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BULLOCH COUNTY, GA - CEMETERY Lower Lotts Creek Baptist Church

Copyright.  All rights reserved.
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
JoAnn Hagans Harris  

To see photos and a nice format:

Lower Lotts Creek Baptist Church

Directions:  Southwest Bulloch County, Georgia, just
east of U.S 301 on the left side of Rt. 46.

This project was a labor of love that took approx. 1 &
½ years to complete as it was done by hand and many
hours of transcription.  It is as accurate as humanly
possible.  This work is dedicated to my parents:
Solomon & Joyce Jarriel Hagans, whom are buried in
Lower Lotts Creek Cemetery.  My husband, James C.
Harris assisted me with this project.

Last  Name First Name                      D o B      D o D     Comment

Akerman    John       T.                   9.17.1935  8.16.1938
Akerman    Sallie     Atwood               5.25.1899  5.25.1992
Akerman    William    James                4.13.1896  10.1.1973
Akins      Anne       E.         Kennedy   6.24.1894  6.15.1957 W/O James Lester Akins
Akins      Bula       Adel                 8.18.1900  9.7.1900
Akins      Caroline                        5.9.1838   12.13.1870
Akins      Edwin      Parker               8.22.1938  2.1.1996
Akins      Effie      Kennedy              12.23.1889 4.17.1968 W/O Virgil L. Akins
Akins      Eva        Lee        Moore     12.24.1907 4.15.1970
Akins      Frank      N.                   3.27.1853  11.25.1933H/O Netter W. Akins
Akins      Harold     E.                   9.27.1923  9.29.1967
Akins      Henry      Brooks               7.9.1877   2.16.1957 H/O Sarah Sweet Williams Akins
Akins      Henry      Jasper               4.29.1878  4.30.1963 H/O Ruth Holloway Akins
Akins      Henry      Erastus              11.24.1907 12.17.1996
Akins      Infant     Son                       1927            Son of Mr & Mrs. H.L. Akins
Akins      Infant     Son                  1.8.1908   1.8.1908  Son of J.D. & Katie Akins
Akins      James      Lester               8.23.1890  1.20.1971 H/O Anne E. Kennedy Akins
Akins      John       Daniel               12.11.1882 7.2.1955  H/O Katie Lanier Akins
Akins      John       Willis               11.23.1921 7.3.1939
Akins      Katie      Lanier               10.2.1891  8.27.1980 W/O John Daniel Akins
Akins      Leila      Kennedy              5.11.1897  4.3.1982
Akins      Naomi      LaFaye               10.22.1939 12.11.1998
Akins      Nathan                          8.11.1879  9.5.1882
Akins      Netter     W.                   9.19.1859  11.2.1928 W/O Frank N. Akins
Akins      Ruth       Holloway             2.22.1879  4.19.1956 W/O Henry Jasper Akins
Akins      Ruth                            1.19.1911  8.1.1911  Dau. Of H.J. & Ruth Akins
Akins      Sarah      "Sweet Williams"     7.3.1880   2.9.1969  W/O Henry Brooks Akins
Akins      Virgil     L.                   7.28.1883  10.19.1957H/O Effie Kennedy Akins
Akins      W.         Barnie               10.10.1902 2.5.1916
Akins                                                           3 Graves around Bula Adel Akins, 1 on the left, 2 on the right
Alderman   David                           10.16.1821 10.12.1887
Alderman   E.         M.                   11.26.1855 10.1.1880
Alderman   James      B.                   9.24.1859  12.8.1881
Alderman   Lavenia                         6.26.1840  8.28.1877
Alderman   Lily       E.                   9.21.1873  ?.?.1878
Alderman   Louise                          4.10.1841  1.2.1871
Alderman   Mary                            10.20.1821 5.18.1862
Allen      Adult                                                Adult below Zada Tucker Allen
Allen      Elvera     Ellis                8.25.1909  4.20.1998
Allen      Harry      F.                   9.21.1895  6.21.1961 H/O Lenora Lee Tillman Allen
Allen      Hudson     E.                   12.12.1893 10.8.1980 PFC U.S. Army WW 1, H/O Mary Lee Williams Allen
Allen      James      Bruce                9.6.1940
Allen      Lenora     Lee        Tillman   8.28.1888  4.16.1982 W/O Scott Tillman & Harry F. Allen
Allen      Levy                            11.8.1905  2.26.1985
Allen      Mary       Lee        Williams  9.7.1895   10.19.1995W/O Hudson E. Allen
Allen      Zada       Tucker               4.28.1910  10.19.1937
Anderson   Audrey     Lanier               1.15.1917
Anderson   Bennie                          3.20.1889  7.15.1889
Anderson   Beulah     Harliss              1.2.1886   4.23.1969 W/O John Daniel Anderson
Anderson   Buddy                           1.21.1937  9.26.1941
Anderson   Charles    Morgan               12.12.1874 7.10.1962 H/O Georgie Levina Anderson
Anderson   Charlie    Oscar                4.5.1881   5.7.1949  H/O Lila Mae Martin Anderson
Anderson   Charlie    J.                   3.4.1919   5.26.1959
Anderson   Child                                                Child to the right of Bennie Anderson
Anderson   Clayton    Cecil                6.11.1906  10.30.1994
Anderson   Clinton    Elwood               9.14.1923  8.29.2000
Anderson   Clisty     May                  3.19.1919  9.9.1920  D/O Lawson & Ida Anderson
Anderson   Coley      O.                   5.6.1906   3.10.1977
Anderson   Coy        Sullivan             8.18.1887  11.12.1918
Anderson   Della      Anderson   NeSmith   11.21.1889 9.13.1968
Anderson   Frances    E.         Akins     2.3.1910   1.16.2002
Anderson   Frank      Hart                 3.17.1889  3.18.1953
Anderson   Georgie    Levina               2.1.1879   5.14.1957 W/O Charles Morgan Anderson
Anderson   Harry      H.                   11.7.1911  10.28.1928
Anderson   Henry      Elvin                11.25.1922 11.29.1984H/O Ruth H. Anderson
Anderson   Ida        NeSmith              12.20.1889 10.10.1962W/O John Lawson Anderson m. 12.22.1907
Anderson   India      McElveen             4.26.1893  4.4.1991  W/O Ivy Anderson
Anderson   Infant     Daughter             4.27.1924  4.28.1924 D/O Charlie O. & Lila Mae Anderson
Anderson   Isabelle                        8.23.1900  12.25.1903
Anderson   Ivy                             11.30.1892 6.2.1962  H/O India McElveen Anderson
Anderson   J.         Audrey                    1912       1939
Anderson   J.         J.         E.        8.27.1870  12.4.1940 H/O Janie Williams Anderson
Anderson   J.         Carl                 7.11.1886  1.8.1926
Anderson   J.         E.                   10.4.1856  12.31.1899H/O J.E. Anderson
Anderson   James      Sr.                       1910       1995
Anderson   James      Winkler              1.8.1884   6.28.1957 H/O Minnie N. Anderson
Anderson   James      Marvin               3.17.1907  8.11.1978
Anderson   James      Lawton               3.7.1871   5.19.1919 H/O Stella Rimes Anderson
Anderson   James      Lynwood              11.21.1921 3.24.1922
Anderson   Jane       Williams             10.18.1879 6.30.1970 W/O J.J.E. Anderson
Anderson   Janie      Holland              4.7.1900   2.6.1933  W/O O.C. Anderson
Anderson   John       Lawson               1.3.1879   11.20.1964H/O Ida NeSmith Anderson m. 12.22.1907
Anderson   John                            9.14.1845  10.31.1925CSA, H/O Sarah Lester Anderson
Anderson   John       Wilton     Sr.       1.24.1913  11.30.1993H/O Mary Evelyn W. Anderson
Anderson   John       Wilton     Jr.       6.20.1965  6.28.1986
Anderson   John       Daniel               10.17.1872 12.12.1934H/O Beulah Harliss Anderson
Anderson   Julian     Theus                2.10.1904  1.18.1930
Anderson   Lila       Mae        Martin    4.13.1885  1.16.1959
Anderson   Lillian                         11.16.1901 8.5.1902
Anderson   Lonnie     A.                   11.4.1885  1.18.1943
Anderson   Lonnie     Reginald             3.27.1917  1.13.1992
Anderson   Lucy                            11.2.1851  8.16.1930 W/O J.E. Anderson
Anderson   Margaret   Collins              7.27.1947  1.7.1994
Anderson   Mary       Jane                 8.10.1889  8.12.1971
Anderson   Mary       Arlene               12.16.1946 7.3.1955
Anderson   Mary       Alma       Brunson   11.5.1904  12.24.1999
Anderson   Mary       Evelyn     Williams  10.2.1913            W/O John "Bill" Wilton Anderson
Anderson   Minnie     Nevil                7.29.1890  11.7.1971 W/O James Winkler Anderson
Anderson   Myrtle                          11.25.1909 8.6.1968
Anderson   Nona       Kennedy              2.3.1890   9.28.1973 D/O Lytha Lanier Kennedy
Anderson   Norma      E.                   11.3.1890  3.20.1916
Anderson   O.         C.                   11.4.1900  12.13.1961H/O Janie Holland Anderson & Ruby Wynn Anderson
Anderson   Pennon     W.                   8.10.1935  10.2.1944
Anderson   Perry      Lee                  5.6.1888   4.4.1969
Anderson   Robert     Cleveland            4.6.1883   4.9.1953
Anderson   Robert     F.                   8.15.1910  12.20.1966
Anderson   Ruby       Wynn                 10.17.1902 7.28.1952 W/O O.C. Anderson
Anderson   Ruth       Proctor              12.29.1890 3.17.1970
Anderson   Ruth       H.                   10.20.1919           W/O Henry Elvin Anderson
Anderson   Sarah      Lester               11.29.1851 11.30.1926W/O John Anderson
Anderson   Sewell     M.                   3.6.1913   10.1.1951
Anderson   Stella     Rimes                5.29.1883  12.25.1945W/O James Lawton Anderson
Anderson   Winnie     Nevil                7.29.1890  11.7.1971
Arledge    Adults                                               2 Adults to the left of Betty Carolyn Arledge
Arledge    Alma       McElveen             6.20.1899  8.24.1937 W/O Clifford Seymour Arledge
Arledge    Betty      Carolyn                   1945       1945
Arledge    Clifford   Seymore              8.29.1899  7.14.1953 H/O Alma McElveen Arledge
Arledge    Harold     P.                        1925       1967
Arledge    Harry      Clayton                   1927       1980 BTFN U.S. Navy WW II
Atwood     Adult                                                Adult to the left of Lucy Riggs Atwood
Atwood     Della      C.                   2.27.1908  7.5.1991
Atwood     Jimmie                          1.27.1908  1.25.1987
Atwood     Lucy       Riggs                7.28.1874  11.19.1943
B          L          W                                         Med. Headstone w/these initials & w/a sm. Footstone near Zada tucker Allen
Banks      Hilton     Lee                  1.17.1912  6.10.1988
Banks      Jonah      A.                   11.29.1883 7.20.1956
Banks      Pauline    Moore                1.16.1912  6.4.1995
Banks      Zada       Anderson             1.20.1889  12.9.1959
Barker     Bennie                               1933       1981
Barker     Cammie     B.                   8.6.1893   1.14.1968
Barker     Charlie    Henry                2.4.1924   11.11.1980
Barker     Eva        Donaldson            5.26.1912  4.25.1988
Barker     Lottie     S.                        1892       1972
Bauman     David      Allen                1.1.1957
Bauman     Leslie     Kim        Oglesby   9.9.1958   10.9.1995
Beasley    Cecil      Jack                 8.14.1914  9.21.1995
Beasley    Willie     Myrtle     N.        12.13.1919 9.12.1995
Beaty      Clarence   Otis                 7.8.1933   5.3.1955
Beaty      Elvis      Archie               2.4.1892   4.28.1976
Beaty      Lillie     Hagan                3.4.1892   11.26.1954
Beaty      Ola        Baker                10.14.1926
Bennett    Bennett    J.                   4.13.1866  12.5.1916 H/O Minnie Bennett
Bennett    Charlie    Parker               2.28.1900  6.27.1951
Bennett    Inman      Archie               7.22.1895  2.22.1937
Bennett    James      Randall                   1893  2.?.1923  H/O Mattie B. Bird Bennett
Bennett    Lottie     P.                   12.3.1906  4.15.2002 W/O Walter H. Bennett
Bennett    Mattie     B.         Bird      2.16.1892  3.27.1939 W/O James Randall Bennett
Bennett    Mimie                                1870       1948 W/O B.J. Bennett
Bennett    Myrtle     Powell               6.1.1898   7.23.1981
Bennett    Walter     H.                   10.28.1895 7.28.1952 H/O Lottie P. Bennett
Berrough   Margaret   Elizabeth            11.18.1844 8.29.1902
Berrough   Margaret   Elizabeth            11.18.1844 8.29.1902
Bird       Ila        Lee                  1.7.1900   11.12.1982
Bird       Lucy       Ann                  7.29.1835  5.26.1915
Bird       Mattie     Bennett              2.16.1892  3.27.1939
Bird       Quinton                         2.27.1883  2.7.1975
Bird       William                              1826       1896 CSA
Blackburn  Betty      Lee        Gillis    5.17.1927  4.27.1991 W/O James Cleveland Blackburn
Blackburn  James      Cleveland            11.5.1928  4.25.1997 U.S. Army WW II, H/O Betty Lee Gillis Blackburn
Blackburn  Ruthie     Tucker               3.14.1903  2.18.1943 W/O Hersey Blackburn
Blackburn  William    Hersey               9.30.1897  4.19.1971 H/O Ruthie Tucker Blackburn
Blackburn  William    B.                   3.3.1929   2.4.1973  S. SGT. U.S. Air Force
Bland      Alice      Driggers                  1908       1965
Bland      Daniel                               1817  1.10.1880
Bland      Jincy                           9.11.1821  2.19.1905
Bland      Margaret   E.         Kennedy   5.25.1879  6.27.1959 W/O Wm. Bird Bland
Bland      Newton                               1865  ?
