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Deaton Family, book by Lonnie Deaton    Washita Co. OK, Hall Co. GA

Submitted by Lonnie Deaton

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To  the memory of my  grandfather,  William "Will"  Shimmin  Deaton, who,  by 
disavowing  his parents and denying  his children knowledge  of  their 
grandparents created the " mystery" and to my daughter,  Amber Dawn  Deaton 
Haas,  whose entrance  into my life provided the reason for unlocking that 
mystery, this history is respectfully and gratefully  dedicated.    


Let's  begin  with  a bit of  "Deaton  philosophy."  I, like you,  was not  
allowed  to select  my  parents  from  a list of eager  applicants.   On  the 
other hand, neither were my  parents,  nor  yours,  allowed  to  select their  
children.    The  whole  business of  getting born   and,  subsequently,  
inheriting a genetic and cultural background is very much  a "grab bag" 
situation.   Children  and  parents  alike are  stuck with  whatsoever fate  
affords.  In  truth, mortals  are not allowed to make  such  selections. Neither  
are  we allowed  to  select  the  time and placed of  our birth, nor our  sex,  
nor our race,  nor our physical health,  nor our intelligence.  In  this regard,  
life is very much like a game of  cards.   When  the  Great Dealer in the Skies  
shuffles and deals  the cards,  He (She?) (It?) gives little or no mindfulness  
as to how the cards might  fall.  Thus,  some players,  simply  by the luck of 
the draw, are the fortuitous  recipients  of superlative cards.  Other  players,   
the unfortunate ones,  again  by the luck of the draw, fall  prey  to  
noncompetitive  cards.  In  the game of poker, for example, he that is fortunate 
enough to draw a "full  house,"  even  though his skills  are  quite pedestrian,  
will consistently  win;  but he that  draws,  due to no fault of his own, only  
a pair of deuces is consigned  to the anguish  and frustration of  perpetual  
failure no matter how clever  and skilled at the game  he might be.   Unlike the 
game of  life, in poker  a player may,  if he chooses, fold his hand  and await 
the next deal;  but in life's game  each player  is required to contend  until 
the game's conclusion with those cards,  howsoever  weak they might be,  he 
received on the first and only deal.

By  reason of this  debatably  regrettable  phenomenon of  life,  it would  seem  
altogether inappropriate  for the favored and  well-blessed  to pass harsh  
judgment upon  those whose genetic,  cultural, and environmental inheritance  is 
less  fortuitous.  Since none  may rightly  claim  credit for the quality of  
his/her hand, may any be properly  reproached for the weakness of the same.  I  
think not!!  Thus, in  regard  to the Deaton  clan,   from  the beginning of  
our  migration to  America,  we have been  a   "poor  but honest"  group.   We  
have worked  hard in our  labors (mostly  farming)  but  accumulated little in 
terms of  material  wealth.  Few  of us have distinguished ourselves;  but 
neither have  we  disgraced  ourselves.   Captain  William  Deaton   was  a 
"Tory"  during the  Revolutionary  War  and fought  admirably for what he 
believed  was right.  Littleberry and Elias Deaton both wrote books (neither of 
which, by any means, was a best seller). Judge  Goodin  Deaton of  Arkansas   
administered justice evenhandedly  and fathered  twenty  children. Bernice and 
Lonnie Deaton  participated in the great western migration of 1934-36 as 
portrayed in Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath." Most of our  clan, however,  
lived, died, and went to  their  graves  only  to be remembered  by   
genealogical  fools such as your  author.......  a  "Deaton"  who believes  
deeply in family,  tradition,  and honor.  All  else (fame, fortune,  prestige, 
etc.) is meaningless self-deception.   So, fellow  family  member,  be not  
embarrassed  that  your  family  inheritance is a modest  and unremarkable one.  
We must all  play  the hand we are dealt.  Your  author  promises  you this,  
many have  been  more fortunate than us  but none have been  better than us. 
Initially it was the intent of  the author of this family history to locate and 
identify  the original  Deaton  family  member in the New World and,  then,  
prove  that our families are direct descendants of that original  family.  This 
proved to be impossible.   Identifying  the original  American Deaton   was not 
difficult  but it is unlikely  that anyone can prove  conclusively his/her  
direct kinship  to that first Deaton  pioneer.  Without  question  the original  
Deaton  in America  was Richard  Dorchester  Deaton who is alleged  to have 
docked in the  New World  1630-1635  and lived  a number of years  around the 
Long Island  area.  Winthrop Word,  author of  "A Genealogical  Registry of the 
First Settlers of  New England,"  has Rev.  Richard  Dorchester  Deaton,  a 
minister of Weathersfield  and Stamford,  having been a minister at Halifax,  
Yorkshire, England,  arriving in this country 1630-1635.  He  apparently was  a 
lover of the sea and died while at sea in 1635.   Nothing is known of his  
family.  This is the earliest  record I have been able to locate of any Deaton  
in America.  I do not know if  Mr. Word's  information is correct, but have no 
reason to doubt the same;  however,  even  if  Rev.  Deaton  is the first of  
his surname to land in the New World, he would not appear to be our ancestor.   
Our American  story  begins in Virginia  with the arrival of America's first 
southern Deaton.  A certain William  Deaton  departed  England aboard  the good 
ship "Assurance" in  1639/40 and landed in what is now  Northampton Co., VA, 1-
1-1640/41.  Perhaps  a third  Deaton (also  William  Deaton) is recorded in 
Northampton, Co., VA,  7-24-1656.  Again, a certain  Thomas Deaton Sr., born in 
England, entered Virginia (in the area of  New Kent and Essex Cos.)   before 
1701.   He would appear to be are direct ancestor and,  although  absolute 
documentation is lacking, it is quite possible that we are related to   to one 
of the William Deatons of  Northampton  County (perhaps they were our cousins).
Without  question  some  family members will,  by my  words here recorded, find 
reason for offense.  I wish to emphasize  that at no time  has it been my 
intention to offend;  nonetheless, I have endeavored to record  the truths about 
our  family even when those truths cast us in a less than favorable light.  The 
reader may well  have reason to question my interpretation of official  
documents,  family records,  etc.,  and certainly I am fully capable of error, 
but the records themselves are, except for an occasional clerical error,  
unimpeachable.  They speak to us from and about the past.  They tell  the "true 
story" of the Deatons and our related families and are not altered by denial or 
insistence to the contrary.  I have consciously  striven to avoid  passing  
judgment on  my  ancestors,  although at times the temptation to do so has been 
very great.  These pioneers lived in a different time,  were subject to 
different cultures, and danced to the beat of a different drummer.   They were 
not perfect  people even as were are not perfect.  The were vulnerable  to their 
own weaknesses as we  are  to ours.  They behaved  as they felt  they must and 
attempted to justify  the same even  as we,  their children, do today.  We do 
ourselves no honor  when we, because of embarrassment,  offense,  or anger,  
pass judgment on them.  We only reveal  our own  areas of conflict when we voice  
our uncomfortableness with their behavior and harshly  judge them for the same.  
Indeed, one of my  great grandmothers may have copulated  with a male friend  
outside of  the sanctity of marriage.  She may have even  borne  this man's  
children.  I am  neither  proud  nor embarrassed by these  behaviors.  I was not  
there.  I know not  what she felt nor what circumstances  may have prompted her 
to behave  thusly.  After all, who am I but a man  full of frailties  and 
imperfections to pass  judgment on her?
Finally,  some family members  and/or  readers will, no  doubt, be offended  by 
my handling on these pages the subjects of "church" and "religion."  Please dear 
reader,  do not be offended  by my lack of religiosity and I will not be 
offended by your abundance of the same.  I subscribe to the notion that all 
persons, everywhere, have a right to profess  whatsoever faith they choose,  
whether in generous or miserly proportions,  and I now ask  that all who read 
this  history, some of whom will no doubt be horrified  by my religious  
philosophy,  accept me and my values  as valid and genuine.   I can  accept you.  
Can you not accept me?  You may have found God in church.  I am glad.  I have 
found  Him  elsewhere.  Can you not be glad for me?
You,  my  dear  reader,  are about to meet "Great  Grandfather the  Story-
teller,"  a fictitious  character  meant to represent all our  superannuated  
and hoary-headed ancestors  who, from generation to generation, have passed  
down to their off-springs their family's history, legends,  values,  etc.,  by 
teaching, entertaining, and mesmerizing  the young ones with their  fabulous  
stories of days  gone by.  Great  Grandfather, on occasions,  embellished the 
facts  and, to increase  the educational  and entertainment  value of said 
stories,  added his own special brand of  picturesque  speech and humor.  But  
the facts and events he relates are all based on official  documents and family  
records and at no time does he misrepresent  the family history as it is 
contained in said documents.   The children and grandchildren he instructs and 
entertains represent all children who ever  gathered at the feet of one of these 
marvelous old pioneers and feasted upon his/her accounts of days gone by.  The 
setting in which these stories  are told is rural America of the early 1900's  
when the major portion of this country's  citizenry  still lived on the farm and 
when sources of diversion  and entertainment  were considerably  fewer in 
number,  simpler in form, and less expensive in cost.  An era when life was much 
less complex and the pace  slower.  A time when Grandpa, or  Great Grandpa, 
usually  at their insistence, gathered  about him the grandchildren, and great 
grandchildren, and with considerable skill related, with his own special flair, 
to his wide-eyed progenies,  the heroics and adventures of their ancestors.  I 
envision a balding,  stooped, and wrinkled,  but bright-eyed and alert aged man  
sitting in an ancient  rocking chair in front of a fire place  greatly enjoying  
every opportunity to share with his young loved ones  his fond memories and 
proud  recollections of  yesteryear.  He, of course, would be puffing on a  big-
bowled pipe with a crooked stem and would,  from time to time, pause to poke  
the fire  or perhaps  clean his spectacles.  There would be a large oval-shaped, 
braided, brown rug in front of the fire place and upon the rug,   taking his 
regular early evening snooze, would be "Snurd,"  the family's faithful  old 
spotted hound.  That old  hound loves Great  Grandfather almost as much as do 
the children.  "Mama"  would be sewing. or perhaps ironing, and "Papa"  might be 
reading  the latest edition of the almanac, or perhaps  cleaning his favorite 
rifle.  In this setting then, one of  the children  would inquire of the old 
patriarch if he might  have time to relate a family story.  While the fire 
crackled and the flames flickered, and while occasionally rocking in his chair 
and puffing his pipe, as the smoke  from said pipe spiraled upwards permeating  
the room with the aroma of tobacco,  Great Grandfather would commence to share  
with the family, especially the children,  a precious chapter of the family's 
history.  In this way that history was passed down  from one generation to 
another, pride in the family was built, lessons were learned, and character was 
Regrettably, your author  never had the opportunity to participate, as a child, 
in the scene described above, and as a result  has felt  a great emptiness.  I 
did,  however, have a great and faithful old hound  named "Snurd."  That dog  
was just about the best friend I ever had; consequently  I have taken the 
liberty of inserting him in the above  scenario.       
A NOTE  RE:  GREAT  GRANDFATHER                                                                  
(by one of his great grandchildren):
Notwithstanding the customary  family  biases,  I  honestly  do believe  that 
Great Grandfather was the most knowledgeable person I have ever had the pleasure 
of meeting.  It was,  at least it seemed  to us children, almost impossible to 
make an inquiry of him to which he could not give a  satisfactory  and, often,  
profound  response.  On occasion, I  recall,  he would pull from his often  
frequented  bookcase a tattered old tome,  thumb  through its well worn pages,  
find that for which  he searched, and with his eyes sparkling with an 
anticipatory  twinkle,  respond.  "Ah, here it what  you younguns is wanting to 
know."  Great  Grandpa  loved books  and loved reading.  I have often heard him 
say,  partially in jest,  when offering  advice to the younger generations, "I 
would  rather read  a good book  than kiss a pretty girl" (a sentiment  this 
great grandchild could not share with him).  And as he read,  he mumbled.  In  
fact, he was a chronic  and  habitual  mumbler.  I  recall my  mother often  
chiding him for his,  sometimes,  disconcerting muttering.  To which  he would  
invariably  respond, "Woman!  I am not mumbling.  I am thinking  out loud.  You 
think the say  you want to think and I will think the way I want to think!"
Second on  Great  Grandpa's  list of  priorities  was walking.  He and old  
Snurd  must have walked a thousand miles together.  He frequently reported  that 
he,  along with old Snurd's  valuable  assistance,  during their daily 
constitutionals  together,  had solved most of the world's  more pressing 
problems.  Walking, reading,  meditating,  and recording---these were  Great  
Grandpa's  passions.  "Never trust your memory younguns,"  he would caution.  
"Write it down."  And write it down he did.  He had,  I believe,  aspirations of 
writing a book about our family "someday"  and I suspect he would have  had his 
body  endured the years as well  as his mind.  Great Grandpa  was tall,  thin,  
bald, and walked with  a slight limp,  and because of an old back injury, listed 
to the left.  He was approaching  four score and ten when he began  living with 
us  out on the old home place;  but even in those waning years he was incredibly  
tolerant of our childish  antics and remarkably  sensitive to our  youthful 
needs.  At the same time he seemed indefatigable in his dedication  to the 
recording of family history.  He never  grew weary of sharing  with us 
"younguns" what he called ‘family heritage.'  As if it were  yesterday,  I 
remember  Great Grandpa's moving in with us, an event  occasioned by the passing 
of Great   Grandmother. They had been married  for sixty-five years and, swore 
they both, each  year was sweeter than the last.   The very senior Mr.  Deaton  
had been  a school teacher all his life and firmly believed "the only thing in 
this world more important  than learning is a man's word!"  He used to say, "A 
promise made is a debt unpaid   and a friend in need is a thing to heed!"  And 
he meant those words!  I  never knew him to break a promise and I never knew him 
to turn his back on a friend. 
My  Great Grandfather, in my humble estimation was a man far ahead of his time 
and, thus, out of step with his generation.  Frequently  misunderstood and 
thought "odd" by his neighbors and community, his propensity for study and his 
corresponding lack of religiosity did nothing to alter their sentiments nor 
endear him to his contemporaries.  And religion  was, indeed,  a sore spot with 
him.  The only time I remember  being treated to a demonstration of his anger  
was occasioned by a local  fundamental minister who, ill-advisedly, undertook  
to scold  him for not keeping his family in church. "Don't  you know, Sir," the 
pompous pontificator  proffered, "all  these little  children are going straight 
to hell and God will hold  you  responsible  because you have not kept them in 
church!"  Well,  as that poor  preacher found out,  that was exactly  the wrong 
thing to say to Great Grandpa.  Such a tongue-lashing I have never heard.  I 
remember  Great  Grandpa snapping, "If  your god is of the sort that he sends 
innocent children to hell, then he ain't fit to be  served...And  whoever  it 
was that called you to preach, it sure enough  was not God  because  he ain't 
that  stupid...If you don't want my dog to chew-off a  piece of your 
sanctimonious  butt,  you had better  get back on your horse and make tracts!"  
Needless to say,  we were never  troubled by the Reverend again.
When I was about  twelve,  Great  Grandfather  died.  I think  he must have made 
his exit  from this life  just as he had planned it.  One afternoon old  Snurd  
came running home alone from one of their walks,  barking as he ran.  We all 
knew  what had happened.	
THE  MEANING  OF  THE SURNAME  "DEATON":  The  name is English in origin  but 
there really is no consensus  as to its meaning.  Elsdon  Smith,  author of  
"New Dictionary of American  Family Names,"  states that "Deaton" is a variation 
of "Deighton—one who came from Ditton (Homestead of  Dudda's  people).  Ditton  
was located in  Shopshire, England.  Some family  historians refer to a village 
of "Deighton" (Dyghton,  Dighton) in  York,  the name supposedly meaning 
"Dykestown,  a town with a ditch."  Little support  for this notion can be found  
among  historical scholars, but it is esthetically  appealing.  It should be 
noted  that there is a "Dighton"  and  "Dighton's Rock" in Massachusetts.  One 
might speculate that some of our earliest  American relatives lived in this 
area.   It is  known  that a Katherine  Deighton (b.  ca  1614 England),  
daughter of  John  Deighton of Glouster, England, who died before  5-21-1640,  
married  Samuel  Hagburne and migrated to Roxbury,  Massachusetts, before  1643.  
She second married  Thomas Dudley  4-14-1644,  evidently  an early  Provincial 
governor of  Massachusetts.
"Great  Grandpa, tell us again how the Deatons came to America."
"Well,  I reckon  I got time to do that...Here little one, crawl up in old  
Great  Grandpa's  lap.  Now,  don't  be a wiggling  around  or I might  burn you 
with my pipe.  Younguns, give old Snurd a nudge there  and move his tail.  He 
gets a might upset  when someone  rocks on his tail.  Well,  let's see,  if  I 
remember correctly,  my  grandpa  told me  that his grandpa  told him  that a 
very long time  ago,  before  you younguns  was born,  before I was born, even 
before my grandpa was born, in a land far away on the other side of the ocean,  
in a placed called England, there was this fella  named William Deaton.  Now, he 
was a young  and  ambitious lad and a might unhappy  with the way things was  a 
going in his hometown and country.  I believe  my grandpa told me that there was 
a bunch of  folks who was trying to get William to go to a church he did not 
want to go to.  Now,  I don't know if that is the reason why William Deaton came 
to America or not.  I recollect  reading somewhere  that a bunch of  folks came 
to America  because  they was poor  and owed   the rich people  a lot of money  
that they could not pay.  So,  they had to leave the country or go to jail...Any 
ways,  this William  was awful poor  and needed a job  and figured  the best 
chance to make a life for himself  was to come to America.  So one fine day,  I 
believe  my grandpa  said it was the year of our Lord  1639, or maybe 1640,  
this William Deaton  and two friends, a fella  named John Hall and another fella 
named John Clinton, booked  passage on a boat called  ‘Assurance.'  I used to 
know the name of  the captain of that ship, but my memory  ain't what it used to 
be.  Any ways,  what do you younguns  reckon it felt like to those three fellas 
to be getting on that boat and heading for the New World?'
"I bet those fellas  felt like  I did the first day of  school...all excited and 
"I bet they felt  like I do when school is out for the summer."
"Well,  your great  grandpa would  bet a shinny  new penny  that those young 
lads felt even  better than that...Don't you  know  their hearts  was pounding 
with excitement when they stepped on board that boat.  Now,  of course,  if they 
had never been to sea before, they had to be a bit  skiddish  about  spending  
three months on that boat and crossing  a  pond as  big as the Atlantic Ocean.  
And  sure enough,  after a few days a big storm blew up and  the winds howled, 
and the rains  poured,  and the waves tossed that little boat  to and fro.  Your  
grandpa used to chide me by saying that every time I told  this story  the winds  
blew stronger, the rains poured  harder, and the waves got higher.  But  any  
ways,  those three young lads,  of course,  got sea-sick and felt like their  
time had come for sure and certain.  But  by and by,  the storm  subsided and I 
reckon all hands were safe.  The little boat was delayed on its journey  
considerably,  however.  By and by,  they sighted land.  That land  many years 
later would be called Northampton  County, Virginia.  Now,  how do you reckon  
those fellas felt when they first set foot in the New World?  Well,  I'll just 
tell you how they felt.  They felt  better than you younguns  feel on Christmas 
morning!  Now don't  you know the grass was the greenest  they had ever seen.  
And the American  sky  was the bluest  what ever was and those American  birds  
sang prettier than any  birds had ever sung before.  They must have felt  like 
it was a great day to be alive.  You younguns  remember now,  William Deaton was 
a poor man.  My grandpa told me that all he had was an old tattered  bible,  two 
or three shillings, and a  head  plum full of dreams.  Now,  I don't know what 
happened to  those two other fellas, but William  must have gone to work and 
paid off  his passage debt  and then saved his money  until he could buy a piece 
of  land.  Well  buy and by,  he met and married a pretty young  lass  named 
Elisa  Truitt.  She was the daughter of a neighbor that lived down the road  a 
ways.  Well,  before long  William  and Eliza  started having children.  I 
believe they had ten in all,  but only five lived.  You have to remember  that 
back in the old days  there weren't many doctors and when a  baby  got sick  it 
very often  died.  Well by and by,  William Deaton  had a plantation  and 
several  slaves.  We  ain't too  proud of  his slave holdings,  but in those 
days all the planters had slaves that tended to their crops.  It is  good  that 
nobody has  slaves anymore  but  folks did not  feel  bad  about slavery in the 
old days.  Well, I reckon  William became something of a pillar in his 
community.   And that is how the Deatons  got started in America."
"Is there a moral to this story  Great  Grandpa?"
"I reckon  the moral to that story is that anybody  can dream a dream  but only 
those who are willing to work  for their dreams  are able to make them come 

Alexander Deaton Haas, the oldest son of Amber Deaton Haas and Keith Eric Haas 
was born was born in Evansville, IN, November 1, 1994.  At birth, he weighed 
seven pounds and five ounces.  He was twenty-two inches long.  His place of 
birth was St. Mary's Hospital and the attending  physician was Dr. Nelson 
Graham.  Alex is a young man with blue eyes and blond hair.  Currently he is in 
Kindergarten in Sevier Co., TN.  He also attends the New Hope Day Care program 
(in Sevierville) after school. His best friend is a young man named "Joshua."  
In his earliest years, Alex was very much enamored with 
Barney," "Winnie the Poo," "The Power Rangers," "Michael Jordan, and "Peyton 
Manning."  Now that he is attending school his interests have turned more grown-up things!!

Alex (his grandfather calls him "Big Al") and family began the transition from 
Indiana to Tennessee when he (Alex) was three years of age.  Now, three years 
later, he is rapidly becoming a full fledged Tennessean.  His Indiana 
grandmother, Judy Norris, reports that she already detects in him a "southern 
accent."  He refers to his Indiana grandfather, Steve Haas, as "Pawpaw Yes 
Hair," and his Tennessee grandfather as "Pawpaw No Hair."

It should also be reported that Alex has handled the birth of  his little 
brother extremely well.  He has not demonstrated any significant jealousy of 
Zachary...a  tendency  that is often characteristic of an older sibling when a 
new arrival enters the family.


Zachary Deaton Haas, the youngest son of Amber Deaton Haas and Keith Eric Haas,  
was born 7-4-2000 at 9:55 PM at the Ft. Sanders Sevier Medical Center (Sevier 
County Hospital) on Middle Creek Rd., in Sevierville, TN.  To be more specific, 
he was born in the "Dolly Parton Birthing Unit."  Zachary weighed six pounds and 
six ounces and was 19 inches long.  He was delivered by Dr. Louis Riley.  
Present in the maternity waiting room were his two grandmothers, Judy Norris and 
Judy Deaton, his uncle "Jay" (J.T. Norris), his grandfather, Lonnie Deaton, and 
his big brother, Alexander Deaton Haas.  Present in the delivery room was his 
father, Keith Eric Haas.  Of course, his mother was also present.  Early 
indications are that he will have light reddish brown hair and blue eyes. 
Amber Dawn  Deaton (ADD) (the only  child of  Lonnie Dale Deaton  and Amaryllis  
Smith),  the mother of  ADH & ZDH,  was born  10/5/1967  at  the University  of  
Tennessee Hospital  at 6:30am (her mother  claims she was born  at 7am).  
Present in the father's  waiting  room  with Amber's father was the president of 
the University of  Tennessee,  Dr.  Andy  Holt  who was awaiting the birth of 
his grandson.  At birth,  Amber weighed  6 lbs and  12 ounces.  It should be 
noted  that  initially  her father thought her to be remarkably  unattractive 
and  resisted  going to the pediatric  visiting room to "view"  his  daughter.   
Her first  home  was 1234  Baker  St.,  Knoxville, TN.  This was an  apartment 
complex in  South  Knoxville.  It was not until  Amber was 3 months old  that 
her parents were able to purchase their  first home.  This house was located at 
513  Karla  Dr.,  Knoxville, TN.  At three and a half years of age,  Amber was 
bitten in the face by a neighbor's  dog.  Her parents took great pains to see 
that this event did not result in Amber being  afraid of dogs.  Fortunately,   
her face  was not  scarred.  Until she started Kindergarten,  Amber  had the 
same  baby sitter, a wonderful lady  known as "Nanny Ruffner."  The young Miss 
Deaton  attended  New Hopewell  Elementary  School (where her mother was a 
teacher),  Doyle  High  School (now known as South Doyle),  and the University 
of  Tennessee.  She majored in Sociology.  Upon  graduation  from  UT  in 1990,  
she attended  the Memphis State  University  School of Law (now known  as  
Memphis University). It was at  Memphis State that she met Keith  Eric  Haas.  
She  married young Mr. Haas  8-14-1993 in Evansville, IN.  She did her "law  
clerking"  with the same  Judge  Young  as had her  husband  in  Evansville.  
After giving birth to ADH  11-1-1994,  Amber began her  career  as a lawyer in  
McMinnville,  TN.  She  found that she did not  like  Evansville and  Indiana  
and thus  secured her  license to practice law  in  Tennessee.  It took  the 
young couple  until  November of  1998 to complete  their transition from  
Indiana  to Sevier  County,  TN.  After working a year in McMinnville,  Amber 
secured a  position with  a  private firm in Clarksville, TN.  She remained in 
this position  six months.  She then secured a Public  Defender's position  with 
the State of  Tennessee in  Cocke  County (adjacent to Sevier).  Her husband  
closed out his practice in Evansville and moved to Tennessee in  January of 
1998.  After having some reservations  about  remaining with the practice of 
law,  Amber found that she very much enjoyed  working in Cocke  County  and 
being a Public  Defender. Amber gave birth to Zachary Deaton Haas on 7-4-2000.  
At this time  she is inclined  to think that she is more suited to serve  as 
Amber's mother  recalls  that her daughter  was  blessed (or cursed) with an 
incredible amount of very curly hair and she did not have her first haircut 
until  she was four years of age (a most unpleasant  experience).   Amber  was  
a voracious reader from a young age and kept  track of the names and number of 
books she consumed  and probably is the only person in  Knoxville who can claim 
that she read every biography in the children's section of the local library.  
She was fascinated  by history  and became a  huge fan of the British Royal 
Family.  Academically,  Amber always did well in school  but did not really 
"shine"  until she reached college.   She was always inclined to get involved in 
various  "distractions." During her sophomore  year in high  school  she earned 
a trip  to Europe  by  selling candy on the  school  bus.  Her  father had 
promised her that he would  pay  for half the expenses of the trip if she could 
earn the other  half.  Her father  never,  for one moment, thought she would be 
able to  earn enough  money to cover  the cost of  half  the expenses.  To  his 
surprise  she earned  more than the entire  cost of the trip.        
Amber knew  from the ninth  grade  that she wanted to be  an attorney  but  
initially  struggled  to find the "right"  legal position.   She was very 
disappointed in Indiana  and determined that  she would do whatever was  
necessary to get back  to  East Tennessee.  After  considering  leaving the 
legal  profession, she found  the position in Cocke  County,  a position  that 
seemed to be very much to her liking.   In  November of 1998,  she and Keith 
purchased a new home in Sevier Co.
Amber did not conduct her first jury trail until March of 1999.  She defended a 
man  charged with  DUI,  assaulting a police officer, and  resisting arrest.   
He was acquitted on two of  the charges.
I. Alexander  Deaton Haas was born 11-1-1994 in Evansville, IN (see above).

II. Zachary Deaton Haas was born 7-4-2000 in Sevierville, TN (see above).


Lonnie  Dale  Deaton (LDD),  the first of six  children of  Bernice Deaton  and 
the only  son of  Amanda  Mae  Griffitts,  was born 6/21/1935 in  Mountain View, 
Kiowa County, OK, according to birth certificate  Register No. 3067.  As often  
occurred,  the name of "Griffitts" is misspelled on   this  document.  Dr. Y. A. 
Howell  delivered  the young Mr.  Deaton  at  2:30pm within the confines of a 
boarded-up  chicken house.   Amanda  Griffitts assured  her son  many times that 
the chicken droppings had been  swept out.  This chicken house  was located on 
the farm of  Mr. Clem  Tracy  for whom the new parents  were working as tenant  
farmers. Clem  Tracy  appears in the 1920  census of  Washita Co., OK, HH 148.   
This would appear to be the same farm where the infamous "chicken house" is 
located.   Also appearing the 1920  census of  Washita is George Young, HH 160.  
BD & AMG  also tenant farmed Mr. Young.  Mountain View  was a very interesting 
community.   In  August of 1903,  the entire town was moved three and a half 
miles out of  Washita Co., into  Kiowa Co.  Through the years  Lonnie has  often 
remarked that Abe Lincoln  began  his long journey to the White House  from a 
log cabin.  Lonnie, of course, never had any thoughts of  reaching the White 
House  but he did begin his  life's journey  in even more humble circumstances 
than did old Abe.  Before Lonnie reached his first  birthday his parents  left  
Oklahoma for Arizona and later New Mexico.  He did not return to Oklahoma, and 
Mountain View until  8-1979.  He attended Kindergarten in Lordsburg, NM,  the 
first grade in  Silver City, NM, the second grade in Douglas, AZ, the third 
grade in Higley, AZ, and the fourth  through eighth  grades  at Adams School in 
Phoenix, AZ.  The name of this school was later changed  to "Grace Court School" 
in honor of the lady who had been its principle for forty years.  The school has 
long since been torn down.  In those days  Lonnie was very much the athlete and, 
with an absentee father, desperately needed a healthy male to take him under his 
wing;  hence this attraction to coach  Dominic  Revello.  Coach Revello  was an 
exceedingly  kind and patient man who came to Lonnie's  rescue when he was about 
to be overwhelmed  by his family  circumstances.  Lonnie believes  that the 
Coach's  contribution to his life was inestimable.  He often  stated,  "May the  
God of all broken  homes shower down his blessings on Coach  Revello."  In  
1949,  Lonnie's family was living at 208 N. 12th Ave.  He  graduated from 
Phoenix  Union High School in 1953 and was one of 590  graduates.   Lonnie 
married Amaryllis  Smith 8/25/1955 at the Church of God  in Phoenix, AZ.  The 
couple had met at Lee College, Cleveland, TN,  where both were students.  The 
ceremony was performed by Rev. Herschel  Diffie in the presence of  Harold 
Thompson and  Fred Sutter.  In the absence of the bride's parents,  Miss Smith 
was given away by Rev.  C.W. Collins,  state overseer for the Church of  God in 
Arizona.  The marriage license records that the court  clerk was Walter S. 
Wilson and the deputy clerk was Edna Rudd.  Lonnie  graduated from Lee College 
(now Lee University) fourth in his class.  He would have graduated second in the 
class  but was demoted  by the school  faculty because of excessive  "class 
cut." (when  the courses were boring  and the professors uninspiring young Mr. 
Deaton  was inclined to  absent himself).  Before completing his college  
training,  Mr. Deaton  secured  four college degrees (the last two being from 
the University of Tennessee).  He began his career as a professional social 
worker  at the Home for Children in Sevierville, TN.  It was while working at 
the Home for Children  that he earned his last  two degrees (a Bachelors  degree 
with a double major in sociology and psychology  and a Masters  Degree in  
Clinical Social Work).  From  1966 until  1984  Lonnie worked at Psychiatric 
Services ( a private  clinic) at the University of  Tennessee  Hospital, 
Knoxville, TN.  This clinic  began closing  in 1984  at which time  Lonnie  
accepted  employment at Southwestern  State Hospital,  Marion,VA.  He  worked at 
this facility until his retirement in 1997.
	After  Lonnie and "Judy"  had been married  twelve years  Amber  Dawn 
Deaton  was born (10/5/1967).  The couple  had to borrow against  an insurance  
policy in order to afford  the down payment on their first home.  This house 
cost the overwhelming sum of $24,000.   Their second  home  was purchased  in 
1972  for  $35,000.  In 1985 the couple  purchased their third home for $41,000 
( a cabin on a lake in Hungry Mother Park,  Marion, VA).
"Great  Grandpa,  tell us  again  about how we got old  Snurd."
"So its old  Snurd you younguns  want to know about is it?...Well,  let's  
see...If  I recollect  correctly  that old hound adopted our family  when your  
old Grandpa  was about  ten or eleven  years old.  Back in those days me and 
your  Grandma  used to make a trip  to town  about once a week,  usually every  
Saturday morning.  We would go in that old  wagon  out in the barn.  Now,  as I 
recollect,  there was this big,  mean spotted hound that commenced to hang 
around old  Mr. Haygood's  General  Store.  Back in those days, of course, old  
Snurd  was strong and healthy and had all of his teeth and just delighted in 
chasing  every horse  and wagon that came down the road.  For  some reason or 
other, he especially didn't like your Grandpa.  As a matter of  fact, he once 
took a big chunk out of  your Grandpa's leg.  I reckon  your Grandpa  would have 
killed him right then and there if  his leg  had not been hurting so bad that he 
could not stand up....Well,  any  ways,  Snurd  hung around the general  store 
for several more months making an outright  nuisance of  himself.  I remember  
once inquiring of  Mr. Haygood about  who the owner of  Snurd  might be.  He 
allowed as how no one owned  ‘that mean  varmint.'  I  believe he said that he 
had been trying  to run him off  for the longest but old Snurd  refused to  
budge.  Well,   to beat it all,  one Saturday afternoon old Snurd up and 
followed  me and your Grandpa  home...and he has been here  ever since.  I 
reckon you could say that he just adopted us...I  reckon  old Snurd  is the 
finest  dog  that was ever in these  parts...He saved my  bones once,  I'll  
tell you that.  That was the time I fell and broke my leg out in the back 
pasture.  Old  Snurd  came and got your Grandpa  and brought him back  to where 
I laid  just a suffering something  fierce.  I reckon  if old Snurd hadn't been 
there I might have died.
"How did he get that ear  chewed off,  Great Grandpa?"
"His ear, huh?...Well,  let's  see...I  reckon  he lost that piece of  ear  
about the time your  Papa and  Mama  brought  you  into this world...Now  old 
Snurd  ain't never been afraid of nothing;  but one  day  he plumb  bit-off  
more than he could chew.  Now I didn't see  the fight myself,  but your Grandpa  
told me that once when he and old Snurd  had gone fishing, old  Snurd  made the 
mistake of picking a fight with a bear.  And that is how he lost that  piece of 
ear.  I never heard  tell what happened  to the bear."
"Great  Grandpa,  is there a moral  to  this  story?"                                                                         
"Well,  I reckon  the moral  of  that story matter how brave a fella is,  
it don't make much sense to  start a fight  that you can't hope  to win!"
(In  1947, while  LDD  was living in  Phoenix, AZ,  Snurd  adopted  his family.  
He had belonged to a neighbor.  When  the neighbor died(?),  Snurd  adopted LDD  
and his family as his new masters.  By  this time he was an exceedingly old 
animal  with no teeth and a very cantankerous  disposition.  He would not allow  
anyone to pet him  except the young Mr. Deaton  and would only  allow him to 
scratch his head...never his torso,  belly, or flanks.  This ancient  canine 
creature was extraordinarily  mean and vicious  looking in his  appearance;  
hence  he made an excellent  watch dog and ‘protector' of  his small master.  It 
seemed  LDD  was always  the smallest kid on the block; consequently  the 
neighborhood   bullies  were always ‘picking' on him.   But when old Snurd 
adopted  LDD all that stopped.  From  that day on,  many  a bully  scampered 
home  screaming for his mother with Snurd fast on his heals  threatening to chew 
off his leg.  In  1952,  Snurd  disappeared.  Some said he had been stolen or 
killed.  LDD's family  suspected that his time had come and he  simply  wandered 
off ,  laid down  and died.   God!  LDD  loved that old dog!!
I. Amber Dawn  Deaton (This is the direct line of ADH & ZDH.  See above).

