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Ray Fincham <>
Visit this site for more information about regiments from Georgia

Company D, 64th Regiment
Dougherty County
"Mason Guards"


Originally Captain Paulk Robinson's Independent Company, Georgia Infantry.


Adams, Hancel -- 5th Sergeant - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, last on file, shows him present.

Adenfield, J. -- See Henry J. Edenfield.

Altman, Hiram (Altmon) -- Private - June 8, 1863, as
substitute for John W. Fowler. Roll for July-August 1863,
shows him present. No later record.

Atkinson, S. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Discharged,
furnished Murdock Jones as substitute, February 20, 1863.

Bannon, Thomas -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863. shows him present. No later record.

Barwick, William -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Bearden, Robert -- Private - February 20, 1863. On sick
furlough July 8-August 1863. Roll for September October
1864, last on file, shows him absent with leave since July
20, 1864. Surrendered and paroled at Thomasville, Georgia,
May 23, 1865.

Black, Green -- Private - February 20, 1863. Wounded near
Petersburg, Virginia, June 27, 1864, and admitted to
Ocmulgee Hospital, Macon, Georgia, Furloughed July 12, 1864.
Surrendered at Albany, Georgia, May 10, 1865, and paroled
there May 17, 1865.

Blanks, Jefferson L. -- 4th Sergeant - February 20, 1863.
Roll for November-December 1864, last on which borne, shows
him absent, Provost Guard at Americus, Georgia.

Blunt, John -- Private - May 5, 1863. Appears last on roll
for July-August 1863, as present.

Boykin, James -- Private - February 20, 1863. No later

Boyt, J. L. -- Private - May 28, 1863. Discharged, furnished
Moses Prescott as substitute, May 28, 1863.

Brack, Robert T. -- Musician - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.

Brooks, Allen C. -- Private in Company B, 10th Battalion
Georgia Infantry, March 4, 1862. Discharged in 1862.
Enlisted as a private in Company D, 64th Regiment Georgia
Infantry, February 20, 1863. Roll for September October
1864, last on file, shows him present. Paroled at Albany,
Georgia, May 30, 1865. (Born in Georgia, August 12, 1832, or
June 13, 1840.)

Brown, Benjamin -- Private - July 29, 1863. Surrendered at
Tallahassee, Florida, May 10, 1865. Paroled at Albany,
Georgia, May 16, 1865.

Brown, James G. -- 2nd Lieutenant - March 10, 1863. Elected
Captain. Surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Butler, Barnard C. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Cason, Thomas -- Private - August 4, 1863. Appears last on
roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Cato, Benjamin -- Private - August 4, 1863. Killed near
Petersburg, Virginia in 1864.

Cato, Tilmon -- Private - August 4, 1863. No later record.

Chestnut, Lemuel -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Clausier, William T. -- See Clausier.

Clements, Jesse -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears only
on roll to March 31, 1863.

Cone, John M. -- 1st Corporal - February 20, 1863. Captured
at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Forwarded to Elmira,
New York, July 27, 1864. Received there July 30, 1864, and
paroled October 11, 1864. Received at Point Lookout,
Maryland for exchange October 14, 1864, and exchanged at
Venus Point, Savannah River, Georgia, November 15, 1864.

Costen, Green -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered at
Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Cox, James P. -- 2nd Corporal - February 20, 1863. Appears
last on roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Cutliff, J. M. -- Private - May 30, 1863. Deserted at Camp
Leon, Florida, August 24, 1863.

Dalton, Rodolphus A. -- Private - January 20, 1864.
Surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Denby, John T. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.
Pension records show he was accidentally wounded at
Petersburg, Virginia, May 12, 1864, and was on sick furlough
February 1865 to close of war. Paroled at Albany, Georgia,
May 16, 1865. (Born in North Carolina, February 16, 1845.)

Denman, Larkin A. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Detailed
1st Lieutenant of A. J. Steadman's Signal Corps, District
Middle Florida, May 18, 1863. Killed near Petersburg,
Virginia, August 16, 1864.

Dunford, William -- Private - July 29, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Edenfield, Henry J. -- Private - May 28, 1863, as substitute
for N. T. Mayo. Captured at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17,
1864. Died at Point Lookout, Maryland, September 16, 1864.

Finn, Matthew -- Private - June 15, 1863, as substitute for
C. M. May. Roll for July-August 1863, shows him present. No
later record.

Fletcher, James -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863. No later record.

Floyd, E. M. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears without
remark on roll to March 31, 1863. No later record.

Fowler, John W. -- Private - June 8, 1863. Discharged,
furnished Hiram Altman as substitute, June 8, 1863.

Freeman, Thomas H. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Garratt, William (ar Garrett) -- Private - July 29, 1863.
Died with congestive chill at Savannah, Georgia, January 16,

Gay, Abraham -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears without
remark on roll of March 31, 1863.

