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1911 Colorado Business Directory, Denver J-L, Denver County

Transcribed by Joy Fisher <>
November 23, 2004

1911 Business Directory listing for Denver.

This file was extracted from:

37th Annual Volume
The Colorado State Business Directory
A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State,
Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc.






DENVER (Continued)

Jaap Jno J, grocer, 2536 W 28th.
Jack's Market, groc, 2948 Larimer
Jackson Chas D, dentist, 7 312 17th.
Jackson Edward, oculist, Metropolitan bldg.
Jackson J, barber, 2207 Champa.
Jackson J A, contr, 607 Grant.
Jackson J B, contr, rear 718 18th.
I Jackson Jos. novelty wks, 905 18th
Jackson J E, chile parlor, 920 18th
Jackson J S, dentist, 512 Cal. bid.
Jackson Jas W, capitalist, 211 Jackson bldg.
Jackson Owen, tailr, 2614 Larimer
Jackson 0 E, atty, 703 E & C bld.
Jackson Building, 17th n w cor Tremont.
Jackson-Butters Realty Co, 232 Coronado bldg.
JACKSON & CO S W, employment, 929 17th upstairs, phone Main 2874.
Jackson & Cooper, clothes cleaning, 610 15th.
JACKSON-RICHTER IRON WORKS CO, ornamental, wrought iron & brass work.
    19th and Blake.
JACOBI PLATING CO, Jacobi & Rose props, electro-plating. 1434 Blake.
Jacobs D. grocer, 919 28th.
Jacobs E E, blacksmith, 225 S Broadway.
Jacobs M, shoemkr, 2146 Larimer.
Jacobs W A, meats, 225 7th av.
Jacob's Physical Culture Acdmy, 1635 1/2 Curtis.
Jacobson C H, grand secy Masons, 39 Masonic Temple bldg.
Jacobson Heiman, pool, 1827 Lari.
Jacobson Miss H R. pub stenographer, 505 Boston bldg.
Jacobson Max, cigars, 608 17th.
Jacobson Building, 16th s e cor Arapahoe.
Jacoway D L, cigars, 924 17th.
Jacques Bros, monuments, 20 7th.
Jaeger Chas, physn, 556 Metropolitan bldg.
Jaffa Jos S, atty, 811 Continental.
Jaffee S, cigars, 1229 17th.
Jaggers Theo. grocer, 1308 S Bdw.
James C B, physn, 305 Jackson bid
James H C, min'g, 407 Colorado.
James W R, brbr, 311 W 6th av.
James & Bros, tailrs, 2141 Larimer
James Hardware Co, 825 15th.
JAMES MERCANTILE & MFG CO THE B L, mfrs and dealers in paints, oils, glass,
    varnish, wall paper & artists' materials, B L James pres, H F Brooks sec,
    1517-23 Arapahoe.
James Peak Gold Mining Co, E P Fraser pres, J B Bramlett vice-pres, J E Quann
    secy, Ideal bld. 
Jameson W A, gro, 3126 Lafayette 
Jamison A S, drugs, 744 Knox Ct. 
JAMISON J B, wh eggs, butter and poultry, whol commission, 1411-1415 Market, 
Jamison Wm L, min'g, Colorado. 
Jansen J C, baky, 360 Columbine. 
Japan Merc Co, 1956 Larimer. 
Japanese Assn of Colorado, 49 Good blk. 
Japanese Boarding House, 1738 Blake.
Japanese Candy Co, 1227 20th. 
Japanese Cookey Co, 1319 20th. 
Japanese Employment Bureau, 1148 Broadway. 
Japanese Railroad Contracting Co, 207 Railroad bldg. 
Jarvis J, contr, 4 Lee Court, 
Jaycox Thos W, consult engr, 1608 Broadway. 
Jaycox W M, horseshoer, 2323 Walnut.
Jayne W A, physn, 416 McPhee. 
Jeancon L A. drugs, 1032 9th av.
Jefferay Hat & Furnishing Co, 1635 Curtis,
Jefferson Farm Co, 413 Kittredge. 
JEFFERY E T, pres Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Co, 3rd floor Equitable bldg. 
Jeffrey Mfg Co, min machy, 1120 First Nat Bank bldg. 
Jeffries G Forrest, atty, 818-19 Continental bldg. phone Main 394.
Jeffries J 0, groc, 1931 Curtis. 
Jeffries W F, brbr, 1590 S Bdwy. 
Jenkins Jno G, shoemkr, 9 19th av 
Jenks J S, loans, 1, 929 17th.
JENNINGS ENGRWING CO, Walter Florence pres, Martin Kraft vice-pres, Wm Kraft
    sec-mgr, engravers, printers and stationers, 832 18th.
JENNINGS & GILL, engravers, printers and embossers, 506 Barclay blk.
Jensen D G, real estate. 522 Exchange bldg.
Jensen E M, plumber, 1469 S Pearl
Jensen S P, shoemkr, 1430 22nd.
JEPSEN & SONS A, successors to The E C Hartshorn Upholstering Co,
    1523 Glenarm Pl.
Jerome Park Barrel Factory. Ed Glennen prop, 1033 Yuma.
Jerry Johnson Gold M Co, 427 Symes bldg.
Jessup A L, sec The Imperial Fire Ins Co, 1210 17th.
Jester M H, contr, 1640 Adams.
Jet White Laundry Co, 1312 Platte
Jewel Hand Laundry, 931 llth av.
Jewett E A, carp, 2951 Wyandot.
Jewish Cemetery Assn, 9th av and Josephine.
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, 338 Jackson bldg.
Jewish Outlook, B F Rosenberg ed, 219 National Vault bldg.
Jinnai Geo, photog, 538 Barclay.
J K Optical Co, 1031 17th.
Jochim Jno, blksmth, 3446 Walnut
Jodon H, groc, 3995 Tennyson.
Joerres Geo M, meats, 2258 Welton
John Theo, restrnt, 1310 18th.
JOHNDOHL J E, boiler & sheet iron works, repairs a specialty, 1807 Blake,
    phone Main 2295.
Johns C W, groc, 236 S Bdwy.
Johnson A, fuel & feed, 1231 Jason
Johnson A B, wall paper, 3549 Larimer.
Johnson A J, saloon, 801 Mariposa 
Johnson Ben, tailor, 12 1/2 Good blk 
Johnson B I, physn, 334 Commonwealth bldg.
Johnson C A, brbr, 138 Broadway. 
Johnson Carl J, saloon. 1418 17th.
JOHNSON CHAS S, pres Denver, Laramie & Northwestern Ry Co, 5th floor
    Railway Exchange bld.
Johnson E, shoemkr, 2409 Dunkeld
Johnson Ed, shoemaker, 2708 Champa.
Johnson Frank G, barber, 4040 Walnut,
Johnson Frank T, atty, 722 Kittredge bldg.
Johnson F W, atty, 722 Kittredge.
Johnson G 0, tailor, 1531 Cleveland Pl.
Johnson G T, baky, 3822 Walnut.
Johnson J, restrnt, 3786 Downing.
Johnson Jno, saloon, 801 Larimer.
Johnson J C. saloon, 1763 Curtis.
Johnson Jos E, groc, 1122 W 13th.
Johnson J H, groc. 3023 Josephine
JOHNSON J H, treas The Merchants Collection Agency Co, 325-29 Century bldg.
JOHNSON J HOYT, pres The Colorado Blue Print Paper Co, 1348 Larimer.
Johnson J R, groc, 2505 15th.
Johnson J T, saloon, 1644 Larimer
Johnson Mrs J T, cleaning and pressing, 1449 S Broadway.
JOHNSON LEWIS B, attorney-at-law, Foster bldg.
Johnson Lillian, millinery, 2755 Larimer.
Johnson 0, tailor, 1172 Stout.
Johnson Otter, shoemaker, 219 Broadway.
Johnson 0 J, livery, 2151 Curtis..
Johnson R C. mfrs agt, 17 Jacobson bldg.
Johnson Mrs S A, grocer, 1612 Marion.
Johnson Sigfrid L, agt State Life Ins Co, 316 Symes bldg.