Bernice  (pronounced Ber-nus) (an  awful name for a man)  Deaton (BD)(his 
friends called him "Bernie"),  the maternal great  grandfather of  ADH & ZDH,  
and the  grandfather of Amber Deaton Haas,  was born 5/18/1914 in Rocky, OK.  He 
was  the seventh of nine children of  WSD and SEC.  He married  Amanda Mae  
Griffitts on 9/24/1932 in Mountain View,  Kiowa  County, Oklahoma.  Amanda  was 
born  3/6/1916 in Anadarko, OK.  She was the daughter of Miles Griffitts and 
Jewel Billington.  It should be noted  that the young couple lied  about their 
ages.  "Bernie"  reported his age  as 21 and  Amanda  reported her age as 18.  
They were married by the Rev. H.C. Lamb,  pastor of the local  Baptist Church.  
The witnesses to the wedding were Ruth Thompson and Fern  Laird  both of  
Mountain View.  The court clerk was  Minnie  Morgan and the deputy was Clyde 
Poston.  They were divorced on 3-4-1941 in Lordsburg, NM.  The divorce was 
handled  by attorneys  Sanders and Taggart (for Mrs. Deaton)  and  A.W.  
Marshall  of  Deming, NM (for Mr. Deaton).  The divorce was  granted on the 
grounds of "irreconcilable  incompatibility."  The  divorce proceeding was 
identified  as Civil  Case No. 1887.   Granting the divorce was Judge  Eugene D.  
Lujan.  The court clerk was  Eleanor  F. Cochran and the deputy  was Marshall  
Fuller.  They had one son,  LDD, born  6/21/1935.  Bernie and Amanda  left 
Oklahoma in 1936  during the "Grapes of Wrath"  migration and first settled in 
Mesa, AZ.  Two years later they moved to Lordsburg, NM.  After leaving the farm, 
BD became a truck  driver.  He first worked for the McNutt  Oil  Company and 
later E.B. Law  and Sons Trucking Company.  He eventually  was promoted to 
middle management.,  When he was 52  years of age, he moved to Albuquerque, NM,  
bought half interest in "Crane  Leasing, Inc.,"  and became surprisingly  
successful  financially.  Throughout his life Bernie  was a hard core  
"workaholic."  He hated  holidays  and  he hated weekends.  He wanted to  work 
fourteen hours per day  seven days a week.  On  Sundays,  when he had no work to 
do,  he would go to his office and  sit behind his desk and smoke cigarettes.  
Until his health  finally forced him to retire he had little time for his 
family.  He was a kind and generous man  but so compulsive about his work  that 
his family  had to learn to manage without  his physical  presence.  Bernice 
Deaton  second married  Agnus  Flynn in 1944.   They had two daughters  but 
their marriage lasted only two years.  "Bernie"  third married Evelyan  Beach in  
1944.  Evelyan  was  twelve years his junior.  They had three children  and  
remained  together until his death.  BD  lived the  last twenty-five years of  
his life in Albuquerque, NM  He  died 7/27/1987  at the Kaseman-Presbyterian  
Hospital.  Cause of death was  "Chronic  Obstructive  Pulmonary  Disease."  BD  
choose to be cremated  and the funeral  services were handled by "Fitzgerald & 
Son."   At the time of his death, BD  was residing at 3328  Shepard Pl., NE,  
Albuquerque, NM.   The informant for his death certificate was  Evelyan  Deaton.  
BD  had been a chain  smoker all of his life and even  when put on  oxygen  and 
ordered to stop  smoking by his  physician, he was unable to do so.   In  1979,  
after many years of separation,  BD  and LDD  had a very long and meaningful  
discussion of  those early  events that led to BD  and AMG  getting 
divorced...the event that made  BD  an absentee  father.  Both father and son 
felt much better after the discussion. 
CHILDREN OF  BERNICE  DEATON (grandchildren of WSD):

I.  Lonnie  Dale Deaton  who is the grandfather of Alexander Deaton Haas & 
Zachary Deaton Haas (see above).
II. Bernita Jean "Susie"  Deaton  was born ca 1942 in Deming, NM.   She first 
married  Donald  Kassner.  "Susie"  eventually married several times and had a 
number of children.  She was a school teacher. Her mother was Agnus Flynn of 
III. Sarah Elizabeth  "Sallie"  Deaton  was born ca 1943 in Deming, NM.  
Throughout most of her life  "Sallie"  felt  considerable hostility for her 
father;  hence they were never close.  Her mother was also Agnus Flynn.
IV.  Sharon June  "Sherry"  Deaton  was born 1-27-1947 in Silver City, NM, and 
at the age of 15 married  John  Drinkard on 3-17-1962.  The young couple eloped.  
After having two children,  "Sherry"  and John were divorced,  Corrina born in 
1965  and Jody  born in 1969.
V. Roland  William  "Jumbo"  Deaton  was born 8-6-1949 in Silver City, NM.  He 
married  Jorene  Gheradine on 12-13-1969.  They had no children.  "Jumbo"  
became a master  electrician.
VI. Richard  Owen "Rod" Deaton  was born in 1952 in  Las Cruces, NM.  He first 
married  Gail Cartwright on 2-20-1971.  They had one son (Brent born in 1975)  
and were divorced after 1987.GENERATION FIVE:  WILLIAM "WILL" SHIMMIN DEATON
William Shimmin "Will"  Deaton (WSD)(SSN 525-95-6627), the great, great 
grandfather of  ADH & ZDH and the  grandfather of  LDD,  the third son and sixth 
child of William Harrold Deaton and Eliza Ann  Clendinin, was born  12-2-1877 
(some records have him born 2-2-1878) in  Friendship,  Crockett County, TN.  He 
left home at the age of fourteen and never returned ,  married  Sarah Elizabeth  
Colvin on 8-6-1897, died  4-25-1966 in  Sonora,  Stanislaus  County, CA, and was 
buried in  Lakewood Memorial  Park (section 24/23, lot H  Block, plot 33)  
Empire, Stanislaus county,  CA.   He spend the last six months of  his life in 
the Sonora  Convalescent  Hospital.  Dr.  B. Brown, the attending  physician, 
listed the cause of death as "cerebral  vascular accident...generalized  
arteriosclerosis."  The funeral  was handled by the Modesto  Mortuary.  Sarah 
Elizabeth Colvin (SEC) was the death  certificate informant and she reported 
that she did not  know  the identity of  his parents.  One wonders if she was 
not keeping a promise to her husband to maintain  their vow of silence.  Except  
for brief  bits and pieces of information  shared with his only daughter, "Will"  
never  revealed to anyone the identity of his parents.  "Sally" (SEC), as she 
was called, was born 2-3-1882 in  Canton,  Van Zandt Co.,  TX.  She died 5-6-
1970 in Modesto,  Stanislaus Co.,  CA. Her parents were  William Henry Colvin 
and Nancy Rebecca  Hollis.

"Great  Grandpa,  tell us about  the mystery of old  ‘Will' Deaton."
"You  want to know why old  ‘Will' Deaton  denounced his family,  do you?  Well,  
let's of  you  younguns  fetch  me my pipe...there Little Missy, you 
lay  my book  over on the desk...the rest of you gather around and I'll  tell 
you about my favorite ancestor and about the biggest  dad-burn  secret   this 
family  has ever had.  As a matter of fact, I calculate as how,  except for old 
‘Will'  himself,  I'm  the only  person in this big  world that knows  the true 
story of why ‘Will' Deaton  left home and disowned his family.  Now,  just lots  
of  kinfolks  think  they know the story  but none  of  them really do.  Some 
have said his stepmother  run him off, but he didn't have a stepmother.  Some 
have said  his papa  died when ‘Will'  was just a lad, but ‘Will's' father did 
not die until  ‘Will'  was  29 years old.  Some have said  his papa  died in  
Dallas,  but he died in Memphis.  I calculate that all these false rumors  got 
started  because, ever once in a while,  old  ‘Will' would forget himself  and  
let a little information slip out  and folks would do some supposin'  based on 
what ‘Will' had said.,  But the truth is,  younguns,  nobody  but your old  
great  grandpa  here knows  the whole story and it took  me nearly  five years 
of searching and digging and hunting  before I finally  uncovered the truth of 
what happened  back there in Memphis, TN, at 313 Georgia Avenue,  in about 1891.  
Now, old  ‘Will's' full  name was ‘William Shimmin Deaton.'  Younguns, I ain't 
got the foggiest notion where  his father (William Harrold  Deaton)  and his 
mother (Eliza Ann  Clendinin)  got the middle name of ‘Shimmin,' but I do know 
that old ‘Will'  hated it and never  admitted that he even had a middle name.  
He  didn't like the name of ‘William' any to well either. I reckon that was 
because he was named after his papa. He told everybody his name was just plain 
‘Will,'  and he got a might huffy if some family member  aggravated him about 
it.  Now,  old ‘Will' was born in the little town of Friendship,  Crockett 
County,  in  west Tennessee, in the year 1877.  When he was about seven years of 
age, his papa  moved the family  to Springfield, Mo.,  but  they did not stay  
long.  In 1889,  they moved   back  to Tennessee and Memphis.  I calculate as 
how it was while ‘Will'  was in Springfield  that he attended that there 
catholic school  with the priest and nuns  and such like.  I don't  reckon he 
ever went back to school when he got to Memphis.  I have a suspicion  that old 
‘Will'  wanted to go to school  some more but his papa  made him quit and take a 
job as a janitor with a company called  the Milburn Gin and Machine Co.  Old 
‘Will's'  big  brother,  Robert, worked for this company  too.  And this must 
have been about the time when all the big trouble started!  From all that I can  
read and have heard  about William  Harrold,  I just  know he made ‘Will' turn 
over his earnings to him to support the family.  Now,  don't you know that 
really burnt old ‘Will' up something fierce.  I reckon  I know how ‘Will' felt.  
When a fella is young,  being fair  seems  awful important  to him.  Later on, 
of course, ‘Will'  would learn that life is not fair and probably  never will be 
fair.   But ‘Will'  didn't know that then, so it didn't seem  right to him  that 
he should have to give his earnings to his papa  when old William Harrold wasn't  
all that strong on  work himself.  I can just hear old  ‘Will'  shout,  ‘How 
come  I have to help support  the family  when you don't?'  Now don't you know,  
the battle over work and money  went on and on for about  two years.  Finally, 
their  quarrel got so bad  that  William Harrold  ordered ‘Will' to ‘help 
support the family or get out!'  Well  I want to tell you younguns,  that is a 
mighty heavy load to put on a young boy.  Any  ways, ‘Will'  was mighty proud 
and a might stubborn.  He reckoned as how he thought he was right and he would 
not budge.  So he  packed his bags and headed out the door.  Old Eliza gave him 
five dollars and asked him to write  when he could,  but he never did.  I reckon  
as how old  William  Harrold  never thought ‘Will'  would leave,  but he was 
mistaken.  So  William  Shimmin  Deaton  left  Memphis and   never went  back. 
Neither his mama or papa, or his brothers or sisters, ever heard from him again.  
And this is why none of old ‘Will's'  children, nor grandchildren, have any 
notion  about  where they came from or who ‘Will's'  parents  were."
"What is the moral of this story,  Great Grandpa?"
"I  reckon  the moral to that story is...if a fella  expects life to be  fair he 
sure is going to get his feelings hurt  real  bad  many  times.  I reckon  this 
story  teaches us parents  that we ought to set  a good example for your  
younguns.  Since  it seemed  to old ‘Will'  that his father was shiftless and no 
good,  it didn't seem right to him  that he should have to work  and support  
the family."
According  to  WSD's  marriage license,  "Willie  Deaton and "Sallie Colvin"  
were married in Van Zandt  County,  TX, on 8/6/1898.   The magistrate was W.W.  
Slaughter,  the county  clerk  was J.P.  DuBose, and the deputy  clerk was  T.B.  
Towles.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Colvin (Sallie) was only  sixteen at the time she 
married  "Will"  Deaton.  Since age eleven  she had been in the employ of a 
family in Van Zandt County.  Her mother, Nancy  Rebecca  Hollis Colvin had 
participated in the 1893 Oklahoma  Land Rush  but had left  "Sallie" behind in 
Van Zandt County.  According to family tradition,  a local  family  took her in 
and  offered her room and board,  clothes, etc., in exchange for her labor.  She 
remained with this family until  she married  "Will." To this day  the family 
does not know what drew WSD to Van  Zandt  County nor how long he had been there 
before he married  Sallie.  It is known  that another family of  Deatons  lived 
in the area.  At any rate, "Will"  was  a wanderer and before long  he was in 
Bell Co.,  TX,  where his son, Enoch,  was born.  By  1903  he was in Coalgate,  
Coal  County, OK.  In  1905 he was in Mountain View, OK.  Gotebo, Washita 
County, OK,  was his residence in 1908 and  Rocky, Washita, County,  by 10-1910.  
Earlier in  1910, when the US. census was taken, he lived at 805 Idaho  Ave., 
Chickasaw,  Grady  County, OK.  Census records have him renting a house,  
working in a flour mill warehouse, literate,  and the  son of  parents,  both of 
whom were born in TN..  Presumably,  SEC  was the informant  for this document.  
No  doubt  WSD  had told her that his parents were born in TN., information  he 
likely  thought was correct (actually  his father was born in  Arkansas  but 
remained there only very  briefly). LDD  reports that he can  recall meeting his 
grandfather only on one occasion.  This was in  1945 in  Ceres, CA.  Lonnie  
recalls that his grandfather  always wore  "overalls."  Amanda  Griffitts  
recalls that her father-in-law  was a very shy and distant man (he never would 
make eye contact)...stubborn...honest...hard working...a good father...hard 
shell Baptist and "one who led the singing in church."  Family legend has him 
joining the Primitive Baptist Church in July of 1912, Likely in Rocky, OK.
The following is a reproduction of the 1880 United  States Census of Crockett  
Co., TN.
	W.H. Deaton	age 36	b. Ark.                                                                          
E.S.			       37	    Tn.	    .                                                                  
R.C. (son)		     12		    Tn.						
	S.I.    (dau)		     10                Ill.				
	B.F.   (son)		       8		     Tn.				
			Ale I. (dau)		       6		     Tn.		
					G.H.  (son)		       4		     Tn.	
						W.S.  (son)		       2		     Tn.
The following is a reproduction of the 1900  United States Census of Memphis, 
	William H.  Deaton	 b.  6-1844	  Ark.					
		Eliza A.		   	 b. 11-1845     Tn.				
			Samantha		   	 b.  7-1870      Tn.			
				Arrista C.  Fogle (d)          b. 12-1875     Tn.	
						Anna  C.             (d)           b.  7-
1879      Tn.
Unfortunately,  the 1890  census of the United  States  was destroyed by fire.  
Were this not the case, it would be possible  to clear up  any doubts  as 
touching the  parents of WSD.  From the two  above  records it is clear  that 
his family moved to Memphis  between  1880 and 1900  but that WSD   was gone by 
1900.  It is during this interim that he is alleged to have had the quarrel  
with  his parents  that led to his leaving home.  By  1900,   "Will"  was in 
CHILDREN OF  WILLIAM "SHIMMIN" DEATON (great  great grandfather of  ADH & ZDH):

I.  Enoch  Matterson  Deaton (EMD) (SSN 458-1378)  was born 3-2-1901 in Bell 
Co., TX.  (Some family members believe he was born in   Coal, Co., OK.)  In 
1920, at the age of nineteen,  he has hired himself out to a farmer named Lee 
Senter in Kiowa Co., OK.  His parents at the time were living in McClain Co., 
OK.  He married  Lora  Celeste  Simpson on 6-5-1920 and died  in  a place  crash 
on 7-8-1944 in  Parmer Co.,   TX.  Lora was born 4-1-1902 in Hobart, Kiowa, Co.,  
OK.  She was the daughter of  James Simpson  and Nettie  Collins.  She second 
married Claude  Garrison and died 9-3-1973 at "B.C.M.C" hospital in  
Albuquerque, NM.  She had been living with her husband at 1017 E. Brazos, 
Portales, NM.  According to her daughter,  Betty Johnson,  Lora  had actually  
been married  three or four times  after Enoch's death.  The attending physician  
at her death was Blithe A. Schroder.  He listed the cause of death  as acute 
myeloblastic leukemia.  She was buried at Oklahoma  Lane  Cemetery,  Farwell,  
Parmer Co., TX.  The  burial was handled by Fitzgerald and Sons of  Albuquerque, 
NM.  Claude  Garrison  was the death certificate informant.
Enoch Deaton  was apparently an excellent business man and was financially quite 
successful at the time of  his death.  He was in the cotton gin and farming 
business.  He formed a partnership  with a Mr. Brock and together they owned and 
operated cotton gins in Lariat and Farwell, OK.  His death certificate states 
that "Enoch Madison (sic) Deaton...died of injury to chest over heart  
a place  crash...near  Farwell, TX."  It should be noted that several errors 
appear on his document including the incorrect spelling of his middle name.  He 
was buried in Love Cemetery, Oklahoma Lane, OK,  about  six miles east of  
Farwell,  Parmer Co.,  TX.  The services were handled by Steed  Funeral  Home.  
The  attending physician was Scott  Johnson.  The informant was Lora C. Simpson.  
One must think a great deal  about the name "Matterson" and might conclude that 
parents would hardly  give a child such a name arbitrarily.  One might suspect 
that there must be a "Matterson" in  "Will" or "Sallie's"  background, however,  
to this date, no one researching the Deaton family  has come up with a 
connection to the name.  It is worthy of note, however, that Sarah  Elizabeth 
Colvin's  maternal  grandfather was  James Madison Hollis.  Bernice Deaton  
always thought  that his brother's  middle name was  "Madison" and could not be 
convinced otherwise until  he visited his brother's  grave and read the name 
"Matterson"  on Enoch's  headstone.
			CHILDREN OF  ENOCH  MATTERSON  DEATON (grandchildren of   
		A. Carl  Enoch  was born  ca 1921 in Hobart, Kiowa,  Co.,  OK, and 
married Fredria Lorene Fair on 10-7-1946 in Hays, Ellis Co., KA.  "Freddy,"  as 
she was called, lived about  seven miles northeast of Oberlin,  KA.  "Freddy"  
was the daughter of Fred Ivan Fair and Viola Luella Meyer. For many years Carl  
and  his son  David operated successfully  the "Clovis Body Shop  and CSB Auto 
Recyclers,"  in Clovis, NM.
			CHILDREN OF CARL ENOCH DEATON (gt grandchildren of WSD):                       
1. Carl David  who married  1st married Mary Valdez and 2nd married Janet Ellen 
	     Children of Carl David Deaton;
		 			a. Charlotte Sue Deaton.
		 			b. Dominick David Deaton
					c. Carl Enoch Deaton.		
			2. Robert  "Bobby" Fred who married Kimberly Renee Smith and 
had Jenna 	          Renee Deaton.	 .                                                                                              
    		3. Laura Louise who married Tom Tyne Harlan and had Jenna Sue and 
Kristi               Lynn Harlan.
			4. Sue Ellen who married Paul Dwayne Whatley.  Paul was born 
1-12-1949 and died 12-9-1977.   They had Kimberly Ann Whately.  Sue also married  
Robert Boyd.
		B. Mable  was born  2-3-1921 in Hobart, Ok, and married Raymond  
Martin on 8-5-1939 in  Clovis, Curry Co., NM.  Mable died of cancer 10-24-1974  
at High Plains  Baptist Hospital,  Amarillo, TX.  Raymond was born 3-1-1921 in  
Mountainair,  Torrence Co., NM.
			CHILDREN OF  MABLE  DEATON  MARTIN (gt grandchildren of WSD):
	           1. Jimmy  Ray Martin  was born 4-21-1941 in Clovis, NM.  As of 
1980, he was living in Deming, NM.  Jimmy  married "Gwenda."			
			2. Kathryn Ann Martin  was  born 5-5-1940 in Clovis, NM, 
married Tommie   Phillips, and as of 1980 resided in Broken  Arrow, OK.  They 
had  Clifton      and Tressa  Phillips.							
3. Lora  Sherlene  Martin  was born 9-10-1944 in Clovis, NM, married  Bobby  
Atkinson,  and as of 1980  resided in Decatur, TX.  They had "Kelly."		
			4. Peggy Darlene  Martin  was born 1-11-1948 in Clovis, NM, 
married  Cliff 	          Harlen, and as of 1980  lived in San  Antonio, TX.
					Children of Peggy Darlene Martin Harlen:                                                   
						a. Jason Scott Harlen.                                                                                     
						b. Mark Wayne Harlen.				
			  c. Tracy  Darlene Harlen.					
			5. Dickey  Lynn  Martin  was born 4-13-1954 and died 3-7-1960.
		C. Elsie May  Deaton,  who first married Garland  Sisk  and second 
married Kelton Joyce  Hickman in 1979, was living at 2598  Ridge Rd.,  Prescott, 
AZ, in 1980. Kelton  was born 11-21-1921 and died in 1979 in Prescott, Yavapai 
Co., AZ.
			1. Larry  Garland Sisk.
			2. Kenneth Wayne Hickman.
			3. Karen Kay Hickman.
		D. Dorothea  Deaton  was born 10-18-1926 in Carnegie, OK, and 
married Emmett  Baldridge on 12-30-1944.  Emmett was born 1-30-1917 in 
Tahlequah, OK.  By  a previous marriage  Emmett had Charlotte, Mitch, and 
Hyland.  Emmett's first wife had died at the age of 24.  Dorothea  raised 
Emmett's three children  as if  they were her own.  As of 1980,  Dorothea and 
Emmett were living at 1516  Elder Court, Broken Arrow,  Ok 74012.  The following 
obituary  appeared in the Tulsa World 10-11-1997:  "Baldridge, Emmett M., 80, 
retired  Greyhound  bus driver, died  Thursday.  Services 2p.m. Monday, Moore's  
Southland Funeral Home Chapel."
			CHILDREN  OF  DORTHEA  DEATON  BALDRIDGE (gt grandchildren of 
WSD) 			1. Charlotte  Ann Baldridge  was born 5-1-1937 in Claremore, 
			2. Mitchell Emmett  Baldridge  was born 4-26-1939 in 
Indianapolis, IN.
			3. Hyland  Marie Baldridge  was born 1-18-1942 in 
Indianapolis, IN
			4.  Carolyn Jeanette  Baldridge was born 10-18-1945 in Tulsa, 
		E. William Earl  Deaton  was born 10-27-1928 in Albert, OK. He 
married Patricia Ann Millet and as of 1980 was living at 715 Kenmore Circle, 
Newberry  Park, CA 91320.

			CHILDREN OF  WILLIAM EARL  DEATON (gt grandchildren of    
WSD):             1. Mike Earl  Deaton.
			2. Steven  Gary  Deaton. 
			3. Donna Marie Deaton.
			4. Cynthia Ann  Deaton..						
			5. Mark Anthony Deaton.
		F. Betty  Jeanette Deaton  married Chester  Bob Johnson   in 1962.  
Chester was the son of  Chester Green Johnson and Lula Houston.  In  1981, Betty  
was working for the Security  Pacific  Bank  in Newberry Park, CA.  In 1997  
Betty  Johnson  discovered her cousin  LDD on the Internet and they became 
"Internet pen pals."
			CHILDREN  OF  BETTY  DEATON  JOHNSON (gt grandchildren of 
			1. Chester  Bob  Johnson Jr., was born ca 1954 and married  
"Shirley"  and had Larry Johnson.  As of 1981, " Johnny" and Shirley  were 
living in Cheyenne, WY.  Johnny worked for a chemical  company and Shirley  
worked for a veteran's hospital.	
			2. Jamie  Dorthea  Johnson  was born ca 1956,  married  Paul 
Chambers  and,   as of 1980, was living in Fremont, CA.  They had Jennifer  
			3. Lawatha  Jean Johnson was born ca 1958 and married  Bill  
Wisehart.  Bill              at that time was a Park Ranger and Lawatha  was 
studying to become an                      emergency room  technician.  They 
were living in Hesperia, CA, in 1979.	
			4. Sterling Jeffrey  Johnson was born ca 1963 and planned to 
join the Air                             Force.
II. Leonard Albert  Deaton (SSN 566-14-9029)  was born 1-17-1903 in Coalgate, 
Coal Co., OK, married  Anna William's, and died  on 4-24-1968 in Fresno, CA.  
His death certificate  states that he died at 9:20pm in Fresno Community 
Hospital of "carcinomatosis, grade IV, cancer of the colon."  For the last 
twenty-five  years of  his life he lived at 4302 N. Brooks, Fresno, CA., and 
worked for Fresno  Mosquito  Abatement  District,  Mosquito  Control, as a 
sprayer.  It is conceivable that Albert's occupation  may have had something to 
do with his developing cancer.  He was buried at  Belmont  Memorial  Cemetery, 
Fresno, CA.  The funeral  was handled by Stephens and Bean.  The embalmer  was 
Manford E. Morton and the attending physician was Dale R. Pinkington.  The 
informant  for the death certificate was Hester Deaton.  Very little information 
is available concerning  Albert's children.  It is known  that he had a daughter 
named  "Raye" (Rae?)  who married  Chris J. Wiese. 
III. William  Lonnie  Deaton was  born 12-28-1905 in Mountain View, OK, and died 
7-15-1922.  He is buried in the Elm  Flat  Cemetery,  near Rocky, Washita Co.,  
OK.  Lonnie's  death  certificate states that he died the afternoon of  7-15-
1922  of  accidental causes.  He was 16  years of age. The attending physician 
was J. D.  Ballard.  "Will"  Deaton was the informant.  Bernice Deaton recalls 
well the events surrounding his brother's death.  Lonnie  had become ill on 
Wednesday  before dying on  Saturday.  He had a passing out spell while working 
in the fields.  His father had carried him back to the house.  This passing out 
spell  was accompanied by twitching and jerking but,  apparently was not 
diagnosed as epilepsy.  The following Saturday he set out for town on horseback.  
Sometime  later the horse was  found riderless on a nearby  bridge spanning a 
small creek.   The family began searching and late that evening found Lonnie in 
the water under the bridge.  The crawfish had  eaten  away  part of  his upper 
lip.  It is speculated that he had stopped at the creek to get a drink of water, 
had a passing out spell, fell in the water, and drowned. 
IV. Leon Deaton, "Will" and Sally's only daughter, was born 1-23-1908 in Gotebo, 
Kiowa Co., OK.  She married James Hardy Chisum. Hardy  was born 8-15-1908 in 
Tishomingo, Johnson Co., OK.  He died 9-30-1980 in Modesto, CA.  Lonnie Deaton  
reports that, while BD and AMG were having marital trouble, he lived with "Leon 
and Hardy" in Lordsburg, NM, for about three months.  For many years he believed 
that while he lived with his aunt and uncle, he had been responsible for 
breaking one of  his cousins arms.  This was, however, a trick of the memory.  
In a letter to Lonnie  dated 5-5-1979, Leon indicated that no such  situation 
had in occurred in her home.  In this letter she also confirmed that her Dad had 
been very reluctant to talk about his family.  She did recall that he stated 
that his family lived in Memphis and had worked for the railroad.  Leon  died in  
January of 1999 in  California.  "Hardy"  died in  1980.  
		CHILDREN OF  LEON  DEATON CHISUM (grandchildren of WSD):

		A. Grover Chisum who married "Frances"  and had Jim and Todd Chisum.
		B. Berl (Burl?) G. Chisum was born in Oklahoma 4-8- 1929  and died 
6-17-1990 in Pasadena, California. He had married "June" and had  Rebecca and 
Sandra  Chisum.  Rebecca married a Mr. Donhan and  Sandra married a Mr. Eppard. 
		C. Neal Chisum married "Marcylene." 
			Children of Neal Chisum:
			1. April Chisum.
			2. Gregg Chisum.
			3. Stanley Chisum.
			4. Paul Chisum.
V. David  Owen  Deaton was born 10-9-1910 in Rocky, OK, and married Etioley B. 
Brown 12-18-1929 in Anadarko, Caddo Co., OK.  "Toiley" was the daughter of 
Beaumont Brown and Celia Green Colbaugh.  She was born 12-9-1912 in Albert, 
Caddo Co., OK.  As of 1979  they were living  on Shaws  Flat Rd, Sonora, CA 
95370.  In October of 1979, they celebrated their 50th  wedding anniversary.  
October was more convenient for the family than December.  Owen lost an eye when 
he was very young. He  died in 1991. "Toiley"  was born in 1912 in Albert, Caddo 
Co., OK, and died 11-3-2000.  She is buried in Shaws Flat Cemetery, Sonora, CA.  
The following are the thoughts of Neva Stoddard Laidlaw upon the death of her 
			"I imagine a warm fire in the wood stove, the smell of bacon 
and Grandma making Grandpa a cup of Folger's and a Taster's Choice for herself.  
Its been a long, lonesome wait, but this morning they are back together again.   
Later, they'll put on their jackets, go sit out front and catch up on all that's 
gone on and soak up a little warmth from the morning sun."
	CHILDREN OF  DAVID OWEN  DEATON (grandchildren of WSD):
		A. Betty Imogene "Ima" was born 10-14-1930 in Binger, Caddo Co., OK. 
She married  Darrel "Dan"  Stoddard on 4-29-1952 in Jamestown, Tuolumne Co., CA.    
Darrel  was born 5-5-1925  near Piedmont,  Meade Co., SD.   He served in the 
U.S. Navy in Monrovia in a troop  transport division.
			CHILDREN OF  IMOGENE DEATON  STODDARD                             
			1. Dana Dayle Stoddard born 10-15-1953 in Lodi, San  Juaquin 
Co.,  CA. Dana married William  Edwin  Gard 6-28-1975 in Basin, Big Horn Co., 
WY.  "Bill" was born 2-7-1948 in El Monte, Los Angeles Co., CA.  "Bill" was in 
the U.S. Marine Corp and did two tours in Viet Nam.  Their marriage ended in 
					Children of Dana  Dayle  Stoddard Gard:                                              
					a. Isaac Lee  Gard  born 1-6-1973 in the South Big 
Horn County Hospital in Greybull, Big Horn Co., WY.  Isaac married  Brandi  Bell  
Sessions on 10-23-1996 in Thermopolis, Hot Springs Co., WY.  Brandi was born 6-
29-1973 in Thermopolis.  They had  Rowdy  Seth  Gard 1-15-1997 who was born in 
Themopolis.  He was born in the Hot Springs Memorial Hospital.		
					b.  Neva  Gayle  Stoddard  who was born 11-28-1954 
in  San Andreas, Calaveras Co.,  CA.  Neva  married Clyde  Thomas  Laidlaw  Jr.,  
who was born 6-20-1956 in San Rafael, Marin Co., CA. The  marriage took place on 
10-30-1982 in James town, Tuolumne, CA.			                     
						Children of  Neva Gayle Stoddard Laidlaw:                                                          
(1) Daniel  Thomas  Laidlaw who was born 9-16-1983 in                                   
Sonora, Tuolumne Co., CA.                                                                       
						(2)  Zana Stoddard  Laidlaw  who was born 6-
1-1985 in Sonora,              	Tuolumne Co., CA.
						(3) Leta Lynn Stoddard who was born 5-21-
1957 in San  Andreas, Calaveras Co., CA.
		B. Peggy Joan  (Joanna?)  was born 2-6-1935 in Mountain View, Kiowa 
Co., OK, and first married Quinn Dale  Karnes 1-7-1951 in Reno, NV. The marriage 
ended in divorce.   She  second married Tim Brune 5-2-1953.  Tim was born 7-10-
1934 in Hollister, CA.  Tim  was the son of James Theodore Brune and Celia 
Bernice Kahl.  Peggy Joan was "Jo"  to her family and "Peg" to her friends.
				1. Melody  Berniece Brune who was born 1-16-1954 in 
Sonora, Tuolumne Co., CA.  Melody  first married Lawrence Lee  Kram on 5-16-1973 
in Sonora, CA. The marriage ended in divorce.  She second married  James  Farrel 
Brawly on 5-1-1976  "Jim" was born 12-28-1952.  This marriage also ended in 
							Children of Melody Berniece Brune 
						a. Andrew  James Brawley  who was born in 
11-15-977 in Sonora,  Tuolumne Co., CA.
						b. Douglas Farrel  Brawley who was born 5-
28-1980 in Oakdale, Stanislaus Co., CA and married Chritina Miles 2-1999 in 
Ione, Amador Co., CA.   They had Abigail  Elizabeth Brawley 5-14-1999.  Abigail 
was born in Susanville, CA. 
				2. Anthony Jack  Brune  who was born 4-25-1955 in 
Sonora,  Tuolumne Co., CA.. Jack married Karen Kaye  Fletcher 8-20-1983 in 
Pinehurst, Tuolomne Co., CA.  Karen was born 5-20-1952.			
				3. Paul  Brent  Brune who was born 6-11-1957 in Sonora, 
Tuolumne Co., CA. Paul married Cynthia Carol Crouch  on 6-27-1985  in Carson 
City, Douglas Co., NV. The marriage ended in divorce.  Cynthia was born 8-24-
1959 in TX.		
		C. Charlotte Lou  Deaton was born 8-31-1938 in Mountain View, Kiowa 
Co., OK. She  evidently  married  Travis Stanley Cantrell 7-27-1963 in Oklahoma 
City, OK.  Travis was born 1-3-1934   in Oklahoma City, OK.  Travis   died 4-2-
1977 in Modesto, CA.  He is buried in Lakewood Memorial Park, Empire CA.  Travis 
was the son of  William Theodore Cantrell and Ruby Johnson.   She was never 
legally married to Daniel  John Stone 	who was born 7-30-1922 in Indianola, 
Pittsburg Co., OK.  He died 3-1-1988 in Modesto, CA. Travis served in both the 
Army and the Navy  and was medically 	discharged during the Korean War.  She  
married  John Carson on 4-26-1992 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV.  "Johnny"   was 
born 7-3-1935. Johnny  was a cousin of Travis Cantrell.		
			1. Jeffrey Owen  Deaton who was born 9-24-1955 in San Andreas,                    
Calaveras Co., CA. Jeffrey married Patricia Mifflin on 11-1-1979 in                
Modesto, CA. 
					Children of Jeffrey Owen Deaton:
					a. Elizabeth "Beth" Annette Deaton was born 10-5-
1983 in 				Eureka, Humboldt Co.,  CA. 
					b. Seth Owen Deaton was born 10-5-1883 in Eureka, 
Humboldt Co., CA.
			2.  Dennis Edward Deaton who was born 7-17-1957 in Auburn, 
Placer Co., CA.  He married  Tena Wood on 1-3-1976 in Lubec, Washington Co., 
Maine.  The marriage ended in divorce.  Tena  was born 5-15-1958  in Lubec, 
Washington Co., ME.  Dennis died 8-11-1995 in CA.
					Children of Dennis Edward Deaton:
					a. Sara Leslie  Deaton  born 10-20-1976 in 
Modesto, Stanislaus Co., CA. Sara married  Garrick Shurn in 1993 and had Troy 
Reuben (b. 1994) and Denae Monique (b. 1995).                                                        
					b. Travis James Deaton who was born in 1979 in 
Modesto, Stanislaus Co., CA.
				3. William  Travis  "W.T."Cantrell who was born 1-12-
1972 in Modesto,  Stanislalus Co., CA, and cohabitated with a Miss Vasquez.  
They had  Zandria Cantrell who was born 8-26-1992 in Modesto.
		D. Kenneth Owen  Deaton   who was born 4-4-1942 in Mesa,  Maricopa 
Co., AZ and married Wanda Carlene Morales on 8-3-1963.   Wanda was born in 5-12-
1941 in  Livemore, Almeda Co., CA..  Kenneth died in 16-22-1993 in Missoula, 
Montana and was buried 6-1933 in Shaws Flat Cemetery, Sonora, Tuolmne Co., CA.  
At the time of his death "Ken" was living in Salmon, ID.  He was flown to 
Missoula, MT,  for medical treatment but died of "aortic dissection and 

			CHILDREN OF  KENNETH OWEN  DEATON:                                                                     
1. David Kenneth Deaton who was born 2-6-1964 and had Kenneth Thomas                        
Deaton (b. 9-20-1991).
			 2. Darrel Kevin Deaton who was born 7-12-1969 in Sonora, 
Tuolumne Co., CA,    had Samantha Marie Deaton (b. 2-14-1989) and Daniel Kevin 
Deaton who  was born 9-13-1990 in CA.
VI. Ira  Deaton (male)  was born 3-8-1913, in Washita Co., OK, and did 3-14-1913 
at his place of birth.  He lived only six days.
VII. Bernice Deaton (male)  is the direct line (great grandfather) of Alexander 
Deaton Haas & Zachary Deaton Haas (see above).
VIII. Brentus  Lloyd Deaton was born 2-29-1918 in Byars, McClain Co., OK, and 
married Dora Dowdy (Doughty?) in Lariat, TX on 12-24-1937  In 1979, Brent and 
Dora  were living in Cave Junction, OR.
		CHILDREN OF  BRENTUS  LLOYD  DEATON (grandchildren of   WSD):
		A. Derry  (Darry?)Lynn who married "Sandra" was living in Maryland 
in 1979.		
			1. Kristi Deaton born in 1968.
			2. Kurt Deaton born in 1972.

		B. Marlan Grant Deaton.  Marlan was living in Jal, NM, in 1979.
		C. Deanna "Joy"  Deaton who married Doug  Hoskins. Deanna was living 
in Cave 		Junction, OR, in 1979.							
IX. Colvin  Deaton, who  was given his mother's maiden name, was born 2-5-1921 
in Mountain View, OK.  Colvin  called  himself  "Cal." Colvin  first married 
"Avis,"  second married  "Christine," third married "Agnes," fourth married 
"Lilly," fifth married "Helen," and sixth married "Lorene."

