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Sugar Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Gordon County, GA

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Revised:        10/19/2000

Made Available to The USGenWeb Archives By:
Howard Withrow

City or Community:              Sugar Valley
Survey Started/Completed:       June 6, 1998 - July 12, 1998

Historical Information about Location:
Sugar Valley Baptist Church was started in a one-room mud-chinked log
structurewhen the area was first being settled in 1831. It was originally
named Snake Creek Baptist after the Snake Creek Militia district for which
it served. In 1843 the name was changed to New Providence Baptist and led
by the Rev.Zechariah Gordon and had 69 members. In 1868, four acres was
purchased from Joseph Barrett for a cemetery, with the provision that no
more graves be dug behind the Church. In 1870-1871 the name of the church
was changed to Sugar Valley Baptist Church. Since that time the church has
grown to a membership of 275 with an average Sunday School attendance of
130 and continues to be an integral part of the community.
Ref. 1997-98 Church Directory, Historical Page.

Directions to Cemetery:
>From Calhoun, Ga., Interstate 75, Exit 130 (Redbud Exit), go west on Ga.
156 for 2.6 miles to GA 136C, turn right and travel 5 miles to Sugar Valley.
You will cross a railroad and then travel 1.6 miles to the cemetery on the
right.  From Interstate 75, Exit 133 (Resaca/Hill City Exit), turn west on
Ga. 136 for 4.2 miles then left on Hill City Rd. for 1.2 miles to the
cemetery on the right.

For easier location of stones, the cemetery is divided into Northeast,
Northwest, Southeast, & Southwest sections with the north and south separated
in a line along the south side of the cemetery shelter and the east and
west separated in a line along the west side of the shelter.

Gravestones separated by blank lines. Anything other than inscriptions
On headstones will be identified as footstones or Notes.


NW    ABBOTT, Infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. M.B. Abbott

NW    ABBOTT, May    wife of John HILLEY
                              b.Feb 12,1869; d.July 10,1900
      The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
      (On the stone with Jack Dudley HILLEY)

NW    ABBOTT, Ada O.          b.Dec 4,1874;  d.Aug 30,1900
      He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.

NW    ABBOTT, M. B.           b.Apr 18,1835; d.June 2,1902
      As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness.
      I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.

NW    ABBOTT, Martha  Wife of M.B. Abbott
                              b.Oct 16,1841; d.May 19,1908
      Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

SW    ADDERHOLD, John H. was born 1816 and departed this life on
      Oct 28th.1868. Age 54 years   He was a minister of the gospel.
      Footstone: JHA

NE    ALLISON, Oma Lee Newberry
                              b.1902;        d.1971     Rest in Peace
      Footstone: Oma Lee Newberry Allison  1902-1971
      There are two graves on the North Side that are unnamed.

NW    ALVERSON, Jewell Bridges Reeve
                              b.Feb 19,1897; d.Sept 1,1997

SW    ALVERSON, Melvin Carl   Son of J.F. and C.T. ALVERSON.
      Only Sleeping           b.Aug 25,1894; d.Oct 24,1908

SW    ANDERSON, Freeman       b.1903; d.1967  Note:Funeral Home Marker.

NW    ARMSTRONG, W. B.        b.Dec 19,1810; d.June 11,1880
NW    ARMSTRONG, Mary         b.Feb 27,1813; d. May 13,1881   Mother

SW    BKB and MB    (This is a stone marker the size of a footstone
                     with these initials.)

SW    BAKER, James Allen      b.1998;        d.1998  Funeral Home Marker

NE    BALDWIN, William C.     b.Dec 7,1898;  d.Nov 30,1953
      Footstone: Father
NE    BALDWIN, Mary M.        b.Feb 9,1907;  d.Mar 19,1981
      Footstone: Mother
NE    BALDWIN, W.C. Jr.       b.Dec 21,1925; d.Dec 21,1925
      Footstone: Son
NE    BALDWIN, James H.       b.June 23,1932;d.July 10,1932
      Footstone: Son
NE    BALDWIN, Jack D.        b.Nov 14,1926; d.Aug 29,1935
      Footstone: Son

NE    BALLEW, Martha G.       b.Aug 31,1858; d.Nov 14,1936    Mother

NE    BARTON, Lola Patterson  b.Aug 15,1901; d.Jan 30,1948

SE    BENNETT, H.V.           b.Oct 15,1888; d.June 27,1906
      On that bright immortal shore, we shall meet to part no more.

SW    BEYER, Otto M.          b.Oct 9,1896;  d.May 10,1970
SW    BEYER, Carrie I.        b.Feb 19,1897; d.Dec 24,1988

NW    BLACK, Oscar            b.Sept 5,1902; d.Jan 6,1967     Father
NW    BLACK, Pallie           b.May 11,1899; d.Feb 17,1983    Mother
      Funeral Home Marker at foot: Alice Black 1898-1983
      Note: the birthdate difference.

SW    BLACK, Ruby Bob         b.Dec 31,1921; d.Apr 5,1996
SW    BLACK, Samuel M.        b.Oct 25,1921; d.Oct 25,1983
                       Samuel M. Black
                          US ARMY
                        World War II
                  Oct 25,1921 - Oct 25,1983

SW    BLACK, Miss Betarice    b.Dec 14,1884; d.Nov 8,1953
      Note: The spelling is Betarice although could be a
            misspelling of the name Beatrice.

NW    BLAYLOCK, Beverly Ann   b.Oct 4,1954;  d.Aug 12,1955

NW    BLITCH, Clara E.        b.1890;        d.1972
NW    BLITCH, Harry E.        b.1881;        d.1957
NW    BLITCH, Oran H.         b.1925;        d.1980

SW    BOAZ, Elizabeth J.      b.July 28,1840;d.Dec 1,1895
      Footstone: EJB

SW    BOAZ, Meshach           b.Feb 18,1800; d.May 5,1885
SW    BOAZ, Nancy E. wife of M. Boaz
      Footstone: NEB          b.Feb 23,1806; d.Dec 14,1888

SW    BOAZ, N. J.             b.July 10,1831;d.Feb 3,1900
      Footstone: NJB

SW    BOAZ, In Memory of Mrs. Mollie S.
      Consort of N.J. Boaz departed this life Aug 30,1871
      Aged 30 years, 3 months and 18 days.
      Footstone: MSB

SW    BOAZ, Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Bessie Boaz
      wife of Berry G. Boaz who departed this life
      July 30,1869. Age 25 years, 4 months and 16 days.
      Here also rests the remains of Little MAY her infant
      daughter who died August 26th. 1869,
      age 1 year 7 months and 7 days.
      Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee
      since God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide.
      He gave thee, He took thee, and he will restore thee,
      and death has no sting since the Savior has died.

SW    BOGER, Eugene           b.Dec 4,1854;  d.Mar 28,1913
SW    BOGER, Fannie           b.Oct 18,1864; d.Nov 8,1916

SE    BOLLINGER, R.H. "Bob"   b.Nov 9,1900;  d.Oct 11,1967
      footstone: RHB
SE    BOLLINGER, Ruby Dobson  b.Jan 16,1900; d.June 5,1990
      footstone: RDB

SW    BRADFORD, Elizabeth J.  wife of P. Joyce
      Asleep In Jesus         b.Nov 16,1838; d.Mar 23,1926

SW    BRAY, Madison P.        b.Sept 3,1908; d.Apr 27,1909
      Asleep in Jesus         footstone: MPB

SW    BRAY, Sallie B.         b.Dec 9,1886;  d.June 28,1912
      Come Ye Blessed.        footstone: SBB

SE    BRAY, A.W.              b.Apr 11,1838; d.Nov 27,1886
      He enlisted at Ashville,Ala. In Co K of the 18th. Regt. Ala Vols
      Army of the Confederate States.

SE    BRAY, Jessie W.         b.1881;        d.1956

SE    BRAY, Maebell H.        b.Mar 22,1892; d.Mar 26,1958   Mother

NE    BRIDGES, Rev. W. M.     b.Oct 24,1843; d.June 14,1914
NE    BRIDGES, Georgia Everett
                              b.Mar 22,1852; d.Sept 25,1924

NE    BRIDGES, William Marcus Jr.
                              b.Mar 1885;    d.Sept 1959

NE    BRIDGES, Rev. W.B.      b.1868;        d.1949    Masonic Emblem

NW    BRIDGES, Cora E.        wife of W.B. Bridges
                              b.Mar 27,1867; d.July 4,1904

NE    BRIDGES, Della          b.1876; d.1944(9)
      (Note:The 9 and 4 cut in together, cannot tell which is correct)

NE    BRIDGES, Mayme          b.May 3,1877;  d.Sept 14,1918

NE    BRIDGES, Ann D.         b.1840;        d.1920
NE    BRIDGES, John H.        b.1839;        d.1915
             "Plaque on front of headstone"
                 John Hamilton Bridges
                  Corp Co C  39 GA Inf.
                Confederate States Army

NE    BRIDGES, Alfred Marcus  b.Sept 15,1859;d.Feb 14,1915
      Rest in Peace
NE    BRIDGES, Mittie Hughes  b.Apr 29,1867; d.Oct 25, 1947
      Rest in Peace

NE    BRIDGES, Hubert L.      b.May 10,1891; d.Apr 20,1971

NW    BRIDGES, Carlisle       b.June 3,1905; d.Mar 10,1906
      God needed one more Angel child        Footstone: CB

NW    BRIDGES,  Infant
      Another little darling babe is sheltered in the grave
      Footstone: IB

NW    BRIDGES, Alma           b.Jan 27,1887; d.Sept 4,1887
      Another little lamb has gone to dwell with him who gave
      Footstone: AB

NE    BROWN, Webbie Agnes     b.1884;        d.1890

NE    BROWN, Pleasant Arnold  b.1882;        d.1884

NE    BROWN, Luther Parks     b.1880;        d.1881

NW    BROWN, Marcus M.        b.1888;        d.1971
NW    BROWN, Lena       Ira         b.1891;        d.1966

NW    BROWN, Joe              b.Aug 1,1912;  d.Feb 28,1959
      Footstone: J.B.

NW    BROWN, Willie Mae       b.May 23,1923
NW    BROWN, Roy M.           b.June 30,1917;d.June 1,1970
           Military Footstone:
             Roy M. Brown
             PVT  US ARMY
              WORLD WAR II
        June 30,1917-June 1,1970

SE    BROWN, C. L.            b.Aug 2,1921;  d.Apr 15,1975

NW    BRYDEN, Lois Abbott     b.June 16,1872;d.Mar 18,1900
      O lam of God I come to thee.

NW    BRYDEN, Doyle M.        b.Oct 20,1899; d.Nov 17,1899

NW    BRYSON, Conrad A.       b.Oct 8,1905;  d.Apr 12,1935
      We will meet again      Footstone: CAB
      Note: Photograph on headstone vandalized.

NW    BRYSON, Fannie Lee      b.Aug 8,1876;  d.Nov 8,1938
      Farewell darling mother, Gone but not forgotten
      Note: Photograph on headstone vandalized.

NW    BRYSON, Annie Bell      b.May 26,1896; d.
      Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
      Footstone: ABB

NW    BUNCH, Myrtle B.        b.Aug 18,1912; d.Jan 23,1996

NW    BYRD, Beulah            Age Two Years

SW    CALHOUN, Dorothy G.     b.May 7,1908;  d.Nov 11,1955
      Note: In the same plot with Edgar and Odie Grisham.

NW    CALLAWAY, Andrew W.     b.1909;        d.1983
NW    CALLAWAY, Lucille Timms b.1914;        d.

NW    CALLAWAY, Clifton Eugene
                              b.1934;        d.1997     Age 63
      Note: This is a Funeral Home Marker)

NW    CALLAWAY, J. J.         b.May 20,1871; d.Mar 18,1956
      This is hand written in a concrete slab head marker,
      The writing is faint, to the point of being gone.
      I used aluminum foil to transfer the information.

NW    CALLAWAY, E. Geneva     b.1937;        d.1978  Our Darling

SW    CALLINS, In memory of S. C. wife of S. A. Callins,
      aged 21 ys. 8ms. 10dys. b.June 24,1854 d.Oct 4,1875
      Weep not for her who now at rest,
      where care and pain no more annoy.
      Has reached the haven of the blessed,
      and realized immortal Joy.
      Footstone: SCC

NW    CAMPBELL, Amy Beatrice  b.1887;        d.1984
NW    CAMPBELL, William Gordon
                              b.1870;        d.1938     Married: Jan 1927

NE    CARTEE, William E.      b.Aug 24,1880; d.Dec 14,1944
      His deeds yet live

NE    CARTEE, Connie F.       b.Jan 15,1907; d.Feb 3,1919   Brother
NE    CARTEE, Harriett        b.June 16,1862;d.Feb 2,1919   Mother

NW    CARTEE, Raymond O.      b.Sept 22,1916;d.May 20,1971

NW    CARTEE, Fleming         Married: Dec 26,1915
NW    CARTEE, Clyde

NW    CARTEE, Flemings Alvin  b.Nov 14,1918; d.Nov 28,1931

NE    CARTER, Helen           b.June 16,1911

NW    CARTER, F. M. "Bob"     b.Oct 20,1905; d.July 25,1990
NW    CARTER, Ernestine F.    b.Mar 8,1905   d.Aug 21,1989

SE    CARTER, W.C.            b.Oct 18,1853; d.Aug 18,1904
      Gone but not forgotten

SE    CARTER,        Note: The stone appears to be made of concrete
                     and extremely deteriorated. The letters and
                     Numbers with ( ) brackets around them are
                     almost unreadable. There could be major error
                     here.         The inscription reads:
                                       (J. C)arte(r)
                                         (Wi)fe of
                                          was Born
                                       Jan 25, 18(51)
                                         Nov 3, 1886
                                      As(leep) in Jesus

SE    CHANDLER, Martha D.  wife of S.I. Chandler
                              b.Nov 11,1833; d.Nov 16,1910
      (Note:There are two Graves here with Mother and
      Father footstones but no inscription for the father.)

