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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Files
John P. Newborn
Contributed by Delaine Edwards

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State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}ss
	On this 23rd day of April A.D. one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety personally appeared before me, a Clerk of the Circuit Court 
the same being a Court of Record, within and for the County and State 
aforesaid, John P. Newbern aged 56 years, who, being duly sworn 
according to law, declares that he is the identical John P. Newbern 
who was enrolled on the [blank] day of January 1862, in company E of 
the 3 regiment of Ark. Cav. commanded by Robt. Wishard and was honorably 
discharged at Louisburg, Ark., on the 6 day of July 1865; that his
 personal description is as follows: Age, 56 years; height, 5 feet 10 
inches; complexion red; hair, red or auburn; eyes, blue. That while a 
member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line 
of his duty, at Lewisburg, in the State of Ark., on or about the 
[blank] day of [blank] 1864, he contracted general debility from 
exposure and hardships incident to the service. That he was treated 
in hospital as follows: [blank.] That he has not been employed in the 
military or naval service otherwise than stated above [blank.] That 
since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the [blank] 
of [blank] in the State of Ark., and his occupation has been that of 
a farmer. That prior to his entry into the service above-named, he 
was a man of good, sound physical health, being by occupation when 
enrolled a farmer. That he is now 2/3 disabled from obtaining his 
subsistence by manual labor, by reason of his disabilities, above 
described, incurred in the service of the United States; and he 
therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on 
the invalid roll of the United States. He hereby appoints, with full 
power of substitution and revocation, Charles & William B. King, of 
Washington, D.C., his true and lawful attorneys to prosecute his claim. 
That he has never received nor applied for a pension; that his 
residence is No. [blank] street, and that his post office address 
is: Parks Scott Co. Ark.
M.M. Beavers				John P. "x" Newbern
J.M. Harvey	                                mark

Washington, D.C., Jan. 14, 1891
Inst. So? Div.
S.S.S. Ex'r.
No. 777198
John P. Newbern
Co. E, 3, Ark. Cav.

	It is alleged that John P. Newbern enlisted Jan. 14, 1862 and 
Served as a private in Co. E, 3 Reg't Ark. Cav. also as a [blank] in Co.
[blank] Reg't [blank] and was discharged at Louisburg, Ark. July 6, 1865.
	It is also alleged that while on duty at Louisburg, Ark., on or
About [blank] 1864, he was disabled by exposure resulting in general
Debility and was treated in hospitals of which the names, locations, and
Dates of treatment are as follows: [blank.]
	In case of the above-named soldier the War Department is requested
to furnish an official statement of the enrollment, discharge, and record
of service so far as the same may be applicable to the foregoing 
allegation together with full medical history. Please give the rank he
held at the time he is claimed to have incurred the disability alleged,
and if records show that he was not in line of duty during that period,
let the fact be stated.
					Very respectfully,
					Green B. Raimy[?], Commissioner.
To Officer in Charge of the Record and Pension Division,
War Department.

No. 77198
	Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. John P.
Newbern, Co. E, Reg't. 3, Ark. Cav. was enrolled Feb. 6, 1864 and M.O.
With Co. June 30, 1865. From enrolment to Feb. 28, 1865 he held the
Rank of Pvt & Corpl and during that period the rolls show him present.
Other records furnish nothing additional bearing upon this case. The
Medical records show him treated as follows: No record found.
By authority of the Secretary of War:
F.C. Ainsworth,
Captain and Ass't. Sugeon, U.S. Army.
Date Jan. 16, 1891.
(Commissioner of Pensions.)

