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History of the Twenty-Seventh Arkansas Confederate Infantry

Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen
        Date: 25 May 2003
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Index to History of the Twenty-seventh Arkansas Confederate Infantry
by Silas C. Turnbo

Published by Arkansas Research, PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033
$28.00 plus shipping.


Abbott, Texas	115, 132
Adams Mill	142
Adams' Regiment	53, 54, 87
Adams, Colonel	53, 54, 55
Age requirement for service	25
Akins, Jane	75
Akins, Lee	74, 75
Alexandria, Louisiana	129
Allen, Governor	124
Alligators	81, 82
Amputation of hand	50
Anderson, Arch	17, 98, 138
Anderson, Betsy	98
Anderson, John	19
Anderson, Tom	20
Antioch Church House	28
Apple storage	15
Archie's Fork	143
Argenta, Arkansas	67, 69
Arkadelphia, Arkansas	75, 91, 94
Arkansas Post, Arkansas	59, 64, 69
Arkansas River	46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 89, 91, 130, 143
Arnold's execution site	146
Arnold, Jeff	34, 35, 36, 37
Arsenal at Little Rock	69
Arsenal destroyed at Marshall	125
Artillery barrage	56
Artillery, 12 pound cannon	56
Artillery, 24 pounders	56
Artillery, captured at Prairie Grove	53
Artillery, Hindman's for Prairie Grove	52
Artillery, wheels wrapped with blankets	53
Ash, Sergeant	132
Ashley County, Arkansas	88
Athens, Missouri	119
Augusta, Arkansas	120, 131


Baise, Jeff	142
Baker's Prairie	16, 47
Bald Knob, Arkansas	67
Baldwin, J. O.	46
Ball Ridge	24
Banks, General	98, 100
Barefooted soldiers	111
Barnes, Elijah	11, 66
Barnes, John	12, 22, 25, 28, 32, 66
Barnes, Nellie Vane	66, 67
Barnes, Susan Bullock	66
Barnett, Sergeant Albert G.	115, 121, 131
Barren Fork	138
Bateman, Captain Morgan	12
Batesville, Arkansas	28, 33, 36, 37, 41, 135
Baton Rouge, Louisiana	129
Batt place	20
Battalion drill	38
Bayou Bartholomew	81, 112
Bayou La Fouche	72
Bayou Mason	82, 84
Bayou Meto	89, 91
Bayou Sara	129
Bear Creek	14, 34, 143, 146
Beaver	95
Beaver Creek	16, 17, 20, 73, 77, 137
Beaver Mill	17
Becca's Branch	138, 142
Bellefonte, Arkansas	47, 143
Ben Post Office, Arkansas	142
Benbrook's Mill	34
Benton County, Arkansas	14, 54, 74
Benton, Arkansas	76, 78, 94
Benton, Louisiana	98
Berry, Campbell	16, 100
Berry, Jim	146
Bible discovered at Camden	116
Big Beach	12
Big Beaver Pond	80
Big Beech Hollow	137
Big Buck Creek	141
Big Creek	13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 47, 138, 140, 141
Big Creek Township	19
Big Hollow	24
Big North Fork	44, 134
Big Piney Creek	61
Big Spring	18
Black Oak Ridge	11
Black River	40, 42, 132
Black, Colonel	32, 33
Black, Doctor	51
Blairs Landing, Louisiana	129
Blanket discarded in battle	106
Blunt, General	52
Boatright, Dock	20
Bodcaw (stream)	119
Boiler Spring	23, 26, 146
Bolin, Davis	141
Boone County, Arkansas	47, 75, 113, 143
Boston Mountains	49, 50, 54
Bounty money	72
Bradley's Ferry	14
Bragg, General Braxton	36
Bratton's Spring Creek	18, 51
Bratton, Henry	51
Bray, Ben	18
Breedwell, Henry	142
Breedwell, Martha	142
Brickey's Mill	36
Bridge crossing technique	80
Bridgeman, Will	93
Briggs, Captain Elisha	112
Briggs, Elisha	42
Bright, John	23
Brown, Bill	17
Brown, ex-Union soldier	145
Brown, Mrs. Wilse	138
Brown, Susan	17
Brown, Tom	17, 137
Brush ranger	14
Brush whacker	14
Bryson, Abner	90
Buck Bottom	14, 142
Buck Creek	141
Buck Hollow	17, 18, 21
Buck Shoals Ford	139, 142
Buck, Bill	74
Buckhorn, Arkansas	36, 37
Buckner, General Simon B.	122
Buena Vista, Arkansas	102
Buffalo City, Arkansas	27, 37
Buffalo Fork	27, 47, 146
Buffalo River	143
Buffalo Shoals	27
Bull dances	112
Bullock, Susan	66
Bunk construction for winter quarters	118
Burial of soldiers in trenches	72
Burial place of Union Soldiers	117
Burial vaults at Camden	117
Burns, Colonel Simon	50
Burriss, John	140
Burroughville, Arkansas	34, 143, 146
Byers, Judge	37
Byles, John	16


