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Jones County  Georgia Will - Estate of Harrison K. Smith

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jeanie Smith Zadach

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Note:  Harrison K. Smith and his wife died in Talbot
County shortly after moving there.  They lived in Jones
County and Bibb County prior to Talbot County.  His
brother, Sterling Williams Smith of Jones County was the
Executor of his LWT.  My 2nd Great-grandfather, John I.
Smith was born in Jones County in 1823 and returned to
Jones County after the death of his parents where he
lived there until his death in 1872.

Annual Returns
Court of Ordinary, Jones County, Georgia
Vol.  K-L, 1839-1847
FHL Microfilm #0454241, Page 321

			Exemplification from the Court
			of Ordinary of Talbot County, Georgia

			December Adjourned Term 12.   1835

The Honorable the Inferior Court for Ordinary purposes is
not agreeably to adjournment ~ Present their Honors
Bailey C. Duke, Bartley Whithurst and John Brown Judges

The last will and testament of Harrison Smith was proven
in open Court this day.  Executor qualified and will
ordered be (to) be recorded ~  On motion ordered that
Joseph Brown, William Learey, Josiah Matthews, John Pratt
Sen. and Lewis Wimberly be & are hereby appointed
appraisers on the estate of Harrison Smith deceased.

In the name of God Amen!  I Harrison Smith of the State
of Georgia, Talbot County, being of sound mind and
perfect memory, blessed be God, do this tenth day of
December, one thousand (eighteen hundred) and thirty four
make and publish this my last Will and Testament in
manner and form following:

In promise.  I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty
God who give it, and my body to the earth to be decently
buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named

1st Item ~  After all my just and lawful debts are paid,
my Executor hereafter named will sell all my lands number
two hundred and fifty six ~ Number two hundred and ninety
three and two hundred and ninety four in the twenty third
district Muscogee when surveyed but now Talbot County
containing six hundred and five acres ~   Number two
hundred and forty nine & number two hundred and fifty six
in the sixteenth district of Muscogee when surveyed
though now Talbot County.   Ninety one & two third acres
in Oglethorpe County, lying on the waters of Long Creek
adjoining Lands of Gilmore, Birdsong & Maxwell ~  One
forty acre Gold lot in the twenty first district and
second section to be sold on a credit of one and two

2nd Item ~ My Executor is authorized to sell all my
Negroes at such time and place as he may deem to the
interest of my estate, with the exception of my old woman
Dilly on a credit of twelve months ~

3rd Item ~ I have a large red chest packed with bed
clothing which I wish my Executor to send to Coweta
County to be equally divided between my children, and
such other articles as may answer for apparel to be also
sent with the above chest ~

4th Item ~ The remainder of my household and kitchen
furniture with my plantation tools and my stock of all
descriptions together with the crop of corn fodder &c to
be likewise sold, with the exception of the crop of
cotton, which my Executor can sell at his discretion ~

5th Item ~ The Mortgage which I hold against Harrison
Smith of Upson County for three Negroes, due the first
day of May next, I wish my Executor to foreclose the
mortgage and buy in the Negroes to the amount of my
claim, and loan to Sally Smith from year to year during
her life and at her death to revert back to my estate and
be equally divided between my children ~

6th Item - My desire is that my Executor will take my
daughters to Coweta County and board them with their
connections and educate them.  Also, I wish my sons taken
to the aforesaid County and boarded with respectable
families and educated in the same neighborhood.  And
further, for him to take my old Negro woman Dilly in the
immediate neighborhood of my daughters, and for her to be
supported out of my estate during her life.  And further
as my children arrive at the age for choosing of
Guardians, that my Executor will take into view my minor
children, the education of the same and the support of
the old woman to make such reserve as they may share
equally alike ~

Lastly ~ I make and ordain my brother Sterling W. Smith
my Executor to this my last will and testament. ~ In case
he refuses to qualify or should die before distribution
of my estate, in that event I further appoint my friend
Robert V. Hardyman (Hardeman) Executor to this my last
Will and Testament.  I do hereby revoke all former wills
by me made either by word or by writing, declaring this
to be my last Will and Testament.

In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal
the day and date above written.  Interlined before
assigned ~

In presence of  ~ 	Elijah Wells }			H Smith   {LS}
			Wm Drane }
			A.G. Nixon }	

Georgia, Talbot County
I, Sterling W. Smith do solemnly swear that this writing
contains the true last will and testament of the within
named Harrison Smith deceased, so far as I know or
believe, and that I will well and truly execute the same
by paying first the debts and then the legacies contained
in said will so far as his goods and chattels will extend
and the law charge me, and that I will make a true and
perfect inventory of all such good and chattels, so help
me God.

This 21 day of December 1835 ~		Sterling W. Smith				   
Sworn to and subscribed in open Court before us
					B.C. Duke  JIC
					B. Whithurst  JIC
					John Brown  JIC

				Georgia Talbot County
You Elijah Wells  A. G. Nixon swear that you saw Harrison
Smith sign, seal, publish and declare this writing to be
and contain his last will and testament & that at the
time thereof he was of sound disposing mind and memory
and that he did it freely without compulsion to the best
of your knowledge and belief, so help you God.
					A.G. Nixon  J.P.

Sworn to in open Court before us this 21st day December 1835
					B.C. Duke  JIC
					B. Whithurst JIC
					John Brown  JIC

Georgia, Talbot County

Personally appeared before ~ A.G. Nixon and after being
duly sworn deposeth and saith this last will and
testament of H. Smith was made and signed in my presence
on the 10th day of Dec'r one thousand eight hundred and
thirty four and that he with E. Wells and William Drane
were the subscribing witnesses thereto.  Sworn to &
subscribe in open Court this 21st Dec'r 1835.
B.C. Duke   JIC				A.G. Nixon J.P.
B. Whithurst  JIC
John Brown  JIC 
    Recorded in first Book A., page 21 & 22 this 10th day March 1836.
						William L. Loss    C.C.O.


