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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Files
Maston Miner
Contributed by Scott Co. Historical & Genealogical Society
Special thanks to Mallory Allison

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State of Arkansas}
Crawford County} SS.
	On this 25 day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and 
eighty three personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit 
Court, a court of record within and for the County and State 
aforesaid, Maston Miner, aged 42 years, a resident of the town of 
Natural Dam county of Crawford, State of Ark., who, being duly sworn 
according to law, declares that he is the identical Maston Miner who 
was enrolled on the 26 day of Dec., 1861, in Company G of the 12 
Regiment of Mo. Cav. commanded by W.T. Jasper and was honorably 
discharged at St. Louis Mo. on the [blank] day of March 1865; that 
his personal description is as follows: Age 42 years; height 5 feet 
5 inches, complexion dark; hair dark; eyes hazel. That while a member 
of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of duty 
at [illegible] Independence in the State of Mo. on or about the 
[blank] day of Nov., 1864, he incurred injury of knee joint caused 
by being thrown from his horse, foot hung in stirrup, and jerking 
joint out of place, rendering it stiff. He claims a pension on 
account of injury of knee. That he was treated in hospital as follows: 
Camp Davies Regimental hospital at Rolla, Missouri. Treated in Nov. 
& Dec. 18__. That he has been employed in the military or naval 
service otherwise than as stated above: transferred to 5th Mo. Cav. 
That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in County 
of Crawford in the State of Ark. & in Reynolds Co., Mo., and his 
occupation has been that of a farmer. That prior to his entry into 
the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, 
being when enrolled a farmer. That he is now partially disabled from 
obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries, 
above described, received in the service of the United States; and 
he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed 
on the invalid pension roll of the United States.
	He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and 
revocation, W.H. Wills & Co., of Washington, D.C., his true and lawful 
attorney to prosecute his claim. That he has not received nor applied 
for a Pension. That his Post-Office address is Natural Dam, county of 
Crawford, State of Ark.
				Maston Miner
Attest: ErBer? Sumpter
        Henry (his "x" mark) Sumpter
Attest: J.W. Jenners
[one signature cut off in copy]

Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, Nov. 17th, 1883.
	Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. Masten 
Miner, a Wagoner of Company G, 12th  Regiment Mo., S.M. Cavly. 
Volunteers, was enrolled on the 31st day of Dec. 1861, at Middlebrook 
for the War and is reported: on roll of co., May & June 62 (first 
roll of co. on file) present, Roll Co. "D" 5th Mo., S.M. Cavly (to 
which transferred) reports him, May & June 64 - present, same to Aug. 
31, 64 - Sept. & Oct. 64 - Absent on detached Service at Rolla. Nov. 
& Dec. 64 - present, Jany. & Feby. 65 - Absent on Scout, Return Nov. 
64 - does not report him absent, Mustered out on detachment Muster 
out roll March 28, 65, at Rolla, Mo. The records of this office do 
not show he was injured as alleged.
			[Illegible signature], Assistant Adjutant General

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	On this 17 day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace court, 
the same a court within and for the county and state aforesaid Maston 
Miner, aged 47 years, a resident of the vicinity of Boles, County of 
Scott, State of Ark., who being duly sworn according to law, declares 
that he is the identical person who was enrolled on the 26 day of 
December 1861, in G - 12 - Mo. Cav. in the war of the Rebellion, and 
served at least ninety days, and was honorably discharged at Saint 
Louis, Mo., on the [blank] day of March, 1865. That he is unable to 
earn a support by reason of his right leg being stiff in the nee[sic] 
joint and he cannot git round to work good enough to earn support.
	That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and 
are to the best of his knowledge and believe permanent, that he has 
applied for pension under application No. [blank]; that he is a 
pensioner under certificate No. [lined out.]
	That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed 
on the pension roll of the United States under the provision of the 
act of June 27, 1890.
	He hereby appoints W.H. Wills, of Washington, D.C., his true 
and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim and hereby agrees to pay 
a fee of $10 on allowance of same. That his P.O. address is Boles, 
County of Scott, State of Arkansas.
				Maston Miner
Attest: John Montgomery
            Wm. Martin
	Also appeared John Montgomery, residing at Boles, Scott Co., 
Ark. and Wm. Martin residing at Boles, Scott County, Ark., persons 
whom I certify to be respectful and entitled to credit, and who 
being duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Maston Miner, 
the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration, that they 
have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant 
and their acquaintance with him for 9 years and 25 years, 
respectively, that he is the identical person he represents himself 
to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
				John Montgomery
				Wm. Martin

