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Jones County  Georgia Homestead Elizabeth Smith (widow of John Smith)

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jeanie Smith Zadach

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

Jones County
Court of Ordinary 
Page 229
		Ordinarys Office, Jones County, Ga.
			December 30, 1872

To Richard Johnson Esqr, County Surveyor, Greeting

	You are hereby authorized and directed to enter upon the lands of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Widow of John Smith, dec'd and lay off a homestead for her and her minor children out of said lands and return a plat of the same certified and valued to the court as required by the Homestead laws on or by 10 o'clock A.M. on the 15th day of January 1873.

	Witness my hand officially

			Roland T. Ross, Ordinary

				Page 237
		Ordinary's Office, Jones County
		At chambers January 15, 1873

The case of Elizabeth Smith applicant for Homestead &
Exemption came up in regular order to be heard and
objections were filed to the valuation of the Homestead
by D. Flanders and Son asking the appointment of
Commissions to value and report upon, the same ordered
that Stephen D. Renfroe, G.W. F. McKay and Abram B.
Harris be appointed such commissions and to appraise &
value said land under oath and to return a report of
their actings to this Court by 10 o'clock A.M. on Friday
the 31st inst. without fail.

		Witness my hand officially

			Roland T. Ross,  Ordinary

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