Cabell, General W. L.	47, 48
Cadron Creek	64, 143, 144
Cain, Jimmie	136
Cairo, Illinois	43
Calico Rock, Arkansas	27
Camden, Arkansas	76, 79, 101, 102, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
Camp activities	55
Camp life in winter	73
Camps, Bragg	36, 37, 40, 42, 94, 95, 98
Camps, Buckhorn	37
Camps, Livingstone	30, 31, 36, 37, 113
Camps, Mazzard	52, 53, 116
Camps, near Burroughville	34
Camps, Shaver	42
Camps, Sumpter	118, 119
Camps, Texas	75, 76
Camps, Wickersham land	45
Camps, Windy Hill	99, 119, 120
Canby, General	127
Cantrel, Bethy	75
Cantrel, Catherine	75
Cantrel, Eliza	75
Cantrel, Martha	75
Cantrel, Ned	74, 75
Cantrel, Tom	75
Cantrel, Will	75
Card playing in camp	39
Cardwell, John	21
Carlisle, Doctor	27
Carroll County burned courthouse	47
Carroll County, Arkansas	41, 47, 94
Carroll, Tom	18
Carrollton, Arkansas	14, 15, 16, 47, 48, 132
Casebolt, Robert	19
Casey, Doctor	15
Casey, Jasper	74
Castleman, Alex	140
Caststeel, Bill	136, 137
Cates, Mrs.	91
Cates, Prat	91
Cattle thieves	20
Cavalry dismounted to infantry	37
Center, Indian Territory	113
Centers, Ben	74, 75
Centers, Jane Justice	74
Chaffin, Kim	112
Chain guard	38
Chapman's Hollow	137
Chappel, Colonel Alexander E.	53
Charleston, Arkansas	60
Cheering by regulation	43
Choctaw Creek	143, 144, 145
Christmas 1862	54
Churchill, General Thomas J.	59, 64, 69, 101, 103, 104, 107, 109, 120, 121, 124, 128
City cemetery in Little Rock	69
Clarence Bridge	64
Clarendon, Arkansas	131
Clark County, Arkansas	94
Clark County, Missouri	119
Clark, Adeline	19
Clark, Fate	19
Clark, Frank	19
Clark, Jane	19
Clark, John	19
Clark, Lizzie	19
Clark, Malissa	19
Clark, Mary	19
Clark, Rufe	19
Clarksville, Arkansas	60
Clay County, Missouri	116
Cleveland, Oklahoma	132
Clifford, Major	28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 113
Clinton Mountain	143, 145
Clinton, Arkansas	143, 145
Clothing - handmade	46
Clothing exchanged	75
Clothing manufacture	24
Clothing of soldiers	54, 65
Cloud, Colonel	32, 42, 43
Clyde, Arkansas	62, 84
Coffee, Jack	139
Coker, Charles	16, 23
Coker, Jim	38
Coker, Joe	16
Coker, Ned	13
Coker, Prairie Bill	38
Cole, Jim	105
Coleman, Colonel	36, 37, 39
Collins, George	139
Collinsville, Texas	120
Colored troops	128
Columbia County, Arkansas	101
Confederate money	24
Confederate Soldiers' Home in Missouri	108
Confederate Troops, 10th Missouri Infantry	53, 72, 107
Confederate Troops, 11th Missouri Infantry	50, 63
Confederate Troops, 14th Arkansas Infantry	13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 47, 86
Confederate Troops, 16th Missouri Infantry	116
Confederate Troops, 22 Arkansas Infantry	61
Confederate Troops, 22nd Arkansas Infantry	43, 51, 99
Confederate Troops, 27th Arkansas Infantry	28
Confederate Troops, 3rd Missouri Cavalry	116
Confederate Troops, 33rd Arkansas Infantry	51
Confederate Troops, 7th Arkansas Infantry	42
Confederate Troops, 7th Missouri Infantry	116
Confederate Troops, Adams' Regiment	53, 87, 94, 95, 125
Confederate Troops, Cabell's Cavalry	47, 48
Confederate Troops, Dawson's Regiment	99, 109
Confederate Troops, Dobbin's Cavalry	92
Confederate Troops, Freeman's Regiment	120
Confederate Troops, Gaither's Regiment	109
Confederate Troops, Grinstead's Regiment	109
Confederate Troops, Hawthorn's Brigade	107
Confederate Troops, Hunter's Missouri Regiment	50
Confederate Troops, Missouri Cavalry unit	45
Confederate Troops, Missouri Infantry	89
Confederate Troops, Parsons' Missouri Division	95, 110
Confederate Troops, Portlock's Regiment	99, 109
Confederate Troops, Schnavel's Battalion	141
Confederate Troops, Shaver's Regiment	109
Confederate Troops, Walker's Texas Division	76, 82, 110
Confederate Troops, White's Arkansas Regiment	51
Confederate uniform	128
Conscription	34, 38
Conway County, Arkansas	63, 64
Coon Creek	20, 24
Copeland, Isaac	12
Copelin, John	136
Corn supply destroyed	57
Cornbread	77
Counties of origin for the 27th	41
Court Martial	34, 35, 37, 39, 40
Court martial for desertion	61
Coweta, Indian Territory	56, 66
Crabtree, Ben	28, 30
Cravens, Lieutenant Albert G.	31, 69, 73, 95
Crawford, Colonel	124
Crockett, General Robert H.	91
Crooked Creek	27, 45, 46, 47, 113, 142
Cross Hollows, Arkansas	14
Crump, Lieutenant Will	113, 117
Current Creek	41
Curtis, General	21, 28, 33, 36
Cypress Bayou	99, 100