Johnson S 0, florist, 3129 W 20th.
Johnson Sam'l W, atty, 722 Kittredge bldg.
Johnson Mrs Viola, hair dresser, 2057 Larimer.
Johnson Wm, bicvcle repairer 1028 18th.
Johnson W E, groc, 2136 Lawrenc
Johnson W E, blacksmith, 223 Broadway.
Johnson Wm E, chief special officer U S Indian Service, Railroad bldg.
Johnson W H, shoemkr, 2408 15th
Johnson Wm H, plbr, 2135 Bdwy.
Johnson W N, real estate. 718 17th
Johnson W W, physn. 324 Empire
Johnson Auto Co, 809 Downing av
Johnson Bros, groc, 300 Elati.
Johnson Bros, fuel & feed. 1432 Market.
Johnson & Co A A, investmts, 736 Equitable bldg.
Johnson & Co H C, wh butter, 1414 Market.
JOHNSON & DWIS PLUMBING & HEATING CO, 427 15th, phone Main 505.
Johnson Drug Co, 16th av cor Broadway.
Johnson & Hayden, livery, 1300 Platte.
Johnson, Henry & Co, laundry, 2449 Larimer.
Johnson Inv Co D, 331 Temple Court bldg.
Johnson & Johnson, saloon, 1419 17th.
Johnson & Johnson, saloon, 3729 Walnut. 
Johnson & Peterson, saloon, 1401 17th. 
Johnson Machine Co A E, 1606 15th.
Johnson Market Co, 430 15th.
Johnson-Noel Co, men's furnishings, 1005 16th.
Johnson & Son A B, wall paper. 3545 Larimer.
Johnson & Son W N, real estate, 718 17th.
Johnson Wine & Cigar Co, 316 17th.
Johnston Earl, cigars, 1739 Curtis.
Johnston Elmer, confecty, 2061 Welton.
Johnston W W, physn, 324 Empire
Johnston Inv Co W C, 214 Boston.
Joint Stock Cigar Co, 1135 Larimr
Jolls & Specht, grocer, 1864 Curtis
JONAS BROTHERS, taxidermists and furriers, 1023 Broadway. 
Jone G F, grocer, 3748 High.
JONES A W, mgr The Rapid Typewriting Co, 415 Opera House bldg.
Jones Gabriel, investments, 125 Broadway.
Jones Gordon, pres U S National Bank, 17th and Arapahoe.
Jones Henry, restrt, 2236 Larimer
Jones I E, grocer, 1179 Champa.
Jones James A, real estate, 504 Bank blk.
JONES J H, pres Colorado Chiropractic Institute Assn, 1674 Lincoln.
Jones Llewelyn, mfrs agt, 415 Exchange bldg. 
Jones Mrs M E, bakery, 737 17th.
JONES M J, investments, The Suburban Land & Irrigation Co, 1035 First Nat
    Bank bldg, phone Champa 1873.
JONES M W, sec-tress The Western Live Stock Commission Co, Union Stock Yards.
Jones 0, groc, 33rd and Perry.
Jones Richard, saloon, 1197 W Alameda.
Jones Mrs R A, groc, 1765 S Pearl
JONES RALPH M osteopathic physician, 316 Mack bldg.
Jones R L, sec hd gds, 2214 Larimer.
Jones Sam'l F, physn, 1405 Glenarm.
Jones Sam T, paper hanger, 1425 23rd av.
Jones Thos F, meats, 1332 Colfax.
Jones W A, physn, 911 21st.
Jones Wm, barber, 1115 19th.
JONES WM, surgical instrument maker, 608 14th.
JONES W F, genl traffic mgr The Denver, Northwestern & Pacific R R,
    Majestic bldg.
Jones W J, store fixtures, 2011 Arapahoe.
JONES & CO, employment office, 1335-37 16th and 1604 Market, phone Champa 2521. 
Jones & Co J M, wh fruits & produce, 9 City Market. 
Jones Bros & Co, pickel mfrs, W Evans & C & S tracks.
JONES & CO R M, hydraulic and electrical engineers, 805-6 Ideal bldg.
JONES & DANIELS INVESTMENT CO, real estate, 1728 Welton.
Jones & Eldridge Agency Co The Leonard C, agts Ocean Accident & Guarantee
    Corporation (Ltd), Foster bldg.
Jones & Greathead, sheet metal works, rear 1335 Welton.
Jones & Hamrick, restaurant, 1527 Tremont.
Jones-Heartz Lime Co, 1475 W Colfax av.
JONES & JONES INVESTMENT CO THE, A E Jones Jr pres, real estate, loans,
    insurance and rentals, 311 Ideal bldg.
Jones-Wheeler-Cranmer Engineering Co, 800 E & C bldg.
JORDAN CALVIN, insurance and investments, 224 15th.
Jory L A, drugs, 141 S Broadway
Josenhans Fred, bakery, 1022 W Colfax av.
Joseph H I. mfrs agt, 305 Appel.
Joseph Jewelry Co, 616 15th.
JOSLIN DRY GOODS CO, dry goods, millinery and carpets, 16th and Curtis.
Joyce Edw W, rep Wylie Permanent Camping Co, 336 17th.
Judelovitz & Conway, real estate, 1827 Glenarm.
Judelowitz Chas, tailor, 834 14th.
Judge Walter E, physn, 752 Kalamath.
Judson & Matches, livery, 160 S Broadway.
Juhl John, saloon, 1600 15th.
JUNIPER COAL CO, F A Craise pres & genl mgr. P M Green vice-pres, L A Harden
    sec-treas, 501 Colorado bldg.
Junk Commission Co Geo C, oysters and fish, 1539 Market.
Jurgens Henry, shoemaker, 3057 Zuni.
Juvenile Improvement Assn, Bee B Lindsey pres. Court House.
K & B PACKING & PROVISION CO, pork & beef packers, Fred Klink pres,
    1529-31 Blake.
K & C Bicycle Repair Co. 1754 Welton.
K C Plumbing Co, 2746 W Colfax.
Kadish J L. sec hd gds, 1728 Lari
Kadish John, bicycles, 821 Larimer
Kahler Otto, grocer, 1379 Jason.
Kahn Henry, tailor, 1375 Jason.
Kail 0 B, bicycles shop, 4036 Wal
Kaiser Mrs Lucy, grocer. 1162 Kalamath.
KAISERHOF HOTEL, J G Nicholas mgr, 17th & Welton.
Kaitz M, sec hd gds, 1331 16th.
Kalen & Heneggi. saloon. 1600 19th
Kalischer S, accident Ins. 402 Bank bldg.
Kallminzer Jno ,groc, 2400 W 44th
Kanawha Dispatch. 203 Century.
Kane Robert. H, atty-at-law. 216 Coronado bldg.
KANE EUROPEAN HOTEL, F K Smith mgr, 1921 Champa, phone Main 3140.
Kanne Edwin A, bakerv. 508 13th.
KANSAS CITY BAG MFG CO, E E Scott sales agt, bags, burlaps and twines,
    14 Commercial bldg.
Kansas-Colorado Land & Loan Co, 237 Coronado bldg. 
Kantrowitz Leo, brbr, 1907 Larimr 
Kaplan H M, furniture, 18th & Glenarm.
Kaplan L, grocer, 2349 W 3lst av. 
Kaplan L, grocer, 237 24th. 
Karbatch H, groc, 1407 Court Pl.
Karchmer & Lyons, sec hd gds, 1431 Larimer.
Karden M, tailor, 222 Mint blk. 
Karlsbad S, clothes, 2445 Larimer. 
Karodjoff Anton, restaurant, 1214 18th. 
Kasbeer J R, real estate, 305 Commonwealth bldg.
Kassler Inv Co, 430 Cooper bldg. 
Kastel Merc Co, ladies' suits. 1605 Larimer.
Kates C B, barber. 780 Broadway. 
Katherine Hallett Home for Nurses, Penn bet 19th and 20th avs. 
Katz Jacob, grocer, 2634 W Colfx. 
KATZ M, real estate and investments, 305 Bank blk. 
