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Last modified: Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 04:45:23 EDT    Size: 320939
Old Oroville Cemetery, Butte County, CA

Submitted by Shelane Nielsen <> 21 Jun 2005, Partial
Corrections on ALBERS surname made 19 Aug 2005
File updated 1 Sep 2005

This file is part of the California Tombstone Project

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I decided to transcribe this cemetery and help make it more available because my 
gr gr grandpa John Soli is buried  here without a headstone and this was my way of 
paying tribute to him.  

There is about 1/5 of the cemetery I didn't get  to, and unless someone is close and 
would like to help, I will try to get back in a year or so to finish.  

Make sure and check the people without last names at the top and their notes in case 
they are part of your family!  Shelane Nielsen.

       Name                               Birth         Death         Photo file name                         Notes
4-110  ?                                                              unknown.jpg                             can't read
2-0487 ?, ?                               Dec 1861      Apr 1904      unnamed.jpg                             no name or indication of family group
2-0612 ?, Annie                                                       bert-annie.jpg                          s/w Bert; no last name
2-0250 ?, Arthur                                                      arthur.jpg
1-853  ?, Baby Boy Vanneman                             Feb 13 1952   vanneman-baby-boy.jpg                   no last name on stone; between Isabella and Mildred Lee Hills
2-0611 ?, Bert                                                        bert-annie.jpg                          s/w Annie, no last name
2-0323 ?, Emma                                                        emma-frank.jpg                          next to Frank
2-0119 ?, Ernest                          1860          1931          ernest.jpg                              next to Georgia ?
2-0492 ?, eroded (1st)                                  1890          eroded-1.jpg                            stone is badly eroded
2-0493 ?, eroded (2nd)                                                eroded-2.jpg                            stone is badly eroded
2-0462 ?, Estelle                                                     estelle.jpg                             buried with Ward family
2-0871 ?, Ethel                                                       jack-ethel.jpg                          next to Jack; no last name
1-107  ?, Father                                                      father-next-to-inman-slack.jpg          next to Inman Slack
2-0047 ?, Father, Mother                                              father-mother.jpg
2-0322 ?, Frank                                                       frank-emma.jpg                          next to Emma ?
2-0329 ?, Fred                                                        fred.jpg                                next to Danforth monument
2-0118 ?, Georgia                         1872          1921          georgia.jpg                             next to Ernest ?
2-0947 ?, Gertrude Mary                   Dec 22 1922   May 31 2004   gertrude-mary.jpg                       s/w mother Margaret Agnes; next to Frank Orville Fenley
4-049  ?, Gottlieb                                                    gottlieb.jpg                            AEF; under Hipp monument
2-0258 ?, Hazel                                                       hazel.jpg; hutchison area.jpg           next to Emma and James Hutchison, see area pic
2-0247 ?, Hilda                                                       hilda.jpg                               next to Melvin. No last name.
2-0870 ?, Jack                                                        jack-ethel.jpg                          next to Ethel; no last name
4-050  ?, Joe                                                         uncle-joe.jpg                           our beloved Uncle Joe; in Hipp family area
4-376  ?, Joseph Sr                       Jan 13 1919   Apr 1 1995    joseph-sr.jpg                           son; s/w Ruby; next to Zacarias & Maria Felipe
2-0486 ?, Josie                                                       josie-2.jpg                             no last name or indication of family group
2-0410 ?, Little Eugene                                 Nov 11 1857   eugene-little.jpg                       aged 11 mos; on monument with Moore, Parker, Robertson
       ?, Little Eugene (con't)                                       moore-parker-robertson-monument.jpg
2-0946 ?, Margaret Agnes                  Sep 17 1897   Sep 19 1985   margaret-agnes.jpg                      s/w daughter Gertrude Mary;next to Frank Orville Fenley
1-479  ?, May                                                         may.jpg                                 no last name on stone; between Edith Jane and Lewis Alfred Kent
2-0246 ?, Melvin                                                      melvin.jpg                              next to Hilda. No last name
2-0164 ?, Mother                          1833          1914          mother-1833-1914.jpg                    no last name on headstone; in Peterson family area
2-0500 ?, Mother                          1869          1914          mother-1869-1914.jpg
2-1001 ?, Mother                          1853          1934          mother-1853-1934.jpg
2-1055 ?, Mother Father                                               mother-father-next-to-clampitt.jpg      next to John S Clampitt
4-051  ?, Paul                                                        paul.jpg                                baby Paul; in Hipp family area
1-132  ?, Rachel                                                      rachel.jpg                              in between Robert S Powers and Walter W Reece
2-1003 ?, Regina                          1889          1918          regina-1889-1918.jpg
2-0317 ?, Roy                                                         roy.jpg                                 next to Will and Etta Benjamin
4-377  ?, Ruby                                                        ruby.jpg                                s/w Joseph Sr
2-0278 ?, Sarah                                                       sarah.jpg
2-0130 ?, Tommy                                                       tommy-1867-1869.jpg                     between Kate P Hobart and Adaline Hobart
1-292  ?, Virginia                                                    virginia.jpg                            next to Clarke family. May be part of.
1-165  ?, Willie                                                      willie.jpg                              between Muriel Wickman and Herbert Wolstenholme
4-199  A, N G                                                         a-n-g.jpg                               initials in stone
2-0957 A, W A                                                         a-w-a.jpg                               father; s/w brother WCA
2-0958 A, W C                                                         a-w-c.jpg                               brother; s/w father WAA
1-002  Aaronson, Constance E              1886          1979          aaronson-constance-e.jpg                s/w George C Aaronson
1-003  Aaronson, George C                 1875          1952          aaronson-george-c.jpg                   s/w Constance E Aaronson
1-780  Aaronson, George Dexter            1847          1910          aaronson-george-dexter.jpg
1-004  Aaronson, Herbert Hugo             Mar 27 1917   Mar 28 1982   aaronson-herbert-hugo.jpg               next to George and Constance Aaronson
4-017  Abbey, Daniel                      Jun 26 1831   Dec 17 1906   abbey-daniel.jpg                        native of New York; on Abbey monument
4-019  Abbey, Edward W                    1869          1932          abbey-edward-w.jpg                      Native of Calif; on Abbey monument
4-020  Abbey, John H                      1872          1954          abbey-john-h.jpg                        Native of Calif
4-018  Abbey, Mary E                      Apr 15 1846   Dec 21 1922   abbey-mary-e.jpg                        Native of Ireland; on Abbey monument
4-026  Abbey, Sam                         1876          1970          abbey-sam.jpg                           s/w Marguerite Anderson on Abbey monument
2-0577 Abbott, Charles A                  1873          1959          abbott-charles-a.jpg
2-0758 Abbott, Mary J Pyke                1881          1960          abbott-mary-j-pyke.jpg
1-812  Abrams, Charles B                  Apr 19 1849   Nov 4 1919    abrams-charles-b.jpg                    s/w Minnie S Abrams
1-813  Abrams, Minnie S                   Apr 14 1863   Dec 27 1914   abrams-minnie-s.jpg                     s/w Charles B Abrams
4-268  Acebo, Daisy                       Feb 9 1912    Dec 8 1976    acebo-daisy.jpg                         beloved sister
4-269  Acebo, Gumersindo                  1910          1964          acebo-gumersindo.jpg
1-801  Achuff, Jesse N                    1845          1881          achuff-jesse-n.jpg                      s/w wife Marie; M.D.
1-802  Achuff, Marie                      1847          1924          achuff-marie.jpg                        s/w husband Jesse N Achuff M.D.
2-0216 Acusta Vincent, Helen              1856          1930          vincent-helen-acusta.jpg
2-0510 Adkins, Daniel C                   Jan 17 1866   Jun 15 1927   adkins-daniel-c.jpg                     s/w Matilda E Adkins
2-0511 Adkins, Matilda E                  Mar 14 1879   Feb 5 1936    adkins-matilda-e.jpg                    s/w Daniel C Adkins
4-334  Aguilera, June L                   Aug 7 1912    May 13 2000   aguilera-june-l.jpg
4-331  Aguilera, Pedro C                  Jun 29 1903   Jun 20 1981   aguilera-pedro-c.jpg                    loving husband of Lucille Aguilera
2-0299 Albers, Dorothea Hoermann          Jul 22 1834   Mar 3 1866    albers-dorothea-hoermann.jpg            born in Hamburg, died in Hamilton Butte Co Cal at the age of 31 yrs 7 mos 8 days
2-0303 Albers, Edna E                     Sep 1 1882    Aug 19 1959   albers-edna-e.jpg                       s/w Louie W Albers
2-0302 Albers, Louie W                    Oct 9 1878    Feb 11 1966   albers-louie-w.jpg                      s/w Edna E Albers
2-0300 Albers, Maria Catharina            May 20 1874   Sep 7 1875    albers-maria-catharina.jpg              daughter of Dories S Paul Albers; age of 15 mos 18 days
2-0301 Albers, Paul                       Dec 6 1829    Sep 7 1894    albers-paul.jpg
4-216  Aleck, Angelica                    Jul 17 1900   Mar 11 1976   aleck-angelica.jpg                      s/w Gus Kostondinos Aleck; native of Greece
4-215  Aleck, Gus Kostondinos             Mar 20 1894   Jun 4 1965    aleck-gus-kostondinos.jpg               s/w Angelica Aleck; native of Greece
4-200  Aleck, Tom                         1900          1958          aleck-tom.jpg                           brother
1-413  Allen, G W                                                     allen-g-w.jpg                           in row with military headstones
1-656  Allison, Laura J Meier             Mar 5 1892    Nov 1 1940    allison-laura-j-meier.jpg               mother
4-171  Alvarez, Cecil                     Nov 22 1912   May 15 1930   alvarez-cecil.jpg                       Boy Scouts of America; troop 30 star scout
4-171  Alvarez, Seilio                    1912          1930          alvarez-cecil.jpg                       son of R Alvarez
4-180  Ameladioies, Anasios               1875          1921          ameladioies-anasios.jpg
       Ameladioies, Anasios (con't)                                   ameladioies-anasios-close.jpg
4-219  Anastasiou, John G                 Nov 14 1892   Feb 24 1965   anastasiou-john-g.jpg                   s/w Stavroula Anastasiou
4-220  Anastasiou, Stavroula              Sep 15 1894   Apr 11 1961   anastasiou-stavroula.jpg                s/w John G Anastasiou
1-249  Andersen, James                    Oct 5 1908    Jul 28 1919   andersen-james.jpg                      son of James Andersen.  Born at Rock Springs Wyo.
1-507  Anderson, Chester A                Aug 2 1866    Feb 2 1946    anderson-chester-a.jpg                  Happy Jack; s/w Margaret E Anderson
1-551  Anderson, Christian                Feb 7 1855    Apr 26 1924   anderson-christian.jpg                  s/w Mildred S Anderson
2-1032 Anderson, Edna May                 Jun 18 1889   Jun 24 1961   anderson-edna-may.jpg
2-1033 Anderson, George                   Jan 21 1882   Jul 20 1943   anderson-george.jpg                     native of Kentucky
1-202  Anderson, James                    1865          1926          anderson-james.jpg
2-0055 Anderson, Lillie B                 1883          1927          anderson-lillie-b.jpg                   buried with Fisher family
1-506  Anderson, Margaret E               Aug 14 1868   Apr 22 1959   anderson-margaret-e.jpg                 mother and grandmother; s/w Chester A Anderson
4-025  Anderson, Marguerite               1888                        anderson-marguerite.jpg                 s/w Sam Abbey on Abbey monument
1-552  Anderson, Mildred S                Jul 15 1865   Sep 10 1934   anderson-mildred-s.jpg                  s/w Christian Anderson
2-0148 Anderson, Niels                    Mar 11 1839   Dec 22 1898   anderson-niels.jpg
2-0097 Andrews Gilbert, Isabel June       Aug 26 1907   Jan 7 2000    gilbert-isabel-june-andrews.jpg
2-0102 Andrews Rasmussen, Jean            Jul 13 1913                 rasmussen-jean-andrews.jpg              s/w Richard James Rasmussen
2-0103 Andrews, Archibald A               1845          1914          andrews-archibald-a.jpg
2-0098 Andrews, Archie Leroy              1875          1922          andrews-archie-leroy.jpg                father; s/w Jennie June Andrews
1-409  Andrews, Chas.                                                 andrews-chas.jpg                        Co. C. 1 Cal. Inf.
2-0095 Andrews, Ida F                     1914          1993          andrews-ida-f.jpg                       s/w Welton L Andrews
2-0099 Andrews, Jennie June               1878          1965          andrews-jennie-june.jpg                 mother; s/w Archie Leroy Andrews
2-0094 Andrews, Welton L                  1904          1965          andrews-welton-l.jpg                    s/w Ida F Andrews
2-0710 Anglen, Anna S Burch               May 13 1884   Jul 21 1941   burch-anna-s.jpg                        mother; wife of John Anglen; native of Missouri
       Anglen, Anna S Burch (con't)                                   anglen-burch-shively.jpg
2-0712 Anglen, John                       Jan 13 1878   Jun 28 1959   anglen-john.jpg; anglen-burch-shively.jpg
2-0768 Anthony, Harry L                   1881          1941          anthony-harry-l.jpg
1-605  Archer nee Morse, Florence E       1867          1941          archerNeeMorse-florence-e.jpg           s/w Frank E Morse and Caddie and Fred Morse
1-007  Arents, Ann M                      1826          1890          arents-ann-m.jpg                        s/w Hiram B and Hiram Arents
1-006  Arents, Hiram                      1815          1890          arents-hiram.jpg                        s/w Hiram B and Ann Arents
1-005  Arents, Hiram B                    1847          1888          arents-hiram-b.jpg                      s/w Hiram and Ann Arents
1-535  Arfman, Naomi                                    Apr 16 1908   arfman-naomi.jpg
2-0929 Armistead, -                                                   armistead.jpg
2-0706 Arnold Hirschey, Harriet           Aug 3 1842    Jan 6 1924    hirschey-harriet-arnold.jpg             rest mother
1-516  Atchley, Dora E                    Jul 1 1897    Jul 7 1982    atchley-dora-e.jpg
2-0654 Atherton Houser, Anna              Mar 16 1901   Jan 16 1943   houser-anna-atherton.jpg                mother; wife of RE Houser; native of Kentucky
4-378  Austin Gibbs, headstones                                       gibbs-austin.jpg
4-380  Austin, Gatrel Gibbs               Nov 30 1937   Oct 1 1994    austin-gatrel-gibbs.jpg
2-0796 Austin, Warren Jones               Mar 25 1846   Oct 19 1922   austin-warren-jones.jpg                 GAR; native of Elmira NY
1-212  Avery, Anna Marie                  Dec 4 1922    Dec 29 1950   avery-anna-marie.jpg                    mother
1-229  B, A                                                           b-a.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-323  B, C                                                           b-c.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
1-319  B, H N                                                         b-h-n.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-339  B, H S                                                         b-h-s.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-240  B, J                                                           b-j.jpg                                 initials on brick
4-109  B, J A                                                         b-j-a.jpg
1-235  B, L C                                                         b-l-c.jpg                               initials on brick
4-136  B, L H                                                         b-l-h.jpg
1-189  B, M                                                           b-m.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-231  B, M                                                           b-m-next-to-donald-noel.jpg             initials on brick, next to Donald A Noel
1-188  B, M J                                                         b-m-j.jpg                               initials on brick
1-190  B, W N                                                         b-w-n.jpg                               initials on brick
2-0546 Babb nee Tompkins, Christena A     1872          1940          babb-nee-tompkins-christena-a.jpg       s/w Peter Joseph Babb
2-0544 Babb, Jesse F                      1895          1927          babb-jesse-f.jpg
2-0545 Babb, Peter Joseph                 1866          1931          babb-peter-joseph.jpg                   s/w Christena A Babb nee Tompkins
2-0554 Babcook, Rev H S                                 Mar 1 1868    babcook-rev-h-s.jpg                     Rev.; aged 77 ys 4 mos 16 ds
2-0798 Babcook, William U                 Sep 4 1866    Oct 30 1940   babcook-william-u.jpg                   NSGW
1-441  Bailey Gregory, Louise             Mar 1870      Mar 1925                                              next to Hiram Doyle Gregory
1-885  Baker, Amanda E                                  Aug 17 1891   baker-amanda-e.jpg                      aged 50 years; s/w Alice and James Helms
1-647  Baker, Connie                      May 15 1885   May 16 1945   baker-connie.jpg                        s/w Kate Baker
1-477  Baker, Ed                          1866          1937          baker-ed.jpg                            s/w Emma Baker
2-0280 Baker, Ellen                       Oct 25 1862   May 3 1934    baker-ellen.jpg                         mother; s/w son Emmitte Baker
1-476  Baker, Emma                        1878          1967          baker-emma.jpg                          s/w Ed Baker
2-0279 Baker, Emmitte                     Sep 23 1886   Sep 2 1907    baker-emmitte.jpg                       son; s/w mother Ellen Baker
4-206  Baker, Engram G                    Jul 11 1905   Mar 4 1976    baker-engram-g.jpg                      s/w Martha M Baker
2-0172 Baker, Hattie M                    Feb 20 1888   Aug 3 1974    baker-hattie-m.jpg                      next to Samuel Richard Baker
1-648  Baker, Kate                        Apr 15 1888   Sep 26 1921   baker-kate.jpg                          s/w Connie Baker
4-207  Baker, Martha M                    Jun 5 1909                  baker-martha-m.jpg                      s/w Engram G Baker
2-0171 Baker, Samuel Richard              May 1 1886    May 18 1940   baker-samuel-richard.jpg                next to Hattie M Baker
2-0552 Baldwin, Helen Louise              Sep 8 1859    Dec 17 1907   baldwin-helen-louise.jpg                wife of WT Baldwin
2-0291 Baldwin, William Chester           Apr 4 1889    Sep 21 1929   baldwin-william-chester.jpg
2-0551 Baldwin, William Thomas            Aug 13 1862   Jul 24 1946   baldwin-william-thomas.jpg
1-256  Ball, Henriette M                  Sep 7 1888    Jan 7 1864    ball-henriette-m.jpg                    wife of J B Ball
1-255  Ball, Jesse B                      Feb 10 1858                 ball-jesse-b.jpg                        son of J B and H M Ball.  Bottom of stone is broken off.
2-0359 Barnes, Alice Otilia               Dec 18 1854   Mar 19 1879   barnes-alice-otilia.jpg                 wife of E Barnes
4-242  Barrett, Edna E                    Apr 21 1905   Dec 24 1985   barrett-edna-e.jpg                      s/w George W Barrett; next to Charlene N Wilson
4-241  Barrett, George W                  Apr 20 1904   Nov 18 1973   barrett-george-w.jpg                    s/w Edna E Barrett; next to Charlene N Wilson
1-233  Barrett, T J                       Jan 30 1888   Feb 23 1944   barrett-t-j.jpg
2-0111 Bartels, Frank                     1858          1910          bartels-frank.jpg                       s/w Julia Bartels; native of Michigan
       Bartels, Frank (con't)                                         frank-with-chains.jpg
2-0112 Bartels, Julia                     1860          1943          bartels-julia.jpg; julia.jpg            s/w Frank Bartels; native of Michigan
4-307  Bartley, Bill                      1895                        bartley-bill.jpg                        s/w Esther Bartley
4-308  Bartley, Esther                    1898          1976          bartley-esther.jpg                      s/w Bill Bartley
1-321  Barton , Katherine                 Oct 8 1877    Mar 22 1927   barton-katherine.jpg
1-280  Barton , Wm                        Feb 14 1882   Jul 16 1942   barton-wm.jpg
2-0298 Barton, James E                    1860          1936          barton-james-e.jpg                      father
2-0428 Bassett, Richard S                 Oct 4 1855    Sep 15 1944   bassett-richard-s.jpg                   Father; native of Illinois
2-0214 Bateman, Floyd S                   Apr 28 1898   Nov 15 1923   bateman-floyd-s.jpg
1-438  Bateman, Henry                                                 bateman-henry.jpg                       QM SGT 2nd Ill. Inf. Blackhawk War
2-1004 Bauer, Ada Rose                    1888          1970          bauer-ada-rose.jpg
2-1008 Bauer, Eldred                      1878          1966          bauer-eldred.jpg
2-1006 Bauer, Elsie M                     1888          1980          bauer-elsie-m.jpg
2-1002 Bauer, Frank P                     1846          1900          bauer-frank-p.jpg
2-1000 Bauer, Ivan                        1879          1941          bauer-ivan.jpg
2-1005 Bauer, Nora M                      1890          1974          bauer-nora-m.jpg
2-1007 Bauer, Paul A                      1893          1993          bauer-paul-a.jpg
2-1009 Bauer, Stewart Ivan                1925          2001          bauer-stewart-ivan.jpg
2-0367 Beam, Catharine E                  Sep 20 1861   Aug 13 1865   beam-catharine-e.jpg                    on Beam monument
2-0597 Beam, Christian                    1822          1887          beam-christian.jpg                      father
2-0362 Beam, Dorothy Shear                Feb 21 1894   Nov 18 1989   beam-dorothy-shear.jpg                  s/w MG and CB Shear
2-0366 Beam, Henry Eckert                 Jan 24 1864   Dec 10 1?64   beam-henry-eckert.jpg                   s/w Catharine E Beam
2-0599 Beam, J F                          1860          1948          beam-j-f.jpg                            s/w Margaret E Beam
2-0598 Beam, Margaret E                                 May 3 1873    beam-margaret-e.jpg                     wife of Christian Beam; aged 43 years; s/w JF Beam
1-745  Beam, Otie A Woodman               Aug 29 1861   Apr 29 1945   beam-otie-a-woodman.jpg                 on Woodman monument
2-0365 Beam, Peter                        Oct 27 1822   Aug 31 1867   beam-peter.jpg
1-419  Beatty, E W                                                    beatty-e-w.jpg                          Co G 7th Cal. Inf
1-676  Becker, Frederick J                              Jan 17 1879   becker-frederick-j.jpg                  aged 55 years
2-0223 Bedeau, Anna P                     Jan 14 1882   Jan 9 1939    bedeau-anna-p.jpg; bedeau-family.jpg    s/w Charles W Bedeau
2-0222 Bedeau, Charles W                  Sep 22 1881   Jun 5 1931    bedeau-charles-w.jpg; bedeau-family.jpg s/w Anna P Bedeau
2-0221 Bedeau, Family area                                            bedeau-family.jpg                       Charles W & Anna P Bedeau, Wanda E Henry
2-0593 Beenken, Emelia                                  Jan 13 1892   beenken-emelia.jpg                      aged 73 yrs; s/w husband of W Beenken; natives of Germany
2-0594 Beenken, William                                 Nov 29 1875   beenken-william.jpg                     aged 62 years; s/w wife Emelia Beenken; natives of Germany
1-008  Beeson Richardson, Maude G         Aug 10 1891   May 20 1919   richardson-maude-g-beeson.jpg           mother of William Allen and Bertha Richardson Grandmother of James Allen and Diane Richardson
4-328  Beever, Anna E                     May 6 1888    Dec 1 1974    beever-anna-e.jpg
2-0397 Beik, family area                                              beik-family.jpg                         Margaret J, Frederick A, Henry A, Freida M Beik; Elizabeth M Fish
2-0399 Beik, Frederick A                  Oct 2 1891    Jun 14 1952   beik-frederick-a.jpg
2-0402 Beik, Freida M                     May 30 1893   Jan 23 1988   beik-freida-m.jpg
2-0400 Beik, Henry A                      1865          1927          beik-henry-a.jpg
2-0398 Beik, Margaret J                   1871          1932          beik-margaret-j.jpg
1-009  Belding, -                                                     belding.jpg
1-844  Belding, C C                       1830          1918          belding-c-c.jpg
1-842  Belding, Charles F                 1864          1935          belding-charles-f.jpg
1-843  Belding, Frances S                 1839          1916          belding-frances-s.jpg
1-184  Bell, Benjamin B                   Apr 15 1864   Aug  1933     bell-benjamin-b.jpg                     by Minnie Roe
1-857  Bell, Benjamin Franklin            Jan 17 1842   Apr 1 1916    bell-benjamin-franklin.jpg              native of Pittsburg Penn; next to Margaret Eliza Bell
1-570  Bell, Edgar E                      1871          1955          bell-edgar-e.jpg                        next to Mabel Agnes Bell
4-221  Bell, Helen L                      Sep 10 1907   Mar 22 1988   bell-helen-l.jpg
1-953  Bell, Henry Clay                   Oct 3 1846    Jul 30 1908   bell-henry-clay.jpg                     born at Petersburg, Pa; died at Sacramento, Cal; next to Minnie A Bell
1-273  Bell, James A                      Jan 19 1885   Jun 23 1953   bell-james-a.jpg                        born Mississippi; died Oroville at the age of 78; sister of M. Roe
1-010  Bell, John Henry                   1875          1971          bell-john-henry.jpg                     next to Mary Ann Bell
       Bell, John Henry (con't)                                       bell-john-and-mary.jpg
1-569  Bell, Mabel Agnes                  1881          1918          bell-mabel-agnes.jpg                    mother; next to Edgar E Bell
1-858  Bell, Margaret Eliza               Apr 2 1852    Oct 19 1942   bell-margaret-eliza.jpg                 native of Caryal Canada; next to Benjamin Franklin Bell
1-011  Bell, Mary Ann                     Nov 2 1895    Nov 27 1971   bell-mary-ann.jpg                       Next to John Henry Bell
       Bell, Mary Ann (con't)                                         bell-john-and-mary.jpg
1-954  Bell, Minnie A                     Oct 15 1854   Sep 18 1906   bell-minnie-a.jpg                       next to husband H C Bell; born at LaChute Canada; died at Sacramento, Cal
4-298  Bell, Thomes H                     Jan 21 1884   Feb 8 1964    bell-thomes-h.jpg                       born Mississippi; died Oroville at the age of 68; sister of M. Roe
4-222  Bell, Timothy Lee                  Aug 20 1904   Jul 12 1959   bell-timothy-lee.jpg                    husband and father
2-0319 Benjamin, Etta                     1862          1945          benjamin-etta.jpg                       next to Will Benjamin
2-0318 Benjamin, Will                     1865          1894          benjamin-will.jpg                       next to Etta Benjamin
2-0684 Bennett, Charles                                 Apr 10 1894   bennett-charles.jpg                     aged 64 Yrs 6 ms; native of England
2-0533 Bennett, N E                                     Sep 11 1875   bennett-n-e.jpg                         aged 63 yrs; native of Sweden; Left a Wife and twin babies
1-564  Bennington, Chester I              1889          1933          bennington-chester-i.jpg                s/w Edna L Bennington
1-563  Bennington, Edna L                 1893          19--          bennington-edna-l.jpg                   s/w Chester I Bennington
2-0316 Berndt, Juanita Brett              1901          1921          brett-juanita.jpg                       wife of Erwin C Berndt
1-538  Bickford, Blanche Inez             1875          1928          bickford-blanche-inez.jpg
1-012  Bicknell, Freeman                                              bicknell-freeman.jpg                    Sgt. Co.E. 1st Cal.Cav.
1-013  Bidle, Carrie May                                              bidle-carrie-may.jpg
1-486  Bierce, Jas. C                                                 bierce-jas-c.jpg                        Co. A. 1 Cal. Cav
1-180  Bigbee, Robert                                   Feb 27 1861   bigbee-robert.jpg                       aged 35 years
2-0829 Biggs, Barbara Terrell             May 9 1917    Jun 11 1940   biggs-barbara-terrell.jpg
4-224  Bilkei, John Sr                    Jan 22 1888   Apr 26 1958   bilkei-john-sr.jpg
1-252  Bill , John E                                    Nov 20 1875   bill-john-e.jpg                         aged 33 years; a native of Ohio
1-169  Billingsly, B F                                  age 80        billingsly-b-f.jpg                      Pioneer miner, erected by James Lamb
1-796  Bills Deuel, family area                                       bills-deuel-area.jpg
1-795  Bills, Charles L                   1865          1927          bills-charles-l.jpg                     next to Zilla Bills
1-794  Bills, Zilla A                     1870          1926          bills-zilla-a.jpg                       next to Charles Bills and Joseph Deuel
2-0898 Bird Thatcher, Clara               May 4 1867    Aug 15 1966   thatcher-clara-bird.jpg                 on east side of Bird monument
2-0906 Bird Walsh, Hattie                 Jan 21 1872   May 8 1890    walsh-hattie-bird.jpg                   on north side of Bird monument
2-0903 Bird, Henry                        Oct 5 1828    Jun 1 1915    bird-henry.jpg                          on west side of Bird monument
2-0904 Bird, Maria                        Sep 20 1841   Mar 16 1930   bird-maria.jpg                          on west side of Bird monument
2-0196 Bishop, Hallie Bernice T           1900          1991          bishop-hallie-bernice-t.jpg
1-103  Bliss Morton, Carolina             1824          1907          morton-carolina-bliss.jpg
1-014  Bliss, W Y                                       Nov 30 1893   bliss-w-y.jpg                           died at 73yrs 6month 14days. Sergt. Co. A 1st Regt. Cal. Vol. Cav.
