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Memory Garden Memorial Park, Brea, Orange County, CA
Good Shepherd section rows 1-66
Submitted by Vance Green 29 Aug 2004

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Lawn/Row        Last name            First/Middle              Birth           Death        Historical Notes

Gd.Shep./44     ??                   Michael                   -               -
Gd.Shep./10     Abrahamson           Harvey U.                 1924            1993          US Navy  World War II
Gd.Shep./42     Abshier              Alva Esco                 4-Jan-1899      14-Jul-1974  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./42     Abshier              Millie May                10-Sep-1904     10-Jun-1988  Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./48     Acker                Alvin O.                  1920            1991
Gd.Shep./48     Acker                Elva M.                   1918            1984
Gd.Shep./56     ACKLEY               AMY JANE                  1917            1958
Gd.Shep./56     ACKLEY               FRANCIS PAUL              1915            1978
Gd.Shep./6      Adams                Ana B.                    1900            1988         dear mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./62     Adams                Charles                   1897            1963
Gd.Shep./64     Adams                Charles B.                1952            1979         US Army
Gd.Shep./62     Adams                Doris R.                  November 3,1896 17-Oct-1979
Gd.Shep./50-52  Adams                E. Rosa                   1926            1987
Gd.Shep./56     ADAMS                ELGIN J.                  1881            1961         Loving Husband
Gd.Shep./50-52  Adams                Henry P                   1922            1988
Gd.Shep./28     Adams                James (Scotty)            1909            1978
Gd.Shep./21     ADAMS                JUNE M.                   1926            1998         Precious Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./42     Adkison              John W.                   1924            1998
Gd.Shep./36     Aguilar              Manuel M.                 19-Jun-1930     4-May-1989   US Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./47     Aguirre              Julia                     1906            1989
Gd.Shep./47     Aguirre              Lupe                      1903            1983
Gd.Shep./14     AKGULIAN             GEORGE                    1897            1998         Husband
Gd.Shep./44     Alarie               Catherine W.              1923            1984
Gd.Shep./37     Alfaro               Jose A.                   25-Nov-1919     30-Sep-1968  Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./32     Allen                Jerold Richard  "Jerry"   4-Mar-1940      4-Jun-1995   Husband - Father - Son - Friend
Gd.Shep./42     Allgood              Carsie W.                 1913            1999
Gd.Shep./42     Allgood              Julia S.                  1915            2000
Gd.Shep./20     ALLYN                EDWIN L.                  1897            1978         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./20     ALLYN                KATHRYN A.                1897            1978         Beloved Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./20     ALLYN                KENNETH W.                1920            1960         Beloved Son - Brother
Gd.Shep./19     ALVARADO             GUADALUPE D.              1910            2000         Esposa Mama Y Abuelita
Gd.Shep./22     ALVAREZ              TRINO G.                  15-May-1930     10-May-1995
Gd.Shep./46     Alvis                Lula M.                   1913            2000
Gd.Shep./36     Amans                Charlene M.               1929            1987
Gd.Shep./36     Amans                William F.                1928            1999
Gd.Shep./37     Ambler               Elsabeth Lesh             1906            1978
Gd.Shep./37     Ambler               Samuel Charles            1903            1970
Gd.Shep./7      Anders               David Thomas              17-May-1963     3-Aug-1986   "Dave"  Beloved son brother and friend
Gd.Shep./7      Anders               Thomas Clinton            3-Jul-1921      22-Mar-1989  Our beloved Tom Loving and devoted husband dad grandad and teacher
Gd.Shep./13     ANDERSEN             MARGARET R.               1923            1997
Gd.Shep./46     Andersen             Phyllis                   22-Jul-1928     2-Mar-1985   Wife  Mother  Friend
Gd.Shep./46     Andersen             William F.                1925            2001         Grandpa, Father & Friend
Gd.Shep./50-52  Andersen             Wolmer                    1906            1987
Gd.Shep./60     Anderson             Anna B.                   1892            1978
Gd.Shep./25     Anderson             Arthur A.                 1896            1983         U.S. Navy, World War I
Gd.Shep/59      Anderson             Arthur R.                 1892            1975
Gd.Shep./50-52  Anderson             Fred                      Sept 23, 1889   15-Nov-67    M Engr (SG) US Army World War 1
Gd.Shep./60     Anderson             James T.                  1886            1968
Gd.Shep./46     Anderson             Virginia L.               1920            1974
Gd.Shep./46     Anderson             Willard G.                1918            1967
Gd.Shep./50-52  Anderson             Robert D                  25-May-1945     25-Sep-1961
Gd.Shep./24     Andre                Bob                       1926            2002
Gd.Shep./24     Andre                Jackie                    1930            1993
Gd.Shep./3      Andrews              Jerry                     20-Oct-1933     1-Apr-1985   "Beep-Beep"
Gd.Shep./42     Andrews              Stewart L.                1900            1974         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./30     Angell               Frank E.                  1901            1988
Gd.Shep./30     Angell               Grace L.                  1903            1995
Gd.Shep./29     Archer               Timothy Patric            30-Nov-1948     24-Feb-1999  Beloved husband, father, son and brother-in-law
Gd.Shep./63     Armendariz           Bernardino                4-Sep-1950      24-May-2001
Gd.Shep./19     ARMS                 DELOS PAUL                1914            1993
Gd.Shep./46     Armstrong            John                      1914            2001
Gd.Shep./46     Armstrong            Sarah                     1918            1994
Gd.Shep./19     ARN                  JAMES J.                  5-Nov-1929      5-Apr-1991   SGT. US ARMY  Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./36     Arnold                Justin Michael           3-May-1988      3-May-1988
Gd.Shep./39     Arnold               Achilles                  1907            1987
Gd.Shep./39     Arnold               Elisabeth                 1908            2000
Gd.Shep./36     Arnold               Marcie Ann                23-Jul-1953     8-Jul-1988
Gd.Shep./27     Arthur               Lawrence Eugene           1921            2002         U.S. Army, World Ward II
Gd.Shep./32     Assenberg            Leroy R.                  1925            1986         Husband - Daddy
Gd.Shep./43     Asta                 A. Guy                    1909            1983         Beloved Husband, Dad, Grandpa   (Elks Lodge Emblem)
Gd.Shep./43     Asta                 Jessie                    1909            1993         Beloved Wife, Mom, Grandma
Gd.Shep./5      Atkins               Howard Wesley             1936            1985         US Marine Corp beloved husband father and best friend
Gd.Shep./34     Atkinson             Beatrice L.               1917            1996
Gd.Shep./34     Atkinson             Harriet M.                Jul 8 1886      10-Jun-1974
Gd.Shep./34     Atkinson             Russell Lee               17-Jul-1915     30-Oct-1989  MM3, US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./41     Atkinson             Sally Genevieve           27-Aug-1912     8-Feb-1972   Wife - Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./41     Atkinson             Sterling Price            5-Jul-1909      27-Oct-1993  Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./21     AULD                 ERVIN DON                 1916            1997         US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./12     Baas                 Timothy                   1985            1991         Our little man
Gd.Shep./16     BABCOCK              JAMES E.                  1923            1999
Gd.Shep./27     Badgwell             Cam Jackson               6 Apr. 1929     23 July 1995 U.S. Air Force, Korea
Gd.Shep./27     Badgwell             Elva G.                   4 May 1920      18 Dec. 1990
Gd.Shep./39     Badran               Mohammad A.               5-Jan-1913      18-Oct-1984  Beloved Father,  Born in Jerusalem, The Holy Land
Gd.Shep./10     Baigent              Shirley A.                1935            1990		  Wife	
Gd.Shep./36     Bain                 Michael R.                1952            1968
Gd.Shep./5      Baker                Anthony Michael           1917            1980
Gd.Shep./32     Baker                Bradlee C.                21-Nov-1971     17-Oct-2000  Loving son of Charles and Phyllis Baker; Roberta's Bubba
Gd.Shep./40     Baker                Carolyn M.                12-Dec-1930     6-Jan-1997   Mother
Gd.Shep./5      Baker                Catherine                 1917            1988
Gd.Shep./21     BAKER                GEORGE HOWARD             1911            1991
Gd.Shep./22     BAKER                JOHN W.                   1912            1981
Gd.Shep./55     BAKER                JOSEPH  H.                1876            1961
Gd.Shep./21     BAKER                OPAL MARIE                1912            1991
Gd.Shep./45     Baker                Richard R                 1-Dec-1896      4-Dec-1967   Illinois, Cook US Army, WW 1
Gd.Shep./40     Balcu                Marilena                  00 00 1947      00 00 1998
Gd.Shep./36     Baldwin              Frank D.                  22-Aug-1956     1-May-1977   Sp 4 US Army
Gd.Shep./36     Baldwin              John W.                   7-Nov-1915      11-Apr-1978
Gd.Shep./29     Ball                 Homer J                   16-Sep-1921     18-Sep-1976  SSGT   US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./26     Ballard              Buford B.                 May 1918        Nov. 1989
Gd.Shep./35     Ballard              Clyde                     1911            1973
Gd.Shep./35     Ballard              Hazel                     1912            2000
Gd.Shep./25     Ballard              Joyce V.                  1920            1998
Gd.Shep./28     Ballard              Rodney Kent               1952            2003         La Habra Police Officer, Badge No. 150
Gd.Shep./26     Ballard              Theo                      Jan. 1919       April 1984
Gd.Shep./41     Ballman              Charles W.                1929            1973         Father of Kenneth, Craig, Brian & Christine
Gd.Shep/57      Balthrop             Calvin J.                 1915            1994         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      Balthrop             Pauline "Polly"           1911            1962         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./14     BANKS                DARRELL W.                1958            1992
Gd.Shep./21     BANKS                NADYNE                    1915            1993
Gd.Shep./21     BANKS                THURMAN C.                1911            1996
Gd.Shep./39     Barbatschi           Ernst                     1909            1987
Gd.Shep./39     Barbatschi           Luise                     1910            1997
Gd.Shep./39     Barber                Lucille N.               22-Feb-1905     4-Aug-1976
Gd.Shep./39     Barber               Walter N.                 15-Jul-1902     4-Feb-1989
Gd.Shep./38     Bardin               Betty Lou                 1928            1994
Gd.Shep./48     Barels               Lillian R.                16-Jan-1916     1-Jul-2002
Gd.Shep./20     BARKER               DEANNA LEE                19-Jan-1968     2-Jul-1988
Gd.Shep./45     Barker               Doris M                   24-Jun-1906     4-Apr-1999
Gd.Shep./21     BARKER               KIMBERLEY ANN             16-Jan-1961     5-Dec-1997   Wife Mother & Devoted Friend
Gd.Shep./27     Barksdale            Lloyd                     1941            1994
Gd.Shep./54     BARMANN              WALLACE G.                13-Jan-1912     28-May-1962  Missouri, COX USNR, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./41     Barner               Magnus E.                 1902            1967         Beloved Husband Dad Grandpa
Gd.Shep./33     Barnes               Dorothy M.                1899            1996
Gd.Shep./24     Barnes               Helen Chapman             1896            1978
Gd.Shep./24     Barnes               Phillips Dewey            1918            1975         Sgt. U.S. Army
Gd.Shep./50-52  Barnett              Jesse B                   1911            1983
Gd.Shep./16     BARREDA              OFELIA                    1931            1994
Gd.Shep./56     BARRICK              DAN L.                    1890            1957
Gd.Shep/57      Barrick              Ed F.                     1911            1964
Gd.Shep./45     Barry                Diana Rae                 8-Apr-1946      28-Aug-1981
Gd.Shep./45     Barry                Ray L.                    2-Nov-1922      15-Jul-1990  US Air Force Emblem
Gd.Shep./61     Bartholomew          Henrietta F.              1881            1971
Gd.Shep./34     Bartlett             Billy Jim, Sr.            1926            1985
Gd.Shep./47     Bartlett             Earl Oliver               15-Jun-1905     9-Mar-1971   Beloved Husband - Father - Brother, Pappy & Uncle, Grandpa Too.
Gd.Shep./47     Bartlett             Irene M.                  18-Jul-1907     12-Nov-1990  Beloved Mother & Grandmother
Gd.Shep./44     Bash                 Lenora E.                 1894            1968
Gd.Shep./39     Basher               Walter R.                 6-Jul-1926      1-Jan-1968   Beloved Husband and Dad
Gd.Shep./53     BATES                HARRIET HARNED            1878            1961
Gd.Shep/57      Bateson              C. Dean                   1929            1986
Gd.Shep./43     Batt                 Charles H.                1931            1969
Gd.Shep./43     Batt                 David C.                  1953            1969
Gd.Shep./32     Baughman             Lena C.                   10-Mar-1927     30-Nov-1989  Loving Grandparents       Wife, Mother
Gd.Shep./11     Bausch               Kenneth                   1961            1995         Loving Husband Father and son;  Married: Mar 20 1984  to  Rhonda (Bausch)
Gd.Shep./48     Bauwin               Maud Ellen                1930            1990         Loving & caring mother, grandmother & friend
Gd.Shep./45     Baxter               Iris Marie                1920            1979
Gd.Shep./45     Baxter               james Alexander           1913            1966
Gd.Shep./50-52  Baycroft             Pearl W                   1902            1983
Gd.Shep./50-52  Baycroft             Perry M                   1889            1966
Gd.Shep/59      Bayens               Stanley                   1917            2000
Gd.Shep/59      Bayens               Winnebeth J.              1920            1997
Gd.Shep./29     Beagle               Walter R.                 1897            1967
Gd.Shep./24     Beam                 Hugh Lawson, Jr.          1921            1982         Cpl. U. S. Marine Corps, World War II
Gd.Shep./39     Beanblossom          Hazel F.                  13-Jul-1902     10-Oct-1964
Gd.Shep./39     Beanblossom          Willard S.                11-Jun-1899     28-Jan-1959
Gd.Shep./50-52  Beardsley            Dean W.                   1940            1981
Gd.Shep/57      Beardsley            Ruby L.                   1904            1978         Beloved wife - mother
Gd.Shep/57      Beardsley            William E.                1905            1981
Gd.Shep./41     Beasley              James Homer               16-Jun-1881     2-Jan-1968
Gd.Shep./41     Beasley              Leona Frances             15-Aug-1978     21-Nov-1967  Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep/57      Beason               Ada Metz                  1889            1973
Gd.Shep./36     Beatteay             Ross                      1929            1991
Gd.Shep./20     BEATTIE              JAMES R.                  13-May-1929     14-Sep-1997  CPL US ARMY KOREA
Gd.Shep./35     Beaudrie             Annabell                  1915            1981
Gd.Shep./19     BECK                 BILLY L.                  12-Sep-1935     29-Mar-1997  Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./49     Beck                 Edward A.                 1904            1990
Gd.Shep./49     Beck                 Mable                     1916            2002
Gd.Shep./33     Beck                 Trevor W.                 1916            1984
Gd.Shep./53     BECKER               WILLIS F.                 1915            1960         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./19     BECKETT              JOHN MICHAEL              1937            1999
Gd.Shep./39     Beebout              Donita B.                 1929            1970         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Beem                 Edna M                    1895            1982
Gd.Shep./44     Beisswanger          Robert H.                 4-Apr-1930      4-Nov-1992
Gd.Shep./44     Beisswanger          Shirley A.                8-Nov-1928      22-Jun-1983
Gd.Shep./10     Belland              Doris May                 9-May-1929      9-Nov-1987
Gd.Shep./10     Belland - Murotake   Dottimay                  26-May-1954     10-Aug-1989
Gd.Shep./50-52  Bellerose            William G. , Jr. III      1935            1999
Gd.Shep./18     BELLOMY              ALVA O.                   1882            1959
Gd.Shep./18     BELLOMY              GERTRUDE O.               1896            1977
Gd.Shep./62     Bender               Margaret E.               1910            1981
Gd.Shep./62     Bender               Roy M.                    1896            1965
Gd.Shep./61     Bendt                David J.                  1955            1994
Gd.Shep./63     Bendt                Frances E.                1917            2002
Gd.Shep./60     Bendt                Robert J.                 1927            1990
Gd.Shep./14     BENNER               ART L.                    1921            1996         Dad Grandpa
Gd.Shep./14     BENNER               JUDY L.                   1925            1992         Mom Grandma
Gd.Shep./20     BENNETT              MADELENE                  1891            1968
Gd.Shep./49     Bennett              Morton L.                 25-Dec-1914     13-Jun-1962  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./14     BENOIT               JERALD R.                 10-Feb-1946     16-Feb-1992  Loving Father Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./47     Benson               Charles E.                10-Nov-1913     19-Nov-1962
Gd.Shep./62     Benson               Donald Ross               Oct 12,1951    18-Jul-1973  California, CPL US Marine Corps, Vietnam
Gd.Shep./35     Benson               Fontella                  1930            2001
Gd.Shep./35     Benson               Ross                      1920            2001
Gd.Shep./33     Bentley              Patrick Rex               14-Aug-1972                  Our Baby
Gd.Shep./5      Berger               Alfred                    1917            1986
Gd.Shep./38     Bergstrom            Vera A.                   1894            1974
Gd.Shep./38     Bergstrom            William K.                1901            1973
Gd.Shep./54     BERRY                FRANK M.                  1888            1961         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./16     BERTOT               DORIS E.                  2-Jul-1938      28-Nov-1998
Gd.Shep./15     BILLS                HENRY J.                  1882            1971
Gd.Shep./15     BILLS                MARGARET                  1889            1964
Gd.Shep./46     Bingham              Thornton P.               1906            1963
Gd.Shep./18     BIRD                 CHARLES STANLEY           1893            1959
Gd.Shep./18     BIRD                 KATE S.                   1895            1965         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./28     Birdwell             Joseph C.                 1914            1992
Gd.Shep./40     Biron                Gary Clifford             1940            1982         US Army
Gd.Shep./42     Bivens               M. Winifred               1915            1965
Gd.Shep./43     Black                Ella Ridenour             1879            1961
Gd.Shep./47     Black                Jack T.                   21-Jul-1928     15-Apr-1988  Loving Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./46     Black                Norman J.                 11-Oct-1917     20-Jan-1966  Nebraska, TEC4 126 General Hosp,  World War II
Gd.Shep./56     BLACKWELL            A. LEE                    1888            1960         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      Blackwell            Buford B.                 1931            1978         Beloved Father and Son
Gd.Shep/57      Blackwell            Margaret D.               1894            1986         Beloved Grandmother
Gd.Shep./24     Blake                Mary A.                   1916            1990
Gd.Shep./48     Blakemore            Ada B.                    1881            1967         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./22     BLANCO               CARLOS J.                 11-Dec-1928     21-Oct-1996  US ARMY KOREA
Gd.Shep./21     BLANCO               MARIA DOLORES             1902            1998         Loving Mother
Gd.Shep./39     Bland                Carroll                   1915            2000         Father
Gd.Shep./39     Bland                Doris                     1922            2000         Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Blankenship          James A.                  8-Jan-1924      4-Feb-1979   Tec 5, US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./27     Bledde               Catherine M.              1908            1987
Gd.Shep./7      Blick                Donald H.                 1921            1998
Gd.Shep./7      Blick                Jacquelyne M.             1927            1983
Gd.Shep./35     Blunk                David E.                  1939            2000
Gd.Shep./35     Blunk                Harold                    1916            1969
Gd.Shep./35     Blunk                Ruby Al-Ma                1914            1976
Gd.Shep./18     BOCANEGRA            JOE A.                    1957            1988         Beloved Son Brother
Gd.Shep./14     BOEN                 EUGEAN C.                 1916            2001         Husband
Gd.Shep./40     Boenker              Richard H.                1916            1984
Gd.Shep./40     Boenker              Richard W.                1939            1971
Gd.Shep./40     Boenker              Ruth I.                   1917            1987
Gd.Shep./43     Boggs                "Mickey" Minnie M.        1895            1972
Gd.Shep./1      Boggs                Don                       1912            1975
Gd.Shep./1      Boggs                Jean                      1918            1996
Gd.Shep./43     Boggs                Joseph C.                 1892            1969
Gd.Shep./37     Bogue                Bill                      1949            1972         Loving Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./13     BOHLING              FRED W.                   1909            1994         "POP"
Gd.Shep./13     BOHLING              JIM C.                    1957            1999         Loving Husband Father Brother Son & Friend
Gd.Shep./46     Bolavage             Cassie                    1904            1982
Gd.Shep./46     Bolavage             Frank                     1901            1990         Beloved Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./38     Bombino              Sam Joseph                1-Apr-1919      28-Sep-1972  California, PFC US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./8      Bonet                Richard A.                1937            1993         US Army
Gd.Shep./45     Bonfield             Richard C.                1936            1998
Gd.Shep./47     Bonn                 Gloria P.                 1924            1991
Gd.Shep./47     Bonn                 Henry A.                  1916            1993
Gd.Shep./62     Booher               Betty "Sugie"             1923            1988
Gd.Shep./50-52  Bookhout             Andy                      1914            1979
Gd.Shep./50-52  Bookhout             Pauline                   1924            2000
Gd.Shep./60     Boone                Sarah Ann                 Feb. 11, 1904   Feb. 23, 1960
Gd.Shep./54     BOOTH                ALBERT EDWARD             29-Dec-1898     6-Nov-1960   Massachusetts, ,CHMACH US NAVY, WORLD WAR I AND II
Gd.Shep./54     BOOTH                DOROTHY G.                1914            1987
Gd.Shep./18     BOQUIST              PATRICIA COLVIN           1924            2000
Gd.Shep./5      Borg                 Margaret Joy              20-Jul-1922     4-Jul-1989
Gd.Shep./5      Borg                 Roy E.                    24-Aug-1919     11-Feb-1997  T SGT US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./25     Bostrom              Nona E.                   1906            1990
Gd.Shep./25     Bostrom              Walter W.                 1904            1995
Gd.Shep./64     Bothum               Louis J.                  1881            1959
Gd.Shep./38     Bothum               Margaret C.               1915            1995         Beloved mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./38     Bothum               Theodore                  26-Jun-1906     29-Jan-1960  Minnesota, PFC 1521 Base Unit AAF World War II
Gd.Shep./47     Bottolfson           Bonita M.                 8-Apr-1923      12-Oct-2003
Gd.Shep./47     Bottolfson           William D.                15-Aug-1923     24-Nov-2003
Gd.Shep./37     Bourland             Kenneth H.                13-Sep-1934     11-Feb-72    California, AT 2   US NAVY, KOREA
Gd.Shep./43     Bowlin               Roy I.                    1926            1996
Gd.Shep./33     Bowling              Jerry Lee                 1939            1993
Gd.Shep./28     Bowman               Carol Doles               1926            1986
Gd.Shep./48     Bowman               Helen L.                  1935            1961
Gd.Shep./38     Bowyer               Eskel Marvin              1881            1967         Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./38     Bowyer               Noka L.                   1905            1992         Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./53     BOYETT               JAMES WILLIAM             4-Apr-1915      18-Dec-1972  California, S SGT US ARMY, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./53     BOYETT               THELMA                    Dec 1917        Apr 1962     Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./32     Bozek                Joseph                    1915            1981
Gd.Shep./4      Braden               Bob "Coach"               1925            2003         husband
Gd.Shep./62     Bradford             Norman C.                 17-Aug-1922     19-Dec-1995
Gd.Shep./62     Bradford             Norman C. Jr.             1944            1985
Gd.Shep./36     Bradley              Robert E.                 1911            2000
Gd.Shep./36     Bradley              Sylvia                    1923            1989
Gd.Shep./39     Brady                Leonard J.                1902            1973
Gd.Shep./65     Braithwaite          John Charles              1-May-1948      6-Jun-1993
Gd.Shep./40     Braitsch             Cora Dix                  1875            1957
Gd.Shep./32     Brandt               William C., Sr.           1910            1972         Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./31     Branscum             Charles H                 21-Feb-1930     28-Dec-1972  Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./22     BRATTON              PHILIP A.                 1881            1961
Gd.Shep./22     BRATTON              PHILIP JOHN               31-Dec-1922     1-Apr-1967   S SGT. CO1 169 INFANTRY WORLD WAR II  BSM
Gd.Shep./18     BRAUN                CHRISTY LYNN              1950            1994         Beloved Wife & Mother
Gd.Shep./39     Brezniak             Margaret Ann              1942            1998         Beloved Mother and Daughter
Gd.Shep./20     BRIDGE               JOHN L.                   1928            1999         Husband
Gd.Shep./34     Britton              Arley E.                  1888            1967
Gd.Shep./34     Britton              Creede E.                 1928            1999
Gd.Shep./34     Britton              Mary P.                   1926            1997
Gd.Shep./53     BROCK                DOROTHY  POGUE            1921            2004         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./53     BROCK                LESTER                    1918            1968         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./41     Brojatsch            Karl                      1899            1986         Vater & Grossvater
Gd.Shep./46     Brooks               C.W. "Jeff"               1910            1966
Gd.Shep./10     Brooks               Emily Mae                 1923            2000         "Mimi"
Gd.Shep./25     Brooks               Ernest E.                 1896            1965
Gd.Shep./25     Brooks               Louise T.                 1904            1990
Gd.Shep./22     BROOKS               MARY LOU                  6-Feb-1930      8-Mar-1993
Gd.Shep./46     Brooks               Regina R                  1917            1993
Gd.Shep./45     Broten               Ella K.                   1885            1965
Gd.Shep./62     Broton               Albert                    1890            1960
Gd.Shep./62     Broton               Chester                   1902            1988
Gd.Shep./33     Brown                Betty J.                  1926            1994
Gd.Shep./28     Brown                Dennis H.                 1949            1986
Gd.Shep./26     Brown                Donald C.                 1926            1982         Vera B. Swayze's son
Gd.Shep./49     Brown                Jessie E.                 1912            1997         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./44     Brown                Laura Pauline             15-Mar-1921     24-Feb-2000
Gd.Shep./49     Brown                Norman S.                 1907            1970         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./44     Brown                Ralph D.                  29-Aug-1924     12-Mar-1988
Gd.Shep./14     BROWN                ROBERT BROOKS             1935            1991
Gd.Shep./31     Brown                Thomas J.                 1935            1985         Loving Son & Brother
Gd.Shep./27     Brown                Vernon R.                 1929            1985         U.S. Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./18     BROWN                WILLIAM C.                15-May-1920     27-Jan-1971  Arkansas TEC5  37 AIRWAYS DET AAF WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./25     Brown                William D.                1960            1976
Gd.Shep./18     BROWN                WILLIAM J.                1951            1973         Beloved Husband Daddy
Gd.Shep./14     BROWNING             ELAINE J.                 4-Feb-1919      12-Oct-1991  Beloved Mom and Grandma
Gd.Shep/57      Browning             Ester S.                  1882            1968         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./44     Browning             Fay L.                    1890            1973
Gd.Shep/57      Browning             Gertie M.                 1888            1971         Beloved Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Browning             William E.                1882            1966
Gd.Shep./47     Bruce                Nancy Lee                 12-Nov-1929     9-Sep-1983   Beloved Wife, Mother and Friend
Gd.Shep./55     BRUCE                NELLIE C.                 1897            1973         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Bruckner             Dale F                    1924            2003
Gd.Shep./30     Bruckner             Rudolf                    1893            1986
Gd.Shep./43     Bruhn                Francine Delia                            1968         "Mom"
Gd.Shep./63     Bryan                Bettye Joe                1-Jan-1923      11-Dec-1987
Gd.Shep/57      Bryant               Howard E.                 28-Feb-1922     13-Nov-1999  PVT US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./44     Bryce                Carlos Howard             1910            1980
Gd.Shep./46     Buck                 George W.                 1915            1984
Gd.Shep./46     Buck                 Lucy O.                   1909            1989
Gd.Shep./45     Buckingham           Thomas M.                 5-Dec-1925      21-Jan-1997  US Navy WW II
Gd.Shep/59      Buechler             Harold G.                 1898            1972         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep/59      Buechler             Minnie A.                 1899            1978         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Bughanan             M Ross                    1883            1958
Gd.Shep./24     Buhs                 Robert I.                 1922            1972
Gd.Shep./18     BUIS                 ALDEN "TEX"               1917            1994         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./40     Buis                 Frank E.                  Jul 30 1891     2-Nov-1974   Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./40     Buis                 Lizzie E.                 Sep 3 1896      9-Mar-1972   Loving Wife
Gd.Shep./47     Burch                Jasper William            1897            1989         Father
Gd.Shep./48     Burch                Leota                     25-Jun-1891     30-Dec-1966  Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./23     BURCH                WILLIAM F.                1922            2001
Gd.Shep./48     Burch                William S.                10-Aug-1864     18-Aug-1960  Beloved father
Gd.Shep./38     Burdic               Charlene                  1929            2000         Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandma
Gd.Shep./36     Burg                 George P.                 1885            1966
Gd.Shep./36     Burg                 Jane P.                                   10-Jan-1979
Gd.Shep./30     Burgess              Walter M, Jr.             1922            1978         US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./46     Burgett              Keith Eric                6-Jul-1965      7-Jul-1965