Bland      William    Bird                 7.15.1868  7.22.1945 H/O Margaret E. Kennedy Bland
Boswell    Boyd       E.                        1907       1944
Bowen      Annie      Eliza      Simms     5.27.1878  11.3.1928 W/O George W. Bowen
Bowen      Barney     J.                   3.23.1895  8.5.1895
Bowen      Bennie     H.                   1.3.1899   5.28.1962 S/O John B. & Eliza T. Bowen
Bowen      Bobby                           3.10.1929  6.2.1986  S/O Rowe Dolphus & Ora DeLoach Bowen
Bowen      Charley    C.                   9.4.1883   5.24.1885
Bowen      Child                                                Child above John E. Bowen
Bowen      Cornelia   Mikell               3.8.1868   9.21.1920 W/O Moses Jackson Bowen
Bowen      Debbie     Spence               6.26.1911  2.20.1935
Bowen      Eliza      T.                        1882       1953 W/O Elder John B. Bowen
Bowen      Fannie     M.         Jones     5.22.1876  3.19.1944 W/O John Edwin Bowen
Bowen      Fleta                           1.11.1911  7.8.1980  D/O John B. & Eliza T. Bowen
Bowen      George     W.                   7.29.1876  8.14.1925 H/O Annie Eliza Sims Bowen
Bowen      Homer                           1.16.1908  6.28.1911 S/O G.W. & Eliza Bowen
Bowen      Infant     Daughter             1.3.1931   1.3.1931  D/O Mr. & Mrs. B.H. Bowen
Bowen      Infant     Daughter                                  Left of Inf. Dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. B.H. Bowen
Bowen      Infant     Son                  4.30.1905  5.30.1905
Bowen      Infant     Daughter             3.15.1899
Bowen      Infant     Son                  7.28.1908  9.10.1908 S/O Rowe Dolphus & Ora DeLoach Bowen
Bowen      John       B.         Elder          1872       1962
Bowen      John       V.                   12.13.1885 12.16.1917H/O Eliza T. Bowen
Bowen      John       Edwin                8.15.1873  12.26.1948H/O Fannie M. Jones Bowen
Bowen      Julia      Ann        Olliff    11.5.1859  6.12.1895 W/O Moses Jackson Bowen
Bowen      Julia                           2.24.1911  4.14.1911 D/O G.W & Eliza Bowen
Bowen      Maggie     Pontia               9.2.1890   11.30.1917W/O John V. Bowen
Bowen      Mildred                         1.12.1907  8.15.1907
Bowen      Moses      Jackson              10.22.1852 10.10.1936H/O Cornelia Mikell Bowen & Julia A. Olliff Bowen
Bowen      Ora        DeLoach              10.29.1886 1.31.1952 W/O Rowe Dolphus Bowen
Bowen      Perry      E.                   10.3.1896  2.13.1964
Bowen      Ponita                Little    10.31.1915 12.1.1917 D/O John V. & Maggie Ponita Bowen
Bowen      Rowe       Dolphus              2.21.1881  8.8.1954  H/O Ora DeLoach Bowen
Bowen      Sarah      J.         Nevils    3.29.1849  12.29.1937W/O Elder John B. Bowen
Bowen      William    Johnnie              1.4.1891   5.23.1968
Bowen                                      1.13.1916  4.2.1917
Boyette    Benjamin   H.                   4.1.1905   4.11.1985
Boyette    Blanche    M.                   10.2.1923  9.2.1994
Boyette    Bobby      Joe                  8.15.1934  6.7.1936
Boyette    Clyde      Wayne                11.15.1944 1.30.1996
Boyette    Elizabeth  A.                   5.2.1947
Boyette    George     W.                   4.1.1905   1.20.1991
Boyette    Inman                           10.19.1928 12.17.1976Sgt. U.S. Army Korea
Boyette    James      Clifford             4.30.1923  3.28.1994 Tech 5 U.S. Army WW II Purple Heart
Boyette    James      C.                   12.12.1893 2.21.1977 Pvt. U.S. Army WW I
Boyette    James      F.                   12.19.1872 6.1.1968
Boyette    Marjorie   Mae        Tucker    5.18.1940  6.9.1988
Boyette    Mary       Collins              10.6.1890  6.26.1959 W/O Jesse Collins
Boyette    Muriel     McTeer               8.22.1925  3.21.1992
Boyette    Myrtle     V.         Fordham   8.30.1902  8.4.1990
Boyette    Nancy      A.         Rewis     1.17.1872  6.10.1946
Boyette    Susie      May                  4.20.1902  1.8.1948
Boyette    Wilbur     Eugene               9.24.1937
Bradley    Frankie    T.                   10.27.1935 5.26.1989
Bradley    W.         B.         Jr.       2.13.1932
Bragg      Irene      Bruner               10.3.1925  11.1.1997
Braid      Ruby       Holloway             9.24.1915
Brannen    Adult                                                Adult to the left of George Brannen
Brannen    Adult                                                Adult to the left of Sarah Roundtree Brannen
Brannen    Adult                                                Adult to the lower right of Walter H. Brannen
Brannen    Alice      Kennedy              8.31.1869  3.19.1930 W/O Benjamin C. Brannen
Brannen    Benjamin   C.                   9.13.1865  8.3.1943  H/O Alice Kennedy Brannen
Brannen    Cecil      Edwin                6.2.1926             Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Brannen
Brannen    Dan        B.                   1.7.1881   2.19.1940
Brannen    Doctor     A.                   8.1.1855   1.5.1926  H/O Mary A. Brannen
Brannen    E.         Alton                12.27.1913 3.30.1989 S/O Edmund & Julia Brannen
Brannen    Elizabeth                       2.27.1803  10.10.1854W/O John Brannen
Brannen    Elizabeth                       ?          ?
Brannen    Elizie                          1.4.1893   2.31.1915
Brannen    Ella       Mrs.                 8.20.1864  5.5.1923
Brannen    Emery      Speer                4.13.1899  6.13.1997
Brannen    Ethel                           10.4.1898  10.15.1975
Brannen    Florie                          5.3.1915   4.8.1907  D/O W.H. & Ella Brannen
Brannen    George                                     8.1.1927  Pvt. Ga. 54th Regt. Coastal Artillery Corps.
Brannen    George     Dewey                7.22.1897  6.6.1989  H/O Lois Moore Brannen
Brannen    George     Dewey      Jr.       4.26.1925  10.29.1927S/o George Dewey & Lois Moore Brannen
Brannen    Glen                            12.9.1902  2.17.1918
Brannen    Hartell    C.                   10.16.1906 3.8.1943
Brannen    Infant     Son                  8.3.1934             S/O Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Brannen
Brannen    Infant     Daughter             7.3.1922   7.9.1922  D/O Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Brannen
Brannen    Infant                          7.24.1910
Brannen    Infant                          7.24.1910            I/O Willie E. & maude Brannen
Brannen    Jennie     Holland              12.8.1870  5.6.1948  W/O Joe S. Brannen
Brannen    Joe        S.                   6.26.1874  1.28.1949 H/O Jennie Holland Brannen
Brannen    Joel       Moore                2.11.1937  3.4.1941  S/O George Dewey & Lois Moore Brannen
Brannen    Joshua     G.                   3.6.1888   7.22.1915 S/O Doctor A. & Mary A. Brannen
Brannen    Lalia                           2.22.1891  8.15.1906 D/O W.H. & Ella Brannen
Brannen    Lela       Alma       Johnson   12.21.1902 8.15.1994
Brannen    Lester     E.                   5.5.1919
Brannen    Little     Jolley               3.10.1895            Inf. S/O of Doctor A. & Mary A. Brannen
Brannen    Lois       Adalaide             2.22.1924  2.24.1924 D/O George Dewey & Lois Moore Brannen
Brannen    Lois       Moore                3.27.1903  4.22.1976 W/O George Dewey Brannen
Brannen    Lonnie     LaFayette            11.4.1897  7.21.1942
Brannen    Lonnie     B.                   12.31.1888 2.1.1969
Brannen    Maggie     Lanier               12.29.1860 9.10.1947
Brannen    Mary       Minton     Tinker    3.3.1935   5.23.1984
Brannen    Mary       Jane                      1886       1962
Brannen    Mary       A.                   9.13.1861  7.13.1924 W/O Doctor A. Brannen
Brannen    Mary       Catherine            8.2.1915   8.3.2000
Brannen    Maude      L.                   4.30.1885  10.24.1934W/O Willie E. Brannen
Brannen    Maxie      Viola      Anderson  8.27.1887  6.6.1966
Brannen    Melba      R.                   3.24.1915  12.22.2000D/O Allen & Bessie Rimes
Brannen    Morgan     Lee                  12.25.1888 6.11.1958 H/O Pearl Kennedy Brannen
Brannen    Naomi      A.                   1.27.1887  9.3.1966
Brannen    Nina       Garrett              5.12.1904  1.22.1984
Brannen    Pearl      Kennedy              7.29.1889  5.22.1951 W/O Morgan Lee Brannen
Brannen    Remer      Lee                  11.12.1889 10.29.1949
Brannen    Remer      U.                   9.27.1856  3.8.1908
Brannen    Robertson  P.                   4.21.1909  3.5.1970  Ga. Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Brannen    Rufus                           5.25.1893  7.24.1893 Babe of R.U. & H.C. Brannen
Brannen    Sarah      Roundtree            7.4.1897   8.5.1934
Brannen    Sarah      Cash                 2.20.1920  5.20.2003
Brannen    Thomas     Edwin                6.24.1927  4.27.1929 S/O George Dewey & Lois Moore Brannen
Brannen    W.         Lester               10.3.1907  8.15.1969
Brannen    Walter     H.                   6.21.1887  5.4.1956
Brannen    William    D.         II        9.6.1941   8.19.1997
Brannen    William    D.                   12.27.1914 7.30.1941
Brannen    Willie     E.                   2.23.1884  12.25.1935H/O Maude L. Brannen
Brannen                                                         2 footstones to the right of Brannen Infant
Brannen                                                         2 graves to the right of Brannen Infant
Brooker    Joe                             6.1.1906   11.25.1982
Brooker    Sarah      W.                   1.8.1915   7.6.1979
Brown      Adult                                                1 Adult to the right of Lillie Mae Brown
Brown      Adult                                                Adult next to O.F. Brown
Brown      Agnes      K.                   6.13.1885  10.26.1960W/O Joseph R. Brown
Brown      Bessie     E.                   2.5.1873   11.23.1922W/O Samuel E. Brown
Brown      C.         F.                   1.20.1871  6.17.1935
Brown      Clara      I.                   12.11.1913
Brown      Daniel     Webster              7.20.1888  9.29.1931 H/O Duree Brown
Brown      Darvin                          4.14.1912  5.22.1913 Inf. S/O D.W. & Duree Brown
Brown      Duree                           4.24.1895  3.8.1931  W/O D.W. Brown
Brown      Edith      P.                        1927       1986
Brown      Ether      F.                   5.21.1905  10.14.1961
Brown      Finney     W.                   9.21.1905  7.4.1940
Brown      Floyd                           12.26.1938 12.28.1938
Brown      George     E.                   2.2.1898   12.27.1954H/O Lillie Mae Brown
Brown      Grady      Willis               4.9.1924   2.19.1989
Brown      Helen      V.                   1.27.1931  5.23.1990
Brown      Infant                                               Infant to the left of Ether F. Brown
Brown      J.         W.                   4.8.1869   5.17.1910
Brown      John       W.                   3.12.1904  2.21.1980
Brown      Joseph     R.                   1.31.1878  10.26.1918H/O Agnes K. Brown
Brown      Leona      Royal                9.30.1926  1.12.1974
Brown      Lillie     Mae                       1903       1984 W/O George E. Brown
Brown      Lula                            3.7.1877   10.8.1908
Brown      Marvin     W.                   4.14.1912  5.22.1913 S/O D.W. & Buree Brown
Brown      Maxie      Underwood            5.5.1902   11.12.1970W/O Nathan Brown
Brown      Nathan                          12.25.1899 3.11.1965 H/O Maxie Underwood Brown
Brown      O.         F.                   1.20.1887  6.17.1930
Brown      Perry                           3.1.1912   8.27.1915 S/O J.R. & A.K. Brown
Brown      Rawden     R.                   2.2.1916   9.14.1983 U.S. Marine Corps.
Brown      Raymond    L.                   9.10.1894  12.5.1953 Ga. Supply Sgt. Co. C, 156th Depot Brigade WW I
Brown      Ruth                            10.8.1909  9.1.1915  D/O J.R. & A.K. Brown
Brown      Ruth                            12.23.1903 11.28.1906
Brown      Samuel     E.                   6.16.1867  12.27.1955H/O Bessie E. Brown
Brown      Sonney                          8.10.1925
Bruce      Minnie     Lee        Donaldson 1.15.1902  8.21.1998
Brunson    Florence   Emily                4.25.1915  1.5.1940
Brunson    Infant                                               I/O Heyward & Helen Brunson
Brunson    Minnie     Bowen                10.16.1885 1.15.1971
Brunson    William    Edgar                4.23.1876  12.16.1933
Brunson    William    Edgar      Jr.       9.18.1921  2.10.2001 Sgt. U.S. Army WW II
Bryant     John                            4.15.1906  11.2.1988
Bryant     Virginia   G.                   10.5.1910  5.30.1985
Bryson     Janie      B.                        1916       1996
Buie       Clemmie    Shurling             5.18.1889  3.26.1978
Buie       Daniel     Brooks               2.12.1889  11.21.1950H/O Eula Wilson Buie
Buie       David      Eugene               12.5.1920  2.3.1997  Pvt. U.S. Army WW I
Buie       David      Berman               8.24.1919  5.14.1920
Buie       David      Eugene               12.5.1920  2.3.1997  Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Buie       Eula       Wilson               7.26.1887  11.10.1918W/O Daniel Brooks Buie
Buie       Genevive                        1.10.1914  4.15.1916 D/O D.B. & Eula Buie
Buie       John       Carlos     Jr.       3.5.1925   8.16.1945 Died in Luzon, Phillipines.  Buried in U.S.A.F. Cemet. In Manila 8.16.1945.  Reburied @ home 10.10.1948
Buie       John       Carlos     Sr.       5.7.1884   6.14.1953
Buie       Joseph     Herman               8.24.1919  2.13.1920
Buie       Lucile                          6.3.1910   1.26.1919 D/O D.B. & Eula Buie
Buie       Lula       Williams             11.1.1886  12.12.1973
Buie       Sarah      Leola                3.21.1907  5.24.1909
Buie/Akins Adults                                               2 Adults between Buie & Akins
Butler     Terica     Helfer               9.22.1945  4.3.1978
Byron      Annie      D.                   10.17.1859 2.21.1861
Byron      R.         Donaldson            2.17.1857  ?
Cartee     Katie      Laura                6.29.1922  3.12.1976
Cave       Mary       T.                   9.8.1914   11.24.1986
Cerone     Alma       Tillman              6.10.1909  3.3.2001  W/O Bernardino A Cerone
Cerone     Bernadino  A.                   3.3.1900   2.11.1972 H/O Alma Tillman Cerone
Champion   Adults                                               2 Adults to the left of Mike D. Champion
Champion   Mike       D.                   9.11.1910  7.26.1944
Chester    Adult                                                Adult to the left of Harry W. Chester
Chester    Henry      W.                        1923       1981
Chester    Irene      Kennedy              10.17.1896 3.17.1925 W/O William Green Chester
Chester    Madge      M.                        1918       1974
Chester    Walter     H.                        1916       1985
Chester    William    Green                3.7.1886   11.17.1946H/O Irene Kennedy Chester
Clifton    Juanita    Lord                      1923       1998
Cline      Julia      Williams             1.1.1878   10.26.1957
Cline      Llewellyn  J.                   9.8.1869   8.17.1949 Pvt. 7th Ohio Inf. Sapanis American War
Coley      Adult                                                Adult to the right of Coley Infant
Coley      Annie                           ?          ?