1-596  Blood, Charles A                   1867          1938          blood-charles-a.jpg                     next to Ellen Blood
1-595  Blood, Ellen                       1877          1948          blood-ellen.jpg                         next to Richard P and Charles A Blood
1-627  Blood, Ellen P                     1834          1921          blood-ellen-p.jpg                       next to Stillman Blood
1-594  Blood, Richard P                   1866          1926          blood-richard-p.jpg                     next to Ellen Blood
1-628  Blood, Stillman                    1833          1904          blood-stillman-h.jpg                    next to Ellen P Blood
1-318  Bloom, Charles H                   1861          1939          bloom-charles-h.jpg
1-281  Bloom, Nannie                      1854          1942          bloom-nannie.jpg
2-0079 Bloomfield, Harrie I               1875          1914          bloomfield-harrie-i.jpg
       Bloomfield, Harrie I (con't)                                   bloomfield-harrie-i-back.jpg
2-0124 Blume, John F G                                  Dec 17 1890   blume-john-f-g.jpg                      aged 64 yrs
2-0252 Blumenthol, J H                    1855          1926          blumenthol-j-h.jpg
2-0386 Bobo, Charles S                    Dec 12 1813   May 21 1892   bobo-charles-d.jpg                      buried with the Hundley family
1-174  Boehm, F P                         1805          Jul 5 1858    boehm-f-p.jpg                           born in Germany, died at Oroville
1-504  Bohn, Lorraine R                   Feb 1 1918    Feb 1 1969    bohn-lorraine-r.jpg                     beloved wife of Ernest C Bohn, loving mother of Myrna Lee, Dianna, Gary
4-038  Bokmann, Benedict F                Jul 8 1859    Nov 4 1908    bokmann-benedict-f-1859-1908.jpg
4-039  Bokmann, Benedict F                Sep 5 1882    Jan 11 1955   bokmann-benedict-f-1882-1955.jpg
4-040  Bokmann, Jessie T                  Mar 17 1886   Feb 11 1943   bokmann-jessie-t.jpg
4-036  Bokmann, Sarah E                   Jul 17 1864   Sep 26 1957   bokmann-sarah-e.jpg
4-037  Bokmann?, Sara Norine              Aug 18 1921   Jan 16 1922   bokmann-sara-norine.jpg                 next to Benedict Bokmann
2-0601 Borges, Jose Correia                             Nov 19 1863   borges-jose-correia.jpg                 aged 27 yrs; native of Portugal
1-634  Boring, David M                    Oct 8 1872    Apr 6 1923    boring-david-m.jpg                      s/w Sophie F Boring; next to Mae B Wixom
1-698  Boring, John H                     Apr 2 1864    Jan 7 1947    boring-john-h.jpg                       s/w Lizzie I Boring
1-699  Boring, Lizzie I                   Feb 16 1869   Mar 2 1940    boring-lizzie-i.jpg                     s/w John H Boring
1-700  Boring, R Wilbur                   Jul 16 1892   Mar 10 1893   boring-r-wilbur.jpg                     son of JH and LI Boring
1-635  Boring, Sophie F                   Jul 21 1877   Jun 21 1942   boring-sophie-f.jpg                     s/w David M Boring; next to Mae B Wixom
1-637  Boring-Wixom, headstone placement                              wixom-boring-headstone.jpg
2-1030 Borwick, Alfred                                  Jan 24 1897   borwick-alfred.jpg                      who died in his 61st year
1-555  Boswell, Louis W                   1845          1929          boswell-louis-w.jpg                     next to Matilda Boswell
1-554  Boswell, Matilda                                 May 1 1918    boswell-matilda.jpg                     aged 63 years 12 days; next to Louis W Boswell
2-0087 Botts, Albert                      Jul 22 1866   Sep 30 1940   botts-albert.jpg                        s/w Ollie Botts
2-0090 Botts, Estal Terrill               Sep 1888      Aug 1949      botts-estal-terrill.jpg                 next to Harriette Errol Botts
2-0088 Botts, Harriette Errol             Aug 1889      Aug 1976      botts-harriette-errol.jpg               next to Estal Terrill Botts
2-0086 Botts, Ollie                       Jun 10 1867   May 18 1916   botts-ollie.jpg                         s/w Albert Botts
1-251  Botz, Ernest                       May 24 1874   Jan 4 1920    botz-ernest.jpg                         a native of Germany
2-0694 Boucher, Angelyne                                Nov 12 1860   boucher-angelyne.jpg                    wife of GC Boucher; aged 35 years
2-0266 Bowden, James                                    Oct 3 1880    bowden-james-monument.jpg               aged 62 years; native of England; monument
2-0267 Bowden, James                                    Oct 3 1880    bowden-james-headstone.jpg              aged 62 years; native of England; headstone
       Bowden, James (con't)                                          bowden-james-headstone-close.jpg
4-108  Bowe, Annie                                      Nov 18 1894   bowe-annie.jpg                          aged 41 yrs
4-111  Bowe, Katherine L                  1881          1953          bowe-katherine-l.jpg
1-224  Bowen, Charles                     Mar 13 1886   Feb 16 1949   bowen-charles.jpg
1-015  Boyce, A D                                                     boyce-a-d.jpg
4-114  Boyle, John C                      Mar 24 1854   Aug 30 1913   boyle-john-c.jpg
1-948  Boynton Tuttle, Katharine          Feb 27 1906   Jan 9 1950    tuttle-katharine-boynton.jpg            wife of Lawrence S Tuttle
1-946  Boynton, Albert E                  Oct 9 1875    Feb 22 1945   boynton-albert-e.jpg                    born at Oroville, Cal; Died at SanFrancisco, Cal
1-949  Boynton, Antoinette Vallindras     Feb 14 1912   May 5 1945    boynton-antoinette-vallindras.jpg       wife of Robert D Boynton
1-945  Boynton, Kate H                    Sep 28 1849   Aug 15 1929   boynton-kate-h.jpg                      next to husband SS Boynton; born at LaChute Canada; died at SanFrancisco, Cal
1-950  Boynton, Robert Davis              1903          1974          boynton-robert-davis.jpg                son of Albert Boynton
1-944  Boynton, S S                       Jan 15 1847   Feb 28 1906   boynton-s-s.jpg                         born at Hallowell, Maine; died at Oroville, Cal; next to wife Kate H Boynton
1-947  Boyton, Susie C Davis              1877          1970          boyton-susie-c-davis.jpg                wife of Albert Boyton
1-493  Bracken, Michael                                 Aug 8 1903    bracken-michael.jpg                     aged 74 years; native of Ireland
2-0256 Braden, Antoinette F               Mar 10 1827   Jan 12 1881   braden-antoinette-f.jpg                 s/w husband J M Braden; on Braden monument
2-0253 Braden, Carsten Mc C               Aug 5 1858    Jan 3 1873    braden-carsten-mc-c.jpg                 s/w Franklin S Braden; on Braden monument
2-0157 Braden, E A                                                    braden-e-a.jpg
2-0254 Braden, Franklin S                 Feb 25 1867   Mar 20 1873   braden-franklin-s.jpg                   s/w Carsten Mc C Braden; on Braden monument
2-0255 Braden, Fredricka                  1854          1942          braden-fredricka.jpg                    on Braden monument
2-0155 Braden, J                                                      braden-j.jpg
2-0257 Braden, J M                        Sep 12 1824   Aug 24 1897   braden-j-m.jpg                          s/w wife Antoinette Braden; on Braden monument
2-0159 Braden, J V                                                    braden-j-v.jpg
2-0158 Braden, K B                                                    braden-k-b.jpg
2-0993 Braden, Richard                    1919          1939          braden-richard.jpg                      in Corbiere area
2-0995 Braden-Moon, Harriett A            1859          1947          braden-moon-harriett-a.jpg              in Corbiere area
4-324  Bradley, Eleanor E                 1908          1990          bradley-eleanor-e.jpg
2-0622 Bragg, Luella C                    1902          1926          bragg-luella-c.jpg
2-0535 Bramley Henderson, Lizzie          1854          1937          henderson-lizzie-bramley.jpg
1-352  Brandt Macfarlane, Christine       1883          1981          macfarlane-christine-brandt.jpg         s/w Donald Burt Macfarlane
2-0174 Brandt, Charles D                  May 1 1852    Mar 7 1911    brandt-charles-d.jpg                    s/w wife Janet Brandt
2-0156 Brandt, Elise M                    1872          1910          brandt-elise-m.jpg
2-0175 Brandt, Janet                      Jul 30 1855   Nov 15 1904   brandt-janet.jpg                        s/w husband Charles D Brandt
2-0066 Brandt, Robert C                   Aug 28 1889   Mar 28 1961   brandt-robert-c.jpg                     California; Pvt Co C 115 Field Sig Bn; World War I
4-153  Brannagan, Julia                                 Oct 15 1909   brannagan-julia.jpg                     aged 70 years
2-0147 Braselton, Cicero A                Jul 16 1838   Feb 28 1915   braselton-cicero-a.jpg
2-0144 Braselton, Jane                    Sep 29 1858   Apr 2 1898    braselton-jane.jpg
2-0176 Brereton, John Sarah                                           brereton-john-sarah.jpg                 1953; see pic
2-0315 Brett Berndt, Juanita              1901          1921          brett-juanita.jpg                       wife of Erwin C Berndt
2-0314 Brett, Benjamin F                  1852          1926          brett-benjamin-f.jpg                    next to Mahala C Brett
2-0313 Brett, Mahala C                    1865          1946          brett-mahala-c.jpg                      next to Benjamin F Brett
2-0926 Brockman, Alfaretta V              1885          1942          brockman-alfaretta-v.jpg                mother
2-0983 Brockman, James M                  May 6 1884    Nov 15 1940   brockman-james-m.jpg                    father
1-918  Bromley, Anna E                    May 27 1839   Apr 28 1900   bromley-anna-e.jpg                      s/w husband Martin V B Bromley
1-917  Bromley, Martin V B                Jul 13 1837   Jan 30 1894   bromley-martin-v-b.jpg                  s/w wife Anna E Bromley
2-0125 Brooks, Eliza Ann                  Jan 4 1816    May 10 1859   brooks-eliza-ann.jpg                    aged 43 years 4 months 6 days; wife of George W Brooks
2-0126 Brooks, George W                   Sep 27 1812   Jun 20 1898   brooks-george-w.jpg                     aged 85 years 8 months 23 days; next to Eliza Ann Brooks
2-0065 Brown, Adelbert                                  Jan 20 1871   brown-adelbert.jpg                      aged 10 years 2 mos; son of James & Mercy Brown; bottom of stone broken off
2-0416 Brown, Albert                      1869          1949          brown-albert.jpg
2-0415 Brown, August                      Apr 1835      Nov 2 1923    brown-august.jpg                        father; GAR; native of Germany
1-349  Brown, Avon E                      Jul 1 1904    May 9 1911    brown-avon-e.jpg
1-719  Brown, Clyde Irving                Dec 21 1895   Jul 2 1968    brown-clyde-irving.jpg                  s/w Marybelle Herrin Brown
1-671  Brown, David Alexander                           Jan 6 1860    brown-david-alexander.jpg               aged 32 years; first W.M.Oroville lodge no 103 F&AM; chartered may 8, 1856
2-0010 Brown, David L                     Apr 21 1831   Sep 8 1915    brown-david-l.jpg                       native of Germany
1-355  Brown, Frances E                   Aug 31 1865   Dec 23 1942   brown-frances-e.jpg                     s/w Minor Brown
2-0352 Brown, Jared Downing               Apr 22 1831   Jan 5 1857    brown-jared-downing.jpg                 born at Towanda Penn, died at Oroville
1-718  Brown, Marybelle Herrin            Feb 8 1901    Sep 22 1985   brown-marybelle-herrin-headstone.jpg    s/w Clyde Irving Brown
1-730  Brown, Marybelle Herrin            Feb 8 1901    Sep 22 1985   brown-marybelle-herrin-monument.jpg     on Herrin monument; s/w Fred V Herrin
1-264  Brown, Minnie                      Dec 1 1888    Aug 10 1945   brown-minnie.jpg
1-354  Brown, Minor                       Dec 28 1854   May 20 1913   brown-minor.jpg                         s/w Frances E Brown
2-0414 Brown, William F                                 Jun 13 1899   brown-william-f.jpg                     aged 27 yrs
2-0713 Browne, K E                        1857          1926          browne-k-e.jpg
2-0043 Brownell, Frank B Jr               May 26 1945   Feb 14 1996   brownell-frank-b-jr.jpg                 HM3 US Navy; Vietnam
2-0041 Brownell, Marie Elizabeth SchneiderOct 29 1918   Oct 21 2004   brownell-marie-elizabeth-schneider.jpg
4-211  Brozo, John W                      Nov 2 1896    Mar 19 1975   brozo-john-w.jpg                        Cpl Us Army; World War 1
4-212  Brozo, Lillian M                   Feb 9 1897    Dec 5 1994    brozo-lillian-m.jpg                     Michigan
2-0284 Buck, Prof. J.                     Feb 22 1838   Apr 21 1907   buck-prof-j.jpg                         Aged 69 years 2 mo
2-1079 Bullard, Allen S                   May 30 1890   May 3 1965    bullard-allen-s.jpg                     s/w Mattie B Bullard
2-1036 Bullard, Edna Lee                  Nov 22 1884   Aug 13 1922   bullard-edna-lee.jpg
2-1034 Bullard, Ira L                     1859          1948          bullard-ira-l.jpg
2-1080 Bullard, Mattie B                  Sep 2 1897    Jun 26 1981   bullard-mattie-b.jpg                    s/w Allen S Bullard
2-1035 Bullard, Sarah M                   1860          1936          bullard-sarah-m.jpg
2-0833 Bundy Openshaw, Faye               Aug 7 1923    Mar  2005     openshaw-faye-bundy.jpg                 s/w Margaret Blanche Bundy
2-0831 Bundy, Margaret Blanche            Jun 5 1893    Mar 14 194?   bundy-margaret-blanche.jpg              s/w Faye Bundy Openshaw; sorry about the grass on the date
2-0709 Burch, Anna S                      May 13 1884   Jul 21 1941   burch-anna-s.jpg                        mother; wife of John Anglen; native of Missouri
4-145  Burke, Elizabeth                                 Sep 22 1863   burke-elizabeth.jpg                     of parish Killerohen Co Cork Ireland; aged 52 years
2-0240 Burlingame, DeWitt Clinton         1828          1877          burlingame-deWitt-clinton.jpg           s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0241 Burlingame, Martha Ann Meek        1831          1866          burlingame-martha-ann-meek.jpg          s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0244 Burlingame, Mattie Ellen           1865          1866          burlingame-mattie-ellen.jpg             s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0243 Burlingame, Norval DeWitt          1863          1865          burlingame-norval-deWitt.jpg            s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0687 Burner, Jacob Franklin             Jul 10 1840   Aug 24 1891   burner-jacob-franklin.jpg               beloved grandfather
2-1064 Burns, child                                     1910          burns-child.jpg                         little angel child of EF & ME Burns
4-139  Bustin, Eugenia                    Sep 21 1885   Sep 21 1968   bustin-eugenia.jpg
1-809  Butler, Grace                                    Apr 2 1886    butler-grace.jpg                        aged 85 yrs; native England
2-0083 Byng Stephenson, Ida               1871          1935          stephenson-ida-byng.jpg                 next to Frank T Byng
2-0081 Byng, Frank T                      1863          1916          byng-frank-t.jpg                        next to Ida Byng Stephenson
4-126  Byrne, -                                                       byrne.jpg
1-317  C, A A                                                         c-a-a.jpg                               initials carved into brick
2-0992 C, C C                                                         c-c-c.jpg                               in Corbiere area
1-277  C, H                                                           c-h.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
1-402  C, L                                                           c-l.jpg                                 in row with military headstones
2-0640 C, L F                                                         c-l-f.jpg                               initials carved in stone
1-227  C, N                                                           c-n.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-278  C, S K O                                                       c-s-k-o.jpg                             initials carved into brick
2-0955 C, W                                                           c-w.jpg                                 next to Walter Campbell
1-279  C, W H (1st)                                                   c-w-h-1.jpg                             initials carved into brick
1-335  C, W H (2nd)                                                   c-w-h-2.jpg                             initials carved into brick
4-062  Cabral, Barbara C                  1841          1911          cabral-barbara-c.jpg                    s/w husband Jose Enos Cabral
4-321  Cabral, John                       1894          1971          cabral-john.jpg                         father
4-061  Cabral, Jose Enos                  1834          1928          cabral-jose-enos.jpg                    s/w wife Barbara C Cabral
2-0305 Cadenhead, Catherine               1848          1928          cadenhead-catherine.jpg                 mother; s/w John M Cadenhead
2-0304 Cadenhead, John M                  1845          1941          cadenhead-john-m.jpg                    father; s/w Catherine Cadenhead
2-0178 Caine, Charles F                                 Nov 12 1858   caine-charles-f.jpg                     aged 4 yrs 1 month 8 days; son of JE & SE Caine
1-514  Caldwell , Sarah Ellen             1915          1919          caldwell-sarah-ellen.jpg
1-513  Caldwell, Carrie M                 1900          1973          caldwell-carrie-m.jpg                   s/w husband William E Caldwell
1-512  Caldwell, William E                1889          1978          caldwell-william-e.jpg                  s/w wife Carrie M Caldwell
2-0338 Calkins, Charles                                 Jan 22 1880   calkins-charles.jpg                     aged 53 yrs 7 mos 21 dys; native of Boston Mass
2-0435 Callow, ?                                                      callow.jpg
1-487  Camble, Robt.                                                  camble-robt.jpg                         Co. K. 9 Kans. Cav.
2-0825 Campbell, Agnes                                  Jul 5 1867    campbell-agnes.jpg                      aged 69 years
1-835  Campbell, Augusta E                Jun 4 1880    Jan 17 1963   campbell-augusta-e.jpg                  wife of Robert W Campbell
2-0823 Campbell, Robert William           1879          1943          campbell-robert-william.jpg
2-0882 Campbell, Vera E                   1895          1922          campbell-vera-e.jpg
2-0954 Campbell, Walter                                 Jun 1 1880    campbell-walter.jpg                     aged 9 years
2-0824 Campbell, William                  Mar 17 1832   Jan 23 1898   campbell-william.jpg
1-177  Cannon, Annie O                    1865          1927          cannon-annie-o.jpg
1-199  Cannon, family area                                            cannon-family-area.jpg
2-0702 Cannon, William                                  Dec 18 1886   cannon-william.jpg                      aged 61 years; native of New York
1-247  Cantua, Minnie A                   Mar 19 1882   Jan 3 1920    cantua-minnie-a.jpg                     sister
2-0353 Capen, Fredie                                                  capen-freddie.jpg                       stone sticks out of ground only 6 or so inches.
       Capen, Fredie (con't)                                          capen-freddie-back.jpg
1-172  Carlson, H                         1857          1911          carlson-h.jpg
2-0093 Carpenter, Louise A                1906          1995          carpenter-louise-a.jpg                  married Aug 26 1943; s/w Ralph M Carpenter
2-0092 Carpenter, Ralph M                 1904          1990          carpenter-ralph-m.jpg                   married Aug 26 1943; s/w Louise A Carpenter
2-0751 Carr, George John                  Apr 22 1871   Feb 28 1934   carr-george-john.jpg                    born in Oroville Calif; died in Avon, Montana
2-0011 Carr, John B                       1844?         1917?         carr-john-b.jpg
1-016  Carr, Rebecca Lee                  Jan 21 1866   Dec 6 1927    carr-rebecca-lee.jpg                    Born at Nimshew, Calif. Died in New Zealand
2-0526 Carter, Amos A                                   Apr 23 1892   carter-amos-a.jpg                       age 37 years; s/w Helen L Carter
2-0527 Carter, Helen L                                  Oct 21 1947   carter-helen-l.jpg                      age 85 years; s/w Amos A Carter
1-017  Carter, R E                                                    carter-r-e.jpg                          Co. E, 8th U.S. Inf.
1-282  Carter, William Frank              Jun 17 1915   Jul 31 1944   carter-william-frank.jpg                beloved father of Pansy Faye
1-193  Case, Maynard D                                  Jan 22 1867   case-maynard-d.jpg                      aged 35 years, of Spencerville Ind
1-310  Castledine, A E                    Dec 5 1865    Jan 30 1924   castledine-a-e.jpg                      native of London, England; s/w wife Louise B; erected by their daughter
1-311  Castledine, Louise B               Jul 1 1865    Mar 2 1922    castledine-louise-b.jpg                 native of Jacksonville, Illinois; s/w husband AE Castledine; erected by their daughter
4-091  Catana, Fransisca                  Sep 4 1830    Sep 6 1889    catana-fransisca.jpg
4-150  Caton, Timothy                     1833          Jul 16 1887   caton-timothy.jpg                       born in Cork Ireland; died in Butte Co Cal
1-515  Cawood, Wm M                                                   cawood-wm-m.jpg                         Co F. 23 Mo. Inf.
4-287  Cayton, Mary Jane                  1910          1970          cayton-mary-jane.jpg                    mother
4-286  Cayton, Robert Clark               Jul 24 1898   Jan 7 1965    cayton-robert-clark.jpg                 California; Sea US Navy; World War 1
1-418  Chamberlain, Orlando               May 28 1830   Apr 15 1890   chamberlain-orlando.jpg                 Co I 26 Mich Inf
1-018  Chamberlain, Rhoda                 May 8 1870    Dec 11 1927   chamberlain-rhoda.jpg
4-257  Chamberlen, Leona E                Jan 22 1905   Feb 7 1997    chamberlen-leona-e.jpg
4-258  Chamberlen, Vernon D               Jul 8 1901    Jun 1 1989    chamberlen-vernon-d.jpg
1-415  Chamberlin, Nora E                               Jul 12 1887   chamberlin-nora-e.jpg                   daughter of SC and SJ Chamberlin; bottom of headstone unreadable; next to SC Chamberlin
1-416  Chamberlin, S C                                                chamberlin-s-c.jpg                      Corp'l; Co. C. 26th Mich Inf.; next to Nora E Chamberlin
2-0209 Chambers, Allan B                  1857          1923          chambers-allan-b.jpg                    next to Erminie Chambers
2-0208 Chambers, Erminie                  1875          1963          chambers-erminie.jpg                    next to Allan B Chambers
1-430  Chapin, M                                                      chapin-m.jpg                            names west of Military monument
1-019  Chaplin, Mary A                                  Jul 13 1887   chaplin-mary-a.jpg                      died aged 17yrs 6ms 13ds
4-162  Chester, Emond                     1892          1907          emond-chester.jpg
2-0867 Chester, John D                    1847          1922          chester-john-d.jpg                      s/w Martha H Chester
2-0866 Chester, Martha H                  1860          1942          chester-martha-h.jpg                    s/w John D Chester
2-0656 Chickering, S C                                  Oct 6 1888    chickering-s-c.jpg                      aged 50 years; native of Conn; middle initial may be G…can't tell for sure
1-221  Childes, Myrtis                    May 11 1897   Jun 8 1949    childes-myrtis.jpg
4-370  Christofferson, Chris              1900          1980          christofferson-chris.jpg                s/w Murl Christofferson
4-371  Christofferson, Murl               1906          1994          christofferson-murl.jpg                 s/w Chris Christofferson
2-0106 Christopher, O L                   Jun 17 1899   Jul 25 1936   christopher-o-l.jpg
1-697  Church , Joshua G                  1840          1903          church-joshua-g.jpg
1-690  Churchward, Wm S                   Mar 12 1859   Sep 4 1895    churchward-wm-s.jpg                     native of England
2-0781 Ciganovich, Nancy Jane             Nov 29 1904   Jan 27 1942   ciganovich-nancy-jane.jpg               mother
2-1054 Clampitt, John S                                 Feb 21 1932   clampitt-john-s.jpg                     California; Pvt, 30 Inf 3 Div
2-0729 Clark, Mary Ann                    Dec 31 1829   Mar 3 1865    clark-mary-ann.jpg                      wife of Albert Clark; NE corner of family area
2-0885 Clark, Mildred A                   1897          1922          clark-mildred-a.jpg
1-289  Clarke Jones, Mabel                                            jones-mabel-clarke.jpg
1-287  Clarke, Alfred                     1842          1923          clarke-alfred.jpg
1-284  Clarke, Arthur E                                               clarke-arthur-e.jpg
1-291  Clarke, Henry                      1887          1952          clarke-henry.jpg
1-285  Clarke, Kittie                                                 clarke-kittie.jpg
1-290  Clarke, Lillian M                  1899          1961          clarke-lillian-m.jpg
1-286  Clarke, Matilda                    1852          1941          clarke-matilda.jpg
1-288  Clarke, Minnie                                                 clarke-minnie.jpg
1-283  Clarke, Violet                                                 clarke-violet.jpg
1-292  Clarke?, Virginia                                              virginia.jpg                            next to Clarke family. May be part of.
4-235  Cleghorn, Ethel C                  Jan 8 1877    Jan 23 1957   cleghorn-ethel-c.jpg                    s/w Thomas J Cleghorn
4-234  Cleghorn, Thomas J                 Jun 12 1871   Apr 9 1959    cleghorn-thomas-j.jpg                   s/w Ethel C Cleghorn
2-0062 Clement, Jarvis                                  Jan 28 1863   clement-jarvis.jpg                      aged 53 years 3 ms 18 ds
2-0749 Clements, Edward B                               Mar 14 1888   clements-edward-b.jpg                   aged 38 yrs; on Clements monument
2-0750 Clements, Quincy A                               Dec 15 1888   clements-quincy-a.jpg                   aged 3yrs 7ms 18ds; son of OA & SA Clements; on Clements monument
1-677  Clemes, Irene L McAdams            May 8 1892    Oct 2 1975    clemes-irene-l-mcAdams.jpg              next to William D McAdams
2-0529 Clewett, Harry G                   1880          1959          clewett-harry-g.jpg
2-0061 Clifford, Clarence E                             Sep 15 1864   clifford-clarence-e.jpg                 aged 15 yrs 5 mos 15 days; son of H & MJ Clifford
1-919  Cline , family area                                            cline-family.jpg
1-920  Cline , Father, Mother                                         cline-father-mother.jpg
1-921  Cline , Sarah                                                  cline-sarah.jpg
1-720  Cline, Theresa E                   1886          1945          cline-theresa-e.jpg                     mother
1-869  Clinton, George H                  1876          1941          clinton-george-h.jpg
1-871  Clinton, Ivy R                     Mar 13 1880   Dec 2 1970    clinton-ivy-r.jpg
1-870  Clinton, Shirley Lorene            Feb 3 1910    May 23 1923   clinton-shirley-lorene.jpg
1-497  Clock, J C                                                     clock-j-c.jpg                           1 Mo. Mt'd Vols. Mex war
1-508  Clyde, ?                                                       clyde.jpg
2-0368 Clymer, Anna L                     Sep 4 1870    Nov 16 1874   clymer-anna-l.jpg
1-496  Coates, R M                                                    coates-r-m.jpg                          Co. E. 4 Cal. Inf.
2-0697 Coats, ?                                         Jan ? 1872    coats-.jpg                              native of Ohio; aged 40 years 5 mos 2 d; stone is worn
1-312  Cobb, Sherman T                    1865          1922          cobb-sherman-t.jpg                      s/w Susan J Cobb Daugherty
1-313  Cobb, Susan J Daugherty            1874          1928          cobb-susan-j-daugherty.jpg              s/w Sherman T Cobb
1-176  Cochran, Taylor C                  Oct 3 1876    Apr 24 1926   cochran-taylor-c.jpg
2-0251 Coffin, Elizabeth                                Oct 13 1880   coffin-elizabeth.jpg                    wife of Tho S J Coffin; aged 85 years
4-014  Coghlan, Mary R                    1861          1940          coghlan-mary-r.jpg
1-521  Cohenour, Chas.                                  Jul 17 1914   cohenour-chas.jpg
2-0742 Coil, May Freer                    Jun 13 1877   Dec 16 1930   coil-may-freer.jpg
1-502  Cole, Lillian E                    Jan 21 1878   Feb 19 1950   cole-lillian-e.jpg
2-0820 Collett, F W                       Jul 1 1856    Feb 27 1931   collett-f-w.jpg                         next to Margaret Collett
2-0819 Collett, Margaret                  Mar 22 1846   Mar 20 1923   collett-margaret.jpg                    next to FW Collett
1-296  Collins, Samuel J                  May 31 1880   Feb 1 1927    collins-samuel-j.jpg                    in Crandall family area
4-385  Conner, Dorothy V                  1905          1990          conner-dorothy-v.jpg                    s/w John and Jack Douglas Conner
4-386  Conner, Jack Douglas               1929          2002          conner-jack-douglas.jpg                 son; s/w parents John F and Dorothy V Conner
4-384  Conner, John F                     1904          1990          conner-john-f.jpg                       s/w Dorothy and Jack Douglas Conner
1-392  Conway, E C                                                    conway-e-c.jpg                          initials next to Conway stone
1-391  Conway, T                                                      conway-t.jpg                            initials next to Conway stone
1-393  Conway, W                                                      conway-w.jpg                            initials next to Conway stone
4-344  Cook, Bernice H                    Oct 9 1895    Oct 9 1973    cook-bernice-h.jpg                      mom
1-799  Cook, Robert E Lee                               Jan 6 1886    cook-robert-e-lee.jpg                   aged 20 years; son of NG and CG Cook
2-1077 Coombs, Margaret                   1859          1925          coombs-margaret.jpg
1-414  Coon, Chas. M.                                                 coon-chas-m.jpg                         Co. F. 3 Mich Inf.
1-662  Copeland, Anna Elizabeth           Oct 17 1880   May 3 1915    copeland-anna-elizabeth.jpg
2-0990 Corbiere, area                                                 corbiere-area.jpg
1-020  Cordero, Charles Edward            1943          1948          cordero-charles-edward.jpg              next to Dolores Savage Cordero
1-021  Cordero, Dolores Savage            1915          1984          cordero-dolores-savage.jpg              next to Charles Edward Cordero
1-022  Cory, Jess                                       Jun 7 1921    cory-jess.jpg                           California. Pvt. 115 AM. TN. 40Div.
4-292  Costello, James Frederick          Mar 20 1911   Jun 18 1999   costello-james-frederick.jpg            s/w Josephine Lucchesi Costello
4-293  Costello, Josephine Lucchesi       Aug 17 1909   Dec 13 1999   costello-josephine-lucchesi.jpg         s/w James Frederick Costello
2-0355 Cowell, Medora A                   Aug 15 1849   Jan 11 1904   cowell-medora-a.jpg                     wife of SB Cowell; erected by the Women of Woodcraft
2-0354 Cowell, Samuel B                   Mar 13 1843   Jan 17 1909   cowell-samuel-b.jpg                     next to Medora A Cowell; date is wrong on photo note.  Should be Mar 13 1843
1-181  Cox, Ruth                                        Jan 12 1861   cox-ruth.jpg                            aged 35 years, wife of Thomas Cox
2-0797 Crampton, Dick                     Dec 4 1863    Jun 16 1940   crampton-dick.jpg
1-294  Crandall, George M                 Nov 16 1889   Mar 14 1979   crandall-george-m.jpg
1-298  Crandall, Louis A                  Mar 17 1896   Jul 26 1919   crandall-louis-a.jpg
1-297  Crandall, Nellie                   Aug 29 1856   Jul 24 1920   crandall-nellie.jpg
1-299  Crandall, Norma Jean               Jun 4 1931    Nov 1 1932    crandall-norma-jean.jpg
1-510  Crane, Doris May                   1908          1912          crane-doris-may.jpg
1-571  Crane, Florence M                  1883          1924          crane-florence-m.jpg
1-776  Crane, Mary N                      1844          1934          crane-mary-n.jpg                        mother; next to Noe B Crane
1-775  Crane, Noe B                       1844          1920          crane-noe-b.jpg                         father; next to Mary N Crane
1-511  Crane, Victoria Rola               Feb 13 1918   Feb 13 1918   crane-victoria-rola.jpg                 infant daughter of FM and CE Crane
4-098  Cranley, John J                    Nov 16 1879   Jul 31 1939   cranley-john-j.jpg                      son of TR & TK Cranley; native of California
4-099  Cranley, Mary F                    Apr 19 1882   Aug 15 1969   cranley-mary-f.jpg                      in Butte County California
4-213  Cranley, Robert E                  Aug 19 1876   Aug 11 1970   cranley-robert-e.jpg
4-097  Cranley, Teresa K                  Oct 15 1851   Jul 24 1932   cranley-teresa-k.jpg                    wife of TR Cranley; native of Ireland
4-100  Cranley, Teresa M                  Jul 9 1887    Oct 1 1970    cranley-teresa-m.jpg
4-096  Cranley, Timothy                   Jun 1 1832    Feb 24 1910   cranley-timothy.jpg                     native of Ireland
2-0128 Crawford, A L                                    Jan 12 1864   crawford-a-l.jpg                        Mrs.; aged 45 years
1-490  Cress, John T                                                  cress-john-t.jpg                        Co. C. 9 Ia Inf.
1-241  Creswell, David Cardell            Jul 4 1905    Jul 12 1941   creswell-david-cardell.jpg              son of david Creswell
1-194  Creswell, Joseph Franklin          Jan 7 1907    Jun 25 1937   creswell-joseph-franklin.jpg            son of David Creswell
1-023  Cronin, Patrick                                                cronin-patrick.jpg                      Co.E. 4th Cal. Inf.
2-0406 Crosby, A                          1845          1927          crosby-a.jpg
2-0436 Crosette, Henry M                  Apr 22 1855   Nov 5 1857    crosette-henry-m.jpg                    eldest son of Geo and Mary Crosette; born at Bidwell, Cal
1-471  Crum, Albert E                     1846          1933          crum-albert-e.jpg                       native of Illinois
1-472  Crum, Ralph E                      Jul 9 1878    Nov 21 1910   crum-ralph-e.jpg
2-0027 Crutcher, Kathryn H                Oct 4 1873    Jan 23 1954   crutcher-kathryn-h.jpg
1-862  Cummings, Adelia                   1852          1930          cummings-adelia.jpg
4-024  Cummins, Nano                      1875          1963          cummins-nano.jpg                        on Abbey monument
1-025  Cundy, Laura                       Nov 9 1865    Nov 14 1954   cundy-laura.jpg                         s/w Thomas Cundy
1-024  Cundy, Thomas                      Apr 3 1852    Oct 5 1923    cundy-thomas.jpg                        s/w Laura Cundy
1-027  Curry, Marion A                    1877          1965          curry-marion-a.jpg                      s/w William O Curry
1-026  Curry, William O                   1870          1913          curry-william-o.jpg                     s/w Marion A Curry
2-0930 Cutting, Edith                     1868          1947          cutting-edith.jpg
2-0417 Cutting, J H                       1852          1927          cutting-j-h.jpg                         native of Mass
1-316  D , V P                                                        d-v-p.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-209  D, M                                                           d-m.jpg                                 initials on brick
2-1020 D, M E                                                         d-m-e.jpg                               in Duncan family area
1-186  D, W                                                           d-w.jpg                                 initials on brick
4-267  Da Massa, Maria                    Oct 14 1901   Jun 6 1983    daMassa-maria.jpg                       s/w Paul Da Massa
4-266  Da Massa, Paul                     Dec 9 1899    Aug 23 1968   daMassa-paul.jpg                        s/w Maria Da Massa
4-088  Daly, Daniel                                     May 21 1906   daly-daniel.jpg                         age 33 yrs
2-0861 Damon Phillips, Elizabeth          Jul 11 1905   Dec 15 1996   phillips-elizabeth-damon.jpg            wife and mom
2-0917 Damon, Elizabeth Pearl             1876          1971          damon-elizabeth-pearl.jpg               mother
2-0855 Damon, L J                         Jun 28 1906   May 8 1978    damon-l-j.jpg                           father; "Bun"
2-0863 Damon, Laverne                     1898          1900          damon-laverne.jpg                       infant son of UM & EP Damon
2-0918 Damon, Ulysses M                   1872          1945          damon-ulysses-m.jpg                     dad
2-0320 Danforth, Ellwood W                Dec 6 1894    Oct 8 1956    danforth-ellwood-w.jpg                  s/w Maude M Danforth
2-0327 Danforth, Emma L                   Jun 11 1864   Apr 12 1956   danforth-emma-l.jpg                     s/w Frank C Danforth; on Danforth monument
2-0326 Danforth, Frank C                  Mar 28 1861   Aug 22 1907   danforth-frank-c.jpg                    NSCW; s/w Emma L Danforth; on Danforth monument
2-0328 Danforth, Fred                     Apr 1848      Aug 1924      danforth-fred.jpg                       on base of Danforth monument
2-0321 Danforth, Maude M                  May 28 1896   Sep 15 1982   danforth-maude-m.jpg                    s/w Ellwood W Danforth
2-0324 Danforth, Sally                                  Jun 11 1887   danforth-sally.jpg                      aged 60 years; native of Mass; mother; on Danforth monument
2-0325 Danforth, William                                Dec 30 1891   danforth-william.jpg                    aged 70 years; native of Vermont; father; on Danforth monument
2-0330 Danforth?, Fred                                                fred.jpg                                next to Danforth monument
2-0331 Danforth?, Mother Father                                       mother-father.jpg                       next to Danforth monument
2-0805 Darby, Austin E                    1882          1973          darby-austin-e.jpg                      s/w Ruby O Darby
2-0801 Darby, Benjamin F                  Oct 19 1854   Jan 2 1954    darby-benjamin-f.jpg
2-0799 Darby, Esther J                    Nov 10 1860   Oct 31 1922   darby-esther-j.jpg                      mother
2-0804 Darby, Ruby O                      1883          1971          darby-ruby-o.jpg                        s/w Austin Darby
1-810  Darneille, Amanda M                Jun 10 1832   Feb 4 1969    darneille-amanda-m.jpg                  s/w Feilding M Darneille
1-811  Darneille, Feilding M              Aug 2 1887    May 28 1970   darneille-feilding-m.jpg                s/w Amanda M Darneille
1-313  Daugherty Cobb, Susan J            1874          1928          cobb-susan-j-daugherty.jpg              s/w Sherman T Cobb
1-593  Davies Skaates, Luella M           1873          1965          skaates-luella-m-davies.jpg             s/w James K Skaates
1-947  Davis Boyton, Susie C              1877          1970          boyton-susie-c-davis.jpg                wife of Albert Boyton
1-787  Davis, Florence                    1883          1942          davis-florence.jpg                      s/w Warren L Davis
1-028  Davis, Jane                        1885          1967          davis-jane.jpg
2-0116 Davis, John                                      May 1 1917    davis-john.jpg                          dad; next to Sara E Davis
2-0872 Davis, May Mower                   1884          1950          davis-may-mower.jpg                     mother
2-0117 Davis, Sara E                                    Oct 30 1930   davis-sara-e.jpg                        mother; next to John Davis
1-786  Davis, Warren L                    1895          1933          davis-warren-l.jpg                      s/w Florence Davis
1-331  Davis, Wm J                                                    davis-wm-j.jpg                          Co. A. 1 Cal. Cav.
2-0613 Dawson, John A                     1869          1925          dawson-john-a.jpg
2-1081 Day, Maggie                                      Feb 22 1897   day-maggie.jpg                          aged 26 Years; wife of WS Day
2-0836 Dealey, Araminta P                 1874          1929          dealey-araminta-p.jpg                   s/w Ellmore S Dealey
2-0835 Dealey, Ellmore S                  1866          1918          dealey-ellmore-s.jpg                    s/w Araminta P Dealey
1-618  Decker, Henry H                    1867          1947          decker-henry-h.jpg                      Native of Calif; next to Mary J Decker
1-619  Decker, Mary J                     1875          1963          decker-mary-j.jpg                       native of Calif; next to Henry H Decker
1-808  Deely, Marguerite                  1897          1899          deely-marguerite.jpg
2-0890 DeLancie, ?                                                    delancie.jpg
2-0894 DeLancie, Martha A                 Jul 14 1855   Sep 13 1889   delancie-martha-a.jpg
2-0891 DeLancie, Mary                     May 6 1856    Sep 22 1928   delancie-mary.jpg
2-0893 DeLancie, Olive                    Mar 29 1887   Jun 4 1891    delancie-olive.jpg
2-0892 DeLancie, Richard                  May 15 1839   Dec 22 1909   delancie-richard.jpg
1-329  Delaney, Lucy                      1839          1927          delaney-lucy.jpg                        s/w Mary E Tolles
1-411  Delaney, Wm.                                                   delaney-wm.jpg                          Co.A. 1 Cal. Cav.
1-327  DeLapp, Sedric P                   1915          1927          deLapp-sedric-p.jpg
2-1059 Delavan, Emma S                    1854          1922          delavan-emma-s.jpg                      1 of 4 on Delavan headstone
2-1058 Delavan, Leander                   1834          1917          delavan-leander.jpg                     1 of 4 on Delavan headstone
2-1060 Delavan, William L                 1876          1901          delavan-william-l.jpg                   1 of 4 on Delavan headstone
2-0868 DeLongy, Frank E                   1891          1944          deLongy-frank-e.jpg
2-0437 DeMott, John                                     Jan 25 1860   deMott-john.jpg                         J.W.; aged 33 years; Table Mountain F&AM
1-029  Dennis, David C                    Mar 11 1944   Mar 14 1997   dennis-david-c.jpg                      son
4-314  Dennis, Henry Eugene               Jul 24 1920   Jul 19 1988   dennis-henry-eugene.jpg                 dad
1-796  Deuel Bills, family area                                       bills-deuel-area.jpg
1-793  Deuel, Joseph F                    1825          1907          deuel-joseph-f.jpg                      next to Zilla Bills
1-030  Deuel, Nancy H                                   Jul 24 1883   deuel-nancy-h.jpg                       aged 51 yrs 3ms 3ds. Wife of J.F.Deuel; native of Cayuga Co, NY
1-756  Deunsing, Wilhemine                May 9 1812    Feb 17 1889   deunsing-wilhelmine.jpg                 on Deunsing monument
1-640  Devlin, Frank                                    Jul 2 1907    devlin-frank.jpg
1-474  Dial, Clarissa Josephine           Apr 9 1851    Dec 8 1917    dial-clarissa-josephine.jpg             wife of Wesley Dial; s/w Wesley Diel
1-473  Dial, Wesley                                     Jan 8 1911    diel-wesley.jpg                         aged 63 years; native of Penn.; s/w Clarissa Dial; spelled Diel on headstone
2-0884 Dickenson, Charles H               1859          1934          dickenson-charles-h.jpg
1-031  Dickerson, Hattie L                1862          1930          dickerson-hattie-l.jpg                  next to Lewis J Dickerson
1-032  Dickerson, Lewis J                 1860          1928          dickerson-lewis-j.jpg                   next to Hattie L Dickerson
1-474  Diel, Clarissa Josephine           Apr 9 1851    Dec 8 1917    dial-clarissa-josephine.jpg             wife of Wesley Dial; s/w Wesley Diel
1-473  Diel, Wesley                                     Jan 8 1911    diel-wesley.jpg                         aged 63 years; native of Penn.; s/w Clarissa Dial
4-320  Dietle Pope, Varah Ann             Apr 16 1924   May 22 1973   pope-varah-ann-dietle.jpg
4-327  Dietle, Arthur Thomas              Apr 11 1903   Aug 17 1990   dietle-arthur-thomas.jpg
4-326  Dietle, Mary Rita                  Feb 21 1905   Feb 18 1989   dietle-mary-rita.jpg
2-0272 Dietze, Edmund M                   Aug 6 1861    Oct 19 1926   dietze-edmund-m.jpg                     father
1-943  Dillingham, Edward W               1875          1906          dillingham-edward-w.jpg                 husband
2-1026 Dobbas Hollander, Helen            Nov 19 1923   Aug 11 1999   hollander-helen-dobbas.jpg              s/w Marvin Stanley Hollander
2-1023 Dobbas, Eugene B                   1884          1962          dobbas-eugene-b.jpg                     next to Lucinda C Dobbas
2-1024 Dobbas, Lucinda C                  1892          1981          dobbas-lucinda-c.jpg                    next to Eugene B Dobbas
2-0956 Dodge, Annie J                     Oct 10 1875   May 2 1944    dodge-annie-j.jpg
1-763  Dodson, Thos H                                   Oct 7 1895    dodson-thos-h.jpg                       aged 56 years; native of Tenn; P.M.No. 50 F.& A.M.
4-082  Donnelly, Margaret                               Feb 8 1887    donnelly-margaret.jpg                   wife of Patrick Donnelly; native of Tyrone Ireland
4-065  Dooley, Nellie K                   1889???       1934          dooley-nellie-k.jpg
4-064  Dooley, Thomas F                   1866          1928          dooley-thomas-f.jpg
1-345  Doroh, Eugene H                    May 18 1925                 doroh-eugene-h.jpg                      s/w Patricia A Doroh
1-346  Doroh, Patricia A                  May 11 1931   Jan 16 2000   doroh-patricia-a.jpg                    s/w Eugene H Doroh
4-198  Doss, Hershel Dwayne II            Nov 30 1954   Jul 30 1983   doss-hershel-dwayne-ii.jpg              "Skip"
4-197  Doss, Jeremy Michael Dean          Jun 26 1973   Dec 28 2001   doss-jeremy-michael-dean.jpg
1-033  Dotson, Lucy E                     Mar 3 1891    Jun 25 1961   dotson-lucy-e.jpg                       s/w Rufus A Dotson
1-034  Dotson, Rufus A                    Jul 16 1887   Nov 23 1956   dotson-rufus-a.jpg                      s/w Lucy E Dotson
2-0795 Douglas, Fay I                     1889          1922          douglas-fay-i.jpg
1-035  Douglas, R. F.                                                 douglas-r-f.jpg                         Co. E. II ME. Inf.
