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CHATHAM COUNTY, GA - OBITS  1850 (Jan 1 to Dec 31)   Misc news (interments, obits, sexton's report)

Copyright.  All rights reserved.
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Candace Gravelle <> 

Death notices, funeral notices, legal notices and
newspaper notices of cemetery interments in  1850 in
Savannah (Chatham County) Georgia.  

These are extracted from  the
Savannah Newspaper Digest  from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 1850:

The dates indicated are the dates of the newspaper


Jan 15, 1850 - - The death of George Washington
Lafayette, son of General Lafayette, is announced by
letters from Paris.  He was during the stormiest days
of the first revolution, a member of the family of
General Washington, by whom he was formally adopted.

Jan 19, 1850 - - The Washington Globe says that  Com.
Connor died on Saturday morning 12th Inst. at Erie,PA.
By the death of Com. Connor his rank will devolve upon
Capt. Josiah Tattnall of this city, so recently
honored by the State and his fellow citizens of
Savanna for his meritorious services in the late
Mexican War.

Feb 11, 1850 - - Died in this city yesteray 10th
inst., at the residence of the Rev. S.J. Cassels,
Mrs. E.W. Marshall, in the 28th year of her age.  Her
remains will be taken to Columbia, S.C.

Feb 16, 1850 - - Mr. Theodore Minis, a respectable
merchant here, died at the residence of his father on
Orleans Square.  He leaves a wife and a large circle
of friends to mourn his early loss.

Feb 27, 1850 - - Died on board the steamer METAMORA,
whilst on her way to Charleston, on Wednesday the 13th
inst., Anais, second daughter of Edward G. and Anais
Wilson, aged 2 years, 6 months and 2 days.

Mar 4, 1850 - - A coroner's inquest was held yesterday
forenoon n the body of a negro man named Tom, property
of Mr. H.F. Willink. The verdict of the jury was that
his death was from unknown cause.

April 2, 1850 - - It is with deep sorrow that we
announce the death of Capt. John L. Swinney who was an
enterprising and successful merchant here.  He leaves
an interesting family to mourn his untimely loss.  He
was a native of Hancock County.

April 19, 1850 - - Died in New York, on the 31st Ult.,
of inflammation of the brain,  Anna G., youngest
daughter of Rev. Edward and Jane E. Lathrop;  and in
Augusta on the 4th Inst. of scarlet fever, Charles E.,
only son of Charles E. and Mary Mustin;  also on the
14th inst., of scarlet fever, Frances J.,  eldest
daughter of J.J. and Mary J. Lathrop, grand children
of Mr. B. Lathrop of this city.

April 22, 1850 - - Died in this city of Erysipelas, on
Friday evening 22nd Ult.,   Mr. Thomas Wylly, son of
the late Col. Thomas Wylly, of Effingham County, aged
43 years.

April 30, 1850 - - We regret to announce the death of
Edward Wiley, Esq., which took place yesterday.  Mr.
Wiley at one time conducted a large merchantile
business here and was highly respected for his
integrity of character and unassuming deportment.
His remains will be interred this forenoon at 9 1/2
o'clock at Christ Church.

May 1, 1850 - - The friends of Joseph Dubignon, Esq.,
were yesterday surprized to learn of his death.  mr.
Dubignon had a wide circle of friends here who will
mourn his untimely death.  He was a member of the last
legislature of this state.

May 8, 1850 - - Died in Charleston, on the 6th inst.,
Columbus, son of Dr. C.C. Pritchard.

May 16, 1850 - - Died in this city on the 7th inst.,
Susan Elizabeth, aged 19 months and 9 days, youngest
child of Joseph W. and Eliza Webster.

July 11, 1850 - -We are indebted to Mr. Taylor,
operator in the telegraph office of this city for the
melancholy intelligence of the death of General
Taylor, who died in Washington City, on Tuesday night
July 9th.  A nation is made mourners in a single hour
and the boice of lamentation will go up for  Taylor
dead from the millions of freshmen who but yesterday
honored and revered him as the chief magistrate of the

July 27, 1850 - - Died in Baltimore on Monday evening
22nd instant, Mr. James Johnson in the 77th year of
his age, father of Mr. John R. Johnson of this city.

Aug 12, 1850 - - Died in New York, on Tuesday 6th
Inst., after a long illness, Samuel D. Corbitt, late
of Savannah, Geo., in the 47th year of his age.

Aug 22, 1850 - - A seaman named Christopher Spencer,
aged 22 years, one of the crew of the schooner SEA
GULL, died yesterday noon on board of that vessel.  An
inquest was held on his body.  Verdict, visitation of

Aug 23, 1850 - - Eliza Moony, died suddently
yesterday. The result of the inquest was that she came
to her death "by a visitiation from God."

Sept 13, 1850 - - The Schooner HENRY - - Capt.
Northrop C. Hawley of Baltimore, put into Tysee on the
6th Inst., in consequence of the sickness of all
aboard.  Captain Hawley was brought to this city and
died yesterday morning.  The flags were displayed at
half mast in token of respect to his memory.

Sept 14, 1850 - - George Reas, Esq., died at the
Pulask House last evening at 8 o'clock.