		A. Charles  Calvin "Pete"  Deaton who was born 5-17-1941.
		B. William Anderson  Deaton  who was born 8-27-1942.
		C. Robert Leon Deaton who was born 9-11-1944.
		D. Michael Leroy  Deaton who was born 12-20-1946.
		E. Sandra Lee Deaton who was born 4-12-1949.
		F.  Mark Deaton.
William  Harrold Deaton (WHD),  the man  about whom  William Shimmin Deaton  
would never talk nor even acknowledge,  the grandfather of  BD and the great  
grandfather of  LDD, was the third of nine children of  Littleberry Deaton and 
Christian (Christina?)  Walker.  He was born 6-1844 in Carroll County, AR,  
married Eliza Ann  Clendenin  2-17-1867 in Johnson Co., IL, died 1-29-1916 in 
Memphis, TN, and is buried in plot 400 (no headstone), Elmwood Cemetery, 
Memphis, TN.  Elmwood was one of  Memphis's  first cemeteries and is of 
historical  significance.  WHD's death certificate (File No 247, Register 
No.247)  states  that he died of "apoplexy."  Eliza, his widow, was the 
informant for this document and reported  that his parents were L.B. Deaton and 
Christian Walker.  Perhaps  significantly, she records his occupation as "none."  
WHD  appears in the 1870 Census of  McNairy Co., living next door to his father.  
He is recorded as living in HH 140 and owns no real estate but does have 
personal property valued at $100.  He was farming.  He had just returned from 
Illinois.  In 1880, he appears in the census of Crockett Co., TN. He is in HH 
134 and was working as a farmer.   We know  that WHD did some farming in his 
early  days and later worked briefly as a car repairer for the Kansas City, FT. 
Scott, and Memphis  Railroad, and from 1890-1895 worked "off and on" for the 
Kansas City, Memphis, and Birmingham  Railroad both as a carpenter and car 
repairer.  He is recorded in the Memphis City Directory of 1890 as working for 
the Kansas City and Ft. Scott Railroad as a "car repairer."  In 1901, he was 
working as a salesman for the Singer  Sewing Machine Co.  During his military 
days,  WHD  had gained a reputation  as a "malingerer" and evidently found 
sustaining gainful employment  difficult.  Perhaps Eliza  was expressing her 
negative feelings for her deceased  husband when she forever  had recorded his 
occupation as "none."  WHD  was attended in death by M.I. Breeden and buried by 
McDonald and Monteverde.. 
The  military  records of WHD, his pension  applications, and Eliza's  pension 
application are fascinating documents and, perhaps reveal the character of our 
ancestor.  William Harrold first joined the CSA (confederate army) 8-31-1861 
(Capt. Polk's Light Artillery) at Union City, TN.  In his various pension  
applications (dated 10-27-1890, 4-11-1891, 11-28-1896, 9-2-1902, 7-20-1903, and 
6-6-1912)(It took him twenty-two years to get his pension), he insisted he was 
"forced at the threat of death" to join the CSA.  This would seem to be 
confirmed by Littleberry Deaton's accounts in his book  when he refers to the 
community hostility  for Northern  sympathizers  such as the Deatons.  In a 
"General affidavit" dated 1898, Shelby Co., TN,  the following is recorded:
			Affiant W.H. Deaton  states that he...did not serve 
voluntarily in Polk's  Battery, S.A.,  but that affiant did state to said 
special  examiner  that when affiant did join Battery that he joined  through 
"intimidation and threats and pressure," that the affiant was only 17 old at the 
time he joined the Battery.  That affiant's  father was at the time serving in 
the Regiment of Illinois, infantry  Volunteers.  That affiant  did not want to 
join said battery at the time and had no sympathy with the rebellion. but at the 
time could not help joining said battery as such pressure  of a threatening 
character was brought to bear against affiant and affiant had no one to protect 
him at the time  being without friends among the enemy and when affiant got an 
opportunity left said Battery and joined the 3rd Regiment of the GAR  Illinois  
Cavalry (signed  W.H. Deaton).
In another "General Affidavit" dated 3-17-1897, Memphis, TN, WHD stated:
			I was enlisted in the Confederate Army in the summer of 1861 
by threats from armed 	rebels who told me that I would be imprisoned or hung if 
I did not join the southern army.  This persecution  commenced about the middle 
of May when my father and older brother went north and enlisted in the  Union 
Army at Cairo, Illinois, and was kept up by both soldiers and citizens until I 
enlisted in the southern army in August 1861. I was often called a Lincolnite 
while I was in the confederate service because I could not cheer the confederate 
flag with the Rebel Yell and I claim that I had not any simpathy (sic) with the 
Rebellion and deserted as soon as I could  get protection  at home and 
volunteered under strong persecution...I am not aided nor prompted by any 
written  or printed statement of 	recital  prepared or dictated by other 
persons and not attached as an exhibit to my testimony as above written but the 
facts are personally known and down at my request. (signed W.H. Deaton).
LDD  was able to locate the only existing record of WHD's  CSA military service.  
He did, indeed, enlist in "Polk's Light Artillery" on 8-6-1861 and served until 
10-31-1861 (86 days).  There is no record of him reenlisting or deserting.  If 
this record is complete  then he did not participate in the battle of Shiloh.  
He did not enroll in the GAR until 5-20-1864.  One must wonder where  WHD was 
between 10-31-1861 and 5-20-1864.  He reports that he "deserted as soon as he 
could get protection at home."  Was he hiding out somewhere all this time??
The following is a "General Affidavit"  sworn to by a James Lowery,  age 54, of 
Chester Co., TN, 11-26-1896.
			This is to certify  that I knew W.H. Deaton was forced in the 
Confederate Service against his will by  intimidation and threats.  Me and him 
and his parents and his brothers was very intimate friends and at the time he 
was forced in the confederate army I had to skip the country to keep out of the 
In another "General Affidavit"  dated 11-26-1896 and sworn to by a William 
Smith, age 71, of Hardiman Co., TN,  Mr. Smith  states:
			I, William Smith,. went with a company of Confederate  
soldiers to the house of W.H. Deaton in the spring of 1861 and that said 
soldiers told the said W.H. Deaton if he failed to join the Southern Army they 
would hang him and under the influence of such threats the said soldier  went 
with the Southern Army...
The "deserted as soon as I could" may not have been until 1864 (did WHD serve 
the CSA for three years?)  WHD's GAR  military record is most interesting and, 
perhaps, revealing.  These records indicate that he was age 20 (he was 17 when 
he claims he was forced  to join the CSA) at the time of  his enlistment, five 
feet nine inches "high," eyes gray, hair brown, and weight 140 lbs. He first 
appears on the GAR muster roll 2-1865 for the 23rd Illinois Regiment Cavalry  
Volunteers, Company "B."  He seems to have spent a great deal of time 
hospitalized and, eventually, gained a reputation for "malingering."  In a 
document entitled "Record and Pension Officer, Commissioner of  Pensions," the 
following is recorded:
			William H. Deaton, Co. "B" 3rd Reg't, Ill., Cav, was enrolled 
5-20-1864 and M.O. (mustered out) 10-10-1865 as of  Co. "F" regiment to which 
transferred 8-14-1864(note discrepancies in dates). From____?______ 1864 to 
March1865, he held the rank of Pvt., and during  that period the rolls show him 
present.  The medical  records show him treated as follows: William H. Deaton, 
Pvt., Co. "B" 3rd Ill, Cav., 6-23-1864, "malingering" and as W.H. Deaton, 7-23 
to 8-12-64, "Feb. Int Test"?  returned to duty.  Nothing additional found. (your 
author has not been able to determine what "Feb. Int Test" means).
		                            By the authority of the Secretary of War
As noted WHD  was transferred to Co. "F" perhaps because of his reputation for 
malingering and finished out the war as an orderly at Regimental Headquarters.  
He was mustered out 10-10-1865 at Ft. Snelling, MN.  He was last paid 4-30-1865.  
He evidently saw little, if any, combat.  No record has been found of him 
serving at "Shiloh" for  the CSA, but Polk's Light Artillery did serve in that 
battle; thus is may be that WHD did see some action in that historical conflict.  
At any rate, if our ancestor participated in this exceedingly bloody battle (4-
1862, Hardin Co., TN) and perhaps saw some of his friends fall, one might 
speculate that it made a lasting impression on him and, perhaps, explains some 
of  his later behavior.  It should also be recalled that his older brother, 
Martin Luther Deaton,  died in combat 2-21-1862.  Assuming that WHD  knew of  
his brother's death, he might have been exceedingly disinclined to risk his own 
WHD first  began applying for a GAR  Civil War pension in 1890 at the age of 45 
years.  His initial  application was denied.  He applied  five additional times.  
A document  entitled "Declaration for Invalid Pension" dated 10-27-1890  reads:
			William H. Deaton,  age 46, was honorably discharged  at Ft. 
Snelling, Minn., on 10-10-1865.  That  he is unable to earn  support by manual 
labor by reason of having 	Rheumatic Pain principal (sic) in the knees and 
ankles, so  as to lay him up a good deal of the time.  That said disabilities  
are not due to his vicious  habits and are to the best of his knowledge 
permanent...(signed by W.H. Deaton and two witnesses,  J.H. McCloud and K. 
The following  document is dated 10-24-1902 and entitled "Testimony of 
Employees, Neighbors, or acquaintances of Soldiers."
			On this day of Oct., A.D., 1902...personally appeared Ben  
Spacey(?) aged 39,   resident of Memphis...71 N. Second St...that he have (sic) 
been acquainted with said soldier for seven years...and that he were familiar 
with his physical condition during the period from 1895 until 10-24-1902, and 
knew him to be affected as follows:  "general  disability, old age (WHD was 58) 
and unfit for manual labor...that the disability is his opinion  was three-
fourths...said facts stated are personally known to me by reason of dayly (sic) 
acquaintance and general observation "(signed Ben  Spacey).
The following  affidavit is dated 10-1-1903:
			On or about the winter of 1896 at Binghanton, Tn., I incurred  
Rheumatism and in the Spring of 1900, I incurred  Bronchitis and in the Spring 
of 1901 I incurred Piles and I ask that this be included  in my  formal  
declaration formaly (sic) made.  And that the same 	was not in any manner  
caused by my own  vicious  habits (signed W.H. Deaton).
Finally,  this document  is dated 7-20-1903 and was sworn to by J.N. Smith, age 
50, and C. Hemick, age 60, both residents of  Memphis.
			That we have been acquainted with said soldier for seven years 
and sixteen years respectively and that we were familiar  with his physical  
condition during the period from 4-1896 until 7-20-1903, and knew him to be 
affected  as follows:  "A general brake (sic) down of the hole (sic) sistom 
(sic) and not dew (sic) to his vicious habits.  We no 	(sic) this from  
personal  acquaintance...we believe  he could not hold out to make more 
	than half time  if that" (signed J.N. Smith and C. Hemick).
It should be noted that at no time during these applications does WHD mention 
his alleged battle experience at Shiloh.  It should be also noted that WHD was 
gainfully employed (at least on a part-time  basis during the time he made the 
above applications.  His claim was finally honored and when he died he was 
drawing twenty-five dollars per month as a GAR  Civil War Veteran.  The 
following obituary  appeared in the Memphis  Commercial Appeal, 1-31-1916:
			"William H. Deaton, a veteran of the Grand Army of the 
Republic,  died late Saturday  night  at the residence of  his son-in-law, C. 
Lee Hicks, 1122  Beechwood Ave., a victim of heart failure.  Mr. Deaton is 
survived by a widow and eight children.  The  funeral  will take place from the 
residence at 3pm  this afternoon.  Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.
Finally,   to further cloud  the issue of WHD's  loyalty and motives, it must be 
noted that he was buried among the plots reserved for the HONORED CONFEDERATE 
DEAD.  One must imagine  that he requested  to be buried  thusly?? (This was 
confirmed by the visit of  LDD to Elmwood Cemetery 3-14-1981.  At this time LDD 
also visited  1122  Beechwood Ave.  The house at that time was occupied by an 
ethnic family).
Eliza  applied for a Civil War  veteran  widow's  pension on 2-16-1916.  In this 
document her maiden name is erroneously  recorded as "Clendening."  She stated 
that she and WHD were married in Vienna, Johnson Co., IL, 2-17-1867  by Elm  
Larance (Lemuel  Lawrence),  Justice of the Peace.  She also  listed the names 
and dates of birth of  her twelve children (only  eight  were living).  At the 
time of  her death in 1919  she was drawing a pension of twenty-five  dollars 
per month.
"Great Grandpa,  tell us again  about old "Will"  Deaton's father."
"You mean old  William Harrold  who lived in Memphis?  Well younguns, of all our 
ancestors, I reckon William Harrold is the most interesting and the most 
misunderstood,   and surely the most difficult to feel good about.  Now, I ain't 
exactly proud of him,  but I'm not ashamed of him either.  Any ways, when I 
first started hearing about him  and reading about him, I found myself wanting 
to condemn him and consign his soul to the darkest regions of the bottomless 
pit.  Finally, I commenced to see how unfair I was being to him.  I had not 
walked in his shoes, so who was I to judge him?  I reckon it's  a bit early for  
you younguns to be studying the subject of  biology in  school, but one day soon 
your teacher will  introduce you to the world of such living creatures as toads 
and snails and spiders and lizards and such like.  Well,  there is this 
fascinating little lizard  called a chameleon.  This little creature  has the 
amazing ability to turn  any color  he wants to.  When he is crawling on the 
brown ground, he turns brown. When he is resting on a white rock, he turns 
white.  When his is running through the green grass, he turns green.  This is 
the way he protects himself.  And don't  you know, that was exactly  the way old 
William Harrold was.  I  reckon  he could be whatever color he needed to be.  
When it was convenient for him to love the Confederacy, then he loved the 
Confederacy.  When it was convenient for him to love Union, then he loved the 
Union.  When it was  convenient for him to work, he worked.  When it was 
convenient for him to be sick, then he was sick.  When he was applying for his 
Civil  War pension, he hated the South and loved the North.; but when it came 
time to be buried, he requested to be buried with the Confederate dead.  Now, 
don't  be to hard on old William Harrold.  There was lots of  folks  just like 
him.  My  papa  called this kind of  person "wishy-washy."  I reckon  it was 
this habit of changing horses all the time that caused him so much trouble with 
the other soldiers and  with old "Will"  Deaton.  The Union  Army  did not think 
much of  him because they thought he was always pretending to be sick in order 
to get out of  fighting.  But I reckon, if  I had been at Shiloh...old William 
Harrold  claimed he fought at the battle of Shiloh with Polk's Light  
Artillery...and saw 23,000 men die, and some of them my friends, I might have 
not wanted to fight any more either.  Some folks  might even have  defended him 
by insisting that he had seen the senselessness of war and had found a way to 
avoid participating in all that senseless killing. I reckon others would just 
say he was lazy and cowardly and no good.  I don't reckon I know which was true.  
But I do know this younguns, that he and "Will"  to many times had very harsh 
words about school and work and money.  As a matter of fact, father and son 
became so distressed with one another  that "Will.," about the age of fourteen,  
packed up and left.  When William Harrold  died in 1916, he had not seen his son 
in almost twenty years.  Now, old "Will" was not the only  person  William 
Harrold could not get along with.  I don't know for sure  and certain,  but I 
calculate as how he kept  quite a commotion going on with his wife also.  Least  
ways, when he died  she told the doctor that her husband did not have an 
occupation.  This sounds to me like she was not all that fond of  her husband.  
Now,  I'm  here to tell you that Eliza was not all that easy to live with 
herself.  Any ways,  old William Harrold  was not exactly  a model citizen and I 
suspect  not to many folks felt bad when he died."
"What is the moral of this story,  Great Grandpa?"
"The moral of the story, younguns, is....don't be passing judgment on other 
folks.  Folks  generally have enough  trouble  taking care of  their own 
business without  getting all stirred-up over  what other folks do.  And I 
reckon a second lesson is that angry and bitter feelings amongst kinfolks leave 
an awful scar...scars that never heal."CHILDREN OF  WILLIAM  HARROLD  DEATON: 

I. Robert  Carnahan  Deaton  was  born 11-14-1867. He married Addie  R.  Buie  
ca 1888, 2nd married  Flora McDonald  ca 1898,  3rd married Maud  Melnotte, and 
died of a hear attack in Los Angeles, CA.  Addie  R. Buie was born in Holland, 
died 6-14-1893, and is buried in  Springfield, MO.  Flora  was born  in 1872 and 
died 7-7-1917 in Memphis, TN.  In 1890  Robert  was living in Memphis and was 
working as a carpenter for the Milburn Gin and Machine Co.  In 1901 he was 
working as a switchman for the Illinois  Central Railroad.  Robert and family  
appear in the 1920  census of Shelby Co. (City of Memphis).  He is recorded on 
E.D. 146, Sheet 1, Line 55.   In 1928 he was still working for ICCR and was 
married to Maud.  They were living at 1400  Preston  St., Memphis, TN.  Sometime 
after 1928, he moved to California.  He was the informant for his mother's  
death certificate (unfortunately  much of his information was incorrect).  In a 
letter to LDD   dated 6-17-1980, Ricka  Deaton  Blackwell, speaking of her 
grandfather ,  reported:
			"I didn't know my grandfather very well (Robert Carnahan 
Deaton).  He lived in Memphis until I was probably about ten years of age (1936) 
and I only saw him a few times. Don't know why  he left Memphis.  As far as I 
know,  I never heard anything about animosity  between him and our family.  He 
was a handsome man.  Had a full head of snow white hair.  I remember  hearing he 
was quite a good man on the dance floor..."
			CHILDREN OF ROBERT CARNAHAN  DEATON (grandchildren of            

			A. Charles F.  was born  8-11-1889 in Memphis, TN, and married 
Ann May Carey.  He died in 1968 and is buried in Memphis.  Annie was born 19-27-
21892 and died 9-9-1953.  In 1927, Charles and Annie were living at 1408 LeFlore  
Rd., and he was working as a switchman for ICCR. In 1931, he was still at this 
address and still with ICCR.  
			CHILDREN  OF  CHARLES  F. DEATON (gt grandchildren of WSD):
			1. Charles W.  born  3-7-1912 and died 9-1974.			
			2. Addie Linda  born 5-20-1923 and married John T. Knudson.  
John was  born 10-24-1922.									
         3. Roy  Joseph was born 11-17-1928.						
			4. Patricia  was born 1-26-1933 and married Don Wilson.  Don 
was born 1-                         1932.
		B. Claude  Terrell was born 6-13-1892 in Memphis, TN.  He 1st 
married Nancy Rogers  (b. 1899 KY) who was killed in an auto accident,  2nd 
married Mable Elvira Palmquist 12-21-1920.  Mable was born 4-10-1897.  Claude 
died  11-20-1970 and is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery.  Claude, Nancy, and 
their first child  are recorded in the 1920  census of Shelby Co. (City of 
Memphis).  They are living in HH  69.  This is a boarding house located on Lamar 
Ave.   He is working for the Railroad as a "foreman."  In 1927, Claude was 
working as a "foreman" and Mable was a stenographer.  Their address was 1669 
Kenilworth,  Memphis, TN.  Claude was employed by the Nashville, Chattanooga, 
and St. Louis Railroad as a "switchman"  from 1927-1931.  Mable  was employed by 
a Mr. L.G. Trotter 	as a secretary in 1927.  Ricka  Blackwell describes her 
father  as follows:
		 	"Daddy  was small in stature.  He was about 5'8" and weighed 
about 120  lbs.  My brother (we call   him C.T.)  was about the same height as 
Daddy, however weighed 150 lbs. Daddy had brown hair and   blue eyes.  I have a 
tintype of him and his Dad when Daddy was  a very young child and his father  
was very handsome and rugged looking...My Daddy  started working as a call boy 
when he was eleven  years old and switched over to NC & St. L. RR (merged later 
with L&N) and served as yardmaster  and had a total of 60  years of service when 
he retired.  From you signature (LDD), I notice it is very similar to 
Daddy's...Daddy  was just a grand guy.  Everyone that knew him  loved him...his 
nickname was "Bugger"...and he was happy and jolly  until the day he died.  He 
loved to tell jokes.  He, too, ran away from home when he was eleven years of 
age.  His aunt (Lemantha Idella), known as "Aunt Dell,"  took him into her home 
and raised 	him...Never a day went by that he didn't come into the kitchen and 
give my 	mother a big kiss and tell her how pretty she was.  They had a 
wonderful 	marriage.  He was a good Christian man...knew the Bible very well 
and lived by it.  They were both  active in the Lutheran Church...I feel very 
fortunate to have had such wonderful parents" (letter dated 6-17-1980).
				CHILDREN OF  CLAUDE  TERRELL  DEATON (gt grandchildren 
of WSD):
			1. Claude Terrell Jr., (information comes from Nancy Rogers) 
was born 11-                          15-1917 and married Sue Seeley Smith.  He 
died 5-16-1974 and is buried in                         Forest Hill Cemetery, 
Memphis, TN.
					Children of Claude Terrell Deaton Jr. (gt gt 
grandchildren of  WSD):
					a. Claude Terrell III was born 6-26-1942 in 
Memphis and married           "Gretchen" on  9-15-1973.  They lived in 
Charlotte, NC, as of 1981.		
					b. Chester Smith  was  born 4-9-1948 in Memphis.
					c. Robert Martin was born 12-19-1951 in Memphis 
and married "Donna Lee." on 11-27-1976.                                                                    
			2. Ricka Elvira  was born 11-2-1926 in Memphis, TN, and 
married Billy                              Neal Blackwell  on 10-20-1944.  Billy  
was born 10-4-1923.  Ricka was                               especially helpful 
in the tracing of the descendants of  WHD and his sibling's                      
children. She wrote the following letter to LDD:
				"Dear Lonnie:
				Well, I believe I can address you by your first name 
since it is quite evident that we are cousins...It is a shame  that there is no 
information on William Shimmin (Will) Deaton other than his birthday (12-2-1877 
as opposed to 2-2-1878)...I'll bet that his father worked for the railroad since 
most of the Deatons I knew were with the ICRR form many years."
					Children of  Ricka Elvira Blackwell  (gt gt 
gdchildren of WSD):
]			a. William Ted Blackwell born 9-29-1948.				
				b. Ricka Anne Blackwell  born 1-4-1951 and married 
Donald Lee                                         McDonald on 4-30-1971 Ricka  
had a son who died of Lukemia in 						St Jude's 
Hospital in Memphis in 1978.	
		C. Marjorie Deaton (information comes from Flora McDonlald) was born 
4-16-1898, married  Clarence Howard and had Clarence Howard Jr.

			D. Minnie Deaton  was born 7-15-1900 and married  M.F. 
Shannahan.  They had two children.  As of 1927, Minnie was a "clerk"  for 
Standard Oil Co., and was living at 1059 S. 4th in Memphis, TN. 
		E. Margaret Deaton  was born 12-15-1904 and married Frank Weaver.  
As of 1927, she was working as a  stenographer and living with her sister at 
1059 S. 4th in Memphis, TN.

			F. Robert C. Deaton Jr., was born 9-13-1908 and married 
"Helen."  He died in Long Beach, CA.  In 1929, Robert was living at 1480 Preston 
Ave., Memphis, TN, and was working as a "clerk."  Apparently, Robert  Jr., and 
his father moved to California  together.
		G. William Sheffer  Deaton was born 7-10-1913 in Memphis, married 
Edna  Mae  Cothan and had Ronald.  William  Sheffer died in Memphis 6-20-1981.  
Floris  Deaton Roscoe, while visiting in Memphis in 1980, talked with William 
Sheffer by phone and reported  that conversation to LDD in a letter dated 5-24-
			"William  Sheffer was living at 1677  Gregory  Dr., in Memphis 
in 1980 (ph. 901-357-6433). He has a health  problem that affects his 
memory...but as he talks  things come back to him.  He says he remembers things 
for a short while then they are gone again.  I suggested that he start writing 
down his memories before they leave him...that someone would contact him.  He 
told me he has a sister in California who has a very good knowledge of the 
family tree  but he did not have her address handy.  He also said his 
grandfather left home at age 14  and joined a ships crew. When I asked if  that 
was the Deaton  grandfather, he said, ‘No.'  He thought it was a Buna, or 
Shannahan, or McDonald."
II. Lemantha  Idella  Deaton  was born 7-18-1867 in Johnson Co., IL, married C. 
Lee Hicks on 4-12-1903 in Memphis, TN, and died 5-27-1933 in Memphis.  She is 
buried in Memphis  also.  Lee Hicks  was born 6-23-1866 and died 5-27-1933.  In 
1880, Dell was working in Memphis for "So Pants Manufacturing Co."  She was a 
seamstress.  In 1891-1892 she was working for "The Frost Company" as a packer 
and residing at 313 Georgia Ave.  Evidently in 1894 she returned to "So Pants" 
and was living at 138 Broadway.  Dell and Lee had one adopted daughter, 
"Josephine,"  who married Edwin  Orr and had "J.C."  As of 1890,  Edwin and 
Josephine were living in Memphis.
III. Berry  Fisher (or Fisher Berry) Deaton  was born 12-12-1871 in McNairy Co., 
TN, married 12-19-1898, moved to St. Louis, MO, and died of cancer 1-1-1940.  In 
1893, Fisher worked for the Kansas City, Memphis, and Birmingham Railroad as a 
car repairer.  He was residing at 313 Georgia Ave., Memphis.  In 1894, he was 
working as a switchman and living at 138 Broadway.  He was still a switchman in 
1901 but was living at 108 Louisiana Ave.  In Floris Roscoe's letter of  5-16-
1890,  she spoke of  Fisher:
			"William  Sheffer  told me a story of  an uncle, or  great 
uncle, named Fisher Deaton who was a great singer and sang in some cathedral in 
St. Louis.  Fisher, being  a kleptomaniac, stole all the gold statues in the 
church and hocked them, but he got caught and spent some time in jail.  He died 
in a VA Hospital in Los Angeles, CA."
IV. Arista  Caroline  Deaton  was born 12-17-1873 in McNairy Co., TN, and 
married Robert Cristy.  Robert was born 8-1870 in Mississippi.  They had no 
children.  In 1891-1892, Arista was working as a "packer" and lived at 69 
Carolina Ave., in Memphis, next door  to her father.  In 1893, she was working 
for "The Frost Company" (as a packer) and living at 313 Georgia Ave. By 1928, 
"Mrs. Arista Cristy" was working for the "Brad Gauge Manufacturing Co.," as a 
"machine operator."  She was a "wrapper" for the "Item Biscuit Co.," in 1929 and 
a  "waitress" in 1931.  She was living at 132 Linden Ave., in Memphis.
V. Gilbert  Haven  Deaton ("Gibbs")  was born 9-1876 in Crockett Co., TN, 
married "Louisa,"  and died 11-24-1950.  Gilbert and Louise  appear in the 1920  
census of  Shelby Co. (City of Memphis).  They are living in HH  290 and Gilbert 
is working as a "switchman"  for a  Railroad Co.  They are living on West 
Illinois Ave.    Both Gilbert and Louisa are recorded as being able to read and 
write.  One must wonder if  "Gibbs"  and "Louisa"  did not have marital 
difficulties.   After 1926, "Mrs. Louisa Deaton" seemed to have lived alone at 
821 Delaware, Ave., in Memphis.  "Gibbs"  seems to have disappeared from the 
Memphis records after 1926.

		A. Margaret Deaton  who was born  ca 1901 and in 1920  was still 
living at home and working as a telephone operator.
		B. Lulia  Deaton who was born ca 1903  and was still living at home 
in 1920.
VI. William Shimmin "Will" Deaton  is the direct line of Alexander Deaton Haas & 
Zachary Deaton Haas.  See above.
VII. Crista A. Deaton  was born 7-23-1880 and married a Mr.  Vincent.
VIII. Buna J. Deaton  was born 12-21-1882 and married a Mr. Lawhead.
IX. Fred J. Deaton was born 2-9-1885.
X. Effie  Deaton was born 3-16-1885 (this  information comes from  WHD's pension  
application.  Note that Fred was born 2-9-1885 and Effie 3-16-1885???).

Littleberry  Deaton (LBD), the grandfather of old "Will" Deaton, a Methodist 
Episcopal Minister, a poet and author,  was born in Hickman Co., TN. in 1820.  
He was the son of Elias Deaton,  a pioneer settler of Hickman Co. He married 
Christian (Christina?)  Walker (b. ca 1820), died after 1880, and is buried in 
College  Hill Cemetery, Crockett, Co., Tn.  Engraved on Littleberry's headstone 
is this remembrance, "Overcome  by faith  through the blood of the everlasting 
covenant."  Christian  Walker's nickname was "Chrissie."  Engraved  on her 
headstone are the following words, "She died as she lived, trusting in God."  
LBD  performed numerous  marriages in the counties of west Tennessee.  He was 
also quite a horse-trader and is recorded in the court minutes of several 
counties as buying and selling  pieces of real estate.  Littleberry's  mother,  
Elizabeth Yarbrough, died ca 1837 and shortly thereafter he migrated to Carroll 
Co., AK.  In 1861, while exiled in southern Illinois,  LBD  wrote "Eleven Months 
of Exile Life in Southern Illinois,"  published in Chicago (by the author) in 
1862.   In his book, LBD explains the circumstances under which he moved to 
Carroll Co., AK:
			"My  dear mother  died when I was a youth of seventeen and my 
dear father  could no longer keep house, and I then launched out into this wild 
and wicked world. to make my living as best was I could, without one dollar in 
my pocket.  I hired myself out to the covetous men of this world, and they made 
me do their worst  drudgery. I remained a hireling, the most of the time, for 
five long years---that is, I was a hireling for five years 	previous to and 
after the death of my mother.  I will remark, by the way, that shortly after the 
death of that mother who taught my faltering tongue, I turned my youthful face 
towards the setting sun, and bade farewell to my native state, and made my 
course towards the occidental mountains of North  Arkansas.  But glory to God , 
He found me there and converted my soul and called me to the ministry; and I 
thank God that all the scenes of abject poverty that I was called upon to pass 
through, were all for my own good, and tended to humble me, and bring me to the 
feet of Jesus.  From  that day to this my dear friends, I have been striving and 
struggling against the keen arrows of misfortune; and as to my present 
condition,  the war has ruined me and destroyed my last ten years of labor.  But 
glory to God, according to the language of our text, all will tend, if  I will 
be faithful, to work out glory  for me in the coming future."
LBD remained in Carroll Co., AR, until ca 1845.  It is worth noting that LBD's 
brother-in-law, John Poplin, also moved to this same county.  One wonders what 
attracted these men to Carroll Co.?  By 1850, LBD was in McNairy Co., TN, HH 
953.  He was farming and owned real estate valued at $150.  He  then moved to 
Hardiman Co., TN, where Branson Deaton was living (they were neighbors).  He  
remained in this county until 1861 when he fled  west Tennessee for southern 
Illinois.  Apparently, the Rev. Deaton was an outspoken gentleman who believed 
the Christian faith required allegiance to the Union.  This philosophy was very 
unpopular in west Tennessee and did nothing to endear him to his neighbors.  His 
son, William Harrold Deaton, states in his pension application, that the 
community hostility for his family was intense.   LBD had no real sympathy for 
the Northern cause, but felt a Christian was bound to support his government.  
He writes of the problem at length in his book.  Eventually  LBD and his son, 
Martin (his favorite son), departed Hardiman Co., TN, on 5-2-1861, slipped 
through the southern blockades, and joined the Grand Army of the Republic at 
Anna, Union Co., IL, on 5-5-1861.  LBD, at age 40, and allegedly losing his 
hearing, was discharged 5-28-1861 (thus, he served only 23  days).  Upon 
discharge from the military, our ancestor spent eleven months traveling and 
preaching in southern Illinois.  He held "protracted meetings" in Cairo, 
Carbondale, the "Deaton Settlement" (Stone Flat), in Marion, and various other 
villages and communities.,  These eleven months were a time of extreme poverty 
for LBD.  He writes:
			"By this time I was nearly barefooted and had to borrow fifty 
cents to pay post office expenses, and was very near destitute of clothing, and 
not one cent with which to buy.  This was now the pinch of harvest time.  I 
resolved that I would work a while and get some shoes and clothing. I hired out 
to a gentleman by the name of  Trammel, and got him in my debt for $2.96, and 
thinking that I could now get shoes, I issued an appointment  for the next 
Sunday at a school in a settlement where there had been no meetings for some 
time.  I do believe that vicinity was in the worst condition at that time than 
any other settlement that could be found in southern Illinois.  My appointment 
was given out and I sent for shoes, but could not get any.  I was compelled to 
go to the meeting in a strange settlement with one of my feet half exposed with 
an old shoe tied together with hickory bark.  The other shoe did pretty well. I 
walked up to the school and soon saw  that there were others who had no shoes, 
who had on shoes tied with hickory 	bark as well as myself."
LBD was surprised to find many Deaton families living in southern Illinois.  
Eventually he relied on  these "cousins" to help him.  The community of  Stone 
Flat  had several families of  Deatons residing there as well as one Clendinin 
family.  It is here that WHD found his bride EAC.

In 1862, LBD traveled to Chicago to get his book published.  There was  in 1979 
only one  copy of the book remaining but in the late 1990's  an ancestor of  
LBD's (Eva Mabry Stein) had the book reprinted and made a copy available to LDD.  
When LDD first discovered this book in the historical library in Springfield, 
IL, it was all he could do to prevent himself from stealing the same.  But he 
was able to resist the temptation and settled for copying 30-40  pages of the 
book.  The complete text of LBD's book will be found in the appendix of this 
family history.  LBD returned to Tennessee in April of 1862 and took up 
residence again in McNairy Co.  He appears in the 1870 Census of McNairy Co.  He 
is recorded as living in HH 141.  He owns real estate valued at $500 and 
personal property valued at $685.  He is farming.   By 1890 he and Christian 
were living in the home of their son, Pilser Miller.  Sometime after 1880, he 
moved to Crockett Co., and died there before 1900.


I. Jonathan P.  Deaton  was born 6-1839 in Carroll Co., AR, and moved to 
Jackson, TN, early in 1861.  He married Jane Clemmons on 1-25-1863 in McNairy 
Co., TN, enrolled in the GAR in Hardiman Co., TN, and was mustered into service 
3-8-1864 at Memphis, TN, by a Capt. Williams.  According to his military record, 
he was five feet and seven inches tall, had dark hair and eyes, had a light 
complexion, was by occupation a farmer, and was enrolled with the rank of 
private.  This record would indicate that Jonathan did not fight at the battle 
of Shiloh unless, like his brother William Harrold, he first enrolled in the 
CSA.  Supposedly, he died and is buried in New Brunswick, IL. This family 
appears in the 1900 census of  Johnson Co., IL.  By this time  Jane Clemmons 
seems to have died.  Only   Jonathan's  children appear with him in the census.


		A. Mabel B.  born 2-1883 in IL.						

		B. Marcus L. born 6-1885 in IL.

		C. John W. born 4-1887 in IL.
		D. Ermimine(?)(dau)  born 1-1889 in IL. 

		E. Mary  V.  born 1-1891 in IL.
		F. Norman C.  born 2-1897 in IL.
II. Martin Luther  Deaton was born 4-2-1842 in Carroll Co., AR, joined the GAR 
5-5-1861 (along with his father) at Anna, Union Co., IL, wrote his father many 
letters detailing his military service, and died in battle at Ft. Donaldson, TN, 
on 2-15-1862.  He is buried at Ft. Donaldson, TN.  He seems to have been his 
father's favorite son.  The following are partial texts of some of the letters 
he wrote his father while in service (these letters are recorded in LBD's book):
Written 7-11-1861 from Bird's Point, MO.:
		"Dear Father:
		It is once  more that I embrace the opportunity of writing to you 
that I am well, but mighty weak. I have been since I came here.  I am going on 
duty today for the first time in ten days.  I think it is the river water that  
brought it on.  I took a fever for three days and 	then took a bad diarrhea 
for about a week, which reduced me very much.  There has been a great deal of 
sickness in the camp since we came here, and a few deaths."
Written from Bird's Point, MO, on 8-26-1861:
			"I have been sick for three days and have not eaten anything 
during that time, and have been very sick at the stomach.  But I am getting some 
better today.  My stomach is a little settled and I ate a few bites for dinner.  
There is a great deal of sickness in the camp.  There were four hundred and  
eighty on the sick list and the others are going daily.  We have been drinking 
dirty water, eating rough victuals, standing guard, and lying wet and cold, till 
they have pretty nearly got the better of me.  But I hope that I will get well 
	and stout again, by the time I am called into battle, as the battles are 
becoming more thick and near."	
Written from Cairo, IL, on 10-30-1861:
			"I inform you that I am well and stouter than I have been in 
three months.  I think you could come and see me, if you have the time, for it 
would not cost too much.  You could get with some of the wagons and come down, 
and I think that I could let you have some 	money, though I will say to you 
that you can do more good in the cause that you are engaged in, than you would 
to come to see me.  You had better remain, for you are doing a great work there, 
On 2-21-1862, Daniel W. Finch, 1st Lt., Co. "E" 18th  Reg, wrote the following 
letter to the "Rev. L.D. Deaton":
		It grieves me to relate to you the scene of  this terrible battle.  
But I feel it my duty to say to you that your son fell dead while bravely 
fighting for his country, and when we lost him, we lost one of our bravest and 
best boys.  Ten of my company fell dead on the field.  Your son was wounded in 
the beginning of the action, but remained fighting until he received his death 
wound.  We buried our dead, as decently as we could, on the battlefield.  You 
can comfort yourself in your old age knowing  that he died bravely.  No more at 
the present.
respectfully yours, 									                                                                         
Daniel W. Finch										                                                                                                           
1st Lt. Co. ‘E' 18th Ill Reg."
Littleberry   provides his ancestors with a vivid and detailed account of 
Martin's death in his book in order that future generations might familiarize 
themselves with how  Martin, and thousands of other young men, died (see  
III. William Harrold Deaton (this is the direct line of Alexander Deaton Haas & 
Zachary Deaton Haas.  See above).
IV. Isaac N.  Deaton was born ca 1847 in McNairy Co., TN, and married "Martha" 
ca 1864. Martha was born 5-1849 in TN.  Isaac and his family appear in the 1870 
census of Johnson Co., IL, and the 1900 census of Greene Co., MO.CHILDREN OF  
ISAAC  N.  DEATON (grandchildren 0f  LBD):
		A. John L.  born  about 1865 in IL, and married "Ellen E." (b. 6-
1867 MO).
				CHILDREN OF JOHN L. DEATON (gt grandchildren of LBD):	
			1. Maudie  b. 12-1889 MO.						
			2. Minnie b. 9-1891 MO.							
			3. Jason b. 9-1893 MO.							
			4. Ervin b. 3-1895 MO.							
			5. Carl b. 3-1897 MO.							
			6. Neva (son) b. 9-1897 MO.
		B. William born ca 1867 IL.
		C. Dora  born ca 1869 IL.
		D. Alice born 6-1880 MO.
		E. Sula born 12-1886 MO.
V. Elizabeth Jane Deaton was born ca 1849 and died at the age of thirteen.
VI. George  Washington Deaton  was born 1-1852 TN, and married Mary J. Tacker 
on9-3-1868 in McNairy Co., TN.  George and Mary appear in the 1870 and 1880 
census of McNairy Co., TN,  and the 1900 census of Dyer Co., TN.   In 1870, Mrs. 
Tacker, George's mother-in-law, was living with the family.  In 1880, a William 
Tacker (Mary's father) was living with the family.  Mary was born ca 1845 in TN.  
Mary   must have died before 1910 because George is recorded as living in alone 
in Dyer Co., TN, in the 1910 census.  He is in HH 204 and is working as a 
salesman in a General Store.  In previous census records he was recorded as 
farming.   He also  appears in the 1920  census in  Crockett Co.  He is recorded 
as a "boarder" in the home of a certain Jessie Jones. He  is in HH 40.  George 
is working as a "salesman" in a grocery store.  

		A. Lula  was born ca 1868 in TN.  I suspect Lula was Mary's daughter 
by a previous marriage(?).  She is identified as George's adopted daughter.

