb 1901 On the left is the stone "J.R.P." 
On the right are stones "M.J.P. & J.R.P." Information contributed by Sharon 
Dean Lee. Photo on file Sharon Dean Lee.

• 1902
Thomas Sidney Mills dies 21 Mar 1902 in Clayhatchee, Dale County, AL
Providence Cemetery, Clayhattchee, Dale Co, AL
Tombstone photo on file Sharon Dean Lee

• 1923
Catherine Elizabeth Mills Bryan dies 10 Jan 1923
Ariton Cemetery, Ariton, Dale County, Al
Tombstone photo on file Sharon Dean Lee

**Other related documents:

Court of Probate, Leon Co, Fl, L 76. State Archives of Florida, R. A. Gray 
Building, Tallahassee Florida., Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
p 197
State of Florida
County of Leon
Court of Probate	In chambers September 10th A. S. 1856.
	In the matter of the Estate of Lenora A Mills, Thomas S Mills, 
Catherine E. Mills, Zachariah H. Jerkins, minors, It is ordered that 
guardianship of said minors be committed to Wesley B. Mills on his filing his 
bond in the office in the penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned as the 
law directs with R. S. Herring and E. H. Forbes as his securities.
						L. W. Guyum [?] 
							Judge of Probate
I do certify that the foregoing is a true record duly made in my office this 
10th day of September A. D. 1856.

[NOTE: Guardianship Bond on the same day also included the pledge of Enoch H. 
Forbes, R. S. Herring, and W. B. Mills to provide guardianship and their 

The following receipts for expenses of Wesley B. Mills as guardian for 
Catherine Elizabeth, Leonora A., and Thomas S. Mills are included in the file:

Papers included in the file for Leonora A Mills:
Mr. Wesley B. Mills, Guardian of Catherine E. Mills	
1855	To J. R. L. Davis
May 28th		To	1 E. Grammar	$    .38
Nov—		”	Tuition for Callie	  12.50
Received payment on the above account       $12.88
of W. B. Mills Guardian
October 8th 1856			*William Pirkins  
  					__? L. T. Simpson	
[*NOTE: William Perkins owned a mercantile in Micosukee.  Jane Burney Gordon 
Mills Burney, second wife of Arthur Burney and widow of Stephen Mills, is 
thought to be buried at Indian Springs Church in an unmarked grave with the 
Williams Perkins family and Arthur Burney’s family. For a listing, see: 
Paisley, Joy Smith.  Compiled and edited for Colonial Dames XVII Century 
Dominie Eveardus Bogardus Chapter, The Cemeteries of Leon County, Florida; 
Rural, White Cemeteries: Tombstone Inscriptions & Epitaphs. 1978: Tallahassee, 
FL, p. 97. DAR Library, Washington, DC. Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.]
C. E. Mills
To W. L. Dennis for tuition for one quarter		$6.00
[W. L. Dennis was associated with Miccosukee Academy*]
		Received of W. B. Mills Guardian
		Dec 24th 1856			R. S. Herring
*The Floridian and Journal, Tallahassee, Leon Co, FL, 21 July 
1852.  "Published Every Saturday Morning." Microfilm Box N-I 13 F, State 
Archives of Florida, R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee Florida. Copy on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
"Miccasookie [sic] Academy.
R. W. Cave, A. M., Principal
The Fall Session will commence on Monday, 1st August:  Students wishing to 
avail themselves of the advantages of the School are requested to be present 
at the formation of the classes in the first work of the session.  Charge is 
made, however, only from the time of admission.
George F. Dennis,
Secretary Board of Trustees
July 21, 1852.  	29	tf

Shofner, Jerrell H.  History of Jefferson County. 1976: Sentry Press, 
Tallahassee, FL, p. 20., Available Wakulla Public Library, Wakulla, FL: REF 
FLA 975.9 Sho.  Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
     The Miccosukee Academy opened in 1852 with B. W. Cave as principal.  
George E. Dennis, a merchant at Bailey's Mills, was secretary of the board of 
trustees.  The school did not last long.  In 1853, Franklin Academy was opened 
in Monticello on a tract of land deeded by Andrew J. Moore to Green Sledge as 
chairman of the school's board of trustees.  It did not survive the Civil War.
Rufus Herring Esq	
		To Miccosukee School Dr.
1856	For C. E. Mills
		To Tuition—1 Scholar 2nd Quarter  —	        4.50
		 ”    1 First Book History  —			 .75
		 ”       Mitchel’s Georgraphy & atlas		1.25
							[Total] 6.50
Dec. 24 Recd. The above in full of W. B. Mills Guardian
						P. Smith
						Per [?] S. N. Nuff
Miss C. E. Mills
Rot of A. Duienhoufin [?]
Assorted goods Feb through Sept: gingham, ribbon, Mohair roll, mantilla, 
shoes, combs, linen etc.  Total $53.79
Blakely, GA
	Received of W. B. Mills, guardian of C. E Mills ninety-six Dollars 
being in full for her board from Jany 26th 1857 to Jany 26th 1858.
		C. A. Perryman [Catherine Ann Mills Parramore Perryman, 
Callie’s aunt]
			To Blakely Academy Dr
To tuition of Callie Mills 12 weeks		$7.20
 ”    One Town’s 3rd Reader 			  .60     
 ”       ”     Copy Book			  .12	
				[Total] 	$7.92
Recd paymt.
Callie Mills
1857	To Blakely Academy Dr
Dec 18th
	To her own tuition				    $12.00
	 ”   one Copy Book				       .13
	Wesley B. Mills Guardian 		C. E. Mills
	In and with B. M. Fryer
Feb 25-Oct 1 Assorted good: shoes, comb, parasol, copy book, buttons, stay 
binding, etc. Total $ 7.13 add 33 1/3 [%]  2.37 = $9.50 
Recd payment of W. B. Mills Guard. Nine 50/100 Dollars for C. E. Mills p/d for 
1857  June 25, 1858
		*B. M. Fryer
* Benjamin M. Fryer owned a mercantile on the corner of Court Square and North 
Main Street in Blakely, GA.  Collections of Early County Historical Society 
Vol 1. 
Published by Early County Historical Society, Colquitt, GA: Automat Printers, 
1971, p. 245.  
W. B. Mills
Guardian for Miss Catharine Mills
                                                To Buchannon & McCullok
Feby 13    To 1  R Shoes         ???       1.50
Sept 23    “  1  4th Reader      ???        .88   $2.38
         Recd Blakely Jany 25th of W. B. Mills Guardian for Catharine Mills, 
Two 38/100 dollars in full for the above a/ct
                                                        Buchannon & McCullok
                                                         B W W Fleming
L. A. Mills & C. E. Mills   Minors
1858	To [?] W. B. Mills
	Lr [?] Travailing [sic] expences [sic] to Tallahassee	7.20
		                   ”	while here		2.50
1861		”		”		”              11.00
		”		”		”               2.50
Red 19th March 1859 of W. B. Mills Guardian of Miss C. E. Mills
Seven 92/100 dollars in full for the within asd.
				John L. Swann
Rec 19th March 1859 of W. B. Mills Guardian of Miss C. E. Mills, Twelve 13/100 
Dollars in full for the within asc.
				John L. Swann
C. E. Mills					
1860					To W. B. Mills
			Amt. Paid G. L. Holland’s F [?]	        47.13
Jany 1861 		   ”	Cash To Fla her Expences	 5.00
 ”    ”        		   ”	  ”	paid Dr. Homes	        14.00
No. 60
Thomas, L. A. & C. E. Mills Minors
A/cr Status for 1859, 1860, & 1861
These a/cr and the accompanying voucers are Examined approved and allowed This 
July 18, 1861. W. Bryan Clk & Ex off Judge of Probate

Recorded on Folio 613
Wesley B. Mills 
Recd 1st Jany 1861, of W. G. Mills Guardian of Miss C. E. Mills, Twenty Seven 
70/100 dollars in full for s/a of 1860.
		Jms R. W. Wade

[NOTE: Since R. W. Wade was the person who signed Leonora’s receipts to Andrew 
College, I assume (as did the librarian at Andrew) that Callie was at Andrew 
for 1860-1861.  She may have been in the secondary curriculum; however, since 
she was sixteen years old, she may have been in the college curriculum.] 

