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This file contains the 1880 Federal Census of Tulare County, California

Tulare County 1880 Census  Township No. 3 - Locations: Visalia City; Enumerator: W. C. McAdams; Pages 38 - 52

Names                                 1880 Census, Tulare County, California.                              Twp-pg-no.

Ablaro, Stephen                       WM 15, servant, MEXICO                                               3-49-247
                                      with Father Agloria
Acosta, Leuis,                        WM 23, clerk in store, CHIHUAHUA.                                    3-46-187
                                      Frank nephew 25, dealer in segars, CHIHUAHUA;
                                      Refugio, niece 14,
Agloria, Father                       WM 40 Parish Priest, SPAIN.                                          3-49-247
                                      Father CALLASCO, 33, SPAIN; Kate HOGAN, 36,
                                      sister; Stephen ABLARO, 15 servant.
Anderson, Frank                       WM 18, works in hotel, ITALY.                                        3-48-234
Anderson, Georgie                     WF 26, keeping house, CA-OH-IL-                                      3-43-138
                                      Edith R. dt 4; Louise STREUBE 20 seamstress;
                                      Joseph W. MARTIN, bro. 22 lab.
                                      Ref: Y
Andreas, Gallenzuela                  WM 32, saloon keeper, SONORA. single.                                3-52-310
Andrews, Mattie A.                    WF 21, Keeping house, CA-PA-OH. married.                             3-49-258
                                      Edry dt 2, CA-SCO-CA.
Arkle, William J.                     WM 35, dealer in boots & shoes, OH-ENG-ENG.                          3-45-181
                                      Laura wf 24, CA-IL-IA. Gertrude dt 11; Estelle
                                      dt 2; Christopher C. 33, single, dealer in
                                      boots and shoes. OH-ENG-ENG.
                                      Ref: *C/1617.2-F/40-H/18-19-X/67-70-Y-Visalia
                                      ceme tery.-Z4 (6 7: 2) -
Arnold, William A.                    WM 43, carpenter, MAINE.                                             3-38- 14
                                      Amanda wf 38, MAINE; Ella J. dt 12; Amanda dt 3;
                                      Frank W. son 2.
                                      Ref: H/30-K/209-X/1-Y
Asay, Jacob L.                        WM 44, Doctor, PENNSYLVANIA.                                         3-38- 19
                                      Fannie E. wf 31, AUL-IRE--IRE; Casper, bro. 27,
                                      Doctor, PENNSYLVANIA
                                      Ref: F/42-J/166-H/6-X/32-Y-P/31TZ4(70-1l)-Z4(71-14),-
Asher, Marks                          WM 22, clerk in store, FRANCE. /Frank J. Walker.                     3-42-115
Atwell, Alexander B.                  WM 48, laborer, CT-NY-CT.                                            3-47-211
                                      Sarah A., wf 48, ME-NH-ME; Nathan A. CLARY, st-s
                                      18, laborer. -Z4(69:10)
                                      Ref: F/31-H/7-J/166-X/77-Y-Z-Visalia Cemetery.
Atwell, Allen J.                      WM 45, lawyer, NEW YORK.                                             3-46-198
                                      Mary wf 37, IL-NY-NY; Mary dt 18; Arthur son 14;
                                      Helen dt 12; Irvine son 8; Clarence son 5; Lee
                                      son 2; Paul F. son, b. Nov., 7/12.
                                      Ref: D/103-E/294-F/4-H/1-J/166-K/855-U-X/78-Y-
                                      N/13 Apr 1861,Z4(71-1l)
Atwell, Hittie                        WF 70, keeping house, NY-CT-CT. wd.                                  3-47-210
                                      William grs. 21, WI-CT-CT; Emma grd. 14; Clara
                                      grd 7.
                                      Ref: E/294-K/855-Visalia Cemetery-U
Bacigalupi, Theodore                  WM 40, saloon keeper, ITALY.                                         3-47-224
                                      Angiola wf 25, ITALY. Charles -DELRE, b-i-l 23,
                                      clerk in saloon, m. within yr, Teresa
                                      DELRE, sis. m. within yr, 18; Antone (unreadable
                                      surname) , 41, lab;
                                      Ref: f/212-X/8-
Bacon, Fielding                       WM 69 farmer, KY-VA-VA.                                              3-47-216
                                      Sarah wf 68, MO-PA-PA; JACK LEE, Chinese-M 20 lab.
                                      Ref: C/1103-1215-E/274-F/61-S/13-
Bacon, James M.                       WM 46, stock dealer, MISSOURI.                                       3-44-143
                                      Emma wf. 35, AR-NC-TN.
                                      Ref: E/278-F/18-X/181-Y-
Baconia(?), T( --- )m(?)              WM 29, CALIFORNIA. In house of ill-fame.                             3-50-263.
Baer, Bernard                         WM 54, dealer in tinware, BAVARIA.                                   3-45-167
                                      Caroline wf 48, BAVARIA; Abraham SPRINGER, st-s.
                                      23, -clerk in tinstore.
                                      Ref:E/296-F/238-H/432-X/127-Visalia Cemetery.
Baker, Frank                          WM 21, clerk in drug store; CA-OH-IL.                                3-52-303
                                      Member house of ill-fame.
                                      Ref: E/293-X/294
Baker, James                          WM 77, VIRGINIA. f-i-l/Henry C. Hartley.                             3-47-215.
Baker, James                          WM 19, clerk in store,CA-IA-MI. /Herman Morris.                      3-45-182
                                      Ref: E/293-?Visalia Cemetery?
Baker, James                          WM 42, night watchman, IOWA.                                         3-38-11
                                      Eliza wf 26, CA-VA-VA; James E. son 7; Nathan L.
                                      son 2; Pearl dt 1; Diamond dt, b.Feb. 4/12.
                                      and Mary ?GUSTEN? 21, boarder.
                                      Ref: (?)F/15-X/139-&-Visalia Cemetery.
Baker, Martin,                        WM 4, CA-OH-MI. grs of Jemima Fullin.                                3-51-294
Baker, Peter Y.                       WM 38, Works in Assessors office, IL-NY-NY.                          3-40 -56
                                      Augusta wf 24, NEW YORK; Max son 3.
                                      Ref: C/632-968.2-F/318-H/278-K/134-X/9-Y-
Bargmann, Christiana                  WF 50, dressmaker, HOLSTEIN. wd.                                     3-46-189
                                      Lizetta dt 25, music teacher.
                                      Ref: E/294
Barnett, Lizzie                       WF 15, CA-KY-IN. nieces / Alfred Daggett.                            3-40-64
                                      Carrie, niece 13,
Barnett, William                      WM 30 laborer, VA-ENG-VA. single.                                    3-52-314
                                      INNOCENT, Indian M. 50 single, lab.
                                      Ref: X/290-
Barr, Alexander                       WM 25, dealer in segars & ?. TENNESSEE.                              3-48-234
                                      hotel boarder.
Barr, Benjamin                        WM 68, OH-MA-NY.                                                     3-43-137
                                      Maria, m-i-1 67, NY-NY-MA.f-i-l/Charles Vallee.
                                      Ref: E/293-F/84-X/137-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(71-12).
Barr, Orrin                           WM 31, saloon keeper, ILLINOIS                                       3-44-162
                                      single, boarder/ Susman Mitchell
                                      Ref: D/101-E/293-F/93-H/216-J/166-X/20-Y-
                                      Visalia CemeteryTZ4(71-12)
Barren, Abraham                       Mu-M, 24, waiter in hotel, NEW YORK.                                 3-44-154
Barren, Annie,                        Mu-F, 19, niece, NY-LI-SC.                                           3-48-231
                                      Edward WARD, Mu-M, uncle 39, NEW YORK. cook in
Barren, Pheobe                        Mu-F, 40, house keeper, NEW YORK, servant/                           3-52-313
                                      Edward M. Dewey.
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery.-Z4(71-1)
Beal, Charles R.                      WM 40, miller, MAINE.                                                3-43-120
                                      Lucy M. wf 37, IL-NH-AR; Fannie E. dt 13; Mary E.
                                      dt 10; Frank D., son 8; Carrie L., dt 5; Nellie
                                      dt. b. Mar. 3/12.
                                      Ref: X/2
Beatty, Mary J.                       WF 28, cook in hospital, IL-KY-TN.                                   3-49-257
                                      Charles W. son, diphtheria, 5. Imnate Co. Hosp.
                                      Ref: Y
Becket, Elizabeth                     WF 64, keeping house,                                                3-47-207
                                      MO-KY-KY. Salina BEQUETTE dt, 24,; Martha HESTON
                                      grd. 18; Mary CARY, 15 boarder.
                                      Ref: D/101-E/294-K/456-
Belz, Andrew                          WM 45, blacksmith, SAXONY.                                           3-44-160
                                      Caroline wf 28, IL-HC-HC; George A. son 3.
                                      Ref: *C/ 1166-F/1-H/332-J/166-X/16-Visalia Cem.-
Belzora, Pallorea                     WF 24, CHILI. member house of ill fame.                              3-50-264
Bender, Jacob,                        WM 42, farmer, PA-WUR-WUR.                                           3-46-193
                                      Lawrence ROESCH ?, 45, lab; Jelad McMILLIAN 46,
                                      compositor; CHEN, C-M 37 hotel cook; CHEW, C-M
                                      37, hotel cook; Richard WARD 34 lab.
                                      Ref: X/302-Visalia Cemetery
Benn, John E.                         WM 56, Physician, IRELAND.                                           3-44-153
                                      Ellen wf 28, MO-KY-IL; Franklin E. son b, June,
                                      11/12. Z4(71-5)
                                      Ref: B/178-205-E/293-X/204-Y-Visalia Cem.
Bequette, Salina                      WF 24, CA-MO-MO. dt/ Elizabeth BECKET,                               3-47-207
                                      Ref: E/294-D/101-Y
Bietenholz, Katie                     WF 19, housekeeper, SWITZERLAND.                                     3-44-140
                                      servant/ William W. Cross.
Bishop, William D.                    WM 28, dealer in druggs, comsumption,                                3-51-299
                                      WI-NY-OH. Maria wf. 33, MD-(blank); Alice, dt.
                                      1; Sara COALE, std. 13; Herbert BISHOP, Bro, 20
                                      clerk in store; Frank CROCKER, 24, works in saw
                                      Ref: f/198-X/292-Y
Blain, William                        WM 41 butcher, MO-VA-VA.                                             3-39-32
                                      Julia wf 26, TX-SAX-PRU; Maggie dt 16.
                                      Ref: *C/577-E/246-F/258-H/544-J/166-X/125-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery .-Z4 (70-4)
Blaine, Walter                        WM 21, laborer, WI-SCO-SCO. b-i-l/ Samuel                            3-38-15
                                      Ref: X/305
Blakely, Isaac                        WM 69, laborer, NY-CT-CT.                                            3-47-218
                                      Paulina wf 65, NY-NH-NH
                                      Ref: F/202-X/191-Visalia Cemetery
Blincoe, Thomas                       WM 48, teamster,KY-VA-VA.                                            3-49-256
                                      Josephine wf 34, MO-OH-OH; Lydia dt 15; Benjamin
                                      son 13; Thomas son 11; Mary dt 8; Lillie dt 6;
                                      Oscar son 3; Virginia dt, b. Mar. 2/12; and
                                      Charles DUKE, 54, lab.
                                      Ref: F/272-H/410-X/19-Y-listed twice, see p.4 Twp.l.
Bliss, William F.                     WM 21, Deputy US Postmaster, CA-NY-LA.                               3-51-292
                                      single. Listed twice?, see P. 35, Twp. 2.
                                      Ref: C/702-Y--Visalia Cemetery-
Bodmer, Charles                       WM 49, works in butcher shop, 49, WURTEMBURG.                        3-46-191
                                      Caroline wf. 49, BADEN.
                                      Ref: H/365-X/345-Y
Booth, Oliver,                        SM 50, stage driver, NY-CT-CT./ Chas. Togni.                         3-43-132
                                      Ref: F/130-H/592-X/295-P/2-Visalia Cemetery
Botsford, Gibbons A.                  WM 44, farmer, OHIO.
                                      Harriet wf 47, NEW YORK
                                      Ref: *C/ 717-1495.2-E/289-F/37-H/220-J/166-
                                      X/300-Y-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(70--l)
Bowen, William                        WM 53, works at carpentry trade, KENTUCKY.                           3-45-176
                                      Laura wf 35, AL-SC-TN; Laura dt 15; William son
                                      11; Walter son 9; George son 6; John son 3;
                                      William cousin 15. -Z4(71-1l)-
                                      Ref: E/291-F/3-H/393?-X/211-Y-and H/594-Z4(70-17)-
Boyer, Isabella                       WF 46 keeping house, AL-SC-TN.                                       3-39-31
                                      Ellen W. HANSON niece 15; Mildred HANSON niece,
                                      13; Margaret A. HANSON niece 11; and Margaret W.
                                      PATRICK, mother, 67, wd.
Bradley, Eliza                        WF 45, keeping house, MO-KY-KY. wd.                                  3-48-236
                                      Mollie dt 18; Hester dt 13; John son 12; Ella dt.6.
Bradley, Margaret                     WF 36, keeping house, MO-AL-TN. wd.                                  3-39-33
                                      Ellen dt 15; Edwin son 12; James S. son 10.
                                      Ref: E/292-Y
Bradley, Nathaniel 0.                 WM 35 lawyer, NEW YORK.                                              3-44-164
                                      Virginia J. wf 30, WI-MO-MO; Bessie dt b. July
                                      10/12; and Bridget LANE, servant 31.
                                      Ref: F/87-H/219-J/166-L/167-170-X-Y-Z4(71-5)-
Braverman, Max                        WM 37, watch maker, PRUSSIA, single boarder/                         3-44-162
                                      Susman Mitchell
                                      Ref: H/218-J/166-X/289- Z4(71-14)
Brown, Alfred A.                      WM 44, fruit peddler, PRUSSIA. one leg.                              3-39-35
                                      Martha wf 29, IA-IN-IN; Alfred son 13; William son
                                      11; Clara dt 8; Charles son 7; Annie dt 5; Harry
                                      son 1. -Z4(70-12)
                                      Ref:E/294-F/70-H/568-813-X/260-Y-Visalia Cemetery.
Brown, Asa B.,                        WM 44, laborer, OH-NY-OH.                                            3-48-243
                                      Adelina wf 32, MI-NY-OH; Frank J. son 13; William
                                      son 7; Isabel dt 3; George son 1; and Mortimer
                                      RICHMOND, f-i-1, 48 lab; Mary RICHMOND, m-i-l 43;
                                      Mary B. RICHMOND, s-i-l 12.
                                      Ref: F/264-H/264-797-J/167-X/198-Y-
Brown, Cornelia                       WF 22, NEW YORK. Boarder/ John G. Knox.                              3-42-103
Brown, Samuel C.                      WM 50 lawyer, VT-RI-MA. Z4(69:9)-                                    3-42-100
                                      Fannie wf 38, ILLINOIS; May dt 18; Fannie dt 16;
                                      Phillip son 13; Maud dt 4; Ellen dt, b. Dec. 6/12.