			B. John W.  was born ca 1870 in TN. He married "Dora"  who was 
born ca 1875 in TN.  This family  appears in the 1920  census of  Dyer Co.  They 
are living in HH 150.  John is farming. 
			1. Willia A.  born ca 1894 in TN.
			2. Elgie (Elgin?) C.  born ca  1896 in TN.
			3. Ira (?)  born ca 1899 in TN.
		C. J.F. was born ca 1872 in TN.
		D. Martha ("Mattie") was born ca 1874 in TN.
		E. Barry was born ca 1876 in TN.
		F. Granville  was born 7-1878 in TN, and married "Ruth." Evidently, 
Ruth died before 1900 because Granville  was living in Dyer Co., TN , in 1900, 
with his father "George W."  and 	"Belle"(age 16 TN).  Belle is recorded as 
being Granville's sister.  By  1910, Granville has remarried and his 2nd wife 
has died,  perhaps in childbirth.  He is recorded as living in Dyer Co., in 1910 
in HH 105, with three children ( one aged  8 months)  but no  wife is present. 
Granville was farming. 
			1. Mattie B. born 1903 in TN.
			2. Loyd W.  born ca 1906 in TN.
			3. Dennis D.  born 10-1909.
		G. Belle was born 9-1888 TN.
		H.  Oliver was born ca 1882 in  Dyer Co., TN, and married "Eunice." 
He died in Crockett Co., TN.  Eunice was born ca 1889 in TN.  Oliver and family  
appear in the 1910  census of  Dyer Co., TN.  They are living in HH 153.  Oliver 
is farming. Oliver and family  appear in the 1920 census of Crockett Co.  They 
are living in HH 186.  Oliver is farming.
			CHILDREN OF OLIVER  DEATON (gt grandchildren of LBD):		
			1. A child who died in infancy.					
			2. Oliver Jr., who 1st married Blanche Harries and 2nd married 
Irene Ritchie.				3. William  W. was born 12-1909 in Dyer Co., 
TN,  had William W. Jr., and 				retired from the USAF in 1947.
			4. Keelmon (m) who was born ca 1916 in TN.
VII. Pilser Miller Deaton  was born 9-1854 in TN, and 1st married Sarah 
Tennessee Clendermon (Clendenin?), and 2nd married "Margarette."  Sarah T.  was 
born about 1854 in TN, and Margarette was born 4-1854 in TN.  Sarah  died before 
1910  because "P.M" is recorded in  the 1910 census of Dyer Co., TN, living with 
"Margarette."  They are in HH 159.  "P.M." is recorded as a "retail merchant"  
working in a grocery store.  He and his family  appear in the 1880 census of 
McNairy Co., and 1900 census of Crockett Co., TN (HH 169).   In 1880, his father 
was living with him.  "P.M.," now a widower, appears in the 1920  census of Dyer 
Co., TN. He is living in HH 68 with his two youngest  children. He is working as 
a "laborer."
		A. Charles A. born 8-1875 in TN.  Charles  and family  appear in the 
1910 census of Dyer Co., Tn.  He is living in HH 150.  Charles  was farming.  He 
married  "Ona" who was born ca 1880 in TN.  As of 1910  they had "Blanch" born 
1908 in TN.
		B. Claude S. born 9-1886 in TN. Claud  and family  appear in the 
1920  census of  Dyer Co., TN.  They are living in HH 178.  Claud is farming.  
He married "Evie A.," who was born ca 1890 in TN.
			1. Austin M.  born ca 1912 in Tn.
			2. Stephen L  born ca 1914 in TN.
			3. Wilburn G.  born ca 1916 TN.
			4. Margaret A. 
		C. Pearl born 9-1888 in TN.
		D. Sarah born 6-1890 in TN.
		E. Williard  born ca 1893 in TN. 
		F.. Lillian born 1-1895 in TN.
		G. May born 3-1895 in TN.
		H.. Amber  who was born ca 1906 in TN
		I. Clayton (f) who was born ca 1909 in TN. 
VIII. Benjamin Franklin Deaton was born 4-21-1857 in Hardiman Co., TN, and 
married Cemelia Catherine Bowman in 1885 in McNairy Co., TN.  Camilia  was the 
daughter  of William  Bowman and Sarah Wilkie.  He died 1-16-1932 in Finger,  
Hardin Co., TN,   and is buried in Maggie Memorial  Methodist Church Cemetery, 
Crockett Co., TN.  Cemelia  was born 2-25-1867 in Rutherford Co., TN, and died 
in Houston, TX, on 1-7-1953.  She was also buried in Houston.    Benjamin and 
family  appear in the 1900 census of Crockett Co., TN.  They are living in HH 
107.  Benjamin is recorded as "farming."
The following is a short  family history written by Benjamin F. Deaton, Sr.
			I was born in Hardiman Co., Tn, 4-21-1857 and was born of the 
Spirit  4-20-1877 and received a special  baptism of the Holy Ghost and of 
power, the first Sunday in August 1889, at Lebanon Church  5 miles south of 
Sardis, TN.  I preached my first sermon at Swinney's Chapel in Hardin Co., Tn, 
in August of 1878.  The subject was "The Power and Goodness of God." The second 
effort in preaching was at Morris Chapel, Hardin Co., Tn, August 1878 from the 
text,  "The Wages of Sin is Death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through 
Jesus Christ our Lord," Rom. 6:23.  I joined the Central Tennessee 
	Conference of the Methodist Church at Nashville, TN, in 1879.  Have served 
31 years in pastoral work.  My health broke down several times during the past 
46 years so that I found that I must retire from the regular pastoral work, 
which I did in October 1924.  While I am worn down bodily the way grows brighter 
every year in the wise man.  I am 	amazed at what the Lord of Heaven has made 
known to me in the last few years.  I have 	six sons and two daughters all 
Christians, and all in good health.  Charles M. Deaton, my oldest son lives in 
Galveston, TX, and is a tailor by trade.  William C. Deaton the next oldest 
lives in Houston, TX.  He is also a tailor by trade.  My daughter Eva May 
married Mr. Mabry who lives in Houston, TX, and is in the mercantile business.  
Dewhitt Deaton, the next oldest is the wonder of our generation of people as a 
traveler.  He makes good money and spends his time in the large cities of the 
north in the restaurant business.  Benjamin F. Deaton Jr., lives in Houston, TX, 
and is in the drug business.  Earnest and Robert live in San Antonio, TX, and 
are both in the U.S. Army.  My youngest daughter Luceil lives in Houston, TX, 
and is a stenographer. My grandfather, Elias Deaton, was a 	minister in the 
Baptist Church, while my own father The Rev. Littleberry Deaton was  a minister 
in the Methodist Episcopal Church.  They both died in the triumph of  a living 
	faith.  My grandfather sleeps in the cemetery near Scott Hill , Decatur 
Co., Tn, while my own father sleeps beneath the sod in College Hill Cemetery in 
Crockett Co., Tn.  Four of my sons were in the European War.  Wm. C., DeWhitt, 
Bennie, and Ernest went through the entire war.  They all returned home without 
a wound though they faced death many a time.  I prayed for them everyday while 
they were in the war.  I asked God to save their lives if it was his will  that 
if they must fall upon the battlefield to save their souls.  I had seven 
brothers and two sisters.  One of my sisters died in infancy and Elizabeth Jane 
died at 13.  My oldest brother, John R. Deaton (Jonathan P.?), Martin L. Deaton,  
and Wm H. Deaton were soldiers in the Union Army during the Civil War.  John R. 
and William H. were in the battle of Shiloh in Hardin Co., Tn., where 101,716 
men were engaged in battle. The figures show that 25, 647 were killed, wounded, 
or missing.  My oldest brother John R. Deaton sleeps in the Cemetery in New 
Burnside (Burnswick?), Ill.  My next oldest brother William H. Deaton sleeps in 
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Tn. I 	heard the roar of the cannon, the day that 
the battle of Shiloh was fought, not withstanding I was 40 miles away and was 
only five years old.  I was very hungry that day because I had no dinner.  My 
mother knew that my  two brothers were facing death so she walked the yard all 
day. My other brother Martin L. Deaton fell on the battlefield at Fort 
Donaldson, Tn, 2-15-1862 and pierced through with the cruel bullet. He sleeps in 
the National Cemetery at Fort Donaldson, Tn, to await the resurrection  day.  He 
died a Christian.  Isaac N. Deaton lives in Springfield, Mo.  He is my next 
oldest brother.  He is a Christian, have not seem him since 1877.  Geo. W. 
Deaton the next oldest brother lives in Dyersburg, Tn.  He has been working in 
the mercantile business for many years and he is one of the best men I ever 
knew.  His whole life has been absorbed in doing good.  He is not a rich man but 
has given away many a dollars with a big and generous heart.  My next oldest 
brother P.M. Deaton lives in Fowlkes, Tn, a splendid town five miles south of 
Dyersburg on the Illinois Central Railroad.  He is not a rich man but is worth a 
few thousand dollars.  He has always been a man of honour, a good substantial 
citizen and a man of good judgment in reference to business.  My brother younger 
than myself, Robert died at three years of age.  My brothers all died 
Christians. I have been in every county in the Western division of  Tennessee 
and in almost every part of some of  the counties.  I have been in practically 
all of the railroad towns in the western division of Tennessee. I have visited 
all the large cities of Tennessee, Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga.  
I lived in Nashville, Tn, in 1897-98 where I saw the following distinguished 
men:  namely, President William McKinley, Wm. Jennings Bryan, Rev. D.L. Moody, 
Rev. T. DeWhitt Talmage, Rev. Sam P. Jones, The Rev. Chapman, Rev. A.C. Dicky 
(Dickson), Rev. George Stuart, Rev. J. Vance, and Rev. Thomas Dickson.  Among 
the military men I say at Nashville:  Gen. Joe Wheeler, Gen. Shafter, Lt. 
Richard Hobson and Capt. Maynard who fired the first gun in the Spanish American 
War. I had the pleasure of attending the World Bible Conference which met in 
Nashville, Tn, Feb. 1914.  Among the distinguished men who spoke was Rev. G. 
Campbell Morgan from London, England and the Rev. Camden M. Cosburn of 
Pennsylvania.  I also had the pleasure of hearing some of the world's greatest 
singers.  I heard five of these singers as they sang together.  They were E.O. 
Exell of Chicago, Estey from Philadelphia, Yarnelle and his daughter from 
Indianapolis, and Foster from Wash. D.C. We had the privilege of hearing three 
hundred of the "Jubilee" singers at Ryman Aud.  Life to me is one fine, stormy, 
tempestuous sea with an occasional calm; also sometimes a beautiful flower 
garden where birds sing and flowers bloom.  But in order  to live a Christian 
life I have to keep busy.  I find I must read my Bible every day and pray every 
day and try to do some good every day.  I do hope that all who read these words 
may breath  a silent prayer for me.                                                                                                       
	B.F. Deaton      (Big  Sandy, Tennessee)     

It should be noted that Eva  Mabry Stein, Benjamin's granddaughter, is the lady 
who  had LBD's book  republished  and  Ryman  Auditorium, for many years, was 
the home of  "The Grand  Old  Opry."                                                                                             

		CHILDREN OF  BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DEATON (grandchildren of                        
		A. Charles was born 1-20-1887 in TX, and married "Annie."  He is 
buried in Houston, TX.

		B. William  was born 8-1889 in TX, and married "Ver."  He died 5-22-
1971 and is buried in Shreveport, LA.
		C. Eva was born 1-8-1892 and married Earl Mabry.  She is buried in 
Houston, TX. Her daughter is responsible for the preservation of  LBD's book.

		D. Dewitt was born 7-1894 and is buried in Houston, TX.
		E. Benjamin Franklin Jr., was born 10-17-1896 in Sardis, TX, and 
married            Sue Ella Crabb on 11-22-1919.  He died 9-23-1975 and is 
buried in Houston, TX.  By occupation "B.F." was a chef and by religion a 
Baptist.  Sue, the  daughter of Sam Lafayette Crabb and Ruth Vergie Everett, was 
born 7-26-1903 in Huntsville, TX.  She was a secretary  and Baptist. 
grandchildren of LBD):										
			1. Frank  Norman, a genealogist, was born 2-9-1925 in Houston, 
TX, and  married Norma Jean Tautenhahn on 8-17-1945.  As of 1980  Frank was  
residing at 412 Cherry Valley, Huffman, TX 77336.  He was a draftsman and a 
Baptist.  Norma, the daughter of  Carl Tautenhahn and Marie Delaney, was born 4-
13-1927 in Conroe, TX.
					Children of Frank Norman Deaton (gt gt 
grandchildren of   LBD):		          a. Rebecca Sue  b. 7-18-1946 and 
married C.A. Gyseels 12-12-                                 1966 in Houston, TX.  
In 1981 the couple was living in                                             
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.								
				  	b. David  Frank b. 4-4-1950 in Houston, TX, and 
married Judy                                    Mills 12-21-1977. In 1982 David 
was living in Denver, CO.				               c. Paul    Reagan 
was b. 11-18-1957 in Houston, TX.  He married                               
Cindy  Brewer.  Paul is a Baptist minister.  In 1981 he was the                                    
assistant pastor  of the Caddo Baptist Church in Marshall, TX.
			2. Samye  Ruth  was born 11-24-1928 in Houston, TX, and 
married                            Jerry  Funderburke in 1947.

			F. Everett was born 3-1-1899, married "Daisey" and was buried 
in Houston, TX.
		G. Lucille was born 1-17-1903, and married several times.  She is 
buried in Houston, TX.

			H. Robert was born 1-21-1906 and married "Elinor."  He died 
12-1977 and is buried in Beaumont, TX.
IX. Robert Paine  was born 1859 in TN, and died at the age of three years. 
X.  A female died in infancy.
Elias Deaton (ED),  the grandfather of  William Harrold Deaton and the great 
grandfather of  William Shimmin Deaton,  was the oldest son and oldest of  ten 
(or eleven) children of Joseph Deaton and Elizabeth Jordan.  He was born  about  
1784 in Montgomery Co., NC and  moved to Tennessee  before 1810.  He may have 
been the first Deaton to take up residence in Tennessee.  He is certainly the 
first Deaton to appear in a Tennessee  census record.  He appears in the 1820 
census of Hickman Co., as being between 26-45 years of aged (thus b. 1775-1794), 
as having five sons less than ten years of age, one son 10-16 years of age, two 
daughters less than ten years of age, and a wife 26-45  years of age.  He also 
appears in the 1830 census of Hickman Co., and the 1850  census of Decatur Co.  
On 4-5-1838 he was recorded in Perry Co. (adjacent to Hickman Co.)  along with 
Jackson Deaton (his son?).  There is an Elias Deaton in 1840 in McNairy Co., but 
he appears to be to  young to be our Elias.  In the 1850 census of  Decatur Co., 
the following is recorded:  Elias Deaton, 66, TN; Mary,41, NC; Louisa, 21, TN; 
William, 20, TN; Catherine, 17, TN; Martin V., 9, TN; Harriet, 5, TN.  The 
identity of the persons living with Elias is uncertain.  The "Mary" is to young 
to be his first wife "Mary" and too old to be his daughter "Mary" (b. 1823).  
She is perhaps a second wife or perhaps the wife of  Jackson Deaton.  Louisa, 
William, and Catherine  are either his step-children or his grandchildren.  
Martin V.  and Harriet are likely his grandchildren.  ED, who lived in the 
Beaver Dam area of Hickman Co., was a Primitive Baptist preacher, a "teacher",  
and a farmer. In the "History of  Decatur County" his salary is recorded as $28  
per month. Evidently he was given to strong drink and prone to "make a rachet" 
wherever he went.  Jill K. Garrett recalls ED in her book, "Historical Sketches 
of Hickman Co., Tn.,"  page 116:
			"Elias Deaton lived 50 years ago (1820-1830) near ‘Cross-
roads.'  He was a Baptist preacher, a man of very common intellect, and not much 
cultivation.  He raised several rowdying boys.  He was rather fond of his dram; 
he moved over forty years ago to West Tennessee and there joined the non-
resurrectionist and finally the Universalist.  He was a man of not much 
One does have to wonder if  Mrs. Garret was not slightly biased in her 
assessment of the Rev. Deaton. At any rate, Elias was one of the first settlers 
of Hickman Co.  Goodspeed's "History of Tennessee" (p. 790) notes the following:
			"Adam Wilson, from East Tennessee, was the first settler on 
Piney River.  He cleared 	away the cane and undergrowth in 1806 and raised 
the first crop in the county (Hickman)...between 1807 and 1810 settlements were 
made as follows...Elias Deaton."
Jerome D. and David L. Spence, authors of "History of Hickman Co.," recall (p. 
			"Valentine Flowers was a Primitive Baptist preacher and in a 
church house which stood on his land, Liberty Church was organized 6-1-1827.  
Two Baptist preachers who signed the minutes of the days proceedings were Willis 
Dotson and Elias Deaton."
Our ancestor was also partially responsible for the creation of the first church 
in Hickman Co., (see Goodspeed, p. 799).
			"The first religious denomination to effect an organization in 
Hickman Co.,  were (sic) the Primitive Baptists, who in 1818 erected a church 
(the first church in the county) on what was afterwards the site of Vernon, the 
first county seat.  Revs. Andrew Caruthers, Willis Dotson, and Elias Deaton were 
the pioneer preachers in this church."
In 1825, ED  was a county  magistrate for Hickman Co. (see Spence and Spence).  
He had apparently moved to Perry Co., TN, sometime after 1830.  While  there he 
was taken to court by a Perry Co., citizen on a "warrant to keep the peace."  
His attorney attempted to have the warrant "squashed" but the judge ruled 
against ED.  Perhaps  Elias had been drinking and upset his neighbor.    In  
1870,  ED  was living with the family of Jeptha  Duck (or Dick) and his wife 
"Hiney"  in  Henderson Co., TN (HH 49).  This  family is undoubtedly  related to  
Elias but as of 1999  LDD had not been able to identify them.  ED died sometime 
after 1870 and is buried near Scotts Hill Cemetery, Decatur, Co., TN.  This is 
established by a letter in the possession of  Frank Deaton, Huffman TX, great, 
great, grandson of ED.  This letter, written to Frank by his grandfather, 
Benjamin Franklin Deaton, clearly establishes the line of ED through his son 
"Littleberry,"  and notes the place of  ED's burial.  ED  married  Elizabeth 
Yarbrough  and had as least nine children  but not all of them have been 

I. Elijah  Deaton  was bon ca 1811 in North Carolina,  married Jane  Harvill (b.  
1807 NC), and was  murdered by William Brimble in 1858.  Mr. Brimble lived  
about 3/4 miles  from Shady Grove (where  Elijah lived) near  a place called 
Buck  Branch in Hickman Co., TN.  Elijah  was in  Brimble's home at the time of 
his death. Family  tradition  has it that   Elijah's daughter, "Malinda,"  was 
spending too much time at  Brimble's home.  Elijah went to his house to fetch 
his daughter, an argument ensued, and Elijah was  killed by  Brimble.  According 
to one account, soon afterwards,  Jane Harvill and her son,  Joseph Berry, moved 
on to Wayne County, MO.  Although the basic events in the Elijah  Deaton  sage 
are well documented, minor variations are found as one reads the various 
accounts (as recounted by family members).  One relative has Elijah being shot 
while Malinda  was still unmarried.
			"The struggles of Elijah  Deaton  were never fully known, but 
when Joseph  Berry  was about ten years of age, the good mother died  leaving  
Malinda, about sixteen, as housekeeper.  When the father learned  that she was 
too familiar with a married man he accosted the guilty parties and tried to 
persuade  Malinda to come home.  Trouble arose and Elijah was shot and killed.  
Thus ended the struggles of a father who was doing his duty to his motherless  
daughter" (this story comes from  Thelma  Whitworth, 1400 Neoney St., Popular  
Bluff, MO 63901.  I do not know if she is the author of the story but it should 
be noted that she has Jane" dying rather than moving to MO.).
Spence and Spence (p. 143)  have Elijah  being stabbed at the home of the 
widowed  Malinda.
			"In 1858,  about three-fourths of a mile  from Shady  Grove on 
Duck  Branch,  William Brimble stabbed and killed  Elijah Deaton at the home of  
Deaton's daughter, who was a widow.  Brimble  was never arrested.  He, at the 
breaking of the Civil War, enlisted in 	the Confederate  Army and after the 
close of the war, he did not return to the county."
Then there is the account of  Joseph Alexander, son of  Joe Berry.
			"Your great  grandfather Deaton  was definitely born in 
Tennessee.   When he was about eight  years of age his mother  died and the 
daughter, Malinda, was doing housekeeping .  Finally  Malinda  visited 
frequently in the home of a neighbor.  Some trouble arose between  the neighbor 
and your great grandfather.  In an argument at the neighbor's house  your great 
grandfather was killed.  I never knew what happened to Malinda, but your 
grandfather was taken by a family by the name of Harwell ( a distant relative).  
Some years later I have been told the Harwell family went in a covered wagon to 
southwest  Mo., taking your grandfather with them.  Some years later your 
grandfather married one of the Harwell girls.  She, your grandmother, was 
evidently  born in Tn.  When your father was born, his mother (your grandmother) 
died.  When your father was about eight years old your grandfather married  
Priscilla Davidson and then your father was taken into the Deaton home and I 
have heard  that your father said his step-mother was a "real 	mother to  
him" (Please note that Joseph Alexander has  Elijah born in Tennessee.  The 
census records have him born in NC.  Also note his reference to a family named 
"Harwell"? Could this be the "Harvill"  family,  the parents  or relatives of 
Jane Harvill?  Note Joseph  also has Jane Harvill dying rather than migrating to 
As for William  Brimble,  a search of the Civil War Military  records, both of 
CSA and GAR, revealed no record of a William Brimble ever serving in either 
		CHILDREN OF ELIJAH  DEATON (grandchildren of Elias):
		A. Joseph  Berry  was born 3-25-1834 in  TN.  He first married Mary  
Elizabeth Harvill (or Harwell?) ca 1856 in Hickman Co., TN.  She was the 
daughter of  Edwin  Harvill and 	Elizabeth  Mobley.  She was born in 1832 
allegedly in Butler Co., MO, and died 9-12-1862 also in MO. Joe  Berry  second 
married Priscilla P.  Davidson ca 1863, and died  4-12-1912 in Wayne Co., Mo.  
Joe Berry  was a farmer, a carpenter, and a blacksmith.  "Joberry" and family  
appear in the 1870 and 1880  census of Wayne Co., MO.   In 1870 he is living in 
HH 115 and is recorded as owning real estate valued at $400 and personal 
property valued at $600.  In 1880, living in his immediate neighborhood is A.S. 
Davidson, age 34, identified as a physician and M.E.  Davidson, age 18, sister-
in-law of  Joseph M. Wynn.  "Joberry" is living in HH 2425.   A.S. Davidson is 
living in HH 2418. The following is a direct  quotation  from an authentic copy 
of the military  discharge of  Joe Berry from the GAR now in the possession of 
Alice  Bumbera, Crosswicks, NJ 08515.
				"To All To Whom It May Concern:  Know ye that Joseph B. 
Deaton, a private in Capt. Vandusen's Co., "H," sixth regiment was enrolled 8-
1861 to serve three year, is hereby discharged from  the service of the United 
States the seventh of May, 1862 at Benton  Co., Mo., by reason of surgical 
certificate of disability chronic rheumatism.  The said James Deaton was born in 
Hickman Co., Tn., is 27 years of age, six feet and 0 inches high, dark 
complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, occupation  when enrolled was farmer.  Given 
at Benton barracks, Mo., this seventh day of May, 1862.
Boris, Col. USA									                             
		Robert Smith, paymaster."
	The Joe Berry  Deaton  story is most interesting.
		"Sometime  during the year of 1863  Joseph Berry Deaton married 
Priscilla  Davidson.  Some of the Davidson  brothers objected to the union, 
seemingly  because the husband was nearly ten years  his wife's senior...A year  
later Joseph  B. took  a wagon load of wheat to the grist mill eight miles  from 
home...Joseph was remaining overnight with his brother-in-law.  Late at 
night...'bushwhackers' surrounded the house...the next thing  he knew they were 
robbing him  of his boots and overcoat.  The spokesman said, ‘Shoot him again!' 
The man on the ground  took a revolver, placed it against his head, snapped if 
off several times... Joseph B. finally recovered sufficiently to be removed  to 
a hospital out of reach of these desperadoes  The nervous wife was sent for.  
She did her best to nurse  Joe B. back to health. There  were no doctors to be 
had who would remove the bullet  which was lodged against his jaw-bone, having 
passed entirely through his neck.  So it was left and Joe B. carried that rebel 
bullet to his grave more than forty years later (author uncertain)."                                                                    
				CHILDREN OF  JOSEPH  BERRY  DEATON( gt grandchildren of  
			1. John Stephen  "Speed" Deaton (son of Jane Harvill) was born 
12-4-1853 in Bulter  Co., MO, married Carolyn Frances Bounds, daughter  of  
Nancy and Stephen Bounds, and died of  measles in 1916 in Butler Co., Mo.  
Carolyn died in 1929.  In  1880,  John and family  were living next door to his 
father. Frances's  parents were Stephen  Bounds   and Nancy Rowden.  She was 
born 1-15-1856 in Wayne Co., MO, and  died 12-6-1929 in Carter Co., MO.  In a 
letter  to his niece, Martha Elizabeth ‘Lizzie' Deaton Williams, composed at his 
home in Portland OR, on 3-22-1945,  James  Alexander "Alex" Deaton wrote:
					"When your father (John Stephen Deaton)  was born, 
his mother (Martha Emily Harvill), your grandmother, died.  When your father was 
8 years of age your grandfather (Joseph Berry Deaton, b. 1834) married Priscilla 
Davidson and then your father was taken into the Deaton home, and I've heard 
that your father said his stepmother was a real mother to him.  That was a kind 
of  frontier country at that time and schools were mostly subscription schools, 
for that reason your father never received much education, except in hard work.  
I've watched your father's career in the past and I often thought he did more 
real hard work than any man I ever knew.  He never quit working HARD.  He helped 
my father (Joseph Berry Deaton, b. 1834) clear up the old home place; when he 
married he cleared and  fenced more of the south end of the old place.  Then he 
moved away out near  Oklahoma, and cleared up another farm. Then he came back to 
settle in Butler Co., near the Harwell (Harvill?) home and cleared up another 
place. While I was staying in the Clark settlement I often walked on Saturdays 
over to John's place.  On one of those trips I heard an ax..."chop...chop" it 
went.  I followed the noise down into the jungle and there was John hewing out a 
house set in the wilderness.  He cleared up another farm.  And that is hard 
work, I'm telling you."
				Children of John Speed Deaton (gt gt  grandchildren of 
				a. Joe Berry II, b 2-7-1876, 1st married Melissa  
Meadows, and 2nd   married Katherine  Wood.  He died 6-25-1927.
					Children of Joe Berry Deaton II (gt gt gt 
grandchildren of ED):			    
					  (1) Lettie Alma who died in infancy.		
Emily who died in infancy.						                     
					(3) An unnamed child who died in infancy.		
					(4) Hillard who died in infancy.		    	
					(5)  Thelma Marie, a genealogist, who married Mr. 
Whitworth.				    			(6) Nadine Frances.
		b. Emily  born ca 1879 in MO.                                                               
		c. Houston C.  born 8-1881 MO.				                   
		d. Nancy E. born 5-1884 MO.						            
		e. Logan Born 2-1887 MO.						            
		f. Lizzie who married Mr. Williams and was living in Mr. Shasta, CA, 
		g. Steven C. (Uncas) born 3-1896 MO.			                   
		h. An unnamed child who died in infancy.				            
		i. An unnamed child who died in infancy.
       2. Sarah   born ca 1857 in Hickman Co., TN.  She evidently died at an 
early age.
       3. Jenny (no information available).                                                                                          
4. Eliza Jane (Jennie?) (Priscilla's daughter) was born 10-7-1865 in                                     
Wayne Co., MO, and died 8-21-1938 in Wayne Co., MO.                                                       
5. Martha Ann born 3-8-1867 in Wayne Co., MO, and died 12-3-1928                                  
in Wayne Co.., MO.										
       6. Parthena J. born 11-17-1871 and died 11-1951.				
       7. Andrew J. born 11-17-1871 in Wayne Co., MO.					
       8. James  Alexander, a genealogist, was born 7-3-1873  in Wayne Co.,                                  
MO, and died in 1947. "Alex" and "Sarah" (b. 6-1872) appear in the                                     
1900  census of Butler Co. "Sarah" is Sally  Hooper who was born in                                     
Cape Girardeau, MO. In a letter to his niece, Martha  Elizabeth                                              
"Lizzie"  Deaton  Williams, composed at his home in Portland OR, on                                   
6-25-1941, James  Alexander Deaton  wrote:
	  			"I was never in a position to know much about your 
father (John Stephen Deaton) but as time          went by I gathered  that there 
was a stronger feeling of love between  your father and my father      (Joseph  
Berry  Deaton) than between my father and any of the rest of us children.  When 
we        used to visit you folks, it was the habit for John and father to walk 
about the farm alone.  What    they talked about I never knew.  Did not care, of 
course, but do you suppose, Lizzy, that they    talked over again the trials 
just after the Civil War?  The first eight years of your father's life was    
spent with kind people but at the same time minus the loving care of a mother.  
After that he was    in a different environment.  Child that he was, no doubt, 
he pined for the first people  he ever    knew.  I wonder if that might have 
been some of the things that they talked about when they    strolled about the 
farm in Butler Co., Mo.  As time passed,  father would take John in the wagon    
when he went to mill.  John went along  while father stalked the deer through  
the woods.  John    was present when father retired to the woods in early 
morning to call the gobbler into range of    the muzzle-loading rifle. John was 
the boy that ‘shook' the bush to turn the fat squirrel on the tree    trunk to 
be brought down for dinner.  Father and John were together a great deal when we 
all    lived in Wayne Co.  My father was bowed down with grief when your father 
sold out and left for    the far west.  How glad, indeed,  were we all when your 
father drove back.  I had lost my brother    and was so glad to have Joe back.  
As glad as we all were I know for a fact that my father was    the gladdest of 
all.  I just wonder if it could have been some of these things that our fathers    
talked about while they were alone about the farm where we visited in  Butler 
Co., Mo.  My    father's life  had never been a very happy one for the first 
nineteen years.  His mother died when    he was quite small. His father was 
killed when he was still just a small lad.  He lived with the    Harwell 
(Harvill?) family who came to Mo., from Tennessee bringing father along. The 
happy    turn came to my father's life when he married a sweet young Harwell 
(Harvill?) girl. Father    worked hard and had a little love nest for his bride.  
Happy, indeed, was he and still more happy    was she when a son was born.  
Great hopes came to that little family all to be dashed to earth by    the hand 
of death, taking away the young mother.  Why should one so young and in love 
with the   very surroundings pass away into pathetic silence?  No  doubt that 
was the question my father   asked.  What I am trying to say, Lizzie, is that 
there was a great, pure, deep seated devotion   between your father and mine 
dating back in the event of my father's first love."
					Children of James Alexander Deaton:
					a. Claude who worked for a grocery store.		
					b. Dolly who, along with her husband, owned a farm 
in Walla  Walla, WA, in 1936.            
					c. Gladys  who lived in Portland, OR, in 1936.	
					d. Illo who served on the police force in Las 
Angeles, CA.  His 		nickname was "Jack."					
					e. Juanita who worked for Bell Atlantic Telephone 
Co., in 1936.							f. Mildred.			
					g. Paul who lived in Salem, Or in 1936 and worked 
for Davidson Baking Co.					h. William who was a sheet metal 
worker and a widower in 1936.
			7. Arizona (Arie) born 2-22-1877 and died 3-13-1945 in MO.  
She had married John  Childers.
			For additional information  about the family of Joe Berry 
Deaton please consult "The Line of  Joe Berry Deaton" in the appendix of this 

		B. Melinda  was born ca 1840 in Hickman Co., TN, and evidently was 
widowed  by age 18.  Her father was murdered by a man named Brimble  because he 
(Elijah Deaton) thought she was spending to much time in Brimble's home.  At 
some point she married a Mr. Sims.  The family seems to have lost track of 
II. Jackson Deaton who was born ca 1813 and appears in the 1840 census of Perry 
Co., TN (adjacent to Hickman Co.) with one son and two daughters.  Jackson is 
frequently associated with ED in Perry Co.  Jackson  frequently appears in the 
Perry County court minutes.  On 4-3-1838, he is recorded as winning a law suit 
against Archer M. McDaniel.  On 11-2-1838 Jackson has jury duty.  On 8-13-1838, 
Mary  and Jackson Deaton are in court charged with trespassing by a Susan 
Terman.  A mistrial was declared. The Deatons were again in court on the same 
charge and a continuance was granted.  Finally on 4-2-1839 Jackson won the case.  
On the same day (4-2-1839) he had jury duty again.  Mary would appear to be 
Jackson's wife and may be the "Mary" living with ED in 1850.  The children in 
that household may also have been Jackson's  children.
III. Zachariah Deaton  was born ca 1814 in TN, and appears in the 1850 census of 
Van Buren Co.  He married Catherine Goddard 11-7-1843 in Van Buren Co. Katherine 
was born ca 1814 in TN.  This family also appears in the 1860 census of Warren 
Co., TN.

		CHILDREN  OF  ZACHARIAH  DEATON (grandchildren of ED):
		A. Louise J.  born ca 1835 in TN.
		B. Monday (Manday) born ca 1836 in TN, and married Willis Durham on 
		C. Morgan (f)(Maryanne) born ca 1837 in TN, and married Sydney M. 
Durham on 		9-19-1855.
		D. Caroline J. born ca 1839 in TN.
		E. Francis (m).
		F. Josephine G. born ca 1844 in TN.
		G. Elijah born ca 1846 in TN.
IV. Littleberry Deaton  This is the direct line of Alexander Deaton Haas & 
Zachary Deaton Haas (see above).
V. Mary  Deaton  was  born 8-26-1923 in Hickman Co., TN, and married John Poplin 
ca 1846.  She died 2-2-1854 in Hickman Co., and was buried in the Hinson 
Cemetery located ten miles south of Centerville, Hickman Co. John Poplin was 
born ca 1828 in NC.  After Mary died he married "Mary Ann" on 2-22-1854 and 
moved to Carrol Co., AR. He and his family appear in the 1860 census of Carroll 
Co., AR.  They are living in HH 1112.  John is farming and owns real estate 
valued at $1200 and personal property valued at $505.
		CHILDREN OF  MARY  DEATON  POPLIN (grandchildren of ED):
		A. Houston Poplin was born ca 1847 in TN.
		B. Permelia Poplin was born ca 1848 in TN.
		C. Paralee Poplin was born ca 1850 in TN. 
		D. Martha E. Poplin born ca 1853 in TN.
		John  Poplin  continued to have children by his second wife 
including Richard W., born ca 1855 in TN, Alvan Y., born ca 1856 in TN, Mary A., 
born ca 1857 in TN, and Adley  G., born ca 1858 in AR.
STORY TIME  FIVE:  "OLD  ELIAS  DEATON, THE  BAPTIST 	                                         
"Great  Grandpa,  tell us again about old Elias Deaton, the preacher man."
"Now, that old Elias Deaton was a right interesting character. Younguns, I 
reckon I am proud to say that a member of our family  was the first Deaton to 
take up permanent residency in Tennessee.  And that would be old Elias Deaton 
who moved from Montgomery Co., NC, to Hickman Co., TN, about 1806.  Now, I have 
heard tell of another Deaton family that moved to Tennessee about 1805, but 
after a while they packed up and moved back to NC. I reckon you younguns  know  
from your school  studies  that east Tennessee used to be a part of  NC and most 
everybody in east Tennessee used to live in NC.  As I recollect it was about 
1784 or so that a bunch of east Tennesseans got a little big for their britches 
and decided they didn't want to be part of  NC anymore...So they tried to form  
their own state, a state they called ‘Franklin.'  Well, this here Franklin 
lasted four years.  By and by, the folks living in east Tennessee had to get on 
board with the rest of the folks in the territory, so they formed the state of  
Tennessee.  That would have been about 1796 and I reckon  members of our Deaton 
family have been living in Tennessee ever since.  Now younguns, you done got me 
off the track...Let's get back to old Elias Deaton.  He was born in NC and had a 
whole passel of  brothers and sisters.  By and  by, he married and moved to 
Tennessee, and started preaching.  And I recollect he was first a preacher for 
the Primitive Baptist  Church, but he never could stay with one denomination for 
a very long time.  You see  younguns, old Elias not only loved to preach, he 
also loved that good old Kentucky  sipping whiskey.  So when he wasn't 
preaching, he was drinking.  Now,  your great grandpa never has been too fond of 
folks that want to tell others how they ought to live.  Old Elias was one of  
those fellas that wanted everyone to else to live by his conscience....Only 
trouble was he didn't do much of living by it himself.  Any ways, he had a bunch 
of  younguns, mostly boys, and those boys raised a lot of cane in and around 
Hickman Co.  By and by, one of his sons got himself  murdered and, by and by, 
one of his sons, old Littleberry Deaton, that would be ‘Will' Deaton's 
grandfather, started preaching himself.  And I hear  tell it was Elias's son, 
Elijah, that got himself murdered  when he suspicioned that his widowed daughter 
was wanting to keep company with a married man, a fella named William Brimble.  
Well, Elijah and this Brimble fella got in a fuss and Elijah ended up getting 
stabbed  to death.  Rumor has that Brimble ran off and joined the Army to keep 
from getting put on trial.  Now, look  a here, you younguns done got me off the 
track again.  Now, old preacher Elias changed denominations several times and 
was always getting his neighbors riled up about something.  More than once his 
neighbors took him to court for disturbing the peace and such like.  Any ways, 
old Elias did help organize the first church in Hickman  Co.,  and that would be 
the Primitive Baptist Church about 1818.  Old Elias finally moved to Decatur 
Co., TN, and died some time after 1850."
"Great Grandpa, is there a moral to this story?"
""Well, if the stories about old Elias are true and he did for sure drink a 
little too much,  then I reckon the moral of the story is that Kentucky  sipping 
whisky and bible preaching don't mix too well.  I've used a little spirits 
myself and they make a fella feel mighty good, but, of course, I wasn't trying 
to tell others what was right.  Maybe a fella ought to spend more time thinking 
on his own  behavior instead of trying to tell other folks how they ought to 
Joseph  Deaton (JD), the grandfather of Littleberry Deaton, the father of Elias 
Deaton, and the nephew of Capt. William Deaton who served in the Revolutionary 
War was the son of  Thomas Deaton Jr., and "Mary" of Chesterfield Co., VA.  
Joseph was born ca 1755-60 in Amelia Co., VA, and married Elisabeth  Jordan ca 
1784 in Montgomery Co., NC.  Elizabeth was the daughter of  Francis Jordan. 
Joseph, along with his father, migrated to Anson Co., NC (now Montgomery Co) in 
the  late 1760's and lived there until his death.  Joseph may have played a role 
in the Revolutionary War by furnishing supplies to the Army of George Washington 
in 1782 at the Battle of Guilford Court House, Guilford Co., NC.   He died ca 
1831 in Montgomery Co., NC.  In 1791-92  he owned  land on the east side of the 
Little River in Anson Co., NC. He appears in the 1800, 1810, and 1830 census of 
Montgomery Co., NC.   Elizabeth was born  ca 1765 in NC, and died after 1850.  
At age 85 (in 1850), she was living with Dison Deaton, age 44, in Montgomery 
Co., NC.  Some family historians have speculated that Joseph  was the son of 
Capt. William Deaton but there is no hard evidence to support this claim and, if 
true, the ages of each becomes something of a problem.  The late William Slagle, 
author of  "The Slagle Report,"  whose conclusions have often been questioned, 
reports that Capt William  Deaton had five sons---namely James, Matthew, our 
Joseph, Nathan, and William; however, LDD has not been able to document this 
conclusion. The  evidence is overwhelming in support of the conclusion that 
Capt. William  was the son of  Thomas Deaton Sr., and, therefore,  Joseph's 
uncle.   In fact,  LDD has found as many as eight children attributed to Capt. 
Deaton by different historians, including Burrell Deaton, ancestor of Dr. Hobart 
Deaton, a deceased family historian of  Ft. Worth, TX.    It should be noted 
that W.S.  Deaton, of San Marcos, TX and Lawson Deaton of Annapolis, MD, believe 
that Thomas Deaton of Anson Co., NC, was indeed the father of our Joseph.  This 
certainly does seems to be the most likely scenario. JD is the only  Deaton  
listed in the 1790 and 1810 census records of Montgomery Co.  Only four Deatons 
appear in the entire state in the 1790 census.  Unfortunately, the 1820 census 
of  NC was destroyed by fire.  In 1800,  JD was recorded as age 26-45 and in 
1810 as over 45.  Based upon these records and his wife's age  it is most likely 
that he was born  ca 1760-1765.  A great grandson of JD (I.M. Deaton, son of 
Nathan, son of Francis, Son of Joseph) writing in 1932, stated that Joseph had 
migrated to NC from MD before the Revolutionary War (perhaps 1770) and settled 
on the east side of the Little River  opposite the mouth of  Denison Creek, four 
miles east of  Troy, NC.  The date 1770  might be a little early; however it 
should be noted that the Deatons do seem to have departed MD by 1790.
Concerning Francis Jordan, he was one of the earliest settlers in Anson Co., NC.  
Francis was born ca 1743 and died after 1880 in Montgomery Co.  John Jordan, son 
of  Francis Jordan, lived next to Joseph Deaton about two miles east of Troy, 
NC, on the east side of the Little River. John was the youngest brother of 
Elizabeth Jordan. He married Mary Humble  and later married Mary Butler.  He 
died after 1843.

I. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1785 in NC.  She married James Yarborough.