Papers included in the file for Leonora A Mills:
1855		Cuthbert, GA
Mr. Enoch Forbes Bought of Amoss & Callier, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry 
Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, No. 1 South St.
March 7-Oct 20 various goods: Morocco shoes, letter paper, 
Gloves, a fine comb plus interest for 6 months		            	$25.82
Recd Payment in Full June 24th 1856
Amoss & Callier 
For John B. Buchanan
Entered against Miss L. A. Mills in of W. B. Mills
Cuthbert, GA	1855
Miss L. A. Mills	
Bought of S. N. Hurd, Staple and Fancy Dry Good, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, 
Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, &c. &c.
Jan 27  For Grammer			
Feb 27	Phraus ?
May 10  Gaiter Shoes (Bootes)
June 12  1 fan	
					[Total] 	$4.62	
Recd Payt June 25th 1856
				[Cannot read signatures]
Miss Leonora Mills         297  
1856	Lot of Key and Preston
Jan 28, 1855-Feb 2,1856   goods like bobbinet, skein of silk, hose, pins, 
paper, pencils, ribbon, boots, linen, scissors                          
Recd payment Key and Preston June 26, 1856				    
Charged against Miss L. A. Mills in of W. B. Mills	         [Total]    

1856 Jan 28-Nov and some for 1855			        [Total]    
Key and Preston
Mr. W. H. [sic] Mills
Fall Term 1956          To Andrew F. College 
                           Tuition of Leonora A. Mills         16.00
                                   Incidental expenses          1.50
                                   1 French                     8.00
                                   Board 2 months 6 days       22.00
                                                   [Total]     47.50 
                                   Music                       13.00 
1st Dec                     Rec the above in full   [Total]   $60.50
                                   Jas. D. Wade for J. H. Caldwell 

Miss L. A. Mills
In acs with J E Schmidt
1856 A. F. College Fall Term
Dec Tuition on P__? For Miss Leonora Mills __? 6 days          16.00
To Sheet music						        2.00
					Rec payment	      $18.00	
				1st Dec 1856.  J. D. Wade for 
					           J. H. Caldwell	
Wesley B. Mills Esq (Guardian)
			To Mrs. A. Kiddoo
Fall Term 1857
			To Tuition Miss Leonora
          In music 				$20.00
Please pay the above account to Misses McDonald & Wade
Cuthbert 9th Jan 1858		A. C. Kiddoo
A copy
Received pay of W. B. Mills Guardian
July 16th 1859		J. D. Wade  pr
				   E. Brooks
1857     W. B. Mills Guardian of L. A. Mills  To Booth (& or T?) Mills
               To Mercandise [sic] lot of thw ?     $23.17
              Received pay of W. B. Mills Guardian
Aug 1st 1857
	                                     Booth [& or T?] Mills
Miss Leonora Mills
1857          Bot of Beall Stewart & Presley
Sept 22      ½ ? Laser?                                 ?
        23       1 Webster Dictionary                   .37   .50
Oct      9       5  yds Sea Islands Shirting            .63
                   1   Pr Paper  Pr.25         ?????    .50
        12       3   Bun Velvet Ribbon                 3.75
                   1   Hair Brush, 1 Fine Comb          .87
        24       3   yd Pa Cambric                      .75
        26       1   Silk Hood                          .75
        30       ½ yds   Pa Cambric                     .12
Nov   4        2 ½ yds Ribbons,  1 ½ yds Do            1.87  7.37
                    1 Hat 1.50, ¾ yds Ribbon           1.97
          7        1 yd Drilling,                       .15
        21        ¼ yd Prints, ½ yd Linen, collar       .98
                    1 Pr shoes 2.00,   ½ ? Paper 13/   2.13  8.93
Dec 17         3 yd Velvet Ribbon                       .75
        21        1 Pr Puff Combs                       .25  1.00
Received pay of W. B. Mills Guardian
July 16th 1859                               J. D. Wade
                                            Pr  E. Brooks
Wesley B Mills Esq (Guardian)
      Fall Term 1857	   To Andrew F College
	      To Tuition Miss Leonora 		$16.00
	       ”   Incidental Expense		   .75
			       Cr		 16.75
       By Two weeks absence		          2.00
				[Total] 	$14.75
Received pay of W. B. Mills Guardian
July 16th 1859			J. D. Wade
				      Pr	 E. Brooks
Wesley B. Mills Esq (Guardian)
		To H. L. Taylor
Fall Term 1857
		To Board Miss Leonora (from 20th Sept to 1st Jan) 
3 1/3 months @ 10 $ per month 		$33.30	
Received pay of W. B. Mills Guardian
July 16th 1859				J. D. Wade
					      Pr, 	E. Brooks
W. B. Mills
Guardian for Miss L. A. Mills
             To Buchannon & McCullok
May 22    To  ---?  Bonnet    $3.00
          “     3 yds Ribbon   1.50
          “     1/3 yd Flower   .16
    30    “       “      Straw Trimming            .06
July 7    “     3 ½ yds Edging            50c     1.75
          “     2 “ Bobbins               50c     1.00
          “     4 “ Cap Ribbon            1/-     1.00
Aug  18   “    1/2  of Working Cotton              .13
                                    [Total]     $ 8.60
Recd Blakely Jany 25th of W. B. Mills Guardian for Miss L. A. Mills, Eight 
60/100 dollars in full for the above a/ct
                                            Buchannon & McCullok
                                                B W W Fleming
        Mr. W. B. Mills Guardian of Miss L. A. Mills
1858                       To JMS R W Wade
Nov 4       To  4½ yds priming @ 2/--        1.13
 “    “       “    1 Head Dres               1.50    $2.63
Rcd Blakely Geo. 1st January 1859 of W. B. Mills Guardian of 
Miss L A Mills Two 63/100 Dollars in full for the above a/c               
                                  JMS R W Wade   
1858                Miss L. A. Mills
                       Bot of B. W. Fryer
May 6           2 yds Ribbon   10c          .20
                       [can’t read]         .25  
                       [can’t read]         .31     [total]  .76
March 19, 1859   Recd W. B. Mills, Guar.  Seventy five cents in full for above 
a/c.							B. M. Fryer for [can’t 
* Benjamin M. Fryer owned a mercantile on the corner of Court Square and North 
Main Street in Blakely, GA.  Collections of Early County Historical Society 
Vol 1. 
Published by Early County Historical Society, Colquitt, GA: Automat Printers, 
1971, p. 245.  
Miss Leonora Mills to Mrs. Gibson
1857  Oct 2nd   To 12 yds delaine  63 cents per yd              7.56
           “           To 1 cloak  10.00                       10.00
           “           To  1 belt                               1.00
           “           To  1 yard holland                        .38
           “           making waist                             2.50
           “           To  1 collar .50  To & do 38              .88
           18          To  a hoop skirt                         1.75
           “           3 skins silk                            24.25  
           Interest one year & fifty day                        1.76
                                               [Total]         26.00
                                 Deduction made on Delain       1.50
Ft. Gaines 15th January 1857
Mr. John W. Mills will please pay the above account to John and his receipt 
will be good for the same.
                                           Complying will oblige Dr?
								Samuel Gainer
         Attn for Mrs. Gibson
Mr. W. B. Mills Guard for Miss L Mills
				To Buchannon & McCullok
Mar 22  To 2 yds velvet Ribbon                                   1.25
Apr 19    “    1 Bing Dress 7.50; 1 Robe Dress 3.50             11.00
          “    3 yds cold Brilliants  40c                        3.60
          “    3 yds Pink Chambry Gingham 30c                     .90
          “    1 yds Embroidery  16c; 3 yds white Fringe         2.38
          “    2 Bcks Serpentine Braid                            .25
          “    1 Pr Péniche Gloves 14/                           
          “    2 Lawn Hdkfs 4/, 1½ yds Edging 15c                1.22
          “    3 yds Drilling                                     .56
    21    “    3 Long Whalebones 331/3, 1 Dz Dress Whalebones    1.38
          “    3 Bxs H & Eyes, 1 paper Pins, 1 Dz Linen Buttons   .62
    22    “    1 Pr EarRings & Breastpin 7.00, 1 Box Lilly White 7.13
    28    “    7 yds Dunity ?, ½ yd Brilliants 46c               2.82
          “    3 Pr Wht Cot Hose fu ?                            1.00
          “    2 Pr Bro    “       “   3/1, 1 Hoop Skirt 4.00    4.75
    29    “    1 yd fine Saviss Muslin               1.00       42.51
May  6    “    8 yds coarser Saviss Muslin        2/1            2.00
     7    “    3 yds Wht Light Bonnet Ribbon  85c                2.25
    13    “    1 Pr Ladies Buck Gaunts                           2.00
          “    1 Pr Ladies Shoes 15/-- (14th) ½ yd __ Linen 61c  2.25
    20    “    1 Pr Hld Kid Boots                                2.75
June16    “    1 Silk Dress & fine Bonnet                       30.00
          “    1 yd of I Linen 61—  1 DZ Whalebone 3/-           1.13
          “    35 ½ yds Bleaching 18 e/                          6.39
    18    “    6 yds R Cambric 1/6, 6 yds Blond Lace 4/-         4.12
          “    5  Skeins Silk 6 1/ (19th) 2 ¼ yds R Cambric 1/6   .73
          “    1 Ball Cord 10c, (23rd)   1 Bloick Satin Ribbo    1.10
    23    “    1 Pr Kid Gloves 1 o/   ½ yd Blond Lace  4/           1.50
          “    1 Fan 14/--1/2 gs Letter Paper 2/- 1 Bok? Flowers 4/ 2.38
    29    “    2 L C Hdkfs 4/- & 6/-, 3 yds Swiss Edging            2.00
July26    “    1 yd Irish Linen 10/- 1 Bon? Working Cotton          1.50
Aug 24    “    1 Paper Pins 1/- ½ gr? Paper 1/- 1 Paper Needles 1/-  .37
          “    2 Spools Thread, 1 P. Hld Garters                    2.88
                                           amt carried over----  $107.86

