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Bibb County  Georgia Company C 2nd Battalion

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
clhjohnson@aol.comCarolyn L. Harper Johnson

Table of Contents page:
Georgia Table of Contents:

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	C.  S.  A. 

Hardeman, Thomas, Jr. Captain April   20, 1861 .  Elected
Major May   15, 1861 ; Colonel of the 45th Regiment   Ga.
Inf.  March  15, 1862 . Resigned October  13, 1862 . 

Ross, William Henry-1st Lieutenant April   20, 1861 .
Elected Lieutenant Colonel of the 1st Independent Battn. 
Ga.  State Troops November  1, 1861 .  Mustered out April
1862 .  Elected Captain of Co. C, 1st Battn.  Ga.
Sharpshooters June   22, 1862 .  Assigned to duty on
Major General W.  H.  T.  Walker's Staff as A. A. I.
General; to General Hardee's Staff.  Roster dated January
25, 1865 , shows he was appointed by President, with
remark. ""Remaining. "

Rerlding, Charles R. 2d Lieutenant April   20, 1861 .
Elected 1st Lieutenant November   25, 1861 ; Captain
March  15, 1862 .  Killed at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2,
1863 . 

Turpin, George B. Jr.  2d Lieutenant April   20, 1861 .
Discharged by order of the Secretary of War October   25,
1861 .  Appointed Captain and A. Q. M.  of the 45th
Regiment   Ga.  Inf.  April  1, 1862 . Resigned June 5,
1862 . 

Cherry, George F. 1st Sergeant April   20, 1861 .
Discharged April 4, 1862 .  Appointed 1st Lieutenant and
Adjutant of the 45th Regiment Ga.  Inf.  (to rank from
April  1, 1862 ), May   9, 1862 .  Elected Captain of Co.
A, June   15, 1864 .  Roll dated February   28, 1865 ,
last on file, shows him on furlough of indulgence.  No
later record. 

Collins, John J. -2d Sergeant April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Sergeant Major November   24, 1861 .
Discharged, disability, in 1862 . 

Richardson, William W. 3d Sergeant April   20, 1861 .
Appointed 2d Sergeant.  Elected Jr.  2d Lieutenant March 
1862  ; 1st Lieutenant October  1862 .  Pension records
shows he was at home on sick furlough close of war. 

Phillips, Solomon D. -4th Sergeant April   20, 1861 .
Appointed 3d Sergeant.  Discharged, furnished substitute,
March   29, 1863 . Ross, George W. 5th Sergeant April
20, 1861 .  Elected Captain May   17, 1861 ; Major April 
20, 1862 .  Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July   2, 1863 .
Died from wounds August    2, 1863 . 

Pickett, John H. 1st Corporal April   20, 1861 .
Appointed 5th Sergeant May   15, 1861 .  Discharged,
disability, August    30, 1861 . Elected 1st Lieutenant
of Co.  A, 45th Regiment   Ga.  Inf.  February  1, 1862
; Captain October  13, 1862 .  Resigned on account of age
and defective eyesight January   5, 1863 . 

Thomas, William J. 2d Corporal April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, disability, August    30, 1861 .  Detailed to
work in Govt.  Shops at Macon, Ga.  August   1862 .
(Born in Charleston, S. C.  in 1830.)

Ross, Charles Lewellyn-3d Corporal April   20, 1861 .
Appointed 1st Corporal in 1861 ; 5th Sergeant December
11, 1861 .  Surrendered, Appo-mattox, Va.  April   9,
1865 . 

Reynalds, Alexander S. 4th Corporal April   20, 1861 .
Discharged August    30, 1861 . 

Anderson, Clifford--  private  April   20, 1861 .
Elected Jr.  2d Lieu-tenant November   2, 1861 ; 2d
Lieutenant April  15, 1862 .  Appointed Bri-gade
Inspector in 1863 .  Elected to Confederate States
Congress and discharged November  1, 1863 . 

Arnold, John B. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Substitute.  In service January  13, 1865 .  No later

Bailey, John H. -  private  April   30, 1864 .  Appears
on list of Con-federate soldiers remaining in U. S. A.
Military Prison (Libby), at Richmond, Va.  April  10,
1865 .  No later record. 