State of Arkansas,}
County of Scott} ss:
	In the Pension Claim of John P. Newborn, Corporal, late of Co. E,
3rd Reg't Ark Cav Vols., personally came before me, a Clerk of the
Circuit Court, in and for the aforesaid County and State, John P. Newborn,
who, I hereby certify, is a respectable and credible person, and who,
being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid claim as follows:
When I was in the service aforesaid on the march from Little Rock to
Camden, Ark. we were exposed to the inclemency of the weather for 18 days
and nights, that the saddle was never taken from the horses. Before the
march I had measles which resulted in a spinal affliction and was unable
to stand such exposure and since that time I have always suffered with
general debility. This affidavit was all written in my presence and from
oral statements made by me on the 21st day of April 1894, at Waldron,
Scott Co., Ark., to T.M. Duncan, Circuit Clerk, by whom the statement was
written down and I was not aided or prompted by any written or printed
statement or recital thereto or dictated by any other person and not
attached hereto as an exhibit.
	He further declares that his post office address is Boles, County
of Scott, State of Arkansas, and that he is not interested in said claim
or concerned in its prosecution.
S.K. Duncan					John P. "x" Newborn
M.M. Beavers                                mark

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	In the Invalid Pension Claim of John P. Newburn, Corporal, late of
Co. E, (3) Reg't. Cavalry Ark. Vols., personally came before me, a Notary
Public in and for the aforesaid County and State, John P. Newburn 
(claimant) who, I hereby certify, is a respectable and credible person,
and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid claim 
as follows: I went into the Confederate Service in the fall of 1862. I 
belonged to Captain Featherston's Co. 19 Regiment of Confederate Infantry,
Dawson's Regiment. I remained in said army until I was taken a prisoner
At the Arkansas post and in February I was exchanged and immediately
I joined the United States Army in Co. E, (3) Regiment of Arkansas
Cavalry volunteers. I joined said Co. on 6th day of February 1864 and
was discharged from the service (30) day of June 1865 at Lewisburg, Ark. I
first had the measles in Sept. 1863and I had the relapse in February 1864
after I had joined the Union Army. I had never got entirely well of the
measles and my regimental surgeon said that the exposure I had in the 
force[d] march we had right after I joined the United States Army caused
the relapse of the measles. This statement was made in my own words to
Thomas J. Tate who wrote the same down for me. I made the same to him
Before writing at his office on 25th day of March 1895 and I was not 
Aided or assisted by anyone in writing or words only of my own.
	He further declares that his post office address is Parks P O
County of Scott, State of Arkansas, and that he is interested in said
Claim and concerned in its prosecution.
Sarah E. Martin				John P. "x" Newburn
Zeke. Price						  mark

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} ss.
	In the matter of The Pension Claim of John P. Newborn of Co. E
Third Regiment of Ark. Cav. Vol. personally came before me, a Justice of
the Peace in and for aforesaid County and State Nazzary M. Mitchell aged
71 years, residing at Boles, Scott County, Arkansas well known to me to
be reputable and entitled to credit, who having been duly sworn, declares
in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That I am personally
acquainted with the above named John P. Newborn and have been every since
the year 1859, and I have lived in 5 or 6 miles of him the greater portion
of the time since, and I know that the said John P. Newborn never enlisted
in the Rebel army until after the conscript law took effect, which as
well as I remember was in June 1862. I was with John P. Newborn and we
both were in the same company. John P. Newborn joined to evade the 
conscript law, and I know that John P. Newborn never enlisted in the
Rebel army before that time.
	This affidavit was written by E.L.E. Beauchamp from my oral
statement to the said E.L.E. Beauchamp made on the 29 day of May 1897 and
in making the same I did not use nor was not aided or prompted by any
printed or written statement prepared or dictated by any other person.
	I further declare that I have no interest in the case, and am not
concerned in its prosecution.
James C. Dooley				Nazzary M. "x" Mitchell
A.J. Wammack					     mark

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the pension claim of John P. Newborn No. 777198
Of Co. E, Third Regiment of Ark. Cav. Vol. personally came before me, a
Clerk Circuit Court in and for aforesaid County and State, John W.
Stewart, aged 57 years, residing at Boles, Scott County, Ark., well
known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, who having been duly
sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That I am
personally well acquainted with the above named John P. Newborn and have
been every since the year 1858 and have lived in the same neighborhood
with him from that time until the present and I know that the said John
P. Newborn never enlisted in the rebel army until after what we knew and
understood as the "Conscript Law" took effect, which as I now remember 
was some time in the summer of 1862.
	This affidavit was written by S.K. Duncan Jr. from my oral
statements to the said S.K. Duncan made on the 22 day of May 1897 and in
making the same I did not use, nor was not aided or prompted by any
printed or written statement prepared or dictated by any other person.
	I further declare that I have no interest in the case, and am not
concerned in its prosecution.
L.L. Sims					John W. "x" Stewart
W.T. Forrester					  mark