1.  George a Negro Man							400.00
2.  Rueben									850.00
3.  Tom a boy									500.00
4.  Alfred									450.00
5.  Tim									875.00
6.  Anderson									875.00
7.  Ned									300.00
8.  Step									500.00
9.  Easter									200.00
10. Gena									300.00
11. Eady									525.00
12. Sally									500.00
13. Dorcas									600.00
14. Davy									400.00
15. Fanny									650.00
16. Rody									400.00
19. Matilda and two children Sophia & Mary				900.00
22. Isabell and two children Albert & Dilly					625.00
26. Jenny and three children, Nicholas, Esau & Abram			1200.00
27. Creasy									350.00
28. Fanny									350.00
29. Dave									300.00
30. Joshua									300.00
31. John									375.00
32. Henry									350.00
33. Anthony									350.00
34. Emily									275.00
1 Road Wagon & Gear							110.00
18 hundred bushels corn @ 50¢						900.00
14 thousand pounds of fodder						140.00
35 head of cattle @ 5$							185.00
     one work steer								 15.00
4 cows & calves								 40.00
1 Gray male 75$  1 Brown bay  100$					175.00
1 Bay mare 30$  1 Bay filly 60$						 90.00
1 Sorrel male 125$  1 Bay male 125$					250.00
1 Sorrel colt 75$  1 Gray horse 60$					135.00
1 Cream colt									  20.00
44 head fattening Hogs							481.00
22 head Shoats								 44.00
2 Sows & 17 pigs								 14.00
6 Sows & pigs								 36.00
22 Shoats									 44.00
12 head Sheep								 24.00
1 Ox Cart									 25.00
 Running gear of gin								  30.00
40 Saw __									 50.00
1 Yoke of Oxen and Cart							 70.00
1 lot of Oats in the house							  4.50
1 stack of Oats								 10.00
1 Fan mill									 25.00
1 Loom									   5.00 
12 bushel Pease								 12.00
1 lot Shucks & straw								 18.00
1 lot of Rye									   7.00
2 Spinning wheels & 2 pr cards						   3.00
3 Scythes and cradles							   3.00
8 hills Potatoes								 
1 Lock chain									   2.50
1 lot of Jars									   4.00
1 lot of old Irons								   2.25
1 lot of Piggins								   1.00
2 Demijohns & 2 jugs							   5.00
Ovens & pot lids, 1 pot, brass kettle & Andirons				   11.00
1 lot ovens, spiders, wafer irons, tea kettles & bread tray		   2.50
2 Wash pots 5$  1 Grubbing hoe						    5.25
2 __, Ax and Bell								   5.00
4 Ploughs and ox yoke 3$ ~ 2 grindstones 2$				   5.00
2 Cross cut saws & whip saw						   8.00
26 Plough hoes 19.50$ ~ 1 lot of Hoes & old irons 2.00			   21.50
1 lot Hawes & Jingle __ $2 ~ 1 lot planes & augers 4$			    6.00
5 Club axes and foot edge 6$ ~ 3 pr steelyards 4$			 10.00
2 Iron wedges, drawing knife & half bushel				   2.50
28 bushels Wheat at 2$ ~ 4 hogshead & lot of barrels 6$		 48.00
100 pounds Tallow 10$ ~ 2 Jars Lard 5$					  15.00
11 sides Leather 16$ ~ 1 hogs head 1$					  17.00
1 lot of Lumber 10$ ~ 1 table, 3 pails, 2 bread trays 3$			  13.00
3 Saddles & 1 bridle 18$							  18.00
1 Jars & 1 clock reel 3.50 ~ 1 Indigo tub 50 cts				   4.00
1 Safe 4$ ~ 1 crib 1$ ~ 1 pine slab 1$					   6.00
5 feather beds, bedsteads & furniture					 140.00
1 Bureau 20$ ~ 1 shot gun 14$						  34.00
1 pr Saddle bas 4.50 ~ 1 lot books 10$					  14.50
1 Side Board 6.50 ~ 1 candlestand 1.50 ¢					  8.00
2 sets Andirons, shovel & tongs						  3.00
3 Baskets 1.50 cts ~ 1 looking glass & umbrella 2.25			  3.75
3 Trunks 2$ ~ 1 lot of medicine 10$					 12.00
1 Jar 64 cents ~ 2 sides upper leather 3$					  3.64
1 Barrel & some Sugar 5.00 ~ 30 lb coffee 5$				   0.00
5 Sleys & 3 pair harness							 8.00
1 box Window glass 3$ ~ 1 cot & chair (large) 1.50			 4.50
2 Watches 5$ ~ 10 dishes 7$ ~ 4 bowls 1 pitcher 2.50	                     4.50
6 Tumblers ~ 8 wine glasses ~ 2 glass stands				  7.00
1 Butter stand and waiter							 4.00
2 Decanters ~ 2 glass salt stands ~ pepper box ~ 2 cruets		 2.00
5 large Silver spoons ~ 4 small  (silver spoons)				15.00
1 lot China 2 $ ~ 2 pr candlesticks & snuffers 1.50			 3.50
1 set Knives and forks ~ carving knife & fork				 3.50
1 lot of old Knives & forks & a lot of tin and basin		           2.75
5 Bottles & 1 jug								   .56½
25 Plates ~ 1 tea pot ~ sugar dish ~ 2 milk				 2.00
3 large Waiters 1.12 ½ ~ 2 small tables ~ 2 pine 2$		          3.12½
2 Sleys 1.50 ~ 1 walnut table 8$ ~ 12 sitting chairs 6$			5.50
3 Brushes 25 cts ~ 4 bottles 50 cts ~ 1 water pail ~ 1 pot 62 cts	2.37
3 Ploughs scooters 3.75 ~ 2 spinning wheels ~ pr cards ~ 2 bottles 	9.45

					Georgia Talbot County
We do certify upon oath that as far as was produced to us by the Executor the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the goods and chattles and credits of the Estate of Harrison Smith dec'd to the best of our judgment and understanding ~
					Jos Brown
					Josiah Mathews
					Lewis Wimberly
					John Pratt Senior Appraisers
Sworn to and subscribed before us this 22nd day of December 1835
I do hereby certify that the above appraisers were qualified according to Law.					A.G. Nixon J.P.
	Recorded Oct 6th 1836
					Wm L. Goss, C.C.O.

An account of the sale of the Negroes and Lands belonging to the Estate of Harrison Smith deceased sold on the 5th day of January 1836 in Talbotton ~ 
The Negroes on a credit of twelve months & the lands on a credit of one and two years ~~
 1.	Negro man 	Ned			to 	Rene Fitzpatrick		$ 490
 2.		  "	Rueben			Zack Booth Junr		   906
 3.		  "	George			Edwin Collier			   811
 4.		boy	Tom				Lewis A. Patric		   701
 5.		 "	Alfred				Mason McLendon		   570
 6.	          man	Lincon				Nathaniel Turbeville            991
 7.		  "	Anderson			Benjamin Leary		 1142
 8.               boy	Stepney			James C. Lenard		   731
 9.           woman	Easter				Thomas I. Bugg		   300
10.	          do	Tenen (Gena)			Henry Mims	                      451
11.		do	Edy				Joseph Sturgis                     640
12.		do	Sally				William Durden                    670
13.	       girl	Dorcas			Robert V. Hardeman	  770
14.	        man	Dave				Thomas J. Bugg                  555
15.	      woman	Crease				Thomas J. Bugg                  420
16.	        	do	Fanny				James Bradberry		 800
17. 		do	Rody				John Tamplen		    	361
18.		do	Malissa and	2		Frances Landrum		 1201
19 & 20         children Mary & Sophia 
21.	     woman	Isabell and 2			William Leary                       700            
22 &23	  children Albert & Dilly
24.	     woman   Jenny	& child		Joseph Brown                    		803
25.	          Abraham
26.		boy	Nicholas			Joseph Brown		   	392
27.		 do	Esau				Jospeh Brown	              	253
28.		girl	Fanny				John H. Smith                    533
29.	      	boy	Dave				Edward Delong	          465
30.		 do	Joshua				Rene Fitzpatrick                 400
31.		 do	John				Robt. V. Hardeman	           530
32.		 do	henry				Henry Mims	                    402
34. (?)         girl	Emily				Samuel Rowe	                    431

Lot of land No. 293 in 23rd district of Muscogee, now Talbot County
							Allen Little			  1750
Lot of land No. 294 in 23rd district of originally Muscogee now Talbot
County						Allen Little			  2235
Lot of land No. 256 in 23rd district of originally Muscogee now Talbot
County						Allen Little			  1454
Lot of land No. 256 in 16th district of originally Muscogee now Talbot
County						Allen Little			   700
Lot of land No. 249 in 16th district of originally Muscogee now Talbot
County						James Collier		   	   205

An account of the sale of the perishable property of Harrison Smith deceased sold at his late residence on the 6th & 7th day of January 1836 on a credit of twelve months ~~