Coley      Infant     S.                   8.3.1911   10.25.1911Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. P.E. Collins
Collins    Billie     Ruth                 8.10.1935
Collins    Bobby                           12.23.1932 5.29.1934
Collins    Children                                             2 Children to the left of Henry Harrison Collins
Collins    Elizabeth             Lizzie    7.1.1852   11.19.1935
Collins    Gail                  Little    7.25.1953  8.14.1954 D/O Billie Ruth & Joe Collins
Collins    Gladys     Bowen                9.8.1905
Collins    Gloria     V.                   8.10.1934  2.27.1999
Collins    Henry      Harrison             2.29.1892  7.2.1932
Collins    Infant                          8.3.1911   10.25.1911Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. P.E. Collins
Collins    James      W.         Boss      9.18.1909  1.31.1969
Collins    James      Mike                 5.13.1931  11.7.1956
Collins    James      Eugene               5.17.1964  3.20.1986
Collins    Jesse                           3.23.1865  12.31.1936H/o Mary Collins Boyette
Collins    Joe                             4.12.1929  2.2.1999
Collins    John       E.                   2.19.1921  3.6.1921
Collins    John       E.                   3.27.1859  5.16.1924 H/O Lenora Collins
Collins    Lenora                          8.25.1869  5.17.1954 W/O John E. Collins
Collins    Mattie     E.                   3.22.1887  5.23.1981 She was the former Martha Eugenia Wilson
Collins    Mike                  Michael   4.19.1823  11.7.1909 H/O Polly Collins
Collins    Molly      A.                   4.12.1870  9.23.1948
Collins    Polly      Ann        Kennedy        1830  11.30.1914W/O Mike Collins
Collins    Ruth       L.                   2.5.1907   7.4.1987
Collins    Sibyl      Buie                 1.16.1902  12.19.1988
Collins    Son        F.                   7.4.1904   12.27.1965
Collins    Stella                          1.27.1892  11.26.1949
Collins    Willie     Lester               12.16.1897 4.29.1976
Colson     Annie      Doris      Hagans    7.24.1931            W/O Lester Colson & Roy D. Wilt, Sr.
Colson     Lester                          4.29.1918  12.30.1989
Colson     Randall    Lester               2.8.1960   3.30.1988 S/O Lester & Doris Colson
Costello   Vedie      E.                   1.19.1900  1.8.1998
Croft      Edna       A.                   2.9.1898   10.13.1972
Croft      H.         Angus                1.1.1886   6.11.1964
Croft      Sallie     Williams                  1887       1952
Crosby     Albert     Lee                  4.12.1929  10.13.2002
Crosby     Mary       Anne                 1.4.1943   7.28.1999
Daughtry   Barney     Avant      Jr.       7.12.1928  3.2.1956  Lost in an Air Crash in the North Atlantic
Daughtry   Barney     Avant                2.24.1904  9.28.1989 Col. U.S. Army WW II
Daughtry   Bena       Street               8.29.1883  5.5.1980
Daughtry   Cuyler     C.                   2.24.1880  2.21.1943
Daughtry   Eubie      Johnson              1.14.1905  4.20.2001
Daughtry   Harold     Holland              2.12.1912  1.3.1974  Fla. Master Sgt. U.S. Army WW II Korea
Daughtry   Hlda       L.         Brown     11.29.1920 12.12.1989
Daughtry   Jacob      Esau                 2.22.1988  4.25.1969
Daughtry   Minnie     Lee                  12.12.1883 7.26.1945
Daughtry   William    N.                   6.1.1954   7.7.1982
Davis      Adult                                                Adult to the left of Ralph Eugene Davis
Davis      Barbara    Riggs                4.28.1922  1.26.1998
Davis      Kimsey     F.                   6.22.1915  12.7.1988 Sgt. U.S. Army WW II
Davis      Polly      C.                   3.2.1918   5.27.1978
Davis      Ralph      Eugene               9.12.1923  9.23.1994 PFC U.S. Army WW II
Deal       Josh                            10.8.189912.8.1965
Deal       Leonard                         4.11.1905  1.15.1949
Deal       Willabell  Akins                8.4.1907   3.3.1982
Dekle      Adults                                               2 Adults next to Louis Dekle
Dekle      America                         12.26.1844 12.6.1930 W/O W.W. Dekle
Dekle      Buell      Olliff               5.30.1925  6.4.1970  U.S. Navy Reserve WW II, H/O Thelma Wallace Dekle
Dekle      Cecil      Herbert              10.2.1887  6.29.1911 S/O G.A. & Mary Eva Dekle
Dekle      Charlotte  Louise               7.15.1924            W/O Milledge Jerald Dekle
Dekle      Dora       Rushing              12.7.1890  12.6.1968 W/O Remer Gary Dekle
Dekle      Durand                          2.1.1917   9.28.1920 S/O of Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Dekle
Dekle      Gary       Jerald               3.22.1954  6.3.1977  S/O Milledge Jerald & Charlotte Louise Dekle
Dekle      George     Adam                 6.23.1884  4.29.1970 H/O Maggie Holland Dekle & Mary Eva Dekle
Dekle      J.         Lehman               12.3.1915  1.15.1991 H/O Lula Mae W. Dekle m. 6.30.1938
Dekle      Lula       Mae        W.        5.8.1923             W/O J. Lehman Dekle m. 6.30.1938
Dekle      Maggie     Holland              8.9.1890   7.22.1954 W/O George Adam Dekle
Dekle      Mary       Eva                  2.2.1885   9.22.1911 W/O G.A. Dekle
Dekle      Milledge   Jerald               6.10.1922            H/O Charlotte Louise Dekle
Dekle      Remer      Gary                 11.27.1892 10.12.1981H/O Dora Rushing Dekle
Dekle      Roxie      A. Lee     Williams  6.10.1832  10.28.1907
Dekle      Samuel     N.                        2003       2003
Dekle      Thelma     Wallace              5.19.1928  9.23.1999 W/O Buell Olliff Dekle
Dekle      William    W.                   12.16.1844 9.10.1908 H/O America Dekle
DeLoach    America    Bowen                5.30.1888  11.21.1962
Deloach    Dannie     Warnell              3.24.1906  7.22.1963 American Legion
DeLoach    Dorothy    Ann                  2.23.1935  7.18.1935
DeLoach    Elma       Williams             5.9.1912   1.31.1975
DeLoach    Frank      Otis                 9.30.1907  5.11.1958
DeLoach    Hartridge  L.                   9.5.1884   9.7.1970
Deloach    Macy       Ann                  4.21.1875  1.31.1970 W/O Simon G. Deloach
Deloach    Mary       Lott                 2.16.1921  7.1.2002
Deloach    Pearl      W.                   2.13.1930
Deloach    Simon      G.                   6.30.1868  11.29.1917H/O Macy Ann Bowen Deloach
Denmark    Carl       Augustus             7.24.1902  9.28.1976
Denmark    Charlie    Hart                 8.8.1905   3.19.1931
Denmark    Daniel     W.                   5.23.1883  10.1.1949 H/O Maggie Mae Bowen Denmark
Denmark    Gertrude   Hagins               11.28.1890 12.10.1970W/O James Augustus Denmark
Denmark    Glynnie    G.                        1916       2001
Denmark    Ida        Anderson             11.23.1876 4.19.1918 D/O Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Denmark
Denmark    Ida                             4.16.1918  4.27.1918 D/O Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Denmark
Denmark    Infant                          10.18.1919 10.20.1919Inf. S/O James & Gertrude Denmark
Denmark    James      Augustus             2.14.1879  5.14.1948 H/O Gertrude Hagins Denmark
Denmark    Maggie     Mae        Bowen     8.23.1883  6.21.1977 W/O Daniel W. Denmark
Denmark    Marion     Elizabeth            6.26.1924  6.18.1925
Denmark    Sula       C.                   2.24.1885  7.9.1921  W/O J.A. Denmark
Denmark    Truman     C.         Jr.       10.30.1916 6.8.1970
Denmark    Verdie     Elizabeth            6.22.1942  8.22.1942 D/O Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Denmark
Dennis     Harrison                        8.16.1930  12.19.1994U.S. Navy Vietnam
Dennis     Patricia   A.                   6.4.1940
Dixon      Nancy      Ann        Annie Mae 7.8.1896   9.4.1972  She is the wife of Rufus McNear of Metter, John E. Hagans of Statesboro & Archibald Dixon of Twin City
Dobbs      Carroll    Edward               10.13.1908 1.25.1965
Dobbs      Mary       Lanier               1.4.1908   1.28.2001
Donaldson  A.         L.         Babe      11.18.1873 8.18.1955 H/O Maggie Donaldson
Donaldson  Adult                                                Adult to the left of John Morgan Donaldson
Donaldson  Annie                           10.17.1859 2.21.1861
Donaldson  Brunie     Cartee               3.23.1905  11.7.1998
Donaldson  Byron      R.                   12.17.1857 ?
Donaldson  Charles    L.                        1929       1998
Donaldson  Charlie    E.                        1908       2001
Donaldson  Claudia    Elizabeth  Tinker    3.13.1938            W/O Robert Lehman Donaldson, Sr.
Donaldson  Cornelia   Martin               11.7.1873  8.29.1949 W/O Dock Brannen Donaldson
Donaldson  Daniel                          1.23.1866  3.20.1868
Donaldson  Dicy       Nevil                4.10.1857  8.8.1936  W/O Rev. Frank Michael Donaldson
Donaldson  Dock       Brannen              4.3.1871   11.30.1926H/O Cornelia Martin Donaldson
Donaldson  Eugenia    Mixon                5.17.1876  5.28.1946
Donaldson  Farley     S.                   7.12.1886  12.8.1929
Donaldson  Frank      Moody                10.5.1919  1.23.1921 S/O Mr. & Mrs. F.S. Donaldson
Donaldson  Frank      Michael    Rev.      7.22.1855  5.31.1919 H/O Dicy Nevil Donaldson
Donaldson  Henry      L.                   7.20.1899  1.18.1985
Donaldson  Infant                          1.31.1911            S/O A.L. & Maggie Donaldson
Donaldson  Infant                          11.27.1892           Inf. D/O Wayne & Genie Donaldson
Donaldson  Infant                                               Infant to the right of Henry L. Donaldson
Donaldson  J.         E.         Jr.       7.28.1920  11.17.1920S/O Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Donaldson
Donaldson  James      A.                   7.26.1915  8.14.1915 Little S/O A.L. & maggie Donaldson
Donaldson  Joe        Eston                6.24.1895  6.4.1953  Ga. Pvt. Co.F, 79th Inf. 15th Div. WW I, H/O Mamie Waters Donaldson
Donaldson  John       Morgan               12.5.1901  8.3.1972
Donaldson  Kate       G.                        1911       1991
Donaldson  Leona      Irene                8.19.1913  7.14.1925 D/O of Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Donaldson
Donaldson  Maggie     Anderson             4.16.1878  4.27.1964 W/O A.L. "Babe" Donaldson
Donaldson  Mamie      Waters               2.18.1901  2.9.1976  W/O Joe Eston Donaldson
Donaldson  Margaret   C.                   12.12.1841 8.10.1896
Donaldson  Robert     Lehman     Sr.       6.5.1937             H/O Claudia Tinker Donaldson
Donaldson  Robert     Sidney               5.13.1897  4.13.1898 S/O F.M. & Dicy Donaldson
Donaldson  Robert                          10.11.1832 1.31.1882
Donaldson  Wayne                           8.21.1867  10.12.1952
Donaldson  William                         12.28.1834 12.7.1895
Eagerton   Edna                            2.22.1900  5.25.1918 D/O Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Eagerton
Eagerton   Infant                                               Inf. D/O Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Eagerton
Early      Ruby       Joan                 10.31.1934
Early      Talmadge   Eugene               8.31.1931  3.23.1995
Edmonds    Adult                                                Adult to the left of Perry E. Edmonds, III
Edmonds    Maggie     S.                   1.19.1911  8.17.2002
Edmonds    Perry      Edwin      III       6.3.1931   8.8.1939
Edmonds    Perry      Edmond     II        5.14.1903  4.7.1993
Ellis      Alvarine   Hodges               6.10.1887  9.11.1923 W/O Cleveland A. Ellis
Ellis      Artie      H.                   11.17.1910 1.10.1978
Ellis      Cleveland  A.                   9.3.1885   7.31.1956
Ellis      Ethel      A.         Williams  9.3.1897   11.12.1978
F.R.P.                                                          Foot & headstones w/initials F.R.P. to thr right of Frankie register Watson.
Fordham    Adult                                                Adult below Wiley Fordham
Fordham    Charlie    E.                   1.12.1865  3.29.1959 H/O Victoria Scarboro Fordham
Fordham    Child                                                Child next to Eva Lee Fordham
Fordham    Eva        Lee                  10.12.1924 9.29.1927
Fordham    Ida                             3.7.1882   7.25.1935
Fordham    Victoria   Scarboro             5.10.1867  12.3.1905 W/O Charlie E. Fordham
Fordham    Wiley                           2.8.1898   2.4.1925
Fordham    Willie                          11.21.1905 5.18.1906 Inf. S/O C.E. & Victoria Fordham
Foss       Adult                                                Adult next to Douglas R. Foss
Foss       Adults                                               2 Adults next to Douglas R. Foss
Foss       Anna       Thrift               4.18.1875  12.8.1958 W/o Leland L. Foss
Foss       Douglas    R.                   6.3.1882   1.7.1899
Foss       Esther                          6.5.1903   5.7.1904  D/O L.L. & Hennendale Foss
Foss       Leland     L.                   6.22.1869  9.13.1944 H/O Anna Thrift Foss
Foss       Susan      Mrs.                 3.5.1814   7.15.1916 W/O William L. Foss
Foss       William    L.                   11.3.1828  11.25.1894H/O Mrs. Susan Foss
Franklin   Herschel   Victor     J.        9.17.1917  12.31.1996PFC U.S. Army WW II
Frawley    Brince     Albert               5.2.1902   1.10.1984 SK2 U.S. Navy WW II
Frawley    Gertrude   Akins                8.1.1908   1.6.1967  H/O Gertrude Akins Foss
Frost      Jackie     &          Jean      6.28.1969  2.4.1981  W/O Brince Albert Frost
Funderburk Charles                              1926       1996
Funderburk James      Ervin                6.15.1950  12.27.1996Vietnam SP4 U.S. Army
Geiger     Elizabeth  Griffin              4.13.1930  10.13.1978
Geiger     Richard    A.                   12.9.1957  4.4.1980
Gibbons    Anna       V.                   6.3.1913             D/O W.N. & V. Gibbons
Gilbert    Jessie     Mae        Kennedy   7.22.1900  7.27.1954 W/O Talmadge Kennedy
Giles      Frances    B.                   3.1.1901   4.20.1994
Gillespie  Glennis    Wilson               9.2.1909   3.19.1985 W/O Malcolm Gillespie
Gillespie  Malcolm                         9.30.1908  2.28.1981 H/O Glennis Wilson Gillespie
Goldshear  Mary       Elizabeth                 1886       1948
Goodman    Adult                                                Adult to the right of Arlis Leonce Goodman
Goodman    Annie      Lee        Edenfield 7.5.1911   1.19.1999
Goodman    Arlis      Leonce               5.31.1902  2.4.1983
Goodman    Carrie     L.                   9.10.1901  11.28.1937
Goodman    Child                                                Child to the left of Zelma Goodman
Goodman    Robert     Daniel               6.24.1914  8.12.1946
Goodman    Sarah                           12.24.1875 7.26.1936
Goodman    Vera       L.                   9.26.1902  9.15.1979
Goodman    Zelma                           8.31.1914  12.22.1989
Graham     Bonnie     Dale       Williams  8.17.1904  4.25.1981 W/O Edrie Jasper Graham
Graham     Eddie      Jasper               3.19.1898  12.15.1981H/O Bonnie Dale Williams Graham
Griffin    Georgia    Lee                  6.28.1909  10.20.1968
Griffin    Infant                          10.25.1936           Inf. S/O Georgia & Leo Griffin
Griffin    Infant                          2.13.1895            I/O H.H. & J.W. Griffin
Griffin    Infant                          2.17.1887            I/O H.H. & J.W. Griffin
Griffin    Infant                          10.7.1939            Inf. S/O Georgia & Leo Griffin
Griffin    Infant                          8.30.1938            Inf. D/O Georgia & Leo Griffin
Griffin    Jennie                               1865  8.20.1895
Griffin    Joseph                          6.22.1856  ?