1-036  Douglass , Sabra S                 Nov 8 1834    Dec 3 1869    douglass-sabra-s.jpg                    mother
2-0637 Downer, Anna V                     1880          1966          downer-anna-v.jpg                       next to son Jay W Peterson
2-0633 Downer, Celene C                                 Sep 10 1911   downer-celene-c.jpg                     aged 64 yrs
2-0634 Downer, Herman E                   1865          1941          downer-herman-e.jpg                     between Celene Downer and  Wesley and Helen Peterson
1-691  Doyle, Ellen R                                   Dec 21 1905   doyle-ellen-r.jpg                       aged 81 years
2-0912 Dresser, Lottye A                  Jun 21 1879   Mar 2 1958    dresser-lottye-a.jpg                    s/w William A Dresser
1-361  Dresser, M E                                                   dresser-m-e.jpg
2-0911 Dresser, William A                 Feb 28 1878   Feb 6 1970    dresser-william-a.jpg                   s/w Lottye A Dresser
1-037  Driscol, Christopher Lee           Apr 21 1979   Mar 27 1990   driscol-christopher-lee.jpg             beloved son and brother
4-277  Driver, James R                    Aug 23 1901   Aug 10 1962   driver-james-r.jpg                      husband
2-0123 Ducourt, Alfred Roger              May 11 1888   Dec 10 1921   ducourt-alfred-roger.jpg
1-499  Duensing, Charles E                May 31 1880   Apr 6 1946    duensing-charles-e.jpg                  Father; next to Laura E Duensing
1-498  Duensing, Laura E                  Nov 6 1886    Mar 14 1986   duensing-laura-e.jpg                    Mother; next to Charles E Duensing
2-0032 Duffy, James R                     Jun 24 1878   Jul 12 1959   duffy-james-r.jpg
4-383  Duggert, James Russell             May 20 1923   Sep 22 1991   duggert-james-russell.jpg               born Oklahoma City OK; died Oroville CA; Californian of 47 years
1-038  Duhem, Constant                                                duhem-constant.jpg                      Co. G, 5 Calif. Inf.; has birth and death dates on headstone, cut off in picture. Sorry!
1-039  Duhem, L                                                       duhem-l.jpg
1-040  Duhem, Virginia                                  Mar 19 1892   duhem-virginia.jpg                      G.A.R.
4-178  Dulos, George                                    Sep 20 1906   dulos-george.jpg                        aged 23 yrs; native of Greece
1-519  Dumas, Nellie Edith                Nov 26 1895   Nov 4 1918    dumas-nellie-edith.jpg
2-1083 Duncan, Esther W                   Jan 26 1834   Sep 24 1923   duncan-esther-w.jpg                     s/w Wm Erskine Duncan Sr
2-1014 Duncan, family area                                            duncan-family.jpg
2-1019 Duncan, Infant                                                 duncan-infant.jpg                       infant of WE & ME Duncan
2-0648 Duncan, Leonia A                   1894          1951          duncan-leonia-a.jpg
2-1015 Duncan, Lillie Roene               Oct 24 1878   Jul 17 1950   duncan-lillie-roene.jpg
2-1016 Duncan, Marion Eddy                              Dec 18 1903   duncan-marion-eddy.jpg                  wife of W E Duncan Jr; on Duncan monument
2-1018 Duncan, W E Jr                     Apr 14 1867   Sep 4 1937    duncan-w-e-jr.jpg                       s/w Marion Eddy Duncan on Duncan monument
2-0649 Duncan, William                    1884          1970          duncan-william.jpg
2-1082 Duncan, Wm Erskine Sr              Oct 27 1833   Nov 9 1913    duncan-wm-erskine-sr.jpg                s/w Esther W Duncan
4-301  Dunkel, Beulah Lee                 Aug 23 1918   Apr 27 1992   dunkel-beulah-lee.jpg                   s/w Frederick Unkel Dunkel
4-300  Dunkel, Frederick Unkel            Nov 24 1913   Feb 27 1967   dunkel-frederick-unkel.jpg              s/w Beulah Lee Dunkel
1-861  Dunn, Charles D                    1843          1909          dunn-charles-d.jpg
4-246  Dupont, Mary Delia                 May 6 1872    Oct 27 1968   dupont-mary-delia.jpg                   s/w Mary Melvina Dupont
4-247  Dupont, Mary Melvina               Nov 13 1891   May 1 1987    dupont-mary-melvina.jpg                 s/w Mary Delia Dupont
1-774  Duttke, Enid J                     1894          1978          duttke-enid-j.jpg                       on Rollins monument
2-0583 Dyer, Geo W                        July 23 1828  Jan 13 1920   dyer-geo-w.jpg
2-0584 Dyer, George S                     Mar 10 1879   Mar 2 1958    dyer-george-s.jpg                       next to Stella Dyer
       Dyer, George S (con't)                                         dyer-george-stella.jpg
2-0582 Dyer, Jennie J                     Mar 9 1851    Oct 2 1928    dyer-jennie-j.jpg
2-0585 Dyer, Stella                       Aug 1 1876    Nov 12 1963   dyer-stella.jpg; dyer-george-stella.jpg next to George S Dyer
2-0122 Eaton, Jessie P                    May 2 1854    Jun 17 1897   eaton-jessie-p.jpg                      beloved wife of Benjamin Eaton
2-1017 Eddy Duncan, Marion                              Dec 18 1903   duncan-marion-eddy.jpg                  wife of W E Duncan Jr; on Duncan monument
2-0045 Edwards, Gertrude May              Apr 19 1912   Jan 26 1926   edwards-gertrude-may.jpg
2-1040 Edwards, Mabel L S                 Mar 19 1882   Jun 6 1962    edwards-mabel-l-s.jpg                   mother
1-435  Egert, Christ'n                                                egert-christn.jpg                       Co A; Santa Fe Batt'n Mex. War.
1-532  Eicher , headstone placement                                   eicher-headstones.jpg                   sarah, almira, JC
1-530  Eicher McGuffin, Almira            1878          1967          mcGuffin-almira-eicher.jpg
1-527  Eicher, David C                    1861          1929          eicher-david-c.jpg
1-505  Eicher, E M                                                    eicher-e-m.jpg
1-528  Eicher, Edward                     1896          1908          eicher-edward.jpg
1-526  Eicher, Fannie A                   1869          1941          eicher-fannie-a.jpg                     mother
1-529  Eicher, J C                        1847          1930          eicher-j-c.jpg
1-503  Eicher, Oscar                      1881          1901          eicher-oscar.jpg
1-533  Eicher, Samuel                     1816          1900          eicher-samuel.jpg
1-531  Eicher, Sarah                      1829          1903          eicher-sarah.jpg
2-0451 Eisenhart, Daniel                                Dec 16 1877   eisenhart-daniel.jpg                    born in Ohio; aged 48 yrs
1-821  Ekman, Adolf                       Dec 8 1858    Mar 14 1907   ekman-adolf.jpg                         born at Pitea, Sweden; died at Sacramento, Calif; next to Isabelle Granger Ekman
1-822  Ekman, Isabelle Granger                          Jan 8 1945    ekman-isabelle-granger.jpg              next to Adolf Granger
2-0201 Ellerington, Ernest                Aug 29 1901   Jan 28 1955   ellerington-ernest.jpg
2-0203 Ellerington, James                 Nov 15 1865   Oct 18 1926   ellerington-james.jpg                   s/w Selena Ellerington
2-0202 Ellerington, Selena                Apr 23 1866   Sep 19 1939   ellerington-selena.jpg                  s/w James Ellerington
2-0960 Ellis, James F                     Oct 28 1862   Jul 11 1941   ellis-james-f.jpg
1-242  Elston, Sallie                     Oct 20 1868   Oct 5 1940    elston-sallie.jpg                       mother
4-162  Emond, Chester                     1892          1907          emond-chester.jpg
4-166  Emond, Ella                        1871          1917          emond-ella.jpg
4-169  Emond, Isaac                       1856          1934          emond-isaac.jpg
1-875  Enslow, Claud V                    Feb 14 1882   Oct 29 1926   enslow-claud-v.jpg                      next to Winnifred H Enslow
2-0607 Enslow, Thomas J                                 Mar 4 1880    enslow-thomas-j.jpg                     aged 53 years
1-874  Enslow, Winnifred H                Aug 13 1884   Mar 22 1924   enslow-winnifred-h.jpg                  next to Claud V Enslow
2-0450 Epperson, James R                                Dec 23 1888   epperson-james-r.jpg                    aged 35 yrs; son of WJ & R Epperson
2-0273 Erb, Gladys F                      1898          1919          erb-gladys-f.jpg
2-0089 Errol Botts, Harriette             Aug 1889      Aug 1976      botts-harriette-errol.jpg               next to Estal Terrill Botts
4-184  Eustathew, N K                                   Jul 8 1916    eustathew-n-k.jpg                       aged 50 years
2-0491 Evans, Catherine E                 1857          1941          evans-catherine-e.jpg                   s/w John T Evans
2-0489 Evans, Evalena                                   Jan 9 1877    evans-evalena.jpg                       daughter of JT & CE Evans; 1 year & 4 mos
2-0490 Evans, John T                      1848          1927          evans-john-t.jpg                        s/w Catherine E Evans
2-0456 Eveleth, James M                                 Nov 4 1865    eveleth-james-m.jpg                     aged 33 yrs
2-0455 Eveleth, Letitia                                 Dec 1 1878    eveleth-letitia.jpg                     aged 65 yrs
2-0127 Ewer, Frank                        Dec 16 1857   Apr 27 1860   ewer-frank.jpg
1-791  F , M                                                          f-m.jpg                                 in Frischholz area; see pic of area
4-186  F, C J                                                         f-c-j.jpg                               initials in stone
1-238  F, G                                                           f-g.jpg                                 initials on brick
4-362  F, L                                                           f-l.jpg                                 initials under rose bush
1-234  F, L C                                                         f-l-c.jpg                               initial on brick
2-0631 F, P                                                           f-p.jpg                                 under Freer monument
2-0686 F, P O                                                         f-p-o.jpg                               initials carved in brick
1-230  F, W (1st)                                                     f-w-1.jpg                               initials on brick
1-315  F, W (2nd)                                                     f-w-2.jpg                               initials carved into brick
2-0536 Faggard, T Homer                   Sep 22 1911   Feb 28 1943   faggard-t-homer.jpg
1-488  Fairchild, F                                                   fairchild-f.jpg                         Co. E. 13 NJ Inf.
1-342  Fairchild, family area                                         fairchild-area.jpg                      sec F row 1
1-344  Fairchild, Mabel                   1888          1917          fairchild-mabel.jpg                     s/w Mother Fairchild
1-343  Fairchild, Mother                  1846          1924          fairchild-mother.jpg                    s/w Mabel Fairchild
4-278  Fallon, Zane                       Nov 11 1925   Jan 5 1963    fallon-zane.jpg                         husband and father
4-363  Falsone, George                    Apr 18 1905   Mar 29 1992   falsone-george.jpg                      s/w Mary Falsone; married Jan 2 1935
4-364  Falsone, Mary                      Mar 25 1905   Jan 4 1994    falsone-mary.jpg                        s/w George Falsone; married Jan 2 1935
4-372  Farmer, Charles Alvin              Feb 12 1914   Dec 12 1988   farmer-charles-alvin.jpg                s/w Euphemia S Farmer
4-373  Farmer, Euphemia S                 Jun 22 1909   Mar 19 1981   farmer-euphemia-s.jpg                   s/w Charles Alvin Farmer
2-0991 Farnham, Margaret                                Feb 16 1921?  farnham-margaret.jpg                    in Corbiere area
2-0181 Farren, Joseph                                                 farren-joseph.jpg
2-0270 Faul, Alice Irene                                May 12 1892   faul-alice-irene.jpg                    aged 2 yrs 6 mos; dau of FE and L Faul
2-0261 Faul, Alvin E                      Jul 13 1883   Aug 10 1935   faul-alvin-e.jpg                        OFD
1-042  Faul, C H                                                      faul-c-h.jpg
2-0271 Faul, Charles E                    Sep 14 1893   Nov 10 1918   faul-charles-e.jpg                      Lieut; Co G 62 Inf
2-0053 Faul, Frank G                      1859          1931          faul-frank-g.jpg                        next to Mary A Faul
2-0052 Faul, Mary A                       1870          1941          faul-mary-a.jpg                         next to Frank G Faul
2-0262 Faul, Maude F                      Dec 28 1879   Jun 19 1940   faul-maude-f.jpg
2-0275 Faulkner, Alice C                  1864          1930          faulkner-alice-c.jpg
2-0274 Faulkner, Samuel H                               Jun 13 1904   faulkner-samuel-h.jpg                   aged 44 years; native of Texas
2-0765 Fearon, Wm E                                     Jan 4 1895    fearon-wm-e.jpg                         aged 24yrs 6ms 26ds
1-265  Felder, Maggie Mae                 Mar 14 1877   Oct 21 1945   felder-maggie-mae.jpg
4-375  Felipe, Maria E                    1893          1987          felipe-maria-e.jpg                      s/w Zacarias M Felipe
4-374  Felipe, Zacarias M                 1888          1979          felipe-zacarias-m.jpg                   s/w Maria E Felipe
4-376  Felipe?, Joseph Sr                 Jan 13 1919   Apr 1 1995    joseph-sr.jpg                           son; s/w Ruby
4-377  Felipe?, Ruby                                                  ruby.jpg                                s/w Joseph Sr
2-0945 Fenley, Frank Orville              1897          1940          fenley-frank-orville.jpg                dad; next to Margaret Agnes and Gertrude Mary
2-0199 Fiack, J J                         Apr 27 1867   Jun 27 1950   fiack-j-j.jpg
2-0002 Fiack, Lillian                     1860          1926          fiack-lillian.jpg
2-0001 Fiack, Sarah Katherine             1835          1918          fiack-sarah-katherine.jpg
1-045  Fike, Clement L                    1869          1931          fike-clement-l.jpg                      s/w Sarah E Lee Fike
1-044  Fike, Sarah E. Lee                 1864          1959          fike-sarah-e-lee.jpg                    s/w Clement L Fike
2-0970 Fischer, Virginia?                 185-          1928?         fisher-virginia.jpg                     will try to get better pic
2-0401 Fish, Elizabeth M                  May 22 1903   Oct 17 1955   fish-elizabeth-m.jpg                    buried with the Beik family
2-0057 Fisher Hefner, Sarah               1853          1945          hefner-sarah-fisher.jpg
2-0054 Fisher, Mary A                     1843          1902          fisher-mary-a.jpg
1-892  Fitzgerald, James F                1865          1948          fitzgerald-james-f.jpg                  next to Martha O Fitzgerald
1-893  Fitzgerald, Martha O               Jan 30 1871   Dec 31 1943   fitzgerald-martha-o.jpg                 next to James F Fitzgerald
1-543  Fitzpatrick, Eugene Dale           Feb 14 1934   Mar 23 1993   fitzpatrick-eugene-dale.jpg             married 1963; other half of headstone is blank
1-541  Fitzpatrick, Grace M Shay          Jul 10 1885   Sep 25 1963   fitzpatrick-grace-m-shay.jpg            s/w Ira J Fitzpatrick
1-540  Fitzpatrick, Ira J                 Apr 21 1905   Sep 10 1971   fitzpatrick-ira-j.jpg                   s/w Grace M Shay Fitzpatrick
1-542  Fitzpatrick, Thelma                Apr 1 1905    May 19 1984   fitzpatrick-thelma.jpg                  "Nonie"
1-228  Flenoy, Clem                       Oct 10 1885   Jun 3 1947    flenoy-clem.jpg
4-248  Flood, Patrick                     Apr 12 1889   Jul 31 1965   flood-patrick.jpg                       California; M Sgt Med Dept; World War 1 & 2
2-1066 Flower, Geo Byron                  Sep 3 1866    Sep 7 1941    flower-geo-byron.jpg
2-1062 Flower, George Andrew              Dec 13 1912   Nov 8 1959    flower-george-andrew.jpg                s/w Marjorie Claire Flower
2-1067 Flower, Julia A                    1831          1907          flower-julia-a.jpg                      mother
2-1063 Flower, Marjorie Claire            Dec 19 1919   May 2 2000    flower-marjorie-claire.jpg              s/w George Andrew Flower
2-1065 Flower, Sarah J                    1832          1919          flower-sarah-j.jpg
2-1068 Flower, William P                  1829          1906          flower-william-p.jpg                    father
1-198  Flowers, L M                                                   flowers-l-m.jpg
2-0072 Floyd, Jean McCallum               1907          2001          floyd-jean-mcCallum.jpg                 next to William Sharp Floyd
2-0071 Floyd, William Sharp               1905          2001          floyd-william-sharp.jpg                 next to Jean McCallum Floyd
4-063  Ford, Anthony                                    Mar 21 1877   ford-anthony.jpg                        ag'd 45 yrs; native of Ireland
1-046  Ford, David A                      Aug 10 1904   Oct 16 1978   ford-david-a.jpg                        s/w Lydia L Ford, wedding may 16, 1925
4-232  Ford, Delos E                      1921                        ford-delos-e.jpg                        s/w Elsie D Ford
4-233  Ford, Elsie D                      1920          1987          ford-elsie-d.jpg                        s/w Delos E Ford
1-358  Ford, John W                       Mar 26 1867   Apr 24 1946   ford-john-w.jpg                         Father
2-0139 Ford, Julia A                                    Mar 24 1863   ford-julia-a.jpg                        aged 43 years; wife of JB Ford
1-047  Ford, Lydia L                      May 4 1907    Nov 1 1992    ford-lydia-l.jpg                        s/w David A Ford, wedding may 16, 1926
2-0501 Ford, Marcella Pence               Jan 9 1900    Jan 31 1925   ford-marcella-pence.jpg                 mother
2-0883 Ford, Orbin Luther                 Apr 1 1892    Dec 27 1941   ford-orbin-luther.jpg                   "Shorty"
4-315  Ford, Richard William              Oct 28 1923   Jun 8 2004    ford-richard-william.jpg                US Army WWII; North Africa Italy; eternal husband married Joyce Sep 21 1957
1-048  Francis, Elizabeth                               Nov 28 1913   francis-elizabeth.jpg                   aged 57 years
1-367  Francis, family area                                           francis-family.jpg
2-0775 Frank, Thressia                    1907          1941          frank-thressia.jpg
2-0783 Franklin, Clara Margaret           May 29 1871   Oct 6 1949    franklin-clara-margaret.jpg             s/w Louis Franklin
2-0782 Franklin, Louis                    Mar 23 1871   Feb 9 1934    franklin-louis.jpg                      s/w Clara Margaret Franklin
4-092  Fray, George J                     Nov 27 1824   Feb 7 1907    fray-george-j.jpg
1-602  Frazier, Ada H                     May 1 1899    Aug 14 1943   frazier-ada-h.jpg
4-322  Freda, Lawrence J                  1892          1975          freda-lawrence-j.jpg                    s/w Nellie J Freda
4-323  Freda, Nellie J                    1889          1981          freda-nellie-j.jpg                      s/w Lawrence J Freda
2-0039 Fredericks, Henry J                              Jan 5 1909    fredericks-henry-j.jpg                  aged 49 years; native of Germany
2-0743 Freer Coil, May                    Jun 13 1877   Dec 16 1930   coil-may-freer.jpg
2-0628 Freer, Bennie Bliven               Oct 4 1859    Dec 15 1861   freer-bennie-bliven.jpg                 on Freer monument
2-0738 Freer, Carl                                                    freer-carl.jpg                          at base of Freer monument
2-0740 Freer, Clara C                                   Apr 11 1899   freer-clara-c.jpg                       aged 44 yrs; south side of Freer monument
2-0625 Freer, Edwin Daniel                              Feb 25 1889   freer-edwin-daniel.jpg                  son of P & E Freer; aged 32 yrs 11 mos
2-0744 Freer, L H                         1875          1930          freer-l-h.jpg
2-0739 Freer, Leon Dennis                               Sep 19 1888   freer-leon-dennis.jpg                   aged 43 yrs; west side of Freer monument
2-0626 Freer, Lewis                                     Dec 23 1894   freer-lewis.jpg                         aged 83 yrs; papa; on Freer monument
2-0627 Freer, Peter                       Dec 31 1813   Sep 11 1881   freer-peter.jpg                         on Freer monument
4-226  Fregulia, Joseph                   1885          1958          fregulia-joseph.jpg
2-0037 Frew, Thomas L                     Jun 14 1828   Jan 17 1907   frew-thomas-l.jpg
2-0085 Freymiller, Eiko S                 1949                        freymiller-eiko-s.jpg                   s/w Terrill F Freymiller
2-0084 Freymiller, Terrill F              1936          1989          freymiller-terrill-f.jpg                s/w Eiko S Freymiller
1-494  Frisbie, R P                                                   frisbie-r-p.jpg                         Co. C Nev. Cav.
1-788  Frischholz, Anna                   Feb 12 1871   Jul 16 1881   frischholz-anna.jpg                     aged 10 years 5 months 4 days; next to Louise Frischholz
1-792  Frischholz, family area                                        frischholz-family.jpg                   Anna on left, Louise in middle, M on right(tree) and MF initial in front
1-789  Frischholz, Louise                 1846          1924          frischholz-louise.jpg                   between Anna and M Frischholz
1-790  Frischholz, M                      1828          1902          frischholz-m.jpg                        ruhe in frieden; next to Louise Frischholz; statue of infant at base of headstone
4-316  Frisella, Natalie J                May 26 1910   Jan 23 1974   frisella-natalie-j.jpg                  s/w Vincent Frisella
4-317  Frisella, Vincent C/E              Jan 10 1910   Jun 19 1992   frisella-vincent.jpg                    s/w Natalie J Frisella; C carved under/over E…see pic
2-0375 Frishholz, Clyde E                 May 28 1893   Dec 20 1963   frishholz-clyde-e.jpg                   s/w Mildred B Frishholz
2-0809 Frishholz, Henry H                 1870          1922          frishholz-henry-h.jpg
       Frishholz, Henry H (con't)                                     frishholz-smith.jpg
2-0376 Frishholz, Mildred B               Jan 6 1897    Jan 9 1991    frishholz-mildred-b.jpg                 s/w Clyde E Frishholz
2-0388 Frost, Thomas J                                                frost-thomas-j.jpg                      Sgt; Co I, 3 IA CAV
1-668  Fry, Beryl A                       1906          1990          fry-beryl-a.jpg                         granddaughter
1-911  Fulk, Emma V                       Sep 29 1865   Nov 10 1939   fulk-emma-v.jpg                         mother
1-907  Fulk, Jennie B                     1901          1980          fulk-jennie-b.jpg                       Nonnie
1-906  Fulk, John S                       Mar 8 1897    Jan 2 1981    fulk-john-s.jpg                         US Army World War 1
1-908  Fulk, Marion                       1887          1946          fulk-marion.jpg
1-910  Fulk, Melvin                       Jan 25 1887   Jan 2 1920    fulk-melvin.jpg
1-909  Fulk, Ruliff                       Apr 7 1895    Sep 28 1911   fulk-ruliff.jpg
2-0483 Furthmyer, Dollie A                Feb 8 1908    Jul 14 1960   furthmyer-dollie-a.jpg
4-084  G, A                                                           g-a.jpg; mcGee.jpg                      just outside McGee family area
1-049  Gable, George                      Mar 28 1848   Aug 19 1926   gable-george.jpg
2-0959 Gale, Charles P                    Mar 25 1867   Oct 8 1924    gale-charles-p.jpg
2-0822 Gale, Clara R                      Sep 17 1858   Jan 11 1918   gale-clara-r.jpg                        s/w John Gale; native of California
2-0821 Gale, John                         Aug 18 1835   Oct 6 1908    gale-john.jpg                           s/w Clara R Gale; native of Vermont
4-270  Galetto, Mary Nina                 1887          1966          galetto-mary-nina.jpg                   mother
1-562  Gallagher, Charles                 1867          1932          gallagher-charles.jpg                   F. O. E.
4-236  Galvin, David S                    1903          1971          galvin-david-s.jpg
2-0051 Gambrel, C H                                                   gambrel-c-h.jpg
2-0049 Gambrel, Smith W                   1868          1940          gambrel-smith-w.jpg
2-0050 Gambrel?, George                                               george.jpg                              headstone placed with Smith Gambrel; see pic
4-228  Garaicotchea, Grace                1906          1991          garaicotchea-grace.jpg                  s/w Marvin T Garaicotchea; native of France
4-227  Garaicotchea, Marvin T             1891          1959          garaicotchea-marvin-t.jpg               s/w Grace Garaicotchea; native of France
4-154  Garcia, Antonio                                  Oct 5 1907    garcia-antonia.jpg                      Spain
4-229  Gardella, John                     Oct 10 1871   Sep 2 1960    gardella-john.jpg
2-0026 Gardella, Ora Z                    Sep 7 1883    Jan 17 1935   gardella-ora-z.jpg
1-863  Gardner, May                       Jul 18 1870   Jan 30 1948   gardner-may.jpg
2-0989 Gates, Ethel Maud                  Jul 14 1892   Aug 16 1895   gates-ethel-maude.jpg
       Gates, Ethel Maud (con't)                                      gates-ethel-maud-back.jpg
2-0245 Gatlin, E R                                      Dec 8 1892    gatlin-e-r.jpg                          aged 66 yrs; native of Ky
4-075  Gaub, Catherine                                  Nov 26 1888   gaub-catherine.jpg                      aged 54 yrs; native of France; wife of J Gaub
4-312  Geisbauer, Addie                   1918          1981          geisbauer-addie.jpg                     s/w John Geisbauer
4-311  Geisbauer, John                    1912          1981          geisbauer-john.jpg                      s/w Addie Geisbauer
2-0641 Geisse, Geo F                      1835          1907          geisse-geo-f.jpg
2-0639 Geisse, Lewis F                                  Apr 15 1889   geisse-lewis-f.jpg                      arrived in Cal June 20 1849; aged 53 years; native of Philad Pa
1-688  Gerald (G), D                                                  gerald-d.jpg                            initials carved into brick between Ida and Geo Gerald
1-689  Gerald, family area                                            gerald-family.jpg                       initials DG on brick between Geo and Ida
1-687  Gerald, Geo F                      Jun 13 1863   Jan 22 1924   gerald-geo-f.jpg                        native of maine; father; next to Ida F Gerald
1-686  Gerald, Ida F                      Nov 24 1866   May 14 1946   gerald-ida-f.jpg                        native of calif; mother; next to Geo F Gerald
2-0503 Getz, Edward                                     Oct 11 1883   getz-edward.jpg                         aged 51 yrs; native of Strasburg, Ger
2-0679 Ghristman, W H                     Mar 22 1826   Dec 22 1891   ghristman-w-h.jpg
4-380  Gibbs Austin, Gatrel               Nov 30 1937   Oct 1 1994    austin-gatrel-gibbs.jpg
4-378  Gibbs Austin, headstones                                       gibbs-austin.jpg
4-137  Gibbs, Baby Girl                   Jul 13 1923   Jul 13 1928   gibbs-baby-girl.jpg
4-379  Gibbs, Beth H                      Aug 6 1901    Nov 4 1995    gibbs-beth-h.jpg
4-381  Gibbs, Homer William               1899          1980          gibbs-homer-william.jpg                 US Navy; World War 1
1-050  Gibson, Anna A                     Jan 24 1836   Dec 13 1895   gibson-anna-a.jpg                       Wife of C A Gibson, s/w Charles A Gibson
1-051  Gibson, Charles A                  Jul 24 1838   Sep 3 1893    gibson-charles-a.jpg                    s/w Anna A Gibson
1-379  Gilbert Gnapp, Genevieve           1891          1973          gnapp-genevieve-gilbert.jpg             next to Harry S Gilbert
1-881  Gilbert Onyett, Amy                              Oct 15 1897   onyett-amy-gilbert.jpg                  aged 87 yrs 4 ms 24 ds; on Onyett monument
1-371  Gilbert, Caroline                  Mar 4 1851    May 4 1913    gilbert-caroline.jpg                    aged 62 years 2 mos; s/w Louis S McLaughlin
1-362  Gilbert, Elijah                                                gilbert-elijah.jpg                      Co. E. 102 Ill. Inf.
1-381  Gilbert, family area                                           gilbert-family.jpg
1-380  Gilbert, Harlen E                  1872          1947          gilbert-harlen-e.jpg
1-377  Gilbert, Harry and Genevieve                                   gilbert-harry-genevieve.jpg             shows relation of headstones
1-378  Gilbert, Harry S                   1888          1956          gilbert-harry-s.jpg                     next to Genevieve Gilbert Gnapp
2-0096 Gilbert, Isabel June Andrews       Aug 26 1907   Jan 7 2000    gilbert-isabel-june-andrews.jpg
1-370  Gilbert, James F                                 Dec 27 1935   gilbert-james-f.jpg                     California; Pvt 1 Cl; US Army; aged 43 years
1-369  Gilbert, Marion V                  1879          1953          gilbert-marion-v.jpg
1-053  Gillespie, Hannah R                1859          1932          gillespie-hannah-r.jpg                  Mother, s/w William E Gillespie
1-052  Gillespie, William E               1858          1925          gillespie-william-e.jpg                 Father, s/w Hannah R Gillespie
2-0207 Gillett, Howard A                  1890          1928          gillett-howard-a.jpg
2-0994 Gilliland, Austin G                Oct 25 1881   May 3 1944    gilliland-austin-g.jpg                  father; in Corbiere area
2-0980 Gilston Welch, Jennie              1859          1940          welch-jennie-gilston.jpg
2-0646 Gingles, Martha E                  1873          1939          gingles-martha-e.jpg
2-0645 Gingles, William W                 1865          1929          gingles-william-w.jpg
4-340  Giovannoni, Alma                   Sep 28 1923                 giovannoni-alma.jpg                     s/w Bruno Giovannoni; married Aug 23 1942
4-337  Giovannoni, Armida                 1899          1974          giovannoni-armida.jpg                   s/w Carlo Giovannoni; May 2 1920
4-339  Giovannoni, Bruno                  Oct 14 1921                 giovannoni-bruno.jpg                    s/w Alma Giovannoni; married Aug 23 1942
4-338  Giovannoni, Carlo                  1899          1980          giovannoni-carlo.jpg                    s/w Armida Giovannoni; May 2 1920
1-147  Glass Sawyer, Maria                1848          1929          sawyer-maria-glass.jpg                  born in Delaware
1-054  Glass, Samuel                                    Aug 29 1871   glass-samuel.jpg                        aged 71 years, native of Penn, s/w Susan Glass
1-055  Glass, Susan                                     May 15 1864   glass-susan.jpg                         aged 54 years, native of Delaware, s/w Samuel Glass
1-755  Gleland, Alfred Oren                             Nov 14 1887   gleland-alfred-oren.jpg                 aged 1 year 22 months; son of E L and L E Gleland
1-379  Gnapp, Genevieve Gilbert           1891          1973          gnapp-genevieve-gilbert.jpg             next to Harry S Gilbert
2-0693 Goodearle, J H                     1863          1925          goodearle-j-h.jpg
1-641  Goodrich, Omar O                   Jan 9 1859                  goodrich-omar-o.jpg                     aged 29 years
1-565  Gorman, Elizabeth L                Jan 5 1918    Oct 16 1994   gorman-elizabeth-l.jpg                  s/w Leo L Gorman
1-566  Gorman, Leo L                      Feb 23 1920   Jul 5 1996    gorman-leo-l.jpg                        s/w Elizabeth L Gorman
1-873  Gould, Edward                      Jan 14 1870   May 20 1923   gould-edward.JPG                        s/w Florence Gould
1-872  Gould, Florence                    Jul 7 1878    Apr 8 1956    gould-florence.JPG                      s/w Edward Gould
1-056  Grace, Isabel                      1907          1908          grace-isabel.jpg
1-845  Grace, James Wilmer                1874          1960          grace-james-wilmer.jpg
1-057  Grace, Jessie Martin               1870          1923          grace-jessie-martin.jpg
2-0520 Graham, George J                   1854          1910          graham-george-j.jpg
2-0523 Graham, George T                   1882          1970          graham-george-t.jpg
2-0522 Graham, Harry T                    1884          1918          graham-harry-t.jpg
2-0519 Graham, Isabella S                 Dec 5 1859    Apr 26 1888   graham-isabella-s.jpg                   dau of T & I Graham; native of Nova Scotia
2-0521 Graham, Mary A                     1860          1932          graham-mary-a.jpg
1-173  Grandy, Lewis                                    Sep 15 1858   grandy-lewis.jpg                        died 52 years, from Roxbury Mass
1-823  Granger  , Isabella Wilson         1828          1905          granger-isabella-wilson.jpg             wife of Lewis C Granger
1-822  Granger Ekman, Isabelle                          Jan 8 1945    ekman-isabelle-granger.jpg              next to Adolf Granger
1-827  Granger Hays, Louise               Oct 15 1864   Jun 7 1932    hays-louise-granger.jpg
1-824  Granger, Lewis C                   May 17 1820   May 20 1890   granger-lewis-c.jpg                     born at Granville, Ohio; died ar Oroville, Cal.; next to Isabella Wilson Granger
1-301  Grass, Richard A                   Aug 24 1854   Aug 19 1919   grass-richard-a.jpg                     born at Hermann, Mo; died at Forbestown, Cal.