1 Shot gun					to	Thomas Bray		 15.50
1 pair saddlebags					Josiah Matthews	   3.81
4 volumns of Jeffersons Works			Sterling W. Smith        6.25
9 volumns Nicholsons Encyclopedia		James I. Jameson	  4.06½
1 lot balance of books				Wm S.D. Smiley	   1.87½
1 Side board						Willis McLendon	   8.31½
1 Candlestand					Josiah Matthews	   1.31½
2 sets Firedogs shovel & tongs			George Menifee	    3.25
1 Looking Glass					James I. Jameson	     .68¾
3 Straw baskets					Mason McClendon	    1.25
1 Umbrella						Lewis Lawther               2.50
1 lot Medicine						John Pratt		      .75
1 Jar							O.H. Arnold		     .56¼
2 Sides Upper Leather				Stephen Lansford           3.12½
8 Slays & 4 pr. harness				James I. Jameson          7.00
1 Box Window Glass					Robert Carson               1.25
1 large & 1 small Chair				Jacob Clements              .50 
1 Cot							Charles Macarthy	    1.93¼
1 Watch						James Leary		     4.00
1 Watch						Wm I.D. Smiley	    5.06½
1 Bed, bedstead & furniture*			Thomas Duke		    73.00
1   "          "              "	   *			Simeon Parker              40.50
1   "          "              "	   *			Lemuel Pearcy             41.50
1   "          "              "	   *			John Pratt                   40.25
1 Jug and Molasses					John Pratt	              1.00
1 Demijohn                                                        do                             .31¼
1 box and Little Table				John C. Boyington           .75
1 old Desk						      do			     .12½
Small quantity of cotton & mop			Benjamin Searcy             1.50
Bed, bedstead & furniture  *                                 do                               35.50
1 Safe							Daniel P. Swindle            5.06¼ 
1 sack of Pease ~ 8 bushels @ 1.18¢		Chesley P. Trice                9.50
1 Sack   						        do                           12.½
1 Clock reel						William Mizell                     .75
1 Cribb*						James I. Jameson             .50 
 2 small Tables					Jackson Ferrell                 1.50
1 old Slab						J.L. Chaney		   .93¼
1 Folding Table					Joshiah Matthews	    9.75
1 Bureau						James Trawick	      27.25
1 Pine Table						Joel Mizell                      1.25
1 Fan Mill						Josiah Matthews            27.50
1 Loom						Willis McClendon           10.25
3 Trunks						T.L. Chaney                   3.00
1 Bay Mare male					Lewis Lawshe                136.00
1 Gray male						        do		    125.00
2 large Males						Nathaniel Raines            350.00
1 Side Saddle						Henry Willingham           7.68¼
1 small Boys saddle                                    	  John C. Boyington           1.00
1 Man's saddle					William Ferrell                  1.50
1 Wagon & Gear					Robert Carson               87.00
1 Sorrel Horse					A.G. Nixon		   100.00
1 Young Bay Mare					L.B. Carter		     60.25
1 Cream Colt						Littleton C. Pearson	     27.00
1 Old Bay Mare					Ephraim McGehee             30.00
1 Gray Horse   					Joseph Culver                   71.50
100 bush Corn @ 62¢				T.L. Satterwhite	           62.50
27    do      do       do                			Jno I. Hoyle                       23.43
87 bush Corn @ 62½ ¢				Uriah Hatley		          4.37½
200 bush Corn @62½				Allen Little                        125.00
100    "       do        do				Wiley Searcy                      62.50
50    	 "      do	 do				Charles MaCarthy              31.25
50      "       do        do				William Green                    31.25
100    "       do        do				Chesley P. Trice                 62.50
50      "       do    @ 57				James Stalling                   28.50
60      "       do    @ 41¢ residue			Chesley Pearson               24.62½
1 Pickling tub						Joseph Brown	           	1.31¼
1 Grindstone						James Collier                    1.06¼
20 bush Wheat @ 1.75$				S.L. Breedlove                    35.00
5¼ bush residue of Wheat at 1.63			A. Lawrence                     8.56¼
1 Grindstone						James Searcy                   1.62½
2¼ bush Pease @ 1.18				A.G. Nixton                       2.68
2 bush Salt @ 1.37½ ¢				Chesley J. Trice                  2.75
Knives & Forks					John Pratt  			  .75
Knives & Forks &c					James Trawick                   2.75
1 Waiter &c						John Pratt                         .37½
1 lot Press Glass					S.W. Smith                        5.00  
1 Waiter ~ tumblers &c				James Trawick                    1.30
2 doz. Plates assorted   				        do			  1.62
3 Plates, 3 bowls &c					A.G. Nixon			  .58
6 Dishes						Lewis Wimberly		  3.00
4 Dishes						Wm Mizell                          1.62½
1 Waiter ~ Tea pot &c				James Trawick		 .06¼
1 Waiter ~ Candlestick &c				A.G. Nixon			 .81¼
1 Pitcher & 2 candlesticks				James J. Jameson             .50
2 Decanters						         do			 .25
1 Wash bowl						John Pratt			  .31¼
1 lot Pillow cases &c					Jno C. Boyinton	           1.75
1 lot Bed clothing					Wm J.D.Smiley		4.56¼
7 Bottles						A.G. Nixon		          .25
1 Basket Lid &c					John Pratt			1.56¼
1 bag of dried Trait(?)				James J. Jameson             .62½
1 box &c						James Searcy                   .43
1 Demijohn						James J. Jameson            .56¼
1 old Shot Gun					John C. Boyinton              .25
1 box Salts and cards             			James J. Jameson            .60½
4 Sitting Chairs					James Searcy                  1.75
4    do       do						A.G. Nixon                       2.06
4 Sitting Chairs					Dixon Ferrell			1.56¼
3 Jars & 1 Jug					William Daniel		1.00
4 Jars ~ 1 bucket & chains				Robt Carson			1.75
2 Jars ~ 2 pitchers & 1 bottle			John Adams			1.25
4 pair Cards						John C. Boyinton		.37½
3 Jars							William Mizell			1.75
2 Tubs ~ drawing knife &c				Daniel Swindle		.81¼
1 Mortar & Pestle					S.W. Smith			.87½ 
1 half bushel Measure				Josiah Matthews		.75
1 pair large Steelyards				Thomas Collier		1.75
1 pair small      do					L.P. Breedlove		.12½
1 pr      do       do					A.G. Nixon			.15
1 Basket & Bells &c					Chesley Pearson		2.00
3 Iron Wedges					Joseph Brown			1.56¼
4 Axes and 1 froe(?)					James Adams			1.75
3 Axes & wrench					William Mizell			3.00
1 Cross Cat Saw					James Trawick		2.00
1 Cross   do  do					H.L. Waid			1.50
1 Barrel and salt					Thomas Collier		1.00
1 Whip Saw						James Mason			2.00
1 Cutting Knife & Box				James Mason			1.00
3 Planes and 1 foot adge				James J. Jameson		1.12½
1 Jar and Lard					Isaac Spinks			3.75
1 Jar and Lard					A.G. Nixon			1.31¼
5 Augers and 1 Gudgeon(?)				Robert Carson		1.31¼
1 lot old Hawes(?)					John H. Harrison		.37½
1 pr Hawes and singletree(?)			G.B. Trice			1.00
5 Plough hoes						Osiah Matthews		1.50
1 Log chain						John C. Boynton		2.37
4 Plough hoes ~ Clevis &c				Chesley Pearson		3.00
4 Mat Axes						Joseph Brown			2.81¼
8 Grubbing hoes					James J. Jameson		.87½	
1 lot of old Ploughs					Thomas C. Weekey		3.31
1 lot of Ploughs & weeding hoes			John C. Boynton		1.43
1 lot of     do             do				Josiah Matthews		3.00
1 Hogshead						Josiah Matthews		1.12½
2 Barrels & 3 hogsheads				Joseph Brown			2.06¼
4 Ploughs hooks & Ox yoke				Jno C. Boynton		1.37½
3 Scythes & cradles 43¢ ~ 1 pot $1		Chesley Pearson		1.43
1 large Oven & skillet				           do			1.25
3 Pough Stocks & 1 pair saddle bags		Josiah Matthews		4.25
1 Gridiron & 1 Waffle iron				John Pratt			.37½
1 Brass Kettle & candle moulds			William Daniel		4.25
1 large Pot & Pot hooks				Chesley P. Trice		4.25
1 Pot & Kettle						Robert Carson		1.50
1 Water Bucket					Henry Mims			1.25
1 Skillet						Jianey				.12½
1 Oven ~ 1 Spider ~ 2 pot racks			S.P. Breedlove		2.25
1 Tray and Piggin &c					James Trawick		.62½
2 Stands & 2 Trays					Dixon Ferrell			1.43
2 Pots							George Searcy		4.50
1 Barrel & Tallow					Stephen Lunsford		5.66 
2 Spinning Wheels					John Pratt			.43¼
2      do         do					Josiah Matthews		3.06½
1 Pickling Tub						Chesley Pearson		.37½
5 large & 4 small Silver Spoons			James Mason		       10.62½
1 Side Upper Leather				       do			.75
3 Sides Leather					John H. Harrison		2.00
3    "        do						Josiah Matthews		1.81¼
2 Sides & 1 piece Leather				George M. Ellison		1.50
3 Sides Leather					Wm B. Spinks		         1.75
1 lot of Lumber					Lewis Wimberly	10.37½
1 Pine Table						Chesley Pearson	.75
1 Ox Cart						Dixon Ferrell		27.00
1 Ox Cart						John T. Booth		28.00
1 Yoke Oxen						John T. Booth		47.00
1 large Ox						Young Daniel  	32.00
5 Fat Hogs		1st Choice			William Mizell		91.00
5  "     do		2nd Choice			Thomas Collier	64.00
5  "     do		3rd Choice			Thomas Ferrell	50.00
5  "	 do		4th Choice			Bailey C. Duke	41.25
5  "     do		5th Choice			Henry Mims		36.00
5  "     do		6th Choice			Henry Mims		36.00
5  "     do		7th Choice			William Mizell		36.00
5  "     do		8th Choice			Henry Mims		34.00 
9  "     do		     ~				A. Lawrence		51.31¼
1 Black Sow & pigs (blaze face)			Jno H. Harrison	11.56¼
1 ____Sow & pigs					Joel Mizell		9.00
10 Shoats		1st Choice			Green Huff		25.00
13     do 		@2$				James J. Jameson	26.00
11 Sheep		@ 2.12½ cts			M.B. Parker		23.37½
1 Bell Cow & Calf					Lewis Wimberly	8.25
1 Cow & Calf (yellow skin)				Allen Little		9.25
1 Red Head Cow & Calf				Levin Moore		7.00
1 Dun Cow						Allen Little		9.25
1 Pale Red Cow					     do			9.00
1 Speckled Cow & Calf				James J. Jameson	10.12½
1 Red head & Speckled Cow				Allen Little		10.25
1 Yellow Speckled Cow & Calf			      do			7.00
1 White Cow with Red Head			    	  do			11.62½
1 Black & White Speckled Cow			James Trawick	8.68 ¼
1 No Horned White Cow, Red Head			Allen Little		7.50
1 No Horned Cow					John J. Grove		13.00
1 No Horned Cow & Calf (white rump)		Allen Little		7.50
1 Black No Horned Cow				Thomas M. Bledsoe	13.00
1 Brindled No Horned Cow & Calf			Allen Little		8.50
2 White Yearlings with Red Heads		James Sockwell	7.25 
1 Cow called Hardy & Yearling			James Sockwell	7.25
2 Yearlings Black & Red Speckled			James J. Jameson	6.87½
1 Cow called Creasey				Ephraim Mabry	10.66¼
1 Steer						James Sockwell	7.81¼ 
2 Steer Yearlings					James Searcy		4.50
2    "        do						Henry Atkins		7.50
1 Heifer Yearling					James Sockwell	5.62½ 
1 White Speckled Cow & Calf			Allen Little		11.25
1 No Horned Red Cow & Calf			James J. Jameson	10.00
1 Cow & Calf Red sides, white back			Patrick Williams	7.75
1 No Horned Red Cow & Calf			James J. Jameson	8.50
1 Hill of Seed Potatoes				A. Lawrence		5.00
1   do     do       do					Chesley Pearson	2.87½
1   do     do       do					Wm Fisher		8.25
1   do     do       do					E. McGehee		2.50
1   do     do       do					A. Lawrence		8.50
1   do    mixed   do					B.C. Duke			3.75
1 large hill Seed Potatoes				Jno C. Boynton		4.00
1 small hill   do    do					Henry Mims			1.50
1 Barrell Tar						Seaborn I. Thomas		1.43¼
1 Stack Oats						Lewis Wimberly		4.87½
3 Stacks Fodder					Allen Little			15.00
1 Stack     do						James N. Wright		4.00 
2 Stacks Fodder					Allen Little			9.50
1 Stack Fodder					      do				5.00
1   "          do						Lemuel Searcy		4.25
1   "	       do					James Wright			4.87½
1   "          do						Allen Little			3.50
1   "          do						Henry Atkins			4.12¼
2 Stacks    do					      	 do				7.06½
1 Stack     do						T.L. Satterwhite	       10.62½
1  "	       do					James Stallings		8.06 
Fodder in Houses					Allen Little			20.00
2 pens of Shucks					Chesley P. Trice		8.37½ 
2   "		do					James Stallings		4.06½
2   "		do					Chesley P. Trice		4.06¼
1 Blue Boar Pig					L.P. Breedlove		14.00
1 Black listed Boar Pig				John T. Booth		          4.50
1 Blue Sow & Pigs					Robert Carson		13.00
1 Sow Pig						John T. Booth		          7.50
1 Black Sow Pig					John Pratt			2.50
1 Boar Pig						Benjamin Searcy		1.61½
1 Black Sow & 6 pigs					Allen Little			10.00
1 White listed Sow & Pigs				Allen Little			10.00
1 White listed Sow & Pigs				       do			11.00
1 Small Listed Sow & pigs				       do			6.57½
1 Black Head Sow & Pigs				       do			6.25
10 Shoats		1st Chice			Chesley Pearson		21.25
8 Shoats 		@ 2.25¢			Allen Little			18.00
4 Bushels of Rye					Lewis Wimberly		4.00
Lot of Oats in House					Henry Mims			9.00
Running Gear of Gin					Allen Little			10.00
1 Cotton Gin 33.50 cts, 1 Crow Bar 1.50	      	do				35.00
Cotton Seed						     do				10.50
Old Back Bands					Jno C. Boynton		.25
1 Decanter						James Trawick		.25
1 Tin Bucket						James Mason			.25
1 Water Pail & 1 Jug					Littleton Pearson		.50
1 Coffee Mill						A.G. Nixon			.50
1 Table Cloth &c					Robert V. Hardeman	.18¾ 
36 lb. Coffee						James J. Jameson		5.75
Sugar							Stephen Lunsford		1.56¼