                                      Ref: *C/293-etc, -D/95-E/291-F/49-H/222-X/11- Z4(70-9)
                                      *K/754,etc.-N/23 Sept 1861- and *K/755-759-Y-
Burch, John F.                        WM 42, works in butcher shop, NEW YORK.                              3-39-47
                                      Hattie A. wf 30, NEW YORK; Alfred P. son 9; Bertha
                                      G., dt 4.
                                      Ref: C/710-H/415-X/142-
Burns, John                           WM 45, miner, IRELAND. Boarder/ James A. Dailey.                     3-49-255
Burrows, Valentine                    WM 14, CA-MA-NY. sts.                                                3-46-188
                                      John W. sts. 12; Harry M. st.s 10; Mary E. std 7;
                                      William sts. 5.. st-chn/Thomas B. Wheaton.
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery.
Butz, George A.                       WM 29, printer, IL-PA-PA.                                            3-44-144
                                      Dora wf 21, IA-IL-OH; Lulu M. dt 1; and Rosie
                                      EXLY, 13 boarder.
                                      Ref: F/222-H/550-J/167-X/102-Y-U-Z4(71-3)-
Butz, Martin C.                       WM 32, printer, IL-PA-PA.                                            3-42-98
                                      Lamina wf 34, IL-PA-HC; Fannie L. dt 8; Virgil E.
                                      son 3; and Mary C. MASON, m-i-1, milliner 60.
                                      Ref: f/299-X/6-Z4(7l-l4)-Z4(70-l)
Byrd, Henry                           WM 29, farmer, TEXAS. Boarder/ John F. Jordan.                       3-44-159
                                      Ref: X/91
Byrd, Pleasant                        WM 57, farmer, TN-VA-VA.                                             3-40-69
                                      Sarah wf 36, AR-SC-SC; Leesie dt 6; Wightman son
                                      5; Daisy son 3. (The "i" is X-ed out and a note
                                      on edie of film cannot be read)
                                      Ref: E/295-F/4-H/286-J/167-K/163-166-X/133-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery.
Callasco, Father                      WM 33, Parish Curate, SPAIN. with Father                             3-49-247
Campbell, John                        WM 51, Minister, IRELAND.                                            3-43-136
                                      Matilda wf 52, MA-IRE-IRE; Louisa WAGNER, ad-dt
Campos, Estephana                     WF 39, SONORA                                                        3-50-267
                                      Juan, b-i-l 9; Ponanano, b-i-l 5. Mother &
                                      b-i-l/ Yanes Disdaro.
Canty, John                           WM 28, liveryman, MA-Eng-IRE.                                        3-43-118
                                      Catherine, wf 24, NY-ENG-IRE
                                      Ref: F/124-H/1066-X/12-Y
Caramlo, Antoine                      WM 58, laborer, SONORA.                                              3-49-260
                                      Felicia, wf 44, CALIFORNIA; Jesus dt 25; Theresa
                                      dt 22; Delphina dt 18; Adelaide dt 15; Flotilda
                                      dt 11; Carmene son 15; Salvador son 13/ and
                                      Manuel FLORES, 38 lab.
Carrollton, William                   WM 46 laborer, ME-MA-IRE.                                            3-49-257
                                      Inmate Co. hospital, intermittent fever.
Carry, Theodosia                      WF 12, MO-OH-MO. std/ Thomas Patterson                               3-48-227
Cary, Mary                            WF 15, IRELAND. Boarder/ Elizabeth Becket.                           3-47-207
Cecil, Ellen                          WF 43 keeping house, AL-VT-MD.                                       3-40-67
                                      Mary dt 23; James
                                      son 18; Carrie dt 16; Hartwell son 11; Gertrude
                                      dt 9; Gracie dt 6; George son 2. -Z4(70-8)
                                      Ref: E/283-D/108-H/994-Y-Visalia Cemetery.
Cecil, Granville                      WM 40 laborer, AR-TN-a.                                              3-40-66
                                      Maggie wf 25, MAINE: Clara dt 9; Creed son b.
                                      July 11/12. and Sarah CECIL, mother2 wd. part
                                      deaf, 77, TENNESSEE -Z4(70-1l)-Z4(70-6)-
                                      Ref: D/88-E/289-H/1098-J/167-X/4-Y-Visalia Cem.-
Cecil, Joseph,                        WM 58, laborer, TX-VA-KY.                                            3-49-248
                                      Sarah dt 24, AR-TN-OH
                                      Ref: H/1075-J/167-X/97-Visalia Cemetery.
Clark, Richard                        WM 33, laborer, ENGLAND.                                             3-51-293
                                      and 9 chinese.
Clary, Nathan                         A. WM 18, laborer, MN-ME-ME.                                         3-47-211
                                      Sts/ Alexander B. Atwell
                                      Ref: H/1190-J/167-Y
Coale, Sara                           WF 13, IL-(blank)-MD. std/ William D. Bishop.                        3-51-299
Cochran, John T.                      WM 27, clerk in signal service, MARYLAND.                            3-44-155
                                      William J., boarder, single 29, Machinist,
                                      MARYLAND, In hotel.
                                      Ref: H/1305-X/233-221
Cohn, Lesser                          WM 19, clerk in store, CA-PRU-PRU.                                   3-42-115
                                      Hyman, --, Dry goods dealer, 442 PRUSSIA
                                      both / Frank J. Walker
                                      Ref: F/149-H/987-1409-K/35-100-X/138-
Colson, William                       WM 31, works in livery stable, MA-NH-VT-                             3-47-214
                                      Emma A. wf 23, CA-VT-VT. Catherine, motherg wd.
                                      652 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Z4(70-12)
                                      Ref: F/206-H/1185-J/167-U-X/170-Y-Z4(70-6)-
Colvin, Joseph                        L. WM 232 TX-AL-AL. Grs/Jesse W. Reynolds.                           3-41-90
                                      Ref: B/331-E/249-H/1187-X/136-Y
Contreres, Crue                       WM 30, works at blacksmithy,SONORA.                                  3-50-269
                                      Boarder/ Alpolia Herera
Copus, Charles                        WM 26, works in brewery2 ITALY.                                      3-39-24
                                      Servant/ Edward G. Nell.
Coraro, Fernado                       WM 33, SONORA. Member house of ill fame.                             3-50-263
Cordova, Tanuons (?)                  WM 40, SONORA. Member house of ill fame.                             3-50-263
                                      Ref: ?? X/164 Yanuario ?? Cordova.
Coughran, William W.                  WM 44, liveryman, AR-IL-IL.                                          3-46-197
                                      Emily wf 40 ARKANSAS: Charles son 9; Guy son 7;
                                      Maud dt 4; Grace dt 2; and James McKINLEY 26
                                      liveryman2 Mark OAKS 27 laborer.
                                      liveryman; Mark OAKS 27 laborer.
                                      Ref: B/196-C/1114.2-E/257-F/101-J/167-K/166-
                                      U-X/156-Y-H/1101-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(71-12)
Couzens, William J.                   WM 48, laborer, MISSOURI.                                            3-46-196
                                      Maria wf 41, NEW YORK; Edwin M. son 20 lab; and
                                      Julia WARNER, m-i-l. wd, 60; Freddie WARNER, b-i-l
                                      single, 24, clerk in store.
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery-Z4(71-13)
Cowan, Joseph W.                      WM 39, CONNECTICUT.                                                  3-43-139
                                      Ref: F/144-X/98
Cowne, (Joseph                        Wm. see Cowan)
Cox, John                             WM 45, cook in hotel, ENGLAND, servant/hotel.                        3-44-154
                                      Ref: J/167-X/217-
Cozzens, Henry                        WM 6, hip disease, CA-IA-TX. sts/Collon Reagan.                      3-39-26
                                      Ref:Y (?)
Creighton, Samuel G.                  WM 39, school teacher, PA-IRE-PA.                                    3-47-212
                                      Mary L. wf 37, AR-SC-TN; Laura P. dt 10; Esther P.
                                      dt 9; Victor P. son 7; Herbert P. son 5.
                                      Ref: X/3-Y
Creighton, Thomas                     WM 44, sewing machine agent, CAN-IRE-Ny-                             3-44-150
                                      Helen wf 43, NEW YORK; Fred M. son 19 lab.
                                      Ref: F/164-H/1006-1007-J/167-S/177-U-X/8-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery.
Crocker, Frank                        WM 24, works in mill WISCONSIN. boarder                              3-51-299
                                      William D. Bishop.
                                      Ref: F/245-X/87
Cross, Andrew,                        WM 25, jeweler, NEW YORK.                                            3-40-51
                                      Alice wf 22, CA-AL-IN; Frank B. son 9/12.
                                      Ref: X/14-Y
Cross, William W.                     WM 39, Superior Judge, IL-MD-PA.                                     3-44-140
                                      Florence wf 30, MO-KY-MO; Walter son 7;
                                      Florence R. dt 4; Mabel E. dt 1; and Katie
                                      BIETENHOLZ, servant 19.
                                      Ref:F/118-H/988-K/164-165-194-X/29-Visalia Cem.
Crowley, Jacob                        WM 59, baker, HESSE DARMSTADT.                                       3-42-112
Cullom, William B.                    WM 46, lawyer, TENNESSEE                                             3-43-127
                                      Susan wf 45, TENNESSEE; William son 20; Maud dt
                                      17; Blanche dt 15; Myrtie dt 11; Melissa dt 9;
                                      Beulah dt 5.
                                      Ref: (?)C/1301.2Myrtle H.?-H/1129-1259-X/1
Cunningham, Francis                   WM 26, school teacher, MA-SCO-ENG.                                   3-38-2
                                      Mary wf 24; Francis son 2; Belle dt. b. May 12/30.
Cunningham, Melvina                   WF 44, nurse, OHIO. wd.                                              3-40-62
                                      Laura dt 16. MI-VT-OH.
                                      Ref: Visalia Ceu~:~ Dr. Northan Cunningham, b. VT-
                                      d. 23 Jan 1878 ae 48y.
Cunningham, William A.                WM 55, clergyman, ALABAMA.                                           3-39-36
                                      Ellen A., wf 40, VT-NH-VT; Lucien A. son 9.
                                      Ref: *C/595-H/1225-J/167-X/114
Curran, Fred                          WM 41, harness & saddler, HESSE DARMSTADT.                           3-39-42
                                      Nancy wf 36, MO-NC-VA; Franklin son 7; Harvey son
                                      5; Oscar son 2.
Dabbar, Robert                        WM 50, laborer, SCOTLAND/ with Daniel Malloch.                       3-47-222
Daggett, Alfred                       WM 34, lawyer, IN-KY-NY.                                             3-40-64
                                      Mary wf 26, OH-CAN-OH; Earl son 6; and Lizzie
                                      BARNETT niece 15; Carrie BARNETT niece 13.
                                      Note on census: "Partially deaf, not noticed."
                                      per order of Wm. D., June 6/8. -Z4(69:4)
                                      Ref:F/67-H/1541-J/167-Xl-Visalia Cemetery.
Dailey, James A.                      WM 42 hotel keeper, NY-IRE-IRE. m. in yr.                            3--49-255
                                      Takler wf 45, BAVARIA; and Charles SEIDLER, sts.
                                      14; Louis SEIDLER sts.12; Emma SEIDLER std. 9;
                                      Edward sts. 7; and Joseph H. MONTGOMERY 36 lab;
                                      John BURNS 45 miner; Michael MONDAY, 52 sheep
                                      Ref: E/255-F/23, Alois Seidler?-J/168-X/114-Y
                                      also Daley.
Davis, Alexander P.                   M 53, Ice dealer, PA-PA-VA.                                          3-38-21
                                      Dinah L. wf 47, PENNSYLVANIA.
                                      Ref: H/1544-J/168-X/103
Decker, Clark K                       WM 31, clerk in hotel, INDIANA.                                      3-52-300
                                      Boarder/ Joseph King.
                                      Ref: H/1661-X/3-Z/4(59:1)
Delre, Charles                        WM 23, clerk in saloon, SICILY. m. in yr.                            3-47-224
                                      Teresa, sister, m. in yr., 18, ITALY.
                                      b-i-l & sister/ Theodore Bacigalupi.
                                      kef: H/1548-Y-Z/4(66-3)
Denny, Harvey N.                      WM 46, undertaker, IN-VA-KY.                                         3-44-155
                                      Carrie A., dt 9. -Z4(71-2)
                                      Ref: C/1131-F/79-H/1678-J/168-X/39-Visalia Cem.
Denny, James E.                       WM 42, Insurange agent, IL-VA-NC.                                    3-47-226
                                      Mabel dt 11; Lawrence son 2; and Alice DRENNEN
                                      21, boarder.
                                      Ref: C/679.2-953-E/296-F/35-44-H/1539-K/166-S/177-
                                      X/4-Y-Visalia Cemetery-B/370-Z4(71-18)
Dewey, Edward M.                      WM 51, printer, MASSACHUSETTS. wd.                                   3-52-313
                                      William son 14; Mary UPHAM, 62 servant; Pheobe
                                      BARREN, Mu-F, servant, wd. 40.
                                      Ref: C/1583-H/1586-X/44
Dillion, Elliot                       WM 21, CA-IL-IA. nephew                                              3-39-29
                                      Mary Dillion, niece, 17. /Wiley Watson.
                                      Ref: DILLON, D/73-H/1621-J/168. Y-.termed both
                                      fruit dealer and bummer.
Dillon, see Dillion.
Dinely, Samuel                        WM 50, barber, ENGLAND.                                              3-41-91
                                      Charlotte wf 35, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; Cora dt.
                                      18; Kate dt 16; George son 16; Florence dt 12;
                                      Josephine dt 10; Fannie dt 8; Lou dt 4; Eve dt
                                      2; Clarence son, b. May, 1/12.
                                      Ref: *B/793-D/105-E/292-F/22-H/1683-1794-*K/100-
                                      598-765-X/87-Y-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(71-1l)-
Disdaro, Yanes                        WM 20, laborer, SONORA.                                              3-50-267
                                      Gosminda wf 18, CA-SON-SON; Guamero son 3; Faustino
                                      son, b. Jan. 3/12; and Estephana CAMPOS, mother, wd.
                                      39; Juan CAMPOS, b-i-l 9; Ponanano, b-i-l 5.
Dorey, Nicholas                       WM 25, clerk in store, ENGLAND.                                      3-43-131
                                      with Emil Seligman
Douglas, Jesus                        WF 56, keeping house CHIHUAHUA. wd.                                  3-46-187
                                      Edward, son, 30, book keeper; Carrie dt 26;
                                      Luciano, son 23, clerk in store; David son 20,
                                      clerk in store; Francis dt 18; and Leuis ACOSTA,
                                      nephew, 23, clerk in store; Frank ACOSTA, nephew,
                                      25, dealer in segars; Refugio ACOSTA, niece 14.