Gay, M. L. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears without
remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Giddens, J. H. -- Private - July 29, 1863. Paroled at
Albany, Georgia, May 20, 1865.

Glausier, William T. -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Captured at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Forwarded
to Elmira, New York, from Point Lookout, Maryland, March 24,
1865 where he died of typhoid pneumonia, the same day.
Buried in Grave Number 2446.

Gleaton, Joseph T. S. -- Private - August 4, 1863. Captured
at New Market, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Died at Elmira,
New York, March 28, 1865. Buried in Grave Number 2518.

Godwin, William -- Private - May 30, 1863. Deserted at Camp
Leon, Florida, August 24, 1863.

Goff, John -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured at Deep
Bottom, Virginia, August 17, 1864. Paroled at Point Lookout,
Maryland, January 17, 1865. Exchanged at James River,
Virginia, January 21, 1865. Pension records show he was
furloughed for 60 days February 25, 1865. Died in Tift
County, Georgia, July 3, 1921.

Grantham, N. -- Private - August 4, 1863. Appears last on
roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Gregory, Richard -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Gregory, Samuel -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Griffin, William -- Private - March 10, 1863. Transferred to
Company C, subsequent to August 1863. Surrendered at
Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865. Died from exhaustion on
train near Tallahassee, Florida.

Hall, William -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears only
on roll for March 10-31, 1863, presence or absence not

Hanlin, Barnard -- Musician February 20, 1863. Discharged,
"by reason of non-age and by order of General Beauregard,
July 18, 1863."

Harper, G. J. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Harrell, Seaborn -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured.
Received at Washington, D. C, February 24, 1865. Took oath
of allegiance to U. S. Government and transportation
furnished to Springfield, Illinois.

Harris, James S. -- Private - November 15, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865. Died December 18,

Harvey, William T. F. -- Private - August 4, 1863. Killed at
Ocean Pond, Florida, February 20, 1864.

Hogan, Thomas J. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows he was in
Richmond, Virginia, hospital. Paroled at Burkeville,
Virginia, April 14, 1865.

Holamon, George H. J. -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Appointed 3rd Corporal, August 1, 1863. Roll for July-August
1863, shows him present. Died prior to February 7, 1865.

Holamon, Samuel C. W. -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Appears on Case Book of Hood Hospital at Cuthbert, Georgia,
on which he is shown "Admitted February 25, 1865. Wound
nearly healed, ankle joint partially ankylosed with some
contraction of ends Achilles. Patient still in hospital."

Holmon, J. M. C. (or Holliman) -- 1st Lieutenant - February
20, 1863. Elected Captain July 31, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Howard, Isaac -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured at
New Market, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Paroled at Elmira,
New York, February 9, 1865. Exchanged at James River,
Virginia, February 21, 1865.

Howard, Thomas -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears last
on roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Hoy, John R. -- 3rd Corporal - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him absent with
leave since August 16, 1864. Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May
18, 1865.

Hutchins, Samuel -- Private - February 20, 1863. Killed at
Crater near Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864.

Isham, James -- Private - February 20, 1863. Died in Quincy,
Florida, hospital in 1863.

Jewell, Thomas -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll to March
31, 1863, shows him present with remark. "Not paid."

Johnson, Green B. -- Private - May 28, 1863. Appointed
Hospital Steward. Captured at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August
16, 1864. Died at Point Lookout, Maryland, April 8, 1865.

Jones, Murdock -- Private - February 20, 1863, as substitute
for S. Atkinson. Wounded and captured near Petersburg,
Virginia, June 17, 1864. Roll for September-October 1864,
last on file, shows him absent, captured June 17, 1864.

Josey, H. M. -- Private - August 4, 1863. Appears last on
roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Keen, John (or King) -- Private - February 20, 1863. Pension
records show he was severely wounded at Ocean Pond, Florida,
February 20, 1864. Surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia,
April 9, 1865. (born in Dooly County, Georgia, December 9,

King, William -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows he was in hospital since April 10, 1863.
Roll for September October 1864, last on file, shows him
absent without leave since May 1, 1864.

Land, Seaborn -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Lane, William L. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Lanier, Timothy -- Private - February 20, 1863. "Discharged,
under age, by order of General Beauregard, August 28, 1863."

Lee, Jeptha -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll dated March
31, 1863, bears remark. "Rejected by Army Surgeon."

Marchant, Willia J. -- Private - February 28, 1863. Roll for
September October 1864, last on file, shows him absent
without leave since May 1, 1864. Paroled at Albany, Georgia,
May 24, 1865.

Marshall, Joel -- Private - June 15, 1863. Discharged,
furnished James Matthews as substitute, June 15, 1863.