II. Basil  Deaton was born ca 1788-1790 in NC and married Barbara Stewart ca 
1812.  Barbara was the daughter of John Stewart of Montgomery Co., NC.  Barbara 
was born ca 1797-1800 in NC.   Basil and family are listed in the 1830  census 
of Montgomery Co., NC.  He is shown having five sons under 15 years of age.  
Apparently, he moved  to McNairy Co., TN  where he died between  1830 and 1840.  
Goodin Deaton, son of Basil, recorded in the family bible  that  his parents 
left North Carolina 10-7-1830 when he (Goodin) was sixteen years of age.  
"Barbary" (Basil's widow) appears in the 1840 census of McNairy Co., TN.  She is 
shown  as being between 50-60 years of age and having in the household with her 
one male age 10-15 and two males ages 15-20.  That same year her oldest son 
(Goodin Deaton) was residing in Hardman Co., TN.  She is also listed in the 1850 
census of McNairy Co.  She was living in HH 885, was age 60 and had with her  
Larkin (Locke) Deaton, her  youngest son, and his wife Nancy.  She is recorded 
as owning personal property valued at $600.  Barbara also appears in the 1860 
census of  Clark Co., AR.  She died in Clark Co., AR, before 1880.

		A.  Goodin Deaton (GD) was born 6-3-1814 in Montgomery Co., NC, and 
died 11-11-1902 in Richlands, Clark Co., AR. He first married Lucinda Jackson  
on 2-27-1834 in Hardiman Co., TN.  They were married by the Rev. William Hale.  
Lucinda  was born in 1815 in Georgia.  She bore Goodin fifteen children  before 
dying at the age of  51 in Clark Co., AR.  She is buried in an unmarked grave in  
Alpine, AR.  Lucinda's mother was  Barbara Jackson  who was living with the 
Deatons in AR, at the time of the 1860 census. Goodin and family  appear in the 
1880 census of Clark Co., AR.  They are living in HH 217.  Goodin is recorded as 
"farming."  Goodspeed's "The Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern 
Arkansas," published in 1890, records a lot of information re:  GD.  He left  
North Carolina  10-17-1830 when he was 16 years of age.  He and his parents 
migrated to Tennessee.  He was educated in Tennessee and  met and married 
Lucinda there.  The family bible shows that he moved to Hardiman Co., TN, in 
December of 1835 but their marriage record  has them marrying in Hardiman Co., 
in 1834.  Goodin Deaton departed TN,  for Arkansas on 10-17-1849,  moved to 
Clark Co., AR, near the town of Amity, bought a piece of land and made his home 
there until  November of 1886 at which time he moved onto a 520 acre farm at 
Richlands, AR ( a small settlement between Gurdon and Arkadelphia.  He evidently 
received this land as payment on a bad debt..  The land was fertile  and 
productive (hence 	the name "Richlands").  When Goodin's first wife, 
Lucinda, died in 1866, he married a second time  to  Amanda Elizabeth (Malcom) 
Williams on  5-5-1867.   They were married by Rev. W.D. Leard.  Amanda was the 
daughter of Green F.  Malcom  and Susan Street.   Amanda was the widow of  W. 
Hansford Williams, by whom she had already had two children,  Sam and Rosalie 
Williams.  Amanda was born 10-29-1837 in Walton Co., GA. She bore  Goodin five 
children before dying 2-25-1929.  Goodin  was appointed County Supervisor in 
1876 according to a certificate signed by Governor Elisha Baxter, which can be 
found in the family bible. In 1882, he was elected to the State Legislature and 
served one term. He also filled the position of Justice of the Peace and County 
Judge,  holding the last named position for two terms.  He was a Baptist and 
socially a Mason.  He died at the age of  88 on 11-11-1902.  He is buried at 
Richlands in the cemetery for which he donated land from his original  land 
holdings.  The cemetery is now located at what is called Sloan's Crossing on the 
Crawford farm.  The Gurdon  Times,  Gurdon, AR, on Saturday, 11-8-1902, recorded 
the passing of "Judge Deaton."  "Judge Goodin Deaton, one of the oldest  
residents of Clark Co., died at his home near Curtis last Saturday, Nov. 1st, 
age 89.  He was a North Carolinian by birth and came to this county when a young 
			CHILDREN OF GOODIN DEATON:                                                       
			1. Barbara, who married James Howell, was born 9-28-1836 in 
TN.  James was the son of  Tillman  Howell.  Tillman and family  appear in the 
1860  census of Clark Co., AR.  Tillman is recorded as living in HH 382.  He was 
farming and owned real estate valued at $600 and personal property valued at 
$200.  Tillman was born about  1807 in SC.  He lived in the same neighborhood as 
the Deatons.  James was his oldest son.
						Children of Barbara Deaton Howell:		
					a. Elias.							
					b. Nancy.							
					c. Aaron (Aron?)  was born 10-5-1865 and died 1-
13-1959. In  the 1880 census of Clark Co.,  Aaron is  shown as living in the 
home of his 	grandparents, Goodin and Amanda Deaton.		            
					d. Thomas.
			2. Enock,  who was killed in the Civil War, was born 9-19-1837 
in TN.  He  died 7-4-1863 at the age of 26.						
			3. Polly was born 4-5-1839 in TN, and died 8-12- 1858 at the 
age of  19.	         4. Liza was born 5-5-1840 in TN, and  died 8-12-1847 at the 
age of seven.	      
			5. Martin,  who married Elizabeth Howell and had 12 children, 
was born 3-20-1842 in TN.   He married  Rhoda Elizabeth Howell before 1860.  She 
was the  daughter of  Tillman  Howell and Martha Sudduth.  Rhoda  was born 3-23-
1845 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL, and died 4-7-1922 at Amity, Clark Co., AR. She is 
buried in the Jones Cemetery in Clark Co. Martin died 5-23-1886 at the age of 
44.  Martin and family appear in the 1870 census of Clark Co., AR.  They are in 
HH 65.  Martin is farming and is recorded as owning real estate valued at $1000 
and personal property valued at $100. Martin and Rhoda also appear in the 1880 
census of Clark Co., AR. They are living in HH 143.  Martin is farming.  Rhoda 
appears in the 1900 census of Clark Co., AR, as a widow.  She has living with 
her son William N., age thirteen and daughter Nellie  age 12.                             
		 			Children of Martin Deaton:				
					a. Polly Ann who was  born 11-12-1862.  She first 
married  J.E. Johnson and second married Billy Wilson. Evidently Mr. Johnson 
died before 1880 because Polly is listed as living with her father in the 1880 
census of Clark Co.  Also in the home is her son, James Johnson, born 1879 AR.
				                                        b. Elijah  was 
born 1-3-1863 and died 10-9-1881,						             
					c. Tillman was born 1-15-1865, 2nd married Mary 
Ann Wright,  and died 7-24-1904.  He is buried in the Jones Cemetery in Clark  
Co., AR.  Tillman and family appear in the  1900 census of Clark   Co., AR.  
Mary A.  was born 10-1871 in          AR,  died 11-10-1958, and is buried in the 
Jones Cemetery.					              	 Children of  
Tillman Deaton:                                                               
	                  (1) William A.  born 1-1885 in AR.				            
						(2) Asa A.  was born 9-1889 in AR.                                                     
	                              (3) Ada E.  was born 6-24-1891 in AR, and 
married John                                                       Pruitt Jones 
on 5-5-1907. Ada is buried in the                                                                          
Jones Cemetery in Clark Co., AR.                                                   
	                               				(4) Gracie L. was 
born 10-1893 in AR.                                                   	                          
	(5) Dora E. was born 11-1896                                                              
	                              (6) Cora E. was born 11-1898 in AR, married 
Hollis  A.                                                          Garner, and 
died 12-9-1986.  Hollis was born 9-17-1894                                                        
and died  in 1982. 	He is buried in the Jones Cemetery in                                                       
Clark Co., AR, along with Cora.
				d. Goodin  was born 9-20-1866 and died 12-12-1945.  He 
is buried in the Jones Cemetery in Clark Co.   Interestingly enough,  his 
headstone reads "Goodwin Deaton." He first married Martha Ida Wright 7-18-1889 ( 
the daughter of Alex Wright and Nancy Elizabeth Jones).  She was born in 1873 
and died in 1922.  He 2nd married Martha (Jackson) Howard. on 4-16-1924  Martha 
was born in 1884 and died in 1957. Goodin was a farmer during his earlier years.  
Later he worked for the Bank of Amity as a collector.  He worked there long 
before the advent of the automobile and made his collection rounds on horseback.  
His home was located two blocks from the Bank on the Arkadelphia  road.  He was 
a member of the Baptist Church.  Goodin was a kind and wonderful man with a 
remarkable sense of humor.  He was genuinely liked by all who knew him and well 
loved by his children and those of  his grandchildren who were fortunate enough 
to have known him (this is the line of Bobbie Jones McLane of 112 Leach Street, 
Hot Springs, AR 71901.)
						Children of Goodin Deaton:			
						(1) Andy born 10-5-1892 and died 7-16-1894.
						(2) Eunice born 1-7-1895 and died 7-25-1896.
						(3) Claudius  born 10-7-1896 and died 7-24-
1955. He married  Ola Mae Belcher.
						(4) Horace  born 10-22-1896, married Rachel 
Hunter, and died 2-6-1940.                         	(5) Lola Eva was born 9-4-
1901 and died 12-10-1908.		           
						(6) Eula ,  known as "Clarkie,: was born 5-
5-1903 and married Julian Everett Jones.  These are the parents of  Bobbie Jones 
McLane.					            (7) Herman was born 6-4-1905, 
married Hazel Raines, and died 5-9-1972.           (8) Lotte was born 4-26-1907 
and died 8-14-1908.			            
						(9) Flay  was born 7-23-2909, 1st married 
Chloe Lambert, and 2nd married Mary Martin.					            
						(10) Willard Ray was born 9-7-1911 and 
married Helen Mayes.
						(11) Willa Mable was born 9-24-1913, married 
Roy Mason, and died 7-5-1953.
						(12) Farrah Cody was born 8-28-1928, 1st 
married Edna Fischer, 2nd married                      Marvell Fulmer, and died 
				 		(13) William Gee was born 6-22-1925, married 
Jamie Ann Thompson, and died 4-  22-1971.  He is buried in the Jones Cemetery in 
Clark Co., AR.  William served   in both WWII  and the Korean War.  He reached 
the rank of Infantry Captain. 
					e. Martha Adeline  was born 9-16-1868, married 
B.W. Kizer, and died 1-3-1903.    f. Belva  Lueller was born 6-23-1879, married 
George Harrison, and died 4-25-1895.							
					g. James Alonzo was born 1-5-1872, married Addie 
Anderson, and died 4-25-1961.  He is  buried in the Jones Cemetery in Clark Co.
					h. Locke  was born 4-2-1875, married Eudora Mann, 
and died 7-13-1923.	    
					i. William was born 2-27-1878, married Edna Trout, 
and died 	8-29-1955.  "Lockie"  and family  appear in the 1900 census of Clark  
Co., AR.  At this time he had one son,  Emmons  born 3-1900 in AR. 		
					j. John Daniel was born 2-27-1880 and died 10-9-
					k. Nellie was born 2-21-1882, 1st married Walter 
Grady, 2nd married Frank Poole, and died 9-19-1964.					
					l. Roberta Ann was born 4-20-1884 and died 11-17-
			6. Elias who was born 5-1843 in TN, and married Rebecca Howell 
1-18-1860  He died 10-11-1927 at the age of 84.  Rebecca was born 10-14-1849 and 
died 2-6-1912. Elias and  family  appear in the 1880  census of Clark Co.,  AR. 
They are living in HH 354.  Elias is farming.	
					Children of Elias Deaton:                                                                       
					a. Robert  A.  born  ca 1866 in AR.  Robert 
married "L.E."  who  was born 11-1869 in TN.  This family appears in the 1900 
census of Clark Co., AR.   An  E.M. Pharr, identified as "grandmother," age 72 
and born in Alabama, was living with the family.                                                     
						Children of  Robert A.  Deaton:                                                        
						(1) Z.E.(f) born 9-1888 in AR.                                                                   
						(2) F.B.(f) born 1-1892 in AR.                                                                   
						(3) F.R.(m) born 101894 in AR.                                                                 
						(4) R.C.(m) born 4-1896 in AR.                                                                 
						(5) D.R.(f) born 8-1889 in AR.
					b. George Washington  was born ca 3-1867 in AR.  
He married "F.P"  who was born 4-1872 in AR.  This family  appears in the 1900 
census of Clarke Co. AR.
						Children of  George Washington Deaton:                                                                                
	(1)  B.E. (female) born 2-1890 in AR.                                                                                      
	(2) P.E. (son) born 2-1894 in AR.                                                                                             
(3) Ines (female) born 8-1897 in AR.  
					c.  Edward (Edwin?) was born ca 1869 in AR.                                       
					d. James M. was born ca 1871 in AR.  James  
married "Ida" born 9-1872 in AR.  This family  appears in the 1900 census of 
Clark Co., AR. 
						Children of  James Monroe Deaton:                                             
								(1)  Virgil  born 9-1893 in AR.                                                         
			          			(2) Clovis  born 11-1895 in AR.	
						(3) Guy  born 3-1898 in AR.                                                           
					    (4) Essie  born 9-1899 in AR.                                                              
   	            e. Martha  L. was born ca  1872 in AR.                                                                
			    f.  Louisa was  born  ca 1874 in AR.                                                                 
		        g. Nancy was born ca 1876 in AR.	                                                               
		            h. Patrick was born ca 1878 in AR.                                                                    
		      	 i. Cordeler  (f) was born  ca 1879 in AR.                                                                               
7. Elijah was born 9-10-1844 in TN, and died 8-11-1847 at the age of three.	
		    8. Rachel was born 1-22-1846 in TN, and married against her 	
			                     father's wishes.
			9. John who was born 7-19-1847 in TN, and 1st married Nancy 
Ann Kent                  and 2nd married Adeline Owens.  John and Nancy appear 
in the 1870  census            of Clarke Co., AR.  They are living in HH 130.  
John is farming and owns                 real estate valued at $400. John and 
Adeline appear in the 1880 census of                  Clark Co., AR. They are in 
HH 306.  John is farming. 		
					Children of John Deaton:
					a. George Deaton born ca 1868 in AR.
					b. Mary Deaton born ca 1869 in AR.			
					c. Edwin Deaton born ca 1869 in AR.
					d. Marion B. Deaton born ca 1871 in AR.
					e. Nora E. Deaton born ca 1876 in AR.		
			10. Martha Jean was born 11-5-1848 in TN, and married William 
Thompson.	          11. Nancy Ann was born 2-17-1850 in AR, and married a Mr. 
Fox.		             12. Sarah  was born 11-9-1851 in AR,  and married 
Marion Anderson.  This family  appears in the 1870  census of Clark Co., AR.  
They are living in HH  252.  Marion is farming and owns real estate valued at 
$1500 and personal property valued at $100.  Marion was born ca 1848 in GA. 	
			13. Carrell (Carroll?) was born 2-5-1853 in AR, and  married 
Martha  Howell, daughter of  Tillman Howell.  Martha was born ca 1852 in MS.  
This family appears in the 1880 census of  Clark Co., AR. They are in HH 163.  
Carrell is farming.               	Children of Carrell (Carroll?) Deaton:                                                                 
				 	a. Delphina born ca 1874 in AR.                                                                         
				 	b. John H. born ca 1878 in AR.                                                                            
				  c. Mary L. born ca 1879 in AR.				
		             14. Elizabeth was born 1-2-1856 and married Green Moran 
on 11-19-1874.  She died 5-22-1921 in Childress, TX.					
	             15. Catherine was born 4-8-1857 in AR, and died 8-31-1874 at 
the age of 17.	  
			16. Patrick Henry was born 4-6-1868  at Alpine, AR, and died 
1-18-1869 at the age of  9 months.								
			17. Alonzo Franklin was born 3-21-1870 at Alpine, AR, married 
Ruth Nash on 3-24-1901, and died 11-12-1943 at the age of 73.			
			18. Eudora A was born 8-23-2872 at Alpine, AR, and married in 
Feb. 1959 at the age of 87.	            						
			19. Mary Luella was born 1-30-1875 at Alpine, AR, married 
James Neel on 10-20-1895, and died 8-13-1967 at the age of 92.			
Susan Carrie  was born 10-14-1877 at Alpine, AR, married Samuel Bourland 2-24-
1896, and eventually took up residence at 3105 Valley  View Lane, Dallas, TX.  
In  the 1900 census of Clark Co.,  Carrie and her husband are still living at 
home with  her parents, Goodin and Amanda Deaton.  Samuel is recorded as "H. 
Gammel Bowland" born 4-1874 in AR.  Also in the home is  their daughter Lucille 
Bourland born 4-1897 AR.

		B. Locke Larkin Deaton  born ca 1830 in Montgomery Co., NC, and died 
at the age of  70 on 11-7-1900 and is buried in the Alpine Cemetery in Clark 
Co., AR.  He married "Nancy J."  who was born 10-16-1832 and died 10-10-1921.  
She is also buried in the Alpine  Cemetery. Both graves do have markers.  Locke 
Larkin and  family  appear in the 1870, 1880, and 1900 census of  Clarke Co., 
AR.  In 1870 they are in HH 134.  Their post office is Arkadelphia.  Larkin is 
farming and owns real estate valued at $1700 and personal property valued at 
$100.  Living with the family in 1870 was Barbara (Stewart) Deaton, age 70 and a 
certain Cora Thomas, age 27, identified as a "teacher." In 1880 they are in HH 
301.  Larkin is still farming.  He is living next door to his son, Andrew.                                                            
			1. Andrew Deaton  was born 10-13-1852 and died in 1925.  He is 
buried at Findley, AR.  He married Malona A. Shepard  10-7-1877.  This family 
appears in the 1880 census of Clarke Co., AR. They are living in HH 303. Andrew 
is farming. 
					Children of Andrew Deaton:
					a. Lea A. Deaton was born ca 1875 in AR.
			 		b. Emma Deaton was born ca 1877 in AR.
			 		c. Fredric Deaton was born 2-1880 in AR.
			2. Margaret E. Deaton was born  1855 in AR.			
			3. James M. Deaton  was born 3-21-1858 in AR, died 1-25-1890, 
and   is buried in the Alpine Cemetery in Clark Co.,  AR.  James appears in the 
1880 census of Clark Co.,  still living at home with his father.			
			4. Robert Allen Deaton was born in 1860 in AR,  died in 1929, 
and is buried  at Findley, AR.  His wife was Martha Ellen Keagle.  Martha  was 
born 2-1864 in AR.  This family appears in the 1900 census of Clark Co., AR.  
Also present in the home is Jane  Keagle (b. 10-1825 GA) identified as Robert's  
mother-in-law and  Joe Keagle (b. 9-1845) identified as Robert's brother-in-law.  
Robert appears in the 1880 census of Clark Co.,  still living at home with his 
					Children of  Robert Allen Deaton:                                                                                  
a. An  unidentified male born 8-1886 born in AR.                                                         
b. Effie born 2-1888 in AR.                                                                                            
c. Cora  born 7-1892 in AR.                                                                                            
d. Annie born 9-1894 in AR.                                                                                           
e. Aatisil(?)(m) born 4-1897 in AR.                                                                                
f. Dewey born 12-1899 in AR.		                                              
	             5. Elizabeth Deaton  was  born in 1865 in AR.			
 			6. Jasper Deaton  was born 1867 in AR.

		C. Nancy J. Deaton. 
		D. James B. Deaton.

		E. Temperance A. Deaton.
III. Elias  Deaton  who married  Elizabeth Yarbrough (this is the direct line of 
Alexander Deaton Haas & Zachary Deaton Haas ( see above).
IV. Catherine Deaton  who married William Britt.
V.  Isabelle "Ibbie"   Deaton  who married James Yarbrough in 1819. She died 
after 1844.
VI.  Reuben Deaton  was born ca 1805 in Montgomery Co., NC, and married Nancy 
Fox.  Rueben in alleged to have died during the Civil War. 
VII. Adam Deaton  was born ca 1791 in Montgomery Co., NC.
VIII. John Calvin(?) Deaton was born ca 1795 in Montgomery Co., NC, and first 
married ca  1814 in Montgomery Co.  He second married Sarah Reilly  2-6-1846 in 
Nacogdoches Co., TX.  Sarah was born ca 1805 in Illinois.  John was in McNairy 
Co., Tn, by 1830 he had  moved to Hunt Co., TX,  in 1848. He died in 1858 and is 
buried in the Deaton Cemetery in Rains Co., TX.  Rains Co., is adjacent to 
Hopkins Co., and the Deaton Cemetery  sits almost on the County line.  This 
family  appears in the 1850 census of Hopkins Co., TX. They were living in HH 
80.  John was farming and owns real estate valued at $320.CHILDREN OF  JOHN  
		A.  Hiram H. Deaton by 1819 in Charlotte, Montgomery Co., NC. Hiram 
married "Mary Ann."  He died in Rains Co., TX, and is buried in the Deaton 
Cemetery in Rains Co. "Mary Ann" was born  1822/23 in NC, and died 1871-1880.  
She is also buried in the Deaton Cemetery in Rains Co., TX.  Hiram and family  
appear in the 1850 census of Hopkins Co., TX.  They are  in HH 340.  Hiram is 
farming and owns real estate valued at $100.
			1. Laura (Loracy) Paralee Deaton was born 11-2-1842 in 
Lafayette Co., MS, and died 1-21-1930 in Bonanza, TX.  She first married  John 
T.  McAlpin.  She 2nd married  a Mr. Anderson, 3rd married a Mr. Waters,  4th 
married  a Mr. Leonard and  5th married Bennet J. Adams, her deceased sister's  
husband.  Paralee was buried as "Paralee Adams" and is buried in the Deaton 
Cemetery in Rains Co., TX.
					Children of Laura Paralee Deaton :			
					a. Mary Anderson born ca 1862 in TX.		
					b. M.L. Waters born ca 1875 in TX.			
					c. J.C. (Calvin) Waters born 7-9- 1876 in TX, and 
died 9-25-1927.  He is buried in the Deaton Cemetery in Rains Co., TX.		
       	2. John C. Deaton  was born 3-1846 in Bowie Co., TX. He married 
"Nancy,"  who was born in 1846 in Kent Co., TX, and had Hiram Oliver "Olive" 
Deaton who was born 1868 in TX.  "Olive" married Maggie Roberts on 10-16-1887 in 
Rains Co., TX.  3. Martha (Mattie) C. Deaton  was born 11-9-1851 in Bonanza, 
Hopkins Co., TX. She died 2-6-1940  in Bonanza, TX.  Martha married Bennett 
Adams in Rains Co., TX, 9-6-1871.								
			4. Elizabeth Deaton was born  in 1854 in Bonanza, TX.		
			5. Thomas David Deaton  was born 9-13-1859 in Bonanza, TX, and 
died 1-13-1940 in Dallas, TX.  Thomas married Pinkie Pauline McLeroy in Hopkins 
Co., TX., on 10-21-1886.  Thomas died 1-13-1940 in Dallas, TX.  Pinkie was born 
12-1869 in TX.
					Children of  Thomas David Deaton:			
					a. Otis Deaton born 5-1891 in TX.			
					b.  Isaac Deaton born 7-1892 in TX.			
					c. Cal (Calvin?) T. Deaton was born 3-1895 in TX.
					d. Troy Deaton was born 9-1897 in TX.
			6. Julie Deaton was born in 1862 in Bonanza, TX.
		B. Thomas Deaton  born 10-25-1826 in Montgomery Co., NC.  He married 
Harriet  Crawford. Harriet  on 9-3-1846 in Hopkins Co., TX. Harriet was born 45-
1-1827 in Crawford Co., AR.  She died 6-10-1873 in Bell Co., TX.  Her parents 
were Marshall Crawford and Rebecca Sinclair.  This family  appears in the 1850 
census of Hopkins Co., TX, and the 1860  census of  Comanche Co., TX. In 1860 
They are living in HH 34.  Thomas is identified as a "stock raiser."  He owns 
real estate valued at $300 and personal property valued at $4000 (his stock?).
			CHILDREN OF  THOMAS  DEATON:                                                             
			1. Franklin Carl Deaton was born 9-4-1847 in TX, and died 9-4-
1920 in Eastland, TX..  He first married "Mary B" and second married "Annie M."  
					Children of  Franklin Carl Deaton:			
					a. Elmira  C. born 1870 in Bell Co., TX.		
					b. F. A.  born 1873 in Bell Co., TX.		
					c. F. M. born 1875 in Bell Co., TX.			
					d. P.E. born 1877 in Bell Co., TX.			
					e. J.S. born 1878 in Bell Co., TX.			
					f. Lenora born 5-1879 in Bell Co., TX.		
					g. Essie  born 11-1881 in Bell Co., TX.		
					h. Bates  born 9-1886 in Bell Co., TX.		
					i. Earl  born 4-1880 in Bell Co., TX.
			2. James M. . Deaton was born 7-3-1849 in TX.  James married                     
		 		"Susannah A."  "Susannah" was born in 1851 and 2nd 
married C.S.                     	        Upton in 1883.  It is assumed that 
James had died. "Susan" and family                                  appear in 
the 1880 census of Hamilton Co., TX.  She is a widow and is                                 
living in HH 160.
					Children of James M. Deaton:				
					a. Amber M. born 1869 in Comanche Co., TX.	
					b. Katie  born 1871 in Comanche Co., TX.		
					c. Jessee (Jopee?) born 1873 in Comanche Co., TX.
					d. Mattie born 1875 in Comanche Co., TX.		
					e. James born 1879 in Comanche Co., TX.
			3. Henry J. Deaton was born 6-3-1851 in TX.
			4. Marshall Wilburn Deaton  was born 6-2-1853 in TX, and died 
3-18-1925    in Seymour, TX.  He married Mary Reed Sellers. Marshall was her 2nd 
					Children of  Marshal Wilburn Deaton:		
					a. Mary A. Sellars born ca 1868 in TX. (Mary's 
daughter by first husband).  Mary  married a Mr. Ballard.				
					b. James A. Sellars born ca 1870 in TX.(Mary's  
son by first  husband).			  			c. Oscar Deaton born 9-
1875 in TX.							            
					d. Allan Deaton born 2-7-1877 born in San  Saba, 
TX.  He died in Matador Co., TX, 12-7-1956.   Allan married Ada Dixie Downing on 
8-26-1900. Ada was born 4-18-1879 in Lone Oak, TX, and died in 1970 in Matador 
Co., TX.  Her parents were Carter T. Downing and Mary Hefner.
						Children of Allan Deaton:			
						(1) Lillian was born 1902 in Throckmorton, 
TX.  She married Fred J. Gordon.(2) Myrtle was born 1905 in Hunt Co., TX.  She 
married J.C. Reynolds.	
						(3) Eula   born 1908 in Montague Co., TX., 
and married W.E. Gruben.							(4) Wilburn C. 
born 10-3-1910 in Young Co., TX.  He married Valta Nipp.				
		(5) Wendell Stone  born 11-24-1914 in Guthrie, King Co., TX.  He 
married                          Fanette Cercy on 12-14-1940. Fanette was born 
3-25-1923 in Burkburnett, TX.
							Children of Wendell Stone Deaton:	
							(a) Patricia Louise born 9-2-1941 in 
Spur, TX.  Patricia  married Mel Staley.   (b) Wendell Stone Jr., born 5-14-1945 
in Lubbock, TX. Wendell married Linda Joyce Sanfillippo.				
							(c) Mark Stephens  born 5-15-1950 in 
Lubbock, TX. Mark married Cynthia  Lenore Gayken.					            
							(d) John born 12-1956 in Quay, NM, and 
died in infancy.
						(6) Allan Jr., born 1924 in King Co., TX.  
He married                                            	       		
		Felica Gonzales.
					e. Robert Deaton born 10-1879 in TX..		
					f. Alonzo Deaton  born 9-1882 in TX.		
					g. Charles Deaton born 7-1885 in Stephens, TX. He 
died in King, TX.
			5. George Karnes Deaton was born 10-16-1855 in Bell Co., TX, 
and                      			died 11-11-1931 in Comstock, Val Verde 
Co.,  TX.  George married                                     Mina Harrison. 
Mina was born 12-10-1856 in Waco, TX, and died 1-                                    
30-1941 in Comstock, TX.
					Children of George  Karnes Deaton:	               
					a. James Oliver born 9-1878 in Hamilton Co., TX., 
and died 1-                                              28-1937 in Val Verde 
Co., TX.									
					b. John Henry  born 2-1881 in Hamilton Co., TX.  
He died 12-                                              16-1937 in Hunt Co., 
					c. Arthur Anderson  born 10-1882 in Hamilton Co., 
					d. Ida Bell born 2-1884 in Hamilton Co., TX.	
					e. Fred Marshall born 1-1887 in Hamilton Co., TX.
					f. Clyde Uval born 8-1891 in Hamilton Co., TX.	
					g.  George Ira born 10-9-1893 in Hamilton Co., TX.  
Ira married                                           Lillie  Schnaubert. Lillie 
was born 6-1-1895.
			    		Children of George Ira Deaton:			
						(1) Jack Weldon born 9-30-1915.  Jack 
married Dorothy  Sutton.
							Children of Jack Weldon Deaton:	
							(a) David Weldon  born 9-7-1940. David 
							(b) Don Randal born 9-8-1948. Don 
married                                              Deborah Cochran.		
							( c) Lois Irene born 1950.  Lois 
married Michael White.					                     (d) Jack 
Duane  born 4-10-1954. 
						(2) Roy Lee born 8-1-1917.  Roy married Nell 
Rogers. Nell was born 6-14-1919.   They had Roy Lee Jr., born 8-21-1947 in Del 
Rio, TX.  Roy Lee Jr., married Pam Graves and they had Carleta Renne on 7-20-
1976 in Uvalde, TX.
					h. Myrtle Evelyn born 1-1897 in Hamilton Co., TX.
			6. Madora Ann Deaton was born 7-18-1856 in Comanche, TX, and 
died 7-23-1951 in Montague, TX.  Madora married Thomas Jefferson Holmes on 1-8-
1874.  Thomas Jefferson was born 12-27-1855 in Marion Co., MS, and died 10-26-
1918 in Montague Co., TX.  Interestingly enough,  at the time of the 1880 census 
of Gonzales Co., TX,  Thomas Jefferson Holmes was a resident of the county jail. 
He was 26 years of age and was identified as a "stockman."
					Children of  Madora Ann Deaton Holmes		
					a. John W. Holmes who 1st married Canzadia West 
and 2nd married Janie Moss.					b. Charles T. Holmes who 
married Sallie Thomas.					           
				  c. Minnie Holmes  who married Walter Haralson.	
					d. Rosaline Holmes who married Warner Price.	
					e. Edward Holmes.						
					f. Floyd J. Holmes who married Alma Ann Wagoner.
					g. Maude Holmes who married John Mosley.		
					 h. Anna Holmes who married  Thice Gates.		
					i. Arlene Holmes who married Frank Etten.		
					j. Lillie Holmes who married Ira Hicks.		
					k. Ruth Holmes.						
					l. Mable Holmes born 9-12-1901 in Montague Co, TX, 
and died 2-13-1970 in Yoakum, TX.   She married James Hurley Treadwell and had 
James Hurley Treadwell Jr.  who was born 1-27-1925 in Bogalusa, LA. Mr. 
Treadwell was born 11-6-1897 in Chambers Co., AL. James Jr., married Juanita 
Doris Durham in 1953 in Waco, TX.					             
					m. Namie Holmes.
			7. Rebecca  Catherine Deaton born 7-19-1859 in TX
			8. Martha Deaton born  1862 in Comanche Co., TX.
			9. Samuel Deaton born 1865 in TX.
			10. John Deaton born 2-15-1867 and died 11-28-1867.
		C. Elias L.  Deaton, author of "Indian Fights on the Texas 
Frontier," was born 8-4-1833 in McNairy Co., Tn, and migrated to Texas with his 
parents in 1843.  Family legend has him entering Texas 3-25-1843.  He  married 
Mary E. Wright in 1856, and died in 8-18-1899. He 2nd married  Mrs. Harriett 
Olivia  McCarty. Mary Wright was born 10-2-1832 in TX, and died 3-4-1880 in 
Hamilton Co., TX. Elias  settled in Comanche Co., TX, in 1855 and his marriage 
to Harriett was the first ever recorded in that county. She is buried in the 
Honey Creek Cemetery. He served three short tours in the Confederate Army from 
2-6-1864 until  5-31-1864 and was paid a total of $63.25. Elias and family  
appear in the 1860  census of Comanche Co., TX.  The census taker erroneously  
recorded his age as "24."  He was  twenty-seven. Elias and family are living in 
HH 36.  He is identified as a "stock raiser." He owns real estate valued at $500 
and personal property valued at $750. To learn more about Elias and his book,  
please see the appendix of this history.  Elias and family  appear in the 1880 
census of Hamilton Co., TX.  Elias is in HH 79 and he is farming. In all, Elias 
was married four times.
			1. William D.  born  10-3-1857 in Comanche Co., TX., and died 
in Montana.  He married  Ludy Oats.
			2. Thomas Jarvis. born 1-2-1860 in Comanche Co., TX, and died 
in Hamilton Co., TX in 1893.
			3. John F. "Jack" was born 10-5-1862 in Comanche Co., TX, and 
died 	12-23-1881 in Hamilton Co., TX.
			4. David Calvin was born 4-21-1865 in Comanche Co., TX, and 
died 1-22-1950 in Erath Co., TX.  David married Georgia E. Webb.   She was born 
in Tennessee on 6-11-1865 and died in Erath Co., TX., on 9-18-1909.  She is 
buried in the Lone Oak Cemetery in Erath Co.   Her father was T.J. Webb.  David,  
at one time, was sheriff of  Erath Co., TX..
			5. Joseph Deaton was born 2-19-1867 in Comanche Co., TX and 
died 5-22-1870.
			6. Mary  Emily "Mollie"  was born in 1870 in Comanche Co., TX.
			7. Catherine "Katie" was born in 1873 in Comanche Co., TX.  
She married J. E. Arnold.
		D. John Calvin "Uncle Cal"  Deaton II  was born in 3-16-1836 in 
McNairy Co., TN, and moved to Texas with his family.  He married Amanda M. 
Crawford of Bell Co., TX, on 2-4-1855.  John joined the Texas Rangers in 1860 
and eventually  reached the rank of Captain.  He also served in the Confederate 
Army. He owned and operated a hotel in Mingus, TX. Eventually  John moved to 
Erath Co., TX, and  took  up farming.  He raised cotton and cattle.  John and 
Amanda had 15 children.  John  died 7-18-1912.  More information  about John is 
contained in his brother's book (see Appendix). Amanda was born 3-30-1837 in 
Crawford Co., AR, and died 12-15-1912 in Erath Co., TX.  She is buried in 
Russell Chapel Cemetery. Her  father was Marshall Crawford who was born in KY.  
John and family  appear in the 1860 census of Bell Co., TX.  John and family 
also  appear in the 1880  census of Hamilton Co., TX, living next door to his 
brother Elias (HH 177).  John and "Mandy"  appear in the 1900  census of  Erath 
Co., TX.   Living with them is three of their grandchildren, Pauline  Deaton 
born 3-1896, John D. Deaton born 1897, and Robert G. Deaton born 1899.  As of 
this date (1999),  LDD has not been able to identify  the parents of these 
			1. Laura Ellen born 1860 in Hamilton Co., TX.
			2. Martha born ca 1863 in TX.  She appears is the 1880 census 
of Hamilton Co., as still living at home.
			3. William Elias born 7-31-1866 in Hamilton Co., TX., and died 
10-30-1941 in Erath Co., TX. He is buried in the Hannibal Cemetery in Erath Co. 
He married Mary Frances Pierce. Mary was born 8-13-1871 and died 4-5-1957. She 
is buried  beside her husband in Hannibal Cemetery.
					Children of William Elias Deaton:			
					a. John Sherman born 7-3-1897 in Erath Co., TX.	
					b. Mattie Melvina.					
					c. Ellen Juanita.
			4. America born 1869 in Hamilton Co., TX.
			5. Theodosia  born 1870 in Hamilton Co., TX.
			6. John L. born 11-11-1872 in Hamilton Co., TX, and died 2-26-
1934 in Erath Co., TX.  John married Mittie Jeter. Mittie was born 9-22-1877 in 
TX, and died 7-14-1933 in Erath Co., TX.  She is buried in Russell Cemetery.
					Children of John L. Deaton:				
					a. Eva born 8-1898 in TX.				
					b. Oscar born 2-5-1900 in TX.				
					c. Charles Nathan born in 1901 in Gordo, Palo 
Pinto Co., TX..  He died in 1960 in Ft. Worth,  TX.  Charles married Delphia 
						Children of Charles Nathan Deaton:		
						(1) Robert Dwight born ca 1930 in Ranger, 
TX. Robert married Marene Hudson.
							Children of  Robert Dwight Deaton:	
							(a) Darril Wayne born 12-6-1949 in 
Waco. TX.                        		           (b) Ronald  born 9-29-1956 
in Waco, TX.               							
							(c) Marlene  born 1-5-1953 in Waco, 
							(d) Byram Lee  born 9-23-1958 in Ft. 
Worth, TX.,                                                                   
and died 1-6-1974.
						(2) Charles William born in Ranger, TX.                                             
							(3) Jack Lineal born in Ranger, TX.	
						(4) Pauline  born in Ranger, TX.
					d. May .							
					e. Ruby.							
					f. An unidentified female.				
					g. Franklin.
			7. Amanda born 1874 in Hamilton Co., TX.  
			8. Hattie born 1879 in Hamilton Co., TX.
		E. Sarah C. Deaton born 1838 in McNairy Co., TN. Sarah  married  
Charles Trogden on 12-27-1859 in Van Buren Co., TN.  This family  appears in the 
1880 census of  Van Buren Co. It should be noted that the Trogdens and the 
Deatons were neighbors in  Montgomery Co., NC.  Charles Trogden and family  also 
appear in the 1870 census of Van Buren Co., TN, but the census taker (or the 
census informant), curiously, seems to have made a number of  clerical errors. 
In  1870 Charles was 35 but the census taker records his age as 25  and records 
Sarah's age as 19.  She was 32.  The family was living in HH 38, post office 
Bone Cave, TN. Charles is recorded as a farm laborer with a personal estate of 
			1. Mary Trogden born ca 1865 in TN.
			2. Henry Clinton Trogden born ca 1867 in TN. 
        3. Edward  M. Trogden born ca 1873 in TN. 
			4. William P. Trogden born ca 1875 in TN. 
			5. Lucinda E. Trogden  born ca 1877 in TN. 		
			6. Charles M. Trogden  born ca 1878 in TN. 

