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Union-Bradley-Drew County ArArchives Biographies.....MacQueen, Donald 1886 - 
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Robert Sanchez May 26, 2009, 4:19 pm

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    Professor Donald MacQueen, city superintendent of schools of El Dorado, was
born in Milledgeville, Georgia, on the 26th of March, 1886, and is a son of Dr.
Donald and Martha (Windsor) MacQueen. The father is a native of South Carolina
and the mother is a native of Georgia. They were married in Milledgeville of the
latter state, in the year 1883. Dr. MacQueen is a Presbyterian minister, upon
whom has been conferred the degree of Doctor of Divinity and he is now filling a
pulpit at Palatka, Florida.

    Professor MacQueen of this review was educated in Center College at
Danville, Kentucky, and in the University of Wisconsin, which conferred upon him
the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1906 and that of Master of Arts in 1916.
Following his graduation he began his educational work as principal of the high
school at Carlisle, Kentucky, and later he was made superintendent of the city
schools at that place. He remained in Carlisle for four years, giving excellent
satisfaction in, his administration of educational affairs. While there residing
he was married on the 23d of December, 1909, to Miss Elizabeth Taylor Calliver
of that place, and to them has been born a son, Donald (IV).

    In 1910 Professor MacQueen was called to Fredericksburg College at
Fredericksburg, Virginia, to fill the chair of English and remained there for a
year, at the end of which time he resigned and came to Arkansas for the benefit
of his health. In 1911 he accepted the presidency of the Warren Presbyterian
Training School at Warren, Arkansas, where he remained for two years. In 1913 he
went to Monticello as head of the department of English in the Arkansas State
Agricultural School, in which capacity he served for five years and in 1918 he
was offered and accepted the superintendency of the El Dorado schools, in which
important position he has remained. He has always held to the highest standards
of his profession, ever making it his purpose so to instruct that his training
shall be of practical value as a preparation for life's responsible duties.

    Professor MacQueen is well known in fraternal circles, being a Knights
Templar Mason, a member of El Dorado Lodge, No. 1129, B. P. O. E., and also of
the Knights of Pythias. Of the Rotary Club of El Dorado he is the president and
is keenly interested in the high purposes and plans of that organization for the
benefit of the city along material and civic lines. He has membership in the El
Dorado Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the board of directors of the
Warner Brown Hospital. Keenly interested in the work of the Presbyterian church
he is serving as one of the elders, also as superintendent of the Sunday school
and is likewise president of the County Sunday School Association. He is
scout-master of the Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1, and he gives his hearty aid and
support to all measures which tend to uplift the individual and promote the
welfare of the community at large. His labors in the field of his profession
have been far-reaching and highly resultant and he ranks today among the most
capable of the educators connected with the public school system of Arkansas.

Additional Comments:

Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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