                                      Ref: B/723-D/99-C/1211-E/297-H/1697-J/168-F/46-
                                      X/101-121-139-Y-Visalia Cemetery .-Z4 (71-1l)
Drais, Alexander S.                   WM 32, saloon keeper, MO-VA-KY.                                      3-45-183
                                      Augustine wf 27, MISSOURI; Alexander S. son 8;
                                      Robert son 6; Lucy dt 5; Madison J. son 3;
                                      Lafayette son 2.
                                      Ref: F/95-J/168, "A.L."-X/31
Drennen, Alice                        WF 21, keeping house, OH-VA-VA.                                      3-47-226
                                      boarder,/ James E. Denny.
Duarte, Remyra                        WF 14, CALIFORNIA. / Perez Felipe.
DuBrutz, Anthony B.                   WM 32, lawyer, AL--NC-ENG.                                           3-40-74
                                      Sallie R., wf 28, AL-NC-AL; Ellen-67-dt-9;
                                      Amtheny-Bv-sen-3- Kitty B. dt 2.
                                      Ref: 5 children d. epidemic, Vandalia Cemetery
DuBrutz, Edward                       WM 21, school teacher, AL-NC-ENG.                                    3-40-73
                                      Sarah wf 21, CA-OH-OH. m. in yr. -Z4(70-1)
                                      Ref: H/ 1538-J/168-K/166-0-Y-Visalia Cem-P/22-
Duke, Charles                         WM 56, laborer, KENTUCKY. Boarder/Thomas Blincoe.                    3-49-256
                                      Ref: F/l4-H/1614-J/l68-X/l15(?)-Y
Edwards, Elias J.                     WM 33, lawyer, MO-TN-TN.                                             3-42-111
                                      Laura P. wf 28, AR-TN-MO; Charles B. son 10;
                                      Aaron R. son 8; James B. son 4; and Nellie F.
                                      LYNCH, 19 housekeeper.
                                      Ref: F/49-K/165-X/1
Edwards, Emeline                      WF 582 MO-KY-KY. wd.                                                 3-44-141
                                      Catherine WOODS, dt., wd, teaches school,26.
                                      Ref: (?)C/282.2-Visalia Cemetery.
Ehrler, Kare                          WM 42, musician, SWITZERLAND. Member house of                        3-52-303
                                      ill fame.
                                      Ref: X/37, Karl-Visalia Cemetery
Eitel, George,                        WM 60, hotel keeper, WURTEMBURG.                                     3-46-192
                                      Annie M. wf 52, WURTEMBURG; and Fred SCHMID,
                                      hotel keeper, 35.
                                      Ref: H/1911-J/168-X/41-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Elkins, Abial,                        WM 78, Justice of the Peace, VERMONT. wd.                            3-47-220
                                      Milton, FRY, boarder, miner 49.
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery.
Elliott, Samuel                       WM 22, book keeper, SCO-SCO-AL. In hotel.                            3-48-234
Eltzroth, Barbary                     WF 82, PA-PA-IRE. wd.                                                3-39-39
Espinisa, Josefa                      WF 112 CA-SON-SON. niece/Marterey Espinsa.                           3-49-259
Espinsa, (Marterey?)                  WM 30 laborer, SONORA.                                               3-49-259
                                      Josefa wf 40, SONORA; Josefa ESPINISA, niece 11.
Estaluna, Ephrenna                    WM 50, works at carpentry trade2 SONORA.                             3-51-289
                                      boarder; Robert Montrial(?), has malarial fever.
Eunardo, Juan,                        WF, 24, CA-SON-SON. Member house of ill fame.                        3-52-305
Eustain, Equoi                        WM 37, laborer, FRANCE. Boarder/Joseph King.                         3-52-300
Evans, Christopher                    WM 32, laborer, CANADA.                                              3-40-68
                                      Mary wf 21, CA-MS-TN; Eva dt 4.
                                      Ref: H/19l3-J/168-X/53-Y-Z4(70-16)
Evira, Stephen                        WM 12, SINALOA. b-i-l.                                               3-50-269
                                      Rufo, b-i-l 10. with Alpalia Herera
Exly, Rosie                           WF 13, CA-(not known) Boarder/George A. Butz.                        3-44-144
                                      Ref: Y-listed twice, see Twp.7-p.99#109.
Farley, James,                        WM 35, well borer, MICHIGAN.                                         3-40-79
                                      Sarah wf 31, CA-IN-IL; George son 10; Ada dt 5;
                                      Harold son, b. Nov. 7/12.
                                      Ref: F/76-H/2141-X/2-Visalia Cemetery.
Fauscher, George                      WM 60, fruit dealer, HUNGARY.                                        3-46-190
Felipe, Perex,                        WM 28, laborer, CALIFORNIA.                                          3-45-177
                                      Gimona R. HYGUERA, wd, keeping house, 50;
                                      Mary HYGUERA 13; Johanna HYGUERA 12; Catarine
                                      RUIZ grd 17; Loreta D. RIUZ, boarder, married 16;
                                      Remyra DUARTE, boarder, single 14.
                                      NOTE: perhaps this should be Felipe PEREZ
Felis, Virginia                       WF 22, CA-SON-SON. Member house of ill fame.                         3-52-305
                                      Ref: Y, surname Feliz (?)
Fermar, Margarita,                    WF, ?15?, keeping house, SONORA. wd.                                 3-50-268
                                      Vicinte, son 12.
Feorza, Meedo,                        WF, 309 CALIFORNIA. Member house of ill fame.                        3-50-263
Figutard, Ernitero                    WM 51, laborer, SONORA.                                              3-50-265
                                      Jacinth dt 19; Morchlina son 14; Francisco son 12.
Fingland, John                        WM 40, butcher, SCOTLAND.                                            3-42-107
                                      Armethia wf 32, RI_-IRE-IRE; John son 10 CA-SCO
                                      IRE; William sor~_8; Annie dt 6; James son 3;
                                      Leeds son, b. Aug. 9/12.
                                      Ref: f/55-X/56.
Finnegan, Nellie                      WF 34, housekeeper, IRELAND. servant/Henry                           3-44-157
Flores, Manuel                        WM 38, laborer, SONORA, MEX.                                         3-49-260
                                      with Antoine Caramlo
Fowler, Thomas                        WM 51, miner, IRELAND.                                               3-48-235
                                      Mary E. wf 31, MI-CAN-OH; Thomas E. son 10; Edna
                                      dt 6; Leonard B. son 2; Irma dt, b. Oct, 8/12
                                      Ref: E/297-F/34-X/62-Y.--Visalia Cemetery-
Fox, Jesse M.                         WM 41, carpenter, WEST VIRGINIA.                                     3-45-173
                                      Georgiana wf 28, MA-NJ-NS.
                                      Ref: *B/325-C/856.2-E/291-F/36-H/2059-J/168-X/1-
                                      Y-Visalia Cemetery.-Z4(70-1l)
Fox, William                          WM 27, works on Railroad, ENGLAND. m. in yr.                         3-40-53
                                      Maude wf 20, OHIO.
                                      Ref: H/2122-X/123-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Fraser, Donald                        WM 41, Engineer on Railroad, SCOTLAND.                               3-38-13
                                      Agnes, wf 39, SCOTLAND: Agnes dt 16; Kate dt 14;
                                      Maggie dt 12; Donald son 8; Devina dt 6;
                                      Georgiana dt 2.
                                      Ref: F/135-H/2124-X/11-Y-Tulare Cemetery.-P/36
Frederick, Catherine                  WF 58, HESSE DARMSTADT. Divorced, m-i-l.                             3-39-38
                                      Kate, s-i-l, 19, with Joseph Samstag.
Freshour, John                        W. WM 25, laborer, MO-MO-NC. married.                                3-46-195
                                      County jail inmate.
Fry, George W.                        BM, 29, cook, VIRGINIA.                                              3-40-82.
                                      Mary, BF, wf 25, AR-AR-NC; Flora A. BF, dt,
                                      b. Nov. 6/12.
                                      Ref: Y-Z4(70-16)-
Fry, Milton                           WM 49, miner, PENNSYLVANIA. Boarder/Abiah Elkins.                    3-47-220
                                      Ref: X/102
Fullin, Jemima                        WF 60, keeping house, OH-NJ-NJ.                                      3-51-294
                                      Wilbur son 21, MI-TN-OH; Elmer son 19; Alice dt
                                      25; and Martin BAKER grs. 4.
                                      Ref: ?X/120, James Wilber Fulton, 22, Mich. Is
                                      this an uncrossed "T"?
Fulton, see Fullin. -Z4(71-1)
Galpin, Allie,                        WF 23, housekeeper, OH-OH-PA. Boarder/William                        3-46-185
                                      A. Russel
                                      Ref: listed twice, see p. 34 #172.
Gambini, James                        WM 32, waiter in hotel, SWITZERLAND. In hotel.                       3-48-234
Gassenberger, Charles                 WM 29, tailor, BAYERN.                                               3-39-46
                                      Elizabeth wf 29, LA-HD-HD; George son 5; Maggie
                                      dt 3; Lawrence son, b. Apr. 2/12; and Maggie HEIM
                                      s-i-l 24.                                                            -Z4(70-2)
                                      Ref: F/97-H/2475-J/169-X/86-Visalia Cemetery.
Gersdorff, Curt                       WM 61, laborer, SAXONY. Dislocated hip,                              3-49-257
                                      Inmate County hospital.
                                      Ref: f/126-H/2358-X/58
Giddings, Claud                       WM 36, searcher of records, OHIO.                                    3-40-60
                                      Minnie wf 25, OH-MA-MA; Blanche dt 8.
                                      Ref: *C/686-1532-F/83-H/2353-J/169-K/196-X/1-
                                      Visalia Cemetery-Y-Z4(70-14)
Gillis, Lizzie                        WF 19, school, CA-IA-IN. Boarder/ James S.                           3-38-22
Girard, Augustus P.                   WM 41, sheep herding, AL-SWI-LA.                                     3-49-257
                                      Fostula insane, Inmate County hospital
                                      Ref: X/40-134
Glasscock, Alpha N.                   WM scrip buyer, 44, IL-KY-MO                                         3-49-250
                                      Maria F. wf 41, AR-TN-AR
                                      Ref: E/290-H/2368-F/1-K/93-163-852-?582?-X/2-
                                      Visalia Cemetery
Godcheau(x), Joseph                   WM 42 dry grods dealer, FRANCE. with                                 3-43-132
                                      Charles Togni.
                                      Ref: F/121-X/3
Goldstein, Isaac                      WM 36, stock dealer, BAVARIA.                                        3-42-101
                                      Rebecca wf 32, ENG-HLL-HLL;.Henry son 11; Sarah
                                      dt 9; Albert son 7; Leon son 3; Ralph son 2.
                                      Ref: *C/947.2-E/298-F/-H/2427-K/?310-425?
                                      Y- Z4(70-14)
Goodrich, George W.                   WM 24, laborer, CA-ENG-ENG.                                          3-48-238
                                      Emma wf 24, CA-PA-OH; Amelia dt 3; Hary son,
                                      b. May 1/12.
                                      Ref: X/102-Y-U/1876
Gordon, Frank,                        WM 25 laborer, info from others, In hotel.                           3-48-234
Graham, Anthony                       WM 52, laborer, IRELAND.                                             3-48-230
                                      Ellen wf 53, IRELAND.
                                      Ref: X/148-Visalia cemetery.
Grannis, Myron M.                     WM 36, doctor, PENNSYLVANIA                                          3-43-135
                                      Hattie wf 25, NY-NH-NH; Stella niece 12; Emma
                                      niece 9.
                                      Ref: F/89-Co.D. 21st Iowa Inf.-Visalia Cemetery7
Grant, Robert P.                      WM 49, dealer in fruits & candy, MASSACHUSETTS.                      3-40-55
                                      Annie D. wf 43, MASSACHUSETTS; Austin W. son 18;
                                      Herbert son 16; Erwin son 6.
                                      Ref: F/56-H/2372-J/169-X/83-Y- Visalia Cemetery
                                      and H/2371-2531-Z4(70-10)
Graves, John                          WM 48, Works Carpentry trade, CONNECTICUT.                           3-45-170
                                      Aletha wf 35, TENNESSEE; George R. son 17;
                                      John M. son 12; and Lorenzo D. WITT, b-i-l,
                                      aneurism of heart, 48 lab; William B. WALLACE
                                      28 schoolteacher.
                                      Ref: E/287-F/30-?son John Henry?
Gray, Libbie                          WF 24, NY-HD-NY. dt/ Phillip Herring                                 3-44-148
                                      Libbie, grd 4.
Greene, Henry,                        WM 49, dry goods dealer, RUSSIA-POLAND                               3-44-157
                                      Elizabeth wf 35 POSEN; Carrie dt 14; Rachel dt
                                      10; David son 8; and Frank HENRY, boarder 22;
                                      Nellie FINNEGAN, servant 34.
                                      Ref: E/295-
Gregg, Edgar A.                       WM 48, clerk in hotel, OH-VA-VA. In hotel,wd.                        3-48-234
                                      Ref: Y, GRAGG ?-
Gregora, Contreas                     WM 56, works at blacksmithy, DURGANGO.                               3-50-261
                                      Raeffela, wf 40, SINALOA.
Griffith, Margaret 0.                 WF 19, music teacher, CA-GER-NY; std.                                3-45-171
                                      William P., sts 15; Charles M. sts 13; Kittie M.
                                      std 9/ all with Charles Schultz.
                                      Ref: E/298-H/2592-chn of Wm. P. Griffith.
Griffith, Margaret                    WF 31, keepping house IRELAND. wd                                    3-42-106
                                      Charles son 8. -Z4(70-15)
Grussenmyers, Joseph                  WM 49, bar keeper, PENNSYLVANIA.                                     3-45-184
                                      Caroline wf 44, WI-ENG-ENG; Kate F. dt.22,
                                      printer; Mary E. dt 20, printer; Joseph L. son 17,
                                      printer; Ella P. dt 14; Laura dt 11.
                                      Ref: ?F/24?-X/49- Visalia Cemetery (Grussenmizer)-
Haffaker, Harden                      WM 32, carpenter, IL-KY-KY.                                          3-41-83
                                      Mary wf, malaria fever, 33, TX-KY-KY; Jewel F.,
                                      dt 12, malaria fever; Eugenie dt 11; Frank A. son
                                      5; Maude M. dt 2.
                                      Ref:F/74-X/108-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Haines, John H. .                     WM 29, telegraph operator, CA-ME-IN.                                 3-44-155
                                      single, boarder/hotel.
                                      Ref: X/305
Hall, Albon E.                        WM 37, physician, OH-NY-OH. single, boarder/                         3-44-154
                                      Ref: H/2727-J/169-X/187
Hall, Thomas E.                       WM 28, blacksmith, NY-ENG-ENG.                                       3-41-88
                                      Margaret wf 25, NY-IRE-IRE; Lottie dt 5.
                                      Ref: H/3040-?X/114? b. NJ- -Z4(70-5)
Hanson, Ellen W.                      WF15, Mildred 13, Margaret A. 11. Nieces                             3-39-31
                                      of Isabella Boyer. Z4(70-12-54) all. CA-NE-AR.