2-0733 Gray, Bella R                      Sep 25 1848   Nov 14 1897   gray-bella-r.jpg                        wife of John C Gray; south end of east side of fam area
1-860  Gray, Carleton                     Dec 15 1871   Jun 11 1944   gray-carleton.jpg                       native of Oroville Calif; next to Minnie May Gray
2-0734 Gray, John Carleton                Feb 2 1837    May 23 1913   gray-john-carleton.jpg                  native of Maine; south end of east side of fam area
1-058  Gray, Margaret A                   Mar 5 1865    Nov 17 1889   gray-margaret-a.jpg                     wife of F H Gray
1-859  Gray, Minnie May                   Feb 1 1872    Oct 7 1967    gray-minnie-may.jpg                     next to Carleton Gray
2-0485 Green Hawkins, Mary                Oct 8 1849    Nov 19 1923   hawkins-mary-green.jpg
1-466  Green, Petranella                  1835          1912          green-petranella.jpg                    Mother
2-0211 Greene, Geo                        1887          1929          greene-geo.jpg; greene-jones.jpg
2-0297 Greenhill, Tena H                  May 30 1885   Aug 18 1924   greenhill-tena-h.jpg                    mother
1-439  Gregory Grimes, family area                                    grimes-gregory-family.jpg
1-442  Gregory, Hiram Doyle               jan 1858      Jan 1949      gregory-hiram-doyle.jpg                 next to Louise Bailey Gregory
1-440  Gregory, Louise Bailey             Mar 1870      Mar 1925      gregory-louise-bailey.jpg               next to Hiram Doyle Gregory
2-0013 Griffith, R Elsie                  Nov 19 1902   Jun 16 1938   griffith-r-elsie.jpg
1-481  Grimes  , Herman H                 Aug 24 1881   Jul 31 1953   grimes-herman-h.jpg                     s/w Catherine Louise Grimes
1-439  Grimes Gregory, family area                                    grimes-gregory-family.jpg
1-482  Grimes, Catherine Louise           Aug 23 1894   Apr 3 1930    grimes-catherine-louise.jpg             s/w Herman H Grimes
2-0180 Grossklaus, Fred Y                 1857          1927          grossklaus-fred.jpg                     native of Germany
2-0458 Groth, Emma Jane                   1864          1904          groth-emma-jane.jpg                     A Maidu indian woman; granddaughter of Chief Pompi; dau of Sam Brown; a goldminer 1849; Feather Falls Ca
2-0457 Groth, Henry Clausen               1840          1895          groth-henry-clausen.jpg                 a native of Germany; won Butte Co sawyer championship in 1888; s/w Emma Jane Groth
2-0849 Grover, George                                   Sep 26 1879   grover-george.jpg                       aged 45yrs 4ms 9ds; a native of England
2-0900 Grubbs, Howard C                   May 24 1885   Jan 15 1972   grubbs-howard-c.jpg                     on east side of Bird monument
2-0899 Grubbs, Lola L                     Feb 5 1894    Jul 28 1971   grubbs-lola-l.jpg                       on east side of Bird monument
2-0378 Grubbs, Thomas                     1851          1926          grubbs-thomas.jpg
2-0773 Grubbs, Zenis A                    1881          1941          grubbs-zenis-a.jpg
2-0965 Guard, ?                                                       guard.jpg
1-171  Gundlach, Henry                                  Aug 27 1859   gundlach-henry.jpg                      aged 24 years
1-711  Gunson, R                                        Jul 10 1858   gunson-r.jpg                            aged 29 years
1-489  Gunther, John C                                                gunther-john-c.jpg                      Sergt. Co. B 9 Wis. Inf
1-213  H , J (1st)                                                    h-j-1.jpg                               initials on brick
1-259  H, A H                                                         h-a-h.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-197  H, C                                                           h-c.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-760  H, C F                                                         h-c-f.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Charles Frederick Herrin
2-0067 H, E                                                           h-e.jpg                                 next to WH
1-762  H, E B                                                         h-e-b.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Elizabeth B Herrin
1-739  H, F V                                                         h-f-v.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Fred V Herrin
1-226  H, J (2nd)                                                     h-j-2.jpg                               initials on brick
1-737  H, J D                                                         h-j-d.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably John D Herrin
1-185  H, M                                                           h-m.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-761  H, M A                                                         h-m-a.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Michael A Herrin
1-757  H, M I                                                         h-m-i.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Mary I Herrin
1-334  H, S J                                                         h-s-j.jpg                               initials carved into brick
2-0068 H, W                                                           h-w.jpg                                 next to EH
1-738  H, W D                                                         h-w-d.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably William D Herrin
1-727  H, W J                                                         h-w-j.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably William J Herrin
4-255  Hadley, Estelle A                  Feb 27 1872   Aug 23 1970   hadley-estelle-a.jpg
4-256  Hadley, Luther                     Aug 9 1871    Jul 3 1957    hadley-luther.jpg
4-022  Hale, Estella                      1880          1965          hale-estella.jpg                        on Abbey monument
1-670  Hale, John W                       1879          1929          hale-john-w.jpg
1-826  Haley, Eva E Hays                  Jul 26 1882   Jul 13 1965   haley-eva-e-hays.jpg
1-669  Ham, Lester V                      Aug 1 1896    Feb 20 1966   ham-lester-v.jpg
1-667  Ham, May                           1860          1953          ham-may.jpg                             s/w Mose Ham
1-666  Ham, Mose                          1850          1903          ham-mose.jpg                            s/w May Ham
1-899  Hamilton, Eva                                    Sep 12 1894   hamilton-eva.jpg                        aged 25 years
1-244  Hamilton, Julia H                  May 7 1852    Sep 2 1939    hamilton-julia-h.jpg
1-170  Hamlin, Joseph F                   1833          May 15 1839   hamlin-joseph-f.jpg                     born in Maine
4-029  Hamlyn, John J                     1867          1935          hamlyn-john-j-1867-1935.jpg             native of Boston, Mass
4-030  Hamlyn, John J                     1906          1979          hamlyn-john-j-1906-1979.jpg             native of Oroville
4-028  Hamlyn, Mary E                     1874          1934          hamlyn-mary-e.jpg                       native of Bangor, Maine
1-520  Hanauwalt, Geo.                                  May 1 1911    hanauwalt-geo.jpg
1-204  Hancke, Carl Thomas                              Jan 5 1865    hancke-carl-thomas.jpg                  aged 35 years, bottom of headstone says Ruhe Sanft
2-0834 Hancock, Alberta K                                             hancock-alberta-k.jpg                   infant daughter of Geo & ML Hancock
1-898  Hanks, Ethel May                   May 1898      Jun 24 1898   hanks-ethel-may.jpg
4-143  Hansell, Grace                     Nov 20 1891   Aug 1 1985    hansell-grace.jpg                       on Hansell headstone
4-142  Hansell, John B                    May 18 1879   Mar 3 1963    hansell-john-b.jpg                      on Hansell headstone
4-138  Hansell, John B Jr                 Apr 16 1916   Mar 20 1989   hansell-john-b-jr.jpg                   LT US Navy; World War II
4-140  Hansell, Theresa                   Dec 24 1885   Jan 5 1919    hansell-theresa.jpg                     on Hansell headstone
2-1031 Hansen, Niels Christian            1863          1898          hansen-niels-christian.jpg              sorry about the bad pic; will try to redo
2-0876 Hardy, John D                      Jun 25 1906   Mar 25 1989   hardy-john-d.jpg                        s/w Nellie I Hardy
2-0877 Hardy, Nellie I                    Jun 18 1906   Mar 21 1992   hardy-nellie-i.jpg                      s/w John D Hardy
1-059  Hargis, Anna Sawyer                Oct 27 1875   Sep 8 1954    hargis-anna-sawyer.jpg
2-0193 Harlan Taylor, Edith               Nov 7 1880    Jan 26 1951   taylor-edith-harlan.jpg
2-0016 Harlan, Clara M                    May 11 1920   Jan 18 1993   harlan-clara-m.jpg
2-0188 Harlan, Dorothy A                  Sep 22 1904   Dec 8 1985    harlan-dorothy-a.jpg                    s/w Wilton O Harlan
2-0190 Harlan, Edith Rosalie              Jul 13 1919   Feb 20 1920   harlan-edith-rosalie.jpg                daughter of WO and EL Harlan
2-0189 Harlan, Robert W                   Feb 13 1906   Feb 26 1977   harlan-robert-w.jpg                     husband-father-grandfather
2-0191 Harlan, W O                        1858          1927          harlan-w-o.jpg
2-0186 Harlan, Warren Grant               Jul 9 1921    Sep 29 1984   harlan-warren-grant.jpg                 LTJG US Navy; World War II
2-0187 Harlan, Wilton O                   May 24 1904   Nov 21 1994   harlan-wilton-o.jpg                     s/w Dorothy A Harlan
1-328  Harling, Jennie Haney              1886          1927          harling-jennie-haney.jpg
1-964  Harper, Grace Stevens              Feb 25 1902   Aug 12 1971   harper-grace-stevens.jpg
1-598  Harris Michau, Edith               1893          1951
1-276  Harris, Jennie L                   Sep 7 1884    Sep 30 1963   harris-jennie-l.jpg                     wife and mother; next to William O Harris
1-275  Harris, William O                  Jul 3 1872    Dec 16 1942   harris-william-o.jpg                    husband and father, next to Jennie L Harris
2-0419 Hartman, America J                               Jul 4 1917    hartman-america-j.jpg                   next to Frank Hartman
2-0420 Hartman, Frank                                   Sep 12 1918   hartman-frank.jpg                       next to America J Hartman
4-155  Hartman, H D                       1899          1919          hartman-h-d.jpg
4-021  Hartsock, A L                      Apr 4 1876    Apr 26 1917   hartsock-a-l.jpg                        native of Indiana; on Abbey monument
2-0997 Harvey, Chas Edmund Hugh                         Jun 26 1896   harvey-chas-edmund-hugh.jpg             aged 20 months; son of Charles Harvey P.O.M.S., U.S. Army
4-023  Harvey, R                          1870          1958          harvey-r.jpg                            on Abbey monument
2-0757 Hastings, Harry O                  Dec 14 1888   Jul 6 1941    hastings-harry-o.jpg                    father
2-0967 Hasty, Susan M                     Dec 26 1828   Feb 9 1914    hasty-susan-m.jpg                       on south side of Hasty monument
2-0966 Hasty, W H                                       Jan 24 1885   hasty-w-h.jpg                           aged 57 yrs; on west side of Hasty monument
1-717  Haverland, Carol T                 1913          1997          haverland-carol-t.jpg                   s/w Christie F Haverland
1-716  Haverland, Christie F              1909          1995          haverland-christie-f.jpg                s/w Carol T Haverland
2-0779 Havey, Harry D                     1883          1969          havey-harry-d.jpg                       s/w Isabel E Havey
2-0780 Havey, Isabel E                    1882          1965          havey-isabel-e.jpg                      s/w Harry D Havey
2-0454 Havey, James                       Sep 3 1855    Jul 21 1917   havey-james.jpg                         next to Mary J Havey
2-0453 Havey, Mary J                      Aug 17 1858   Feb 19 1941   havey-mary-j.jpg                        next to James Havey
2-0778 Havey, Willis E                    Sep 24 1894   Dec 26 1922   havey-willis-e.jpg
2-0484 Hawkins, Mary Green                Oct 8 1849    Nov 19 1923   hawkins-mary-green.jpg
2-0110 Hayes, Clare M                     Oct 8 1891    Sep 8 1931    hayes-clare-m.jpg
2-0107 Hayes, Freelan S                   Nov 1 1913    Sep 16 1993   hayes-freelan-s.jpg                     CMM Us Navy; World War II
2-0109 Hayes, Jessie O                    Jan 15 1861   Nov 27 1932   hayes-jessie-o.jpg
2-0108 Hayes, W H                         May 18 1848   Jan 23 1927   hayes-w-h.jpg
1-826  Hays Haley, Eva E                  Jul 26 1882   Jul 13 1965   haley-eva-e-hays.jpg
1-825  Hays, Arthur Granger               Oct 18 1880   Jun 6 1963    hays-arthur-granger.jpg                 husband and father; buried in Granger area
2-0948 Hays, David B                      1846          1893          hays-david-b.jpg                        s/w children
2-0950 Hays, David B Jr                   1891          1892          hays-david-b-jr.jpg                     s/w David B Hays
2-0951 Hays, Jesse Louis                  1884          1896          hays-martha-a.jpg                       s/w David B Hays
2-0949 Hays, Louisabella                  1875          1881          hays-louisabella.jpg                    s/w David B Hays
1-827  Hays, Louise Granger               Oct 15 1864   Jun 7 1932    hays-louise-granger.jpg
2-0968 Heath, George E                    Jul 24 1865   Jan 25 1939   heath-george-e.jpg                      native of Conn
2-0676 Hecker, F W                                      Sep 27 1891   hecker-f-w.jpg                          aged 46 years; papa
2-0675 Hecker, Millie J                                 Sep 20 1883   hecker-millie-j.jpg                     wife of F Hecker; aged 28 ys 19 ds
2-0311 Hedge, Elizabeth                   Jul 19 1819   Aug 30 1898   hedge-elizabeth.jpg                     wife of G M Hedge; on north side of Hedge monument
2-0310 Hedge, Geo M                       Oct 10 1818   Jul 29 1898   hedge-geo-m.jpg                         s/w Elizabeth Hedge on north side of Hedge monument
2-0312 Hedge, Georgie F                                 Jul 3 1887    hedge-georgie-f.jpg                     aged 5 yrs 6 mos; son of H & M Hedge
2-0309 Hedge, Harry                       1859          1938          hedge-harry.jpg                         on east side of Hedge monument
1-060  Hedge, Lillie E                                  Mar 21 1880   hedge-lillie-e.jpg                      aged 5 months, dau of GM and MI Hedge
2-0091 Heffernan, Wm                      1860          1940          heffernan-wm.jpg
2-0848 Heffley, Simon P                                 Jul 22 1886   heffley-simon-p.jpg                     aged 53yrs; father
2-0721 Hefner, Annie                      Jan 30 1858   Mar 26 1858   hefner-annie.jpg                        children of CA & P Hefner; on north side of Hefner monument
2-0269 Hefner, Cora                       Aug 7 1859    Mar 15 1929   hefner-cora.jpg                         s/w Philip N Hefner
1-363  Hefner, David L                    Dec 3 1916    Dec 22 1916   hefner-david-l.jpg
2-0723 Hefner, Ettie                      Mar 20 1863   Apr 5 1864    hefner-ettie.jpg                        children of CA & P Hefner; on north side of Hefner monument
2-0720 Hefner, Fannie M                   Aug 10 1863   Sep 4 1950    hefner-fannie-m.jpg                     mom
2-0725 Hefner, Frank S                    Sep 25 1855   Dec 31 1891   hefner-frank-s.jpg                      son of P & CA Hefner; on west side of Hefner monument
2-0058 Hefner, Frederick E                1853          1928          hefner-frederick-e.jpg                  buried with Fisher family
2-0724 Hefner, Philip                     Sep 23 1823   Dec 21 1891   hefner-philip.jpg                       native of Ohio; on west side of Hefner monument
2-0268 Hefner, Philip N                   Nov 9 1857    Dec 21 1936   hefner-philip-n-1857-1936.jpg           s/w Cora Hefner
1-365  Hefner, Philip N                   Jan 6 1896    May 2 1986    hefner-philip-n.jpg
2-0056 Hefner, Sarah Fisher               1853          1945          hefner-sarah-fisher.jpg                 buried with Fisher family
2-0722 Hefner, Willie                     Nov 29 1856   Feb 15 1864   hefner-willie.jpg                       children of CA & P Hefner; on north side of Hefner monument
1-364  Hefner, Winifred Mary              1894          1970          hefner-winifred-mary.jpg                Mother
2-0716 Hefner, Wm                         Nov 25 1817   Oct 6 1868    hefner-wm-1817-1868.jpg                 on south side of Sealey monument
2-0811 Hefner, Wm                                       Oct 6 1868    hefner-wm-1868.jpg                      aged 50 yr 10mo & 11ds
2-0717 Hefner, Wm A                       Nov 2 1864    Nov 16 1889   hefner-wm-a.jpg                         son of W & Mary Hefner; on south side of Sealey monument
4-282  Heinrich, Ida                      Jul 26 1879   Jun 2 1962    heinrich-ida.jpg
2-0643 Hellmann, Eilleen C                Feb 12 1892   Feb 4 1975    hellmann-eilleen-c.jpg
2-0644 Hellmann, Richard N                May 28 1891   Apr 13 1969   hellmann-richard-n.jpg                  Peru; 2D Lieutenant Inf-Res; World War 1
2-0647 Hellmann, Yovanka                  Nov 28 1928   Oct 25 1997   hellmann-yovanka.jpg
1-886  Helms, Alice E                                   Feb 7 1921    helms-alice-e.jpg                       aged 67 years; s/w Amanda Baker and James Helms
2-0813 Helms, Elizabeth                   Apr 12 1829   Jul 28 1914   helms-elizabeth.jpg                     next to HP Helms
2-0814 Helms, H P                         May 24 1824   May 3 1917    helms-h-p.jpg                           next to Elizabeth Helms
1-887  Helms, James H                     1850          1938          helms-james-h.jpg                       s/w Amanda Baker and Alice Helms
1-888  Helms, James H                                                 helms-james-h-engraving.jpg             engraving on metal below headstone
2-0653 Hendel, Geo K                      181?          1893          hendel-geo-k.jpg                        native of Penn
1-778  Henderson, Annie E                               Sep 9 1919    henderson-annie-e.jpg                   aged 55 years; next to Judson C Henderson
4-366  Henderson, Clifford L              Sep 3 1916    Mar 31 1978   henderson-clifford-l.jpg
2-0595 Henderson, Jacob H?                              Mar 11 1910   henderson-jacob.jpg                     aged 77 years
1-779  Henderson, Judson C                1860          1946          henderson-judson-c.jpg                  next to Annie E Henderson
2-0534 Henderson, Lizzie Bramley          1854          1937          henderson-lizzie-bramley.jpg
1-672  Henderson, M E                                                 henderson-m-e.jpg
2-0518 Henderson, William Henry           1854          1943          henderson-william-henry.jpg
1-061  Hendricks, Arents                  1882          1888          hendricks-arents.jpg
1-062  Hendricks, Springer                              Aug 1 1868    hendricks-springer.jpg                  aged 20 months, s/w
4-309  Hengel, Anthony P                  Jan 26 1913   Jan 23 1966   hengel-anthony-p.jpg                    Minnesota; TEC5 3787 OM Truck Co; World War 2
2-0403 Hennessy, J F                      1856          1893          hennessy-j-f.jpg                        next to Sarah E Hennessy
2-0404 Hennessy, Sarah E                  1859          1934          hennessy-sarah-e.jpg                    next to JF Hennessy
2-0351 Henry, Joseph Delbert                            Jun 30 1908   henry-joseph-delbert.jpg                aged 2 months 11 days; son of JC & ME Henry
2-0224 Henry, Wanda E                     Jul 1 1913    Aug 30 1990   henry-wanda-e.jpg; bedeau-family.jpg    daughter
1-718  Herrin Brown, Marybelle            Feb 8 1901    Sep 22 1985   brown-marybelle-herrin-headstone.jpg    s/w Clyde Irving Brown
1-730  Herrin Brown, Marybelle            Feb 8 1901    Sep 22 1985   brown-marybelle-herrin-monument.jpg     on Herrin monument; s/w Fred V Herrin
1-734  Herrin Johnson, Elizabeth B        Apr 3 1868    Oct 2 1905    johnson-elizabeth-b.jpg                 dau of michael and elizabeth herrin; on Herrin monument
1-092  Herrin Mann, Dorothy               Jun 6 1912    Sep 3 1990    mann-dorothy-herrin-headstone.jpg       s/w William Parnell Mann
1-726  Herrin Mann, Dorothy               Jun 6 1912    Sep 3 1990    mann-dorothy-herrin-monument.jpg        daughter of JD and MI Herrin; on Herrin monument
1-733  Herrin, Charles Frederick          Aug 28 1861   Mar 25 1878   herrin-charles-frederick.jpg            son of michael and elizabeth herrin; on Herrin monument
1-732  Herrin, Elizabeth B                Jan 27 1836   Jul 9 1907    herrin-elizabeth-b.jpg                  mother; on Herrin monument
1-736  Herrin, Ellen E Sorensen           Jan 30 1870   Jan 18 1957   sorensen-ellen-e.jpg                    dau of michael and elizabeth b herrin; on Herrin monument
1-729  Herrin, Fred V                     Dec 4 1903    Sep 23 1940   herrin-fred-v.jpg                       on Herrin monument; s/w Marybelle Herrin Brown
1-723  Herrin, John D                     Jun 5 1863    Mar 10 1937   herrin-john-d.jpg                       on Herrin monument
1-724  Herrin, Mary I                     Jan 23 1876   Mar 28 1956   herrin-mary-i.jpg                       on Herrin monument
1-731  Herrin, Michael A                  Sep 28 1830   Oct 1 1876    herrin-michael-a.jpg                    father; on Herrin monument
1-725  Herrin, William D                  Mar 4 1906    Oct 10 1927   herrin-william-d.jpg                    son of JD and MI Herrin; on Herrin monument
1-722  Herrin, William J                  Jun 16 1858   Nov 8 1913    herrin-william-j.jpg                    on Herrin monument
4-056  Herron, Thomas                                   Dec 24 1873   herron-thomas.jpg                       aged 68 years; native of Queens Co Ireland
2-0249 Hesbol, Christina                                              hesbol-christina.jpg                    s/w Ernest Hesbol
2-0248 Hesbol, Ernest                                                 hesbol-ernest.jpg                       s/w Christina Hesbol
1-599  Hesbol, Ole                        1875          1924          hesbol-ole.jpg
2-0296 Hettinger, Annice L                Apr 25 1880   Nov 2 1930    hettinger-annice-l.jpg                  next to Jessie L Noll
       Hettinger, Annice L (con't)                                     jessie-annice.jpg
1-064  Higgins, Clara F                                 Aug 29 1892   higgins-clara-f.jpg                     aged 57 years, s/w husband w.s. Higgins
2-0762 Higgins, Edward                    1834          1908          higgins-edward.jpg
4-295  Higgins, F Frazier                 Feb 23 1915   Apr 4 1967    higgins-f-frazier.jpg
4-359  Higgins, Grace Mary                Feb 10 1918   Feb 22 2002   higgins-grace-mary.jpg
4-265  Higgins, Mary E                    Sep 23 1918   Sep 13 1959   higgins-mary-e.jpg                      mother
2-0763 Higgins, Millie                    1845          1920          higgins-millie.jpg
4-297  Higgins, Patrick William           Oct 10 1949   May 7 1966    higgins-patrick-william.jpg
1-063  Higgins, William S                               Dec 14 1898   higgins-william-s.jpg                   aged 71 years, s/w wife Clara F Higgins
4-279  Hill, Adriana C                    Sep 14 1909   Jun 7 1962    hill-adriana-c.jpg
1-539  Hill, Gertrude Mae                 1880          1975          hill-gertrude-mae.jpg
2-1071 Hill, Lillie B                     1888          1969          hill-lillie-b.jpg                       wife of Robert A Hill
2-1070 Hill, Robert A                     1880          1943          hill-robert-a.jpg                       husband of Lillie Porter Hill
1-856  Hills, Harry Sawyer                Nov 27 1892   Oct 25 1988   hills-harry-sawyer.jpg
1-065  Hills, Helen C                     1890          1913          hills-helen-c.jpg                       next to Henry Hills
1-066  Hills, Henry C                     1864          1905          hills-henry-c.jpg                       next to Helen Hills
1-852  Hills, Isabella A                  1867          1951          hills-isabella-a.jpg
1-854  Hills, Mildred Lee                 1896          1922          hills-mildred-lee.jpg
1-855  Hills, Willow Swayne               Dec 7 1885    Nov 4 1962    hills-willow-swayne.jpg
1-853  Hills?, Baby Boy Vanneman                        Feb 13 1952   vanneman-baby-boy.jpg                   no last name on stone; between Isabella and Mildred Lee Hills
1-649  Hilton, Daniel H                   1832          1918          hilton-daniel-h.jpg                     s/w wife Mary Margaret Hilton
1-650  Hilton, Mary Margaret              1849          1922          hilton-mary-margaret.jpg                s/w husband Daniel H Hilton
2-0285 Hindmarsh, Robt E                  1875          1933          hindmarsh-robt-e.jpg
4-046  Hipp, back                                                     hipp-back.jpg                           back side of Hipp monument
4-042  Hipp, Briggittia                   Jan 14 1852   Feb 2 1912    hipp-briggittia.jpg                     on Hipp monument
4-047  Hipp, Father, Mother                                           hipp-father-mother.jpg                  IHS; under Hipp monument
4-041  Hipp, Frank A                      Jan 31 1831   Jan 3 1915    hipp-frank-a.jpg                        on Hipp monument
4-044  Hipp, Gottlieb G                   Feb 3 1887    Mar 26 1923   hipp-gottlieb-g.jpg                     on Hipp monument
4-045  Hipp, Joseph A                     Mar 2 1889    Mar 22 1963   hipp-joseph-a.jpg                       on Hipp monument
4-043  Hipp, Vitus F                      Apr 15 1885   Sep 16 1910   hipp-vitus-f-monument.jpg               on Hipp monument
4-048  Hipp, Vitus F                      Apr 15 1885   Sep 16 1910   hipp-vitus-f-stone.jpg                  under Hipp monument
4-049  Hipp?, Gottlieb                                                gottlieb.jpg                            AEF; under Hipp monument
4-050  Hipp?, Joe                                                     uncle-joe.jpg                           our beloved Uncle Joe; in Hipp family area
4-051  Hipp?, Paul                                                    paul.jpg                                baby Paul; in Hipp family area
2-0817 Hirschey, Catherine                1873          1959          hirschey-catherine.jpg                  sister; s/w Frances
2-0704 Hirschey, Catherine J              Apr 7 1864    Apr 4 1871    hirschey-catherine-j.jpg
2-0818 Hirschey, Frances                  1866          1958          hirschey-frances+G488.jpg               sister; s/w Catherine
2-0705 Hirschey, Harriet Arnold           Aug 3 1842    Jan 6 1924    hirschey-harriet-arnold.jpg             rest mother
2-0703 Hirschey, Henry Oscar                            Dec 4 1868    hirschey-henry-oscar.jpg                infant son of HB & HA Hischey; aged 4 ms 13 ds
2-0132 Hobart, Adaline                                  Nov 12 1867   hobart-adaline.jpg                      aged 60 yrs; wife of Rev R Hobart
2-0129 Hobart, Kate P                                   Apr 27 1860   hobart-kate-p.jpg                       aged 21 years; wife of WW Hobart
2-0131 Hobart?, Tommy                                                 tommy.jpg                               between Kate P Hobart and Adaline Hobart
2-0396 Hodges, Edward J                   1895          1933          hodges-edward-j.jpg
2-0218 Hodges, George H                   1874          1930          hodges-george-h.jpg
1-175  Hodgkins, Margaret A                             Feb 4 1860    hodgkins-margaret-a.jpg                 wife of E A Hodgkins, aged 36 years 6 mos 11 days
2-0787 Hodgson, Mark                      Sep 23 1865   Mar 12 1939   hodgson-mark.jpg                        papa
2-0786 Hodgson, Olivia                    Dec 25 1868   Feb 12 1958   hodgson-olivia.jpg                      mama
4-223  Hoffe, James F                     Jun 27 1902   Aug 29 1958   hoffe-james-f.jpg
2-0807 Hoke , Effie M                     1887          1982          hoke-effie-m.jpg                        wife
2-0808 Hoke , Ira E                       1896          1929          hoke-ira-e.jpg                          husband
2-1025 Hollander, Helen Dobbas            Nov 19 1923   Aug 11 1999   hollander-helen-dobbas.jpg              s/w Marvin Stanley Hollander
2-1027 Hollander, Marvin Stanley          Jul 30 1923                 hollander-marvin-stanley.jpg            s/w Helen Dobbas Hollander; US AF WWII
1-206  Holman, Willie                                   Jul 29 1938   holman-willie.jpg                       mother of Ella Pyo Jackson, Wm Holman
1-293  Holt, Alice L                      Sep 7 1892    Jun 15 1994   holt-alice-l.jpg                        in Crandall family area
2-0452 Hons, Henry                                      Mar 1 1869    hons-henry.jpg                          native of Sievern Germany; aged 40 years
2-0265 Hoo, Lin                                         May 22 1883   hoo-lin.jpg                             aged 35 years; s/w TF Jeffery
4-333  Horvath, Cecilia                   1887          1974          horvath-cecilia.jpg                     s/w Steve Horvath
4-332  Horvath, Steve                     1887          1979          horvath-steve.jpg                       s/w Cecilia Horvath
2-0707 Hoseley, Johana C                  1827          1903          hoseley-johana-c.jpg                    a/w Russell D Hosely Sr
2-0708 Hoseley, Russell D Sr              1821          1888          hoseley-russell-d.jpg                   s/w Johana C Hoseley
1-522  Houlihan, Wm                                     Jun 9 1915    houlihan-wm.jpg
2-0655 Houser, Anna Atherton              Mar 16 1901   Jan 16 1943   houser-anna-atherton.jpg                mother; wife of RE Houser; native of Kentucky
4-351  Hovey, Catherine P                 Nov 15 1903   May 19 1993   hovey-catherine-p.jpg                   s/w Genevieve V Hovey
4-350  Hovey, Genevieve V                 Dec 14 1907   Jul 15 1999   hovey-genevieve-v.jpg                   s/w Catherine P Hovey
2-0730 Howard, ?                                                      howard-broken-stone.jpg                 stone is badly eroded; 2nd south from ne corner of Howard fam area
2-0726 Howard, Amos                       1836          1911          howard-amos.jpg                         s/w Helen Howard; nw corner of fam area
2-0728 Howard, Clarence E                 1880          1945          howard-clarence-e.jpg                   2nd south from nw corner of fam area
2-0737 Howard, family area                                            howard-family.jpg                       taken from south west corner
2-0727 Howard, Helen                      1846          1921          howard-helen.jpg                        s/w Amos Howard; nw corner of fam area
2-0735 Howard, Lotta May                                Feb 10 1879   howard-lotta-may.jpg                    infant daughter of Amos & Helen Howard; aged 7 weeks; sw corner of fam area
2-0736 Howard, William A                  Jul 19 1868   Jun 25 1909   howard-william-a.jpg                    son of Amos & Helen Howard; only upright stone in fam area
1-302  Howell, Jonathan                   1828          1919          howell-jonathan.jpg                     s/w Susannah Howell
1-303  Howell, Susannah                   1838          1921          howell-susannah.jpg                     s/w Jonathan Howell
1-309  Huff, Ethel Mae                    Jun 10 1871   Jul 21 1962   huff-ethel-mae.jpg                      s/w James Clyde Huff
1-308  Huff, James Clyde                  Aug 29 1875   Apr 27 1940   huff-james-clyde.jpg                    s/w Ethel Mae Huff
1-553  Hull, Martha Ann                                 Jan 5 1900    hull-martha-ann.jpg                     aged 28 years 5 mo 19 days
2-0466 Hulme, Minnie Ward                 1866          1959          hulme-minnie-ward.jpg
2-0173 Humphrey, Caroline L               Jun 12 1885   Nov 16 1921   humphrey-caroline-l.jpg
2-0168 Humphrey, Floyd L                  1885          1966          humphrey-floyd-l.jpg
1-579  Humphrey, Nellie B Leeson          Oct 27 1887   Apr 10 1941   humphrey-nellie-b-leeson.jpg
1-422  Humphrey, William H                              jan 28 1916   humphrey-william-h.jpg                  aged 85 years; GAR; Co A 1st Reg Cal Cav
2-0380 Hundley Tainton, Kate              Feb 21 1836   Mar 14 1889   hundley-kate-tainton.jpg                aged 53 yrs 21 ds
1-068  Hundley, Eugene Russell                                        hundley-eugene-russel.jpg               s/w Lillie Powers Hundley
2-0381 Hundley, Harry Lee                 May 27 1878   Ma- -- 180-   hundley-harry-lee.jpg                   headstone worn down
2-0383 Hundley, Hattie E                  Nov 18 1858   Apr 2 1860    hundley-hattie-e.jpg                    dau of PO & Kate T Hundley
2-0382 Hundley, Josiah B                  Mar 20 1862   Dec 17 1874   hundley-josiah-b.jpg                    son of PO & Kate T Hundley
2-0379 Hundley, Kate Tainton              Feb 21 1836   Mar 14 1889   hundley-kate-tainton.jpg                aged 53 yrs 21 ds
1-067  Hundley, Lillie Powers                                         hundley-lillie-powers.jpg               s/w Eugene Russell Hundley
2-0385 Hundley, Lucy R                    Nov 9 1853    Apr 21 1917   hundley-lucy-r.jpg
2-0384 Hundley, Patrick O                 Apr 13 1822   Mar 14 1899   hundley-patrick-o.jpg
2-0336 Hunn, Geo                                                      hunn-geo.jpg                            Co B; Powell's Mo. Batt'n Mex. War
1-663  Hunt Vail, Emma D                  Jan 29 1848   Nov 13 1922   vail-emma-d-hunt.jpg                    s/w husband Henry Eugene Vail
1-644  Huntington, Anna Thompson          Nov 30 1876   May 7 1969    huntington-anna-thompson.jpg            next to Charles Frederick Huntington
1-646  Huntington, Charles Frederick      Apr 26 1876   Mar 1 1960    huntington-charles-frederick.jpg        next to Anna Thompson Huntington
1-643  Huntington, family area                                        huntington-family-area.jpg              front section
2-0559 Huntoon, Jessie Thunen             1903          1968          huntoon-jessie-thunen.jpg               mother & teacher
1-639  Hurd, Ethel M                      Feb 24 1897   Mar 10 1991   hurd-ethel-m.jpg                        s/w Guy C Hurd
1-638  Hurd, Guy C                        Nov 28 1893   Aug 1 1962    hurd-guy-c.jpg                          s/w Ethel M Hurd
4-177  Hurley, Patrick                                  Mar 17 1883   hurley-patrick.jpg                      aged 67 yrs; native of Ireland
2-0473 Huse, Byron F                      1863          1914          huse-byron-f.jpg                        s/w Floyd and Mattie Huse
1-454  Huse, family area                                              huse-family.jpg
2-0474 Huse, Floyd G                      1893          1918          huse-floyd-g.jpg                        s/w Byron and Mattie Huse
1-455  Huse, Horace                       Sep 5 1914    Apr 20 1980   huse-horace.jpg                         "Rager"
2-0475 Huse, Mattie E                     1872          1944          huse-mattie-e.jpg                       s/w Byron and Floyd Huse
1-491  Hussey, Joseph C                   Sep 23 1834   Jan 22 1906   hussey-joseph-c.jpg                     GAR; Lieut.
2-1056 Huston, Clyde                      Jul 4 1875    Dec 23 1942   huston-clyde.jpg                        our father
2-0680 Huston, Rev. Dick                  1899          1944          huston-rev-dick.jpg                     husband
2-0747 Huston, Samuel                     Jan 1 1826    Mar 30 1890   huston-samuel.jpg
2-0259 Hutchison, Emma                    Dec 24 1859   Aug 23 1916   hutchison-emma.jpg                      wife of J A Hutchison; mother of JA Hutchison Ju, Maude F Faul, Ruby M Orr
2-0258 Hutchison, family area                                         hutchison-family-area.jpg
2-0260 Hutchison, James A                 May 11 1843   Dec 31 1922   hutchison-james-a.jpg                   next to Emma Hutchison
2-0426 Hutchison, James Alexander Jr      1877          1948          hutchison-james-alexander-jr.jpg        son of JA & EP Hutchison
2-0335 Hyde, Mary Ann                                   Aug 28 1862   hyde-mary-ann.jpg                       aged 23 years; native of Marshall, Mich
1-374  Inman (I), N                                                   inman-n.jpg                             NI in the Inman family area
1-373  Inman (I), W C                                                 inman-w-c.jpg                           WCI in the Inman family area
1-071  Inman , William C                  1859          1929          inman-william-c.jpg                     s/w Thomas L Rockhill and Naomi Inman
1-070  Inman Slack, area                                              inman-slack-area.jpg
1-368  Inman, ?                                                       inman-square.jpg                        square stone
1-375  Inman, ?                                                       inman-rectangle.jpg                     rectangle stone in Inman family area
1-387  Inman, Lillian May                 1897          1936          inman-lillian-may.jpg
1-069  Inman, Naomi                       1861          1939          inman-naomi.jpg                         s/w Thomas Rockhill and William C Inman
1-386  Inman, William Chester             1889          1976
4-218  Iotta, Anton                       Oct 30 1889   Apr 22 1961   iotta-anton.jpg
1-620  Isaac, Harriet A                   1836          1924          isaac-harriet-a.jpg                     native of Mass.; next to Richard Isaac
1-621  Isaac, Richard                     1829          1896          isaac-richard.jpg                       native of Ohio; next to Harriet A Isaac
4-349  J, A                                                           j-a.jpg                                 initials in stone
1-759  J, E B                                                         j-e-b.jpg                               initial carved into brick
1-192  J, E P                                                         j-e-p.jpg                               initials on brick
4-083  J, K                                                           j-k.jpg; mcGee.jpg                      just outside McGee family area
1-218  J, K                                                           j-k-2.jpg                               initials on brick
4-086  Jacoby, Katherine                                Mar 17 1888   jacoby-katherine.jpg                    mother; wife of J Jacoby; aged 68 years
1-654  James, Floretta Smith              1866          1914          james-floretta-smith.jpg                mother; next to Thomas Ward James
1-652  James, Gladys R                    1914                        james-gladys-r.jpg                      s/w Harold A James
1-651  James, Harold A                    1908          2001          james-harold-a.jpg                      s/w Gladys R James
1-655  James, Thomas Ward                 1862          1934          james-thomas-ward.jpg                   father; next to Floretta Smith James
1-798  Janes, Annie                       1884          1966          janes-annie.jpg                         mother
1-712  Janssen, Greig LeRoy               Oct 25 1937   Sep 10 1961   janssen-greig-leRoy.jpg                 California; ADJ3; US Navy
1-072  Jarvis, C W                        1872          1952          jarvis-c-w.jpg
1-074  Jarvis, M W                                                    jarvis-m-w.jpg
1-073  Jarvis, Mary Jane                                              jarvis-mary-jane.jpg
2-0264 Jeffery, T F                                     Sep 23 1884   jeffery-t-f.jpg                         native of NY; s/w Lin Hoo; native of NY
2-0498 Jeffs, John                                      Dec 11 1872   jeffs-john.jpg                          agd 48 yrs; native of Eng.
1-304  Jenkins, O                                                     jenkins-o.jpg                           next to Obediah Benjamin Jenkins
1-305  Jenkins, Obediah Benjamin          Nov 18 1853   Sep 12 1922   jenkins-obediah-benjamin.jpg            next to O Jenkins
2-0040 Jenkins, Timothy Wayne Kinser      Jan 4 1975    May 1 1985    jenkins-timothy-wayne-kinser.jpg
1-469  Jennings Kluegel, Ann              1880          1934          kluegel-ann-jennings.jpg                s/w Nell L Jennings
1-467  Jennings, George C                 1858          1932          jennings-george-c.jpg
1-468  Jennings, Nell L                   1860          1941          jennings-nell-l.jpg                     s/w Ann Jennings Kluegel
1-470  Jennings, Verena M                 1885          1978          jennings-verena-m.jpg
1-314  Jessen, F W                                                    jessen-f-w.jpg
2-0746 Johns, Chas E                                    Jan 3 1865    johns-chas-e.jpg                        aged 29 yrs 5 ms; a native of Warren Ma--
2-0167 Johnson, Albert H                  1905          1905          johnson-albert-h.jpg
2-0754 Johnson, Albert S                  1865          1954          johnson-albert-s.jpg                    s/w Vliet Johnson
2-0121 Johnson, Alvina                    Mar 14 1874   Sep 15 1949   johnson-alvina.jpg                      s/w husband Neil Johnson
2-0227 Johnson, August                    1868          1932          johnson-august.jpg                      father; next to Emma Johnson
2-0969 Johnson, Edwin L                   Feb 10 1895   Jun 21 1939   johnson-edwin-l.jpg
2-0030 Johnson, Elizabeth A               Apr 11 1873   Apr 5 1923    johnson-elizabeth-a.jpg                 s/w Robert L Johnson
1-734  Johnson, Elizabeth B Herrin        Apr 3 1868    Oct 2 1905    johnson-elizabeth-b.jpg                 dau of michael and elizabeth herrin; on Herrin monument
1-927  Johnson, Emily E                   Jan 10 1848   Aug 22 1927   johnson-emily-e.jpg                     native of England; next to Thos Johnson
2-0228 Johnson, Emma                      1872          1953          johnson-emma.jpg                        mother; next to August Johnson
1-075  Johnson, Grace E                   Jan 2 1895    Jan 17 1906   johnson-grace-e.jpg
2-0219 Johnson, John                                    Dec 6 1921    johnson-john.jpg                        aged 76 years; footstone says Jim; s/w John V Williams
1-357  Johnson, John C                    Jun 28 1863   may 26 1934   johnson-john-c.jpg
4-280  Johnson, Lloyd A                   1914          1962          johnson-lloyd-a.jpg                     husband and father
2-0120 Johnson, Neil                      Feb 25 1868   Nov 13 1927   johnson-neil.jpg                        s/w wife Alvina Johnson
1-912  Johnson, Raymond K                 Mar 16 1913   Mar 13 1993   johnson-raymond-k.jpg
2-0031 Johnson, Robert L                  Apr 9 1876    Aug 11 1904   johnson-robert-l.jpg                    s/w Elizabeth A Johnson
2-0080 Johnson, Ruben Clark                             Feb 17 1911   johnson-ruben-clark.jpg                 aged 62 yrs 1 mos 17 dys; father
1-926  Johnson, Thos                      Sep 20 1827   Aug 9 1903    johnson-thos.jpg                        native of Norway; next to Emily E Johnson
2-0753 Johnson, Vliet                     1888          1927          johnson-vliet.jpg                       s/w Albert S Johnson
2-0308 Jolly, Sarah A                     1864          1926          jolly-sarah-a.jpg                       on east side of Hedge monument
2-0307 Jolly, Thomas                                    Dec 16 1905   jolly-thomas.jpg                        aged 70 years; on south side of Hedge monument
1-588  Jones Williams, Annie              Jun 3 1862    May 23 1930   williams-annie-jones.jpg                next to Daniel Harrison Williams
2-0586 Jones, B F                         Jan 10 1829   Dec 30 1867   jones-b-f.jpg
1-548  Jones, Clyde A                     1883          1926          jones-clyde-a.jpg                       next to Mabel C Jones
1-359  Jones, Louisa S                                                jones-louisa-s.jpg                      Mrs.