Gd.Shep./17     BURGOS               BRYAN                     10-Jun-1982     7-Aug-1998
Gd.Shep./32     Burham               Don U.                    1914            1982         Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./14     BURKHARDT            AILFEN M                  1917            1989         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep/57      Burmaster            Floyd C.                  1-Feb-1906      6-Mar-2003
Gd.Shep/57      Burmaster            Rae M.                    10-Mar-1908     13-Sep-1999
Gd.Shep./55     BURNETTE             MARY K.                   8-Oct-1958      18-May-1962
Gd.Shep./29     Burns                Howard H.                 1894            1975         PFC  US ARMY,  World War I
Gd.Shep./20     BURNS                ILA M.                    1899            1986
Gd.Shep./29     Burns                Lillie H.                 9-Jun-1898      25-Jul-1978  Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./20     BURNS                WILLIAM S.                22-May-1893     24-Oct-1961  Ohio CHAUFFEUR   320 AERO WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./13     BURRALL              CATHERINE                 1920            1994         Beloved Mother and Nani
Gd.Shep./13     BURRALL              ROBERT                    1924            2001         Beloved Father and Papa
Gd.Shep./40     Burrell              Leah                      1898            1981
Gd.Shep./40     Burrell              Logan                     1886            1978
Gd.Shep./8      Burton               Harold M.                 14-Apr-1939     13-Dec-1996  our loving dad brother and Grandpa Hal
Gd.Shep./27     Bustillos            Jose, Jr.                 1912            1991
Gd.Shep./27     Bustillos            Lupe P.                   1908            1996
Gd.Shep./48     Butler               Bert B., Sr.              1892            1963         "Dad"
Gd.Shep./21     BUTTNER              FRANK                     1902            1971
Gd.Shep./24     Buxton               Celia J.                  16 Feb. 1914    19 Feb. 1973
Gd.Shep./26     Buzoff               Josie                     1928            2002         Md. 7 May 1950
Gd.Shep./46     Byrnes               Muriel R.                 1915            1965         Wife - Mother - Daughter
Gd.Shep./46     Byrnes               Russell C.                1914            1971         Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./53     CABEZAS              ESMERALDA                 1893            1960         Adorada Mamita
Gd.Shep./64     Cadwell              Shirley B.                22-Dec-1937     24-Aug-1973
Gd.Shep./7      Caffey               Terry E.                  1946            2001         beloved father brother and fiance
Gd.Shep./34     Cagle                Grady H.                  9-Apr-1900      9-Mar-1983
Gd.Shep./34     Cagle                Martha Ann                11-Jan-1908     16-May-1972
Gd.Shep./55     CAINES               DOROTHY ELIZABETH         28-Aug-1914     5-Dec-1982   B. Williams, AZ; D. Montclair, CA; Wife of Wade Lee Caines; Mother of Jan Marie & Phillip Lee
Gd.Shep./55     CAINES               WADE LEE                  7-Nov-1913      14-Jun-1962  B. Eastpoint, GA; D. La Puente,CA; Husb. of Dorothy Caines; Father of Jan and Phillip Lee
Gd.Shep./41     Cairns               John                                      1971
Gd.Shep./41     Cairns               Margaret                                  1995
Gd.Shep./50-52  Calderon             Maria Martha              1944            2004
Gd.Shep./33     Caldwell             Leon D.                   8-Apr-1931      7-Dec-1987   US Air Force, Korea
Gd.Shep./56     CALLAHAN             ALBERT L.                 1921            1958         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./20     CALLAWAY             JAMES H.                  1927            1994         Beloved husband father grandfather
Gd.Shep./37     Calvert              Chester V.                2-Oct-1901      26-Nov-1972  California, CPL US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./11     Cambruzi             Oliver L.                 1920            1995         Husband  Dad  Papa
Gd.Shep./12     Campagne             Antoine                   17-Mar-1892     7-Jun-1961   California PVT Co C 159 Infantry World War 1
Gd.Shep./12     Campagne             Mae                       1907            1985
Gd.Shep./22     CAMPBELL             ARTHUR W.                 1879            1960
Gd.Shep./44     Campbell             Frances B.                15-Aug-1890     7-Mar-1972
Gd.Shep./48     Campbell             Louis N.                  1906            1968
Gd.Shep./39     Campbell             Louise                    1921            1992
Gd.Shep./50-52  Campbell             Sheila Y                  3-Sep-1953      18-May-1993
Gd.Shep./44     Campbell             Stanley J.                1879            1970
Gd.Shep./49     Campbell             William A.                1900            1991
Gd.Shep./36     Campos               Efren, Jr                 9-Oct-1970      15-Mar-1997
Gd.Shep./64     Campos               Joe                       1922            1990
Gd.Shep./34     Canaday              James A.                  7-May-1928      20-Nov-1989  US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./44     Canchola             Clafira P.                1928            1996
Gd.Shep./55     CAPERTON             CHARLES F.                1886            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./55     CAPERTON             MATTIE E.                 1888            1982         Beloved Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./43     Caples               Keith E.                  1954            1965
Gd.Shep./17     CAPOTOSTO            JOSEPHINE                 22-Oct-1903     16-Dec-1988  Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./17     CAPOTOSTO            LOUIS L.                  4-Nov-1902      18-Sep-1979  Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./42     Carbone              Mary Jane                 1926            1993
Gd.Shep./42     Carbone              Peter Marion              1927            1970
Gd.Shep./63     Carlson              Dayna Nicole              6-Aug-1983      7-Jul-1984
Gd.Shep./36     Carlson              Ellis D.                  1900            1981
Gd.Shep./22     CARLSON              ELMER D.                  1926            2000
Gd.Shep./45     Carlson              Esther J.                 1900            1998
Gd.Shep./36     Carlson              Ida M.                    1906            1981
Gd.Shep/58      Carmine              Herman J.                 1887            1962
Gd.Shep/58      Carmine              Pearl E.                  1888            1967
Gd.Shep/58      Carpenter            Claude C.                 1896            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./19     CARPENTER            MINERVA                   1879            1961
Gd.Shep./19     CARPENTER            ROY                       1878            1959
Gd.Shep/58      Carpenter            Trina D.                  1900            1978         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep/57      Carr                 Dick B.                   1930            1992
Gd.Shep./43     Carr                 Laverna L.                1937            1989
Gd.Shep./14     CARR                 ROY J.                    1907            1961         Daddy
Gd.Shep./50-52  Carrillo             Mary J                    April 23 1941   March 6 2001
Gd.Shep./46     Carrington           Juanita                   1902            1987         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./46     Carrington           Robert                    1894            1969         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./11     Carson               Barbara                   1948            1989
Gd.Shep./46     Carson               John Alex                 1945            1991         US ARMY ,  VIETNAM
Gd.Shep./21     CARTER               CAROLINE                  1908            1997
Gd.Shep./21     CARTER               FRANK R.                  1916            1992
Gd.Shep./45     Case                 Frances Ernestine         1924            1966
Gd.Shep./46     Case                 Westley J.                1916            1981         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./45     Case                 Wilbur Ray                10-Jul-1894     18-Oct-1967  Illinois - PFC CO A MG BN WW I
Gd.Shep./37     Casey                John Thomas               1946            2002
Gd.Shep./18     CASSELL              RONALD J. SR.             1932            1999
Gd.Shep./40     Casteel              Bert                      1916            1983         Beloved Husband, Father, Grandpa
Gd.Shep./40     Casteel              Rita                      1919            2000         Beloved Wife - Mother - Grandma
Gd.Shep./21     CASTLE               MARY MARGARET             21-Jul-1945     7-Dec-1990
Gd.Shep./50-52  Castor               John C                    1904            1976
Gd.Shep./50-52  Castor               Mary L                    1907            1982
Gd.Shep./42     Castro               Gustavo R.                1931            1989
Gd.Shep./35     Cathcart             Dale H.                   1907            1967
Gd.Shep./35     Cathcart             Grace H.                  1904            1980
Gd.Shep./31     Cathey               Alison Morgan             24-Jul-1946     8-Jan-1983   Beloved wife and mother "The Total Class Lady"
Gd.Shep./11     Caudill              Hugh                      1921            1994
Gd.Shep./35     Caudill              Kelley                    1905            1970
Gd.Shep/57      Caughell             Melvin J.                 1879            1969
Gd.Shep./7      Causland             Michael A.                1943            1995
Gd.Shep./18     CAVANAUGH            ASHLEY ANNE               20-Aug-1988     23-Mar-1989  "Our Little Baby Girls"
Gd.Shep./18     CAVANAUGH            BRITTNEY LYNN             20-Aug-1988     23-Mar-1989  "Our Little Baby Girls"
Gd.Shep./21     CEBALLOS             ROSALIE                   1945            1968
Gd.Shep./37     Cecil                Sylvia J.                 6-Jun-1916      1-Jul-1999   Loving Wife, Mom & Grandma
Gd.Shep./37     Cecil                Vernie M.                 18-Dec-1910     2-Jan-1995   Loving Husband, Dad & Grandpa
Gd.Shep./40     Ceissler             Erhardt A.                1900            1980         Beloved Brother and Uncle
Gd.Shep./11     Cellini              Roger J.                  1942            1995         Beloved Husband Father Grandfather
Gd.Shep./48     Chamberlain          Guss W.                   28-Nov-1913     7-Oct-1996   Beloved Husband, Father and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./48     Chamberlain          Louise J.                 18-Sep-1916     31-Jan-1998  "Lu-Lu",  Beloved Wife, Mother & Grandma
Gd.Shep./50-52  Chamberlain          Warren G                  1914            1986
Gd.Shep./50-52  Chambers             Marie                     1919            2002
Gd.Shep/57      Chambers             Preston Leroy             1907            1961         Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Chambers             Vernie R                  1912            1997
Gd.Shep/57      Chambers             Wilma Hortense            1904            1995
Gd.Shep./15     CHAN                 PHILIP                    1955            1992         Father
Gd.Shep./40     Chance               Eva Kathleen              1911            1989         Sister
Gd.Shep./45     Chance               Frank W.                  1914            2001
Gd.Shep./31     Chandler             Charles W. "Chance"       1914            1970
Gd.Shep./41     Chandler             Eliza Mary                1880            1971
Gd.Shep./31     Chandler             Gertrude E.               1887            1996         Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./15     CHANG                NANCY P.Y.                9-Feb-1928      16-Jun-1995
Gd.Shep./17     CHAPMAN              CLARK EDWIN               1949            2003         Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./32     Chapman              E. Louise                 2-Sep-1895      10-Feb-1979
Gd.Shep./32     Chapman              Gilbert H.                22-Nov-1895     3-Apr-1968   New York, PFC    Base Hospital,   World War I
Gd.Shep./16     CHAU                 NAM                       19-Aug-1916     13-Oct-1994  Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./25     Chenault             Barbara A.                1940            1986
Gd.Shep./21     CHRISTENSEN          A. LA MAR                 31-Jul-1927     16-Oct-1981  "Chris"
Gd.Shep./33     Christensen          Billy J.                  13-Aug-1924     7-Jan-1988   US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./20     CHRISTENSEN          FAYE N.                   1931            1997         Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Christie             Doyle B.                  19-Apr-1904     15-Mar-2001  Beloved Husband, Stepfather & Grandpa
Gd.Shep./41     Christie             Opal I.                   1909            1966         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./37     Christophersen       Carrie M.                 1889            1977         Beloved Mother of Edna Tross and Edward Christy
Gd.Shep./26     Chugg                Mary Jane                 22 April 1925   19 Feb. 1994 Jerry"
Gd.Shep./37     Clapper              LeRoy M.                  25-Dec-1913     8-Jun-1969   Oklahoma, S Sgt 1 Depot Rep Sq, AAF, World War II
Gd.Shep./37     Clapper              Margaret I.               29-Dec-1922     29-Sep-1976
Gd.Shep./54     CLARIDA              ALICE N.                  1900            1979
Gd.Shep/59      Clarida              Audra M.                  1898            1976         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Clarida              Christian Lane            1971            1989         Beloved Son & Grandson
Gd.Shep./44     Clarida              Johnnie J.                1918            1983
Gd.Shep./30     Clarida              Lois T.                   1923            2001         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./54     CLARIDA              LOUIE L.                  1916            1978         US ARMY
Gd.Shep./28     Clarida              Madge                     1933            1987
Gd.Shep./54     CLARIDA              ROBERT A.                 1892            1965
Gd.Shep/59      Clarida              S.C.                      1896            1959         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./44     Clarida              Thelma L.                 1917            1980
Gd.Shep./30     Clarida              Willard J.                23-May-1920     29-Dec-1997  LT COL US ARMY AIR FORCES,  WORLD WAR II,  Distinguished Flying Cross
Gd.Shep./16     CLARK                ANNA PHELPS               8-Mar-1893      22-Mar-1983  "Nonnie"
Gd.Shep./62     Clark                Charles M.                1907            1985
Gd.Shep./43     Clark                Earl Albers               16-Jan-1918     5-Nov-1966   Minnesota - S1 USNR WW II
Gd.Shep./16     CLARK                JOSEPH G.                 3-Dec-1884      14-Nov-1959  "Baba"
Gd.Shep./62     Clark                Vivian B.                 1914            1992
Gd.Shep./38     Clary                Dee S.                    9-Mar-1924      19-Apr-2001  T SGT US Army, World War II, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart
Gd.Shep./35     Clary                Dewey S.                  1899            1984
Gd.Shep./35     Clary                Effie H.                  1903            1984
Gd.Shep./35     Clary                Joe H.                    1934            1984
Gd.Shep./22     CLAYPOOL             MARTHA POWER              1924            2001
Gd.Shep./22     CLAYPOOL             THOMAS A.                 1930            1996
Gd.Shep./62     Clement              Freda G.                  1894            1963
Gd.Shep./37     Clements             Jerry                     1904            1995
Gd.Shep./34     Clouse               Charles G.                1905            1981
Gd.Shep./43     Clovis               Jessie E.                 1884            1972
Gd.Shep./43     Clovis               Owen Lee                  1876            1966
Gd.Shep./40     Clyde                Dorothy L.                1908            1989
Gd.Shep./40     Clyde                Edward W.                 00 00 1899      00 00 1981
Gd.Shep./38     Coale                Clyde Beverly             23-Oct-1916     21-Nov-1961  California, TEC5 ORD Maint Co, World War II
Gd.Shep./38     Coale                Martha M.                 1919            1983         Beloved mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./43     Coates               Harold Morgan             24-Jul-1918     8-Aug-1965   Colorado, AM3 USNR, World War II
Gd.Shep./18     CODIAN               MARIE BRUMMETT            1921            1993
Gd.Shep./18     CODIAN               MICHAEL                   1915            1994         Beloved Husband - Father - Grandpa   (Trumpet motif)
Gd.Shep./29     Coffee               Effie May                 1895            1971
Gd.Shep./29     Coffee               John Robert               1886            1971
Gd.Shep./61     Coffey               Claude W.                 1954            1968
Gd.Shep./8      Coffey               John B.                   21-Jun-1923     23-Dec-1989
Gd.Shep./40     Coffey               John Joseph               25-Jun-1921     10-Sep-1972  Missouri,  Major Medical Corps, World War II, Korea
Gd.Shep./62     Coffey               Kimberly Rae              1960            1964
Gd.Shep/57      Cohen                Catherine E.              1904            1963
Gd.Shep./14     COHEN                MICHAEL R.J.              27-Oct-1951     5-Apr-1999   "Mikey"   Beloved Son Husband and Best Friend to All
Gd.Shep/57      Cohen                Seymour                   1903            1961
Gd.Shep./47     Coleman              Floyd                     1913            1966         Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./47     Coleman              Helen V.                  2-Jul-1914      3-Aug-1982   Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother
Gd.Shep./34     Coleman              Robert G.                 1918            1999
Gd.Shep./34     Coleman              Virginia M.               1918            1990
Gd.Shep./61     Colley               Clarence L.               1900            1969
Gd.Shep./48     Colley               Jay D.                    9-Aug-1926      22-Oct-1977  US ARMY
Gd.Shep./29     Collins              Agnes F.                  26-Apr-1914     9-Feb-1986
Gd.Shep./29     Collins              Loyce E.                  19-Nov-1915     28-Mar-1983
Gd.Shep./44     Comer                Gidget Lee                Nov-61          Feb-62
Gd.Shep./61     Compton              Lora Kelly                1962            1977
Gd.Shep./2      Condeza              Urbana Labial             1919            2002
Gd.Shep./43     Conklin              Louise Warner             1890            1968
Gd.Shep./65     Conover              Anna                      1889            1962
Gd.Shep./65     Conover              Layton S.                 1888            1968
Gd.Shep./47     Cook                 Barbara Thorne            21-Sep-1924     10-May-1971  Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Cook                 Charles C                 July 8 1935     12-Jan-04
Gd.Shep./62     Cook                 Elizabeth A.              1913            1995
Gd.Shep./40     Cook                 Elsie (Cruzan)            1900            1994         California Pioneer Family
Gd.Shep./62     Cook                 John W.                   1909            1967
Gd.Shep./19     COOK                 LOUIS                     1917            1982
Gd.Shep./14     COOKE                EDWIN A.                  1917            1979         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./38     Cooke                Rowland E. H., Jr.        1921            1989         Loving Father and Husband
Gd.Shep./13     COOLEY               JOHN  "JERRY"             1937            1999
Gd.Shep/58      Coombe               David G.                  1920            1993
Gd.Shep/58      Coombe               Shirley A.                1925            2001
Gd.Shep./30     Cooper               Paula                     1898            1991
Gd.Shep/59      Cootz                Richard Allen  "Rickie"   7-Aug-1959      14-Apr-1960
Gd.Shep./7      Copelan              June Shubin               15-Nov-1911     10-May-1993  beloved mother
Gd.Shep./14     COPELAND             GREGORY A.                7-Nov-1956      2-Dec-1997   US MARINE CORPS
Gd.Shep./19     CORDES               ALIENE                    1917            1991         Our Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./47     Corrigan             Kitty I.                  1933            1969
Gd.Shep./33     Cortes               Angel O.                  1897            1966
Gd.Shep./33     Cortes               Consuelo O.               1899            1966
Gd.Shep./34     Costello             Paul R.                   1920            1998
Gd.Shep./34     Costello             Vera M.                   1921            1991
Gd.Shep./30     Counts               Mildred E.                1919            2003
Gd.Shep./30     Counts               Van L.                    1912            1994
Gd.Shep./53     COWELL               IVAN W.                   1902            1960         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./48     Cox                  James C.                  1908            1988
Gd.Shep./44     Coy                  Floyd A.                  1932            1971
Gd.Shep./42     Coyle                Amanda Belle              1887            1971         "Our Ma"
Gd.Shep./42     Coyle                Margaret Roth             1912            1995
Gd.Shep./42     Coyle                Otis Kindred              1907            1988
Gd.Shep./36     Cozloff              Michael J.                11-Dec-1933     26-Jan-1968  California, S Sgt, US Marine Corps, Korea
Gd.Shep./50-52  Craddock             Frances M                 1914            1960
Gd.Shep./50-52  Craddock             Jefferson W               1915            1997
Gd.Shep./16     CRANE                BETTY J.                  1926            1998         Wife
Gd.Shep./16     CRANE                DONALD E.                 1924            1997         Husband
Gd.Shep./34     Crawford             Caroline W.               1895            1966
Gd.Shep./34     Crawford             Hugh C.                   1896            1969
Gd.Shep./36     Creed                Clara L.                  1913            1970
Gd.Shep./36     Creed                Henry K.                  1915            1990
Gd.Shep./64     Cromwell             Betty N.                  2-Jun-1922      19-Apr-2002
Gd.Shep./64     Cromwell             Jeffrey Lynn              24-Jun-1953     7-Oct-1972
Gd.Shep./64     Cromwell             Robert B.                 13-Jan-1921     24-Jan-1999  Maj US Marine Corps
Gd.Shep./3      Crosby               Gwen L.                   1919            2002
Gd.Shep./3      Crosby               Rallie K.                 1912            1983
Gd.Shep./62     Cross                William E.                1915            1965
Gd.Shep./33     Crossley             Lois H.                   2-May-1930      13-May-1970
Gd.Shep./36     Crownover            George Wesley             Nov 21 1884     1-Dec-1974
Gd.Shep./36     Crownover            Hulda Elizabeth           21-Jun-1904     1-Jun-1983
Gd.Shep./33     Cruise               William H.                Aug 15 1891     2-Apr-1974   US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./1      Cullity              Cynthia D.                5-Feb-1957      29-Jul-1999
Gd.Shep./28     Cunningham           Betty Sue                 1917            1994
Gd.Shep./25     Cunningham           Cecil O.                  1923            1989
Gd.Shep./28     Cunningham           Cratus O.                 1911            1989
Gd.Shep./34     Cunningham           Henry R.                  1911            1975         OM1, US Navy
Gd.Shep./41     Cunningham           Lenora Anne "Lennie"      1941            1996
Gd.Shep./17     CUPP                 WILMA ANNIE               1862            1959
Gd.Shep./31     Curley               Alan J.                   25-May-1911     3-Mar-1996   Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather, Friend to all
Gd.Shep./16     CURLEY               HARRY FRANCIS             14-Feb-1892     9-Feb-1961   Illinois PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./23     CURRAN               THOMAS J.                 1904            1961
Gd.Shep./8      Curry                Mary M.                   21-Dec-1909     13-Jan-1996  Beloved mother grandma great grandma
Gd.Shep./56     CURTIS               EDNA                      1914            1992
Gd.Shep./18     CURTIS               GEORGE C.                 1947            1987         Loving Son
Gd.Shep./25     Dacio                Rodney C.                 1960            1992
Gd.Shep./44     Dahmen               Carol                     1939            1982
Gd.Shep./50-52  Daigh                Grace Edna                1891            1976
Gd.Shep./50-52  Daigh                James "Dinger"            1890            1965
Gd.Shep./38     Dally                Milton A.                 1926            1997
Gd.Shep./43     Daly                 Audrey M.                 1914            1972
Gd.Shep./56     DAMRON               KATE                      1888            1976
Gd.Shep./13     DANIEL               DOUGLAS A.                1914            1997
Gd.Shep./60     Davenport            Alan C.                   1953            1969
Gd.Shep./60     Davenport            Charles B.                21-Dec-1945     27-Dec-1968
Gd.Shep./60     Davenport            Connie                    Sept, 17 1912   5-Jun-1969   California Sgt. 425 Base Unit AAF World War II
Gd.Shep/59      Davenport            Harvey                    1883            1969         Husband - Father - Pappaw
Gd.Shep/59      Davenport            Sarah Elizabeth Le Ola    1886            1971         Wife - Mother - Mammaw
Gd.Shep./38     David                Brian A.                  26-Jan-1948     5-Jan-1973   Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./38     David                Maxine L.                 1933            1975         Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Davis                Ann R.                    1908            2000         Mother
Gd.Shep./66     Davis                Baby                      8-Feb-1958      8-Feb-1958   Baby
Gd.Shep/57      Davis                Carrie L.                 1892            1993
Gd.Shep./29     Davis                Charles H.                1912            1982
Gd.Shep./37     Davis                Charles R.                00 00 1918      00 00 1971   Father
Gd.Shep./53     DAVIS                CLIFTON M.                1909            1967         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./50-52  Davis                Clifton P                 1905            1961
Gd.Shep./43     Davis                Dale Edward               1932            1981         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Davis                Doris G.                  1911            1947         Interred In Dawson Springs Kentucky
Gd.Shep/57      Davis                Dorothy E.                1906            1963         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Davis                Gladys G                  1913            1957
Gd.Shep./48     Davis                Harry M.                  1890            1963         "Dad"
Gd.Shep/57      Davis                Homer Edwin               1899            1974         CPL US ARMY
Gd.Shep./37     Davis                Laura L.                  00 00 1927      1997         Mother
Gd.Shep./66     Davis                Lorinda Jean              31-Oct-1961     1-Nov-1961
Gd.Shep./24     Davis                Marion M.                 1904            1992
Gd.Shep./24     Davis                Richard J.                1925            1993         Married 1948
Gd.Shep./41     Davis                Robert H.                 1879            1971         Our Father
Gd.Shep./41     Davis                Robert S.                 1905            1995         Father
Gd.Shep./24     Davis                Willis C.                 1900            1974
Gd.Shep./32     Davis                Clarence E                1906            1978
Gd.Shep./31     Davis                Elnora                    1903            1985         Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./32     Davis                Susie B.                  1907            1991
Gd.Shep./12     Davisson             James R.                  1930            1999
Gd.Shep./49     Dawson               Harriet                   1897            1992
Gd.Shep./37     Dawson               Hazel                     19-Sep-1926     25-Feb-2004
Gd.Shep./49     Dawson               James H.                  1888            1964
Gd.Shep./19     DE CENZO             PERINA M.                 1904            1993         Our Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./19     DE CENZO             RAYMOND J.                21-Apr-1923     29-Jul-1995  US NAVY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./42     De Chateauneuf       Paulette P.               1905            1996         Mother and Grandmother (De Chateauneuf Randon Du Tournel)
Gd.Shep./42     De Chateauneuf       Albert F.                 1906            1987         Father and Grandfather (De Chateauneuf Randon Du Tournel)
Gd.Shep./50-52  De Haven             Marie                     June 20 1911    Dec 22 1960
Gd.Shep./65     De Leur              R.                        1915            1985
Gd.Shep./21     DE MAIO              FELIX                     1985            1968
Gd.Shep./19     DE MAIO              MARY F.                   1902            1993         Beloved mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./19     DE MAIO              MICHAEL                   1922            1991         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./28     De Pagter            Hazel                     1901            1983
Gd.Shep./28     De Pagter            Henry                     1903            1990
Gd.Shep./2      De Vinney            Mabel C.                  1912            1992         Mother
Gd.Shep./31     Deakin               Dorothy M.                1916            1984         Mother
Gd.Shep./31     Deakin               James E.                  1911            1991         Father
Gd.Shep./24     Dean                 David A.                  1935            1993
Gd.Shep./22     DEAN                 ROBERT E.                 1904            1966
Gd.Shep./36     Dean                 Susie A.                  1900            1974
Gd.Shep./23     DEARMAN              EARL A.                   7-Oct-1941      10-Sep-1992
Gd.Shep./17     DEERING              HELEN M.                  1901            1989         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./26     Deese                Elmer R.                  5 Jan. 1924     5 June 1980
Gd.Shep./11     DeLapp               Gertrude Marie            1925            1999
Gd.Shep./11     DeLapp               John Edward               1926            1996
Gd.Shep./11     DeLapp               Pamela Marie              27-Mar-1989     25-Mar-1998  Beloved daughter and sister
Gd.Shep./38     Delgadillo           Adella                    1915            1998         Beloved Sister and Tia
Gd.Shep./17     DEMAIO               FRANK F.                  1926            1987         Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./16     DEMARTINO            ELIZABETH  "Libbi"        1914            1995         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./39     DeMoss               Clyde J.                  1900            1969         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./24     Dempsey              H. Ilene                  1935            1993
Gd.Shep./36     Dennis               Bertha                    1888            1985
Gd.Shep./43     Dennis               Gerald C.                 1947            1972         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./31     DeNolf               Julius A.                 1916            1990         Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Gd.Shep./31     DeNolf               Irene J.                  1917            1985         Beloved wife, mother grandmother
Gd.Shep./31     Des Rochers          Joseph C.                 1917            1983         Husband, Father, Grandfather
Gd.Shep./21     DESANTIS             ALBERT N.                 16-Jun-1930     20-Jul-1988
Gd.Shep./44     Desplaines           Roxie                     16-Feb-1931     21-Aug-1970
Gd.Shep./40     Detrick              Ava Mae                   1898            1984         Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./32     Dew                  DeNannie Douglas Royster  1909            1983
Gd.Shep./46     Diamond              Jaimee                    1946            1996
Gd.Shep./9      Dickerman            John Henry                20-Jul-1930     10-Mar-1994  US Army
Gd.Shep./19     DICKEY               NATALEA B.                28-Dec-1881     29-Jul-1961
Gd.Shep./18     DICKSON              ANNA M.                   19-Aug-1906     24-Dec-1991
Gd.Shep./61     Dicus                James A.                  13-Aug-1921     26-Mar-1996
Gd.Shep/58      Dietz                Henry J.                  1882            1961         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep/58      Dietz                Mary                      1885            1971         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep/59      Dietz                Melvin Joseph             14-Oct-1929     23-Mar-1967  Pennsylvania,  A1C   US AIR FORCE
Gd.Shep./41     DiFiore              Roger M.                  24-Jun-1929     31-Jul-1994  Husband  Father  Friend
Gd.Shep./55     DIFRUSCIO            ALBERT F.                 25-Oct-1921     4-Jan-1975   CPL US MARINE CORPS
Gd.Shep./30     Dimasin              Sotero Acuna              15-Nov-1936     6-Jul-1982   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Dodd                 Linda lee                 July 4 1959     July 24 1960
Gd.Shep./29     Dodds                Lois M.                   1931            1966
Gd.Shep/59      Dodge                Elaine                    1924            1964
Gd.Shep/59      Dodge                John Matthew              27-Apr-1970     29-Apr-1970  "Our Beloved Son"