Harlan, Joel                          WM 26, telegraph operator, CA-PA-PA.                                 3-39-48
                                      Emily wf. 20, IL-OH-OH; Lawrence son, b. Nov. 7/12.
                                      Ref: C/1430-X/111-?s/o George?
Harlan, William                       WM 59, liveryman, IRELAND.                                           3-42-97
                                      Mary wf 59, IRELAND; and Max McGOVERN, wks in
                                      livery stable 40.
                                      Ref: D/110-E/296-F/29-X/192-Visalia Cemetery
Harp, Samuel                          WM 43, laborer, AR-TN-TN.                                            3-38-17
                                      Martha J. wf, intermintent fever, 38, AR-TN-TN;
                                      Charles son 18, Eveline dt, intermintent fever,
                                      13; Sarah dt 10; Leon son 6; May dt 2.
                                      Ref: E/288-295-F/52-H/2735-J/169-X/183-Y-Visalia
Harriott, Christian                   WM 50, book keeper, NEW YORK.                                        3-40-77
                                      Lydia wf 39, PENNSYLVANIA;*Gertrude-dt-9-,
                                      Joe RICKERS, s-i-l 33; Frederick RICKERS 4,
                                      (relationship not given) *see mortality schedule.
                                      Ref: B/204-E/290-F/41-H/2720-X/249-Visalia
                                      Cemetery-Co. M., 2nd Calif Cav.--Z4(70-15)
Harris, Thomas E.                     WM 25 laborer, AR-TN-TN. Boarder/Eilliam                             3-46-185
                                      A. Russel.
                                      Ref: X/237
Harter, Isaac N.                      WM 44, hotel keeper, OH-PA-PA.                                       3-44-154
                                      Mattie wf 31, KS-AL-AL; Clinton son 11; John
                                      HARTER, liqour dealer 35. and 13 boarders &
                                      Ref: C/1191.2-E/282-F/62-H/3041-J/169-X/209-
                                      Visalia Cem. as "J.M."-John: F/148-J/169
                                      H/2659-Xl98-z4 (70-8) -Z4 (71-13)
Hartley, Henry                        C.2 WM 48, farmer, MISSOURI.                                         3-47-215
                                      Isabel wf 37, OH-VA-PA; Laura dt 19; Charles son 17;
                                      Ida dt 15; George son, has chills 6; and James
                                      Baker, f-i-1, wd. 77, VIRGINIA.
                                      Ref: B/173-C/1114.2-1117-D/18-E/299-F/31-H/2920-
                                      H/3109-J/169-K/103-X/213-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Haslett, Elmira                       WF 23, of ill fame, MI-(blank).                                      3-51-297
Hawes, Horace                         WM 28, lawyer, MASSACHUSETTS. Hotel boarder                          3-44-154
                                      Ref: F/269
Heim, Maggie                          WF 24, LA-HD-HD. si-i-l/Charles Gassenberger.                        3-39-46
Henderson, Samuel                     WM 25, lumber yard worker; IRE-SCO-SCO.                              3-38-15
                                      Josephine wf 18, IL-SCO-SCO; W
                                      Walter BLAINE, b-i-l 21 lab.
                                      Ref: H/3272-J/169-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Henry, Frank                          WM 22, store clerk, PENNSYLVANIA. Boarder/Henry                      3-44-157
                                      Ref: J/169-X/200-(J.F.=Joseph Franklin)
Herera, Alpalia                       WM 32, works at blacksmithy, SIN-SAC-SAC.                            3-50-269
                                      Hosefa wf 17, SINALOA; Andresa, father, works
                                      at coal? pit, 702 SACRETETAS; Crue CONTRERES,
                                      boarder, works, blacksmithy 30; Stephen EVIRA,
                                      b-i-l 12; Rufo EVIRA, b-i-l lo~-Z4(71-4)
Hering, George                        WM 32, barber, NY-HD-NY.                                             3-44-147
                                      Jennie A. wf 31, MICHIGAN; Edward A. son 6;
                                      Lottie E. dt 4; John P. son 2.
                                      Ref: F/192-J/169-H/2660-X/67
Herring, Phillip                      WM 58, barber, HESSE DARMSTADT.                                      3-44-148
                                      Elizabeth, wf 51, NY-GER-GER; Phillip H. son
                                      clerk in hotel, 23; William son, works in barber
                                      shop, 18; Lottie dt 13; and Libbie GRAY dts
                                      married 24- Libbie GRAY, grd 4.F/152-H/2768
Heston, Martha                        WF 18, CA-PA-PA. grd/ Elizabeth BECKET.                              3-47-207
                                      Ref: E/294-Y-BEQUETTE
Hicksman, Jerome                      WM 20, CA-NY-SON.                                                    3-52-305
                                      Rose PARASTAN WF 22; Juah EUNARDO WM 24; James B.
                                      WORKS WM 32; Virginia FELIS WF 22. Members house
                                      of ill-fame.
                                      Ref: Y-as Hickman?
Higgins, Michael                      WM 49, Cook in hotel, IRELAND. Servant.                              3-44-154
Hightower, Frank                      WM 35, Clerk in saloon, IL-KY-IL. In hotel.                          3-48-234
Hitchcock, John D.                    WM 38, laborer, MISSOURI.                                            3-49-257
                                      Typhus, malarial fever, Inmate County hospital
Hof, John B.                          WM 61, physician, PRUSSIA. single                                    3-47-221
Hogan, Kate                           WF 36, keeping house, NY-IRE-IRE. wd.                                3-49-247
                                      11sister" with Father Agloria.
                                      Ref: Y
Howell, James W.                      WM 32, laborer, MO-MO-KY.                                            3-38-10
                                      Jesse, wf 22, MO-KY-KY; James M. son 3; and John
                                      WHITT, f-i-1, wd, 67 lab.; William A. WHITT,
                                      b-i-l 40 lab; John G. WHITT, b-i-l 20 lab.
                                      P/6&-Z4 (71-5) -
Hoy, John C.                          WM 40 laborer, NY-IRE-NY.                                            3-48-237
                                      Melvina wf 25, OR-(not known); Rosie dt 4; and
                                      Almeda WOODY, s-i-l 18; Cleora WOODY, s-i-l 17.
                                      Ref: E/297-F/116-K/37-X/1-Y
Huffaker, Jacob                       WM 33, liveryman, ILLINOIS.                                          3-45-169
                                      Palestine wf 26, MO-TN-TN; William son 8; Elsie
                                      dt 7; Freddie son 3; Edward son 1.
                                      Ref: c/1173.2-F/32-H/2706-J/170-L/33-U-X/208-Y-
                                      see HAFFAKER.-Z4(7l-3)-Z4(70-6)
Humason, Lewis                        WM 43, works in mill, OHIO.                                          3-40-50
                                      Ellen wf 35, NEW YORK; Nettie dt 16; William son
                                      Ref: H/2989-X/268
Hunt, Seth B.,                        WM 40, carriage maker, MAINE.                                        3-43-123
                                      Mattie wf 33, CA-TN-OH; Louise dt 9; Laura E.,
                                      dt 7; Claude son 6; Lillie dt 5; Henry B. son,
                                      b. Mar 3/12; and Mattie REED, boarder 14.
                                      Ref: F/137-H/2805-R/18 Jan 1883-X/174-Y-Visalia
Hunt, Thomas C.                       WM 43, saloon keeper, AL-TN-TN.                                      3-51-291
                                      Parlee J., wf 28, ARKANSAS; Lively dt 12; Eva dt
                                      10; Winn son 7.
                                      Ref: E/295-F/3-Y-X/190-Visalia Cemetery.
Hutado, Petra,                        WF 50 SONORA. dt (probably mother)/Jore Vilasoe.                     3-50-264
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery.
Hyde, Jesse D.                        WM 50, Register in land office, NEW YORK.                            3-40-78
                                      Mary wf 26, INDIANA; Richard son 2.
                                      Ref: C/1532-E/291-F/45-H/2806-Kt682-692-S/104-X/126-
                                      Jesse/Jerre?-for Jeremiah D.?
Hyde, Richard E.                      WM 46, banker, NEW YORK.                                             3-44-149
                                      Rachel A. wf. (45) MARYLAND.
                                      Ref: *C/1531.2-B/517-E/291-F/46-H/3037-K/682-692-
Hyguera, Gimona R.                    WF 50, keeping house, CALIFORNIA                                     3-45-177
                                      Mary dt 13; Johanna dt 12; and Catarine RUIZ, grd
                                      17; Loreta D. RUIZ, boarder, married 16; Remyra
                                      DUARTE, boarder, 14. Enumerated / Perez Felipe.
                                      Ref: Should this be Iguerra, X/10?
Irvine, Jesse,                        WM 35, Sheep raiser, MO-TN-TN.                                       3-39-40
                                      As& wf 32, WI-KY-TN; and Maggie TODD, s-i-l
                                      teaches school 24.
                                      NOTE:a marginal note which cannot be completely
                                      read.."is transposed" and with 2 names "X-ed" out,
                                      Perhaps ASA head of house wf Jess(i)e?
                                      Ref: X/4
Jackson, Spier                        WM 36, painter, ILLINOIS.                                            3-40-80
                                      Fannie wf 24, NY-NY-CAN; Minnie KIRKLAND,
                                      boarder, 14.
                                      Ref: F/52-H/3497-X/29- Z4(70-15)
Jackson, William                      WM 28, marble cutter, VA-IRE-IRE-                                    3-46-195
                                      Inmate Tulare County Jail.
                                      Ref: H/3530
Jackson, William T.                   WM 46, clerk in solan, TENNESSEE, wd.                                3-48-234
Jacob, Elias                          WM 40, farmer, PRUSSIA, single.                                      3-52-312
                                      *K/144-320-737-X/24-Visalia Cemetery-
James, William D.                     WM 53, works at Carpentry trade, MASSACHUSETTS                       3-43-124
                                      Ruth A. wf. 51. RHODE ISLAND;
                                      William A., son 19 laborer.
                                      Ref: F/53-H/3490-X/36-Z4(70-1)-
Jefferds, Edward                      WM 26, teaches school, CA-ME-ME.                                     3-40-49
                                      Frankie wf 19, CA-ME-MO; Cleora dt, b. Dec.6/12.
                                      Ref: F/49-J/170-H/3467-X/1-Y-Z4(70-5)-
Jerusalem, Henry                      WM 32, book keeper, AUSTRALIA./ Emil                                 3-43-131
                                      Ref: H/3539-Z4(71-3)
Johnson, George                       BM 63, laborer, VIRGINIA.                                            3-47-204
Johnson, James M.                     WM 50, Civil Engineer, PENNSYLVANIA.                                 3-47-223
                                      Mary A. wf 45, ENGLAND; Mary E. dt 21; James B.
                                      son 19; Charles F. son 17; Elizabeth dt 13;
                                      Lambert W. son 15; Maggie M. dt 11; Sarah dt 9.
                                      Ref: E/298-F/4-H/3473-3536-J/170-X/2-Y-Visalia
Johnson, Josephine                    WF 40, keeping house DISTRICT COLUMBIA,wd.                           3-43-119
                                      Dora dt 18; Charles son 17;
                                      Frank KELLENBERG, brother, dry goods dealer, 28, IL-IL-DC
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery/wd/o Wm. M.-Z4(70-2)-
Johnson, Langston A.                  WM 43, hotel keeper & merchant, MO-KY-TN.                            3-48-234
                                      Mary A. wf 41, MO-KY-KY; Evisa V. dt 22; Mattie
                                      A. dt 19; John C. son, clerk in store 21; Pooh
                                      son 3; and Franklin JOHNSON, nephew, clerk in
                                      store 23; and 20 boarders & employees.
                                      Ref: *C/258.2-633.2-H/3507-J/170-X/40-Y-Visalia
Johnson, Mary P.                      WF 14, std. MS-IA-MS;*Houston, sts 12; Emma                          3-40-75
                                      std 10. step-chn/John McCloskey.
                                      Ref: E/289, chn of Stephen Jasper Johnson
                                      *George Houston
Johnson, Oscar S.                     WM 32, clerk in store, SWEDEN.                                       3-48-229
                                      Bessie wf 23, ENGLAND; Oscar C. son 6; Arthur
                                      0. son 4; Irvine C. son 2; and Louise J. MILLER,
                                      s-i-l 17; Annie MILLER, s-i-l 12.
                                      Ref: Y
Jordan, John R.                       WM 28, County Auditor, LA-IL-AL-                                     3-44-159
                                      and Henry BYRD, boarder, wd, farmer, 29.
                                      Ref: *C/413-702-941-F/37-H/3475-X/176-X/25-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery.
Kame, Sarah                           WF 53, keeping house, PENNSYLVANIA. wd.                              3-38-8
                                      Lizzie dt 30, OH-PA-PA; Alvin S. son 22 lab;
                                      Junie dt 13; James son 10.
                                      Ref:H/3704-3730-0-X/48-Y-Visalia Cemetery.
Keener, Henry A.                      WM 32, County Treasurer, MO-NC-MO.                                   3-44-158
                                      Fannie wf 21, CA-OH-OH; Grace dt b. Sept 8/12.
                                      Ref: B/195-D/97-E/293-F/21-H/3654-X/28-Y-Z4(70-9)-
Kellenberg, Frank                     WM 28, dry goods dealer, IL-IL-CA.                                   3-43-119
                                      Brother/ Josephine Johnson. -Z4(71-12)
                                      Ref: E/297-F/73-H/3658-X/30-Y- KELLENBERGER.
Kellenberg, George J.                 WM 70, painter, PENNSYLVANIA. married.                               3-47-206
Kelly, Samuel,                        WM 48, farmer, ALABAMA.                                              3-38-16
                                      Celethy, wf. catarrh, 42, AR-TN-TN; Lulie dt
                                      9; Mary J. dt 5. -Z4(70-14)
                                      Ref: E/288-H/3677-*K/408-X/5-Visalia Cemetery.
Kelsey, Harley                        WM 19, clerk in store, IA-OH-OH.-Z4(76-14)-                          3-52-311
Keyes, John                           WM 73, postmaster, NJ-CT-CT.                                         3-47-201
                                      Mary wf 60, MASSACHUSETTS; Georgie dt 18.
                                      Ref: B/690-E/294-D/46-F/1-X/24-Y
Keyser, Henry,                        WM 32, brewer, PRUSSIA.                                              3-38-20
                                      Lydia wf 26, SWITZERLAND; Lydier dt 4; William
                                      son 2.
                                      Ref: X/60-Z/4(65:11)- KEYSER/KAISER
Kibler, Newton                        WM 27, dealer in drugs, IL-OH-OH.                                    3-48-234
                                      Hotel boarder. -Z4(71-14)-
                                      Ref: F/64-J/3638-J/170-X/61-Y-Visalia Cemetery-
Kimball, Frank G.                     WM 25, carriage painter, CA-IL-IN.                                   3-42-96
                                      Adelia wf 22, CA-IN-IN; Maude L. dt 6; Earl son
                                      b. Apr. dysentery, 3/12; and Fannie J. PYLE, s-i-l
                                      Ref: H/3701-X/57- Z4(70-4)
Kincade, Robert                       WM 29, clerk in saloon, MO-KY-MO. In hotel.                          3-48-234
                                      Ref: F/74-X/74??