SE    CHANDLER, Ettie P.  daughter of S.J. and Martha D. CHANDLER
                              b.Aug 15,1869; d.Aug 14,1894
      Note: Beautifully carved stone, broken in half.

SW    CHILDERS, Abraham       Co N  38 Ga. Inf  CSA

SW    CHILDERS, Gordon L.     b.Oct 28,1910; d.Dec 17,1984

NE    CHITWOOD, Isaac         b.Nov 20,1858  d.Aug 11,1933
      Father       He died as he lived, a Christian

NE    CHITWOOD, Marietta   wife of I.C. CHITWOOD
                              b.May 16,1862; d.Feb 17,1911
      She is not dead, but asleep

NW    CHITWOOD, Howard E.     b.Dec 14,1930; d.Apr 5,1938

NW    CHITWOOD, Dock A.       b.Apr 20,1888  d.Jan 13,1944
      A faithful father
NW    CHITWOOD, Mossie Baker  b.Oct 20,1892; d.Feb 13,1971
      A tender mother

SW    CHITWOOD, Wilburn Everette
      Footstone: Daddy        b.Sept 8,1912; d.July 30,1989
SW    CHITWOOD, Blanche West  b.Apr 23,1920; d.Mar 8,1989
      Married: Jan 17,1936                   Footstone: Mother
      A faithful Father and a precious Mother.

NW    CLARK, Donald A.        b.Apr 20,1950; d.July 30,1986   Son
      God grant his eternal rest

NW    CLARK, Lois C.          b.Aug 24,1914  d.
      A loving Mother

NW    CLARK, Norman W.        b.Sept 8,1933; d.Jan 8,1983    Son
      God grant his eternal rest

SE    CLECKLER, Martha A. wife of Alley H. STRAIN
                              b.Oct 22,1854; d.Nov 19,1891
      A truer and nobler heart never beat within a human breast.

NW    CLEGHORN, H. S.         b.Nov 8,1851;  d.Dec 29,1928

NW    CLEGHORN, W. Mell       b.1882;        d.1958

SW    CLEGHORN, Fredrick Alton
                              b.Apr 18,1893; d.Nov 9,1918
      Sleep soldier, sweetly sleep.
      Here in thy peaceful grave, rest, ever more.

SW    CLEGHORN, Lee           b.July 4,1889; d.July 7,1909   BROTHER
      He is not dead but sleepth.

SW    CLEGHORN, James Jackson b.Feb 17,1905; d.Mar 2,1906
      Sleep on Darling.

SW    CLEGHORN, Alice H.      b.June 7,1860; d.May 16,1936

SW    CLEGHORN, Emma Easlick  b.June 7,1882; d.Feb 7,1931
      Note: She is also on the stone with P. E. Cleghorn.

SW    CLEGHORN, P. E.         b.May 19,1880; d.Aug 13,1932
SW    CLEGHORN, Emma          b.June 7,1882; d.Feb 7,1931
      Note: She also has her own stone (see above)

SW    CLEGHORN, Margaret Elvela
                              b.Feb 23,1919; d.Aug 19,1919

NE    CLINE, Arthur           b.Sept 3,1887; d.Nov 5,1922

NE    COCHRAN, Horace D.      b.Dec 28,1906; d.June 6,1973
      Footstone: Horace D. Cochran  b.Dec 28,1906; d.June 6,1973
NE    COCHRAN, Janie MALONE   b.Oct 30,1904; d.Oct 28,1978
      Footstone: Janie D. Cochran  OCT 30,1904-OCT 28,1978

SW    COOK, Jennie Swanson    b.1879;        d.1959           Mother

SE    COOLEY, H.A.            b.Sept 15,1860;d.Nov 30,1926

SE    COOLEY, Ida             b.Feb 11,1873; d.Sept 24,1901
      Gone to a bright home where grief cannot come.

SW    COPE, James Robert      b.May 19,1887; d.Nov 14,1959
SW    COPE, Mary W.           b.Oct 21,1905; d.Oct 1,1985
      Married: Nov 19,1941

NW    COPELAND, James M.      b.Nov 28,1854; d.Nov 29,1935    Father

NW    COPELAND, Sallie D.     b.July 10,1855;d.July 22,1895   Mother

NW    COPELAND, Beatrice      b.Feb 1,1885;  d.Nov 26,1908    Sister

NW    COPELAND, James Gordon  b.1851;        d.1911
NW    COPELAND, Mary Cornelia b.1861;        d.1932

NW    COPELAND, Harry F.      b.July 11,1911;d.Jan 10,1997
      Footstone: Husband
      Precious Lord take my hand, Till we meet again

NW    COPELAND, James R.      b.Feb 22,1876; d.Feb 20,1950
NW    COPELAND, MarGaret R.   b.Feb 10,1872; d.Mar 21,1948
      Note: the Capital G in the middle of MarGaret.

SW    COPELAND, W. Mack       b.July 29,1871;d.June 20,1947

SW    COPELAND, Lillie        b.Jan 23,1873; d.June 9,1954

SW    COPELAND, B. M.         b.June 23,1846;d.July 1,1876
      footstone: BMC
      Note:This is a beautiful stone, in terrible condition.
      The stone is broken in three pieces. One of the breaks is
      through the date born. I was able to retrieve the date by
      doing a rubbing over foil. The upper half of the date
      was missing, the lower half was very clear. I am very confident
      of these dates.  A previous survey is different. They
      recorded, 23 Jul 1846 and 1 May 1876.

SE    COPELAND, Nancy         b.Aug 30,1812; d.Apr 5,1883  Our Mother

SE    COPELAND, Callie        b.Dec 9,1854;  d.Sept 21,1931

SE    COPELAND, James B.      b.Feb 11,1856; d.Mar 8,1910

SE    COPELAND, Mary A.       b.Apr 20,1853; d.Feb 21,1910
      He whom thou mourn'st is not dead,
      but risen from his earthly bed.

SE    COPELAND, Candace, wife of John K. STRAIN
                              b.Nov 8,1862;  d.June 13,1887
      Blessed are they who die in the Lord.    Footstone: CS

SW    COUCH, Wm. Jonathan     b.Dec 28,1890; d.June 28,1963
SW    COUCH, Myrtha R.        b.Feb 17,1898; d.June 12,1976
      Footstone: Mother

NW    COX, Nell D.            b.Aug 7,1923   Married: Aug 13,1941
NW    COX, Robert L.          b.Aug 12,1923; d.June 4,1985
           Military Footstone:
             Robert Lee Cox
              SI U.S. Navy
              World War II
         Aug 12,1923 - June 4,1985

NW    COX, Deborah L.         b.1951;        d.1967
SE    COX, Mary Mazouri  infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs A.S. COX
      Born and died: Dec 12,1911         footstone: MMC
      How soon fades the tender flowers.

SE    COX, A. Sidney          b.Mar 22,1876; d.May 17,1947
      footstone: ASC
SE    COX, Mary Dollie        b.Feb 5,1880;  d.June 30,1936
      footstone: MDC

SW    CRAWFORD, Barbara Ann   b.Aug 21,1927;
      Gone but not forgotten.

NW    CURRENCE, E. O.         b.Sept 3,1912    Married: Nov 23,1929
      Footstone: Wife
NW    CURRENCE, Ralph L.      b.Apr 22,1907; d.Sept 2,1988
      Footstone: Husband

NW    CURRENCE, Arch J.       b.Jan 26,1876; d.July 30,1957
      May they rest in peace
NW    CURRENCE, Emma R.       b.Aug 31,1882; d.Aug 15,1929

SW    DACUS, Perry D.         b.Feb 17,1858; d.July 10,1917
      footstone: PDD

SW    DACUS, Rebecca E.       b.Nov 27,1860; d.Jan 30,1919
      Footstone: RED
      DACUS, Leota E.         b.Feb 28,1896; d.Jan 29,1919

SW    DACUS, James P.         b.Dec 21,1888; d.Dec 20,1944

SW    DACUS, James Olin       b.Jan 5,1921;  d.July 23,1939

SW    DACUS, Mary Hester      b.Mar 29,1892; d.Jan 15,1921
      footstone: MHD
      She was the sunshine of our home.

NW    DAVIS, Marvin Pierce    b.Feb 20,1899; d.Oct 16,1972

NW    DAVIS, O. H.            b.June 20,1820;d.July 20,1897  At rest
      Footstone: OHD

NW    DAVIS, Eliza J.         b.Mar 15,1827; d.July 11,1915
      Gone but not forgotten  Footstone: EJD

NW    DAVIS, Clarence R.      b.June 23,1913;d.June 30,1982
NW    DAVIS, Lucinda C.       b.Mar 11,1916; d.Feb 25,1989

NW    DAVIS, Infant           beside Clarence & Lucinda Davis
      Note: Painted on concrete cap block.

NW    DAVIS, Infant           beside Clarence & Lucinda Davis
      Note: Painted on concrete cap block.

NW    DAVIS, Lula Mae         b.Dec 10,1907; d.Mar 8,1943
      Asleep in Jesus

NW    DAVIS, Tinnie Jane      b.Apr 6,1888;  d.Dec 16,1958
      Precious Mother

NW    DAVIS, Albert J.        b.Mar 3,1867;  d.Oct 8,1952
      Footstone: father
NW    DAVIS, Florence E.      b.June 21,1867;d.May 20,1953
      Footstone: mother

SE    DAVIS, Albert Everett son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. DAVIS
                              b.Sept 15,1906;d.Mar 28,1907

SW    DAVIS, Thomas J.        b.1913;        d.1993
SW    DAVIS, Mildred W.       b.1916

SE    DAVIS, Amanda V.        b.Sept 2,1859; d.June 21,1909
      Dearest loved one we have laid thee,
      in the peaceful graves embrace,
      But thy memory will be cherished,
      till we see thy heavenly face.

      DAVIS, Howard Clarence  b.Mar 28,1938; d.Mar 1,1998   age 59
      Note: Funeral Home Marker

NW    DOBSON, Fred Albert     b.Feb 25,1922; d.July 5,1961
NW    DOBSON, Frances Thomas  b.Nov 1,1918;  d.July 3,1986

SW    DOBSON, Mattie O.W.     b.May 29,1871; d.Oct 17,1948
SW    DOBSON, Thomas W.       b.Apr 9,1865;  d.Apr 14,1925

SW    DOBSON, Alma Kate       b.Nov 14,1903; d.June 10,1910

SW    DOBSON, Joseph McKinney b.July 19,1898;d.Aug 25,1899

SE    DOBSON, Henry Lee       b.Oct 3,1871;  d.Mar 12,1940      Father
      Footstone: HLD
SE    DOBSON, Jessie May      b.June 18,1878;d.Sept 30,1965    Mother
      Footstone: JMD

SE    DOBSON, Jerry Arnold    b.Mar 1,1948;  d.July 1,1949     Son

SE    DOBSON, Henry Roe       b.Oct 14,1903; d.Dec 24,1942
      Footstone: HRD

SE    DOBSON, Thelma Lucille  b.1905;        d.1996  Age 91
      Note: Funeral Home Marker.

NW    EDGE, John S.           b.1858;        d.1953         Footstone: JSE
NW    EDGE, Martha E.         b.1859;        d.1930

SW    EDGE, Roy W.            b.1892;        d.1971             Father
              Military Footstone:
               Roy Winston Edge
           Sgt Co L  122 Infantry
                World War II
          Aug 26,1892 - Jan 17,1971

SW    EDGE, Roy Ballard       b.Jan 21,1923; d.Aug 31,1944  Father
              Military Footstone:
                 Roy B. Edge
         2 LIEUT  452  AAF  Bomb Sq.
                World War II
         Jan 21, 1923 - Aug 31, 1944

SW    EDGE, Jessie Ballard    b.1899;        d.1928          footstone: JBE

SW    EDWARDS, Mary Nelson    b.Oct 28,1858; d.June 8,1916
      Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
      and I will give you rest.