Katzman Jacob, grocer, 1122 W Walnut,
Kauffman-Callahan Co. novelty works. 834 15th.
Kaufman F F, brbr, 3535 Colfax. Kaufman & Fay Novelty Co, 1125 17th. 
Kaufman Printing Co, 2726 W Colfax av. 
Kavanaugh & Morris, attys, 407 Continental bldg. 
Kay Jas H, painter. 1408 Curtis. 
Kayas Chris, grocer, 1501 19th. 
Kayas Peter, confecty, 605 15th. 
Keanmaster Furniture & Carpet Co, 2713 Welton. 
Kearns Geo T, wh lumber, 520 McPhee bldg.
Kearns Inv Co A M, 617 18th. 
Keary J E. grocer, 280 Fox. 
Kebler J, harness, 825 Jason. 
Keefe Michael, clothing, 2625 Larimer.
Keeler C C, physn, 1440 Glenarm. 
Keeler Ezra, atty, 410 Exchange. 
Keeler F A, grocer, 3964 Tennyson 
Keeler Wm, groc, 1100 Lawrence.
KEELER BROTHERS, bonds First Nat Bank bldg.
KEELEY INSTITUTE, treatment for liquor, opium and tobacco habits,
    cor 18th and Curtis.
KEELY THOS, viee-pres First National Bank, First Nat Bank bldg, 17th & Stout.
Keen C L, mfrs agt, 512 Nassau.
Keen Edge Co, 1412 Larimer.
Keener C P, contr, 4220 Raleigh.
Keepers A C, dentist, 311 Opera House bldg.
Keezer F M, atty, 612 Kittredge.
Keiser Ben, barber, 2260 Welton.
KEISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COLLEGE, Mrs E M Adrian mgr, 1548 California.
Keith A F, cigars, 710 17th.
Keith C W, farm implements, 1537 Wazee.
Keleher Cornelius J, saloon, 21st and Market.
Kelleher Miss A, gowns, 224 Temple Court.
Kelleher P, saloon, 3063 Walnut.
Keller D H, restrnt, 1611 Welton.
Kelley D, fuel & feed, 259 Galapago.
KELLEY JAMES M, furnaces & repairs, sheet metal work, 1941 Champa.
KELLEY JAMES W, city passenger agt Denver Northwestern & Pacific Ry,
    Majestic bldg.
Kelley J W, atty, 234 Coronado.
Kelley T W, groc, 4170 Tennyson.
Kellison & Co J B, real estate, 2434 15th.
Kellogg Clarence M, atty, 511 Continental bldg.
KELLOGG F P, mgr Intermoun-tain division Continental Casualty Co of Chicago,
    305-7 Mercantile bldg.
Kellogg Leroy, photogpr, 1526 1/2 Champa.
Kellogg & Stokes Stove Co, 1525 Wynkoop. 
KELLY HARRY EUGENE, atty-at-law, 901-907 Equitable bldg. 
Kelly H P, dentist, 533 Opera House bldg. 
Kelly J J, livery, 2116 Lawrence.
Kelly P J, coffees, 1630 Welton.
Kelly W F, restaurant, 915 15th.
Kelly & Haines, attys, 901 Equitable bldg.
Kelly & Hartford Undertaking Co 410 15th.
Kelsey C A & C G, physn. 3828 Tejon.
Kelsey G, sec hd gds, 1 S Bdwy.
Kelsey 0 H. physn, 207 Wyoming
Kemp Chas L, barber, 2304 Colfx
Kempster Thos, cigars, 206 Bdwy.
Kempton A L, dentist, 802 Jason.
Kempton R M, dentist, 1427 Stout.
Kendrick Bert, painter, 3790 Franklin.
Kendrick-Bellamy Co, books & stationery, 16th & Stout.
Kendrick Pheasantries, W F Kendrick pres, 251 Coronado bldg.
KENDRICK PROMOTION CO, stocks, bonds and mines, W P Kendrick pres.
    251-58 Coronado bldg.
    229 Century bldg.
Kenehan Roady, state treasurer, Capitol bldg.
Keneven Dan, sln, 2163 Larimer.
Keneven & Deistler, grocers, 2049 Larimer.
Kenmore Billiard Parlors. 1454 Welton.
Kennedy A L, physn, 2709 Blvd F.
Kennedy Ed, horseshoer, 1420 21st
Kennedy J E, agt Manhattan Life Ins Co of N Y, 704 Colorado.
Kennedy Mrs J W, millinery. 931 14th.
Kennedy M H, atty, 522 Symes.
Kennedy P 0, adv writer, 408 Exchange bldg.
Kennedy Furniture Co, 2112 Stout 
Kenney F W, phys, 5 Stedman. 
Kenney M 3, contr, 43 E Alameda 
Kennicott-Patterson Transfer Co, 1509 Glenarm.
Kent E R. autos, 1743 Logan av. 
Kent W C, physn, 1608 Broadway. 
KENT MANUFACTURING CO, mfrs mattresses, comforts and pillows, jobbers of beds,
    springs etc, office 1414 16th, factory llth & Wynkoop, phone Main 74. 
Kentucky Liquor & Wine Co, 2000 Larimer. 
Kenworthy L E, atty, 622 Kittredge bldg. 
Kenyon Alfred B, plumber, 1754 Welton. 
KENYON A D, mgr Scott Supply & Machinery Co, 1725-31 Blake. 
Kenyon Fruit & Produce Co, 1555 Market.
Keogh Bros, groc, 2546 Blvd F. 
Keogh-Doyle Meat Co. 1410 Market.
Kerin M, groc, 2474 Lawrence. 
Kerlee & Downs, real estate, 2405 Dunkeld Pl. 
Kern Ethelbert L, accountant, 1353 Delaware. 
Kerns Mrs A, drugs, 22nd and Champa. 
Kerr H H, clothes cleaning, 927 1/2 15th.
KERR DETECTIVE SERVICE, H B Kerr principal, 504-5 Kittredge bldg.
Kerrigan T J, grocer, 2101 W 44th 
Kessler Fred, hardware, 2706 Larimer.
Kessler M, tailor, 1455 Court Pl. 
Kessler M, shoemkr, 3124 Larimer
Kessler Max, shoemaker, Decatur and W 13th av.
Kessler S M. physn, 408 Wyoming. 
Kested & Sheehan, restrnt 824 W 8th av.
Kestenbaum S, groc, 2716 W Colfx 
Kester Jas S, barber, 533 18th. 
Ketcham A H, dentist, 623 Mack. 
KETTERING MERCANTILE CO THE C W, butchers' supplies, ice making and
    Refrigerating machinery and stoves, 1617 Wazee.
Kettinger W S, grocer, 709 Grant. 
Kettner Robt, dentist, 330 Kittredge bldg. 
Keyes C S, fuel & express, 2708 Champa.
Keyes Mfg Co, syrup, 1520 Wazee. 
Keysburg C F, barber, 1507 19th.
KEYSTONE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO, electrical contractors, 1525 Tremont.
Keystone Hardware Co, 3008 Zuni
KEYSTONE LUBRICATING CO, mfrs of Keystone Grease, economic, clean, pure and
    safe, M B Urquhart Northwestern mgr, 307 First Nat Bank bldg.
Keystone Printg Co, 35 Good blk.
Keystone Warehouse & Transfer Co, 1911 New Haven.
Keyt W B, dentist, 508 Mack bldg
Kibler Chas, real estate, 1734 Welton.
Kiefer W A, sec hd gds, 813 Bdwy
Kiefer Plumbing Co J E, 1408 Lawrence.
Kiesler & Soble, grocers, 2753 W Colfax av.
Kieslman Miss T, groc, 1104 Jason
Kijima S, restrnt, 1930 Larimer.
Kikuya Co, ice cream cones, 1227 12th.
Kilcourse T A, barber, 1548 Lawrence.
Killian Jas R, clk Supreme Court.
Killie I L, real estate, 417 Cooper.
KILPATRICK FURNITURE CO THE JAMES G, wholesale and retail furniture and carpets,
    1633-39 California.
Kilroy J G, mdse brokers, 235 Coronado bldg.
