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MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA - NEWSPAPERS OBITS  December 11, 1879 - December 1883

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
Archives by: Ben McLaughlin 

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Death Notices from The Meriwether County Vindicator, Volumes 8 through 11,  December 1879 - December 1883

Note: In order to maintain an alphabetized format, notices have
been paraphrased in the vernacular of the original. All readable
data of genealogical interest has been included. Tributes,
ranging from one line to several paragraphs, are not included.
There are some issues missing and many unreadable pages,
particularly among the 1882 issues. 

Beginning with Volume 8 only the Volume, Issue and Date are
listed as a finding aid. For 1880 and early 1881 the paper
consists of more than four unnumbered pages. Most, but not all
death notices are on the page containing "Local Topics" and its
location varies from inside pages to the front page. In 1881 the
paper reverts to four pages and most death notices are on page
3.  Bracketed locations such as (Sulphur Springs) indicate the
location of the correspondent reporting the death and are likely
the place of death.


ADAIR, Mrs. Emma, mother of R. D. Adair of Greenville, died of
congestion last week in Griffin; Vol. 8, No. 49, November 19,

ADDY, little Penn(?) Burtice, son of Dr. J. J. Addy, died on
the28th day of September, aged two years and one day; Vol. 11,
No. 46, November 2, 1883

ALFORD, Mr. John I, died last Tuesday morning at his residence
near Woodbury of typhoid pneumonia, aged about twenty-five
years; about two years age he was married to a daughter of Mr.
John G. Brown; Vol. 9 No. 20, April 29, 1881

ALFRED, Dr. B. B., a prominent citizen of LaGrange died last
Saturday; Vol. 8, No. 30, July 9, 1880

ALMON, Mrs. Madora C., wife of Mr. William R. Almon and daughter
of the late William E. Brittain, died at her home near Rocky
Mount August 2nd, 1883, aged 32 years and 28 days; born July
4th, 1851, she married Mr. Almon October 12th, 1871and was the
mother of five children, four of whom, all little girls, survive
her; she was a member of the Primitive Baptist church since
August 14th, 1875; obituary by A. B. Whatley; Vol. 11, No. 38,
September 7, 1883

ALSABROOK, little Amos, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Alsabrook, no date of death is stated in this resolution of
condolence by the St. Marks agricultural club; Vol. 11, No. 46,
November 2, 1883

ANDERSON, Mr. Batt, died at his residence near the Warm Springs
last Wednesday of paralysis, aged about 70; he was a native, we
think, of North Carolina but had resided in Meriwether 40 or 50
years and was a member of the Baptist church; Vol. 11, No. 26,
June 15, 1883

ANTHONY, little Mattie Lee, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. C.
Anthony, died last Saturday evening of membranous croup, aged
about three and a half years; a fiiting discourse was delivered
at the residence following which the remains were consigned to
the village cemetery; Vol. 10, No. 4, January 6, 1882

ARGROVES, Mr. Thomas, was shot and killed last Monday night in
the road near the residence of Judge Singleton York in the 10th
district; there is no clue to the assassin; Vol. 9, No. 51,
December 2, 1881

Note:Bob  Bryant" <>
The accurate name was Mr. Thomas Argo, who was the husband of
my great-aunt, Martha A.L. "Duttie" BRYANT.  Later newspaper
articles report that an arrest was made of one E.V. Slay.
E.V.Slay was married to the half-sister of Duttie, Mary Ray
Slay.  I've not been able to find any further documentation.
The family verbal history is that Mr. Argo was killed by two
and maybe three of his brother-in-laws, E.V. Slay; my
grandfather, William James Bryant; and perhaps the half-brother
to Duttie and William, Nathaniel George Austin "Babe" Ray.  No
one was brought to justice.  Most of the family, plus my great-
grandmother Nancy Caroline Lanier Bryant Ray moved to Blount
County, AL within a month of the murder.  The only ones that I
cannot confirm in the move are E.V. and Mary Slay.

If anyone has further details, please share them.  One legal
theory is that since it was inside a family and maybe had
cause, law enforcement turned their backs and permitted the
escape of those arrested.

ASKEW, Mr. James, a young man about twenty two years of age,
died last Monday of injuries receved whe caught in the machinery
of the sawmill owned by his father, Mr. J. M. Askew, near
Mountain Hill postoffice in the Western part of Harris county;
Vol. 8, No. 8, February 6, 1880

ATKINSON, little Theodora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Atkinson, died in Greenville on Monday evening the 20th, aged 10
months: Vol. 11, No. 36, August 24, 1883

BAGGERLY, Rev. L. W., died at his residece in Senoia last week
of consumption; a minister of the Methodist church, he was long
known as a resident of Meriwether; Vol. 8, No. 37, August 20,

BALCH, Mrs. sister of the late Captain Jeremiah Beckwith, died a
short time ago at Galveston, Texas and her remains will be
brought to Greenville about the first of November to be interred
by the side of Capt. Beckwith; Vol. 10, No. 43, October 13, 1882

BARNES, Mr. T. A., died at his home in Senoia last Thursday;
Vol. 10, No. 41, September 29, 1882

BARROW, little Sallie, infant daughter of John T. Barrow, died
near St. Marks on Wednesday the 26th; Vol. 10, No. 32, July 28,

BASSEY, Mr. Edmund, died at his residence near the Warm Springs
last Monday morning the 24th at six o'clock, lacking a few days
of being sixty-five years old; he was born in Lincoln county,
Georgia and came to Meriwether in 1827; Vol. 9, no. 46, October
28, 1881

BLALOCK, Rev. D., died at his home in Americus on the 25th of
September; before the war he had been in charge of the Methodist
churches in Meriwether; Vol. 10, No. 42, October 6, 1882

BLALOCK, Miss Stella, died last Sabbath at the residence of her
father, Mr. Henry B. Blalock, near Greenville, aged 17 years: a
memorial by "A Friend" is also in this issue Vol. 11, No. 17,
April 13, 1883 

BLALOCK, Mrs. Susan B., died of paralysis at her home near
Luthersville last Wednesday morning; Vol. 9, No. 17, 1881

BLOUNT. John, colored, former slave of the late F. W. Blount,
died on the 13th of August in the 11th district, aged 76 years;
Vol. 9, No. 37, August 26, 1881

BONNER, Mr. Robert, who along with his brother Seymour were
proprieters in 1846 of  the Warm Springs, died in Columbus last
week; Vol. 10, No. 28, June 20, 1882

BOWDEN, little John Luther, son of Mr. Thomas L. and Mrs. Annie
E. Bowden, died in the second district near the Warm Springs the
31st day of October of diphtheric croup, only 14 months and one
day old; Vol. 10, No. 48, November 17, 1882