NE    ELIZABETH, G.  J.       b.Dec 31,1818; d.Mar 17,1897
      Note: The Stone was broken in three pieces. The top right corner
      was broken off. The name appears across the top of the stone
      as Elizabeth and what appears to be the lower one third of the
      letters G. J.

SW    EVANS, Samuel Clyde     b.Mar 6,1883;  d.Mar 13,1941

SW    EVANS, John             b.Jan 24,1847; d.Nov 24,1921

NW    EVERETT, Matilda        b.Sept 21,1846;d.Apr 17,1916
      How desolate our home, bereft of thee

NW    EVERETT, Cyntha Ann    wife of James BUTTON
                              b.Aug 21,1844; d.Apr 10,1920

NW    EVERETT, Samuel D.      b.1801;        d.Aft. 1870
      Note: Funeral Home Marker, with paper insert. The incription reads.
      Samuel D. Everett, Born 1801, North Carolina,
      Died after 1870, Son of Sarah Doster and
      Solomon Everett I, Husband of Elizabeth "Betsy" Roe Everett

NW    EVERETT, Elizabeth "Betsy" Roe
                              b.1811;        d. aft 1870
      Note: Funeral Home Marker, with paper insert. The incription reads.
      Elizabeth "Betsy" Roe Everett, wife of Samuel D. Everett
      Note: There is another Funeral Home Marker beside these two
      with the paper insert missing.
      Note: 7/7/00, The graves of Samuel and Elizabeth were reviewed at the
      request of Marilyn Everett of Garland,TX. and the third marker is missing
      the paper insert is missing out of Betsy's and I can barely make out
      the name of Samuel Everett on his marker, by the end of summer his will b
      For the record: These two graves are directly beside (south side of)
      Matilda Everett which has a stone marker.

NW    EVERETT, Janie          b.Feb 1,1876;  d.Mar 29,1899
      Janie Everett wife of W.M. Jones

SW    EVERETT, Leo B.         b.Sept 14,1897;d.Aug 17,1950

SW    EVERETT, Mattie M.      b.Nov 24,1897; d.Aug 23,1975
      Asleep in Jesus

SW    EVERETT, Norman Joe     b.Aug 9,1920;  d.June 17,1921     Our Darling

SW    EVERETT, Samuel T.      b.May 21,1912; d.Jan 9,1991
SW    EVERETT, Beulah S.      b.Apr 22,1909; d.Dec 17,1994

SW    EVERETT, Sarah J.       b.June 17,1875;d.Dec 6,1936
SW    EVERETT, Samuel J.      b.Feb 14,1874; d.Jan 17,1936
      Footstone: SJE

SE    EVERETT, H. F.          b.Nov 25,1846; d.May 3,1928
      Footstone: HFE
SE    EVERETT, Mary           b.May 29,1835; d.Aug 18,1896
      Footstone: ME

SE    EVERETT, Lizzie O. daughter of H.F. and M. EVERETT
                              b.May 20,1877; d.July 15,1890
      The rose may fade, the lily die,
      but flowers immortal bloom on high.
      In my Fathers house are many mansions.

SE    EVERETT, James H.       b.July 18,1864;d.May 30,1930
      Masonic Emblem
SE    EVERETT, Mary F.        b.Nov 9, 1859; d.May 15,1929

SE    EVERETT, Thomas H. son of J.H. and M.F. EVERETT
                              b.Nov 13,1894; d.Oct 11,1895
      "He carries the lambs in his bosom."     Footstone: THE

SE    EVERETT, Lillian E. daughter of J.H. and M.F. EVERETT
      Footstone: LEE          b.Apr 11,1890; d.Nov 6,1905
      A treasure in heaven to beckon us all to a higher life.

NW    FAULKENBERRY,    Billie S.
        PFC  134 INF  35 DIV
            WORLD WAR II
      Apr 19,1925 - Sept 3,1944

NW    FAULKENBERRY, Wm. Barney               Father
                              b.Dec 10,1906; d.Mar 2,1972
NW    FAULKENBERRY, Susan H.  b.Sept 26,1906    Married: June 15,1924

NW    FAULKENBERRY, Max N.    b.Aug 25,1929; d.Nov 18,1993  PaPa
NW    FAULKENBERRY, Nancy S.  b.Nov 30,1932                 MeMe

NW    FAULKENBERRY, Monnie    b.Apr 17,1913; d.Jan 20,1957  Mother

NW    FAULKENBERRY, Daffie L. b.Sept 9,1925         Footstone: DLF
NW    FAULKENBERRY, George H. b.July 17,1903;d.May 18,1991
      Footstone: Daddy
      The Lord is our shepherd

NW    FAULKENBERRY, Andrew V. b.Oct 17,1909; d.Feb 15,1977
      Footstone: Daddy
NW    FAULKENBERRY, Toy J.    b.July 29,1915;d.
      Married: May 9,1931

NW    FAULKINBERRY, James  son of Mr. And Mrs. W.B. Faulkinberry
                              b.1927;        d.1936
      In Heaven there is one angel more.

NW    FAULKINBERRY, Maggie S. b.Mar 31,1903; d.Mar 15,1943
      Asleep in Jesus
      Asleep in Jesus         b.Dec 13,1899; d.Jan 3,1973

NW    FAULKINBERRY, Larry     b.July 17,1947;d.July 28,1947

NE    FERGUSON, Joel Edwin    b.Jan 28,1939                    Daddy
NE    FERGUSON, Linda Towers  b.Feb 23,1942; d.Aug 27,1988     Mama

NE    FIELDS, Sallie Candler  b.Jan 13,1869; d.Jan 15,1869
      Of such is the kingdom of heaven

NE    FIELDS, Lawson          b.Feb 17,1816; d.Aug 18,1872
      Aged 56 yrs. 6 months, and 1 day
      Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

NE    FIELDS, Missouri A.     b.June 22,1849;d.July 20,1879
      Our Sister  Blessed are the pure in heart,for they shall see God
      Footstone: MAF

NW    FIELDS, Anna wife of R. J. Fields
                              b.Nov 30,1827; d.Oct 12,1891
      As a wife devoted, As a mother affectionate, As a friend,
      ever kind and true.

NE    FINCH, W. T.            b.Feb 15,1864; d.June 11,1936
      Footstone: WTF
NE    FINCH, Ellen            b.Feb 10,1868; d.June 13,1925
      Footstone: EF

NE    FINCH, Madison          b.June 29,1893;d.May 15, 1929
NE    FINCH, Fannie           b.Dec 5,1895;  d.June 11, 1982

SW    FINCH, Larkin           b.Mar 31,1881; d.July 30,1898
      Footstone: LF
SW    FINCH, E. O.            b.June 18,1810;d.May 6,1889
      Gone to rest but not forgotten.   At rest.
      Footstone: EOF

SW    FINCH, Martha J.        b.Dec 10,1838; d.June 16,1905

SE    FINCH, Mrs. S.A. FINCH wife of W.A. RICH
                              b.Dec 23,1852; d.Feb 4,1905
      She was the sunshine of our home.   Footstone: SAR

NW    FLORIDA, Frank M.       b.1874;        d.1950     Brother
NW    FLORIDA, Julia A.Warren b.1865:        d.1949     Sister

SE    FLORIDA, Louisa M. wife of Silas M. COPELAND
                              b.Jan 28,1828; d.Apr 22,1906
      Weep not that her toils are over. Weep not that her race is run.

SE    FLORIDA, James E.       b.1867;        d.1932

SE    FLORIDA, Zac M.         b.1869;        d.1901

SE    FLORIDA, Sarah A.       b.1833;        d.1905

SE    FLORIDA, Thomas O.      b.1824;        d.1900

NW    FLOYD, Elliot O.        b.1880;        d.1968

NW    FLOYD, Bertha D.        b.1905;        d.1967

      FLOYD, Jimmy "Jim"      b.Nov 14,1933; d.Feb 12,1996
      FLOYD, Ludie Faye W.    b.Feb 11,1938
      Married: Apr 15,1955
      Note: They are currently in the South Extension, but the Church
            has committed to moving them to the North Extension.
            This is the only stone there and they plan to sell
            the south extension property since obtaining the
            North Extension property.

NE    FREE, Albert F.         b.Dec 8,1899;
NE    FREE, Kate Bridges      b.Dec 18,1902; d.Jun 29,1982

NW    FRIX, Dr. A. B.         b.Oct 2,1850;  d.July 17,1895
      A Martyr to his fellowman

NW    FRIX, Amorette          b.Aug 2,1856;  d.June 23,1903
      Beloved one farewell    Note: Stone broken in half between dates.

NW    FRIX, Barney  son of A.B. & A.J. Frix
                              b.Apr 15,1889; d.Oct 2,1892

SW    FRIX, Joel              b.Feb 2,1816;  d.Oct 4,1898  At rest.
      Footstone: JF
SW    FRIX, Martha Lynn  wife of Joel Frix
                              b.July 20,1815;d.Apr 13,1889
      Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

SW    FRIX, Lucious E.  son of W.G. and L.F. Frix
                              b.Sept 29,1868;d.May 29,1897
      The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want,
      yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
      I will fear no evil, for thou art with me,
      thou Rod and thou staff they comfort me.
      Footstone: LEF

SW    FRIX, Conrad G. son of W.G. and L.F. Frix
      Footstone: KGF          b.Aug 5,1875;  d.Apr 13,1896

SW    FRIX, Louisa Francis   wife of W. C. Frix    Mother
                              b.May 4,1840;  d.Apr 23,1899
      She believed and sleeps in Jesus.

SW    FRIX, W. C.             b.Apr 25,1837; d.Mar 18,1905  Father
      He followed virtue as his truest guide. Lived as a Christian,
      as a Christian died.       Footstone: WCF

SE    FRIX, Marcus W.         b.Nov 10,1880; d.Aug 22,1934   Father

SE    FRIX, Taylor            b.Nov 4,1848;  d.Apr 20,1909
      Asleep in Jesus         Footstone: TF
SE    FRIX, Mollie B. wife of Taylor FRIX
      Asleep in Jesus         b.Sept 27,1843;d.Dec 20,1914

SE    FRIX, Minnie            b.Nov 10,1880; d.June 25,1881   At Rest

SE    FRIX, Willie Roe   son of Edwin C. and Medora L. FRIX
                              b.May 5,1905;  d.Oct 3,1905
      Suffer little children to come unto me for such is the
      Kingdom of God

SE    FRIX, Hoke Smith        b.Apr 12,1907; d.Aug 24,1910

SE    FRIX, Luella Roe        b.Sept 5,1878; d.Oct 23,1917

SE    FRIX, Edwin C.          b.Sept 16,1875;d.Feb 14,1911

NE    GENTRY, Floyd           b.Mar 26,1905; d.Mar 5,1980         Father
      Married: April 14,1930          Together always
NE    GENTRY, Anna B. Holsomback.
                              b.Sept 16,1910;d.Sept 27,1983

NW    GENTRY, Johnny Sam      b.July 4,1931; d.July 8,1931
      Asleep in Jesus

NW    GILBERT, R. B.          b.Mar 21,1934; d.Sept 10,1987
NW    GILBERT, Betty Sue      b.Apr 8,1932;  d.Aug 11,1962

SE    GRAHAM, Nan A.          b.June 7,1899;      Footstone: Wife
      Married: Sept 27,1920
SE    GRAHAM, Milton Calhoun  b.Jan 3,1893;  d.Aug 7,1959
      Masonic Emblem      Military Footstone:
                           Milton C. Graham
                         PFC Co D 45 Infantry
                             World War I
                       Jan 6,1893 - Aug 7,1959
      Note: There is a 3 day difference between the birth dates of
      the two stones.

SE    GRAHAM, Exar E.         b.July 18,1860;
SE    GRAHAM, A.M.            b.Nov 8,1835;  d.Jan 5,1923
      Father and Mother                     Footstone: AMG
                   Military Footstone:
                   A. Milton Graham
                  Pvt Co C  10 Ala Cav
                 Confederate States Army
                 Nov 8,1835 - Jan 5,1923
      Note: See Sarah C. KIRBY for grave of previous wife.

SE    GRAHAM, Claudie Estest  b.Mar 5,1904;  d.Apr 15,1907
      Footstone: CEG
      A precious one from us has flown,
      A place is vacant in our home,
      which never can be filled.

SE    GRAHAM, Robert G. son of A.M. and Sarah C. Graham
                              b.June 13,1872;d.Aug 4,1887

SE    GRAHAM, A.L.            b.July 18,1878;d.Aug 16,1908
      Kind friends remember as you pass by,
      as you are now so once was I,
      As I am now so you shall be,
      prepare for death and follow me.
      Footstone: ALG
      Note: This is a beautiful stone, carved as a tree stump
            with the lettering on the top.