Kilton & Gibons, attys, 742 Equitable bldg.
Kimball C B, printr, 1939 Champa
Kimball Frank, saloon, 811 Jason.
KIMBALL GEO D, genl mgr Rugby Coal Mining Co, 316 McPhee bldg.
Kimball Geo L, min'g, 516 Quincy
Kind W F, confecty, 2346 15th.
Kindel Bedding & Renovating Co, 1618 Champa.
Kindel & Kindel, restaurant, 1643 Stout.
Kindig Flora T, physn, 324 McPhee bldg.
King A L, dentist, 1086 Broadway
King C C, bicycle repairer, 253 Broadway.
King C S, groc, 3206 Downing.
King E H, physn, 23 Union blk.
King F N, groc, 2400 Wash av.
King Mrs F N, groc, 131 Kalamath.
King Mrs Geo, confecty, 2923 W 28th av.
KING JOHN McG, sales agt John. A Roeblings Sons Co, mfrs wire-rope and wire,
    care Hendrie & Bolthoff M & S Co, 1635 17th.
King W H, pool, 1739 Curtis.
King W H, contr, 2510 Clarkson.
King Block, 1627 Lawrence.
King & Co W H, contrs, 2319 Clarkson.
King Solomon T & Dev Co. 701 Majestic bldg.
Kingman Plow Co, 1529 Wazee.
Kingsley E D, creamery, 294 S Logan av.
Kingsley W C, atty, 727 Kittredge
Kinkaid D B, atty, 204 Cooper.
KINKEL WM, prop Colorado Sheet Metal Works, 1721-27 Blake.
Kinman Mrs E J, restrnt, 18 W 14th av.
Kinman & Purnelle, ladies' tailor. 20 W 14th av.
Kinney H E, vet surgeon. 2956 California.
Kinney J E, physn, 606 Metropolitan bldg.
Kinsley J H, horseshoer, 1022 20th
Kintzle Louis A, florist, 33 S Lowell blvd.
Kiowa-Comanche Reservoir & Irrigation Co, 608 Kittredge bldg.
KIRBY S, mgr Chas Scribner's Sons, 503-4 Nassau bldg.
Kirby Van Co, 149 W Bayaud av.
Kirch H, clothes cleaning. 1512 Colorado blvd.
KIRCHHOF FRANK, pres American Fixture Co, 1232-46 Arapahoe.
Kirchhof Lumber Co Frank. 7th & Lawrence.
Kirk R H K, physn, 133 W Colfax
Kirkhoff W F, drugs, 2644 Welton
Kirkland Studio, 1452 Tremont Pl.
Kirkpatrick Miss Grace, pressed meats, 638 19th.
Kirschner Jno, grocer, 208 S Kalamath.
Kirschstein M, plmbr, 2029 Lawrence.
Kirst Harry, groc, 2928 Zuni.
Kiser G F, real estate-, 1528 Stout,
KISTLER STATIONERY CO THE W H, wholesale and retail stationery, printers and
    engravers, 1537-43 Lawrence.
Kitchell E L, restrnt, 323 W 13th.
Kitt & Long, real estate, 17 1st av
Kittimac Mines Co, 207 Coronado.
Kittredge Building, 16th n e cor Glenarm.
Klaas C F, saloon, 1855 W 12th av
Klaes Jno, garage, 781 Broadway.
Klanke Henry, tailor, 527 17th av.
Klatzkin J, sec hd gds, 731 W Colf
Klavans C, confecty, 241 Broadwy
Klein A R, prop Rocky Mountain Glove Factory, 635 17th.
Klein F L, National Bank examiner, 303 Majestic bldg.
Klein Max, atty, 504 Exchange.
Kleiner M, physn, 645 Metropolitan bldg.
KLEY WM, gem cutter and lapidary work, 1608 Tremont Pl.
Kling Peter, blacksmith, 1245 10th
KLINK FRED, pres The K & B Packing & Provision Co, 1529-31 Blake.
Kliss & McKinnon, tailors, 1648 Lawrence.
Kloer Jos J, plumber, 3812 W 28th
Kloer & Stefandl, tailors, 913 14th.
Klue Harry N, saloon, 3800 Wynkoop.
Knaak L C, groc, 2145 Glenarm.
Knapp Lee, gunsmith, 1759 Arapahoe.
Knapp M P, groc, 39 Clarkson. 
KNAPP S H, mgr The Smith Premier Typewriter Co, 215 16th.
Knapp Wm, atty, 422 Temple Ct. 
Knauss Francis J, atty, 619 E & C 
Kneip’s Water Institute Baths, 1822 Welton
Kneiple E D, groc, 1221 Champa.
KNIBBS J W JR, mgr Otis Elevator Co, 1609-11 Glenarm PI, phone 696.
Knifton Geo H, mdse broker, 8, 1315 17th.
KNIGHT F A (Knight-Atmore Piano Co), 1471 Broadway.
KNIGHT J C, sec Financial Guarantee Contract Co, 230 15th.
Knight Stephen, mgr The Eagle Milling & Elevator Co, 8th and Curtis.
KNIGHT-ATMORE PIANO CO (F A Knight Geo P Atmore), whol and retail pianos, 1471
KNIGHT-CAMPBELL MUSIC CO, L E Campbell pres, Clarence G Campbell vice-pres and
    genl mgr, Charles E Wells sec, Cheney R Baker treas, 1625-1631 California.
Knight C R, brick mfr, 1985 S Race.
KNIGHT & CRONKITE, butchers and packers' supplies, 16th & Wazee.
Knight Hotel, 1206 Larimer.
Knight-Locke Piano Co, 1608-16 Glenarm.
Knight & Norris, coal, 2010 Curtis.
Knight Piano Co W W, 1649 Tremont.
    409 Continental bldg.
Knodel Mrs M, groc, 1165 S Pearl.
Knoepfler Xavier, brbr, 1430 15th.
KNOLLIN SHEEP COMMISSION CO, R Brackenbury salesman & mgr, live stock
    commission, Union Stock Yards.
Knopke Bros, cigar box makers. 2352 Lawrence.
Knorr Bros, saloon, 1549 Tremont. 
Knouse L M, mdse broker, 318 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 
Knowles Jno, atty. 523 McPhee. 
KNOWLES PAUL, attorney-at- law, Kittredge bldg. 
Knowles R R, real estate. 1758 Stout.
Knudson Ole, blksmith, 938 Jason 
Kobel Carl F, tinner, 1338 Larimer 
Koch Aug, saloon, 4328 Wewatta 
Koch F W, saloon, Mercantile bld. 
KOCH LOUIS P, whol liquors 1417-19 15th. 
Kocher & Neary, saloon, 1305 Lawrence.
KOENIG LOUIS G, prop American Liquor Co, wh liquors, 1900-6 Larimer. 
KOENIGSBERG B M, mgr Surety Collection & Adjustment Co, 769 Gas & Electric bldg. 
KOEPSEL CARL T, The Avenue Novelty Works & Hardware Stove, 1426 E 22nd av. 
Koerber Jno, saloon. 4300 York. 
Koerner M, barber, 1508 Blvd F.
Kofsky Chas F. saloon, 1814 Lari. 
Kohler-McLister Paint Co, 1621 Arapahoe. 
KOKOTT P W, prop New Haven Hotel, 1917 New Haven. 
KOLB J H, asst cash Colorado National Bank, 17th cor Larimer. 
KOLINSKY ISIDOR J, wh men's & ladies furnishings & notions, 1724 Lawrence.
Kolka Frank, tailor, 217 Majestic. 
KOLLER J G, wh and ret school apparatus supplies, 322, 1230 16th.
Kopinora K H. restrnt, 1746 Market. 
Kopp A J, Lehigh Car, Wheel & Axle Works, 1019 First Nat Bank bldg.
Kopper Albert, saloon, 1215 20th. 
Korodjoff Anton, restrt, 1214 18th 
Kortz Harry, jeweler, 929 15th. 
Kortz H L, jeweler. 805 15th. 
Koschel Fred H, restrnt, 1740 Champa.