1858                           To Amt brot over ---------------  
Sep  2    “    1 Box Lake (bot-out)                                  .12
    13    “    1  “  Stamp  Envelopes                                .80
          “    3 ½ yds Wht Bobbins 4/1-  6 ½ yds Pink Ribbon 1/-    2.56
    18    “    1 fine Linen Hdkf .378/1-  ½ gr Letter Paper 2/-     1.13
    22    “    1 Box Hair Pins 1/--                                  .25
    29    “    3 yds Blk Opera Flannel                              2.25
Oct  7    “    7 Skeins Silk 1-/- (13th)  12 Skeins enul?            .48
          “    1 Silk Belt 1/-  2 Papers rudles?                    1.00  
    15    “    1 Worsted Dress 4.50,  1 yd cold Deans? 1/6          4.69
          “    1½ yds Paper Cambric, 1 Skein of Silk, 1 Box H & Eyes .38
          “    ½ gr Letter Paper 2/-                                 [?]
Nov  4    “    3 Linen Hdkfs fir? 8/-, 2 Bxs of cy Hair Pins        1.50
          “    2 Pr Kid Gloves 8/2, 1 Remus? Bonnet Ribbon 16/-     4.00
          “    1 ½ Paper Cambric 1/6, 1 Ladies’ Collar 18/-         2.52
          “    1 Morocco 2/-                                         .25
    18    “    2 ½ yds Ribbon 3/-, ½ yd Victorian Lawn 4/-          1.19
          “    2 yds Sallisbury Flannel 4/-, 1 ½ yds Opera Flannel  2.13
          “    11 yds Calico 1/6-, 1 Ladies’ Cloak 8.00   10.06  
$143.29                   Recd of W. B. Mills, Guardian for Miss Leanora Mills 
One hundred & forty-three, 29/100 Dollars in full for the above A/c
						Buchannon & McCullok
Miss L. A. Mills
			Bot of B. M. Fryer
May 6  ribbon, etc.
March 19, 1859 Recd W. B. Mills Guar. Seventy five cents in full for above amt.
						B. M. Fryer
						For  ___?
Mr. W. B. Mills Guardn for Miss Lanora Mills
1858    Acc/c    Bernhard & Ryder
                         Assignees of A Pettinhrefer
Feb  11    1/w Kid Gloves                                             1.25
     18    1 Caller                                                   3—
     22    1 gw Paper                                           .38   4.63
March 9    9 yds Gingham                                              3.00
           1 yd  Drilling                                              .18
           1  Head Drap                                               1.50
	     1  pr Shoes                                         [?]     [?]
      11   2  yds Ribbon                                              1.25
      22   Bact  [Belt?]                                               .38
      10   yds Bleacht                         14                     1.40
           3 ½ yds Ribbon                         4/-                 1.75
           3 ½ yds Cambric                                             .44
           1 ½ yds Ribbon            6                          .09   5.31
      26   1 pr Garters                                               3.00
           1 yd Gingham                                         .40   3.40
           3 ½ yds Cambric                                             .44
May   6    8 yds Shirting                                             1.44
           3 Spools Thread                                             .18
           1 fain?                                                     .25
           1 Box Hair Pins                                             .13
           1 Paresol                                           4—     6.00
                                     Cr                              27.12
March11   by 1 Hair Drap                                              1.50
                                                      [Total]        25.62
March 19, 1859
                            Recd Payment of W. B. Mills Guardian for Lanora 
Mills in full for    
                            do—? to date
                                                     Bernhard & Ryder
                                                       Pr A Pettinhrefer
       Miss L. A. Mills
1859                                     To W. B. Mills
Dec 15th Amt Paid B. F. Price’  sgs?                   44.29 [marked out with 
a line through it]
Dec 24   “    “   W. W. Willson  do                    10.95    
        Cash paid Expenses to Texas                    37.00
1860 July 20   “     “    by ord on R. S. Herring      50.00
Miss. L Mills
1859  In a/c with J. L. Holland
March 18  2 ½ yds Ribbon         4/-                              1.25
          3    do--------------- 2/-                               .75
          1 collar                                                2.00
          1 thread                                                 .25
          1 collar                                                2.00
          1 dress pattern                                         3.50
          7 yds gingham                                           2.62
          1 tin Buckle                                             .25 10.62
    26    1 check Lace                                             .50
          1 Bunch floss                                            .13
          1 Fan                                                    .12   .75
          10 yds prints                                           1.50
           3 yds Drill                                             .51
          ¼ yd Banegs?                                             .81
          5 yd f—ing                                              2.50
          1 Box pins                                               .12  5.44
May  2    2 ½ yds Lace                                             .75
          ¾ yd Bobbinet                                            .56
          1 pr gloves                                              [?]   [?]
Aug  2    3 yds Ribbon 4/-                                         .75 20.12
    13    ¾ yds Muslin 3/-                                         .27
          2 yds Uarfs?                                             .38
          1 Hose                                                   .30   .75
    20    1 Fan                                                    .50
          1 ????                                                   .38
          1 ½ yds Shirting                                         .22
          2 Spools Thread                                          .20   .80
Sept19    Snuff                                                    .25
          5 yds ?????                                              .85
          15 yds Drill                                            2.25
           2 Spools Thr                                            .20
Oct  3     1 pr shoes                                             1.62
           2 Skeins Silk                                           .13
           2 prs Hose                                              .75
           6 yds Flannel                                          3.00
           1 Ball Soap                                             .38   4.13
    22     1 Carpet Bag                                           1.50
           1 pr over shoes                                        1.00
           1 paper pins                                            .12   2.62
Received pay in full                                                   $34.42
     Of W. B. Mills
Daleville, Ala.    Dec. 1st 1859
						John L. Holland
47          Wesley Mills Guardian of L. A. Mills
1859       [Can’t read]
May 30  1 moslin [sic] Dress for Negro         3.50
              1 mantilla                       8.00
              6 yds Herns Pon????               .80  $12.30
              1 Scarf                           .75
Acct. Payment
Dec. 29th 1859                      J Wilkinsky??
Miss Leonora Mills
1859	                       Bot of B. F. Price
Apr 18  To  1 pocket knife                                 .87
            2 papers needles                               .20
            1 Fancy Basket                                 .56
            1 Silk Belt                                    .50
            2 doz buttons                                  .25
            1 pack Envelopes                               .15
            1 string coral beads                           .63
            3 yds Shambray                                 .94
            ½ doz Buttons papers needles                   .12
            2 pr Ladies’ hose                              .60
            2    “       “                                 .40
May 23      1 pr firm garters                             2.25
            1 bot ink                                      .15
June10      1 yd blk Ribbon                                .25
            1 pr shoes                                    
            1 bu floss                                     [?]
            3 ½ yds Silk lace 3/-                         1.31
            1 Skein Silk                                   .05
July10      4 yds prints                                   .60
    16      2 ½ yds Ribbon                                 .65
            11 yds prints                                 1.54
Aug 12      1 pr shoes                                    1.50
    15      Difference in Shoes                            .25
            1 ½ yds bobbinet                               .38
            1 paper pins                                   .10
            12 yds Ribbon                                  .60   12.17
    20      ½ yd Bobinet                                   .13
    30      1 Bot Snuff                                    .25
    31      2 yds lace                                     .30
Sept 3      1 bu hair pins                                 .10
     7      10 yds Bleaching                              1.80
            1 yd Bleaching                                 .16
            3 yds Gingham                                  .84
            1 pr fine Shoes                               2.25
            floss                                          .25
            1 bot cologne                                  .35
  13        1 bot snuff                                    .25
  19        2 yds jeans                                    .50
            2 yds prints                                   .32    7.53
            1 coarse comb                                  .20
            1 fine comb                                    .20
            1 Lle Laine drep  ?                           4.31
  23        3 ½ yds Lepidlte  ?                           2.62
            4 yds Blk cambric Bleaching                    .50
  26        4 yds Tepi Llte ?                              .19
            1 ½ yds paper cambric                          .22
Oct1        3 yds S & shirting  Bleaching                  .39
            5 yds Bro drill                                .70
   3        4 papers Needles                               .40
            3 bu binding                                   .13
            1 fine shawl                                  9.50   19.36
Dec  14                                      Cr By cash $25.00
        Received of W. B. Mills Twenty-five Dollars on a/c of L. A. Mills 
        Daleville, Ala   Dec. 14th 1859          B. F. Price
      Est. L. A. Mills, a minor  
      vo.5  Filed 1861
$24.50 Recd from the hands of W. W. Murphries ?, 
Twenty-four 50/100 Dollars in full for within account March 18th 1859—
                                            Samuel Gainer for Mrs. Gibson