Griffin    Leo                             9.1.1908   2.19.1998
Groover                                                         Adult missing letters. Metal letters are nailed on a 2x6 board.
Groover    Dan        D.                   9.16.1882  12.12.1923
Groover    John       E.                   11.20.1840 11.11.1922CSA
Gupton     Emmie      Moore                4.5.1871   1.23.1954 W/O Sidney Louis Gupton
Gupton     S.         L.         Jr.       8.19.1908  6.22.1914 H/O Emmie Moore Gupton
Gupton     Sidney     Louis                3.21.1851  1.29.1939 S/O Emmie Moore & Sidney Louis Gupton, Jr.
Gwinett    Janet      S.                   1.14.1957  3.16.2003
Hackett    G.         T.         Mr.            1920       1986
Hagan      Bronnie    Irene      Davis     6.8.1912   12.6.1945 W/O Dewey Hagan
Hagan      Russell    Eugene               10.27.1931 5.21.1986 S/O Russell Dewey & Bronnie Irene Davis Hagan
Hagan      Russell    Dewey                1.4.1905   7.13.1980 H/O Bronnie Irene Davis Hagan
Hagans     Beaul      F.                   1.24.1905  4.23.1973
Hagans     Carolyn                         11.25.1937 5.31.1943
Hagans     Cathleen   G.                   2.13.1962   717.1982 D/O John Solomon & Joyce Jarriel Hagans
Hagans     Danny                           5.13.1952  1.25.1953 S/O John Solomon & Joyce Jarriel Hagans
Hagans     Dosha      Collins              5.12.1867  5.8.1936  W/O J.S. Hagans
Hagans     Elisha     J.                   8.25.1907  4.5.1973  H/O Lillie Mae Rowe Hagans
Hagans     Eliza      Spence               6.4.1905   7.15.1987 W/O James Mike Hagans
Hagans     Graham     E.                   10.11.1907 8.28.1975
Hagans     Ider       Bowen                2.22.1878  2.23.1920 W/O John E. Hagans
Hagans     J.         S.                   12.10.1864 8.8.1930  H/O Dosha Collins Hagans
Hagans     J.         E.                   10.10.1926 10.13.1995H/O Willena Rowe Hagans
Hagans     James      Mike                 5.13.1895  11.15.1954H/O Vertie L. Hagans & Eliza Spence Hagans
Hagans     James      Madison                   1935       2003 H/O Martha Ann Hagan Hagans
Hagans     John       E.                   9.7.1868   4.7.1948  H/O Ider Bowen & Nancy Ann "Annie Mae" Pye Hagans
Hagans     John       Roscoe               3.14.1913  10.17.1926S/O Ider Bowen & John E. Hagans
Hagans     John       Solomon              6.15.1929  11.8.1994 H/O Joyce Jarriel Hagans
Hagans     Joyce      Jarriel              2.21.1933  12.7.2003 W/O John Solomon Hagans
Hagans     Lillie     Mae        Rowe      10.11.1916 2.15.1962 W/O Elisha J. Hagans
Hagans     Nancy      Ann        Rimes     9.11.1845  12.5.1924 W/O Solomon Hagans
Hagans     Solomon                         6.3.1842   11.15.1905H/O Nancy Ann Rimes Hagans, Civil War U.S. Army
Hagans     Vertie     L.                   8.11.1898  11.7.1918 W/O James Mike Hagans
Hagans     Willena    Rowe                 7.28.1927            W/O J.E. Hagans
Harrelson  Child                                                Child to the left of Enoch W. Harrelson
Harrelson  Children                                             2 Children to the right of Ellebelle H. Harrelson
Harrelson  Ellebelle  H.                   2.11.1900  5.9.1938  W/O Enoch W. Harrelson
Harrelson  Enoch      W.                   10.12.1891 12.6.1957 H/O Ellebelle H. Harrelson
Harrelson  John       T.                        1927       2000
Harrison   Henry                           4.24.1861  2.8.1940
Harvey     Alexander  Arthur               6.15.1890  7.13.1982 H/O Minnie Williams Harvey
Harvey     Minnie     Williams             7.26.1893  5.27.1977 W/O Alexander Arthur Harvey
Hawkins    J.         S.                   3.9.1862   6.3.1919  H/O Martha L. Hawkins
Hawkins    Martha     L.                   4.27.1868  1.4.1925  W/O J.S. Hawkins
Hawkins    William    Dolphus                   1887       1934
Hendrix    Adult                                                Adult next to Ethel Brannen Hendrix
Hendrix    Ethel      Brannen              10.4.1898  10.15.1975W/O Lonnie Lafayette Hendrix
Hendrix    John       William              1.1.1867   12.18.1943H/O Mrs. Lula Hendrix
Hendrix    Lonnie     Lafayette            11.4.1897  7.21.1942 H/O Ethel Brannen Hendrix
Hendrix    Mrs.       Lulla                4.9.1881   12.24.1920W/O John William Hendrix
Hendrix    Robertson  P.                   ?          ?         Ga. Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Hill       Fred       W.                        1939       1998
Hodges     Ada        Wise                 3.15.1894  6.28.1966
Hodges     Calvin     Westberry                 1857       1935
Hodges     Catherine  Waters                    1862       1946
Hodges     Durel                           7.27.1890  1.5.1955  Ga. Pvt. Co. H, 328th Inf. WW I
Hodges     Frank      Lester               10.28.1896 6.11.1930
Hodges     Infant                                               Inf. D/O W.C. & Ada Wise Hodges
Hodges     Maggie     Evelyn               9.6.1899   5.31.1985
Hodges     Sarah      K.                   3.2.1866   4.10.1893 W/O Henry Hodges
Hodges     William    Claude               7.23.1882  11.10.1943
Holland    Adult                                                Adult to the right of Eleanor Holland
Holland    America                         3.21.1852  12.13.1882
Holland    Annie      Lee                  3.12.1900  3.2.1985  W/O Robert Samples Holland
Holland    Audrey     Anderson             4.28.1896  10.21.1983W/O Robert E. Lee Holland
Holland    Benjamin   Ernest               11.20.1911 7.12.1976 Lt. U.S. Navy WW II
Holland    Benjamin   Hill                 12.12.1883 5.22.1949 H/O Nora H. Collins Holland & Victoria Parrish Holland
Holland    Bertie                          10.28.1907 9.19.1993
Holland    Charlie    B.                   11.18.1902 7.27.1957
Holland    Dorothy    Parrish              9.28.1931            W/O John Daniel Holland
Holland    Eliza                           2.18.1821  7.24.1848 W/O Henry Holland
Holland    Eliza                 Miss      6.9.1858   1.3.1861
Holland    Eliza      M.                   12.13.1903 12.16.1988
Holland    Eliza      Lee                  6.2.1867   1.9.1949  W/O Hardy C. Holland
Holland    Hardy      L.                   9.26.1896  3.19.1990
Holland    Hardy      C.                   2.6.1856   11.3.1941 H/O Elizabeth Lee Holland
Holland    Henry      L.                   1.19.1939  11.16.1995
Holland    Henry                           3.4.1817   3.20.1895 H/O Eliza Holland
Holland    Henry                 Little    2.25.1914  9.4.1916  S/O Julia & Henry Holland
Holland    Henry                           5.17.1872  6.2.1914  H/O Julia Anderson Holland
Holland    Homer                           7.14.1888  5.12.1972 H/O Imogene Anderson Holland
Holland    Imogene    Anderson             6.1.1893   11.24.1976W/O Homer Holland
Holland    Infant                          8.?.1923             Inf. S/O Benjamin Hill & Victoria Parrish Holland
Holland    Infant                               1916            Inf. S/O Benjamin Hill & Victoria Parrish Holland
Holland    Infant     Son                  2.14.1936  2.14.1936 Inf. S/O Annie Lee & Robert Samples Holland
Holland    J.         Ivy                  4.5.1900   6.10.1952
Holland    John       Daniel               7.12.1924  2.3.1998  H/O Dorothy Parrish Holland
Holland    John                            12.27.1845 6.17.1924 H/O Lavenia Holland
Holland    John       H.                   1.27.1880  1.29.1891
Holland    John       Walter               3.20.1888  7.12.1974
Holland    Julia      Anderson             9.19.1879  5.17.1940 W/O Henry Holland
Holland    Lavenia                         3.19.1847  2.24.1920 W/O John Holland
Holland    Mabel      Dekle                9.6.1889   11.10.1975
Holland    Margaret              Miss      1.2.1847   1.29.1894
Holland    Nora       H.                   8.23.1883  2.16.1920 W/O Benjamin Hill Holland
Holland    Robert     E.         Lee       10.12.1885 12.6.1941 H/O Audrey Anderson Holland
Holland    Robert     Samples              3.19.1894  12.23.1973H/O Annie Lee Holland
Holland    Victoria   Parrish              7.21.1886  9.16.1973
HollingsworAdult                                                Adult behind George W. Hollingsworth
HollingsworAlice      R.                   6.27.1885  2.25.1953 W/O Georgr W. Holland
HollingsworFrank                           12.15.1906 4.9.1977
HollingsworGeorge     W.                   8.29.1879  9.7.1918  H/O Alice R. Hollingsworth
HollingsworGrace      C.                   12.5.1922  3.6.1995
Holloway   Georgie    Wood                 7.16.1883  12.16.1949
Holloway   Infant                          10.11.1916 10.11.1916
Holloway   Mary       J.                   3.5.1846   8.30.1930 W/O William Holloway
Holloway   Viola      Riggs                6.19.1876  6.21.1940
Holloway   William                         4.15.1842  1.22.1915 H/O Mary J. Holloway
Holloway   William    Asbury               1.26.1868  3.3.1933
Holloway   William    George               5.17.1918  8.5.1944
Holloway   Willie     M.                   12.10.1873 4.2.1949
Howard     Ralph      E.         Jr.       3.28.1965  6.17.1987
Hussey     Lottie     Lee                  9.15.1895  1.4.1976
Hutcheson  Travis     Reid                 5.10.1989  5.16.1989 Inf. S/O Judy Colson & Julian Hutcheson
James      Bert       McCarthy             3.27.1917  3.23.2001 Sgt. U.S. Army WW II
James      Ruby       Gilbert              2.2.1890   10.11.1968W/O Joseph W. James
Johnson    Alvin      Homer                9.8.1907   12.21.1907S/O Emma Johnson
Johnson    James      Beamon               5.4.1884   8.30.1918
Johnson    James      Beamon     Jr.       3.12.1916  1.28.1991 Pvt. U.S. Amry WW II, H/O Mary Meadows Johnson
Johnson    John       L.                   10.14.1872 11.27.1941H/O Lela Williams Johnson
Johnson    Lela       Williams             5.17.1884  10.30.1962W/O John L. Johnson
Johnson    Mary       Bessie               1.1.1879   11.16.1922
Johnson    Mary       Meadows              5.5.1925   2.16.1982 D.A.R., W/O James Beamon Johnson
Johnson    Matthew    James                9.30.1848  8.12.1920
Johnson    Trudy      Vera       Almond    12.13.1915 8.1.1980
Johnson    William    Ezra                 12.18.1909 10.4.1984 SSGT U.S. Army WW II
Jones      Cassie                          12.25.1861 12.15.1921W/O H.T. Jones
Jones      H.         T.                   5.11.1862  12.21.1923H/O Cassie Jones
Jones      Harley     Deroy                10.12.1906 3.1.1973
Jones      Ida        Riggs                10.24.1887 8.20.1958
Jones      Jennie     L.                   1.1.1846   10.13.1939D/O William O. & Jennie S. Rowe Jones
Jones      Jennie     S.         Rowe           1870  ?         W/O William O. Jones
Jones      Liza       Holland    Holloway  7.10.1883  1.18.1973
Jones      Lonnie     Isaac                1.28.1877  9.4.1947
Jones      Mary       E.                   7.12.1838  12.12.1927W/O Thomas Nevil, M/O Peter L., Simon L., & Thomas B.