    I do certify that the above and foregoing contains a true account of the sales of the property both real and personal of Harrison Smith dec'd and the Executor remarks that the corn when measured out fell far short of the appraisement, which appraisement was merely guessed at by the appraisers as to the quantity of the corn.
				Sterling W. Smith Ex'or
1836 January 15th To Amount sale 27 Bags Cotton		$1159.07
An account of the cash on hand, notes and accounts belonging to the estate of Harrison Smith deceased at the time of his death ~~		
To Amt Cash on hand at death of deceased				288.62½
To amt cash received from Graybill on note				30.87½
			   from the Bank of Darien				10.93¾
			   from Solomon Humphries on accounts		14.79
			   from Wm. Dumerly for Negro hire		12.00
			   from John I. Hoyle on account			16.48
		             from Wm. Green on account			6.37½ 

Note on James Trawick 			due 1st Oct 1835		20.00
Note on George Meuife			due 23rd Sept 1835		100.00
Note on Allen M. Tatum			due 13th Sept 1835		50.00
Note on Chesley Pearson			due lst Nov 1835		50.00
Note on Daniel Green			due 14 Nov 1835		6.45
Note on F.H. Godfrey				due 25th Feby 1830		8.25
Note on George Green			due 13th March 1835	40.00
Note on *Harrison Smith & Mort.	due 18th Oct. 1834			602.78
An account on Elijah Wells							12.16
An account on H.P. Snead							13.84	

*(This Harrison Smith is probably the one mentioned in the will)	

The following notes, executions belonging to the Estate of Harrison Smith deceased are desperate and wholly uncollectable and mostly barred by the act of Limitations.	