Gd.Shep./23     DODSON               LEE ROY                   3-Aug-1924      3-Feb-2001   MM2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./41     Doerner              Margaret E.               1886            1971         Our Darling Mama
Gd.Shep./15     DOGGETT              CHARLES H.                1879            1959
Gd.Shep./15     DOGGETT              CYNTHIA ANN               1886            1963
Gd.Shep./15     DOGGETT              DAN C.                    1943            1984
Gd.Shep./15     DOGGETT              ELIZABETH C.              1916            1999         Beloved wife & mother
Gd.Shep./15     DOGGETT              J. KENNETH                1913            1962
Gd.Shep./34     Dominguez            Carmen L.                 1920            1999
Gd.Shep./34     Dominguez            Dmeterio G.               1902            1988
Gd.Shep./11     Donnelly             Vivian Sean               4-Dec-1936      16-Feb-1999
Gd.Shep./23     DONOVAN              MICHAEL E.                8-Mar-1949      23-Feb-1968  PFC US ARMY
Gd.Shep./42     Donovan              Mildred C.                7-Jan-1987      17-Dec-1981
Gd.Shep./5      Dorius               Dr. Daniel A.             2-Jun-1966      1-Sep-2000   A great man and loving father
Gd.Shep/57      Dork                 Carl F.                   1892            1963
Gd.Shep./60     Dork                 Randy W.                  1947            1993
Gd.Shep./53     DOSS                 CURTIS E.                 1901            1967         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./53     DOSS                 DARRYL E.                 1937            1961         Son
Gd.Shep./53     DOSS                 GERTRUDE L.               1901            1990         Wife - Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./53     DOWD                 LISA MICHELE              14-Sep-1963     14-Sep-1963  Infant Daughter of Doyle & Norma Dowd
Gd.Shep./50-52  Downey               Eleanor N.                "July 1917"     "Jan. 1962"
Gd.Shep./30     Doyel                Arthur T., Jr             7-Sep-1930      22-Nov-1999  Gone fishin' with God
Gd.Shep./30     Doyel                Lloyd N.                  7-Oct-1933      25-May-1986  Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./49     Drake                Arthur Dana               1915            1989         Husband, Dad , Grandpa
Gd.Shep./3      Drehmer              George R.                 1941            1980
Gd.Shep./41     DuBoise              Chester                   1910            1978         Beloved Husband & Dad
Gd.Shep./26     Dudney               Jessie L.                 1907            1993
Gd.Shep./26     Dudney               Joseph                    1906            1972
Gd.Shep./20     DUNGAN               ELLIS T.                  28-Apr-1908     24-Jul-1966  OHIO TEC5 US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./20     DUNGAN               MARY HELEN                1912            1979         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./8      Dunlap               Jaque D.                  19-Sep-1941     20-Jul-1995
Gd.Shep./8      Dunlap               Jennifer Marie            27-Nov-1972     4-Nov-1994
Gd.Shep./20     DUNN                 GERTRUDE CLEMENS          1915            1994         Beloved Mom and Gramma
Gd.Shep./40     Dunn                 Henry T., Jr.             24-Jul-1926     11-Apr-1966  Florida, Cpl US Marine Corps Res, World War II PH
Gd.Shep./15     DUNN                 JOHN PATRICK              1971            1996         Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./34     Dunn                 Raymond O.                21-Apr-1917     24-Feb-2000
Gd.Shep./53     DUNN                 SCOTT  T.                 1915            1960         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./33     Durland              Edwin F.                  26-Mar-1905     1977
Gd.Shep./33     Durland              Hazel M.                  3/28/1905       6/21/1905
Gd.Shep/58      Dutton               Ralph E.                  1888            1978         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/58      Dutton               Flossie E.                1894            1961         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./16     DUVAL                ARSENE A.                 1913            1959
Gd.Shep./36     Dwyer                Joseph                    1907            1991
Gd.Shep./36     Dwyer                Rose                      1907            1981
Gd.Shep./16     DYCK                 GENE HARVEY               11-Feb-1929     5-Aug-1979
Gd.Shep./50-52  Dyck                 Kathryn                   1902            1984
Gd.Shep./50-52  Dyck                 Peter                     1900            1973
Gd.Shep./5      Dydo                 Eugene F.                 1919            1984
Gd.Shep./37     Dye                  Frances E.                1930            1974         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./62     Dyer                 Evelyn E.                 1890            1968
Gd.Shep./62     Dyer                 Leland S.                 May 3, 1893     12-Jun-1985  PFC    US Army World War I
Gd.Shep./41     Dyke                 Charlene R.               1928            1973         Beloved Wife Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Dyke                 William E.                1921            1976         Beloved Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./64     Dymus                Shirley J.                18-May-1924     11-May-1983
Gd.Shep./28     Eakin                Eugene C.                 1914            1989
Gd.Shep./50-52  Earnest              Phyllis D.                1939            1995
Gd.Shep./34     Earnshaw             Alfred Leroy              1894            1987
Gd.Shep./17     EARNSHAW             JACK WAYNE                1921            1992         Husband - Father - Grandpa
Gd.Shep./34     Earnshaw             Sarah Jane                1899            1977
Gd.Shep./56     EARP                 EDWARD E.                 1905            1968
Gd.Shep./29     Eaton                Charles T, II             19-Jul-1960     28-Sep-1981  Our beloved son and brother
Gd.Shep./29     Eaton                Charles T.                5-Jun-1916      13-Mar-1995
Gd.Shep./32     Ebert                William C., Sr.           1908            1969         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./43     Echols               S. Carl                   1910            1981         Beloved Husband, Father, Stepfather and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./35     Eckerson             Michael A.                17-Aug-1944     17-Oct-1992  US Army
Gd.Shep./9      Ede                  Karen Rachel              22-Nov-1937     15-Oct-1991
Gd.Shep./54     EDWARDS              BEVERLY JEAN              1923            1961         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./44     Edwards              Dorothey E.               1925            1992
Gd.Shep./37     Edwards              Emmett C.                 29-Oct-1935     4-Aug-1993   Loving Husband, Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./37     Edwards              Gloria D.                 31-May-1937     12-Nov-1993  Loving Wife - Mom - Grandma
Gd.Shep./53     EDWARDS              HELEN M.                  1915            2001         Beloved Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Edwards              Mary                      1-Jan-1897      23-Apr-1981
Gd.Shep./53     EDWARDS              PAUL A.                   1914            1968         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./28     Eggers               Lucille E.                1916            1982
Gd.Shep./28     Eggers               Mervin W.                 1920            1994
Gd.Shep./50-52  Ehase                Ethel Lee                 1924            1983
Gd.Shep./49     Ehrig                Ernest T.                 1901            1991         Father
Gd.Shep./49     Ehrig                Mary Fern                 1913            1991         Mother
Gd.Shep./20     EHRLICH              MURRAY                    1916            1986         MAJOR US MARINE CORP WORLD WAR II & KOREA
Gd.Shep./42     Eide                 Arthur                    1885            1976         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./42     Eide                 Nettie                    1888            1969         Wife - Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./42     Eisley               Esther L.                 1900            1991
Gd.Shep./42     Eisley               Waldo E.                  1901            1965
Gd.Shep./35     Elam                 Caleb Newell              1-May-1914      20-Apr-1968
Gd.Shep./31     Ellefson             Arthur G.                 1921            1988
Gd.Shep./15     ELLIOTT              JOHN RAY                  1954            1990
Gd.Shep./62     Emch                 Clara                     1907            1999
Gd.Shep./62     Emch                 Keith                     1902            1978
Gd.Shep./41     Emery                Alta Gibbs                1898            1984
Gd.Shep./41     Emery                Arthur H.                 1896            1987
Gd.Shep./19     ENDRESEN             DAVID WILLIAM             1921            1995         Beloved husband father grandfather
Gd.Shep./43     Engel                Alma                      1894            1964
Gd.Shep./40     England              Audis I.                  1914            2002         Beloved Wife - Mom - Grandma
Gd.Shep./40     England              James E.                  1908            1973         Beloved Husband - Dad - Grandpa
Gd.Shep./33     Englehardt           Richard                   1921            1966
Gd.Shep./53     ENGWALL              ADA                       1889            1987         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./53     ENGWALL              CLARENCE A.               1913            1999         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./53     ENGWALL              GUST                      1886            1965         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./53     ENGWALL              HELEN P.                  1915            1960         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./43     Erickson             C. R. "Bob"               1894            1958
Gd.Shep./43     Erickson             Jeanette J.               1897            1979
Gd.Shep./36     Ernst                Mark Charles              25-Nov-1957     26-Jun-1975
Gd.Shep./50-52  Eshleman             Edward J                  1907            1969         Mason
Gd.Shep/58      Espinosa             Cecilia Palomino          3-Nov-1936      10-Mar-2001  Querida Madre
Gd.Shep./50-52  Evans                Otis Delno                1913            1989
Gd.Shep./13     FAHEY                JOHN DAVID                10-Mar-1968     30-Sep-1989
Gd.Shep./43     Fallon               CPL. James                1917            1994
Gd.Shep./56     FANSLER              CHARLES WILLIS            16-Sep-1938     29-Jun-1996  AB   US AIR FORCE
Gd.Shep./56     FANSLER              ZELLA MARIE               1910            1963
Gd.Shep/58      Farmer               Basil I.                  1932            1968
Gd.Shep./38     Farr                 Helen C.                  1892            1973         Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Gd.Shep./38     Farr                 William H.                1893            1974         Beloved Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./46     Farrar               Mary Elisabeth            1929            1967         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./37     Faulkner             Mary Ann                  1945            1974         Beloved Daughter - Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Faust                Bertha Marie              1895            1991
Gd.Shep./21     FAY                  SUSAN M.                  8-Aug-1962      28-Jan-2001
Gd.Shep./15     FELDER               GERTHA A.                 1907            1959         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./15     FELDER               PAUL A.                   1905            1963         Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./17     FELDSTEIN            PAUL DAVID                27-Sep-1965     21-Dec-1995
Gd.Shep./30     Ferguson             Hubert P.                 1914            1994
Gd.Shep./48     Ferguson             Ina V.                    1918            1966         Mother
Gd.Shep./48     Ferguson             J.C.                      1919            2000         Father
Gd.Shep./16     FERGUSON             RICHARD H.                25-Apr-1921     26-Jun-2003  SIEOSS WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./34     Fernandez            Antolin R.                20-Aug-1912     28-Jul-1986  Pvt. US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./56     FERRIS               FREDERICK H.              1910            1995
Gd.Shep./56     FERRIS               GERTRUDE F.               1911            1995
Gd.Shep./56     FERRIS               RICHARD F.                1940            1961         Beloved Husband and Son
Gd.Shep./44     Files                Billy T.                  1942            1979
Gd.Shep./30     Fingerson            Ronald                    1941            1986
Gd.Shep./44     Fischer              John F.                   30-Dec-1955     22-Jan-1972
Gd.Shep./27     Fischer              William J.                14 Apr. 1931    1 Nov. 1987  SSGT, U.S. Air Force, Korea
Gd.Shep./32     Fiscus               Ethelyn Jean              8-Oct-1912      27-Sep-2000  Beloved wife, mother, grandmother
Gd.Shep./32     Fiscus               John Adelbert             21-Feb-1911     19-Sep-1993  US NAVY, World War II
Gd.Shep./13     FISH                 JAMES                     1921            1985         Beloved Husband Father Grandpa
Gd.Shep./39     Fisher               Don Alan                  24-Sep-1926     22-Jan-1967  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./45     Fisher               Gladys May                1902            1993
Gd.Shep./21     FISHER               NANCY A.                  1945            1995
Gd.Shep./45     Fisher               William A.                1899            1974         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./31     Fitch                Russell J                 23-Jul-1895     16-Oct-1980  US NAVY, World War II
Gd.Shep./31     Fitch                Mable L.                  1895            1986         Wife of Russell
Gd.Shep./4      Fitzgerald           G. Elliott                1909            1984
Gd.Shep./4      Fitzgerald           Ruth D. Ward              1918            2002
Gd.Shep./61     Fitzsimmons          French S.                 Nov. 27, 1885   Nov. 13, 1967
Gd.Shep./61     Fitzsimmons          Lois A.                   July 2, 1886    5-Mar-1972
Gd.Shep./42     Flaker               Christopher John          22-Aug-1899     28-Aug-1974
Gd.Shep./46     Flaker               MerDonna L.               1914            1964
Gd.Shep./21     FLANAGIN             JERRY KENT                26-Aug-1952     8-Apr-1959
Gd.Shep./31     Flanigan             Maxine                    1935            2003
Gd.Shep./40     Flasco               Dominic J.                1917            1989         Father and Papa
Gd.Shep./47     Flood                Charles R.                1883            1964
Gd.Shep./47     Flood                Ethel N.                  1898            1983
Gd.Shep./53     FLORSCHUETZ          ELISABETH                 1914            1997         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./22     FLOWERS              EUNICE E.                 1926            2001
Gd.Shep./22     FLOWERS              RICHARD R.                1927            1988
Gd.Shep./46     Ford                 Guilford Claiborn         1909            1993         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./46     Ford                 Ruth Nafus                1910            1999         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Formaner             Emma                      1896            1982
Gd.Shep/59      Forrest              Violet M.                 1907            1999
Gd.Shep./4      Forrester            Bertha Jo                 1908            1998         Beloved Wife and mother grandmother
Gd.Shep./4      Forrester            Frank L.                  1903            1982         Beloved husband
Gd.Shep./41     Fortuna              Cindy Call                24-Jul-1967     3-Jun-1970
Gd.Shep./61     Foster               Bobby Neil                Oct. 2, 1933    Oct. 31,1969 California Captain US Air Force
Gd.Shep./60     Foster               Mark Lee, II              30-Mar-1961     8-Dec-1961
Gd.Shep./60     Foster               Mildred L.                1903            1992
Gd.Shep./49     Foster               Thomas Blanton            1929            1980         CPL    US ARMY,  KOREA
Gd.Shep./34     Foster               Mamie B.                  1887            1966
Gd.Shep./34     Foster               Raymond C.                1889            1983
Gd.Shep./49     Fowler               Fred Jay II               1911            2000
Gd.Shep./14     FOWLER               JAMES D. JR.              1945            2001
Gd.Shep./49     Fowler               Thomas Guy                7-May-1920      2-Sep-1996   1st Lt  Us Army,  Medical Admin Corps,  Arkansas
Gd.Shep./40     Fowler               Catherine                 1899            1984
Gd.Shep./40     Fowler               Jerry R.                  1894            1966
Gd.Shep./55     FOX                  DOROTHY                   1906            1983         Dear Wife and Mother,  (Grama Dot)
Gd.Shep./37     Fox                  Jane H.                   14-Nov-1926     11-Aug-2002
Gd.Shep./55     FOX                  ROBERT K.                 1905            1983         Dear Husband and Father   (Gramps)
Gd.Shep./54     FOX                  THOMAS R.                 30-Oct-1942     20-Apr-1962  CALIFORNIA,  A2C US AIR FORCE
Gd.Shep./37     Fox                  William A.                29-Feb-1924     25-Jul-1979
Gd.Shep./37     Fracess              Margaret A.               1914            1985
Gd.Shep./56     FRANKLIN             FRANCIS M.                1893            1963         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      Franklin             Hickman S.                21-May-1937     18-Dec-1972  California,  A3C  US AIR FORCE
Gd.Shep./56     FRANKLIN             MARY BLANCHE              1904            1992         Beloved Wife & Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Franklyn             Jack R.                   1915            1981         Loving Father
Gd.Shep./30     Franklyn             Lucy H.                   1918            2004         Loving Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Franzen              Helene E.                 1917            1995         Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Franzen              Russell E.                1919            1992         Father
Gd.Shep./31     Frazier              Charles, III              1939            1992         Beloved Husband and Father, (Marine Corps emblem)
Gd.Shep/59      Freeland             Florence C.               1892            1980
Gd.Shep/59      Freeland             Roland R.                 1889            1987
Gd.Shep./45     Freeman              Dorothy Barry             1939            1960
Gd.Shep./44     Freeman              Earl H.                   1915            2000
Gd.Shep./44     Freeman              Gwen L. Campbell          1911            1995
Gd.Shep./5      Freno                Violet M.                 1916            1982         beloved wife
Gd.Shep./42     Freyermuth           Monica                    1921            2000
Gd.Shep./13     FRIDLIN              HELEN J.                  Nov. 1919       June 1961    Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./13     FRIDLIN              MORRIS                    Sep. 1914       Jan. 1977    Loving Husband &  Father
Gd.Shep./11     Fries                Lena E.                   1901            1981
Gd.Shep./31     Frisbee              Evelyn W.                 1909            1987
Gd.Shep./23     FRITCHER             ABBIETTA P.               1899            1990
Gd.Shep./23     FRITCHER             ERNEST L.                 1897            1960
Gd.Shep./24     Fritcher             Ernest L.                 1925            1999         D.D.S.
Gd.Shep./50-52  Fritts               Charlie R                 1912            1979         T/Sgt US Army WW II
Gd.Shep./50-52  Fritts               Ogreta                    1918            2001
Gd.Shep./38     Frost                Jean I.                   1928            1989         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./38     Frost                Mark S.                   1951            1973         Our Beloved Son & Brother
Gd.Shep./13     FULLER               TOMMIE SUE                4-Feb-1952      8-Jul-1993   Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./1      Funk                 Joshua Theodore           13-Nov-1976     23-Mar-2001  son with chronic illness
Gd.Shep./6      Fusare               Joseph M.                 1965            1994         Loving son brother friend
Gd.Shep./23     GAGE                 JACK                      1952            1994
Gd.Shep./61     Gage                 Jacob Andrew              1896            1978         PFC US Army WW I
Gd.Shep./61     Gage                 Valentine                 1907            1973
Gd.Shep./10     Gaines               Ralph Louis               1-Dec-1928      2-Mar-1994   CPL US Army Korea
Gd.Shep./35     Gale                 Michael E.                1954            1988
Gd.Shep./34     Gall                 J. T.                     1932            1991
Gd.Shep./22     GALLAWAY             LILLIAN L.                1874            1961
Gd.Shep./39     Gallego              Lorraine                  1920            1998         Our Beloved Papa & Mama
Gd.Shep./39     Gallego              Robert                    1923            1985         Our Beloved Papa & Mama
Gd.Shep./27     Galloway             Gladys Rose               9 Feb. 1909     8 Nov. 1995  Sally & Michael"
Gd.Shep./39     Gambee               Faye E.                   1919            1971         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Gansereit            Helen L                   1924            1988
Gd.Shep./35     Gardner              Dr. Elias H.              1902            1977
Gd.Shep./41     Gardner              Lena C.                   1879            1974         Our Mom
Gd.Shep./35     Gardner              Thelma                    16-Mar-1905     8-Jun-1905
Gd.Shep./40     Garland              Mike J.                   10-Nov-1950     16-Oct-2000
Gd.Shep./9      Garlick              David E.                  20-Sep-1947     17-Apr-1992  Loving husband and daddy
Gd.Shep./49     Garrett              Anna C.                   1909            1993         Born Anna Christine Hansen in Dawson, Yukon Teer.
Gd.Shep./33     Garrett              Lewis H.                  17-Dec-1918     19-Aug-1985
Gd.Shep./33     Garrett              Mary E.                   1919            1997
Gd.Shep./33     Garrett              Max W.                    1914            1988
Gd.Shep./33     Garrett              Vivian G.                 23-Jun-1916     4-May-1975
Gd.Shep./10     Garvin               George Robert             19-May-1932     11-Jul-2001  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./12     Garvin               Lena                      1940            1993         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Gasparian            Greta                     13-Mar-1938     3-Aug-1994   Our Loving Mother & Grandmother
Gd.Shep./30     Gausman              Debra L.                  1955            1978
Gd.Shep/58      Gay                  Carl L.                   1914            1960         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./46     Gay                  Garland R.                1906            1971         (Masonic emblem)
Gd.Shep./46     Gay                  William R.                1910            1975         (Masonic emblem)
Gd.Shep./41     Geisler              Philip J.                 1920            1990
Gd.Shep./23     GENTZ                ELANOR SZROMBA            29-Jul-1927     19-Feb-1990
Gd.Shep./9      George               Paul J.                   1933            1996         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./36     Gerritsen            Elizabeth E.              5-Jan-1958      6-Dec-1967
Gd.Shep./37     Gerritsen            George J. D.              1902            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./6      Ghantous             Anisse Ayoub              1912            1993         Beloved mother and Teta
Gd.Shep./29     Gharda               Christopher Randolf       19-Oct-1976     29-Apr-2000
Gd.Shep./28     Gibson               James W.                  1900            1965
Gd.Shep./42     Gibson               Jim                       1905            1980
Gd.Shep./42     Gibson               Laura F.                  1895            1975
Gd.Shep./13     GIDNEY               TRAVIS E.                 17-May-1911     26-Feb-1994  US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./37     Giemont              Andrew John               1900            1977         CWO US Navy, World War I & II
Gd.Shep./37     Giemont              Minnie Laura              1899            1978
Gd.Shep./17     GILBERT              ALICE                     1921            1993         Mother
Gd.Shep./17     GILBERT              ELMER M.                  1917            1998         Father
Gd.Shep./17     GILBERT              GLORIA G.                 1939            1942
Gd.Shep./24     Gilbertson           Gilbert D.                1923            2001
Gd.Shep./24     Gilbertson           Mildred S.                1921            1988
Gd.Shep./39     Giles                Marion J., Jr.            1936            1998
Gd.Shep./11     Gillam               Cora Seals                1926            1996         Beloved Wife and mother
Gd.Shep./17     GILLASPY             BRIAN A.                  21-Jan-1955     20-Jan-1996  Devoted Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./31     Gilleland            Mildred G.                16-Sep-1894     15-Mar-1972  Beloved mother of Mildred and Doris, Nana of Barbara, Joyce, Lois, Janice, Bill & Susan
Gd.Shep./33     Gillman              Bertha I.                 1915            1984
Gd.Shep./33     Gillman              H. Ralph                  1912            1988
Gd.Shep./39     Gillmer              Pauline M.                1889            1973         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./42     Gilmore              Robert Walter             29-Dec-1933     11-Jan-1994  Bob - Dad - Grampa
Gd.Shep./61     Gipson               Doreen                    1958            1964
Gd.Shep./38     Gleason              Edward John               1956            1984         Beloved Husband, Son, Brother
Gd.Shep./31     Gleason              Jerry                     1936            1969         Dear Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./46     Gleason              Rev. John H.              1909            1964         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./46     Glenn                Kenneth "Scott"           26-Apr-1961     12-Dec-1998  The best dad, husband & son
Gd.Shep./46     Glenn                L. Gertrude               1914            1994         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./46     Glenn                Lawrence                  1912            1976         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./7      Glover               John                      1921            1990
Gd.Shep./35     Goddard              Randall G.                1934            1991
Gd.Shep/59      Goetz                Lina                      1873            1972
Gd.Shep./12     Goff                 Clarence M.               1890            1961         Beloved husband
Gd.Shep./34     Goforth              Jesse M.                  1897            1988
Gd.Shep./9      Goheen               Thomas H.                 26-Feb-1954     18-Jan-2003  Loving son and brother
Gd.Shep./12     Goheen               Thomas W.                 4-Apr-1921      30-Jul-1990
Gd.Shep./60     Golembeske           June L.                   1919            1962
Gd.Shep./45     Gombos               Rozsa                     1919            1987
Gd.Shep./63     Gonyer               Hugh Jr.                  1927            1977
Gd.Shep./63     Gonyer               Mary D.                   1931            2001
Gd.Shep./24     Gonzales             Albert M.                 24 Dec. 1928    26 Mar 2001
Gd.Shep./24     Gonzales             Gloria S.                 26 Apr. 1925    2 Jan. 1994
Gd.Shep./53     GONZALES             NORMA P.                  15-Apr-1943     20-Sep-1996  Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Sister
Gd.Shep./50-52  Goodman              Bessie B                  1884            1960
Gd.Shep./29     Gordiner             Betty Lou                 1925            1984
Gd.Shep./29     Gordiner             C.D.                      1920            1988
Gd.Shep./33     Gordon               Charles N.                4/29/1898       8-May-1987
Gd.Shep./33     Gordon               Marie E.                  2-Apr-1907      26-Mar-1973
Gd.Shep./8      Gorman               Joseph S.                 1910            1994         father
Gd.Shep./54     GORSUCH              EMMA                      1895            1957
Gd.Shep./54     GORSUCH              SYLVESTER B.              1897            1964
Gd.Shep./16     GOULD                PAUL W.                   1916            1992
Gd.Shep./16     GOULD                RITA O.                   1917            2001
Gd.Shep./47     Grable               Jerry C.                  1916            1985
Gd.Shep./38     Graden               Henry R.                  24-May-1912     22-Nov-1988  Beloved Husband, Loved Father
Gd.Shep./38     Graden               Veronica L.               15-Jan-1914     27-Oct-1997  Beloved wife, Loved mother
Gd.Shep./19     GRAGG                ANN                       1920            1998         Our beloved mother
Gd.Shep./24     Graham               Catherine A.              1906            1994
Gd.Shep./24     Graham               Gerald M.                 1904            1971
Gd.Shep/57      Graham               John Clark, Jr.           1957            1960
Gd.Shep./33     Grant                Gertrude M.               2/28/1905       5/18/1905
Gd.Shep./23     GREEN                ARNOLD BRUCE              1953            1968
Gd.Shep./50-52  Green                Cora May                  1900            1989
Gd.Shep./44     Green                Fred Elmer                16-Feb-1894     12-Sep-1968  PFC US Army WW I
Gd.Shep./50-52  Green                George W                  1906            1964
Gd.Shep./44     Green                Marcel Stevens            1924            1965
Gd.Shep./44     Green                Mildred Faye              1922            1981
Gd.Shep./48     Greenlees            Nellie A.                 1891            1977
Gd.Shep./48     Greenlees            Robert                    18-Feb-1890     11-Sep-1968  California, PFC   6 Field Signal BN, World War I
Gd.Shep./23     GRIFFITHS            BLANCHE OWEN              1888            1968
Gd.Shep./23     GRIFFITHS            WILLIAM E.                1882            1970
Gd.Shep./46     Grimmett             Charles E.                1918            1979         Husband, Father
Gd.Shep./46     Grimmett             Mary Jeanne               1918            1992         Wife, Mother
Gd.Shep./10     Grisat               Betty R.                  1924            2001         beloved wife mom and grandma
Gd.Shep./10     Grisat               Oscar E. G.               1918            1993         BELOVED HUSBAND DADDY AND GRANDPA
Gd.Shep./13     GROSS                AMIEL A.                  19-Aug-1900     26-Mar-1971
Gd.Shep./45     Gross                Charles M.                1899            1976
Gd.Shep./13     GROSS                JOHANNA K.                17-Dec-1899     22-Sep-1961
Gd.Shep./54     GROSS                MARY E.                   1923            1971         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Gross                Vera E.                   1903            1965
Gd.Shep./60     Guard                Frank B.                  1885            1965
Gd.Shep./60     Guard                Ida H.                    1875            1958
Gd.Shep./63     Guard                Lorena L.                 6-Oct-1904      28-Feb-1979
Gd.Shep./63     Guard                Martin W.                 14-Dec-1945     27-Apr-1968  US Army
Gd.Shep./63     Guard                Victor P.                 10-Jun-1920     3-Feb-1987   US Army: Air Corps
Gd.Shep./43     Guccione             George I                  1912            1986         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./43     Guccione             Jacqueline M.             1926            1995         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./26     Gudgell              Ruth C.                   16 Jan. 1907    18 Oct. 2002
Gd.Shep./17     GUERRERO             MIKE T. Rev.              1921            1988
Gd.Shep./30     Guerriero            Fay                       1899            1983         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./23     GUILER               GEORGE W.                 1904            1959
Gd.Shep./47     Gull                 Rosina Selman             27-Apr-1884     26-Mar-1960
Gd.Shep./17     GUSPAN               DEBORAH F.                1953            1995         Beloved Wife Mom
Gd.Shep./38     Guzik                Edward F.                 1916            1993         Beloved husband, father and grandfather
Gd.Shep./38     Guzik                Jeanne A.                 1916            1971         Beloved wife, mother and grandma
Gd.Shep./45     Haddock              Harlon A.                 1931            1972
Gd.Shep./21     HAENNELT             LOUISE K.                 1901            1995
Gd.Shep./37     Hager                Maria A.                  1912            2002
Gd.Shep/57      Hahner               Karl                      1942            1994         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./35     Halbirt              Alice Lea                 5-Dec-1926      8-Nov-1976
Gd.Shep./41     Hald                 Ray, Jr.                  1966            1982         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./62     Haley                Mary L.                   1879            1962
Gd.Shep./62     Haley                Orville E.                1876            1965         Rev.