Receipts for the Guardianship of Thomas S. Mills
837	W. B. Mills Guardian of T. S. Mills
                    To D. B. White
Nov 30 To Tuition of T. S. Mills 
               For 160 days 12c                    $19.20
By his quote of Public School Fund                   4.35
          Received payment of W. B. Mills Guardian
          Daleville, Ala
          Nov 30th 1857                D. B. White
Thos. Mills
1860	Bot of J. Kennedy
March         1 Pr Lee Shoes          $2.00
     Rec payment by Cash of Feb 6th 1858 W. B. Mills
	                                    J. Kennedy
Thos. S. Mills
		W. B. Mills
Jany 1859  a/c Paid B. F. Price       $6.00
Thos. S. Mills
1860		to W. B. Mills
Jany  1861  Amt Paid B. F. Price     $18.25

1860-1930 Census Listings for the Herrings (and Leonora Mills for 1860).
	Is this just some census-taker’s screw-up?  Is it Leonora Mills and 
Lucy Mills Herring?

1860 Precinct 8, Polk, Texas Census Precinct 8, Polk, Texas; Roll: M653_1303; 
Page: 53; Image: 106.
Jno Herring 45
Lucy Herring 24
Natchel Herring 3
Joshua Herring 18
Leonora Herring 21
Note: Look at the age of the Joshua (Lucy F Mills married John Herring 31 May 
1853; her mother Eliza Jane married Z. Jerkins 5 Nov 1853. On the 1880 Texas 
census Joshua T Herring lists being born in 1859.  He would not have been 
Lucy’s child.  Perhaps Joshua was a brother or sister of John’s son.) 

Rufus S. Herring 42 farmer $1448 10,000 NC
Cynthia, age 45, (marked out), and in her place is listed Lavina Jane, age 20 
b. GA
Ann Davis 15 GA
NOTE: 1870 I looked everywhere for the children on the 1870 census.  I found 
John Williams and what is evidently his brother Rufus b. 1818 NC (see the 
census documents below) on the 1870 Chambers census (John is at the bottom of 
a page) but I think that either the children were staying elsewhere, the 
census taker screwed up, or the page is lost.  Much on that census for 
Willisville seems out of whack.  Obviously Luvenia Jane McCoy Herring died 
between the 1860 and 1870 census because Rufus married again before the 1880 

NOTE: Here is the 1880 Chambers census, but look below it at who else appears 
on that census.  I’m wondering if the MC Herring is Lucy’s child (he was born 
about three years after her marriage and shows a mother from FL).  He 
disappears after 1880-maybe like Josh, who marries and dies between the 1880 
and 1900 census.

1880 Double Bayou, Chambers, Texas; Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 
1255295; Page: 277.4000; Enumeration District: 21
Josh. HERRING   Self        S   Male   W   21   TX   Farmer   NC   FL
Benj. HERRING   Brother     S   Male   W   19   TX   Works On Farm   NC   FL
Lucy HERRING    Sister      S   Female   W   17   TX   Housekeeper   NC   FL
Jane WITT       S Mother    W   Female   W   31   AL   Housekeeper   AL   AL
Corrie WITT     H  Sister   S   Female   W   3   TX      NC   AL
May WITT        H  Sister   S   Female   W   1   TX      NC   AL
John WILLIAMS   Cousin      S   Male   W   18   TX   Works On Farm   ---   FL
John HERRING    Father      S   Male   W   64   NC   Farmer   NC   NC

1880 Double Bayou, Chambers, Texas Census Roll: T9_1295; Family History Film: 
1255295; Page: 279.1000; Enumeration District: 21
3 M. C. Herring 24  TX NC FL (b. abt 1856)  Lucy’s child?
May Herring 23  TX SC LA
Harriet Wilson 27  servant
5 Rufus S. Herring 62  NC NC NC
  Sarah A. Herring 30  GA NC GA

NOTE: Hardin, TX, is where Josh lived and died before 1900 with his wife Anna 
Laura Marchant and her family.

1900 Hardin, Texas, Justice Precinct 1 Census Roll: T623 1641; Page: 2B; 
Enumeration District: 9.,
"Ben Herring 38
Josie C Herring 30
Gladis Herring 10  (See 1930 census below)
Garot Herring 6
Fay Herring 2
Emma Wood 20"

1900 Hardin, Texas, Justice Precinct 1 Census Roll: T623 1641; Page: 1B; 
Enumeration District: 9
Rufus Herring 82  March 1818  NC NC NC
Sarah A Herring 49  Nov 1830  wife GA NC GA
NOTE: Rufus S Herring, brother of John W and brother-in-law of Lucy F Mills 
Herring, died sometime after the 1900 census.  His wife Sarah A lived with a 
nephew until sometime after 1920.

1920 Harris, Texas Census Justice Precinct 4; Roll: T625_1815; Page: 15B; 
Enumeration District: 114; Image: 285.
"Ben S Herring 58
Josephine C Herring 50
Fay E Herring 22
Ben Herring 18"

1930 Liberty Texas Precinct 7 Census Roll: 2370; Page: 1B; Enumeration 
District: 12; Image: 854.0,, Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
"Ben S Herring 68  TX
Right below Ben S Herring on the census:
George E Rush Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1878  Pennsylvania  Head
Gladys Rush E Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1890     Wife
George Rush Gladys Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1912     Son
Maxine Rush Gladys Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1914     Daughter
Josephine H Rush Gladys Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1918     Daughter
Frances K Rush Gladys Precinct 7, Liberty, TX abt 1926     Daughter”

Leon County, Florida Reconstructed Tract Book RANGE 2E,
This Tract Book was reconstructed by Duke Vickrey from the General Land Office 
Automated Records - Florida (Series 2).   Copyright 1998 Duke Vickrey, Gulf 
Breeze, FL
Leon County, Florida Reconstructed Tract Book RANGE 2E
NE      21  2N  3E  MILLS        THOMAS             678   C   1826/06/01
NE      21  2N  3E  MILLS        THOMAS             678   C   1826/06/01
E/SE    35  3N  2E  MILLS        THOMAS             4615  C   1834/08/20
W/NE    2   2N  2E  MILLS        THOMAS             5417  C   1837/04/20
NW/NW   1   2N  2E  MILLS        THOMAS             4616  C   1838/07/28
E/NW    1   2N  3E  MILLS        ARCHIBALD          2253  C   1828/08/22
W/NW    21  2N  3E  PHILIPS      HILARY             3612  C   1834/08/20
W/SE    20  2N  3E  FORBES       WESLEY             3759  C   1834/08/20
E/SW    20  2N  3E  FORBES       WESLEY             3488  C   1834/08/20
W/SE    35  3N  2E  FORBES       WESLEY             5433  C   1837/04/20
E/NW    36  3N  2E  FORBES       WESLEY             7078  C   1840/10/10]
E/NE    4   2N  3E  BURNEY       ELLISS             2187  C   1828/07/22
W/NE    4   2N  3E  BURNEY       ELLIS              2554  C   1829/05/15
E/SE    4   2N  3E  BURNEY       ELLIS              360   C   1826/04/15
W/SE    4   2N  3E  BURNEY       ELLIS              359   C   1826/04/15
E/SW    4   2N  3E  BURNEY       WILLIS             358   C   1826/04/15
E/NE    5   2N  3E  BURNEY       WILLIS             2241  C   1828/08/22
E/SE    5   2N  3E  BURNEY       WILLIS             515   C   1826/05/01
W/SE    5   2N  3E  BURNEY       WILLIS             703   C   1826/07/15
E/SW    6   2N  3E  BURNEY       ELLIS              4611  C   1837/04/15
E/NE    8   2N  3E  BURNEY       WILLIS             2537  C   1829/05/15
W/NE    8   2N  3E  BURNEY       GUILFORD           2772  C   1829/06/15
NE/NW   8   2N  3E  BURNEY       GUILFORD           4465  C   1835/10/20
NW/NW   8   2N  3E  BURNEY       GUILFORD           6342  C   1838/07/28
W/SE    9   2N  3E  BURNEY       RANDALL            712   C   1826/07/15
E/NE    10  2N  3E  BURNEY       ARTHUR             817   C   1827/02/20
W/NE    10  2N  3E  BURNEY       ARTHUR             1893  C   1827/11/01
E/SE    10  2N  3E  BURNEY       ARTHUR             778   C   1827/02/20
     2  14  2N  3E  BURNEY       ARTHUR             816   C   1827/02/20
     3  14  2N  3E  BURNEY       ARTHUR             2770  C   1829/06/15
NOTE: Florida Land: Records of Tallahassee and Newnansville General Land 
Office 1825-1892, Heritage Books, p.90.
Wesley Forbes:
Feb 12, 1830 5 miles ENE Wadesboro, Jefferson Co E ½ NW ¼ Sect, 29 Tp. 2 R. 3, 
north and east
Feb 12, 1830  3 miles NE Wadesboro, Leon Co NW ½ NW ¼ Sect, 29 Tp. 2 R. 3, 
north and east
April 21, 1830  2 ½ miles N by E Wadesboro, Leon Co E ½ NW ¼ Sect, 20 Tp. 2 R. 
3, north and east."