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the pension claim No. 777198 of John P. Newborn of
Co. E, 3rd Regt. Ark. Cav. personally came before me, a Justice of the
Peace in and for aforesaid County and State, L.K. Robertson aged 55 years,
residing at Parks, Ark. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to
credit, who having been duly sworn, declares in relation to the 
aforesaid case as follows: Have known J.P. Newborn since 1869 with
exception of 1874 & 75 as his family physician. Have treated him in
several spells of sickness & one of sunstroke which left the old man in
a state of general debility from which he has not fully recovered. Owing
to which I believe him to be entitled to pension.
	This affidavit was written by L.K. Robertson at Parks on this 11
day of Sept. 1900. My Postoffice address is Parks, Scott Co., Arkansas.
	I further declare that I have no interest in the case, and am not
concerned in its prosecution.
						Lucien K. Robertson

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the Pension Claim No. 777198 of John P. Newborn, 
Co. E 3rd Regt. Ark. Cav. personally came before me, a Justice of the 
Peace in and for aforesaid County and State John P. Newborn aged 66 years,
Residing at Parks Scott Ark, well known to me to be reputable and 
entitled to credit, who having been duly sworn, declares in relation to 
the aforesaid case as follows: In regard to the evidence in my case I was 
never treated in hospital. I was treated by one of my Regimental doctors. 
His name was Thomas and as to his whereabouts I don't know. I contracted 
my disability while on the march from Little Rock Arkansas to Camden 
Arkansas and was treated by my Regimental doctor Thomas at the same time 
I contracted my disability about the month of April 1864.
	This affidavit was written by W.R. Hawkins from my John P. Newborn
own dictation made to him in my presence at Parks on this 11th day of 
September 1900. My Postoffice address is Parks Scott Co, Arkansas. I
further declare that I have no interest in the case, and am not concerned 
in its prosecution.
Mattie J. Hawkins				John P. "x" Newborn
John J. Hawkins					  mark

State of Ark}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the Pension Claim No. 777198 of John P. Newborn Co
E 3rd Regt Ark Cav, personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in 
And for aforesaid County and State John L. Worsham, aged 70 years, 
residing at Cedar Creek Ark well known to me to be reputable and entitled 
to credit, who having been duly sworn, declares in relation to the 
aforesaid case as follows: I was well acquainted with John P. Newborn. I 
was first duty Sergeant in Co. E, 3rd Regt. Ark. Cav. and know that he 
was a member of aforesaid Co. was a faithful soldier on all occasions and 
at all times and by reason of his age taken with the exposure of army 
life has rendered him unable to make a support for himself and family by 
manual labor.
	This affidavit was written by James G. Sanders from my oral 
Statement made to him [by] myself in person at Cedar Creek on this 5 day 
of Oct 1900 and in making the same I do so from my personal knowledge. My 
Postoffice address is Cedar Creek Scott Co Ark. I further declare that I 
have no interest in the case, and am not concerned in its prosecution.
						John L. Worsham

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the Pension Claim No. 777198 of John P. Newborn
Co. E, 3rd Regt. Ark. Cav. personally came before me, a Justice of the 
Peace In and for aforesaid County and State, John P. Newborn, claimant, 
65 years, residing at Parks, Ark., well known to me to be reputable and 
entitled to credit, who having been duly sworn, declares in relation to 
the aforesaid case as follows: That I respectfully ask to have my claim 
for pension under the act of June 27, 1890 taken up and acted upon with 
view towards completion as I am unable to furnish the evidence required 
to establish my claim under the general laws. I gave Power of Attorney to 
R.D. McKnight in June last authorizing him to take up my claim and 
prosecute it under the Act of June 27, 1890 and I respectfully ask that 
he be recognized as my attorney to prosecute my claim under act June 27, 
1890 and that he be furnished the status of said claim as soon as 
	This affidavit was written by W.R. Hawkins from his oral statement 
Made to me by him at Parks, Ark. on this 18 day of October 1900. My 
Postoffice address is Parks, Scott Co., Ark.
Mary M. Hawkins				John P. "x" Newborn
Mattie J. Hawkins					  mark