Bazemore, Thomas J. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 ; Ream's
Station, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  Surrendered, Appomattox,
Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Bedingfield, William-Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  A,
1st Independent Battn.  Ga.  State Troops October   21,
1861 .  Mustered out at Camp Lee near Savannah, Ga.  May 
2, 1862 .  Enlisted as a  private in Co.  C, 2d Battn.
Ga.  Inf.  April   30, 1862 .  Appointed Sergeant in 1863
.  Roll dated February  11, 1865 , shows that he was paid
to December   31, 1864 .  No later record.  Pension
records show he surrendered at Appomattox, Va.  April
9, 1865 .  (Resident of Ga.  since 1843.)

Bledsoe, William T. -  private  April   25, 1861 .  Died
January  1863 
Blount, Edmund-Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  C, 62d
Regiment   Ga. Inf.  July   28, 1862 .  Transferred to
Co.  C, 8th Regiment   Ga. Cavalry July   11, 1864  ; to
Co.  C, 2d Battn.  Ga.  Inf.  September   24, 1864.
Paroled at Burkeville, Va.  April  14-17, 1865 . 

Blount, James H. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, November   1862 .
Elected Lieutenant Colonel of 1st Battn. Ga.  Reserve
Cavalry in 1864 . 

Bone, Peter H. -  private  June   27, 1861 .  Discharged,
disability, October   25, 1864 . 

Bostick, John E. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, May   1862 . 

Bowman, John H. Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  A, 1st
Independent Battn.  Ga.  State Troops October   21, 1861
.  Appointed Color Corporal February  1862 .  Enlisted as
a  private  in Co.  C, 2d Battn.  Ga.  Inf. April 30,
1862 .  Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .
Died of disease in 1864 . 

Bowman, Robert E. -  private .  Died of disease
contracted in service in 1865 . 

Brantley, Asa-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged,
disability, August    30, 1861 . 

Brantley, Robert E.  - -  private  August    12, 1861 .
Transferred to Cavalry. 

Brinn, Thomas H. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Discharged
July   7, 1861 . 

Brcughton, John-  private  April   20, 1861 . 

Brown, Emanuel-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged,
over-age, April  1862 . 

Brown, Thomas H.  (or Thomas M.)-  private  July   9,
1861 .  Transferred to Co.  E, 45th Regiment   Ga.  Inf. 
April  1862 .  Killed at Chancel-lorsville, Va.  May   3,
1863 , or Gettysburg, Pa.  July   3, 1863 . 

Brown, Volme B. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Discharged, disability, August   1862 . 

Burdick, E.  Luther-  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 .  Enlisted as
a  private  in Co.  D, 14th Battn. Ga. State Guards Inf.,
for term of six months, August   1, 1863 .  Pension
records show he was detailed at Macon, Ga.  Arsenal,
where he remained until close of war.  Born April   25,
1838.  Died November   28, 1918. 

Burnett, Charles C. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Corporal. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April  
9, 1865 .  (Born in Bibb County, Ga.  April  1843.)

Byrd, James T. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Died in
1862 . 

Calhoun, Patrick H. -  private  August   12, 1861 . 

Callaway, William A. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Roll
for September October 1862 , last on which borne, shows
he "left camp sick near Winchester, Va. " Carlos, William
Paul-  private  August   12, 1861 .  Wounded and captured
at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Paroled in 1863 .
Wounded at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  In Macon,
Ga.  hospital, wounded, October   1864 .  Admitted to
hospital February   13, 1865  ; was detailed for six
months from February  19, 1865 , and sent to Macon, Ga.
(Born in Bibb County, Ga.  May   20, 1843.)

Carter, Grant Davis-  private  April   30, 1862 .
Captured at Deep Bottom, Va.  August    16, 1864 .
Exchanged.  Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865

Chain, John-  private  May   1861 .  Discharged,
furnished substitute, in 1863 . 

Chain, William H. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Wounded
in arm, necessitating amputation, at Spotsylvania, Va.
May   14, 1864 . 

Cherry, Isaac N. -  private  May   9, 1861 .  Died in
1862 . 

Clark, John F. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Wounded at
Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  Captured at Deep
Bottom, Va.  August   16, 1864 . Paroled at Point
Lookout, Md., date not given.  Pension records show he
was at home close of war. 