BOWEN, Mr. John, died on the 27th of April of pneumonia, at his
residence five miles east of Greenville, twenty-eight years of
age; he was reared in the upper ninth district and married Mrs.
Emma Grant Jones on December 23rd, 1879; Vol. 9, No. 21, May 6,
1881. A Memorial appears in Vol. 9, No. 23, May 20, 1881

BRANSFORD, Mrs. Nancy A., wife of W. T. Bransford, died at her
home near Chalybeate Springs on the 18th of February; Vol. 9,
No. 13, March 11, 1881

BRANTLY, Hon. Simeon L., died near Luthersville the first of
November, aged 79 years; he was born in Orange county, N. C. in
1804 and came to Meriwether 1834; for forty years he was a
successful teacher in the county, and was a member of the
Methodist church; about 1843 he represented Meriwether in the
legislature being a member of the Whig party; Vol. 11, No. 48,
November 16, 1883

BRAY, Capt. W. C., died Monday morning at 4 o'clock, a. m. with
paralysis, having been stricken Sunday afternoon; during the war
he was captain of a company captured at Roanoke Island off the
coast of North Carolina; he would have been 58 years of age next
December (Sulphur Springs); Vol. 8, No. 29, July 2, 1880

BRIDGES, eighteen month old little son of Mr. Bridges of the
first district died of scalding when he overturned a pot of
boiling water being used by Mrs. Bridges for house cleaning;
Vol. 9, No. 24, May 27, 1881

BROOKS, Paulie, daughter of W. P. Brooks of the 11th district,
died last week of typhoid fever, in the 13th year of her age;
Vol. 9, No. 37, August 26, 1881

BROWN, Mr. David, died in Luthersville of typhoid fever on
Tuesday night the 15th, aged about 21 years; Vol. 9, No. 50,
November 25, 1881

BROWN, Mrs. Elizabeth, died last Sunday at the residence of her
son J. L. Brown in the second district, aged ninety-one; she was
a native of Virginia but had long been a resident of Georgia;
her remains were carried to Griffin to be interred by her
husband; Vol. 9, No. 20, April 29, 1881

BROWN, Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. William Brown, died recently in
the first district, aged 75 years; Vol. 10, No. 45, October 27,

BROWN, Rev. Thomas A., formerly in charge of the male academy in
Greenville and a local preacher and Sabbath school leader, died
in Brooks county (date not listed), upwards of fifty years of
age; a graduate of Emory College in the class of 1852, he left
Newton, his native county, for Meriwether; at the close of the
war he was in charge of LeVert female college at Talbotton,
afterward teaching at Fort Valley, removing from there to Brooks
county; [Christian Advocate] Vol. 9, No. 29, 1881

BRYANT, Mrs. Lucy, died Sunday at the residence of  J. J.
Woodcock near Greenville, aged seventy-five years; a native of
North Carolina, in which state a greater part of her life was
spent, she had resided near Greenville 3 or 4 years; Vol. 11,
No. 30, July 13, 1883

BUCHANAN, Mr. W. D., died at his home a few miles below
Greenville Tuesday from a relapse of typhoid fever, between 25
and 35 years of age; Vol. 10, No. 43, October 13, 1882

BULLOCH, Miss Ludie, daughter of J. H. Bulloch, near Warm
Springs, died last Friday of fever in her twelfth year; Vol. 9,
No. 43, October 7, 1881

BULLOCH, Mr. the sixteen year old son of Rev. and Mrs. R. H.
Bulloch, died from typhoid fever and was buried last Saturday;
(Sulphur Springs) Vol. 10, No. 9, February 17, 1882

BUTLER, Mr. Larkin, no death notice found but in this issue is
notice that his wiil was admitted to record last Monday, Mrs.
Martha C.(?) Butler, executrix; Vol. 11, No. 34, August 10, 1183

CALDWELL, Elder David, a minister of the Primitive Baptist
Church, died at his home near Pleasant Hill in Talbot county
last Saturday, the first of May, aged about fifty years; he was
the son of Elder Creed Caldwell and was raised near the Sulphur
Springs in this county; prior to the war he and his family moved
to Arkansas but returned to Georgia several years ago; he had
suffered from cancer of the face; Vol. 8, No. 21, May 7, 1880

CALDWELL, Mrs. Nancy, died last week at the residence of A. J.
Snelson a few miles from town; she had been sick for several
weeks with typhoid fever; Vol. 8, No. 32, July 23, 1880

CALDWELL, Mrs. Rachel, widow of Elder Creed Caldwell, died
Monday the 5th of July at the residence of her son, Joseph H.
Caldwell; Vol. 8, No. 31, July 16, 1880

CALDWELL, Mr. Willam H., died at his residence near Double
Wells, Ark., on the 24th of August of bilious fever, in the
sixtieth year of his age; he was the son of Elder Creed Caldwell
and grew to manhood in Meriwether, leaving over 20 years ago to
settle in Arkansas; he married Miss Martha Chapman in December
1840, who survives him; Vol. 8, No. 39, September 10, 1880

CARLISLE, F. N., a letter dated Waukeenah (Fla.) from Mr. W. M.
Carlisle, who removed from near Greenville last fall to Florida,
contains the announcement of the death of his father, F. N.
Carlisle, on the 16th; Vol. 10, No. 33, August 4, 1882

CHATFIELD, G. W., died at his home in Newton, Miss., Feb. 8th,
1881, in the 71st year of his age; he was once a citizen of
Merwether, and about 40 years ago, we believe, represented the
county in the legislature; [death reported in The Newton (Miss.)
Report];  Vol. 9, No. 18, April 15, 1881

CHUNN, Mr. Alexis, a young man of about 24 years of age, died
near Woodbury of typhoid fever on Friday morning and was buried
on Saturday morning in a lot adjoining that of Robt. Watson, a
young man who had died within the same hour Friday morning, also
of typhoid fever; Vol. 10, No. 33, August 4, 1882

CLYATT, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clyatt, died
September 6th, 1881, aged nine years and eight months; Vol. 9,
No. 40, September 16, 1881

COUSINS, Mr. Richard H., entitled "Death," the name Richard H.
is readable, the rest is not except part of the last paragraph
which says "Mr. Cousins had lived where he died....."; Vol. 10,
No. 17, April 14, 1882

DALLY, Mr. Frank, died at about 12 o'clock last Wednesday
morning of typhoid fever; he was 24 years of age and unmarried,
and had come to Greenville from Iowa last April to act as miller
for Mr. Ben Winslow; Vol. 10, No. 35, August 18, 1882

DARDEN, Mrs., the mother of Mrs. Nat Teagle, died at the
residence of Mrs. Columbus Worthern(?) near Luthersville on the
22nd of March; Vol. 9, No. 16, April 1, 1881

DEARING, Mr. John, died in the 7th district at the home of his
sister, Mrs. W. P. Truitt on the 20th; he was about 65 and never
married; Vol. 10, No. 27, June 23, 1882