Sept 24, 1850 - - An inquest was held at the Guard
House on the body of James Rowan.  The jury returned
the verdict that he died from cause unknown to them.

Oct 22, 1850 - - Died in this city on the 21st Inst.,
Andrew Flinn Bennett, formerly of Charleston, S.C.
after a painful illness of some weeks.  He has left an
affectionate wife and three interesting children to
mourn his loss.

Oct 26, 1850 - - Died in Newfane, Windham County, VT.,
on the 13th inst.,  Mrs. Mary P. Hall.  On the 31st
August,  Miss Sarah Louisa Hall.  Also on the 8th
October,  Mr. Ephraim Hall Jr., Father, Mother and
Sister of  C.A. Hall.

Nov 1, 1850 - - Died in Macon on Wednesday, 23rd
inst., in the 67th year of his age,  Mark D. Clarke,
Esq., a native of Savannah.

Nov 6, 1850 - - Died in this city on the 31st Ult.,
Miss Georgia Ann Starr Yokum, aged 16 years and 6
months, eldest daughter of James Yokum.

Dec 16, 1850 - - Mrs. Cohen, wife of Rev. A.D. Cohen,
arrived in Savannah a few days since on a visit to her
relatives, bringing with her, her three children.
Shortly after their arrival here the three children
were attacked with a disease of the throat from which
they died.

Dec 28, 1850 - - Died in this city on the 11th  inst.,
in full assurance of faith and trust in her divine
redeemer,  Mrs. Isabella Gilbert, aged 57 years.

DISEASES - -  May 7, 1850 - -  The editor of the
Augusta Constitution says that Scarlet fever has taken
a wider range in that city and that there are no signs
of abatement.  In the course of his article the editor
alludes to the report that scarlet fever and
erysipelas, the latter of a malignant type, is
prevailing in Savannah.

FIGHTS and DUELS - - Oct 28, 1850 - - On Sunday
morning, Oct 27th, between three and four o'clock,
James Oliver the keeper of the Phoenix Saloon stabbed
Michael Bourk.  The wound is a very dangerous one and
it is feared Mr. Bourk cannot survive.


Jan 21, 1850 - - The funeral of Mr. T.T. Wilnot was
attended with military honors by the Chatham Artillery
of which he was a hightly respected member.

Jan 26, 1850 - -The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac D. LaRoche and family are invited to
atttend the funeral of their son, Isaac, from their
residence No. 25 East Harris Street, Pulaski Square,
this day at 4  o'clock P.M.

Feb 2, 1850 - - Died in this city, on Wednesday the
9th of January 1850,  Mr. William L. Baker in the 29th
year of his age.  The deceased has been for eight
years a professor of religion and sustained by the
principles and hopes of the Gospel, he beheld the
sudden approach of death without terror.  He was
remarkable for his conscientious regard for right, for
his steady habits and his decision and firmness of
character.  In his last illness he showed great
patience and fortitude under the dreaded sufferings
and expressed submissiveness to the will of God.

Feb 7, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of  Mr.
Francis Centrez and of Mr. Nicholas Hernandez are
respectively invited to atttend the funeral of the
former this afternoon  at 3 1/2 o'clock from his late
residence, South Borad Street, opposite St. John's

Feb 26, 1850 - - Died in Bryan County on Friday last
(Feb 22), Mrs. Latitia, wife of Dr. Lewis T. Turner.
In the death of this estimable lady a large circle of
relatives and friends will sincerely sympathise in the
affliction which has befallen her husband and
children. Mrs. Turner had many acquaintances in our
community and her sudden death has cast a gloom over
her friends who but a week ago, enjoyed her society in
this City.

Mar 2, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of James
Halligan and family are invited to attend his funeral
this afternoon, from his late residence, corner of
Montgomery and Bay streets.

Mar 2, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of  W.
Barnett, Levi B. Russell and P.M. Russell are
respectively invited to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Silem ? Barnett, from 191 Congress and Jefferson
Streets, tomorrow (Sunday) at half past 12 o'clock

Mar 6, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Alexander Wilson, Edward G. WIlson and Jas. W. Wilson,
are requested to attend the funeral of the former,
from his late residence, corner of Bay Lane and
Jefferson Street, at 3 o'clock P.M. this day.

Mar 6, 1850 - - Died, in this city, on Friday last,
(Mar 1 )  Miss Julia A. Campbell, aged 30 years.  She
was beloved by all who knew her, one whose path
through life was exemplary, a sincere Christian and a
devoted friend, and who in all the relations of life
gave assurance that her spirit has passed to that
bourn where the righteous enjoy eternal life.

Mar 7, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Miss
Marie A. Underwood and Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Crane are
invited to attend the funeral of the former, from the
residence of the latter, 180 Broughton Street at half
past three o'clock this afternoon.

Mar 8, 1850 - -The friends and acquaintances of D.
Moses Sheftall,  Mr. Isaac  Cohen, Mr. L. Solomons and
their friends are invited to attend the funeral of the
former, from his late residence, Broughton Street,
this afternoon at half past 3 o'clock.