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} SS.
	In the matter of the Pension Claim No. 777198 of John P. Newborn, 
Co. E, 3rd Ark. Cav. personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in 
and for aforesaid County and State, John P. Newborn claimant, 66 years, 
residing at Parks, Ark. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to 
credit, who having been duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid 
case as follows: While on force[d] march from Little Rock Ark. to Camden 
Ark. [illegible] I contracted measles while on the march & from exposure 
incidental to force[d] march, wet weather &c. I relapsed & measles 
settled in spinal column from which I have suffered every since. I have 
suffered at times since with anul fistula, I suppose caused from same. 
These troubles were not caused from vicious habits.
	This affidavit was written by L.K. Robertson from my own statement 
Made to him in my presence at Parks on this 28 day of Nov. 1900 and in 
making the same I was not dictated to or influenced in any way. My 
Postoffice address is Parks, Ark.
Carr Allen					John P. "x" Newborn
Lucien K. Robertson				  mark

SO Division.
Inv ??? No. 777198
John P. Newman [sic]
Co. E - 3 Reg't. Ark. Vol. Cav.
Washington, D.C. Nov. 5, 1902

Sir: To aid this Bureau in preventing any one falsely personating you, or
otherwise committing fraud in your name, or on account of your service, 
you are required to answer fully the questions enumerated below.
				Very respectfully, 
						J.L. Davenport, Acting Commissioner.
John P. Newman [sic]
Parks, Scott Co, Ark.
1. When were you born? Answer. 1834
2. Where were you born? Answer. Marion County Tennessee
3. When did you enlist? Answer. 6th of February 1864
4. Where did you enlist? Answer. Little Rock, Ark.
5. Where had you lived before you enlisted? Answer. Parks, Ark.
6. What was your post-office address at enlistment? Answer. Parks, Ark.
7. What was your occupation at enlistment? Answer. Farmer
8. When were you discharged? Answer. 30th day of June 1865
9. Where were you discharged? Answer. Lewisburg, Ark.
10. Where have you lived since discharge? Give dates, as nearly as 
possible, of any changes of residence. Answer. Parks, Ark.
11. What is your present occupation? Answer. Farmer
12. What is your height? Answer. 5 feet 8 inches. Your weight? 156 lbs.
The color of your eyes? Hazel. The color of your hair? Light. Your 
complexion? Fair. Are there any permanent marks or scars on your person? 
If so, describe them. [Blank]
13. What is your full name? Please write it on the line below, in ink, 
in the manner in which you are accustomed to sign it, in the presence of 
two witnesses who can write.
						John Pinkney "x" Newburn
Witnesses: Richard Burruss
	     C.P. Burruss
Date: Novr. 11th, 1902.