Koskoff Chas, tailor, 1954 Bdwy. 
KOUNTZE CHARLES B, pres Colorado National Bank, 17th and Larimer. 
KOUNTZE HAROLD, asst cash Colorado National Bank, 17th cor Larimer.
Kowalski Mrs M, groc, 976 Jason. 
KRAFT WM, sec & mgr Jennings Engraving Co, 832 18th. 
Kramarsh M, sec hd gds, 1816 Larimer. 
Kramer Fred H, barber, 3226 Downing av. 
KRAMER-EVARTS CO, mill agts knit goods, hosiery etc, 526 Charles bldg. 
Kraus Light Co, 735 15th. 
Krause Gustav, accountant, 1637 Gaylord. 
Krayenhof & Kemp, barbers, 807 Jason. 
Krebbs-Covington Automobile Co, 1532 Broadway. 
Krehbiel & Edelman Hardware Co, 1404 15th. 
Kremple Mrs A, hair dresser, 1316 Broadway. 
Kress R, cleaning & pressing, 2214 Larimer.
Kretschmar J C, saloon, 2516 Lari. 
Kreyer & Maier, restrnt, 1542 California.
Krimminger J L, creamery, 817 26th av.
Kringel Chas, groc, 2000 Marion. 
Kroger J W, atty, 333 Century. 
Krogsdale W L, fuel & feed, 4801 Washington.
Krohn H N, physn, 1423 Stout. 
Krohn M J, physn, 2780 W Colfax 
Kromann Alvin W, groc, 4726 W 41st. 
Krotter Fish & Oyster House, 714 15th.
Krueger F J, baky, 3059 Williams 
Krueger & Macy, land attys, 301 Cooper bldg. 
Kruger Louis, men's furnishings, 1121 Larimer.
Kruse J F, baths, 135 Broadway. 
Kruse May B, physn, 923 Lipan. 
Kzensky L A, Invests, 211 Commonwealth bldg. 
KUEFFNER FRED, saloon, 2030 15th.
Kuelling W, saloon, 1755 Blake. 
Kuersten C P, dentist, 212 Nassau. 
Kuhl G E, dentist, 313 California. 
Kummerland & Yoho, mfr furnaces, 821 W 7th av. 
Kumpf Harry, barber, 436 Symes. 
Kuner Pickle Co, 22nd & Blake. 
Kunzmann Chas, real estate, 411 Mercantile bldg.
Kurtz J A, barber, 420 Kittredge. 
Kurzidem Jos, shoemkr, 620 18th. 
Kuser & Segerson, restrnt, 1655 Welton.
KUTSCHE W 0, mgr American Brick Machinery Co and Western Terra Cotta Co,
    402 Ideal bldg.
Kuykendall J M, pres The Denver Omnibus & Cab Co, 18th av and Pearl
Kyle Merc Co, grocers, 146 Bdwy.
Kyratchis Geo, barber, 605 13th. 
La Barthe Jules, genl agt Globe Express Co, 1620 Stout. 
LA BELLE COAL CO, E E Shumway pres and mgr, 1010 16th, general offices
    503-9 Opera House bldg.
Le Bertew B W, barber, 226 Bdwy 
La Salle Buffet, 1644 Champa. 
Labriola Lewis, shoemaker, 1421 Ogden.
Labriola M, grocer, 3549 Walnut. 
La Capitale (w), G Mapelli publr, 2404 16th. 
Lacey Miss A L, millinery, 2552 15th.
LaClede Hotel, 2604 W Colfax av 
Lacroix & Son P 0, grocers, 780 Lipan. 
Ladd-Sanger Contracting Co, 416 Majestic bldg. 
Ladies' Relief Home, W 38th av & Quitman. 
LaDue H B, real estate, 307 Ideal.
LAFAYETTE TAILORING CO, 1304 17th av, phone York 3984. 
Laff Abraham, poultry, 2721 W Colfax av.
Laff Louis, tailor. 3358 Larimer. 
Lagasse & McElvain, drugs, 2701 Welton. 
LaGrande French Hand Laundry, 221 15th. 
Laguardia Pasquale, shoemaker, 3134 Osage. 
LA JUNTA LAND CO, R R Blair genl agt, 312-13 Colorado bldg. 
Lakas M P, grocer, 2359 Marion. 
Lake E F, physn, 1705 Lawrence. 
Lake Hattie Res & Irrigation Co, 514 First Nat Bank bldg. 
Lake L, horseradish mfr, 1711 W Colfax av.
Lakes Arthur, min engr. 701 Gas & Electric bldg.
Lakes Arthur Jr, min engr. 701 Gas & Electric bldg.
Lakeside Park, resort. W 45th av & Sheridan blvd.
Lakota Realty Co. 910 17th.
LALLIE SURVEYING INSTRUMENT & SUPPLY CO, mfrs and dealers civil and mining
    engineers' instruments, field supplies and drawing materials.
    1622 Arapahoe. phone Main 1383.
Lallos & Friar Co. employment. 1329 18th.
Lamb Chas G. vet surgeon, 1140 Corona.
Lamb J E. grocer, 1431 Ogden.
Lamb W J. Chinese physn, 1929 Champa.
Lambert Fred, barber, 1328 W Colfax av.
Lambert G W, fuel and feed, 4401 Wewatta.
Lamberton R F. physn, 207 First ave Hotel.
Lambie A. bakery, 1207 15th.
Lambie Thos. bakery, 2012 Lari.
Lamey H T. fire ins, 1210 17th.
Lamm Arthur W. real estate, 124 Boston bldg.
LAMMERS BOTTLING CO C A, beer bottlers, 2300 8th.
Lamont Eugene M, min engr, 1126 First Nat Bank bldg.
Lamont & McIver, plumbers, 1909 Curtis.
LAMS0N CONSOLIDATED STORE SERVICE CO, cash and package carriers. G T Wakefield
    mgr, 48 King blk.
La Munyon Geo, mgr Modern School of Business, W 13th av. cor Broadway.
Lancaster Engr Co. 1642 Tremnt. 
Land Market & Grocery, 5050 W 46th av.
Landon Abstract Co, 1629 Curtis. 
Landwehr H, grocer, 1369 Kala. 
Lane W. sign painter, 1743 Glen. 
Lane & Beck, fire ins, 706 Gas & Electric bldg.
Lang Andrew, saloon, 1145 Stout. 
Lang Imp Co Sam, saloon, 1518 Champa.
Lang Printg Co, 1627 Lawrence. 
Lang & Venohr, tail, 1413 Calif. 
Langfield D C, dry goods, 35 S Kalamath.
Langsworth F, bky, 320 Colf av. 
Langton Bros, van and storage. 1939 W 32nd av. 
Lanier I T, cigars, 2_321 Colf av. 
Lanktree Hotel, 1407 Larimer. 
Lanning Bros, prntrs, 1832 Stout. 
Lanphere & Kennedy, pool, 18th & Stout. 
Lantz Sanitary Laundry Co, 17 Broadway.
Lanyon M A, restrnt. 508 17th av. 
La Plata Land & Irrigation Co, 416 Cooper bldg. 
Laramie Electric Co, 419 Century. 
Laramie-Poudre Reservoirs & Irrigation Co, 822 Symes bldg. 
Laramie Water Co, 514 First Nat Bank bldg.
Lare's Sanitarium Mrs, 4633 Val. 
LaReina Union M & R Co, 602 Empire bldg.
Large Saml S, atty, 816 Contl. _ 
Larimer House, rooms, 1550 Lari. 
Larimer Fuel & Feed, 1357 lOth. 
Larson Chas F, shoemaker, 3846 Walnut.
Larson Frank, barber, 3730 Waln. 
Larson Fred P, horseshoer, 1321 19th.
Larson Gus, saloon, 1323 15th. 
Larson J E, freight agt Frisco Lines, 207 First Nat Bank bldg. 
Larson L G, real est, 518 Quincy. 
Larson Bros Groc Co, 3859 Osage. 
LaRue & Schwartz, wall paper, 1312 Broadway. 
Las Animas Coal Co, 1230 First Nat Bank bldg.