Note on George Mattox			due 19th June 1820		.75
Note on Wm Cassady			due 2 May 1818		1.87½
Note on Samuel Brooks			due 11 April 1821		4.62½
Note on Benj. G. Brown			due 17 Sept 1819		27.75
Note on Mosely Brewston			due 13 April 1820		21.21¼
						(35.32, cr. 14.10)
Note on Joseph Kelly				due 5 July 1820		1.37¼
Note on Anthony Caulter			due 13 Oct 1817		8.18
Note on Richard Huff				due 1st Jany 1820		.75
Note on A. Pharis				due 2st June 1819		5.87½
Note on Littleberry Glenn			due 22 May 1818		22.88½
Note on Robert Johnson			due January 18th 1821	37.28½
Note on Joseph Chambers			due 21st Augt 1818		5.75
Note on Joseph Chambers			due 8th Feby 1819		16.56¼
Note on John Stallings			due 15 March 1820		2.75
Note on Wm. Freency			due 5 January 1831		25.00
Note on Thomas Triplett			due 27 November 1827	143.65
Note on Thomas Mills			due 30 Decr 1818		23.06¼
Note on Mythell Rigell due in corn		due 16 Novr 1822		100.00
Note on Thomas Grant			due 19 April 1821		24.25
Note on Abner Jones & Robt Johnson	due 13 March 1820		31.62
Note on Wm Permenter			due 18 January 1821	23.81¼
Note on James Lee				due 2nd March 1820		24.40
Note on James Bozeman & H. Smith	due 9th jany 1827		36.00
Note on Josiah Abbot $36.43 cr 27.75	 due 16 Aug 1820		8.68
Note on Lewis Coward			due 10th Jany 1823		10.00
Note on Ansel Haggin			due 6th March 1821		1.06¼
Note on W. Walden				due 1 January 1822		67.85
Note on Thomas Knight			due 5 April 1821		31.92
Note on Jonathan Ellis $95 cr $35		due 18 Oct 1821		60.00
Note on E. Barker $43 cr $2			due 11 Sept 1827		41.25
Note on H.C.Wilson $88 cr. $20		due 5 July 1830		68.40
Note on Ezekiel Harris			due 1st May 1819		19.25
Note on Delila & John Braddy		due 25 Decr 1823		7.00
Note on A.P. Patricks receipt for note on K. Tyner $100 cr. $58.50 	41.50
Fi Fa against 	John Perry			obtained in 1828		10.00
	"		Thomas Red		obtained in 1823		10.00
	"		Jonathan Owens 	obtained in 1821		35.56¼
			& Wm Brown
	"		William Slaughter	obtained in 1820		26.81¼
	"		William Slaughter	obtained in 1820		3.12½
	"		Joseph Green	obtained in 1820			3.00
	"		Francis Fickling Jr	obtained in 1820		6.87½
	"		Matthew Burge	obtained in 1821		9.87
	"		Sampson Brown	obtained in 1818		27.31¼
	"		William Baker	obtained in 1820			15.56¼
	"		James Griffin	obtained in 1820			15.31½

			 	To Sterling W. Smith  Executor 

To amt paid									DR
Clerk of Ordinary				21 Decr 1835  	1	6.87½
William Drane proven account		8th Jany 1836	2	19.75
John Pratt					6th Jany 1836	3	10.75
Isaac Spinks					8th Jany 1836	4	2.50
Matthew Clements				8th Jany 1836	5	27.00
Wm Quinerly					8th Jany 1836	6	16.00
Thomas Arnold				6th Jany 1836	7	46.50
Stephen Lunsford on note			8th Jany 1836	8	58.16¼
Job Allen on proven account			6th Jany 1836	9	2.62½
Martin St.Johns				7th Jany 1836	10	4.00
James Trawick as Overseer		9th Jany 1836	11	20.00
James Trawick for hauling to County of Coweta			12	16.00
Jno C. Boynton for crying property at Sale				13	5.00
Overcoat for Stephen							16.18¾
Cash advanced to Stephen						10.00
Books for John				15th Jany 1836		2.62½
Expenses for hauling cotton to Macon					5.75
Expenses in travelling to Talbot & Coweta twice				9.37½
28 days absense on business of the estate				28.00
Robert V. Hardeman for professional services		14	50.00
Postage									.31¼
Elijah Wells					7th March 1836	15	39.00
John B. Gorman				7th March 1836	16	154.50
Green L. Stillwell				7th March 1836	17	4.00
Boynton & Pratt				7th March 1836	18	39.33
Gillian Hicks					7th March 1836	19	1.00
T.G. & J.M. Pearson				7th March 1836	20	6.08¼
Fitzpatrick & Mahone				7th March 1836	21	38.87½
Ferrell & Stanford				7th March 1836	22	54.43¾
Edward W. Wright				7th March 1836	23	23.81
Patrick & Martin				5th March 1836	24	33.00
Patrick & Martin				5th March 1836	25	11.86
Samuel Sealey				9th Jany 1836	26	26.40
James Stanford				7th Jany 1836	27	5.00
Martha Long					11th Feby 1836	28	4.00
Hamilton P. Snead				20 Jany 1836	29	23.25
Clerk of the Court of Ordinary		7th March 1836	30	3.62½
Commissions 7th day of March 1836					20.81½
Recd under the seal of the Executor the 7th March 1836 W.L. Goss, C.C.O.
Recorded Oct 6th, 7th 1836 - Wm L. Goss C.C.O.

				To Sterling W. Smith Executor

To Amt Paid									DR	

Thomas Duke for boarding & clothing children and for the amounts 
paid by him for the coffin and enclosing grave of dec'd		1	329.11

Andrew J. Berry for goods & merchandise furnished
for children of dec'd 							2	148.50

K. Abraham for board & merchandise furnished to
Stephen								3	125.75

Wood & Story for saddle, bridle, stirrups and martingals
for Stephen								4	22.50

Keller & Watkins account for children of dec'd			5	11.25

B.Y. Alexander for tuition for Stephen				6	19.00

Andrew F. Thomason for account for children of dec'd		7	6.50

James Eccles for tuition						8	.90

R.I. Atkinson for tuition						9	47.00

Joseph Willet proven account					10	100.23

Griswold & Pope account for John				11	57.12	

Flewellen, Williams &c account for John			12	8.75	

Wm H. Birdsall for coat for John				13	12.00

Thomas  H. Bray account for John				14	39.31¼

Winship & Hatchings account					15	2.25

Henry Hammack	account for John				16	2.12½

Thomas J. Moore for tuition of Julia				17	11.00

Editors of Recorder for Printing					18	7.87½
Tax for 1835								19	7.68¼
M. Bartlett for printing						20	8.50

Sheriff of Muscogee County for expense in selling Liz & 
child Mary mortgaged to deceased and purchased by the
directions of dec'd in his will					21	19.22½

Clerk Supr Court of Jones County cost on the foreclosure
 of mortgage								22	2.50

Travelling to Talbot, Muscogee & Coweta on business of
the estate									34.00

Expenses in traveling to the above places					11.87½

L. Hammack for hat for John						2.50

I. Terbiville for socks & sewing for John				3.00

Pantaloons for John*							5.00

Mrs. Abrahams sewing for Stephen					2.00

Socks for John & Stephen						2.00

Postage on account of estate						.62½

Making 5 pair pantaloons, 3 shirts & 2 pr drawers  for
John & Stephen								5.00

Amount retained for board**						60.00

Expenses for Dilly								60.00

Wm Ferrell for enclosing grave of REBECCA SMITH		
wife of dec'd******							30.00

Books for Stephen & John						3.13

2½ per cent commissions for paying out the above			30.20
2½ per cent commissions on $28,674.44 amount of
sales including cotton							716.86
2½ per cent commission on $958.93 collected on debts
due deceased in his life time						23.99 

Cash received from Laban C. Pool & John H. Harrison		
on accounts not known to the Executor at the time of making		$29.00

Cash received for 3 spinning wheels not before inventoried		$9.00	


   The Executor remarks that although he returned the sum of $240 as cash on hand at the death of deceased, this cash was not then in the Executors hands
but was in the hands of Thomas Duke who retained it to pay and defray the current expenses of the children then boarding with him which same is included in his receipt to the Executor.  The Executor mentions this fact that he may not be charged with interest on that sum of money as the same never came to his hands except in the account of said Duke ~~	
   The Executor further remarks that the debt and mortgage due to the estate of Harrison Smith late of Upson County has been extinguished by foreclosing said mortgage and purchasing Negro Woman Liz & her child Mary agreeable to the directions in the last will and testament of deceased and which said Negroes are loaned to Sally Smith agreeable to said Will ~~

	Received on the usual oath this 22nd day of February 1837 ~	
						W.S. Goss C.C.O.
Recorded in first Book A page 167 ~~
						W.S. Goss C.C.O.	