Martin, W. A. (or W. H.) -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Appears without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Matthews, James -- Private - June 15, 1863, as substitute
for Joel Marshall. Appears last on roll for August 1863, as

Matthews, William -- Private - March 1864. Wounded in
Virginia in 1864. Died in hospital, as a result of
amputation of right leg, October 8, 1864. Buried in
Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.

Matthews, William -- Private - September 9, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him in Richmond,
Virginia, hospital.

Mayo, C. M. -- Private - June 15, 1863. Discharged,
furnished Matthew Finn as substitute, same day.

Mayo, N. T. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Discharged,
furnished Henry J. Edenfield as substitute, May 28, 1863.

McCall, Moses -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark as to presence or absence on roll for March
31, 1863.

McCroy, J. J. -- Private - May 28, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Moody, J. W. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Paroled at
Bainbridge, Georgia, May 20, 1865.

Moore, Franklin M. (or More) -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Appears without remark as to presence or absence on roll for
March 31, 1863.

Murphy, William P. --4th Corporal - February 20, 1863.
Deserted at Camp Leon, Florida, August 12, 1863.

Norman, J. T. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark as to presence or absence on roll for March
31, 1863.

Norman, R. J. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark as to presence or absence on roll to March
31, 1863.

Norton, R. J. -- Private - August 4, 1863. Died of pneumonia
in General Hospital Number 1 at Savannah, Georgia, February
25, 1864.

Pearson, John W. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, shows he was on sick furlough since August
10, 1863.

Phillips, John N. -- 1st Sergeant - February 20, 1863.
Surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Phillips, Nelson -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Pool, Ferney J. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Wounded,
hips shattered, at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864.
Roll for September October 1864, last on file, shows him
absent with leave since August 15, 1864. Paroled at Albany,
Georgia, May 16, 1865. (Born in Georgia, June 1, 1837. Died
in Worth County, Georgia, December 9, 1901.)

Powell, B. -- Private - August 18, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. Appears on Register of
General Hospital Number 1 (General Hospital, Oglethorpe
Barracks) at Savannah, Georgia, dated March 17, 1864. No
later record.

Prescall, J. L. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Prescott, Moses -- Private - May 28, 1863, as substitute for
J. L. Boyt. Admitted to Jackson Hospital, Richmond,
Virginia, September 7, 1864. Furloughed for 30 days
September 15, 1864. Roll for September-October 1864, last on
file, shows him absent without leave since November 10,

Raney, Mark -- Private - December 22, 1863. Captured at
Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Died at Elmira, New
York, September 14, 1864. Buried in Grave Number 284,
Woodlawn Cemetery.

Robinson, David H. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured
at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Roll for
September October 1864, last on file, shows him absent.

Robinson, J. H. -- Private. Captured at Deep Bottom,
Virginia, August 17, 1864. Paroled at Point Lookout,
Maryland, and exchanged at James River, Virginia, February
14-15, 1865.

Robinson, Paulk (or Pulk) – Captain - March 10, 1863.
Resigned "for the good of the service," July 31, 1863.
Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 27, 1865.

Rutland, I. P. -- Private. Appears only on a parole of
prisoners of war surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, C. S.
A. to Lieut. General U. S. Grant dated Charlotte, North
Carolina, May 27, 1865.

Rutland, John D. -- Private - July 29, 1863. Captured at
Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Paroled at Elmira,
New York, and sent to James River, Virginia for exchange,
March 2, 1865.

Rutland, John H. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appointed
4th Corporal. Pension records show he was wounded in right
arm, necessitating amputation below elbow at Petersburg,
Virginia, May 27, 1864. (Born in Georgia, December 20,

Sarvia, John F. -- Private - April 20, 1863. Died of disease
in Danville, Virginia, hospital September 15, 1864.

Shiver, Fleming -- Private - August 18, 1863. Captured at
Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Exchanged at Fort
Delaware, Delaware, March 7, 1865. Place captured given also
as Williamsport, Maryland, August 5, 1864, and exchanged at
James River, Virginia, March 10, 1865.

Shiver, John W. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Wounded and
captured at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Never heard
from. Pension records show he was killed at Petersburg,
Virginia, June 23, 1864.

Simmons, William -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remarks on roll to March 31, 1863.

Sinclair, John D. --- 3rd Sergeant - February 20, 1863.
Appointed 2nd Sergeant. Wounded, left arm disabled, near
Petersburg, Virginia, July 30, 1864. Roll for September
October 1864, last on file, shows he was sick in hospital.
Recommended for retirement by Medical Examining Board,
because of wounds, February 20, 1865. Paroled at Albany,
Georgia, May 20, 1865.

Smith, William T. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll dated
March 10, 1863, shows he was rejected.