Mar 8, 1850 - - Our citizens will regret to learn that
Dr. Moses Sheftall of this city, died in Charleston
yesterday.  There are few men in our community better
known, and there are none who possessed warmer
sympathies or more generous feelings.  At the bed of
the sick or afflicted, he was ever ready to lend his

Mar 26, 1850 - - Died at the residence of his father
of comsumption,  John T. Crawford, aged 25 years.  The
deceased possessed in an eminent degree, those
qualities which endear one to our hearts, a kind and
generous friend, obedient and loving son, a faithful
and affectionate father and husband.  He has left a
void which no earthly object can ever fill.

Mar 28, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. E. O'Sullivan are requested to attend
the funeral of the latter from the residence of Mary
Sullivan, 110 Bryan Street, this morning at 10

Apr 2, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. J.L. Swinny are invited to attend the funeral
of the former, from his late residence, Pualaski
Square, this afternoon at 4 1/2 o'clock.

Apr 2, 1850 - - Our community was startled yesterday
by  the melancholy intelligence of the death in
Washington of John C. Calhoun.  In the death of
Calhoun, the Senate has lost one of its brightest
ornaments, the nation one of its purest Statesman, and
the world one of its most gifted intellects that ever
adorned humanity.  But it is not for us to eulogize
the great and good men whose fame is written in
history of his  age and of perpetual honor and
grateful admiration.  It is enough to say John C.
Calhoun has fallen.

Apr 15, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of the
late Mr. P.B. Pendergast and family are invited to
attend his funeral from  his residence in Warren Ward,
this morning at 9 o'clock.

Apr 22, 1850 - -The friends and acquaintances of Dr.
and Mrs. Arnold are invited to attend the funeral
services of the latter at their residence, corner of
State and Abercorn streets this afternoon at 4 o'clock
Monday April 22nd.  The  remains will be conveyed to
the Evergreen Cemetery at Bonaventure for interment.

Apr 27, 1850 - - This imperfect tribute is laid, by a
friend, upon the grave but recently closed, of Mrs.
Margaret B. Arnold, wife of Dr. Richard D. Arnold.
The portals of the tomb have terrors to those who have
need this world as if it were their abiding place
forever.  But to the humble Christian, rejoicing in
the promise of a merciful Saviour, whose portals
disclose only a pathway to eternal life. The deceased
was graced with all those lovely and matronly virtues
and accomplishments which adorn the true Christian
woman.  Her humility as a deciple of the Saviour of
sinful men was only equalled by that catholic charity
which ever refused to moan the faults of others.

Apr 30, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Edward Wiley and of Joseph George and family are
invited to attend the funeral of the former.

May 8, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of J.W.
Webster and family are invited to attend the funeral
of their youngest child Susan Elizabeth, from their
residence in Broughton Street, next door to Mr. John
Savage's, this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

May 17, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Mrs. Elizabeth  Legriel and those of Mrs. O. Legriel
and family are respectfully invited to attend the
funeral of the former from the residence of the latter
in Libery Street, this morning at 10 o'clock.

May 25, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of  Mr.
Moses Eastman and Mrs. Eliza Eastman are invited to
attend the funeral of the former, this afternoon at 5
o'clock from the residence of Mrs. Platt.

May 25, 1850 - - Mr. Moses Eastman, who died yesterday
morning, had conducted a large and successful business
here for many years.  Upright in his dealings, warm in
his friendships an ardent in is affections, he has
left a cherished wife and many admiring friends to
deplore his untimely death.  One of his last acts of
his life was to contract for the erection of a church
on Oglethorpe Square, to be presented to the Religious
Society of which he was a member.  His magnificent
design will not be frustrated by his death.

May 25, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Philip Riely and family and of Mr. Michael J. Riely ar
respectively invited to attend the funeral of the
former, from his late  residence on St. James Square
this afternoon at 5 1/2 o'clock.

May 25, 1850 - - Mr. Philip Reilly, a highly respected
merchant of our city, has been in delicate health for
some months but was able to transact business till
within a few days past.  Mr. Reilly died at his
residence yesterday. He enjoyed the respect and esteem
of all who knew him as a man of spotless integrity and
amiable disposition.  His memory will long be

July 4, 1850 - - Capt. Jos. P. Dent died at his
residence yesterday noon. He was a Branch Pilot and
connected in that capacity with the shipping of our
port since 1819.  Capt. Dent was a man highly
respected for integrity of character.

July 23, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
James Frew and family are respectively invited to
attend his funeral this morning at 10 o'clock from his
late residence in Broughton street, west of West Broad
Street.  The members of St. Andrew's Society are
respectfully invited to attend.

Aug 7, 1850 - - The friends of Mrs. Worthington and
family,  W. Smith and John Thompson, are invited to
attend the funeral of the former from her residence in
Broughton Street, this morning at 10 o'clock.

Aug 12, 1850 - - Died at his residence, Golden Grove,
Greenville Dist., S.C.,  on the 31st ult.,  Dr. Wm.
Poor in his 70th year of his age.  He practiced physic
in Savannah at one period of his life with eminent
success for fifteen years.

Aug 22, 1850 - - The relatives and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. H.W. Smith and of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Godfrey
are respectively invited to attend the funeral service
of Seagrove Morel, the youngest son of the former, at
their resdience, Montgomery Street, Currytown, at 5
o'clock this afternoon.