Dallas County, Arkansas	76
David, James	94
David, Jeff	93
David, Tom B.	46, 50, 62, 84, 92, 93, 115, 130
Dawson's Regiment	99, 109
Delhi, Louisiana	81, 82, 83, 85
Des Arc, Arkansas	66, 131
Deserters joining Federal Army	90
Desertions	79, 93
Dethridge, fiddler	112
Devalls Bluff, Arkansas	131
Devil's Fork	143, 145
Diary destroyed by fire	86
Distillery	88
Dobbin, Colonel A. S.	92
Documents destroyed	125
Dodd City, Arkansas	17, 26, 98, 146
Dotson, Eli	13
Drain, Bill	108
Drew County, Arkansas	88
Drill for soldiers	72
Dry Fork	48
Dryden, C. F.	116
Dubuque, Arkansas	13
Duel, Marmaduke and Walker	91
Dugginsville, Missouri	18
Duncan, Doctor	73, 112, 118


East Sugar Loaf Creek	14, 23, 25, 74, 137, 146
Economic conditions before the war	24
Eight Mile Creek	76, 93
El Dorado, Arkansas	80
Elbow Creek	16, 17, 21
Elbow Hills	18, 21
Election of officers	95
Eleven Points Creek	41, 43
Eleventh Missouri Confederate Infantry	50, 63
Elkhorn battlefield	18, 20
Ellison, Berry	13
Ellison, Hezzekiah	21
Ellison, Jimmie	17, 21, 30
Ellison, Lafayette	30
Ellison, Marion	17
Elm Springs, Arkansas	54
Emancipation Prolamation	123
Enlistment decision	18
Erwin, ex-Union soldier	143, 145
Estes, Ben	28
Ethridge, soldier	96
Evening Shade, Arkansas	44
Execution for desertion	35, 62, 114
Execution for mutiny	115
Execution of deserter	34
Execution of Monroe	39
Executions	72


Fagan, General James F.	94, 101, 108
Fairview, Arkansas	48
Fallen Ash Creek	45
Fallen Ash Road	45
Federal deserters	91
Federal gun boats	83
Federal land policy before the War	24
Federal prisoners	101, 103
Ferrel, Lieutenant Hiram	89
Firing squad	35, 40, 62
Fish Trap Shoals	14
Fisher, Bill	139
Five Oaks Bald Hill	20
Flag of the 27th, a last look	127
Flag, regimental	48, 49
Flippin Barrens	45, 136
Flippin, Agnes	136
Flippin, Arkansas	39, 45
Flippin, Judge W. B.	45, 136
Forest, Dave	141
Forest, Jimmie	138
Forsyth, Missouri	13, 16, 20, 21, 49, 73, 100, 133
Fort Gibson, Indian Territory	43
Fort Smith, Arkansas	43, 51, 52, 53, 59
Fourteenth Arkansas Confederate Infantry	13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 47, 86
Fractional money	25
Franklin County, Arkansas	60
Fransways Creek	76
Fredonia Cemetery	67
Freeman, Colonel Thomas	120
Freeo Post Office, Arkansas	76, 78
Freeo, Arkansas	76
Fritts, Bud	11
Fritts, Dick	11
Fritts, George	11, 17
Fritts, Henry	11
Fritts, John	11
Frog Bayou	51
Frost, General D. M.	54
Fulton County, Arkansas	11, 31, 41
Funeral for beef rations	75
Furlough policy	74


Gaither, Captain Beal	42, 46, 47, 75
Gaither, Colonel Beal	96, 99, 128, 129
Gaither, Major Beal	95
George's Creek	11, 17, 23, 26, 142
Gerard Station, Louisiana	86
Gibson, George	112, 132, 133
Gibson, soldier	100
Gilbert Hollow	20
Globe-Democrat Newspaper	28
Grand Ecore, Louisiana	129
Grand Glaise, Arkansas	131
Grand Gulf, Mississippi	129
Grant's Army	76
Grayback lice	48
Grayson County, Texas	90
Green, General Tom	129
Greenwood Cemetery at Camden	111
Greenwood, Louisiana	127
Greiver, Ben	75
Grinstead, Colonel H. L.	51, 76, 79, 80, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111
Grinstead, Kate A.	111
Grocery prices	12, 74
Groom, Missouri	16
Grubbs, James L.	72
Guard duty	38
Gunboats	129, 131
Gunning, Major	25
Guns dropped in Saline River	106
Guns, cap lock rifle	28
Guns, double barreled shotgun	30
Guns, Enfield rifles	53
Guns, inadequate for battle	52
Guns, muskets with bayonets	13, 15
Guns, muzzle loading rifles	22, 27
Guns, not suitable for manual of arms	38
Guns, shotguns	27
Guns, squirrel rifles and shotguns	50
Guns, target practice	31
Gunter, Colonel	121