Jones      Mary       L.                   11.23.1912 3.7.1957
Jones      Minnie     Melton               2.8.1884   2.22.1884
Jones      Raymond    P.                        1890       1960
Jones      Thomas     Sydney               6.19.1884  7.5.1960
Jones      Thomas     Sydney     Jr.       10.30.1917 8.21.1975 PFC U.S. Army WW II
Jones      William    O.         Rowe           1875  ?         H/O Jennie S. Rowe Jones
Kangeter   Freddie    Boyette              1.31.1910
Kangeter   Meldrem                         5.12.1904  11.3.1966
Kennedy    Adult                                                Adult below Macy Ann Kennedy
Kennedy    Adult                                                Adult to the left of Walter E. Kennedy
Kennedy    Alice      Summerlin            1.3.1862   7.15.1941 W/O Henry Bartow Kennedy
Kennedy    Andrew     Jackson              5.1.1894   2.9.1947  H/O Ruth Jones Kennedy
Kennedy    Andrew     J.                   1.4.1865   10.12.1898
Kennedy    Barney     Homer                1.12.1917  12.3.1911 S/O Mr. & Mrs. E.P. Kennedy
Kennedy    Bessie     Bowen                2.16.1904  5.27.1986
Kennedy    Daniel     L.                   3.29.1853  10.5.1911 H/O Nicy A. Kennedy
Kennedy    Daniel                          10.27.1905 5.12.1907 S/O Daniel L. & Nicy Kennedy
Kennedy    Daniel     Sewell               12.22.1892 3.25.1946
Kennedy    Delma      Jones                4.2.1892   6.23.1989
Kennedy    E.         Alonzo               7.12.1883  5.1.1945  H/O Minnie Pearl Jones Kennedy & Maxie Nesmith Kennedy
Kennedy    Edmond     Jr.                  8.4.1863   3.26.1906 H/O Sallie V. Kennedy
Kennedy    Edmund                          11.12.1824 4.17.1907 Civil War, H/O Elizabeth Kennedy
Kennedy    Edmund     Morgan               12.6.1914  8.14.1997
Kennedy    Edmund                          11.9.1902  5.31.1974
Kennedy    Eleanor    Holland              1.18.1861  5.8.1932
Kennedy    Eli        P.                   1.29.1878  6.28.1964 H/O Mollie Riggs Kennedy
Kennedy    Eli                             5.12.1839  2.14.1912
Kennedy    Elisha     B.                   11.21.1868 12.21.1951
Kennedy    Elizabeth  J.                   12.8.1844  1.9.1901  W/O Eli Kennedy
Kennedy    Elizabeth                       3.10.1832  10.21.1894W/O Edmund Kennedy
Kennedy    Ellie      Othella              10.29.1904 8.18.1971
Kennedy    H.         Grady                9.19.1892  1.24.1919
Kennedy    Henry      Bartow               12.11.1861 9.2.1936  H/O Alice Summerlin Kennedy
Kennedy    Ida        Pauline              5.19.1881  11.26.1886D/O D.L. & N.A. Kennedy
Kennedy    Infant                          8.2.1917             Inf. S/O E.A. & Minnie Kennedy
Kennedy    Infant                          9.24.1879  10.15.1879I/O D.L. & Vallie L. Kennedy
Kennedy    Infant                          8.25.1917            I/O J.H. & V.L. Kennedy
Kennedy    Infant                          ?                    I/O J.H. & V.L. Kennedy
Kennedy    Infant                                               Infant to the right of Maxie NeSmith Kennedy
Kennedy    Infants                         ?                    Infants of J.H. & V.L. Kennedy
Kennedy    Iris       Lee                  1.29.1942  4.24.1944
Kennedy    James      H.                   3.18.1876  3.21.1936 H/O Vallie L. Kennedy
Kennedy    James      H.                   3.19.1943  7.16.1959
Kennedy    Jeuett     E.                   11.23.1912 1.9.1938
Kennedy    Jimmerson  Beauregard           4.26.1871  10.18.1940H/O Mary Ann Ringwald Kennedy
Kennedy    Jincy      Bland                     1875       1896
Kennedy    John       Everett              1.4.1868   2.2.1943  H/O Laliar Wilson Kennedy
Kennedy    John       W.                   11.5.1873  1.27.1874
Kennedy    John       Edmond               12.22.1902 11.11.1901
Kennedy    John       Brantley             1.5.1901   4.6.1948
Kennedy    Lalia      Wilson               11.6.1867  10.30.1921W/O John Everett Kennedy
Kennedy    Lytha      Lanier               9.13.1869  7.17.1951 M/O Nora Kennedy Anderson & Nita. W. Williams
Kennedy    Macy       Ann                  4.1.1883   10.11.1883
Kennedy    Macy       Ann Jane   Ringwald  3.16.1871  3.3.1935  W/O Jimmerson Beauregard Kennedy
Kennedy    Mary       J.         Holland   6.7.1854   10.9.1921
Kennedy    Mary       Neville    Williams  4.15.1872  4.6.1958  W/O Elder D.N. Williams
Kennedy    Mary       Tillman              2.25.1898  12.20.1974
Kennedy    Maxie      NeSmith              7.22.1885  11.7.1968 W/O E. Alonzo Kennedy
Kennedy    Melrose    M.                   5.26.1900  11.3.1988
Kennedy    Minnie     Pearl      Jones     8.13.1888  10.7.1918 W/O E. Alonzo Kennedy
Kennedy    Mollie     Riggs                8.11.1890  6.3.1989  W/O Eli P. Kennedy
Kennedy    Mrs.       John       E.             1873       1956
Kennedy    Nicy       A.                   4.14.1861  7.17.1934 W/O Daniel L. Kennedy
Kennedy    Ottis      W.                   3.26.1892  3.1.1966  Pvt. Med. Det. 106th Support Train WW II
Kennedy    Queen      A.                   11.15.1874 1.25.1963
Kennedy    Reba       Holland              2.25.1914  4.23.1997
Kennedy    Rosie      Stafford             1.24.1876  9.22.1958 W/O William H. Kennedy
Kennedy    Ruth       Jones                4.27.1894       1986
Kennedy    Sallie     V.                   3.22.1870  12.23.1925W/O Edmond Kennedy, Jr.
Kennedy    Sarah      Love                 4.20.1897  8.8.1899
Kennedy    Talmadge                        11.24.1905 11.19.1927H/O Jessie Mae Kennedy Gilbert
Kennedy    Vallie     L.                   7.11.1885  9.30.1920 W/O James H. Kennedy
Kennedy    Viola      M.                   9.24.1871  9.17.1907 W/O William H. Kennedy
Kennedy    Viola      Hayes                2.24.1912
Kennedy    Walter     Eugene               9.14.1877  7.18.1878
Kennedy    Walter     E.                   11.28.1889 7.27.1916
Kennedy    William    H.                   4.13.1872  1.3.1944  H/O Rosie Stafford Kennedy & Viola M. Kennedy
Kennedy    William                         1.20.1872  3.15.1873 S/O Edmond & Elizabeth Kennedy
Kennedy    William    Edward               11.2.1893  11.4.1935
Kennedy    Winnie     Pearl      Jones     8.13.1888  10.7.1918
Kerby      Anne       Jane                      1880       1962
Kerby      Charlie                         1.5.1910   4.16.1982 Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Kerby      Eloise     Phillips             5.24.1913  4.11.1986
Kerby      R.         M.                        1872       1944
Kerby      Robert     Lester               6.11.1900  7.16.1984
Kilpatrick Lizzie     Tucker               2.10.1899  4.1.1965
Kingery    ?                               ?          ?
Kirkland   Harriet                         7.11.1804  6.29.1869
L.W.B.     Adults                                               2 Adults to the left of L.W.B. headstone
Lanier     A.         R.                   3.23.1841  12.29.1896Civil War
Lanier     Abb                             4.1.1893   7.17.1966 H/O Edna Riggs Lanier
Lanier     Adults                                               2 Adults next to Lanier Infnat
Lanier     Bennie     Atwood               4.29.1878  7.25.1973
Lanier     Bernard                         7.13.1910  8.15.1986
Lanier     Buell                           5.9.1887   4.30.1905
Lanier     E.         W.                   11.16.1863 5.22.1885
Lanier     Edna       Riggs                11.15.1899 12.6.1976 W/O Abb Lanier
Lanier     Henry      C.                   3.5.1893   3.20.1982
Lanier     Ida        Holloway             6.10.1867  6.8.1955  W/O O. H. Perry Lanier
Lanier     Infant                          9.5.1920   9.4.1921
Lanier     Infant                          7.8.1919   7.21.1919
Lanier     Infant                          2.17.1925  12.6.1927
Lanier     Infant                                               Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Lanier
Lanier     Infant                                               Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Lanier
Lanier     Infant                                               Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Lanier
Lanier     Infant     Son                  7.8.1919   7.21.1919 S/O Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Lanier
Lanier     Infant     Son                  9.5.1920   9.4.1921  S/O Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Lanier
Lanier     Infant                                               Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Lanier
Lanier     James      M.                   2.14.1871  7.4.1892
Lanier     James      A.                        1913       1984
Lanier     Kate       Jones                7.25.1895  3.10.1978
Lanier     L.         E.                   1.26.1867  3.16.1924 H/O Verda Lanier
Lanier     Louis      Dekle                1.5.1914   10.12.1914S/O R.D. & Bennie Lanier
Lanier     Marie      M.                   11.3.1913  7.26.1997
Lanier     Mary       Bowen                5.19.1846  9.17.1921 W/O Buell Lanier
Lanier     O.         H.         Perry     3.5.1868   12.10.1912H/O Ida Holloway Lanier
Lanier     Remer      Dekle                9.19.1879  8.17.1908
Lanier     Remer      D.         Jr.       9.2.1921   2.13.1932
Lanier     Roy        D.                   11.14.1902 7.18.1904
Lanier     Verda                           9.30.1876  12.3.1957 W/O L.E. Lanier
Lee        Andrew     Jackson              2.22.1858  11.3.1923 H/O Mollie Nevils Lee
Lee        Bennie                          5.11.1918  12.27.1979Tech 5 U.S. Army WW II
Lee        Carl       Earl                 3.6.1922   3.6.1962  M. Sgt. U.S. Air Force WW II
Lee        Clarence                        5.8.1925   4.21.1978 Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Lee        Clarence                        5.28.1925  4.21.1978 Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Lee        Claude                          1.2.1917   8.27.1955 H/O Kate Goodman Lee
Lee        Claudia    Mae                  2.9.1936   6.28.1959
Lee        Gary       B.         II        7.7.1968   8.31.1968
Lee        Infant                          10.10.1810           Inf. S/O Joe P. & Lola Lee
Lee        Infant                          7.3.1913   8.6.1913  Inf. S/O Joe P. & Lola Lee
Lee        Infant                                               Inf. D/O A.J. & M.J. Lee
Lee        Infant                                               Infant next to Claude Lee
Lee        James                           1.25.1924  3.19.1924 Inf. S/O Joe P. & Lola Lee
Lee        Joe        P.                   4.22.1868  1.12.1937 H/O Lola W. Lee
Lee        John       E.         Sr.       5.21.1918
Lee        John       Everett              6.19.1847  12.23.1935
Lee        Kate       Goodman              3.19.1919  12.18.1967W/O Claude Lee
Lee        Leslie     T.                        1932       1959 CPC U.S. Army Korea
Lee        Loley      W.                   3.4.1891   1.5.1971  W/O Joe P. Lee
Lee        Loree      H.                   4.6.1926   11.6.1996
Lee        Margaret   O.                   2.23.1924  4.20.2001
Lee        Mildred    Dean                 4.11.1929  11.20.2000
Lee        Mollie     Nevils               2.2.1863   9.23.1949 W/O Andrew Jackson Lee
Lee        Sarah      Cecilia    Johnson   4.2.1846   4.5.1925
Lee        Stella     M.                   5.1.1892   10.30.1957
Lee        Waldo      W.                   2.11.1913  4.30.1948 Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Lee        Wallie     Thompson             1.17.1889  9.30.1957
Lee        Willie     C.                        1923       2000
Lee        Willie     Lester               6.20.1915  2.24.1972 Fla. PFC U.S. Marine Corps WW II
Lewis      George     M.                   1.21.1889  7.2.1900
Lewis      John       W.                   7.4.1920
Lewis      John       David                12.9.1943  6.15.1963 Ga. A2C 465the Bomb Wing Air Force
Lewis      Lillie     Brown                2.22.1923            W/O John W. Brown
Lewis      Stella     Barrett              4.14.1913  6.29.2002 age 89
Lewis      Veola      V.                   10.3.1881  6.11.1900
Lindsey    George     Ray                  10.31.1971
Lindsey    Infant                          2.1.1944             Inf. S/O George & R. Lucille Lindsey
Lindsey    Infant                          1.15.1927  4.11.1928 I/O George & Thelma Lindsey
Lindsey    Lucille                         11.26.1913 11.30.1990
Lord       Calvin     B.                   1.29.1916  8.21.1970
Lord       Fannie     Hodges               6.25.1893  9.29.1969
Lord       M.         Z.                   4.29.1892  7.7.1928
Lott       Billy      Jean                 11.5.1945  4.20.1982 W/O Eugene T. Lott
Lott       Eugene     T.                   10.25.1939           H/O Billie Jean Lott
Lott       Grady      B.                   1.11.1930       2002
Lott       Infant                               1923            Inf. D/O Luther & Myrtis Lott
Lott       J.         Oscar                6.4.1894   8.7.1939
Lott       James      W.                   2.14.1927  7.21.1986 U.S. Army WW II
Lott       Jennie     Lee        Webb      5.18.1935  5.12.1998
Lott       Lester                               1923       2002
Lott       Lucinda    Sapp                 11.8.1902  5.13.1964
Lott       Luther     Lee                  11.20.1889 12.21.1960
Lott       Myrtis     Hagan                1.14.1900  5.5.1988
Lott       Nettie     T.                   7.2.1900   11.18.1986
Lott       Ruby       Dell                 11.2.1932  12.3.1945
Lott       Rufus      L.         Sr.            1895  10.21.1933Ga. Pvt. U.S. Army
Lowe       Bernie     C.                   11.26.1903 10.24.1991
Lowe       Maxine     S.                   3.19.1914  8.19.2003
Lunden     Jo         Marie      Rogers    5.20.1938  7.13.1992
Lynn       D.         C.                                        Infant
Lynn       G.         G.                   11.20.1917
Lynn       Infants                                              3 Infants next to D.C. & Vernadore Lynn
Lynn       Margaret   J.                   10.12.1920
Lynn       Verna      Mae                                       Infant
Lynn's     Adults                                               2 Adults behind George E. Brown.  There is a possibility that these could be Lynn's
Manley     Virginia   W.                   10.19.1919 9.22.2001
Marlow     Maudine    H.                   12.23.1925 3.7.2002
Martin     Ed         Lane                 3.19.1888  10.13.1963H/O Janie Kennedy Martin
Martin     Fred       Burrel               6.27.1915  9.3.1965  Ga. PFC Btry. F 214th Coast Arty. WW II
Martin     Janie      Kennedy              11.13.1895 3.2.1967  W/O Ed Lane Martin
Mavromat   Edna       Jones                1.21.1909  11.29.1991
McC                                                             There are 2 adult graves w/4 2x4 marble stones w/these initials
McCarthy   Cleeda     Williams             8.23.1910  9.26.1995 W/O D.E. Mack McCarthy
McCarthy   D.         E.         Mac       3.12.1910  3.24.1986 H/O Cleeda Williams McCarthy
McCorkle   John       Arthur               5.9.1914   3.9.1987
McCorkle   Sarah      Lou        Shuman    12.23.1915 7.7.1984
McElveen   Agnes                                1921            W/O Linton A. McElveen
McElveen   Charles    I.                        1872       1946 F/O Linton A. McElveen
McElveen   Linton     A.                        1896       1921 H/O Agnes McElveen
McGalliard Adult                                                Adult next to William Arthur McGalliard
McGalliard Child                                                Child between McGalliard & James Harvey McGalliard
McGalliard James      Harvey               1.23.1901  7.3.1964
McGalliard Richard    N.                              12.26.1938Ga. Pvt. 157th Depot Brigade (Civil War)
McGalliard William    Arthur                    1887       1951
McKnight   Ida        W.                   1.11.1921
McKnight   Roland     H.                   7.2.1925   6.3.1986
McNeely                                    6.5.1889   12.29.1954
Meads      Infant                                               above Willard P. Meads
Meads      Sarah      B.                   3.6.1914   2.22.1999 W/O Willard P. Meads
Meads      W.         P.                   ?          ?