IX. Francis Jordan Deaton who  married Rachel Holderness 8-13-1826.  This family  
appears in the 1830, 1840, 1850 and 1870 census of Montgomery Co., NC.   In 1850 
Francis and family were living in HH 585.  Francis was farming and owned real 
estate valued at $650. In 1870, their son, John,  was still living at home with 
them. They were living in HH 4.  Francis was farming and owned real estate 
valued at $500 and personal property valued at $400. Francis was born  4-27-1801 
in Montgomery Co.,  NC. Rachel was born ca 1808 in NC.  Francis died 8-3-1876.
		A. Able Deaton who died very young.
		B. Temperance Deaton was born 5-20-1827 and died 10-16-1895. She  
married Goodman Corneilson on 5-4-1848 in Montgomery Co., NC,  and appears in 
the 1850  census of Montgomery Co., NC.  Goodman was born ca 1822. In 1850,  
John Corneilson, age 77, and Rebecca Corneilson, age 63, are  also present in 
the home. This family  also appears in the 1870 census of  Montgomery Co., NC 
(HH 36), post office  Gray, NC.  Goodman served in the CSA Company "E" 5th 
Regiment of  NC. 
			1. Bazelle (?) Corneilson was born ca 1851 in NC.
			2. Ann Corneilson was born ca 1853 in NC.
			3. Mardora (?)  was born ca 1859 in NC.
			4. Allen Corneilson was born ca 1862 in NC.
			5. Bethard Corneilson was born ca 1866 in NC. 
		C. Nathan R. Deaton was born in 5-3-1830 Montgomery Co., NC,  and 
married Nancy Corneilson in Montgomery Co., NC, on 10-9-1852.  The bondsman for 
this  wedding was  Thomas Bean. Nancy  was born in 1834 in NC.  This family  
appears in the 1870 census of NC.  They are living in HH 12, post office Troy, 
NC. Nathan is farming and owns real estate valued at $200 and personal property 
valued at $100.  Nathan died after 1880.                          
			1. Francis was born ca 1855 in NC.                                                            
			2. Milton was born ca 1857 in NC.   This is "I.M."  Deaton who  
became a genealogist.  He married  Mollie  Jordon on 9-25-1885 in  Montgomery 
			3. Simon was born ca 1858 in NC. 
			4. Virgil was born ca 1859 in NC. 
			5. Martha was born ca 1864 in NC. 
			6. Martin B. was born in 1867 in NC, and died in 1934.  He is 
buried in the 	Southside Cemetery in Montgomery Co., NC. 
		D. Martin S. Deaton was born 4-21-1833 in Montgomery Co., NC,  and 
married Mary Ann McLeon on 2-10-1859 in Montgomery Co. The  bondsman for this 
marriage was Jesse  Smitheman.  Mary  was born 9-5-1834 and died 12-1-1924.  Her 
father was Anguish McLeon. Martin served in Company "G" 14th Regiment, NC  
Troops.  He died at Leesburg, VA. Mary appears as a widow in the 1870 census of  
Montgomery, NC,  post office Troy, NC.   She owns real estate valued at $300 and 
personal property valued at $300
			1. Catherine.								
			2. Matthew.
			3. Francis.
		E.  Reuben Deaton was born 3-3-1834 in Montgomery Co., NC, and 
married  Timsie (Temperance) Corneilson  in Montgomery Co., NC, on 2-19-1857.  
The bondsman for this wedding was Aaron Brewer. "Tempie" was born 3-26-1838 in 
NC, and died 11-25-1923. Reuben died 6-24-1907.  Both are buried in the Sharon 
Cemetery in Montgomery Co., NC. Temperance was undoubtedly related to Goodman 
Corneilson who  appears in the 1870 census of Montgomery Co.,  NC (HH 36), post 
office Gray, NC.  Reuben and Temperance also appear in the 1870 census of 
Montgomery Co., NC, HH 8.  Reuben is farming and owns real estate valued at $300 
and personal property valued at $200.
			1. Della (Delvinia?) who was born ca 1858 and married  
Brackston  Craven of Randolph Co., NC, on 9-23-1880.  They were married in 
Montgomery Co. Brackston was 23 years old at the time of the marriage. 
			2. Melvina (Meranda?)who was born ca 1861 and married  Atlas 
Spivey on 9-2-1882 in Montgomery Co.   Atlas was  21 years of age at the time of 
the wedding.	        3. Phillips S.
			4. Willis F. who was born 9-7- 1863 and married  Bettie Hilead 
(Hilliard?) in 	 
			Montgomery Co., on 5-27-1886.  Bettie was 21 years old at the 
time of  her marriage. Willis died 9-13-1940 and is buried in the Sharon 
Cemetery in 	Montgomery Co., NC.
			5. Emanuel  S.  was born in 1866 in NC, died in 1926  and 
remained single his entire life.                                                                                                     
			6. Louisa (Lecy?)  who was born ca  1862 and married William 
Sasser in Montgomery Co., on 2-1-1883  at the home of Reuben Deaton.  William 
was 22 years of age.
		F. Sarah  Deaton  was born 3-20-1836 in NC, and died ca 1853.  She 
married William Riley Cornelison.
		G. Barbara Deaton  was born 5-5-1837 in NC.  Barbara remained 
		 H. James B. Deaton was born 5-6-1838 in Montgomery Co., NC, and 
married Mary Smith.  One record has him marrying Henrietta Jordan.  James served 
in the CSA 44th Regiment called the "Montgomery Guards."  James was a dentist in 
Star, NC.
		I. William Franklin Deaton was born in 9-27 1842 in Montgomery Co., 
NC, and first married Susan Worthington (Northington?). She was born 8-6-1843 
and died 11-24-1884.  She is buried in the Deaton Cemetery in  Montgomery Co. 
William  2nd married E.T.  Ballard on 21-17-1887 in Montgomery Co.  The new Mrs. 
Deaton was forty-eight years of age.  William also served in the "Montgomery 
		J. Pleasant Goodman Deaton  was born 6-9- 1845 in Allreds,  
Montgomery Co., NC, and married Martha Spencer Burroughs on 1-16-1868. Martha 
was born 6-23-1840 in Ether, NC, and died 8-31-1920.  Her parents were John 
Burroughs and Sara Spencer ( one record has her parents as Zachariah Burroughs 
and Alice Farr).  Pleasant remained on the original estate of Francis J.  Deaton 
his entire life.  He owned 180  acres of the original farm.  Pleasant  and 
family  appear in the 1870  census of  Montgomery Co., NC.  They are living in 
HH 5.  Pleasant is farming and owns personal property valued at $100.  Pleasant 
died 1-5-1913 in Allreds., NC. 
			1. Wincy was born ca 1869 in Ether, Montgomery Co., NC, and   
married Henry Tucker on 9-8-1899.  They spent  their entire life farming in 
Ether, NC.		               	Children of  Wincy  Deaton Tucker:                                                                     
					a. Jasper Tucker                                                                                                     
					b. Ray Tucker.                                                                                                       
					c. Maudie Tucker.                                                                                                 
					d. Mattie Tucker.                                                                                                   
					e. Mae Tucker.
			2. Francis born ca 1869 in Montgomery Co., NC.
			3. William Oliver was born 5-9-1872 in Montgomery Co., and  
married Amy Elizabeth  Freeman at the home of Nathan R. Deaton on 9-6-1892.  
Witnesses were M.F. Deaton and C.A. Deaton.  "Betty" was eighteen at the time of 
the marriage. This couple eventually moved to Idaho.  Betty was from Ether, NC.  
"Oliver" worked in livestock and eventually was with the Oregon Short Line 
Railroad, of Pocatello, Idaho. He died 4-5-1929 and is buried in Pocatello.
					Children of Oliver Deaton:				
					a. Ray.							
					b. Veldon.							
					c. Malden.							
					d. Joy.							
					e. Effie.							
					f. Marie.
			4. Altmon (Abner?)Byron  was born ca 1874 in Montgomery, NC, 
and married Lillie  Ballard on 10-26-1907 in Montgomery Co..  Byron moved to 
Soda Springs, Idaho.  Lillie was from Mt. Gilead, NC.  He died 12-29-1953 in 
Soda Springs, Caribou Co., Idaho.
					Children of  Byron Deaton:				
					a. Delmer.							
					b. Albert.							
					c. Perry.							
					d. Pearce.							
					e. Blain.							
					f. Douglas.							
					g. Opal.							
					h. Ruth.							
					i. Blanch.
			5. Ulysses H. was born 1-31-1877 Allreds, in Montgomery Co., 
NC, and married Nora Ann Wallace. Nora was from Troy,. NC.  Nora died 6-9-1952.  
Ulysses was a farmer and a merchant  and spent the last  34 years of his life in 
merchandising. The last 35 years of his life he spent in Thomasville, NC. He 
died 12-10-1965 in Thomasville, Davidson Co., NC.
					Children of Ulysses H. Deaton:			
					a. Jerrine.							
					b. Hazel.							
					c. Rachel.							
					d. Grace.							
					e. Margaret.						
					f. Eva.							
					g. Arnie.							
					h. Horace.							
					i. Dale.							
					j. Douglas.
			6. Bradley Deaton was born 12-1879  in Montgomery Co., NC, and 
married Sallie Brown on 9-24-1905 in Montgomery Co.  Bradley was a farmer and a 
merchant. They last lived in Ashboro, NC.
					Children of Bradley Deaton:				
					a. Ethel.							
					b. Thelma.							
					c. Percy.							
					d. Travis.
			7. Alice was born ca 1869 in Allreds,  Montgomery Co., NC, and 
married Alex "Sandy" Jordon.  Alice died in 1951 in Montgomery Co..  She and her 
husband were farmers in Montgomery Co., NC.
					Children of Alice Deaton Jordon:			
					a. Carl Jordon.						
					b. Lonnie Jordon.						
					c. Gurnie Jordon. 
			8. Sarah  Louella was born 6-17-1875 in Montgomery Co., NC, 
and married Oscar Hussy in 1902.  Oscar was a farmer and was also in the real 
estate business. They lived in Randleman, Randolph Co., NC.  Louella died 2-1-
1942 in Randolph Co.
					Children of  Louella Deaton Hussey:			
					a. Arnold Hussey.						
					b. Lloyd Hussey.						
					c. Leonard Hussey.					
					d. Jewell Hussey.						
					e. Helen Hussey.						
					f. Edna Hussey.
		K. John  Christian Deaton was born 9-17-1847 in Allreds,  Montgomery 
Co., NC and married Sarah McQueen on 11-8-1875 in Montgomery Co.  He died 7-30-
1915 in Montgomery Co., NC. In 1870, he was still living at home with his 
parents. Sarah was the daughter of James McQueen and Nancy Britt.  John and 
Sarah are buried in the Dover Baptist Church Cemetery in Moore Co., NC.
			1. Florence Annetta was born 6-3-1876 and died 2-19-1936 in 
Montgomery Co., NC.   She  married Zimirah  Johnson ca 1895.
			2. Burton Melton was born 8-22-1878 in Montgomery Co., NC, 
married Mary Louella Hall on 2-12-1903, and died 11-8-1943. He is buried in the 
Southside Cemetery in Troy, Montgomery Co., NC. Mary was born 3-6-1883 and died 
1-31-1935.  Her parents were Robert Hall and Flora Morris. Mary  was a cotton 
mill worker.  
					Children of  Burton Melton Deaton:			
					a. Ernest Lee who was born 10-8-1904 in Montgomery 
Co., NC.  He married Madie Saunders on 10-20-1926.  He died in 1980 and is 
buried  along with his wife in  the Southside Cemetery in Montgomery Co., NC. 
Ernest  owned "Deaton Distributors" and several laundries/laundromats.                                                          
b. Sarah Emiline  was born 3-6-1905 and died 1-3-1906 in Montgomery Co.            
c. John Deaton was born ca 1908 in Montgomery Co.                          
					d. Virginia Ethel was born ca 1908 in Montgomery 
Co., She married Leon Hines and later married Zigismund Sadowski ca 1930.               
					e. Robert  John (John Robert?)   who was born 5-
11-1911 in Montgomery Co., NC, and married Delma  Burns in Montgomery Co.    
					f. Nellie Blanch  was born 10-6-1912 in Montgomery 
Co., NC.			
					g. Farley Melton was born 7-4-1909 in Montgomery 
Co., NC. He died 1-14-1996 in Troy, NC.  He married Lanie Batten ca 1932.	                       
					h. Mystic May was born 5-14-1914 and died 9-8-1914 
in Montgomery Co. 	         \
					i. Martha  Evelyn  was born 10-11-1913 in 
Montgomery Co., NC., and married Burnie Freeman.					                       
					j Myrtle was born ca 1914 and died in 1915 in 
Montgomery Co.        
					k. Burton Washington was born 10-12-1918 in 
Montgomery Co., NC.  He married Elgie Roberson.						
           	l.Warren Franklin was born 6-10-1921 in Montgomery Co., and died 11-
4-1997 in             Ellerbe, NC.  He married Bernice Irene Loudermilk on 12-8-
1945. Tommy                          Rudolph was born 9-1924 in Montgomery Co., 
NC, and married  Ida L. Burns ca                 1945.				
			3. Chester Belford (Belton?)  was born 8-24-1880 and died 3-6-
1937 in Montgomery Co.  Chester 1st married Margaret Ella Spivey 3-6-1904, and 
2nd married Fleeter Louis McQueen 3-22-1917.  He 3rd married Janette Dawkins 
Freeman. Margaret was born 9-24-1886 and died 2-14-1915 of pneumonia and heart 
trouble. Her parents were Daniel Spivy and Emmie(?) Kinel. Chester lived in the 
Biscoe and Troy  areas of  Montgomery Co.  In his later years he suffered from 
arthritis.  He is buried in the Dover Baptist Church Cemetery, in Moore Co., NC.
					Children of Chester Bedford  Deaton:		
					a. Chester Roosevelt who was born in 1907 in 
Montgomery Co., NC, and married Ida Hall. He died 2-1963 in Gastonia, NC.  	
					b. Lonnie Edison was born 4-11-1908   in 
Montgomery Co., NC, and married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Martin  Parnell on 12-22-
1929.  Lonnie died 5-28-1975 in  Montgomery Co.  He is buried at the Dover 
Baptist Church Cemetery.	            c. Johnnie Rees was born 4-4-1910 in 
Montgomery Co., NC, and died 7-12-1929. He is buried in Dover Cemetery, in 
Montgomery Co.  Johnnie  remained single.      d. Daniel Worth was born 12-2 
1911 in Montgomery Co. He married Norma Lucille Dunn.					                               
					e. Price Bedford  was born 6-17 1917 in Montgomery 
Co.  He married Pauline Palmer.  Price died 2-14-1985 in Greensboro, NC.
						Children of  Price Bedford Deaton:		
						(1) Cecil.						
						(2) Belford.					
						(3) Juley Pauline.				
						(4)Thomas Roland.					
						(5) Pamela Ann.					
						(6) Ada Louise.
					f. James Roland was born 5-3- 1919 in Montgomery 
Co., married Minnie Simmons 9-7-1943,  and was killed at Anzio in  World War II  
5-30-1944.		             g. Frances Mae (Fannie Louise?)  was born 12-31-
1922 in Montgomery Co., and died in 1925 in Montgomery Co.			          
					h. Herman Coolidge was born 11-17-1924 in 
Montgomery Co., and married Willie Sue Bridges on 10-6-1945. He died 5-13-1995 
in Lakeland, Fl. 	     
			4. Duncan R. was born 2-8-1883 and died in 1910.  Duncan 
married Cassie Hamilton ca 1910.
			5. Flossie E.  was born 7-10-1885 and died before 1910 in 
Montgomery Co., NC.  She never married.
			6. Julian Walker  was born 11-2-1887 and died in Thomasville, 
NC. He married Carrie Hamilton on 11-9-1907. Carrie and Cassie were sisters. 
			7. Dorsey Elbert was born 1-20-1890 and died 1-14-1938.  He 
married                      			Amelda McFadden about 1914.  Dorsey 
was a Baptist minister. 
			8. Jonah Franklin was born 9-13-1892, married  Gertrude 
Lasiter on 9-                      			21-1913. He died 10-24-1934 and   
is buried in Cander Cemetery,                     		 	Moore Co., NC.
			9. Charles Luther was born 6-10-1895 and died 12-1892 in 
Lakeland,  FL.  He married Laura Kanoy, daughter of Charles Edmund Kanoy on 10-
			10.  Ida Mae was born 5-13-1902 in Montgomery Co., and married                       
			Charles W. Atkins on 6-18-1919.
		L. Mary A. Deaton was born 3-6-1850 in Montgomery Co., NC, and 
married  John Wesley Moore on 8-18-1867.
X. Dison Deaton who was born 5-6-1806 in Troy,  Montgomery Co., NC, and second 
married  Elizabeth McQueen ca 1845. Elizabeth was the daughter of Alexander 
McQueen and Sarah Batten.  He appears in the 1840, 1850 and  1870  census  of 
Montgomery Co., NC.  In  1850 he is shown as   age 44, and has in his household 
Elizabeth Deaton, age 85, who must surely be Elizabeth Jordan, wife of Joseph 
Deaton; a Mary Farlow ,age 50,  two "mullatos" (identified as "Linley", age 25, 
and "Nathan,"  age one), and a young man named John  Green, age 14.   In  1850 
he is shown as married to "Elizabeth."  They are living in HH 419.  Dison is 
farming and owns real estate valued at $400. Dison and family appear in the 1870 
census of  Montgomery Co.  They are living in HH 28.  Dison is farming and is 
recorded as owning real estate valued at $325. and personal property valued at 
$450. Dison spent his life at the old home place east of  Troy, NC, where he 
operated a farm and a tannery.  He prepared his  Last Will and Testament on  
1/23/1895 and in this document  mentions his wife  (second wife)  and  leaves to 
her "all my real and personal  estate."  He further states  that he  wants his 
youngest son,  John H.  Deaton, to take care of  his mother "and treat her with  
all necessary kindness."  In this document he also mentions his sons William B. 
Deaton, B. A. Deaton (Alex?), David A. Deaton,  James M. Deaton,  and Thomas 
Deaton.  He  also mentions his daughter Louiza J.  Smith.  Dison  requests that  
his sons  James and John  serve as executors.  Witnesses  were  Josiah  Jordan 
and A.D.  Jordan. Dison  died in 4-22-1895 and is buried in the Laurel Hill 
Cemetery in Montgomery Co., NC. Dison's tannery was located approximately two 
miles east of Troy.  The old Dison Deaton home was destroyed by fire in 1937.

		A. Francis J. was born ca 1846 and died as an infant.
		B. Thomas  was born ca 1847 and married  Mary F.  Jordon on  4-3-
1870 in Montgomery Co., NC.  Thomas became a minister. In  1870, having just 
married, Thomas and bride were living next door to Dison. They were in HH 29. 
Thomas was farming and owned real estate valued at $150 and personal property 
valued at $100.                                                                                                                      
		C. William Butler who was born 4-1850 and married Mary J. Campbell 
in Montgomery Co., on 10-21-1878.  Mary  was 18  at the time of her marriage.  
This wedding was witnessed by Daniel Deaton. William died 8-9-1930 in Iredell 
Co., NC.
		D. Louisa Jane was born 1-10-1851 and died 12-16-1937.  Louisa 
married Enoch Turner Smith.

			E. James Martin who was born 12-30-1851 and married  Henrietta  
Jordan on 8-3-1877 in  Montgomery Co., NC. James died  10-24 1918 and is buried 
in the Southside Cemetery in Montgomery Co., NC. Henrietta was born in 1860 and 
died in 1914.  She is also buried in the Southside Cemetery.  The bondsman was 
James Martin. Two of James Martin's children  have been identified, Pearl his 
daughter and his son  Oliver Basil Deaton Sr.  He was born 12-7-1878 in 
Montgomery Co. He married Hattie Irolene Thompson ca 1900 in Montgomery Co. 
Oliver was a veteran of the U.S. Navy.  He was also a mason and a member of  
Troy Lodge  #718.  He was called "O.B."  He was baptized in the First Baptist 
Church of Troy in 1887 and was one of the founding fathers of the Biscoe Baptist 
Church.  "O.B" was Registrar of Deeds for Montgomery Co. and held this office 
for almost a dozen  years. He was well-liked and highly respected in his 
community and in his church. Oliver, his father James, and his sister Pearl all 
died within a twelve day period in 1916 during the great flu epidemic.  Oliver 
and his wife are buried in the Southside Cemetery in Troy.  He was 38 years old 
at the time of his death.
			Children of Oliver Basil Deaton:                                                                      
			1. John Quincy Deaton Sr., was born 11-4-1912 in Troy, NC and 
died 12-17-1983  also in Troy.  He married Alice Lee Scarborough                                     
			2. Delilah C. Deaton was born ca 1902 in Troy. NC and died in 
1948 in Pine Tops, NC.  She married Charles Roy Briffin Sr.                                                 
			3. Oliver Basil Deaton Jr., was born 12-27-1906 in Troy, NC, 
and died 8-30-1992 in Montgomery Co., NC.  He married Willi Anon Fox on 6-7-1930 
in Candor, NC.  Willi was living in Troy in 1998.                                                
			4. Harold Horton Deaton was born 7-18-1909 in Montgomery Co., 
He married Margaret LeGrand  Burkhead on 11-8-1935 in Candor, NC.                                            
5. Anna Deaton was born 8-19-1916 in Montgomery Co., and died in 1996 in 
Jacksonville, FL.  She married L. Eugene Baker.  f. J. Quincy  Deaton was born 
ca 1913 in Montgomery Co.
		E.  Brantly  Alex (Alexander?) who  was born 8-21-1856. and married  
Moley  J. Smith on 12-19-1875 in Montgomery Co.  Witness to this wedding was 
J.W. Deaton. He evidently  married 2nd "Nollsia Jane" who was born 1-11-1857 and 
died 9-22-1935.  Both are buried in the Liberty Hill Cemetery in Montgomery Co., 
NC.  Brantley died 9-22-1935. In 1910 Brantley's widowed  mother, Elizabeth 
McQueen, was living with him. 
		F. David (Daniel) A. was born 4-26-1859 and died 1-5-1928 in 
Claredon, Monroe Co., NC.  Daniel  married Margaret Newby Morris on 6-18-1882.                               
		G. John Henry was born 8-19-1863 and died 3-20-1947 in Guilford 
Col., NC.  John married Lydia Ann Dawkins and  2nd married Dovie Catherine 
XI. Joseph  Deaton Jr., was born ca 1796 in Montgomery Co., NC, and  married 
Polly  McDonald ca 1818.  Joseph is alleged to have moved frequently and to have 
been less than thrifty.  He was never able to amass much of an estate.  He does 
appear in the 1850  census of  Montgomery Co. 

		A. Elias M. Deaton  was born ca 1828 in Montgomery Co., NC, and died 
9-9-1863.   He married Elizabeth Yarborough on 10-5-1852 also in Montgomery Co.

		B. James Deaton  was born ca 1832 in Moore Co., NC.
		C. Martha Deaton was born ca 1835 in Moore Co., NC, and married  
Joseph Yarborough.

		D. Henry H. Deaton was born ca 1841 in Moore Co., NC. 
XII.  William  was born ca 1804 in Montgomery Co., NC and died after 1890 also 
in Montgomery Co.  This is the   William  Deaton who appears in the 1840  census 
of Montgomery Co. He married Nancy Allen ca 1824 in Montgomery Co.  She died ca 
1860.  William then married Elizabeth Lassiter on 5-8-1862 in Montgomery Co. 
		A. Joseph Deaton was born ca 1829 in Montgomery Co.  He served in 
the CSA.
		B. Eli Deaton was born ca 1830 in Montgomery Co.  He was a private 
in the CSA.
		C. Aaron Deaton was born ca 1831 in Montgomery Co.  He married Wincy 
Hogan on 12-23-1844.

		D. Mary Deaton was born ca 1832 in Montgomery  Co.
		E. Levi Deaton was born ca 1833 in Montgomery  Co.
		F. Deborah Deaton was born ca 1834 in Montgomery Co., and married  
Joshua Yarborough on 1-26-1853 also in Montgomery  Co.

			G. Amanda Deaton was born 1-1835 in Montgomery  Co., and 
married J. Wesley Dunn on 7-4-1848 in Montgomery Co. 
		H. Gemina Deaton was born ca 1837 in Montgomery  Co., and married 
Nathan Smith 10-30-1853 in Montgomery  Co.

		I. Margaret Deaton was born ca 1847 in Montgomery Co., NC. 
		J. Litney Deaton was born ca 1849 in Montgomery Co., NC. 
XIII. James Deaton born ca 1787 in Montgomery Co. 
In  November of 1999, LDD visited  Montgomery Co., NC.  It  remains a very rural 
area.  All the communities are small.  Troy, the county seat, does not have a 
Walmart or K-Mart.  Farming,  logging, and commercial chicken farming are 
primary industries.  Most every cemetery in the county has three or four  
Deatons buried in them.  There are still many Deatons in the area.

A certain Thomas Deaton of Anson Co., NC,   would appear to be the father of  
Joseph Deaton.  Montgomery Co.,  was formed out of Anson County in 1779.  Thomas 
Deaton was born ca 1710 in Henrico  Co., VA,  He married Mary  Gibbs ca 1743 and 
died ca 1779 in Anson Co., NC.  He purchased land in Anson Co in 1768.  
Unfortunately  there are no  LWTs  for Anson County.  Neither are marriage 
records available.  Supposedly  many of  the records of this county have been 
lost.  A  Thomas Deaton appears in the records of  Montgomery Co., in 1821. He 
appears as a witness to a land transaction along with the names of Anguish 
McDuffie and James Jordan (Joseph  Deaton married Elizabeth Jordan).  This 
Thomas may have been the first American born Deaton. He may also have been the 
first Deaton to settle in NC.  The "Old  Deaton Homeplace" in Montgomery Co., 
NC, was founded in 1768 when Thomas Deaton purchased land on the Little River in 
what is now Montgomery Co.

I. Levi  Deaton Sr., was born 5-12-1748 in Amelia Co.,  VA, and  died 5-16-1799 
also in Amelia Co., VA. He married Martha Cady Vesser ca 1770.  Martha was the 
daughter of Benjamin Vesser and Rhoda Harris. Levi  walked with a limp  due to a 
childhood accident. His wife, Martha, bought a hotel known as "Hendrick's 
Ordinary" in Amelia Co., VA, in 1784.  The hotel was evidently renamed "Deaton's 
Ordinary" and was the basis for the name of  Deatonville, VA.  Judge Southall, 
an elderly judge of Amelia Co., recalled that Deatonville was known as 
"Thompson's Tavern" before the Revolutionary War.  The hotel was located on a 
forty acre plot of  land.  Levi  also purchased one slave known as "Pompeii" in 
1786 for the price of 30 pounds.  Levi  was a farmer and provided food and 
tobacco to his brothers who served in the Revolutionary War and also to fellow 
Revolutionaries.  During the Civil War, Deatonville was in the route of the 
retreating CSA which was pushed inexorably backwards by repeated attacks from 
the Union cavalry and artillery. 

		A. John W. Deaton was born 5-1-1777 in Amelia Co., VA, and died 4-
10-1861 in Amelia Co.  He married Mary C. Jones and later married Elizabeth 
Forest.  He third married Jane Baker,  fourth married Frances W. Foster, fifth 
married Elizabeth Rayburn, and sixth married Luvinia Eller.  
		B. Elijah Deaton was born 7-1778 in Amelia Co., VA.  He died 4-1858 
in Botetourt Co., VA. He first married Nancy Atkins and 2nd married Nancy 

			C. James Deaton Sr., was born 4-5-1779 in Amelia Co., VA, and 
died 5-23-1854 in Morgan Co., Illinois.  His parents migrated from Amelia Co., 
to Botetourt Co., Va, when James was ca five years of age.  From Botetourt they 
migrated to St. Clair Co., IL in 1819. James and family appear in the 1820 
census of  St. Clair Co., and the 1830 census of  Morgan Co., IL., p. 91.  He 
married Elizabeth Pollard.  James and family moved to the area now known as 
Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL., ca  1821.  James and family appear in the 1850 
census of Morgan co., IL, p. 530.
			Children of  James Deaton Sr:
			1. James Deaton Jr., who died before 1850.  James erected the 
first grist mill in Morgan Co.  It was powered by horse and oxen.  James died 4-
22-1854. He married "Jane" who was born ca 1816 in TN. As a widow, she appears 
in the 1850 & 1860 census of  Morgan Co., IL. In 1860 she is living in HH 677 
and is recorded as owning real estate valued at $88 and personal property valued 
at $520. 
					Children of James Deaton Jr.:
					a. Robert Deaton born 9-1837 in IL.  Robert and 
family appear in the 1870, 1880 &1900 census of Morgan co., IL.  Robert married 
"Lucinda' who was born 1-1844 in IL. In 1900 Robert and Lucinda are living with 
their son, Edward Deaton. They are living in Jacksonville Township. Also living 
in the household is Nellie Hull, born 9-1874, and identified as Edwards "niece";   
and his son, Robert C. Deaton, born 11-1876 and Frank Dadsworth born 5-1873. In 
1870 Robert and family are living in HH 288.  Robert is family and owns real 
estate valued at $600. 
						Children of  Robert Deaton:
						(1) Eva Bell Deaton born ca 1862 in IL, and 
married James N. Hull who was born 1855 in IL.  In 1880 Eva and James were 
living with Robert Deaton. 
						(2) William E. Deaton born 3-1863 in IL.  He 
married Sarah C., who was born 5-1861 in IL.  This family appears in the 1900 
census of Morgan Co., IL.  By 1900 they had Myrtle born 12-1854 in IL.
						(3) Lizzie Alice Deaton born ca 1866 in IL.
						(4) Edward A. Deaton born ca 1869 in IL.
						(5) Robert C. Deaton born ca 1877 in IL.
					b. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1837 in IL.
					c. Sampson Deaton was born ca 1838 in IL. 
					d. Abraham Deaton was born ca 1839 in IL.
					e. James Deaton was born ca 1842 in IL.
					f. Thomas Deaton was born ca 1842 in IL.
					g. Salena Deaton born ca 1845 in IL.
			2. Robert H. Deaton was born ca 1803 in VA.  He married 
"Keziah" who was born ca 1811 in KY. This family appears in the 1850 census of 
Morgan Co., IL.  They are living in HH 584. Robert is farming and owns real 
estate valued at $9600 and personal property valued at $3700. Living with the 
family in 1860 was a certain James Clark, age 19, born in IL. 
					Children of  Robert H. Deaton:
					a. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1840 in IL.
					b. William was born ca 1844 in IL.
					c. Jane Deaton was born ca 1846 in IL.
					d. Robert was born ca 1848 in IL.
					e. Sarah Deaton was born ca 1850 IL.
			3. Leah Deaton who married Hezekiah Bridgeman of Concord, IL, 
and died                        	ca 1853.
			4. Martha Deaton who married William Goodpasture..  
			5. Joseph P. Deaton was born 1-2-1806 in Amelia Co., VA.  
Joseph married Sarah Cook, daughter of  J. Cook of  Morgan Co.  Mr. Cook had 
migrated  to Morgan Co., in 1826. Joseph participated in the infamous Black Hawk 
Indian Wars.  He became a justice of the peace and was known as "Squire Deaton."  
Joseph and family appear in the 1830 census of  Morgan Co., p. 91, living next 
door to his father.  They also appear in the 1850 census of  Morgan Co., p. 529.  
Joseph is farming.
					Children of Joseph P. Deaton:                                                                                                   
a. Elizabeth Deaton was born 7-1829.  She married Jacob Stout of                                         
Morgan Co.
					b. Marshall Deaton who died in 1852.
					c. Thomas Deaton Jr.(?), was born 3-26-1833.  He 
married Mary A. Caldwell on 2-8-1854. Mary was the daughter of  David B. 
Caldwell, Esq.,  of  Morgan Co.  This family appears in the 1860 census of 
Morgan Co., IL. They are living in HH 801.  Thomas is farming and owns personal 
property in the amount of $250.  Mary  was born ca 1832 in IL.  By this time 
Thomas and Mary have one son, Charles, born ca 1858 in IL.  Living with the 
family in 1860 is Elizabeth Crawford, age eleven. 
					d. Mary Deaton born ca 1835 in IL.
            e. Ann Deaton who died at the age of five years. 
					f. Charles Samuel Deaton born ca 1856. 
			6. Thomas Deaton was born 9-29-1813 in VA.  He married Matilda  
Underwood on 12-22-1842. Matilda was born ca 1818 in TN. This family appears in 
the 1850,  1860 & 1870 census of Morgan Co., ILL.  In 1860 they are living in 
"Jacksonville," in HH 1394.  Thomas is farming and owns real estate valued at 
$1680 and personal property valued at $720.  In 1870 he is living in HH 157 and 
owns real estate valued at $500.  In 1850  he is  recorded on p. 529, living 
next door to his father and brothers.  
					Children of  Thomas Deaton:
					a. Sardonia Deaton born ca 1845 in IL.
					b. Joseph Henry  Deaton was born 11-1846 in IL., 
and  migrated to Green Co., IL.  Joseph married "Nancy" who was born 10-1846 in 
KY.  This family is recorded in the 1880 census of Green Co., IL, the township 
of Carrollton.   They are also recorded in the 1900 census of Green Co., in 
Walkersville Township.
						Children of  Joseph  Deaton:
						(1) Ollie Deaton who was born ca 1869 in IL.
						(2) Edward Deaton who was born 4-1873 in IL.
						(3) George Deaton who was born ca 1875 in 
IL.  George appears in the 1900 census of Greene Co., Walkersville Township.  He 
is unmarried and living with his cousin Marcus Ballard.
						(4) Lizzie Deaton who was born 10-1880 in 
						(5) Clyde Deaton who was born 8-1889 in IL.  
					c. John Deaton who migrated to Macon Co., IL.  
					d. Amelia Deaton who was born ca 1847 in IL.
					e. Louisa (?) Deaton who was born ca 1850 in IL.
		      		f. Nathan Deaton who was born ca 1854 in IL.
					g. Augustus Deaton who was born ca 1856 in IL. 
			7. William Deaton was born ca 1819 in VA.  He married "Mary," 
who was                           born ca 1824 in KY.  This family is recorded 
in the 1850 census of  Morgan                          Co., on  p. 530.
		D. William Deaton was born in 1781 in Amelia Co., VA.  He married 
Mary                         Rowlett Traylor on 12-13-1802 in Amelia Co., VA.
		E. Levi Deaton Jr., was born in 1783 in Amelia Co., VA, and married 
Elizabeth P. Mitchell on 4-19-1808 also in Amelia Co.

			F. Elizabeth Deaton was born in 1785 in Amelia Co., VA, and 
married Edward Butler Jr., on 9-24-1811 in Botetourt Co., VA. 
		G. George Deaton was born 1-21-1791 in Botetourt Co., VA, and 
married Susanna Ream on 5-12-1812 in Botetourt.  He died 12-24- 1827 in 
Champaign Co., Ohio. Susanna was the daughter of Andrew Ream.  She is considered 
the matriarch of the Miami Valley, Ohio, Deaton family.  Stories are still 
shared of  how, upon the death of her husband, George,  she brought her nine 
children from southwestern Virginia to the Mad River area 	in 1828.  The actual 
yoke she used is still held by her descendant, Ralph E. Deaton of  New Carlisle, 
Ohio, and is displayed at family Reunions and County Fairs. In 1828, Susanna 
took her children and went to Pike Township, Clark Co., Ohio (just south of Cow 
Path Road in Champaign Co.) to be near her  parents and brothers who now live 
there.  Paul Deaton lives on and farms the area today.  Susanna  built a "lean-
too"  for the first winter and with the coming of  spring, the story is that she 
went from house to house to beg a few seeds to plant.  She not only survived but 
continued to educate her children and to raise them all to adulthood and to 
prosperity. Another story is told that when she went to pay her taxes in 
Springfield she had to cross a flooded river.  She put 	the child with her 
on her horse while she swam along side in order to cross the swollen river.  She 
is buried in Newsom Chapel Cemetery in Champaign Co., Ohio. 
			1. William B. Deaton was born 12-15-1811 in Botetourt Co., VA, 
and died 12-20-1855 in Clark Co., OH.  He married Catherine Leffel 12-6-1832 in 
Clark Co., OH.
			2. Samuel Deaton was born 3-30-1813 in Botetourt Co., VA, and 
died                      			12-18-1894 in Jackson, Champaign Co., 
OH.  He married  Nancy Carmin on 6-29-             1841.                    	
			3. George Washington Deaton was born 4-3-1815 in Botetourt 
Co., VA, and died 3-25-1900 in Adams, Champaign Co., OH.  He married  Hannah 
Leffell on 10-26-1837.
			4. Andrew Jackson Deaton was born 5-11-1816 in Botetourt Co., 
VA, and died 5-14-1890 in Bethel, Clark Co., OH.  He married Catherine 
Brandenburg on 5-2-1839.
			5. Nathan Deaton was born 2-16-1818 in Botetourt Co., CA, and 
died 2-21-1858 in Champaign Co., OH.  He married Sarah Scoby on 8-31-1838.
			6. Mary Deaton was born 12-6-1819 in Botetourt Co., VA, and 
died 11-23-1900 in Champaign Co., OH.  She married Thomas Hamilton  on 11-25-
			7. Martha Deaton was born in 1822 and died 6-4-1906 in 
Champaign Co., OH.  She married  John Richeson on 12-5-1841.
			8. Susanna Deaton was born  in 1824 in Botetourt Co., VA, and 
died in                     			1916 in Champaign Co., OH.  She 
married Riley Stevens.
			9. Levi Deaton was born 9-18-1826 in Botetourt Co., VA, and 
died 4-                      			1-1906 in Clark Co., OH.  He married 
Malinda Mitchell on 9-4-1849.
		H. Martha Deaton was born in 1794 in Amelia Co., VA.  She married  
Thomas Cade on 4-7-1818.