Minutes of the Ordinary, Screven County, GA, Index.  GA Archives, Morrow, GA.  
Box 110, Reel 45, Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
Mills, Jane & Thomas Admin Stephen Mills, p. 111
Mills, Thomas  Exon Letters Dismissory, p. 111
Mills, Thomas  Admon apc approved, p. 128 [1827]
Mills, Jane & Thomas  Admin Leave to Sell Land, p. 129  [1827]
Mills, Jane  Admin apc approved, p. 137
Mills, Jane & Thomas Letters Dismissory, p. 148 [1829]

Hollingsworth, C D, The Mills of Screven County, Georgia. Xeroxed copy sent to 
my father in the 1980s.
"From the Hollingsworth papers:
Stephen Mills was the oldest son of Thomas and Lucy Mills.  He was one of the 
county’s most substantial and influential men before his death in about 1825.  
Stephen was probably born about 1765 and probably married about 1785 to 1787.  
His wife was a widow, Jane Gordon, having two daughters, whom Stephen mentions 
in the division of his property.  After marriage Stephen first settled in the 
part of Screven that later became Bulloch.  The old land plat shows the 
property to have been located on Fifteen Mile Creek.  Stephen was living at 
the location in 1796 when it was cut off into Bulloch County upon creation of 
that county.  It is legendary that the first court house of Bullock was the 
Stephen Mills home.
In 1797, Stephen Mills purchased from the other heirs of Thomas Mills the 
Mills home place on the Ogeechee Road and moved back to Screven.  He was 
active in the affairs of the county and in 1799 was sworn in by Governor James 
Jackson as one of the Justices of the County.  He served several years as 
Justice of the Peace of the 80th District which at that time included Rocky 

Stephen Mills was a man of considerable enterprise, being one of the 
wealthiest men of his section at that time.  At the time of his death in 1825 
he owned considerable personal property and much real estate.  His oldest son, 
Thomas Mills and Stephen’s Jane Mills were administrators of his estate (Ref: 
Book L, page 154 Clerk’s Office, Screven County GA?).   Beside the home 
plantation where he lived and the place in Bulloch he had acquired another 
tract of 1000 acres in the vicinity of Ogeechee, a tract of 600 acres in 
Walton County (what state????) and a tract of land in Early County.  The 
Walton County tract was sold for $1608 by the administrators.
Margin Note: Stephen Mills was in Screven County in Land lottery in 1804, 
married with 2 draws, Archibald was in Burke County with 2 draws.

Stephen Mills’, son of Thomas and Lucy, Last Will and Testament was executed 
July 29th 1825 and mentions his 4 sons and 2 stepdaughters.  (Ref:  Book L, 
page 154 Clerk’s Office, Screven County). [NOTE: this document is included in 
the Deed book of Screven (Book L) rather than in the will book.  Hollingsworth 
mistook a deed of conveyance for a will.  The gifts ahead of Stephen's death 
likely insured a quicker settlement fo the property --note of Sharon Dean 

NOTE: Hollingsworth got the names correct from the document from Book L, but 
he made mistakes in the lineage (not included here) as he surmised it and 
continued in this narrative. Because he took only notes, excluding some 
information from the document, and because he did not know that the widow Jane 
Mills and all of her children left Screven for Florida, Hollingsworth created 
problems for future genealogists in that many people took his word as gospel 
and accepted his abbreviated notes and summations in place of the original 
documents.  Hollingsworth also missed the documents that were in the Screven 
Co Court record of Annual Returns, documents with names that relate directly 
to the line that went to Florida.

Marriage Records of Leon Co., FL 1937 by the Florida DAR, original on file 
Sharon Dean Lee.
p11   5 Nov 1829 William G Ponder Elizabeth Copeland  Jno. Harris
       10 Dec 1829  William Ragsdale to Gincy Gordon 
p13    9 Jun 1832 Simeon Theus Mary Ann Ponder   W. Forbes
p14  28 July 1831 Thomas Mills to Eliza Jane Forbes   Benj Gordon MG
p22    3 Apr 1834  William Mills to Nancy Moore   Forbes MG
p28  23 Feb 1837 Wesley Forbes to Elizabeth [Ponder] Brown Wm Gassaway, MG
p31    5 Apr 1838  Joseph B Johnson Patience Ponder Wesley Forbes, MG
p41  16 Dec 1841 William S Theus Rachel Ann
p43              1842 S.W. Brown to Elizabeth McCoy
p72   8 Nov 1853 Zachariah Jerkins to Eliza Mills   Thos. N. Gardiner MG
p71 31 May 1853  John W. Herring to Lucy F. Mills   R.H. Luckey MG
p7   10 Mar 1855  Enoch H Forbes to Catherine Miller

Transcribed by Nicole M. O’Kelly and Mary Bondurant Warren., Georgia 
Revolutionary Bounty Land Records 1783-1785 [Georgia Archives’ Manuscripts]., 
1992: Heritage Papers, Athens, GA. NSDAR Library, Washington, DC.  # 107985. 
Copy on file Sharon Dean Lee.
[handwritten note at the bottom of the contents page: ‘Proof of Service found 
on pp. 1-89 minus (? Copy hard to read) pp. 45, 46, 47’]
p. 127
Land Laws Pertinent to the Period-v
Georgia Archives’ Manuscripts
Certificates for Bounty Warrants Issued 1783-1784 to Refugee Citizens, and 
Soldiers of the Revolutionary War-1
Orders for Certificates of Land Issued in 1783 and 1784-90
An Account of Certificates Granted for Bounty Lands to Refugees and Citizens 
List of Persons Petitioning for Land in 1784-90
Bounty Warrants [1784]-127
Land Warrant Book from Washington to Franklin Counties in 1784-203
Augusta Land Court, 1784-1785-212
Bounty Warrants, May 17th 1784-254

p. 291
[*denotes RS according to above note on contents page.  Additionally, I have 
not copied pages for every one of these listings, but the contents pages above 
carry enough information for identifying how each of the following received 
*Bryan, James 4, 50, 83
Bryan, Jonathan 45, 46
Bryant, Benjamin 132  [my note: Franklin County warrant]
Bryant, Henry 132, 264
Bryant, James 136, 236 [my note: don’t know county but is under Augusta Land 
Bryant, John 132, 134, 194, 250, 252, 200, 282 [my note: no copy for p. 200]
*Bryant, William 16, 18, 52, 130, 131, 133, 135, 194, 223, 233, 249, 258, 269
[my note: no account of (possibly no way of accounting for) how many men named 
Wm Bryant this listing implies]
*Burney, John 78, 133, 135, 270, 274, 285 [also in RS of Georgia]
	[My note: had 200 acres of land surveyed in Washington Co, GA in 1790]
*Burney, Randal 132, 266 [certified by Knight’s RS of GA]
	[My note: had 5000 acres of land surveyed in Washington Co., GA in 
[My note:
	The above are likely John RS b. 1740 and his son Randal b. 1763.  John 
Burney, Jr. (see below) is likely Randal’s brother b. 1760.  John Jr. and 
Randal eventually settled in Morgan and Forsyth, GA, respectively.
	John Sr. was the brother of Richard Burney b. abt 1750 and David 
Burney b. 1756; John, Richard, and David were the sons of John Burney b. 
1710.  The older John Burney went on to Mississippi.  Richard Burney likely 
died in Washington Co, GA, where many of his children were born and where he 
had 1252 acres of land surveyed in 1792. David Burney went on to Mississippi.
	James Burney, who had 450 acres of land surveyed in Washington Co, in 
1789, is the unproved son of William Burney, who was the brother of John, 
Richard, and David.]

