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Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Note:  1891 Original Applications

Pension Applications made by Sarah J. Smith, wife of Lovit B. Smith

Affidavit to be Made by the Widow STATE OF GEORGIA

In person came before me, the undersigned Ordinary
County of Schley	in and for the County of Schley
(signed) Mrs. Sarah J. Smith, who being sworn
according to law, says under oath that she is the
widow of L.B. Smith, who was a soldier in the
service of the Confederate States, and served as a
member of Company B, of the 17th Regiment of Georgia
Volunteers; that he enlisted in said service on or
about the 14th of August, 1861, and was in the
Virginia Army up to December, 1861.  That while in
the Army, he was on the 15th day of December, 1862,
That while in the Army of the Confederacy in the
Army of Virginia, attacked with Typhoid Pneumonia &
sent from Army to Richmond, Virginia Hospital & at
said Hospital died of said disease on the 11th of
Jan’ry, 1862.  I further swear that he was a sound
man and in perfect health when he enlisted the
Confederate Service. 

Deponent further swears that she was the wife of
said deceased soldier during his term of service in
the Army, and that she has never married since his
death; that she became his wife on the 11th of
August 1861, and that she has resided in Georgia
continuously since the 1st day of April, 1841; that
Georgia is her home, and was such on the 23rd day of
December 1890, and since said date she has not lived
in any other State or locality.  Deponent, as the
wife of said deceased soldier husband, applies for
the pension provided by Act of the General Assembly
of Georgia, approved December 23rd, 1890, for the
pension year ending February 15th,  1892, and
herewith tenders the proof of her right to receive
the allowance granted by said Act. 

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the
(signed)  Sarah J. Smith 13th day of April 1891
(signed)  L.B. Myers Ordinary


Schley County Know all Men by these Presents, That I
(signed)  Sarah J. Smith of Schley County, in said
State, do hereby appoint W.A. Wright (illegible) of
Atlanta, Ga. my true and lawful attorney in fact,
for me and in my name, to receive and receipt for
wharever amount of money I may be entitled to from
the Sate of Georgia as a widow of a Confederate
Soldier, as stated in the foregoing affidavit;
hereby authorizing my said attorney to receipt in my
name for any Warrant that may be issued by the
Governor, or for any sum of money which may be
coming to me for the reason aforesaid. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
seal, this 13th day of April 1891

Executed in the presence of us:			(signed)  Sarah J. Smith
	T.B. Myers

If allowed, send amount by Express to Me at
Ellaville, Ga. and oblige.

							(signed)  Sarah J. Smith

Affidavit of Three Witnesses
In person came before me, the undersigned the
County of Schley	in and for the Said County,
witnesses, G.C. Dyess, E.M. Jones, and J.N. Cheney		
(each known to said Attesting Officer as truthful,
reliable and reputable citizens) who severally say
under oath, that, from their own personal knowledge,
Mrs. Sarah J. Smith, of the County of Schley, State
of Georgia, is the widow of L.B. Smith, who was a
soldier in Company B of the 17th Regiment of Georgia
Volunteers.  That said soldier enlisted in the
service of the Confederate States (or the Georgia
State Troups) on or about the 14th day of August
1861.  That while in said service, or by reason of
said service in the Army, he lost his life as
follows:  That while in the Confederate Army in the
State of Virginia, he was attacked with Typhoid
Pneumonia & sent to Hospital at Richmond, Va. & we
believe  & know positively that he died of Said
Disease on the 11th day of Jan’ry 1862, or there
about.  We further swear that the Said Smith was a
sound man and in perfect health when he entered the
Army.  We further swear that we were members of the
same company.

We further swear that Mrs. Sarah J. Smith was the
wife of said soldier during the service, and that
she has not intermarried since his death, and that
she resides in Schley County of the State of

Sworn and subscribed before me, this			(signed) G.C. Dyess
13th day of April 1891						(signed)  E.M. Jones
signed:  T.B. Myers						(signed)  J.N. Cheney

Certificate of Ordinary of the County of Applicant’s Residence

I, (signed)  T.B. Myers		Ordinary County of Schley
in and for said County of Schley, State of Georgia,
hereby certify that I am acquainted with Mrs. Sarah
J. Smith the applicant for a pension in this case,
and know, from my own knowledge, or from positive
proof presented to me by reputable witnesses, that
she resides in this County, and that she resided in
the State of Georgia on December 23rd, 1890, and has
not lived out of the State since that date.  I also
certify that the witnesses whose testimony she
presents to sustain her claim are known to me to be
truthful witnesses, entitled to full faith and
credit as such.  I am fully satisfied that this
claim is made in good faith, and that I have caused
the applicant and the witnesses to read or hear read
the proofs they sign. In Witness Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my
office, this, the 13th day of April 1891 Seal
(signed)	T.B. Myers Ordinary WARRANT

Smith. Sarah J. Schley County 1891 No. 	1094 Widows
Pension Paid to Sarah J. Smith Of Schley County

Warrant issued 1891 and handed to

1893 Applications

For Widows Heretofore Allowed Pensions

STATE OF GEORGIA				Personally comes Mrs. County of 
Schley					(signed)  Sarah J. Smith

Who being sworn, says on oath, that she is a bona
fide resident of said County of Schley, State of
Georgia, and that she has resided in State
continuously ever since April 1841. That she is the
Widow of Lovit B. Smith who was a soldier in Company
B of the 17th Regiment of Georgia Volunteers, that
he enlisted in said Regiment on or about the month
of 14th August 1861 and served in the Army up to
January 1862.  That he lost his life on the 11th of
January 1862. (State here full particulars  of  the
husband’s death when, where and from what cause.)
That while in the Army of Richmond Virginia was
taken with Typhoid Pneumonia and then died from said
disease and said fever while in Hospital

Deponent swears that she was the wife of said
deceased soldier during his service in the army as a
soldier, and that she has never married since his
death aforesaid, that she became his wife in the
year 1861; that Georgia is her home and she resided
in the State 23rd day of December, 1890 and has not
lived in any other State or locality since that
date.  I have been allowed a pension for the year
ending February 15th, 1892 and now apply for the
allowance provided by law for the year ending
February 15th, 1893.