			I. Nathan Deaton was born in 1799 in VA, and died 10-19-1867 
in Botetourt Co., VA. He married  Sally Mitchell on 6-1-1819 in Botetourt.
II. Joseph  Deaton (this is the direct line of Alexander Deaton Haas & Zachary 
Deaton Haas ( see above).
III. Elias Deaton was born ca 1755 in Amelia Co., VA.  He died in TN. 
IV. Dison Deaton (Dyson?)   was born ca 1756 in Amelia Co., VA.  migrated to 
Marion Co., TN, before 1830,   and died in Dekalb Co., Al, before 1850. He does 
appear in the 1800  census of  Montgomery Co.  His unidentified wife was born ca 
1780 and died ca 1830.  Dison's children and grandchildren  are the Deatons of  
"Deaton Settlement" in Williamson Co., IL, encountered by Littleberry Deaton  as 
recorded in his book "Eleven Months of Exile in Southern Illinois."
		A. An unidentified female  born ca 1796-1800 in Montgomery Co., NC. 
		B. William  born ca 1802 in Montgomery Co., NC, married  "Martha 
J"(ca 1830) and may have been the William Deaton of Bledsoe  Co., TN, that 
appears in the 1830 census.  He migrated to DeKalb Co., AL, before 1834 and 
appears in the 1850 census of DeKalb Co., AL.  He is living in HH 280 and is 
farming. He  then migrated  to Williamson Co., IL, ca 1848.  William and family  
appear in the 1860 census of  Williamson Co., IL.  They are in HH 2449.  William 
is farming and owns real estate valued at $3000 and personal property valued at 
$1000. He died after 1870 in Williamson Co., IL 
			1. George Deaton  was born ca 1826 in DeKalb Co., AL.  He 
married "Jane" who was born ca 1828 in IL.  This family  appears in the 1860  
census of  Williamson Co.  He is in HH 2450, next door to his father. He is 
farming and owns real estate valued at $200.			                                  
					Children of  George Deaton:                                                                                 
					a. John  born ca 1852 in Williamson Co., IL.                                                       
					b. Hiram  born ca 1854 in Williamson Co., IL.                                                    
					c. Napoleon born ca 1858 in Williamson Co., IL
			2. Nancy  Deaton born ca 1832 in  Tn.
			3. Susannah(Jermimah?) Deaton was born ca 1834 in DeKalb Co., 
			4. John B. Deaton was born ca 1835 in DeKalb Co., AL.  John  
married Clementine Alpin (Alpine?)  and died before 1860.  Clementine was born 
ca 1840 in IL.   Her parents were William Alpin (b. 1820 IL.) and "Louisa'{b. 
1822 IL).  By  1860  Clementine was back living with her parents due to John's 
death.  The Alpins lived in HH 2419 and  William Deaton (John's father) lived in 
HH 2449.
			5. Dison Deaton was born ca 1838 in DeKalb Co., Al, and 
married "Sarah"  ca 1857 in Williamson Co., IL.  "Sarah" was born ca 1843 in IL. 
This family was living in HH 2451 in Williamson Co., IL, in 1860 (see 1860 
census of  Williamson Co.).  Living with the family in 1860 was a certain John 
Reed, age 12, born in IL, a Nancy  Buckner, age 45, born in TN,  (identified as 
a midwife), and her son Burton Buckner,  age 15, born in IL.  In 1860 Dison was 
farming and owned real estate valued at $1500 and personal property valued at 
					Children of Dison Deaton:				
					a. William  born ca 1858 in Williamson Co., IL	
					b. Phoebe b. ca 1859 in Williamson Co., IL.
			6. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1839 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			7. Sarah Deaton born ca 1839 in DeKalb  Co., Al, and married 
William H. 	Whitaker on 8-22-1860.  Although they remained childless the couple 
took in four foster children.
						 Foster Children of  Sarah Deaton Whitaker:
					a. Henry Wright.						
					b. Guy Burton.						
					c. Lucy E. Wright who married  Henry W. Vaughn and 
had Sarah Vaughn who married Stephen Crow.						
					d. An unidentified foster child.
			8. Joseph Deaton born ca 1842 in DeKalb Co., Al.
			9. James Deaton born ca 1844 DeKalb Co., AL.  He married  
"Perlina" born ca 1845 in IL.  This family  appears in the 1880  census of  
Williamson Co., IL.
					Children of  James Deaton:                                                                               
					a. Sarah  born ca 1871 in IL.                                                                           
						b. Thomas H. born ca 1873 in IL.
			10. Margaret (Mary?) Deaton born ca 1846 DeKalb Co., AL.
			11. Lucinda  Deaton born ca 1847 DeKalb Co., AL. 
			12. Catherine (Charity?) born ca 1849 DeKalb Co., Al.
			l3. Maria Deaton born ca 1850  Williamson Co., IL.
			14. William Deaton  born  10-1853 in Williamson Co., IL, and 
				married "Rebecca" ca 1876.  "Rebecca" was born 5-1853.  
This family appears in the 1860 and  1900 census of  Williamson Co., IL.
					Children of  William Deaton:				
					a. Ida born 10-1877 in IL.				
					b. Frances (f) born 11-1884 IL.			
					c. Charley born 4-1887 IL				
					d. Alonzo born 8-1888 IL.
			15. Cordelia  Deaton born ca 1853 in Williamson Co., IL.
			16. Palona (f) was born 1859 in Williamson Co., IL.
		C. An unidentified female born ca 1800 in Montgomery Co., NC.
		D. John Deaton  who was born ca 1804 in Montgomery Co., NC, married 
"Rachel" about 1838 and migrated to Williamson Co., IL, ca 1853.  "Rachel"  was 
born ca 1820 in TN.  John and Rachel appear in the 1850 census of DeKalb Co., 
AL.  They are in HH 291. John is farming. This family also  appears in the 1860  
census of  Williamson Co., IL. He is in HH 2462.  He is farming and owns real 
estate valued at $1000 and personal property valued at $300.
			1. Emeline Deaton born ca 1839 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			2. Mary Ann "Polly" Deaton born ca 1844 in DeKalb Co., AL. 
			3. William D.P. Bradford Deaton was born ca 1845 in DeKalb 
Co., AL.
			4. Melissa Ann P. Deaton born ca 1846 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			5. Joseph B. Deaton was born ca 1850 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			6. Conzada Deaton was born ca 1852 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			7. Imogene Deaton born ca 1854 in Williamson Co., IL.
			8. John Deaton born ca 1856 in Williamson Co., IL.
			9. Nancy Deaton born ca 1858 in Williamson Co., IL.
		E. An unidentified female born ca 1800-1810 in Montgomery Co., NC.
		F. James Deaton born ca 1810 in Montgomery Co., NC, and 1st married 
Lucinda Lollace(?) on 10-24-1839, and 2nd married "Malinda."  Lucinda  was born 
ca 1825 in VA. "Malinda" was born ca 1828 in TN.  This family appears in the 
1850 census of DeKalb Co., Al.  They are in HH 273. James is farming and owns 
real estate valued at $250.  Living with the family in 1850 is Lucinda's 
brother, Marshall Lollace, age 21. This family also appears in the 1860 census 
of Williamson Co., IL. They are in HH 2444.  James is farming and owns real 
estate valued at $850.  His personal property is valued at $560. By   1860, 
Lucinda has died and James is married to Malinda.  The 1860  census does confirm 
that James named two of his children "William."		                    
			1. George W. Deaton  born ca 1840 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			2. Minerva Deaton born ca 1842 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			3. Henry Deaton born ca 1844 in DeKalb Co., AL, married 
"Nancy" (b. ca 1846 AL) ca 1866 in Williamson Co., IL, and was living in 
Williamson Co., in 1880
					Children of Henry Deaton:				
					a. James A. born 1867 in Williamson Co., IL.	
					b. Lucinda born ca 1869 in Williamson Co., IL.	
					c. William L. born 12-1872  in Williamson Co., IL, 
married "Mary A." ca 1891 and had Ona who was born 2-1892 IL.  "Mary A." was 
born 2-1875 IL. William appears in the 1900 census of  Williamson Co.	          
					d. Marinda (f) born 1875 in IL.                                                              
					e. John  born 1877 in IL.                                                                          
					f. Sarah  born 1878 in ILL
			4. Alfonsine Deaton was born ca 1846 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			5. Bender Deaton was born ca 1848 in DeKalb Co., Al.
			6. William Taylor Deaton was born 7-1849 in DeKalb Co., Al.  
He married "Tishy" ca 1882 in IL, and appears in the 1900 census of  Williamson 
Co., IL.  "Tishy" was born 3-1864 IL.
					Children of  William Taylor Deaton:			
					a. Thomas born 11-1883 in Williamson Co.		
					b. Nancy born 9-1889 in Williamson Co.		
					c. William born 8-1891 in Williamson Co.		
					d. Herbert born 9-1895 in Williamson Co.
			7. Mary Deaton born ca 1852 in Williamson Co., IL. 
			8. Thomas J. Deaton born ca 1854 in Williamson Co., IL.
			9. Andrew J. Deaton born ca 1856 in Williamson Co., IL.
			10. William D. Deaton (a 2nd William?) born ca 1857 in 
Williamson Co., IL.  He married Sarah: in 1876.  "Sarah" was born ca 1858 in IL.  
This couple  had Thomas who was born in 1877.  This family appears in the 1880 
census of Williamson Co., IL.
		G. Sarah Deaton was born ca 1810-1815 in Montgomery Co., NC.
		H. Joseph Deaton was born ca 1815 in Montgomery Co., NC.  He married 
"Sarah"  about 1835.  "Sarah" was born ca 1819 in TN.  Joseph and family appear 
in the 1850 census of DeKalb Co., Al.  They are in HH 381.  Joseph is farming.  
This family  appears in the 1860  census of Williamson Co., IL.			
			1. An unidentified female born ca 1830-1835 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			2. Martha J.(?) Deaton born ca 1836 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			3. Thomas B. Deaton born 10-1838 in DeKalb Co. AL.  He married 
"Sarah" ca 1857 and is recorded in both the 1880 and 1900 census of  Williamson 
Co., IL.  "Sarah" was born 5-1838 in IL.  This family  appears in the 1860 
census of  Williamson Co., IL.  This census record erroneously  records Thomas 
as being born in IL.  In 1860 he was farming and owned personal property valued 
at $100.
						Children of Thomas Deaton:			
					a. Luna Deaton born 8-1858 in IL.			
					b. Thomas J. Deaton born ca 1861 in Williamson 
Co., IL.			          	
					c. Sarah E. Deaton born ca 1864 in Williamson Co., 
					d. Mary A. Deaton born ca 1868 in Williamson Co., 
					e. William F. Deaton born ca 1870 in Williamson 
Co., IL				          
					f. Benjamin H. Deaton born 9-1871 in Williamson 
Co., IL. He married  "Nancy" who was born 9-1871 in IL.  By  1900  they had 
"Sarah" born 6-1899 in IL.	             g. John Deaton born ca 1875 in 
Williamson Co., IL.
			4. Tabitha Deaton born ca 1839 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			5. Mary Ann (Polly) Deaton born ca 1843 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			6. William  born ca 1846 in Dekalb Co., AL.                                    
			7.James Deaton born 3-1849 in DeKalb Co., AL, and married 
"Perline" ca 1871.  He is recorded in the 1880 Census of Williamson Co., IL. 
"Perline" was born-184 in AL.  This family is recorded in the 1900  census of  
Johnson Co., IL. In this record Perline  is listed as "Jalina."		.
					Children of  James Deaton:				
					a. Sarah born ca 1871 in Williamson Co.		
					b. Thomas H. born ca 1873 in Williamson Co                                                     
					c. Arthur born 7-1879 in IL.                                                                             
					d. Mauzy (f) born 8-1888 in IL..
			8. Brantley (John?) Deaton born ca 1850 in DeKalb Co., AL.
			9. Solomon Deaton born ca 1855 in Williamson Co., AL.
			10. Preston Deaton born ca 1860 in Williamson Co., IL.
		I. An unidentified female born ca 1815-1820.
		J. George Deaton born ca 1826 in Alabama or Tennessee and married 
"Jane" ca 1851."Jane" was born ca 1832 in IL.  It is suspected that the 
"George," age 34, living in HH 2450 Williamson Co., in 1860 and as recorded as 
being born in Alabama is the son of Dison Deaton  but with his place of birth 
erroneously recorded.
			1. John Deaton born ca 1852 in Williamson Co., IL.
			2. Hiram Deaton born 5-1860 in Williamson Co., IL.  He married  
"Julia" who was born 8-1861 in IL.  This family appears in the 1900  census of 
Williamson Co., IL. 
					Children of Hiram Deaton:                                                                                
					a. Rhoda  born 2-1883 in IL.                                                                           
						b. Ella born 1-1884 in Il.                                                                                  
					c. Lula  born 8-1888 in Il.                                                                               
						d. Arthur born 1-1892 in IL.                                                                            
						e. Dora born 8-1894 in IL.                                                                                
					f. Edith M. born 1-1900 in IL. 
			3. Napoleon Deaton born ca 1858 in Williamson Co., IL.
		K An unidentified female born ca 1820-25.
V. Thomas Deaton III was born ca 1761 in Amelia Co., VA, and died in 
Independence City, AR, in 1855.  He served in the War of 1812. He is alleged to 
have served  as a "personal aide" to General George Washington during the 
Revolutionary War.
Thomas Deaton Sr., would appear to be the father of  Thomas Deaton Jr.  This man 
arrived in Virginia from England in 1701.  He was born ca 1679 in England and 
died ca 1761 in Bristol Parish, Henrico  Co., VA.  He married  Mary Corrington 
in 1698 in England.   Thomas Deaton arrived in Virginia in the year 1701.  Why 
Thomas decided to leave England for America is not known. It is known how he 
managed to afford the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.  In "Cavaliers and 
Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia, Legal Patents and Grants," by Nell Marion Nugen 
(Vol. 3, Virginia State Library, 1665-1757).  There is a record of a land 
transaction in 1701 indirectly involving Thomas.  Thomas entered the New World 
sometime during the year 1701 with his passage paid by an investor, a Mr. 
Anthony Winston.  Mr. Winston was granted 1079 acres of land in exchange for 
providing transportation for twenty-two immigrants. About 1703  Thomas married 
Mary Corrington.  Mary Corrington Deaton is mentioned in "Cavaliers and 
Pioneers," page 80.  A Mr. Thomas Merriweather was allotted 1081 acres of land 
by the Crown Essex Co., Va., in 1703 for transporting twenty-two people, 
including Mary Corrington, to the New World.  In 1736  Thomas  was living in 
Henrico Co., VA.  In that year, Thomas was charged with being drunk.  In the 
1700's, it was accepted that any man was entitled to four  "drinking sprees"  a 
year.  A Colonel  Kennon "bailed out" our Thomas.  Thomas was listed in  the 
Virginia  Census in 1760 in  Henrico,  Bristol Parish, and in the land tax 
records.  His occupation was farmer. For more information   re:  Thomas Deaton 
Sr., and his descendants contact Lawson Deaton and see his book "Sons and 
Daughters of Thomas Deaton," Deaton Genealogical Publishing Company , 1778 St. 
George St., Annapolis, MD 21401. 
I. Elizabeth Deaton  was born 1708 in Henrico Co., VA.  She married Thomas 
Hallam in Joppa, MD, on 9-10-1733.  Thomas was born ca 1702 in Hartford Co., MD. 

II. Thomas Deaton Jr., who is in the direct bloodline of Alexander Deaton Haas 
and Zachary Deaton Haas (see above).
III. James Deaton Sr., was born 1713 in Deatonville, Amelia Co., VA, and died 9-
15-1806 in Chatham Co., NC.  He married Elizabeth Jackson and later married 
Jenny Jefferson.  He third married Obedience Jackson.  Note,  Deatonville is now 
called Jetersville.  One of  James Deaton's children has been identified.  He is 
John M. Deaton who was born in 1757 in VA.  He married Martha Rowlett on 8-3-
1772 in Amelia Co., VA.  He later married Cherry Phillips ca 1806.

		A.. James Deaton born ca 1774 in VA, and died about 1820.
		B.. Levi Deaton born ca 1775 in VA.
		C. Rowlett Deaton born ca 1776 and died ca 1811. Rowlett is reported 
to have been a step-child.

		D. Polly Deaton was born ca 1778 and married John Bragg in 
Chesterfield Co., Va, on 12-217-1806.
		E. Wilson Deaton was born ca 1780 and died ca 1811.
		F. Thomas Deaton was born ca 1781.
		G. Charity  Deaton was born ca 1783.
		H. Thomas A. Deaton was born ca 1808.
		I. George Washington Deaton was born ca 1815.
IV. John Deaton was born in 1716 in Amelia Co., VA, and died 9-29-1806 in 
Chesterfield, Co., VA. John married Martha Rowlett 8-3-1772 in Chesterfield Co., 
V. Jabez Deaton was  born in 1727 in Henrico Co., VA.  he died in 1782 in Amelia 
Co., VA.  He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War.
VI. George Deaton was born in 1733 in Amelia Co., VA, and died 5-25-1804 also in 
Amelia Co.  He married Temperance Jackson about 1762 in Amelia Co.  He was also 
a veteran of the Revolutionary War.
VII. Nathan Deaton was born ca 1736 in Henrico Co., VA.  He married Mary Combs 
and later married Elizabeth Lee. 
VIII. William Deaton was born ca 1736 in Henrico Co.,, VA.  This is the infamous 
Captain William Deaton of Revolutionary  fame.  He was one of five or six  
Deatons who served in the Revolutionary War.  He was a "Tory" and served under a 
Colonel Fanning.  The Tories were, of course, loyal to the King of England.  The 
did not support the Revolution. The best  available information suggests that 
Capt. Deaton was killed in the battle of Cane Creek  in 1781.  He was a farmer 
and cobbler.   He was a resident of Chatham Co., NC, having moved there from 
Virginia.  He became known as "The Tory" and was considered a "giant  devoted to 
the Church of England." He is alleged  to have been a "peglegged cobbler."  One 
has to doubt, however, that a peglegged person would have been fighting in the 
Revolutionary War.   One report has him captured by "Whitehorse Harry" Lee's 
Calvary unit and executed. Another report has him dying gloriously in battle. He 
did die at the battle of Cane Creek on 9-13-1781.  Captain Deaton did fight at 
Lindley's Mill, 26 miles from Hillsborough, NC.  He also saw service at the 
Battle of Betli's Bridge on Drowning Creek, 9-1-1781.  He owned land in Chatham 
Co., NC.  His property  was on  Bear Creek southwest of Chapel Hill, NC.  
William Deaton was an old time English colonist.  As a rule  the inhabitants of 
North Carolina were more partial to the English King  than the inhabitants of 
the other colonies.   Captain Deaton served the King under Colonel  Fanning and 
did his fighting in North Carolina. He married Sarah Jackson.
		A. James Deaton  was born ca 1759.
		B. Nathan Deaton was born ca 1760 in Wake Co., NC, and died ca 1834 
in Yancy County, NC. He married Sarah Knight.  