Clark, Stephen A. -  private  August    18, 1862 .  Died
in Christian's Hospital in Va.  Body sent to Powersville,

Clark, William G. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Killed
at Jericho Ford, Va.  May   25, 1864 . 

Coates, Alfred Harvey-  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged in 1862 .  Died in 1876. 

Coker, Caleb-  private  June   27, 1861 .  Discharged,
disability, November 12, 1861 . 

Cole, John T. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Appears last
on roll for December 1861 . 

Collins, William A. Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  D,
1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, Ga.  State Troops October   8,
1861 .  Mustered out April 1862 .  Enlisted as a  private
in Co.  C, 62d Regiment   Inf.  May   31, 1862 .
Transferred to Co.  A; to Co.  C, 8th Regiment   Ga.
Cavalry July   11, 1864 ; to Co.  E, 3d Regiment   Ga.
Inf., in exchange for Henry H. Glover, in 1864  ; to Co. 
C, 2d Battn.  Ga.  Inf.  in 1864  ; to Co.  I, 2d
Regiment   Ga.  Cavalry August   1, 1864 .  Roll for
December  1864 , last on file, shows him present.  No
later record. 

Craig, David D. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged by reason of his labor being required in other
important Government work, October  10, 1861 . 

Cutter, Melanethon H. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Captured at Deep Bottom, Va.  August   16, 1864 .
Paroled at Point Lookout, Md.  January 17, 1865 .
Exchanged at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va.
January   21, 1865 . 

Daly, Dennis--  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
in 1862 . 

Daniell, George H. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Detailed with Georgia Relief and Hospital Association in
1863 . 

Daniell, Henry W. -  private  April   21, 1861 .  Wounded
at Spotsylvania, Va.  May   14, 1864 .  Died from wounds.

Dickinson, Loren-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Roll for
December 1861 , shows him on sick furlough. 

Edwards, Joseph A. -  private  May   17, 1861 .
Transferred to Co. C, 62d Regiment   Ga.  Inf., in
exchange for E.  Blount, in 1864  ; to Co. C, 8th
Regiment   Ga.  Cavalry July   11,1R64.  Roll for October
31, 1864, last on file, shows him present.  No later

Elliaon, William H. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Transferred to Artillery in 1862 . 

Ells, Charles S. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged in 1861 . 

Ells, Henry N. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
in 1861 . Elected 1st Lieutenant of Captain   Leroy J.
Napier's Company, Georgia Light Artillery, January   20,
1862 .  Detailed Recruiting Officer March   4, 1862 .
Elected Captain of Macon Light Artillery in 1862 .
Resigned ill health. 

English, William H. -  private  April   20, 1862 .
Appointed Drum Major.  Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.
April   9, 1865 . 

Ernest, George W.  (or Earnest)-  private  April   30,
1862 .  Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Feuchtwanger, Ernest-  private  May   24, 1861 .  Appears
last on roll for December  1861 . 

Freeman, Albert A. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Sergeant Major June   24, 1861 .  Elected 2d
Lieutenant of Co.  C, 2d Battn. Ga.  Inf.  March  1862
;1st Lieutenant ; Captain July   1863 .  Wounded and
captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Paroled at
Johnson's Island, O.  and transferred to City Point, Va. 
for exchange February   24, 1865 .  No later record. 

Freeman, Francis M. -  private  June   15, 1861 .
Wounded at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  In Macon,
Ga.  hospital October  1864 . Cap-tured at Macon, Ga.
April   20 or 21, 1865 . 

Goety, George C. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Wounded
at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  Retired on account
of wounds. 

Gogan, James J. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed
Hospital Steward in 1862 . 

Goldreth, John F. -  private  May   1, 1863 .
Discharged, disability, August   1863 . 

Goldsmith, David-  private  April   30, 1862 .  Roll for
February 29, 1864 , last on file, bears remark. "Deserted
and gone to enemy. "

Goodale, James O. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Roll dated
February   29, 1864 , last on which name appears, bears
remark . "Absent, prisoner . since taken the oath. "

Gordon, Francis H. -  private  April   20, 1861 . 