LaShar Inv Co, 608 Empire bldg. 
Lashbrook Jno, shoemaker, 518 16th av.
Laska B B, atty, 629 Byrnes bldg. 
Laska David, shoemaker, 2710 W Colfax av. 
Laskowitz J, sec hd gds, 1750 Larimer.
Latenser Jno H, barber, 921 Lar. 
Lathrop Joe, saloon, 331 13th. 
Lathrop Miss Mary F, atty, 209 Equitable bldg. 
Laton Jesse J, dep dist atty, 519 Kittredge bldg.
La Tour E E, barber, 401 Empire. 
Latta Robt H, atty, 12 1/2 Nevada. 
Laughlin Gail, atty. 402 Kittrdge. 
Laughlin Jas I, dentist, 314 Temple Court.
LAUGHREN J H, mgr Colorado Traffic Club, Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Laurent Drug Co, 294 S Penn av.
Lauriente & Son J, grocers, 3500 Mariposa.
Lauth W H, surgical gds, Metpln.
Laux Herm A, saloon, 1448 Bike.
Laverty Jno, groc, 3926 High.
Laverty Bros, live stk Exch bldg, Stock Yards.
Lavin Jno, saloon, 1201 19th.
Lavin & Bank, sec hd gds, 1439 Larimer.
La Vogue Cleaning & Dyeing Co, 227 7th av.
LAWHORN A M, undertaker and funeral director, 1921 Arap 
Lawlor M J, shoes, 1527 Champa. 
Lawney Eleanor, physn, 323 Jackson bldg.
Lawrence J A, printer, 782 Bway. 
Lawrence T W, contr, 903 E 14th. 
Lawrence W R, mdse broker, 412 Sugar bldg. 
Lawrence Cigar & Importing Co, 1430 16th. 
Lawrence Hardware Co, 1520 Lawrence. 
LAWRENCE-HENSLEY FRUIT CO, jobbers fruits & vegetables, 1624-30 Market.
Lawson & Co Geo, grocers, 1501 S Pearl. 
Lawson & Parker, real est, 1606 Broadway. 
Lawton Ed, carriage works, 1417 19th. 
Lay Willard B, mfg optician, 1550 Welton. 
Layton Miss R M, stenographer, 427 First Nat Bank bldg. 
LAZEAR J B, 2nd vice-pres Central National Bank, 17th & Stout 
Lazell Edw W, physn, 432 Metpln
L & D Liquor Co, 1608 Champa
Leach Art Studios. 714 Colfax av. 
LEADVILLE HOUSE, saloon, board and rooms, Steiner & Hartmann props. 1411 Blake. 
Leadville Lime & Fluxing Co, 321 McPhee bldg. 
Leahy Frank A, wh cigars, 305 Nassau bldg. 
Leake J W, pool, 1242 S Jason. 
Leapold & Riddiford, wh paints and lumber, 1830 Blake.
Learner M, repr shop, 1227 18th.
Leaves of Healing Medical Co, 12 1/2 Nevada bldg.
Leavitt H P, repair shop, 607 13th av.
LeBaron Frank, grocer, 2(505 W llth av.
Leberer Val, saloon, 1462 Blake.
LeBert Richard, real estate, 1433 Tremont.
LEBOVITZ B, merchant tailor, 1736 Broadway.
Le Carpenter Mme A, teacher of languages, 318 Jackson bldg.
Leddy Steve, saloon, 1301 Blake.
Ledig P H, blacksmith, 1409 S Broadway.
LE DOUX R A, pres Denver Normal and Preparatory School, Denver Business College
    and Wallace Business and Shorthand College, 1543-45 Glenarm.
Ledy Michael A, state auditor, Capitol bldg.
Lee Archibald, atty, 714 Equit.
Lee David K. capitalist, 326 Opera House bldg.
Lee Geo F, physn, 632 14th
Lee G H, physn. 210 Comonw.
LEE JOHN P, atty, 401 Continental bldg.
Lee S L, groc, 1819 32nd av.
Leech E L, grocer, 3935 Wolfe.
Leeder E L, groc, 4432 W 41st av.
Lees D P, plumber, 1127 17th.
Leet Jno E, real est, 429 Symes.
LeFevre H W dentist. 206 Metpl.
LeFevre Owen E, atty, 1311 Yrk.
LeFurge D M, repair shop, 10 1st av.
Legal Aid Dispensary of the University of Denver Law School 1021 14th.
LeGassick H, plumb, 3273 Perry.
Legge Orr, real est, 1740 Stout
LEHMAN JEWELRY CO THE EDWARD, wholesale jewelers 1532 Stout.
Lehmann Jacob, shoemaker, 1275 Broadway.
Lehmann & Redd, mfrs agts, 19 Jacobson bldg.
Lehner's Restaurant, 1360 Wltn.
Lehr & Gerhardt, screen door & window factory, 2911 Walnut
Lehrer C W, groc. 3036 Quitman.
Lehrer Wm, bky, 2158 Larimer.
Leibelt Mrs Mgt, groc, 835 Lari.
Leiben L, shoemaker, 904 21st.
Leight M A, hdwre, 1847 Lari.
Leimer Chas F real est, 916 17th.
Leiper Jno H, atty, 68, 1622 Arap
Leith J. dry goods, 1435 26th.
Lemen L E, physn, 12, 312 17th.
Lemmer C, groc, 2262 Glenarm.
Lemmon C B, drugs, 1096 S Gayl.
Lemp Cafe & Wine Co, 1539 Cur.
Lengenfelder C, florist. 4637 W 32nd av.
L'Engle Henry A, mgr Library Bureau, 1604 Broadway.
Lenhof W A, cigars, 1315 17th.
Lenhof's Gig Store, 1529 Glenarm
Lenicheck H J, groc, 715 Galap.
Leo C, hair gds, 1615 Court pl.
Leon T J, photgr, 1031 17th.
Leonard Jas, real estate, 1648 Glenarm pl.
Leonard Tessie, groc, 1700 36th av
LEONARD W H, genl mgr The Denver Rock Drill & Machinery Co, 18th & Blake.
Leonard W H, fuel and feed, 857 Broadway.
Leonard-Melcher Comm Co, 1528 Market.
Leonard Produce Co, 1524 Mkt. 
Leonard & Root, assayers, 1744 Broadway.
Leong Hong, laundry, 1947 Chm. 
Leonorovitz Jos, clothing, 2159 Larimer. 
Leopold & Elphan, grocers, 1203 Decatur. 
Lerch & Co, W F, mfrs agts, 317 Exchange bldg.
Lerner Jos, groc, 2729 W 13th av. 
Lerner Max, tailor, 1856 Arap. 
LeRoy W F, groc, 2163 Arap. 
LESCHEN & SONS ROPE CO A, mfrs of wire rope and aerial tramways, H R W Wadeson,
    local mgr, 1649-51 Wazee. 
Leschke P, bkry, 2935 W 25th av. 
Leseberg E J, groc, 2037 Champa. 
Lesenea J A, carp, 1448 Platte. 
LESLIE H C, sec-treas Denver Dairy Co, 1550 Wazee. 
Leslie W 0, saloon, 230 16th. 
Leslie-Judge Co, publishers, 313 Kittredge bldg. 
Leson J, sheet metal wk, 1113 18th.
Lessing Rchd 0, bkry, 3423 Waln. 
Lessley & Harman, livery, 1634 Wazee. 
Lester B G, financial agt, 503 Continental bldg. 
Letter Mill, multigraphing, 421 E & C bldg.
Letts Edw S, real est, 711 17th. 
Leven K, dry gds, 3655 Navajo. 
Levin Harry, barber, 1318 15th. 
Levin & Walz, cleaning and dyeing, 104 S Broadway. 
Levings Sanford R, grocer, 1377 W Alameda. 
Levingston H, saloon, 2956 Zuni.
Levinson H, pawnbrkr, 1119 17th.
Levinson Harris, groc, 2747 W 13th av.
Levinson M, sc hd gds, 2524 Lari.
Levison & Levison, saloon, 2503 Larimer.
Levitt P J, groc, 2262 Arapahoe.