Aug 24, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
John O'Brien are invited to attend his funeral this
morning (Saturday) at 10 o'clock from his residence,
corner of Bryan and Habersham streets.

Sept 14, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Thos. Folliard and family and of his brother Mr. Wm.
Folliard are respectively invited to atttend the
funeral of the former, from his late residence on Bay
Street, this afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Sept 19, 1850 - - Departed this life on the evening of
the 11th of July in Pulaski County, Georgia in her
44th year,  Mrs. Frances Elizabeth, consort of Thomas
R. Sandiford, and daughter of Henry Wilson Williams,
of Savannah, Georgia.

Sept 20, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hamlet and of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones ar
respectively invited to attend the funeral of her only
son, Francis Adrian Jones, from the residence of the
former, 81 Montgomery Street, this morning at 10

Sept 23, 1850 - - We regret to announce that Dominick
O'Bryne, Esq., died at his residence on Sept 21st.
Mr. O'Bryne has been a resident of Savannah for
upwards of forty years, and has always maintained a
high character as a worthy citizen and an upright man.
He has frequently served the city in the capacity of
alderman and was a member of the present board.  His
funeral took place yesterday afternoon and was
attended by the city officers, the Hibernian Society
and a large concourse of citizens.

Sept 26, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. James Withington and Mr. James Folker and
family and Captain Lighbourne and family are
respectively invited to attend the funeral of  Mrs.
Withington, from the residence of the former, No. 17
Broughton street, next to Captain Stevenson's, this
morning at ten o'clock without further invitation.

Sept 28, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Mathew G.D. Pridgeon are respectfully invited
to attend the funeral of the former from his residence
No. 138 South Broad Street, this afternoon at 4

Sept 30, 1850 - - Died in Lafayette, New Orleans, on
Monday afternoon the 23rd inst., at half past 6
o'clock suddenly, Mr. James D. Timmons, a native of
Savannah, Georgia.  The deceased was well known to
this city where he has relatives living.

Oct 1, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. A. Ash and Mr. and Mrs. Benjanin
Grovensteine are respectively invited to attend the
funeral of the latter from the home of the former, No.
86 Broughton Street this morning at 10 o'clock.

Oct 5, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Henry D. Bilbo and family are invited to attend his
funeral from his residence east of the burial ground,
this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Oct 18, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Russell are particularly invited to
attend the funeral of their only son this afternoon at
3 o'clock, from their residence in the extreme end of
Curry Town without further notice.

Oct 19, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Hogan and of Mr. William Burke are
respectively invited to attend the funeral of the
child of the former, from their residence, corner of
Broughton and East Broad streets this morning at 10

Oct 26, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Godfrey and family are respectively
invited to attend the funeral of their daughter,
Elizabeth Pritchard, from their residence, in
Jefferson Street, this evening at 5 o'clock.

Oct 28, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mrs.
Mary Kelly and William Haguin Kelly are invited to
attend the funeral of the former fromt he residence of
the latter, No. 63 State Street at 4 o'clock this

Oct 29, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mrs.
Catherine Pent and Mr. Peter Pent are invited to
attend the funeral of the former, from the residence
of the latter at the corner or Bay and Montgomery
streets this arternoon at 4 o'clock.

Oct 30, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel H.Morrell and of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mott are respectively invited to attend the funeral of
the latter at the residence of the former, No. 30
Joachim street this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Nov 2, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Captain Peter Schick and of Robert M. Charlton are
invited to attend the funeral of the former from the
residence of the latter this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Nov 2, 1850 - - Our readers will regret to learn of
the death of Capt. Peter Schick.  Capt. Schick's three
score years and ten have passed; and he goes not with
the respect and heartfelt regrets of the community.

Nov 5, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mrs.
John Cunningham, Sen., and of the family are
respectfully invited to atttend her funeral from their
residence, State Street, St. James Square this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Nov 11, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Quinn are respecfully invited to
attend the funeral of their son John at 4 o'clock this
afternoon from No. 47 Bay Street without further

Nov 12, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
William C. Ryan are respectfully invited to attend the
funeral of his wife Margaret Maria Ryan at his
residence, corner of Harris and West Broad Streets,
this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Nov 14, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Jas.
M. Bates of N. Nungazar and of Edward Walsh are
respectfully invited to attend the funeral service of
the former from the residence of the latter, corner of
Broughton and Montgomery streets this morning at 10

Nov 16, 1850 - - Died at Marietta, Georgia on the 30th
October,  Mrs. Ann Mongin, age 72 years, widow of the
late  John David Mongin, Esq.   This estimable lady
was a member of the Baptist Church in this city for
more than a quarter of a century.  Her life was a
happy illustration of the religion of Christ.  Her
remains were brought to this city for interment at
Bonaventure.  "Blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord from henceforth." 

Nov 23, 1850 - -  The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Godfrey and family are requested to
attend the funeral of their eldest daughter Mary
Poroker at their residence, 52 Liberty Street, this
morning at 11 o'clock.