Hagan, Arms	19
Hagan, Mac	19, 20, 21
Halowell, Doctor	34
Hamburg, Arkansas	88
Hampton, Green	13
Hampton, Mrs. Zeke	47
Hand, Foster	35, 37
Hardy, Colonel W. R.	99, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110
Harrison, Arkansas	47
Harton, Humphrey	43
Hatchet, Page	145
Haworth, Mcajah	16
Hawthorn's Brigade	107
Hawthorn, General	107, 110, 122
Helena, Arkansas	33, 85
Hempstead County, Arkansas	118
Herd, Jess	141
Herrean, Mart	73
Hesse's Ferry	36
Hester place	19, 138
Hester School House	138, 141
Hester Spring	141
Higginsville, Missouri	108
Hill County, Texas	115, 132
Hillsboro, Arkansas	80
Hindman's Division	50
Hindman, General Thomas. C.	46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 63, 68, 72, 75
Hitchcock, Jim	37
Hogan, Cage	11
Hogan, Crate	11
Hogan, Crayton	11
Hogan, Elizabeth	11
Hogan, Samantha	11
Hogan, Sarah Trimble	11
Holmes, General	54, 59, 63, 68, 77, 94
Holmes, General T. H.	51
Holowel, Doctor	51
Holt, Billy	12, 20
Holt, Fielding	20
Holt, Jim	25, 28, 31, 32, 52, 60, 69
Holt, Mary L. 'Aunt Polly'	69
Holt, Polly	20
Holt, R. S.	13, 14, 52, 136
Holt, William	69
Homer, Louisiana	119
Hoodenpile, Malissa	12
Hoodenpile, Mat	12
Hoodenpile, Peter	12, 13, 21, 22
Hopper, Joe	15
Hopper, Logan	17
Horner, Captain J. J.	110
Horseshoe Bend	30
Hospital at Monroe	85
Hospital conditions	77
Hospitals burying dead	73
Hospitals, Fort Smith	52
Hot Spring County, Arkansas	76
House construction	11
Hudson, Captain Lewis	16
Hudson, Omstead	25
Humor - Arkansas vs. Missouri	52
Hunter, Colonel D. C.	50
Hunter, old man	143, 144
Hunter, preacher	116
Huntsville, Arkansas	14, 15, 48
Hurst, Alex	31
Hurst, Alexander	34
Hurst, Bob	31
Hurst, Jack	31, 34
Hutchison, Lieutenant	59
Hutson, Haywood	146
Hutson, Omstead	146


Illinois Bayou	61
Independence County, Arkansas	36, 41
Indian soldiers	102
Indians	52, 90
Indians, prisoners in Little Rock	89
Ingram, Mart	20
Ingram, Sylvanus	12, 13
Ink made from black powder	73
Ioni, Texas	125
Iron Mountain Railroad	67
Irregular Confederates	19
Ives, C. C.	110
Izard County, Arkansas	25, 27, 30, 34, 50, 133


Jackson County, Arkansas	41
Jackson, Arkansas	43
Jackson, General Stonewall	79
Jacksonport, Arkansas	131, 132
Jasper, Arkansas	66
Jayhawkers	9
Jefferson, Texas	99, 124
Jenkins' Ferry	103, 104, 108, 109, 111
Jenkins, William	136
Jennings, Hunter's son-in-law	144
Jews	100
Jimmies Creek	136
Johnson County, Arkansas	60
Jones' Mill	18, 19
Jones, Dan	95
Jones, Dr. Peter	13
Jones, Elizabeth	19
Jones, Henry	19
Jones, Jimmie	16, 18
Jones, John	19, 137
Jones, Marion	46
Jones, Rufe	137
Justice, Newt	74


Keel, Mathias	12
Keeling, Tom	13, 137
Keesee Mill	17, 137
Keesee School House	25, 146
Keesee Township	10, 86, 135
Keesee's Mill	17
Keesee, Billy	135
Keesee, Paton	138
Kerby, Sid	84
King's River	48
King, Joe	20
King, Major John C.	91
Kings River	100
Kingston, Arkansas	48, 100


Lafayette County, Arkansas	98
Lake Providence, Louisiana	83
Lancaster, Lieutenant Fed	38, 95, 112
Lance, Jeff	11
Lance, Mose	11
Lance, Sarah Trimble Hogan	11
Lane, Bill	12, 13
Langford, Lieutenant	62
Lantz, Sarah Trimble	46, 134
Laughlin, Cubine	20
Laughlin, Ellen	20
Laughlin, Emma	20
Laughlin, Harvey	21, 73
Laughlin, John	20
Laughlin, Lizy	20
Laughlin, Lizzie	20
Laughlin, Margarette	20
Laughlin, Mat	20, 21, 73
Laughlin, Serrilda	20
Laughlin, Tommy	20
Lawrence County, Arkansas	41
Lead Hill, Arkansas	14, 74, 75, 86
Lee's surrender	120
Lefevre, God	91
Lewis, General Levin M.	116
Lewisburg, Arkansas	63, 64, 143
Lewisville, Arkansas	98
Lice discovered	48
Lincoln's assassination	123
Lisbon, Arkansas	111
Little Buck Creek	142
Little Creek	139
Little Foot Hollow	25
Little North Fork	13, 20, 98, 136, 138
Little Red Post Office, Arkansas	66
Little Red River	67, 143, 145
Little Rock - Fort Smith telegraph road	50
Little Rock evacuated	92
Little Rock, Arkansas	54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 87, 89, 91, 93
Livingstone Creek	27, 33, 37
Locust Creek	17, 137
Logtown, Arkansas	52
Long Bottom Creek	25
Long Bottom Hollow	22
Long Creek	14, 47
Long's Sawmill	26
Long, sawmill owner	23
Lower Turkey Creek	138
Lunenburg, Arkansas	50
Lutie, Missouri	138