Meads      Willard    P.                   3.16.1914  8.6.1954  Ga. S1 U.S. Coast Guard Res., WW II, H/O Sarah B. Meads
Mikell     Lemuel     Milton               10.12.1881 12.23.1968H/O Rossie Kennedy Mikell
Mikell     Rossie     Kennedy              2.15.1887  4.21.1962 W/O Lemuel Milton Mikell
Miles      Infant                          7.8.1903   7.8.1903  Inf. D/O J.A. & Janie Miles
Miller     Adult                                                Adult below Florence Miller
Miller     Elisha                          3.10.1879  5.10.1923 H/O Florence Miller
Miller     Florence                        9.4.1881   3.5.1921  W/O Elisha Miller
Miller     Ivey       Coleman              10.12.1912 10.8.1961 S/O Florence & Elisha Miller
Milton     Adult                                                Adult next to Viola Lewis Milton
Milton     Carrie     M.                   1.27.1898
Milton     Isiah      B.                   1.3.1866   12.11.1944H/O Viola Lewis Milton
Milton     Isiah      B.                   4.18.1907  10.25.1960
Milton     Leroy                           10.9.1903  12.19.1966
Milton     Lina       S.                   7.13.1926  9.9.2001
Milton     Lola       Woods                9.12.1868  7.7.1959
Milton     Lula       Woods                9.12.1868  7.7.1959
Milton     Sidney     Emit                 4.14.1868  10.10.1930
Milton     Viola      Lewis                           4.25.1930 W/O Isiah B. Milton
Montague   Thomas                          1.25.1869  10.22.1932
Moore      Blanche    Mildred                   1902       1929
Moore      Charles    Alvin                11.23.1925 11.3.1926 S/O Thomas L. & Emma Moore
Moore      Daisy      Kernodle             9.28.1878  11.12.1962
Moore      Dennis     F.         Jeff      2.23.1916  5.23.1965
Moore      Emma       Morris               7.13.1884  11.17.1968
Moore      Frank      J.                   9.20.1923
Moore      Infants                         2.20.1921            Inf. Twin sons of Thomas L. & Emma Moore
Moore      Ira        Gillian              10.29.1878 5.4.1967
Moore      Lillian                         8.5.1917   1.17.2003
Moore      Margaret   Sammons              10.1.1925  10.18.1979
Moore      Susan      Gillian              5.11.1842  11.1.1926 W/O Capt. Thomas Moore
Moore      Thomas     Lee        Jr.       1.12.1910  3.2.1967  Mason
Moore      Thomas     Lee        Sr.       5.27.1873  12.14.1949
Moore      Virginia   B.                   7.12.1925  3.7.2001
Moore      William    W.         Sr.       3.29.1912  10.19.1975
Morris     Silas                           9.30.1927  1.17.2001
Morton     Rebecca    A.                        1960       2000
Murphy     Virginia   Rose       Lee       10.31.1925 11.29.1970
Myer      Elmarita Morris     b. 9.7.1934     d. 10.30.1996  D/O Luther Lee & Myrtie Hagan Lott

NeSmith    Ada        Akins                5.25.1896  1.25.1969 W/O Henry Watson NeSmith
NeSmith    Alice      Deloach              6.15.1868  12.30.1957W/O John Servet NeSmith
NeSmith    Coy        Sullivan             8.18.1887  11.12.1918
NeSmith    Henry      Watson               10.25.1891 1.19.1976 H/O Ada Akins NeSmith
NeSmith    Infant                          8.19.1912            Inf. S/O E.L. & (Helen) Nellie NeSmith
NeSmith    John       Servet               12.14.1862 9.3.1940  h/o Alice Deloach NeSmith
NeSmith    L.         Morgan               2.11.1893  2.26.1972 H/O mattie White NeSmith & Ruthie Lee Rimes NeSmith
NeSmith    Lila       Mae                  6.2.1918   6.27.1941
NeSmith    Mattie     White                2.11.1891  6.23.1918 W/O L.M. NeSmith
NeSmith    Odell                           9.8.1928   5.15.1929 D/O Mr. & Mrs. L.M. NeSmith
NeSmith    Raymond    N.                   9.18.1894  12.13.1910
NeSmith    Ruthie     Lee        Rimes     10.3.1901  2.19.1990 W/O L. Morgan NeSmith
Nettles    Robbie     Holland              6.26.1930  1.27.1993
Nevil      Ardelia    Williams             11.5.1869  12.3.1952 W/O Thomas Butler Nevil
Nevil      Charles    Marlin               2.8.1912   5.14.1966
Nevil      Cornelia   Williams             7.11.1861  9.5.1935  W/O Peter Love Nevil
Nevil      Eva        Williams             2.22.1879  3.20.1951 W/O John C. Nevil, M.D.
Nevil      Evelyn     Mulling              6.15.1912  3.6.1989
Nevil      Gene       Hudson               1.6.1940   7.24.1978
Nevil      Gerstle    DeLoach              7.26.1892  8.21.1969 W/O James Lemuel Nevil, Sr. M.D.
Nevil      Ida        Rushing              6.1.1879   5.8.1946  W/O John G. Nevil
Nevil      James      Lemuel     Sr., MD   2.19.1882  4.5.1957  H/O Gerstle DeLoach Nevil
Nevil      James      Otis                 4.21.1910  4.8.1964
Nevil      John       G.                   3.2.1875   12.4.1922 H/O Ida Rushing Nevil
Nevil      John       C.         MD.       3.2.1873   6.22.1953 H/O Eva Williams Nevil
Nevil      John       C.         II        8.6.1935   3.2.1983  H/O Martha McDonald Nevil
Nevil      John       Paul                 4.2.1910   10.25.2001H/O Mary Joe Moseley Nevil
Nevil      Martha     McDonald             2.21.1951            W/O John C. Nevil, II
Nevil      Mary       Jane       Mosley    8.26.1911            W/O John Paul Nevil
Nevil      Mary       E.         Jones     7.12.1838  12.12.1927W/O Thomas Nevil & M/O Peter L., Simon
Nevil      Peter      Love                 7.30.1860  10.8.1940 H/O Cornelia Williams Nevil
Nevil      Sallie     O.                   7.12.1891  5.30.1978
Nevil      Teta                            1.20.1897  2.15.1899 D/O P.L. & L.C. Nevil
Nevil      Thomas     Butler               2.27.1865  8.15.1945 H/O Ardelia Williams Nevil
Nevil      William    S.                   ?          ?
Nevill     Alice      Woodcock             4.14.1876  1.5.1969  H/O Alice Woodard Nevill
Nevill     Dock       Franklin             9.1.1854   5.17.1939 H/O Mary Anderson Nevill
Nevill     Edna       Kennedy              4.11.1894  8.21.1991 W/O Paul Lee Nevill, M.D.
Nevill     John       C.                   6.23.1904  8.8.1972
Nevill     Mary       Anderson             4.8.1952   5.17.1923 W/O Dock Franklin Nevill
Nevill     Paul       Lee        MD.       8.8.1888   11.9.1951 H/O Edna Kennedy Nevill
Nevill     William    Harley               7.27.1876  5.20.1959 H/O Alice Woodcock Nevill
Neville    Beulah     Rogers               10.9.1886  3.30.1951 W/O Thomas Lawson Neville
Neville    Infant                          1.11.1909  1.22.1909 Inf. S/O T.L. & B.R. Neville
Neville    Johnnie    B.                   8.22.19007 5.12.1918 S/O T.L. & B.R. Neville
Neville    Mary       C.                   6.13.1914  7.10.1925 D/O T.L. & B.R. Neville
Neville    Roger                           8.18.1926  1.27.1927 S/O T.L. & B.R. Neville
Neville    Thomas     Lawson               9.2.1884   6.27.1950 H/O Beulah Rogers Neville
Nevils     B.         A.                   10.26.1915 5.24.1917 S/O W.R. & Lavoe Nevils
Nevils     Edna       Helen                6.9.1905   9.11.1912 D/O W.H. & Alice Nevils
Nevils     Infant                          11.13.1911 11.13.1911Inf. S/O W.R. & Lavoe Nevils
Nevils     Infant                          8.12.1919  10.4.1919 Inf. S/O W.R. & Lavoe Nevils
Nevils     Infant                                               Infant to the left of Sarah Williams Nevils
Nevils     John       Arlie      Sr.       8.28.1900  1.22.1952
Nevils     John       A.                   11.18.1844 5.17.1922 H/O Mozelle Parrish Nevils
Nevils     Lavoe      Davis                8.4.1882   12.29.1972W/O W. Raleigh Nevils buried Southern Mem. Park, Miami, Fla.
Nevils     Mozelle    Parrish              5.24.1838  6.3.1922  W/O John A. Nevils
Nevils     Sarah      Williams             10.17.1853 10.23.1930W/O William R. Nevils
Nevils     W.         Raleigh              7.19.1887  11.28.1928H/O Lavoe Davis Nevils
Nevils     William    R.                   4.15.1852  6.27.1935 H/O Sarah Williams Nevils
Newman     Leffler    E.                   9.7.1900   1.3.1964  Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Newman     Lola       Williams             1.5.1880   6.2.1924
Newsome    John       W.                   1.13.1880  8.23.1935
Newsome    Louise     G.                   4.7.1921   8.11.1959
Newsome    Susie      M.                   8.27.1882  9.18.1939
Oglesby    Sidney     Bruce                11.6.1937  11.4.1984
Olliff     Adult                                                Adult to the right of John Olliff
Olliff     Dewey      M.                   8.25.1898  6.8.1924
Olliff     Elma       Melissa    Williams  8.11.1913  1.6.1988
Olliff     Eva        Cates                7.6.1889   2.22.1966
Olliff     Harrison   Henry                7.26.1895  3.19.1964 H/O Mattie Hawkins Olliff
Olliff     Henry      D.                   4.30.1924  11.27.1993LTC U.S. Army WW II Korea, Vietnam
Olliff     Henry      Harrison   MD.       2.14.1885  4.13.1962
Olliff     Henry      Harrison   Jr.       6.2.1912   1.20.1994
Olliff     Inman      J.                   7.14.1930  6.12.2001
Olliff     Jasper     C.                   4.8.1862   2.17.1868
Olliff     John                            7.19.1825  9.6.1888
Olliff     Lillian    Bradley              7.10.1906  9.9.1980
Olliff     Lucy                            7.15.1830  11.11.1905
Olliff     Mary       Ann                  10.15.1822 12.6.1895
Olliff     Mary       Elizabeth            4.3.1866   5.22.1926 W/O Matthew T. Olliff
Olliff     Matthew    T.                   11.17.1864 6.24.1917 H/O Mary Elizabeth Olliff
Olliff     Mattie     Hawkins              8.26.1898  4.23.1937 W/O Harrison H. Olliff
Olliff     Pearl      Riggs                11.14.1882 2.3.1909  W/o B.R. Olliff
Ortiz      Antonio    Jose                 8.6.1970   12.5.1990
Palmer     Della      Nevils     Rimes     7.15.1886  11.10.1977W/O Wm. Harley Rimes & James S. Palmer
Palmer     James      S.                   5.10.1879  8.26.1950 H/O Della Nevils Rimes Palmer
Palmer     Roxie                           12.22.1902 10.10.1983
Palmer     Thomas     Arthur               2.28.1959  2.10.1959
Parker     Bertha     Williams             1.5.1914
Parrish    Absalom                         11.8.1816  5.27.1865
Parrish    Charles                         3.25.1873  3.31.1874 S/O M.A. & H.A. Parrish
Parrish    Mary                            1.15.1833  9.3.1909  W/O Robert Donaldson Parrish
Parrish    Rebecca                         6.23.1819  4.19.1862
Patrick    Infant                               1914            Inf. D/O J.M. & Laura Patrick
Patrick    Perry      L.                   1.26.1912  10.16.1912S/O J.M. & Laura Patrick
Patterson  Adult                                                Adult to the left of Mrs. Leona Patterson
Patterson  Faye       M.                        1933       1999
Patterson  Louis      Ralph      Sr.       7.12.1932  5.10.1995 HM 1 U.S. Navy Korea & Vietnam
Patterson  Mrs.       Leona                     1908  ???4
Peeples    Herbert    S.                   3.18.1910  7.22.1983 H/O Tera Tillman Peeples
Peeples    Tera       Tillman              8.31.1912  1.16.1975 W/O Herbert S. Peeples
Phillips   Robert                          9.29.1919  3.31.1970
Phillips   William    Jerald               4.23.1949  5.5.1950
Potter     Adult                                                Adult to the left of Little Hilda Potter
Potter     Hilda                 Little    8.29.1925  10.18.1927D/O F.E. & Cora Potter
Price      Annie      Rowe                 6.25.1898  3.21.1990
Price      Ella       K.                   ?          ?
Price      James      Matthews             9.1.1895   9.8.1971  Ga. Pvt. Co. D, 48th M G BN WW I
Price      Jim                             ?          ?
Proctor    Clarica    A.                        1851  8.2.1917
Quick      Bracton    V.                   2.16.1902  10.2.1977
Quick      Bracton    V.                   6.3.1926   12.5.1988 PFC U.S. Army
Quick      Infant                          2.22.1948            D/O Ethel Lorine & Bracton Virgil Quick, Jr.
Quick      John       V.                   6.29.1931  4.19.1993 SP 3 U.S. Army Korea
Quick      Lurie      H.                   8.14.1911  1.22.1997
R.         J.         L.                                        Initials on a small stone near Louis Dekle
R.         J.         L.                                        Initials on a small stone near Benny Atwod Lanier
Ranew      Charlie    Austin               9.9.1918   6.20.1964
Raper      James                           2.1.1855   1.10.1912
Reed       Thomas     M.                   9.7.1907   12.23.1988PFC U.S. Army WW II
Register   F.         P.         Jr.       11.15.1896 2.4.1917  S/O F.P. & Janie J. Register
Register   F.         P.                   1.29.1853  12.11.1914H/O Janie J. Register
Register   Janie      J.                              5.26.1932 W/O F.P. Register
Register   Josie                                1901            3 month old dau. Of H.P. & J.J. Register
Register   William    J.                   3.18.1849  3.8.1901
Rewis      Betty      Jean                 7.29.1930  7.29.1930 D/O Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rewis
Richardson Alzeta     Waters               9.3.1909   11.26.1939D/O John & Maxie Waters
Riggs      Abraham    B.                   1.14.1814  7.12.1886
Riggs      Adults                                               2 Adults to the left of Harmon A. Riggs
Riggs      Arthur                          11.7.1882  12.4.1951 H/O Myrtis E. Phillips Riggs
Riggs      Arthur     James                1.25.1921
Riggs      Bessie     G.                   6.23.1902  6.21.1973 W/O Charley W. Riggs
Riggs      Carolyn    Azelda               4.6.1924   4.5.4978
Riggs      Charley    W.                   3.28.1890  8.17.1945 H/O Bessie G. Riggs
Riggs      Connie     Conner               6.14.1940  5.15.2001
Riggs      Harmon     A.                   9.5.1843   11.27.1914Civil War
Riggs      Harmon     A.                                        There is a stainless steel plate for this adult w/ just a name & no dates.