	Sworn to and subscribed before me, this
	24th day of Jan’y 1893					(signed)  Sarah J. Smith
	(signed)	T.B. Myers, Ordinary		Post Office  Ellaville, Georgia

1893 Certificate of Ordinary

Certificate of Ordinary of the County of Applicant’s Residence

State of Georgia, County of Schley

I, (signed) T.B. Myers		Ordinary in and for said
County of Schley, State of Georgia, hereby certify
that I am acquainted with Mrs. Sarah J. Smith the
applicant for a pension in this case, and know, from
my own knowledge(or from positive proof presented to
me by reputable witnesses), that she resides in this
County, and that she resided in the State of Georgia
on December 23, 1890, and has not lived out of the
State since that date.  That she is the widow of
Lovit B. Smith, deceased, and as such has heretofore
been allowed a pension for the year ending February
15th, 1892.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of my office, this, the
		24th day of January, 1893
(seal)			(signed)			T.B. Myers, Ordinary

Power of Attorney

State of Georgia		Schley County

	Know all men by these Presents, That I, (signed) Sarah J. Smith
						Of Schley 
County, in said State, do hereby appoint 		W.A.
Wright Of Atlanta			my true and lawful attorney in
fact, for me and in my name, to receive and receipt
for whatever amount of money I may be entitled to
from the State of Georgia as a widow of a
Confederate Soldier, as stated in the foregoing
affidavit; hereby authorizing my said Attorney to
receipt in my name for any Warrant that may be
issued by the Governor, or for any sum of  money
which may be coming to me for the reason aforesaid.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
seal, this		24th Day of January, 1893			(signed)
Sarah J. Smith

	Executed in the presence of us:
		T.B. Myers
Send amount by check to me at Ellaville, Schley, Ga and oblige
						(signed		Sarah J. Smith

Smith, Sarah J.
Schley County
For Those Heretofore Paid
No. 3212
Widow’s Pension
For year ending February 15th, 1893
-Paid to-
Mrs. Sarah J. Smith
Schley County
Warrant Issued
2-11, 1893
And Handed to
W.A. W.

1894 Documents

For Widows Heretofore Allowed Pensions
STATE OF GEORGIA			Personally comes Mrs.
County of Schley		
	(signed) Sarah J. Smith
Who being sworn, says on oath, that she is a bona
fide resident of said County of Schley, State of
Georgia, and that she has resided in said State
continuously ever since April 1st, 1841 That she is
the widow of L. B. Smith who was a Soldier in
Company B of the 17th Regiment of Georgia
Volunteers, that he enlisted in said Regiment on or
about the month of August, 1861 and served in the
Army up to January 11th, 1862. That he lost his life
on the 11th day of January, 1862 (State here full
particulars of the husband’s death, when, where, and
from what cause)  That while in the Army of
Virginia, he was attacked with Typhoid Pneumonia,
and sent to Hospital at Richmond, Virginia, where he
died of said disease on the 11th day of January,

Deponent swears that she was the wife of said
deceased soldier during his service in the army as a
soldier, and that she has never married since his
death aforesaid, that she became his wife in the
year 1861; that Georgia is her home and she resided
in this State 23rd day of December, 1890 and has not
lived in any other State or locality since that
date. I have been allowed a pension for the year
ending February 15th, 1893, and now apply for the
allowance provided by law for the year ending
February 15th, 1894.
	Sworn to and subscribed before me, this
	22nd day of Jan’y, 1894		(signed) Sarah J. Smith
	T.B. Myers, Ordinary			Post Office Ellaville

Certificate of Ordinary of the County of Applicants Residence

STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Schley
I, T.B. Myers, Ordinary in and for said County of
Schley, State of Georgia, hereby certify that I am
acquainted with Mrs. Sarah J. Smith, the applicant
for a pension in this case, and know from my own
knowledge(or from positive proof presented to me by
reputable witnesses) that she resides in this
County, and that she resided in the State of Georgia
on December 23, 1890, and has not lived out of the
State since that date.  That she is the widow of
L.B. Smith, deceased, and as such has heretofore
been allowed a pension for the year ending February
15th, 1893.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of my office, This the 22nd day of
January, 1894
(seal)					(signed)	T.B. Myers, Ordinary

STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Schley
	KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS	, That I, (signed) Sarah J. Smith
	Of Schley
County in said State, do hereby appoint	W.A. Wright
Of Atlanta		my true and lawful attorney in fact, for
me , and in my name, to receive and receipt for
whatever amount of money I may be entitled to from
the State of Georgia as a widow of a Confederate
Soldier, as stated in the foregoing affidavit;
hereby authorizing my said Attorney to receipt in my
name for any Warrant that may be issued by the
Governor, or for any sum of money which may be
coming to me for the reason aforesaid

In witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
seal, this 22nd day of January, 1894
				(signed) Sarah J. Smith
	Executed in the presence of us:
(signed) J.D. Williams
(signed) William  A. (illegible)
	Send amount by Check to me at Ellaville, Ga and oblige
						(signed) Sarah J. Smith

Smith, Sarah J.
Schley County
NO. 3279
For the year ending February 15th, 1894
-Paid to-
Mrs. Sarah J. Smith
Schley County
2/6 1894