Macedonia Churchhouse	74
Madewell, Jim	47
Madison County, Arkansas	41, 100
Maginnis, A. J.	35, 40, 43
Magness, Anna	138
Magness, Bill	138, 139
Magness, Dave	139
Magness, David	138
Magness, Elmira	138, 142
Magness, Lizy	138
Magness, Margarette	138
Magness, Parthenia	138
Magness, Patsy	138
Magness, Sam	138
Magness, William	138
Magnolia, Arkansas	101, 119
Mann, Pete	93
Mannequin seen for first time	130
Mansfield, Louisiana	100, 101
Manual of arms	38
Marble yard in Little Rock	90
Marbles game	113
Marching preparations	41
Marion County	136
Marion county, Arkansas	11, 13, 25, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, 74, 86, 135, 137, 142
Marion, Lousiaiana	80
Marks Mill	108
Marmaduke, General	52, 94
Marmaduke, General John S.	52, 91, 94
Marshall, Arkansas	34, 143
Marshall, Texas	99, 120, 121, 124, 127
Masonic apron	124
Massey, Jim	13
Matthews, Captain	44
Matthews, Captain J. N.	44, 133, 134
Maxey, Bill	74
May, John	21
Mazzard Prairie	51, 54, 55, 57
McBride, General James H.	28, 30, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41
McCabe, Lieutenant W. P.	110, 120, 125
McCarvey's winter quarters	42
McClure, Hugh	139
McCullough, General Ben	14, 82
McCullough, General Henry	82
McCurdy's Warehouse	131
McDowell, George	16, 28
McGinnis, Lieutenant Colonel A. J.	81, 95
McNair, General	54
McNamara, Captain	72
McNeil, John Archibald	63
McRae, General	54
Memphis, Tennessee	66
Merritt, Sam	140
Methodist revival at Camden	116
Methvin, Major John	36, 37, 43, 44
Middleton's Ferry	44, 134
Military funeral	42
Mill Creek	28, 30, 32, 142
Miller, General	82, 131
Miller, Jim	95
Miller, John	95
Mills in Marion County	16
Mills, Benbrook's	34
Mills, Wood's	26
Milton, Dr. Every	13
Milum, Brice	27, 31, 146
Milum, Tom	31
Minden, Louisiana	119
Missionary Baptist chaplain	116
Mississippi Rifle	20
Mississippi River	18, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82, 83, 128, 129
Missouri Confederate cavalry unit	45
Mitchell, Colonel William C.	13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 46
Mitchell, Lieutenant Chas. E.	96, 110
Mitchell, Sergeant Ed	132
Money, Arkansas script	25
Money, Claibe Jackson money	45
Money, Confederate payroll	52
Money, fractional money	25
Money, gold and silver	24
Money, shin plasters	25, 39
Money, silver dimes	43
Money, soldiers' pay	72
Monroe, James	39, 40
Monroe, Louisiana	80, 81, 85, 129
Montgomery Point, Arkansas	130
Monticello, Arkansas	88
Monticello, Louisiana	82, 84
Moody, Martha	75
Moody, William	74
Mooney, Jess	133
Mooney, Major Jess	135
Moore, Captain John C.	91
Moore, Lieutenant	43
Morris, Adeline	138
Morris, Berry	138
Morris, John	13, 19, 138, 140
Morton, Captain Tom	34
Mosely, C. A.	66
Moss belt in Louisiana	80
Moton, Captain Tom	134
Moton, Sam	134
Mount Olive, Arkansas	25, 26, 27, 28
Mountain boomers	9, 139, 143
Mulberry Mountain	50
Mulberry River	46, 49, 50
Mumps	52
Murdered, Centers and Akins	74
Murdered, Moody	74
Murray, Colonel Tom	50
Music Creek	23, 142
Musicians	46
Muster rolls preserved	125


Natchez, Mississippi	129
Nave, Jake	16
Negro (colored) troops	128
Negro belonging to a major	78
Negro child drowned	129
Negro guard at boat landing	129
Negro mistreated on boat	67
Negro slaves dissatisfied	123
Negro soldiers	111
Negro soldiers at Jenkins' Ferry	109
Negro taunting Confederates	130
Negroes as an issue	113
Negroes incited to riot	116
Negroes seeking Federal help	83
Negroes seeking protection	127
Negroes visiting former owner	144
Negroes, Turnbo's Arminta	12
New Year's Day dinner, 1864	97
Newspaper item about peace	54
Newspaper office	43
Newspapers	28, 78
Newspapers, Camden paper	112
Newspapers, St. Louis Republic	72
Newspapers, The Telegraph	117
Newspapers, Weekly Commercial Appeal	66
Newton County, Arkansas	41, 66
Nigger Hill, Arkansas	131
Noe Spring	46