Riggs      Horace     A.                   2.10.1864  2.6.1936  H/O Maggie Holloway Riggs
Riggs      Hulda      Watson               12.9.1909  6.8.1985
Riggs      Infant                          12.1.1920            Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Riggs
Riggs      Infant                          5.24.1922            Inf. D/O Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Riggs
Riggs      Infant                                               Inf. S/O Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Riggs
Riggs      Izona                           5.5.1926   6.6.1927
Riggs      James                           6.4.1843   3.6.1925  CSA Pvt. Co. C, 47th Ga. Inf., H/O Sarah J. Riggs
Riggs      James      Lester               4.13.1899  4.26.1970
Riggs      Jane       R.                   11.15.1835 10.8.1900
Riggs      Jasper     S.                   2.14.1869  7.29.1940 H/O Mary Alice Cowart Riggs
Riggs      Jessie     Mae                  9.23.1915  9.8.1988  W/O Robert Lee Riggs, m. 12.23.1934
Riggs      John       B.                   5.12.1870  11.15.1947
Riggs      John       Conner     Jr.       7.13.1999  4.19.2002
Riggs      Maggie     Holloway             3.6.1871   4.23.1959 W/O Horace A. Riggs
Riggs      Marilyn    Jones                6.6.1932
Riggs      Mary       Alice      Cowart    9.21.1879  10.4.1931 W/O J.S. Riggs
Riggs      Myrtis     E.         Phillips  1.18.1898  8.2.1991  W/O Arthur Riggs
Riggs      Raymond    Gordon               7.30.1886  10.22.1955H/O Shellie Green Riggs
Riggs      Robert     Lee                  3.21.1911  1.7.1997  H/O Jessie Mae Riggs m. 12.23.1934
Riggs      Sallie     N.                   12.5.1901  8.21.1990
Riggs      Sarah      J.                   12.12.1848 8.21.1930 W/O James Riggs
Riggs      Sarah      Lois                 5.27.1924  7.27.1924 D/O Arthur & Myrtice E. Phillips Riggs
Riggs      Shellie    Green                6.14.1889  2.20.1942 W/O Raymond Gordon Riggs
Riggs      William    Wyley                6.13.1894  2.4.1900  S/O H.A. & Maggie Riggs
Rimes      Allen                           3.18.1877  11.13.1993
Rimes      Bessie     Nevil                4.3.1874   8.11.1967
Rimes      Foster                          12.25.1903 2.15.192  Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Rimes      Jeff       D.                   8.1.1860   6.22.1939
Rimes      John       Paul                 11.13.1909 6.1.1982
Rimes      Rubie                           3.4.1888   8.18.1901
Rimes      Sallie     Bowen                2.14.1865  11.6.1954
Rimes      William    Harley               6.28.1880  7.1.1935  H/O Della Nevils Rimes Palmer
Robbins    Bobby                           7.16.1937  12.25.1964
Robbins    Hettie     A.         Stafford  8.12.1870  9.29.194? W/O Thomas Montague Robbins
Robbins    Hilda      Powell               10.19.1939
Robbins    Jerry      Timothy    II        5.17.1984  12.25.2000S/O Jerry & Hilda Powell Robbins
Robbins    Jerry                           1.23.1932  4.18.1984
Robbins    Joyce      Beasley    Olliff    1.20.1939  4.30.2000
Robbins    Lillian                         4.17.1912  6.27.1947
Robbins    Nan        Tillman              10.14.1898 10.24.1954W/O Sam Thomas Robbins
Robbins    Odis                  Little    10.14.1928 8.8.1930  S/O S.T. & Nanny Robbins
Robbins    Rose       M.                   7.12.1914  1.10.1983
Robbins    Sam        Thomas               6.24.1894  1.21.1974 H/O Verda Kennedy Robbins & Nan Tillman Robbins
Robbins    Samuel     Jr.                  4.29.1922  7.28.1980
Robbins    T.         M.         Little    8.3.1917   4.12.1918 S/O S.T. & Verda Robbins
Robbins    Thomas     Montague             1.25.1869  10.22.1932H/O Hettie A. Stafford Robbins
Robbins    Verda      Kennedy    Vera      9.15.1897  10.8.1918 W/O S.T. Robbins
Robbins    W.         H.         Bill      5.19.1914  6.19.1987
Roberts    Lester     Devaughn             7.10.1929  7.15.1996 Pvt. U.S. Army Korea, Americal Legion
Roberts    Pearl      Waters                    1900       1960
Rocker     Alda       Ann        Nevil     ?          ?
Rogers     Cape       Vernon               9.19.1894  4.11.1957
Rogers     Joe        Vernon               2.18.1918  6.11.1965
Rogers     Mary       L.                   2.5.1899   12.21.1981
Roundtree  Maybell    Riggs                5.13.1892  11.26.1922
Rowe       James      L.                   12.16.1921 9.18.1986 PFC U.S. Army WW II
Rowe       Martha     M.                   12.27.1901 5.10.1985
Royal      John       M.                   12.2.1902  1.17.1966
Royal      Louise                          7.?.1933   11.?.1933
Royal      Zettie     M.                   6.19.1907  1.13.1986
Rushing    Arnie                           10.8.1896  10.30.1942
Rushing    Charlie    M.                   7.24.1870  6.21.1950
Rushing    Edith                           11.22.1904 5.25.1980 W/O Elder Newton W. Terry
Rushing    Emerald    Amethyst             1.3.1881   10.20.1947H/O Mary Magdalene Rushing
Rushing    James      H.                   4.11.1866  5.28.1923 H/O Julia A. Rushing
Rushing    James      H.                   3.15.1905  11.11.1946
Rushing    John       Cecil                11.23.1911 6.9.1982  H/O Thelma Keel Rushing
Rushing    Julia      A.                   7.25.1874  9.15.1962 W/O James H. Rushing
Rushing    Kala       Elise                5.5.1988   5.5.1988
Rushing    Lillie     Walker               9.20.1904  10.11.1984
Rushing    Lonnie     O.                   9.8.1872   6.11.1939
Rushing    Lula       E.                   2.25.1877  12.14.1950
Rushing    Mary       Magdalene            9.4.1885   1.3.1967  W/O Emerald Amethyst Rushing
Rushing    Robert     F.                   2.11.1909  6.10.1983 PFC U.S. Army WW II
Rushing    Thelma     Keel                 5.13.1919  6.7.1982  W/O John Cecil Rushing
Rushing    Theron     Kelly                9.9.1903   6.17.1987
Rushing    Zada       DeLoach              3.28.1878  10.3.1949
Sammons    Brooks     Watson               8.22.1892  9.23.1965
Sammons    Charlie    L.                   10.27.1867 1.30.1961
Sammons    Frank      L.                   7.31.1900  8.20.1958
Sammons    James      Carl       Sr.       3.21.1934  12.15.1998
Sammons    Margaret   A.                   1.9.1875   10.14.1791
Sammons    Marie      D.                   ?          ?
Sammons    Marie      Donaldson            8.9.1900   8.15.1952
Sammons    Paul       L.                   9.22.1908  6.1.1936
Saylor     John       Clayman              5.5.1931   6.11.1988 PFC U.S. Army Korea
Schweiger  Edward     C.                   5.9.1914   4.6.1994  SSGT U.S. Army WW II
Sharp      Harold     L.                   9.4.1921   9.1.1968
Sharp      Mary       Jean       Kennedy   7.31.1928
Shaw       Charles                         9.18.1838  12.28.2000
Shelley    Bonnie     Dale       Graham    4.16.1928            W/O Warren W. Shelley
Shelley    Warren     W.         Teacher   6.15.1921       2002 H/O Bonnie Dale Graham Shelley
Shepperd   John       Olliff               7.19.1829  9.6.?
Show       John       R.         II        2.2.1965   2.19.1995
Shuman     Ann        Jane       Nevils    4.2.1882   3.31.1975
Shuman     Bobby      H.                   11.28.1896 3.21.1983
Shuman     Cariner                         7.18.1916  3.7.1923  D/O Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Shuman
Shuman     Elizabeth                       9.7.1926   1.16.1933 D/O Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Shuman
Shuman     Etta       G.                   11.25.1888 9.29.1954
Shuman     Foster     Pierce               11.1.1876  4.11.1933
Shuman     Gertrude   W.                   11.13.1905 3.19.1970
Shuman     John       Slayton              5.24.1913  10.8.1975
Sikes      Minnie     R.         Lott      12.30.1922 9.25.1993
Sims       Janie      Holloway                  1881       1978 W/O William June Sims
Sims       Marguerite Clark                8.18.1919  1.25.2001
Sims       Mary       Helen                3.19.1915  8.26.1981
Sims       William    June                      1881       1934 H/O Janie Holloway Sims
Sims       William    J.         Jr.       4.18.1916  4.3.1917  S/O Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Sims
Smith      Barbara    June                 11.13.1946 2.8.1959
Smith      Joshua     Jr.                  1.4.1919   9.17.2000 PHM 2 U.S. Navy WW II
Smith      Louise     A.                   4.21.1926
Smith      Vera       Donaldson            5.26.1905  1.5.1990
Sprague    Jerri      Ann                  10.7.1957  5.25.1975
Sprague    Tremper    Jr.                       1932       1991
Sprague    Zella      M.                        1938
Stafford   Adult                                                Adult tot he left of Cathern Stafford
Stafford   Adults                                               2 Adults to the right of Cathern Stafford
Stafford   Barney     W.                   1.27.1926  6.1.2002
Stafford   Cathern                         5.22.1851  6.1.1917
Stafford   Clarence   Lee                  3.5.1952   2.23.1973
Stafford   Ester      Deal                 3.13.1909  7.26.1984
Stafford   Jimmie                          7.25.1908  3.15.1979 SC 3 U.S. Navy WW II
Stafford   Jimmy      Lester               2.12.1927  2.26.1976
Stafford   Mary       Beth                 7.9.1932
Stafford   Timothy    Lester               8.18.1957  6.12.1974
Steen      Zellie     B.                   10.4.1904  3.26.1940
Stephens   Susie      Mae        Kennedy   7.17.1906  12.14.1996
Stephens   William    Benjamin   Sr.       7.11.1903  5.26.1973
Stewart    Ann        Skinner              6.26.1960  6.14.2000
Street     Alice                           4.1.1886   3.9.1901
Street     Child                           ?          ?
Street     Eva        Mae                  11.27.1904 6.1.1905  D/O J.W. & K.Y. Street
Street     Gladys     Mae                  1.21.1909  7.15.1909 D/O G.R. & Frankie Street
Street     Hannah     A.                   5.13.1851  12.10.1933W/O William C. Street
Street     William    C.                   7.16.1849  7.24.1925 CSA, H/O Hannah A. Street
Strickland Adult                                                Adult to the right of Janie A. Strickland
Strickland Janie      A.                   3.27.1874  2.5.1916  W/O John M. Strickland
Strickland John       M.                   9.27.1873  3.15.1927 H/O Janie A. Strickland
Strickland Melba      H.                   1.11.1921
Strickland William    J.                   10.14.1914 3.24.1996 WW II
Stubbs     Manning    Jasper               4.11.1914  5.12.1976 PFC U.S. Army WW II
Summerlin  Deborah                         6.14.1855  5.21.1936 W/o Elisha B. Summerlin
Summerlin  Elisha     B.                   2.12.1852  10.8.1906 H/O Deborah Summerlin
Summerlin  Ivey                            1.13.1837  2.17.1901 CSA
Summerlin  Leon                            2.16.1897  7.19.1898 S/O W.A. & M.E. Summerlin
Summerlin  Lura       Lee                       1891       1927
Summerlin  Margaret   E.                   1.5.1880   4.26.1962
Summerlin  Roxie      Ann                  7.23.1853  9.4.1933
Sutton     Sue        Jones                3.8.1923   12.7.1994
Sutton     William    Harris               3.9.1921
Thacker    Michael    Glenn                11.6.1965  3.2.1998
Tillman    Carl       W.                   1.18.1889  1.12.1946
Tillman    Charlie                         1.12.1881  1.12.1934
Tillman    Colley     Gordon               1.27.1903  7.22.1978 SEA U.S. Navy WW II, H/O Nellie Mallard Tillman
Tillman    Edith      Rimes                5.28.1919  2.14.1989 W/O James Roy Tillman
Tillman    Edmond                          3.27.1869  3.12.1918 H/O Lenora Copeland Tillman
Tillman    H.         Weaver               4.24.1894  10.18.1949
Tillman    Henry      L.                   4.8.1867   9.30.1930 H/O Mattie Hagan Tillman
Tillman    Henry      Weaver               3.28.1923  9.2.1980
Tillman    Inez                            10.13.1908 11.23.1909D/O T.C. & Ora Tillman
Tillman    Ivy        G.                   1.12.1906  11.22.1947
Tillman    James      Roy                  4.4.1915   5.10.1989 H/O Edith Rimes Tillman
Tillman    James      D.                   3.5.1871   9.23.1931
Tillman    Johnie                          ?.22.1875  1.12.??
Tillman    Joseph     Arthur               8.15.1893  6.9.1895
Tillman    Joseph                          3.3.1848   11.4.1909 Husb. Of Mary M. Tillman
Tillman    Lena       K.                   2.11.1901  ?
Tillman    Lenora     Copeland             5.28.1875  9.18.1960 W/O Edmond Tillman
Tillman    Lonnie     S.                   6.5.1900   5.22.1966
Tillman    Margaret   Wilson               11.9.1895  3.4.1963
Tillman    Maria                           4.6.192?   11.7.1921
Tillman    Mary       M.                   12.20.1851 12.16.1921W/O Joseph Tillman
Tillman    Mattie     Hagan                10.26.1880 12.2.1931 W/O Henry L. Tillman
Tillman    Maxie                           9.23.1876  7.2.1940
Tillman    Milton     F.                   12.25.1926 12.24.1975
Tillman    Minnie     Belle                8.30.1880  8.4.1889
Tillman    Nellie     Mallard              10.27.1898 7.13.1994 W/O Colley G. Tillman
Tillman    Ora                             2.12.1881  4.17.1965
Tillman    Purl                            12.3.1908  5.9.1936  D/O T.C. & Ora Tillman
Tillman    Rena       B.                   12.8.1899  12.31.1945
Tillman    Scott                           10.2.1885  8.15.1920 H/O Lenora Lee Tillman Allen
Tillman    Scott                           8.15.1920  1.21.1970
Tillman    Shelvy     Jean                      1937       1947
Tillman    Tammy                                1962       1972
Tillman    Walter                          1.9.1892   10.20.1906
Tillman    William    Henry                1.11.1909  2.4.1910  S/O H.L. & Mattie Tillman
Trapnell   Algerine   Francis              2.2.1914   12.2.1968 Ga. Master Sgt. 543th Air Service Group AAF WW II
Trapnell   Aljarine   Justin               6.14.1882  1.25.1954
Trapnell   George                          1.19.1912  6.15.1913 S/O A.J. & Lula Trapnell
Trapnell   Hautense   Iler                 9.20.1915  1.14.2001
Trapnell   Infant                          1.15.1909            Inf. S/O Aljarine & Maggie Trapnell
Trapnell   Infant                          8.17.1942            Inf. S/O Ray & Hautense Trapnell
Trapnell   Infant                                               Inf. D/O Ray & Hautense Trapnell
Trapnell   Julia      Miller     Kenan     6.23.1917
Trapnell   Maggie     Lou                  3.4.1890   12.14.1979
Trapnell   Solomon    Ray                  2.7.1910   8.15.1988
Tucker     Bessie     McGalliard           7.6.1891   12.20.1945Wife of John Tucker
Tucker     Cassie     C.                   3.10.1923  11.30.1998
Tucker     Donnie     B.                   5.24.1901  1.9.1971
Tucker     Harry      B.                   4.12.1929  1.20.1948
Tucker     Ida        F.         Delaoch   5.24.1876  6.7.1956  W/O Joe Tucker, Sr.
Tucker     Joe        Sr.                  3.4.1871   4.21.1943 H/O Ida F. Deloach Tucker
Tucker     Joe                             4.28.1920  5.2.1984
Tucker     John       Warden               10.20.1893 5.23.1963
Tucker     John       Howard               11.1.1924  4.19.1935
Tucker     Lehman     Sr.                  3.10.1901  1.7.1984
Tucker     Roy                             5.15.1897  3.16.1925
Tueth      Marie      E.                   11.27.1947
Tueth      Richard    E.                   1.23.1939  1.23.1985
Tuten      Infant                                               Infant to the right of William Robert Tuten Jr.