Gray, James T. -  private  May   1, 1861 .  Detailed in
Ordnance Dept. at Macon, Ga.  September   22, 1862 . 

Grimes, John M. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed
3d Sergeant March  1862 . 

Grace, William E. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed 4th Corporal March  1862 . 

Gunn, Zachary Booth-  private  August    31, 1862 .  Roll
for September  -October " 1864 , last on file, shows him
Absent, detailed as teamster Division train May   17,
1863 . " No later record. 

Hafer, John A. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Surrendered,
Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Hafer, John F. -  private  October   25, 1861 .  Wounded
in 1863 . Cap-tured at Deep Bottom, Va.  August   16,
1864 .  Paroled at Point Lookout, Md.  and transferred to
Aiken's Landing, Va.  for exchange March   14, 1865 .
Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va.,
March  16, 1865 . 

Hafer, Jonas, Jr. -  private  August    28, 1861 .
Captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  No later

Hardemen, Robert Uller-  private  August    28, 1861 .
Appointed Quar-termaster Sergeant of the 45th Regiment
Ga.  Inf.  October  1, 1862  ; Adju-tant.  Surrendered,
Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Harmon, Archibald S. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Killed at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 . 

Harris, Edwin -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged,
over-age, July 1862 . 

Harris, James M. -  private  May   17, 1861 .
Discharged, disability, December  11, 1861 .  (Resident
of Ga.  since 1888.)

Hartley, John Tillman-  private  April   30, 1862 .
Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Harvey, George W. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Transferred to Co. E, 3d Regiment   Ga.  Inf.  May   11,
1861 .  Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. May   3, 1863 . 
On sick furlough June   4-September  14, 1863 .
Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Hauae, Lewis A. -  private  August    25, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished Lawrence Ward as substitute,
October   31, 1862 .  Appears also as Hance and House. 

Heath, Francis M.  -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Wounded
in arm near Farmville, Va.  April   8, 1865 .  Arm
amputated above elbow. 

Holmes, Charles E. -  private  June   15, 1861 .
Discharged October 10, 1863 .  Elected Jr.  2d Lieutenant
of Co.  D, 66th Regiment   Ga.  Inf. August 15, 1864 .
Roll for August    31, 1864 , last on file, shows him
absent, sick.  No later record. 

Holmes, John C. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed
4th Sergeant in 1861  Transferred to Co.  D, 45th
Regiment   Ga.  Inf.  February  1, 1863 . Detailed in
Brigade Quartermaster Dept.  April  1864 .  Captured at
Petersburg, Va.  April   2, 1865 .  Released at Fort
Delaware, Del.  4 June   7, 1865 . 

Holmes, Lewis C.  (or Lewis F.)-  private  April   20,
1861 .  Discharged October  10, 1861 . 

Holt, Abner T. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed
Corporal ; 5th Sergeant in 1863 .  Severely wounded in
right shoulder at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   3, 1863 .
Retired on account of wounds October   1864.  4 Appeared
before Medical Examining Board at Macon, Ga.  November

1864 , and was found to be permanently disabled because
of gunshot wound.  Died at Macon, Ga.  March   25, 1910. 

Ivey, Henry W. -  private  September   26, 1862 .
Captured at Deep Bot-tom, Va.  August   16, 1864 .
Paroled at Point Lookout, Md.  January  17

1865 .  Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James
River, Va., for exchange January   21, 1865 .  No later
record. Jackson, A.  F. -Enlisted as a  private  in Co.
A, 1st Independent Battn.  Ga.  State Troops October
21, 1861 .  Enlisted as a  private in Co.  C, 2d Battn.
Ga.  Inf.  April   30, 1862 .  Wounded June   22, 1862 
Discharged, disability, October   2, 1862 . 

Johns, James C.  - -  private  November   1, 1862 .
Substitute. Killed at Petersburg, Va.  August    21, 1864

Johnston, Edward-  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, disability and over-age, July   2, 1861 . 

Judd, Thecphilus-  private  May   17, 1861 .  Appointed
2d Corporal March  1862 ; Sergeant.  Captured at
Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 . Took oath of allegiance
to U. S.  Govt.  at Baltimore, Md.  August    31, 1863 . 