King, Joseph                          WM 50, laborer, ITALY.                                               3-52-300
                                      Clark K. DECKER, boarder, 31; Robert REED boarder
                                      28; Equoi EUSTAIN, boarder 37; Thomas McGRAY, BM,
                                      servant, 55.
Kirkland, Minnie                      WF 14, CA-LA-LA. Boarder/ Spier Jackson                              3-40-80
                                      Ref: Y-
Knoble, Frank                         WM 14, sts, CA-OH-AR; Elsie std 12./Eugene A. '                      3-46-198
                                      Ref: E/293-Y- NOBLE -Z4 (71-11) -/Luce.
Knox, John G.,                        WM 40, County clerk, MISSOURI.                                       3-42-103
                                      Julia wf 32, IN-ME-KY; Carrie dt 12; Nora dt 9;
                                      Frank son 4; and Cornelia BROWN, boarder 22;
                                      Ellen SLINKARD, boarder 20.
                                      Ref: *B/818-C/839-D/57-E/296-F/27-H/3636-X/1-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery-r Z4 (70-11) -
Lacy, Horatio,                        WM 43, saw mill worker, MA-CT-MA.                                    3-38-7
                                      Emma wf 42, NEW YORK; Richard son 20 lab;
                                      Lorenzo son 18 lab; Aramell son 11.
                                      Ref: H/3867-3880-4091-J/170-K/209-X/85-
Laird, Robert,                        WM 38, carpenter, MISSOURI.                                          3-38-9
                                      Alice wf 28, OH-PA-MD; John son 7; Robert son 4;
                                      Ermie dt 1.
                                      Ref: F/81-H/3853-X/3-Visalia Cemetery.
Lane, Bridget                         WF 31, housekeeping, IRELAND. servant/Nathaniel O. Bradley.          3-44-164
Langley, James R.                     WM 28,laborer, TN-TN-MO.                                             3-44-164
                                      Mary wf 20, CA-KY-MO; Ella dt 3; Alfred son 2.
                                      Ref: H/3858-X/94
Langrich, George F.                   WM 48, butcher, ENGLAND.                                             3-43-133
                                      Margaret wf 33, MISSOURI; Frank A. son 11; Della
                                      dt 2; and Sarah NICHOLSON niece, 15; Rhoda WILSON,
                                      m-i-1, wd. 53.
                                      Ref: *B/710-E/285-F/29-H/3955-Visalia Cemetery
                                      Elbow Creek?both?-Z4(71-5)
Lanter, Siegfriet                     WM 21, store clerk, PRUSSIA.                                         3-42-115
                                      William, married, dry goods dealer, 50, PRUSSIA.
                                      (relationship unstated)with Frank J. Walker.
Leibes, Phillip                       WM 24, cigar & tobacco dealer, ENGLAND.                              3-44-162
                                      single, boarder/ Suseman Mitchell.
Leonard, Anderson                     WM 34, laborer, MASSACHUSETTS.                                       3-48-233
Levinger, Isaac                       WM 35, Segar dealer, PRUSSIA.                                        3-40-71
                                      Belle wf 24, FRANCE; Leo son 1.
                                      Ref: H/3905-X/54-Y
Levis, Adolph                         WM 31, Dry goods merchant, HESSIAN.                                  3-42-110
                                      Amelia wf 22, HESSIAN; Leon, brother, dry goods
                                      merchant 29, HESSIAN.
                                      Ref: F/66-H/3893-K/732-X/32-Y-Visalia Cemetery
                                      Leon: H/3969-X/33-Visalia CemeteryTZ4(71-3)
Levy, Julia                           WF 14, CA-POL-POL. s-i-l/ Herman Morris.                             3-45-182
                                      Ref: E/291-listed twice, see 3-42-102.
Levy, Julius,                         WM 43, notary public, PRUSSIA.                                       3-42-102
                                      Dora wf 42, PRUSSIA; Bertha dt 18; Julia dt 16;
                                      Jacob son 14; Simon son 10; Nathan son 9.
                                      Ref: B/204-C/1075-D/95-111-E/291-F/11-H/3855-K/37-
                                      X/2-Y-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(70-9)
Lindsey, Tipton                       WM 51, lawyer, INDIANA.                                              3-40-76
                                      Eliza wf 42, MO-TN-TN; Charles son, store clerk,
                                      15, Kate dt 13.
                                      3964-*K/270-S/104-187-X/1-Y-Visalia CemeteryvP/93-
Long, Sarah                           WF 37, keeping house, MO-KY-KY. wd.                                  3-39-45
                                      Alice dt 18; Ella dt 15.
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery.
Lopez, Andrai                         WF 65, keeping house, SINALOA, wd.                                   3-52-303
                                      John O'CONNOR 25 waiter; Kare EHRLER 42, musician;
                                      John RYAN, 35 lab; Frank BAKER, 21, drug store clerk.
Luce, Eugene A.                       WM 34, tinsmith NEW YORK. m. in yr.                                  3-46-198
                                      Maggie wf. 31, AR-TN-TN; Frank KNOBLE sts 14;
                                      Elsie KNOBLE std 12; Martha McBEE, 17 boarder.
                                      Ref: F/33-H/3854-J/171-X/43-Y-Visalia CemeterY-Z4(71-16).
Luz, Rolbes                           WF 65, keeping house, SONORA.. wf/Wayne E. Steven.                   3-50-262
Lynch, Nellie F.                      WF 19, housekeeper, CA-IRE-IRE.                                      3-42-111
                                      Boarder/ Elias J. Edwards.
                                      Ref: E/280 (Helen?)
McAdams, William C.                   WM 32, school teacher, IL-KY-PA.                                     3-38-1
                                      Martha J. wf 23, IL-PA-KY; Arthur C. son 4; George
                                      N. son 1. and Samuel McADAMS, father, carpenter,
                                      62, KY-KY-NC.
                                      Ref: H/4697-J/171-K/744-746-Visalia Cemetery-census
                                      enumerator- Z4 (70-3) -
McBee, Martha                         WF 17, CA-IL-AR. Boarder /Eugene A. Luce.                            3-46-198
McCarthy, _____                       WM 50, works at harness trade.                                       3-48-234
                                      single, In hotel. "Infor from others and
                                      not this person.
                                      Ref: ?X/16?
McCloskey, John                       WM 54, carpenter, IOWA. -Z4(69:13)-                                  3-40-75
                                      Kate wf 35, MS-TN-GA; Mary P. JOHNSON, std. 14;
                                      Houston JOHNSON, sts, 12; Emma JOHNSON, st. 10;
                                      Kate McCLOSKEY, dt 5; Nellie McCLOSKEY dt 1.
                                      Ref:E/243-F/12-H/4767-X/50-Y-Visalia Cemetery.
McConnell, Adam                       WM 57, laborer, IRELAND.                                             3-41-85
                                      Ellen M., wf 53, IRELAND.
                                      Ref: E/257-F/80-X/5-Visalia Cemetery.
McGee, John                           WM 24, laborer, CAN-IRE-CAN.                                         3-40-58
                                      Amelia wf 30, PENNSYLVANIA; Avis WF, son 2;
                                      Walter son, b. Apr. 2/12.
                                      Ref: H/4776-Visalia Cemetery
McGovern, Max                         WM 40, livery stable worker, IRELAND.                                3-42-97
                                      Boarder/ William Harlan
McGray, Thomas                        BM 55, hotel cook, NORTH CAROLINA, Servant/                          3-52-300
                                      Joseph King.
McKinley, James                       WM 26, liveryman, IA-OH-PA.                                          3-46-197
                                      With William W. Coughran. -Z4(71-13)
                                      Ref: C/480.2-635.2-1114.2H/4751-J/171-X/46-
McMillian, Jelad                      WM 46, compositor, NY-IRE-IRE.                                       3-46-193
                                      Bparder/ Jacob Bender.
McNamara, Thaddeus                    WM 26, lawyer, IL-ENG-IRE. m. in yr.                                 3-41-94
                                      Alice wf 22, PENNSYLVANIA; William, father, 56,
                                      ENG-IRE-IRE; Mary B., mother, 48 IRELAND.
                                      Ref: F/244-H/4664-X/2-3-Y-Visalia Cemetery.
McPhaill, James S.                    WM 29, school teacher, IL-IL-MO.                                     3-38-22
                                      Ella wf 23, IA-PA-PA; Altie dt 1; Florence
                                      PHILLIPS, boarder, 19; Belle PHILLIPS boarder 17;
                                      Lizzie GILLIS, boarder 19.
                                      Ref: J/171-K/166-X/36-Y-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(70-4)-
M--LL, Juan                           WM 43, laundry worker, SAN SALVADORE.                                3-49-254
                                      Victoria wf 26, MEXICO; Ragina, dt 2.
Mack, Adolph,                         WM 22, dealer in drugs, WURTEMBURG, In hotel.                        3-48-234
                                      Ref: X/165
Mack, Julius J.                       WM 27, bank clerk, NEW YORK.                                         3-44-154
                                      single, Hotel boarder.
Mackintosh, Walter                    WM 45, flour mill worker, CANADA.                                    3-47-209
                                      Jennie wf 38, ME-ME-NH; Daisy dt 6; Walter son 4;
                                      Clara B., dt b. Dec. 6/12.
                                      Ref: F/146-X/55-Y- McINTOSH
Malloch, Daniel                       WM 45, liveryman, SCOTLAND.                                          3-47-222
                                      Robert DABBAR, 50 laborer, SCOTLAND.
                                      Ref: E/298-H/4183-X/194
March, George W.                      WM 44, laborer, MO-KY-KY. -Z4(70-17)-                                3-48-242
                                      Maggie wf 38, MO-KY-KY; Robert son 15; James son
                                      12; Eliza dt 11; Kirby son 8; Stephen son 5.
                                      Ref:*C/199094-J/171-X/116-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Mariez, Johane                        WF 30, CALIFORNIA, member house of ill-fame.                         3-50-263
Mariez, Jose,                         WM 27, CALIFORNIA. member, house of ill-fame.                        3-50-263
Markham, Ida,                         WF 23, CA-VA-IN. s-i-l/ George Parker.                               3-38-3
                                      Ref: B/283
Marten, Frank                         BM 49, laborer, NORTH CAROLINA.                                      3-45-175
                                      Falina wf BF 29, AR-VA-NC; William son BM 11;
                                      Wiley(?) son BM 9; Elizabeth dt BF 8; Henry
                                      son BM 7.
Martin, Joseph W.                     WM 22, laborer, CA-OH-IL.. Brother/ George                           3-43-138
                                      Anderson. He has chronic rheumatism.
                                      Ref: E/292-H/4261-Visalia Cemetery
Mashaw, Pauline                       WF 60, keeping house, SONORA.                                        3-52-301
                                      Frank son 23 lab; Rafael, brother, wd. 60, lab.
Mason, Mary C.                        WF 60, milliner, HESSE-CASSLE. m-i-l/ Martin                         3-42-98
                                      C. Butz.
Matiz, Salamata                       WF 22, CA-SON-SON, single. Member house of                           3-50-263
Mead, George W.                       WM 9, sts, CA-IL-TX; Edith M., std 5; Ethel                          3-43-134
                                      M., std 4; with John R. Woolfley.
                                      Ref: Children of ?Hiram?, Visalia Cemetery-Y
Meador, William                       WM 53, works in water works, CA-AR-MO.                               3-43-122
                                      alone, boarder. MEADOWS/E.
                                      Ref: D/79- E/25 6-H/4251-X/154-Visalia Cemetery
Mickley, John J.                      WM 49, watch maker, PENNSYLVANIA.                                    3-43-129
                                      Ref: Visalia Cemetery
Miller, Artelius                      WM 50, carpenter, GA-TN-AL -Z4(70-1l)-                               3-40-65
                                      Agnes wf 36, MS-MO-TN; Edward 0. son, 18, school
                                      teacher; Lizzie dt 16; Agnes dt 14; Kate dt 8;
                                      Herman son 6; Clinton son 3; Mary dt, b. Aug.9/12.
                                      Cemetery-Y-and H/4132-K/164-424-499-766-&73-*747-
Miller, Henry                         WM 45, tailor, SWITZERLAND.                                          3-44-145
                                      Ref: H/4370-X/187-
Miller, John                          WM 54 laborer, LA-PRU-PRU. Boarder/Edward G. Nell.                   3-39-24
                                      Ref: J/171-X/191-
Mitchell, Suseman                     WM 21, clerk in store, CA-PRU-PRU.                                   3-44-162
                                      Phillip LEIBES, boarder, cigar & tabacco dealer,
                                      24; Max BRAVERMAN, boarder, watch maker 37; Orrin
                                      BARR, boarder, saloon keeper, 31. -Z4(70-9)
                                      Ref: A/101-153-*B/324-*C/1074.2-D/95-H/4125-X/189-
Monday, Michahel                      WM 52, sheep raising, IRELAND.                                       3-49-255
                                      Boarder/James A. Dailey.
                                      Ref: X/197, Michael Munday
Montgomery, Joseph H.                 WM 36, laborer, PENNSYLVANIA. Boarder/                               3-49-255
                                      James A. Dailey.
                                      Ref: X/190
Montrial, Robert                      WM 40, laborer, CA-ENG-CA. wd.                                       3-51-289
                                      Elveta dt 10; Ephrenna ESTALUNA, 50, carpentry
                                      trade, malarial fever; Eruria VERSALINE, mother,
                                      wd. 75. SONORA
Moore, Anna                           BF 33, keeping house, AR-TN-NC. wd.                                  3-45-179
                                      Joseph T., son BM 13; Susanna dt BF 12; Merry C.
                                      dt BF 10;Georgie dt BF 8; Sarah L,, dt BF 7; James
                                      R. son BM 5; Albert C. son BM 3.
Morgan, L. J.                         WM 25, teaches school.---In hotel. info not                          3-48-234
                                      from this person.  wd.
Morris, Henry                         WM 46, laborer, AR-ENG-MS.                                           3-48-239
                                      Martha wf 33, MISSOURI; Albert son 12; William son
                                      8; Houston son 2; Emma dt, b. May 9/12.
                                      Ref: F/163-H/4224-4838-J/171-X/2
Morris, Herman                        WM 32, dry goods dealer, PRUSSIA. m. in yr.
                                      Jennie wf 20, NY-POL-POL; Julia LEVY, s-i-l, 14;
                                      James BAKER, clerk in store, 19.
                                      Ref: X/135
Morris, 0. Manly                      WM 30, store clerk, Vt-NH-VT.                                        3-42-105
                                      Mary A. wf. 23, IL-VT-IL; Harry son 3; May dt, b.