NW    GRAVITT, Bessie B.      b.Oct 2,1954
NW    GRAVITT, Gene           b.May 3,1919;  d.June 8,1994
      Wed: Nov 18,1978

SW    GRAVITT, Indiana A.     b.July 25,1885;d.Jan 20,1975  Mother

SE    GRAVITT, Barnette Cox   b.Apr 21,1914; d.Apr 1, 1998
      Note: The death date is not inscribed in the stone but on
            a Funeral Home Marker.
SE    GRAVITT, Loyde Neal     b.July 31,1913;d.Jan 28,1989
      Married Jan, 21,1931    Military Footstone:
                               Loyde Neal Gravitt
                             PFC  U S Marine Corps
                                 World War II
                           July 31,1913 - Jan 28,1989

SW    GREESON, Horace         b.July 4,1893; d.Nov 19,1973
      Gone but not forgotten                 Footstone: Father

SW    GREESON, Luther         b.May 1926;    d.Nov 1926   Footstone: Son

SW    GREESON, Fannie         b.May 29,1899; d.June 1,1926
      Footstone: Mother

SE    GRIFFIN, J. D.          b.1870;        d.1942
      Note: There is a grave of an Annie NUCKOLLS beside him
            with "Wife" at the top of the stone.

SE    GRIFFIN, Annie KEITH    wife of M.J. GRIFFIN
                              b.June 5,1881; d.May 31,1945
      Thy life was beauty, truth, goodness and love.

SE    GRIFFIN, Mark Johnson   b.Dec 10,1871; d.Mar 13,1960
      Thy life was beauty, truth, goodness and love.
      Footstone: MJG

SE    GRIFFIN, Stella H. HAYNES   wife of M.J. GRIFFIN
                              b.Aug 23,1876; d.Oct 27,1917
      Thy life was beauty, truth, goodness and love.

SE    GRIFFIN, Paul    son of M.J. and Stella A. GRIFFIN
      Darling we miss you.    b.July 29,1911;d.Dec 15,1911

SE    GRIFFIN, Annie Mark     b.Nov 4, 1900; d.July 7,1981

SE    GRIFFIN, Virgil Deane   b.June 22,1908;d.Dec 1,1976

SE    GRIFFIN, Guy Jackson    b.July 30,1899;d.Nov 29,1964
      Footstone: GJG

SE    GRIFFIN, Maurice Haynes b.Sept 24,1897;d.May 31,1957
      Footstone: MHG

SW    GRISHAM, Odie M.        b.1885;        d.1955       Footstone: OG
SW    GRISHAM, Edgar J.       b.1877;        d.1927

SW    GRISHAM, Edwin          b.Sept 1,1939; d.Sept 6,1939
      Footstone: EG
      Note: In the same plot with Edgar and Odie Grisham.

SW    GRISHAM, Vernon         b.Oct 21,1913; d.Aug 15,1944
      Note: In the same plot with Edgar and Odie Grisham.

SW    H      Small stone with the inscription:AMH
             Note:Near the grave of the Daughter of C.W. and
                  Annie P. Homes

SW    HAGGARD, Maggie   wife of W.H. Haggard
      The lily of the valley. b.Oct 26,1869; d.Jan 16,1891
      Footstone: MH

SW    HAGGARD, Annie Mert daughter of W.H. and M.S. HAGGARD.
      Footstone: AMH          b.Aug 30,1890; d.Dec 9,1890

NW    HALL, Gene T.           b.Dec 1,1927;  d.May 19,1981
      Footstone: Father
NW    HALL, Nell F.           b.Apr 17,1925;
      Note: One unnamed stone between this one and Jackie T. Hall.

NW    HALL, Jackie T.         b.May 15,1947; d.June 16,1947

NW    HALL, H. Elisha         b.Sept 24,1909;d.Nov 28,1950   Brother
      Just Sleeping

SW    HALL, Marion K. Infant  b.July 11,1940  Asleep

SW    HALL, William F.        b.July 8,1885; d.Oct 6,1964
      Footstone: Father
SW    HALL, Ollie R.          b.Apr 22,1884; d.Oct 12,1964
      Footstone: Mother

SW    HALL, William J.        b.Feb 5,1825;  d.Oct 26,1889   Silence
      Footstone: WJH

SE    HALL, Louise            b.1824;        d.1885

SE    HALL, Mary              b.1805;        d.1887

SE    HALL, Thomas            b.1800;        d.1888

SW    HARBER, S. A. wife of D. M. WATSON         Asleep in Jesus
                              b.Apr 5, 1852; d.Nov 21,1889

SW    HARBOUR, Sarah H. wife of J. H. HARBOUR
                              b.Dec 4,1831;  d.July 22,1898
      While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest shall not cease.

SW    HARBOUR, J. H.          b.June 26,1828;d.Aug 30,1901
      Masonic Emblem
      Not my will but thine be done.

SW    HARBOUR, Thaddeus P.    b.Mar 10,1849; d.Aug 12,1874
SW    HARBOUR, Mattie         b.Oct 26,1869; d.July 23,1878

SW    HARBOUR, Rebecca        b.Aug 1858;    d.Jan 1,1882         Mother
SW    HARBOUR, Cecil          b.Jan 1,1882   d.Mar 23,1927        Son

NW    HARRIS, Lee G.          b.Apr 10,1870; d.Mar 6,1900
      Age 29Y. 11M. 16D       Gone but not forgotten

NW    HARRIS, Ida May  wife of L.G. HARRIS
                              b.Jan 18,1873; d.Apr 17,1922
      The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

SE    HARRIS, James W.        d. Aug 14,1914  Aged 65 Years
       Resting till the resurrection morn.
       Footstone: JAH

SE    HATHORN, Katie, B.      b.Oct 17,1894; d.June 18,1896
      Thou art gone little darling, sweet child of our love.
      From Earth's fairy strand, to bright mansion's above.

      In Memory of our Father and Mother
SW    HAYNES, Anna M.         b.May 20,1808; d.Dec 22,1879
      Footstone: AMH          Aged 71 yrs. 7 mos. 2 days
SW    HAYNES, Jno.            b.Dec 20,1800; d.Mar 4,1879
      Aged 78 yrs. 2 mos. 14 days
      Footstone: JH

SE    HAYNES, V. H.           b.Mar 24,1845; d.Nov 10,1923
      Footstone: VHH
SE    HAYNES, Emma Davis      b.Apr 7,1850;  d.Aug 18,1921
      Footstone: EDH

SE    HAYNES, Judson H. son of V.H. and E.L. HAYNES   Masonic Emblem
      Footstone: JHH          b.July 12,1882;d.Aug 6,1905
      He was beloved by God and man.

NW    HEFNER, Linda Faye      b.June 14,1943;d.May 9,1944

SW    HESTER, Bailus M.       b.Feb 8,1861;  d.Jan 22,1953
      Masonic Emblem
SW    HESTER, Savilla E.      b.Nov 1,1866;  d.Jan 29,1940

SW    HESTER, Viola Pauline   b.Dec 1,1901;  d.Aug 7,1920
      In after-time we'll meet her.         Footstone: VPH

NW    HIGGINBOTHAM, Donald W. b.Mar 2,1915;  d.Nov 29,1978

NW    HIGGINBOTHAM, J. Ralph  b.June 10,1888;d.Apr 21,1929
                              b.Dec 23,1890; d.Apr 14,1959

                              b.Oct 31,1889; d.Jan 2,1911
      To you the child was only lent, while mortal it was thine,
      The child tho' dead is yet alive, and lives forever mine.
      Footstone: MLH

      Footstone: JH           b.Nov 12,1847; d.Jan 20,1939
      Footstone: MH           b.Mar 10,1851; d.Feb 7,1931

SE    HIGGINBOTHAM, Sallie L. b.June 24,1858;d.Apr 16,1906
      A place is vacant in our home that never can be filled.

SE    HIGGINBOTHAM, Lois Alma b.Feb 28,1893; d.Nov 2,1915

SE    HIGGINBOTHAM, R.C.      b.June 19,1883;d.Mar 2,1911
      Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit.

SE    HIGGINBOTHAM, Sanford Lewis
                              b.Jan 24,1850; d.Oct 2,1921

SW    HILL, Betty Mrs.        b.Mar 7,1848;  d.Nov 16,1936

NW    HILLEY, Minnie S.       b.June 15,1868;d.July 8,1947
NW    HILLEY, William A.      b.Jan 17,1860; d.Feb 27,1918

NW    HILLEY, Paul            b.Sept 4,1891; d. Aug 17,1900
      Budded on earth to bloom in heaven.

NW    HILLEY, Dora F.         b.Apr 21,1870; d.Apr 20,1945

NW    HILLEY, John            b.Nov 1,1861;  d.June 22,1936
      Note: For wife see May ABBOTT

NW    HILLEY, Jack Dudley infant son of M. and J. HILLEY
                              b.Sept 17,1899;d.Aug 13,1900
      (Note: on large stone with May ABBOTT)

SW    HILLEY, J. M.           b.Oct 4,1868;  d.Dec 16,1937
      Footstone: JMH
SW    HILLEY, Narcisa         b.Oct 18,1866; d.Oct 21,1955
      Theu toils are past, their work is done. They fought the
      Fight-the victory won.

NW    HINMAN, Dorthy Kay      b.Nov 27,1944; d.Apr 5,1992
      We loved you, but God loved you more.
      Note: On the front of the stone is   In Loving Memory:
      Charles W. Hinman, Melissa Hinman, Angela Shipman,
      Selena Shipman, Sabrina Shipman,
 Danny Shipman

NE    HOBGOOD, F. M.          b.1844;        d.1927
      Note: This stone is in the shape of a Vase.

NE    HOBGOOD, Donald         b.1873;        d.1932
NE    HOBGOOD, Alice          b.1881;        d.1978

NW    HOLCOMB, Albert D.      b.Jan 12,1870; d.May 22,1941
      Footstone: ADH
NW    HOLCOMB, Willie Suggs                  Footstone: WSH

NW    HOLCOMB, Taylor C.      b.Nov 18,1873; d.Oct 18,1944
      Gone but not forgotten
NW    HOLCOMB, Lillie B.      b.Aug 30,1879; d.Aug 18,1963
      Note: The following is not on the stone.
            Her maiden name is METCALF. Mother to Pauline WITHROW,
            Grandmother to the author of this survey.

NW    HOLCOMB, Joe B.         b.Nov 18,1905; d.Jan 20,1994
NW    HOLCOMB, Ruby T.        b.June 18,1909
      Note: Her maiden name is Treadaway, Aunt to the author of this
      Survey. Joe B. is the son of Taylor and Lillie HOLCOMB.

SE    HOLCOMB, Bessie   daughter of  A.G. and M.E. HOLCOMB
      Our Sweet Darling       b.July 22,1886;d.May 4,1887
      Suffer little children to come unto me and
      forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
      Note: Stone is badly deteriorated.

NE    HOLSOMBACK, Wm. H. "Bill"
      Footstone: Father       b.May 20,1905; d.Dec 14,1965
NE    HOLSOMBACK, Ophelia P.  b.Nov 1,1903;  d.Dec 12,1995
      Footstone: Mother

NE    HOLSOMBACK, Robert E.   b.Oct 18,1899; d.July 9,1972
      Married: Jan 13, 1918"  Footstone: Daddy
NE    HOLSOMBACK, Hattie Mae  b.Aug 10,1900; d.Aug 2,1991
      Footstone: Mama
      Note: Her maiden name is HOLCOMB, Daughter of Taylor and Lillie
            HOLCOMB. Aunt to the author of this survey.

NW    HOLSOMBACK, George S.   b.Oct 31,1901; d.Oct 23,1970
      Rest in Peace

NW    HOLSOMBACK, Samuel A.   b.Apr 12,1869; d.June 6,1953
NW    HOLSOMBACK, Mary Hefner b.May 31,1880; d.Jan 12,1963

NW    HOLSOMBACK, Andrew B.   b.Aug 28,1903; d.Oct 23,1978       Father
NW    HOLSOMBACK, Mary L.     b.Sept 24,1907;d.Dec 5,1975        Mother
      She is singing with the angels, Happy glad and free

NW    HOLSOMBACK, Tracy       b.Oct 1,1912;  d.Dec 4,1978
      Footstone: Father
NW    HOLSOMBACK, Lemma L.    b.Dec 29,1907;
      Happily married 43 years.

NW    HOLSOMBACK, Dwight H.   b.July 7,1959; d.Sept 12,1988
      Gone from home, but not from our hearts.
      Georgia State Patrol Emblem    Footstone: son
      Grave located beside Tracy and Lemma HOLSOMBACK.

NE    HOLSONBACK, Milton L.   b.May 3,1890;  d.Sept 20,1922
      Footstone: MLH

NE    HOLSONBACK, The Inscription reads: M.Dealva HIGGINBOTHAM daughter
      of Sallie & Louis S. HIGGINBOTHAM, wife of Milton HOLSONBACK
                              b.Mar 2,1885;  d.Nov 1, 1970

NE    HOLSONBACK, Margret L.  b.Sept 1,1915; d.Oct 5,1915
      Note: beside the grave of Milton & Dealva HOLSONBACK

NW    HOLSONBACK, Atta Alline b.Feb 1,1918;  d.June 22,1921
      Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God called thee home,
      He thought it best.