DELACY, Mr. H. M., died at his residence in Greenville on the
morning of the 24th about 60 years of age; of Irish descent but 
believed to have been born in America, he learned the
shoemaker's trade possibly in Philadelphia; a Greenville citizen
for around 25 years, he leaves a widow and little son; Vol. 8,
No. 3, Januaty 2, 1880

DENT(? last letter faded), Mrs. Eliza, widow of the late Hon. W.
B. W. Dent(?) died at her home in Newnan on the 18th of june, in
her 76th year; her husband represented this district in congress
about 1854-5; Vol. 9, No. 29, July 1, 1881

DIXON, Miss Bessie, oldest daughter of Dr, and Mrs. J. T. Dixon,
died of typhoid fever at Woodbury last Monday after an illness
of nearly fifty days; Vol. 8, No. 40, September 17, 1880

DORMAN, Miss Mary, a teacher at Bethesda academy in the Gill
district, died of typhoid fever last Friday; Vol. 10, No. 32,
July 28, 1882

DUNCAN, Rev. John P., died at Union Springs, Alabama on the 14th
and was buried last Sunday; a minister of the Methodist church,
he was well known in Meriwether and, for several sessions had
acted as Chaplain of the Georgia senate; Vol. 9, No. 23, May 20,

DUNCAN, Thomas T., died on the 14th of July at Oak Bower, near
Fort Smith , Arkansas, about 48 years of age; he was born in
Meriwether and made his home in the county until two years ago,
being the provider of his mother, sister and younger brother for
a score of years; Vol. 9, No. 40, September, 16, 1881

EDWARDS, Mr. Louis(or Lewis) H., died on Friday morning as a
result of a stroke suffered the previous week; a resident of the
10th district, he was born on the 11th of February, 1812 and
settled in Meriwether about 50 years ago; Vol. 11, No. 26, June
15, 1883; in this issue is notice that the widow, Mrs. Mary
Edwards, and Col. W. Y. Atkinson of Newnan were appointed
administrators of Mr. Edward's will; in this notice Mr. Edward's
first name is stated as Lewis; Vol. 11, No. 34, August 10, 1883

ELLIS, Mrs. Martha, died in Meriwether May 31st, 1881 of
paralysis, in the 70th year of her age; Mrs. Ellis, whose maiden
name was Butler, was born in Baldwin county and, when 20 yers
old, married Mr. Benjamin Ellis;  Mr. Ellis died only three
years later, leaving her the care of their infant son; she
united with the Presbyterian church when 14 years old, but after
marriage, became a Baptist with her husband; obituary by "A
Friend"; Vol. 9, No. 26, June 10, 1881

ELLIS, Judge Myron, died in Greenville at 5 o'clock a. m. Dec.
the 18 th, 1879; he was born in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. on the
23 rd of March, 1812 and came to Georgia in early life; after a
few years in Eatonton he settled in Greenville where he spent
upwards of 45 years of his life, called to fill county offices
and as a merchant; Vol. 8, No. 1, December 19, 1879. A Memorial
by the Greenville Sabbath School is in Vol. 8, No. 4, January 9,

ELLIS, Mrs., the wife of John Ellis, the colored Hogansville
mail carrier, died of consumption last Friday; Vol. 10, No. 26,
June 16, 1882

ESTES, Aaron, son of Matthew Estes and grandson of Judge Aaron
Sibley, died in Overton, Rusk county, Texas (no date indicated);
he was 14 years old and moved with his father to Texas last fall
from the 10th district; Vol. 10, No. 37, September 1, 1882

ESTES, Judge J. W., died in the 10th district at his residence
near Rocky Mount on Thursday the 9th of September, aged about
sixty; Vol. 8, No. 40, September 17, 1880

FINDLEY, Mrs. Catharine, died near Woodbury on Wednesday night
the 16th, aged about 85 years; her late husband had received a
pension for military service which was continued Mrs. Findley
until her death; Vol. 9, No. 50, November 25, 1881

FINDLEY(FINLEY), Mrs. Elizabeth, died of paralysis last Saturday
at the home of her brother, Dr. L. F. McLaughlin in Marion
county, being about 75 years of age; a resident of Meriwether
for many years and the mother-in-law of Judge A. J. Hinton and
Dr. W. J. Barnes, she had an attack of paralysis a year or so
ago from which she rallied but a recent stroke proved fatal;
Vol. 11, No. 43, September 12, 1883

FLORENCE, little Ada, infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. O. S.
Florence, died in Greenville last Monday morning, November 1st.
of membranous croup, and was buried the next day at the Florence
burying ground in Meriwether county; Vol. 8, No. 47, November 5,
1880. In a memorial by J. W. Roberts, Ada,  is said to have also
suffered from diphtheria as did Ada's twin Claude who had died
earlier; Vol. 8, No. 50, November 26, 1880

FLORENCE, little Claude, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Florence, died on the 11th of diphtheria and was buried the 13th
of November and now sleeps by the side of his twin sister; from
the memorial above for Ada Florence; Vol. 8, No. 50, November
26, 1880

FRANKLIN, Mrs. Elizabeth, died suddenly at her residence in the
middle ninth district last Wednesday morning from disease of the
heart, aged about seventy-five years; Vol. 9, No. 20, April 29,

FREEMAN, Mr. J. T., son of the late Hugh Freeman, died at his
residence in Greenville on the morning of the 5th after an
illness of several weeks, in the 28th year of his age; he was
born and reared in Meriwether and a few years ago moved to
Griffin where he was chosen tax receiver of Spalding county, but
moved back to Meriwether last year; he leaves a wife and one
child; in the same issue is information about a court case
concerning the disposition of goods from the store of the
deceased; Vol. 8, No. 26, June 11, 1880

FREEMAN, Mrs. Patty, widow of the late James Freeman, died near
Greenville on Saturday, the third of April, aged about seventy;
Vol. 8, No. 18, April 16, 1880

FULLER, Judge John C., long a citizen of Meriwether, Judge
Fuller died at his home in Coosa county the 6th of April, aged
about 50; Vol. 11, No. 18, April 20, 1883

GAMMON, Mr. Robert W., died in Greenville early last Tuesday
morning, being upwards of sixty years of age; he came from, we
believe, Knoxville, East Tennessee, settling in Greenville
following the trade of a tailor; during the war he was a soldier
in the Confederate army; he never married and leaves no
relatives in this part of the state; Vol. 9, No. 43, October 7,

GATES, Hooker, colored. was fatally stabbed by another on Friday
evening the 22nd of December near the residence of the late
Judge Tucker in the 3rd district; Vol. 11, No. 3, January 12,

GILL, Thos. W., died at his residence, three miles south of
Greenville, last Friday morning the 5th of April; born in Wilkes
county in October, 1823, he moved with his parents to Meriwether
when he was about eight or ten years of age, being one of the
earliest residents of the county; he was buried last Saturday
morning at the burial ground of the Render family, having been
married in early life to Miss Agnes, daughter of the late Judge
James Render; Vol. 9, No. 19, April 22, 1881