                                      July, 10/12
                                      Ref: F/185-X/20
Muir, David                           WM 46, laborer, SCOTLAND, malarial fever, inmate                     3-49-257
                                      County hospital ?see Z4(65:5) ?
Munroe, Maggie                        WF, 68, SCOTLAND. wd, m-i-l/George Revels.                           3-39-43
Murphy, Charles H.                    WM 26, school teacher, IOWA2 single/hotel.                           3-44-154
                                      Ref: H/4127-J/171-S/176-X/82
Murray, David                         WM 52, laborer, SONORA.                                              3-51-298
                                      Josephine wf 33, SONORA; Cleopa dt 17; Espanansa
                                      dt 18; Phillip son 20.
Murray, Thomas                        WM 33, laborer, MISSOURI.                                            3-51-296
                                      Mary wf 29, NY-ME-NY; Arthur son 2.
                                      Ref: H/4425-X/195-Visalia Cemetery. -Z4(70-4)-
Musgrave, Alfred                      WM 56, laborer, TENNESSEE, Inmate County Jail.                       3-46-195
                                      Ref: H/4257-X/68-
Myers, George                         WM 20, hotel porter, ALS-OLD-SAX.Boarder/hotel.                      3-44-155
Narscowan, Lloyd                      WM 38, druggist, WI-ENG-ENG.                                         3-47-208
                                      Isabel wf 28, WI-NY-NY; Kate dt 3; Jesse dt 2.
                                      Ref: H/4888-X/35-J/l72-Y-Z4(7l-l3)
Nebeores, Chrona                      WF 29, keeping house, CHI-DUR-DUR. wd.                               3-52-302
Nell, Edward G.                       WM 44, brewer, BAVARIA.                                              3-39-24
                                      Charles COPUS, brewery worker 26; John MILLER
                                      54 laborer.
                                      Ref: X/30
Nelson, James                         WM 40, laborer, DENMARK.                                             3-48-240
                                      Eunice wf 35, CA-(not known); James M. son 10.
                                      Ref: E/289-F/10-X/2-Y-Visalia Cemetery-Z4(71-2)
Nicholas, Owema                       WF 22, CALIFORNIA. Member house of ill-fame.                         3-50-264
Nicholson, Sarah                      WF 15, CA-MO-MO. Niece/ George F. Langrich.                          3-43-133
                                      Ref: E/285
Norton, May (or Mary)                 WF 26, CA-(blank). House of ill-fame.                                3-52-306
Norton, Mollie                        WF 30, ENGLAND. House of ill-fame.                                   3-52-304
Oaks, Mark                            WM 27, laborer, RHODE ISLAND. / William W. Coughran.                 3-46-197
                                      Ref: H/5039-J/l72-X/2-Z4(7l-ll)
O'Bannon, Cuthbert S.                 WM 39, County Recorder, KY-VA-KY.                                    3-51-295
                                      Isabella L., wf 34, IRELAND; Cora L. dt 10;
                                      William H. son 2.
                                      Ref: B/195-E/295-F/1-H/5035-K/166-X/13-Y, C.L.
O'Brien, Joseph M.                    WM 23, painter, MA-IRE-IRE.                                          3-42-115
                                      With Frank J. Walker.
O'Connor, John                        WM 25, hotel waiter, NY-ME-NY.with house of                          3-52-303
                                      Reft E/297-X/22-Z4(70-2)
Olsen, Peter,                         WM 54, laborer, SWEDEN. / Charles Togni.                             3-43-132
Ornaro, Estarbs                       WM 16, CALIFORNIA. member house of ill-fame.                         3-50-263
Ornaro, Paul,                         WM 40, CALIFORNIA.                                                   3-50-264
                                      Owema NICHOLAS WF 22; Pallorea BELZORA WF 24.
                                      Members house of ill fame.
Orr, Alfred R.                        WM 25, school teacher, MO-IL-MO. m. in yr.                           3-45-166
                                      Flora wf 23, IA-VT-NY.
                                      Ref: C/1180.2-H/4990-J/172-X/14-Z4(70-1)-
Owen, Elmira                          WF 52, keeping house, TN-AL-AL. wd.                                  3-45-174
                                      Joseph PARKER, son 31 laborer; Benjamin PARKER
                                      son 28, lab; William OWEN son 21 lab; Frank
                                      OWEN son 18; Nellie OWEN dt 16; Lee OWEN dt 13.
                                      Ref: D/99-E/289-H/4983-4984-X/36-Y-Z4(69:6)-Z4(70-16)-
Owen, Joshua M.                       WM 43, laborer, IOWA.                                                3-43-117
                                      Ellen wf 39, MO-KY-KY; Frank E. son 11; Cora L.,
                                      dt 6; John B., son 4; Annie D. dt 1; and Lucinda
                                      VANCE m-i-l 70, KY-KY-VA.
                                      Ref: D/94-E/26O-F/5-H/4982-X/9-Y-
Owen, Leslie                          WF 24, keeping house, CA-OH-MI. married.                             3-48-241
                                      Phillip son 1; and Minnie WAGY sister 10; Royal
                                      WAGY brother 14; Phillip WAGY father 56, OH-PA-PA.
                                      Ref: Y-, see p.48, #228 for her husband Thomas.
Owen, Remul (or Renil?)               WM 26, CALIFORNIA.                                                   3-50-263
                                      member house of ill fame.
Owen, Silas M.                        WM 34, wagon maker, IOWA.                                            3-47-202
                                      Amanda wf 30, KY-VA-KY; Mary dt 8; Annie dt 3;
                                      Hairston son b. May 4/30. and George OWEN,
                                      brother, 24 lab.
                                      Ref: D/86-F/7-E/285-H/5006-J/172-X/34-Y-
Owen, Thomas                          WM 33, works at blacksmithy, WI-TN-IL.                               3-48-232
                                      alone, single. (see p.48, #241 for wf. Leslie
                                      and his family.)
                                      Ref: D/86-E/285-F/13-H/4988-J/172-X/18-Y-
Owens, James A.                       WM 30, info. not from this person, laborer.                          3-48-234
                                      In hotel.
Page, Perryman F.                     WM 29, minister, CAN-ENG-ENG.                                        3-42-109
                                      Sarah M., wf 25, NJ-FRA-IRE; Edward J., son 3;
                                      Perryman F., son 2.
Parastan, Rose                        WF 22, member house of ill fame, CA-SON-SON.                         3-52-305
Parker, George                        WM 29, constable, ARKANSAS.                                          3-38-3
                                      Mary wf 24, CA-VA-IN; Elsie dt b. May 7/30;
                                      and Ida MARKHAM, s-i-l 23.
                                      Ref: *B/638-C/442.2-C/99-E/289-F/59-H/5096-J/172-
Parker, Joseph                        WM 31, laborer, AR-KY-TN. son.                                       3-45-174
                                      Benjamin son 28 lab. sons/Elmira Owen, wd,Z4(70-8)??
                                      Ref: D/99-E/289-H/5106-J/172-X/25- and-Z4(70-16)-
Patrick, Margaret W.                  67, Wd. Mother/Isabella Boyer.                                       3-39-31.
Patrick, Solon B.                     WM 38, book keeper, AR-SC-TN.                                        3-44-154
                                      Ref: H/5233-J/l72-X/l-Y-Z4(70-l2)
Patterson, Thomas                     WM 42, livery stable worker, KENTUCKY.                               3-48-227
                                      Nellie wf 30, MO-KY-TN; Theodosia CARRY, std.
                                      12; Thomas E. PATTERSON, son 6.
                                      Ref: F/186
Patton, Elbridge                      WM 32, blacksmith shop worker, MAINE.                                3-47-203
                                      boarder/ alone.
Paz, Eleck                            WM 35, laborer, CALIFORNIA.                                          3-45-178
                                      Josephine wf 23, CALIFORNIA; Tonie dt 8; Sallie
                                      dt 6; Mynerso dt, b. Feb. 5/12.
Pendrgrast, Travis W.                 WM 50, doctor, TENNESSEE. (Pendergrass)                              3-42-108
                                      Nancy wf 40, TN-TN-VA; Mollie dt 19;
                                      William son 16;  Rush son 14; Homer son 12;
                                      Travis son 9; Mattie dt 6.
                                      Ref: H/5146-K/166-Y-Visalia Cemetery-
                                      Alta Mira Chapter, DAR lineage papers. H/5250-5174
Penosa, Frances                       WF 20, member house of ill-fame, SONORA.                             3-50-263
Persian, James                        WM 73, doing nothing, PENNSYLVANIA.                                  3-40-57
                                      Eliza wf 74, IRELAND.
                                      Ref: D/80-F/31-K/154-163-X/106-Visalia Cemetery.
Phillips, Florence                    WF 19, school, CA-IN-IN. Belle, school, .                            3-38-22
                                      17, boarders; James S. McPhaill
                                      Ref: Y
Phillips, Margaret                    WF 66, keeping house, PA-IRE-IRE. wd.                                3-47-225
                                      Carrie TOMES, 31, married. and Hattie P. WHITE,
                                      28; Harrison WHITE, 42. .
Phillips, Mary                        WF 33, keeping house, MO-VA-VA. wd.                                  3-44-163
                                      Kate dt 15; Amelia dt 13; Dora dt 9; William son 7.
                                      Ref: E/277
Pierce, Horace A.                     WM 36, carpenter, VT-NH-MA.                                          3-39-28
                                      Emma S., wf 36, VT-CT-VT; Minnie L., dt 7;
                                      Clara B., dt 4.
                                      Ref: F/115-J/172-H/5113-X/78(Pearce)-
Powell, Edward                        WM 68, laborer, NO.CAROLINA. wd.                                     3-49-257
                                      Inmate County Hospital, syphylis.
                                      Ref: F/120-X/117
Powell, William S.                    WM 50, lawyer, NEW YORK.                                             3-41-86
                                      Eliza wf 35, NEW YORK; Edwin son 18;
                                      Albert son 16; Sarah dt 14;
                                      Carrie dt 9; George son 5;
                                      Jesse son b. Mar. 3/12.
                                      Ref: B/521-D/104-E/251-F/13-H/5232-K/30-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery-Z4(70-6)
Pratt, Thomas,                        WM 37, barber, MO-VA-MO.                                             3-46-194
                                      Lizzie wf 28, MISSOURI; and Edwin T. WOODROOF,
                                      27 barber; Mary E. WOODROOF, wf 25.
                                      Ref: X/105-Y(?)-Visalia Cemetery
Prethro, Virgil                       WM 30, brick mason, CA-MO-KY. (Prothero)                             3-40-54
                                      Minerva wf 24, CA-TN-IN;
                                      Amanda MEADOR, s-i-l 20.
                                      Ref: D/79-84-E/289-F/76-J/172-U-X/112-Y-Visalia
Prothro, Joseph B.                    WM 58, brick layer, KY-VA-KY. (Prothero)                             3-49-244
                                      Barbera A., wf 49, MO-PA-SC; Anastasio, son 27
                                      lab; Jerome son 20 lab; William E. son 18 lab;
                                      Melvina E. dt 16; Mattie dt l8,-z4(7l-2)Wm-E-
                                      Ref: D/84-E/289-F/5-91-H/5137-H/5154-5168-5184-
                                      J/172-K/105-X/50-132-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Pyle, Fannie J.                       WF 18, CA-IN-IN. s-i-l/ Frank G. Kimball.                            3-42-96
Pyle, Grant                           WM 16, paint shop worker, CALIFORNIA.                                3-41-87
                                      b-i-l/ Lafayette Spangler
Quavis, Manuel                        WM 7, CA-SON-SON. grand child/ Jore (Jose?)                          3-50-264
                                      NOTE: there are two family numbers 264 on this p.
Reagan, Collon                        WM 39, marble cutter, IOWA.                                          3-39-26
                                      Mary wf 29, TX-OH-IL. and Henry CO'.ZZENS, sts.
                                      with hip disease, 6.
                                      Ref: Y
Reed, Mattie                          WF 14, CA-MO-MO. Boarder/ Seth B. Hunt.                              3-43-123
                                      Ref: Y- is she same person as Matilda listed
Reed, Robert                          WM 28, laborer, NEW YORK. Boarder/Joseph King.                       3-52-300
                                      Ref: H/555-X/57
Revels, George                        WM 46, livery stable worker, PENNSYLVANIA.                           3-39-43
                                      Eliza wf 31, SCOTLAND; Eliza dt 5; Susan dt
                                      b. Dec. 9/12; and Maggie MUNROE, m-i-1, wd. 68.
                                      Ref: F/102-H/5534-X/94-Y
Reynolds, Jesse W.                    WM 60, laborer, NO-CAROLINA.                                         3-41-90
                                      Ann wf 60, SO.CAROLINA; Joseph L. COLVIN grs.
                                      Ref: B/331-D/1-26-E/290-F/2-H/1187-K/32-H/1187-
                                      Visalia Cemetery
Richmond, Mortimer                    WM 48, laborer, NEW YORK; f-i-l                                      3-48-243
                                      Mary, m-i-l 43, OH-NY-NY. Mary B., s-i-l 12.
                                      with Asa B. Brown.
                                      Ref: F/65-H/5448-X/92-Y
Rickers, Joe                          WF 33, keeping house, PENNSYLVANIA. s-i-l                            3-41-77
                                      Frederick -- 4. NOTE: Josephine/Christian
                                      Ref: E/290
Riley, Robert,                        WM 38, hotel porter, IRELAND. In hotel,single.                       3-48-234
Roberts, Newton H.                    WM 30, laborer, MO"TN-TN.                                            3-49-245
                                      Eliza A. wf 26, MO-TN-KY; Lura A. dt 7; Lenora E.
                                      5; William E., son 3; Frederick G. son 1; May dt~
                                      b. May 3/30. -Z4(70-1l)
                                      Ref: C/635.2-H/5600-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Robinson, Annie                       WF 52, keeping house IRELAND.                                        3-40-63
                                      Homer son 16; Florence dt 10.
                                      Ref: E/289
Robinson, John R.                     WM farmer, 44, MISSOURI. wd.                                         3-38-5
                                      Alice dt 17; Josie dt 15; Rosie dt 8.
Roesch, Lawrence                      WM 45 laborer, BADEN. Boarder/Jacob Bender.                          3-46-193
Rodman, Simon,                        WM 65, bootblack, RUSSIA. single, alone.                             3-44-142
                                      Ref: X/83-Visalia Cemetery
Rogers, Thomas                        WM 45, commission agent, ENGLAND.                                    3-46-186
                                      Mary L., wf 33, NB-ME-NB; Frank N. son 2; and
                                      Joseph THOMAS, boarder 61; Joseph THOMAS, jr.
                                      boarder 19.
                                      (Surname is written over??)
Riuz, Catarine                        WF 17, grd. CALIFORNIA; Loreta D. married,                           3-45-177
                                      boarder, 16, CALIFORNIA. grd/Gimona R.
                                      HYGUERRA. both enum with Perez Felipe.
Rundle, James,                        WM 37, machinist, MA-ENG-ENG.                                        3-38-4
                                      Elizabeth N., wf 22, IL-OH-OH.