SW    HOMES, Daughter of C.W. and Annie P. HOMES
      Gone but not forgotten  b.Jan 13,1898; d.Sept 1,1898

SW    HUTCHINSON, Patricia, M.
                              b.Aug 12,1934
SW    HUTCHINSON, Myles H.    b.Mar 26,1930; d.July 13,1996
      US Marine Corps

NW    INGLE, Ada Henson       b.Nov 24,1886; d.Jan 26,1942
NW    INGLE, George Edward    b.Jan 22,1890; d.Mar 13,1962

NE    JAMISON, Recie F.       b.Sept 1,1902; d.Feb 1,1919
      Son of G.W. and R.C. Jamison    The fairest flower we fondly love,
      How soon it fades and dies.

NE    JAMISON, R.C. WHITE     b.Oct 3,1882;  d.Feb 21,1919
      "Ada" Wife of G.W. Jamison
       She's gone to worlds above
       where saints and angels meet,
       to realize our Saviours love
       and worship at his feet.

NW    JAMISON, James W.      Co A 16 Ala Inf CSA

NW    JAMISON, Mary           b.1838;        d.1901
      Note: This is on a badly worn concrete slab headstone.

NW    JAMISON, John           b.1872;        d.1944

NW    JAMISON, Lula           b.May 14,1870; d.Feb 4,1940

NW    JARRARD, Thomas B.      b.July 1,1911; d.Apr 26,1932
      How desolate our home bereft of thee

NW    JARRARD, Thomas W.      b.Aug 28,1877; d.Dec 17,1923
NW    JARRARD, Annie L.       b.Feb 10,1892; d.Mar 14,1966

NW    JARRARD, A.M.           b.Mar 6,1885;  d.Sept 29,1952
NW    JARRARD, Sarah C.       b.Oct 11,1852; d.June 25,1930

NW    JARRARD, Elbert B.      b.July 27,1882;d.Feb 14,1946   Pvt  2 Ga. Inf

NE    JAYCE, Priscilla S.     b.Nov 17,1865; d.Oct 13,1879
      In Memory of Priscilla S. Jayce,daughter of Pleasant and Catherine Jayce
      Note: Possible misspelling of last name, could be Joyce,
      See Pleasant Joyce, Born 1815.

SE    JOHNSON, Infant Child of Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Johnson   Asleep in Jesus

NW    JONES, Sally Tilly      b.1822;        d.1897 Mother of Mrs. J.H. Bridges

NW    JONES, Infant           Son of W.M. & Janie Jones

SW    JONES, James William    b.Feb 27,1916; d.Sept 25,1944

SW    JONES, Annie B.         b.1889;        d.1979
SW    JONES, Garlin M.        b.1883;        d.1964

SW    JONES, Carylon Joan  Infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. D.B. Jones
                              b.Sept 25,1938;d.Apr 30,1939

SE    JONES, Richard E.       b.Sept 28,1888;d.July 6,1972
SE    JONES, Bessie M.        b.Oct 26,1892; d.Apr 11,1968

NE    JOYCE, Pleasant         b.1815;        d.1892

NE    JOYCE, Elizabeth J. Bradford           Wife of  P. Joyce
      Asleep in Jesus         b.Nov 16,1838; d.Mar 23,1926

NE    JOYCE, E. A.            b.Mar 8,1845;  d.Feb 16,1927     Father
NE    JOYCE, Rhoda Watkins    b.Aug 21,1851; d.Mar 12,1915     Mother
      Wife of E.A. Joyce

NE    JOYCE, Elsie Katherine       Metal Marker w/ no dates.

NE    JOYCE, Albert Rudolph   b.1930;        d.1930

NE    JOYCE, Mary       Alice       b.1927;        d.1927

NE    JOYCE, Wyatt            b.1925;        d.1925

NE    JOYCE, Johnnie          b.1923;        d.1923

SW    JOYCE, Rembert K.       b.Aug 15,1947; d.July 4,1948   footstone: Baby
      His memory is blessed.

SW    JOYCE, Virginia Inez    b.Apr 26,1950; d.Feb 15,1951
      Darling we miss you.

SW    JOYCE, Zona I.          b.Jan 9,1919;  d.Nov 15,1989   footstone: ZIJ
SW    JOYCE, Rembert D.       b.July 19,1914;d.Aug 1,1968
      Beyond the sunset.                 Footstone:
                                      Rembert D. Joyce
                                TEC 4  Co D  229 Infantry BN
                                        World War II
                                 July 19,1914 - Aug 1, 1968

SW    JOYCE, Ernest W.        b.Mar 17,1909; d.Sept 25,1977  footstone: Daddy
SW    JOYCE, Athaly D.        b.Sept 13,1915;

SW    JOYCE, Jackie           b.1938;        d.1938

SW    KEITH, Mrs. Ester       Died Jan 8,1912 Age 80 Years.
      Footstone: EK
      Note: She is in the same plot with Perry D. DACUS

NW    KELLEY, Gus       V.          b.1920;        d.1970
NW    KELLEY, Beatrice H.     b.1915

NW    KELLEY, Lloyd R.        b.June 2,1959

NW    KELLY, Gus  E.          b.Mar 13,1900; d.Aug 3, 1944

NW    KELLY, Vester A.        b.1896;        d.1951
NW    KELLY, Martha W.        b.1895;        d.1929

NW    KELLY, James W.         b.1855;        d.1932
NW    KELLY, Martha J.        b.1865;        d.1945

NE    KENDRICK, Mattie A.     b.Aug 18,1873; d.May 26,1920
      Wife of J.C. Kendrick   There immortal spirits reign,
                              There we shall meet again.

NE    KIKER, May W.           b.Aug 28,1894; d.Oct 30,1960

NE    KING, E. E.             b.Sept 19,1867;d.Feb 5,1894

SW    KING, Virginia D.       b.Feb 20,1925; d.Nov 13,1952  Just Sleeping

      KING, Elias             b.Jan 15,1800; d.Apr 8,1848
      Note: This is in a wooded area approximately 150 yards behind the current
            Church building. The area is grown up in heavy vegetation but
            several graves are evident by sunken earth and field stone markers.
            This is the only inscribed stone I could find.

SW    KINSEY, L. V.           b.Apr 10,1911; d.Feb 6,1989
      Note: Death date not cut into stone, metal marker at near headstone used
      to provide information.
SW    KINSEY, Ruth N.         b.Apr 16,1921; d.Mar 6,1982
      Metal marker at foot: Nellie Ruth KINSEY, 1921-1982

SW    KINSEY, Jackie W.       b.Jan 21,1946; d.Sept 24,1963

SE    KIRBY, Sarah C.  wife of A.M. GRAHAM
                              b.Mar 26,1834; d.Mar 23,1888

NW    L        Small child's grave with small foot or headstone with MLL on it.

NW    LANGLEY, Chester W.     b.Jan 7,1892;  d.Jan 8,1965  Father
NW    LANGLEY, Stella C.      b.Sept 9,1897; d.Mar 20,1974  Mother

SE    LEA, Craven H. son of J.S. and Nellie LEA
                              b.Apr 10,1886; d.Jan 24,1887    At Rest

NW    LEDFORD,   Sons of Mr. And Mrs. L.P.P.Ledford Jr.  Still Born (2 graves)

NW    LEDFORD, Eva O.         b.May 26,1914; d.Mar 2,1991

NW    LEDFORD, Lovette P.P. Jr.
                              b.Nov 14,1915; d.Aug 5,1975
      Married:Jan 29,1936   Note:There is also a metal marker with
      Mr. Eva Gilbert Ledford, Age 76 written   Each have large footmarkers wit
      Their names, date of birth and date of death on them.

SW    LEDFORD, J. Reace       b.Nov 15,1893; d.Apr 8,1940   footstone: JRL

SW    LEDFORD, Bertha A.      b.Oct 1,1892;  d.July 3,1954  footstone: BAL
      Gone but not forgotten

NW    LONG, J. Ernest         b.Nov 20,1877; d.Apr 25,1959  footstone: Father
NW    LONG, Maud              b.Aug 14,1887; d.Nov 20,1954  footstone: Mother

NW    LONG, J. Troy           b.Feb 11,1904; d.Jan 19,1968  footstone: Father
NW    LONG, Willie Lou        b.June 2, 1904;d.Feb 28,1968  footstone: Mother

SW    LONG, Hubert G.         b.Oct 26,1907; d.Apr 25,1982  footstone; Daddy
SW    LONG, Willie Ingle      b.Apr 8,1911;  d.Dec 20,1988  footstone: Mother
      Wed. July 27,1927       together forever.

SW    LONG, Wayne             b.Sept 30,1934;d.Apr 2,1944   footstone: WL
      Gone to be an angel.

SW    LONG, Mary Jane         b.Sept 25,1940;d.Dec 25,1940  footstone: MJL
      Asleep in Jesus

SW    LONG, Jewell            b.May 11,1915; d.Apr 10,1961
      Jewell Long wife of Richard Putnam    gone but not forgotten

SW    LONG, James F.            Co G  21 GA Inf   CSA

SW    LONG, Mark T.           b.Aug 20,1871; d.Aug 26,1959
SW    LONG, Josie B.          b.Nov 7,1878;  d.June 12,1933

SW    LONG, Fannie  MOTHER    b.1849;        d.1925
                       Note:hand painted in black on small white marble slab.

SW    LONG, Rene       Note:hand painted in black on small white marble slab.

SW    LONG, Gus               b.Nov 19,1876; d.Apr 4,194 ?
                       Note:hand painted in black on small white marble slab.

SW    LONG, Minnie            b.Nov 19,1889; d.Nov 23,1923
                       Note:hand painted in black on small white marble slab.

SW    LONG, J. F.             b.Oct 7,1840;  d.May 22,1925
                           Total Inscription reads:
                                  J. F. Long
                                     Co G
                                 21st. Ga. Regt
                                Dabney's Rifles
                                  Oct 7,1840
                                  May 22,1925

SW    LUTES, D. F.            b.May 17,1833; d.Nov 28,1900   footstone: DFL
SW    LUTES, G. G. Hoyle      b.Feb 5,1842;  d.June 8,1896   footstone: GGL
      Wife of D. F. Lutes     Married: Feb 4,1858
      Weep not dear children for us, for we are waiting in glory for you.

SW    LUTES, Jessie           b.Jan 16,1893; d.Feb 19,1900
      Gone but not forgotten.

SW    LUTES, Wilburn          b.Sept 26,1895;d.Sept 8,1896
      Sweetly Sleeping
SW    LUTES, Thelma           b.June 16,1900;d.June 13,1901  footstone: TL
      Sleep on dear Thelma, Take thy rest. We loved you dearly, but Jesus
      Loved best.

SW    LUTES, Velma            b.Aug 7,1901;  d.Sept 9,1902   footstone: VL

SW    LUTES, Infant son of Mr. And Mrs. W.L. Lutes

SW    LUTZ, Elizabeth         b.1878;        d.1966
SW    LUTZ, Walter L.         b.1876;        d.1947

SW    LYONS, Nancy E.  wife of S.C. Miller
                              b.Aug 16,1861; d.July 16,1890

NE    MALONE, Millard Paul    b.Mar 31,1921; d.Sept 17,1944
      pfc  killed in action in Germany

NE    MALONE, Mary Carter     b.Mar 28,1901; d.July 31,1979
NE    MALONE, Isaac Buford    b.Mar 11,1890; d.Apr 10,1967
               I. B. Malone
          pfc 117 Machine Gun Bn
               World War I

NE    MALONE, Ray       R.          b.1901; d.1938

NE    MALONE, Infant son of: Mr. & Mrs. G. H. MALONE
                              b.Nov 12,1921;

NE    MALONE, Mary Frances    b.1924;        d.1930

NE    MALONE, Infant daughter of Norman & Eleanor MALONE
                              b.Mar 2, 1963;

NE    MALONE, Joseph Guy      b.Dec 15,1898; d.Apr 6,1946
      Masonic Emblem

NE    MALONE, Lois Bandy      b.May 13,1900; d.Nov 8,1991   we will meet again

NE    MALONE, M. H.           b.Oct 8,1857;  d.Feb 13,1929    Father
NE    MALONE, Cynthia         b.Nov 12,1865; d.June 21,1949   Mother

NE    MALONE, George Herman   b.Feb 3,1894;  d.Feb 7,1987
NE    MALONE, Zula Gulledge   b.Dec 19,1909; d.Feb 27,1996

                              b.Jan 11,1902; d.July 21,1926

NE    MALONE, Marion D.       b.1892;        d.1940
NE    MALONE, Julia Strain    b.1894;        d.1985

NE    MALONE, Dan             b.Apr 8,1922
NE    MALONE, Sue Allen       b.Aug 22,1919

NW    MALONE, Eugene T.       b.1881;        d.1928

NE    MALONE, Ricky           b.Jan 22,1953

NW    MALONE, Thomas Watson   b.Sept 4,1892; d.July 14,1942
      Asleep in Jesus
NW    MALONE, Zoa       Dacus       b.Jan 16,1890; d.Sept 24,1970

NW    MALONE, Jno T.          b.Feb 28,1878; d.July 5,1900
      Asleep in Jesus, Blessed Thought

SE    MALONE, Mary M.         b.Apr 23,1811; d.Nov 24,1895
      She was a tender mother here and in her life, the Lord did fear.