GILLESPIE, J. E., Esq., of Sulphur Springs died at the Springs
last Thursday aged over 80 years; Vol. 10, No. 42, October 6,

GLADDEN, Mr., identified only by last name in the notice for Dr.
Stinson as an elderly citizen having died in the last month; no
notice was found, and was possibly in one of the many unreadable
pages; Vol. 11, No. 27, June 22, 1883

GRESHAM, Mrs. Frances, wife of George W. Gresham, Esq., died at
her home in Gill's district on Friday the 15th of June, aged
about fifty years; she was a daughter of the late John Snelson
and a member of the Primitive Baptist church; twice married, her
first husband Mr. Samuel Webb living but a few weeks after
marriage, she married Mr. Gresham nearly 30 years ago; Vol. 11,
No. 27, June 22, 1883

HALL, Harriett, colored, the previous week it had been reported
she was swept away from (unreadable) ferry on the Flint river;
the boat in which she was last seen having been found several
miles down the river, it is now assumed that she drowned; Vol.
8, No. 3, January 2, 1880

HANCOCK, Mark, a policeman who formerly resided in the lower 9th
district but has been living in Griffin several years, was shot
and killed last Saturday by a man he had arrested a few days
before who had vowed vengeance; Vol. 9, No. 20, April 29, 1881

HARMON, Mrs., wife of Mr. Luther M. Harmon of the 7th district
died on Wednesday of last week; Vol. 11, No. 14, March 23, 1883

HARRIS, Mrs. Eliza Ann, the former Miss Eliza Ann Gresham, wife
of Hon. Henry R. Harris, died in Greenville at 6 o'clock on
Saturday morning, the 6th of November, aged fifty years, nine
months and tenty-two days, born on the 14th of February, 1830,
she was left an orphan, raised by her grandmother, the late Mrs.
Hinson Gresham; when about 14 she entered Wesleyan Female
College, graduating in July, 1846; she was united in marriage to
Col. Harris on the 21st of October, 1847, and in 1852 became a
member of the Methodist church; lengthy memorial by "A."; Vol.
8, No. 48, November 12, 1880. A Tribute of Respect by the
Greenville Sabbath School in Vol. 8, No. 49, November 19, 1880

HARRIS, Mrs. Leila G., wife of W. T. Harris, died in Greenville
last Tuesday evening the 20th of July, aged 28 years; the
daughter of pious parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simonton, in
early life she became a member of the Methodist church; Vol. 8,
No. 32, July 23, 1880

HARRIS, Miss Mollie, daughter of Henry R. Harris and Mrs.
Elizabeth Harris, died last Tuesday evening of typhoid fever,
aged about 20 years; Vol. 11, no. 46, November 2, 1883

HEARD, Dr. George B., of LaGrange formerly of Columbus, died
last Monday; Vol. 9, No. 14, March 18, 1991

HILL, Sen Ben H., in this issue is a memorial (for the most part
very difficult to read) for the late Sen. Hill who died
recently: Vol. 10, No. 37, September 1, 1882

HILLSMAN, Mr. J. R., died last Wednesday evening, being upwards
of 70 years of age; formerly a businessman in Atlanta, he
removed to Meriwether about 10 years ago and was a citizen of
the 11th district; Vol. 11, No. 27, June 22, 1883; in this issue
is notice that Mr. Hillsman's will was admitted to record last
Monday, H. W. Hill, Esq., executor; Vol. 11, No. 29, July 6,

HOOD, London, freedman, died at Jones' Mills on the 7th of June,
aged about 95 years; Vol. 9, No. 27, June 17, 1881

HORN, Mrs. Elizabeth, died at her residence in Meriwether August
the 22nd, 1883, in the 75th year of her age; she was born in
Greene county in 1809, moving here in 1831, and was the widow of
John Horn who died here several years ago; a member of the
Methodist church over sixty-two yers, she was a member at Mt.
Carmel 52 years; two aged sisters and several children survive
her; memorial by "J. T. R."; Vol. 11, No. 38, September 7, 1883

HOWARD, Milt, colored, was killed by another with an axe on the
8th of February on the farm of Mr. James Scoggins near
Luthersville; the slayer was captured and is in jail awaitlng
trial; Vol. 9. No. 21, May 6, 1881

JACKSON, Mr. Isham S., long having suffered from heart disease,
Mr. Jackson died suddenly  last Wednesday morning when retuning
from feeding his stock at his home a few miles below Greenville;
a member of the Methodist church, he was between 65 and 75 years
of age; Vol. 11, No. 24, June 1, 1883; in this issue is notice
that Mr. Jackson's will was admitted to record last Monday, Mrs.
Augusta T. Jackson, executrix; Vol. 11, No. 29, July 6, 1883

JONES, little Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Jones of
the upper ninth district, died on the 16th in the third year of
her age; Vol. 9, No. August 26, 1881

JONES, Otis, Esq., a citizen of Grantville, but who was reared
in Meriwether, died last Saturday about 8 o'clock after his gun
accidentally disharged while hunting; Vol. 9, No. 1, December
17, 1880

KEITH, Mrs. N. L., Mrs. Keith of Newnan, a granddaughter of Mr.
William Upshaw of Luthersville died recently; Vol. 11, No. 39,
September 14, 1883

KNOX, Rev. Walter, an aged minister died at Darien a few days
ago; Vol. 9, No. 23, May 20, 1881

LANE, Mr. Devanie, son of Mr. P. H. Lane, died last Saturday
after having been paralyzed from the falling of a tree last
year; Vol. 9, No. 1, December 31, 1880

LASSETER, Mr. Perry, died near Luthersville last week; he
recently lost a son and daughter from typhoid pneumonia, the
disease from which he also died; Vol. 9, No. 17, March 8, 1881

LASSETER, Mrs., wife of Dr. H. J. Lasseter and daughter of the
late Jordan Rowland, died at her home in Luthersville on Friday
the 26th of January; a member of the Primitive Baptist church at
Providence, she was about 30 years of age; Vol. 11, No. 8,
February 9, 1883

LAWRENCE, Mr., identified only by last name in the notice of Dr.
Stinson as an elderly citizen having died in the past month, no
notice was found, being possibly in one of the unreadable
issues; Vol. 11, No. 27, June 22, 1883

LOVE, Mrs. Georgia Frances, daughter of Mr. R. M. Cheney of
Chalybeate Springs, died at her home in Thomaston last Friday
morning in the thirty-fourth year of her age, and was interred
at the family burying ground last Saturday; she was a member of
the Methodist church; Vol. 9, No. 23, May 20, 1881