Tuten      William    Robert     Jr.       10.20.1931 6.29.1932
Vaupel     Lillian    M.                   3.26.1951
Vaupel     Loren      V.         II        9.5.1948   10.26.2000U.S. Army Vietnam
Waller     Benjamin   Grady                8.8.1917   10.31.2002H/O Eva Akins Waller
Waller     Eva        Akins                5.21.1915            W/O Benjamin Grady Waller
Ward       Charles    Ellis                5.12.1938  6.30.1940 S/O Florence & Robert L. Ward, Sr.
Ward       Florence   Hendrix              1.7.1900   4.26.1981 W/O Robert L. "Bob" Ward, Sr.
Ward       Robert     L.         Jr.       8.18.1925  4.27.1985 Tech 5 U.S. Army WW II, S/O Florence Hendrix & Robert L. Ward, Sr.
Ward       Robert     L.         Sr.       12.9.1889  7.16.1978
Ward       Sandra     Barrrett             8.6.1944   3.17.2001
Warnock    Charles    Alfred               8.11.1879  3.11.1941 H/O Leattie Barrow Warnock
Warnock    Elisha     Raymond              2.9.1890   4.19.1982
Warnock    Homer      V.                   1.7.1893   1.17.1919 American Legion
Warnock    J.         Arthur               12.22.1879 11.30.1914
Warnock    Leattie    Barrow               10.21.1892 10.30.1971W/O Charles Alfred Warnock
Warnock    Mary       Lessie     Jones     6.22.1897  5.31.1979
Waters     Clifford                             1926       1990
Waters     Dan        G.                        1876       1951
Waters     Fannie     Williams             8.3.1874   12.4.1968 W/O Oscar R. Waters
Waters     John       S.                   7.27.1870  12.7.1941
Waters     Malean     Lester                    1911       1946
Waters     Malisa                               1868       1946
Waters     Maxie      Holland              1.19.1878  10.22.1956
Waters     Mrs.       Dan        G.             1912       1946
Waters     Oscar      R.                   11.29.1873 10.11.1939H/O Fannie Waters
Waters     Vanna      Coursey                   1883       1939
Watson     Allie      Donaldson            7.27.1894  8.27.1977 W/O Byron Stanley Watson
Watson     Byron      Stanley              6.22.1884  4.26.1964 H/O Allie Donaldson Watson
Watson     Eloise     Anderson             10.2.1907  2.23.1989
Watson     Elwood     Register             5.25.1905  5.9.1981
Watson     Eugenia    Munnerlyn            2.22.1915  10.26.1916D/O K.E. & F.I. Watson
Watson     Frankie    Register             8.17.1887  2.3.1971  SGM U.S. Air Force WW II Korea
Watson     Helen & Harry         Twins     10.8.1930
Watson     Karl       E.                   12.17.1887 9.4.1927
Watson     Loree      Bowen                1.6.1909   2.16.1989
Watson     Paul       Hamilton             5.14.1907  9.2.1992
Watson     Robyn      Joiner               3.31.1907  7.19.1988
Wellman    Mary       E.                   ?          ?
Wellman    Mary       E.                   ?          ?
West       Helen & Harry         Twins     10.8.1930
West       Margaret   Bowen                8.4.1892   2.4.1987
White      Allie      Kingery              12.25.1886 11.18.1963
White      Julius     C.                   5.19.1915  4.30.2002
White      LaVenie    Rae        Waters    1.16.1915  1.25.1994
Willard    Andrea     Leigh                8.18.1966  8.19.1966 Inf. D/O Dr. & Mrs. W.K. Willard
Williams   Adults                                               2 Adults behind Henry R. Williams
Williams   Algerine                        11.3.1859  6.26.1923
Williams   Alice      R.                   12.19.1925 7.11.1985 W/O Henry R. Williams
Williams   Amelia     Buie                 1.25.1887  9.24.1962
Williams   America    F.                   1.12.1884  3.4.1887
Williams   Bennie                          ?          ?
Williams   Cornelia   Shumans              9.4.1880   7.10.1956 W/O Irvin Green Williams
Williams   D.         N.         Elder     3.3.1858   4.17.1920 H/O Mary Neville Williams Kennedy
Williams   Daniel     Gilbert              9.23.1882  1.17.1966
Williams   Daniel     Douglas              10.23.1912 7.18.1956 American Legion
Williams   Darwin     Gilbert    Jr.       6.15.1952  11.10.1987
Williams   Darwin     Gilbert              12.9.1926
Williams   David                           1.11.1806  4.6.1886
Williams   David      Lester               9.4.1895   5.30.1984 H/O Linnea Resler Williams m. 8.7.1916
Williams   Elector    Holloway             4.13.1877  11.21.1953W/O Wiley W. Williams
Williams   Elmer      Inez                 1.22.1899  3.21.1902
Williams   Florence   Bird                 8.10.1869  11.6.1945 W/O John Garrett Williams
Williams   Florrie    L.                   1.23.1945            W/O John D. Williams m. 2.14.1959
Williams   Frances                         8.27.1913  8.30.1913
Williams   Frank      Pierce               4.9.1906   11.27.1977
Williams   Garrett    Sr.                       1788       1870
Williams   Georgia                              1807  ?
Williams   Henry      R.                   3.25.1914  9.3.1974  H/O Alice R. Williams
Williams   Hinton     Clark                8.21.1906  8.23.1906 Inf. S/O L.T. & Beston Williams
Williams   Howard     Gaston               6.28.1900  7.11.1979
Williams   Infant                          9.23.1906            I/O of Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Williams
Williams   Irvin      Green                2.10.1876  6.26.1954 H/O Cornelia Shumans Williams
Williams   James                           5.28.1868  4.25.1923 H/O Sarah Williams
Williams   James      T.                   11.3.1877  2.7.1932  H/O Maxie A. Williams
Williams   James      J.                   12.3.1853  6.18.1920 H/O Mary Lee Williams
Williams   James      M.                   2.28.1833  9.19.1884
Williams   James      W.                   11.16.1889 5.6.1949
Williams   Jane       E.         Leverett  8.6.1933
Williams   John       G.         Elder     3.28.1809  12.26.1883
Williams   John       Garrett              3.10.1850  2.18.1917 H/O Florence Bird Williams
Williams   John       Morgan               7.2.1875   9.26.1932 H/O Mamie Kirkland Williams
Williams   John       D.                   2.19.1936            H/O Florrie L. Williams m. 2.14.1959
Williams   Johnnie    G.                   4.4.1910   2.17.1979
Williams   Josiah     C.                   2.5.1844   9.25.1907 CSA, H/O Sarah J. Williams
Williams   Julia      A.         Riggs     5.28.1872  12.6.1929
Williams   June       E,                   8.6.1933
Williams   Kermit     R.                   2.23.1908  1.30.1977
Williams   Leffler    E.                   9.7.1900   1.3.1964  Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
Williams   Lemuel     Trapnell             4.5.1881   5.23.1962 H/O Sarah Anderson Williams
Williams   Leo                                  1902       1954
Williams   Lerie      Nevil                4.28.1897  12.7.1956
Williams   Leroy                           12.16.1920      2003
Williams   Lester     C.                   10.22.1902 1.31.1914
Williams   Linnea     Resler               2.16.1898  5.7.1982  W/O David Lester Williams m. 8.7.1916
Williams   Lula                            ?          ?
Williams   Mamie      Kirkland             3.13.1885  12.3.1945 W/O John Morgan Williams
Williams   Margaret                        1.22.1819  12.11.1887
Williams   Mary       Lee                  5.14.1854  4.26.1908 W/O James J. Williams
Williams   Mary       Ann                  9.29.1855  8.30.1875 D/O Edward & Elizabeth Kennedy Williams
Williams   Mary       Frances              1.20.1929  6.15.1986
Williams   Maxie      A.                   4.29.1881  1.9.1964  W/O James T. Williams
Williams   Melba      Vaden                10.10.1917 3.24.1997
Williams   Nita       W.                   5.13.1898  12.13.1918D/O Lytha Lanier Kennedy
Williams   Ruby       Bowen                6.24.1908  12.21.1989W/O Howard Gaston Williams
Williams   Sara                            1.17.1850  ?         W/O James Williams
Williams   Sarah      Anderson             9.8.1887   8.21.1962 W/O Lemuel Trapnel Williams
Williams   Sarah      Jane       Deloach   9.12.1837  3.24.1925
Williams   Sarah      Lee                  5.5.1856   11.11.1885
Williams   Sarah      A.                   10.2.1839  2.13.1920
Williams   Sarah      J.                   8.9.1851   12.18.1930W/O Josiah C. Williams
Williams   Videll     R.                   4.9.1923
Williams   W.         E.         Capt.     12.27.1823 6.10.1862 Civil War Commander Co. C, 47th Ga. Regt. Vols.  He was killed in the Battle of James Island, South Carolina
Williams   Wiley      W.                   11.18.1873 12.31.1916H/O Elector Holloway Williams
Williams   William    M.                   7.22.1839  2.17.1915 Pr. Baptist Miniter, H/O Sarah Jane DeLoach Williams
Williams   William    Wiley                7.19.1866  3.3.1942
Williams                                                        Large stone with no writing to the right of Sara Williams
Willis     Francis    E.                   5.27.1926  10.30.1992H/O Jacqueline Holland Willis
Willis     Jacqueline Holland              9.15.1923            W/O Francis E. Willis
Wilson     Adult                                                Adult to the left of J.L. Wilson
Wilson     Adults                                               2 Adults below & to the left of Shirley Wilson
Wilson     Adults                                               2 Adults to the left of Annie Chester Wilson
Wilson     Adults                                               2 Adults to the right of Grace C. Wilson
Wilson     Allie      Griffin                              1909 M/O Ella, Willis, Nettie & Elton
Wilson     Alvarene                        12.1.1893  9.23.1984
Wilson     Amamda     Rimes                1.24.1869  1.31.1948 W/O W.P. Wilson
Wilson     Amanda                          9.25.1840  9.26.1890 W/O Joseph S. Wilson
Wilson     Annie      Chester              10.10.1920 1.22.1994
Wilson     Benjamin                        3.31.1833  7.15.1911 H/O Sarah A. Wilson
Wilson     Birdie     Mae                  5.30.1913  3.1.1992  W/O Wiley C. Wilson
Wilson     Brooks                          10.20.1883 8.20.1921 H/O Effie Lanier Wilson
Wilson     Brooks     B.                   11.17.1919 3.11.1948
Wilson     David                           3.6.1926   3.7.1926
Wilson     Delmas                          9.22.1972  11.12.1988
Wilson     Dora       Roundtree            2.2.1877   8.18.1965 W/O John Wesley Wilson
Wilson     Effie      Lanier               1.31.1884  10.23.1974W/O Brooks Wilson
Wilson     Elizabeth                       1.5.1863   3.28.1927 W/O Joseph S. Wilson
Wilson     Fred       Oscar                3.5.1905   5.5.1906  S/O H.N. & T.L. Wilson
Wilson     Gertrude                        5.31.1902  11.11.1907D/O Isom E. 7 Fannie Wilson
Wilson     Gertrude   Akins                8.1.1908   1.6.1967
Wilson     Gordon                          1.7.1909   3.9.1922  S/O Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Wilson
Wilson     Grace      C.                        1920       1999
Wilson     Harley                               1886       1942
Wilson     Harvey     J.                   12.28.1902 8.24.1932
Wilson     Helen      Bowen                1.1.1917   5.11.1977
Wilson     Henry      Harrison             4.24.1861  2.8.1940  H/O Wealthy Ann Collins Wilson
Wilson     Henry      J.                   11.28.1914 1.5.1970
Wilson     Herman     H.                   11.26.1914 6.3.1916  S/O R.H. & T.L. Wilson
Wilson     Herman                          10.20.1923 9.17.1949
Wilson     Horace     Nathaniel            3.16.1859  8.18.1940 H/O Theolia Osteen Wilson
Wilson     Infant                               1973       1973
Wilson     J.         L.                   4.9.1884   11.7.1918
Wilson     Jimmy                                1946       1993
Wilson     John       Wesley               4.22.1879  2.27.1952 H/O Dora Roundtree Wilson
Wilson     Joseph     Elton                5.12.1906  8.16.1906 D/O Isom E. & Fannie Wilson
Wilson     Joseph     S.                   6.18.1852  4.16.1930 H/O Elizabeth Wilson & Amanda Wilson
Wilson     Mack                            4.19.1914  12.30.1968
Wilson     Mollie     Riggs                     1895       1929
Wilson     Mr. & Mrs.                                      1999 There are 2 adult graves for the Wilson's.  There is a single headstone w/names & death date.
Wilson     Ruby       F.                        1947       1993
Wilson     Sarah      Ann                  1.27.1839  5.24.1904 W/O Benjamin Wilson
Wilson     Shirley                         7.26.1946  2.19.1997
Wilson     Theolia    Osteen               11.1.1867  1.22.1944 W/O Horace Nathaniel Wilson
Wilson     Tommy                                1979       1990
Wilson     W.         P.                   3.14.1868  3.30.1937 H/O Amanda Rimes Wilson
Wilson     W.         Rodney               9.6.1889   4.10.1918 S/O H.N. & T.L. Wilson
Wilson     Wealthy    Ann        Collins   6.26.1856  6.2.1932  W/O Henry H. Wilson
Wilson     William    Henry                10.18.1883 4.10.1973
Wilson     Wyley      Clayton              1.?.1942   9.?.1944  WW II
Wise       Bird       Wilbur               2.8.1886   10.19.1965H/O Essie Brown Wise
Wise       Charlie    Norwood              7.4.1880   9.17.1962 H/O Mary Elizabeth Wise
Wise       Effie      Jean                 11.4.1938  11.5.1938
Wise       Eliza                           4.1.1854   1.27.1911
Wise       Essie      Brown                6.10.1891  3.24.1990 W/O Bird Wilbur Wise
Wise       Infant                          ?          ?
Wise       Infant                          ?          ?
Wise       Infants                                              2 Infants to the right of Essie Brown Wise
Wise       James                           5.20.1835  9.7.1922  Civil War Corp. Co. B, Ga. Inf.
Wise       Joseph                               1890  4.7.1911
Wise       Lilian                          8.27.1913  11.27.1936
Wise       Mary       Elizabeth            9.9.1880   6.2.1941  W/O Charlie Norwood Wise
Wise       Mildred                         5.7.1916   9.7.1916
Wise       William    Little               8.27.1913  11.27.1936
Woodard    Joel       A.                   ?          ?         H/O Sarah A. Woodard
Woodard    Sarah      A.                   ?          3.4.1887  W/O Joel A. Woodard
Woodcock   Debra      Bowen      Mitt      11.5.1872  4.8.1956  W/O Willie R. Woodcock
Woodcock   Willie     R.                   9.15.1861  3.20.1937 H/O Debra Bowen Woodcock
Wright     Louise     Holloway             8.22.1906  4.22.1986
Yeomans    Albert     Loren                10.7.1906  3.19.1977
Yeomans    Jewel      Holloway             9.29.1911  4.28.1999
Young      Adult                                                right of Lurine W. Young
Young      Adults                                               3 adults to the left of Lurine Young
Young      Lurine     W.                   11.5.1912  1.21.1972