SE    MALONE, John Carl       b.July 7,1886; d.Sept 2,1961
SE    MALONE, Willie Eugenia  b.July 7,1891; d.May 22,1972

SE    MALONE, Harold H.       b.Oct 25,1916; d.Dec 6,1968
                                  Military footstone:
                                   Harold H. Malone
                                PVT 196 Station Hospital
                                     World War II
                                Oct 25,1916 - Dec 6,1968
SE    MALONE, Mildred D.      b.Feb 22,1916  footstone: Wife

NW    MANN, J. J.             b.1833;        d.1928

NW    MANN, Lizzie            b.1856;        d.June 2,1928
      A sinner saved by grace.     Note: This is a large monument with
      Robie NORWOOD on the opposite side.

NW    McCUTCHEN, Mary A.      b.July 29,1839;d.June 17,1919
      In God We Trust
NW    McCUTCHEN, Perry L.     b.Mar 19,1836; d.Aug 28,1919

NW    McCUTCHEN, Viola        b.Nov 11,1872; d.June 23,1957

SE    McENTIRE, James W.      b.Aug 2,1888;  d.Jan 28,1895
      The angels called him.

SE    McENTIRE, Little LEON son of Jas. T. and Mattie G. McEntire
                              b.July 16,1897;d.Nov 28,1898
      Our short lived flower returned to God again.

NW    MEREDITH, Esther M.     b.1898;        d.1981
NW    MEREDITH, Durward E. Sr.
                              b.Dec 6,1891;  d.Oct 2,1971
              Pvt  Co E   307 Engrs  82 Div
                      World War I
      Note:One unnamed marker beside them

NW    MEDCALF, Nancy A.       b.Jan 26,1831; d.Mar 14,1887

NW    MEDCALF, J.J.           b.Apr 5,1830;  d.May 3,1898
      He was at peace with all below
      and ready to greet the loved and blest
      Note: Stone broken in half at death date.

NW    MEDCALF, Georgia A.     b.Sept 3,1852; d.July 21,1913

NW    MEDCALF, J.H.           b.Sept 10,1868;d.                Father
NW    MEDCALF, Mary J.        b.Feb 7,1864;  d.Mar 31,1926
      Mother thou was mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze.

NW    MEIGS, Myra Abbott      b.June 13,1880;d.July 5,1930  Mother

NW    METCALF, Melba S.       b.Sept 9,1915; d.Aug 9,1996

NW    METCALF, John Clifford  b.1877; d.1942
NW    METCALF, Jessie         b.1881; d.1962

NW    METCALF, Infant daughter of J.C. & Jessie
                              b.Dec 2,1923;  d.Dec 11, 1923

NW    METCALF, J.W.           b.1892;        d.1972
      Note: The headstone is a concrete slab marker beside
            Taylor and Lillie Holcomb, Lillie's brother.

SW    METCALF, Cora E.        b.Oct 28,1882; d.Apr 28,1931
      Wife of W.W. Metcalf

SW    METCALF, Infant daughter of W.W. Metcalf
                              b.Sept 22,1917;d.Jan 13,1918

SW    METCALF, Infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.W. Metcalf
                              b.Sept 28,1908;d.Oct 2,1908

SW    METCALF, Rillah L.      b.Oct 22,1880; d.Mar 12,1909
      Wife of W.W. Metcalf

SW    METCALF, William W.     b.Oct 22,1875; d.June 21,1948

SW    METCALF, Mary A.        b.1854;        d.1908
SW    METCALF, Lindsey J.     b.1855;        d.1936

SW    METCALF, Geneva         b.1908;        d.1909

SW    METCALF, J.J.           b.1913;        d.1913

SW    METCALF, Charlottle     b.1923;        d.1926
      Note: Charlottle is not a Typo.

SW    METCALF, Conrad         b.1909;        d.1927

SW    METCALF, Jimmie W.      b.Feb 22,1884; d.Sept 18,1973
SW    METCALF, Claude M.      b.Feb 4,1882;  d.May 13,1957

NE    MILLER, John E.         b.Nov 18,1884; d.Mar 27,1969
NE    MILLER, Nancy B.        b.Oct 14,1884; d.Aug 15,1970

NE    MILLER, Mattie          b.1852;        d.1932
NE    MILLER, C. Tombs        b.1856;        d.1930

SW    MILLER, Little Son and Daughter of B.J. and P.A. Miller

SW    MILLER, John J.         b.1826;        d.Feb 21,1873
SW    MILLER, Evaline         b.1830;        d.July 22,1864
      Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

SW    MILLER, Lillian E.      b.Apr 1,1890;  d.Aug 4,1890

SW    MILLER, David           b.June 10,1820;d.Jan 22,1892
      Why should we mourn our father's loss, since death to him is bliss.

SE    MILLER, Joan  wife of R.L. Norrell                footstone: JM
                              b.Sept 3,1855; d.Nov 11,1894
      Note: For husband see NORRELL

SE    MILLER, Annis           b.July 22,1811;d.Feb 20,1889  footstone: AM

SE    MILLER, Jesse           b.Feb 25,1808; d.Nov 26,1879  footstone: JM

NW    MOORE, Herbert Hoover   b.Nov 6,1928;  d.June 25,1991 Sgt U S Army  Korea

NW    MOORE, Paul             b.Apr 2,1919;  d.Nov 6,1943

NW    MOORE, R. C.            b.                "Dick"(metal marker)

NW    MOORE, Dell H.          b.Jan 2,1901;  d.Dec 1,1988
      Beloved Mother, Grandmother and great-grandmother

NW    MOOREHEAD, Millard      b. Mar 11,1911;d.Aug 12,1947  Father
      Gone but not forgotten

SW    MOOREHEAD, Milford Reed                              footstone: Father
                              b.Oct 27,1909; d.Aug 14,1964
SW    MOOREHEAD, Edna Mae     b.May 11,1912; d.Nov 20,1972 footstone: Mother
      Note: This is an Aunt to the author. Her maiden name is WITHROW, sister
      to Clarence Howard WITHROW, daughter to Julius Howard WITHROW.

SW    MOOREHEAD, John Howard  b.May 1, 1941; d.Jan 12, 1942
      Note: this was the infant son of Milford and Edna Mae Moorehead.

SW    MOOREHEAD, Bell C.      b.1890; d.1985
SW    MOOREHEAD, J. H.        b.1878; d.1953

NW    MOSS, Henry       Hanes       b.Feb 18,1871; d.Mar 10,1924  Masonic Emble

NW    MOSS, Dan               b.May 30,1915; d.Dec 28,1989

NW    MOSS, Stella            b.May 26,1893; d.July 12,1981

NW    MOSS, Agnes Louise      b.Sept 25,1919;d.June 14,1971

SW    MOSS, William H.        b.May 31,1847; d.May 6,1937  Father
SW    MOSS, Malvin Hanes      b.July 11,1847;d.Apr 2,1895 Mother

NW    MUSE, Andrew L.         b.Aug 28,1903; d.Jan 3,1987
NW    MUSE, Lizzie S.         b.June 6,1910; d.June 21,1994
      Note: the stone was not inscribed with Lizzie's date of death. It was
      taken from the paper insert of a metal marker at the grave.

SW    MUSE, Robert B.         b.Sept 15,1889;d.Aug 20,1944   footstone: Father
SW    MUSE, M. Elizabeth      b.Jan 27,1888; d.June 29,1964

SW    MUSE, Paul R.           b.July 30,1913;d.Jan 14,1966   footstone: Father
SW    MUSE, Bonnie B.         b.Sept 22,1914;d.Aug 25,1957

SW    MUSE, Paul Ray          b.1938; d.1986
      Note: Has no stone. Metal Marker beside beside Shelba Muse WHEAT.

SW    MUSE, R. L.  US NAVY    b.Oct 17,1934; d.Aug 16,1987

SW    MUSE, John E.           b.Apr 23,1861; d.Apr 18,1936  footstone: Father
SW    MUSE, Cynthia J.        b.Feb 4,1862;  d.Jan 12,1946

SW    MUSE, Pvt. Grady        b.Aug 18,1910; d.May 20,1944  Battery B.214 th. A

SW    MUSE, Infant Son        b.1926

SW    MUSE, Nanny             b.1923; d.1925

SW    MUSE, Dorthy            b.Mar 1,1918;  d.Sept 9,1935

SW    MUSE, Dock Joe          b.Oct 11,1889; d.Apr 3,1978
SW    MUSE, Ruby M.           b.Jan 4,1899;  d.Nov 15,1985

SW    MUSE, J. H. Ham         b.Apr 22,1890; d.Feb 18,1976

SW    MUSE, Fred              b.May 3,1933;  d.Jan 11,1934   footstone: Baby

SW    MUSE, Cleo E.           b.May 10,1899; d.Feb 21,1965   footstone: Mother

SW    MUSE, Roy               b.Jan 21,1926; d.Aug 7,1991
SW    MUSE, Maggie            b.Aug 19,1923;
      Wed: Oct 30,1946

SW    MUSE, Baby              born and died: June 8,1947

SW    MUSE, Roy Jr.           b.May 31,1949; d.June 13,1949

      One large headstone with MUSE and three footstones with the following.
SW    MUSE, Una Bandy         b.June 23,1894;d.Jan14,1973
SW    MUSE, John Marvin       b.July 28,1891;d.Sept 13,1944
SW    MUSE, Betty Louise      b.May 11,1923; d.Feb 17,1943

SE    MUSE, Tonnie Clyde      b.1913; d.1921

SE    MUSE, Tonie             b.May 12,1882; d.Oct 28,1918   footstone: TM

SE    MUSE, Julia             b.Nov 6,1908;  d.Jan 29,1909   footstone: JM

SE    MUSE, Viola             b.Apr 6,1906;  d.July - 1908   footstone: VM

SE    MUSE, Lonny, Arthur, Cullie, Floriene

SE    MUSE, James R.          b.July 15,1906;d.Dec 26,1906
SE    MUSE, Alice             b.Sept 12,1918;d.Oct 12,1918

SE    NABERS, Jimmie Lucile   b.Mar 26,1896; d.July 14,1897  Come unto me.
      Asleep in Jesus
SE    NABERS, James L.        b.July 7,1867; d.Oct 14,1895   In Memory of.
      Thy will be done.

SE    NABERS, In loving memory of Martha C. Nabers          Savior lead me.
                              b.Oct 26,1842; d.Mar 10,1903
SE    NABERS, John W.         b.Feb 9,1834;  d.Nov 11,1887

NW    NEIGHBORS, Joe E.       b.Jan 27,1876; d.May 19,1947
NW    NEIGHBORS, Lula J.      b.Mar 21,1888; d.July 11, 1966

NW    NELSON, Lou Ella        b.1864;        d.1903
NW    NELSON, Will D.         b.1861:        d.1903

NW    NELSON, Amos E.         b.Oct 27,1896; d.May 8,1943
NW    NELSON, Dessie H.       b.June 8,1901; d.Apr 9,1983
      Forever in our hearts

NW    NELSON, Wm. (Bill)      b.1875;        d.1962
NW    NELSON, Cleo P.         b.1878;        d.1969
      Married: 1895           Gone but not forgotten

SW    NELSON, Lou Ella        b.1864;        d.1903
SW    NELSON, Will D.         b.1861;        d.1903

SW    NELSON, Samuel D.       Sacred to the memory of Samuel D. Nelson who was
      Born Sept 26th. 1830 and died Dec 25, 1869  Age 39 years 2 months and
      29 days.   Footstone: SDN

SW    NELSON, Ola Lee         b.July 28,1863; d.June 1,1874
      In Memory of         Note: she is on the same stone with Alice Phillips.

NE    NEWBERRY, Emma J.       b.Apr 9,1896;   d.Nov 1,1974
      Emma J. Jones Slaughter Newberry

NE    NEWBERRY, John E.       b.1897;         d.1973         Rest in Peace
NE    NEWBERRY, Nora Mae      b.1911

NE    NEWBERRY, Monnie        b.May 19,1919;  d.Oct 29,1919

NW    NEWBERRY, Beverly L.    b.Oct 28,1962;  d.Oct 29,1962
      Born to be an angel

NW    NEWTON, Aline W.        b.June 6,1898; d.Dec 2,1928

NE    NORRELL, Edgar Lee      b.Dec 25,1879; d.Dec 3,1953
NE    NORRELL, Estelle Strain b.Dec 29,1886; d.Feb 11,1919

NW    NORRELL, Eva L.         b.Aug 4,1918
NW    NORRELL, Hannibal H.    b.Feb 11,1914; d.June 14,1983

NW    NORRELL, David M.       b.1954; d.1982    Photo on stone.