1837 term				For account with S.W. Smith Exr

To amt paid										DR

Anderson B. Bury for good & clothing of children No.s 1,2,3,4 &5	190.00
Thomas H. Bray account						6	54.50
Grieve & Come for printing						7	4.00
Ina E. Smith account							8	26.00
J.T. & W.B. Brown accoutn						9	1.25
Mary Turbeville							10	3.00
Bell, Robinson & George						11	4.06½
Wm. B. Johnson							12	14.00
Griswold & Popes						   13 &14	57.12½
Elizabeth Morris							15	30.25
Newmons & Terrell						  16 & 17	7.50
Keller & Watkins		                                         18 & 19	11.75
Thomas Duke for Board &c					20	209.25
John Pitts for Tuition						21	50.50
Editor Federal Union							22	10.00
Tax for 1836								23	13.97
Susan E.B. Atkins							24	52.00
Clerk of Ordinary							25	4.87½ 
out for Dilly									40.00
Robert V. Hardeman						26	203.00
for Making clothing								15.62½
Travelling on business of estate						13.00
Going to Coweta after Girls						45.00

2½ per ct commissions for paying out					26.27
Thimbles for girls								1.00


Rec'd under the usual oath and pass the Court on the 8th day of Jany 1838.
						W.S. Goss C.C.O. 
		January adjourned Term 1838
The Honorable the Inferior Court of said County is met agreeable to adjournment ~ Present their Honors
	William Stallings, Dan'l C. Mcland & Nathan H. Smith Judges
Ordered that Sterling W. Smith admin. of H. Smith.  Return of 1837 by & the same are recorded.
	Recorded in Book A, page 169 - W.S. Goss	

		 Sterling W. Smith Executor of Harrison Smith dec'd
	In Account with said Estate 1838 ~~~28 Jany 1839	

May		To amt collected of Keyland Tyner by Patrick & Logan on a note
		returned in schedule of notes as desperate and 
		uncollectable ~ ~ 						$84.88					

By amt paid
January 13	Thomas B. Slade for Tuition			1	100.00
    "       27	Patrick & Logan for Stephen			2	100.00
    "	     8	Clerk of Ordinary					3	1.12½
April	17	M. Bartlett for Printing				4	8.00
May	 9	C.L. Howland account				5	19.75
March 31	Church & Strong account				6	3.50
	17	Will Taxfone account					7	1.25
Decr	13	M. Sampson account					8	13.31½
	 1	J.L. Jones account					9	19.00
Jan	1	Patrick & Logan					10	63.90
Jan	1	T.B. Slade for Board & Tuition  11,12,13		378.53 
Jan	14	C.H. Sanders board & tuition			14	80.87½
Jan	14	Abner & Flewellen account				15	8.31½
Jan	19	Thomas H. Bray account				16	247.43
Jan	19	Winship & Hutchings account			17	108.93¼
Jan	19	Griswold & Pope					18	77.37½
Jan	19	Bell, Robinson & George account			19	37.18¾
Jan	19	Clinton Academy for Tuition			20	25.50
Jan	19	Frances Smith account				21	11.25
Jan	19	Support of Dilly						40.00
Jan	19	Cash advanced for articles for children			1.87½
Jan	19	7 days travel & expenses for said Estate		10.25
Jan	19	Tax							22	.47
Jan	24	James Echols tuition				23	24.00
Jan	25	Thomas Duke Board				24	80.00
Jan	25	Advanced for Sandall & Rebecca Smith		30.00 
Jan	25	Andrew J. Berry account				25	88.93¾
Jan	25	Simmons & Terrell					26	2.12½
Jan	25	B. Hill Collecting fees				27	89.77
Jan	16	B. Hill commisssions for collecting			39.75 
		Com's 2½ per cent on $84.88 rec'd			2.12
		Com's 2½ per cent on 1712.41 paid out		42.81
				S.W. Smith					$1757.34
Returned under the usual oath this 28th January 1839.  W.S. Goss C.C.O.
Recorded in Book A page 186 - W.S. Goss C.C.O. 

Georgia, Talbot County
				Clerks Office C.O.
I James Y. Gardner Clerk of said Court do certify that the foregoing thirty pages contain a full fair and true exemplification of the record and copy of the original papers now of file & record in this office ~
	Given under my hand and private seal (there being no official seal)
	this 27th day of March 1841 ~~
			James Y. Gardner C.C.O.

			      Return No. 5 

The Estate of Harrison Smith deceased ~
		In account current with Sterling W. Smith Executor 
up to 1st day of January 1840
to amt paid
C.H. Sanders for Board & Tuition		3 July 1839	1	54.81¾
J. Kellog Board & Tuition advanced 		2nd Feb 1839	2	100.00
Bell & Robinson					6th Feb 1840	3	49.47
Sanders & Conyers &c				19th July 1839	4	30.62½
Clerk Court Ordinary Return for 1838					5	1.12½
Dixon & Harvie					July 19  1839	6	6	17.50
Dorsett & Casham					July 19th 1839	7	27.00
Allen Turner						July 19th 1839	8	30.25
Columbus Enquirer					April 17th 1839	9	5.00
Hetty Cotrell						April 30th 1839	10	1.50
Miss Francis C. Smith ***			        		1839		11     13.37½
Barney Hill 						Jan 16th 1839	12	131.39
Thomas Duke for board 				Febry 10th 1840	 13	80.00
Allen Turner						Janry 13th 1840       14	37.81
Thomas H. Bray					Febry 6th 1840	15	54.00
Winship & Hutchings					Febry 17th 1840 	16	147.36
Andrew J. Berry					Jan 29th 1840	17	78.18¾
Popes & Williams					Febry 27th 1840	18	118.06½
Miss Elizabeth F. Tooley				Decr 18th 1839	19	10.12
Cashan & Floyd					Janry 15th 1840	20	12.25
George H. Round					Janry 15th 1840	21	10.62
E.G. Moody						Decr 14th 1839	22	5.00
Caleb Cook						Febry 6th 1840	23	26.00
G. Kellog*						Janry 16th 1840	24	355.37
Traveling to Talbot & Coweta                        	Janry 1839			13.75	
Postage										.58
Two bonnetts & dresses for P. & E. Smith					4.50	 
To Covington after John *			July 1839			14.35
Sending John to Hillsborough & Cash advanced to him			12.00
Carrying girls to Coweta								26.68
Sending to Hillsborough after John						1.30
To Covington Carrying John *			Janry 1840			15.56 
Cash advanced John								1.00
Support of Dillia (Dilly) for 1839							40.00
Taxes for the year 1838								 6.36

My commissions in paying out the above at 3½ per cent			57.50
Passed on Clerks Examination 5th July 1841				      $1557.65

			Return No. 6 for 1840 

The Estate of Harrison Smith deceased in account current with Sterling W. Smith Executor up to 15th day of May 1841.