U.S. Pension Agency,
Hon. H. Clay Evans, 
Commissioner of Pensions.
	I hereby report that the name of Maston Miner, Wagoner, Co. G, 
12 & Pri. Co. D, M.S.M. 2C, who was a pensioner on the rolls of 
this Agency, under Certificate No. 670142, and who was last paid at 
$12 to 4 Augt., 1898, has been dropped because of death. Died Oct 15/98.
				Very respectfully,
				J.T. Wilder, Pension Agent

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	On this 7 day of Nov., A.D. one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety eight personally appeared before me a Clerk Circuit Court 
within and for the county and State aforesaid, Mrs. Eady Miner who 
states that as near as she can tell her age is about 44 year, a 
resident of the town of Boles, County of Scott, State of Ark., who 
being duly sworn according to law declares that she is the widow 
of Maston Miner, who enlisted under the name Maston Miner at Mo., 
on the 26 day of Dec. A.D. 1861 in Co. G, 12" Mo. S.M. Vol. Cav. 
and served at least ninety days in the late war of the Rebellion, 
who was honorably discharged at St. Louis, Mo. as well as I remember 
and died Oct. 15" 1898.
	That she was married under the name of Eady Sumpter to said 
Maston Miner on the 15 day of July 1869 by Green Bey or Bay, a 
Minister, at or near Centerville, Mo., there being no legal barrier 
to said marriage No former marriage of claimant or her husband.
	That she has not remarried since the death of the said Maston 
Miner. That she is without other means of support than her daily 
labor; that names and dates of births of all the children now 
living under sixteen years of age of the soldier are as follows: 
--isonia Miner, born July 9, 1894
-avid M. Miner, born Feb. 17, 1887
William R. Miner, born Mch. 31, 1890
Rushia M. Miner, born Jan. 17, 1893
Cornelius Miner, born Dec. 1, 1895
	That she has not heretofore applied for pension. That she 
makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the 
pension-roll of the United States under the provisions of the act 
of June 27, 1890. She hereby appoints, with full power of 
substitution and revocation W.H. Wills, of Washington, D.C., her 
true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim and hereby agrees 
to pay a fee of $10 on allowance of claim. That her P.O. address 
is Boles, County of Scott, Sate of Ark.
				Eady (her "x" mark) Miner
Attest: G.W. Stringer
        S.K. Duncan Jr.

Widow's Application for Accrued Pension
State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	On this 7th day of November, A.D. 1898, personally appeared 
Eady Miner, who, being duly sworn, declares that she is the lawful 
widow of Maston Miner, deceased; that he died on the 15 day of Oct., 
1898; that he had been granted a pension by Certificate No. 670142 
which is herewith returned; that he had been paid the pension by 
the Pension Agent at Knoxville, Tennessee up to the 4 day of Aug., 
1898; after which date he had not been employed or paid in the 
Army, Navy, or Marine service of the United States; that she was 
married to the said Maston Miner on the 15" day of July, A.D., 
1869, at or near Centerville, Reynolds Co., in the State of 
Missouri; that her name before said marriage was Eady Sumpter; that 
she had not been previously married; that her husband had not been 
previously married; that she hereby makes application for the 
pension which had accrued on aforesaid certificate to the date 
of death; and that her residence is No. [blank] street; City of 
Boles, County of Scott, State of Ark., and her post-office address 
is Boles, Scott County, Arkansas.	
				Eady (her "x" mark) Miner
G.W. Stringer
S.T. Jones
	Also personally appeared G.W. Stringer, residing at Stringer, 
Ark., and W.H. Martin residing at Boles, Scott Co., Ark., who, 
being duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Eady Miner 
make her mark to the foregoing declaration; that they know her to 
be the lawful widow of Maston Miner, who died on the 15 day of Oct., 
1898; and that their means of knowledge that said parties were 
husband and wife, and that the husband died on the said date, are 
as follows: We have known the deceased and also his widow Eady 
Miner for several years and have lived within a few miles of where 
they have lived for several years, and know that they lived 
together as husband and wife and know that they have been so 
regarded as husband and wife in the neighborhood and community 
where they lived. Witnesses to mark:
W.Y Vise			G.W. Stringer
H.L. Price			W.H. (his "x" mark) Martin
	Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 7 day of November 
1898 and I certify that affiants are reputable persons; that they 
know the contents of their depositions, and that their statements 
are entitled to full faith and credit. I further certify that I 
have no interest, direct or indirect, in the above claim.
				L.P. Fuller, Clerk Circuit Court
				By T.M. Duncan, D.C.