Gd.Shep./55     HALL                 STELLA M.                 1902            2001         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./55     HALL                 WILLIAM S.                1898            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./56     HALLAS               AARON W.                  9-Jan-1924      15-Nov-1962
Gd.Shep./55     HALLEY               HARRIETTE RUTH            1908            1981         My Dearly Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./55     HALLEY               JOSEPH REED               1898            1962         My Dearly Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./24     Halliday             Olga                      1896            1997
Gd.Shep./62     Hallmark             William Dennis            8-Nov-1958      23-Dec-1958
Gd.Shep./29     Hamilton             Jackie A.                 1944            1994
Gd.Shep./20     HAMMANN              SCOTT L.                  10-May-1938     22-Sep-1990
Gd.Shep./24     Hammond              Dorcas B.                 1898            1986
Gd.Shep./39     Hammond              Hilda M.                  1898            1963
Gd.Shep./24     Hammond              Ruth E.                   1924            1986
Gd.Shep./24     Hammond              Samuel O.                 1893            1975
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hancock              Ethel                     1878            1963
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hancock              Max S Jr.                 July 9 1962     July 9 1962  Baby
Gd.Shep./6      Handley              Dwight W.                 16-Jun-1926     29-May-1986  father
Gd.Shep./49     Hankins              Betty Jane                20-Jun-1925     30-Jan-1971  HA2  US NAVY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./49     Hankins              Stanley H                 4-Jul-1905      1-Mar-1967   Kentucky, Colonel US Army, World War II  Korea
Gd.Shep./26     Hanks                Roy H.                    1909            1995
Gd.Shep./46     Hanley               Beverly M.                1931            1983         Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./28     Hanlon               Gloria Hadley             1925            2001
Gd.Shep./27     Hanlon               Lora B.                   31 Mar. 1890    29 Dec. 1967
Gd.Shep./28     Hanlon               Thomas B.                 1923            2004
Gd.Shep./12     Hannabery            Louise D.                 1923            1998
Gd.Shep./46     Hansen               Jacqueline                1940            1986
Gd.Shep./49     Hansen               Kristine                  1870            1964
Gd.Shep./16     HANSFORD             ELIZABETH L.              1889            1959         "Bess"
Gd.Shep./34     Harbison             Jean Ann                  20-Nov-1931     8-May-1986
Gd.Shep./34     Harbison             Leonard Earl, Jr.         10-Jun-1954     31-Jul-1966
Gd.Shep./40     Hardaway             Elmer Gene                1-Apr-1929      26-Sep-2000  Loving Parents and Grandparents
Gd.Shep./29     Hardin               Cleve                     1-Dec-1939      5-Sep-1994
Gd.Shep./29     Hardin               Pamela Rae                16-May-1964     20-May-1986  Beloved daughter - sister - friend
Gd.Shep./66     Harding              Terri Lynne               14-Dec-1961     17-Dec-1961
Gd.Shep./42     Hardy                Betty                     1927            1989         Wife, Mother, Grandma
Gd.Shep./42     Hardy                Billy J.                  1930            1995         Husband, Father, Grandpa
Gd.Shep./53     HARGIS               EMMA PAULINE              1895            1981
Gd.Shep./53     HARGIS               JAMES D.                  1893            1968
Gd.Shep./44     Harrill              Helen L.                  1892            1973
Gd.Shep./62     Harrington           Frank M.                  Dec 24, 1893    20-Oct-1964  Minnesota, PFC Co. C 1 Field Signal BN World War 1
Gd.Shep./32     Harrington           Ray G.                    1937            1987         Beloved Father and Brother
Gd.Shep./32     Harrington           Robert G.                 1913            1994
Gd.Shep./62     Harrington           Sadie P.                  1907            1958
Gd.Shep/57      Harris               Arthur Leroy              1882            1962         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./53     HARRIS               EDITH L.                  1-Jan-1941      13-Dec-2000  Beloved Mother, Grandmother & Friend
Gd.Shep./14     HARRIS               EDWARD W.                 26-May-1927     14-Dec-1987  S2     US NAVY  WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./56     HARRIS               FRIEDA P.                 1914            1989
Gd.Shep./56     HARRIS               HERBERT Y.                1909            1976
Gd.Shep./35     Harris               Lenore                    1894            1967
Gd.Shep/57      Harris               Lillian M.                1884            1975         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./19     HARRIS               LOUIS K.                  1887            1959         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./38     Harris               Robert M.                 1935            1998         Dad, Grandpa
Gd.Shep./19     HARRIS               THOMAS DORSEY             25-Jan-1918     12-Nov-1968  Arkansas SC2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./41     Harrison             George E.                 1910            1973
Gd.Shep/59      Harrison             Jesse O.                  1908            1990
Gd.Shep./41     Harrison             Kathleen A.               1911            1966
Gd.Shep/59      Harrison             Shirley I.                1912            1979
Gd.Shep./39     Harshbarger          Hubert Jr.                30-Sep-1930     13-Jul-1998  Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./42     Hart                 Dean Alan                 1955            1969         Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./42     Hart                 Dean L.                   1935            1992         Husband - Dad - Grandpa
Gd.Shep./28     Hartl                Verna Lee                 1905            1990
Gd.Shep./23     HARTLEY              LOLA I.                   1919            1995
Gd.Shep./23     HARTLEY              VIRGIL O. SR.             1916            1985
Gd.Shep./32     Hartzell             Olive R.                  22-Sep-1892     6-Jan-1986
Gd.Shep./26     Harvey               Joan                      1931            1998
Gd.Shep./26     Harvey               Kenneth                   1926            1986
Gd.Shep./42     Harvey               Allie Wayne               31-Aug-1934     13-Nov-1990
Gd.Shep./36     Hatzfeld             Frank J.                  8-Sep-1922      31-Oct-1992  US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./21     HATZFELD             RICHARD                   1926            1995         Father
Gd.Shep./35     Haught               Arthur R.                 1909            1988
Gd.Shep./35     Haught               Pearl D.                  1917            1998
Gd.Shep./34     Haught               Thomas "Pa"               28-Aug-1909     10-Jan-1974
Gd.Shep./34     Haught               Verval "Ma"               3-Nov-1912      1-Dec-1983
Gd.Shep./53     HAULRIG              ELIZABETH                 1907            1979         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./13     HAUTER               BETTY J.                  1916            1989         Wife Mother Beloved Grandparent
Gd.Shep./13     HAUTER               KENNETH E.                1916            1994         Husband Father Beloved Grandparent
Gd.Shep./31     Hawkins              Freda J.                  1913            1966         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./15     HAWKINS              LEWIS ANDREW              26-Nov-1919     4-Mar-1992   CM3 US NAVY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./9      Hawkinson            Maynard "Bud"             1927            1993
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hawley               Edith V.                  1906            1957
Gd.Shep./14     HAYATIAN             MARGARET M.               1929            1995         Wife
Gd.Shep./33     Hayatian             Mary E.                   1893            1966
Gd.Shep./33     Hayatian             Vahan                     Jan 8 1892      7-Sep-1980   US Army
Gd.Shep./28     Hayden               Helen                     1895            1972
Gd.Shep./43     Head                 Bernie E                  2-Apr-1903      4-Jun-1966   Indiana, PFC   1790 ORD MM CO AVN, World War II
Gd.Shep./43     Head                 Cleo Violet               1897            1968
Gd.Shep./18     HEALY                PAMELA LYNN               1953            1993
Gd.Shep./9      Heaps                John                      21-Jun-1910     11-Jul-1992
Gd.Shep./13     HEATH                GRACE G.                  22-Jul-1901     4-Dec-1993   Mom - Nana - Sis
Gd.Shep./35     Hedenberg            Lillian G.                1898            1974
Gd.Shep./35     Hedenberg            Robert D.                 1895            1968         Born in Minnesota, Died in California
Gd.Shep./35     Hedges               Frida Ingeborg            2-Jun-1905      26-Jan-1992
Gd.Shep./35     Hedges               Maxwell Cameron           9-Nov-1909      20-Jul-1990  Ltjg US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./12     Hefner               Louise P.                 1942            1992         Wife Mother Nana
Gd.Shep./12     Hefner               Ronald D.                 13-Dec-1913     13-Jun-1961
Gd.Shep./27     Heidbrink            Betty G.                  18 Nov. 1921    22 Mar. 1982
Gd.Shep./27     Heidbrink            Oliver John               14 Mar. 1911    23 Feb. 1986
Gd.Shep./37     Hein                 Ferdinand W.              1892            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./37     Hein                 Marie C.                  1897            1979         Beloved Mother & Grandmother
Gd.Shep./34     Heinl                Philip H.                 1924            2001
Gd.Shep./34     Heinl                Vera Opal                 1930            2001
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hency                Ray U                     1916            1988
Gd.Shep./16     HENDERSON            MARY M.                   1914            1998
Gd.Shep./53     HENDERSON            NELL                      1874            1961
Gd.Shep./16     HENDERSON            PAUL B.                   1913            1986
Gd.Shep./9      Henderson            Robert L.                 26-Apr-1938     23-Oct-2002  Loving husband dad and grandpa
Gd.Shep./53     HENDERSON            ROSE                      1879            1963
Gd.Shep./12     Henderson            Thomas W.                 1917            1988
Gd.Shep./63     Hendrix              Gladys C.                 14-Sep-1904     27-Mar-1982
Gd.Shep./63     Hendrix              James H.                  29-Oct-1900     10-Aug-1988
Gd.Shep./31     Hendrix              Marlene                   1933            1987
Gd.Shep./31     Henry                Brett                     1970            1988
Gd.Shep./31     Henry                Millard M.                1909            1990
Gd.Shep./37     Henry                Vanita L.                 1940            2001         Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./20     HENYAN               ESTELLE S.                1897            1986
Gd.Shep./20     HENYAN               LORING L.                 1897            1972
Gd.Shep./32     Herbst               Pearl Croy                1892            1983         "Daddy's Mommie"
Gd.Shep./31     Herbst               Reed Allan                1948            1967
Gd.Shep./21     HERBST               WALTER REED               28-Apr-1919     7-Apr-1988   CAPTAIN US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./49     Hergenreder          John                      1909            1961
Gd.Shep./49     Hergenreder          Marie                     1910            1994
Gd.Shep./40     Hernandez            David                     7-Feb-1962      3-Apr-1998   Beloved Son, Brother and Uncle
Gd.Shep./12     Herndo               Mary Louise               3-Mar-1942      27-Feb-1993  Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./22     HERRERA              LOUIS B.                  25-Dec-1923     19-Feb-1981  PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./14     HERRING              WILLIAM R.                1933            1998
Gd.Shep./60     Herron               Daniel W.                 July 2, 1893    24-Nov-1971  Ohio Pvt. 4 Proy Co World War I
Gd.Shep./60     Herron               Marjorie J.               1901            1967
Gd.Shep./54     HERRON               MICHAEL C., M.D.          1952            1985         Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./54     HERRON               MILDRED E.                1915            1999         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Hersom               Eugene Edward             4-Jul-1929      5-May-1973   PFC US Army Korea
Gd.Shep./41     Hersom               Ida Mae                   1907            1940         Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Hersom               Jerry                     1955            1985         "Son"  (of Eugene Edward Hersom)
Gd.Shep./43     Herst                Edward B.                 1922            1990         Beloved Husband, Father & Opa
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hess                 Walter G.                 July 1, 1899    8-Jan-1963
Gd.Shep./8      Hewitt               Alycejean Archibald       12-Aug-1935     19-Jul-1993
Gd.Shep./13     HIBBERD              DOUGLAS R.                1919            2000
Gd.Shep./13     HIBBERD              PATRICIA A.               1925            1984
Gd.Shep./63     Hickman              Barbara Ann               1918            1967
Gd.Shep./63     Hickman              Floyd Varner              1916            1976         SSGT US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./24     Hicks                Mabel D.                  1908            1985
Gd.Shep./7      Hicks                Ora LaFaye                1945            1985
Gd.Shep./32     Higgins              Margaret                  1929            2000         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./23     HIGGINS              THOMAS E.                 7-Jan-1933      16-Nov-1993
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hill                 Anna Eloyd                1907            1985
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hill                 Floyd J                   Sep 21 1887     Dec 30 1957
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hill                 Haskell                   1907            1977
Gd.Shep./33     Hill                 John Frederick            1926            1973
Gd.Shep./15     HILL                 LEONA P.                  1903            1960
Gd.Shep./15     HILL                 NOBLE C.                  1905            1974
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hill                 William B.                1911            1981
Gd.Shep./45     Hindman              Joseph Carl               30-Apr-1911     14-Nov-2003
Gd.Shep./42     Hindman              Wm. D.                    1914            1970         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hines                Daisy Mae                 1909            2000
Gd.Shep./24     Hines                Harold R.                 21 May 1916     7-Aug-2002
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hines                Otis O                    1908            1961
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hines                Robert                                    16-Jun-1962
Gd.Shep./22     HINSON               BEULAH                    1889            1971
Gd.Shep./22     HINSON               OMA K.                    1915            1968
Gd.Shep./22     HINSON               WINSLOW E.                1885            1969
Gd.Shep./63     Hintringer           Edna B.                   1900            1959
Gd.Shep./63     Hintringer           Ludwig                    August 14, 1893 6-Jan-1969   S SGT US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./37     Hirsch               Robert H.                 16-Aug-1927     9-Sep-1987   P.F.C. US Army WWII
Gd.Shep./49     Hisey                Fred W.                   1922            1961         Beloved son, husband and daddy
Gd.Shep./17     HITCHCOCK            CHARLIE S.                1898            1961         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Hixon                Avis J.                   1919            1974         Beloved Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./39     Hixon                Emil J.                   1911            1980         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./41     Hochenauer           George A.                 1906            1993
Gd.Shep./31     Hodges               Wallace E.                1921            1996
Gd.Shep./24     Hodson               Robert B.                 1931            1988
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hoefner              Ethel Minnie              1884            1972
Gd.Shep./42     Hoffecker            John I., III              1938            1995         Husband, Father
Gd.Shep./63     Hoggan               Emily                     1902            1981
Gd.Shep./63     Hoggan               Harold R.                 1897            1989
Gd.Shep/57      Hohn                 Sophia D.                 1883            1968         Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./20     HOLDCRAFT            JANET S.                  1910            1995
Gd.Shep./20     HOLDCRAFT            RALPH A.                  1906            1994
Gd.Shep./38     Holland              Audrey W.                 1921            1974
Gd.Shep./33     Holland              Brad (Ernie)              1948            1989
Gd.Shep./33     Holland              Joseph B.                 1918            1985
Gd.Shep./40     Hollinsworth         Gertude                   1902            1990         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./12     Hollis               Milton "Mel"              1924            1997         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./36     Holmes               Abe "Swede"               1901            1976
Gd.Shep./40     Holmes               James W., Sr.             1899            1969         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./37     Holmes               Mae                       1908            1978         Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother
Gd.Shep./37     Holmes               Ralph E.                  1930            1978         Beloved Son, Brother, Uncle
Gd.Shep./40     Holmes               James W.                  24-Mar-1921     23-Dec-1991  PVT US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./54     HOMRIGHAUSEN         WALTER H.                 8-Jul-1915      8-Jan-2004   Loving Husband, Father & Grandpa
Gd.Shep./23     HONEA                LEE ROY                   28-Mar-1937     13-Oct-2003
Gd.Shep./15     HONG                 WONG CHI                  1901            1991         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./13     HOPE                 BEN G.                    28-Jun-1956     1-Mar-1994
Gd.Shep./56     HOPKINS              A.D. "AL"                 1893            1970         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./45     Hopkins              Ed (Hoppy)                1924            1985
Gd.Shep./56     HOPKINS              GEORGIA V.                1896            1982         Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep/59      Hopper               Sampson                   30-Apr-1880     29-Sep-1974
Gd.Shep./20     HORINE               ESTHER MAY                1893            1978         Mother
Gd.Shep./20     HORINE               GEORGE CARLTON            1893            1960         Dad
Gd.Shep./48     Horton               Agnes Grace               1895            1985
Gd.Shep./48     Horton               Calvin L.                 24-Jul-1898     31-Aug-1974  US ARMY
Gd.Shep./7      Hosler               Charles J.                1922            1994         (US Coast Guard Symbol) Married Feb 14 1947 to Shirley A. (Hosler)
Gd.Shep./17     HOSSEINABADI         BRENDA SUE                1948            1999         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./11     Hosseini             Nicholas K.               1989            1994
Gd.Shep./50-52  House                Beatrice M                20-Jan-1895     11-Jan-79
Gd.Shep./50-52  House                Charles N.                11-Sep-1894     27-Nov-74
Gd.Shep./37     House                Eva L.                    00 00 1934      00 00 2003   Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./37     House                Lindy L.                  1928            2003         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./9      Houston              Dennis Wayne              23-May-1939     20-Oct-1998  Beloved son
Gd.Shep./9      Houston              Hanson                    15-Jan-1915     9-Jul-1987   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./27     Hoversten            Leslie J.                 1911            1985
Gd.Shep./27     Hoversten            Thelma F.                 1917            1990
Gd.Shep./41     Hovey                Brian Ray                 Mar 1963        Oct 1984     Loving Son - Brother & Friend
Gd.Shep./55     HOWARD               GRACE ALMA                1882            1960
Gd.Shep./30     Howarth              Shirley B.                1926            1986
Gd.Shep./37     Howes                Lydia I.                  1899            1991
Gd.Shep./37     Howes                Raymond N.                1896            1974
Gd.Shep./22     HOWEY                MARY A.                   1908            1998
Gd.Shep./22     HOWEY                RICHARD W.                1913            1980
Gd.Shep./50-52  Howse-Walker         Annie J.                  1891            1963
Gd.Shep./28     Hoy                  Donald J. Sr.             1922            1994
Gd.Shep./30     Hudson               Harry E.                  1905            1966
Gd.Shep./5      Huey                 Helen F.                  1926            2004         Beloved wife mom and grandma
Gd.Shep./5      Huey                 Johnny R.                 1948            1995         Beloved son brother and father
Gd.Shep./25     Huffine              Lenore C.                 1912            1986         Mother of Billie and Audrey
Gd.Shep./25     Huffine              Ted W.                    1902            1986
Gd.Shep./38     Hufford              Jane H.                   1923            1988         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./48     Hufford              Mabel Anna                28-Oct-1889     1-May-1969   Loving Wife
Gd.Shep./48     Hufford              Raymond                   24-Feb-1889     18-Feb-1961  Loving Husband
Gd.Shep./15     HUGHES               HOMER W.                  1920            1998
Gd.Shep./6      Hughes               Macel M.                  1901            1982
Gd.Shep./41     Hughes               Thomas R.                 20-Jan-1936     3-Nov-1972   Beloved Father and Brother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hukel                Opal Henderson            Jan 30 1907     Dec 12 1984
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hukel                William Roy               Feb 18 1902     Feb 20 1989
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hull                 Elmer R.                  1907            1999
Gd.Shep./50-52  Hull                 Geneva                    1915            1991
Gd.Shep./15     HUNG                 CHIU CHONG                14-Mar-1924     12-Feb-1989  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./47     Hunt                 Charles R.                1936            1995         Beloved Husband, Father & Grandfather
Gd.Shep./31     Hunt                 Charlotte Elvira          1942            1966         Beloved Mother and Wife
Gd.Shep./6      Hunt                 Eddie                     1921            1992         My beloved wife
Gd.Shep./32     Hunt                 Henry B.                  1923            2000
Gd.Shep./33     Hunt                 Mildred R.                3/14/1905       6/8/1905
Gd.Shep./33     Hunt                 Norris Eugene             23-Feb-1900     25-Aug-1968  Pvt. Btry E 151 Fld Arty, World War I
Gd.Shep/58      Hunt                 Olive M.                  1909            1982
Gd.Shep/58      Hunt                 Terry O.                  1902            1982
Gd.Shep./43     Hunter               Gilda (Jean)              1911            2001         Loving Wife
Gd.Shep./15     HUNTER               LEE C.                    1935            1989         Most Wonderful Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./43     Hunter               Robert                    31-Jan-1912     11-Jan-1992  US Navy WW II Korea
Gd.Shep./33     Hurdle               Donald N., Sr.            1934            1994
Gd.Shep./35     Husak                Walter I.                 1888            1974
Gd.Shep./50-52  Huston               Everett H                 Dec 28 1915     Jan 5 2004
Gd.Shep./47     Huston               Ray E.                    1905            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./35     Hutchens             Jack M.                   10-Aug-1928     16-May-1991  US Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./24     Hutchens             Larry L.                  1939            1997
Gd.Shep./14     HUTCHERSON           GREGORY PAUL              8-Mar-1967      20-Jul-1987  "Greg"
Gd.Shep./47     Hutchison            Donald Lee                8-May-1910      6-Dec-1960   California, S SGT 1455 BASE UNIT AAF, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./45     Hutchison            Donn Lee                  19-Sep-1951     20-May-2004
Gd.Shep./47     Hutchison            Ruth Anita                26-Jun-1919     14-Dec-1979
Gd.Shep./20     HYATT                LOUIS                     1919            1998
Gd.Shep./19     HYDE                 ISLA JEAN                 1923            2000         "Nana"  Loving wife & mother
Gd.Shep./39     Icarta               Rosanna                   1959            1998         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./55     IDLER                JULIE SOUTHWELL           1917            1963
Gd.Shep./41     Iglesias             Maria F. Garcia           1901            1988
Gd.Shep./41     Iglesias             Pedro Garcia              1904            1984
Gd.Shep./38     Ingham               Gordon A.                 3-Jul-1905      21-Nov-1989
Gd.Shep./38     Ingham               Marie E.                  4-Apr-1910      12-Jun-1997
Gd.Shep./34     Ireland              Henrietta J. A.           1937            1995
Gd.Shep./34     Ireland              William C., Sr.           1928            2004
Gd.Shep./21     IRETON               JIM F. JR.                1922            1992
Gd.Shep./38     Irvine               Irene A.                  1920            1987         Beloved Wife and Sister
Gd.Shep./38     Irvine               James E.                  1916            1973         Beloved Husband and Father,   (Mason emblem)
Gd.Shep./63     Irwin                Agnes H.                  1893            1985
Gd.Shep/58      Isacksen             Edwin C. P.               1922            1978         US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./21     JACINTO              NINO                      1923            2004
Gd.Shep./14     JACKSON              ARTHUR T. SR.             1920            1988         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./12     Jackson              Betty Lou                 1929            1992         Together Forever
Gd.Shep./17     JACKSON              BEVERLY J.                1918            2003         Wife Mother and "Nonnie"
Gd.Shep./18     JACKSON              DON F.                    1940            1994
Gd.Shep./17     JACKSON              FREDERICK D.              1918            1983         Husband Father and "Bubba"
Gd.Shep./53     JACKSON              G. EDNA                   1912            1961         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./12     Jackson              Glen Ervan                1929            1994         Together forever
Gd.Shep/57      Jackson              Jack Lee                  30-Apr-1932     12-Jul-1998  "Papa Jack",  Married 6-22-1952 (to Charlene Watkins Jackson)
Gd.Shep./49     Jackson              Royal                     1897            1958         "Dad"
Gd.Shep./13     JACOBS               MAE                       26-Feb-1869     6-Aug-1961   Mother
Gd.Shep./27     Jacobsak             Eleanora J.               1908            1995
Gd.Shep./27     Jacobsak             Sigmund J.                1901            1983
Gd.Shep./61     Jager                Hans                      Dec. 22, 1888   Dec. 17, 1960
Gd.Shep./61     Jager                Ida M.                    July 4, 1898    3-May-1986
Gd.Shep./1      Janes                Jessie                    19-Jun-1922     7-Jul-1996
Gd.Shep./32     Jansen               Esther L.                 1921            1988
Gd.Shep./48     Jasenn               Bernice R.                1913            ,1985
Gd.Shep./48     Jasenn               Peter P                   none given      1988
Gd.Shep./19     JENNINGS             DE MIZE                   1876            1959         Brother
Gd.Shep./35     Jensen               C. L.                     1901            1966
Gd.Shep./35     Jensen               Fonda M.                  1906            1993
Gd.Shep./44     Jensen               Herman S.                 1914            1964
Gd.Shep./28     Jensen               Mildred L.                1911            1987
Gd.Shep./56     JENSEN               SCOTT I.                  10-Apr-1959     19-Apr-1959
Gd.Shep./39     Jenson               John Lester               3-Aug-1925      15-Oct-1966  California, S Sgt, 60 Fld Maint Sq AF, Korea
Gd.Shep./25     Jerge                Florence H.               1905            1985
Gd.Shep./25     Jerge                Raymond F.                1902            1972
Gd.Shep/59      Jespersen            Max H.                    3-Aug-1907      31-Jan-1996  Beloved Brother, Son and Friend
Gd.Shep./27     Johan                Burthy                    1917            1991
Gd.Shep./13     JOHNS                JEANIE I.                 1924            1994         Loving Wife Mother & Nana
Gd.Shep./2      Johnson              Alberta June              1973            1984
Gd.Shep./54     JOHNSON              BEN G.                    1907            1961         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./66     Johnson              Bernard A., Jr.           27-Aug-1958     2-Nov-1958
Gd.Shep./33     Johnson              C. Grant                  1949            1985
Gd.Shep./27     Johnson              Diane                     24 Dec. 1947    16 Aug. 1998
Gd.Shep./40     Johnson              Duane C.                  10-Dec-1957     19-Dec-1984
Gd.Shep/57      Johnson              Evelyn N.                 1903            1995         Mother
Gd.Shep./18     JOHNSON              G. HARVILLE               1900            1966         Husband  Father and Friend
Gd.Shep/57      Johnson              George W., Sr.            1903            1980         Father
Gd.Shep./30     Johnson              Grace T                   12-Jan-1899     26-Oct-1978
Gd.Shep./40     Johnson              Gwynell                   1953            1962
Gd.Shep./46     Johnson              Heath B.                  1917            1966         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./56     JOHNSON              JOHN P.                   1892            1964
Gd.Shep./38     Johnson              Kenneth A.                1933            1987
Gd.Shep./36     Johnson              Kristin Joy               1976            2000
Gd.Shep./31     Johnson              Lois Ann                  1963            1989
Gd.Shep./54     JOHNSON              MABEL H.                  1909            1994         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./40     Johnson              Martin E.                 1929            1971
Gd.Shep./39     Johnson              Nellie                    24-Jul-1872     19-Feb-1969
Gd.Shep./50-52  Johnson              Orbie W                   Aug 29 1897     Dec 14 1978  CY US Navy WW II
Gd.Shep/58      Johnson              Paul K.                   1906            1964         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./56     JOHNSON              PAULINE E. ETHRIDGE       1906            1993
Gd.Shep./54     JOHNSON              PETE                      1874            1963
Gd.Shep./36     Johnson              Richard A.                30-Jun-1922     31-Jul-1967  California, Sgt Army Air Forces, World War II
Gd.Shep./39     Johnson              Susan K.                  1948            1985         Wife, Mother, Best Friend
Gd.Shep./50-52  Johnson              Velma                     1903            1963
Gd.Shep./30     Johnson              Walter Faye               14-Mar-1893     21-Mar-1966  Ohio, PFC   88 AERO SQ,  WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./28     Johnston             Donna Sallade             1924            1993
Gd.Shep./54     JOHNSTONE            ALVIN A.                  24-Feb-1920     8-Mar-1961   CALIFORNIA,  CWO US MARINE CORPS RES,  WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./54     JOHNSTONE            RUTH ANNE                 19-Jul-1922     28-Feb-2000  California
Gd.Shep./50-52  Joiner               Elizabeth K.              9-Dec-26        24-Mar-03
Gd.Shep./64     Joines               Florence E.               1925            1971
Gd.Shep./64     Joines               Mickey                    1924            1978
Gd.Shep./64     Joines               Wilbur                    1918            1991
Gd.Shep./28     Jolley               Evelyn  Helen             1905            1981
Gd.Shep./36     Jones                Cecil Earnest             1914            1983
Gd.Shep./45     Jones                Donna Lou                 1945            1974
Gd.Shep./13     JONES                ELIZABETH M.              1883            1978         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./26     Jones                Elmer M.                  1904            1995
Gd.Shep./55     JONES                FRANCIS EARL              1879            1965
Gd.Shep./13     JONES                HENRY C.                  1881            1961         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./34     Jones                Lawrence O.               31-Dec-1930     13-Jan-1967  Texas, UT3, US Navy, Korea
Gd.Shep./14     JONES                MICHAEL B.                1961            1989         Beloved Husband & Son CSFA  1981  Santa Fe Springs
Gd.Shep./36     Jones                Ruby May                  1918            1975
Gd.Shep./26     Jones                Ruth A.                   1915            1998
Gd.Shep./50-52  Jones                Sharon Elizabeth          Oct 3 1943      Dec 22 1970
Gd.Shep./13     JONES                WILLIAM R.                1912            1966         Beloved Son World War II
Gd.Shep./41     Joyce                Veda Marie                1909            1965         "Little Sister"
Gd.Shep./19     JUDY                 LEWIS STEVEN              26-Nov-1943     none given
Gd.Shep./43     Juneau               Eston B                   31-Jul-1895     24-Oct-1966  Illinois - CPL CO D 113 Engineers WW 1
Gd.Shep./44     Kane                 Albert D                  16-Jun-1898     10-Jul-1972
Gd.Shep./44     Kane                 Letha                     5-Nov-1896      29-Oct-1994
Gd.Shep./38     Kaniewski            Thaddeus Edward           30-Oct-1913     3-Feb-1994   PFC US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./34     Karageozian          Levon H.                  1915            1996
Gd.Shep./21     KARASARKISSIAN       DIRAN                     11-Feb-1910     15-Feb-1996  Beloved Husband Father & Grandfather
Gd.Shep./36     Karling              Arthur W.                 1892            1985
Gd.Shep./36     Karling              Florence W.               1914            1992
Gd.Shep./18     KASSAS               JOHN T.                   1931            2001
Gd.Shep./23     KASSAS               JOSEPH T.                 1946            1996
Gd.Shep./23     KASSAS               NAZIRA                    1907            1991
Gd.Shep./3      Kavanagh             David Lane                1950            1985
Gd.Shep./47     Kay                  John Clarence             10-Apr-1893     12-Aug-1962  Utah, PVT 36 CO 166 DEPOT BRIG, WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./35     Kaylor               Carl A.                   1917            1986
Gd.Shep./38     Kearns               Clarence P.               1907            1973         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./38     Kearns               Zona A.                   1907            1977         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./32     Keckta               Robert Clark              19-Sep-1926     25-Mar-1990  US ARMY,  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Kehr                 Adolph                    1891            1972         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Kehr                 Susan M.                  28-Aug-1900     10-Sep-1985  Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Greatgrandmother
Gd.Shep./53     KEITH                LEWIS C.                  1909            1961         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./19     KELLER               EARLE ANDREW              21-Mar-1921     12-Oct-1959  New York ARM 2 USNR WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./38     Keller               William H., Jr.           1921            1981         Beloved Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./21     KELLEY               DANIEL R.III              16-Mar-1957     6-Jul-1974
Gd.Shep./17     KELLEY               HARRY C.                  30-Jun-1910     8-Mar-1971   Michigan CM 1 USNR WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./40     Kelley               Heather Irene             28-Dec-1987     21-Jan-1988  "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep"
Gd.Shep./17     KELLEY               SYLVIA G.                 1911            1960         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./13     KELLOGG              GERTRUDE B.               13-Dec-1899     2-Dec-1987
Gd.Shep./61     Kelly                Roy A.                    1899            1968
Gd.Shep./36     Kemper               Jeanette                  1917            1967
Gd.Shep./44     Kendall              Evelyn Ruth               8-Jun-1918      16-Apr-2000
Gd.Shep./56     KENNAN               CHARLES                   1892            1976         Beloved Husband and
Gd.Shep./56     KENNAN               VERA                      1895            1974         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./35     Kennedy              Anna K.                   Apr 5 1895      19-Feb-1977  Nurse, Army Nurse Corp, World War I
Gd.Shep./20     KENNEDY              GRETCHEN J.               SEP. 1916       OCT. 1993    Wife Mother Friend
Gd.Shep./50-52  Kennedy              Ingegerd                  Not given       Not given    In Loving Memory, Courtesy of Memory Garden Memorial Park, and Mortuary
Gd.Shep./35     Kennedy              John M.                   Jan 7 1899      28-Mar-1983  Pfc, US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./14     KENTJARIA            THOMAS                    1904            1986         Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather   (Thio Kim Tjeng)
Gd.Shep./14     KENTRIS              LOUISE G.                 1929            1994
Gd.Shep./32     Kerkenbush           Lee                       1899            1977         Beloved Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./13     KERSCHKE             CHET                      1922            1998
Gd.Shep./54     KESSINGER            NEVA LEANN                None given      1969         Our Loving Mother - Randy, Rick, Cindy, Tonya
Gd.Shep./50-52  Kessler              Harry                     1874            1969         Beloved Husband of Helen, Father of Horace Kenneth, Wayne
Gd.Shep./50-52  Kessler              Helen D                   July 1876       Nov-60       Beloved wife of Harry, Mother of Horace Kenneth, Wayne
Gd.Shep./50-52  Key                  Fay Vebra                 Aug 18 1902     9-Aug-1961   Californa Tec 3 Co F 301 Ord Regt WWII
Gd.Shep./47     Key                  J. Ranar                  1905            1991
Gd.Shep./50-52  Key                  Lyndall Nevada            12-Mar-1903     Apr 7 1973   California 2nd lt Army Nurse Corps World War II
Gd.Shep./47     Key                  Rosella                   1918            1995
Gd.Shep./42     Kichler              Tony M.                   1934            1988
Gd.Shep./29     Kidwell              Boyd B.                   1923            1982         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./27     Kidwell              Wanda J.                  1933            1988
Gd.Shep./36     Kiehl                Faye W.                   1925            1978
Gd.Shep./22     KILLIAN              GRADON W.                 1911            1968
Gd.Shep./53     KIMMES               HENRY JAMES               22-Aug-1902     22-Jan-1963  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./26     King                 Arlene P.                 1940            1989
Gd.Shep./61     King                 Fred M.                   1901            1977
Gd.Shep./7      King                 Glenn E.                  1917            1991
Gd.Shep./26     King                 Inez E.                   1914            1988
Gd.Shep./47     King                 John B.                   1932            1980         Beloved Husband, Father, Son
Gd.Shep./29     King                 John E.                   1917            1976         US ARMY,  World War II,  Korea
Gd.Shep./61     King                 Julia E.                  1901            1997
Gd.Shep./7      King                 Mary W.                   1920            1988
Gd.Shep./26     King                 Paul V.                   1908            1984
Gd.Shep./26     King                 Ralph S.                  1937            1994
Gd.Shep./56     KING                 ROBERT P.                 1916            1971         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./21     KINGMAN              LYNNDA D.                 10-Oct-1947     5-Mar-1991
Gd.Shep./23     KINGSTON             Dorothy Martin            1901            1994
Gd.Shep./23     KINGSTON             JOHN A.                   1894            1986
Gd.Shep./16     KINSLEY              EUGENE A.                 1914            2001
Gd.Shep./9      Kinsley              Saundra Gail              1943            2001         Wife
Gd.Shep./29     Kistler              Kenneth Craig             21-Oct-1964     2-May-1999
Gd.Shep./29     Kistler              Sophie Reece              8-May-1999      10-Jan-2002
Gd.Shep./19     KLAY                 JOHN L.                   1908            1995
Gd.Shep./19     KLAY                 MARTHA E.                 1909            1999
Gd.Shep./11     Klein                Donald Maurice            29-May-1921     5-Jul-1994   US Navy World War II
Gd.Shep./11     Klein                Phyllis Arlene            11-Oct-1924     21-Mar-2002  S1 US Navy World War II
Gd.Shep./54     KLEIR                ALBERT B.                 1880            1969         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./54     KLEIR                MARY BETH                 1896            1976         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./26     Klemm                Ernest H.                 1908            1980
Gd.Shep./26     Klemm                Margaret M.               1907            2002
Gd.Shep./34     Kliem                William J.                1930            1987
Gd.Shep./23     KLINE                WALTER D..                1923            1995
Gd.Shep./26     Klopfenstein         Arthur A.                 1919            1988
Gd.Shep./46     Knapp                Ophelia K.                1904            1968
Gd.Shep./28     Knecht               Audrey G.                 1920            1983
Gd.Shep./18     KNIESS               RICHARD M.                12-Jan-1952     5-Dec-1994
Gd.Shep./56     KNIGHT               ALTA ROSS                 1897            1973         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./53     KNUTSON              LIDDIE M.                 1909            1970         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Koch                 Auguste                   1888            1964
Gd.Shep./21     KOEHLER              DELORIS M.                13-Jan-1941     27-May-1990
Gd.Shep./18     KOLB                 CLARA E.                  1883            1960         Mother
Gd.Shep./36     Kolb                 Jerome Jae                1958            1992
Gd.Shep./5      Kolb                 Mary R.                   1909            1994         wife
