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Butts Co. GA      Will of  Samuel Ferguson Smith
Submitted by Betty M.

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     Will of Samuel Ferguson Smith
     Georgia, Butts Cty
     May 15, 1889
     Samuel Ferguson Smith being in an advanced stage of life but
     perfect in mind and memory and well knowing that it is appointed to
     all men to die and after death -the judgment do make and ordain
     this last will and testament .
     Item 1 I command myself to God, to his holy care and keeping, my
     body to decent burial.
     Item 2. I desire that all the just deaths that maybe against me at
     my deceased's the first paid.
     Item 3. I have already advanced one thousand dollars to each one of
     my children except my son John to whom I have advanced certain sums
     to pay his expenses in college, now in the event of my death before
     I advance the sum of $1,000 to him it is my will that my executor
     advance such sums to him as added to what I have advanced to him
     will make this sum of $1,000 and I will that my son A. B.Smith act
     as his guardian without giving bond.
     Item 4. I give and beat we to my beloved wife Arney Smith the land
     known as the James Crittenden place, containing 166 and one-half
     acres more or less. Also the parcel adjoining purchased of
     W.H.Smith Making in all about 200 a., Also two horses or mules of
     her selection.
     Also feed for the same for one year. Also one buggy, also one
     year's supply of provisions to be furnished by my executor if not
     on hand at the time of my death. Our reserve the right to the
     management of this land during my lifetime. It is my will and
     desire and my wife have a sufficiency of my household and kitchen
     furniture former comfort.
     Item 5. Will and bequeathed to my son S. J. Smith his notes and
     accounts to the amount of $2,600.00 dollars and one thousand
     dollars in money to be paid him by my executive on the third day of
     January 1890. Provided I do not live of to pay it to him myself ton
     also one small mule-U $100. It is my will and desire that way each
     got my children shall have received a sum equal to the amount
     bequeathed S.J. Smith. That way he may have an equal share in the
     remainder ,(If there be any left in my estate.
     Item 6. I will and bequeath to my children and grandchildren to
     wit. Wilson Smith, Sara Ann Etheridge,
     A.B. Smith, Washington H. Smith, R.V. Smith, S.K. Smith, Alice F.
     Smith, J.R. Smith, and to the four children of my deceased daughter
     Nancy J. Thompson. Viz Lillie May Thompson, W. A. Thompson, R.B.
     Thompson, and Nancy E. Thompson one share and to the eleven
     children of my son W. F. Smith viz Ella, Hattie, Seaborn, Parham,
     Mammie, Mellie, Gilliam, Laura, Alice, Maud, and Eidson, one share
     in the following described property viz. One plantation known as
     the King placed in Jasper County, containing 500 a. more or less
     also 40 acres adjoining the king place known as a part of the
     Wesley Williams place also the mills waterr power,public ferry,
     one-half interest in the cotton gin, 65 a. of land known as the
     mill site better known as Smith Mills in Jasper County. In case of
     sale of the Smith Mill property by W.F. Smith in conformity with a
     contract between W. F. Smith and myself then my heirs are to
     receive ten thousand dollars which I am to receive under said
     contract in lien of the said Smith mill property, also one parcel
     of land known as the T.R. Williams place in Jasper County
     containing 345 acres more or less. Also one place known as the Bob
     Allen place containing 138 a. more or less also one-half interest
     in the key mill and public ferryand 50 a. of land also 550 a. of
     land or less in Butts Cty known as the Brady place and parts of
     Price place also three-fourths interest in the mill and 10 a. of
     land known as the Smith Watkins Mill Property, also 113 a. of land
     in Butts Cty known as the Jones place. Also one lot of land #323 in
     the 5th district of Appling County, Georgia containing 490 acres
     more or less. It is my will and desire that my heirs as above name
     do take possession of the property desceribed in Itrem 6th of this
     will on Jan 1, 1890 and they are at liberty to dispose of it in
     anyway they think proper and to their best interest.
     It is my will that S.L. Thompson shall hold in trust the one share
     in my estate given to Lilly May. W.A. R.B. and Nancy E. Thompson
     and he shall use the rental or interest that may accrue from year
     to year in the proper maintance and Education of the said children
     during their minority, He may dispose of a part or all of said
     property for investment of same and all other acts as he may think
     to the best interest of said children. He is not required to give
     bond and is relieved from making annual returns. It is my desire
     that W. F. Smith shall hold in trust the one share in my estate
     given to Ella, Hattie Seaborn, Parham, Mamie, Millie, Lilliam,
     Laura, Alice, Maud, and Eidson Smith under the same concitions
     named for S. L. Thompson except that the said W.F. Smith trustee
     shall allow to my executors the sum of six hundrend dollars in the
     settlement of the share of his children for advance made to W.F.
     Smith for which I hold his receipt. I will and bequeath that my
     home place containing about 1200 acres together with my stock
     perishable property, money notes and accounts shall remain in my
     possession during my lifetime, and after my death my executors sell
     or divide the stock and perishable property as they may think the
     best interest of the Estate demands and the land named as my home
     place or any other that may reverty to my estate to be disposed of
     as my executors may think to the best interest of the estate.
     It is my will that my executors may make a perfect title to any of
     my property at private sale without advertising the same as
     required process of advrtising.
     Item 8
     It is my will and desire that my executor herein named act as
     Guardian for my son Washington H. Smith after my death with out
     bond. They shall take possession of his person and property and
     look to his comfort and in the event of his death without child or
     children his share of my estate to revert to and become a part of
     my estate.
     Item 9
     I will and desire that my son Wilson Smith, my son S.K. Smith and
     my son-in-law C. E. Etheridge act as Executors to this my last will
     and testament and that they shall have a reasonable compensation
     for their trouble. The above and foregoing six pages I acknowledge
     as my last will and testament and subscribe my name to it in
     presence of witnesses and request that they each sign in my
     presence as witnesses
     Interlined before signed
     Samuel F. Smith(SS)
     R.V. Smith
     H.D. Edwards
     William Moss