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of pension claim of Eady Miner widow of Maston 
	On this 24 day of November, A.D., 1898, personally appeared 
before me L.P. Fuller, Clerk of Circuit Court in and for the 
aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths G.W. Stringer, 
aged 45 years, resident of near Stringer P.O. in the County of 
Scott and State of Arkansas whose Post Office address is Stringer, 
Scott County, Arkansas, and W.H. Martin, aged 52 years, a resident 
of near Boles, in the County of Scott and State of Arkansas, whose 
Post Office address is Boles, Scott County, Arkansas, each well 
known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly 
sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: We were 
each personally acquainted with Maston Miner, deceased, at the 
time of their marriage in Reynolds County, Mo., or at the time of 
his marriage with the claimant Eady Miner, and we were each 
personally acquainted with the said Maston Miner, deceased, and 
with the claimant Eady Miner, whose name was Sumpter prior to her 
marriage, before their marriage in Reynolds Co., Mo., and lived near 
neighbors or in the same neighborhood where they lived when they 
were married. They were both [illegible] when they were married and 
we were each well acquainted with them and they were well known 
throughout the neighborhood and we never heard of either of them 
having been previously married and we each think that we had known 
them long enough previous to their marriage and were sufficiently 
acquainted with them that if either of them had ever been 
previously married the fact would have become known to us. They 
were married after the war but we do not remember the date of the 
marriage. We remember that they lived together [illegible] after 
said marriage as husband and wife and were generally recognized 
as husband and wife in the neighborhood where they lived. We have 
been acquainted with since[?] their said marriage and we have 
known that they have always since said marriage lived together as 
husband and wife and have been generally recognized as such by 
all who knew them so far as we know up to the time of the death 
of said Maston Miner which occurred in the month of October 1898. 
They the said Maston Miner and the said Eady Miner have remained
together as husband and wife since their said marriage and if 
either of them were ever divorced we never knew or heard the 
slightest intimation of it and think our acquaintance with them 
has been such that it would have become known to us. We have also 
each been well acquainted with the said Eady Miner since the 
death of her husband Maston Miner and do not know of and have 
never heard of her re-marriage since his death in the month of 
Oct. 1898, and believe that if she had ever remarried since his 
death the fact would have become known to us. We are also 
acquainted with the five children of the claimant and the claim 
for as being under 16 years of age at the date of soldiers 
death, Arizona, David, Wm. R., Russia, and Cornelius Miner, as 
at least the [one?] is what we understand names [???] children 
to be and know that said children are still living. Affiant W.H. 
Martin states further that he was present and witnessed the 
marriage of the deceased soldier Maston Miner and the [cut off in 
copy] Eady Miner whose name was Sumpter prior to her marriage.
[One line at top of page is illegible.] ...of deceased soldier and 
claimant under 16 years - date of soldier's death so far as we 
know and as we firmly believe. We further declare that we have no 
interest in said case and are not concerned in its prosecution.
D.A. Edwards			G.W. Stringer
T.J. Center			W.H. (his "x" mark) Martin
State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24 day of November, 
1898, by the above named affiants and I certify that I read said 
affidavit to said affiants, including all the words added, and 
acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. 
I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, 
nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiants 
are each personally known to me and that they are each credible 
				L.P. Fuller, Clerk Circuit Court
				By Thos. M. Duncan, D.C.