Levy D, tailor, 634 17th av.
Levy Fred, mfrs agt, 404 Appel.
Levy I, tailor, 1111 18th.
Levy Jacob, clothes cleang, 1859 California.
LEVY MAX M, mgr Powers National Ink Co, 2128 Arapahoe.
Levy Morris, clothing, 1548 Lari.
Levy Morris, tailor, 28 20th av.
Levy Robt, physn, 406 Metpln.
Levy Bros, stocks and bonds, 209 E & C bldg.
LEVY CONSTRUCTION CO THE M F, engineers and contractors, 630-633 Symes bldg.
Levy & Lewin Merc Co, delicatessen, 1006 15th.
Lewark Drug Co, 2491 Sheridan
Lewin Edw, real est, 238 Century.
Lewin Cigar Store, 1640 Curtis.
Lewin Merc Co, saloon, 16th & Larimer.
Lewinnek Liquor Co, Lesser, 1547 Larimer.
Lewis C A, mining, 245 Coronado.
Lewis Edg P. dentist, 212 Symes.
Lewis J A, harness and saddlery, 1740 Lawrence.
Lewis J B, groc, 2600 Humboldt.
Lewis J R, invsts, 444 Equitable.
Lewis Loring. barber, 3733 Waln.
Lewis P J, saloon, 3360 Navajo.
Lewis R F, contr, 461 Humboldt.
Lewis W, sec hd gds, 1123 Lari.
Lewis Mme R, millinery, 605 16th.
Lewis W E, bicvcles. 1517 17th.
Lewis W G. U S surveyor genl, 519 Empire bldg.
Lewis Dairy Co, 2056 Humboldt.
Lewis Hotel, 1885 Champa.
LEWIS JEWELERS' SUPPLY CO, wh jewelers and jewelers’ supplies, 1622 Arapahoe.
LEWIS & SON DRY GOODS CO THE A T, wholesale and retail dry goods,
    cor 16th & Stout.
Lewis & Wheeler Lumber Co, 1535 18th.
Lewke G A, footwear. 810 Jason.
Lewkowitz I. sec hd gds, 1016 Larimer.
Leyden Coal Co. 503 Gas & Electric bldg.
Leyden Coal Co. 503 Gas & Elec.
LEYNER ENGINEERING WKS CO THE J GEO, mfrs mining machinery. 1707 Glenarm pl.
Libby Geo P. physn. 530 Metpln.
Libert A, tailor.2908 Irving.
Liberty Extract Co. 1244 Glenm.
Liberty Mfg Co. mfg chemists, 1416 Larimer.
Libonati Thos. barb. 3357 Pecos.
LIBRARY BUREAU, office supplies, stationery, filing cabinets, card systems.
    Henry A L'Engle mgr, 1604 Broadway.
Lichtenheld R W, barb, 1531 Cur.
Lichtenstein H, hat works, 1624 Tremont.
Liddell Oliver B. atty, 13 Jacobson bldg.
Lieberman J J, atty, 515 E & C.
Lieberman S, clothing, 1755 Mkt.
Liebhardt, Laura L, physn. 1856 Washington.
Liebhardt Bros, loans and invts, 12 Commercial bldg.
Lieffers Win, groc, 3000 Market.
Liening J H, groc, 2635 W Colf.
LIEURANCE SILSBEE D, atty-at-law. 527-9 Cooper bldg 
Liff N, tailor, 309 W 6th av. 
Lifshitz H, real est, 1631 Champa 
Liggitt E S, cig, 1238 W 8th av, 
Lightburn C L, ming. 253 Equit. 
Ligon Jos L, grocer, 511 14th. 
Lilley F D, grocer, 1474 Elati. 
Lilley & Morrison, wh lumber, 216 Cooper bldg. 
Lillie Geo, livery, rear 1450 Pearl 
Lillis Jno B, groc, 1959 Stout 
Lilyard F R, atty. 15 Jacobson. 
Lincoln Cleaning & Pressing Co, 529 E Exposition av. 
Lincoln Creamery Co, 523 E Exp. 
Lincoln Drug Co. 700 S Pearl. 
Lincoln Hand Ldry, 1447 Glenm. 
Lincoln Market, 2763 Larimer. 
Lind Chas, bakery. 301 Elati. 
Lind Herm, express. 1933 Cham. 
Lindahl Jno, physn. 1440 Glenm. 
Lindblom Alex. groc. 501 Jason. 
Lindell Hotel, E Menig prop, 1023 Larimer. 
LINDEMANN HENRY, expert gem cutter, 8, 1536 Champa. 
Lindemann & Hoverson Co A J. stoves, 1636 14th. 
Linden The. furn rooms. 1959 Welton. 
Linden House, J Gullikson prop. 1404 Larimer. 
Lindenbaum H, clothing, 1532 Curtis. 
Lindenmeier C W. sec hd gels. 1851 Welton. 
Lindgren Chas L. shoemaker. 1532 38th av.
Lindgren 0 J, bakery, 3737 Hum. 
Lindner Packing & Provision Co. wh meats, 1412 16th. 
Lindquist Cracker Co. 3512 Waln. 
Lindquist & Peterson, clothing, 1650 Lawrence. 
LINDQUIST-STRACHAN-HECK CO, importers and jobbers, notions and specialties,
    1719-19 Arapahoe.
Lindrooth, Shubart & Co, mill machy. Boston bldg.
Lindsey Ben B. Judge Juvenile Court.
LINDSLEY HENRY A, city attorney. 504-15 Mercantile bldg.
Line W J grocer, 636 S Penna.
Linehan D D, shoemkr, 1440 Law.
Lingnell Godfrey, cleaning and dyeing, 321 16th.
Link Frank, mfr jewlr. 729 15th.
Link H 0. carp, 1028 18th.
Linkwald & Steinberg, ladies' clothing. 828 16th.
Linn Mrs T. grocer. 4501 Perry.
Linsenmaier F, bkry. 1961 Lari.
Lint T M. barber. l429 Calif.
Lipe Bros, real est, 3 Jacobson.
Lipp A. grocer. 1410 15th.
Lippincott C D, drugs. 210 S Kal.
Lippincott & McClave. chem and met engrs. 601 Ideal bldg.
Lipschitz I. grocer. 2801 Welton.
Lipsky N. jeweler. 1508 17th.
LIQUID CARBONIC CO, Paul F Bielitz represntative, 24 Jacobson bldg.
List Chas G, prop Switzerland Cafe. 1416 Larimer.
Lister Geo T. real est 532 Comw.
LISTON J M, mgr The Colorado Writerpressing Co. 502 Railroad bldg.
Lithographers Supply Co, 2830 Blake.
Litsheim Ole M, barber, 1630 1/2 Tremont.
Littleton H H drugs, 1901 Lari.
Little J L, restaurant, 2408 Lari.
Little J P. groc. 4740 Josephine.
Little Columbus Saloon, 2454 19th
LITTLETON CREAMERY CO, I S Morse pres, Richard Pinkett vice-pres. A T McClintock
    sec, J E Rex treas, 18th and Wynkoop.
Littleton Light Co, 324 Gas & El.
Liverman A E, ins, 708 Colorado.
Livingston E D. curios, 1413 17th
Livesay J McD, atty. 313 Quincy.
Livingston Cigar Co, 1849 Lawr.
Little Kingdom M Co. 618 Kitt.
Lloyd Howard W, groc. 1804 S Pearl.
LLOYD WILLIAM B, mfr harness and saddlery. 1638 Tremont pl, phone 2433.
Lloyd Wm E. groc, 1093 S Bway.
Lloyd & Kurtz, groc. 2714 Dunk.
LLOYDS PLATE GLASS INS CO, Stanley M Barrows genl agt, 732 Gas & Electric bldg. 
Local Beef & Mutton Co. 1621 Market.
Lockard L B, physn. 520 Metpl. 
Locke Ch E. physn, 1345 Glemn. 
Locke Jno G, physn, 1345 Glenm. 
Locke Music Co E R, pianos, 409 Temple Court.
Lockhart Bros, groc. 1643 Wms. 