LOVETT, Mrs. Sarah Jane, wife of W. M. Lovett, died of measles
at her home  near Rocky Mount on the 10th of September; Mrs.
Lovett whose maiden name was Magahee, was born the 13th of
March, 1843 and married Mr. Lovett on the 24th of December,
1859; only three of her eleven children survive their mother;
Vol. 9, no. 41, September 23, 1881. The funeral sermon for Mrs.
Lovett will be at Luthersville the 5th Sunday; Vol. 9, No. 46,
October 28, 1881

MAFFETT, Mr. Ephraim, died at his residence, three miles north
of Greenville last Thursday morning, the 10th of March; he was
born in Newberry District, South Carolina, in 1800, and had
entered his 81st year, he had been a resident of Meriwether
about 46 years and was a member of the Presbyterian church; he
was buried at the Presbyterian church near his residence; Vol.
9, No. 14, March 18, 1881

MAGRUDER, Banister, died last Saturday night; Uncle Banister
said he lived in Virginia  and was 12 yers old when Washington
had his war; he was a very old man; (Sulphur Springs) Vol. 9,
No. 43, October 7, 1881

MANN, Mr. Francis M., died at his home near Brooks' mill last
Sunday morning of typhoid pneumonia, in the 25th year of his
age: Vol. 11, No. 19, April 27, 1883

MANN, Mr. James, mail rider, was struck by lightning and
instantly killed at Oakland about sunset last Wednesday evening;
the deceased leaves a wife and three children; Vol. 8, No. 30,
July 9, 1880; subsequent report reflects he was killed on the
road between Rocky Mount and Luthersville, near the residence
of, and witnessed by, Mr. and Mrs. Sibley; Vol. 8, No. 31, July
16, 1880

MANN, little ten year old daughter of Mr. Mann of Gill's distict
died after her dress caught on fire while she was getting
dinner; Vol. 9, No. 1, December 17, 1880

MARTIN, Betsy Ann, freedwoman, died on the 28th after
accidentally being shot by the man she was to have married
tomorrow night; Vol. 9, No. 4, January 7, 1881

MARTIN, Miss Maggie, the oldest daughter of the late Pete M.
Martin of Meriwether, no date of death mentioned (death reported
last Friday by Columbus papers); Vol. 8, No. 19, April 23, 1880

MAYFIELD, infant child of Dr. Grene(?) Mayfield died near the
Warm Springs last Saturday and was buried at Mount Hope on
Sunday; Vol. 9, No. 21, May 6, 1881

MCCCARTER, Mr. R., died in Atlanta on the evening of the 4th of
January, aged 28 years; born in Salem, Ala., after the death of
his parents which occured in his early childhood, he removed
with three brothers and a sister to Meriwether; four years ago
he removed to Atlanta where he had engaged in mercantile
business; Vol. 9, No. 5, January 14, 1881

MCCLENDON, little Dora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claud E.
McClendon, died last Monday evening near Greenville, aged four
months; Vol. 8, No. 24, May 28, 1880

MCCLENDON, Mrs., (see Mr. McClendon below) wife of Mr. William
McClendon, at Antioch church near Woodbury, died last Wednesday,
aged about 75 years; Vol. 10, No. 41, September 29, 1882

MCCLENDON, Mr. William, (see Mrs. McClendon above) died on
Thursday following the death of his wife the day before, and was
buried beside his deceased wife; they were among the first
settlers in Meriwether county; Vol. 10, No. 41, September 29,

MCCRARY, Bill, was killed by another in the 10th district last
week; the accused was before a commital court at Rocky Mount
yesterday; Vol. 10, No. 26, June 16, 1882

MEADOWS, Mrs., an aged lady, for several years an invalid, died
last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sistrunk; (Sulphur
Springs) Vol. 8, No. 29, July 2, 1880

MILAM, Uncle Essex, freedman, died at the home of Judge Lee
Milam at Jones' Mills on the 23rd of October, aged 85 years; he
came with Judge Milam from South Carolina, and when Wilson's
raid passed Jones' Mills in the last days of the war, saved all
the Judge's mules and horses from the keen-scented thievish
federals; Vol. 11, No. 47, November 9, 1883

MILLER, Miss Ludie, died at the home of her mother near Rocky
Mount, last Saturday morning of typhoid fever; Vol. 8, No. 50,
November 26, 1880

MILLER, Mrs., wife of Martin Miller died near Rocky Mount after
an illness of a few weeks; she was a daughter of Judge Singleton
York and was married last year; Vol. 10, No. 7, February 3, 1882

MITCHELL, Mr. W. J., died at his home near Chalybeate Springs on
Thursday the 16th of June, lacking about a nonth of being 86
years of age; he was a long time resident of Meriwether and for
54 years was connected with the Primitive Baptist church; Vol.
9, No. 28, June 24, 1881

MORELAND, little Eulalia, one year old daughter of Wilson W. and
Mary D. Moreland, no date is stated; this death is mentioned in
the memorial for Tommie Moreland below; Vol. 8, No. 50, November
26, 1880

MORELAND, little Tommie, only son of Wilson W. and Mary D.
Moreland, died near Woodbury of congestion; born Aug. 20, 1876
and died Nov. 9, 1880; memorial by " J."; Vol. 8, No. 50,
November 26, 1880

MOSS(?), Mr. John E., died in Griffin last Saturday in his 53rd
year; he was for a long time a citizen of Meriwether and had
married a sister of Mr. R. S. Partain; since the war he had
resided in Griffin and was a member of the firm, Sutton,
Williams & Co.; Vol. 10, No. 20, May 5, 1882

MURPHEY, Mrs., wife of Mr. J. B. Murphey, died last Saturday;
Vol. 9, No. 3, December 31, 1880

MUSTIAN, Col. John L., died at his home at the Warm Springs last
Monday night at nine o'clock in the seventy-sixth year of his
age; he was born in North Carolina but removed to Georgia in
early manhood, perhaps in Macon; marrying Miss Jeter(?) of
Milledgeville, he began business in Macon in the infancy of that
city and was for several years sheriff of Bibb county; nearly 40
yers ago he moved to Columbus, and to him Columbus is mainly
indebted for the railroad from Ft. Valley to Columbus; he took a
lively interest in public affairs and represented Muscogee in
the state senate one or more terms; in politics he was a Henry
Clay whig and since the war has acted with the democrats; he was
a delegate to the Columbus and Newnan conventios of the
congressional canvass of 1878 and an advocate of Col. Harris;
about 1847 he purchased the Warm Springs which he kept as a
resort, and after the war made the Springs his home; commencing
life as a carpenter, by good management and strict honesty he
accumulated a large estate; he was buried in Columbus Wednesday
morning beside his daughter and only child; Vol. 9, No. 24, May
27, 1881

NEAL, John Clarence (Jack), son of Mrs. Fanny Neal, a resident
of Flat Shoals, although suffering from the measles, upon
hearing of his mother's condition rode to see his dying parent,
worsening his condition and dying about six hours before his
mother; Vol. 9, No. 16, April 1, 1881. He was born at Flat
Shoals June 3, 1860, and died March 23, 1881 at 8:30 a. m.
[Christian Advocate, see below}; Vol. 9, No. 28, June 24, 1881