from ‘Bounty Warrants [1784]-127 (see contents page above)’ pp. 132-135
Names in Washington County, Date of Warrant 1784, No., Quantum [acreage] on 
Purchase, Quantum on Bounty.  Amount brought forward

p. 132
Henry Bryant, May 17, 665
Randal Burney May 17, 1934
[page numbered 16 in pencil]
John Bryant, May 17 626
p. 133
William Bryant .2., May 17, 505
[page numbered 17 in pencil-blank]
[page numbered 18, “from page 16,” in pencil]
John Burney .2., May17, 1645
John Burney, Jr. May 17, 1687
[My note: I have no idea what the designation ‘.2.’ means unless it is for Jr]
p. 134
John Bryant, May 17, 1775
p. 135
John Burney .1., May 17, 1724
William Bryant, May 25, 2671m 287 ½
[My note: I have no idea what the designation ‘.1.’ means unless it is for Sr]

Augusta Land Court 1784-1785  Record Group 3-4-8, 8080-06
p. 212
[Detached 16 page signature, laminated]
At a Court held at Augusta in the County of Richmond for the purpose of 
Granting out Lands under and by virtue of an act passed at Savannah the 25th 
February 1784-on Tuesday the 6th day of April 1784
. . . The President put the following question to the Court.  Whether the 
Court were of opinion that warrants might issue on Certificates which have not 
been signed by his Honor the Governor agreeably to a Resolve of the House of 
Assembly, dated the 12 January 1782.
[new page]
Mr. Coleman, Mr. McFarland, and Mr. Walton were of opinion, that as no part of 
the last Land Act expresses that the Certificates signed by Commanding 
Officers of Regiments should be exchanged for others signed by His Honor the 
Governor, Warrants may issue on those signed by said officers, expecially as 
it has been the uniform practice of his Honor the Governor to submit the 
examination of the said Cerfificates to those members of Council who were best 
acquainted with the persons in whose favor they were issued.  Almost all of 
whom are now members of, and present in Court.
p. 250
List of Duplicate Warrants delivered Capt. Nat’l Pearre, 26th November 1784
. . .
Duplicate issued since the above commencing the 31st May 1784
John Bryant, Bounty (issued), 287 ½, Washington, 1732, William Young, Lt.
[my note: William Young of Screven Co, was in the first Provincial Congress, 
James McCoy, bounty (issued), 575, Washington, 2174, James McCoy
[This name just happened to be on the page, but is relevant to the Mills and 
Burney lines]
p. 252
Duplicate issued since the above commencing the 31st May 1784
John Bryant, Lt., May 25, (issued) Bounty, [blank], 626, Washington, E. 

Bounty Warrants, May 17th 1784-254 Record Group 3-4-9, 8080-06
p. 254
[there is no title page]
List of Names and Numbers drawn thereto in the Land Court held at Augusta on 
the 17th day of May 1784-and continued-[Three pairs of columns: Names, Warrant 
No.; Names, Warrant No.; Names, Warrant No.]
p. 264
[My note: I believe the following is from page 8 of the original manuscript 
since page 9 and page 10 are on 264-265 of this book]

[my note: I believe this is column 2 continued]
Benjamin Lanier, 2072
[ my note: I just happened to see this name on the page with Henry Bryant’s as 
I was typing]
[column 3]
Henry Bryant, 665
p. 266
[my note: this is a continuation of page 10 of the original manuscript]
[column 2]
Randal Burney, 1934
[column 3]
John Bryant, 626
p. 282
[page 42]
[column 1]
John Bryant, 1775"
Publication made possible by a grant from the R. J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation.