Keenan, James J. -  private  April   20, 1861  Appointed
1st Sergeant March  1862 .  Roll for October   31, 1864 ,
last on4file, shows him "Absent since August    6, 1863 .

Knott, Henry J. -  private  April   20, 1862 .  Died in
1862 . Knott, Jenks- private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged in 1862 . Laandauer, Moses- private  April
20, 1861 .  Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1861 . 

Lagervist, Abraham I.  J. -  private  May   17, 1861 .
Captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Died at
Point Lookout, Md. 

Lane, Herbert M. -  private  May   17, 1861 .
Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Lane, Thomas J. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed
Corporal in 
' 1861 .  Discharged September   5, 1861 . 

Lawhorn, Willis P. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged August 30, 1861 . 

LeConte, William Louis-  private  June   29, 1861 .
Discharged October 15, 1863 .  Commissioned 1st
Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 66th Regiment   Ga Inf.
Wounded in hip near Atlanta, Ga.  July   22, 1864 . Never
able to return.  (Born in Ga.)

Lightfoot, Robert R.  -  private  April   20, 1861 . 

Lingold, Isaac Y. -  private  August   12, 1863 .
Substitute for John Y. Lowe.  Surrendered at Appomattox,
Va.  April   9, 1865 .  (Born in Baldwin County, Ga.
February  11, 1825.)

Lingold, Thomas J. -  private .  Recruit January   20,
1863 .  Roll for October 31, 1864 , last on file, shows
him absent without leave since November 12, 1863 .  No
later record.  (Born in Baldwin County, Ga.  February
11, 1825.)

Lowe, John Yancy-  private  Apr 20, 1861 .  Discharged,
furnished Isaac Y.  Lingould as substitute, August   12,
1863 . 

Lowe, Thomas J.  -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Killed
at Trevillian Station, Va. 

Lumsden, Bushrod Dawson-  private  August    20, 1861
Appointed Corporal.  Appears last on roll for December
1861 .  Discharged, furniahed substitute, date not given.
Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  A, l9th Battn.  Ga.
Cavalry July   24, 1862 .  No later record in this
company.  Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  E, Phillip's
Legion Ga. Cavalry May   12, 1862 .  Roll for April  1,
1864 , shows him absent with remark . "Detached from
company August    8, 1864 , by order of General   Lee. "
No later record in this company Elected Captain of Co.
B, 5th Regiment   Ga.  Reserve Inf.  August    1864 .
Roll for August    31, 1864 , last on file, shows him
present Pension records show he was on detached service
at Cheraw, S. C.  close of war. 

Marks, John-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
October  10, 1861 . 

Martin, John-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appointed 3d
Corporal ; 4th Sergeant in 1862 .  Killed at Gettysburg,
Pa.  July   2, 1863 . 

Martin, Robert-  private  May   1, 1862 .  Discharged,
disability, at Camp Walker, June   11, 1862 . 

Massey, Sanford D. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 .  (Born in
Jones County, Ga.  in 1842.)

Mathewa, Charles A. -  private  April   20, 1862 .
Wounded at Peters-burg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .  Died in
service at Macon, Ga. 

Mathewa, James B. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Wounded
and dis-abled at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 . 

McGregor, Alexander S. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Wounded in left hand at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .
Detailed in Medical Dept. at Macon, Ga.  in 1863 .
Paroled at Burkeville Junction, Va.  April 14 or 17, 1865

McLaughlin, E.  J. -  private  in 1862 .  Substitute.
Deserted in 1862 . 

McLean, John-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
October  10, 1861 . 

Mitchell, Benjamin L. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, dis-ability, November  13, 1861 . 

Mitchell, William M. -  private  August    5, 1861 . 

Morgan, W.  T. -  private  May   1, 1862 .  Discharged on
account of inflammatory rheumatism, with which he had
been afflicted for three years, June   18, 1862 . [802]

Morris, James M. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Assistant Surgeon May   15, 1861 .  Resigned in
1861 . 

Munson, William R. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Died
in hospital in 1862 . 

Myrick, James W. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, July   20, 1863 . 

Newton, Charles W. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  Roll for
October   31, 1864 , last on file, shows him present.  No
later record. 