SE    NORRELL, R.L.           b.Nov 20,1849; d.Dec 3,1917    footstone: RLN
      Note: See MILLER, Joan for grave of previous wife.
      NORRELL, O.B.           b.Aug 1,1867;  d.Apr 12,1953   footstone: OBN

NW    NORWOOD, Robie W.       b.June 1,1860; d.Apr 9,1911
      He giveth his beloved sleep
      This is a large monument with Lizzie Mann on opposite side.

SE    NUCKOLLS, Annie         b.Sept 1,1879; d.Nov 20,1928  WIFE  footstone:AN
      Note: She is buried beside J.D. GRIFFIN

      OGLESBY, Marvin Harold III
                              b.Aug 24,1997; d.Aug 25,1997  Age 1 day
      Note: Funeral Home Marker only.

NE    PARK, William Oscar    Aged 23 Yrs.    d. Aug 12, 1890
      Son of Dr. A.T. & M.J. Park
      Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
      Savior more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to thee.

SW    PARSONS, Geneva D.      b.Jan 19,1911;                 footstone: GDP
SW    PARSONS, Buford         b.Oct 12,1907; d.June 9,1976   footstone: MBP
      Together forever

SW    PARSONS, Clyde          b.Oct 20,1882; d.Sept 18,1973  footstone: CFP
      Eastern Star Emblem
SW    PARSONS, Judson         b.Oct 4,1881;  d.July 18,1937  footstone: JTP
      Masonic Emblem
      At Rest

NE    PATTERSON, Vernon       b.Aug 11,1873; d.May 15,1942     Masonic Emblem
NE    PATTERSON, Tavia        b.May 20,1870; d.April 20,1926   Eastern Star

NW    PATTERSON, Bobby        b.July 1,1940; d.Nov 30,1957   Photo on headstone
      After all sorrow and tears have passed, we will see your sweet smile
      again at last.(One stone,Bobby is in middle and mom and dad on each side.
NW    PATTERSON, Charlie      b.Mar 14,1913;
NW    PATTERSON, Mildred      b.Sept 17,1921;d.Apr 16,1997

SW    PATTERSON, Thelma T.    b.Dec 24,1918; d.Oct 20,1993   footstone: TTP
SW    PATTERSON, James O.     b.Aug 4,1913;  d.Mar 29,1960   footstone: JOP

SW    PETERSON, Billy         b.1954;        d.1987          Masonic Emblem

SW    PHILLIPS, James         b.1870;        d.1953

SW    PHILLIPS, Alice         b.June 6,1862; d.June 1,1874
      In memory of          Note: she is on the same stone with Ola Lee Nelson

SW    PILCHER, Floyd Alton    b.Feb 6,1923;  d.Sept 28,1970
                  Floyd Alton Pilcher
             TEC%  BTRY B  565 AAA  BN  CAC
                      World War II                Feb 6,1923 - Sept 28,1970

SW    PILCHER, Samuel W.      b.1896;        d.1944   footstone: SWP
SW    PILCHER, Orene B.       b.1895;        d.1959   footstone: OBP
      Married: Mar 14,1920

NE    POPLIN, LaDonna Kaye    b.Nov 5,1968;  d.Feb 24,1969

NW    PULLEN, David Thomas    b.Dec 28,1954; d.Feb 1,1987      Brothers
NW    PULLEN, John Brett      b.Apr 17,1959; d.Mar 13,1987
      Grandsons of Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Malone

SE    RAY, Joseph Henry       b.1862;        d.1892
SE    RAY, Fannie Wilson      b.1863;        d.1893

SE    RAY, Charlie            b.1889;        d.1906

SE    RAY, Oscar              b.1883;        d.1893

NW    REES, Mabel Hilley      b.July 1,1889; d.Nov 22,1947

SW    ROBERTS, Joseph Hearley son of G.T and Ida J. Roberts
                              b.Dec 24,1891; d.July 27,1894

SE    ROBERTS, C.H.           b.Nov 23,1884; d.Dec 1,1918     footstone: CHR

NW    ROBINETTE, Howard C.    b.May 13,1910; d.Feb 22,1967
NW    ROBINETTE, Martha M.

NW    ROBINSON, Son of A.R. & M.A. Robinson
                              b.Sept 28,1918;d.Aug 24, 1921
      From mothers arms to the arms of Jesus.

NW    ROGERS, Janice Faye     b.Sept 3,1956; d.Nov 6,1959  Footstone: JFR
      Gone but not forgotten.

NW    ROGERS, Thomas F.       b.Sept 13,1896;d.July 4,1980   Dad
NW    ROGERS, Mary Callie     b.Sept 30,1896;d.Apr 10,1949   Mom

SW    ROGERS, Rev. A. D.      b.Mar 11,1904; d.Feb 17,1985    footstone: Daddy
SW    ROGERS, Ossie M.        b.July 1,1905; d.July 12,1973   footstone: Mother
      Happily married 51 years.       How Great Thou Art.

SW    ROGERS, Vernon Dwayne   b.Sept 12,1939;d.Feb 14,1941

SW    RUNYAN, Georgia A. Daughter of R.H and F.S. Runyan
                              b.Mar 3,1907;  d.Oct 29,1907

NE    RUSSELL, Henry Joe      b.Nov 20,1942; d.Mar 25,1990       Father

SW    RYAN, Joseph R.         b.Feb 10,1871; d.Feb 20,1932
SW    RYAN, Fanny Frix        b.Jan 12,1878; d.Oct 5,1967

NW    SERITT, Dorthey Mae     b.Sept 28,1938; Passed Away  June 23,1944

SW    SERRITT, Cecil Wayne    b.Apr 16,1938; d.June 5,1938   footstone: Son

SW    SERRITT, Cecil Lee      b.July 14,1904;d.Nov 16,1977   footstone: Father
SW    SERRITT, Cleo A.        b.Mar 26,1904; d.May 28,1995   footstone: Mother

NE    SHIRLEY, Tarver L.      b.Feb 6,1926
NE    SHIRLEY, Bobbie M.      b.Oct 20,1928

SE    SHIRLEY, Samuel Wade    b.1972;        d.1972

NW    SHUGART, Maggie Virginia                 Our darling gone to rest
                              b.June 18,1876;d.June 30,1876

SW    SHUGART, Ralph Bersie   b.Aug 1,1912;  d.Aug 27,1989  footstone: Father
SW    SHUGART, Jennie Mae     b.Nov 5,1918;  d.Feb 22,1989  footstone: Mother
      Married: Jan 20,1935    Together forever

SW    SLAUGHTER, W. F.        b.Nov 28,1878; d.Dec 2,1940

NE    SMITH,                                 d.Mar 10,1930
      Infant son of Virgil G. and Sallie N. Smith.

NW    SMITH, Milton W.        b.Mar 10,1919; d.June 3,1988
      Cpl  U.S.Army  World War II
NW    SMITH, Stella           b.Oct 2, 1919

NW    SMITH, Hubert           b.Oct 2,1919;  d.Sept 2,1920
      Son of Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Smith
      An angel visited the green earth and took the flower away.

NW    SMITH, Gus G.           b.May 3,1880
NW    SMITH, Leoler Jones     b.Oct 13,1884; d.Jan 13,1948
      Gone but not forgotten

NW    SMITH, Margaret         b.Sept 5, 1925;d.Jan 3,1929

NW    SMITH, Charles W.       b.Aug 6,1904;  d.Sept 8,1950
NW    SMITH, Eunice M.        b.July 28,1903

NW    SMITH, Clinton          born and died   Mar 3,1933
      A little time on earth he spent, till God for him his angel sent.

NW    SMITH, Jack E.          b.July 29,1924;d.Apr 28,1945
                                                        JACK E. SMITH
      This is a Service stone inscribed as follows.        GEORGIA
                                                 VT 67 ARMD INF BN 14 ARMD DIV
                                                          WORLD WAR II
                                                   JULY 29,1924-APRIL 28,1945

NW    SMITH, Clarence         b.Oct 11,1898; d.June 9,1984       Father
NW    SMITH, Nora             b.Oct 2,1903;  d.Mar 21,1989        Mother
      Together Forever

SW    SMITH, Vera Sue         b.Feb 20,1951;
SW    SMITH, David Joe        b.Feb 15,1948; d.Feb 10,1968

NW    STEPHENS, Mary E.       b.Jan 1,1876;  d.Sept 9,1933
NW    STEPHENS, Mark A.       b.Apr 10,1870; d.Jan 15,1960

NW    STEPHENS, Marguerite    b.Oct 10,1942; d.Jan 10,1943    Footstone: M.S.

NW    STEPHENS, Earl S.       b.Jan 28,1919; d.May 18,1982    Footstone: Daddy
NW    STEPHENS, Dorothy D.    b.July12,1920; d.July 2,1995    Footstone: Mama

SW    STEPHENS,   One headstone with four footstones having the following info.
      Grady Stephens   US ARMY  WORLD WAR II  JULY 25,1903 - NOV 8,1987
      Mollie E. Stephens      b.Feb 28,1880; d.May 16,1947
      Thomas Berry Stephens   b.Aug 3,1868;  d.Nov 15,1962
      Ruby S. Howington       b.May 5,1913;  d.Apr 10, 198 ?

NE    STRAIN, Belle           b.Mar 15,1889; d.Aug 2,1976

NW    STRAIN, Nancy Filecta   b.Apr 14,1845; d.Oct 21,1925
      She has done what she could

NW    STRAIN, G. L.           b.Jan 18,1862; d.Aug 16,1937
      Not lost but gone on before
NW    STRAIN, Ludie           b.Jan 5,1875;  d.Mar 17,1930
      She was the sunshine of our home.

NW    STRAIN, Robert Wood     b.Oct 10,1906; d.Jan 12,1958
      Georgia  SCI USNR  World War II

SE    STRAIN, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. STRAIN
                              Born and died: Jan 28,1908

SE    STRAIN, Lola Ruth  daughter of W.S. and Edna STRAIN
                              b.Jan 2,1902; d.June 26,1903
      Weep not Father and Mother for me, for I am waiting in Glory for Thee.

SE    STRAIN, Edna E.         b.Oct 24,1871; d.Mar 28,1908    footstone: EES
SE    STRAIN, William S.      b.Oct 6,1864;  d.Feb 9,1908     footstone: WSS
SE    STRAIN, Julia V.        b.June 28,1866;d.Jan 16,1894    footstone: JVS

SE    STRAIN, W.L.            b.Oct 12,1818; d.Sept 7,1896    footstone: WLS
SE    STRAIN, Margaret E.     b.Oct 5,1842;  d.Aug 29,1903    footstone: MES
      Sweet is the promise God's Word has given. That we may meet dear
      Father and Mother in heaven.
      This is a large stone with both on one stone. They are also on two small
      stones, one on each side of the large stone, inscribed W.L. Strain and
      M.E. Strain.

SE    STRAIN, Maude A.        b.May 23,1886; d.May 28,1887
      Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.

SE    STRAIN, Alley H.        b.Feb 12,1850; d.Dec 30,1910
      Servant of God Well done.
      Thy Glorious warfare part. The battle fought, the race is run and thou
      art crowned at last.
      Note: See Martha A. CLACKLER  for wife.

SE    STRAIN, Connie G.       b.Apr 25,1884; d.Feb 14,1918
      Our Brother's blest who is at rest with Christ for evermore.

SE    STRAIN, Little Toy      b.Aug 19,1886; d.July 9,1887  footstone: TS
      Weep not Father and Mother for me, for I am waiting in Glory for thee.

NW    SWANSON, Frances Ann    b.June 21,1928;d.Mar 4,1991     Mother

NW    SWINFORD, John H.       b.1877; d.1948
      Concrete footstone: J.H.Swinford 1878-1948

NW    SWINFORD, Michael Darlene (Mickey)
                              b.Dec 18,1952; d.Dec 25,1954
      Concrete footstone: Michael Swinford 1952-1954

NW    TALLEY, Carolyn A.      b.Aug 24,1946;
NW    TALLEY, Benjamin F.     b.May 9,1931;

SW    TALLEY, Carrie          b.Mar 19,1874; d.Feb 11,1950    footstone: Mother
SW    TALLEY, Richard         b.June 25,1876;d.June 19,1966  footstone: Father

SW    TARVIN, Annie R.        b.Sept 26,1876;d.Mar 3,1966
SW    TARVIN, Joseph G.       b.Mar 3,1877;  d.July 16,1942

SW    TARVIN, Georgia         b.Aug 1,1880;  d.Sept 15,1964
SW    TARVIN, Henrietta       b.Feb 26,1883; d.Nov 5,1964

SW    TARVIN, Albert B.       b.Mar 9,1830;  d.Jan 2,1905  Father footstone: AB
SW    TARVIN, Martha C.       b.Feb 26,1842; d.Apr 18,1924 Mother footstone: MC

SW    THRAILKILL, Vina        b.Oct 7,1864;  d.Apr 30,1895    footmarker:CVT
      Vina wife of J.H. Thrailkill

NW    TANNER, Jack            b.Sept 7,1893; d.June 7,1894
      Son of D.T. & Ella Tanner

      The next four are on a Large TANNER Monument.
NW    TANNER, William F.      b.Feb 20,1841; d.Apr 9,1891
NW    TANNER, Margarett       b.Apr 19,1828; d.June 20,1894
NW    TANNER, Ella E.         b.Apr 3,1866;  d.Jan 4,1877
NW    TANNER, Mary J.         b.July 25,1858;d.Jan 14,1881
      Mary Tanner. wife of S.R. Cox

SW    TAYLOR, John B.         b.Aug 23,1946; d.Jan 16,1947
      Budded on earth to bloom in heaven.