1-561  Jones, M P                         Mar 21 1870   Jun 30 1927   jones-m-p.jpg                           F. O. E. 218
1-547  Jones, Mabel C                     1886          1979          jones-mabel-c.jpg                       next to Clyde A Jones
1-289  Jones, Mabel Clarke                                            jones-mabel-clarke.jpg
2-0210 Jones, Mae C                       1859          1932          jones-mae-c.jpg; greene-jones.jpg       mother
4-275  Jones, Mary M                      1887          1962          jones-mary-m.jpg
2-0581 Jones, William P                   Nov 17 1847   Sep 7 1929    jones-william.jpg                       next to/ may be part of Dyer family
2-0661 Josephson, Martin                                Oct 7 1875    josephson-martin.jpg                    48 yrs 7 ds
2-0663 Josephson, Mary Eta                Jan 25 1862   Oct 28 1863   josephson-mary-eta.jpg                  on Josephson monument
2-0662 Josephson, Peter A                 Sep 22 1838?  Nov 19 1900   josephson-peter-a.jpg                   on Josephson monument
2-0664 Josephson, Wm Thomas               Nov 7 1874    Nov 19 1874?  josephson-wm-thomas.jpg                 on Josephson monument
2-0665 Josephson?, mother                                             josephson-mother.jpg                    under Josephson monument
1-625  Joy, Chas R                        1870          1927          joy-chas-r.jpg
4-294  Joyce, C Onita                     1895          1972          joyce-c-onita.jpg
1-222  K, F (1st)                                                     k-f-1.jpg                               initials on brick
1-270  K, F (2nd)                                                     k-f-2.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-325  K, H M                                                         k-h-m.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-394  K, T E                                                         k-t-e.jpg                               initials carved into brick just outside of Conway area
4-303  Kaelin, Elvera E                   1917                        kaelin-elvera-e.jpg                     s/w Johnnie H Kaelin
4-302  Kaelin, Johnnie H                  1901          1984          kaelin-johnnie-h.jpg                    s/w Elvera E Kaelin
4-319  Kaelin, Johnnie H                  Jul 19 1901   Mar 25 1984   kaelin-johnnie-h-1901-1984.jpg          S1 US Navy; World War 1
4-214  Kalosidis, Michael T               Dec 18 1896   Sep 29 1968   kalosidis-michael-t.jpg
2-0952 Karns, Martha A                    Nov 5 1861    May 20 1940   karns-martha-a.jpg
2-0029 Karsner, J H                       Nov 16 1845   May 15 1914   karsner-j-h.jpg                         M.D.; next to Minerva M Karsner
2-0028 Karsner, Minerva M                 Mar 18 1856   Feb 22 1921   karsner-minerva-m.jpg                   next to JH Karsner
2-0206 Kasmark, John S                    Apr 17 1888   Aug 6 1959    kasmark-john-s.jpg
4-205  Katsulakis, James J                Jul 22 1884   Dec 30 1943   katsulakis-james-j.jpg
1-428  Keating, J                                                     keating-j.jpg                           names west of Military monument
4-189  Kehriotis, Constaninos G           Oct 15 1886   Dec 30 1938   kehriotis-constaninos-g.jpg
4-176  Kehriotis, Elpis J                 Aug 1 1900    Sep 8 1971    kehriotis-elpis-j.jpg
4-175  Kehriotis, James G                 Mar 5 1888    Jan 16 1957   kehriotis-james-g.jpg
4-190  Kehriotis, Nick G                                Sep 21 1935   kehriotis-nick-g.jpg                    California; Corp 64 Field Arty; 96 Div
2-0998 Keifer, Elizabeth B                Jan 10 1863   Aug 12 1922   keifer-elizabeth-m.jpg                  s/w John M Keifer
2-1010 Keifer, Hartford Hammond           Jan 24 1902   Aug 20 1986   keifer-hartford-hammond.jpg             Acarologist; s/w Mary Isabelle Keifer
2-0999 Keifer, John M                     Feb 25 1861   Jun 20 1928   keifer-john-m.jpg                       s/w Elizabeth Keifer
2-1011 Keifer, Mary Isabelle              Apr 24 1906   Jun 3 1990    keifer-mary-isabelle.jpg                wife and mother; s/w Hartford Hammond Keifer
2-1078 Keifer, William R                  1882          1919          keifer-william-r.jpg
2-0924 Kelley, Amy                                                    kelley-amy.jpg                          under Kelley monument
2-0922 Kelley, Cleveland                                              kelley-cleveland.jpg                    under Kelley monument
2-0919 Kelley, Frank                                                  kelley-frank.jpg                        under Kelley monument
2-0198 Kelley, Jefferson D                1874          1936          kelley-jefferson-d.jpg
2-0920 Kelley, Luella J                   1852          1927          kelley-luella-j.jpg                     mother; under Kelley monument
2-0925 Kelley, Lulu                                                   kelley-lulu.jpg                         under Kelley monument
2-0851 Kelley, monument                                               kelley-monument.jpg
2-0921 Kelley, Samuel S                   1836          1886          kelley-samuel-s.jpg                     father; under Kelley monument
2-0923 Kelley, Willie                                                 kelley-willie-2.jpg                     under Kelley monument
2-0624 Kelly, Art D                       Mar 27 1925   Jan 22 1943   kelly-art-d.jpg                         under Freer monument
1-492  Kelly, Barney                                                  kelly-barney.jpg                        age 73; Pioneer miner; erected by James Lamb
2-0197 Kelly, Eva T                       1871          1954          kelly-eva-t.jpg                         mother
1-076  Kelly, Jos                                                     kelly-jos.jpg                           Co. I, 2nd Cal. Cav.
4-354  Kennedy Rider, headstones                                      kennedy-rider.jpg
4-093  Kennedy, John                      Jun 24 1841   Feb 17 1905   kennedy-john.jpg                        s/w Patrick Kennedy
4-353  Kennedy, John Thomas               Feb 12 1914   May 23 1993   kennedy-john-thomas.jpg                 MM2 US Navy; next to Sarah Kennedy and Mary J Rider
4-094  Kennedy, Patrick                   Dec 25 1843   Jan 8 1901    kennedy-patrick.jpg                     s/w John Kennedy
4-355  Kennedy, Sarah J                   1889          1982          kennedy-sarah-j.jpg                     mother; s/w Mary J Rider
1-478  Kent, Edith Jane                   1878          1945          kent-edith-jane.jpg                     next to Lewis Alfred Kent and May
1-480  Kent, Lewis Alfred                 1872          1962          kent-lewis-alfred.jpg                   next to Edith Jane Kent and May
1-479  Kent?, May                                                     may.jpg                                 between Edith Jane and Lewis Alfred Kent
4-181  Keramioti, Anastasia B                           Oct 21 1921   keramioto-anastasia-b.jpg
1-777  Kerber Korojohn, Anna              1897          1987          korojohn-anna-kerber.jpg                mother
1-710  Kerber, Hugo F E                   Aug 4 1889    Jul 9 1927    kerber-hugo-f-e.jpg
4-203  Kerichis, Angelos A                1870          1950          kerichis-angelos-a.jpg
1-360  Kessler, J Y                       1864          1933          kessler-j-y.jpg
4-107  Keyes, Alice                       1870          1916          keyes-alice.jpg                         s/w William Keyes
4-135  Keyes, Antone                                    Dec 14 1918   keyes-antone.jpg                        aged 46 years; here rest a woodman of the world
1-680  Keyes, Isabella                    Apr 27 1860   Aug 8 1916    keyes-isabella.jpg                      beloved wife of C C Keyes
4-106  Keyes, William                     1872          1911          keyes-william.jpg                       s/w Alice Keyes
4-281  Kiernan, Desmond J                 Nov 3 1898    Jul 7 1961    kiernan-desmond-j.jpg
4-261  King, Albert McIntyre              1906          1983          king-albert-mcIntyre.jpg
1-269  King, Theresa                      Dec 31 1903   Mar 1 1946    king-theresa.jpg
4-382  Kinser, Lauretta T                 Jun 26 1900   Dec 6 1982    kinser-lauretta-t.jpg
2-0615 Kirby, Elizabeth                   Mar 5 1886    Jan 25 1927   kirby-elizabeth.jpg                     pioneer of 1852; on East side of Kirby monument
1-077  Kirby, Esther Paul                 1879          1963          kirby-esther-paul.jpg                   s/w Louis S Kirby
2-0616 Kirby, James H                                   Dec 6 1876    kirby-james-h.jpg                       aged 46 yrs; native of Missouri; on south side of Kirby monument
2-0617 Kirby, Jessie May                                Sep 14 1892   kirby-jessie-may.jpg                    daughter of JH & E Kirby; aged 18 yrs 6 ms; on west side of Kirby monument
1-078  Kirby, Louis S                     1875          1963          kirby-louis-s.jpg                       s/w Esther Paul Kirby
2-0618 Kirby, monument                                                kirby-monument.jpg
1-079  Kirby, Sallie C                    Sep 9 1838    May 31 1900   kirby-sallie-c.jpg                      Wife of F.P. Kirby
1-080  Kirby, Susie                                     Jan 9 1868    kirby-susie.jpg                         aged 20 months
2-0229 Kirkpartick, Roy Elmer             Aug 16 1892   Nov 11 1928   kirkpatrick-roy-elmer.jpg               native of Missouri; father
1-889  Kister, Alice Irene                Dec 5 1902    Mar 21 1913   kister-alice-irene.jpg                  dau of Mr and Mrs L A Kister
1-891  Kister, Beatrice M                 1867          1931          kister-beatrice-m.jpg                   s/w Lawrence A Kister
2-0614 Kister, Jimmie                                   Dec 12 1891   kister-jimmie.jpg                       aged 7 yrs 10 mos; on north side of Kirby monument
1-894  Kister, Joseph L                                 Mar 17 1863   kister-joseph-l.jpg                     aged 37 yrs 17 dys; on Kister/Underwood monument
1-890  Kister, Lawrence A                 Jun 20 1859   Nov 26 1916   kister-lawrence-a.jpg                   s/w Beatrice M Kister
1-398  Kitchen, Wm A                                                  kitchen-wm-a.jpg                        Co. G. 8 Cal. Inf.
1-848  Kitrick (K), G                                                 k-g.jpg                                 initials carved into brick next to Roger S Kitrick
1-851  Kitrick Sanks, family area                                     kitrick-sanks-family.jpg
1-850  Kitrick Sanks, Minerva             Apr 6 1905    Feb 20 1997   sanks-minerva-kitrick.jpg               s/w A Trevor Sanks
1-847  Kitrick, Roger S                   1864          1929          kitrick-roger-s.jpg
4-183  Klandeanos, A C                                  Sep 26 1909   klandeanos-a-c.jpg                      aged 54 yrs; native of Greece; father+F221
1-549  Kleinow, Ernst                     1860          1927          kleinow-ernst.jpg                       native of Germany
1-469  Kluegel, Ann Jennings              1880          1934          kluegel-ann-jennings.jpg                s/w Nell L Jennings
1-081  Knecht, Bridget                                  Dec 12 1915   knecht-bridget.jpg                      76 years, s/w George Knecht
1-082  Knecht, George                                   Jul 27 1894   knecht-george.jpg                       aged 60 years, native of Baden Baden Germany, s/w Bridget Knecht
1-820  Knuckey, Estelle N                                             knuckey-estelle-a.jpg                   next to Frank and Nellie Terrell
2-0017 Koenig, Robert                     Jun 12 1922   Jun 20 1935   koenig-robert.jpg                       scout first class; troop 29 BSA
1-777  Korojohn, Anna Kerber              1897          1987          korojohn-anna-kerber.jpg                mother
4-217  Korojohn, Mike                     Oct 17 1890   May 9 1966    korojohn-mike.jpg                       letter k, r, r on stone
4-193  Korojohn, Thomas                   Jul 3 1886    Sep 14 1932   korojohn-thomas.jpg
2-0514 Kroeger, F                                       Jul 9 1887    kroeger-f.jpg                           aged 37 yrs
2-0512 Kroeger, F William                 Oct 2 1882    Sep 19 1951   kroeger-f-william.jpg                   s/w Mabel E Kroeger
2-0516 Kroeger, Harold Leroy              May 21 1917   Nov 12 2001   kroeger-harold-leroy.jpg                US Coast Guard; World War II; s/w Ruth Kroeger
2-0513 Kroeger, Mabel E                   Mar 19 1885   Jan 9 1974    kroeger-mabel-e.jpg                     s/w F William Kroeger
2-0515 Kroeger, Mary Jane                 1859          1953          kroeger-mary-jane.jpg
2-0517 Kroeger, Ruth                      Nov 6 1918                  kroeger-ruth.jpg                        s/w Harold Leroy Kroeger
4-204  Kseros, Athanasios                 Jan 15 1878   Aug 17 1950   kseros-athanasios.jpg                   born in Lamia
4-288  L, E                                                           l-e.jpg                                 initials in stone
2-0916 L, J P                                                         l-j-p.jpg                               initials next to Sarah Leonard
1-201  L, M                                                           l-m.jpg                                 initials on brick
2-0915 L, N J                                                         l-n-j.jpg                               initial next to Sarah Leonard
1-333  L, W J                                                         l-w-j.jpg                               initials carved into brick
2-0610 La Page, Martha                                  Jul 10 1882   laPage-martha.jpg                       aged 38 ys 7 ms 20 ds; wife of Geo La Page
1-675  Lamb , Virgil C                    1895          1925          lamb-virgil-c.jpg                       lieutenant
1-696  Lamb, James                        Jan 9 1823    Oct 15 1903   lamb-james.jpg; lamb-james-close.jpg    native of NY; see close up picture
1-661  Lambert, Dorothea                  1920          1940          lambert-dorothea.jpg
2-0806 Lambert, Theodore                  1900          1984          lambert-theodore.jpg
1-642  Lamport, John                                    Jul 18 1868   lamport-john.jpg                        aged 31 years; native of England; erected by his wife Mary Lamport
2-1075 Lander, Bernard                    May 20 1850   Nov 15 1900   lander-bernard.jpg                      a native of Kentucky
1-630  Landers, R C                       1871          1920          landers-r-c.jpg
2-0014 Landgdon, Henry                    1861          1933          langdon-henry.jpg                       s/w Rose Marie his wife
2-0060 Landry, Charles L                  Aug 13 1897   Jan 26 1924   landry-charles-l.jpg
1-580  Lang Leeson, headstone placement                               leeson-lang-headstones.jpg
1-581  Lang, E B                          1912          1992          lang-e-b.jpg                            "China"; s/w Mavis Leeson Lang
1-582  Lang, Mavis Leeson                 1918          1998          lang-mavis-leeson.jpg                   s/w E B Lang
2-0212 Lang, Walter E                     Jul 25 1885   Jan 6 1945    lang-walter-e.jpg
2-0015 Langdon, Rose Marie                1857          1938          langdon-rose-marie.jpg                  s/w husband Henry Langdon
2-0075 Lantz McCallum , Leone             1877          1935          mcCallum-leone-lantz.jpg
1-347  Lantz, Charles A                   Sep 14 1887   Apr 2 1977    lantz-charles-a.jpg                     s/w Nora V Lantz
2-0077 Lantz, John                        1827          1915          lantz-john.jpg
2-0076 Lantz, Mary E                      1846          1914          lantz-mary-e.jpg
1-348  Lantz, Nora V                      Aug 12 1895   Nov 1 1974    lantz-nora-v.jpg                        s/w Charles A Lantz
1-591  Larkin, W I                        1857          1899          larkin-w-i.jpg
4-304  LaSarte, Felix Aleman              May 18 1900   May 3 1966    laSarte-felix-aleman.jpg
1-754  Lasater, Jasper Earl               1896          1918          lasater-jasper-earl.jpg
2-0767 Lathrop, Henry B                                 Jan 19 1880   lathrop-henry-b.jpg                     aged 49 yrs
2-0772 Lavelle, Leslie Maude              Dec 15 1895   Feb 10 1942   lavelle-leslie-maude.jpg
1-083  Lavoy, Elice W                     Mar 9 1893    May 26 1966   laVoy-elice-w.jpg                       mom, s/w husband Joseph J LaVoy
1-084  Lavoy, Joseph J                    Oct 21 1886   Dec 20 1942   laVoy-joseph-j.jpg                      dad, s/w wife Elice W LaVoy
2-0064 Lawson, William C                  Feb 6 1880    May 27 1919   lawson-william-c.jpg
2-1043 Layton, Grace E                    Apr 22 1880   May 7 1946    layton-grace-e.jpg
4-164  Leahy, John                                      Apr 10 1908   leahy-john.jpg                          aged 50 years
1-043  Lee Fike, Sarah E.                 1864          1959          fike-sarah-e-lee.jpg                    s/w Clement L Fike
1-085  Lee, Caroline                      Jun 1 1835    Nov 3 1913    lee-caroline.jpg                        Mrs.
1-086  Lee, Thomas Corydon                1856          1918          lee-thomas-corydon.jpg
1-579  Leeson Humphrey, Nellie B          Oct 27 1887   Apr 10 1941   humphrey-nellie-b-leeson.jpg
1-580  Leeson Lang, headstone placement                               leeson-lang-headstones.jpg
1-583  Leeson Lang, Mavis                 1918          1998                                                  s/w E B Lang
1-577  Leeson, Cathryn Wiley              Jan 12 1915   Jan 22 2003   leeson-cathryn-wiley.jpg
1-585  Leeson, Charles G                  Feb 14 1874   Nov 25 1921   leeson-charles-g.jpg
1-584  Leeson, William Charles            1913          1991          leeson-william-charles.jpg
1-452  LeGate, W P H                      Aug 4 1862    Apr 14 1913   legate-w-p-h.jpg                        here rests a woodman of the world
1-400  Leisure, John                                                  leisure-john.jpg                        Co I. III Ill. Inf.
2-0896 Leland, Jessie V                   1870          1947          leland-jessie-v.jpg                     s/w William L Leland
2-0895 Leland, William L                  1860          1944          leland-william-l.jpg                    s/w Jessie V Leland
2-0853 Leonard, Avarilla                                Apr 18 1883   leonard-avarilla.jpg                    wife of Wm Leonard; aged 43yrs 9mos 23days
2-0859 Leonard, Ethel E                                 May 24 1882   leonard-ethel-e.jpg                     aged 4yrs 6mos 12days; children of JP & NJ Leonard; on leonard monument
2-0857 Leonard, Jno P                     1833          1907          leonard-jno-p.jpg                       on Leonard monument
2-0854 Leonard, John F                    1874          1955          leonard-john-f.jpg                      native of Oroville
2-0235 Leonard, Mildred                   1886          1988          leonard-mildred.jpg                     s/w Thomas Mooney; native of California
2-0856 Leonard, Nancy J                                 Mar 23 1882   leonard-nancy-j.jpg                     wife of JP Leonard; aged 37yrs 2ms 26days; on Leonard monument
2-0858 Leonard, Sarah L                                 Mar 24 1868   leonard-sarah-l.jpg                     aged 5mos 9dys; children on JP & NJ Leonard; on leonard monument
2-0914 Leonard, Sarah L                                 Mar 24 1868   leonard-sarah-l-1868.jpg                daughter of JP & NJ Leonard; aged 5 mos 9 ds
4-087  LeRossignol, Oliver G                                          leRossignol-oliver-g.jpg                native of Halifax Nova Scotia
4-052  LeRoux, Elmire                     1848          1906          leRoux-elmire.jpg                       beloved wife of D LeRoux; on LeRoux monument
4-054  LeRoux, Marie Anne                 Sep 22 1892   Jun 14 1894   leRoux-marie-anne.jpg                   on LeRoux monument
4-053  LeRoux, Marie Elaura               Nov 9 1877    Feb 21 1894   leRoux-marie-elaura.jpg                 on LeRoux monument
1-087  Levulett, Charles F                Feb 8 1862    Dec 21 1949   levulett-charles-f.jpg
1-366  Levulett, family area                                          levulett-family.jpg
1-088  Levulett, Lucinda                  Oct 23 1868   Nov 28 1941   levulett-lucinda.jpg                    Mother
1-089  Levulett, Thos. M                  Sep 1 1893    Dec 11 1920   levulett-thos-m.jpg
1-090  Levulett, Wilmer C                 Jan 6 1919    Jun 11 1975   levulett-wilmer-c.jpg                   Msgt army air forces
2-0623 Lewis, J E N                       1825          Jun 26 1869   lewis-j-e-n.jpg                         on Freer monument
4-158  Liberatore, Antonio                              Jul 14 1908   liberatore-antonio.jpg                  aged 27 years; native of Italy
2-0459 Liebhauser, Josephine              Mar 19 1842   Apr 11 1860   liebhauser-josephine.jpg                aged 18 years 11 days
2-0204 Lillig, Anne Eleanor               Apr 5 1898    Jul 6 1994    lillig-anne-eleanor.jpg                 mother
1-814  Lilly, Elizabeth C                 1849          1938          lilly-elizabeth-c.jpg                   mother; 1 of 4 on Lilly headstone
1-816  Lilly, Rose S                      1875          1897          lilly-rose-s.jpg                        daughter; 1 of 4 on Lilly headstone
1-815  Lilly, William A                   1844          1889          lilly-william-a.jpg                     father; 1 of 4 on Lilly headstone
1-817  Lilly?, Aubrey Woodford                                        woodford-aubrey.jpg                     grandson; 1 of 4 on Lilly headstone
1-803  Limond, Ida Mae Ralston            1861          1941          limond-ida-mae-ralston.jpg              wife of Edwin, mother of William-Blanche-Wallace-Irene-Edwin
1-091  Lindsey, Sarah E                   1876          1948          lindsey-sarah-e.jpg                     Mother
2-0524 Liva , James E Jr                  1931          1943          liva-james-e-jr.jpg
4-074  Logue, Francis                     Jul 28 1869   Jul 23 1873   logue-francis.jpg                       born in California; s/w Henry M; children of William and Mary Logue
4-073  Logue, Henry M                     Mar 21 1867   Sep 4 1895    logue-henry-m.jpg                       born in California; s/w Francis; children of William and Mary Logue
4-072  Logue, William                     Jul 3 1833    Jun 16 1904   logue-william.jpg                       born in county Tyrone Ireland
1-336  Longley, Pres                                                  longley-pres.jpg                        Pioneer Miner; age 87; erected by James Lamb
4-120  Looney, Edward                                   Jun 27 1912   looney-edward.jpg                       aged 48 yrs; on Looney monument
4-121  Looney, Josie                                                  looney-josie.jpg                        on Looney monument
4-123  Looney, Kate                                     Sep 11 1892   looney-kate.jpg                         aged 21 yrs 4 mo 2 ds; on Looney monument
4-124  Looney, Maggie                                   Jan 11 1869   looney-maggie.jpg                       aged 2 yrs 8 mo; on Looney monument
4-122  Looney, Mary                                     Sep 5 1832    looney-mary.jpg                         aged 30 yrs 6 m 15 ds; on Looney monument
4-115  Looney, monument                                               looney.jpg
4-125  Looney, Wm Sr                                    Jan 11 1907   looney-wm-sr.jpg                        aged 80 yrs; born in Ireland; on Looney monument
4-116  Looney?, Edward                                                edward.jpg                              at base of Looney monument
4-119  Looney?, Josie                                                 josie.jpg                               at base of Looney monument
4-118  Looney?, Kate                                                  kate.jpg                                at base of Looney monument
4-117  Looney?, Will                                                  will.jpg                                at base of Looney monument
4-208  Lopez, Albert                      Aug 7 1882    Nov 21 1969   lopez-albert.jpg
2-0564 Lothrop, Edmund I                  1847          1919          lothrop-edmund-i.jpg                    s/w Mina Olive Lothrop
2-0565 Lothrop, Mina Olive                1850          1928          lothrop-mina-olive.jpg                  s/w Edmund I Lothrop
4-071  Lout, Michael                                    Aug 26 1898   lout-michael.jpg                        aged 56 years; native of Germany
2-1038 Lovelett, James Adelbert           Nov 5 1865    Jul 31 1941   lovelett-james-adelbert.jpg
2-1039 Lovelett, Mary Ellen               1869          1950          lovelett-mary-ellen.jpg
2-0683 Lovell, David                                    Aug 10 1868   lovell-david.jpg                        aged 39 ys; native of St Catherine Canada
1-405  Lowell, George                                                 lowell-george.jpg                       Co. G 1 Minn. Inf; next to Nancy E Lowell
1-404  Lowell, Nancy E                    Oct 28 1852   Jan 24 1937   lowell-nancy-e.jpg                      next to George Lowell
4-293  Lucchesi Costello, Josephine       Aug 17 1909   Dec 13 1999   costello-josephine-lucchesi.jpg         s/w James Frederick Costello
4-159  Lucchesi, Mary                     Mar 17 1915   Mar 18 1915   lucchesi-mary.jpg
1-544  Lund, Ole M                        May 9 1883    Nov 28 1942   lund-ole-m.jpg
1-840  Luther, Edna Alberty               1887          1964          luther-edna-alberty.jpg                 s/w husband Willard R Luther
1-838  Luther, Martin Albert              Dec 19 1915   Jun 11 1930   luther-martin-albert.jpg
1-839  Luther, Willard R                  1886          1935          luther-willard-r.jpg                    s/w wife Edna Alberty
4-163  Lyon, James                        1831          1909          lyon-james.jpg
1-406  M, D A                                                         morrison-david-arnell.jpg               next to David Arnell Morrison
1-223  M, L                                                           m-l.jpg                                 initials on brick
2-0154 M, T P                                                         m-t-p.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-155  Mab Westwood, Helen                Sep 9 1854    Dec 25 1888   westwood-helen-mab.jpg                  beloved wife of J W Westwood
4-209  MacDonald, Donna E                 1902          1983          macDonald-donna-e.jpg                   next to William T MacDonald
2-0561 MacDonald, Hugh Arthur             1902          1949          macDonald-hugh-arthur.jpg               a master craftsman
1-703  Macdonald, James F D               1872          1929          macdonald-james-f-d.jpg                 son; s/w mother margaret M Macdonald
1-702  Macdonald, Margaret M              1846          1936          macdonald-margaret-m.jpg                mother; s/w son james f d macdonald
4-210  MacDonald, William T               Dec 19 1935   May 26 2004   macDonald-william-t.jpg                 A2C Us Air Force; next to Donna E MacDonald
1-350  Macfarlane, Arthur K               Nov 4 1913    Dec 1 1938    macfarlane-arthur-k.jpg
1-390  Macfarlane, Arthur Keddie          Jul 19 1887   Nov 1 1910    macfarlane-arthur-keddie.jpg            aged 23 years; next to Donald and Kate Macfarlane
1-352  Macfarlane, Christine Brandt       1883          1981          macfarlane-christine-brandt.jpg         s/w Donald Burt Macfarlane
1-388  Macfarlane, Donald                 Aug 11 1856   Aug 6 1923    macfarlane-donald.jpg                   aged 67 years; next to Kate and Arthur Macfarlane
1-351  Macfarlane, Donald Burt            1885          1950          macfarlane-donald-burt.JPG              s/w Christine Brandt Macfarlane
1-353  Macfarlane, family area                                        macfarlane-headstones.jpg
1-389  Macfarlane, Kate J                 Oct 14 1854   Oct 23 1913   macfarlane-kate-j.jpg                   aged 59 years; next to Donald and Arthur Macfarlane
1-407  Machamer, Jas.                                                 machamer-jas.jpg                        Co. L 7 Ill. Cav.
2-0405 Maier, Elizabeth                   Mar 22 1818   Feb 18 1865   maier-elizabeth.jpg                     wife of D Maier; Bentelsbach Wurtenberg Germany
1-092  Mann , Dorothy Herrin              Jun 6 1912    Sep 3 1990    mann-dorothy-herrin-headstone.jpg       s/w William Parnell Mann
1-093  Mann , William Parnell             Jun 23 1903   Jun 6 1986    mann-william-parnell.jpg                s/w Dorothy Herrin Mann
1-726  Mann, Dorothy Herrin               Jun 6 1912    Sep 3 1990    mann-dorothy-herrin-monument.jpg        daughter of JD and MI Herrin; on Herrin monument
1-500  Mann, Joseph A                     1852          1928          mann-joseph-a.jpg                       next to Melvina A Mann
1-501  Mann, Melvina A                    1857          1941          mann-melvina-a.jpg                      next to Joseph A Mann
2-0143 Manning, Mary L                    Aug 12 1849   Apr 18 1900   manning-mary-l.jpg
1-094  Mansfield, Josephine E             1872          1919          mansfield-josephine-e.jpg
1-095  Marcovich, Jno                                                 marcovich-jno.jpg                       Co. A, 1st Cal. Cav.
2-0392 Marks, Albert J                    1875          1965          marks-albert-j.jpg
2-0393 Marks, Ed T                        1879          1946          marks-ed-t.jpg
2-0390 Marks, Josephine                   1850          1895          marks-josephine.jpg                     s/w Peter Marks
2-0391 Marks, Peter                       1844          1909          marks-peter.jpg                         s/w Josephine Marks
4-058  Marlow, Michael                                  Jan 13 1897   marlow-michael.jpg                      aged 69 yrs; native of Ireland
4-388  Martello, Genevieve Mary           May 14 1929   Apr 17 1998   martello-genevieve-mary.jpg
4-389  Martello, Sam D                    Jan 23 1927   Jul 11 1984   martello-sam-d.jpg                      husband and dad
4-391  Martello, Sam D & Genevieve                                    martello-sam-d-and-genevieve-m.jpg      bench w/ names carved into front
4-390  Martello, Samuel D                 Jan 23 1927   Jul 11 1984   martello-samuel-d.jpg                   S1 US Navy; World War II
1-399  Martin, Ebenezer                                               martin-ebenezer.jpg                     Co. A. 1 Cal. Cav.
2-0913 Martin, J A                                      Mar 3 1885    martin-j-a.jpg                          aged 53 ys 8 ms
2-0508 Martin, John H                     1835          1897          martin-john-h.jpg
2-0566 Martin, Lewis                                    Oct 18 1881   martin-lewis.jpg                        aged 56 yrs; a native of Indiana
2-0504 Martin, Lillian May                              Feb 3 1889    martin-lillian-may.jpg                  aged 13 yrs 1 mo 29 ds
2-0507 Martin, Margaret A                 1845          1922          martin-margaret-a.jpg
2-0506 Martin, Mildred P                  Oct 8 1880    Nov 27 1957   martin-mildred-p.jpg                    born at Bidwell Bar
2-0505 Martin, Robert A                   Nov 8 1890    Nov 27 1890   martin-robert-a.jpg
4-165  Martine, Jacob                     Jun 14 1857   Apr 7 1918    martine-jacob.jpg
2-0425 Martine, Lewis I                   Aug 19 1892   Jul 2 1948    martine-lewis-i.jpg
4-105  Maso, Phillip Mark                 Mar 2 1921    Mar 3 1921    maso-phillip-mark.jpg                   our brother
4-283  Mason, Edward                      May 22 1885   Jan 1 1964    mason-edward.jpg
4-310  Mason, Willis L                    Dec 13 1914   Mar 12 1965   mason-willis-l.jpg                      California; S Sgt 331 Base Unit AAF; World War 2 AM & 3 OLC
1-220  Mathews, Mary                      1893          1949          mathews-mary.jpg
4-335  Mathis, L J                        Nov 1 1923    Sep 20 1969   mathis-l-j.jpg                          California; SC2 US Navy; World War II
1-617  Matkin, Ruth Matthews              Jun 25 1900   Jan 18 1990   matkin-ruth-matthews.jpg                next to Herbert and Addie Matthews
1-617  Matthews Matkin, Ruth              Jun 25 1900   Jan 18 1990   matkin-ruth-matthews.jpg                next to Herbert and Addie Matthews
1-616  Matthews, Addie L                  1876          1963          matthews-addie-l.jpg                    mother; s/w Herbert M Matthews, next to Ruth Matthews Matkin
2-0666 Matthews, Francis A                              Jan 12 1879   matthews-francis-a.jpg                  aged 54 yrs 3 mos
1-615  Matthews, Herbert M                1873          1946          matthews-herbert-m.jpg                  father; s/w Addie L Matthews, next to Ruth Matthews Matkin
1-612  Matthews, Herbert S                1896          1982          matthews-herbert-s.jpg                  next to JC Matthews
1-613  Matthews, J C                      1839          1893          matthews-j-c.jpg                        next to Herbert S Matthews and susan a matthews
1-300  Matthews, John S                   1907          1920          matthews-john-s.jpg
1-614  Matthews, Susan A                  1844          1920          matthews-susan-a.jpg                    next to JC Matthews
2-0012 Maynard, Mason                                   Mar 20 1919   maynard-mason.jpg
4-031  Mayo, Letitia                      1882          1911          mayo-letitia.jpg                        native of Bangor, Maine; buried with Hamlyn family
1-271  Mc, C                                                          mc-c.jpg                                initials carved into brick
1-677  McAdams Clemes, Irene L            May 8 1892    Oct 2 1975    clemes-irene-l-mcAdams.jpg              next to William D and William Grover McAdams
1-665  McAdams, Donald T                  Aug 12 1924   Feb 19 1988   mcAdams-donald-t.jpg
1-678  McAdams, William D                 Apr 19 1918   Jun 5 1918    mcAdams-william-d.jpg                   next to Irene L McAdams Clemes and William Grover McAdams
1-679  McAdams, William Grover            Jun 3 1886    Aug 1 1951    mcAdams-william-grover.jpg              next to William D McAdams and Irene L McAdams Grover
1-429  McAttee, J                                                     mcAttee-j.jpg                           names west of Military monument
2-0074 McCallum , Leone Lantz             1877          1935          mcCallum-leone-lantz.jpg
2-0073 McCallum Floyd, Jean               1907          2001          floyd-jean-mcCallum.jpg                 next to William Sharp Floyd
2-0070 McCallum, Duncan C                 1873          1944          mcCallum-duncan-c.jpg
2-0033 McCallum, Duncan F                 1902          1948          mcCallum-duncan-f.jpg
2-0034 McCallum, Emma P                   Jun 23 1868   Nov 4 1904    mcCallum-emma-p.jpg                     wife of Duncan C McCallum
4-141  McCarthy, Zollie                   Mar 18 1862   Mar 17 1942   mcCarthy-zollie.jpg                     on Hansell headstone
2-0293 McCarty, Pansy Owens               Oct 5 1887    May 27 1981   mcCarty-patsy-owens.jpg                 s/w C N Owens
2-0226 McCarty, Ronald E                  Jan 2 1948    Jul 19 1994   mcCarty-ronald-e.jpg
1-096  McClellan, Samuel                  Feb 16 1830   Jul 19 1910   mcClellan-samuel.jpg                    Born at Dalton, Ohio; died at Oroville; next to Sarah L McClellan
1-097  McClellan, Sarah L                 Jun 1 1841    Jun 21 1916   mcClellan-sarah-l.jpg                   Born at Linnville, Ohio; died at Oroville; next to Samuel McClellan
4-055  McColgan, Dennis                                 Apr 30 1882   mcColgan-dennis.jpg                     aged 55 yrs; native of Co Donegal Ireland
2-0964 McColgan, George Richard           Jun 26 1898   Dec 12 1940   mcColgan-george-richard.jpg
1-098  McCoy, B L                         1867          1928          mcCoy-b-l.jpg
2-0281 McCoy, Harry J                     1884          1927          mcCoy-harry-j.jpg                       s/w James M Park
2-0282 McCoy, James M Park                1856          1936          mcCoy-james-m-park.jpg                  s/w Harry J McCoy
1-099  McCoy, Mena M                      1867          1919          mcCoy-mena-m.jpg
1-622  McCurry, Harry                                   Aug 27 1896   mcCurry-harry.jpg                       aged 42 years; native of Ireland
2-0556 McDade, Elizabeth J                1853          1942          mcDade-elizabeth-j.jpg                  s/w husband Van McDade
2-0555 McDade, Van                        1862          1928          mcDade-van.jpg                          s/w wife Elizabeth J McDade
4-264  McDonald, Helen M                  Aug 25 1919   Sep 29 1993   mcDonald-helen-m.jpg                    s/w Olen L McDonald
4-254  McDonald, Jimmie L                 Jun 30 1939   Oct 5 1956    mcDonald-jimmie-l.jpg                   our beloved son
4-263  McDonald, Olen L                   Nov 17 1913                 mcDonald-olen-l.jpg                     s/w Helen M McDonald
2-0685 McDougal, James                    Feb 8 1827    Dec 8 1868    mcDougal-james.jpg                      native of Scotland
2-0532 McDougal, John                                   May 1 1882    mcDougal-john.jpg                       aged 58 yrs 9 mos; native of N.B.
1-692  McElroy, James M                   1851          1940          mcElroy-james-m.jpg                     father
1-557  McElroy, Julia and William                                     mcElroy-william-julia.jpg               headstone placement
1-558  McElroy, Julia Ann                 1856          1915          mcElroy-julia-ann.jpg                   next to William A McElroy
2-0575 McElroy, Mary Jane                 1859          1926          mcElroy-mary-jane.jpg                   mother
1-556  McElroy, William A                 1849          1900          mcElroy-william-a.jpg;                  next to Julia Ann McElroy
2-0887 McFadden, Arletta E                Aug 2 1890    May 4 1972    mcFadden-arletta-e.jpg                  mother
2-0889 McFadden, Frank                                  Mar 8 1922    mcFadden-frank.jpg                      aged 40 years
2-0886 McFadden, Frank D                  Sep 24 1912   Feb 9 1982    mcFadden-frank-d.jpg                    son
2-0888 McFadden, Hugh E                   Oct 5 1910    Apr 22 1995   mcFadden-hugh-e.jpg                     son
1-961  McFarland, Mary V                  1858          1937          mcFarland-mary-v.jpg                    next to Slater McFarland
1-960  McFarland, Slater                  1857          1924          mcFarland-slater.jpg                    next to Mary V McFarland
4-085  McG, ? L                                                       mcG-l.jpg; mcGee.jpg                    just outside McGee family area; top left of stone is broken
4-069  McGee, Thomas                                    Oct 15 1905   mcGee-thomas.jpg                        aged 73 years; on McGee monument
4-070  McGee, Thomas L                                  Jun 19 1889   mcGee-thomas-l.jpg                      aged 25 yrs 6 mos 1 day; son of T & M McGee; on McGee monument
1-100  McGrath, Patrick                                               mcGrath-patrick.jpg                     Co. B, 7th Cal. Inf.