Gd.Shep./37     Kolb                 Sally Ann                 9-Oct-1939      14-Nov-1980
Gd.Shep./5      Kolb                 William J.                1909            1982         husband
Gd.Shep./49     Koopmans             Anna C. W.                Oct 1885        Dec 1968     A loving christian wife and mother
Gd.Shep./49     Koopmans             Rev. Theodore             June 1879       Dec. 1960
Gd.Shep./9      Koren                Athina                    1945            1997
Gd.Shep./25     Korkowskie           Francis Joshua            1976            2003
Gd.Shep./17     KOSKI                VIOLA L.                  7-Nov-1922      7-Feb-2003
Gd.Shep./34     Kossin               Jeffrey G.                1948            1970
Gd.Shep./45     Kousch               Nellie                    July 1900       Sep-65
Gd.Shep./1      Krall                Richard Langdon           20-Oct-1922     22-Aug-1987  1st Lt Air Force WWII
Gd.Shep./53     KRAMER               ALBERT RAY                18-Jan-1915     20-Apr-1964  Loving Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./53     KRAMER               BESSIE MARGARET           21-Dec-1893     24-May-1982  Mom and Granny
Gd.Shep./53     KRAMER               JAMES ORVAL               4-Aug-1892      12-Dec-1960  Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./35     Kratzert             Letha L.                  1909            1981
Gd.Shep./20     KREIDT               MICHAEL A.                26-Jan-1958     28-Aug-1993  EM2 US NAVY
Gd.Shep./43     Krepps               William D                 22-Jul-1900     20-Jun-1968  Pennsylyania - PVT US Army WW I
Gd.Shep./28     Krieger              Chris                     1911            1984
Gd.Shep./28     Krieger              Frances M                 1917            1971
Gd.Shep./23     KRIEGER              KATHERINE F.              1941            1990
Gd.Shep./28     Krieger              Rickie Lynn               6 Oct 1951      7 Nov 1992
Gd.Shep./38     Kronen               Daniel E.                 1911            1966         Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./44     Krstich              Helen Lekich              22-May-1896     21-Feb-1994
Gd.Shep./44     Krstich              Louis                     1890            1968
Gd.Shep./50-52  Krumpus              Greta I. L.               1912            1994
Gd.Shep./50-52  Krumpus              William A                 1916            1986
Gd.Shep./12     Kruse                Wally                     1924            1989
Gd.Shep./33     Kunde                Concepcion A. "Tubby"     1917            1997
Gd.Shep./2      Kunz                 Kimberli A.               1961            2002
Gd.Shep./37     Kurtzman             Larry                     1934            1997         Best Husband, Dad & Papa, Neat Guy
Gd.Shep./18     LA NOCE              JOHN ANTHONY              1942            1993         Beloved Son & Brother
Gd.Shep./38     La Reau              Helen R.                  1909            1975         Beloved Sister
Gd.Shep./56     LABY                 MABEL G.                  1882            1961         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./26     Lacerda              Edward J.                 1919            1969
Gd.Shep./36     Ladeda               Anthony "Toto"            2-May-1929      25-Apr-1995
Gd.Shep./36     Ladeda               Anthony F.                1904            1977
Gd.Shep./36     LaFrance             John David                Jan-61          Oct-93
Gd.Shep./12     Laird                Larry D.                  1940            1990         A Special Friend to All
Gd.Shep./47     Lake                 Vera S.                   1885            1983
Gd.Shep/58      Lambert              Emily L.                  1896            1984
Gd.Shep/58      Lambert              Lynn G.                   1891            1965
Gd.Shep./18     LANCASTER            DOROTHY L.                30-Sep-1913     1-Jul-1975   Mom and Grandma
Gd.Shep./19     LANCASTER            GLORIA A.                 30-Dec-1944     22-Jul-1963
Gd.Shep./19     LANCASTER            KARL I.                   18-Jan-1915     21-Apr-1959  Loving husband and father
Gd.Shep./61     Lance                Clara K.                  1902            1988
Gd.Shep./61     Lance                Leighton F.               1895            1959
Gd.Shep./33     Lance                Leighton M.               1922            2000
Gd.Shep./3      Landers              Mary L.                   1922            2002         mother
Gd.Shep./3      Landers              Thomas O.                 1919            2002         father
Gd.Shep./15     LANDRETH             JACKSON C.                1922            1998         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./15     LANDRETH             JEAN                      1914            2001         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep/57      Lane                 Orlo J.                   1909            1967         Beloved Husband and Dad
Gd.Shep./45     Lang                 Barnard J., Sr.           18-Mar-1900     20-Sep-1973  Michigan, CFR 1 US Army, WW 1
Gd.Shep./45     Lang                 Esther                    1908            1991         "Mom & Muth"
Gd.Shep./25     Langley              Jeanne                    16 May 1924     14 May 1999
Gd.Shep./42     Langner              Emmy C.                   1900            1975         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./40     Lapping              Roberta I.                1908            1972         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Larsen               Alf N                     18-May-1896     18-Apr-1974  Norway - PFC US Army WW I
Gd.Shep./44     Larsen               Vera Elizabeth Woodruff   1-Oct-1898      26-Feb-1990
Gd.Shep./50-52  Larson               Carl A                    1892            1963
Gd.Shep./24     Larson               Harry O.                  1910            1967
Gd.Shep./50-52  Larson               Mabel  T                  1888            1980
Gd.Shep./50-52  Larson               Russel C                  1919            1994
Gd.Shep./48     Lashley              Joe S.                    1925            1985         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Lasiter              Harvey E                  Mar 15 1917     Aug 29 1992  US Army Air Corps WW II
Gd.Shep./32     Lawson               Donald D.                 1924            1992         Father
Gd.Shep./32     Lawson               Dovie R.                  1932            1998         Mother
Gd.Shep./2      Lawson               Eunice                    1909            1988         mother
Gd.Shep./22     LAWSON               HERBERT ELIAS             18-Aug-1910     19-Dec-1992
Gd.Shep./2      Lawson               Robert H.                 1905            1994         father
Gd.Shep./53     LAYTON               EARL F.                   16-Aug-1918     4-Jun-1967   Pennsylvania,  PFC  Coast Arty Corps,  World War II
Gd.Shep./42     Layton               Margaret                  1922            1980
Gd.Shep./42     Layton               Porter W.                 1921            2001
Gd.Shep/57      LeBel                John Wesley               6-Mar-1914      4-Oct-1972   California, PFC US Army, WWII
Gd.Shep/58      Lee                  Homer W.                  1914            1976         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./38     Lee                  Iva Frances               1891            1976         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Lee                  Kenneth Wells             Apri 28 1911    Jun 21 1999  US Army WWII
Gd.Shep./19     LEE                  ROGER ALAN                21-Aug-1940     20-May-1989  US NAVY
Gd.Shep/58      Lee                  Wanda M.                  1918            1967         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Lee                  Zeta E.                   1908            1994         LVN
Gd.Shep./43     Lehr                 Albert H.                 1906            1985
Gd.Shep./43     Lehr                 Letha E                   1910            1980
Gd.Shep./45     Lekich               Elaine R.                 25-Sep-1926     20-Mar-1999  Our Cherished Mom, Gram & Best Friend
Gd.Shep./45     Lekich               Janet "Jan"               11-Jun-1961     6-Sep-1978
Gd.Shep./45     Lekich               Jimmie V                  5-Mar-1925      25-Dec-1966  Michigan - 2D Lieutenant US Air Force  WW II
Gd.Shep./45     Lektorich            Elizabeth A.              1926            1965
Gd.Shep./45     Lektorich            Frank                     19-May-1926     8-Jan-1990   US Army WW II
Gd.Shep./56     LEMASTER             IDA M.                    1886            1974         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./56     LEMASTER             JOHN W.                   1885            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      LeMaster             Noel Harold               1918            1996         US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./54     LEMEN                BERNICE                   1914            1990
Gd.Shep./54     LEMEN                JOHN C.                   1906            1963
Gd.Shep./38     Lenz                 August H.                 1896            1973
Gd.Shep./38     Lenz                 Verda L.                  1897            1986
Gd.Shep./32     Leonard              Belle                     1903            1982         Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./32     Leonard              Claude                    8-Dec-1924      24-Aug-1984  MOMM2   US NAVY  World War II
Gd.Shep./46     Leonard              Edna                      1905            1993
Gd.Shep./46     Leonard              Eugene J.                 1932            1995
Gd.Shep./32     Leonard              Leo L.                    1899            1972         Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./29     Lepold               Edward Joseph             23-Aug-1895     9-Sep-1973   Kansas,  S2  US NAVY, World War I
Gd.Shep./29     Lepold               Gladys M                  14-Oct-1902     8-Mar-1985   Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./61     Leuty                Oliver P.                 July 2, 1878    March 14, 1961
Gd.Shep./47     Leverenz             Delbert C.                1910            1971
Gd.Shep./47     Leverenz             Luella P.                 1910            1985
Gd.Shep./31     Lewicki              Joseph Peter              11-Oct-1928     2-Sep-1997   US NAVY
Gd.Shep./25     Lewis                Geneva L.                 1914            1977
Gd.Shep./25     Lewis                Harvard N.                1912            1976
Gd.Shep./3      Lewis                Ronald D.                 1939            1988         Beloved son and father
Gd.Shep./27     Liana                Diamond                   2 Dec. 1931     16-May-84    Sgt. U.S. Marine Corps, Korea
Gd.Shep./9      Liberge              Jewel                     1937            1995         Beloved wife mother sister and friend
Gd.Shep./11     Lieffers             William Carl              29-Oct-1925     19-Feb-1996  Beloved Husband and father
Gd.Shep./43     Liegmann             Romuald                   1932            1991         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./5      Lillie               George D.                 1922            1980         husband father grandpa
Gd.Shep./4      Linder               Fred  M.D.                1922            1978         our loving parents
Gd.Shep./4      Linder               Magdalena                 1917            2003
Gd.Shep./20     LINDSAY              JOSEPH A.                 7-Oct-1927      24-Jan-1994  US ARMY  Husband Father & Pop
Gd.Shep./14     LINDSKOG             LENNEA ALMA               1906            1988
Gd.Shep./48     Link                 Janet L.                  1943            1978
Gd.Shep./30     Lisius               Carl C.                   1907            1971
Gd.Shep./36     Lisk                 Majorie L.                18-Jul-1923     8-Sep-1976
Gd.Shep./29     Lissi                Henry J.                  1913            1991
Gd.Shep./30     Litchfield           Lena K                    1899            1973         Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Litsch               Louis Francis             Apr 28 1923     Nov 15 1973  Oklahoma CPL US Army WWII
Gd.Shep/59      Littleworth          James Harrison            26-Jun-1920     22-Dec-2003  F1 US NAVY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./40     Littrell             Louis S.                  22-Apr-1930     22-Nov-1981
Gd.Shep./25     Livesay              Wynona M.                 1919            1967
Gd.Shep./60     Livingston           Blanton S.                1872            1968
Gd.Shep./60     Livingston           Norine                    1877            1959
Gd.Shep./50-52  Lloyd                Catherine Lucille         Dec 24 1916     Jan 10 1992
Gd.Shep./43     Lobaugh              Ethan John                May 1972        Sep 1973     Our Son
Gd.Shep./48     Lockwood             Cyril H.                  ,1911           1965         Beloved Husband and Father (Royal Canadian Air Force emblem)
Gd.Shep./11     Loeber               Ronald A.                 1931            1988
Gd.Shep./25     Longerot             Joseph J. B.              26 Jan. 1896    9 Oct. 1976
Gd.Shep./43     Looney               Alfred L.                 1891            1981
Gd.Shep./44     Looney               Eldredge E.               1915            1967
Gd.Shep./43     Looney               Jane E.                   1891            1982
Gd.Shep./43     Looney               Maurine                   1917            1985
Gd.Shep./4      Loper                Harold G.                 24-Jul-1917     14-Apr-1999  Loving husband daddy and grandpa  (Masonic Emblem on headstone)
Gd.Shep/57      Lopez                Manuel Z.                 1948            1968         Beloved son, husband and father
Gd.Shep./40     Lothridge            Robin L.                  1959            1995
Gd.Shep./40     Loundagin            Agnes B.                  1905            2001         Beloved Aunt, Sister and Teacher
Gd.Shep./6      Lovell               Ruth Marie                1967            2000         Beloved wife mother daughter granddaughter sister and friend
Gd.Shep./37     Lowery               Glendon A.                1923            1983
Gd.Shep./36     Lucas                Elizabeth Susan           1-Aug-1904      19-Mar-1969
Gd.Shep./32     Ludwig               George E.                 1910            2000
Gd.Shep./32     Ludwig               Maurine E.                1913            1999
Gd.Shep./41     Luna                 Felipa Gonzalez           1940            1989
Gd.Shep./44     Lund                 Emma C.                   1890            1967
Gd.Shep./41     Lunsford             Ed                        30-Jan-1927     17-Apr-1991  CPL US Marine CORPS World War II
Gd.Shep./4      Lutgerding           Terri D.                  1956            1980
Gd.Shep./14     LUTHER               DANIEL W.                 7-Jun-1959      16-Sep-1982  "Danny"
Gd.Shep./50-52  Luymes               Joanne Louise             21-Jul-1934     24-Dec-2000  LDS
Gd.Shep./33     Lyde                 Joleen M.                 28-Feb-1950     29-Sep-1997
Gd.Shep./50-52  Lynch                Manda L.                  8-Apr-1884      19-Sep-1968
Gd.Shep./37     Lynch                Richard M., Jr.           1937            1974
Gd.Shep./15     LYNN                 JAMES P. JR.              27-Jun-1960     25-Jan-1990
Gd.Shep./38     Lynn                 Jannie L.                 1904            1989
Gd.Shep./38     Lynn                 Melvin H.                 1912            1996
Gd.Shep./17     LYONS                HERMAN H.                 1913            1991         Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./17     LYONS                LOIS L.                   1920            1994         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Mac Intosh           Marion                    00 001922       00 00 1984
Gd.Shep./33     Mac Intosh           Sandy                     1926            1988
Gd.Shep./36     Mac Kain             Ada C.                    1899            1984
Gd.Shep./36     Mac Kain             Stanley L.                1898            1976
Gd.Shep./22     MACDONALD            LORETTA A.                1927            1988
Gd.Shep./53     MACDONALD            WILBUR F.                 1904            1961         Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./7      Mackay               Ruth Mary Ramage          1902            1992
Gd.Shep./17     MACKEY               MARTHA MORLAN             1916            1959         Beloved Daughter and Sister
Gd.Shep./15     MACMILLAN            MARY JANE                 1883            1961         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./36     Macon                Daina R.                  1927            1971
Gd.Shep./23     MADSON               GENE L.                   1932            1964
Gd.Shep/59      Magana               Frank L.                  4-Jun-1913      15-May-2001
Gd.Shep/59      Magana               Pilar "Pearl"             12-Oct-1916     30-Sep-2002
Gd.Shep./26     Magoski              Anne                      1927            1997         Md. April 7, 1956
Gd.Shep./41     Mahan                Hervil Don                1921            1986         CCK US Marine CORPS World War II
Gd.Shep./43     Mahn                 Charles Norman            30-Jun-1957     15-Apr-1993  PFC US Marine Corps, Vietnam
Gd.Shep/59      Maki                 Adam Christopher          31-May-1970     1-Mar-1973
Gd.Shep./42     Malchow              Walter C.                 1904            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./16     MALDONADO            HOPE                      1939            1993
Gd.Shep./34     Malmberg             Glen W.                   23-Sep-1929     20-Jan-2003
Gd.Shep./39     Manchester           August I.                 3-Jul-1899      8-Nov-1994   US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./39     Manchester           Esther A.                 1906            1982
Gd.Shep./39     Manchester           Leonard C.                29-Oct-1927     4-Jan-2000   US ARMY
Gd.Shep./46     Manwill              Gerald Dean               15-Jun-1941     7-May-1960
Gd.Shep/59      Marck                Anna                      1887            1961         Mother
Gd.Shep./6      Marich               Steve "Babe"              11-Feb-1927     18-Aug-2002  Beloved husband father and grandfather
Gd.Shep./9      Marino               Mary Genevieve            1916            2002
Gd.Shep./9      Marino               Sebastiano                1916            2000
Gd.Shep./9      Mariscal             Alberto L.                3-Dec-1919      1-Jul-1992
Gd.Shep./50-52  Markham              Robert W.                 Jan 19, 1894    24-Nov-1960  Arkansas S2 US Navy World War 1
Gd.Shep./45     Markus               Gordon "Roy"              1923            1964
Gd.Shep./45     Markus               Virgina M.                1925            1973
Gd.Shep./49     Marshall             Susan E.                  1883            1962
Gd.Shep./22     MARSTON              GEORGE W.                 1905            1994
Gd.Shep./48     Martin               George W.                 1898            1968         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./48     Martin               Gladys                    1898            1966         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./31     Martin               John S.                   1910            1974         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./25     Martin               Leroy Eugene              7 Apr 1934      17 Apr. 1994 SP3 U.S. Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./31     Martin               Novella L.                1908            1986         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./36     Martin               Wileata Fay               6-Feb-1923      19-May-1999
Gd.Shep./48     Martinez             Alfonso H.                1933            1997
Gd.Shep./34     Marvetz              Juanita                   1920            1981
Gd.Shep./10     Marvin               George J.  M.D.           23-Dec-1915     23-Jan-1998  Husband and Dad
Gd.Shep./19     MATA                 CATALINA S.               22-Mar-1926     7-Apr-1993   Amada Esposa Madre Y Abuela
Gd.Shep./45     Mathews              Lawrence                  6-Nov-1894      14-Jun-1971  Alabama, S2 US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./27     Matos                Louis J., Jr.             1898            1981
Gd.Shep./33     Matovich             Timothy B.                11-Jan-1957     11-Jul-1971
Gd.Shep./24     Matthews             Margaret I.               1928            1996
Gd.Shep./44     Matthews             Nellie                    1892            1984
Gd.Shep./24     Matthews             William C.                1920            1977
Gd.Shep./49     Maurer               Loraine G.                1914            1980         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./13     MAURER               RICHARD L.                27-Apr-1956     2-Jun-1985   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./49     Maurer               Walter C.                 1914            2001         Beloved father and son (with Walter L. Maurer)
Gd.Shep./49     Maurer               Walter L.                 1949            1970         Beloved father and son ( with Walter C. Maurer)
Gd.Shep./33     Mawson               James                     1895            1986
Gd.Shep./33     Mawson               Margaret                  00 00 1899      00 00 1991
Gd.Shep/59      Maxey                E. Eileen                 1921            2001
Gd.Shep/59      Maxey                Hillis I.                 1921            2001
Gd.Shep./39     May                  Gladys J.                 13-Aug-1907     3-Mar-1996   Our Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./44     May                  Glennie                   1909            1971
Gd.Shep./41     May                  Robert Wilbur             1933            1971         Beloved Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./39     May                  James H.                  1904            1975
Gd.Shep./29     Mayer                Betty J.                  1932            1997         Wife
Gd.Shep./29     Mayer                Henry J.                  1922            1985         Husband
Gd.Shep./39     Mayfield             Thomas E.                 19-Feb-1923     3-Mar-1997
Gd.Shep./50-52  Maynard              Floyd M                   1892            1962
Gd.Shep./50-52  Maynard              Susie M                   1900            1967
Gd.Shep./38     Mc Casland           Lambert A.                1921            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Mc Cormick           Clifford                  1898            1977
Gd.Shep./50-52  Mc Cormick           Martha                    1897            1972
Gd.Shep./36     Mc Culley            Ralph P.                  1916            1990
Gd.Shep./41     Mc Guire             Thomas                    1928            1998         Husband, Father & Grandfather
Gd.Shep./35     Mc Intire            Charles H.                1915            1996
Gd.Shep./35     Mc Intire            Stella L.                 1915            1981
Gd.Shep./42     Mc Intyre            Kenneth R.                1901            1966
Gd.Shep./15     MC KENZIE            BETTY J.                  1923            1993         Loving Wife - Mother - Friend
Gd.Shep./15     MC KENZIE            THOMAS O.                 1919            1995         Loving Husband - Father - Friend
Gd.Shep./44     McBride              Alvin Ferrell             10-Apr-1900     19-Dec-1976
Gd.Shep./45     McBride              Bruce Paul                19-Aug-1953     25-Nov-2000  PFC US Marine Corps, Vietnam
Gd.Shep./44     McBride              Mary Lorene               1898            1975
Gd.Shep./44     McBride              Velma Rachael Frazier     27-May-1904     19-Aug-1983
Gd.Shep./16     MCCARTHY             ALICE E.                  1897            1989         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./27     McCarthy             Phyllis Jean              9 Apr. 1934     21 Jan. 1993
Gd.Shep./9      McCarthy             William L.                1919            2000         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./42     McCarty              LaVerne P.                1893            1979         Mother
Gd.Shep./27     McClaran             Thomas D.                 1942            2002
Gd.Shep./40     McClure              Joseph H.                 1894            1969         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./55     MCCOBB               R'LONNE RAE               1932            1967
Gd.Shep./34     McCollum             Gertrude C.               1890            1979
Gd.Shep./34     McCollum             Neoma S.                  1920            1966
Gd.Shep./37     McCollum             Roy J.                    1916            1975         Beloved Son and Father
Gd.Shep./55     MCCONNELL            BERT E.                   19-Jun-1907     13-Jan-1977  Loving Husband - Father - Grandpa
Gd.Shep./55     MCCONNELL            THELMA M.                 21-Dec-1911     16-Jan-2002  Loving Wife - Mother - Grandma
Gd.Shep./31     McCormick            Raymond C.                29-Oct-1905     18-Mar-1994  CWO US ARMY, World War II
Gd.Shep./28     McCoy                Barbara Lynn              15 Sep. 1958    3 Nov. 1969
Gd.Shep./32     McCoy                Beatrice                  22-Apr-1914     14-Jun-1993
Gd.Shep./50-52  McCoy                James Scott               June 12, 1889   22-Apr-1962
Gd.Shep./28     McCoy                Marvin L.                 1940            1982
Gd.Shep./43     McCririe             J. Douglas SR.            1915            1965
Gd.Shep./24     McDonald             Kitty                     1903            1992
Gd.Shep./32     McDonald             Mary C.                   1924            1989
Gd.Shep./46     McDonald             Raymond J                 23-May-1948     24-May-1971  California, PVT US ARMY, VIETNAM
Gd.Shep./20     MCGURK               ALAN C.                   1913            1995         Father
Gd.Shep./20     MCGURK               ERMAL E.                  1914            2000         Mother
Gd.Shep./17     MCINTOSH             MILDRED B.                1918            1997         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./17     MCINTOSH             MILTON A.                 1913            2000         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/59      McKay                Hazel E.                  1910            1970
Gd.Shep./28     McKay                Stewart M.                1917            1993
Gd.Shep./11     McKean               Harry "Whitey"            1921            1998         Husband Father
Gd.Shep./43     McKeehan             Evelyn Rea                1927            1992         Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./53     MCKETHAN             WILLIAM J.                1920            1960
Gd.Shep./53     MCKIBBEN             HELEN C.                  1908            1994
Gd.Shep./53     MCKIBBEN             HOWARD J.                 1906            1960
Gd.Shep./42     McKie                Ethel                     1904            1960         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./41     McKindree            Rodney D.                 7-Feb-1933      30-Sep-1989  PFC US Army Korea,  My Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./41     McKindree            Shirley A.                1910            2001         Mother
Gd.Shep./42     McKinley             M. A.                     1914            1988         Beloved Grandfather
Gd.Shep./12     McLeod               Frances Eugenia           8-Oct-1924      31-Jul-1987
Gd.Shep./44     McMackin             Lucille B.                1907            1969
Gd.Shep./16     MCMANUS              THOMAS M.                 1948            1994         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./40     McMillan             Elizabeth                 1926            1989         Devoted Mom and Grandma
Gd.Shep./9      McPhee               Gary E.                   1940            1992         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./62     McWhorter            Edna R.                   1884            1958
Gd.Shep./62     McWhorter            Leo Moses                 May 16, 1894    22-Apr-1970  PVT US Army World War I
Gd.Shep./34     Mead                 Earl I.                   1896            1986
Gd.Shep./34     Mead                 Lucile Scott              1902            1987
Gd.Shep./35     Mead                 Ralph Earl                2-May-1926      16-Feb-1987  Cpl US Army Air Corps, World War II
Gd.Shep./49     Meade                Betty                     1924            1999
Gd.Shep./49     Meade                Larry                     1919            2002
Gd.Shep./34     Mecusker             Gladys L.                 1897            1983
Gd.Shep./34     Mecusker             Matthew R.                1898            1976         Sgt. US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./20     MEEHAN               JOHN J.                   22-Oct-1915     20-May-1987
Gd.Shep./26     Mele                 John Pete                 10 July 1939    10 Feb. 1998
Gd.Shep./42     Mellick              N. A. "Dutch"             11-Jan-1916     22-Apr-1972  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./53     MELTON               TROY R.                   Feb 1906        Sep 1963
Gd.Shep./8      Menchaca             Gilberto                  14-Nov-1923     7-Jul-1991   beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./8      Mendibles            Jeffrey Ryan              4-Jun-1975      16-Sep-1995  our beloved son brother and friend
Gd.Shep/57      Mendoza              Arthur                    1955            1976
Gd.Shep./47     Mendoza              Daniel A.                 1927            2001
Gd.Shep./47     Mendoza              Socorro B.                1932            2001
Gd.Shep./41     Merrifield           Dorothy E.                1930            1971
Gd.Shep./41     Merrifield           Ernest W.                 28-Dec-1925     29-Aug-1985  PFC US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./46     Merritt              James O.                  1909            1985         Loved Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather
Gd.Shep./28     Merwin               Adeline B.                1893            1981
Gd.Shep./28     Merwin               Charles L.                1887            1973
Gd.Shep./13     MESSINGER            KATHLEEN SARAH            12-Sep-1910     21-Jul-1992  Loving Wife Momma and Grandma
Gd.Shep./45     Meyer                Delbert E.                1923            1968         Father
Gd.Shep./54     MEYER                GENE                      1902            1963         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./43     Meyer                Henry M.                  1906            1995
Gd.Shep./21     MEYER                KARL H.                   11-Jan-1928     26-Jan-2000  Loving Husband Father & Grandpop
Gd.Shep./43     Meyer                Ruth F.                   1910            2001
Gd.Shep./54     MEYER                WILMA M.                  1908            2004         Loving wife and mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother
Gd.Shep./45     Meyer                Zettia G.                 1928            1988         Mother
Gd.Shep./60     Michael              Thierman L.               1950            1972
Gd.Shep./44     Mickelberry          Evelyn                    1917            1999
Gd.Shep./44     Mickelberry          Walter (Mick)             1918            1982
Gd.Shep./26     Midgley              Harriet E.                1902            1987
Gd.Shep./26     Midgley              Hugh                      1899            1966
Gd.Shep/58      Miles                Donald E.                 2-May-1911      25-Apr-1966  Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/58      Miles                Teresa Mary               22-Jan-1911     8-Dec-1963   Sweetheart and Wife
Gd.Shep./26     Miller               Adamae                    1916            1989
Gd.Shep./24     Miller               Alma                      1913            2003
Gd.Shep./24     Miller               Bobby Joe                 23 Dec. 1935    29 Apr. 1986
Gd.Shep./20     MILLER               DEBRA L.                  1956            1987         Beloved wife mother and daughter
Gd.Shep./35     Miller               Elizabeth C.              1896            1966
Gd.Shep./53     MILLER               ELLA ENOLA                1925            1987         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./53     MILLER               EVERETT RAY               1895            1961         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./20     MILLER               FRANCIS MYRTLE            24-Sep-1914     3-Mar-1998   Beloved aunt sister & friend
Gd.Shep./35     Miller               Frank B.                  Jun 9 1893      4/26         Pvt US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./40     Miller               Glenn P.                  1931            1984
Gd.Shep./17     MILLER               GUERDON  BERKELEY         1912            1997
Gd.Shep./23     MILLER               MARY HANNAH               21-Oct-1912     10-Oct-1991
Gd.Shep./33     Miller               Mary P.                   1908            1985
Gd.Shep./61     Miller               Nora B.                   1894            1965
Gd.Shep./24     Miller               Opal                      1909            1997
Gd.Shep./50-52  Miller               Rickie                    1958            1961
Gd.Shep./17     MILLER               RITA MILDRED              1922            2003
Gd.Shep./24     Miller               Velma A.                  1908            1996
Gd.Shep./40     Miller               Vinita P.                 00 00 1917      00 00 1981
Gd.Shep./23     MILLER               WILLIAM S.                6-Jan-1910      18-Jul-1985
Gd.Shep./42     Millier              James, Sr.                1919            1994         "Proud to Serve His Country" ,  (US Army emblem)
Gd.Shep./45     Millier              Virginia M.               1916            1994
Gd.Shep./16     MILLS                GREGORY M.                1953            1959         Faculties of Kaiserslautern American Schools Germany
Gd.Shep./37     Mills                Mary Lou                  00 00 1927      00 00 1983   "Mama Lou", Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./29     Milone               Ester                     1923            1976         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./16     MINOTT               GLENN M.                  1928            1991         Beloved Husband & Father
Gd.Shep./38     Miranda              Maria C.                  1893            1968         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./38     Miranda              Ramon A.                  1885            1973         Beloved father and grandfather
Gd.Shep./32     Mitchell             Angus John                2-Aug-1918      30-Nov-1985  S Marine Corps, 3rd Marine Div., World War II
Gd.Shep./9      Mitchell             Charles B.                8-Oct-1923      3-Mar-1993
Gd.Shep./35     Mitchell             Frances G.                6-Oct-1912      14-Feb-1969
Gd.Shep./35     Mitchell             Luther S.                 1906            1971
Gd.Shep./49     Mitchell-McKee       Rosa Lee                  1934            1989         Loving Mother, Sister, & Wife
Gd.Shep./46     Mitzen               Carol L.                  1934            1970         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./19     MOELLER              JEFFREY A.                1962            1989         Loving son & brother
Gd.Shep./32     Mojarro              Donato V.                 1909            1998         De Mano En Mano Caminaremos Otra Ves Tu y Yo
Gd.Shep./32     Mojarro              Zenaida Curiel            1917            1990         De Mano En Mano Caminaremos Otra Ves Tu y Yo
Gd.Shep/59      Moline               Claire G.                 1917            1958         Mama
Gd.Shep./54     MOLLENHAUER          ELDON L.                  13-Jul-1921     28-Oct-1960  Minnesota, RM3 USNR, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./34     Molloy               Francis J.                1932            1993
Gd.Shep./34     Molloy               Georgina C.               1956            1993
Gd.Shep./24     Molony               Grace L.                  1913            1984
Gd.Shep./43     Monsen               M. Harold                 1912            1970
Gd.Shep/58      Monteiro             Glenn H.                  1893            1972         Beloved Husband, Father and Grandpa
Gd.Shep/58      Monteiro             Ida J.                    1897            1983         Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandma
Gd.Shep./50-52  Monteith             Delois J                  1938            1965
Gd.Shep./53     MONTEITH             THOMAS                    1897            1979         Father
Gd.Shep./53     MONTEITH             VALMAI  M.                1905            1987         Mother
Gd.Shep./47     Monti                Phillip J.                1921            2000
Gd.Shep./54     MONTIEL              RUDY J.                   27-Jun-1940     1-Jul-1962   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./6      Mooney               Madeline G.               1925            2000         Wife Mom Grandma and great Grandma
Gd.Shep./6      Mooney               William T.                18-Dec-1922     13-Sep-1981  Beloved husband dad and grandpa
Gd.Shep./11     Moore                Adelene                   1934            1988         Mother
Gd.Shep./21     MOORE                CLARA J.                  1895            1986
Gd.Shep./16     MOORE                HARRY W.                  1935            1994         Loving Husband & Daddy
Gd.Shep./21     MOORE                JAMES LES                 1897            1959
Gd.Shep./11     Moore                Robert L. Jr.             1927            1998         Father
Gd.Shep./30     Moorehead            Gary E.                   1938            1980         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./8      Morales              Gonzalo Sr.               1916            1999         beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./7      Morales              Ken Gus                   14-May-1970     29-Jun-1997  Bloved son and brother
Gd.Shep./26     Morales              Senorina B.               1928            1994
Gd.Shep./39     Moran                Cruz D.                   1919            1999         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Moran                Teresa                    1921            1998         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./65     Moree                Dondra Jo                 1956            1995
Gd.Shep./56     MOREE                HERMAN L.                 20-Aug-1911     6-Dec-1971   Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./65     Moree                Howard R.                 1931            2000
Gd.Shep./65     Moree                Lou Dema                  1933            1996
Gd.Shep./32     Moreno               Casimiro M.               1900            1978
Gd.Shep./32     Moreno               Josefina                  1898            1989         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./36     Morff                Herbert Louis             1924            1977         Em3 US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./6      Morgan               Daniel H.                 1932            1987         father
Gd.Shep./6      Morgan               Evelyn A.                 1929            1998         mother
Gd.Shep./32     Morgan               Joseph E.                 1922            1981         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      Morgan               Louisa                    1887            1982
Gd.Shep/57      Morgan               Winifred                  1921            1980
Gd.Shep./25     Moriel               Susano G.                 1903            1995
Gd.Shep./17     MORLAN               LUCILE R.                 1897            1969         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./17     MORLAN               WILLIAM E.                1890            1986         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./56     MORRIS               DAVID M.                  1890            1967         Husband & Father, Beloved
Gd.Shep./49     Morris               Dorothy Faye              1910            1968         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./49     Morris               George S.                 9-Sep-1909      2-Mar-1969   California, TEC5 Infantry,  World War II
Gd.Shep./15     MORRIS               JOAN C.                   15-Jun-1930     22-Mar-2002
Gd.Shep./56     MORRIS               LILY N.                   1891            1964         Wife and Mother, Beloved
Gd.Shep./40     Morrow               Flora B. McClure          4-Jan-1896      21-Oct-1995  Our Beloved Mother, Grandmother, Great and Great-Great Grandmother
Gd.Shep./40     Morse                Sheila                    1933            1993
Gd.Shep./42     Morton               Mildred E.                1916            1999         Wife
Gd.Shep./21     MOSHER               STELLA RUTH               18-Nov-1902     3-Nov-1974
Gd.Shep./21     MUDAWAR              SAMIRA                    1-Jan-1929      18-Mar-1997  Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Mudra                James A.                  1907            1972
Gd.Shep./33     Mudra                Lillie R.                 16-Jun-1913     5-Mar-1995
Gd.Shep./62     Mueller              Myrtle L.                 1900            1975
Gd.Shep./62     Mueller              Val A.                    1898            1967
Gd.Shep./63     Muller               Winnie Y.                 1891            1969
Gd.Shep./21     MULLINS              EDWARD                    1905            1966
Gd.Shep./37     Mullins              Edward John               12-Dec-1965     13-Mar-1970
Gd.Shep./21     MULLINS              EURA E                    1916            1998
Gd.Shep./47     Mullins              Imogene Tyler             3-Nov-1921      31-Mar-1989
Gd.Shep./45     Mullins              Lee R                     1940            1982         US Air Force
Gd.Shep./43     Mulqueen             Michael J., Jr.           1925            1996         "Binga-Binga"
Gd.Shep./26     Mulstay              John R.                   1925            1982         U.S. Marine Corps, World War II
Gd.Shep./48     Murdock              John Samuel               1-Apr-1926      30-May-1989  Loving Husband, Father & Grandfather
Gd.Shep./10     Murotake             Leanne Elizabeth          None given      None given
Gd.Shep./21     MURPHEY              BENJAMIN A.               16-Jul-1914     27-Nov-1993  US ARMY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./47     Murphy               Gary Michael              28-Oct-1951     13-Jun-1968  "Little Clod"
Gd.Shep./13     MURPHY               GEORGE L.                 17-Dec-1892     2-Jun-1965
Gd.Shep./41     Murray               Bernard F.  "Barney"      1913            1990
Gd.Shep./40     Murrell              Gwilym                    1913            1991         Beloved Husband, Father, Grandpa
Gd.Shep./40     Murrell              Virginia M.               1917            1982         Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandma
Gd.Shep./4      Mustain              Bobbie                    1926            2002
Gd.Shep./44     Mustard              Marjean Ida               1929            1997
Gd.Shep./49     Musulin              Robert W                  1924            1993
Gd.Shep./65     Mutzenberger         Laura Lynne               6-Nov-1961      18-Dec-1961
Gd.Shep./39     Myers                Ervin, Jr.                Jun 1926        Jan 2000     Loving Husband, Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./47     Myers                Rex N.                    1913            1969         Beloved Husband - Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./44     Naperala             Daniel S. Sr.             22-Sep-1949     26-May-1998
Gd.Shep./50-52  Nash                 George T                  1907            1994
Gd.Shep./50-52  Nash                 Lucey K                   1905            1965
Gd.Shep./38     Nation               Randy                     1952            1969
Gd.Shep./40     Natzke               Geraldine Inez            16-Jan-1949     1-May-2002
Gd.Shep./39     Neal                 Forest Owen               1911            1976         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Neal                 Opal Lucille              1912            1978         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./19     NEAVEL               CYNTHIA SUE               15-Feb-1960     22-Jun-1997  Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./27     Nelson               Alice Brown                               17 Nov. 1993 Loving mother to Stephen"
Gd.Shep./42     Nelson               Clarence H.               1891            1987         Happily married for 63 years.