Newton, Edward A. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Surrendered at Ap-pomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 .  (Born
at Macon, Ga.  October   28, 1844. Died at Confederate
Soldiers' Home in Atlazhta, Ga.  January   24, 1926.
Buried in Oakland Cemetery.)

Nichols, John L. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Appears
last on roll for October  1862 .  Discharged, furnished
substitute, in 1862 . 

Nisbet, John W. -  private  May   26, 1862 .  Discharged,
furnished substitute, in 1862 .  Elected Major of the
26th Battn.  Ga.  Inf.  July 1863 .  Captured at
Columbus, Ga.  April   1865 .  Paroled at Macon, Ga.
April  1865 .  (Born in Ga.  Died in Dade County, Ga.
about 1882.)

Parker, Benjamin F. -  private  in 1862 .  Wounded at
Petersburg, Va.  June   20, 1864 .  Died from wounds. 

Parker, William B. -  private  April   20, 1862 . 

Payne, George-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
in 1861 . 

Peacock, Samuel B. -  private  August    20, 1861 .
Discharged August 30, 1861 . 

Peck, James S. -  private  May   17, 1861 .  (Enlisted
for 12 months.) Appears last on roll for December  1861 .

Phillips, S.  D. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished Samuel Rittenberg as substitute, in
1862 . 

Pickett, Henry S. -  private  August    20, 1861 .
Discharged October 10, 1861 . 

Price, Albert C. -  private  August    20, 1861 .
Wounded at Petersburg, Va.  June   23, 1864 .  Died from

Pritchett, John W. -  private  July   9, 1861 .  Killed
at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 . 

Pritchett, Thomas J. -  private  March   4, 1862 .
Surrendered, Appo-mattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Pritchett, Thomas Wiley-Enlisted as a  private  in Co.
D, 45th Regiment   Ga.  Inf.  March   4, 1862 .
Transferred to Co.  C, 2d Battn. Ga. Inf.  March   4,
1863 .  Surrendered, Appomattox, April   9, 1865 . (Born
in Ga.)

Rainey, Samuel D. -  private  August    12, 1861 .
Appointed 1st Cor-poral in 1862 ; Sergeant.  Surrendered,
Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Redding, Anderson S. -  private  July   9, 1861 .
Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 .  (Born in
Ga.  April   3, 1836.)

Redding, Willliam C. -  private  July   9, 1861 .
Appointed 4th Sergeant March  1862 .  Killed at
Petersburg, Va.  June   22;1864 . 

Rice, James R.  (or James A. j-  private  June   15, 1861
.  Appointed Commissary Sergeant.  Surrendered,
Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Richardson, Isaiah C. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, disability, November  13, 1861 . 

Rittenbury, Samuel-  private  March   29, 1863 .
Substitute for S. D. Phillips.  Killed at Deep Bottom,
Va.  August   16, 1864 . 

Robertson, Edward J. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .
Received at Fort Delaware, Del.  July   7, 1863 .  No
later record. 

Rogers, Matthew Roberts-  private  April   20, 1861 .
Elected Captain of Co.  A, 45th Regiment   Ga.  Inf.
February   1, 1862 ; Major October  13, 1862 .  Wounded
in 1862 .  Resigned May   6, 1863 . 

Rosenfeld, Jacob-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Wounded
and captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Died
from wounds. 

Ross, Franklin C. -  private  June   20, 1861 .  Captured
at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   3, 1863 .  Paroled at Fort
Delaware, Del.  July   30, 1863 .  Discharged, furnished
substitute, in 1863 .  Elected 2d Lieu-tenant of Co.  B,
1st Regiment   Ga.  Regulars May   1, 1864 . Surrendered
at Greensboro, N. C.  April   26, 1865 . 

Ross, John F. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Discharged
November   24, 1861 . Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  A,
1st Independent Battn.  Ga.  State Troops December   28,
1861 .  Appointed Sergeant Major December   28, 1861 .
Mustered out April  1862 .  Enlisted as a  private  in
Co.  F, (Duke's) Kentucky Cavalry July   25, 1862 .
Paroled at Farmville, Va.  April 11-21, 1865 . 