Oak Grove School	137
Oath of Allegiance	21, 128
Officers inept to command	39
Onstatt, Eliza	10
Onstatt, Lucy	20
Oregon Flat	16
Osage Creek	14, 16, 48, 94
Ouachita - see Washita
Overstreet, Captain	104, 110
Ozark County, Missouri	18, 51, 136
Ozark Mountains	9
Ozark, Arkansas	50


Pace's Ferry	133
Palarm Creek	64, 65
Panther Bottom	133, 138
Parker County, Texas	125
Parker, soldier	106
Paroles for the Twenty-seventh	128
Paroquet Bluff, Arkansas	132
Parsons' Brigade	53
Parsons, General M. M.	51, 54, 72, 89, 107, 110, 117
Patterson place	137
Patterson, Hannah	17
Patterson, Tom	17
Payroll for the regiment	52
Peach riot	87
Pearson, George	133
Peel, Arkansas	18
Peel, Colonel Sam W.	53
Pelham, John	138
Penitentiary	68, 69, 70, 71
Perkins, Abe	21, 22, 138
Perryville, Kentucky	43
Philadelphia Graveyard	67
Phillips, Mr.	14
Piland, Captain William	138, 139, 141
Pilot Knob Hill	48
Pine Bluff, Arkansas	59, 69, 70, 89
Pine Creek	133
Pine Flat	17
Pine Mountain	136
Pineville, Arkansas	134
Piney Bayou	34, 44, 133
Pitman's Ferry	42
Playing cards discarded before battle	102
Pleasant Hill, Louisiana	100, 101, 120
Pocahontas, Arkansas	40, 42, 43
Poem by Turnbo	9
Poem, The Heroes sleep...	117
Poindexter, Doctor Tom W.	51
Point Remove Creek	64
Point Remove Swamp	63
Polk Bayou	36
Pond Fork	140, 141
Pontiac, Missouri	66
Pontoon bridge at Little Rock	89, 92
Pope County, Arkansas	61
Port Hudson, Louisiana	73, 85, 86, 129
Portlock's Regiment	99, 109
Postwar conditions in Marion County	142
Potter, A. B.	29
Powell, Arkansas	47
Prairie Grove, Arkansas	53
Prescott, Arkansas	94
Price's Army	14
Price's Raid	115, 117
Price, Captain William M.	91
Price, General Sterling	18, 72, 75, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 102, 103, 107
Pridmore, Sergeant	105
Princeton, Arkansas	76, 78, 103, 104, 111
Prison conditions	90
Prisoner exchange	114
Prisoners of war	53, 113
Protem, Missouri	135
Pulaski County, Arkansas	64
Pumphrey, Bill	12, 13, 86, 136, 142
Pumphrey, Lewis	12, 142


Quantrill's band member	113
Quin, Captain John	115


Racoon fight among mules	72
Railroad under construction	51
Rainfall of May 1844	13
Rainfall of May 1861	13
Ramsey, George	138
Ramsey, Lindy	138
Randolph County, Arkansas	41
Ratcliff's Hotel	16
Rations and cooking	52
Rations described	60
Rations exhausted	69
Rations for horses	33
Rations improved at end of war	125
Rations in winter quarters	118
Rations inadequate	64, 65
Rations limited	55
Rations scarce	53
Ray, Captain Gus	54, 55
Ray, Henry	14
Ray, M. P.	14
Ray, Martha	14
Ray, Mary	14
Razorback hog killed	53
Rea, J. C.	28
Rebel yell	70, 107
Red River	98, 101, 119, 128, 129, 134
Reeds Bridge	91
Regimental reorganization	99
Regimental review	54
Regimental size	50
Religious meeting held in camp	38
Republic Newspaper	28
Retreat preparations	56
Retreat to Little Rock	57
Rich man's war, poor man's fight	74
Richardson, Lieutenant Pryor	120
Richardson, W. R.	46
Richmond, Kentucky	43
Richmond, Louisiana	82
Richmond, Virginia	73
Richwoods, Arkansas	132
Riddle Spring	12
Riddle, John	12
Riggs, Captain	95
Riggs, Colonel	96, 99
Roanes, General	54
Robb's Second Kansas Union Battery	56
Rock Creek	76
Rock Ford	138
Rolla, Missouri	44
Roman Catholic Church	86
Root, Jerry	56
Rose Bud	144
Roselle, Jim	11
Ross, John	18
Rumors about Federals	23
Rush Spring	47
Russellville, Arkansas	63