NEAL, Mrs. Frances M. (Fanny), widow of the late James M. Neal,
died March 23, 1881 at 3:30 p. m.  in Griffin; the former Miss
Fannie(sic) Reese was married about 1850 to Mr. Neal and until
the past one or two years  resided at Flat Shoals; she was a
sister of Rev. James Reese and sister-in-law of Mrs. A. M.
Baldwin; (see also Clarence Neal); Vol. 9, No. 16, April 11,
1881. According to an obituary in the Christian Advocate
reprinted in the Vindicator, Mrs. Neal was the daughter of Dixon
H. and Lucy A. Reese, and was born in Prattville, Ala., June 11,
1842, left an orphan about nine years of age under, first the
guardianship of her grandmother, and later her uncle, Mark H.
Crowder; Vol. 9, No. 28, June 24, 1881

NELSON, Mrs. Sarah J., wife of Mr. Joseph H. Nelson, died at
Greenville April 16th, 1881, in the 42nd year of her age; Mrs.
Nelson whose maiden name was Johnston, was born and reared in
Morgan county; she was twice married, first to Mr. Lane of
Morgan county, and in October, 1879 in Troup county to Mr.
Nelson; tribute by "Her Pastor"; Vol. 9, No. 19, April 22, 1881

OLIVE, Mrs. Eliza J., wife of James Olive, died on August 8th,
1883 in the 56th year of her age; she united with the church at
Holly Springs in Coweta county in August 1847; Vol. 11, No. 43,
October 12, 1883

OLIVER, Miss Margaret C., died at her home at White Sulphur
Springs last Saturday night, in the seventy-third year of her
age; a member of the Baptist church, at an early age by the
death of her mother she had the task of rearing her younger
brothers and sisters; in later life her niece, the wife of Maj.
Gordon, dying, bequeathed to Miss Margaret the care of her
infant children; she was buried Monday in Columbus by the side
of her niece, Mrs. Gordon; Vol. 9, No. 44, October 14, 1881

O'NEAL, Miss Emma Alice, born at Warnerville, Meriwether county
May 13th, 1963, she died at Corinth, Heard county, Ga., Oct.
31st, 1883 of typhoid fever; Vol. 11, No. 47, November 9, 1883

O'NEAL, Mr. Newton, a former citizen of Meriwether died at his
residence in Pike county on Friday the 30th of March of
pneumonia; Vol. 11, No. 16, April 6, 1883

OWENS, Mrs., died last Sabbath, no other information given;
(Jones' Mill) Vol. 10, No. 15, March 31, 1882

OWENS, "Uncle Billy", a long time resident of Merwether, died at
his residence in the middle ninth district last Thursday in the
84th year of his age; Vol. 9, No. 18, April 15, 1881

PARHAM, Mr. Stith A., died of dropsy at his residence near White
Sulphur Springs on last Tuesday the 23rd, aged about 65 years;
one of the oldest residents of the county, he had long been a
member of the Methodist church; Vol. 8, No. 15, March 26, 1880

PARK, Mr. John, on the front page of this issue is a memorial by
W. P. Rivers, a former pupil,  to Mr. Park who died in
Greenville on Sept. 8th, 1849, over 34 years ago; also comments
by his oldest son, Rev. William Park; (see death of Mrs. Park,
below) Vol. 11, No. 48, November 16, 1883, pages 1and 3

PARK, Mrs. Sarah T.,died ar her home last Friday night, aged
about seventy-five years; the widow of Mr. John Park, an
educator of note who had died over thirty years ago, Mrs. Park
was the sister of Mrs. J. M. C. Robertson of Greenville And Mrs.
Orville Ball of LaGrange; she was laid to rest in the village
cemetery last Sabbath afternoon by the side of her husband with
all of her children in attendance, consisting of Rev. W. M. Park
of Sandersville, John W. Park, Esq. of Greenville, J. F. Park,
LL. D. of Tuskegee, Ala., Capt. R. . Park of Macon, L. M. Park
of LaGrange, Mrs. W. H. Huntley of LaGrange and Mrs. H. P.
Blalock of Greenville; she had been a member of the Methodist
church for over half a century; Vol. 10, No. 46, November 3,

PEAVY, Mr. Eli, at press time it is learned that Mr. Peavy is
dead at age 82; Vol. 10, No. 42, October 6, 1882; in the
following issue an expanded announcement appears, much of it
unreadable, except he moved to Meriwether from Jasper about
1839; Vol. 10, No. 43, October 13, 1882

PENN, Mr., the death of Mr. Penn of Monticello, Jasper county is
announced; he was married to Miss Fannie Adams near Greenville
about two years ago; Vol. 10, No. 41, October 6, 1882

PERSON, Mr., a grown son of Mr. Amos Person, died in
Luthersville on Tuesday night the 15th of typhoid fever; Vol. 9,
No. 50, November 25, 1881

PHELPS, Mr. W. W. a citizen of the middle ninth district was
found dead in his bed last Friday morning; Vol. 11, No. 14,
March 23, 1883

PHILLIPS, Mrs., an aged lady, died last Tuesday from burns
received the previous day when her dwelling caught fire from the
fireplace; Vol. 8, No. 18, April 16, 1880

PLANT, Mrs. mother of Mr. John A. Plant of Luthersville
district, died suddenly at her home on Tuesday the 28th of
November, aged 82 years; Vol. 10, No. 51, December 8, 1882

POLLARD, J. J. Esq., died at his home near Henderson, Rusk
county, Texas about the first of October; he resided for upwards
of thirty years in the 11th district of Meriwether and was for
years magistrate for the district, but it is as a teacher that
he is best known; a member of the Baptist church at Union, he
had emigrated to Texas about 10 years ago and was 73 years of
age; tribute from the Masonic Lodge to which he belonged;
[Henderson Times] Vol. 11, No. 49, November 23, 1883

PORTER, Mrs. C. T., formerly of the Chalybeate Springs, died
last Monday night in Columbus; she leaves an infant only eight
days old; Vol. 9, No. 14, March 18, 1881

REEVES, Amy, colored, wife of Ned Durham, died at the home of
Madison Reeves, her former owner, last week, at 53 years old;
she never changed her home after emancipation and was a
consistent member of the Baptist Church; Vol. 8, No. 27, June
18, 1880

REID, Mrs. Mollie, wife of Mr. Zach Reid and daughter of Mr. W.
G. Sims, died on the 9th of May of typhoid fever; (St. Marks)
Vol. 10, No. 22, May 19, 1882

RENDER, Uncle Daniel, an aged and well known colored resident of
Greenville died last Tuesday: Vol. 8, No. 35, August 13, 1880