To amt paid

C.H. Sanders						Janry 13th 1840	1	74.25
C.H. Sanders						July 22nd 1840	2       50.56¼
C.H. Round						July 22nd 1840	3       70.62½
R. Kinnon						July 22nd 1840	4	9.50
J. L. Jones						Janry	      1841	5	81.50
J.B. Cashan						August 9th 1840	6	9.50
Turner Kinnon					Novr 24th 1840 	7&8	7.31¼
M.L. Graven						Novr 24th 1840	9	4.50
George H. Round					Novr 23rd 1840	10	20.00
J.M. Cooley &c					Novr 24th 1840	11	7.50
E. Smith						Janry 28th 1840	12	34.00
E. Smith						Janry 8th 1841	13	15.00
Andrew S. Berry					Janry 27th 1841	14	491.06½
Miss E.B. Berry					Janry 27th 1841	15	10.00
Winship & Hutchings					Janry 1st 1841	16	11.62½
Pope & Willism 					Janry 1st 1841	17	22.00
Usher & Anderson					March 19th 1841	18	35.70½
George H. Round					March 19th 1841	19	67.00
James Sims									20	.25
Cash paid Mrs Owens making 2 shirts						1.00
Crossing Bridge at Macon with the Girls trunks			        .75
Expenses in Talbot in 1840 on business of the Estate				9.25
To Covington after John 				July 1840		        13.37½
Sending John to Covington 			August 1840		5.50
Going to Covington after John  			Novr 1840			4.43
 To Crawford on business of Estate			Janry 1841			4.16
To Coweta on business of the Estate		Janry 1841			6.50
Support of Delilia (Dilly?) for 1840						      40.00
Cash advance to John				Febry 1841		       10.00
R.W. Morris Overcoat for John			Janry 25th 1841		24.00
Miss F.C. Smith sewing & socks for John					5.00

Taxes for 1839									.37½
Thomas Duke for Board*							21	120.00
E.B. Berry for tuition*							22	30.00
Elizabeth C. Miller for making clothing					23	11.50
Thomas H. Bray account							24	70.50
B. Hill attorney for collecting money					25	35.00
Wrigby & Hart for saddle							26	11.00
Jacob L. Abraham account							27     17.43¾
Clerk of Ordinary of Talbot						28	7.50
Clerk of Ordinary of Jones						29	7.00
Expenses in March 1841 one trip to Talbot				17.25
Postage									.10
Expenses one trip to Coweta in May 1841					9.81¼
Robert V. Hardeman commission as attorney for collecting
money for said Estate						30	78.82

By commissions 2½ per cent on the above					39.06¼
Passed on Clerks examination 5th July 1841 


The Estate of Harrison Smith deceased in account with Sterling W. Smith Executor from May 1841 to March 1842.

To Cash Paid

Taxes										1	38.00
R.V. Hardeman					July 8th, 1841	2	72.46
Clerk Court Ordinary								3	2.25
R. Kennan						July 19th		4	3.75
A. Austin						May 19th		5	22.00
C.D. Pace						July 20		6	19.00
Hunter & Barry					July 19th		7	11.50
Wilson Whatly					Decr 21, 1841	8	5.00
Thos Hunt						Novr 30th		9	32.00
Andrew J. Barry					Janry 15th, 1842	10   166.56¼
Thos Duke						Janry 24th		11   269.68¼
Samuel J. Ray &c					Janry			12	254.92
Winship & Hutchings					Febry 2nd		13    32.62½
Popes & Williams					Febry 2nd		14	87.58
Dorsey Robinson & Adams				Febry 2nd		15	2.00
Thos H. Bray						Janry 1st		16	110.00
Green Gray						Febry 16th		17	13.35
Washington Kelly					Febry 18th		19	23.25
Miss F.C. Smith*					March 7th		20	10.75
Ten days on business for the Estate						11.50
Advanced John Smith								5.00
In Macon for a hat for John Smith						6.00
John Smith to go to Coweta County						7.00
Expenses to Crawford County							.62½
Expenses to Talbot and Back						         5.87½

Postage										.22½
Expenses fetching Palatiah Trunk						.25
Two pr socks for John Smith							1.00
Support of Negro Woman Dilly							40.00
Commissions on $1254.08								31.35
Decr 28th To Cash paid William H. Elder in Right of his wife
		Elizabeth late ELIZABETH SMITH			    $2500.00

Commissions for paying out $2500.00						62.50

To board of POLLY up 1st March 1842 say 6 months			30.00
CR 1841 August 15th by cash received from C.H. Round				25.00

Examined & Approved 8th March 1842 

(Book L)

		To amt paid 

July 7th	Clerk of Ordinary						1	.62½
August	Tax 1842								2	32.36
Decr 8th	Robert Heming tuition					3	24.51
Decr 8th	C.P. Smith for making clothing				4	18.00
Decr 8th	Thomas Duke for board					5	40.00
Decr 8th	H.J. Berry account and board				6     202.18¾
Novr 21st	B. Hill attorney for collecting				7	153.48
1843 Febr	Winship & Hutchings account				8       24.31½
Febr 8th	Popes & Williams						9	36.44
Febr 8th	Durden Robinson and Adams				10	44.12
Febr 8th	Thomas J. Bray						11    73.62½
Febr 8th	J.R. Jones for coffin(?) for Nelly			12	4.00
		Advanced at sundry times for making clothing
		and for articles and traveling expenses				31.32½ 

		Board of Nelly from 1st Janaury 1842 to
		17th May 1842							14.00

		Board of Polly 1 year						60.00

		Board of John 1 year						60.00

2½ per ct commissions on above						       20.47½

Janr 16th	Cash paid William H. Elder**				13	18.75
June 19th	?C. Smith**							14	10.75
2½ per ct commissions on p. 29 and then on last items			        7.73 

Examined by G. Macarthy Clk C.O. Febry 10th 1843 
	Recorded March 19th 1843

The Estate of Harrison Smith deceased
		To Sterling W. Smith trustee of PALATINE PEOPLES
January 20th	P. Philips for Negroes William, Wilson
			and Sampson					1	1300.00
February 3rd	Dudley Peoples for Negroes Borken & Polly	2	900.00 
   "          "		Dudley Peoples for land			3	1500.00
March 19th		N. Turbeville for Negro Creasy		4	400.00
February 3rd	Dudley Peoples for corn, meat &c			5	204.00
   "         18th	Nath'l King for corn					6	60.00
   "          7th	Washington Kelly for feathers			7	25.25
   "          6th	C. Campbell &c for groceries &c			8	87.09
March 1st		"             "         "            "			9	9.21
February 1st		T.A. Brown for shoes				10	1.25
   "          8th	Popes & William account				11	12.91
   "          8th	Winship & Hutchings					12	4.75
   "          1st	Chas Day					    13 &14	10.00
   "          1st	James R. Jones for coffin for Child**		15	3.00
   "          4th	Wm. Johnson for bed stead				16	13.00
   "          4th	Joseph Childs for bed				17	25.50
   "          6th	E.B. Weed account					18	3.07
   "          8th	Horatio Bowen account				19	20.50
   "          1st	John H. Lord &c					20	1.13
   "          6th	R.W. Morris						21	2.50  
   "          6th	Bishop & Parsons					22	1.64
   "        15th	Wm. Moreland					23	1.13
March 30th		Clerk for recording deeds			24	2.50
February 6th	George Logan						25	.62
   "          6th	Clerk for recording trust deed			26	.62
   "	     6th	Winship & Hutchings 				17	.75
   "          6th	Furnished for Negroes					2.94
   "          6th	2 bed mats & __						1.75
			2½ per cent on amt paid out			114.90 
			To cash for cart & __					62.58 

   The above is a credit to Sterling W. Smith as executor of Harrison Smith deceased in full for the amount due PALATINE PEOPLES.