Gd.Shep./27     Nelson               Eric Gustav               17 Oct. 1904    7 Nov. 1986  Devoted husband to Alice, Loving father to Stephen"
Gd.Shep./29     Nelson               Fenn Eugene               16-Jun-1922     19-Apr-1996  Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Friend
Gd.Shep./29     Nelson               Holli Roene               7-Dec-1983      8-Apr-1984
Gd.Shep./42     Nelson               Jim L.                    1966            1988
Gd.Shep./48     Nelson               Lynda                     1958            2003
Gd.Shep./42     Nelson               Nelda M.                  1902            1989         Happily married for 63 years.
Gd.Shep./33     Nelson               Nils Haga                 4-Jul-1917      14-Jan-1992
Gd.Shep./33     Nelson               Norma Lee                 9-Feb-1919      6-Sep-1986
Gd.Shep./13     NESSLER              GEMMIE B.                 1922            1993
Gd.Shep./40     Nettles              Ernest A.                 1919            2000         Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./50-52  Nevins               Virginia Bain             1907            1988
Gd.Shep./50-52  Nevins               Walter Amon               Jun 7 1905      Mar 19 1984  US Army WW II
Gd.Shep./56     NEWELL               ALICE E.                  1919            1990
Gd.Shep./38     Newman               Wilbur D.                 1911            1968
Gd.Shep./42     Newtown              Jeanene Helen             3-Oct-1947      20-Jan-1989
Gd.Shep./43     Nichols              Elizabeth Agnes           10-Feb-1920     25-May-1984  B. Bakersfield, D. Duarte, Husband: Arlis Nichols, Son: Anthony Espinoza, Dau of: Bernard & Lena Gunn
Gd.Shep./46     Nickell              Jesse L.                  4-Aug-1898      8-Dec-1973   "Pop"
Gd.Shep./46     Nickell              Luna                      24-Jan-1901     1-Dec-1963
Gd.Shep./48     Nicolaou             Nicholas M.               16-Jan-1929     8-Jun-2001   US ARMY, KOREA
Gd.Shep./27     Nikrant              Robert                    12 Oct. 1898    10 Sept. 1969
Gd.Shep./44     Niles                Virgina Fay               11-Nov-1915     23-Apr-1997
Gd.Shep./38     Nixon                Mildred V.                Apr 5 1896      15-Jan-1972  Beloved Wife, Mother of Virginia, Grandmother of Jimmy, Emily, Stevie, Melody, Danny and Sherry
Gd.Shep./31     Nolan                Eileen                    1921            1990         The "very-very" best wife - mother - grandmother and friend
Gd.Shep./38     Norman               Thelma Fay                1905            1993         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./47     Nowers               Meghan Derelys            3-Sep-1974      16-May-1978
Gd.Shep./12     Nygren               Gerardine E.              24-Feb-1915     2-May-1996
Gd.Shep./39     Nygren               LaVerne A.                27-Jun-1914     13-May-1996
Gd.Shep./40     O'Brien              Henry L.                  28-Nov-1933     13-Nov-1996
Gd.Shep./35     O'Brien              James Lloyd               February-07     October-70
Gd.Shep./17     O'BRIEN              THOMAS D.                 1938            1995
Gd.Shep./50-52  Obrzut               Leo D                     1899            1975
Gd.Shep./9      Ocampo               Guadalupe                 1919            1999
Gd.Shep./38     O'Connell            Carol Meredith            1933            1992
Gd.Shep./38     O'Connell            Donald Gene               1929            1984
Gd.Shep./28     Oertwig              Donna                     1938            1983
Gd.Shep./18     OHALLORAN            PAUL T.                   1920            1998
Gd.Shep./46     O'Harra              Michel William Martin     1963            1964
Gd.Shep./53     OHS                  LLOYD H.                  1905            1960
Gd.Shep./47     Olender              John                      1941            1996
Gd.Shep./60     Oliver               Bessie F.                 1907            1988
Gd.Shep./60     Oliver               Luther M.                 1909            1974
Gd.Shep./60     Oliver               Maurice H.                1916            1961
Gd.Shep./66     Oliver               Orval O., Jr.             10-Jul-1958     12-Jul-1958
Gd.Shep./42     Olsen                Lee Halvden               24-Oct-1940     10-Dec-2003  Loving Husband, Father & Grandfather,  Married April 29, 1967 (to Janice E. Kleven)
Gd.Shep./18     OLSEN                PETER E. SR.              1920            1982
Gd.Shep./2      Olson                Ivan G                    1912            1991
Gd.Shep./24     Olson                Marlys D.                 1943            1990         Parents of Dianne, Alan, Jeffrey, Jolayne
Gd.Shep./2      Olson                Opal A.                   1911            1994
Gd.Shep./55     O'MARRA              DOROTHY M.                1916            1961
Gd.Shep./38     O'Neal               Cynthia L.                25-Oct-1955     3-Nov-1971
Gd.Shep./40     Orcutt               Leon R.                   1911            1971         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./56     OREM                 DEAN C.                   1896            1963
Gd.Shep./34     Orgaz                Felina R.                 1893            1966
Gd.Shep./65     Orr                  Esther E.                 1898            1970
Gd.Shep./65     Orr                  Glenn L.                  1889            1958
Gd.Shep./46     Osborn               Andrew J.                 21-Apr-1881     28-Aug-1968  Our Dad
Gd.Shep./37     Osborn               James E.                  1928            1995
Gd.Shep./46     Osborn               Sallie W.                 15-Sep-1887     20-Apr-1978  Our Mom
Gd.Shep./23     OSBORN               SARAH E.                  1868            1959
Gd.Shep./10     Osburn               Isaac W.                  1920            2003         Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./10     Osburn               Polly J.                  1924            1993         Mom and Grandma
Gd.Shep./38     Osiecki              Felix M.                  1914            1983
Gd.Shep./36     Ostrom               Cecil J.                  1913            1994
Gd.Shep./36     Ostrom               Mary L.                   1914            1994
Gd.Shep./29     Ovando               Domingo M.                31-Dec-1896     28-Feb-1981
Gd.Shep./29     Ovando               Laura Bromley             30-Mar-1902     14-Mar-1983  "Nina"
Gd.Shep./56     PACHECO              ANTHONY KEITH             15-Nov-1968     13-Jun-1970  Our Baby "Tony"
Gd.Shep./14     PACINELLI            JUDI A.                   1944            1990         Loving Mother and Wife
Gd.Shep./35     Packard              Rodell E.                 7-Jul-1935      26-Aug-1993  US Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./49     Packham              Helen M.                  1905            1969
Gd.Shep./29     Padley               Marie E.                  1900            1990         Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./30     Pagett               Barbra                    1921            1987
Gd.Shep./30     Pagett               Charles Atley             8-Apr-1916      19-Dec-1988  PFC  US ARMY,  World War II
Gd.Shep./31     Pagett               Charles Hobert            1950            1979         "Hobie",  Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./45     Pagett               Shannon Darling           26-Mar-1941     15-Apr-1975  Our Beloved Daughter
Gd.Shep./43     Paige                John Floyd - III          24-Jan-1959     12-Feb-1999  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./16     PAINTER              STEPHEN P.                1953            1997         Beloved Husband Father Son
Gd.Shep./8      Pallatto             Rose                      1917            1993
Gd.Shep./61     Palmer               Ernest Dale               Sept. 22, 1883  June 15, 1958
Gd.Shep./23     PALMER               HELEN B.                  10-Mar-1906     24-Aug-2001
Gd.Shep./23     PALMER               JAMES H.                  14-Jul-1906     9-Oct-1981
Gd.Shep./22     PALMER               MARY ANNIE                1896            1986
Gd.Shep./22     PALMER               OTTO E.                   1896            1987
Gd.Shep./38     Palmer               Scott Ramon               1951            1987         "Brothers"  (to William Joseph Palmer)
Gd.Shep./38     Palmer               William Joseph            1959            1978         "Brothers" (to Scott Ramon Palmer)
Gd.Shep./18     PALMERO              JOHN                      1915            1989         Best Husband Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./47     Palomares            Eugenio                   1926            2000
Gd.Shep./11     Pannkuk              Eloise L.                 1928            1993
Gd.Shep./21     PAPAVERO             MARY A.                   1899            1999         Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./31     Pape                 Andrew Robert             1-Jul-1967      3-Mar-1982   "Our Andy"
Gd.Shep./56     PARGA                CHARLES, SR.              1914            1996         Husband
Gd.Shep./47     Parker               George S.                 1905            1965         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./61     Parker               Gladys C.                 1916            2003
Gd.Shep./53     PARKER               JAMES H.                  23-Jan-1906     6-Nov-1972   "Brother"
Gd.Shep./40     Parker               Laura M.                  1928            1974         Beloved Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./47     Parker               Louise E. M.              1901            1973         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./39     Parks                Gerald F.                 11-Sep-1929     17-Feb-1969  Arkansas, Sgt US Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./48     Parks                Nellie Gant               26-Apr-1910     4-Aug-1997   Mother  Grandmother
Gd.Shep./8      Parra                Linda Francis             1947            1989
Gd.Shep./64     Parry                Doretha D.                17-Feb-1935     10-Oct-1980
Gd.Shep./45     Parson               Noreen A.                 1927            1960         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./40     Partnoff             Vera                      1902            1968         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./10     Passmore             Kimberly Ann              1954            1997
Gd.Shep./54     PATRAS               MARK G.                   6-Sep-1963      6-Sep-1963   "Our Baby"
Gd.Shep./17     PATTERSON            STEPHEN H.                22-Sep-1956     30-May-1993
Gd.Shep./35     Paulson              Kenneth R.                1931            1986
Gd.Shep./10     Pavelka              Anna B.                   1906            1993
Gd.Shep./10     Pavelka              Michael R.                1903            1997
Gd.Shep./37     Pawlicki             Michael                   1950            1981         beloved son and brother
Gd.Shep./23     PAXTON               HARRY M.                  1907            1962
Gd.Shep./23     PAXTON               JENNIE R.                 1906            1988
Gd.Shep./38     Payne                Alma Ellen                Jul 11 1805     Apr 25 1875  Beloved mother and grandma
Gd.Shep./49     Payne                Darlene                   Dec 1927        June 1982
Gd.Shep./49     Payne                James Richard             1927            1999         "YE",  Loving husband and father
Gd.Shep./44     Pearce               Gerald Lee                1939            1967
Gd.Shep./36     Pearcy               Norma L.                  1-Dec-1937      8-Jan-1998
Gd.Shep./36     Peasland             Edith B.                  1910            1992
Gd.Shep./36     Peasland             Kenneth A.                1913            1968
Gd.Shep./20     PENDELL              W. KEITH                  1942            2000
Gd.Shep./20     PENDELL              WILLIAM H.                5-Apr-1904      19-Dec-1997  Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./2      Pendleton            Jack L.                   1935            2001
Gd.Shep./18     PERARDI              ALBERT                    1896            1985         "Pop"
Gd.Shep./4      Perardi              Anthony Michael           3-Sep-1987      6-Sep-1987   Our perfect little boy
Gd.Shep./18     PERARDI              MARGARET                  1903            1994         "Mom"
Gd.Shep./40     Perez                Gustavo M.                1949            1974
Gd.Shep./26     Perez                Juan I.                   1911            1978
Gd.Shep./26     Perez                Rosmunda De               1899            1980
Gd.Shep./34     Perkins              Fannie V.                 1895            1965
Gd.Shep./34     Perkins              Fred H.                   1891            1965
Gd.Shep./4      Perkola              Walter F.                 1920            1987         husband father grandfather
Gd.Shep./33     Perry                Bessie Bentley            1887            1984
Gd.Shep./33     Perry                David V.                  00-00-1884      00-00-1968
Gd.Shep./39     Peters               John F.                   4-Jan-1913      7-Aug-1972   California, CFC US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./62     Peters               Vergie M.                 1910            1964
Gd.Shep./30     Peterson             Hazel L.                  Jul. 1917       Jan. 1973    Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./22     PETERSON             HOWARD A.                 15-Mar-1914     17-Dec-1992
Gd.Shep./30     Peterson             Raymond H.                27-Jul-1964     2-Feb-1982   Our special son - brother
Gd.Shep./30     Peterson             Ruth E.                   1917            1973
Gd.Shep./46     Peterson             Sarah Ona                 1891            1965         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./35     Peterson             Wayne L.                  1936            1999
Gd.Shep./29     Petro                Ernest E.                 1909            1992
Gd.Shep./29     Petro                Stella G.                 1913            1990
Gd.Shep/59      Pettyjohn            Wesley Michael            8-Jun-1962      8-Jun-1962   Baby
Gd.Shep./30     Phillips             William D.                4-Jul-1923      3-May-1972   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./66     Pickerill            Lance A.                  1-Jul-1958      1-Jul-1958   Baby
Gd.Shep./7      Pierson              Carl A.                   1920            1989
Gd.Shep./7      Pierson              Teresa W.                 1916            1994
Gd.Shep./54     PINTER               BRIAN M.                  1982            2003         Beloved Son and Friend
Gd.Shep./27     Pitts                Leo M.                    1913            1977
Gd.Shep./31     Pixler               Lilian                    1928            1992
Gd.Shep./31     Pixler               Perry "Glen"              30-Mar-1956     27-Sep-1998
Gd.Shep./23     PIZULA               MICHAEL STEVEN            21-Nov-1945     6-May-1996
Gd.Shep./4      Pizula               Mildred Helen             3-Feb-1924      26-Apr-1998  Loving wife mother granny
Gd.Shep./4      Pizula               Milo                      12-Jul-1922     20-Sep-1987  Loving husband father grandfather
Gd.Shep./4      Pizula               Thomas Daniel             7-Oct-1949      5-Nov-1982   Loving husband and father
Gd.Shep./25     Plains               Scott A.                  1957            1998
Gd.Shep./42     Pleadwell            Virginia M.               1907            1993         Wife - Beloved - Mother, Grandma and Granny
Gd.Shep./15     PLEASANT             STANFORD W. JR.           1944            1994
Gd.Shep./53     POLLOCK              GENEVIEVE R.              2-Nov-1895      25-Aug-1972
Gd.Shep./53     POLLOCK              JOHN W.                   6-May-1890      15-Apr-1958
Gd.Shep./55     PORTER               WILLIAM HENRY             1909            1962
Gd.Shep./32     Potter               Betty Q.                  1898            1997         Sui Generis
Gd.Shep./28     Potts                D.C.                      1910            1974
Gd.Shep./28     Potts                Edna Phyllis              1910            1995
Gd.Shep./43     Powell               Dorcee Anne               1-Aug-1967      3-May-1983
Gd.Shep./28     Power                Tim Lee                   24 Nov. 1954    31 July 1996
Gd.Shep./39     Prayer               Nellie                    1926            1990         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./39     Prettyman            Lonnie C.                 1899            1970
Gd.Shep./39     Prettyman            Mark Alan                 1950            1969         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./39     Prettyman            Rosa E.                   1903            1978
Gd.Shep./48     Price                Bea                       1916            1993         nee Herbelin
Gd.Shep./48     Price                Edward                    1915            1984         Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather
Gd.Shep./21     PRICE                FRANCES S.                1897            1961
Gd.Shep./43     Priest               Kathryn Ann               19-Jan-1947     22-Jan-1999  Sealed to William R. Priest Feb. 2, 1985
Gd.Shep./43     Priest               William S.                1908            1969
Gd.Shep./20     PRINDLE              DOLORES B. "DEE"          1924            1996
Gd.Shep./20     PRINDLE              G.E.  "BUD"               1922            1990
Gd.Shep./48     Prior                Dorothy Inez              1913            1992
Gd.Shep./48     Prior                Everett Donald            28-Nov-1907     9-Jan-1962   Iowa, S1  US NAVY, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./32     Pritchard            Eugene R.                 1918            1997
Gd.Shep./32     Pritchard            Laura M.                  1922            1988
Gd.Shep./28     Probst               Esther B.                 1936            1984
Gd.Shep./28     Probst-Mowery        Karen D.                  1959            1996
Gd.Shep./44     Profeta              Matthew                   1981            2003
Gd.Shep./42     Prudence             Edward                    1899            1981         Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./42     Prudence             Violet I.                 1901            1972         Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./54     PRUITT               IDA                       1901            1960         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Pruter               Betty McCarthy            20-Apr-1923     4-Feb-1999
Gd.Shep./50-52  Puccio               Frank                     1903            1989
Gd.Shep./35     Puig                 Candice Judith            8-Sep-1982      18-Jun-1982
Gd.Shep./37     Pulliam              Eva Annette               00 001945       00 00 1997
Gd.Shep./49     Punt                 Johanna Hendrika          26-Feb-1914     22 Nov, 2000
Gd.Shep./34     Purkiss              Austin Wilbur             22-Sep-1924     27-Jul-1992  US Marine Corps, World War II
Gd.Shep/59      Quick                Helen Kelley              1894            1980
Gd.Shep./65     Quick                Mickey                    1921            1979
Gd.Shep/59      Quick                Wade S., Sr.              8-Dec-1895      11-Jun-1971  Iowa, BM1  US NAVY,  World War I
Gd.Shep./50-52  Quinn                Cecil Bryan               June 14, 1898   22-Mar-1961  Oklahoma Cox US Navy World War 1
Gd.Shep./50-52  Quinn                Virginia R                1926            1988
Gd.Shep./36     Radcliff             Barbara J.                23-Oct-1923     21-Jun-1995
Gd.Shep./36     Radcliff             Melbourne T.              1903            1969
Gd.Shep./36     Radcliff             Ruby G.                   1904            1989
Gd.Shep./50-52  Ragan                Rex L                     1898            1962
Gd.Shep./36     Rain                 James A.                  1915            1999
Gd.Shep./36     Rain                 Lillie M.                 1918            1987
Gd.Shep./30     Rainey               Daniel S.                 11-Jan-1962     19-Aug-1980
Gd.Shep./42     Ramey                Clara                     2-Nov-1889      1-Dec-1971   Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./6      Ramirez              Rushie M.                 1918            2001         Beloved mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./35     Ramshaw              Ella Ruth                 1893            1972
Gd.Shep./22     RANDEL               ESTHER ANN                1914            1995
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rapanot              Jacob David               May 27 1993     March 7 2003
Gd.Shep/58      Rasmussen            Edith R.                  27-Sep-1900     19-Feb-1975  Beloved Sister
Gd.Shep./53     RASMUSSEN            HARRY EDWIN               29-Jul-2001     26-Nov-1974  Sea 2 US Navy
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rasmussen            Jens M.                   25-Sep-1891     11-Oct-1976   US Navy, World War 1
Gd.Shep./56     RASMUSSEN            LORENZA G.                1877            1968
Gd.Shep/57      Rattelman            Nita Mae                  1902            1975         Beloved mother and grandmother
Gd.Shep./43     Ray                  Leonard                   30-Aug-1910     5-May-1989   SF3 US Navy
Gd.Shep./43     Ray                  Mildred S.                1-Apr-1913      11-Dec-1968
Gd.Shep./35     Reddy                Grace Koscher             1911            1982
Gd.Shep./35     Reddy                John Dennis               1911            1998
Gd.Shep./53     REDFERN              ETHEL COWELL              1909            1977         Wife - Mother
Gd.Shep./65     Reece                Mina M.                   1898            1967
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reed                 Aletha G                  29-Dec-1904     15-Jul-1967
Gd.Shep./49     Reed                 Andrew Nathan             23-May-1897     8-Apr-1987
Gd.Shep./31     Reed                 Edith M.                  1925            1985
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reed                 Julia H                   1918            1973
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reed                 Maye L                    1883            1980
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reed                 Raymond Lewis             Sep 26 1920     Jan 1 1992   Cmm US Navy WW  II
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reed                 Riley M                   1880            1958
Gd.Shep./49     Reed                 Ruth N.                   14-Oct-1898     1-Mar-1958
Gd.Shep./38     Rees                 Paul Scott                1962            1997
Gd.Shep./25     Reese                Charlotte A.              1904            1972
Gd.Shep./46     Reese                Esther                    19-Nov-1906     29-Oct-2003  Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./15     REID                 CINDY L.                  1960            1993
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reid                 Parkie A                  June 13 1901    Feb 6 1972
Gd.Shep./47     Reid                 R. Virginia               1908            1981
Gd.Shep./17     REID                 TOM                       1933            1996
Gd.Shep./50-52  Reid                 Weeden J                  Jan 13 1898     Oct 11 1966
Gd.Shep./20     RENISON              EDNA A.                   1882            1961         "Gussie"
Gd.Shep./20     RENISON              PELEG L.                  1880            1959         "Lea"
Gd.Shep./26     Renken               Edo Henry                 1899            1979
Gd.Shep./26     Renken               Leora S.                  1903            1968
Gd.Shep./47     Renner               Anna Moser                1913            1997
Gd.Shep./40     Renner               Dorothy                   1920            1968         Wife   Mother
Gd.Shep./47     Renner               John B.                   1909            1985
Gd.Shep./40     Renner               Malcolm C., Sr.           19-Feb-1920     3-May-1988   SGT US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep/58      Rettig               Samuel                    1878            1965         Dad
Gd.Shep/58      Rettig               Hattie Bell               1883            1959         Mother
Gd.Shep./15     REVAY-GULYAS         GARY                      1960            1989         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep/59      Reynolds             Andrew J.                 4-Feb-1888      30-Dec-1960  Kansas,  CPL  AIR SERVICE,  World War I
Gd.Shep/59      Reynolds             Margaret T.               1892            1970         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./36     Rhodes               Helen I.                  1913            1977
Gd.Shep./39     Rhodes               Helen M.                  1926            1973         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./29     Rice                 Raymond J.                1920            1971         Beloved husband
Gd.Shep./23     RICHARDSON           BETTY A.                  1907            1966
Gd.Shep./18     RICHARDSON           EDWARD C.                 23-May-1906     3-Dec-1993   US NAVY  WORLD WAR II    Our Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./43     Richardson           Geraldine M.              2-Sep-1915      29-Dec-1984  "Girlie"
Gd.Shep./23     RICHARDSON           THOMAS E.                 1946            1976
Gd.Shep./31     Richey               Edna E.                   28-Jun-1888     20-Jan-1975  Dearest Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./41     Rickard              Clara M.                  1896            1985
Gd.Shep./21     RICKARD              LELAND R                  19-Sep-1946     30-Jun-1993
Gd.Shep./48     Ricketts             Leona M.                  18-Dec-1904     6-Nov-1990   Loving Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./48     Ricketts             Ward                      31-Jul-1900     4-Feb-1963   Illinois, PVT COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./37     Ricklef              Samuel W.                 1926            2001
Gd.Shep./37     Ricklef              Steven A.                 23-Feb-1950     12-Dec-1970  Beloved Husband and Son
Gd.Shep./37     Riedell              Henry T.                  1881            1969         Loving Father
Gd.Shep./27     Riedell              Naomi H.                  1915            1986
Gd.Shep./54     RIES                 HARRIET S.                SEPT1884        Feb 1960     Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./29     Rieu                 Abel S.                   1912            1994
Gd.Shep./29     Rieu                 Marion L.                 1915            1992
Gd.Shep./50-52  Riffel               Alice                     1924            1961
Gd.Shep./31     Riggs                Ralph B.                  1907            1972         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Riker                Robert Manning            May 29 1933     Mar 26 1994  US Army Korea
Gd.Shep./48     Riley                Auda M.                   1914            1962         Loving Wife
Gd.Shep./48     Riley                Chester M.                1904            1967
Gd.Shep./16     RITTER               DONALD GENE               1936            1994         Beloved Husband Father Grandfather
Gd.Shep/57      Ritter               Jesse Wilson              15-Sep-1905     8-Aug-1958
Gd.Shep/57      Ritter               Lillian Alice             8-May-1910      23-Dec-1986
Gd.Shep./33     Rivera               Lee                       1917            1984
Gd.Shep./22     ROARK                IRVIN L.                  1907            1959
Gd.Shep./40     Roberson             Audre Irene               10-Feb-1908     7-Mar-1966
Gd.Shep./2      Roberts              Earl V. (Bill)            1913            1985         parents of Ron and Donna
Gd.Shep./2      Roberts              Elizabeth (Lib)           1917            1995         Parents of Ron and Donna
Gd.Shep./6      Roberts              Emma Coleen               5-Apr-1915      3-Nov-1990
Gd.Shep./36     Roberts              Flossie E.                1893            1974
Gd.Shep./38     Roberts              Gordon L.                 1914            1988
Gd.Shep./36     Roberts              James B.                  1888            1982
Gd.Shep./14     ROBERTS              JANE D.                   1932            1988
Gd.Shep./22     ROBERTSON            EDNA C.                   1910            1995
Gd.Shep./22     ROBERTSON            GEORGE J.                 1907            1997
Gd.Shep./50-52  Robertson            Judd                      1902            1961
Gd.Shep./56     ROBINS               DOROTHY L.                1921            1999         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep/59      Robinson             E. Dale                   27-Nov-1921     1-Jun-1984   US NAVY,  Beloved Husband, Father , Grampa
Gd.Shep./35     Robinson             Elizabeth "Nana"          30-Jun-1916     21-May-1999
Gd.Shep./38     Robinson             Hillard S.                1908            1971         "Robbie"
Gd.Shep./38     Robinson             Myrtle I.                 1911            1996         "Myrt"
Gd.Shep./35     Robinson             William J.                27-Nov-1916     5-Sep-1990
Gd.Shep./20     ROBOTHAM             PETER R.                  1929            1987         Husband and father
Gd.Shep./56     ROBSON               EDITH HALLAS              10-Jan-1925     19-Apr-1994
Gd.Shep./56     ROBSON               OSWALD C.                 28-Jan-1926     18-Jan-1980
Gd.Shep./25     Rochelle             Harold                    1905            1999
Gd.Shep./25     Rochelle             Ruby Flo                  1901            1989
Gd.Shep./26     Rochester            Edith                     1898            1979
Gd.Shep./26     Rochester            Hallie A.                 1895            1977         MUS3, U.S. Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rockenfield          Iverne C                  Aug 31 1890     Apr 13 1972
Gd.Shep./54     RODENBEEK            DALE                      1923            1992
Gd.Shep./23     RODIONOV             DIMITRY                   15-Sep-1911     21-Oct-1994
Gd.Shep./44     Rodlin               Jennifer Candace          11-Nov-1975     14-Apr-1987
Gd.Shep./14     RODRIGUEZ            JOANNE ROSE               15-Mar-1955     20-Mar-1999  Loving Wife Mother and Daughter
Gd.Shep./47     Rodriguez            Primo  Jr.                1929            1996
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rodriguez            Sarah J                   29-Jan-82       16-Apr-03
Gd.Shep./23     ROGERS               FLOYD                     1923            1987
Gd.Shep./42     Rogers               Francis W.                29-Jan-1911     21-Jun-1973  Michigan, SGT US Army, Korea
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rogers               Mae E.                    1897            1969
Gd.Shep./38     Rogers               Roger "Bud" T.            1931            1999
Gd.Shep./50-52  Rogers               Virgil E                  1894            1963
Gd.Shep./38     Rogers               Virginia "Ginger" J. Lynch18-Dec-1921     5-Aug-2000   Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother
Gd.Shep./40     Rogerson             Anne E.                   1893            1973         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./37     Roget                Elsie A.                  00 00 1898      00 00 1984   Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./37     Roget                John E.                   1892            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./55     ROMANOFF             VICTOR I.                 1908            1969
Gd.Shep/59      Rommel               Louis M.                  7-Apr-1886      27-Apr-1962
Gd.Shep/58      Roney                Thomas John               27-Jan-1901     17-Jan-1963  Pennsylvania,  Wagoner,  US ARMY,  World War I
Gd.Shep./46     Rooker               Adell M.                  1927            1989         Beloved mother
Gd.Shep./48     Root                 Ethel Cosey               1901            1962
Gd.Shep./10     Rose                 Milton S.                 1919            1990         Loving husband father friend
Gd.Shep./25     Rosebrugh            Mary A.                   1923            1993
Gd.Shep./30     Rossetti             Gelsomino E.              1922            1983
Gd.Shep./42     Rothenberger         Thomas W.                 3-Mar-1917      31-Oct-1968  Pennsylvania, Tec 5 363 Ord Maint Co, World War II
Gd.Shep./9      Rounds               James B.                  1938            2001         Thank you dad
Gd.Shep./36     Roundy               James F.                  1910            1966
Gd.Shep./44     Roy                  James P.                  5-Nov-1945      22-Nov-2002
Gd.Shep./14     ROY                  MAURICE DESIREE           1917            1995         Loving Husband Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./15     ROY                  MYRTLE M.                 1890            1978         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./15     ROY                  THEODORE G.               1886            1980         Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./11     Rub                  Jack Edward               1947            1997
Gd.Shep./44     Rudovich             Edward P                  18-Apr-1920     2-Dec-1968   Michigan - PFC AT CO 242 Infantry WW II BSM
Gd.Shep./42     Ruef                 John C., Sr.              1901            1969         Beloved Husband Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./42     Ruef                 Matilda E.                1906            2002         Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandma, Great-Grandma, Great-Great-Grandma
Gd.Shep./22     RUFFNER              LILLIAN J.                1902            1971
Gd.Shep./30     Ruga                 Mary                      1923            2000
Gd.Shep./32     Runberg              Toni Denice               1949            2001
Gd.Shep./32     Rushin               Jonnie P.                 1930            1992
Gd.Shep./32     Rushin               Rox R.                    1925            1992