Nov 23, 1850 - - Died in this city after a long and
painful illness,  Serg't  Thomas S. Gardner, U.S.A.
The deceased served in all the Florida and Mexican
difficulties and was wounded at the storming of
Chapultepec, which seated his disease.

Nov 26, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
William W. Sims are invited to attend is funeral this
afternoon at 3 1/2 o'clock from the residence of
C.A.L. Lamar.

Nov 27, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
William O'Brien are invited to attend his funeral from
the corner of Williams and Ann Streets this afternoon
at 4 o'clock.

Nov 27, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Henry G. Oliver, William H. Bordley and John Lanour
are invited to attend the funeral of the latter from
Mrs. Oliver's, corner of Zulby and Gall Streets this
afternoon at half past 3 o'clock.

Nov 30, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of F.
Fink, M. Gerken and Captain Charles Johnson are
invited to attend the funeral of the latter from the
corner of Bryan and East Broad streets this morning at
9 o'clock.

Dec 2, 1850 - - We regret to announce the death of
Cap. Elijah Broughton who was between 70 and 80 years
of age.  He was the oldest branch pilot in the city
and for upward of 50 years was connected with the
pilotage of this  port.  The flags of the shipping in
port were at half mast yesterday in token of respect
to the deceased.

Dec 4, 1850 - -The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Peter and Margaret Ann Krauss are respectfully invited
to attend the funeral of their son, John Andrew
Krauss, from their residence in Montgomery street,
second house from the corner of York street, this
morning at 10 o'clock.

Dec 4, 1850 - - The funeral of Mr. Moses Holmes of
Baltimore, will take place this afternoon at half past
three o'clock from the Pulaski House. Masons of good
standing are requested to attend.

Dec 14, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Isaac Bruner and family and of the Rev. A.D. Cohen are
invited to attend the funeral services of Wilkins and
James, sons of the latter, from the residence of the
former, this afternoon at 3 1/2 o'clock.

Dec 20, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of
Mrs. Mary Ann Sullivan, of her brother James Sullivan
and of her daughter Mary, are invited to attend the
funeral of the latter, from the residence of the
former, Bryan street, near Jeferson, this morning at 9

Dec 25, 1850 - - The friends and acquaintances of Mr.
Godfrey Bauer are respectfully invited to attend his
funeral from  his late residence on Thunderbolt Road
near Mr. B. Snider's place this afternoon at four

Dec 27, 1850 - - The relatives of Godfrey Bauer cannot
refrain from returning their sincere thanks to the
numerous friends who attended  the remains of the
deceased to their final resting place and especially
express their gratitute to the DeKalb Riflemen for the
orderly and sympathetic tribute paid to their departed

Dec 30, 1850 - - Mr. James E. Spence, a Branch Pilot,
died last Friday Dec 27.  Mr. Spence was 28 years old
and leaves awife and two children.  He was the pilot
of the steamship FLORIDA.  The flags of the shipping
in port were at half mast on Saturday.  Yesterday he
was followed to the grave by members of the DeKalb
Lodge, I.O.O.F., to which association he belonged, and
by friends and relatives.


Feb 2, 1850 - - William Kurray was tried before
Supreme Court of this county on Thursday last (Jan 31)
for the killing of his father-in-law, Bernard Cinders
on the 5th May last, at Thunderbolt, and convicted of
voluntary manslaughter.

Feb 4, 1850 - - William Kurry who was convicted of
voluntary manslaughter, has been sentenced to three
years improsonment in the Penitentiary at

Dec 10, 1850 - - Early ysterday morning, James Gordon,
aged about 22 years was gound dead.  An inquest was
held and dthe jury returned the cerdict that they
believe the deceased was murdered by some unknown
person or persons.

Dec 10, 1850 - - Information having been received that
a murder was committed by unknown persons on the
person of James Gordon.  There,  I,  Richard Wayne (or
Hayne?) Mayor of Savannah,d o offer a reward of $200.
for the apprehension andlodgement in jail of the
murderer or murderers with proof to convict.


Feb 18, 1850 - - The Executors under the Will of the
late Mr. Andrew Low, apprise all parties indebted to
the firm of Andrew Low and Co., on the 31st august,
1849, that liquidation will be required prior to 1st
March, proximo.  Accounts then unadjusted will of
necccesity pass into the hands of their solicitors for
suit.  Andrew Low & Co.

April 3, 1850 - - All persons having claims against
the Estate of  Mrs. Rebecca Sandly, late of Chatham
County, deceased, will present them in terms of Law,
properly attested and all persons indebted to said
Estate, will make payment to me.  Emanual Sheftall,

May 6, 1850 - - All persons having demands against the
estate of Alexander Wilson, deceased, are particularly
requested to present them to me duly attested, on or
before the 10th instant, as I wish to make an
arrangement for the benefit of all parties.  James W.
Wilson, Tem., Adm'r