I have examined the vouchers in justification of this return and qualified the Executor and trustee to the same this 10th April 1944.  Charles Macarthy CCO

	Passed on Clerks examination 6th May 1844 
		Recorded 26th June 1844


__Sterling W. Smith Executor of Harrison Smith deceased
		In account with said Estate

 December 8th	Amount received of Benjamin F. Hardeman for
			Sale of land in Oglethorpe 				$142.00 

February 10th		Clerk of Ordinary				1	1.62
May 2nd			W.P. Pope					2	1.50
May 2nd			Tax 1843					3	33.41
August 6th			Robert V. Hardeman expenses
				in going after Stephen			4	151.00
December 11th		Thomas Duke for board			5	40.00
	"      8th		B.F. Hardeman for professional serv.	6	10.00
	"     12th		Andrew J. Berry account			7	75.87½
	"     12th		Pinson & Terrell				8	25.12½
	"     12th		Martha A. Smith**				9	3.00
	"     12th		W.F. & E.W. Story				10	12.75
	"     14th		Jno H. Tench					11     11.06¼
	"     25th		Robinson & Adams				12	27.30
 	"     25th		Green Gray					13	2.00
	"     25th		James F.A. Peebles				14	1.37½
	"     26th		Frances C. Smiths accounts**	  15 & 16	15.50
	"     27th		J.L. Jones &c					17	36.00
	"     28th		Peter Leddy			         	   18 & 19	9.75
	"     28th		Thos H. Bray					20	7.50
	"     28th		W.D. Williams &c			  21 & 22	76.93
1844	 January		Winship & Hutching			  23 & 24    54.18¾
January 5th			for plat & grant					2.50
   "        5th			BOARD OF JOHN SMITH 1843		72.00

   "        5th			BOARD OF STEPHEN 5 MONTHS		30.00

				PEOPLES						40.00

				NECESSARIES					10.00									             $749.89

2½ per cent commissions on above paid out					18.74
2½ per cent commissions on $142 received					3.55
January 20th	Robinson & Adams a/c					25	1.75
February 28th	Robert V. Hardeman for services		26	101.00
2½ per cent on two last items							2.50 
November 17th	Wm. H. Elder part of legacy in right 
			of wife					28	1000.00
January 1st	"       "      "        "  "   "     "   "			29	700.00

February 16th          "        "     "      "   "     "   "   "		30	250.62

February 22nd	"      "     "     "    In Full			31	238.22 

			2½ per cent commission on above paid out		54.71 

December 2th	Stephen J. Smith in part of legacy	32	2000.00

January 1st	"             "       "        "       "      "			33	500.00

January 4th	"             "       "         "       "      "			34	500.00

January 5th          "            "       "         "       "       "		35	1720.00

April 6th                "           "        "         "  In Full		36	50.00 

			2½ per cent coms on above				119.25 

  I have examined the vouchers in justifications of this return and qualified the Executor to the same this May 20th, 1844.   Charles Macarthy  Clk C.O.

	Passed upon Clerks examination June 2nd 1844
		Recorded 27th June 1844 


   D_ Sterling W. Smith Executor of Harrison K. Smith deceased in account with said Estate       Cr

April 10th		C. Macarthy Clk					1	1.12½
January 1st		S.W. Smith Jr. for John's Room		3	72.00

January 1st		Brewster & Smith a/c			4	97.56
February 13th	Hill & Owen attorneys			5	38.34
     "        17th	Stephen Howard a/c				6	5.25
     "        17th	Ann E. Stark a/c				7	16.00
     "        17th	A.J. Berry a/c					8	128.24
     "        17th	Person & Terrell a/c				9	22.50
     "        17th	J.A. Adler	a/c				10	20.70
     "        18th	Thomas Duke for board			11	63.33
     "        18th	Ira E. Smith a/c				12	8.00
     "        19th	James F.A. Peobles				13	18.97
     "        24th	F.S. Johnson					14	6.97
     "        24th	W.D. Williams &c				15	48.38
     "        24th	Winship & Hutchings				16	35.31½
     "	     24th	Adaline Smith**				17	7.50

     "       24th	Advanced REBECCA SMITH			15.00

March 1st		Robt. V. Hardeman				18	50.36
			By amt 10 days absence on business of Estate
			to Coweta & expenses					17.75
March 4th		Paid Peter Leddy					19	5.00 

March 15th		By cash paid JOHN I. SMITH one of the 
			legatees in full of his part of the estate		4934.03

			2½ per cent coms on the amt paid 			126.62

    Examined & Approved March 17th 1845
	Recorded 19th August 1845 



The Estate of Harrison Smith dec'd to Sterling W. Smith Executor
		To amt paid								DR 

March 5	Clerk of Ordinary						1	.62½	
July 19	R.V. Hardeman comms. for collecting			2	71.62½
1844 Decr	Tax 1845							3	11.36
1845 Decr	Jno. G. Bray & Hitch a/c 1844				4	39.75

March 18	Jno G. Penesten part of legacy in right of his wife	
		SANDOL							5     1000.00
July 19	Jno G. Peniston Legacy in right of his wife		6.    3890.00

1846 Jan	Ann E. Stack account					7	14.24
March 4	Andrew J. Berry account					8      70.82½
March 4	Thos. Drake for board					9	40.00
Sept 1	R. V. Hardeman comms. for collecting				10    28.57½ 
2½ per cent on above paid out						         	129.17½ 
Examined & approved Septr 7th 1846
	Recorded September 9th 1846

Annual Returns
Court of Ordinary, Jones County, Georgia
Vol. M-N
LDS Microfilm # 0454242


S.W. Smith Executor of the H. Smith, deceased, in account with said Estate.
By amt paid Clerk of Ordinary		Voucher 1
Taxes 1846						    2		5.81
Martha L. Hunnicut					    3		3.00
Penson & Terrel					    4		18.35
Dr. Austin						    5		5.00
Joel W. Terrel &c.					    6		1.75
W.F. & E. W. Story					    7		5.50
Brewster & Smith					    8		10.42
Andrew J. Berry					    9		142.53
Stephen D. Smith					  10		5.63 
J.L. Benning						  11		4.81
Thos Duke for board*				  12		40.00
Doct. J.E. Smith					  13		15.00 
A.B. Mathews						  14		17.64

By 8 days service on business of the estate and going to Coweta after Rebecca Smith & Expenses							11.00

					Total			      $292.29

By ex cert commissions on the above paid out			 7.30

					Total			      $299.59

	Examined and approved March 1st 1847
			Recorded March 11, 1847
				Columbus A. Pitts, Clk Ct.



The Estate of H.K. Smith  account with S.W. Smith, Executor

To cash paid Clerk Court Ordinary	Voucher		1	$    .62
1/5 part cost Barnard Hitt Esq				2	   14.04
B. Peters, Tax Collector					3	     3.28
Joseph Waterson						4	   11.25
Horatio Bowen						5	   22.00
Elizabeth Tooly						6	    8.50
C & R.K. Hutchings						7	    4.83
G. McDonald							8	   32.00
A.F. Stubbs & co.						9	   37.48
F.L. Johnson							10	   32.42
Barnets in Macon for Rebecca Smith			11	    7.00
Cash advanced Rebecca Smith to pay postage		12	    1.05
Expenses with Rebecca Smith to Griffin			13	   12.50
Cash advanced Rebecca Smith				14	    20.00
Cash paid in Macon for trunk for R. Smith		15	     5.00
				Total					$274.77
          2% commission						      7.35
				Total					$280.54
		Examined and apprived March 6, 1848
			Recorded March 15, 1848

Sterling W. Smith Executor of Harrison Smith deceased in account with said estate.


March 6th		Clerk of Ordinary					1	.62½
			Tax 1848						2	1.48
Sept. 15		R.L. V. Lang account					3	3.00
Sept. 15		Jno Bowen						4	6.34
Sept. 13		Andrew J. Berry					5	155.20

Sept. 16th		James M. Dodds part of his legacy in
			right of his wife REBECCA          			6     835.49

Janry 5th		James M. Dodds balance of his legacy in full
			in right of his wife REBECCA			7     4212.27

			2½ per cent commission on the above		   130.35½ 

    Examined & approved July 2nd 1849
	Recorded July 10th 1849
		R.W. Bonner    C.C.O.

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