Sale, William F.	110
Saline Bottom	104
Saline County, Arkansas	76
Saline River	76, 78, 94, 101, 104, 106, 108
Salutes learned	42
Sanders, Tully	49
Sangamon County, Illinois	123
Sawmills, Long's	23, 26
Schnavel's Battalion	141
Schnavel, Colonel John	36, 37, 38, 40
School house in Marion County	12
Scott's Hotel	27
Scott, Tom	27
Scroggins, Isaac	84
Searcy County, Arkansas	34, 36, 41, 50, 143
Seven Elm Pond	141
Seventh Arkansas Confederate Infantry	42
Seventh Missouri Confederate Infantry	116
Sevier, Lieutenant A. H.	109
Shaler, Colonel James R.	31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 52, 57, 59,  63, 65, 66, 72, 79, 81, 83,  85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 115
Shaver, Colonel Robert G.	41, 42, 43,  44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54,  56, 61, 62, 72, 79, 99, 104,  105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 119, 120, 124, 126, 128
Shelby, General Joe	98, 125
Sheveport, Louisiana	99
Shin plasters	25
Shoal Creek	12, 13, 18, 20, 21
Shoes for soldiers	59
Short Mountain	20
Shreveport, Louisiana	66, 94, 98, 100, 101, 108, 119, 127
Sick leave furloughs	43
Sickness and death in camp	74
Sickness faked	46
Sisters of Charity	85
Six Mile Creek	60
Sixteenth Missouri Confederate Infantry	116
Skirmish at Tolbert's Ferry 1861	45
Smackover Creek	80
Small, Doctor	50, 51
Smallpox case	80
Smith, Business	138
Smith, Charley	87
Smith, ex-slaveholder	144
Smith, Fielden	21
Smith, General Kirby	94, 100, 101, 102, 103, 108, 120, 122
Smith, Mrs.	21
Smithville, Arkansas	41, 43
Sneed, Charley	16
Snellgrove, Henry	92
Snelson, Bill	139
Snelson, Elizabeth	139
Snelson, Houston	139
Snelson, Jess	139
Snelson, John	139
Snelson, Mat	139
Snelson, Nancy	139
Snelson, Newt	139
Snelson, Sam	139
Snow October 1862	46
Sogranne, Peter	114, 115, 118, 120
Songs, Beautiful flags...	127
Songs, Bonnie Blue Flag	70
Songs, Dixie	41, 80
Songs, Happy Land of Canaan	64
Songs, Hide your mule...	114
Songs, Home Sweet Home	132
Songs, I can't get 'em up	88
Songs, Mess Call	88
Songs, Mississippi Sawyer	76
Songs, My Old Kentucky Home	101
Songs, Old Time Confederates	46
Songs, Only waiting till the shadows	99
Songs, The Homespun Dress	60
Songs, Wait for the Wagon	88
South Fork	74
Spadra Bluff, Arkansas	60
Spadra Creek	60, 61
Spadra, Arkansas	60
Spring Creek	47
Spring Hill, Arkansas	118
Spring River	41, 43
Springfield, Missouri	30, 138
St. John's College Hospital	72, 76, 77, 93
St. Louis Republic newspaper	72
St. Louis, Missouri	28, 31
Stallings, Tom	86
Stamps, Jim	94
Stamps, Lewis	94
State prison	67
Steamboat whistle	11
Steamboats burned	55
Steamboats, Alamo	60
Steamboats, Arkansas	67, 70
Steamboats, carrying troops	52
Steamboats, Colonel Chapin	128, 129
Steamboats, General Quitman	99
Steamboats, Judge Fletcher	81, 129
Steamboats, Lady Walton	60
Steamboats, Mary Patterson	12
Steamboats, Ohio	128
Steamboats, Tahlequah	60
Steamboats, Thomas P. Ray	133
Steamboats, Vigo	81
Steele, General Frederick	89, 91, 93, 100, 101, 103, 108, 114
Steen, Colonel A. E.	53, 72
Stephens, Frank	12
Stevens Creek, Arkansas	66
Stinnette, Dave	47
Stippler's Spring	47
Stolen hogs	140
Strand, B. 	108
Strand, Bee	87
Strand, Mr.	12
Strange, Jim	87
Strawberry River	41, 43, 132
Strickland, Betty	143
Strickland, Joe	143
Strickland, Joe Ann	143
Strickland, John	143, 144
Strickland, Mary Ann	143
Sugar cakes made for sale	74
Sugar Loaf	21, 23, 24
Sugar Loaf Creek	74
Sugar Loaf Prairie	75
Sugar Loaf, Arkansas	38
Sullivan, Bob	18
Surrender of the Twenty-seventh	126, 127
Swamp fever	85
Swan Creek	16
Swearing-in Ceremony	25
Sycamore Creek	31, 33
Sycamore, Arkansas	31