May 28, 1850 - - Four months after date, application
will be made to the Hnorable, the Justices of the
Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell the
Negroes belonging to the Orphans of the late Thomas
Askew, for the benefit of said Orphans.  John F.
Posey, Guardian.
May 23, 1850 - - B. Lathrop, Sexton, reports the following interments for the week ending May 21, inst.:
Eliza Legriel, 76, old age, resident.
Michael McAnnally, 28, afliction of liver, resident
May 30, 1850 - - Sexton's report of interments for the week ending May 28, 1850:
Wm. Queen, 19, abcess of stomach; Mass., non-resident
Margaret Lewis, 36, dropsy, Ireland; resident
Moses Eastman, sierrhus of the pancreas,  New Hampshire;   resident
Philip Reiley, 36, comsumption,  Ireland;  resident
June 6, 1850 - - Sexton's Report of Interments for the week ending June 4, 1850: 
May 29th - - Isaac Barnett, 1 year,  teething
May 30th - - Julia Sullivan, 30 yrs, death by lightening,  Ireland;  non-resident
June 1st - - Alfred Robinson, 29 years, drowned,  Nw York,  non-resident
June 3rd - - John Nagle, 32 years, consumption,  Germany,  non- resident
June 4th - - Ellen Jeremack, 3 mos., inflamation of bowels
June 13, 1850 - - Interments for the week ending June 11, 1850:
Pifinia Hernandez,  25 years, inflammation of brain;  St. Augustine;  non-resident
Pearla Russell,  62 yrs, tumor,  So. CA., Non-resident
Thomas Blount, 46 yrs, General Debility;  So. CA., non-resident
Mary Carlin, 9 yrs, dysentery, Savannah
June 20, 1850 - - Interments for week ending June 18, 1850:
Elinor Minis, 11 months, resident
Mary Williams, 62 years, non-resident
Mary Ann Delanny, 1 month, spasms, resident
June 27, 1850 - - interments for the week ending June 25, 1850:
Joseph Lewis, 26 years, non-resident
Margaret Cole, 8 months, inflammation of bowels, resident
Thomas B. Fulton, 3 months, inflam. brain, non-resident
Susan J. Patrick, 3 years, diarrhea, non-resident
July 4, 1850 - - Interments:
Mary Reilly, 3 months, convulsions; resident
Ellen Carney, 16 years, consumption, non-resident
Edward Mooney, 30 years, Dysentery, Resident
Eliza C. Durand, 2 years, water on the brain, non-resident
James E. Cotter, 5 months, spasms, resident
Charles G. Young, 3 years, inflammation of brain, resident
Adele Courrier, 3 years, consumption, resident
Catherine Lawrence, 30 years, bilious fever, resident
William R. Wilder, 4 months, whooping cough, resident
John Downs, 50 years, dysentery, non-resident
July 11, 1850 - - Interments:
Isabella H. Posey, 5 years, dysentery, resident
James T. Dent, 44 years, cholera morbus.
Bartholemew Flinn, 11 mos., teething, non-resident
Infant Sagurs, 4 days, infantine, resident
Mary Bourke, 34 years, inflammation bowels, resident
Louis Hickay, 6 days, spasms, non-resident
James McKale, 28 years, casualty, non-resident
Barklay Welsh, 3 years, ulcer of groin, non-resident
July 18, 1850 - - Interments
Catherine Ryan, 1 year, purpura haemorrhage, Savannah resident
Mary F. Bourke, 3 months, inflam. bowels, Savannah resident
Jacob Wolfe, 9 months, teething, non-resident
Mary Ehricks, 4 months, spasms, Savannah resident
James Frew, 45 years, heart failure, Scot., resident
Catherine Brady, 2 years, convulsions, Savannah resident
Aug 1, 1850 - - Interments
Ellen Peyton, 20 mos., teething, Savannah resident
Francis Taylor, 35 years, heart failure,  VA. resident
Catharine Hagarty, 4 years, fever,  Ireland, non-resident
Susan Hughs, 30 mos., croup, N.Y., non-resident
Mary Bennett, 40 years, dysentery, Ireland;   resident
Aug 8, 1850 - - Interments
Mary Nylan, 2 yrs, water on brain, Savannah resident
Bridget Curran, 37 years, inflammation of brain,  Ireland;  non-resident
Honora Sheehan, 43 years, inflammation of brain,  Ireland;  non-resident
Catherine Corle, 17 months, teething, Canada; non-resident
Mary Hickey, 32 years, inflam. of liver, Ireland;  non-resident
Morris Clark, 4 days, spasms, Savannah resident
Aug 15, 1850 - - Interments
Margaret C. Worthington,  45 years, chronic inflammation of bowels,  N.Y.;  resident
Nelson McLester, 45 years, chronic diarrhea,  N. Carolina;  non-resident
Ellen M .Hussey, 2 years, croup and inflam. of brain, Savannah resident
Clarence A. Inman, 2 years, chronic diarrhea, Savannah resident
Ellen Hughes, 1 year, teething, N.Y.;  non-resident
John Peabody, 22 years, intermittent fever,  England;  non-resident
Aug 22, 1850 - - Interments
Joseph H. Harn, 11 months, marasmus, Savannah resident