		C. An unnamed daughter was born ca 1866 and died at birth. 
		D. Matthew Deaton was born 2-14-1768 in Cumberland Co., NC, and died 
11-7-1822 in Moore Co., NC. Matthew married "Margaret" in 1783.  Margaret was 
born ca 1760 and died after 1830 in Moore Co., NC. Matthew is buried in the 
Deaton Cemetery, off highway 27/24 in Cry Creek, NC.  Matthew also spend some 
time in Mecklenburg Co., NC.  He was a farmer. Evidently  Matthew had seven sons 
and three daughters,  but all have not been identified. 
			1. Levy Deaton was born ca 1783 in Moore Co., NC.
			2. John Deaton was born ca 1789 in Moore Co., NC.  He married 
"Molly" ca 1812. John and family  appear in the 1830 census of  Moore Co.  
Evidently  John died before 1840  because only his widow is listed in the 1840 
census of Moore Co. John and Molly are known to have had at least one son,  
Isaac born ca 1811 in Moore Co., NC, He died after 1880.  One  historian has him 
dying in Moore Co., NC., but he and family are recorded in the 1880 census of  
NcNairy Co, TN.  LDD suspects that he died in McNairy Co.  It would be most 
unusual for him to have returned to NC in his later years.  Isaac married 
"Mimy."  She was born ca 1815.  In 1880, living with Isaac and "Minna"  were his 
daughter Deborah, two grandchildren ("M.J" born ca 1857 and "M.N" born ca 1863), 
and three servants under ten years of age. 
						Children of  Isaac  Deaton:                                                                    
					(a) Lackey born ca 1833 in Moore Co., NC.		
					(b) William born ca 1836 in Moore Co., NC.                                       
					(c) John  was born ca 1838  in NC. He married Jane  
Clemmons on 1-25-1863.  The bondsman for the wedding was William Deaton. Jane  
was born ca 1844 in TN.  This family appears in the 1880 census of  McNairy Co., 
TN.  In 1880  John is living in HH 77.  In HH is Isabeller(?) Deaton and in HH 
76 is J.S. Wamble.  
						Children of John Deaton:                                                             
						(1) Debby A. was born ca 1864 in TN.                                       
						(2) William M.  was born ca 1866 in TN.                                   
						(3) James I.(?)  was born ca 1868 in TN..	
						(4)John F. was born ca 1871 in TN.                                            
						(5) Margaret  was born ca 1873 in TN.                                       
						(6) Nancy Jane was born ca 1875 in  TN.                                   
						(7) an unidentified male born ca 1877 in TN.
						(8) An unidentified female born ca 1879 in 
					(d) Margaret born ca 1839 in Moore Co., NC.                                      
					(e) Matthew born ca 1841 in Moore Co., NC.                                     
					(f) Reuben born ca 1843 in Moore Col., NC.                                       
					(g) Terry born ca 1846 in Moore Co., NC.                                            
					(h) Deborah born ca 1848 in Moore Co., NC. 
			3. William Mathew Deaton was born in 1794 in Moore Co., NC.  
This is the William Deaton who  was one of the early  settlers in McNairy Co., 
TN. He migrated  to Tennessee before 1840 (he appears in the 1840 census of 
McNairy Co.) but his grown children  did not follow him until several years 
later. He married "Sarah"  ca 1816 in Moore Co., NC.  She was born ca 1796 in 
NC. She died before 1770 in Titus Co., TX. Sarah is  buried in the Mt. Moriah 
Cemetery in Titus Co., TX. Evidently  William  migrated to  Titus Co., TX,  
briefly and then returned to Tennessee. William's name  is inscribed on a 
monument in the courthouse  square in Adamsville (county seat), TN. In the 1880  
census of  Titus Co., TX, there appears a C.F. Deaton, age 25, born in TX, and a 
William E. Deaton, age 28,  born in TN.
					Children of  William Mathew Deaton:                                                     
					a. James  Deaton                                                                                      
					b. John Deaton.						
					c. William Deaton was born 10-1816 and  married 
M.J. Bluie.  On 12-20-1860, William's wife, "M.J.," wrote a letter to her 
mother, Margaret Bluie, describing a long trip  to the western part of  
Tennessee (the letter is included in this history). In the 1900 census of 
McNairy Co., William is recorded as living with his fifty year old unmarried 
daughter, Debbie, who was born 1-1850.                             
					d. Margaret Deaton, married Mr. Christopher H. 
O'Neal and settled in McNairy Co., TN.  The O'Neal family is mentioned in 
"M.J.'s" letter.  In the 1850  census of  McNairy Co., William and Sarah Deaton 
are living in HH 1097 and Christopher O'Neal and family are living in HH 1082.  
Margaret Deaton was born ca 1818 in Moore Co., NC and died ca 1877 in McNairy 
Co., TN.   Mr. O'Neal was born ca 1819 in TN.  This family  appears in the 1850 
and 1860  census of McNairy Co., TN.  By  1860  Margaret seems to have died.  
Could she have died giving birth to Isham?                                            
						Children of Margaret Deaton O'Neal:                                             
						(1) Amanda O'Neal born ca 1839 in TN.                                        
						(2) John O'Neal born ca 1841 in TN.                                              
						(3) William O'Neal born ca 1842 in TN.                                         
						(4) Mary O'Neal born ca 1843 in TN.                                             
						(5) Isaac O'Neal born ca 1845 in TN.                                              
						(6) Oliver O'Neal born ca 1846 in TN.                                           
						(7) Malcomb O'Neal born ca 1849 in TN.                                                 
						(8) Matthew O'Neal born ca 1852 in TN.                                                  
						(9) Cornelius O'Neal born ca 1854 in TN.                                      
						(10) Rebecca O'Neal born ca 1856 in TN.                                      
	           (11)Isham O'Neal born ca 1859 in TN. 
					e. Matthew Deaton  was born ca 1822 in Moore Co., 
NC.  Matthew and family  appear in the 1870 & 1880  census of  McNairy Co., TN. 
He is living in HH 31.  He married Margaret A. who was  born ca 1832 in NC.  In  
1870 Matthew was living in HH 19  and his nephew John was in HH 21.  Matthew 
also appears in the 1900 census of McNairy Co. By this time Margaret is dead  
and his daughter, Nancy Bohnam, is living with him.                                                
                Children of Matthew Deaton:                                                                                                    
	(1) Elizabeth born ca 1850.  The 1880  census  record has her                                                 
born in NC, but this would  appear to be an error. The 1880                                                   
census also  has her born in 1862(?).                                                                                        
( 2)  Margaret F.   was born ca 1852.  The 1870 census has her                                                
born in TN.  The 1880 census  has Margaret born in 1867(?).                                               
	 (3) "J.J."(f) born ca 1855.  The 1880  census also has her born                                                  
in NC(?).  The 1880  census  has her born in 1864(?)                                                           
(4) Debbie born ca 1857.  Again the 1880 census record has her                                      
		 born in NC(?). The  1880  census has Debbie born in 1865.                                                    
(5) John A. was born ca 1860.  According to the 1870  census                                                
he was born in NC.                                                                                                                    
(6) Terry(?) was born in 1866 in TN. The  1880  census has                                                   
her born in 1868											 
						 (7) William born ca 1868 in TN. He married  
Sarah Cagle who                                               was born ca 1872 
in TN. This family  appears in the 1920                                                      
census of Chester Co., TN.  They are living in HH 71. William                                              
is farming.  Living with the family in 1920 was Nebison C.                                                    
Cagle, father-in-law, age 75,  Mary Cagle, mother-in-law, age                                               
70,  and Lessie  Cagle, niece, age 29.               
							Children of  William Deaton:
							(a) Earnest born ca 1902 in TN. 
							(b) Leo  born ca 1904 in TN. 
							(c) Robert born ca 1908 in TN. 
						     (8) Nancy L. was born ca 1869 in TN, 
and married a Mr.                                       Bohnam.                                                                                                     
						 (9) Liddie A. was born ca 1874 in TN.  One 
does have to wonder who  was   providing the census taker with the above 
information re:  the children of   Matthew Deaton.                        
					f. Joseph  Deaton was born ca 1821 in Moore Co., 
NC, and died ca 1888 in McNairy Co., TN.  Joseph and family  appear in the 1870  
census of  McNairy Co., TN. He married Isabelle(?) who was born ca 1828 in NC.  
Joseph and family did not migrate to Tennessee until 1862-1864. 
						Children of Joseph Deaton:                                                             
						(1) Mamie J. born ca 1852 in NC.                                                         
						(2) Sarah C.(?) was born ca 1853 in NC.                                           
						(3) Isabelle was born ca 1854 in NC.                                                         
						(4) William  was born ca 1856 in NC.                                               
						(5) John R.  was born ca 1858 in NC.                                                 
						(6) Calvin C. was born ca 1862 in NC.                                              
						(7) Margaret M. was born ca 1864 in TN.                                           
						(8) Timothy(?) M.  was born ca 1866 in TN.                                
					g. Isaac Deaton Sr., was born ca 1811 in Moore 
Co., NC, and married "Debbie."  Debbie was born ca 1815 in NC. This family  
appears in the 1870  census of McNairy Co., TN. Living in the home in 1870  are 
two black children, Caroline age fourteen and Elen age ten. Isaac evidently 
migrated to Tennessee ca 1854-1856.
						Children of  Isaac Deaton:
						(1) Debby  was born ca 1854.  The 1870  
census has her born in NC(?).               (2) Rolligh (Raliegh)(m) S.  was 
born 10-1845.  Again the census  record has Rolligh  born in NC(?)  Raliegh  
married Leona Kirby on 7-24-1871.  Leona  was born 6-1854 in TN.  This family  
appears in the 1880  census of McNairy Co. Living with the family in 1880  was a 
black "laborer," Moe Iverson, age nineteen. "Rolly" and family  also appear in 
the 1900 census of McNairy Co. They are in HH 71. "Roll S."  and family  appear 
in the 1910 census of McNairy Co., TN.  They are living in HH  71.  "Roll"  was 
farming. "Roll" and family appear in the 1920  census of  McNairy Co.  He is 
living in HH 106.  His age is erroneously recorded as "68."  He was 75.  He was 
still farming.  In  1920, a certain Mary Ford,  age 28, was living with them.  
She is 	recorded as a "lodger."						 Children of  
Raliegh  Deaton:                                                      
							 (a) Marcus L. born 7-1872 in TN, and 
married Frances  M., who was born   12-78 in Tn.  This family appears in the 
1900 census of  McNairy Co.  At         that time they one, Terry Gray, born 11-
1897 in TN. They are recorded as        living in HH 4.                                                                                  
							(b) Monte(?)(m) F. born ca 1876 in TN.  
Monte  married  			             "Florence who was born ca  1887 in 
Tn.  This family  					              appears in the 
1920 census of  McNairy Co.  They  are living in HH 205. Monte is working in a 
dry goods store.                         
								Children of  Monte F. Deaton:                                                          
								(I) Windel P.  was born ca 1909 
in TN.                       					                    	
	(II) Frances L. was born ca 1916 in TN.						             
							( c)James E.  was born 11-1879 in TN.  
James and 	family  are  recorded in the 1920 census of  McNairy Co.  They are 
living in HH 157.  James in working in a dry goods store.  He married "Minnie 
L."  who was born ca 1882 in Tennessee. This family  appears in the 1910  census 
of  McNairy Co.  They are living in HH 115.  James is 	recorded as a 
merchant in a grocery  store.  They have living with them a 24 year old boarder 
named  Joe Varnell.    As of 1910  they had "Willie" (f) born  ca 1906 in TX.  
By  1920  they still had only the one son.                                
							(d) Eddie  G.(?) was born 7-1883 in 
TN.  Eddie   married 									"Sylvia" 
who was born ca 1890 in TN.  This family  appears 					
				in the 1910 census of Chester Co., TN.  They are living 
in  									HH 92.  Eddie is farming. 
At this time they have a 17 month old daughter.                            (e) 
Cassie E. was born 6-1885 in TN.                                              
							(f) Emily J. was born 7-1888 in TN.                                                   
				        (3) Mima J.  was born ca 1854 in NC(?).                                            
						(4) Isaac W.  was born ca 1856 in TN, and 
married Arizona 								Ferrell on 12-28-
1878. " Zona" was born ca 1861 in TN.   This 						
		family  appears in the 1880  census of  McNairy Co.                      
				      (5) Margaret  A. was born ca 1862 in TN. 
		The other children of Matthew Deaton have not been identified.
			E.  John D. Deaton Sr., was born in 1769 in Wake Co., NC, 
(some historians say Wake Co., NC) and died 1848 in Breathitt Co., KY.  In 1800  
John and family were living in Chatham Co., NC. He married Isabella Brantly in 
1786.  He is the father of the "Kentucky 	Deatons  and died in Wolfe Coal, 
Breathitt Co., KY, ca 1848.   It is alleged that John fought in the 
Revolutionary War.  If he did so it would have been as a very young man.  He 
might have served as an officer's aide or, perhaps, as a drummer boy?   He moved 
to Breathitt Co., Ky ca 1804.
			1. Brantly  Deaton was born ca 1788 in NC and died  after 
1832.  He married Rachel Spencer.
			2. Lewis Thomas Deaton was born 12-26-1791 in NC and died 1-4-
1851 in Avon, Polk Co., Iowa.  He married Agnes B. Powell ca 1820 in Owsley Co., 
			3. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1793 in NC,  and died 3-3-1874 
in Wolfe Co., Ky.  She married Moses Spencer Jr., in Lee Co., VA.
			4. Samuel Deaton was born ca 1796 in NC, and died after 1840.  
He                      		 	married Nancy Harper.
			5. Joseph Deaton was born ca 1797 in NC.
			6. Levi Deaton was born ca 1801 in NC. He married Cinda 
			7. Mary Deaton was born ca 1802 in NC and married  Isaac 
			8. Delilah Deaton was born ca 1803 and married Joseph Spencer.
			9. Jemima Deaton was born ca 1805 and married William Strong.
			10.  John "Buck" Deaton was born ca 1807 and died 12-15-1877 
of  "dropsy." He married Melinda Watts,  the daughter of George Watts. Malinda 
was born ca 1805 in KY. John and family appear in the 1850, 1860, and 1870  
census of Breathitt Co.  In 1850   they are living in HH 186 and John owns real 
estate valued at $1300. In 1860 they were living in HH 122.    John is farming 
and owns real estate valued at $3520 and personal property valued at $1000. 
Living with the family was the 19 year old Enoch Watts.  Living in HH 124  was 
Thomas Deaton and in HH 125 Benjamin Spicer.  In 1870 he is in HH 138, is 
farming, and owns real estate valued at $4000.  His personal property is worth 
					Children of  John "Buck" Deaton:
					a. Isaac "Pike" Deaton was born ca 1823 and died 
5-1868.  He married Sally Sarah Gwinn in 1841.Sally was born ca 1823. This 
family  appears in the 1850 and 1860  census of Breathitt Co.  In 1850 they are 
in HH 363.  Isaac is farming and owns real estate valued at $200. In 1860 they 
are living in HH 427.  Isaac is farming and owns real estate valued at $000 and 
personal property valued at $638. In HH 424 is James Stidham and family. Isaac's 
widow  and family  appear in the 1870  census.  She is living in HH 65. In HH 66 
is 	William Deaton, her oldest son and in HH 68 is William Stidham. In  1880, 
now a widow, Sarah and family  are still in Breathitt Co.  She is living in HH 
347.  In HH  346 is William Stidham and in HH 345 is James Stidham. Living with 
Sarah is Margaret Bush, age 8, granddaughter.
						Children of  Isaac "Pike" Deaton:                                          
						(children not in chronological order)                                                      
	        (1). William Deaton was born ca 1835 and married Catherine "Kay" 
Little.  This family  appears in the 1870 census of Breathitt Co.  They are in 
HH 67.  William is working as a farmer and owns real estate valued at $150 and 
personal property valued at $300.   Catherine was born ca 1843.
							Children of  William Deaton:
							(a) "Spice" (f) born ca 1864.                                             
							(b) Elizabeth born ca 1867.                                                
							(c) John born ca 1869.                                                            
						(2). Thomas  Deaton was born ca 1854 and 
married Elizabeth                                                 "Eliza"  
Little ca 1868.   She was born ca 1853 in KY.  Most of                                               
the information re:  the "Kentucky Deatons" was provided LDD                                            
by Charles Sizemore, grandson of  Thomas and Eliza.  This                                                    
family appears in the 1880  census of Breathitt.   They were                                                   
living in HH 347. Thomas was farming. 
							Children of  Thomas Deaton:	                                                
				          		(a) Jason "Jace" Deaton was born ca 
1869 in KY, and 				   						
	married Ibb Baker.                             					
							(b) John Deaton  was born ca 1872 in 
KY,  1st married 				Martha Ellen Davidson and 2nd married 
America Riley.                                (c) Mary Deaton was born ca 1877 
in KY  married Buck 								Combs.                                                                                    
		          (d)  Sally Deaton  was born 1875 in KY, 1st married                                      
Camm Baker and second married John L. Combs.                                          
(e) Robert Little Deaton was born ca 1878 in KY.  He 1st 			           
married Martha Haddix and 2nd married Evalyn Watts 			
	Sizemore. Robert and Evalyn are the parents of  Charles 			
	Sizemore (b. 9-8-1905 in Jackson, KY).                                                          
(f) James Deaton married Lulie Stidham.                               		             
(g) Rosey Deaton married Rich Combs.                                  		          
(h) Martha Deaton married Robert Amis.                             		          
(i) William "Billy"  remained single.                                   	
	            (j) Lillie  Deaton married  1st Luke Begley and 2nd 		
			  married John Turner.
						(3) James Deaton born 6-16-1849 and  
murdered by Ed 					             Calahan in  1897. He 
married Mary "Spicy"Haddix.  This family              appears in the 1870 census 
of Breathitt Co. James is living in HH  70.  He is   working as a "farm 
laborer."  The also appears in the 1880 census of Breathitt Co.  They are living 
in HH 519.  James  is farming. James fell victim in the infamous "Deaton- 
Callahan  Feud." of Bloody Breathitt Co.                                   
	Children of James Deaton:
							(a) Joseph born ca 1865 KY.
							(b) Lewis born ca 1870 KY.
							(c) Jeremiah born ca 1875 KY.
							(d) Andrew born ca 1877 KY.
				           (e) Rachael born 1-1880 KY.                                                
						(4) John "Caney" Deaton was born ca 1859 in 
KY, and  married 								Janie Neace.                                                                                      
						(5) Fletcher Deaton was born ca 1863 and 
married Armia 				Davidson.                                                                                          
						(6) A son simply  identified as "Deaton" in 
the 1880 census of 								Breathitt Co.   
This  man was born ca 1864 in  KY.                        
						(7) Jeremiah "Jerry" Deaton was born ca 1867 
in KY, 1st married Nancy Sizemore and 2nd married Mary May.                                 
						(8) Melinda Deaton was born ca 1842 and 
married Granville 								"Gran"  
						(9) Charlotte "Lottie" Deaton married Wayne 
						(10) Elizabeth "Betts" Deaton married Robert 
						(11) Nancy Ann Deaton was born ca 1846 and 
married Sam 								"Hocker" Stidham
					b. Brantley "Bryant" Deaton was born ca 1825 and 
died ca 1891 and 		married Lucinda Riley ca 1841.  Lucinda was born ca 1929 
in Perry Co., KY. "Bryant"  appears in the 1850, 1860, 1870, & 1880  census of 
Breathitt Co., but Lucinda is not in the home in 1850.  She is in the home 	in 
1860 and 1870.  Living with Bryant, in 1850,  are his two children Mahala  and 
John.  Also in the home is a 24 year old female named F______(?) Martin and a 22 
year old female named Emilia Watts.  In 1850 Bryant is living in HH 386 and in 
HH 387 is James Stidham and family. In  1860  Brantly is in HH 118.  He is 
farming and has a personal estate of $100. His next door neighbor is Wilson 
Calahan. Also in the household in 1860  was Israel Church, age 19, a "day 
laborer."  In 1870, Brantly is living in HH 108.  Brantly is identified as a 
"farm laborer" owning no property. In HH 107 is Luther Callahan and in HH 106 is 
Wilson Callahan. In HH 104 is John Deaton, age 24.  In 1880 he was living in HH 
477 and in HH 483  was Luther Callahan. 
						Children of Brantley Deaton:                                                               
							(1) Mahala Deaton was born ca 1845.                                                                                
			(2) John "Black Jack" Deaton was born ca 1842 and 1st married 
								Rebecca Moore  ca 1866 and 2nd 
married Sally Baker. John 								appears 
in the 1860  census of Breathitt.  At the time he was 				
				working as a "laborer" for Alfred Spencer (Spicer?). 
							Children of  John "Black Jack" Deaton:                                 
							(a) Brantley Deaton.                                                               
							(b) Wilson Deaton who married Alice 
White, daughter of 									Jim 
White and sister to Ance, Tom and John White.            
							( c) Mahala (Haley) Deaton who married 
Henry "Preacher" May, son of William B. May.                              
							(d) Walter Deaton .                                                                 
							(e) Allen Deaton.                                                                   
							(f) Susan Deaton who married Ed 
							(g) Mary Deaton who married John 
"Tony" Deaton, son of  William "Tony" Deaton (Mary was John's 2nd wife).	
							(h) Nancy Ann Deaton.                                                          
							(I) William Deaton was born ca 1860 
and married Nancy 									"Nance"  
Akemon.  William, his wife Nancy, and 							
							their daughter, Lucinda, age 3 months 
appear in the 1880 									census 
of Breathitt Co.  They are living in HH 496 with 					
						Effie Akemon, age 47, Nancy's mother.                               
							(j) Margaret Deaton.                                                           
										(k) Asbell Deaton 
who married Della Spicer, daughter of 							
		"Big Jim" Spicer.                                                                 
									(l) Cordie Deaton.                                                                 
							(m) Alice Deaton who married Charlie 
							(n) Jane Deaton who married  Brack 
Deaton, son of Gran 									
									(o) Marshall Deaton.
							(3) Matilda Deaton was born ca 1852.                                                       
						(4) Mary Jane Deaton born ca 1856.                                                          
						(5) Wilson Deaton was born ca 1859 and 
married Nancy Ann 		             Akemon (Aikmon?) on 7-25-1875. This 
family appears in the 1880 census of Breathitt Co.  They are in HH 496 living 
with Effie Akemon and family.  Effie is Nancy's mother.  
							Children of Wilson Deaton:                                                     
		          (a) Paul Benton Deaton                                                             
		          (b) Tymanda Deaton who married Ed Callahan.                        
		          (c) Walter Deaton.                                                                   
		          (d) Sambo Deaton.                                                                   
		          (e) Gardner Deaton who was shot by "Owl" Riley near Ed 	
	          Callahan"s store.                                                                  
		         (f) Leonard Deaton who was killed by a member of the 	
			         McIntosh family on Squabble Creek.                                                                   
(g) Lucinda Deaton who married  Joe  Johnson, son of                                         
Frank Johnson.
						(6) James "Buck" (Tony) Deaton who married 
Mattie McIntosh, 			          			daughter of Lulu Combs and 
McIntosh Spicer.                                       			          
	(7) Nora (Tony) Deaton who married Charles Deaton, son of                                                 
	John and Elizabeth Deaton .                                                                     
			          	(8) Susan (Tony) Deaton who married William 
Thompson, son                                              of  John Thompson.  
After being divorced for 32 years Susan and 						
		William remarried  10-1978.                                                              
			          	(9) Jessie (Tony) Deaton who married  Clinton 
Spicer, son of                                                 John and Lulu 
Combs McIntosh Spicer. 
				c. William (Tony) Deaton who was born ca 1828 and 
married Rachel 		   Raleigh ca 1846 in Breathitt Co., KY. Rachel  (b. ca 
1828) was the 		   daughter of  James Raleigh and Anne Lynch.  This 
family appears in                            the 1850 census of Breathitt Co. 
They are in HH 364, next door to                                Isaac Deaton.  
William is farming but owns no real estate.  They also                            
appear in the 1870 census of Breathitt Co.  They are in HH 18.                                      
William is farming and owns real estate valued at $1000.  His personal                         
property is valued a  $200. William  served in Company "G," 13th                               
Kentucky Cavalry, CSA.  He was enrolled  10-1-1862 in 			                                         
Breathitt Co.  His highest rank was "private."  He also served in                                    
Company "E,"  Three Forks Battalion, Kentucky State Troops.  He was                         
mustered in 2-19-1864 in Crocketsville, KY, and mustered out 7-17-                        
1865 at Irvine, Estill Co., KY.  His highest rank was "private."   William                       
lived in Crocketsville and died there in 1898.  He is buried in the                                
Crocketsville Cemetery, Breathitt Co., KY.  The question is often                               
asked, "How did all these Deatons get the name "Tony"?  Family                                
legend has it that John "Buck" Deaton complained to a neighbor                               
about having a black man  living in his neighborhood.  The black                                
man's name was "Tony."  Brantley Deaton and the man who owned                           
the slave, "Tony," agreed to schedule a wrestling match between                                  
"Tony" and the young William Deaton.  It was agreed if  William won                       
the match then the black man would leave the neighborhood. William                        
won the match and the black man did, indeed, leave the                                              
neighborhood.,   As a result the Deatons picked up  the name "Tony"                           
and the nickname has stuck until this day (1979).  This family appears                        
in the 1860 census of Breathitt Co.  William and family lived in HH                           
463.  He was farming and owned real estate valued at $350 and                                   
personal property valued at $100. Living in the neighborhood  were                            
Enoch Noble and family (HH 466), William Sizemore and family (HH                       
467), and Hardin Sizemore and family (HH 468).  The family  also                             
appears in the 1870 census of Breathitt Co. (HH 18) In HH 19 is                                 
Benjamin Spicer and in HH  23 is Dill Sizemore. By  1870  Nancy                              
Ann is already out of the home.	
			        	Children of  William (Tony) Deaton:                                                  
	        (children not in chronological order)
						    (1) John (Tony) Deaton was born ca 1862 
and died ca 1936. He 1st married Viney  Duff and 2nd married Mary E. Deaton, 
daughter of  John "Black Jack" Deaton and Rebecca Moore..  He was an attorney  
and  lost only three criminal cases during this forty years period.  He  was 
Magistrate for eight years in           Breathitt County, KY. He was a good 
public speaker, did a lot  of campaign work for the Democratic  party and served 
as legal consultant for his entire neighborhood. 
							Children of John (Tony) Deaton:
							(a) Martha Deaton who married 1st 
Bummer Spicer and 2nd married his brother Whick Spicer.                                  
							(b) Charles (Tony) Deaton who married 
Nancy Ann Deaton  daughter of Ned Deaton. 
						(2) Nancy Ann (Tony) Deaton was born ca 1853 
and died ca  1929.She married Elijah Bush before 1870..        	           
						(3) America  "Armine" (Tony) Deaton was born 
ca 1855 and died ca 1937.  She married Daniel Boone Baker.           
						(4) James (Tony) Deaton was born ca 1849 and 
died ca 1935.  He married Armina "Spicy" Stidham 7-12-1869, sister of Jerry 
Stidman.  Spicy  was born ca 1854 in KY.  James and family  appear in the  1880  
census of Breathitt Co.  They are living in HH 519.  
							Children of James Deaton:                                                                                        
(a) Joseph Deaton born ca 1865 in KY.      	                                                            
(b) Lewis Deaton born ca 1879 in KY.       	                                                            
(c) Jeremiah Deaton born ca 1875 in KY.  	                                                            
(d) Andrew Deaton born ca 1877 in KY.    		                                                           
(e) Rachel  Deaton born ca 1-1880 in KY.                                                           
(5) Joseph (Tony) Deaton who 1st  married                                                             
Pauline Vars and 2nd married Martha                                                                 
Deaton, daughter of Lane Deaton.  		                                                                 
(6) Granville (Tony) Deaton was born 8-15-1850.                                                  
He  married Elizabeth "Betts" Moore.  Elizabeth was                                             
born in 1855 in KY.  This family  appears in the 1880                                            
census of Breathitt.  They were living in HH 487.                                                   
Granville is farming.  
							Children of Granville Deaton:                   
	(a) James born ca 1873 in KY.                   	                                                                           
	(b) Robert born ca 1878 in KY.                  	                                                                           
	(c) Adeline  was born ca 1879 in KY.                                                                              
		(7) Lewis Deaton was born ca 1848 and died 7-25-1855.                                                        
(8) Jemima Deaton was born ca 1860 and died ca 1949.                                                          
She first married John M. Deaton on 6-6-1878 and 2nd                                                           
married John Boyd Deaton.                                                                                                       
(9) Joseph Edward Deaton was born 6-10-1865 and                                                                
married Paulina Melissa Vires (there were two                                                                       
(10) Malinda Deaton was born ca 1873 and married                                                                
James Johnson. 
					d. Matilda Deaton was born ca 1830 and 1st married 
William Bowling. She 2nd married George Belcher.                                                            
					e. Thomas Deaton was born ca 1832 and cohabitated 
with but   never 	married  Polly Turner.  Thomas appears in the 1860 census of 
Breathitt Co., but Polly  Turner is not present.  The oldest female in the 
household is Elizabeth Deaton, age 19.  They are living in HH 124 and living 
next door is Benjamin Spicer.  Thomas is farming and owns real estate valued at 
$650 and personal property valued at $275.  Also in the household is a John 
Boling age 29. He is identified as a "day laborer."  This record  has Thomas 
being born in Indiana(?).
						Children of  Thomas Deaton:                                                                  
							(1) Louisa Deaton born ca 1856.                                                               
			           	(2) John Deaton born ca 1859.                                                                                       
			f. George Deaton was born ca 1835 and married Sally                                                            
"Sarah" Combs ca 1852.  This family  appears in the 1860                                                      
census of  Breathitt Co.  There were living in HH 139.                                                           
George is farming and has a personal estate valued at                                                             
$200. Living in HH 138  was Edward Deaton and family.                                                       
The family  also appears in the 1870 census of Breathitt                                                         
Co. There are in HH 29. George is farming and owns real                                                       
estate valued at $400.  His personal property is valued at                                                       
$100 also. In HH 30 is Hardin Sizemore.  Sally was born                                                        
ca 1837.  Sally  died after 1900.  George 2nd married                                                              
Ellen Davidson Stidham.  George and family  also  appear                                                      
in the 1880 census of Breathitt Co.  They are living in HH                                                       
509.  George is farming.   Dill Sizemore is living in HH                                                         
			      	 Children of George Deaton:                                                             
	         (children are not listed in chronological order)
			       	(1) John Deaton was born ca 1866 and  married                                                      
Maranda "Polly" Watts.  					                         
						(2) Deaton was born ca 1868 and married 
(3) Delany "Lane" Deaton was born ca 1863 and                                                                     
1st married  Sithann(?) Spicer, 2nd married                                                                              
Mahaley Hensley Gambriel, and third married Polly                                                                
Watts Finchum.                                                                                                                          
(4) Doc Alex Deaton was born 9-30-1859 in                                                                            
Breathitt Co., and first married Nancy Davidson 4-                                                                 
15-1877, daughter of Jerry and Mary Moore                                                                            
Davidson. Nancy  was born ca 1859 in KY. He  2nd                                                                
married "State"  Sizemore, daughter of Dill                                                                              
Sizemore.  In all,  Doc Alex married four times.                                                                      
Alex and his new wife appear in the 1880 census of                                                                
Breathitt Co.  They are living in HH 506.  Alex was                                                                
farming but owned no property.                  				                           
						(5) Perdilia "Pattie" Deaton was born 3-30-
1854.                                                                    (6) 
William Deaton was born 11-18-1855.  He                                                               
	      	married "Sarah" who was born ca 1856 in Ky.  This                                                                
family  appears in the 1880  census of Breathitt Co.                                                                
They are living in HH 327.  William is farming. In                                                                  
HH  331 is John Deaton.                         
				   		Children of William Deaton:                                                       
							(a) "Buck"  born ca 1877 in KY. 	
							(b) Isabelle born ca 1879 in KY.
						(7) Melinda ‘Minnie" Deaton was born ca 
1861.                                                                     (8) 
Matilda Deaton  was born ca 1858.                                                                                     
(9) Evaline Deaton.                                                                                                                    
(10) Cordelia Deaton was born ca 1854.                                                                                    
(11) Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1872 in KY				f. Joseph 
Deaton was born 1-5-1846 in Breathitt Co., KY. He first married Mary Ruth Wooton 
ca 1865 in Breathitt. Mary  was born ca 1847 in KY. She was the daughter of 
James Dixon and Celia Wooton.  He second married "Bertha."  Joseph served in 
Company "G," 13th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA.  He enlisted 10-1-1862 in Breathitt. 
His highest rank was "private."  He also served in Company "K," 14th Kentucky  
Cavalry, GAR.  His highest rank was "private."  Thus it appears that Joseph 
served on both sides of the conflict during the Civil War.  He lived his life on 
the "Middle 	Fork"  where he raised a large family.  Joseph died 11-10-1918 
at Talbert, Breathitt Co., and is buried in Buck Herald Cemetery, Talbert, KY.  
Joseph and family  appear in the 1880  census of  Breathitt Co.  He is living in 
HH 358.  Joseph was farming. 
						Children of  Joseph  Deaton:                                                               
							(1) Arlena  was born ca 1866 in KY.                                                 
							(2) Mary J. was born ca 1870 in Ky.                                                   
							(3) Lewis was born ca 1873 in KY.                                                      
							(4) Alexander was born ca 1875 in KY.                                     
								(5)Malinda was born ca 1877 in 
		(6) Robert was born ca 1879 in KY.
					g.  Edward "Ned" Deaton was born ca 1834 in 
Crockettsville, KY,  and died ca 1867.  He married Jemima Spicer 7-21-1854.  
Jemima was born ca 1833 in NC. This family  appears in the 1860 census of 
Breathitt Co.  They were living in HH 138.  Edward is farming and owns real 
estate valued at $125 and personal property valued at $100.  The  family  also 
appears in the 1870 & 1880 census of  Breathitt.  In 1870 they  are living in HH 
55.  Edward is farming and owns real estate valued at $88.  His personal 
property is valued at $200.  In HH 56 is John Deaton, age 18, and in HH  57 is 
Benjamin Spicer age 30.In HH  58 is James Spicer, age 50. In 1880 Edward was 
living in HH 357.  He continued  to farm. 
						Children of  Edward Deaton:                                                                  
						(1) John Deaton born ca 1852 and married 
"Mary."  John and Mary appear in the 1870 census of Breathitt living next door 
to his parents.    
						( 2) Orlena Deaton (t) was born ca 1856.                                             
						(3) Cordela Deaton (t)  was born ca 1856. 
					h. Jemima Deaton was born ca 1839 in North Fork, 
KY, and died ca 1904. She married  Hensley R. Jackson in 10-1853.  Hensley  was 
born ca 1833 in NC.            i. Elizabeth Deaton was born ca 1841 and died ca 
1922.  She married Dan "Hickory" McDaniels.                                                                                          
					J. Alexander Deaton was born ca 1843 and died ca 
1919.  He married Elizabeth Henderson 7-18-1861. Elizabeth was born ca 1847.  
This family appears in the1870 census of Breathitt Co.  He is in HH 68, and is 
working as a farm laborer.   Alexander and family  also appear in the 1880  
census of Breathitt Co.(HH 359).  Alexander was farming.   In  1880  living in 
the household with Alexander was a William Guyhart, age 22, a "laborer,"  a 
Della Henderson, age 79, "mother-in-law," and Mary A.  Henderson, age 28, 
						Children of Alexander Deaton:                                                                  
						(1) George  was born ca 1863 in Ky  and 
married "Mahaly" who was born ca 1864 in Ky.  This family  appears in the 1880 
census of Breathitt Co.                   They  are living in HH 360. Alexander 
is farming. In HH 359 was his father  Alexander Deaton.  In  HH 361 is Jack 
Callahan and his son Edward.                    Edward Callahan is the man who 
shot and killed  James Deaton during the well documented  "Deaton-Callahan  
(2) Evaline was born ca 1864.                                                                   
						(3) Thomas was born ca 1865.                                                                   
						(4) Malinda was born ca 1866.                                                           
						(5) Matilda was born ca 1868.                                                                   
						(6) Ozlesia(?)(f)  born ca 1872 in KY.                                            
						(7) Leander was born ca 1875 in KY                                                        
						(8) Martha  was born ca 1877 in KY.                                                         
						(9) Charles  was born ca 1879 In KY.
					k. John "Jackie" Deaton was born 6-1846 and died 
10-1919.  He married Nancy Noble 10-1876. Nancy was the  daughter of  Henry and 
Ibbie Noble. She was born ca  1847 in KY. This family  appears in the 1870 & 
1880 census of Breathitt  living in HH 104. John is farming and owns real estate 
valued at $ 100 and personal property valued at $100.  In HH  108 is Brantly 
Deaton.  In 1880, living in the house household with John  was his   sister-in-
law, Effa Noble, age 20. John is in HH 444.  He is farming.				                        
						Children of  John "Jackie" Deaton:                                                                       
(1) Gemima  was born ca 1865 in KY.                                                                 
(2) Polly Ann Deaton was born ca 1868 and died ca 1927.  She                         
married John Turner.                                                                                             
(3) Granville Deaton was born ca 1871 in KY, and  married Martha                  
Jones Huff.                                                                                                            
(4) Edward "Ned" Deaton was born ca 1873 and married Aggie                         
(5) Brantly "Brant" Deaton was born 7-14-1879 and died 7-1955.  He              
married  Sarah  "Sally" Raleigh, the daughter of John                                          
						(6) Greenville Deaton was born in 1876 and 
married Dulcena Johnson.                (7) Isabella Deaton who married Wesley  
Turner.                                               (8) Joseph "Joe" Deaton 
was  born 4-1881 and died 2-1968.  He                      married Maggie  
(9) Elizabeth "Lizzie" Deaton was born in 1890 and died in 1963. She  married 
Owen Moore. 
					l. Lewis Deaton born ca 1849 and died ca 1861.  
John "Blue" Deaton was born ca 1854 and married Viney Sandlin.
			11. Phoebe Deaton was born ca 1815 in KY.
			12. William Deaton was born ca 1795 in Lee Co., VA, and died 
ca 1835 in 				Indiana.
		F. Levi Deaton Sr., was born 1774 in Moore Co., NC, and died ca 1840 
in Moore Co., NC. He married Mary Catherine Vasser. Levi Deaton Sr., had a son, 
Levi Deaton Jr., who had a son, Reuben James Deaton. Reuben was born 3-9-1856 in 
Moore Co., NC.  He married  Terry Catherine Parsons on 12-5-1878 in Montgomery 
Co.  Terry's parents were Calvin Parsons and Christian Murchison. Reuben was a 
farmer. He raised cotton, corn, wheat, sugar cane, and even tried rice once but 
did not have a way to husk it.  He did have a cane mill.  In the fall of the 
year people would bring their can for him to make syrup.  He would press the 
juice out of the cane and then put it into a large vat with dividers.  He and 
his son, Tom, would cook the syrup.  The young people would enjoy  this time 
	because they had candy  pullings (candy made from syrup). Reuben's motto 
was, "Eat 	food you need and not all you want."  Reuben is buried at Pleasant 
Hill Methodist Church Cemetery, in Candor, NC. 
				Children of  Reuben James Deaton (son of Levi):                                                      
				a. Christian Melinda Deaton was born 10-25-1879 in Moore 
Co., NC.  She died 3-24-1935.  She had married Albert Ralph Bowden.                                                        
 			b. Mary Ann Deaton was born 11-1881 in Montgomery Co.  She 	
	married John Pankey.                                                                         
				c. Diza Deaton was born 2-14-1888 in Montgomery Co., and 
died 						2-17-1942 in Montgomery Co. She married  
Mack Blue.                       					d. David Calvin 
Deaton Sr., was born 2-1891 in Montgomery Co., 						NC 
and died 11-11-1961.  He married  Ida Catherine Thomas.              
				e. Nova Deaton  was born 5-15-1895 in Montgomery Co. NC.  
							She married Arthur Cox and later 
married  R.L. Champion Sr.	                  
				f. Lola Clarence Deaton was born 9-28-1898 in Montgomery 
Co., 						NC, and died 10-2-1979 in Montgomery Co.  He 
married  Mae 							Johnson and later married 
Myrtle Pauline Haywood.                           
				g. William Thomas Deaton was born 6-22-1884 in 
Montgomery 						Co., and died 1-12-1965 also in 
Montgomery Co.  He married  Abbie Rush.
			G. Eldridge Deaton, who spelled his name  "Deyton," was born 
in 1775 in NC, and died  about 1840.  He married Sophia D. Dobson in NC. 
		H. William Ebby Deaton was born in 1776 and died 10-5-1844 in Hall 
Co., GA.  He married Abigail Dorsett and later married Lucinda C. Martin in SC.  
One of  William Ebby's sons has been identified.  He is William Ebby Deaton Jr., 
who had a son, William Jasper Deaton  born 12-29-1849 in Georgia and died 4-8-
1902 in Buckhead, GA.  He married Susan Apping 4-8-1877.  Little is known of  
William Jasper.  He is buried in the Buckhead Cemetery in Buckhead, GA.  He 
represents one of the Deaton's that migrated to the State of GA.
					Children of  William Jasper Deaton (son of William 
Ebby Deaton Jr.)
           	(1) Martha Deaton born ca 1878 in GA.                                               
					(2) Mary Deaton born ca 1880 in GA.                                                  
					(3) James Emory Deaton was born 9-29-1878 in 
Gwinett Co., GA, and died 12-24-1919 in Birmingham, AL.  He married Marrie Hette 
Lee Pierce 12-25-1904.
					(4) Corrah Bell Deaton was born 12-5-1879 ind died 
1-23-1924 in Buckhead, GA.      (5) William Harrison Deaton was born 3-27-1881 
and died 7-23-1968. 
					(6) Charles Hinton  Deaton Sr., was born 11-21-
1883 and  died   10-13-1936.  He married Marion Wilson on 11-21-1917 in Hall 
Co., GA.  Charles is the father of Charles Hinton Deaton Jr., who lived in 
Lakeland, FL, and the grandfather of Amber Deaton Parker.                   
					(7) Joseph Newton Deaton was born 6-17-1884 and 
died 8-5-1956 in Buckhead, GA.                                                                                      
					(8) Floyd Anderson Deaton was born 2-21-1886 in 
GA, and died 3-29-1942 in Buckhead, GA.                                                                         
					(9) Mamie Augustus Deaton was born 8-31-1889 and 
died 2-25-1906.                      (10) Flora Eddie Deaton was born 6-9-1895 
in GA, and died 	12-1-1958.  She married George  Gibbs Lunsford.                                       
					(11) Clemmie Deaton was born 1-30-1896 in GA., and 
died 3-16- 1939 in Buckhead, GA.  She married Jim Daniel Smith ca 1917.
		I. Burrell Deaton was born in 1777 in Moore Co., NC, and died 3-15-
1854.  He married Patricia Melton in 1800 in Moore Co., NC. Burrell was a 
farmer.  His wife was often called "Patience."
			1. A unnamed daughter  born ca 1801 and died in infancy.
			2. Sally  Deaton born ca 1803 in Moore Co., NC, and married 
Brittain Britt in Moore Co.
			3. Hiram Deaton was born 12-12-1806 in Moore Co., and died 8-
11-1861 in Moore Co. He married Harriet Myrick.
			4. William Deaton was born in 1813 in Moore Co., and married 
Flora Bethune.
			5. Elizabeth Deaton was born 1816 in Moore Co., and 1st 
married                       			Sherwood Wright.  She later 
married Riley Miller.
			6. Jackson Deaton was born ca 1821 and married Elizabeth 
"Betty Jack."
			7. Basil Deaton was born in 1823 in Moore Co., and married 
Sally Wallace in Moore Co., on 9-16-1851.
			8. Levi Deaton Sr., was born ca 1804 in Montgomery Co., NC, 
and died 10-4-1872.  He first married Mary Britt ca 1824, 2nd married Brittson 
Key, and third married Elizabeth Yarborough.

		J. Molly Deaton was born in 1778 in Chatham Co., NC. 
		K. Margaret Deaton was born ca 1799 in Chatham Co., NC and died in 
Yancy Co., NC. 
		L. Elijah Deaton was born 12-17891 in Chatham Co., NC.  He died 3-
30-1855 in Oconee Co., SC.  He married S. Elizabeth Dossett. 

"Can we be proud of our name Great Grandpa?"
"Now younguns, you done ask a mighty fine question!!  Can a person be proud of 
his name?  Does your name make you better than somebody else?  Sad to say, some 
folks  think that because they have a fancy name, that makes them  fancy folks.  
I recollect reading where some poet said  that a rose by any other name would 
smell just as sweet.  I reckon that means also that a polecat by any other name 
would smell just as bad.  I reckon the lesson here is not that your name makes 
you somebody;  but that you make your name something to be proud of.  You see 
younguns, if you feel real good about yourself,  then you can feel real good 
about your name.  I am mighty proud to be a Deaton, but I would be just as proud 
if my name was Smith, or Jones, or whatever!!"
The author of this history does have some regrets after many years of research 
into the above family history.  I deeply regret that I was not able to prove 
beyond any doubt that "Will"  Deaton is, in fact, William Shimmin Deaton.  In my 
own mind, there is not doubt that WSD is my grandfather.  And after seeing a 
picture of  Benjamin Franklin Deaton I am even more strongly convinced.  Old Ben 
Franklin Deaton  bears an incredible likeness to "Will," Enoch, Carl, Bernice, 
and Brentus  Deaton.  I truly wish I could find a picture of Littleberry and 
William Harrold Deaton.  At any rate, WSD was in the right place at the right 
time doing the right things.  He was born in Tennessee, he lived in Memphis, he 
worked for the railroad, and he left home at an early age.  The only bit of 
information that suggests that he might not have been my grandfather relates to 
the confusion about his date of birth. The fact that his father, William Harrold 
Deaton, was something less than a commendable fellow also suggests that WSD had 
just cause for leaving home and refusing to ever tell anyone about his parents.   
His bitterness must have been all consuming.  I truly wish that "Will" had 
gotten over his bitterness and talked to his children about their grandparents.   
He unwittingly did all future generations of  Deatons a great disservice.

For the benefit of all future Deaton Family researchers, please note the 
following.  Sketchy and unsubstantiated oral family history had "Will" Deaton's 
father working for the street car service in Dallas, TX, about 1891-1895.   
Interestingly enough there was a certain David Deaton working for the Dallas 
Street Car service between the years 1892-1895.  He appears in the Dallas City 
Directory.  He was working on the "Ervay Street Line" and was boarding with a 
certain Joseph M. Car.  Unfortunately, your author was unable to uncover any 
additional information about this man.  "Will" Deaton's father is alleged to 
have died ca 1895 and this David Deaton seems to have disappeared about 1895.  A 
professional genealogist researched Dallas Co., records for the grave of David 
Deaton (at the request of the author)  but could not find where he was buried.  
Neither was it possible to find any marriage records that would indicate to whom 
this David Deaton was married.  Your author carefully researched census records 
1850-1880 for TX, TN, IL, AR, LA, MO, NC, SC, KY, VA, AL, GA, MS, WV, & IN and 
could not find this David Deaton. If family oral history is correct he should 
have appeared in the Tennessee census records but he does not.  There is a David 
Deaton in the 1880 census of  Texas in Comanche Co., TX, but this David is 
clearly not Will's father.  The David Deaton of 1880 Comanche Co., TX, was the 
son of Elias Deaton, and eventually became sheriff of Comanche Co.   There is 
also a David Deaton in the 1850-1880 census records of  Morgan Co., IL, but he 
evidently lived his entire life in Illinois, and certainly did not migrate to 
TX. He was still in IL, in 1880.  There is also a David Deaton that appears in 
the 1860 census of  NC.  He also lived his entire life in NC; thus he cannot be 
the David Deaton of the Dallas City Directory.  He married  Tamar Yarborough on 
3-31-1853 in Montgomery Co., NC.  There was also a David Deaton who served in 
the Civil War from Wake Co., NC.  He enlisted on 7-16-1862 when he was 37 years 
of age.  He enlisted in Company "A" of the 14th Regiment.  He died in 1863 at 
Jordan Springs, VA;  thus    he could not have been  the David Deaton who   
worked   for the streetcar service in Dallas.  
Further, it would have been very rewarding to find convincing documentation that 
we are directly related to the original William Deaton who settled in Virginia.  
Undoubtedly we are, in some way, but absolute proof is lacking.

The author wishes to express his sincere thanks to all those family members who 
shared there family histories with the him.  Most of these generous folks are 
mentioned above.  One last note....all persons researching the Deaton Family 
MUST, by all means,  contact  Lawson Deaton ( of Annapolis, 
MD.  He has amassed an enormous amount of information re: the Deaton Family and 
has published the same in "Sons and Daughters of  Thomas Deaton."  Lawson very 
likely has the information you are looking for.
In conclusion, I have learned through my years of genealogical research that 
there are no "small errors" when recording someone's history.  People can become 
very offended at the slightest bit of erroneous information.  Undoubtedly  there 
are errors contained in this document.  I ask for your forgiveness if I have 
offended  you. I truly did try my very best to record the truth and nothing but 
the truth.  Thank You.                                                                                                                                                                      


			         	APPENDIX "A"						

			a1. Picture of "Will," Sallie, & Enoch Deaton.
			a2. Picture of Sarah Elizabeth Colvin Deaton. 
			a3. Picture of Bernice "Bernie" Deaton.
			a4. Picture of Lonnie Dale Deaton at his place of birth.
			a5. Picture of Amaryllis  "Judy" Smith Deaton.			
			a6. Picture of 208 N. 12th Ave., Phoenix, AZ.
			a7. Picture of ASD & LDD's first apartment.
			a7. Picture of 406 Cheyenne Tr., Seymour, TN.
			a7. Picture of Mountain View, OK, post office.
			a8. Picture of LDD.
			a9. Picture of Amber Dawn Deaton Haas.
			a10. Wedding picture of ASD & LDD.
			a11.  Picture of the children of Bernice "Bernie" Deaton.	
			a12. Picture of ASD, ADH, & LDD.
			a13. Wedding picture of Amber Deaton Haas & Keith Eric Haas.
			a14. Picture of Benjamin F. Deaton.
			a15. Picture of Owen Deaton & Etioley Brown Deaton.
			a16. Marriage license of "Will" Deaton & Sarah Colvin. 
			a.17. Marriage license of Bernice "Bernie" Deaton & Agnus 
			a18. Marriage license of LDD & ASD.
			a19. Marriage license of Bernice "Bernice " Deaton & Amanda 
May Griffitts.
			a20,21. Divorce Decree of Bernie Deaton & Amanda May 
			a22. Death Certificate of William Harrold Deaton.
			a23. Death Certificate of "Will" Deaton.
			a24. Death Certificate of Sarah Elizabeth Colvin Deaton. 
			a25. Death Certificate of Bernice "Bernie" Deaton. 
			a26. Deaton Certificate of David Owen Deaton.			
			a27. Death Certificate of Kenneth Owen Deaton.
			a28. Death Certificate of William Lonnie Deaton			
			a29. Death Certificate of Enoch Matterson (Madison?) Deaton.
			a30. Death Certificate of Leonard Albert Deaton.
			a31. Death Certificate of Lora Simpson Deaton Garrison.
			a32-46. GAR Veteran Pension Application of William Harrold  
			a47. 1122 Beechwood Ave, Memphis, TN. 
			a48-54. Civil War military record of William Harrold Deaton.
			a55. City Directory of Dallas, TX, 1893/94.
			a56. City Directory of Dallas, TX, 1894/95.
			a57. City Directory of Dallas, TX, 1898.
			a58-63. Deaton-Callahan Feud, Breathitt Co., KY.
			a64,65. Deaton Cemetery, Rains Co., TX.
			a66,67. Alpine Cemetery, Clark Co., AR..
			a68-70. Jones Cemetery, Clark Co., AR.
			a71. LWT of Dison Deaton. 
			a72. LWT of Basil Deaton. 
			a73,74. Mountain View, OK.
			a75-77. Goodin Deaton & Family.
			a78-81. Arkadelphia, AR.
			a82-109. Line of Joseph Berry Deaton. 

                                                       APPENDIX "B"

                                          DEATON  FAMILY  CENSUS  RECORDS

			a1.     1850 census record of McNairy Co., Branson Deaton.
			a2.     1850 census record of McNairy Co., Children of Branson 
			a3.     1850 census record of McNairy Co., L.B. (Littleberry) 
			a4.     1850 census record of McNairy Co., "Barberry" Deaton & 
Larkin Deaton. 
			a5.     1870 census record of McNairy Co., Matthew Deaton & 
John Deaton. 
			a6.     1870 census record of McNairy Co., Joseph Deaton.
			a7.     1870 census record of McNairy Co., Isaac Deaton.
			a8.     1870 census record of McNairy Co., William Deaton & 
Littleberry Deaton. 
			a9.     1880 census record of McNairy Co., H.B. Deaton & G.W. 
			a10.   1880 census record of McNairy Co., William Deaton. 
			b11.   1880 census record of McNairy Co., Matthew Deaton.
			b12.   1880 census record of McNairy Co., "Isabeller" Deaton & 
John Deaton.
			b13.   1880 census record of McNairy Co., W. M. Deaton.
			b14.   1880 census record of McNairy Co., P. M. Deaton. 
			b16.   1900 census record of McNairy Co., Mima Deaton & Debbie 
			b17.   1900 census record of McNairy Co., Matthew Deaton.
			b18.   1900 census record of McNairy Co., M.L. Deaton.
			b19.   1900 census record of McNairy Co., "Roll" 
(Rolliegh)(Raliegh) Deaton.
			b20.   1910 census record of McNairy Co., James E. Deaton.
			b21.   1910 census record of McNairy Co., Robert J.(?) Deaton.
			b22.   1920 census record of McNairy Co., James E. Deaton. 
			b23.   1920 census record of McNairy Co., Montie F. Deaton. 
			b24.   1920 census record of McNairy Co., Roll S. Deaton. 
			b25.   1870 census record of Van Buren Co., Charles Trogden.
			b26.   1880 census record of Crockett Co., W.H. (William 
Harrold) Deaton. 
			b27.   1900 census record of Crockett Co., Benjamin F. Deaton. 
			b28.   1900 census record of Crockett Co., Pitser M. Deaton. 
			b29.   1920 census record of Crockett Co., Oliver Deaton. 
			b30.   1920 census record of Crockett Co., George W. Deaton. 
			b31a..1870 census record of Henderson Co., Elias Deaton. 
			b31b. 1860 census record of Hardeman Co., Branson Deaton.  
			b32.   1860 census record of Hardeman Co., L.B. Deaton. 
			b33.   1910 census record of Chester Co., John Deaton.
			b34.   1920 census record of Chester Co., William M. Deaton. 
			b35.   1910 census record of Dyer Co., Pitser M. Deaton. 
			b36.   1910 census record of Dyer Co., Granville Deaton. 
			b37.   1910 census record of Dyer Co., John W., Charles H., 
and Oliver Deaton. 
			b38.   1910 census record of Dyer Co., George W. Deaton. 
			b39.   1920 census record of Dyer Co., Claud S. Deaton. 
			b40.   1920 census record of Dyer Co., Pitser M. Deaton. 
			b41.   1920 census record of Shelby Co., Gilbert H. Deaton. 
			b42.   1920 census record of Shelby Co., Claude Deaton.

			b43.   1860 census record of Carroll Co., John Poplin.
			b44.   1860 census record of Clark Co., Tillman Howell.
			b45.   1870 census record of Clark Co., Mary, Larkin & Barbara 
			b46.   1870 census record of Clark Co., John Deaton. 
			b47.   1870 census record of Clark Co., Goodin Deaton & Elias 
			b48.   1870 census record of Clark Co., Martin Deaton. 
			b49.   1870 census record of Clark Co., J.B. Deaton. 
			b50.   1870 census record of Clark Co., Nancy (Kent) Deaton. 
			b51.   1870 census record of Clark Co., Marion Anderson. 
			b52.   1880 census record of Clark Co., Elias Deaton. 
			b53.   1880 census record of Clark Co., John Deaton & Barbara 
			b54.   1880 census record of Clark Co., Martin Deaton. 
			b55.   1880 census record of Clark Co., Carroll (Carrell) 
			b56.   1880 census record of Clark Co., Frederic Deaton & John 
			b57.   1880 census record of Clark Co., L.L. Deaton & Andrew 
M. Deaton. 
			b58.   1880 census record of Clark Co., Elias Deaton. 

			b60.   1900 census record of Kiowa Co.,. Enoch Deaton. 

			b61.   1880 census record of Morris Co., C.F. Deaton & William 
E. Deaton. 
			b62.   1880 census record of Gonzales Co., Thomas J. Holmes.
			b63.   1880 census record of Hamilton Co., David Deaton &  
John Calvin Deaton.    
			b64.   1880 census record of Hamilton Co., Elias Deaton.
			b65.   1880 census record of Hamilton Co., Susan Deaton (wife 
of John M. Deaton).
			b66.   1860 census record of Comanche Co., Thomas Deaton. 
			b67.   1880 census record of Comanche Co., Elias Deaton. 
			b68.   1850 census record of Hopkins Co., John Deaton. 
			b69.   1850 census record of Hopkins Co., Hiram H. Deaton. 

			b70.   1850 census record of DeKalb Co., Joseph Deaton.
			b71.   1850 census record of DeKalb Co., James Deaton.
			b72.   1850 census record of DeKalb Co., John Deaton. 
			b73.   1850 census record of DeKalb Co., Joseph Deaton.

			b74.   1850 census record of Breathitt Co., Isaac & William 
Deaton; Alfred Spicer.
			b75.   1850 census record of Breathitt Co., Bryant Deaton.
 		b76.  1850 census record of Breathitt Co., John Deaton. 
			b77.   1860 census record of Breathitt Co., Edward Deaton & 
George Deaton. 
			b78.   1860 census record of Breathitt Co., John & Thomas 
Deaton; Benjamin Spicer.
 		b79.  1860 census record of Breathitt Co., William & Hardin 
			b80.   1860 census record of Breathitt Co., Isaac Deaton. 
			b81.   1860 census record of Breathitt Co., Alfred Spicer 
(Spencer?) & John Deaton. 
			b82.   1860 census record of Breathitt Co., Brantly Deaton & 
Wilson Calahan.
			b83.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., John Deaton & 
Alexander Deaton.
			b84.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., John Deaton. 
			b85.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., Children of John 
Deaton; Abner Akmon (Akemon).
			b86.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., John Deaton. 
			b87.   1879 census record of Breathitt Co., William, James, & 
Dison Deaton.
			b88.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., Sarah Deaton 
(Isaac's widow).
			b89.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., William Deaton. 
			b90.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., Edward & John 
Deaton; Benjamin, James & Arvin                                                                               
			b91.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., Alexander Deaton. 
			b92.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., John & Brantly 
Deaton; Luther & Wilson Callahan.
			b93.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., Benjamin Spicer &  
Dill Sizemore. 
			b94.   1870 census record of Breathitt Co., George Deaton & 
Hardin Sizemore. 
			b95.   1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Elizabeth, Robert 
& Edward Deaton. 
			b96.   1880 census record of Breathitt Co., William & John 
Deaton; Samuel & Irvine(Arvin?)                                                                                  
			b97.   1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Thomas Deaton. 
			b98    1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Brantley Deaton & 
Luther Callahan. 
			b99.   1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Granville Deaton. 
			b100. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., George Deaton & 
Jack Callahan. 
			b101. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Hardin Sizemore; 
Sarah Deaton ( Isaac's widow).
			b102. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., John Deaton. 
			b104. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., George Deaton & 
Dill Sizemore. 
			b105. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Alex Deaton. 
			b106. 1880 census record of Breathitt Co., Wilson Deaton. 

		North Carolina:
			b.107 1850 census record of Montgomery Co., Francis J. Deaton. 
			b108. 1870 census record of Montgomery Co., F..J., P.L., & 
Reuben Deaton. 
			b109. 1870 census record of Montgomery Co., Phillip, Mary & 
Nathan Deaton; John Trogden;                                                                              
Jacob Jordan.
			b110. 1870 census record of Montgomery Co., Dison & Thomas 
			b112. 1850 census record of Montgomery Co., Dison Deaton. 

			b113. 1880 census record of Wayne Co., John & Joe Deaton. 

			b115. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., James Deaton. 
			b116. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., Thomas Deaton. 
			b117. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., William, George & 
Dices (Dison) Deaton. 
			b118. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., William Alpin & 
Clementine Deaton. 
			b119. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., John Deaton. 
			b120. 1860 census record of Williamson Co., Children of John 