REYNOLDS, Mrs. Emma, wife of Clifton Reynolds and daughter of
the late Isaiah Burton, died in Atlanta from a relapse of
measles on Wednesday, the 25th of May, aged about forty-five
years; she resided in the upper ninth district but was in
Atlanta fot the purpose of sending her children to school; she
was a member of the Baptist church at Mount Zion near
Warnerville at which church she was buried last Friday, Vol. 9,
No. 25, June 3, 1881

ROBERTSON, Mr. Ida A., died at the residence of her father, Mr.
R. C. Strozier, near Flat Shoals on Friday the 24th of February,
lacking a few days of being twenty years old; a member of the
Baptist church at Friendship near the home of her birth, she was
married on the 24th of February, 1881 and leaves an infant son a
week old; Vol. 10, No. 11, March 3, 1882

ROBERTSON, Jas. H., died near Luthersville on the 15th of
December last, in the 77th year of his life; he was born on the
5th of February, 1803 and had been a member of the Methodist
church for about forty years; he is survived by his aged mother
who has passed her 104th birthday, children and grandchildren;
Vol. 8, No. 4, January 9, 1880

ROBERTSON, Mrs. Julia, formerly Miss Julia Porter, wife of Mr.
John Robertson near Luthersville, died last Friday morning, aged
42 years; a native of Taliaferro county, she had since early
life been a member of the Methodist church; her husband and four
children survive her; Vol. 11, No. 51, December 7, 1883

ROPER, Mrs., the mother of Hon. John B. Roper, residing near the
Chalybeate Springs, died last week, aged 85 years; Vol. 9, No.
11, February 25, 1881

SAMMONS, Mr. Henly J., died at his home near the Flat Shoals
last Thursday the 22d instant, in the 81st year of his age; a
memorial by a friend and neighbor indicates he was a consistent
Primitive Baptist; Vol. 8, No. 33, July 30, 1880

SAPP, Mrs. Nancy, died at her home near Luthersville on the 19th
of April, aged 76 years; she moved to Meriwether in 1833 and was
a member of the Baptist church at Bethel; Vol. 9, No. 21, May 6,

SCOTT, Henry, (death announced last week, apparently on an
unreadable page) in this issue the readable parts pertain to his
service on the Canada frontier in 1814(?), he survived the war
in which he fought under Brown, Scott and Ripley for 70 years,
living to the great age of 90; his residence has been for a long
time with his granddaughter Mrs. Freeman Clements of the second
district; Vol. 10, No. 45, October 27, 1882

SHUTTLES, Col. J. E., died of a pistol wound last Monday evening
after being shot, at the grocery of Hardy Freeman, by a man with
whom he was having a feud; he leaves a grieving widow and little
boys; at press time a commital court was being organized in the
case of the man charged in the shooting; Vol. 9, No. 26, June
10, 1881. On Wednesday June 15th the man charged in the shooting
was convicted of murder and imprisoned; Vol. 9, No. 27, 1881

SIBLEY, Mrs., wife of Judge Aaron Sibley, died at her home in
the 10th district on Wednesday the 13th; she was formerly a
resident of Savannah, but had lived in Meriwether for more than
a quarter of a century; Vol. 9, No. 32, July 22, 1881

SIMS, Miss Leila S., daughter of Jno. T. Sims, Esq., died at her
home near Greenville last Thursday in the 20th year of her age;
at an early age she united with the Baptist church at Antioch,
and after the death of her mother the domestic management of the
household fell upon this youthful daughter; Vol. 10, No. 37,
September 1, 1882

SMITH, Mrs. Martha F., wife of Irijah Smith, died at her home in
Meriwether on Monday evening the 19th of September; she was the
daughter of Joseph Tanner of Anson County, N. C. where she was
born Jan. 1st, 1816 and was married to her husband Feb. 14th,
1834; to them were born six children all of whom survive; they
moved to Meriwether in 1836, she was baptized into Hebron
church, subsequently joining the church at Union; a memorial by
"C"; Vol. 9 No. 44, October 14, 1881

STINSON, Mrs. Martha, wife of Dr. J. W. Stinson, died at her
residence near the White Sulphur Springs on Friday the 18th of
August, about 70 years of age; she and Dr. Stinson had been
married over 52 years; Vol. 10, No. 36, August 25, 1882

STINSON, Dr. James W., died last Friday morning at his home near
the White Sulphur Springs, a few weeks short of being 80 years
old; a successful physician, he had lived in Meriwether about 50
years securing one the coumty's largest estates; though a member
of the Presbyterian chuirch, he was identified with the
neighboring Methodist church at Trinity and the Warm Springs
camp grounds which were special objects of his fostering care;
Vol. 11, No. 27, June 22, 1883; in this issue is notice that Dr.
Stinson's will was admitted to record last Monday, B. F. Tigner,
executor; Vol. 11, No. 27, July 6, 1883

STRIPLING (written STRIBLING in body of notice), Mrs. E. C.,
daughter of the late Jordan Barnes, died at the residence of H.
R. Harris in the second district last Saturday the 26th;  united
in marriage to Dr.C.(?) C.  Stripling just before the war, they
removed to Wilkes county about ten or twelve years ago; in 1875
Dr. Stripling was cruelly murdered in Oglethorpe county and
after a few years she returned to Meriwether; a member of the
Baptist church at Antioch, she was buried  Sabbath evening at
the old homestead; Vol. 9, No. 16, April 1, 1881

STROZIER, died at his residence near Jones' Mills last Saturday
morning, aged 79 years; he was born in Wilkes county in 1804,
and there joined the Baptist church at Sardis; he moved to Troup
county in 1838 and after a residence there of six years, moved
in 1844 to Meriwether, settling near Greenville; in 1845 he
moved to his home on Red Oak Creek near Jones' Mills; he was
twice married, his first wife being Miss Mary W. Sherman of
Wilkes; his second wife was Mrs. West, who survives him; his
skill as a fisherman earned him the title of endearment, "Uncle
Fishing Peter"; Vol. 11, No. 51, December 7, 1883

STROZIER, Reuben, Esq., died suddenly at his residence in
Sebastian county, Ark., on Tuesday of last week, having  left
Meriwether last December to make his home in Arkansas;
expressing a wish to be returned to his old home, his remains
were consigned to the grave in the family burying ground near
the Flat Shoals on Sunday;  he was a prominent member of the
Baptist church and was between 55 and 60 years of age: Vol. 8,
No. 41, September 24, 1880

TALLMAN, Mrs. Mary C., wife of Mr. R. Patten Tallman and the
only daughter of John DeLacy, late of Greenville, and the sister
of J. M. DeLacy of this city, died at Hatchechubbee, Ala. at
2:45 a. m. on Sunday, the 11th inst.; she had been married only
about 18 months and leaves a little boy about three months old,
who at her request will be raised by her sister, Mrs. A.
Bellingrath of Atlanta; her remains were to be carried to
Atlanta for interment [Columbus Enquirer]; Vol. 8, No. 18, April
16, 1880