1-632  McGregor, Helen Louise             1882          1915          mcGregor-helen-louise.jpg               s/w James A McGregor and Maxine Louise McGregor
1-631  McGregor, James A                  1869          1941          mcGregor-james-a.jpg                    s/w Helen Louise Mcgregor and Maxine Louise McGregor
1-633  McGregor, Maxine Louise            1902          1918          mcGregor-maxine-louise.jpg              s/w James A McGregor and Helen Louise McGregor
2-1057 McGuffin, Albert E                               Jul 22 1898   mcGuffin-albert-e.jpg                   aged 17 days
1-530  McGuffin, Almira Eicher            1878          1967          mcGuffin-almira-eicher.jpg
4-090  McKee, family area                                             mcKee-family.jpg
1-586  McKeirnan, James G                                             mcKeirnan-james-g.jpg                   brother
1-524  McKenzie, Norman                                 31 1902       mcKenzie-norman.jpg
2-0153 McKillop, John                     1843          1899          mcKillop-john.jpg
2-0150 McKillop, John L                   Jun 9 1889    Jun 12 1948   mcKillop-john-l.jpg                     California; PFC 13 TN HQ & MP 13 DIV; World War I
2-0152 McKillop, Kate                     1864          1938          mcKillop-kate.jpg                       s/w Neil McKillop
2-0151 McKillop, Neil                     1851          1911          mcKillop-neil.jpg                       s/w Kate McKillop
1-800  McLaughlin, Jennie                               Mar 1 1884    mcLaughlin-jennie.jpg                   aged 2 years 5 mos and 16 days; dau of B and ML McLaughlin
1-372  McLauglin, Louis A                 1843          1914          mcLaughlin-louis-a.jpg                  US Indian scout and one of Forsythe guides; s/w Caroline Gilbert
1-475  McMillan, George                   Aug 24 1857   Nov 19 1908   mcMillan-george.jpg                     native of Canada; here rests a woodman of the world
1-765  McNamee, Matilda M                 Jul 3 1856    Jul 15 1922   mcNamee-matilda-m.jpg                   s/w William H McNamee
1-766  McNamee, William H                 Jun 16 1862   Jun 9 1945    mcNamee-william-h.jpg                   s/w Matilda M McNamee
1-101  McNulty, Alice                     1862          1938          mcNulty-alice.jpg                       next to James McNulty
4-237  McNulty, Ellen A                   Nov 25 1863   Feb 12 1958   mcNulty-ellen-a.jpg
4-238  McNulty, Gertrude A                Aug 23 1886   Dec 2 1982    mcNulty-gertrude-a.jpg
1-437  McNulty, Henry                                                 mcNulty-henry.jpg                       Co K 1st N. Mex. Cav.
1-102  McNulty, James                     1850          1919          mcNulty-james.jpg                       next to Alice McNulty
4-104  McQuade, Lizzie                                  Dec 29 1878   mcQuade-lizzie.jpg                      aged 52 years; wife of OJ McQuade; native of Co Meath Ireland
4-101  McQuade, Margaret                                Jul 13 1867   mcQuade-margaret.jpg                    wife of OJ McQuade; aged 27 years; s/w infant daughter Mary Ellen
4-102  McQuade, Mary Ellen                Nov 8 1862    Sep 27 1869   mcQuade-mary-ellen.jpg                  s/w mother Margaret McQuade; aged 6 years 10 mos 19 days
4-103  McQuade, O J                       Jun 15 1835   Nov 3 1872    mcQuade-o-j.jpg                         born in Co Fermanagh Ireland; aged 37 years; erected by wife Elizabeth McQuade
4-057  McShane, Lizzie                                  Dec 28 09     mcShane-lizzie.jpg                      aged 23 yrs; Mrs
4-095  Meagher, James                                   Aug 10 1908   meagher-james.jpg                       aged 73 yrs; native of NY City
2-0242 Meek Burlingame, Martha Ann        1831          1866          burlingame-martha-ann-meek.jpg          s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0238 Meek, Eliza Nelson Wallace         1810          1886          meek-eliza-nelson-wallace.jpg           s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0237 Meek, Norval D                     1805          1859          meek-norval-d.jpg                       s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0971 Megown, Lillian V                                Sep 3 1880    megown-lillian-v.jpg                    dau of J & N Megown; aged 12 yrs 6mos 14days
1-657  Meier Allison, Laura J             Mar 5 1892    Nov 1 1940    allison-laura-j-meier.jpg               mother
1-924  Mekellos, family area                                          mekkellos-family.jpg
1-925  Mekellos, Father, Mother                                       mekkellos-father-mother.jpg
2-0525 Meranda, James L                   1874          1944          meranda-james-l.jpg                     native of Mo
2-0632 Merret, Ed'wd Emmet                Jan 9 1852    Nov 27 1886   merret-edwd-emmet.jpg
4-329  Metcalf, Cecil E                   1908          1969          metcalf-cecil-e.jpg
2-0288 Metsker, Cora May                  May 10 1892   Mar 2 1936    metsker-cora-may.jpg                    s/w George A Metsker
2-0287 Metsker, George A                  Oct 29 1879   Sep 29 1941   metsker-george-a.jpg                    s/w Cora May Metsker
1-783  Metzner, Julius K                  1859          1932          metzner-julius-k.jpg
1-597  Michau, Edith Harris               1893          1951          michau-edith-harris.jpg
4-259  Mihas, George L                    Apr 23 1887   Apr 11 1980   mihas-george-l.jpg                      s/w Josephine V Mihas; Greece
4-260  Mihas, Josephine V                 Jan 24 1918   Apr 3 2005    mihas-josephine-v.jpg                   s/w George L Mihas; Mexico
1-682  Miles, Blanche R                   1876          1936          miles-blanche-r.jpg                     next to John H Miles
1-681  Miles, John H                      1881          1921          miles-john-h.jpg                        next to Blanche R Miles
1-424  Military Monument, east side of                                military-monument-east.jpg              Women's Relief Corps 1883
1-425  Military Monument, north side of                               military-monument-north.jpg             Dedicated by US Senator Seo C Perkins. To those that offered their lives for the preservation of the
       Military Monument, north side of (con't)                                                               Union from 1861 to 1865. And to the members of Sherman Post GAR No 96 that have past away.
       Military Monument, north side of (con't)                                                               Erected by the GAR and WRC. 1915.
1-423  Military Monument, south side of                               military-monument-south.jpg             Address by President Lincoln at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery Nov 19 1863.
1-426  Military Monument, west side of                                military-monument-west.jpg
1-567  Miller, Dora E                     1863          1932          miller-dora-e.jpg                       s/w Mary E Miller
2-0530 Miller, Father                                                 miller-father.jpg
1-568  Miller, Mary E                     1863          1937          miller-mary-e.jpg                       s/w Dora E Miller
1-922  Mitchell, E J                      1865          1926          mitchell-e-j.jpg                        in Cline family area
1-923  Mitchell, Emma J                   1868          1934          mitchell-emma-j.jpg                     in Cline family area
2-0499 Mitchell, Herbert                  Oct 14 1891   Jun 8 1923    mitchell-herbert.jpg
2-0574 Mitchell, Kenneth                  Jul 4 1904    Jan 17 1923   mitchell-kenneth.jpg
2-0488 Mohler, Edward                                   Aug 31 1877   mohler-edward.jpg                       son of J & C Mohler; ae 1 yr 11 m 23 d
2-0975 Molina, Infant                                   Nov 30 1880   molina-infant.jpg                       aged 16 ds; children of A & M Molina; on Molina monument
2-0977 Molina, Jane                                     May 13 1883   molina-jane.jpg                         aged 2 mos 21 ds; children of A & M Molina; on Molina monument
2-0973 Molina, Louise                                   Dec 17 1884   molina-louise.jpg                       aged 2 ms 7 ds; on Molina monument
2-0974 Molina, Maria                                    Mar 10 1883   molina-maria.jpg                        aged 22yrs 7mo 8days; wife of A Molina; on Molina monument
2-0976 Molina, Usevis                                   Jul 16 1882   molina-usevis.jpg                       aged 4 mos 11 ds; children of A & M Molina; on Molina monument
1-741  Montagu, Amy Beatrice              Mar 20 1868   Apr 4 1943    montagu-amy-beatrice.jpg                native of England; next to Ralph Lechmere Montagu
1-742  Montagu, Ralph Lechmere            Oct 7 1870    Oct 30 1923   montagu-ralph-lechmere.jpg              native of Englang; next to Amy Beatrice Montagu
2-0996 Moon, Harriett A Braden            1859          1947          braden-moon-harriett-a.jpg              in Corbiere area
2-0234 Mooney, Thomas                     1882          1934          mooney-thomas.jpg                       s/w Mildred Leonard; native of California
1-465  Moore, -                                                       moore.jpg
2-0407 Moore, George C                                  Jul 7 1871    moore-george-c.jpg                      aged41 ys & 5 ms; native of Maine; s/w James F Parker
       Moore, George C (con't)                                        moore-parker-robertson-monument.jpg
1-785  Morris, Frances V                  1862          1943          morris-frances-v.jpg                    next to Lillie L Morris
1-784  Morris, Lillie L                   1871          1923          morris-lillie-l.jpg                     next to Frances V Morris
2-0509 Morris, Mary F                     Jun 18 1822   Jan 1 1867    morris-mary-f.jpg                       Mrs.; born in Kenne… died in Butte Co… sorry, can't read it
1-406  Morrison, David Arnell             Jan 17 1845   Aug 30 1927   morrison-david-arnell.jpg               next to DAM; beloved father of Albert A and Delia H
1-607  Morse, Caddie                                                  morse-caddie.jpg                        s/w Florence E Archer nee Morse, Frank E Morse, and Fred Morse
1-605  Morse, Florence E Archer nee       1867          1941          archerNeeMorse-florence-e.jpg           s/w Frank E Morse and Caddie and Fred Morse
1-606  Morse, Frank E                     1854          1938          morse-frank-e.jpg                       s/w Florence E Archer nee Morse, Frank E Morse, Caddie and Fred Morse
1-603  Morse, Franklin N                  1828          1895          morse-franklin-n.jpg                    native of Maine; next to Jane Morse
1-608  Morse, Fred                                                    morse-fred.jpg                          s/w Florence E Archer nee Morse, Frank E Morse, and Caddie Morse
1-604  Morse, Jane                        1829          1907          morse-jane.jpg                          native of Maine; next to Franklin N Morse
2-0019 Mortensen, Christian               Jan 21 1849   Jun 18 1901   mortensen-christian.jpg                 s/w Jennie Mortensen
2-0020 Mortensen, Jennie                  Mar 1 1854    Jan 24 1913   mortensen-jennie.jpg                    s/w Christian Mortensen
1-157  Morton Westwood, Kate              1860          1942          westwood-kate-morton.jpg
1-103  Morton, Carolina Bliss             1824          1907          morton-carolina-bliss.jpg
4-369  Morton, Marie G                    Feb 17 1900   Jan 6 1995    morton-marie-g.jpg                      mother and grandmother
2-0873 Mower Davis, May                   1884          1950          davis-may-mower.jpg                     mother
2-0874 Mower, Louis B                     1863          1922          mower-louis-b.jpg                       father
1-208  Mowry, Tyman                                     Nov 26 1869   mowry-tyman.jpg                         aged 47 yrs 7 mos 10 days
2-0606 Mullen Graham, Caroline            1844          1872          mullen-caroline-graham.jpg              on Mullen headstone
2-0605 Mullen, Caroline Graham            1844          1872          mullen-caroline-graham.jpg              on Mullen headstone
2-0604 Mullen, Harriet L                  1830          1873          mullen-harriet-l.jpg                    wife of Saml Mullen; on Mullen headstone
1-656  Mullen, Pamela Rene                Jul 16 1949   Feb 8 1983    mullen-pamela-rene.jpg
2-0603 Mullen, Saml M                     1822          1892          mullen-saml-m.jpg                       on Mullen headstone
2-0541 Muller, Jacob H                    Mar 9 1827    Jan 9 1874    muller-jacob-h.jpg                      on Schneider monument
4-272  Mullins, Everett E                 Jan 27 1903   Dec 16 1961   mullins-everett-e.jpg
2-0531 Murch, Elizabeth                                 Jan 11 1879   murch-elizabeth.jpg                     aged 54 years; native of Tennessee
4-147  Murphy, Agnes M                                  Dec 19 1931   murphy-agnes-m.jpg
1-104  Murphy, Albert L                   1883          1933          murphy-albert-l.jpg                     next to Lova Murphy
2-0113 Murphy, Elizabeth C                1857          1927          murphy-elizabeth-c.jpg
4-249  Murphy, Francis J                                May 9 1958    murphy-francis-j.jpg
4-146  Murphy, Hugh C                     Dec 24 1860   Mar 5 1909    murphy-hugh-c.jpg
1-105  Murphy, Lova                       1890          1925          murphy-lova.jpg                         next to Albert L Murphy
2-0115 Murphy, Michael                    1847          1918          murphy-michael.jpg
1-841  Myers, Adelaide W                  1869          1961          myers-adelaide-w.jpg
1-106  Myers, John                        1861          1944          myers-john.jpg
4-365  Navarro, Jesus Juan                1907          1982          navarro-jesus-juan.jpg
2-0021 Nelson, Sadie                                    Dec 12 1905   nelson-sadie.jpg                        aged 46 years; native of Denmark
2-0146 Nesbit, Jackson                                  Apr 4 1876    nesbit-jackson.jpg                      aged 60 years; a native of Penn
1-939  Nestor, Dorothy Rippey             Dec 21 1915   Oct 30 1950   nestor-dorothy-rippey.jpg               on George and Ethlin Rippey's headstone
4-367  Neva, Joseph Craig                 Jan 20 1957   May 25 1983   neva-joseph-craig.jpg
1-928  Newbold, Edwin H                   Feb 3 1871    Sep 13 1931   newbold-edwin-h.jpg                     s/w Evelyn M Newbold
1-929  Newbold, Evelyn M                  Mar 26 1874   Sep 3 1931    newbold-evelyn-m.jpg                    s/w Edwin H Newbold
4-245  Noblitt, Eva L                     Aug 14 1886   May 8 1958    noblitt-eva-l.jpg                       s/w James M Noblitt
4-244  Noblitt, James M                   Sep 16 1882   Apr 8 1967    noblitt-james-m.jpg                     s/w Eva L Noblitt
1-232  Noel, Donald A                     1916          1967          noel-donald-a.jpg                       initials MB carved into brick next to headstone
2-0295 Noll, Jessie L                     Apr 27 1902   Nov 1 1936    noll-jessie-l.jpg; jessie-annice.jpg    next to Annice L Hettinger
4-225  Norris, Charlie                    1883          1958          norris-charlie.jpg
4-060  Nunes, Marie A                     Jan 5 1860    Oct 19 1924   nunes-marie-a.jpg
4-059  Nunes, Thiaga S                    Jul 25 1855   Jun 20 1939   nunes-thiaga-s.jpg                      native of St George Island
4-167  Nunez, Refugio G                   1900          1935          nunez-refugio-g.jpg                     mother
2-0901 Nunn, Albert F                     Jan 22 1862   Mar 10 1897   nunn-albert-f.jpg                       on south side of Bird monument
2-0009 Oates, Charles Albert              Apr 5 1862    Jun 18 1915   oates-charles-albert.jpg
2-0543 Oberdorf, Hazel Jean               Jan 24 1921   Jul 21 1990   oberdorf-hazel-jean.jpg
4-157  O'Brien, James                                   Mar 18 1908   oBrien-james.jpg                        aged 70 years; native of Ireland
2-0059 Ogle, Myrtle P                     1889          1966          ogle-myrtle-p.jpg
1-306  Ohnstad, A M                       1847          1921          ohnstad-a-m.jpg
1-219  Olcutt, Lilly                      1895          1949          olcutt-lilly.jpg
1-846  Oliver, ?                                                      oliver.jpg
1-523  Olson, Ben                                       Jun 21 1915   olson-ben.jpg
2-0141 Onken nee Tomkins, Addie J         1875          1912          onken-nee-tomkins-addie-j.jpg           s/w William F Onken
2-0140 Onken, William F                   1866          1927          onken-william-f.jpg                     s/w Addie J Onken nee Tompkins
1-904  Onyett Tharp, Harriett             Sep 25 1915   Dec 11 2001   tharp-harriett-onyett.jpg               Next to Sherman Tharp
1-903  Onyett, Amy C                      Jan 6 1888    Oct 26 1977   onyett-amy-c.JPG
1-881  Onyett, Amy Gilbert                              Oct 15 1897   onyett-amy-gilbert.jpg                  aged 87 yrs 4 ms 24 ds; on Onyett monument
1-900  Onyett, Betty L                    Jun 26 1927                 onyett-betty-l.jpg                      s/w Lloyd B Onyett
1-884  Onyett, Charles T                                Jan 27 1924   onyett-charles-t.jpg                    age 74 years; on Onyett monument
1-915  Onyett, Floyd E                    1891          1972          onyett-floyd-e.jpg                      s/w Irma E Onyett
1-914  Onyett, Harriett B                 1860          1927          onyett-harriett-b.jpg
1-902  Onyett, Horace M                   Sep 25 1883   Dec 22 1935   onyett-horace-m.jpg
1-916  Onyett, Irma E                     1896          1960          onyett-irma-e.jpg                       s/w Floyd E Onyett
1-882  Onyett, John                                     Sep 27 1887   onyett-john.jpg                         aged 75 ys 10 ms 1 day; on Onyett monument
1-883  Onyett, John H                                   May 14 1881   onyett-john-h.jpg                       aged 36 yrs 14 ds; on Onyett monument
1-901  Onyett, Lloyd B                    Jan 1 1912    Jun 23 1983                                           s/w Betty L Onyett
1-913  Onyett, Sandy B                    1853          1924          onyett-sandy-b.jpg
2-0832 Openshaw, Faye Bundy               Aug 7 1923    Mar  2005     openshaw-faye-bundy.jpg                 s/w Margaret Blanche Bundy
4-076  O'R, E                                                         oR-e.jpg                                next to O'Riordan area marker
4-077  O'Riordan, Ellen                                 Sep 9 1880    oRiordan-ellen.jpg                      aged 29 years; wife of John C O'Riordan
1-449  Ormsby, -                                                      ormsby.jpg
1-445  Ormsby, E                                                      ormsby-e.jpg
1-444  Ormsby, family area                                            ormsby-family.jpg
1-446  Ormsby, O P                        Oct 1851      Dec 23 1922   ormsby-o-p.jpg
1-001  Oroville, Cemetery Plaque                                      oroville-cemetery-plaque.jpg
2-0987 Osgood, Ida                        Feb 13 1867   Dec 5 1958    osgood-ida.jpg                          s/w James C Osgood
2-0986 Osgood, James C                    Nov 9 1860    Mar 22 1928   osgood-james-c.jpg                      s/w Ida Osgood
2-0985 Osgood, Lee Gardner                                            osgood-lee-gardner.jpg
2-0988 Osgood, son                                      Nov 10 1890   osgood-son.jpg                          aged 1yr 5mos 18days; son of JC & IJ Osgood
2-0292 Owens McCarty, Pansy               Oct 5 1887    May 27 1981   mcCarty-patsy-owens.jpg                 s/w C N Owens
2-0812 Owens, Beverly Joyce               Mar 17 1938   Jul 13 1943   owens-beverly-joyce.jpg
2-0294 Owens, C N                         May 9 1883    Oct 11 1946   owens-c-n.jpg
1-320  P, J                                                           p-j.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
2-0932 P, J R                                                         p-j-r.jpg                               next to Sarah L Preston
1-108  Page, Annie                                      May 2 1923    page-annie.jpg; page-annie-area.jpg     aged 47 years, beloved wife of D G Page.
1-109  Page, Arthur                                     May 23 1920   page-arthur.jpg                         aged 22 years
1-110  Page, Stanley                                    Apr 10 1919   page-stanley.jpg                        aged 24 years
4-185  Pandalakes, Nick Papa              1858          1933          pandalakes-nick-papa.jpg
4-179  Pantage, G                         1880          Sep 27 1909   pantage-g.jpg                           native of Greece
4-194  Papastavron, Stavros I                                         papastavron-stavros-i.jpg
4-195  Pappastavron, Stavros              1923          1927          papastavron-stavros.jpg                 our boy; pic on headstone
4-078  Paradis, Joseph                    1864          1915          paradis-joseph.jpg                      s/w Lettitia Paradis
4-079  Paradis, Lettitia                  1860          1915          paradis-lettitia.jpg                    s/w Joseph Paradis
2-0283 Parent, George                     1836          1903          parent-george.jpg
2-0430 Park, Ella B                       1888          1985          park-ella-b.jpg; park-family.jpg        s/w Leo Homer Park
2-0434 Park, family area                                              park-family.jpg
2-0432 Park, Leo                          1911          1912          park-leo.jpg; park-family.jpg           next to Ella and Leo Park
2-0431 Park, Leo Homer                    1883          1966          park-leo-homer.jpg; park-family.jpg     s/w Ella B Park
2-0433 Park, Manley                       1913          1937          park-manley.jpg; park-family.jpg        next to Ella and Leo Park
1-111  Parker, Anita Angles               1850          1928          parker-anita-angles.jpg
2-0802 Parker, Daisy E                    Sep 14 1880   Sep 15 1966   parker-daisy-e.jpg                      s/w Jesse L Parker
2-0619 Parker, Edwin S                    Mar 19 1917   May 11 1929   parker-edwin-s.jpg
1-865  Parker, Freda O                    Dec 18 1891   Jan 21 1980   parker-freda-o.jpg                      s/w William Ralzemond Parker
2-0408 Parker, James F                    1881          1964          parker-james-f.jpg                      s/w George Moore
       Parker, James F (con't)                                        moore-parker-robertson-monument.jpg
2-0620 Parker, James M                    1847          1915          parker-james-m.jpg                      s/w Lottie S Parker
2-0803 Parker, Jesse L                    Sep 12 1882   Jul 21 1956   parker-jesse-l.jpg                      s/w Daisy E Parker
2-0621 Parker, Lottie S                   1866          1933          parker-lottie-s.jpg                     s/w James M Parker
1-112  Parker, Mary W S                   1804          1884          parker-mary-w-s.jpg
1-113  Parker, Ralzemond                  1819          1897          parker-ralzemond.jpg
1-114  Parker, Verna Belle                1895          1935          parker-verna-belle.jpg
2-0600 Parker, W F                        Mar 1 1831    Jun 5 1897    parker-w-f.jpg                          father
1-864  Parker, William Ralzemon           May 20 1886   Sep 30 1970   parker-william-ralzemond.jpg            s/w Freda O Parker
1-485  Parks, Edwin R                                                 parks-edwin-r.jpg                       Corp'l Co.A. 1 Cal. Cav.
4-346  Parks, Evelyn R                    Dec 18 1906   Jun 28 1987   parks-evelyn-r.jpg                      s/w Lee Roy Parks
4-345  Parks, Lee Roy                     Mar 3 1901    May 9 1984    parks-lee-roy.jpg                       s/w Evelyn R Parks
1-797  Patterson, Edith B                 Oct 31 1891   Jan 7 1892    patterson-edith-b.jpg                   dau of W H and F Patterson
1-115  Patterson, Henry Miles             Sep 5 1859    Sep 14 1940   patterson-henry-miles.jpg
1-417  Patterson, Jas.                                                patterson-jas.jpg                       Co. G 87 Pa. Inf
1-116  Patterson, Louisa                                dec 10 1885   patterson-louisa.jpg                    aged 53 years 10 mos 1 day
1-550  Patterson, Roy A                   Jul 2 1891    Jan 11 1906   patterson-roy-a.jpg                     son of SJ and RE Patterson
1-708  Patton, Dora Ada                   1885          1916 or 18    patton-dora-ada.jpg                     s/w Elijah Jones Tucker and Mary Ada Tucker
1-629  Payne, Marnell                                   Aug 20 1917   payne-marnell.jpg                       aged 3 yrs 7 mo
2-0494 Payne, William                                   Jul 7 1873    payne-william.jpg                       aged 66 yrs 1 mo 29 ds; native of Brighton England
1-117  Peachy, ?                                                      peachy-area.jpg
2-0333 Peachy, James B                    May 25 1858   Jul 19 1908   peachy-james-b.jpg                      next to Pernecy C Peachy
2-0334 Peachy, Katherine E                1856          1902          peachy-katherine-e.jpg                  mother
2-0332 Peachy, Pernecy C                                Jan 5 1895    peachy-pernecy-c.jpg                    aged 35 yrs 5 mos 10 days; wife of J B Peachy
1-118  Peachy, Virgil H                   1888          1946          peachy-virgil-h.jpg                     beloved brother
1-119  Peachy, William C                  Jan 31 1882   Sep 18 1919   peachy-william-c.jpg
       Peachy, William C (con't)                                      peachy-william-c-back.jpg
4-274  Pedrozo, Ida E                     Apr 6 1894    Sep 21 1972   pedrozo-ida-e.jpg                       mother; s/w Manuel A Pedrozo
4-273  Pedrozo, Manuel A                  Nov 28 1886   Sep 20 1961   pedrozo-manuel-a.jpg                    father; s/w Ida E Pedrozo
1-120  Peirson, Elizabeth J               1835          1913          peirson-elizabeth-j.jpg
1-121  Peirson, Gertrude A                                            peirson-gertrude-a.jpg
1-122  Penney, Allice                     1842          1924          penney-allice.jpg
1-123  Penney, Jessie                     1892          1926          penney-jessie.jpg
1-709  Penney, Jessie H                   1868          1938          penney-jessie-h.jpg
1-124  Penney, Leila                      1894          1913          penney-leila.jpg
4-348  Pero, Bessie M                     Apr 8 1924                  pero-bessie-m.jpg                       s/w Tony G Pero
4-347  Pero, Tony G                       Dec 24 1913   Nov 5 1979    pero-tony-g.jpg                         s/w Bessie M Pero
2-0468 Perry, Alvah Ward                  1879          1974          perry-alvah-ward.jpg
1-484  Perry, Alvin A                                                 perry-alvin-a.jpg                       2 Bty. 1 Me. L. Art.
2-0213 Perry, Frank A                     1862          1935          perry-frank-a.jpg
1-443  Perry, Mary Louise                 1886          1910          perry-mary-louise.jpg
2-0464 Perry, Sylvia Ward                 1907          1976          perry-sylvia-ward.jpg
2-0789 Person, Delores E                  1906          1975          person-delores-e.jpg                    s/w Irving L Person
2-0788 Person, Irving L                   1905          1970          person-irving-l.jpg                     s/w Delores E Person
2-0636 Peterson, Helen J                  Jun 26 1917   Oct 26 1985   peterson-helen-j.jpg                    mother; s/w J Wesley Peterson
2-0635 Peterson, J Wesley                 May 20 1911   Sep 2 1992    peterson-j-wesley.jpg                   father; s/w Helen J Peterson
2-0638 Peterson, Jay W                    Sep 11 1941   Dec 11 1986   peterson-jay-w.jpg                      son; next to Anna V Downer
2-0162 Peterson, John                     1872          1926          peterson-john.jpg
2-0165 Peterson, Leta H                   1903          1918          peterson-leta-h.jpg
1-695  Peterson, Louis                                  Oct 24 1907   peterson-louis.jpg                      aged 49 years
2-0166 Peterson, Mathilda                 1860          1907          peterson-mathilda.jpg
2-0163 Peterson?, Father                  1835          1896          father.jpg                              no last name on headstone; in Peterson family area
2-0860 Phillips, Elizabeth Damon          Jul 11 1905   Dec 15 1996   phillips-elizabeth-damon.jpg            wife and mom
2-0862 Phillips, Emmett J                 1903          1975          phillips-emmett-j.jpg                   Us Navy World War 1
4-160  Phillips, J A                                    Jun 29 1908   phillips-j-a.jpg                        aged 45; native of Austria
2-0602 Phillips, Jabish E                 Apr 17 1852   Nov 7 1876    phillips-jabish-e.jpg
2-0345 Phipps, Charles M                  Nov 30 1849   Jun 2 1859    phipps-charles-m.jpg                    s/w Vitula; children of HM & SVE Phipps; on Phipps monument
2-0347 Phipps, Frank G                                  Jan 24 1899   phipps-frank-g.jpg                      aged 45ys 4ms 18ds; on Phipps monument
2-0344 Phipps, Harold M                   Aug 17 1827   Jul 3 1866    phipps-harold-m.jpg                     on Phipps monument
2-0343 Phipps, John L                                   Jan 1 1897    phipps-john-l.jpg                       aged 35ys 8ms 14ds; F760on Phipps monument
2-0342 Phipps, Louis                      Apr 17 1857   Jul 5 1867    phipps-louis.jpg                        son of HM & VE Phipps; on Phipps monument
2-0349 Phipps, Mary Acrata                              Dec 1 1894    phipps-mary-acrata.jpg                  dau of HM & VE Phipps; aged 39 yrs 4mos; on Phipps monument
2-0348 Phipps, Vibella E                  Nov 27 1830   Feb 25 1878   phipps-vibella-e.jpg                    wife of HM Phipps; on Phipps monument
2-0346 Phipps, Vitula D                   Nov 21 1858   Dec 24 1860   phipps-vitula-d.jpg                     s/w Charles M; children of HM & SVE Phipps; on Phipps monument
1-427  Pickering, I                                                   pickering-i.jpg                         names west of Military monument
1-457  Pierce, Frank William              1910          1938          pierce-frank-william.jpg
1-459  Pierce, Rubby D                                  May 3 1919    pierce-rubby-d.jpg                      aged 29 years
1-483  Piper, Eli                                                     piper-eli.jpg                           Co. A. 1 Cal Cav.