Snelgrove, William -- Private - April 12, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, last on which name appears, shows him
absent on furlough from August 20, 1863.

Spring, Jeremiah M. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured
at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Paroled at Fort
Delaware, Delaware, and exchanged at James River, Virginia,
March 10-12, 1865. Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 20, 1864.

Spring, William -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured at
Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Died at Elmira, New
York, March 11, 1865. Buried in Grave Number 2394.

Stephens, Rienze -- Private - February 20, 1863. Rejected by
Army Surgeon.

Stewart, William B. -- Private - August 31, 1863. Captured
at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Died at Elmira, New
York, November 5, 1864. Buried in Grave Number 832.

Story, Frederick -- Private in Company B, 10th Battalion
Georgia Infantry, May 13, 1862. Left command without
permission September 17, 1862. Enlisted as a private in
Company D, 64th Regiment Georgia Infantry, May 7, 1863.
Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 20, 1865.

Stripling, George W. -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Appointed Corporal. Captured at Richmond, Virginia, April 3,
1865. Released at Newport News, Virginia, June 25, 1865.

Suber, Emanuel H. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Wounded,
middle finger of left hand shot off at Deep Bottom,
Virginia, August 16, 1864. Unable to return to command.
Surrendered at Tallahassee, Florida, May 10, 1865. Paroled
at Thomasville, Georgia, May 19, 1865. (Born in Newberry,
South Carolina, January 1832.)

Suber, Glenn -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered at
Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Sumner, D. S. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Sumner, James C. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Sumner, John C. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.
Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 23, 1865.

Sumner, John J. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Surrendered
at Appomattox, Virginia, April 9, 1865.

Sumner, Joseph L. -- Private in Company G, 4th Regiment
Georgia Infantry, July 9, 1861. Wounded, date and place not
given. Elected Jr. 2nd Lieutenant of Company D, 64th
Regiment Georgia Infantry, February 20, 1863;1st Lieutenant
March 10, 1863. Roll for October 1864, last on file, shows
him present. Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 19, 1865. Died
in Worth County, Georgia, July 15, 1908.

Sumner, Matthew -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured at
Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Died at Elmira, New
York, December 6, 1864. Buried in Grave Number 1028.

Sutton, John -- Private - August 4, 1863. Appears last on
roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Taylor, James J. -- Private - April 16, 1863. Appears last
on roll for July-August 1863, as present.

Tucker, Daniel -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Turner, William R. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Detailed
with Signal Corps May 18, 1863. Transferred to Company F in
1863. Captured at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 17, 1864.
Died at Point Lookout, Maryland, December 22, 1864.

Wade, G. M. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Rejected by Army

Walker, Hezekiah -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
July-August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Walker, Thomas -- Private - May 23, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. Not shown on subsequent
rolls. Paroled at Albany, Georgia, May 29, 1865.

Watson, Fred -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears without
remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Watson, Jamerson (or Jameson) -- Private - February 20,
1863. Appears without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.

Watson, John W. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.
Pension records show he lost sight in service in 1865, and
was at home on sick furlough at close of war. Paroled at
Albany, Georgia, May 18, 1865. (Born in Sumter County,
Georgia, September 15, 1844. Died in Worth County, Georgia,
February 20, 1922.)

Welch, Lawrence -- Private - June 15, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows he was in hospital since August 20, 1863.
No later record.

Wellons, William F. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Captured
at Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864. Died at Elmira New
York, February 8, 1865. Buried in Grave Number 1930.

Whiddon, William -- 2nd - Sergeant February 20, 1863. Roll
for July-August 1863, shows him absent, sick. No later

Wilkes, Solomon -- Private - May 28, 1863. Roll for July-
August 1863, shows him present. No later record.

Williams, Joel -- Private - August 4, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.

Williford, Joel -- Private - August 4, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.

Williford, Jordan -- Private - February 20, 1863.
Transferred to Company G, in 1863. Absent without leave July
1-August 31, 1863. Admitted to Ocmulgee Hospital, Macon,
Georgia, with paralysis, March 22, 1865.

Wilson, Franklin Warren -- Private - July 29, 1863. Captured
at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 16, 1864. Paroled at Fort
Delaware, Delaware, and exchanged at James River, March 10-
12, 1865. Sent home with chronic diarrhoea and died in Worth
County, Georgia, July 25, 1865.

Young, George W. M. -- Private - March 10, 1863. Elected
Brevet 2nd Lieutenant August 24, 1863. Wounded near
Petersburg, Virginia, August 2, 1864. Died the same day.

Young, Micajah P. -- Private - February 20, 1863. Roll for
September-October 1864, last on file, shows him present.

Young, Wesley -- Private - February 20, 1863. Appears
without remark on roll to March 31, 1863.