TODD, little Preston, infant son of William R. and Mrs. Nora
Todd, died on the morning of October the seventh, aged about one
year: vol. 9, No. 44, October 14, 1881

TRUITT, Mr. W. P., died at his home in the 11th district last
Friday after an illness of fifteen weeks; he was born in Wilkes
county on the 31st of Dec., 1812 and removed to Meriwether about
1844; on the 25th of May, 1833 he married Miss Dearing of
Wilkes, who survives him; in 1849 he joined the Baptist church
at County Line church and  he was buried last Saturday at Union
church; Vol. 9, No. 31, July 15, 1881

TUCKER, Capt. Milton P., died at Champagnolle, Union county,
Arkansas on the 7th of September of bilious fever; he was reared
in Meriwether and here spent the greater portion of his life, he
graduated Emory College in 1844, and was twice married, the
first being a daughter of the late Thomas F. McGehee and the
second, Miss Kitty Beckwith, daughter of Capt. Beckwith of
Greenville.; he served several years as justice of the Inferior
court and in 1865 was elected to the legislature; the war found
him teaching school in Texas from where he returned to his old
county and raised a company for state duty and after 6 months
service on the Georgia coast, raised one of the largest
companies for Confederate service; being on duty in Tennessee,
his command was captured at Cumberland Gap and he suffered a
long imprisonment at Johnson's Island; since the war he has
devoted his time to teaching in Louisiana and Arkansas; he was
nearly 60 years of age and leaves a wife and two boys 10 and 12
years of age; Vol. 10, No. 41, September 29, 1882

TUCKER, Judge Robert T., found dead in bed last Tuesday morning
by Mr. R. P. Williams, at the home of his son-in-law, Mr.
Bloomer Williams, where he had recently made his home; for many
years he was Judge of the Inferior court, was a charman of the
board of county commissioners, and a leading member of the
Methodist church at Trinity; he was upwards of seventy five
years of age; Vol. 9, No. 8, February 4, 1881

TURNER, Mr. A. M., died at the residence of his father, Mr.
Absalom Turner, near Greenville last Wednesday evening after a
long illness, aged about thirty years; though raised in
Greenville he had beemn in business in Columbus for a number of
years; he was buried in the family burying lot in Greenville
yesterday evening; Vol. 11, No. 24, June 1, 1883

UPSHAW, Mrs., wife of Mr. Allen Upshaw, died near Luthersville
last Friday; she was the daughter of Mr. Perry Lasseter; Vol. 9,
No. 15, March 25, 1881

WADDELL, Miss Hattie, died last Friday morning near the Warm
Springs at the residence of her brother Mr. F. M. Waddell, aged
12 years; the daughter of the late Rev. Jesse Waddell, at an
early age she joined the Methodist church; Vol. 11, No. 24, June
1, 1883

WARNER, Judge Hiram, died in Atlanta last Thursday, the 30th of
June, about 12 o'clock and was buried in Greenville, Friday
evening; born in Massachusetts on the 28th of October, 1802, at
age 17 came to Georgia at Savannah, found employment as
assistant teacher in the academy at Sparta, Hancock county; in
Hancock he married Miss Abercrombie; being admitted to the bar
in 1824, he settled in Knoxville, Crawford county, represnting
that county in the legislature from 1828 to 1831; he afterwards
moved to Talbotton and in 1833 was elected Judge of the newly
formed Coweta circuit; about 1836, he removed to Greenville,
which was his home until his death; several paragraphs follow
detailing his judicial and political career, incuding election
to the U. S. Congress, and twice being appointed Chief Justice
of the Georgia Supreme Court, the latter at which he served
until he retired last August; Vol. 9, No. 30, July 8, 1881, Page
2 (earlier false report and correction) at press time, news that
Judge Warner is dead; his remains expected in Greenville last
night and his burial supposed today; Vol. 9, No. 11, February
25, 1881. In this issue it is reported that the previous report
was a mistake; Vol. 9, No. 12, March 4, 1881

WATSON, Judge Allen H., died at Woodbury last Saturday evening,
about forty years of age; he leaves a widow and children; Vol.
10, No. 48, November 17, 1882

WATSON, Mr. Arthur H., an aged and well known citizen of the
lower ninth district died at his home last Monday; Vol. 8, No.
51, December 3, 1880

WATSON, Mr. Robert, a young man who had not attained his
majority, died last Friday morning near Woodbury of typhoid
fever and was buried Saturday morning near Alexis Chunn who died
on the same day of typhoid fever; Vol. 10, No. 33, August 4,

WILKINSON, Mrs. Peter I., Mrs. Wilkinson of Opelika, formerly of
Meriwether and a sister of Mrs. Pinkston, died last Tuesday;
Vol. 11, No. 51, December 14, 1883

WILLIAMS, Mr., brother of Mrs. Dean whose huband is a tenant of
Esquire G. B. Rollins of Gill's district, was found dead Monday
of apparent heart disease, about half a mile from Mrs. Dean's
residence, after he had started to return to his home near
Pleasant Hill; he was about 25 years of age; Vol. 9, no. 6,
January 21, 1881

WILLIAMS, Mrs. Mary C., mother-in-law of Mr. R. W. Andrews, died
last Friday afternoon at the residence of Mr. A. B. Andrews near
Warnerville; her sons, R. G. Williams of Opelika, Ala, C. T.
Williams of Union Springs, Ala., and W. H. Williams of Columbus
were present at the last rites of burial; Vol. 11, no. 50,
November 30, 1883

WILLIAMS, Mrs. Wilson, daughter of Capt. Robert Brooks of Talbot
county, died of consumption at her home near Woodbury last
Friday morning, aged about 25 years; Vol. 11, No. 46, November
2, 1883

WIMBISH, Mrs., widow of the late Dr. H. S. Wimbish formerly of
Greenville but for 25 years a resident of LaGrange is dead; Vol.
11, No. 4, January 12, 1883

WOODRUFF, Mrs. Julia A., wife of Mr. C. W. Woodruff, died at her
home near Jones Mill, September 9th, 1883, aged 25 years and 4
months; she was born May 6th, 1858 and married Mr. Woodruff Dec.
4th, 1873; she was a member of the Missionary Baptist church at
Friendship for 10 years, and was the mother of five children,
three of whom survice her; obituary by J. G. McCarter; Vol. 11,
No. 39, September 14, 1883

WYCHE, Mr. W. H., an energetic farmer and citizen of the middle
ninth, died last Saturday; he leaves a wife and several
children; Vol. 9, No. 30, July 8, 1881

SURNAME unreadable, Miss Nora, in this several paragraph Tribute
Of Respect the name "Miss Nora" is discernible in several
places; unfortunately the surname is not; Vol. 10, No. 30, July
14, 1882