Ross, William J.  F. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Sergeant-Major November   25, 1861 .  Wounded
in 1863 .  On wounded furlough at Macon, Ga.  September
-October  1863 .  Elected 2d Lieutenant November 22, 1863
. Surrendered at Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Ross, William Redding-  private  August    12, 1861 .
Discharged in 1861 .  Elected 2d Lieutenant of Co.  D,
66th Regiment   Ga.  Inf. August    3, 1863 .  Killed at
Atlanta, Ga.  July   22 or August    7, 1864 . 

Rowland, Bazzle (or Basil)-  private  April   30, 1861 . 
Pension records show he surrendered at Appomattox, Va.
April   9, 1865 .  (Born in Greene County, Ga.  in 1839.)

Rowland, James-  private  August   12, 1861 .  Killed at
Farmville, Va. April   7, 1865 . 

Russell, James F. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, a British subject, in 1862 . 

Sacrae, Francis M.  (or Sacree)-  private  October  14,
1862 . Substitute. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va.  August  
16, 1864 .  Exchanged at City Point, Va.  March  14, 1865
.  (Born in Bibb County, Ga.  in 1833.  Died in Bibb
County, Ga.  in 1901 or 1902.)

Sawyer, Peter C. -  private  June   20, 1861 .
Discharged July   7, 1861 . 

Scattergood, George W. -  private  May   1, 1861 .
Killed at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 . 

Scattergood, Walter S. -  private  May   l, 1861 .  Roll
for October 31, 1864 , last on file, shows he was on
detail in Ordnance Dept.  at Macon, Ga.  since April  10,
1863 .  Pension records show he remained on said detail
until close of war. 

Schiff, Anthony-  private  August    12, 1861 .
Appointed Musician in 1862 .  Roll for October   31, 1864
, last on file, shows him on detail in Richmond, Va.
hospital since April  15, 1864 .  Employed as nurse in
General Hospital at Camp Winder, Richmond, Va., December 
31, 1864 -January   21, 1865 .  No later record. 

Schofield, Joshua-  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged July 21, 1861 . 

Shaw, J.  Camer-  private  August    28, 1861 .  Died
January  1863 . 

Shaw, William A. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1863 .  Enlisted as
a  private  in Co.  D, 1st Regiment Ga. Reserve Inf.
(Fannin's) in 1864 .  Surrendered at Albany, Ga. April
1865 .  (Born in Eatonton, Ga.  May   14, 1842.)

Shiver, Edward A. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Wounded
and sent to Macon, Ga.  hospital in 1863 .  Detailed
Railroad Military conductor. Returned to command April
1864 .  Retired, and assigned as Chief Clerk in Senior
Surgeon's Office, August   1864 .  No later record. 

Smith, John C. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Captured
at Deep Bottom, Va.  August   16, 1864 .  Released at
Point Lookout, Md.  June   19, 1865 

Smith, Levi D. -  private  December   29, 1862 .
Substitute.  Wounded at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864
.  Roll for October   31, 1864 , last on file, shows him
in Macon, Ga.  hospital, wounded.  No later record. (Born
in Ga.  April  15, 1837.)

Smithy, John-  private  April   30, 1862 .  Died January 
1863 . 

Smithy, Samuel W. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Died
near Guinea Station, Va.  April  19, 1863 . 

Stcne, Lucius B. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Received
pay for com-mutation of rations May   3, 1862 .
Discharged, furnished substi-tute, in 1862 .  Appointed
Ordnance Sergeant of the 49th Regiment   Ga. Inf.  May
15, 1862 .  Roll for February   1865 ; last on file,
shows him present.  No later record. 

Stowe, Stephen F. -  private  August   12, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Streyer, John-  private  April   20, 1861 .  Detailed on
S.  & W. Rail-road at Macon, Ga.  in 1863 . 

Stubbs, Joseph R. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Stubbs, Thcmas P. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged, over-age, in 1862 . 

Sturm, Gabriel-  private  April   30, 1862 .  Roll dated
February 29, 1864 , bears remark. "Deserted and gone to
enemy. "

Taylor, William E.  S. -  private  May   1, 1861 .
Killed at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 . 

Tench, Augustus W. -  private  February   5, 1863 .
Deserted from camp near Guinea Station, Va.  March   5,
1863 . 

Tench, Henry-  private  February   6, 1863 .  Substitute.
Deserted March   5, 1863 . 

