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Harris County GaArchives Obituaries.....Smith, Owen & Nancy Caroline Poer
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Rex Sands

Mrs. Nancy Caroline Smith, nee Poer, calmly fell asleep at the home of her daughter 
Mrs. J. H. Sands, near Five Points, Ala. March 17, 1907, after a severe illness of several 
months. She was born in Fulton County, Ga. May 12, 1827, and moved to Harris county, Ga, 
in the year 1832; was happily married to Rev. Owen H. Smith December 12, 1844. From this 
union there were fifteen children-thirteen of whom are now living. 

In 1880 she was left a widow and was a faithful and loving mother for many years a joy and 
comfort to her children and grandchildren who will greatly miss her gentle ministrations 
and often sigh "for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still" 
In early life she Joined the Methodist Church and was a consistent member of the same until 
her death. 

She possessed a beautiful Christian character, and was ever ready to minister to those in 
need and distress, preferring always to serve rather than being served. 

Her funeral was preached by Rev. W. W. Gaines, her pastor. A large number of relatives and 
friends were present to manifest their love for her, and sympathy for the bereaved ones 
We laid her body to rest In New Hope Cemetery, beside the dust of her honored husband, 
there to await the resurrection morn We will miss her presence here, but hope some day 
to meet where sorrow and parting are unknown. When the angle shall open his record, 
may the names of all her precious ones be found written in the Lambs Book of Life, is 
the Prayer of this writer.   E. T. Harnell  

Rev. Owen H. Smith b, Feb. 9, 1824 d. June 15, 1880  Whereas it has pleased Almighty God. 
In His providence to remove by death from our church and Quarterly conference our 
beloved brother Owen H. Smith, a faithful local deacon.  Resolved 1. That in the death 
of our dear brother, the church has lost one of its truest and best friends as well one 
of its most active and acceptable workers - the community a worthy citizen, his wife a 
devoted husband, his children a kind cheerful and provident father.  2. That while we 
fully realize our great loss, we will try with Christian resignation to submit to this 
wise dispensation of God which has removed him from our Church and Quarterly Conference, 
to the Church triumphant to be ever with the Lord.  3. That his wife and children have 
our prayers and sympathies in their sad bereavement  4. That the foregoing preamble and 
resolutions be entered on the Quarterly conference record, and that a copy be furnished 
the Wesleyan Christian.