Margaret Hinley, 6 mos., water on brain, Savannah resident
Michael Reilly, 21 years, casualty,  Ireland;  resident
Wm. Gordon Ward, 4 years, Savannah resident
Dennis Courtney, 2 years, convulsions,  New York,  non-resident
Aug 29, 1850 - - Interments
Wm. Leonard, 4 years, worms, Savannah resident
Geo. W. Ham, 3 yeras, chronic dysentery, Savannah resident
Christopher Spencer, 22 years, visitation of God, Novia Scotia, non-resident
Thomas Lawson, 40 years, visitation of God, England, non-resident
Elizabeth Mooney, 28 years, visitation of God,  Ireland,  resident
Seagrove Smith, 19 mos., cholera infantum, Savannah resident
Thos. Harkness, 25 years, malignant remittent fever,  Scotland,  non- resident
John O'Brian, 29 years, congestive fever,  Ireland,  resident
Charles Mansfield, 4 days, infantine, Savannah resident
Joseph Clegg, 29 years, bilious fever;  England;  non-resident
Sept 5, 1850 - - Interments for week ending Sept 3, 1850:
Aug 26 - - Geo. Ubele, 6 days, infantine, Savannah resident
Aug 28 - - John W. Brooke, 26 years, suicide by hanging,  resident
Aug 30 - - Andrew _____, drowned
Sept 1 - - Andrew Martin, 19 years, inflammation of brain, Ireland,  non-resident
Sept 2 - - Elizabeth Dixon, 16 years, inflammation of brain;  Ireland,  non-resident
Sept 3 - - Robinson Thompson, 48 years, inflammation of brain,  ENgland;  non-resident
Sept 12, 1850 - - Savannah Board of Health, Sexton's Report of Interments for week ending Sept 10, 1850:
Sept 4 - - Jno. Brown, 26 years, inflammation of brain,  Denmark;  non-resident
Sept 4 - - David Sloan, 28 years, fever,  Scotland;  non-resident
Sept 4 - - Jas. Halligan, 6 mos., consumption;  Savannah resident
Sept 6 - - Thos. Hays, 4 1/2 years, fever;  New York.
Sept 7 - - Infant Higgins, 2 days, infantine, Savannah resident
Sept 10 - - Patrick Griffin, 26 years, congestive chills, Ireland
Sept 10 - - Ann Flood, 35 years,  fever,  Ireland;  non-resident
Sept 19, 1850 - - Sexton's Report for week ending Sept 17, 1850:
Sept 11 - - Thos. Crowley, 13 mos., teething, Savannah, non-resident
Sept 12 - - M.G. Hawley, 45 years, congestive fever, Conn.,  non-resident
Sept 12 - - Timothy Shean, 40 years, fever,  Ireland;  non-resident
Sept 13 - - Isabella Curry, 18 months, spasms, Savannah resident
Sept 14 - - Mary Wese, 25 years, dysentery, Tenn.,  non resident
Sept 14 - - George Reads, (or Reas? )  33 yrs, dysentery, N.Y., non-resident
Sept 14 - - Thos. Folliard, 37 years, inflammation of bowels, Ireland;  rsident
Sept 15 - - Nancy Storbuck, 22 years, fever, Unknown, non-resident
Sept 15 - - Anthony Kelly, 22 years, fever, Ireland, non-resident
Sept 16 - - Bridgett Doyle, 4 years, convulsions, Ireland,  non-resident
Sept 16 - - Ann Lewis, 4 1/2 years, fever,  England,  non-resident
Sept 26, 1850 - - sextion's Report for Week Ending Sept 24, 1850:
Winefred Conway, 1 month, spasms, Savannah resident
Mary Miller, 32 years, consumption,  GA,  non-resident
Ellen McGloin, 21 years, convulsions, Ireland,  non-resident
Frances A. Jones, 28 years, inflammation of bowels, Savannah resident
Elizabeth Keebler, 38 years, inflammation of stomach,  resident
Wm. Spellman, 3 1/2 years, consumption, Savannah resident
Peter Fortune, 36 years, Ireland, non-resident
Dominick O'Byrne, 57 years, consumption;  Ireland;  resident
John Blake, 65 years, congestive fever;  Ireland;  non-resident
James Rowan, 40 years, sudden death;  Ireland;  non-resident
Ann Foster,  56 years, abdominal abcess, Ireland;  resident
Oct 3, 1850 - - Sexton's Report:
Henrietta Hull, 18 years, fever, Germany;  non-resident
Thomas M'Innis, 18 years, brought to hospital in dying state;  Ireland;  non-resident
Eliza A. Withington, 24 years, inflammation of lungs and peritonitis,  Savannah Resident
Elizabeth M. Gale, 45 years, consumption;  Mass.,  non-resident
Louis Nonan,  30 years, Cramp in Stomach;  France;  Non-resident
Charles W. Karn, 9 days, infantine,  Savannah resident
Henry Cunningham, 35 years, congestive fever;  Ireland;  non-resident
Daniel Brown, 30 years, fever,  Engl.;  non-resident
M.L.D. Pridgeon, 29 years, affliction of liver, GA;  resident
Johanna Reich, 3 mos., infantine, Savannah resident
John Prendergast, 30 years, consumption;  Ireland;  non-resident
James Laidham, 43 years, fever,  N.Y.;  non-resident
Frances G. Cubbedge, 2 mos., infantine,  Savannah resident
John Ketin, 40 years, fever, Maine;  non-resident
Michael Nevin,  34 years, Heart Failure, Ireland;  non-resident