Tabor, Arch	13
Tabor, Egu Tom	13
Tabor, Isaac	13
Tabor, John	74
Tackett, Billy	21
Talihina, Indian Territory	54, 62, 68, 125
Taney County, Missouri	13, 16, 17, 73, 77, 133, 137, 138
Tappan, Amos	75
Tappan, Captain Amos	110
Tappan, General J. C.	 72, 75, 76, 80, 84, 85, 86, 88, 95, 96, 97, 102, 103, 106, 110, 118, 120, 124, 125, 128
Tate, Ben F.	68, 125
Tate, Benjamin T.	54, 62
Taylor, Captain Sam S.	95, 105, 116, 119, 124
Taylor, General Dick	98
Teaugue, Susan	17
Telegraph message	63
Telegraph operators	31
Tennison, Willie	107
Tensas River	82
Tenth Missouri Confederate Infantry	53, 72, 107
Tents	27
Tents struck according to regulation	40
Terrapin Creek	47
Texan captain dead after Jenkins' Ferry	109
Texan officer executed	115
Texas troops	75
Theft of money by deserters	90
Theodosia, Missouri	138
Third Missouri Confederate Cavalry	116
Thirty-third Arkansas Confederate Infantry	51
Thompson, Colonel	110
Thurman, Chris	30
Tittsworth, Martha	75
Tittsworth, Sanders	75
Tobacco chewing	15
Tobacco prices	52
Tolbert Barrens	44, 45
Tolbert's Ferry	45, 133, 135
Tornado May 1867	44, 133
Trains for troop transport	81
Travel expenses to rejoin regiment	77
Treadaway, Bill	22
Trenton, Louisiana	81
Trimble Graveyard	135
Trimble's Creek	11, 20, 24, 98, 137, 138, 142
Trimble, Allin	11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 98, 137, 138, 142
Trimble, Betsy	137
Trimble, Bill	11, 12, 13, 16, 98, 134
Trimble, Jane	17
Trimble, Joe	17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, 46, 52, 98, 137
Trimble, John	17, 137
Trimble, Lucinda	17
Trimble, Malissa	17
Trimble, Mary	17
Trimble, Milt	17
Trimble, Milton	137
Trimble, Sally	17, 137
Trimble, Sarah	11, 46
Trimble, William	47, 137
Trinity River	125
Tulip Creek	76
Tulip, Arkansas	76, 78
Turnbo, Bubby	11, 138, 139, 142
Turnbo, Eliza Onstatt	10
Turnbo, Gracie	11
Turnbo, James	10, 12, 13, 37, 39, 46, 120, 139, 140, 142
Turnbo, Jim	11
Turnbo, Margarette	11, 140
Turnbo, Mary	11
Turnbo, Newt	11, 22, 120, 138, 139, 141, 142, 146
Turnbo, Sallie	11
Tutt Springs	46
Tutt, Little Dave	30
Twenty-second Arkansas Confederate Infantry	28, 43, 51, 61, 99
Two Bayou Creek	79
Tynor, religious soldier	119


Uniforms	27
Uniforms for soldiers	75
Uniforms in tatters	111
Union County, Arkansas	80
Union Parish, Louisiana	80
Union Troops, Robb's Second Kansas Battery	56
Upper Crossing	47
Upper Turkey Creek	136, 139


Van Buren, Arkansas	51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 143
Vane, Nellie	66
Vicksburg, Mississippi	73, 76, 85, 129, 130


Walker's Division	82
Walker, Billy	21
Walker, General L. M. Marsh	76, 91, 110
Walker, Lucinda	22
War Eagle River	14, 15
War's effect on Ozarks	9
Washington County, Arkansas	50, 62, 84
Washington, Arkansas	76, 117
Washita City, Louisiana	80, 81, 129
Washita Parish, Louisiana	80
Washita River	76, 79, 80, 81, 94, 103, 112, 113, 114, 116
Weast Hotel	25
Weast, Wash	112
Welch, Ed	140
Wells, Tom	19
West Sugar Loaf Creek	13, 16, 23
Wheelis, ex-Confederate soldier	145
Whiskey confiscated	15
Whiskey for sale	12
Whisky for sale	88
White County, Arkansas	142, 143
White River	10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 36, 45, 47, 66, 86, 98, 113, 120, 129, 131, 133, 135
White, Colonel	42, 51
White, editor	112, 117
Wickersham campground	45
Wild Haw Road	28, 132
Wild Haw, Arkansas	28, 133
Wiley's Cove	143, 145
Williams, Colonel Fitty	54
Williams, Vol	128, 131
Williams, W. W.	116
Willow Springs	24
Wilmoth, George	32
Wilson Hotel	27, 45
Wilson, Doctor	73
Wilson, Isaac	27, 45
Winfield, preacher	116
Winfield, Reverend	94
Winter quarters	72
Winter quarters, 14th Arkansas Infantry	15
Winters, D. A.	19, 24, 131
Winters, Elizabeth	19, 131
Wolf, Jake	134
Womack, Joe	137
Wood's Mill	17
Wood, A. S. Bud	28
Wood, Abe	31
Wood, Ben	112
Wood, Dice	74
Wood, Fred	29, 36
Wood, George	74
Wood, Joe	39
Wood, South Foot Will	17
Wood, Southfoot Will	11
Wood, Winnie	74
Woods, Captain Fred	25, 27, 28, 59
Woods, George	17
Woods, Jim	31, 32, 47
Woods, John	31, 32, 47
Woods, Johnny	31, 47
Woods, Lige	17
Woods, South Foot Will	26
Woods, Tom	31, 32, 47, 112
Wool cards	140
Wounded cleared from field after Jenkins' Ferry	109
Wright, Mr.	125


Yandell, Clate	21
Yandell, John	16
Yellow fever	87
Yellville, Arkansas	11, 13, 16, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 35, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 73, 142, 146
Yellville-Jackson Post wagon road	28
Yocum Creek	12
Yocum, Asa	22, 25
Yocum, Harve	98
Yocum, Jess	141

Copyright (c) 1997 Desmond Walls Allen