Act of February 6, 1907.
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} ss.
	On this 16 day of April A.D. one thousand nine hundred and 7 
Personally Appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the 
county and State aforesaid, John P. Newbern, who, being duly sworn 
according to law, Declares that he is 73 years of age, and resident of 
Parks county of Scott, State of Arkansas; and that he is the identical 
person who was enrolled at Little Rock under the name of John P. Newbern, 
on the 6 day of January 1863 as a Private, in 3 Arkansas Cavalry Company 
E in the service of the United States, in the Civil war, and was 
honorably discharged at Louisburg, on the 30 day of June 1865. That he 
also served [blank.] That he has not been employed in the military or 
naval service of the United States except as stated above. That his 
personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 feet 8 
inches; complexion, dark; color of eyes, Hazel; color of hair, light; 
that his occupation was Farmer; that he was born [blank] 1833 at Marion 
County Tennessee. That his several places of residence since leaving the 
service have been as follows: I have bin in Scott Ark all the time.
	That he is a pensioner by Certificate No. [blank] at $12 per month.
That he has heretofore applied for pension, Claim No. [blank.]
	That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on 
The pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of 
February 6, 1907, and any amendments thereof.
	He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution, W.H. Wills, of
Washington, D.C., his successors or legal representatives, his true and
lawful attorney to prosecute his claim under said law; and he requests 
and directs that he be allowed and paid, upon the issuance of a 
certificate, or thereafter, such fee or compensation as may be hereafter 
provided by law or ruling.
	That his post-office is Parks county of Scott State of Arkansas.
Attest: J.L. Hansard				John P. "x" Newbern
        William N. Morris				  mark
	Also personally appeared John P. Newbern [sic] residing in Parks and
Nelson N. Morris residing in Parks, persons whom I certify to be
respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say 
that they were present and saw John P. Newbern, the claimant, sign his 
name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have 
every reason to believe, from the appearance of the claimant and their 
acquaintance with him of 10 years and 1 years, respectively, that he is 
the identical person he represents himself to be, and that they have no 
interest in the prosecution of this claim.
							J.L. Hansard
							Nellson N. Morris
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of April A.D. 1907 and I
hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were
fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before
swearing, including the words "the claimant was born," erased, and the
words "in Marion County Tennessee," added; and that I have no interest,
direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
							W.H. Hansard
							Justice of the Peace
I hereby certify that I have filled out what you wanted. 
W.H. Hansard, Justice of the Peace. (My name is on file. My address is 
Parks, Ark.)

Drop Order and Report.
Finance Division.
Washington, D.C., Mar 29 1911
John P. Newbern, Pentioner
Certificate number 1,060,575
Act February 6 1907
E 3 Ark Cav
U.S. Pension Agent, Knoxville
Sir: You are hereby directed to drop from the roll the name of the above
Described pensioner who died Mar. 16, 1911.
						J.L. Davenport, Commissioner.
Commissioner of Pensions.
	Sir: The name of the above described pensioner, who was last paid
at $15 per month to 4 Feb 1911, has this day been dropped from the roll
of this agency.
						Wm. Reed[?]
						U.S. Pension Agent.
Mch. 30, 1911

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} ss:
	On this 4 day of April A.D. one thousand nine hundred and 11
personally appeared before me, a notary public within and for the
county and State aforesaid, Mandy Newbern, aged 77 years, a resident of
Parks, county of Scott, State of Arkansas, who, being duly sworn 
according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain
pension under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved April
19, 1908.
	That she is the widow of John P. Newbern, who was enrolled under 
The Name John P. Newbern, at Lewisburg Ark [sic] on the [illegible] day 
of Feb. 1864 as a Corpl in Co E, 3rd Ark Cav and honorably discharged 30 
day of June, 1865, having served ninety days or more during the late 
civil war.
	That he also served [blank.] That he was not in the military or
naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above. That 
she was married under the name of Mandy Kilburn to said soldier at 
Lawrence Co, Tenn. on the 5 day of July 1855, by L. Vandiver; that there 
was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously 
married; that the soldier had not been previously married, and that 
neither she nor said soldier married otherwise than as stated above.
	That the said soldier died March 15, 1911 at Parks, Scott Co, Ark;
that she was not divorced from him, and that she has not remarried since
his death.
	That the said soldier left the following named children who are
now living and under sixteen years of age, to wit: [blank.]
	That her post-office address is Parks, county of Scott, State of
Attest: John W. Herrin				Mandy "x" Newbern
	  Lucien K. Robertson			      mark
	Also appeared Jno. W. Herrin, residing in Park[s], Ark, and Lucien 
K. Robertson, residing in Parks, Ark, persons whom I certify to be 
respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say
they were present and saw Mandy Newbern, the claimant, sign her name (or
make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason
to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance
with her of 20 years and 40 years, respectively, that she is the identical
person she represents herself to be, and that they have no interest in the
prosecution of this claim.
							John W. Herrin
							Lucien K. Robertson
	Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of April A.D. 1911;
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., 
were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before
swearing, including the words [blank] erased, and the words [blank] added;
and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of
this claim.
							George W. Swain,
							Notary Public