Thomas, John R. -  private  August    30, 1861 .
Captured at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  Died at
Fort Delaware, October  11, 1863 . 

Thomason, Simeon-  private  May   1, 1863 .  Captured at
Deep Bottom, Va.  August    16, 1864 .  Died of disease
at Point Lookout, Md. May   4, 1865 .  Buried there in
Grave #1652.  Remarks. "Some unknown prisoner assumed
this name and was exchanged March   4, 1865 . "

Tinley, Joshua J. -  private  August   12, 1861 .
Captured at Deep Bot-tom, Va.  August   16, 1864 .
Released at Point Lookout, Md.  May   12, or 14, 1865 . 

Troutman, George W. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged July 8, 1861 . 

Troutman, Hiram A. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Appointed Sergeant Major May   15, 1861 .  Discharged,
disability, June   17, 1861 . 

Tufts, Joseph Frank Augustus-  private  April   20, 1861
.  Appointed Ordnance Sergeant in 1862 .  Surrendered,
Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . Tufts, Orrie C.  (or
Orrian C.)-Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  C, 9th
Regiment   Ga.  State Troops November   28, 1861 .
Mustered out in 1862 
Enlisted as a  private  in Co.  C, 2d Battn.  Ga.  Inf.
April   30, 1862 
Discharged, furnished substitute, February   5, 1863 .
Elected Captain of Co.  D, 1st Battn.  Ga.  Reserve

Valentino, Daniel-  private  April   30, 1862 .  On
detail in Ordnance Dept.  at Macon, Ga.  April  12, 1863
-April  1865 , and captured there April  1865 . 

Valentino; John-  private  April   30, 1862 .
Discharged, furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Varner, John A. -  private  August   12, 1861 .  Wounded
at Gettysburg, Pa.  July   2, 1863 .  In Macon, Ga.
hospital close of war. 

Virgin, Frederick B. -  private  July   9, 1861 .
Appointed Corporal in 1864 .  Wounded at Petersburg, Va. 
June   22, 1864 . 

Walsh, William M. -  private  1862 .  Discharged,
furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Ward, Lawrence-  private  October   31, 1862 .
Substitute for L. A. Hause.  Died December  1863 . 

Weaver, George A.  -  private  1862 .  Discharged,
furnished substitute, in 1862 . 

Weaver, William Travis-  private  July   9, 1861 .
Discharged, dis-ability, March   19, 1862 .  Enlisted as
a  private  in Co.  D, Cobb's Legion Ga.  Cavalry March  
3, 1864 .  Roll for November  1, 1864 , last on file,
shows him on horse detail to Georgia since September
20, 1864 .  No later record. 

Weeks, Benjamin P. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Surrendered, Appo-mattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 .  (Born
in Richmond County, Ga.  in 1832.)

Wells, David W.  (ar David A.)-  private  April   20,
1861 .  Killed at Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 . 

Wilder, B.  F. -  private  April   30, 1862 .
Discharged, furnished sub-stitute, September   26, 1862 .

Wilder, Jesse--  private  May   17, 1861 .  Discharged,
furnished substitute, in 1862 . Willett, Charles M.
Elected 2d Lieutenant of Co.  H, 12th Regiment Ga.  Inf. 
June   9, 1861 .  Resigned January   21, 1862 .  Enlisted
as a private in Co.  C, 2d Battn.  Ga.  Inf.  April   30,
1862 .  Surrendered, Appomattox, Va.  April   9, 1865 . 

Wilson, William C. -  private  May   12, 1861 .
Discharged, disability, November   9, 1861 . 

Wingfield, Marcus A. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Died
in Marine Hos-pital at Portsmouth, Va.  January   26,
1862 . 

Wood, A.  O. -  private  April   30, 1862 .  Discharged,
disability, September 30, 1862 . 

Waod, James R. -  private  April   20, 1861 .  Wounded in
1863 , and sent to Macon, Ga.  hospital. 

Woodruff, David B. -  private  April   20, 1861 .
Discharged in 1861 . 

Young, Henry H. -  private  May   3, 1861 .  Killed at
Gettysburg, Pa. July   2, 1863 . 

Young, Newton M. -  private  June   27, 1863 .  Killed at
Petersburg, Va.  June   22, 1864 .