SW    TAYLOR, Effie Lois      b.Dec 3, 1924;               footstone: Mother
SW    TAYLOR, Thomas Grady    b.July 20,1913;d.Dec 6,1968  footstone: Father
      Our Father which art in heaven.

SW    TAYLOR, Walter      Born and Died: Apr 20,1950     Gone to be an angel.

SW    TAYLOR, J. B.           b.July 15,1866;d.Dec 13,1938

SE    TAYLOR, In memory of John TAYLOR
                              b.Oct 26,1817; d.Aug 13,1879   Age 62y. 11m. 13d.

SW    THOMAS, Ellen T.        b.Mar 11,1920; d.
SW    THOMAS, Henry B.        b.Feb 13,1919; d.Feb 11,1986
      Married: Dec 28,1940

SW    THOMAS, Henry B. Jr.    Born and Died Sept 25,1950

NE    THOMAS,                 b.Feb 12,1902; d.Feb 15,1902
      Infant Daughter of J. J. and E. L. Thomas

SW    THOMAS, James A.        b.Feb 22,1892; d.Oct 11,1935
      Father not my will but thine be done.

SW    THOMAS, Fannie          b.July 18,1886;d.Oct 23,1971  Asleep in Jesus

NW    TIMMS, Mark T.  Timmy   b.Oct 27,1964; d.Dec 16,1970

NW    TIMMS, Randy            b.Aug 1,1952    Also Has Metal marker 1952-1952
      Baby shoes on stone.

SW    TOWERS, Hugh D.         b.Aug 1,1916;  d.Nov 29,1968
SW    TOWERS, Josephine T.    b.Oct 19,1914; d.May 2,1965

SW    TRACY,                  b.Aug 14,1893
      Infant Daughter of Mr. And Mrs. B.F. Tracy

NW    TREADAWAY, Ralph E.     b.Aug 21,1914; d.Oct 25,1942

NW    TREADAWAY, Myrtle C.    b.Oct 23,1884; d.July 2,1976
NW    TREADAWAY, Alonzo T.    b.May 22,1878; d.May 4,1939

NW    TREADAWAY, Ida P.       b.1887; d.1975
NW    TREADAWAY, Clarence A.  b.1880; d.1953

SW    WADKINS, Infant son of Bob and Mattie WADKINS   Born and Died: Jan 6,1911
      Note: The name Wadkins could be a misspelling of the name Watkins. There
      is a Robert E. and Mattie E. WATKINS buried nearby.

NE    WALKER, Edward W.       b.1883;        d.1942

NE    WALKER, Joseph McKinney b.Nov 10,1847; d.Sept 7,1929

NE    WALKER, Nancy Bridges   b.June 29,1845;d.Sept 17,1925

SW    WALKER, Matilda         b.1870;        d.1933

NE    WALRAVEN, L. C.         b.1874;        d.1930
NE    WALRAVEN, W. R.         b.1872;        d.1962

NE    WALRAVEN, J. Morris     b.June 5,1896; d.May 10,1977  Footmarked BROTHER
NE    WALRAVEN, Pearl         b.Nov 19,1901; d.Jan 24,1966  Footmarked SISTER

NE    WALRAVEN, W. L.         b.Jan 30,1898; d.Apr 22,1953   "Fate"
      Married: Dec 2,1917
NE    WALRAVEN, Ludie W.      b.Dec 15,1894; d.Nov 19,1986

NE    WALRAVEN, A. B.         b.Sept 18,1918;d.Jan 1,1969     Father
                                        CPL   U.S. Army
                                          World War II
                                    Sept 18,1918-Jan 1,1969

SW    WALRAVEN, Betty Hall    b.May 8,1933
SW    WALRAVEN, Boyd          b.May 16,1929; d.Dec 8,1981
                                         Boyd Walraven
                                          GMG1 US NAVY
                                          KOREA  VIETNAM
                                     May 16,1929 - Dec 8,1981

SE    WALRAVEN, Doyal L.      b.May 27,1920; d.June 28,1973  footstone: Husband
SE    WALRAVEN, Helen L.      b.Feb 3,1923                   footstone: Wife
      Wed. June 29,1940

NW    WARD, William D.        b.May 17,1866; d.Mar 6,1933
NW    WARD, Eliza T.          b.Apr 17,1866; d.Mar 17,1959

NW    WARD, M. J.             b.July 22,1827;d.Oct 27,1910
      Asleep in Jesus, peacful rest, whose waking is supremely blest

NW    WARD, James       L.          b.Sept 22,1909;d.May 2,1911
      Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God called thee home, he thought
      it best

NW    WARD, Joe M.            b.Sept 14,1905;d.Aug 17,1973 Masonic Emblem
NW    WARD, Ella Mae S.       b.Nov 20,1905; d.July 24,1972     Eastern Star

NW    WARNOCK, Hattie Clements
                              b.Apr 1,1886;  d.Nov 7,1931

NW    WARNOCK, Arby J.      Wagoner 28 INF  1 DIV    Feb 21,1941

NW    WARNOCK, Joseph Carl    b.Mar 19,1882; d.May 28,1953

NW    WARREN, James Hines     b.May 3,1895;  d.Jan 30,1972

NW    WARREN, James W.        b.Mar 12,1854; d.Feb 6,1944

NW    WARREN, Laura Ann       b.July 14,1860;d.May 28,1938

NW    WATKINS, Rilla          b.Feb 14,1888; d.Feb 14,1919
      She believed, and sleeps in Jesus"

NW    WATKINS, Lonnie         b.June 27,1888;d.Nov 6,1958
      Gone but not forgotten

NW    WATKINS, Tella C.       b.Mar 20,1898; d.Mar 19,1969

NW    WATKINS, Dock           b.1896;        d.1943

NW    WATKINS, Kathryn K.     b.1908;        d.1957

NW    WATKINS, Matthew J.     b.1900;        d.1957
NW    WATKINS, Lucile K.      b.1902;

NW    WATKINS, Danny Lamar  Infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Lamar Watkins
                              b.May 22,1958; d.July 1,1958

NW    WATKINS, Nadine Cox     b.1909;        d.1981
NW    WATKINS, Ralph E.       b.1908;        d.1996

SW    WATKINS, Barbara Sue    b.Jan 29,1942; d.Jan 29,1942

SW    WATKINS, Wardie Mae     b.May 20,1905; d.Feb 9,1942
SW    WATKINS, A. L.          b.Feb 16,1894

SW    WATKINS, Mattie E.      b.1873;        d.1955
SW    WATKINS, Robert E.      b.1869;        d.1950

SW    WATKINS, Bud            b.1854;        d.1931

SW    WATKINS, Elizabeth Holsomback wife of Mathew WATKINS
                              b.May 22,1833; d.June 13,1912
SW    WATKINS, Mathew         b.June 12,1824;d.Oct 3,1911
      He was a confederate soldier. He joined 6, Ga. Redgement Sept 15,1863.
      He was discharged May 10, 1865.
      Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

SW    WATSON, Ora L.  Daughter of D.M. and S.A. Watson
                              b.Aug 20,1889; d.Oct 18,1889
      Note: Mothers grave listed under S.A. Harber

NW    WEST, John              b.Mar 3,1900;  d.Jan 20,1969
NW    WEST, Maude             b.June 13,1898;d.May 17,1982

NW    WEST, Peggy             b.Jan 13,1936; d.Dec 25,1938
      Daughter of G.L. and A.L. West          This is a new stone.
      There is also an old stone that is broken in half with the following.
      Peggie Dau of G. Lee and Allie Lee West,   Asleep in Jesus

NW    WEST, G. Lee  Boot      b.Aug 25,1905; d.Jan 12,1941  Footmarker: G.L.W.
NW    WEST, Allie Lee         b.Feb 11,1898; d.Aug 11,1956  Footmarker: A.L.W.

NW    WEST, Peggy Sue         b.Nov 22,1940                 Footmarker: P.S.W.
NW    WEST, Harry Edwin       b.Apr 17,1938; d.Dec 15,1969  Footmarker: H.E.W.

NW    WEST, Joe Doyle         b.1913;        d.1964    On metal marker
                                     Service Marker.
                                     Joe Doyle West
                                         S2 USNR
                                       World War II

NW    WEST, Edward W.         b.Sept 16,1872;d.Jan 115,1936
NW    WEST, Mattie H.         b.Mar 26,1874; d.Feb 22,1960

NW    WHEAT, Frank E.         b.Dec 8,1913;  d.July 28,1996
NW    WHEAT, Mary S.          b.Jan 5,1915
      Married Sept 15,1940

SW    WHEAT, David Anthony   My Son
                              b.Dec 7,1975;  d.Dec 31,1975

SW    WHEAT, Shelba Muse  MOTHER  On earth: Sept 19,1936; In heaven: Apr 6,1985
      Footstone: Mama

NE    WHEELER, Ryland Bridges   b.Feb 17,1894; d.May 15,1974

NE    WHITE, D. W.            b.Oct 3,1878;  d.June 13,1958
NE    WHITE, Bertha           b.Oct 16,1878; d.Feb 24,1937

NW    WHITE, Franklin Lamar   b.Jan 28,1941; d.Feb 19,1941
      Son of E. R. & Willie J. White

NW    WHITE, John Lyman       b.Nov 8,1913;  d.July 15,1991
      How Great Thou Art
NW    WHITE, Opal Currence    b.Mar 22,1918; d.June 9,1992

NW    WHITE, Ned Randall      b.May 16,1937; d.June 2,1938

NW    WHITE, John       Leonard     b.Aug 9,1880;  d.Dec 20,1951
      Gone but not forgotten
NW    WHITE, Cora       Loucindy    b.May 5,1880;  d.July 3,1941

NW    WHITENER, Barbara W.    b.July 14,1938;d.Feb 4,1972
NW    WHITENER, T. LaFaye     b.June 15,1961;d.June 15,1961
      Note: Barbara is sister to the author of this survey. Her maiden name is
      Barbara Geneva Withrow.   Her husband was William Woody Whitener.
      The T in "T. LeFaye" is for Teresa. She also has a son, William Randall
      Whitener. b.Mar 28,1962

NW    WHITFIELD, Brenda G.    b.1950                             Mother
NW    WHITFIELD, Murrell, T.  b.1942;        d.1987              Father
                       Murrell Travis Whitfield
                             SSG U S Army

NW    WILSON, Robert Jr.      b.July 20,1932; d.Dec 2,1932
      Son of Robert and Dicey Wilson       Just another rose bud in heaven

NW    WILSON, Joe C.          b.1910;         d.1981
      (The only marker is a small damaged metal marker.)
      His grave is directly on the west side of Harry F. Copeland's grave.
      On the north side of Joe Wilson's grave is another grave with no marker.
      The only evidence is the sinking earth.

NW    WITHROW, Clarence H.    b.1910; d.1977
NW    WITHROW, Pauline        b.1914; d.1954
      Note: These are parents of the author. Clarence was born Aug 10,1910 and
      Died Aug 23,1977.  Pauline's maiden name was Sadie Pauline Holcomb
      b.Oct 4,1914; d.May 28,1954 Daughter of Taylor and Lillie Holcomb.

SE    WITHROW, Julius H.      b.Dec 9, 1887; d.Sept 20,1933 footstone: Father
SE    WITHROW, Osa M.         b.Mar 1,1889;  d.July 29,1942 footstone: Mother
      Note:  This is the Grandfather, Grandmother and Aunt of the Author of
             of this survey.  The H. after Julius is for Howard and the M.
             after Osa is for Melisa. Her Maiden name is Osa Melisa Gates.

SE    WITHROW, Ruth P.        b.Dec 3,1913;  d.Sept 12,1933  footstone: Daughte

SW    WORLEY, Infant baby of Mrs. R. L. Worley
                              b.Nov 19,1909; d.Nov 19,1909
      How soon fades the tender flower.                      footstone: INF

NW    YORK, Susie R.          b.1913;        d.1973   (Metal Marker)

SW    YOUNG, Dallas Harlen    b.Feb 24,1910; d.Sept 1,1985   footstone: Husband
SW    YOUNG, Eva Jones        b.Apr 16,1909; d.Mar 30,1993   footstone: Wife
      Married: Feb 24,1935