Loeb Querolli, saloon, 1509 Wltn. 
Loeffler J A, barb. 2151 Court. Pl.
Loes P, groc, 4200 W 38th av. 
Logan A R, gr, 3657 Fillmore. 
Logan S S. notions, 2455 W 29th.
Logan Ave Pharmacy, S Logan & Bayaud.
Logan Martin, loans. 332 Cooper.
Logan & Bryan, brokers. 403 Ideal bldg.
Logan's Warehouse Storage Co, 1312 37th av.
Lohmann A S, musician, 1453 Tremont pl.
Lohr C E, plumb, 1213 13th av.
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Thomas T Frith special agent, 311 Mack bldg.
London Cleaning & Pressing Co, 76 Broadway.
Londoner Wolfe, groc, 1624 Arap.
LONDON GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT CO (Ltd), Thomas P Daly Agency Co genl agts for
    Colorado, 212 Opera House bl.
LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INS CO, A C Heltzell special agent and adjuster,
    520 Exchange bldg.
Lonergan Philip J, consult engr, 607 California bldg.
Long E, restaurant, 2040 Lari.
Long H E, mines purchasing agt, Ideal bldg.
Long Mgt, physn, 1434 Glenarm.
Long Mrs M A, groc, 3528 W 24th av.
Long Scott H, hardware and furniture, 2246 Welton.
Longmont Farmers M & E Co, 2100 20th.
Longworth Rlty Co, 1758 Stout.
LOOK BON I, dealer in everything, cor 16th & Blake.
Lookout Mountain Park Development Co, 620 Empire bldg.
LOOMIS WESLEY H, pres Colorado United States Refining Co, 224-28 Equitable bldg.
Loos C H, groc, 3291 Perry.
Lopatin H, curios, 1332 16th.
Lopez J, confecty, 409 15th.
Lopez & Marsello, confecty, 436 17th.
Lord Carlisle, groc, 1170 Kala.
Lord F J, drugs, llth & Larimer.
Lord T E, dairy, 1260 Jason.
Loretta Academy, school for girls, Loretta Heights.
Lorie Henry, groc, 2958 Welton.
Lorimer T R, saloon, 1637 Curtis.
Longmont Farmers M & E Co,
Lorber J N, shoes, 722 15th.
Lorraine Toilet Co. Barclay blk.
Lorton G R, undertkr. 1740 Cur.
LOTHROP C W, atty-at-la-w. 727 Symes bldg.
Lothrop Hotel, 18th & Lawrence.
LOTT W H, mgr Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 1420 Wazee.
Lottermoser A, tailor, 1230 14th.
Lotz Henry, groc, 288 S Penn av.
LOTZ HIDE & WOOL CO (Chas A Lotz & Edw L Lotz), 909-17 Wazee. 
Lotz & Kahrhoff, props Denver Barber Supply Co, 1527 Glenm. 
Louden & Newman, real est. 910 17th. 
LOUDERBAUGH TAMALE MFG CO, J W Shepard mgr, 1824 Lawrence.
Lougeay W H, physn. 309 Bank. 
Louis Hotel, I Wilkinson prop, 1522 Court pl. 
Louisiana Merc Co, dry goods, 1298 S Broadway. 
Louisville Liquor Co, 24th & Lar. 
Loustano S R, dentist, 1517 Stout. 
Love Richd H, U S Internatl Revenue Service, 9 Union blk. 
Lovelace C A, real est, 1850 Calif.
Loveland F W, atty, 909 Equit. 
Loveland Plaster & Mfg Co. 504 Colorado bldg.
Lovell J B, mines, 56 Arapaboe. 
Loving A S, osteopath, 423 Comw. 
Lovins J A, drugs, 2301 Champa. 
Low Arthur, novelty wks, 91 S Broadway.
Low Thos H, dentist, 412 Opera House bldg. 
Lowe Celeste, manicuring, 1747 Champa.
Lowe F E. bakery, 608 S Bway. 
Lowe Mrs J S, school supplies, 2418 12th av. 
Lowe & Lowe, sec hd gds, 2204 Welton. 
Lowenheim & Son M, pawnbrokers, 1623 Larimer. 
LOWER'S SONS JOHN P, guns, sporting goods, fishing tackle, 1511 Larimer.
Lowerator Co of America, 211 Coronado bldg.
Lowith Bros Iron Works Co, 1232 Larimer. 
Lowrie Inv Co H W, 827 First Nat Bank bldg.
Loyd A J, saloon, 1214 W Bayaud 
Lub Mrs C. groc, 2700 Arapahoe. 
Lubbert F, chiropractor, 1221 Broadway.
Lucas A F, saloon, 3162 Larimer. 
Lucas J T, pool, 465 S Bway. 
Lucas Steve, livery, 2516 Walnut. 
Lucas T B, groc, 4301 Clayton. 
Lucy Dan R, physn, 3505 Navajo. 
LUDDITT A J, mgr Midland Printing Co, 1520 Champa. 
Ludowici-Celadon Co, roofing tiles, 3112 Perry.
Ludwig Mrs S, cigars, 2512 15th. 
Luebbers B H, cig, 240 S Bway. 
Luedicke Fredk A, osteopath, 628 Empire bldg.
Lukanitsch Jos G, restaurant, 1934 1/2 Larimer. 
LUKER T P, prop Commercial Press, job printers, 25 15th. 
Lukton Jake, shoemkr, 2837 Lar. 
Lum S B, physn, 1630 Arapahoe. 
Lumbermen's Coal Co, 802 First Nat Bank bldg.
LUN YEE FOO, Chinese herbalist, 329 16th. 
Luna Park, pleasure resort, W 25th av and Sheridan blvd. 
LUNBECK ERNEST L, pres The Denver Photo Materials Co, 1630 Champa.
Lund Ernest, contr, 1265 Milwau. 
LUND JOHN T, sec-treas The Colorado Lead Works Co, 1516 Blake. 
Lund P H, consult, engr, 333 Temple Court. 
Lundquist A W, jewlr, 1024 W Colfax av. 
Lundquist Wm, watchmkr, 2310 Colfax av.
Lundquist Shoe Co, 249 Broadwy. 
Luppold W H, restaurant, 1451 S Broadway,
Lupton Creamery Depot, 614 19th 
Luria A, physn, 2609 Curtis. 
Lusk Pharmacy, 2705 W 38th av. 
Lustig Jos, sec hd gds, 1858 Lari. 
Lustig Sam, sec hd gds, 1746 Lar. 
Luthe H E, atty, 223 McPhee. 
Luthy J, tailor, 3542 Walnut. 
Lutt Mfg Co, grocers, sundries, 376 S Broadway.
Lutz Bernard, dry gds, 2722 W Colfax av.
Lutz Max, groc, 2162 Arapahoe. 
Lutz & Palmer, blacksmiths, 3120 Osage.
Lutz Iron & Metal Co A, 700 Lar.
LUTZI & CO JOHN, fruits, groceries and confectionery, 1607 17th.
Luxford G A, atty, 325 Kittredge.
Lykins G A, saloon, 1201 Calif.
Lyle A E, groc, 504 18th av.
Lyman C B, physn, 417 Metpltn.
Lyman Mrs Mamie A, drugs, 2343 S Evans.
LYMAN MILLINERY CO, 0 W Lyman pres, wh and ret millinery, 1120-22 16th.
Lynch & Co T F, comm, City Mkt
Lynch T J, saloon, 1748 Curtis.
Lyne H, ore purchasing agt The American Smelting & Refining Co,
    8th fl Symes bldg.
Lynn The, rooms, 1529 Champa.
Lyon & Vogel, restaurant, 1416 l6th.
Lyons L H, cigars, 1636 Curtis.
Lyons M, saloon, 1319 19th.
Lyons Oliver, physn, 440 Metpln.
Lyons W C, dent, 226 Coronado.
LYONS & JOHNSON, real estate, loans and fire insurance, 1020 15th.
LYON'S RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, R E Miller mgr, 1709 17th, cor Lawrence,
    rooms 1 and 2, phone Main 230.
Lytle M E, real est, 4, 329 16th.

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