                                      Ref: F/113-H/5503-X/91
Russel, William A.                    WM 62, physician. TN-NC-VA.                                          3-46-185
                                      Martha E.S., wf 50, TN-SC-SC; William C. son 21;
                                      Allie GALPIN housekeeper 23; Ping, CM, servant
                                      29; Thomas E. HARRIS, boarder 25.
                                      Ref: B/349-D/102-E/294-F/16-K/29-100-145-166-
                                      S/108-134-Visalia Cemetery-
Ryan, John                            WM 35, laborer, IRELAND. member house of ill-fame.                   3-52-303
Rynerson, Jacob                       WM 52, blacksmith, IN-KY-KY.                                         3-44-151
                                      Lucinda wf 47, IN-KY-TN; Ida dt 11; Emma dt 8.
                                      Ref: F/67
Salazar, Jesus                        WM 44, saddler, MEXICO.                                              3-49-251
                                      Terena wf 24, CA-L.CA-L.CA; Katie dt 8.
                                      Ref: X/8-Y-Z4(71-10)
Samstag, Joseph                       WM 45, Miner, CA-HD-HD.                                              3-39-38
                                      Laura wf 27, IL-HES-HES; Alexander J. son 5;
                                      and Catherine FREDERICK m-i-1, div. 58; Kate
                                      FREDERICK, s-i-l, 19.
                                      Ref: D/103-F/21-H/6049-J/173-X/168-Visalia
Sanches, Charles                      WM 19, laborer, CALIFORNIA. single.                                  3-46-195
                                      Stephen, laborer, married 26, CALIFORNIA.
                                      Inmates-Tulare County Jail.
Sanches, Poloa                        WF 25, member house of ill-fame, CALIFORNIA.                         3-50-263
Sanders, Oregon                       WM 23, lawyer, MISSOURI. m. in yr.                                   3-43-125
                                      Stella wf 23, MAINE; Reuben son b. Apr. 2/12.
                                      Ref: H/5783-K/165-183-X/243
Sanford, Allen                        MuM 80, laborer, VIRGINIA. wd. alone                                 3-39-30
                                      Ref: F/182-Visalia Cemetery
Schmid, Fred                          WM 35, hotel keeper, WURTEMBURG. Boarder/George                      3-46-192
                                      Ref: ?H/6351-F/144-X/84-Y
Schultz, Charles                      WM 49, teaches music, GERMANY.                                       3-45-171
                                      Catherine wf 39, NEW YORK. Margaret 0. GRIFFITH
                                      std. teaches music 19; William P. GRIFFITH sts
                                      15; Charles M. sts 13; Kittie M. std 9; and Carrie
                                      SCHULTZ std 1.
                                      Ref: E/298-F/74-Y
Seidler, Charles                      WM 14 sts, CA-BAV-BAV. Louise sts 12;                                3-49-255
                                      Emma std 9; Edward sts 7. with James A. DAILEY.
                                      Ref: E/255, Sidler
Seligman, Emil                        WM 22, clerk in store, BAVARIA.                                      3-43-131
                                      Mike TOGNI 23; Henry JERUSALEM 32; Nicholas
                                      DOREY. no relationships.
                                      Ref: *C/1251.2-H/5921
Seligman, Louis                       WM 28, fruit dealer, BAVARIA. with Charles                           3-43-132
                                      Ref: *C/1251-1252-H/5786-X/126
Selleck, Duncan C.                    WM 36, Supt. water works, CANADA. m. in yr.                          3-38-12
                                      Hannah wf 21, CA-MO-MO.
                                      Ref: F/152-X/180-Y-
Shearer, Hattie                       WF 55, keeping house, NY-ENG-ENG. wd.                                3-39-23
                                      Ref: (?) Y-
Shella, Conrad                        WM 52, laborer, WURTEMBURG.                                          3-40-52
                                      Priscilla wf 59, OH-VA-VA; Edwin son 23; Franklin
                                      son 15. -Z4(70-5)
                                      Ref: F/87-H/5990-6044-6081-X/188-218-U-Y-Visalia
                                      Cemetery-Woodville Cem.(Franklin)-Z4(64:8)-
Shepherd, George                      WM 44, stock dealer, ILLINOIS                                        3-47-217
                                      Julia wf 34, TX-MO-MO; Helen dt 15; Charles son
                                      12; Clara dt 6; Edner dt 2.
                                      Ref: E/274-F/11-X/146-Y
Sherman, Lemuel E.                    WM 50, carpenter, NY-NY-NJ.                                          3-42-104
                                      Ellen wf 34, IRELAND; William L. son 6; Samuel
                                      B., son 5; John J. son, b. July 10/12. -Z4 (70-13)-
                                      Ref: E/297-F/96-H/5805/ X/160-Y-Visalia Cem.
Shuam. (Shuham), Henry G.             WM 37, harness maker, ENGLAND.                                       3-39-44
                                      Lizzie wf 27, NEW YORK; Harry son 8; Arthur son
                                      Ref: F/159, Shuham,Henry Guest, saddler-X/156
Shuster, Lewis P.                     WM 30, carpenter, MO-PA-ENG.                                         3-44-161
                                      Robert WEISHAR, (both termed boarders) 26.
                                      Ref: X/154
Simons, Samuel                        WM 40, NY-PRU-PRU. single alone.                                     3-44-146
                                      Ref: F/243
Simpson, Martha                       WF 43, TN-VA-TN. wd.                                                 3-41-92
                                      John B. son 22, laborer.
                                      Ref: H/5792-K/499-X/194-Y,(?)-Z4(70-14)-
Slinkard, Ellen                       WF 20, CA-AR-TX. Boarder;John G. Knox.                               3-42-103
                                      Y-?listed twice? see 8-127-477-White River Cem.-Z4(63:11)-
Slocomb, Henry                        WM 34, barber, MASSACHUSETTS.with Charles Togni.                     3-43-132
                                      Ref:F/348-H/5781-X/85-Visalia Cemetery?-Z4(71-1l)-
Smith, Mattie,                        WF 21, teaches school, CA-IL-IL.                                     3-44-165
                                      Boarder/ Erastus Warner.
Smith, Seth                           WM 34, surveyor, NEW YORK.                                           3-38-6
                                      Mary wf 28, OHIO; Georl D. son 8; Leroy P. son 2.
                                      K/165-S/1764/2-y-z4 (70-16) -
Spangler, Lafayette                   WM 30, painter, IL-PA-OH.                                            3-41-87
                                      Bina wf 23, CA-OH-IL; Lulu dt 1; and Grant PYLE
                                      b-i-l, 16.
                                      Ref: A/102-D/74-E/252-H/6041-X/184-Y-
Speece, Frederick                     WM 39, carpenter, PRUSSIA.                                           3-40-84
                                      Sophia wf 40, PRUSSIA; Mary K. dt 14; Sarah A.
                                      dt 12.
                                      Ref: C/498.2-F/35-H/6060-X/93-Y-, Spies-Visalia
                                      Ceme teryZ4 (70 -16) -
Springer, Abraham                     WM 23, clerk in tin store, IN-BAV-BAV.                               3-45-167
                                      sts/ Bernard Baer.
                                      Ref: X/183.
Stanton, Michael E.                   WM 39, boot and shoe making, IRELAND.                                3-48-228
                                      Margaret wf 37, IRELAND; Richard son 9; Lizzie
                                      dt 6.
                                      Ref: F/100-X/142. see also Stunton.
Steuben, Zane,                        WM 44, clerk Wells Fargo Co., NEW YORK.                              3-42-113
                                      Mary wf 38, NEW YORK; Mary E. dt 12; William E.,
                                      son 10; John C. son 8.
                                      Ref: D/100-E/300-F/19-H/5784-K/99-740-?741-Y-
                                      X/ 4-Z4 (70-6) -
Steven, Wayne E.                      WM 53, saloon keeper, SICILY. married.                               3-50-262
                                      Rolbes LUZ wf 65, SONORA, MEXICO.
Stevens, Richard                      WM 38, dry goods dealer, VERMONT. hotel/                             3-44-154
                                      Ref: *B/428-*C/963-2872-E/297-F/126-H/6047-
Stevenson, Carne (Carrie?)            WM 19, CA-ME-ME.s-i-l.                                               3-43-126
                                      Emma s-i-l 15; James b-i-l 21 lab.CA-PA-PA.
                                      all with Emery Wing.
                                      Ref: H/5870-X/187- also Steavson -
Stevenson, Curtis D.                  WM 26, farmer, CA-MO-MO.                                             3-39-25
                                      Jennie wf 23, CA-MO-MO; Eva dt 6; Ettie dt 3;
                                      Wilfred son 1.
                                      Ref: D/91-E/292-F/164-H/5869-C/863-J/173-U-X/86-
                                      Y- Z4 (70-4) -
Stevenson, Sebert                     WM 25, saloon keeper, CA-OH-OH. alone                                3-43-128
                                      Ref: *C/864-1863.2-D/91-E/292-F/347-H/5955-K/17-
                                      X/162-Y-Bio. gives Mary O'Connor wf-Y, gives
                                      Molly Murray, married twice? -Z4 (70-4)
Stong, David                          WM 66, Supt. County Hosp., IL-VA-VA.                                 ~-49-257
                                      Easter, wf. 72, malarial fever IL-NC-NC.
                                      and 8 hospital inmates.
                                      Ref: D/81-E/290-F/3-K/163-X/46-Visalia Cem.
Streube, Louise                       WF 20, seamstress, AZ-PRU-PRU. Boarder/                              3-43-138
                                      Georgie Anderson.
                                      Ref: E/246
Strong, John L.                       WM 38, store clerk, MS-GA-GA.                                        3-45-172
                                      Margie wf 35, AL-NC-TN.
Sweet, Solomon                        WM 52, dry goods merchant. HESSE DARMSTADT.                          3-40-72
                                      Annie wf 35, NY-PRU-AUS; Louise dt 14; Estelle
                                      dt 12; Ida dt 9; Bertha dt 6; Adolph son 4;
                                      Mabel dt 2.
                                      Ref: *B/221-431-552-*C/856-1608.2-D/103-X/128-
Thomas, Isaac H.                      WM 42, nurseryman, KENTUCKY                                          3-39-41
                                      Caroline wf 38, MO-KY-NY; Horatio M. son 15;
                                      John A. son 11; Allie E. dt 8. -Z4(70-2)-Z4(7l-l3)-
                                      Ref: B/178-532-F/2-H/6412-J/173-*K/263-X/40-
Thomas, Joseph                        WM 61, nurseryman, ENTUCKY, wd.                                      3-46-186
                                      Joseph Jr. boarder, works in nursery, 19.
                                      Boarders; Thomas Rogers. see 2-33-158, listed
                                      twice. -Z4(71-13)-
                                      Ref: ?E/295?-F/16-H/6394--6477-X/76-Visalia Cem.-
Thomas, Walter F.                     WM 43, deputy County clerk, MO-TN-TN.                                3-51-290
                                      Mary E. wf 32, IOWA; Carrie E. dt 9; Walter E.
                                      son 7; Minnie dt 5; Charles R. son 1.
                                      Ref:E/296-F/1-H/6385-X/1-Y-Visalia Cemetery
                                      (sheet 27 also has a family #290 but all are
                                      (Chinese on that page.
Thompson, Alexander                   WM 50, blacksmith, OH-SCO-PA.                                        3-42-116
                                      Mary A. wd 47, OH-PA-VA; Alice dt 20, Belle dt
                                      17; Virgil J. son 9; Adria dt 7; Harry son 3.
                                      Ref: E/292-F/20-X/94, Thomson-Y
Todd, Maggie                          WF 24, teaches school, MO-KY-TN. s-i-l/Asa or                        3-39-40
                                      Jesse(?) Irvine, see.
Togni, Charles                        WM 27, drayman, SWITZERLAND.                                         3-43-132
                                      Joseph GODCHEAUX, 42, Oliver BOOTH 50; Peter
                                      OLSEN 54; John JORDAN 28; Henry SLOCOMB 34, Louis
                                      SELIGMAN. no relationships
                                      Ref: H/6459-X/47-z4(7l-l2)
Togni, Mike                           WM 23, laborer SWITZERLAND. with Emil Seligman.                      3-43-131
                                      Ref: Y-Z4(70-2)
Tubbs, Cassius M.                     WM 47, laborer, VERMONT.                                             3-47-213
                                      Mary E., wf. 46, VERMONT; Freddie son 18; Lottie
                                      dt 15; Lillie dt 9. -z4(70-6)
                                      Ref: H/6389-J/173-X/50-U-Y-Visalia Cemetery
Tunze, Otto                           WM 32, furniture dealer, PRUSSIA. alone.                             3-43-130
                                      Ref: H/6498-X/lll-Z4(7l-l0)
Upham, Mary                           WF 62, keeping house, MASSACHUSETTS                                  3-52-313
                                      servant/Edward M. Dewey.
Valdas, Frank.                        WM 18, CALIFORNIA. member house of ill-fame.                         3-50-263
Vallee, Charles                       WM 38,--MI-MI-MN.                                                    3-43-137
                                      Jennie wf 36, IL-OH-IL; Jennie dt 11; and Maria
                                      BARR, m-i-l 67; Benjamin BARR, f-i-1 68.
                                      Ref: B/200-E/293-F/3-X/5-U-Y
Van Valer, Edwin                      WM 30, well borer, NEW YORK.                                         3-38-18
                                      Sarah wf 23, CA-VA-VA; Claudie son 1.
                                      Ref: *C/1495.2-F/10-H/6664-J/173-X/1-Y-
                                      Visalia Cemetery-Z4(70-14)
Van Valer, Peter                      WM 48, Deputy collector, U.S. Internal                               3-42-99
                                      Revenue, NEW YORK.
                                      Cornelius son 24.
                                      Ref: F/18-H/6673-6678-K/186-187-188-X/13-
Vance, Lucinda                        WF 70, KY-KY-VA. m-i-l/ Joshua M. Owen.                              3-43-117
                                      Ref: D/82-E/292-Visalia Cemetery-
Versaline, Eruria                     WF 75, SONORA. wd. mother/Robert Montrial.                           3-51-289
                                       ?Vermison/Versaline? see sheet 28 line 4.
Vilasoe, Jore (or Jose?)              WM 30, laborer, CA-SON-SON.                                          3-50-264
                                      Gaudaliups wf 33, SONORA; Inez, dt 17; Lorenzo
                                      son 16; Remonia dt 15; and Petra HUTADO 50,dt/mother?
                                      Manuel QUAVIS, grch. 7
                                      Ref: There are two #264's on this page this should
                                      be #266.
Wagner, Louisa                        WF 14, CA-GER-GER. ad-dt/John Campbell                               3-43-136
Wagy, Phillip,                        WM 56, laborer, OH-PA-PA. father, wd.                                3-48-241
                                      Minnie, sister 10; Royal, brother, 14.
                                      with Leslie Owen.
                                      Ref: F/12-K/166-X/6-Y- see 5-62-143. listed twice.