T.B. Collins, 60 years, diarrhea, N.J.,  non-resident
Judy Logan, 34 years, fever, Ireland;  resident
Cordelia P. Harvey, 9 mos., fever,  Savannah resident
Catherine Martin, 26 years, congestive fever, Ireland;  resident
Leo. Hartman, 17 years, congestive fever, Germany;  non-resident
Edward Hale, 35 years, brought to town in dying state,  Ireland;  non-resident
Martin Hagarty, 2 days, infantine, Savannah resident
Mary E. Grovensteine, 32 years, brought to town dead;  Savannah;  non-resident
Bridget Willis, 30 years, brought to hospital in dying state;  Ireland;  non-resident
James Clifford, 33 years,  abcess and diarrhea,  Ireland;  non-resident
OCT 10, 1850 - - SEXTON'S REPORT
Oct 2 - - William Quinlin, 29 yers, Casualty,  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 2 - - Patrick O'Rourk, 30 years, fever;  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 3 - - Mary C. Simonet,  82 years, old age,  St. Domingo;  resident
Oct 3 - - James O'Neil, 24 years, bilious fever,  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 3 - - Ann Whalen, 28 years, fever;  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 3 - - A. Mitchel,  35 years, fever,  Ireland; non-resident
Oct 3 - - William Roberts, 33 years, fever,  N.Y.;  P.H. and hospital
Oct 3 - - Ann A. O'Meara, 2 yrs., Inflam. Bowels,  Mass.;  P.H. and hospital
Oct 4 - - Mary Bunch, 25 yrs, fever;  Ireland;  P.H. and hospital
Oct 5 - - Henry L. Bilbo, 19 yrs., dysentery,  Savannah;  resident
Oct 6 - - Thomas E. Black, 3 weeks, infantine,  Savannah;  resident
Oct 8 - - Edward Davis, 45 years,  suicide;  N.Y.;  Savannah resident
Oct 17, 1850 - - Sexton's Report
Oct 11 - - Emily C. Trittan, 8 yrs, fever,  Charleston;  resident
Oct 11 - - Catharine Stewart, fever, 7 years, Pennsylvania; non-resident
Oct 11 - - James Whalen, 30 yrs., bilious fever,  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 11 - - Chas. Rabun, 28 yrs., rem't fever,  England;  non-resident
Oct 11 - - Michael Conohan, 35 yrs, dysentery,  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 13 - - Fred'k  W. Keiper,  11 mos., teething, Savannah resident
Oct 13 - - Michael Doran, 25 yrs, dysentery,  Ireland;  resident
Oct 14 - - Patrick Hogan, 30 yrs., fever, Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 15 - - Mary Middleton, 36 yrs., bilious fever, Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 15 - - James Mullen, 21 yrs, interm't fever, Boston;  non-resident
Oct 16 - - Anthony Bertran, 34 yrs., bilious fever, New Orleans;  non-resident
Oct 16 - - John Brown, 49 yrs, brought dead to town;  South Carolina;  non-resident - - Inquest.
Oct 17 - - Ann Dolan, 16 yrs., congestive bilious fever;  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 17 - - Margaret McGrath, 58 yrs., fever;  Ireland; non-resident
Oct 17 - - Frederick Schundat, 25 yrs., Prussia;  non-resident
Oct 18 - - Zachary Russell, 3 1/2 yrs., spasm, Savannah resident
Oct 19 - - William Hogan, 7 mos., infantine, non-resident
Oct 19 - - William Storsbuck, 6 yrs., bilious fever,  Florida;  non-resident
Oct 20 - - Mary ___, 15 yrs., fever, Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 21 - - John McMahon, 21 yrs., fever,  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 21 - - Andrew F. Bennett, 35 yrs., consumption;  South Carolina;  resident
Oct 31, 1850 - -Sexton's Report
Oct 23 - - James Connelly, 2 mos., spasms, Savannah resident
Oct 23 - - Mary Carroll, 21 yrs., consumption;  Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 25 - - Joseph Collins, 8 yrs., fever, France;  non-resident
Oct 25 - - William De Craig, 19 yrs., congestive fever,  Boston;  non-resident
Oct 26 - - Alice P. Dent, 10 days, spasms, Savannah resident
Oct 26 - - Elizabeth P. Godgrey, 2 yrs, Cholera, infantine, Savannah resident
Oct 27 - - Ann Wickman, 28 yrs., congestive fever, Ireland;  non-resident
Oct 28 - - Marie Ann Kelley, 53 yrs., diarrhea, South Carolina;   resident
Oct 28 - - Thomas McEntee, 1 month, infantine, Savannah;  non-resident
Oct 28 - - Elizabeth Nortin, 2 1/2 yrs., consumption, Savannah resident
Oct 28 - - Mary A. Smith, 50 yrs., fever;  Pennsylvania;  non-resident
Oct 29 - - Thomas Wall, 36 yrs., fever, Ireland;  resident
Oct 29 - -Catherine Pent, 66 yrs., inflammation of brain; France;  resident
Oct 29 - - John Norton, 13 mos., teething,  Savannah;  non- resident
Oct 29 - - John Timmons, 36 yrs, consumption;  Ireland;  non-resident