VIII. Family Lines

Thomas MILLS b: ABT 1740 d: ABT 1790
  + Lucy ALLEN b: ABT 1741 d: ABT 1780
    2 Archibald MILLS b: 28 Dec 1761 d: 26 Feb 1818
      + Elizabeth BONNELL d: ABT 1790
    2 Elizabeth "Betsy" MILLS b: 26 Jun 1764 d: 27 Feb 1836
      + James JONES b: 28 Apr 1764
    2 Stephen MILLS b: Abt 1760 or 1765  d: 8 Nov 1825
      + Jane BURNEY b: 1780/1785 d: 1840
        3 Archibald MILLS b: ABT 1805 d: 26 May 1841
          + Ann WOLF b: 1809 d: 1855
            4 John MILLS b: ABT 1834 d: AFT 1850
              + Angie UNKNOWN b: ABT 1840
                5 Benj F MILLS b: ABT 1858
                5 John MILLS b: 1859 or 1860
            4 Benjamin F MILLS b: ABT 1836
            4 Mary C MILLS b: ABT 1838
        3 Thomas MILLS b: Between 1800-1810 d: Jan 1845
          + Eliza Jane FORBES b: ABT 1818 d: 3 Feb 1855
            4 Wesley Berryan MILLS b: ABT 1834 d: 8 Jun 1862
              + Emily Rachel D. MCMICHAEL b: abt. 1838 d: AFT 1880
                5 Thomas Ashley MILLS b: 1858
                5 Mary Emily MILLS b: 1859
                5 Wesley MILLS b: 1863
            4 Lucy F (Forbes?) MILLS b: 1837 d: ABT 1863
              + John W. HERRING b: ABT 1816 d: AFT 1880
                5 Ben HERRING b: ABT 1861 d: AFT 1930
                  + Josie C WOODS b: ABT 1870 d: AFT 1920
                    6 Gladys HERRING b: 1890
                    6 Ben Garot HERRING b: ABT 1893
                    6 Fay E HERRING b: ABT 1897
                5 Joshua T HERRING b: 29 Nov 1859 d: 29 Jan 1884
                  + Anna Laura MERCHANT b: 13 Nov 1865 d: 1 May 1899
                5 Lucy HERRING b: 1863
                  + George W WHITTINGTON b: 1860
            4 Leonora (Nora) Alice MILLS b: 1840 d: 9 Dec 1873
              + Robert Lucius WILLIAMS b: 1828 d: 14 Oct 1864
                5 John Wesley WILLIAMS b: 27 Feb 1862 d: 23 Oct 1951
                  + Isetta "Zettie" ISAACKS b: 29 Jun 1872 d: 13 Jan 1943
                    6 Lenora Victoria WILLIAMS b: 2 Sep 1888 d: 1 Sep 1971
                      + Thomas MCCORMACK b: 12 Jun 1880 d: 11 Jan 1918
                      + George A HARRELL b: 16 Mar 1865 d: 1 Aug 1924
                      + Bill DAVIS
                    6 Lillie Maud WILLIAMS b: 7 Dec 1890 d: 22 Dec 1987
                      + William Nickson CAIN b: 18 Oct 1882 d: 7 Jun 1967
                    6 Willie Mable WILLIAMS b: 21 Jan 1893 d: 17 Jul 1893
                    6 Robert Burleson "Bob" WILLIAMS b: 18 Jun 1894 d: 11 Mar 
                      + Bernice CAIN b: 24 Mar 1906 d: 18 Apr 1971
                    6 Henry Wesley WILLIAMS b: 19 Jul 1897 d: 21 Jul 1959
                      + Charity WILLIAMS b: 28 Feb 1906 d: 8 Jun 1986
                    6 Thomas Flynn WILLIAMS b: 7 Nov 1899 d: 14 Dec 1977
                      + Eunice COKER b: 5 May 1906 d: Sep 1982
                    6 Clarence August WILLIAMS b: 29 Sep 1902 d: 1 Apr 1985
                      + Madeline MOORE b: 26 Jun 1905 d: 16 Apr 2002
                    6 Benjamin Briant WILLIAMS b: 29 May 1906 d: 26 Apr 1965
                      + Bertie SUTTON b: 22 Jan 1904 d: 3 Jun 1974
                    6 John Forest WILLIAMS b: 2 Jan 1910 d: 11 Dec 1957
                      + Lola Mae HENDRIX b: 27 Mar 1916 d: 18 Jan 1979
                    6 A B WILLIAMS b: 29 Dec 1915 d: 29 Dec 1980
                      + Ida HENDRIX b: 7 Oct 1912 d: 31 Jul 1981
                5 Mary Alice WILLIAMS b: Dec 1862 d: 4 Apr 1900
                  + Frank Cook, Sr KEBLINGER b: Jun 1847 d: 15 Dec 1915
                    6 Mary Leonora KEBLINGER b: Feb 1885
                      + J C, Jr. TRAMMEL
                    6 Frank Cook, Jr KEBLINGER b: Feb 1886 d: 1925
                    6 Lucie Virginia KEBLINGER b: 19 Jul 1892 d: Sep 1981
                      + Arthur PHILYAW
                    6 Farney John KEBLINGER b: Aug 1897 d: 15 Dec 1940
                      + Katie Mae SHAW d: 30 Dec 1983
              + James Osborn STEVENS b: 1 Jan 1836 d: 1 Aug 1880
                5 Robert Horace STEVENS b: 16 Nov 1868 d: died in infancy
                5 Andrew Green "Mann" STEVENS b: 23 Feb 1871 d: 26 Sep 1950
                  + Sallie SMITH b: 7 Dec 1883 d: 9 Dec 1979
                    6 James Andrew STEVENS b: 1908 d: 1991
                      + Lillian Maurene LOFFER
                        7 Living STEVENS
                          + Living VAUGHN
                            8 Living STEVENS
                              + Living CHAMBERS
                            8 Living STEVENS
                        7 Living STEVENS
                          + Living POETKER
                          + Living WHITTINGTON
                            8 Living WHITTINGTON
                              + Living THORNTON
                          + Living HOECKER
                        7 Living STEVENS
                          + Living MCCOY
                            8 Living MCCOY
                              + Living SMITH
                              + Living CARRELL
                              + Living SIMPSON
                            8 Living MCCOY
                            8 Living MCCOY
                              + Living
                    6 Lorene Helen STEVENS b: 24 Feb 1907 d: 26 Jul 2005
                    6 John Walker STEVENS b: 27 Dec 1908 d: 20 Aug 1980
                    6 Sally Teresa STEVENS b: 24 Jun 1911 d: 17 Jun 1951
                      + Ira Clifford ROBERTS
                  + Eleanor BLATHEWICK
                5 Helen Leonora STEVENS b: 6 Dec 1873 d: 3 Nov 1946
                  + Adam B. GARVEY b: 12 Jun 1870 d: 1943
                    6 Osborn Conrad GARVEY b: 15 Oct 1893 d: 8 May 1961
                      + Katherine ("Minnie") BURKE b: 27 Dec 1906 d: 10 Mar 
                        7 Living GARVEY
                    6 Lenora GARVEY b: 25 Dec 1894 d: 14 Jul 1953
                      + Ray Louis, Sr BROCK b: 21 Feb 1894 d: 15 Nov 1976
                        7 Living BROCK
                    6 Jerutia Alice GARVEY b: 23 Aug 1896 d: 26 Jan 1982
                      + J M HOOKS
                    6 Mattie GARVEY b: 29 Jul 1899 d: 18 Dec 1978
                      + Moody Stone, Sr JACKSON b: 18 Dec 1899 d: Sep 1973
                    6 Georgeann GARVEY b: 16 Feb 1902 d: 24 Nov 1962
                      + Harry R. LIVELY b: 6 Sep 1899 d: 17 Mar 1954
                      + Cecil BIRDSONG
            4 Thomas Sidney MILLS b: 20 Jul 1842 d: 21 Mar 1902
              + Levina Isabel POUNCEY b: 30 May 1848 d: 28 Aug 1931
                5 Lucy P MILLS b: 12 Aug 1870 d: 28 Feb 1934
                  + Frank JONES d: DECEASED
                5 Phelp MILLS b: 28 Jul 1872 d: 5 Aug 1956
                  + Ernest L THOMPSON b: 25 Jul 1869 d: 22 Jan 1916
                    6 Cliff THOMPSON
                    6 Tom THOMPSON
                    6 Hortense THOMPSON
                5 Jessie "Jet" L MILLS b: 2 Jan 1875 d: 25 Feb 1966
                5 Montie MILLS b: 17 Apr 1885 d: 7 May 1887
                5 Clifford Vedora MILLS b: 19 Feb 1877 d: 7 Jul 1903
                  + Claude THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Sidney William THOMPSON
                    6 Voncille THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Philip THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Madge THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                5 Kattie MILLS b: 25 Jun 1881 d: 9 Dec 1966
                  + William Wood THOMPSON b: ABT 1884 d: 15 Jun 1925
                5 Attie M MILLS b: 16 Feb 1879 d: 1 Aug 1970
                  + Leroy Hunter JONES d: DECEASED
                5 Maude MILLS b: 17 Apr 1885 d: 8 Mar 1916
                  + William Wood THOMPSON b: ABT 1884 d: 15 Jun 1925
                    6 Montye THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Maxwell "Max" THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Levina THOMPSON d: DECEASED
                    6 Murray THOMPSON b: 3 Nov 1907 d: 28 Dec 1913
                5 Wesley Osborn MILLS b: 12 Jan 1888 d: 4 May 1964
                  + Nancy Elizabeth RIGSBEE b: 7 Apr 1895 d: 26 Mar 1986
                    6 Living MILLS
                      + Living BERTA
                        7 Living BERTA
            4 Catherine Elizabeth MILLS b: 9 Apr 1845 d: 20 Jan 1923
              + Allen William BRYAN b: 14 Feb 1823 d: 25 Jan 1902
                5 Frank Allen BRYAN b: 25 Mar 1866 d: Jun 1934
                  + Clyde E. POUNCEY b: 5 Apr 1868 d: 28 Jan 1935
                    6 Faulkner BRYAN
                    6 William R BRYAN
                    6 Ourida BRYAN
                    6 Maude BRYAN
                    6 Julia BRYAN
                    6 Errold BRYAN
                    6 Roy BRYAN
                      + Brunson, DOLLY
                    6 Bryon G BRYAN
                    6 Cora BRYAN
                      + Brunson, ALLEN
                5 Alma Sidney BRYAN b: 6 Aug 1867 d: 1952
                  + Thomas Jefferson PATRICK b: 10 Oct 1861 d: 27 Apr 1922
                    6 Hearley Bryan PATRICK b: 8 May 1887
                    6 Bernard Ashley PATRICK b: 16 Mar 1888
                    6 Leilla Bertha PATRICK b: 5 Aug 1891
                5 Wiles Wilkes Booth BRYAN b: 10 Dec 1871
                  + Willie COLLINS d: 1909
                    6 Wilma BRYAN
                    6 Elma BRYAN
                    6 Blondel BRYAN
                5 Pomeroy Mark "Brick" BRYAN b: 30 Oct 1873 d: 28 Nov 1937
                  + Alma Rebecca COX
                    6 Venceile BRYAN
                    6 Othmu almah BRYAN
                    6 Ottman BRYAN
                    6 Edna Earl BRYAN
                    6 Vyvyan Cloud BRYAN
                    6 Elaine Matilda BRYAN
                5 Charlie Allen (Buddy) BRYAN b: 11 May 1877 d: 17 Dec 1962
                  + Mattie TYE b: 3 Sep 1878 d: 24 Jun 1964
                    6 Mattie BRYAN
                    6 Buster BRYAN
                    6 Wilson BRYAN
                    6 Lee BRYAN
                    6 Alma BRYAN
                    6 Hattie BRYAN
                    6 Robert BRYAN
                    6 Charlie BRYAN
                    6 Sallie BRYAN
                5 Robbert Wesley BRYAN b: 22 Feb 1879 d: 16 Jan 1958
                  + Amanda
                    6 Ruth BRYAN
                    6 Murry Steel BRYAN d: died 18 years old
                    6 Elizabeth BRYAN
                    6 Annie Coleman BRYAN d: died at nine years old
                5 Hattie Forbes BRYAN b: 26 Apr 1882 d: 18 Feb 1975
                  + Thomas Jefferson DEAN b: 26 Oct 1884 d: 20 Jun 1975
                    6 Annie Catherine DEAN b: 5 Nov 1910 d: 7 Feb 2001
                      + Never MARRIED
                    6 Mary Forbes DEAN
                      + Royce HOOTEN b: 22 Feb 1906 d: 13 Apr 1973
                    6 Living DEAN
                      + Living CLEMMER
                        7 Living DEAN
                          + Living BARRETT
                            8 Living BARRETT
                              + Living DECKER
                            8 Living BARRETT
                          + Living LEE
                        7 Living DEAN
                          + Living KANEY
                            8 Living DEAN
                            8 Living DEAN
                          + Living ALLEN
                            8 Living DEAN
                        7 Living DEAN
                        7 Living DEAN
        3 Stephen MILLS b: ABT 1816
          + Lenora PHILLIPS
          + Mary A JACKSON b: ABT 1822
            4 Charles Adolphus MILLS b: ABT 1846
            4 Julian W MILLS b: ABT 1849
            4 Eudora MILLS b: ABT 1855
            4 Mary MILLS b: ABT 1858
        3 Catherine Ann MILLS b: 16 Mar 1820 d: 28 Feb 1901
          + Matthew T. PERRYMAN b: 12 Oct 1800 d: 11 Dec 1853
            4 Louvinia Jane Hutchins PERRYMAN b: 29 Feb 1848 d: 23 Mar 1922
              + James Bascom SHAW
              + James Bascom SHAW
              + Wesley Hampton DUBOSE b: 19 Jul 1838 d: 24 Jan 1881
                5 Samuel Byrd DUBOSE b: 9 Jun 1870 d: 7 Jul 1951
                  + Emma Jane BLOUNT, b: 12 Nov 1872 d: 1 Oct 1961
                  + Emma Jane BLOUNT b: 12 Nov 1872 d: 1 Oct 1961
                    6 Catherine Emma DUBOSE b: 8 Oct 1900 d: 4 Aug 1981
                      + Clyde Lamar CHAPMAN b: 22 May 1895 d: 16 Jan 1973
                        7 Living CHAPMAN
                        7 Living CHAPMAN
                          + Living HUNT
                        7 Living CHAPMAN
                5 Perryman W DUBOSE b: ABT 1873
                5 Birdie W DUBOSE b: ABT 1871
              + James Bascom SHAW
            4 Augustus Burney PERRYMAN b: 22 Dec 1851 d: 21 Nov 1852
          + John R PARRAMORE b: 1812 d: 1845
            4 John Richard PARRAMORE b: 1840 d: 1873
              + Mary BAILEY b: 1848
                5 Burrill Thomas PARRAMORE b: 1870
            4 William Thomas PARRAMORE b: Sep 1842
              + Marsha b: 1845
        3 John MILLS
        3 Jane Ann MILLS b: 27 Feb 1822 d: 6 Jan 1857
          + John Sr. GILLION b: 12 Oct 1812 d: 28 Mar 1887
            4 Catherine D J GILLION b: 31 May 1842 d: 4 Jan 1889
              + Robert M MONTGOMERY b: 1822 d: 31 Dec 1886
            4 Lanora E M GILLION b: ABT 1844
    2 Hannah MILLS b: 1776 d: AFT 1861
      + John Lewis LANIER b: 8 Mar 1774 d: 1814
        3 Clement LANIER b: 1796 d: BEF 1826
        3 Elizabeth Jane LANIER b: 1798 d: 13 Feb 1870
          + William JOHNSON
        3 James LANIER b: 3 Dec 1798 d: 17 Dec 1858
          + Antelina CLINTON
        3 Augustus Harris LANIER b: 13 Mar 1802 d: 18 Aug 1855
          + Elizabeth ANN
        3 Nancy Ann LANIER b: abt 1805 or 1807
          + Drury CORKER
        3 Salena A (Setita) LANIER b: 4 Sep 1808 d: 1865
          + Stephen CORKER
        3 Lucile (Lucy) LANIER b: 7 Sep 1812 d: 13 Aug 1885
          + Moses Waddell LINTON
    2 Mary "Polly" MILLS
      + Frances, Jr JONES b: 28 Apr 1762
        3 John JONES
          + Mary HARDEMAN b: 14 Jun 1764
            4 Clayton JONES b: 1805 d: 1837
              + Malissa Rowland ROUSE b: 4 Jan 1811 d: 7 May 1864
                5 Irwin JONES b: 1830
                5 Harriet JONES b: 1830 d: 24 Jul 1882
                  + William M AVERA b: ABT 1830 d: 24 Jul 1882
                    6 Malissa AVERA b: 1855
                    6 Henry W AVERA b: 1857
                5 Henry JONES b: 1834
            4 John "Jack" Jr JONES b: 1800 d: 1835
              + Mary "Polly" JOHNSON b: 1808
                5 Harrison JONES b: 1830
                5 Mitchell JONES b: 1834
              + Rebecca BURKHALTER b: 2 Jun 1848
  + Elizabeth