Walker, David,                        WM 33, Harness & saddle maker, CANADA.                               3-39-34
                                      Dora wf 25, CA-KY-KY; Irene dt 7; Ada dt 6;
                                      Edwin son 4.
                                      Ref: H/6756-J/174-Z/183
Walker, Frank J.                      WM 32, Journalist, VT-NH-NH.                                         3-42-115
                                      Joseph M. O'BRIEN 23; Marks ASHER 22; Siegfriet
                                      LANTER 21; William LANTER 50; Lesser COHN 19;
                                      Hyman COHN 44. no relationships.
                                      Ref: F/217-H/6739-K/181-190-202-209-X/122-
Walker, Martha A.                     WF 57, keeping house, MO- TN-TN. wd.                                 3-43-121
                                      John son works in harness shop 18.
                                      Ref: D/85-E/293-C/1633.2-K/684-H/6745-Visalia
Wallace, William B.                   WM 28 school teacher, MO-MD-VA.                                      3-45-170
                                      single, boarder/John Graves.-Z4(70-6)
                                      Ref: H/6737-X/52-Y-listed twice: see 1-20-354.?
Wallich(?), Theodor                   WM 40, farmer, HANOVER. Div.                                         3-46-195
                                      Inmate County Jail.
Ward, Edward                          MuM 39, hotel cook, NEW YORK. Uncle/Annie                            3-48-231
Ward, Joseph C.                       WM 33, books & stationary ALABAMA.                                   3-45-168
                                      Kate H. wf 29, OH-NY-ENG; Clarence H. son 7;
                                      Jennie I. dt 4.
                                      Ref: B/203-204-E/290-F/73-H/6731-J/174-K/37-
Ward, Richard                         WM 34, laborer, NEW YORK. Boarder;Jacob Bender.                      3-46-193
                                      Ref: E/264
Ward, William A.                      WM 40, store clerk, VT-VT-MA.                                        3-42-114
                                      Julia M. wf 36, MA-MA-RI; Fred W. son, appr. to
                                      Ref: F/194-H/6782-6740-Y-Z4(70-10)
Warner, Erastus                       WM 37, well borer, NY-CT-NY.                                         3-44-165
                                      Maud A. wf 33, NY-PA-NY; Eva dt 10; and Mattie
                                      SMITH boarder 21.
                                      Ref: F/7-H/6796-X/8-Y-Z4(71-5)
Williams, John, W.                    WM 43, City Marshall, NO.CAROLINA.                                   3-41-89
                                      Julia A., wf. 30, TX-SC-VA; James E. son 14.
                                      Ref: E/295-F/18-H/6736-*K/21-22-28-743-X/1-Y-Z4(70-1l)-
Wilson, John                          WM 33, works at blacksmithy, IRELAND.                                3-39-27
                                      Rosie B., wf 26, IRELAND; Agnes dt 3; Eugene son
                                      1; Eddie son 1.
                                      Ref: H/6991-Visalia Cemetery.-Z4(70-2)-
Wilson, Rhoda                         WF 53, MISSOURI. m-i-l/ George F. Langrich. wd.                      3-43-133
                                      Ref: E/285-Visalia Cemetery.
Wilson, Susan                         BF 50, MISSOURI. wd. m-i-l/ Edmund Wysinger.                         3-45-180
Wing, Emery                           WM 48, laborer, NY-CAN-CAN.                                          3-43-126
                                      Hester wf 27, PENNSYLVANIA; Bela son 10; George
                                      son 8; William son 4; and Carne (or Carrie)
                                      STEVENSON, s-i-l 19; Emma STEVENSON s-i-l 15;
                                      James STEVENSON, b-i-l 21 lab.
                                      Ref: B/183-200-E/292-F/20-X/153-Y
Witt, Lorenzo D.                      WM 48, laborer, TENNESSEE.                                           3-45-170
                                      anurism of heart. b-i-l/ John Graves.
                                      Ref: F/106-X/150
Wolfley, John R.                      WM 42, Stage driver, IL-PA-PA. m. in yr.                             3-43-134
                                      Elizabeth A. wf. 42, TX-VA-AL ; George W. MEAD, sts.
                                      9; Edith M. MEAD, std 5; Ethel M. MEAD, std.5.
Woodroof, Edwin T.                    WM 27, barber, IL-VA-VA.                                             3-46-194
                                      Mary E., wf 25, MO-VA-VA.
Woods, Catherine                      WF 26, teaches school, CA-KY-MO. wd.                                 3-44-141
                                      dt/Emeline Edwards.
Woodson, John                         BM 40, laborer, ARKANSAS.                                            3-49-246
                                      Eliza wf BF 34, KENTUCKY; Babel son BM 10; Mary E.,
                                      dt BF 7; Fred D. son BM 5; Laura dt BF 2.
                                      Ref: Y
Woody, Almeda                         WF 18, OR-(not known) s-i-l/John C. Hoy.                             3-48-237
                                      Cleora, s-i-l 17.
                                      Ref: E/277,dt of Andrew Jackson & Ann Woody. Names
                                      do not match??
Works, James B.                       WM 32, CA-KY-KY. member house of ill-fame.                           3-52-305
                                      Ref: D/20-E/275-F/79-X/108
Wren, John,                           WM 30, saloon keeper, ILLINOIS.                                      3-39-37
                                      Amanda wf 21, CA-MO-MO; Winifred dt 2. -Z4(71-3)
                                      Ref: E/293-F/185-J/174-H/6733-X/7-Y-Visalia Cem
Wysinger, Edmund                      BM 57, laborer, MISSISSIPPI.                                         3-45-180
                                      Bernesa C. BF wf 36, MISSOURI; Jesse E. son BM 15;
                                      Martha dt BF 13; Reuben son BM 9; Walter son BM 6;
                                      Arthur son BM 3; Hervey M. son BM, b. May 1/12;
                                      and Susan WILSON, wd., m-i-1. 50.
Young, William                        WM 26, hotel waiter BRE-HAN-HAN.                                     3-44-154
Zumwalt, Susanna                      WF 70, keeping house, OH-MA-MA. wd.                                  3-40-59
                                      Daniel K., son, 35, Real estate & Land agent,
                                      Ref: E/300-F/1-H/7361-J/174-X/2-Y-U-Visalia Cem.~ -Z4(70-5)

MINORITY HOUSEHOLDS OR THOSE WITHOUT SURNAMES in order of appearance in this township.

Hy Fong,                              CM 31, Hotel cook, CHINA                                             3-44-154
Gee,                                  CM 52, Hotel cook, CHINA
Ping,                                 CM 29, laborer, CHINA                                                3-46-185
                                      with William A. Russel
Chen,                                 CM 37, Hotel cook, CHINA                                             3-46-193
Chew,                                 CM 37, Hotel cook, CHINA
                                      servants/ Jacob Bender.
Lung Wah,                             CM 27, laborer CHINA                                                 3-46-195
                                      Inmate Tulare County Jail.
Waa, Lun,                             CM 27, laborer, CHINA                                                3-47-205
                                      Lun, CF 28, wf, keeping house, CHINA
                                      Lee Jack, CM 20, laborer, CHINA                                      3-47-216
                                      servant/Fielding Bacon.
Waa, Lan,                             CM 39, garden making, CHINA                                          3-47-219
Kong                                  CM 28, laborer CHINA
Vong                                  CM 20, laborer CHINA
Tong                                  CM 41, laborer CHINA
Leong                                 CM 39, laborer CHINA
                                      Pong, CM 30, laborer CHINA
Kong Ah,                              CM 25, Hotel cook CHINA                                              3-48-234
Kong Ah,                              CM 26, Hotel cook CHINA
Sin Ah,                               CM 25, Hotel cook CHINA
Chong Lee,                            CM 40 Laundry worker, CHINA. married                                 3-49-252
Hung Lah,                             CM 18, Laundry worker, CHINA
Tong Ah,                              CM 42, Laundry worker, CHINA
Yong An,                              CF 33, Laundry worker, CHINA married
King Ah,                              CM 4, CA-CHINA-CHINA
Wa Lun,                               CM 33, Laundry worker, CHINA                                         3-49-253
Sing Sam,                             CM 16, Laundry worker, CHINA
Chong Scrig                           CM 42,Laundry worker, CHINA
See Ge,                               CM 57, Laundry worker, CHINA
Chong Sing                            CM 40, Laundry worker, CHINA
Wo Ah,                                CM 35, Laundry worker, CHINA
To Tung,                              CM 42, Gardener, CHINA                                               3-50-270
Corbit Hip                            Wo, CM 42, works in Garden, CHINA
Sung Chong                            CM 36,Gardener, CHINA                                                3-50-271
Toy Ah,                               CM 30, works in Garden, CHINA                                        3-50-272
Wing Ah,                              CM 24, Gardener CHINA                                                3-50-273
Yung Quen,                            CM 44, works in Garden, CHINA
Hem Ah,                               CM 36, works in Garden, CHINA
Ky Ah,                                CM 24, works in Garden,  CHINA
Leong Chong                           CM 49, Laundryman, CHINA married
Leong Chong                           CF 28, in laundry, CHINA married
Quen Ah,                              cm 4, son, CA-CHINA-CHINA
Gang Ah,                              CM 2, son, CA-CHINA-CHINA
Leong Chong                           CM 2/12, son, b. Apr.  CA-CHINA-CHINA
Wong Cheong                           CM 28, serv., laborer. CHINA
Tag Ah,                               CF 39, CHINA
Joe                                   CM 40, Hotel cook, CHINA                                             3-50-274
Ming Sin,                             CM 30, Hotel cook, CHINA
Kee Leong,                            CM 34, Laundryman, CHINA                                             3-50-275
Hong Fong,                            CM 32, works in laundry. CHINA
Hong Ah,                              CM 13, works in laundry CHINA                                        (3-50-275)
Kow Ah,                               CM 24, works in laundry CHINA
Fow Chow,                             CM 242 works in laundry CHINA
Kow Ah,                               CM 24, works in laundry CHINA
Sing Cheong,                          CM 40, Laundryman CHINA                                              3-50-276
Quong,                                CM 282 works in laundry CHINA
Fong,                                 CM 20, works in laundry CHINA
Sin,                                  CM 45, works in laundry CHINA
Wong Ah,                              CM-16, laborer CHINA
Gee Ah,                               CM 14, laborer CHINA.
Hee Song,                             CF 24, ------- CHINA                                                 3-50-277
To Ah,                                CM 372 laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-278
Kong Hun,                             CF 28, wf,--- CHINA
Fong Leon,                            CF 26, ------ CHINA                                                  3-50-279
Chy Kong,                             CM 30, laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-280
Yow Se,                               CF 26, wf,--- CHINA
Top Lu,                               CM 34, laboret CHINA                                                 3-50-281
See Ah,                               CF 30, wf,--- CHINA
Toy Ah,                               CF 46, --- CHINA                                                     3-50-282
Lun Ah,                               CF 40, --- CHINA
Fong Ah,                              CM 40, laborer CHINA
King Ah,                              CM 36, laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-283
Bo Lum,                               CM 30, laborer CHINA
Yun Ah.                               CM 50, laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-284
Yum. Ah,                              CM 52, laborer CHINA
Kee Ah,                               CM 44, laborer CHINA
Toy Ya,                               CF 36, --- CHINA
Sow Le,                               CM 30, Chinese merchant CHINA                                        3-50-285
Sun Ah,                               CM 30, clerk in Chinese store, CHINA
Ling Ah,                              CF 36, wf,--- CHINA                                                  3-50-286
Ch-ch Ah,                             CM 32, husband, restaurant cook, CHINA
Sin Ah.                               CM 30, laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-287
Kum Ah,                               CF 30, wf,--- CHINA
Sing Fo,                              CM 28, laborer CHINA                                                 3-50-288
Sum Ah,                               CM 28, laborer CHINA
Wang Chum,                            CM 40, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-289
Cheong Ah,                            CM 30, laborer CHINA
Ke Kong,                              CM 40, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-290
Ken Ah,                               CM 30, laborer CHINA
Yow Ah,                               CM 36, laborer CHINA
Dow Ah,                               CM 30, laborer CHINA
Vun Ah,                               CM 21, laborer CHINA
Wing Ah,                              CM 33, laborer CHINA
Chow Ah,                              CM 32, laborer CHINA
Ken Ah,                               CM 34, laborer CHINA
Sing Cheong,                          CM 26, Chinese merchant, CHINA                                       3-51-291
Hep Ah,                               CM 20, works in Chinese store, CHINA
Yu Ah,                                CM 372 laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-292
Lup Ah,                               CM 56, laborer CHINA
Hin Ah,                               CM 36, laborer CHINA
Sing King,                            CM 40, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-293
Ty Ah,                                CM 35, laborer CHINA
Ty Sing,                              CM 47, laborer CHINA
Hing He,                              CM 30, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-294
King Ky,                              CF 28, wf, keeping house, CHINA
Lung Lup,                             CF 26, wf, keeping house, CHINA                                      3-51-295
Kun Ah,                               CM 39, husb., laborer CHINA
To Ah,                                CM 37, laborer CHINA
Cheong Ah,                            CM 40, Gardener CHINA                                                3-51-296
Hin Ah,                               CM 30, works in garden CHINA
Sing Ko,                              CM 50, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-297
Wing Ah,                              CM 37, laborer CHINA                                                 3-51-298
Mory An                               CF 30, keeping house CHINA
Munch Yon,                            CM 40, Gardener CHINA                                                3-51-299
Kow Ah,                               CM 13, works in garden. CHINA
Ching La,                             CM 23, Cook, private home CHINA                                      3-51-300
To King,                              CM 25, Cook, private home CHINA                                      3-51-301
Tim Tow,                              CM 27, Cook, private home CHINA                                      3-51-302
Ho An,                                CM 33, Cook, private home CHINA
Yun Ah,                               CM 16, Cook, private home  CHINA
Yot Yang,                             CM 30, laborer CHINA
Fing Chang,                           CM 28, laborer CHINA
Choo Ah,                              CM 29, laborer CHINA
Kun Ah,                               CM 30, Cook, private home CHINA
See Ah,                               CM 33, laborer CHINA
Lung Ah,                              CM 27, laborer CHINA
Hung Quang,                           CM 25, Cook, private home CHINA
Kum Ah,                               CM 32, laborer CHINA
Pon Ah,                               Of 30, laborer CHINA
Yut Lung,                             CM 39, laborer CHINA
Ming Chang,                           CM 17, Cook, private home CHINA
Wy Fong,                              CM 19, Cook, private home CHINA
Hong Chong,                           CM 30, works in garden CHINA
Sun Chou,                             CM 22, laborer CHINA
Chu Chong,                            CM 40, labcrer CHINA
Muckchow,                             IM (50), laborer, CALIFORNIA                                         3-52-307
Hing Yung,                            CM 35, laborer CHINA                                                 3-52-308
Indian Mary                           IF 25, single, CALIFORNIA                                            3-52-309
Indian Walter                         IM 5, son, CALIFORNIA
Innocent,                             IM 50 laborer CALIFORNIA.                                            3-52-315