2-0036 Pittman, Frances Emma              Oct 4 1898    Jun 11 1962   pittman-frances-emma.jpg                s/w Warren Stanley Pittman
2-0592 Pittman, Godwin Monterey           Oct 28 1888   Aug 6 1924    pittman-godwin-monterey.jpg             US Army; World War 1
2-0035 Pittman, Warren Stanley            Jul 3 1895    Mar 25 1973   pittman-warren-stanley.jpg              s/w Frances Emma Pittman
4-285  Poelma, Genevieve A                Jan 15 1897   Jun 10 1978   poelma-genevieve-a.jpg
4-284  Poelma, Vincent A                  Aug 14 1890   Feb 22 1964   poelma-vincent-a.jpg
4-161  Polcini, Giovani                                 Jul 14 1908   polcini-giovani.jpg                     aged 20 years; native of Italy
4-318  Pope, Robert Stanley               Dec 15 1919   Sep 7 2002    pope-robert-stanley.jpg                 EM1 US Navy; World War II
4-320  Pope, Varah Ann Dietle             Apr 16 1924   May 22 1973   pope-varah-ann-dietle.jpg
2-1073 Porter, Charles E                  1851          1937          porter-charles-e.jpg                    father
2-1074 Porter, Charles E Jr               Feb 28 1895   May 19 1958   porter-charles-e-jr.jpg                 California; Pfc 47 Base Hospital; World War 1
2-1069 Porter, Elizabeth                  1894          1896          porter-elizabeth.jpg
2-1076 Porter, George                     1876          1897          porter-george.jpg                       son of BR & MJ Porter
2-1072 Porter, Mamie N                    1863          1927          porter-mamie-n.jpg                      mother
1-546  Post, L Melvin                     Apr 27 1898   Aug 31 1929   post-l-melvin.jpg
4-357  Potestio, Anita M                  Jun 25 1942   Dec 12 2001   potestio-anita-m.jpg
4-358  Potestio, Dino James               Jan 1 1963    Dec 12 1976   potestio-dino-james.jpg                 son; Dean
4-144  Powel, G                                                       powel-g.jpg
2-0161 Powel, W G                                       Mar 7 1870    powel-w-g.jpg                           aged 42 yrs 10 mos 2 ds; native of England
1-125  Powell, Francis V                  Apr 14 1911   May 27 1926   powell-francis-v.jpg                    My boy
1-126  Powell, Frank W                    Jul 9 1887    Dec 10 1924   powell-frank-w.jpg                      Father
2-0609 Powell, Jacob                      Sep 15 1815   Oct 11 1872   powell-jacob.jpg                        aged 57 years 27 days; native of Ohio; next to Rachel Powell
2-0608 Powell, Rachel V                                 Jan 18 1876   powell-rachel-v.jpg                     aged 54 years; wife of Jacob Powell
2-0004 Power, Annie R                                   Jun 10 1897   power-annie-r.jpg                       aged 22 years; beloved wife of RH Power; s/w Maria+F775n Power
2-0005 Power, Marian                                    Jan 9 1890    power-marian.jpg                        aged 30 years; native of Canada; s/w Annie R Power; wife of John P Power Esq
2-0003 Power, Richard                                   Nov 17 1901   power-richard.jpg                       native of Ireland; aged 74 years
1-067  Powers Hundley, Lillie                                         hundley-lillie-powers.jpg               s/w Eugene Russell Hundley
4-231  Powers, Ann                        Sep 16 1928   Sep 6 2002    powers-ann.jpg                          s/w Robert J Powers
1-878  Powers, Douglas E                  Dec 2 1910    Jun 21 1958   powers-douglas-e.jpg
1-876  Powers, Edna C                     Oct 20 1887   Jan 19 1923   powers-edna-c.jpg                       s/w Talbot Powers
1-127  Powers, Harriet V                  Jul 27 1840   Apr 14 1892   powers-harriet-v.jpg                    headstone matches John and Oliver Powers
1-128  Powers, John E                     Dec 3 1863    May 12 1892   powers-john-e.jpg                       headstone matches Harriet and Oliver Powers
1-880  Powers, Mildred N                  Oct 26 1911                 powers-mildred-n.jpg                    s/w Peter J Powers
1-129  Powers, Minnie R                   1864          1951          powers-minnie-r.jpg                     next to Robert Powers
       Powers, Minnie R (con't)                                       powers-minnie-robert.jpg
1-130  Powers, Oliver P                   May 11 1830   Mar 3 1893    powers-oliver-p.jpg                     headstone matches John and Harriet Powers
1-879  Powers, Peter J                    Feb 6 1915    May 5 2000    powers-peter-j.jpg                      s/w Mildred N Powers
4-230  Powers, Robert J                   Dec 25 1926   Oct 3 1994    powers-robert-j.jpg                     s/w Ann Powers
1-131  Powers, Robert S                   1861          1942          powers-robert-s.jpg                     next to Minnie Powers
       Powers, Robert S (con't)                                       powers-minnie-robert.jpg
1-877  Powers, Talbot                     Oct 17 1880   Oct 27 1935   powers-talbot.jpg                       s/w Edna C Powers
4-239  Prado, Basilio                     Jul 14 1890   Feb 19 1960   prado-basilio.jpg                       s/w Juana Montes Prado
4-240  Prado, Juana Montes                Jan 27 1885   May 4 1959    prado-juana-montes.jpg                  s/w Basilio Prado
2-0936 Preston, Dollie                                  May 11 1887   preston-dollie.jpg                      aged 3ys 8ds; daughter of John R & Sarah L Preston; s/w Ethel Preston
2-0937 Preston, Ethel                                   Jun 24        preston-ethel.jpg                       aged 28 days; daughter of John R & Sadie C Preston; s/w Dollie Preston
2-0933 Preston, Frankie R                               Jan 13 1878   preston-frankie-r.jpg                   aged 3 yrs 2mos 18dys; shared, children of JR & SL Preston
2-0840 Preston, John S                                  Aug 23 1905   preston-john-s.jpg                      aged 23yrs 5mos 13dys; died at his post of duty as a brave fireman
2-0935 Preston, Josie R                                 Nov 7 1872    preston-josie-r.jpg                     aged 5mos 22dys; shared, children of JR & SL Preston
2-0938 Preston, Lizzie M                                Oct 26 1879   preston-lizzie-m.jpg                    aged 8mos 3dys; daughter of JR & SL Preston
2-0232 Preston, Melda A                   Jun 9 1863    Jun 24 1909   preston-melda-a.jpg
2-0984 Preston, Norman H                                Aug 4 1878    preston-norman-h.jpg                    aged 1? yr 9m; son of H & SG Preston
2-0931 Preston, Sarah L                                 Nov 27 1885   preston-sarah-l.jpg                     aged 33 years; wife of JR Preston
2-0934 Preston, Willie M                                Jan 3 1878    preston-willie-m.jpg                    aged 5yrs 10mos 20dys; shared, children of JR & SL Preston
2-1012 Price, Frank                       1871          1933          price-frank.jpg                         s/w Lillie May Price
2-1013 Price, Lillie May                  1878          1928          price-lillie-may.jpg                    s/w Frank Price
2-0907 Proschold, Andrew S                Apr 16 1899   Dec 23 1977   proschold-andrew-s.jpg                  s/w Violet M Proschold
2-0908 Proschold, Violet M                Jun 27 1904   Jan 3 1995    proschold-violet-m.jpg                  s/w Andrew S Proschold
2-0759 Pyke Abbott, Mary J                1881          1960          abbott-mary-j-pyke.jpg
2-0760 Pyke, Charles D                    Jul 22 1916   Jan 20 1974   pyke-charles-d.jpg                      Us Navy; World War 2
2-0761 Pyke, Ernest A                     1878          1923          pyke-ernest-a.jpg
1-934  R, A N                                                         r-a-n.jpg                               in Rippey family area
4-010  R, C                                                           r-c.jpg                                 initials under Riley monument
1-932  R, C L                                                         r-c-l.jpg                               in Rippey family area
4-011  R, E                                                           r-e.jpg                                 initials under Riley monument
4-007  R, E H                                                         r-e-h.jpg                               initials under Riley monument
4-174  R, F A                                                         r-f-a.jpg                               initials in stone
4-191  R, G                                                           r-g.jpg                                 initials in stone
1-931  R, G W                                                         r-g-w.jpg                               in Rippey family area
4-009  R, J                                                           r-j.jpg                                 initials under Riley monument
4-013  R, J E                                                         r-j-e.jpg                               initials under Riley monument
1-326  R, J P                                                         r-j-p.jpg                               initials carved into brick
4-012  R, M                                                           r-m-2.jpg                               initials under Riley monument
1-322  R, M                                                           r-m.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
4-182  R, N                                                           r-n.jpg                                 initials in stone
1-332  R, O                                                           r-o.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
4-008  R, T F                                                         r-t-f.jpg                               initials under Riley monument
1-376  R, T L                                                         r-t-l.jpg                               in the Inman family area
1-324  R, V B                                                         r-v-b.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-267  R, W                                                           r-w.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
1-743  Rabe, Charles                      Jul 12 1836   Apr 5 1889    rabe-charles.jpg; rabe-charles-closeup.jpg
4-112  Radke, August                      Feb 18 1853   Jul 16 1898   radke-august.jpg                        native of Germany
4-080  Rafferty, Daniel                                 Jul 27 1865   rafferty-daniel.jpg                     aged 2 years, less 1 day; son of Daniel & Jane Rafferty
4-081  Rafferty?, Wm D                                  May 29 1871   wm-d.jpg                                s/w Daniel Rafferty
1-803  Ralston Limond, Ida Mae            1861          1941          limond-ida-mae-ralston.jpg              wife of Edwin, mother of William-Blanche-Wallace-Irene-Edwin
1-536  Rambo, Elmer                                     May 12 1907   rambo-elmer.jpg
4-313  Ramirez, Manuel C                  Feb 3 1948    Mar 14 1970   ramirez-manuel-c.jpg
1-183  Randolph, Signora Beason           1893          1932          randolph-signora-beason.jpg
2-0022 Rapp, Andrew                       Feb 24 1830   Feb 23 1904   rapp-andrew.jpg                         next to Kathryn Rapp
2-0024 Rapp, Emma                                                     rapp-emma.jpg                           s/w Lily Rapp
2-0023 Rapp, Kathryn                      Jul 17 1844   Feb 28 1924   rapp-kathryn.jpg                        next to Andrew Rapp
2-0025 Rapp, Lily                                                     rapp-lily.jpg                           s/w Emma Rapp
2-0101 Rasmussen, Jean Andrews            Jul 13 1913                 rasmussen-jean-andrews.jpg              s/w Richard James Rasmussen
2-0100 Rasmussen, Richard James           Sep 12 1912   Apr 9 2001    rasmussen-richard-james.jpg             s/w Jean Andrews Rasmussen
2-0741 Reardon, Leon F                    Jul 16 1898   Apr 30 1927   reardon-leon-f.jpg
1-134  Reece, Edith V                     Apr 7 1883    Jun 30 1974   reece-edith-v.jpg
1-683  Reece, Eva                         1878          1884          reece-eva.jpg                           next to Blanche and John Miles and Isabella Yule Reece
1-684  Reece, Isabella Yule               1849          1930          reece-isabella-yule.jpg                 mother; next to Eva Reece and Blanche and John Miles
1-685  Reece, Thomas W                    1830          1906          reece-thomas-w.jpg                      father; next to Eva Reece and Blanche and John Miles
1-133  Reece, Walter W                    Aug 31 1880   Jun 26 1951   reece-walter-w.jpg                      Oroville
4-196  Regas, Nick                        Dec 19 1886   Feb 22 1927   regas-nick.jpg
1-135  Reich, Caroline F                  Jun 28 1839   Jun 11 1931   reich-caroline-f.jpg                    a native of Germany
1-136  Reich, family area                                             reich-family.jpg
1-137  Reich, Gustav                      Jan 2 1873    Jan 21 1945   reich-gustav.jpg                        on back of Gustav Adolph and Caroline Reich's headstone
1-138  Reich, Gustav Adolph               Apr 19 1837   Jul 30 1917   reich-gustav-adolph.jpg                 a native of Germany
2-0372 Reider, Adam                                     Sep 23 1890   reider-adam.jpg                         aged 62 yrs; on monument with Hannah E Rose and Margt S Reider
2-0373 Reider, Margt S                    Nov 21 1827   Nov 27 1894   reider-margt-s.jpg                      on monument with Adam Reider and Hannah E Rose
2-0205 Reive, William W                   1880          1927          reive-william-w.jpg
2-1037 Remick, Mary                                                   remick-mary.jpg
1-139  Retan, Arthur                      1854          1927          retan-arthur.jpg
2-0427 Richards, John                                   Jun 26 1903   richards-john.jpg                       native of England; age 83 years
2-0217 Richardson, A E                    1859          1923          richardson-a-e.jpg
1-008  Richarson, Maude G Beeson          Aug 10 1891   May 20 1919   richardson-maude-g-beeson.jpg           mother of William Allen and Bertha Richardson Grandmother of James Allen and Diane Richardson
4-354  Rider Kennedy, headstones                                      kennedy-rider.jpg
2-0659 Rider, Adelia                      Oct 26 1832   Jan 9 1890    rider-adelia.jpg                        wife of JB Rider
2-0667 Rider, Clara                       1861          1950          rider-clara.jpg
4-356  Rider, Mary J                      1917          1996          rider-mary-j.jpg                        daughter; s/w Sarah J Kennedy
2-0668 Rider, W M                                                     rider-w-m.jpg                           next to Clara Rider
2-0770 Riehl, Amarintha N                 1867          1954          riehl-amarintha-n.jpg
2-0771 Riehl, George                      Mar 9 1819    Jan 16 1884?  riehl-george.jpg                        father
2-0769 Riehl, Levi A                      Jun 20 1861                 riehl-levi-a.jpg                        stone is broken off
2-0046 Riehl, Rose A                      Dec 8 1858    Dec 8 1899    riehl-rose-a.jpg
1-750  Riker, Ada Jane                    Dec 30 1870   Aug 27 1890   riker-ada-jane.jpg                      daughter; s/w Daniel Hilton and Lee Allen Riker
1-748  Riker, Alpha Malinda               Dec 7 1849    May 5 1939    riker-alpha-malinda.jpg                 mother
1-749  Riker, Daniel Hilton               Feb 9 1843    Sep 1 1890    riker-daniel-hilton.jpg                 father; s/w Ada Jane and Lee Allen Riker; next to Alpha Malinda Riker
1-753  Riker, Daniel Stevens              Jun 11 1886   Nov 28 1974   riker-daniel-stevens.jpg
1-751  Riker, Lee Allen                   Dec 11 1892   Sep 1 1895    riker-lee-allen.jpg                     son; s/w Daniel Hilton and Ada Jane Riker
1-752  Riker, Maude Ella                  Jul 11 1886   Dec 14 1962   riker-maude-ella.jpg
4-003  Riley, Christopher                 1822          1901          riley-christopher.jpg                   east side of Riley monument
4-006  Riley, Ed H                        1869          1934          riley-ed-h.jpg                          west side of Riley monument
4-002  Riley, Ellen D                     1835          1920          riley-ellen-d.jpg                       east side of Riley monument
4-001  Riley, James                       1824          1901          riley-james.jpg                         east side of Riley monument
4-005  Riley, James E                     1862          1928          riley-james-e.jpg                       west side of Riley monument
2-0286 Riley, Joseph                      Feb 25 1856   Jan 7 1936    riley-joseph.jpg
4-004  Riley, Thomas F                    1871          1924          riley-thomas-f.jpg                      west side of Riley monument
1-623  Ripley, Martin H                   1847          1924          ripley-martin-h.jpg
1-937  Rippey , Alice Naomi               May 18 1900   Jun 18 1901   rippey-alice-naomi.jpg                  on George and Ethlin Rippey's headstone
1-936  Rippey , Ethlin E                  Oct 4 1875    Jun 15 1952   rippey-ethlin-e.jpg                     s/w husband George W Rippey; in Rippey family area
1-930  Rippey , family area                                           rippey-family.jpg
1-935  Rippey , George W                  May 25 1861   Aug 23 1931   rippey-george-w.jpg                     s/w wife Ethlin E Rippey; in Rippey family area
1-933  Rippey , infant                                                rippey-infant.jpg                       in Rippey family area
1-938  Rippey , Infant daughter           Nov 24 1909   Nov 24 1909   rippey-infant-daughter.jpg              on George and Ethlin Rippey's headstone
1-939  Rippey Nestor, Dorothy             Dec 21 1915   Oct 30 1950   nestor-dorothy-rippey.jpg               on George and Ethlin Rippey's headstone
1-940  Rippey, Carlotta L                 Jun 17 1911   Feb 15 2001   rippey-carlotta-l.jpg                   on George and Ethlin Rippey's headstone
2-0339 Rippey, Edgar L                    Sep 25 1893   Oct 21 1915   rippey-edgar-l.jpg
2-0341 Rippey, infant son                               Oct 8 1894    rippey-infant-son.jpg                   aged 4 mos 8 days; s/w with mother Matilda Rippey
2-0340 Rippey, Matilda                    Jun 14 1865   Oct 21 1834   rippey-matilda.jpg                      wife of Geo W Rippey; s/w infant son
4-168  Rivas de Sanches, Elisa            Jun 21 1902   Jan 29 1927   rivas-de-sanches-elisa.jpg
4-170  Rivera, Daniel                     1888          1930          rivera-daniel.jpg
1-140  Roach, F A                                                     roach-f-a.jpg
1-248  Robertson, J Lawrence              Aug 9 1878    Dec 2 1919    robertson-j-lawrence.jpg
2-0409 Robertson, William W                             Sep 26 1870   robertson-william-w.jpg                 aged 74 ys & 7 ms; Native of Edinburgh Scotland
       Robertson, William W (con't)                                   moore-parker-robertson-monument.jpg
2-1042 Robinson, Birdie S                 Jan 15 1861   Aug 30 1933   robinson-birdie-s.jpg
2-1046 Robinson, Delmer J                 1917          1983          robinson-delmer-j.jpg
2-1041 Robinson, Eugene J                 Sep 3 1856    Nov 29 1942   robinson-eugene-j.jpg
1-495  Robinson, I J                                                  robinson-i-j.jpg                        7 Wis L. A.
2-1047 Robinson, James                    Dec 1 1817    Jun 29 1901   robinson-james.jpg                      father; native of England
2-1048 Robinson, Mary                     Nov 5 1818    Jan 17 1899   robinson-mary.jpg                       mother; native of England
2-1044 Robinson, Roy E                    1888          1939          robinson-roy-e.jpg
2-1045 Robinson, Viola M                  1890          1975          robinson-viola-m.jpg
1-141  Rockhill, Thomas L                 Apr 27 1827   Apr 11 1912   rockhill-thomas-l.jpg                   s/w William Inman and Naomi Inman
1-217  Roe, E W                           1893          1959          roe-e-w.jpg                             husband of Minnie Roe
4-299  Roe, Minnie                        Feb 12 1888   Feb 1 1979    roe-minnie.jpg                          beloved cousin of the Woodsons
1-837  Rogers Sharp, Amanda                             Dec 28 1951   sharp-amanda-rogers.jpg                 s/w Spotswood W Sharp
2-0963 Rogers, ?                                                      rogers.jpg                              s/w W Andrew Rogers
2-0596 Rogers, D O                        Apr 18 1906   Sep 23 1927   rogers-d-o.jpg
2-0962 Rogers, Freeman W                  1888          1889          rogers-freeman-w.jpg                    s/w W Andrew Rogers
2-0961 Rogers, W Andrew                   1855          1920          rogers-w-andrew.jpg                     s/w Freeman Rogers
1-771  Rollins, Dean                      1892          1934          rollins-dean.jpg                        on Rollins monument
1-770  Rollins, Edwin O                   1849          1917          rollins-edwin-o.jpg                     on Rollins monument
1-769  Rollins, Jane                      1809          1890          rollins-jane.jpg                        on Rollins monument
1-768  Rollins, Lloyd                     1790          1870          rollins-lloyd-1790-1870.jpg             on Rollins monument
1-773  Rollins, Lloyd                     1890          1978          rollins-lloyd-1890-1978.jpg             on Rollins monument
1-772  Rollins, Mary H                    1868          1953          rollins-mary-h.jpg                      on Rollins monument
1-142  Romer, Charles                     1880          1920          romer-charles.jpg                       s/w son Jack Romer
1-143  Romer, Jack                        1919          1920          romer-jack.jpg                          s/w father Charles Romer
1-144  Rooker, Ramona Lynn                Jun 25 1963   Nov 27 1994   rooker-ramona-lynn.jpg
4-113  Rosa, Mary                         Sep 15 1860   Sep 5 1913    rosa-mary.jpg
2-0371 Rose, Hannah E                     Mar 20 1857   Nov 6 1865    rose-hannah-e.jpg                       dau of W & MS Rose; on monument with Adam and Margt S Reider
2-0370 Rose, Luther J                                   Jul 18 1886   rose-luther-j.jpg                       aged 38 yrs 1 mo 17ds
2-0374 Rose, William L                                  Apr 24 1877   rose-william-l.jpg                      ae 52 yrs 5 mo 3 ds; native of New York
2-0766 Royalty, Wm M                      1882          1942          royalty-wm-m.jpg                        father
1-216  Rugh, Henry                                      Aug 1822      rugh-henry.jpg                          aged 23 years
4-172  Ruiz, Nasario                      Jul 28 1883   Jan 11 1930   ruiz-nasario.jpg
2-0350 Rupert, Phylenda                   1823          1923          rupert-phylenda.jpg
2-0182 Ruppelius, Wm                                    Oct 24 1891   ruppelius-wm.jpg                        aged 48 years; native of Illinois
1-701  Russell, Thomas H                                Jan 11 1924   russell-thomas-h.jpg                    aged 58 years
4-027  Rutledge, Mary                     1851          1913          rutledge-mary.jpg                       native of Bangor, Maine; buried with Hamlyn family
4-068  Ryan, -                                                        ryan.jpg
4-066  Ryan, Andrew                       1835          1917          ryan-andrew.jpg
4-067  Ryan, Catherine                    1831          1890          ryan-catherine.jpg
1-337  S, A E                                                         s-a-e.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-728  S, E E                                                         s-e-e.jpg                               under Herrin monument; probably Ellen E Sorensen
1-239  S, F L                                                         s-f-l.jpg                               initials on brick
2-0387 S, H                                                           s-h.jpg
1-456  S, L                                                           s-l.jpg                                 in Slack Family area
2-0424 S, O L                                                         s-o-l.jpg                               initials carved into headstone
1-458  S, P M                                                         s-p-m.jpg                               in Slack Family area
4-192  S, R                                                           s-r.jpg                                 initials in stone
1-758  S, W                                                           s-w.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
2-0910 Sadowski, Arthur J                 Jul 10 1883   Oct 25 1885   sadowski-arthur-j.jpg                   son of CF & RA Sadowski; on Sadowski monument
2-0909 Sadowski, Rosa A                   Nov 15 1855   Jul 13 1907   sadowski-rosa-a.jpg                     wife of CF Sadowski; on Sadowski monument
2-0572 Safford, Annie A                   1839          1896          safford-annie-a.jpg                     wife of WS Safford; on Safford Headstone
2-0569 Safford, Annie May                 1871          1875          safford-annie-may.jpg                   children on WS and Annie A Safford; on Safford headstone
2-0568 Safford, John                      1870          1873          safford-john.jpg                        children on WS and Annie A Safford; on Safford headstone
2-0571 Safford, W S                       1824          1903          safford-w-s.jpg                         s/w Annie A Safford; on Safford headstone
2-0570 Safford, William                   Nov 18 1877   Nov 19 1877   safford-william.jpg                     children on WS and Annie A Safford; on Safford headstone
4-187  Salemas, Nick                      1882          1940          salemas-nick.jpg
2-0358 Salyer, Adelia A                   Mar 26 1861   Feb 3 1934    salyer-adelia-a.jpg                     wife of Oliver Perry; next to Oliver P Salyer
2-0357 Salyer, Oliver P                   Mar 11 1851   Apr 26 1915   salyer-oliver-p.jpg                     next to Adella A Salyer
4-168  Sanches, Elisa Rivas de            Jun 21 1902   Jan 29 1927   rivas-de-sanches-elisa.jpg
2-0104 Sancomb, Vera Jane                 1898          1925          sancomb-vera-jane.jpg                   wife of F O Sancomb
2-0236 Sanford, Charles A                 1884          1948          sanford-charles-a.jpg                   husband
1-851  Sanks Kitrick, family area                                     kitrick-sanks-family.jpg
1-849  Sanks, A Trevor                    Nov 14 1889   Nov 18 1969   sanks-a-trevor.jpg                      s/w Minerva Kitrick; brick beneath headstone reads A.T.S. ashes
1-850  Sanks, Minerva Kitrick             Apr 6 1905    Feb 20 1997   sanks-minerva-kitrick.jpg               s/w A Trevor Sanks
1-021  Savage Cordero, Dolores            Mar 29 1905                 cordero-dolores-savage.jpg              next to Charles Edward Cordero
1-715  Savage, Alta Botts                 Mar 28 1895   Jul 1987      savage-alta-botts.jpg                   s/w Herbert Leroy and Herbert Eugene savage
1-145  Savage, Frank Modest               1884          1967          savage-frank-modest.jpg
1-714  Savage, Herbert Eugene             Dec 7 1892    Jun 4 1958    savage-herbert-eugene.jpg               s/w Herbert Leroy and Alta Botts Savage
1-713  Savage, Herbert Leroy              Oct 18 1915   Jul 11 1921   savage-herbert-leroy.jpg                s/w Herbert Eugene and Alta Botts savage
4-089  Savage, Mary                                     Dec 16 1883   savage-mary.jpg                         aged 55 yrs
1-767  Savage, Myra F                     1861          1925          savage-myra-f.jpg                       mother
1-146  Savage, Zella K                    1886          1955          savage-zella-k.jpg                      mother
1-059  Sawyer Hargis, Anna                Oct 27 1875   Sep 8 1954    hargis-anna-sawyer.jpg
1-147  Sawyer, Maria Glass                1848          1929          sawyer-maria-glass.jpg                  born in Delaware
4-291  Schab, Charles Robert              Jun 18 1947   Jan 5 2004    schab-charles-robert.jpg                SMSGT US Air Force; Vietnam Persian Gulf
4-290  Schab, Verna F                     Apr 15 1907   May 20 1966   schab-verna-f.jpg                       s/w William L Schab
4-289  Schab, William L                   Aug 28 1905   Nov 17 1964   schab-william-l.jpg                     s/w Verna F Schab
4-032  Schilling, Henry R                               Aug 11 1939   schilling-henry-r-1939.jpg              US WV; PVT 51 IOWA INF; aged 61 years
4-035  Schilling, Henry R                 Jul 29 1943   Aug 8 1964    schilling-henry-r-1943-1964.jpg         California; FR US Navy
4-034  Schilling, Henry R Jr              Jan 21 1915   Dec 13 1959   schilling-henry-r-jr.jpg                husband and father
4-033  Schilling, Mary H                  May 19 1887   Dec 10 1964   schilling-mary-h.jpg                    wife and mother
2-0042 Schneider Brownell, Marie ElizabethOct 29 1918   Oct 21 2004   brownell-marie-elizabeth-schneider.jpg
2-0539 Schneider, Caroline F              May 27 1834   Oct 17 1873   schneider-caroline-f.jpg                wife of Wm Schneider; our beloved mother and father; on Schneider monument
1-611  Schneider, Clifford W                            Nov 21 1908   schneider-clifford-w.jpg                aged 22 yrs 1 mo 3 dys
2-0538 Schneider, George F                Jul 28 1869   Aug 28 1869   schneider-george-f.jpg                  infant son of W & CF Schneider
2-0542 Schneider, Georgie F               Jul 28 1869   Aug 28 1869   schneider-georgie-f.jpg                 son of Wm & CF Schneider; on Schneider monument
1-609  Schneider, John Frederick          1864          1938          schneider-john-frederick.jpg            next to Phairdell P Schneider
1-610  Schneider, Phairdell P             1867          1941          schneider-phairdell-p.jpg               next to John Frederick Schneider
2-0540 Schneider, Wm                      May 21 1831   Jul 6 1893    schneider-wm.jpg                        our beloved mother and father; on Schneider monument
2-0233 Schram, James                                    Aug 30 1907   schram-james.jpg                        aged 85 years
2-0943 Schubert, Clarence G               1902          1969          schubert-clarence-g.jpg                 s/w Mae W Schubert
2-0944 Schubert, Mae W                    1894          1973          schubert-mae-w.jpg                      s/w Clarence G Schubert
2-0502 Schwein, Anna                      Jan 18 1864   Jul 10 1864   schwein-anna.jpg                        daughter of Mathias & Anna Schwein
2-0650 Scott, Jessie                      1896          1935          scott-jessie.jpg
2-0651 Scott, Virgil W                    1921          1937          scott-virgil-w.jpg                      boy scouts of america; virgil scott first class scout; troop 29 oroville;
       Scott, Virgil W (con't)                                                                                born july 21 1921; died august 7 1937
2-0715 Sealey, Frank                      Nov 7 1877    Nov 9 1934    sealey-frank.jpg                        on east side of Sealey monument
2-0018 Sealey, Gertie E                   Apr 4 1881    Jan 27 1903   sealey-gertie-e.jpg                     Mrs
2-0714 Sealey, Mark                       Jan 9 1873    Apr 3 1914    sealey-mark.jpg                         on east side of Sealey monument
2-0719 Sealey, Mary                       Dec 24 1832   Jul 22 1910   sealey-mary.jpg                         wife of Wm Sealey; on west side of Sealey monument
2-0718 Sealey, Wm                         Mar 25 1827   Sep 4 1890    sealey-wm.jpg                           on west side of Sealey monument
1-307  Sells, Johnathon                                 Jan 13 1922   sells-johnathon.jpg
2-0133 Sexton, Caroline                   1858          1948          sexton-caroline.jpg
1-243  Shadell, Oscar R Sr                Mar 15 1890   Sep 12 1939   shadell-oscar-r-sr.jpg                  husband and father
1-187  Shannon, Beatrice                  Jun 16 1888   Nov 20 1955   shannon-beatrice.jpg
2-0785 Shannon, Eli F                     Apr 3 1871    Aug 8 1922    shannon-eli-f.jpg
2-0784 Shannon, Myrtle Ivy                1882          1930          shannon-myrtle-ivy.jpg
1-214  Shannon, William                   Feb 2 1884    Jan 9 1952    shannon-william.jpg
1-178  Shannon, William sr                                            shannon-william-sr.jpg                  in loving memory of our father
2-0439 Sharkey, Addie B                   1859          1943          sharkey-addie-b.jpg                     next to George P Sharkey
2-0438 Sharkey, George P                  1860          1932          sharkey-george-p.jpg                    next to Addie B Sharkey
1-168  Sharkey, Virginia Woodhouse        1989          1926          sharkey-virginia-woodhouse.jpg          daughter of G P and A B Sharkey
1-837  Sharp, Amanda Rogers                             Dec 28 1951   sharp-amanda-rogers.jpg                 s/w Spotswood W Sharp
1-836  Sharp, Spotswood W                 1851          1914          sharp-spotswood-w.jpg                   s/w Amanda Rogers Sharp
2-0748 Shawl, George                                    Aug 27 1886   shawl-george.jpg                        aged 72 years; native of NY; a pioneer
1-541  Shay Fitzpatrick, Grace M          Jul 10 1885   Sep 25 1963   fitzpatrick-grace-m-shay.jpg            s/w Ira J Fitzpatrick
1-545  Shay, Charles C                    Jul 1 1879    Jan 7 1934    shay-charles-c.jpg
2-0363 Shear Beam, Dorothy                Feb 21 1894   Nov 18 1989   beam-dorothy-shear.jpg                  s/w MG and CB Shear
2-0361 Shear, C B                                                     shear-c-b.jpg                           s/w MG Beam and Dorothy Shear Beam
2-0360 Shear, M G                                                     shear-m-c.jpg                           s/w CB Shear and Dorothy Shear Beam
1-673  Shelton, Robert H                  Dec 22 1860   Jan 23 1837   shelton-robert-h.jpg                    father
4-156  Sheridan, John                                   Oct 18 1907   sheridan-john.jpg                       aged 63 yrs; native of Ireland
1-250  Sherwood, A H                      1842          1919          sherwood-a-h.jpg
1-412  Sherwood, Frank                                                sherwood-frank.jpg                      Co. A 89 Ill. Inf.
2-0711 Shively, Bea                       Aug 6 1908    Feb 9 1998    shively-bea.jpg; anglen-burch-shively.jpg
1-463  Silver, LeRoy E                    1867          1925          silver-leRoy-e.jpg
1-462  Silver, Myrtle E                   1874          1950          silver-myrtle-e.jpg
1-461  Silvers, Joseph                                                silvers-joseph.jpg
1-464  Silvers, Winiford                                              silvers-winiford.jpg
4-330  Simms, Sara T                      Jun 9 1898    Aug 16 1995   simms-sara-t.jpg
1-148  Simonson, Mary K                   1882          1967          simonson-mary-k.jpg                     wife mother
2-0875 Simpson, Ethel L                   Jul 10 1921   May 23 1942   simpson-ethel-l.jpg
2-0682 Sinclair, Julia K                  Sep 11 1848   Apr 21 1933   sinclair-julia-k.jpg                    s/w William H Sinclair
2-0681 Sinclair, William H                Nov 6 1845    Mar 20 1927   sinclair-william-h.jpg                  s/w Julia K Sinclair
1-592  Skaates, James K                   1866          1921          skaates-james-k.jpg                     s/w Luella M Davies Skaates
1-593  Skaates, Luella M Davies           1873          1965          skaates-luella-m-davies.jpg             s/w James K Skaates
1-070  Slack Inman, area                                              inman-slack-area.jpg
1-453  Slack, -                                                       slack.jpg
1-451  Slack, family area                                             slack-family.jpg
2-0557 Slater, Elisha Wells               Dec 15 1828   Jan 19 1917   slater-elisha-wells.jpg                 Father
2-0558 Slater, Pauline Clara              Feb 19 1845   Dec 30 1919   slater-pauline-clara.jpg                Mother
1-509  Sligar, Albert                     Mar 20 1877   Jun 29 1909   sligar-albert.jpg                       husband
1-654  Smith James, Floretta              1866          1914          james-floretta-smith.jpg                mother; next to Thomas Ward James
2-0440 Smith, A W                         1859          1927          smith-a-w.jpg                           next to Alice B Smith
2-0170 Smith, Albert Monroe               Feb 18 1854   Jul 1 1916    smith-albert-monroe.jpg                 Native of California; next to Sarah Jane Smith
2-0441 Smith, Alice B                     1860          1943          smith-alice-b.jpg                       wife of AW Smith
1-295  Smith, Barbara                     May 23 1888   Jan 4 1952    smith-barbara.jpg                       native of Calif.; in Crandall family area
2-0337 Smith, Christian                                               smith-christian.jpg                     STOKES; ILL L A
2-0630 Smith, Hanora                      Jul 8 1837    Apr 14 1867   smith-hanora.jpg                        on Freer monument
1-253  Smith, Jack                        Apr 15 1889   Aug 27 1958   smith-jack.jpg                          native of Minn
1-764  Smith, Joseph Beggs                Oct 12 1890   May 1 1922    smith-joseph-beggs.jpg
1-149  Smith, Mary Beggs                  Apr 28 1848   Nov 21 1934   smith-mary-beggs.jpg
1-191  Smith, Morgan E                    Aug 27 1877   Feb 23 1955   smith-morgan-e.jpg                      a loving godfather
2-0810 Smith, Nettie M                    1874          1935          smith-nettie-m; frishholz-smith.jpg
1-431  Smith, O                                                       smith-o.jpg                             names west of Military monument
2-0169 Smith, Sarah Jane                  May 12 1862   Dec 27 1921   smith-sarah-jane.jpg                    Native of California; next to Albert Monroe Smith
1-272  Smith, Tena                        Mar 10 1886   Jul 31 1946   smith-tena.jpg
1-432  Smith, W                                                       smith-w.jpg                             names west of Military monument
2-1022 Smuck, Helen A                                   Apr 28 1903   smuck-helen-a.jpg                       aged 6 years; on Smuck monument
2-1021 Smuck, Thomas                                    May 3 1904    smuck-thomas.jpg                        aged 67 years; on Smuck monument
1-433  Snider, S S                                                    snider-s-s.jpg                          Co H 1st Cal Cav
2-0479 Snyder Swinney, Alma               Jun 4 1898    Jan 24 1948   swinney-alma-snyder.jpg
1-587  Snyder, Henry                      1834          1918          snyder-henry.jpg                        native of Ohio
1-534  Sohnrey, Chester R                 Aug 29 1902   Aug 15 1924   sohnrey-chester-r.jpg
2-0652 Sollars, George P                  1875          1947          sollars-george-p.jpg
1-736  Sorensen, Ellen E                  Jan 30 1870   Jan 18 1957   sorensen-ellen-e.jpg                    dau of michael and elizabeth b herrin; on Herrin monument
1-735  Sorensen, Wm                       Mar 8 1877    Nov 11 1938   sorensen-wm.jpg                         on Herrin monumet
1-830  Spencer, Abigail A                 1837          1934          spencer-abigail-a.jpg
1-828  Spencer, Franklin J                1861          1909          spencer-franklin-j.jpg
1-624  Spencer, Howard H                  1873          1948          spencer-howard-h.jpg
1-829  Spencer, John Winn                 1824          1910          spencer-john-winn.jpg
2-0927 Springer, Harriet A Thomas         Jan 11 1847   Apr 16 1882   springer-harriet-a-thomas.jpg           wife of Geo B Springer
4-016  Stanchfield, Louis A               Jan 25 1877   Oct 4 1960    stanchfield-louis-a.jpg                 our darling brother
4-015  Stanchfield, Therese               Dec 15 1876   Jan 12 1953   stanchfield-therese.jpg
1-210  Standifer, Hattie A                Mar 16 1872   Feb 14 1950   standifer-hattie-a.jpg
1-740  Stanley, Agnes Annie               Oct 23 1879   Jun 29 1972   stanley-agnes-annie.jpg
1-951  Stapleton, Leila B                 Apr 13 1885   Nov 17 1966   stapleton-leila-b.jpg                   born at Oroville, Calif; wife of Robert G Stapleton
1-952  Stapleton, Robert G                Jan 27 1884   Apr 3 1961    stapleton-robert-g.jpg                  born at Hamilton Ontario; next to wife Leila B Stapleton
4-188  Stefanis, John D                   1860          1937          stefanis-john-d.jpg
2-0007 Stein, Marion E                    1910                        stein-marion-e.jpg                      mother; next to Theodore R Stein
2-0008 Stein, Theodore R                  1910          1976          stein-theodore-r.jpg                    next to Marion E Stein
2-0553 Stempel, A E                       1845          1907          stempel-a-e.jpg                         Mrs
2-0183 Stephens , John William            1848          1927          stephens-john-william.jpg               s/w Lucy Adeline Stephens
2-0700 Stephens, Annie E                                Jul 15 1861   stephens-annie-e.jpg                    aged 6 mos; s/w William H; children of BK & V? Stephens
2-0698 Stephens, Burton K                               Nov 18 1871   stephens-burton-k.jpg                   native of NY; aged 42 years; s/w george stephens
2-0699 Stephens, George H                               Sep 15 1868   stephens-george-h.jpg                   native of NY; aged 38 yrs 3 mo 4 days; s/w burton stephens
2-0184 Stephens, Lucy Adeline             1854          1928          stephens-lucy-adeline.jpg               s/w John William Stephens
2-0369 Stephens, Pollie S                               Nov 15 1865   stephens-pollie-s.jpg                   aged 19 yrs.  Most of stone is worn off.
2-0006 Stephens, Polly A                  Oct 17 1855   Dec 22 1921   stephens-polly-a.jpg
2-0701 Stephens, William H                              Jul 31 1865   stephens-william-h.jpg                  aged 2 yrs 11 mos; s/w Annie E; children of BK & V? Stephens
2-0082 Stephenson, Ida Byng               1871          1935          stephenson-ida-byng.jpg                 next to Frank T Byng
1-964  Stevens Harper, Grace              Feb 25 1902   Aug 12 1971   harper-grace-stevens.jpg
2-0136 Stevens, Ada                       1872          1876          stevens-ada.jpg                         s/w George & Harriet Stevens
2-0138 Stevens, Ford                      1874          1874          stevens-ford.jpg                        s/w George & Harriet Stevens
2-0134 Stevens, George W                  1835          1887          stevens-george-w.jpg                    s/w Harriet CR Stevens and children Ada, Lee, Ford
2-0135 Stevens, Harriet C R               1837          1928          stevens-harriett-c-r.jpg                s/w George W Stevens and children Ada, Lee, Ford
2-0137 Stevens, Lee                       1873          1891          stevens-lee.jpg                         s/w George & Harriet Stevens
1-182  Stevenson, Lornea                  1898          1929          stevenson-lornea.jpg                    mother
2-0745 Stevenson, Sarah Ann                             Jun 14 1866   stevenson-sarah-ann.jpg                 wife of BF Stevenson; agd 31 years; native of Missouri
1-436  Stewart, G W                                                   stewart-g-w.jpg                         Co G 23rd Ill. Inf.
2-0689 Stober, Louis                      Jan 20 1827   Feb 28 1868   stober-louis.jpg                        born at Leopold hafen Baden
2-0642 Stovall, J W                                     Jan 29 1862   stovall-j-w.jpg                         aged 39 years; a native of Clark County Missouri
1-258  Strang, Euphemia                   1861          1862          strang-euphemia.jpg
1-257  Strang, Margaret                   1850          1864          strang-margaret.jpg
2-0389 Stroever, Henry                    Nov 8 1829    Nov 30 1893   stroever-henry.jpg                      native of Hanover Germany
1-410  Stroever, Louis                                                stroever-louis.jpg                      Co. A. 28 Ohio Inf.
2-0852 Strohm, Elizabeth                                Sep 3 1904    strohm-elizabeth.jpg                    aged 74yrs 2mos 28days
2-0850 Strohm, George                                   Aug 8 1871    strohm-george.jpg                       aged 55 yrs
1-179  StSure, Catharine                  Jun 29 1842   Nov 30 1864   stSure-catharine.jpg                    wife of Charles St Sure
1-658  StSure, Chas W                     1835          1895          stSure-chas-w.jpg
1-659  StSure, Lizzie M                                 Jun 7 1919    stSure-lizzie-m.jpg                     mother; aged 69 years
1-656  StSure, Louis Charles              1874          1909          stSure-louis-charles.jpg
1-660  StSure, Ulyses                                   Mar 2- ---4   stSure-ulyses.jpg                       dates worn off; son of ? and L StSure
1-408  Summers, Jas. E                                                summers-jas-e.jpg                       Co. M 2 Cal Cav.
1-525  Summerville, Hugh                                Dec 27 1903   summerville-hugh.jpg
4-361  Swafford, Mae V                    May 5 1922    Jul 10 1978   swafford-mae-v.jpg                      s/w Raymond A Swafford
4-360  Swafford, Raymond A                Jun 28 1919   Feb 3 1983    swafford-raymond-a.jpg                  s/w Mae V Swafford
1-626  Sweikert, Anna B                   1869          1910          sweikert-anna-b.jpg
2-0478 Swinney, Alma Snyder               Jun 4 1898    Jan 24 1948   swinney-alma-snyder.jpg
2-0480 Swinney, Clarence Albert           1896          1979          swinney-clarence-albert.jpg
2-0482 Swinney, Frances A                 1869          1939          swinney-frances-a.jpg                   s/w John W Swinney
2-0477 Swinney, Ina Mae                   Jan 29 1919   Sep 12 1976   swinney-ina-mae.jpg
2-0418 Swinney, James F                                 Feb 2 1881    swinney-james-f-1881.jpg                next to/headstone matches America and Frank Hartman
2-0476 Swinney, James F                   Mar 11 1918   Aug 27 1982   swinney-james-f-1918-1982.jpg
2-0481 Swinney, John W                    1865          1939          swinney-john-w.jpg                      s/w Frances A Swinney
2-0421 Swinney, Laura A                                 Dec 5 1905?   swinney-laura-a.jpg
2-0422 Swinney, Lola M                                  Jul 25 1878   swinney-lola-m.jpg
2-0423 Swinney, Myrtel V                                Oct 5 1878    swinney-myrtel-v.jpg
2-0841 Swygart, George W                  1856          1942          swygart-george-w.jpg                    s/w Zoe J Swygart
2-0842 Swygart, Zoe J                     1858          1936          swygart-zoe-j.jpg                       s/w George W Swygart
1-460  Sylvester , family area                                        sylvester-family.jpg
1-211  T , T                                                          t-t.jpg                                 initials on brick
1-262  T, F                                                           t-f.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
4-173  T, P                                                           t-p.jpg                                 initials in stone
1-215  T, P P                                                         t-p-p.jpg                               initials on brick
1-382  T, R J                                                         t-r-j.jpg                               initials carved into brick; can see placement in pic behind Cathering Taylor's headstone
2-0790 Taber, Donald J                    1884          1961          taber-donald-j.jpg                      s/w Elsie A Taber
2-0847 Taber, Dorothy J                   1892          1970          taber-dorothy-j.jpg                     on Taber monument
2-0791 Taber, Elsie A                     1884          1955          taber-elsie-a.jpg                       s/w Donald J Taber
2-0845 Taber, Floyd                       1850          1937          taber-floyd.jpg                         s/w Margaret on Taber monument
2-0177 Taber, Frank A                                   Jul 31 1920   taber-frank-a.jpg                       aged 21 years 4 mo; chauffeur 91st Aero. Squadron.