1 Richard BURNEY b: ABT 1750
    2 Willis BURNEY b: 1770/1775 d: 1843/1846
        3 Guilford BURNEY b: 31 Mar 1803 d: 2 Jul 1883
          + Catherine DIXON b: 4 Sep 1817 d: 22 Sep 1900 
   2 Ellis BURNEY b: 1770/1780 d: BEF 1836
      + Elizabeth d: 1836
    2 Jane BURNEY b: 1780/1785 d: 1840
      + Stephen MILLS b: Abt 1760 or 1765  d: 8 Nov 1825
    2 Lucy BURNEY b: 1790/1800 d: aft 1830 and bef 1837
      + Wesley Jr. FORBES b: 1787 d: 7 Oct 1853
        3 Wesley (III) FORBES b: 1807
          + Ann H EVERITT
        3 Mary FORBES b: 1800/1810 d: AFT 1850
          + Hilary PHILIPS b: 1800/1810
            4 Elizabeth PHILIPS b: ABT 1825
            4 James M W PHILIPS b: ABT 1833
            4 L M PHILIPS b: ABT 1835
            4 Martha A T PHILIPS b: ABT 1839
            4 Catherine D J PHILIPS b: ABT 1844
            4 Hillary W PHILIPS b: ABT 1847
        3 Enoch H FORBES b: 1817 d: AFT 1870
          + Susan "Sarah" SAUNDERS b: 1837
            4 Thomas Joseph FORBES b: Dec 1857 d: 1926
              + Virginia
            4 John Wesley, Sr. FORBES b: 20 Apr 1860 d: 25 Jun 1949
              + Ellen PRINE b: 16 May 1860 d: 18 Apr 1913
                5 Kathryn Ellen FORBES b: 24 May 1889
                  + George Daniel CALHOON b: 19 Jul 1887 d: 4 Aug 1958
                5 Callie Maude FORBES b: 16 Feb 1891 d: 28 Aug 1930
                  + William Aurthur PIPPIN b: 1890 d: Sep 1956
                5 Enoch H. FORBES b: 5 May 1893 d: 12 Jan 1898
                5 John Wesley, Jr. FORBES b: 3 Apr 1897 d: 5 Jan 1956
                  + Celia Burnette STEVENS b: born 5 Oct 1898 d: 27 Aug 1965
                    6 Ellen Brunett FORBES b: 19 Aug 1918 d: 28 Oct 1990
                      + Willard Franklin BUGG
                        7 Living BUGG
                          + Living RICE
                            8 Living RICE
                            8 Living RICE
                    6 Living FORBES
                    6 Living FORBES
                    6 Living FORBES
        3 Eliza Jane FORBES b: ABT 1818 d: 3 Feb 1855
          + Thomas MILLS b: Between 1800-1810 d: Jan 1845
    2 Catherine BURNEY b: 11 Mar 1790 d: 27 Mar 1842
     + Enoch FORBES b: bet 1770-1790 d: 1814
        3 Richard B FORBES b: ABT 1813 d: AFT 1860
          + Mary A MASH b: ABT 1822 d: AFT 1860 
     + Lemuel B SKAGGS b: Nov 1794 d: 16 Mar 1842
        3 Robert SKAGGS b: ABT 1829
        3 Caroline SKAGGS b: ABT 1817
          + William G PIERCE b: ABT 1817
            4 Catherine PIERCE b: ABT 1840
            4 Samuel E PIERCE b: ABT 1842
            4 William PIERCE b: ABT 1842
            4 Nancy PIERCE b: ABT 1849
      2 Harris BURNEY b: 1794/1800
      2 Mary BURNEY
      + John ROBINSON

1 Anthony Sr BONNELL b: 3 Mar 1740 d: 25 Apr 1809
  + Mary Ann MILLS b: 1744 d: 1832
    2 Elizabeth BONNELL d: ABT 1790
      + Archibald MILLS b: 28 Dec 1761 d: 26 Feb 1818
    2 Rebecca Jane BONNELL b: 1774 d: 30 Jul 1848, age 73 yrs, 10 mos & 14 days
      + Thomas Fens LOVETT b: 1771 d: 9 Apr 1830
    2 Daniel BONNELL b: ABT 1777 d: probably bef Nov 1804
      + Unknown (possbily a BELL?)
    2 Honora "Honor" BONNELL b: BEF 1778 d: probably bef 1822
      + Henry BRYAN b: 1770 d: bet 1843-1849
        3 Thomas BRYAN b: 1790/1795 d: bet 1838-1839
          + Winnifred FORBES b: ABT 1799 d: 31 Oct 1870
    2 William BONNELL b: 2 Apr 1779 d: 20 May 1830
      + Mary Ann BELL b: 30 Sep 1781 d: 1 Jul 1852
    2 Ann BONNELL b: BEF 1784 d: between 1808-1812
      + John DOUGLAS b: BEF 1784 d: Sep 1805

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