1855 July 5th No.280
Pinkney Newburn
Amanda Kilburn

State of Tennessee Lawrence County.
	I, N.B. Simms clerk of said Lawrence County, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and perfect copy of issuance
of marriage license to Pinkney Newburn and Amanda Kilburn as appears of
record now on file in my office.
	Witness my hand and seal, at office in Lawrenceburg Tennessee, this
the 20 day of May 1911.
							N.B. Simms
							County Court Clerk

	In the matter of Mandy Newbern, widow of John P. Newbern - E - 3 
Ark Cav personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the 
State and County hereinafter named duly authorized to administer oaths 
L.K. Robertson aged 65 years, whose Post Office is Parks Ark. and B.W. 
Duncan, aged 38 years, whose Post Office address is Parks Ark. who, 
being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I, 
L.K. Robertson have been acquainted with Amanda Newborn for 40 years & 
know her to be the wife of Jno. P. Newbern, Dec. I have been his family physician during that time. My partner was called to see him at the time 
of his death, I didn't see him after death.
	I, B.W. Duncan of the firm of Robertson & Duncan was called to Jno. 
P. Newbern at the time of his death. He was dead when I arrived. I only 
Knew Jno. P. & Amanda Newborn about three years & knew them as man & wife.
He died on 15 of March 1911.
[Stamped Aug 10 1911.]

State of Ark.
County of Scott.
	In the matter of Mandy Newbern Wid of John P. Newbern, Co E, 3 Ark 
Vol Cav, I, John W. Herrin, age 54 years, Post office Parks Scott Co Ark 
being duly sworn, declare in relation to the aforesaid case I have been acquainted with Mandy Newbern wid of John P Newbern of Co E, 3 Ark Vol 
Cav since the close of the Civil War and have been acquainted and 
associated with him since 1881 until he died and they lived as man and 
wife during that time and raised a large family.
							John W. Herrin
	He further declares that he has no interest in said case and not
Interested in its prosecution and not related to the applicant.
	Sworn and subscribed this said affidavit was read to affiant before
Execution and have no interest therein and said affiant known to be a 
Credible Person. Witness my hand and official seal this 5 day of Sept. 
							George W. Swain
							Notary Public

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	On this 4 day of March 1912, before me, a Notary Public for said 
county, Appeared Amanda Newbern who on oath declares she is 78 years old, 
and the widow of John P. Newbern who belonged to Company E, 3 Regiment 
Ark. Cavalry in the service of the United States; that she received a 
pension certificate numbered [blank] and dated [blank] that she was last 
paid at the Knoxville Agency, to the 4th of Nov, 1911 that she has not 
bartered, sold, or pledged her pension certificate or any interest 
therein; but that on or about Jan, 1912, at or near It was lost and can't 
be found I don't know how it got missplaced I can't find it and I don't 
know the number of the lost certificate and I have made a thorough search 
for the lost voucher & certificate.
	My post-office address is Parks Scott Co Arkansas.
							Amanda "x" Newbern
	Also personally appeared [blank] who on oath declares that he well
knows Amanda Newbern, who has executed the foregoing affidavit, to be the
identical person named herein.
							John W. Herrin
	Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year aforesaid, the 
contents being first made known, and I certify that the affiants are
persons of veracity.
							George W. Swain
							Notary Public

Office of the Disbursing Clerk,
Feb. 13, 1914
To the Chief, Finance Division:
	You are hereby notified that check No. 3699325, for $36# dated Feb
4, 1914, in favor of Amanda Newbern Ctf. No. 729807, Class Act of April 
19, 1908 Section 5 has been returned to this office by the Postmaster at 
Parks Ark., with the information that the pensioner died Jan. 1, 1914, 
and said Check has this day been canceled.
							Very respectfully,
							Guy O. Taylor,
							Disbursing Clerk.