Gd.Shep./50-52  Russell              Carl                      1924            1998
Gd.Shep/57      Russell              Douglas Ray               1957            1960
Gd.Shep./32     Russell              Hal                       1898            1972         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./50-52  Russell              Rosie                     1920            1993
Gd.Shep./32     Russell              Leone                     1900            1993         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./50-52  Russo                Arlyne Mary               1924            1960
Gd.Shep./27     Ryan                 Michael K.                16 Mar. 1914    10 June 1993 U.S. Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./27     Ryan                 Mildred F.                24 June 1917    29 Oct. 1992
Gd.Shep./41     Sabins               Kathryn                   1904            1993         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Sakamoto             Kazuma                    1914            1996
Gd.Shep./10     Salazar              Toby Ray                  27-Mar-1960     20-Apr-2002
Gd.Shep./33     Salmon               Eva Brake                 1924            2000
Gd.Shep./33     Salmon               William R.                1923            1995
Gd.Shep./38     Saltsman             Clyde J.                  26-Apr-1920     3-Sep-1968   SF 2 US Navy World War II
Gd.Shep./40     Salvi                John                      9-Oct-1924      13-May-1986  US Army, World War II,  Beloved Husband, Father and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./38     Sanford              Ermel E.                  14-Feb-1927     18-Apr-1974  West Virginia, CPL US Army, World War II, (Masonic emblem)
Gd.Shep./43     Sapre                Chanda A.                 27-Apr-1945     25-Mar-1991  Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./37     Satchell             Jerry                     1917            1979
Gd.Shep./36     Satchell             Melinda Ann               1957            1974
Gd.Shep./44     Saul                 Harry A.                  1922            2002
Gd.Shep./46     Saunders             Andrew F.                 1921            1979         Our Dad,  From your children, Andy, George, Russ, Becky
Gd.Shep./45     Saunders             Blanche P.                1916            1969
Gd.Shep./20     SBLENDORIO           FILIPPO                   1908            1993         "Papa"
Gd.Shep./16     SCANNELL             JULIA MENDOZA             19-Nov-1924     11-Mar-1992  My Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./16     SCARBERRY            BARBARA L.                1942            1999
Gd.Shep./66     Scarborough          Sandra Mae                8-Jan-1961      9-Jan-1961
Gd.Shep./66     Scarborough          Susan Ruth                8-Jan-1961      9-Jan-1961
Gd.Shep./46     Scarpa               Nicholas Arthur           31-Jan-1979     16-Jun-1997  Beloved son, brother and father
Gd.Shep./1      Schaaf               Donald Allen              1933            1989         Beloved husband father and grandpa
Gd.Shep./31     Schaeffer            Jennie                    1875            1983         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./48     Schafer              David C                   1892            1977         PFC US ARMY, WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./48     Schafer              Margaret R.               1912            2000         Grandmother
Gd.Shep./14     SCHAFER              NORA JANE                 1881            1959         Mother
Gd.Shep./48     Schafer              Roger A.                  1960            1994         Grandson
Gd.Shep./29     Schaible             Anna                      1890            1979
Gd.Shep./29     Schaible             Carl                      1884            1973
Gd.Shep./10     Scharf               William                   1932            1990
Gd.Shep./33     Scheffler            Alfred E.                 11-Feb-1932     14-Nov-1989  US Coast Guard
Gd.Shep./32     Scheffler            Louise R.                 1917            1995
Gd.Shep./45     Scheibe              Mildred H.                1909            1999
Gd.Shep./32     Scheinert            Harold "Hal"              7-Jul-1908      21-Dec-1980  Loving Husband and Father (US Navy emblem)
Gd.Shep./60     Schermitzler         Albert F.                 1884            1960
Gd.Shep./60     Schermitzler         Lyle E.                   1920            1996         Major, retired - USAP 1939-1960
Gd.Shep./60     Schermitzler         Mada M.                   1896            1982
Gd.Shep./42     Schiller             Nellie M.                 1896            1972         Beloved Mother and Wife
Gd.Shep./42     Schiller             William T.                1899            1988         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./37     Schilling            Victoria                  1909            1983         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./43     Schlarb              Joe                       1911            1958
Gd.Shep./12     Schmidt              Irma                      1-Mar-1905      1-Apr-1999
Gd.Shep./15     SCHMITT              ROSE M.                   1909            2004         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./15     SCHMITT              RUSSELL G.                1913            2000         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./10     Schneller            Bernice T.                1921            2003         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./13     SCHNELLER            DOROTHY                   1903            1990
Gd.Shep./39     Schnepple            Ernest F.                 30-May-1913     11-Jan-1974  California, Pvt US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./39     Schnepple            Opal                      1915            2000
Gd.Shep./30     Scholler             Averil                    1903            1983
Gd.Shep./30     Scholler             Joseph C                  1894            1977         CPL US ARMY,  WORLD WAR I
Gd.Shep./45     Schonert             LeeRoy O.                 27-Sep-1936     18-Jan-2003
Gd.Shep./46     Schooley             James "Eddy"              1897            1963
Gd.Shep./43     Schooley             Mabel B.                  1895            1972
Gd.Shep./49     Schubert             Edwin R                   1889            1960         Beloved Dad
Gd.Shep./49     Schubert             Ethel E.                  1893            1953         Beloved Mom
Gd.Shep./44     Schueppert           Diane E.                  1947            1981
Gd.Shep./46     Schueppert           Robert G., Sr.            1917            1966         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./15     SCHWAB               SUE C.                    1912            1993         Beloved Mother and Grandmother  With Love  Ron Joe & Terry
Gd.Shep./56     SCHWENDLER           DORIS E.                  1919            1963         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./56     SCHWENDLER           EDWIN J.                  1912            1985
Gd.Shep./7      Schwilk              Alfred F.                 1915            2003         husband
Gd.Shep./7      Schwilk              Marion V.                 1914            1994         wife
Gd.Shep./49     Scott                Dorothy E.                1901            1989         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./62     Scott                Duane Edward              16-May-1960     8-Jan-1961
Gd.Shep./49     Scott                Forrest L.                1897            1961         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./33     Scott                Gertrude Hill             1923            1995
Gd.Shep./36     Scott                Mildred Little            1922            1997
Gd.Shep./60     Scroggins            Dessie M.                 1899            1977
Gd.Shep./60     Scroggins            Thomas O.                 1898            1971
Gd.Shep./27     Scullin              James J.                  1930            1987
Gd.Shep./29     Scullin              Mary Bonozo               1911            1978
Gd.Shep./27     Scullin              Shirley R.                1937            1994
Gd.Shep./50-52  Seamster             Elma M                    1914            1991
Gd.Shep./30     Searight             Elizabeth B.              1903            1983         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./30     Searight             Frank Andrew              1897            1994         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./30     Searight             Patricia Ann              1925            1971         Daughter & Sister
Gd.Shep./19     SEATON               JAMES SEAN                1959            1996         Beloved son brother husband father friend
Gd.Shep./50-52  Sebourn              Carrie                    1910            2000
Gd.Shep./50-52  Sebourn              Ira E                     1910            1975
Gd.Shep./18     SECORD               MARION G.                 1913            1999         Mother
Gd.Shep./18     SECORD               S. EDGAR                  1912            1999         Father
Gd.Shep./42     Sedlar               Henry F.                  1891            1970         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./45     Seehafer             Leslie G.                 1908            1998
Gd.Shep./45     Seehafer             Marie M.                  1907            2001
Gd.Shep./14     SEEP                 BETH E.                   25-Jul-1927     23-Dec-1998  Loving Mom and Grandma
Gd.Shep./43     Seger                Lester J..                1918            1993
Gd.Shep./43     Seger                Rita M.                   1919            1998
Gd.Shep./32     Sell                 Mattie                    1902            1995         Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Sellers              Gwen D.                   1924            1993         Mother
Gd.Shep./22     SELLMAN              GEORGE H.                 1917            1993
Gd.Shep./31     Semans               Geraldine Riggs           13-Oct-1912     29-Jul-2001
Gd.Shep./46     Seney                June                      1901            1979         Beloved father
Gd.Shep./46     Seney                Martha                    1909            1965         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./42     Seyfried             Alice                     1933            1998
Gd.Shep./17     SEYMER               RALPH                     1939            1995         Husband
Gd.Shep./32     Shada                Louise B.                 1906            1969
Gd.Shep./32     Shada                Simon J.                  11-Jul-1897     17-Apr-1972  Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./50-52  Sharp                Aubrey P                  1909            1980
Gd.Shep./47     Shaver               Allen B.                  26-Jan-1917     27-Aug-1966  Colorado, M SGT US ARMY, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./56     SHAW                 CHARLES A.                1878            1960         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./39     Shaw                 Doris M.                  1926            1985         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./14     SHAW                 LARRY F.                  1938            1959         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./39     Sheffield            Bryon  Thomas             1935            1967
Gd.Shep./39     Shehab               Wanda                     18-Dec-1935     26-May-1999  Loving Wife, Mother and Grandma
Gd.Shep./35     Shepard              Earl G.                   1920            1992
Gd.Shep./35     Shepard              Virginia H.               1922            2001
Gd.Shep./46     Shephard             Donna Rae                 1952            1997         Daughter
Gd.Shep./28     Sherman              Cory Ryan                 25 May 1989     9 June 1989
Gd.Shep./6      Sherman              Joseph                    1920            1996         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Shettler             George H.                 Dec 16 1897     Dec 27 1971  California GMI US Navy WW I
Gd.Shep./50-52  Shettler             Hester G                  1902            2003
Gd.Shep./39     Shipman              Dolly V.                  1913            1969         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./66     Shipman              Harold E.                 6-Apr-1924      5-Jul-1963   Wisconsin PFC US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./39     Shipman              James S.                  1911            1969         Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./45     Shockley             Hugh M.                   1904            1967
Gd.Shep./9      Shoff                Dale R.                   1924            2003
Gd.Shep./9      Shoff                Marie A.                  1927            1999
Gd.Shep./38     Shultz               Gerald Frederick          23-Mar-1944     31-Dec-1994  Gerry, In God's Care, Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./20     SHUMAKER             FRANCES MAE               1900            1969
Gd.Shep./20     SHUMAKER             KNIGHT                    1900            1970
Gd.Shep/57      Sievers              Berniece LeBel            1916            1997         Loving Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./55     SIGLER               GLADYS M.                 1916            1971         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./55     SIGLER               MARCUS R.                 1910            1962         Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/57      Silveira             Manuel F.                 1902            1966         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Silzle               Mary M                    1895            1972
Gd.Shep./32     Simeral              A. Dewey                  1898            1971         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./20     SIMERAL              JACK MEYERS               31-Mar-1924     2-Mar-2002   QM2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./32     Simeral              Gladys I.                 1898            1982         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Simeroth             Irene                     14-Dec-1923     29-Sep-2001
Gd.Shep./27     Simmons              Shirley Jean              1942            1978
Gd.Shep./15     SIMONS               HELEN L.                  22-Nov-1911     2-Dec-2000
Gd.Shep./22     SIMPSON              JESSIE                    13SEP1883       12-Apr-1963
Gd.Shep./22     SIMPSON              LESTER G.                 1914            1966
Gd.Shep./22     SIMPSON              LOREN ELI                 31OCT1872       9-Jun-1962
Gd.Shep./19     SIMS                 HALDEAN R.                1910            1973
Gd.Shep./19     SIMS                 MILDRED L.                1913            1989
Gd.Shep./56     SIMS                 SYBLE L.                  1922            1993
Gd.Shep./27     Sittig               Dorothy                   1912            1996
Gd.Shep./27     Sittig               Elmer                     1908            1995
Gd.Shep./27     Skare                Cecelia E.                22 Jan. 1905    7 July 1981
Gd.Shep./61     Skeffington          Carl P.                   1914            1960
Gd.Shep./29     Skinner              Michael R.                1955            1993
Gd.Shep./29     Skinner              Myrt L.                   1929            1983
Gd.Shep./31     Skopp                Evelyn F                  1921            1989
Gd.Shep./33     Skopp                Gervase D.                31-Dec-1911     25-Dec-1984  Sgt. US Army, World War II
Gd.Shep./31     Slate                Jesse S.                  1892            1968         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./31     Slate                Kenneth                   1914            1972
Gd.Shep./28     Slate                Margaret M.               1912            1985
Gd.Shep./31     Slate                Ova J.                    1893            1970         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./20     SLATE                SANDRA SUSAN              1940            1990         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./12     Slayton              William H.                5-Apr-1921      16-Sep-1961  Beloved son husband father
Gd.Shep./42     Small                Everette E.               25-Dec-1915     2-Jul-1993   US ARMY, World War II
Gd.Shep./42     Small                Gary Lee                  13-Feb-1942     19-Aug-1961  California, EN3  US NAVY
Gd.Shep./41     Smear                Sybil A.                  1888            1984         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Smear                Walter G.                 1881            1971         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./20     SMEDLEY              BETTY M.                  29-Dec-1919     24-May-1972  Beloved wife
Gd.Shep./50-52  Smith                Allen H                   1887            1960
Gd.Shep./8      Smith                Argyll F.                 1910            2000         husband
Gd.Shep./60     Smith                Blanche A.                May 16, 1894    3-Mar-1966
Gd.Shep./45     Smith                Cherrye Joy               12-Dec-1922     25-Dec-1998
Gd.Shep./64     Smith                Christopher Alan          1961            1992
Gd.Shep./56     SMITH                DARRELL CLAYTON           1954            1971         Our Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./34     Smith                Dick Morrison             1907            1993
Gd.Shep./8      Smith                Dorothy E.                1913            1993         Wife
Gd.Shep./21     SMITH                DOROTHY L.                1909            1968
Gd.Shep./38     Smith                Elizabeth M.              1936            1974
Gd.Shep./50-52  Smith                Esta H                    1888            1980
Gd.Shep./45     Smith                Frank R.                  1929            1965
Gd.Shep/58      Smith                Hilda M.                  1915            1975         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./64     Smith                James F.                  1881            1959
Gd.Shep./65     Smith                Jeffrey Wayne             1958            1981         AD 3 US Navy
Gd.Shep./25     Smith                John                      1904            1988
Gd.Shep./47     Smith                John W. F.                1887            1973         Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./34     Smith                Lena B.                   1917            1994
Gd.Shep./21     SMITH                MARCUS E.                 21-Dec-1900     2-Jan-1979
Gd.Shep./47     Smith                Maude L.                  1898            1974         Wife - Mother - Grandmother
Gd.Shep./35     Smith                Maxine Elam               21-Mar-1920     17-Oct-1987
Gd.Shep./64     Smith                Morean                    1914            2000
Gd.Shep./50-52  Smith                Nellie P                  1898            1977
Gd.Shep./50-52  Smith                Norma Wells               1909            2003
Gd.Shep./64     Smith                Obed R.                   1910            1966
Gd.Shep./64     Smith                Paul                      1912            1986
Gd.Shep./60     Smith                Ralph L.                  1888            1962
Gd.Shep./50-52  Smith                Randall Allen             1920            1999
Gd.Shep./45     Smith                Richard Carl              5-Oct-1920      7-May-1984
Gd.Shep./29     Smith                Shirley                   None given      None given   Our mom and grandma
Gd.Shep./13     SMITH                SUELLEN J.                1945            1993
Gd.Shep/58      Smith                Thurl B.                  1913            1998         Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./64     Smith, Lehman        Violet                    1887            1970
Gd.Shep./63     Smock                Effie Maude               1879            1958
Gd.Shep./41     Snead                Leda Anna                 1894            1957         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./41     Snead                Milton Webb               1889            1965         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./20     SNEDDON              BILL                      1921            1993
Gd.Shep./47     Snyder               Anna Jessie               1903            1998
Gd.Shep./47     Snyder               Anthony George            1901            1967
Gd.Shep./46     Snyder               Patricia Melba            1929            1999
Gd.Shep./46     Snyder               Ralph A.                  1893            1962
Gd.Shep./46     Snyder               Sylvia Thorne             13-Oct-1900     1-Feb-1977
Gd.Shep./40     Sokol                Anthony L.                00 00 1913      00 00 1999   US Navy
Gd.Shep./8      Sola                 Richard B. Jr.            3-Mar-1943      16-Nov-1945  US Army
Gd.Shep./38     Solano               Carlos A.                 15-Apr-1967     23-Dec-1997
Gd.Shep./19     SOUKUP               ANGELINE M.               1912            2003         Mother
Gd.Shep./19     SOUKUP               WILLIAM F.                1913            1996         Father
Gd.Shep./41     Soule                Kate Nadine               1890            1973
Gd.Shep./54     SOUTER               HILLIARD M.               1886            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./54     SOUTER               IDA A.                    1890            1982         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./49     Sovilla              Maxine C.                 1931            2000         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./47     Spagnola             Thomas Joseph             1905            1960         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./27     Spalding             Edna A.                   1893            1970
Gd.Shep./27     Spalding             Irene                     1895            1972
Gd.Shep./27     Spalding             Raymond M.                1890            1966
Gd.Shep./21     SPARKS               DANIEL FRANK              1902            1968
Gd.Shep./24     Sparks               Robert E.                 23 Dec. 1951    5 Sep. 1972
Gd.Shep./26     Sparks               Robert E.                 1951            1992         Sgt., U.S. Air Force, Vietnam
Gd.Shep./21     SPARKS               ROBERT F.                 13-May-1928     26-Feb-2000
Gd.Shep./30     Sparks               Merrill E.                10-Nov-1925     11-Mar-1973  FTC US NAVY RET,   WORLD WAR II,   KOREA
Gd.Shep./41     Sparsman             Jack Edward               25-Aug-1893     29-Dec-1973  Illinois, PVT US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./12     Speer                Gerald E.                 1912            1990         Father
Gd.Shep./12     Speer                Rose N.                   1920            1987         Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Spencley             James Carl                2-Feb-1915      19-May-1983
Gd.Shep./45     Spencley             Susan Aladine             30-Oct-1923     25-May-1986
Gd.Shep./18     SPICER               LISA MARIE                14-Jul-1966     19-Oct-1990  "Spice"
Gd.Shep./46     Spirgen              Aline C.                  1916            1986
Gd.Shep./46     Spirgen              Arnold H.                 1915            1984
Gd.Shep./45     Spohn                Dorris E.                 1905            1970
Gd.Shep./28     Spohn                Emaline E.                26 Nov. 1909    30 Jan. 1975
Gd.Shep./37     Spracklen            Susan E.                  27-Jul-1911     6-Sep-1972   Beloved Susie
Gd.Shep./41     Spradlin             Pearl                     1907            1969         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./41     Spradlin             Virgil                    1907            1972         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./36     Spykerman            Donald E.                 1961            1980
Gd.Shep./14     SRITANI              OLLY                      1912            1986         Beloved Wife Mother and Grandmother    (Tan Olly Nl0)
Gd.Shep./55     STAIR                LORETTA P.                4-Jul-1915      25-Mar-1962  Our Wonderful Mother
Gd.Shep./43     Stamm                Helen L.                  1919            1992
Gd.Shep./43     Stamm                Karl O                    1911            1969
Gd.Shep./45     Stanhouse            Georgia L.                1913            1966         Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Stanhouse            Lester E.                 1910            1965         Husband and Dad
Gd.Shep/58      Stanley              Eloise                    1922            1977
Gd.Shep./43     Stanziale            Lois J.                   28-Dec-1927     31-Dec-1991  Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep/58      Starr                E. Glenn                  1882            1970         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Starr                Hugh F                    1900            1968
Gd.Shep./50-52  Starr                Thelma M                  1900            1991
Gd.Shep./41     Staten               Rodney C.                 1915            1990         Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./29     Stear                Sandra Lynne              12-Apr-1962     11-Sep-1985  "San", Beloved Daughter and Sister
Gd.Shep./31     Stearns              Betty Jane                1922            1998         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./30     Stearns              Merle A                   1903            1984
Gd.Shep./31     Stearns              Robert H.                 1923            1999         1st Lt US Marine Corps, World War II, Korea
Gd.Shep./41     Stebbins             Lawrence L.               1916            1992         US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep/58      Stedman              Anna Lee                  1905            1979
Gd.Shep/58      Stedman              Roy Louis                 4-Mar-1891      15-Nov-1969  Oklahoma, PVT  US ARMY, World War I
Gd.Shep./39     Steese               Charles W., Jr.           1941            1970
Gd.Shep./45     Steffensen           Elwood M.                 1918            1997
Gd.Shep./43     Steimle              Margery Pearl             1906            1971         Wife Mother Grandmother
Gd.Shep./18     STELLMACHER          HELMUTH B.                1908            1992
Gd.Shep./18     STELLMACHER          RUTH E.                   1917            1997
Gd.Shep/59      Stender              Maxine L.                 1916            1972         Beloved wife, mother and grandma
Gd.Shep./32     Stephens             Francis M.                1892            1972         Husband
Gd.Shep./37     Stephenson           Don D.                    1924            1971
Gd.Shep./36     Stephenson           Elva A.                   1895            1979
Gd.Shep./36     Stephenson           Fred L.                   Oct 28 1895     19-Mar-1980
Gd.Shep./25     Stephenson           Johnny Ray                1952            1984
Gd.Shep./18     STEURER              CLARA ESTHER              1882            1960         Mother
Gd.Shep./50-52  Stevens              Carolyn Irene             Aug 26 1959     Apr 3 1962
Gd.Shep./21     STEVENS              FRANCES F.                1911            2000
Gd.Shep./21     STEVENS              H.L. "Steve"              1908            1970
Gd.Shep./56     STEWART              BELLE Z.                  1886            1971
Gd.Shep./50-52  Stewart              Bertha M                  1892            1965
Gd.Shep./55     STEWART              CHARLES  "Pop"            8-Nov-1900      18-May-1980  Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Stewart              Charles R                 1889            1966
Gd.Shep./35     Stewart              Harce Dwight              23-Apr-1911     7-Dec-1965   California, Pfc 32, Infantry, World War II, Bsm-Ph
Gd.Shep./39     Stewart              James B.                  1916            1989         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./56     STEWART              LILLIE M.                 1908            1962         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./56     STEWART              NELLIE                    1912            1995         Beloved Aunt
Gd.Shep./55     STEWART              PEARL ETNA                11-Sep-1896     5-Jan-1972   Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./35     Stewart              Sylvia M.                 1921            1985
Gd.Shep./16     STIDHAM              LESLIE N.                 1949            1990
Gd.Shep./17     STILL                SIBYL                     1927            1993         Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Stipcevich           Antonio B.                1925            1982
Gd.Shep./16     STOFER               OBERLIN JEANNETTE         1913            1991
Gd.Shep./16     STOFER               WILLIAM EVERETT           1909            1997
Gd.Shep./55     STOLFUS              STANLEY LEE               1931            1963
Gd.Shep./7      Stolshek             John David                23-Jul-1931     17-Dec-1992
Gd.Shep./26     Stone                Bertha Mae                1910            1979
Gd.Shep./17     STONE                CHARLES EDWARD            1912            1992
Gd.Shep./9      Stone                Elizabeth J.              1914            1994         Loving wife mother nanny and friend
Gd.Shep./30     Storstad             Gerhard A.                1914            1982
Gd.Shep./30     Storstad             Gerda                     1910            1999
Gd.Shep./64     Stouffer             Clara                     1871            1959
Gd.Shep./53     STOUTENBOROUGH       EMILY D.                  JAN 1875        Mar 1961     Mother
Gd.Shep./60     Stowe                Anna L.                   1894            1962
Gd.Shep./60     Stowe                Arnie A.                  1888            1961
Gd.Shep/57      Stowe                Dorothy F.                1915            1990         Wife, Mother, Grandmother and GreatGrandmother
Gd.Shep/57      Stowe                Horace T.                 1913            1974
Gd.Shep./41     Street               Joan Emery                1935            1957
Gd.Shep./11     Strehle              Alliene                   1915            1990         Devoted wife and parent
Gd.Shep./11     Strehle              Frank                     1912            1995         Beloved husband and Father
Gd.Shep./11     Strehle              John Arnold               1937            1984         Beloved son and brother
Gd.Shep./48     Stromsoe             Lorraine E.               ,1920           2001
Gd.Shep./48     Stromsoe             Vincent C.                ,1924           2000
Gd.Shep./29     Strong               Esther Ann                1920            1986         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./29     Strong               John Lewis                1918            1985         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./54     STROUD               EMMA L.                   15-Dec-1885     23-Oct-1962  Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./54     STROUD               JAMES G.                  26-Nov-1885     7-Jun-1965   Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./30     Stuart               Gill R.                   21-Mar-1897     10-May-1974  PVT US ARMY
Gd.Shep./30     Stuart               Ruth E.                   11-Jul-1902     12-Jun-1975  Our loving mother
Gd.Shep./48     Stueland             Geneva F. (or A.)         1908            1979
Gd.Shep./48     Stueland             Trueman S.                1905            1981         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./50-52  Stull                E. R.                     1900            1984
Gd.Shep./33     Stump                Amy Moulton               1909            1985
Gd.Shep./66     Styers               Larry Dwayne              9-May-1958      12-May-1958
Gd.Shep./28     Such                 Maxwell                   1910            1985
Gd.Shep./17     SULLIVAN             EDGAR                     1913            1995         "Pop"
Gd.Shep./17     SULLIVAN             TRAVIS                    1919            1994         "Mom"
Gd.Shep./24     Sumner               Rogers H.                 1911            1990
Gd.Shep./13     SUSICH               GERALDINE HORTON          1916            1994         Loving Daughter Sister and Aunt
Gd.Shep./65     Suson                Isabel H.                 1884            1961
Gd.Shep./44     Swallows             Charlie S.                1913            1995
Gd.Shep./50-52  Swanson              Clarence F.               June 2 1909     June 02 1972 California MM1 USNR WW II
Gd.Shep./8      Swanson              Harold Lyle               4-Jun-1943      29-Dec-1996  Loving father son and brother
Gd.Shep./48     Swanson              Howard Ray                1901            1977
Gd.Shep./50-52  Swanson              June                      June 9 1916     June 30 1978
Gd.Shep./48     Swanson              Ruth C.                   1906            1987
Gd.Shep./26     Swayze               Raymond L.                1903            1969
Gd.Shep./26     Swayze               Vera B.                   1907            1984
Gd.Shep./60     Sweeney              Clyde L.                  1905            1967
Gd.Shep./60     Sweeney              Lola M.                   2-May-1911      25-Feb-2000
Gd.Shep./46     Sweet                Percy Maloy               1887            1965
Gd.Shep./40     Swierenga            Edward                    29-Feb-1936     4-Oct-1970   Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./22     SWIFT                JOYCE E.                  1932            1988
Gd.Shep./56     SWINFORD             LAWRENCE A., JR.          21-Nov-1953     7-Nov-1966
Gd.Shep./56     SWINFORD             LAWRENCE A.,SR.           12-Mar-1933     5-Sep-1987
Gd.Shep./41     Swingley             Mabel L.                  1902            1990
Gd.Shep./5      Switzer              Gerald K.                 1923            1996