       Taber, Frank A (con't)                                         taber-frank-a-side.jpg
2-0792 Taber, Helen Marie                 May 25 1909   May 26 1986   taber-helen-marie.jpg
2-0843 Taber, Howard H                    1865          1903          taber-howard-h.jpg                      on Taber monument
2-0844 Taber, Loren P                     Apr 1 1827    Dec 2 1879    taber-loren-p.jpg                       on Taber monument
2-0846 Taber, Margaret N                  1857          1920          taber-margaret-n.jpg                    s/w Floyd on Taber monument
2-0364 Taggart, Adam                                    Aug 31 1865   taggart-adam.jpg                        aged 24 yrs
2-0412 Talken, Elizabeth                                Feb 28 1914   talken-elizabeth.jpg                    aged 44 yrs; next to Harry Talken
2-0411 Talken, Harry                                    Mar 10 1933   talken-harry.jpg                        aged 64 yrs; next to Elizabeth Talken
4-152  Talkin, Ann M                                    Sep 12 1866   talkin-ann-m.jpg                        aged 25 yrs
1-868  Taws, Clarence Albert              Aug 23 1916   Nov 30 1924   taws-clarence-albert.jpg
1-384  Taylor, Agnes                                    Apr 19 1913   taylor-agnes.jpg                        aged 36 years; s/w Thomas and Catherine Taylor
2-0195 Taylor, Alice M                    1860          1945          taylor-alice-m.jpg
1-385  Taylor, Catherine S                1841          1921          taylor-catherine-s.jpg                  s/w Agnes and Thomas Taylor
2-0194 Taylor, Clyde S                    1891          1938          taylor-clyde-s.jpg
2-0192 Taylor, Edith Harlan               Nov 7 1880    Jan 26 1951   taylor-edith-harlan.jpg
2-0069 Taylor, Harry C                    Feb 21 1874   Jul 9 1943    taylor-harry-c.jpg
1-383  Taylor, Thomas                     1839          1923          taylor-thomas.jpg                       s/w Agnes and Catherine Taylor
2-0078 Taylor, Walter B                   1881          1945          taylor-walter-b.jpg
1-693  Tebben, Appolena                                 1883          tebben-appolena.jpg                     s/w Eilert Tebben
1-694  Tebben, Eilert                                   1891          tebben-eilert.jpg                       s/w Appolena Tebben
1-450  Tejeda, Elmer A                                  Jan 28 1912   tejeda-elmer-a.jpg                      aged 13 years and 20 days
2-0830 Terrell Biggs, Barbara             May 9 1917    Jun 11 1940   biggs-barbara-terrell.jpg
1-818  Terrell, Frank                     1863          1923          terrell-frank.jpg                       Father; s/w wife Nellie A, next to Estelle N Knuckey
2-0879 Terrell, George E                  Oct 10 1868   Sep 22 1941   terrell-george-e.jpg
2-0878 Terrell, Jennie K                  Sep 22 1878   Feb 1 1979    terrell-jennie-k.jpg
2-0880 Terrell, Lawrence E                Dec 18 1912   Jun 11 1992   terrell-lawrence-e.jpg
2-0881 Terrell, Mary Elvina               Mar 28 1837   Dec 8 1933    terrell-mary-elvina.jpg
1-819  Terrell, Nellie A                  1866          1903          terrell-nellie-a.jpg                    Mother; s/w husband Frank Terrell; next to Estelle N Knuckey
1-904  Tharp, Harriett Onyett             Sep 25 1915   Dec 11 2001   tharp-harriett-onyett.jpg               Next to Sherman Tharp
1-905  Tharp, Sherman                     Jun 14 1891   Apr 2 1966    tharp-sherman.jpg                       next to Harriet Onyett Tharp
2-0897 Thatcher, Clara Birk               May 4 1867    Aug 15 1966   thatcher-clara-bird.jpg                 on east side of Bird monument
2-0902 Thatcher, Henry H                  Aug 13 1859   Apr 28 1902   thatcher-henry-h.jpg                    on south side of Bird monument
4-201  Theveos, Johanes John              Aug 19 1888   Mar 9 1968    theveos-johanes-john.jpg                Pop
4-202  Thevos, Anna K                     Apr 3 1888    Apr 22 1955   thevos-anna-k.jpg                       born in Norway; wife & Mother; Grandmother & friend
2-0928 Thomas Springer, Harriet A         Jan 11 1847   Apr 16 1882   springer-harriet-a-thomas.jpg           wife of Geo B Springer
1-653  Thomas, Florence E                 1891          1979          thomas-florence-e.jpg
1-356  Thomas, Fred S                     1862          1914          thomas-fred-s.jpg
1-645  Thompson Huntington, Anna          Nov 30 1876   May 7 1969                                            next to Charles Frederick Huntington
1-674  Thompson, Carl Holmes              Apr 17 1874   Dec 3 1922    thompson-carl-holmes.jpg
1-254  Thompson, Luke                                   Jan 5 1878    thompson-luke.jpg                       died at Oroville aged 65 years; native of Wisconsin
2-0696 Thornton, LaVerne                  1920          1930          thornton-laVerne.jpg
2-0560 Thunen Huntoon, Jessie             1903          1968          huntoon-jessie-thunen.jpg               mother & teacher
2-0563 Thunen, Gerhard L                  1866          1907          thunen-gerhard-l.jpg                    s/w Lillie E Thunen
2-0562 Thunen, Lillie E                   1872          1947          thunen-lillie-e.jpg                     s/w Gerhard L Thunen
2-0678 Titus, Harry                       1862          1894          titus-harry.jpg                         s/w Mother Titus
2-0677 Titus, Mother                      1834          1903          titus-mother.jpg                        s/w Harry Titus
4-342  Tobey, Arlo R                      1917          2001          tobey-arlo-r.jpg                        s/w Dolly Tobey
4-343  Tobey, Dolly                       1929                        tobey-dolly.jpg                         s/w Arlo R Tobey
2-0442 Toland, Delray                     Nov 24 1896   May 4 1956    toland-delray.jpg                       "Babe"; s/w Florencerol Toland
2-0443 Toland, Florencerol                Oct 8 1900    Nov 10 1964   toland-florencerol.jpg                  s/w Delray Toland
2-0230 Toland, John A                                                 toland-john-a.jpg                       s/w Sarah Toland
4-149  Toland, John Cormick               Apr 3 1893    Dec 17 1972   toland-john-cormick.jpg                 California; PVT CO A 31 Infantry; World War I
2-0444 Toland, Mary Ellen                               Dec 19 1860   toland-mary-ellen.jpg                   aged 2 years & 3 months; next to Florencerol and Delray Toland
2-0231 Toland, Sarah                                                  toland-sarah.jpg                        s/w John A Toland
2-0445 Toland, William H                  1857          1932          toland-william-h.jpg; toland-family.jpg
4-148  Toland, Zelda B                    1879          1946          toland-zelda-b.jpg
2-0449 Toland?, Chas                                                  toland-chas.jpg; toland-family.jpg      in row with Willam H Toland
2-0447 Toland?, Harry                                                 toland-harry.jpg; toland-family.jpg     in row with Willam H Toland
2-0446 Toland?, Mother                                                toland-mother.jpg; toland-family.jpg    in row with Willam H Toland
2-0448 Toland?, Ray                                                   toland-ray.jpg; toland-family.jpg       in row with Willam H Toland
1-330  Tolles , Mary E                    Mar 10 1873   Jun 1 1953    tolles-mary-e.jpg                       s/w Lucy Delaney
2-0142 Tomkins, Addie J Onken nee         1875          1912          onken-nee-tomkins-addie-j.jpg           s/w William F Onken
2-0547 Tompkins, Christena A Babb nee     1872          1940          babb-nee-tompkins-christena-a.jpg       s/w Peter Joseph Babb
1-656  Topping, C S                       Nov 2 1871    Dec 14 1921   topping-c-s.jpg                         s/w Susan J and CT Topping
1-656  Topping, C T                       Jan 13 1824   May 15 1892   topping-c-t.jpg                         s/w CS, Susan J Topping
1-656  Topping, Susan J                   Jan 22 1834   Nov 29 1898   topping-susan-j.jpg                     s/w CS, CT Topping
2-0114 Torrey, Eva M                      1873          1951          torrey-eva-m.jpg
1-150  Town, Lewis E                      Aug 10 1857   Dec 281934    town-lewis-e.jpg                        father
2-0306 Townsend, Emma                     1846          1900          townsend-emma.jpg                       on south side of Hedge monument
1-397  Trapp, Uriah S                                                 trapp-uriah-s.jpg                       Co. C. 7 Cal Inf
4-262  Travis, Raymond Lewis Jr           May 10 1926   Mar 1 1975    travis-raymond-lewis-jr.jpg
2-0413 Tromen Schlager, Jacob                           Oct 4 1879    tromenSchlager-jacob.jpg                aged 41 years; Native of Germany
1-804  Tucker, Charles E                                Sep 16 1885   tucker-charles-e.jpg                    aged 19 years 5 mo 10 days; son of E and SC Tucker; on Tucker monument
1-706  Tucker, Elijah Jones               1850          1923          tucker-elijah-jones.jpg                 s/w Mary Ada Tucker and Dora Ada Patton on Tucker headstone
1-806  Tucker, Erasmus                    1837          1915          tucker-erasmus.jpg                      on Tucker monument
2-0179 Tucker, Mary A                     Sep 15 1853   Jun 16 1917   tucker-mary-a.jpg                       mother
1-707  Tucker, Mary Ada                   1851          1923          tucker-mary-ada.jpg                     s/w Elijah Jones Tucker and Dora Ada Patton on Tucker headstone
1-807  Tucker, Nellie G                                 Sep 24 1894   tucker-nellie-g.jpg                     aged 20 yrs 9 mos; on Tucker monument; daugh of E & SC Tucker
2-0395 Tucker, Robert                     1878          1963          tucker-robert.jpg                       s/w Thomas T Tucker
1-805  Tucker, Sarah C                                  Apr 3 1890    tucker-sarah-c.jpg                      aged 54 yrs 4 mos 4 dys; on Tucker monument
2-0394 Tucker, Thomas T                   1879          1955          tucker-thomas-t.jpg                     s/w Robert Tucker
2-0764 Turner, J N                                      Apr 8 1884    turner-j-n.jpg                          aged 64 years
2-0289 Tuttle, Jesse B                    Aug 13 1858   Aug 5 1936    tuttle-jesse-b.jpg                      s/w Martha E Tuttle
1-948  Tuttle, Katharine Boynton          Feb 27 1906   Jan 9 1950    tuttle-katharine-boynton.jpg            wife of Lawrence S Tuttle
2-0290 Tuttle, Martha E                   Feb 14 1859   Jul 30 1943   tuttle-martha-e.jpg                     s/w Jesse B Tuttle
1-200  U , J R                                                        u-j-r.jpg                               initials on brick
2-0588 Uehlinger, Irene Myrtle Welsh                    Nov 19 1954   uehlinger-irene-myrtle-welsh.jpg        California; Yeoman 1 cl., (F); USNRF
1-895  Underwood, Eliza                   Jan 10 1833   Apr 1 1925    underwood-eliza.jpg                     on Kister/Underwood monument
1-897  Underwood, family area                                         underwood-family.jpg                    monument is just beyond mother stone
1-896  Underwood, George W                              Feb 28 1884   underwood-george-w.jpg                  aged 54 years; on Kister/Underwood monument
1-151  Unknown, 1st                                                   unknown1.jpg                            near Military monument
1-152  Unknown, 2nd                                                   unknown2.jpg                            near Military monument
4-131  Unnamed family G, Alice            1874          1971          g-alice.jpg                             part of family group with no last name listed
4-134  Unnamed family, Annie              1839          1909          annie.jpg                               part of family group with no last name listed
4-128  Unnamed family, Fannie             1864          1888          fannie.jpg                              part of family group with no last name listed
4-129  Unnamed family, J Emmett           1881          1945          j-emmett.jpg                            part of family group with no last name listed
4-132  Unnamed family, Mollie             1861          1865          mollie.jpg                              part of family group with no last name listed
4-130  Unnamed family, Thomas             1830          1913          thomas.jpg                              part of family group with no last name listed
4-127  Unnamed family, Tommy              1867          1869          tommy.jpg                               part of family group with no last name listed
4-133  Unnamed family, Winnie             1878          1881          winnie.jpg                              part of family group with no last name listed
1-663  Vail, Emma D Hunt                  Jan 29 1848   Nov 13 1922   vail-emma-d-hunt.jpg                    s/w husband Henry Eugene Vail
1-664  Vail, Henry Eugene                 Jan 25 1842   Jul 29 1918   vail-henry-eugune.jpg                   s/w wife Emma D Hunt Vail
1-949  Vallindras Boynton, Antoinette     Feb 14 1912   May 5 1945    boynton-antoinette-vallindras.jpg       wife of Robert D Boynton
1-153  VanCamp, Frank B                   Aug 9 1888    Aug 2 1955    vanCamp-frank-b.jpg                     New Jersey, Pvt US Marine Corps
2-0774 Vanderhoof, John M                               Jul 6 1882    vanderhoof-john-m.jpg                   aged 52 years; native of NY
2-0756 Vanmater, Joseph G                 Jan 24 1812   Apr 27 1882   vanmater-joseph-g.jpg
2-0755 Vanmater, Martha H                 Oct 4 1819    Dec 21 1878   vanmater-martha-h.jpg                   wife of Jos G Vanmater
4-352  Vasquez, John                      Aug 15 1917   Mar 28 1999   vasquez-john.jpg                        brother
4-253  Vasquez, Juan R                    Jun 24 1871   May 21 1957   vasquez-juan-r.jpg
4-252  Vasquez, Pilar                     Feb 26 1887   Jul 12 1970   vasquez-pilar.jpg                       our beloved mother
1-518  Vaughan, America L                 Aug 29 1870   Mar 15 1952   vaughan-america-l.jpg                   s/w Jeremiah Ames Vaughan
1-517  Vaughan, Jeremiah Ames             Jun 9 1863    Nov 30 1945   vaughan-jeremiah-ames.jpg               s/w America L Vaughan
2-0816 Vaughn, Catharine                                Nov 30 1859   vaughn-catharine.jpg                    aged 50 years; wife of Geo J Vaughn
2-0972 Velasouz, Benito                                 Aug 17 1883   velasouz-benito.jpg                     aged 54 yrs; on Molina monument
2-0200 Vess, ?                                                        vess.jpg
1-420  Vestal, Tilmon                                                 vestal-tilmon.jpg                       Co A 8th Cal Inf
2-0215 Vincent, Helen Acusta              1856          1930          vincent-helen-acusta.jpg                wife of James Vincent
1-237  W , E (3rd)                                                    w-e-3.jpg                               initials carved into brick next to Emme W
1-260  W, E (1st)                                                     w-e-1.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-403  W, E (2nd)                                                     w-e-2.jpg                               in row with military headstones
1-236  W, Emme                                                        w-emme.jpg                              initials on brick next EW
1-341  W, G F                                                         w-g-f.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-268  W, J D                                                         w-j-d.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-401  W, J K                                                         w-j-k.jpg                               in row with military headstones
2-0669 W, M                                                           w-m-1.jpg                               under Moses and Maria Wick monument
2-0670 W, M                                                           w-m-2.jpg                               3 chain links on stone; under Moses and Maria Wick headstone
2-0471 W, M F                                                         w-m-f.jpg                               intials in brick next to HC Ward
1-266  W, N                                                           w-n.jpg                                 initials carved into brick
1-261  W, R D                                                         w-r-d.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-263  W, S (1st)                                                     w-s-1.jpg                               initials carved into brick
1-340  W, S (2nd)                                                     w-s-2.jpg                               initials carved into brick
4-341  Wade, Harden (Larry)               Dec 30 1907   Sep 12 1973   wade-harden-larry.jpg
4-387  Wagner, Cindy Rae                  Aug 17 1946   May 23 1985   wagner-cindy-rae.jpg
1-537  Wagner, Frank B                                  Apr 14 1960   wagner-frank-b.jpg
1-941  Wakeham, Edward                    1870          1914          wakeham-edward.jpg                      next to Elizabeth Wakeham
1-942  Wakeham, Elizabeth                 Dec 8 1843    Jan 23 1912   wakeham-elizabeth.jpg                   next to Edward Wakeham
1-782  Waldeyer, ?                                                    waldeyer.jpg
2-0239 Wallace Meek, Eliza Nelson         1810          1886          meek-eliza-nelson-wallace.jpg           s/w Meeks and Burlingames…see pic
2-0185 Wallace, Henry                     Dec 3 1830    Dec 6 1913    wallace-henry.jpg                       native of Scotland
2-0905 Walsh, Hattie Bird                 Jan 21 1872   May 8 1890    walsh-hattie-bird.jpg                   on north side of Bird monument
4-276  Walter, Frank H                    Jul 16 1883   May 19 1962   walter-frank-h.jpg
2-0467 Ward Hulme, Minnie                 1866          1959          hulme-minnie-ward.jpg
2-0469 Ward Perry, Alvah                  1879          1974          perry-alvah-ward.jpg
2-0465 Ward Perry, Sylvia                 1907          1976          perry-sylvia-ward.jpg
2-0460 Ward, Amanda G                     Feb 11 1847   Jun 25 1917   ward-amanda-g.jpg                       mother; next to John M Ward
2-0495 Ward, Bertha H                     1866          1952          ward-bertha-h.jpg
2-0496 Ward, Charles C                    1836          1897          ward-charles-c.jpg
1-957  Ward, Chastine M                   1831          1910          ward-chastine-m.jpg                     mother
2-0941 Ward, Clara Bell                   Oct 17 1867   Jan 16 1942   ward-clara-bell.jpg                     next to William A Ward
1-955  Ward, Earl S                       Jul 5 1896    Feb 20 1953   ward-earl-s.jpg
1-958  Ward, Edward Benson                Dec 8 1860    Aug 11 1918   ward-edward-benson.jpg                  native of california
2-0472 Ward, George R                     1892          1951          ward-george-r.jpg
1-959  Ward, Georgiana B                  Oct 21 1868   Jan 3 1939    ward-georgiana-b.jpg                    born at Nimshew, Calif; died at Oroville Calif
2-0470 Ward, H C                          1864          1927          ward-h-c.jpg
2-0461 Ward, John M                       Jun 10 1832   Feb 16 1920   ward-john-m.jpg                         father; next to Amanda Ward
1-963  Ward, Julia V                      1865          1944          ward-julia-v.jpg
1-962  Ward, Louis F                      1869          1944          ward-louis-f.jpg
2-0497 Ward, Mary J                       1852          1937          ward-mary-j.jpg
1-956  Ward, William                      1825          1906          ward-william.jpg                        father
2-0942 Ward, William A                    Jul 29 1862   Feb 20 1940   ward-william-a.jpg                      next to Clara Bell Ward
2-0463 Ward?, Estelle                                                 estelle.jpg                             buried with Ward family
1-447  Warden, S                                                      warden-s.jpg
1-448  Warden, V                                                      warden-v.jpg
2-0038 Warn, Pearl L                      Oct 30 1922   Jun 15 1942   warn-pearl-l.jpg
2-0160 Warner, Fred Y                     1849          1924          warner-fred-y.jpg
2-1061 Washburn, Cecil D                  1907          1907          washburn-cecil-d.jpg                    1 of 4 on Delavan headstone
2-0548 Washburn, John R                                               washburn-john-r.jpg                     stone shared with wife Mary and son Robert
2-0549 Washburn, Mary                                                 washburn-mary.jpg                       stone shared with husband John R Washburn and son Robert
2-0550 Washburn, Robert                                               washburn-robert.jpg                     stone shared with parents John R and Mary Washburn
2-0356 Waterman, Theodore F               Oct 17 1828   May 26 1860   waterman-theodore-f.jpg                 born at Fairfield NY
2-0793 Watkins, Margaret L                1856          1933          watkins-margaret-l.jpg                  s/w Moses E Watkins
2-0794 Watkins, Moses E                   1846          1922          watkins-moses-e.jpg                     s/w Margaret L Watkins
1-207  Watson, Carlie                     Jul 18 1914   Dec 1 1937    watson-carlie.jpg                       sister
4-296  Watson, Curt W                     1885          1965          watson-curt-w.jpg                       father
1-195  Watson, M Allean                   Mar 27 1887   Apr 27 1936   watson-m-allean.jpg                     mother
2-0429 Watts, W S                                       Jul 18 1893   watts-w-s.jpg                           aged 32 yrs 10 ms 4 ds
4-251  Weber, Elizabeth M                 Mar 24 1879   Mar 10 1976   weber-elizabeth-m.jpg                   s/w John C Weber
4-250  Weber, John C                      Nov 1 1878    Sep 15 1957   weber-john-c.jpg                        s/w Elizabeth M Weber
4-271  Weber, Leo August                  Apr 19 1910   Dec 15 1970   weber-leo-august.jpg
1-274  Weed, Sheldon P                    1885          1944          weed-sheldon-p.jpg
2-0048 Weimer, Frederick                                              weimer-fredrick.jpg                     aged 46 years; native of Hamburg, Ger
2-0981 Welch, Callie J                                  Dec 4 1879    welch-callie-j.jpg                      wife of LS Welch; aged 28yrs 3mos 6days
2-0982 Welch, Elma M                      Jun 30 1887   Sep 30 1984   welch-elma-m.jpg
2-0978 Welch, Howard                      Oct 13 1890   Jun 10 1954   welch-howard.jpg
2-0980 Welch, Jennie Gilston              1859          1940          welch-jennie-gilston.jpg
2-0979 Welch, Lymans                      Apr 10 1836   Jul 16 1900   welch-lymans.jpg
2-0869 Welch, May                         1883          1922          welch-may.jpg
2-0573 Wells, Allie                                                   wells-allie.jpg                         only son of Thos Wells; aged 2 years
1-833  Wells, Dora E                      1855          1936          wells-dora-e.jpg                        mother
1-834  Wells, E John                      1878          1930          wells-e-john.jpg
1-831  Wells, Grace H                     1886          1935          wells-grace-h.jpg
2-0800 Wells, Lillian M                   Aug 22 1884   Aug 18 1973   wells-lillian-m.jpg
1-832  Wells, Michael H                   Dec 25 1829   Jul 5 1891    wells-michael-h.jpg
2-0587 Welsh Uehlinger, Irene Myrtle                    Nov 19 1954   uehlinger-irene-myrtle-welsh.jpg        California; Yeoman 1 cl., (F); USNRF
2-1051 Welsh, C "Tobe"                    1854          1938          welsh-c-tobe.jpg
2-1050 Welsh, Eva Jessamine               1887          1970          welsh-eva-jessamine.jpg                 s/w George Elton Welsh
2-0589 Welsh, Frank H                     Mar 23 1872   Nov 19 1925   welsh-frank-h.jpg                       here rests a woodman on the world
2-1049 Welsh, George Elton                1882          1948          welsh-george-elton.jpg                  s/w Eva Jessamine Welsh
2-1053 Welsh, Harry P                     1880          1898          welsh-harry-p.jpg
2-0839 Welsh, John W                      Jun 17 1877   Jan 8 1891    welsh-john-w.jpg
2-0838 Welsh, Lincoln                     Nov 19 1864   Nov 3 1878    welsh-lincoln.jpg
2-0377 Welsh, Mary Ann                                  Dec 18 1866   welsh-mary-ann.jpg
2-0590 Welsh, Mary J                      Aug 8 1870    Nov 21 1933   welsh-mary-j.jpg
2-1052 Welsh, Mary V                      1860          1936          welsh-mary-v.jpg
2-0939 Welsh, Plummer R                   Feb 10 1828   Sep 19 1912   welsh-plummer-r.jpg                     s/w Sarah Welsh
2-0940 Welsh, Sarah                       Jun 4 1832    Jul 26 1915   welsh-sarah.jpg                         s/w Plummer R Welsh
2-0837 Welsh, Webster                     Apr 12 1857   Jul 20 1916   welsh-webster.jpg
1-866  Wescott, C E                       Oct 1 1844    Aug 13 1931   wescott-c-e.jpg                         s/w wife Etta Weymouth; GAR post 96
1-867  Wescott, Etta Weymouth             Dec 27 1849   Sep 3 1914    wescott-etta-weymouth.jpg               s/w husband C E Wescott
1-041  Westwood, Bertie Ebroll                                        westwood-bertie-ebroll.jpg              aged 5 yrs 6 mos 26 ds, Dau of J.W. and Helen Westwood
1-154  Westwood, Dana                     1885          1962          westwood-dana.jpg                       Grandfather
1-705  Westwood, Edith R                  Nov 5 1874    Aug 14 1959   westwood-edith-r.jpg                    s/w George N Westwood
2-0828 Westwood, Ethel                    1878          1941          westwood-ethel.jpg                      on Westwood monument
1-704  Westwood, George N                 Jan 26 1874   Apr 26 1953   westwood-george-n.jpg                   s/w Edith R Westwood
1-155  Westwood, Helen Mab                Sep 9 1854    Dec 25 1888   westwood-helen-mab.jpg                  beloved wife of J W Westwood
2-0827 Westwood, John D                   1853          1934          westwood-john-d.jpg                     on Westwood monument
1-156  Westwood, Joseph W                               Jul 26 1933   westwood-joseph-w.jpg
1-157  Westwood, Kate Morton              1860          1942          westwood-kate-morton.jpg
1-158  Westwood, Leland J                 1884          1910          westwood-leland-j.jpg
2-0826 Westwood, Lell                                   Jan 27 1880   westwood-lell.jpg                       wife of JD Westwood; aged 22yrs 7ms 12dys; on Westwood monument
2-0953 Westwood, Ralph Byron              Aug 11 1886   Nov 29 1960   westwood-ralph-byron.jpg                California; Pvt  43 CO 166 Depot Brigade; World War 1
2-0044 Weyman, Henry                                    Jun 17 1888?  weyman-henry.jpg                        aged 5? Years; native of Germany; stone is eroded
1-867  Weymouth Wescott, Etta             Dec 27 1849   Sep 3 1914    wescott-etta-weymouth.jpg               s/w husband C E Wescott
4-151  Whalen, Jas                                      Feb 28 1909   whalen-jas.jpg                          aged 46 ys; erected by WEM
2-0752 White, Hugh                                      Jan 6 1874    white-hugh.jpg
1-159  Wichmann, Anna M                   1838          1912          wichmann-anna-m.jpg
1-160  Wichmann, J J                      1838          1918          wichmann-j-j.jpg
2-0673 Wick, Charles F                    Aug 25 1861   Apr 9 1941    wick-charles-f.jpg                      on Wick monument
2-0674 Wick, Dolly                        Jun 26 1864   Sep 17 1946   wick-dolly.jpg                          on Wick monument
2-0657 Wick, Eunice M                                   Dec 18 1872   wick-eunice-m.jpg                       daughter of Moses & Maria Wick; aged 7 yrs 6 mos & 2 days
2-0658 Wick, Julia L                                    Jul 8 1863    wick-julia-l.jpg                        dau of Moses & Maria Wick; aged 5 yrs 6 mos 19 days
2-0672 Wick, Maria                        Apr 18 1830   Jan 4 1879    wick-maria.jpg                          on Wick monument
2-0671 Wick, Moses                        Sep 8 1822    Oct 21 1888   wick-moses.jpg                          on Wick monument
1-161  Wickman, family area                                           wickman-family.jpg                      harold, muriel, and fred
1-162  Wickman, Fred                      Mar 17 1876   Mar 6 1964    wickman-fred.jpg
1-163  Wickman, Harold H                  1913          1944          wickman-harold-h.jpg                    died at Kobe, Japan.  Prisoner of war.
1-164  Wickman, Muriel June               1916          1970          wickman-muriel-june.jpg
2-0815 Wilbur, Cynthia                                  Mar 17 1871   wilbur-cynthia.jpg                      aged 33yrs 6mos 1day; wife of HC Wilbur; native of Rhode Island
2-0777 Wilcox, Charles H                                Sep 23 1888   wilcox-charles-h.jpg                    aged 50 years
1-203  Wilcox, Eliza                                    Jun 14 1863   wilcox-eliza.jpg                        wife of J E Wilcox, aged 48 years
2-0776 Wilcox, Frances A                                Nov 8 1917    wilcox-frances-a.jpg                    aged 71 years 10 mo; wife of GH Wilcox
2-0688 Wilds, ?                                                       wilds.jpg
1-577  Wiley Leeson, Cathryn              Jan 12 1915   Jan 22 2003   leeson-cathryn-wiley.jpg
1-575  Wiley, Clements G                  1870          1953          wiley-clements-g.jpg                    s/w Sarah R Wiley
1-578  Wiley, headstone placement                                     wiley-headstone.jpg
1-576  Wiley, Sarah R                     1878          1975          wiley-sarah-r.jpg                       s/w Clements G Wiley
2-0864 Wilkie, Benjamin F                 1858          1922          wilkie-benjamin-f.jpg                   s/w Clara A Wilkie
2-0865 Wilkie, Clara A                    1861          1943          wilkie-clara-a.jpg                      s/w Benjamin F Wilkie
1-601  Williams, Amy Ann                  1862          1899          williams-amy-ann.jpg                    s/w Robert J Williams
1-588  Williams, Annie Jones              Jun 3 1862    May 23 1930   williams-annie-jones.jpg                next to Daniel Harrison Williams
2-0276 Williams, D A                                                  williams-d-a.jpg                        Coxwain; US Navy
1-589  Williams, Daniel Harrison          Jun 22 1889   Mar 12 1930   williams-daniel-harrison.jpg            next to Annie Jones Williams; rest dear brother
1-590  Williams, David Herber             Apr 2 1852    Feb 4 1919    williams-david-herber.jpg               dearest father; next to Annie and Daniel Williams
1-196  Williams, Doc                      Jun 17 1873   Ar 6 1936     williams-doc.jpg                        Father
1-560  Williams, Esther E                 1897                        williams-esther-e.jpg                   s/w Marion E Williams
1-338  Williams, Henry                                                williams-henry.jpg                      Co. A. 1 Cal. Cav.
2-0220 Williams, John V                                 Feb 13 1921   williams-john-v.jpg                     aged 77 years; footstone says Jack; s/w John Johnson
1-721  Williams, Joseph                                 May 23 1876   williams-joseph.jpg                     aged 41 years 6 days
2-0277 Williams, Leland Stanford          1891          1935          williams-leland-stanford.jpg            native of Calif
1-559  Williams, Marion E                 1895          1979          williams-marion-e.jpg                   s/w Esther E Williams
1-225  Williams, Mattie                   May 6 1874    May 3 1948    williams-mattie.jpg                     mother
1-573  Williams, Nettie L                 1874          1924          williams-nettie-l.jpg                   mother; next to Raymond  and William Williams
1-572  Williams, Raymond                  Oct 28 1900   May 29 1971   williams-raymond.jpg                    son; next to Nettie and William Williams
1-600  Williams, Robert J                 1864          1899          williams-robert-j.jpg                   s/w Amy Ann Williams
1-574  Williams, William S                Jun 6 1856    Feb 20 1944   williams-william-s.jpg                  father; next to Nettie and Raymond Williams
2-0105 Williamson, John A                 Oct 27 1862   Dec 8 1943    williamson-john-a.jpg
1-823  Wilson Granger, Isabella           1828          1905          granger-isabella-wilson.jpg             wife of Lewis C Granger
1-781  Wilson, Annie                      Sep 7 1867    Sep 27 1897   wilson-annie.jpg                        wife of J W Wilson
4-243  Wilson, Charlene N                 1929          1994          wilson-charlene-n.jpg                   next to George and Edna Barrett
4-306  Wilson, Frances W                  Feb 29 1912   Dec 21 1966   wilson-frances-w.jpg                    s/w George M Wilson
2-0660 Wilson, George                                   Apr 5 1879    wilson-george.jpg                       aged 38 years 3 mos 21 days
4-305  Wilson, George M                   Aug 19 1905   Mar 12 1994   wilson-george-m.jpg                     s/w Frances W Wilson
2-0732 Wilson, Ida Belle                                              wilson-ida-belle.jpg                    in Wilson family area
2-0731 Wilson, John West                                              wilson-john-west.jpg                    in Wilson family area
2-0537 Winter, Rudolph                                  Aug 22 1872   winter-rudolph.jpg                      aged 50 years; native of Baden Baden Germany; erected by his wife
1-205  Winters, Nancy J                   1876          1939          winter-nancy-j.jpg
2-0567 Wirth, Arthur                      1886          1935          wirth-arthur.jpg
2-0149 Wirth, Doris H                                   1911          wirth-doris-h.jpg
1-637  Wixom Boring, headstone placement                              wixom-boring-headstone.jpg
1-636  Wixom, Mae B                       Feb 17 1910   Nov 27 1975   wixom-mae-b.jpg                         daughter; next to David and Sophie Boring
4-336  Woehrle, Frances J                 1933          1969          woehrle-frances-j.jpg                   wife and mother
1-166  Wolstenholme, Herbert              Feb 19 1869   Apr 1 1930    wolstenholme-herbert.jpg                s/w Walter Wolstenholme
1-167  Wolstenholme, Walter               Feb 19 1869   Aug 18 1944   wolstenholme-walter.jpg                 s/w Herbert Wolstenholme
1-817  Woodford, Aubrey                                               woodford-aubrey.jpg                     grandson; 1 of 4 on Lilly headstone
1-168  Woodhouse Sharkey, Virginia        1989          1926          sharkey-virginia-woodhouse.jpg          daughter of G P and A B Sharkey
1-745  Woodman Beam, Otie A               Aug 29 1861   Apr 29 1945   beam-otie-a-woodman.jpg                 on Woodman monument
1-744  Woodman, Ernest M                  Jul 4 1841    Dec 8 1906    woodman-ernest-m-1841-1906.jpg          GAR; native of NY; Co K 2nd Regt Cav; Cal Vol; on Woodman monument
1-746  Woodman, Ernest M                  May 3 1885    Sep 1 1942    woodman-ernest-m-1885-1942.jpg          on side of Woodman monument
1-747  Woodman, headstones                                            woodman-headstones.jpg                  next to Woodman monument
2-0263 Worley, Mabel M                    Sep 8 1899    May 23 1926   worley-mabel-m.jpg
2-0591 Worthley, Joseph                                 Mar 1 1877    worthley-joseph.jpg                     aged 51 yrs; native of Maine
1-434  Wright, A J                                                    wright-a-j.jpg                          Co A 5th Cal Inf
1-395  Wright, Eben B                     1860          1925          wright-eben-b.jpg                       Father; s/w Susan M Wright
1-246  Wright, Harry M                    May 17 1900   Feb 22 1950   wright-harry-m.jpg                      Utah; Pvt 168 Field Artillery; World War II
4-368  Wright, Raymond V                  Jun 14 1917   May 12 1979   wright-raymond-v.jpg                    US Army
1-245  Wright, Sidney J                   Feb 22 1877   Apr 24 1920   wright-sidney-j.jpg                     Father
1-396  Wright, Susan M                    1859          1938          wright-susan-m.jpg                      Mother; s/w Eben B Wright
2-0145 Wyckoff, Alice E                                 Jan 14 1884   wyckoff-alice-e.jpg                     aged 26 yrs 6 ms 8 ds; wife of JL Wyckoff
1-421  Wyckoff, Chas. A                                               wyckoff-chas-a.jpg                      Co A 1 Cal Cav
2-1029 Xiong, My                          Mar 16 1910   Mar 6 1991    xiong-my.jpg                            mother
2-1028 Xiong, Shoua Lue                   Aug 29 1914   Jun 15 1993   xiong-shoua-lue.jpg                     father
2-0063 Yetter, Calvin S                   1869          1942          yetter-calvin-s.jpg                     brother
2-0580 Young, Elizabeth                                 Feb 26 1889   young-elizabeth.jpg                     wife of HG Young; aged 64 yrs; native of England; on Young monument
2-0578 Young, Ellen                                     Dec 27 1869   young-ellen.jpg                         dau of H & E Young; aged 3 ys 3 ms; on Young monument
2-0579 Young, Henry C                                   Aug 2 1884    young-henry-c.jpg                       aged 52 ys 5 ms 5 ds; on Young monument
2-0576 Young, William                     1825          Dec 20 1860   young-william.jpg                       born Alford Lincolnshire England
2-0691 Zambellich, George                 Mar 1 1869    Oct 21 1876   zambellich-george.jpg                   (can't read, likely son of) Nicholas & Natalie Zambellich; born at Oroville; aged 7 ys 7 ms 21 ds
2-0690 Zambellich, Infant child                         Jan 16 1868   zambellich-infant-child.jpg             next to nicholas and george zambellich
2-0692 Zambellich, Nicholas                             Dec 17 1889   zambellich-nicholas.jpg                 aged 70 years 25 days; native of Austria
4-325  Zehren, Helen E                    1914          1983          zehren-helen-e.jpg
2-0528 Zook, Mary K                                     Dec 20 1893   zook-mary-k.jpg                         aged 7 yrs 3 ms 1 dy; daugter of JJ & KC Zook
2-0695 Zumwalt, Sarah P                   Sep 18 1810   Aug 29 1867   zumwalt-sarah-p.jpg                     wife of W Zumwalt; born in Herkimer Co NY