Gd.Shep./42     Swope                Richard E.                7-Jan-1926      30-Oct-1990  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./40     Sykes                Hoyt E.                   7-Feb-1920      20-Jun-1971  Ohio, SGT   Army Air Forces, World War II
Gd.Shep./27     Syrett               Douglas Victor            1947            1966
Gd.Shep./23     SZROMBA              PEARL                     1906            1987
Gd.Shep./49     Tabako               Adolph "Ed"               19-Sep-1915     20-Sep-2001
Gd.Shep./39     Tackett              Jack                      1923            1996
Gd.Shep./1      Takeuchi             Mizue                     13-Nov-1928     31-Mar-2004  Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./29     Tancharoen           Nanette K.                1954            1987         Beloved wife and mother, daughter and sister
Gd.Shep./63     Taylor               Anna                      5-Jan-1915      26-Oct-1971
Gd.Shep./37     Taylor               G Scott                   1967            1991
                Taylor               Glen E.                   1913            1980
Gd.Shep./42     Taylor               Herbert J.                1882            1978         CPL US Army, World War I
Gd.Shep./42     Taylor               Maxwell G.                1914            1967
Gd.Shep./42     Taylor               Minnie B.                 1889            1979         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./53     TAYLOR               MINNIE M.                 1881            1961         Loving Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./37     Taylor               Orran B.                  1936            1988         Masonic emblem
Gd.Shep./47     Taylor               Travis C.                 1910            1996
Gd.Shep./29     Taylor               Walter                    1906            1981
Gd.Shep./15     TEDFORD              HAROLD A.                 1913            1990
Gd.Shep./45     Teeple               Gordon G.                 1918            2003
Gd.Shep./29     Templin              Evelyn M.                 1915            1981
Gd.Shep./41     Tennant              Henry A.                  1913            1980
Gd.Shep./41     Tennant              Katherine D.              1907            1976
Gd.Shep./47     Tennant              Robert A.                 27-Sep-1954     16-Apr-1975
Gd.Shep./47     Terry                Beth P.                   1924            2003         Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Terry                Justin Boyd               18-Sep-1971     11-Oct-1971
Gd.Shep./23     TETER                EDWIN C.                  1893            1968
Gd.Shep./23     TETER                JESSIE L.                 1894            1979
Gd.Shep./28     Tharp                Kenneth Eugene            Feb 23, 1926    Sept. 1, 1972
Gd.Shep./41     Thomas               Audie Helen               1914            2004
Gd.Shep./21     THOMAS               CYRUS ARTHUR              1911            1986
Gd.Shep./41     Thomas               Dennis Joe                1949            1975         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./21     THOMAS               FRANCES MAE               1921            1989
Gd.Shep./41     Thomas               Frankie Sue               1936            1969         Beloved Daughter and Sister
Gd.Shep./41     Thomas               John Daniel               1945            1995         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./20     THOMAS               JOSEPH M.                 1891            1959         beloved father
Gd.Shep./20     THOMAS               LOUISE                    1934            1988
Gd.Shep./20     THOMAS               MARION                    1899            1959         beloved mother
Gd.Shep./6      Thomas               Nancy                     1934            1985         beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./33     Thomas               Paul D.                   19-Apr-1905     31-May-1905
Gd.Shep./24     Thomas               Pauline V.                28 Oct. 1909    28 Dec. 1970
Gd.Shep./41     Thomas               William Philip            1947            1997         Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./43     Thompson             Robert R                  6-Jun-1920      12-May-1990  Us Marine Corp WW II
Gd.Shep./63     Thornton             Benjamin H.               1888            1966
Gd.Shep./63     Thornton             Pearl Y.                  1889            1960
Gd.Shep./56     TIEMENS              HENRY MARTIN              1918            1986         Beloved Father
Gd.Shep./49     Tinnes               Chester H.                20-Apr-1917     24-May-1986
Gd.Shep./49     Tinnes               Hilma Dahl                11-Sep-1894     12-Oct-1983
Gd.Shep./40     Todd                 Elvis Vaden               Dec 1937        Nov 1989
Gd.Shep./40     Todd                 Nathalee Aldean           Jan 1939        May 1993
Gd.Shep./24     Todorov              Victor                    22 Feb. 1950    10 Mar. 2001
Gd.Shep./43     Tomasi               Hazel M.                  1903            1989
Gd.Shep./47     Tomlinson            Mark K.                   1956            1962
Gd.Shep./35     Torres               Apolonio P.               1904            1977
Gd.Shep./35     Torres               Manuela F.                1911            1999
Gd.Shep./42     Tracewell            Gail C.                   1918            1980         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./42     Tracewell            Violet L.                 1919            1968         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./18     TRACY                JESSE J.                  1881            1959
Gd.Shep./18     TRACY                OLIVE B.                  1876            1961         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Traphagen            Anita Adele               11-Mar-1913     27-May-2002
Gd.Shep./45     Traphagen            Frank J.                  1906            1965
Gd.Shep/59      Traver               Edith Faught              25-Oct-1919     19-Aug-1995
Gd.Shep./38     Travis               Joe V.                    3-Dec-1909      5-May-1970   My Dear Husband
Gd.Shep./27     Trawick              Eunice C.                 1921            1992
Gd.Shep./54     TREMAYNE             "BIG JIM"                 Apr 1928        Mar 1975     Beloved Husband and Daddy
Gd.Shep./54     TREMAYNE             AL                        15-Dec-1942     19-Oct-2001  Devoted Husband and "Pop"
Gd.Shep./54     TREMAYNE             ELVA E.                   1900            1972
Gd.Shep./12     Trendel              Bernice K.                13-Dec-1907     26-Apr-2004  Loving Wife mom and grandma
Gd.Shep./12     Trendel              George E.                 15-Nov-1905     21-Aug-1987  Loving husband dad and grandpa
Gd.Shep./48     Trevino              Andrea                    1901            1993         "Mamacita"
Gd.Shep/58      Troncoso             Raul Lozoya               1961            2001         Amado Esposo, Padre, Hijo, y Hermano
Gd.Shep./37     Tross                Stanley J.                1903            1968
Gd.Shep./3      Trotter              Arthur C.                 1933            1985
Gd.Shep./43     Troy                 Frances Jan               1928            2001
Gd.Shep./35     Truesdell            Ralph M.                  27-Dec-1913     18-Sep-2001
Gd.Shep./55     TRUMBO               M. LORETTA                1886            1978         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Tucker               Dorothy V.                00 00 1915      00 00 1972
Gd.Shep./13     TUCKER               LOIS ORA                  1913            1961
Gd.Shep./31     Tucker               Frank E.                  1899            1972
Gd.Shep./35     Tucknies             Carroll "Tuck"            1921            1981
Gd.Shep./24     Tudor                Bernice                   1919            1999
Gd.Shep./16     TUNIN                GEORGE L.                 1905            1984
Gd.Shep./49     Turley               Nannie Burns              1884            1971         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./44     Turner               Benlon J                  1911            1987
Gd.Shep./44     Turner               Bertha D                  1910            2000
Gd.Shep./10     Turville             Harriett H.               1923            2002
Gd.Shep./11     Tuttobene            Gaetano                   1886            1970         Beloved husband and father
Gd.Shep./11     Tuttobene            Mary                      1892            1976
Gd.Shep./20     TWAY                 JAMES L.                  1918            2003
Gd.Shep./20     TWAY                 MARY JANE                 1921            2000
Gd.Shep./47     Tyler                Joseph C.                 1914            1967         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./45     Ulberg               Inez                      1895            1978         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./45     Ulberg               Oscar                     1892            1968         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./38     Umberg               Joan Jansen               6-Aug-1933      18-Jun-1995
Gd.Shep./38     Umberg               John H.                   27-Feb-1933     27-May-1995
Gd.Shep./23     UMSCHEID             CHARLES A.                1919            2000
Gd.Shep./23     UMSCHEID             GRACE                     1922            1979
Gd.Shep./53     UPFOLD               ALFRED G.                 1921            1982
Gd.Shep./53     UPFOLD               MARY B.                   1921            1995
Gd.Shep./50-52  Upton                Rachel                    1897            1970
Gd.Shep./50-52  Upton                William E.                1892            1966
Gd.Shep./32     Uren                 Arthur S.                 1890            1965
Gd.Shep./36     Valenzuela           Jose R.                   1932            1974
Gd.Shep./36     Van Camp             Louise H.                 1904            1968
Gd.Shep./10     Van de Putte         Arthur John               16-Feb-1918     12-Jun-1995  US Army World War II
Gd.Shep./10     Van de Putte         Elsie Mae                 1921            1994         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./40     Van DeWalker         James P.                  1919            1974         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./61     Van Dien             Donald A.                 Dec.1960        Feb. 1961
Gd.Shep./12     Van Horner           William                   1951            1988         Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./39     Van Lierop           Henry G.                  12-Apr-1946     1997         Husband, Dad, Son & Brother
Gd.Shep./38     Van Lierop           Kathleen J.               31-Dec-1953     20-May-1983  (Also on stone: Debra Kathleen Van Lierop "Our Daughter" no dates)
Gd.Shep./19     VAN NORMAN           EARL N.                   1909            1991
Gd.Shep./25     Van Oosting          John                      1907            1986
Gd.Shep./50-52  Van Patten           Harold                    1919            1988
Gd.Shep./50-52  Van Patten           Maudie                    1924            1998
Gd.Shep./41     Van Winkle           Charles R.                1889            1967
Gd.Shep./46     Van Winkle           John E.                   1914            1966         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./41     Van Winkle           Mary B.                   1894            1972
Gd.Shep./37     Vana                 Charles B.                1890            1970         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./37     Vana                 Julia                     1891            1980         Beloved Wife & Mother
Gd.Shep./55     VANCE                CLAUDE A.                 1884            1964
Gd.Shep./55     VANCE                HAZEL M.                  1893            1985
Gd.Shep./60     Vandien              Austin A.                 Dec. 5, 1917    Feb. 8, 1967 California PFC Infantry
Gd.Shep./47     Varanelli            Frances P.                1909            1997         Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./47     Varanelli            Michael                   1905            1999         Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./36     Vargas               Rocio Hernandez           Jan 151997                   En nuestra corazon nunca moriras (baby)
Gd.Shep./36     Vasquez              Luisa Peralta             28-Mar-1913     18-Mar-2002
Gd.Shep./25     Vaughan              Robert M.                 1920            2003
Gd.Shep./64     Vaughn               James Lee                 1961            1961         Baby
Gd.Shep./27     Velarde              Eva E.                    1926            1997
Gd.Shep./40     Verano               Wayne Thomas              1951            1972         (Gabe)
Gd.Shep./49     Verkler              Wardell Joanne            1924            1992         loving mother
Gd.Shep./49     Verkler              William H.                1918            2000         loving father
Gd.Shep./40     Villegas             Andres G.                 1895            1983
Gd.Shep./40     Villegas             Camila G.                 1900            2003
Gd.Shep./48     Vincent              Clarence O.               14-Jul-1920     1-Jan-1963   Pennsylvania, S SGT   US ARMY, WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./48     Vincent              Margaret F.               1922            1990         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./61     Vinnedge             Arthur E.                 1885            1969
Gd.Shep./61     Vinnedge             Bertha M.                 1886            1972
Gd.Shep./30     Vise                 James Elbert              1907            1977
Gd.Shep./8      Visperas             Dalmacio O. Jr.           1946            2004         Beloved husband brother and uncle
Gd.Shep./13     VISPERAS             MERCEDES O.               1910            1997
Gd.Shep./28     Vlach                Rollin W.                 1917            1999
Gd.Shep./12     Volkert              Donald J.                 12-Jul-1917     29-May-1994  Husband father and grandfather
Gd.Shep./12     Volkert              Donald R.                 1944            1961         Son and brother
Gd.Shep./12     Volkert              Edna                      24-Jun-1918     30-May-1984  Loving wife mother grandmother
Gd.Shep./3      Von Burger           G. Marc                   1934            1999         Beloved son husband father and friend
Gd.Shep./28     Vroman               Mark Steven               23 Jan. 1959    5 Aug. 1978
Gd.Shep./27     Vroman               Wilbur "Bill"             9 Oct. 1932     6 June 1984
Gd.Shep./40     Wade                 Clara                     29-Apr-1905     24-Sep-1980  Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother
Gd.Shep./40     Wade                 Ernest                    29-Oct-1903     19-Oct-1979  Loving Husband, Father & Grandfather
Gd.Shep./45     Wagner               Myrna Irene               16-Jun-1935     31-Aug-1985
Gd.Shep./55     WALKER               EMMA B.                   1883            1960
Gd.Shep./39     Walker               Horace C.                 1900            1993         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./39     Walker               Jessie L.                 1896            1988         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./37     Wallace              Callie Marie              1918            1995         Beloved Wife Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./31     Wallace              Effie                     1927            1991
Gd.Shep./35     Wallace              Elmer L.                  1917            1971
Gd.Shep./24     Wallace              Helen Louisa              19 July 1900    9 Apr. 1975
Gd.Shep./37     Wallace              Jess                      1911            1976         Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather
Gd.Shep./37     Wallace              Mary Helen                1940            2002         Loving Sister
Gd.Shep./19     WALLEY               JOHN                      1937            1999
Gd.Shep./36     Walls                Mollie                    1907            1981
Gd.Shep./38     Walsh                Cleo M. "Pop"             1895            1972         (American Legion emblem)
Gd.Shep./7      Walstad              Doris M.                  1915            1995
Gd.Shep./7      Walstad              Merrill I.                1910            1993
Gd.Shep./40     Walton               Henry D.                  1910            2001         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./40     Walton               Mary R.                   1916            1970
Gd.Shep./54     WANDREI              MIRIAM R.                 1897            1978
Gd.Shep./50-52  Ward                 Baby Enoch                Sept 29 1960    Oct 1 1960
Gd.Shep./47     Ward                 John Milton               1913            1960         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/58      Ward                 Scott Alan                6-Sep-1971      23-Apr-1972
Gd.Shep./18     WARNER               CHARLES A.                1875            1959         Father
Gd.Shep./43     Warner               Dale R                    30-Jul-1924     7-Dec-2001   S SGT US Army Air Forces WW II
Gd.Shep./44     Warren               WM. Ray                   8-Jan-1914      30-Mar-2000
Gd.Shep./25     Warren               Wynona M.                 1892            1966
Gd.Shep./42     Washam               Irvine H.                 1914            1970
Gd.Shep./42     Washam               Lois L.                   1916            1988
Gd.Shep./19     WASHAM               CAROL A.                  1939            1999         T.N.A.F.
Gd.Shep./19     WASHAM               WENDELL K.                1941            1998         T.N.A.F.
Gd.Shep./31     Washburn             Don                       1928            1993
Gd.Shep./12     Wasowski             John                      1918            1991
Gd.Shep./47     Wasserman            Linda G.                  1899            1960         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./53     WATKINS              HELEN R.                  1916            1966         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./39     Watroba              John, Jr.                 29-Mar-1938     11-Sep-1991  US  Marine CORPS
Gd.Shep./40     Watson               Elam W.                   1927            1985         US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./60     Wayland              Effie Ann                 1895            1963
Gd.Shep./53     WAYLAND              LENNY                     1940            1995
Gd.Shep./60     Wayland              Pat                       1892            1971
Gd.Shep./45     Wearda               Judith A.                 1956            1996
Gd.Shep./49     Weaver               Ethel May                 1912            1957
Gd.Shep./49     Weaver               James Clyde               18-Oct-1908     23-Feb-1997  Beloved husband, father and grandfather
Gd.Shep./22     WEBB                 SYLVIA E.                 1936            1968
Gd.Shep./50-52  Weber                Fred B.                   "Dec. 1893      "Sept. 1961
Gd.Shep./50-52  Weber                Mary G                    1915            2000
Gd.Shep./1      Weeks                Malcolm R.                1948            1998         Loving husband and father
Gd.Shep./39     Weeks                Roy E.                    14-May-1913     24-Aug-1988
Gd.Shep./45     Wehrsdorfer          Andrea Williams           9-Apr-1955      15-Dec-1991
Gd.Shep./42     Weiler               Phillip Paul              8-Sep-1970      28-May-1989  Beloved Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./37     Weinreich            Dean A.                   00 00 1928      00 00 1989
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wells                Judith M                  1932            1961
Gd.Shep./22     WELLS                WILL                      1943            1999         W.O.W.
Gd.Shep./44     Welty                Deloris M.                25-Dec-1934     26-May-1984
Gd.Shep./34     Wentworth            Sidney H.                 1932            1988
Gd.Shep./42     Werce                Thomas Carl               7-Dec-1925      26-Oct-1969  "Born Dec. 7, 1925     Borne Oct 26, 1969"
Gd.Shep./33     Wesbrooks            Steven M.                 1992            2001
Gd.Shep./34     West                 Homer Lee                 24-Nov-1911     25-Jun-1984
Gd.Shep./38     West                 Roger Stone               20-Dec-1930     3-Sep-1975
Gd.Shep./32     West                 Agnes B.                  1923            1983
Gd.Shep./32     West                 Emilie Miessner           3-Mar-1892      14-Sep-1977
Gd.Shep./32     West                 Herschel A                1920            1977
Gd.Shep./8      Westman              Robert R.                 1930            1993         father
Gd.Shep./45     Whaley               Lewis Edward              22-May-1918     25-Mar-1969  CPL 75 QM Bakery CO ww II
Gd.Shep./39     Wheeler              Judy Lane                 11-Dec-1940     3-Jan-1987   Devoted Wife and Mother, Sister and Friend
Gd.Shep./56     WHELCHEL             CLEBURN W.                1891            1977         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./56     WHELCHEL             FANNIE                    1898            1987         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./18     WHIBLE               ARTHUR C.                 1902            1968
Gd.Shep./18     WHIBLE               CORA M.                   1902            1976
Gd.Shep./29     Whitaker             Clara                     1885            1966         Mother
Gd.Shep./24     White                Angela                    1939            1984
Gd.Shep./9      White                Annette M.                10-Oct-1940     3-Jan-1995   Loving wife mom and grandma
Gd.Shep./56     WHITE                DOROTHY F.                8-May-1930      6-Oct-1978
Gd.Shep./26     White                Ernest G.                 1910            1987
Gd.Shep./9      White                Keith Robert              8-Nov-1959      18-Oct-1993
Gd.Shep./41     White                Mary F.                   15-Apr-1917     19-Dec-1971  In Loving Memory of Mother
Gd.Shep./24     White                Virginia B.               15 Dec. 1921    22 Jan. 1981
Gd.Shep./44     White                Willaim R                 2-Oct-1922      9-Mar-1998   S SGT US Army WW II
Gd.Shep./47     Whitehorn            Loran Dale                25-Oct-1930     19-Aug-1983
Gd.Shep./36     Whitfield            Walter C.                 1911            1972
Gd.Shep./14     WHITLEY              DAVID MICHAEL             12-May-1954     28-May-1959
Gd.Shep./14     WHITLEY              LAWRENCE F.               1926            1985         PVT US ARMY  WORLD WAR II
Gd.Shep./56     WHITMIRE             STANLEY E.                1944
Gd.Shep./33     Whittaker            Joseph V.                 2-Mar-1923      24-Aug-1998
Gd.Shep./23     WHYTE                FLORENCE                  1903            1987
Gd.Shep./23     WHYTE                JAMES                     1904            1968
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wible                Catherine E               1921            1987
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wible                Jacob O                   1918            1992
Gd.Shep./48     Wieser               Johann                    4-Dec-1920      15-Apr-1994
Gd.Shep./48     Wieser               John J.                   1947            1991
Gd.Shep./41     Wilbanks             Katheryn "Kay"            1949            2001         Our Beloved Daughter
Gd.Shep./49     Wilburn              Cynthia Ann               12-May-1960     1-Dec-1979   Beloved daughter and sister
Gd.Shep/59      Wilcox               Glenn R.                  1898            1968         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep/59      Wilcox               Myrtle A.                 1902            1999         Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./47     Wildgrube            Marcus                    1918            2004
Gd.Shep./61     Wilhelm              Mildred Louise            1917            2003
Gd.Shep/59      Wilhelm              Vickie                    1942            1988
Gd.Shep./8      Wilkinson            Lourne J.                 1920            1987         Husband - Father
Gd.Shep./34     Willert              Betty Ann                 23-Sep-1925     7-Dec-1965
Gd.Shep./34     Willert              William Everett           27-Aug-1926     9-Oct-1978   QM3, US Navy, World War II
Gd.Shep./43     Willey               William Grant             Jan-32          Dec-71
Gd.Shep./64     William              Eric                      1962            1962         Infant son of Willaim and Betty Lien
Gd.Shep./43     Williams             Howard A                  9-Dec-1957      16-Oct-1973  Beloved Son
Gd.Shep./8      Williams             Janet A.                  1937            2002         Mom Mimi
Gd.Shep./38     Williams             John T.                   1946            1968         Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./43     Williams             Robert F., D.M.           1916            1980         My Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./46     Williams             Ronald G.                 10-Jul-1928     6-Mar-1998   Loving Husband, Dad & Grandpa
Gd.Shep./47     Williamson           Elliott F.                1922            1999
Gd.Shep./13     WILLIS               ALINE                     1920            1997         Beloved Mom Grandma Great Grandma
Gd.Shep./17     WILLIS               HARRIET R..               12-Aug-1891     26-Apr-1962  Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./17     WILLIS               JOHN W.                   14-Dec-1891     5-Oct-1968   Loving Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./17     WILLIS               JOHN W. JR.               1929            1992         Loving Husband & Father  (Mason emblem)
Gd.Shep./8      Willis               Lela                      1897            1994         Beloved wife and mother
Gd.Shep./6      Willis               Macine Frances            1918            1990
Gd.Shep./17     WILLIS               RICHARD C.                21-May-1916     5-May-1961   Loving Son and Brother
Gd.Shep./17     WILLIS               RUTH M.                   1930            1989         Loving Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./31     Wilms                Charlotte M.              1914            1992
Gd.Shep./30     Wilms                Helen                     1893            1986
Gd.Shep./30     Wilms                Karl P.                   1888            1977
Gd.Shep./4      Wilshire             Anna A.                   1923            1995         Loving mother devoted grandma
Gd.Shep./44     Wilson               Claude J.                 1904            1965
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wilson               Freda M.                  1900            1973
Gd.Shep./37     Wilson               Robert P.                 12-Dec-1928     25-May-1983  Dearest Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./44     Wind                 Joan M.                   1945            1993
Gd.Shep./45     Windbigler           David Lee                 6-Jul-1937      1-Jan-1986   AIC US Air Force
Gd.Shep./41     Windover             George A.                 1888            1970         Beloved Husband
Gd.Shep./41     Windover             Grace M.                  1890            1972         Beloved Wife
Gd.Shep./30     Winger               Ellen Maxine              1926            2001         Beloved parents - grandparents - great grandparents, Married 53 years
Gd.Shep./16     WINN                 SAM C.                    1932            1992
Gd.Shep./48     Winner               Samuel J., Sr.            16-Aug-1905     9-Feb-1969   Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./11     Winters              Wesley E.                 1932            1994
Gd.Shep/58      Wirick               Mary Emma                 1899            1975
Gd.Shep/58      Wirick               Roy Francis               1899            1980
Gd.Shep./55     WISE                 AUDREY L.                 6-Jan-1906      1-Dec-1983   Beloved Wife, Mother and Granny
Gd.Shep./55     WISE                 JESSE J.                  21-Feb-1892     21-Oct-1969  Beloved Husband, Daddy and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./33     Wise                 John W.                   31-Jul-1958     23-Oct-1992
Gd.Shep./40     Wiseman              Archie W.                 7-Feb-1915      13-May-1996
Gd.Shep./22     WITHERELL            ESTHER L.                 1911            1983
Gd.Shep./22     WITHERELL            ROBERT O.                 1911            1985
Gd.Shep./53     WITT                 EDNA R.                   1884            1959         Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./56     WOGEE                LILLIAN                   1919            1968
Gd.Shep./56     WOGEE                MITCHELL                  1920            1977
Gd.Shep./43     Wolcott              Jennie M.                 1890            1972
Gd.Shep./39     Wolfe                Nicholas E.               1918            1997
Gd.Shep./41     Wolfe                Robert Lee                15-Mar-1933     18-Nov-1971  California, CPL US Army RES, Korea
Gd.Shep./64     Woodall              Mary Ann                  1903            1976
Gd.Shep./65     Woodall              William David             1955            1958
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wooden               H. Effie                  1879            1961
Gd.Shep./50-52  Wooden               John A                    1879            1971
Gd.Shep./34     Woodraska            Betty J.                  1929            2004
Gd.Shep./10     Woodruff             Vicki Gail                1956            1986
Gd.Shep./47     Wooford              Grace C.                  1903            1966
Gd.Shep./18     WOOLRIDGE            ANNA MAE JOHNSON          1906            1988         Wife - Mother - Friend
Gd.Shep./45     Workman              Charles W.                1902            1977
Gd.Shep./45     Workman              Glen E.                   20-Jan-1914     23-Nov-1972  Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./45     Workman              Theresa A.                1909            1978
Gd.Shep./50-52  Woron                Patricia M                1925            1998
Gd.Shep./56     WORRAD               LEONARD A.                1898            1966
Gd.Shep./65     Worrix               Jimmie D.                 16-Jan-1934     20-Nov-1974
Gd.Shep./30     Wortham              Audis H                   1913            2004
Gd.Shep./10     Wright               Cleo E.                   1918            1990         mother
Gd.Shep./16     WRIGHT               DAN A.                    1897            1965
Gd.Shep./46     Wright               Joseph M., Jr.            24-Apr-1962                  "Our Little Joe"
Gd.Shep./16     WRIGHT               MARIAN L.                 1898            1991
Gd.Shep./30     Wright               Richard D.                1915            1983         "Richie"
Gd.Shep./46     Wright               Ward Cameron              17-Feb-1968     20-Feb-1968
Gd.Shep./48     Wright               William J.                1930            1990
Gd.Shep./12     Wu                   Hwa Ren                   16-Apr-1932     17-Aug-2003  "Taiwan"
Gd.Shep./34     Wu                   Tun Tsan                  12-Jan-1910     5-May-1986
Gd.Shep./29     Wyant                Verda Willey              1896            1972
Gd.Shep./31     Wyman                Beryl "Bill"              1912            1997         Husband - Father - Grandfather
Gd.Shep./48     Wyman                George C.                 Jan. 1905       Jul. 1962    Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./48     Wyman                Jennie L.                 Aug. 1902       Apr.  1962   Beloved Wife and Mother
Gd.Shep./28     Wysocki              Joseph A.                 1924            1984
Gd.Shep./28     Wysocki              Robert V.                 15 Nov. 1951    2 Aug. 1985
Gd.Shep./28     Wysocki              Stephan C.                7 July 1956     29 July 1984
Gd.Shep./27     Wysocki              Thomas Andrew             6 Jan. 1960     2 Jan. 1990
Gd.Shep./7      Yacoubian            Haig A.                   14-Nov-1923     23-Sep-1997
Gd.Shep./50-52  Yasuoka              Tom  T.                   1925            2001
Gd.Shep./41     Yates                Hazel L.                  6-Mar-1913      12-Jul-2001  Beloved Mother and Grandmother
Gd.Shep./11     Ybarra               Josephine P.              30-Apr-1925     8-Aug-1994
Gd.Shep./44     Yearkey              Rose                      1878            1976
Gd.Shep./33     Young                Blanche                   1903            1989
Gd.Shep./47     Young                Charlie R.                1886            1968         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./47     Young                Harriett M.               1890            1972         Our Beloved Mother
Gd.Shep./33     Young                Joseph L.                 1900            1973
Gd.Shep./12     Young                Michael David             17-Nov-1972     2-Mar-1993
Gd.Shep./39     Young                Raymond N.                1947            1993
Gd.Shep./45     Yu                   Check                     1916            1991
Gd.Shep./39     Zampa                Vincent R.                1941            1999         Loving Husband, Dad and Grandpa
Gd.Shep./13     ZANAZANIAN           ARSEN                     1951            2003         Beloved Husband and Father
Gd.Shep./11     Zanazanian           Egishe                    1-Jun-1911      12-Aug-1994
Gd.Shep./12     Zanazanian           Urszula A.                1953            1982
Gd.Shep./11     Zelna                John S.                   1909            1989
Gd.Shep./21     ZENKER               FRANZ OSCAR               1896            1959
Gd.Shep./21     ZENKER               THERESA MARIE             1897            1987
Gd.Shep./42     Zimmerman            Dr. Elias                 1892            1979
Gd.Shep./42     Zimmerman            Eda H.                    1896            1993
Gd.Shep./37     Zwahlen              Leeann                    1933            1993         Beloved Wife