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of pension claim of Eady Miner widow of Maston 
	On this 24 day of November A.D 1898, personally appeared 
before me L.P. Fuller, Clerk Circuit Court in and for the 
aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Eady Miner, 
the claimant, aged about 44 as near as I now remember and a 
resident of near Boles, in the County of Scott and State of 
Arkansas whose Post Office address is Boles, Scott Co., Ark., 
well known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being 
duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I 
am the widow of Maston Miner, deceased, who departed this life on 
the 15 day of Oct., 1898, I own no land alone  - my husband was 
living on a claim - government land and had no title to the land - 
and I am now living at that place where he lived before his death. 
My personal property consists of 2 mules - one worth about $25 & 
the other worth about $40.00; 5 head of cattle worth about $50.00; 
one wagon - old wagon worth about $10; one bale of cotton worth 
about $20.00; about [cut off] bushels corn worth about $25.00 all 
other property household goods &c worth about $25.00. My mules, 
wagon, and the harnesses are mortgaged. 
This property is all on the place where I live near Boles, Scott 
Co., Ark., the mules, wagon and cattle were mortgaged by my 
husband in his life time. [Cut off] his indebtedness amounting 
to about $74.00 [cut off] by the mortgages and there are besides 
about $40.00 of indebtedness. There is about 20 acres in 
cultivation on the place I live on. The above is all the income 
I have. The mortgage debt bears ten percent interest per annum. 
The above is all the property I own or in which I claim interest 
and I do not own any bonds, stocks, mortgages, and have no 
investments of any kind, own or claim no property except as 
above and have no one who is legally bound for the support of 
myself and children.
				Eady (her "x" mark) Miner
G.S. Evans
L.G. Boggs
State of Arkansas, County of Scott, ss:
	Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24 day of November 
1898 by the above named affiant, and I certify that I read said 
affidavit to said affiant, including all the words added, and 
acquainted her with its contents before she executed the same. 
I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, 
nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is 
to me personally known to me and that she is a credible person.
				L.P. Fuller, Clerk Circuit Court,
				By T.M. Duncan, D.C.

Nancy Elithebeth Miner was born October the 3 1877 and Died the 
27 of April 1882.
Edward Rupt. Miner was born the 7 of August 1876 and Died the 
27 of July 1884.
Maston Miner died October 15, 1898.

Family Record
Maston Miner and Eady Miner was maired[sic] July the 15 1869.

Ages of the Children
Lucindia Jane Miner was born September the 3 1871.
Henery Woodson Miner was born the 4 of January 1872.
James C. Miner was born April the 27 1875

Marah An Miner was born October the 27 1879.
Martha Catharine Miner was born the 7 of February 1882
Arizonia Miner was born July the 9 1884

D.M. Miner was born February the 17 1887
William ruffinan Miner was born March the 31 1890
Russa M. Miner was born January the 17 1893
Cornelus Miner was born December the first 1895

Clerk's Certificate:
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}
	I, L.P. Fuller, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Ex officio 
County Clerk and Recorder for Scott County, Arkansas, do certify 
that the above and foregoing is a true, correct, complete and 
perfect copy of the Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 
as the same appears written in a "Holy Bible, containing the 
Old and New Testament," the following words being printed on 
first page, towit: "New York: American Bible Society. Instituted 
in the Year MDCCCXVI. 1883," said Bible being presented and 
produced before me by Mrs. Eady Miner, widow of Maston Miner, 
deceased, as the same appears as aforesaid from said records of 
Marriages, Births, and Deaths, in said Bible now before me.
	In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and 
affixed my official seal, at my office, in Waldron, Arkansas, 
on this 2nd day of April, A.D., 1899.
				L.P. Fuller, Clerk.
				By T.M. Duncan, D.C.

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of pension claim of Eady Miner, widow of 
Maston Miner, No. 686299, Co. "G" 12th Mo. S.M. Vol. Cav.
	On this 11 day of May A.D. 1899, personally appeared 
before me L.P. Fuller, Clerk Circuit Court, in and for the 
aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths Nancy 
Jane Sumpter, aged about 64 years, resident of near Boles, in 
the County of Scott and State of Arkansas whose Post Office 
address is Boles, Scott County, Arkansas, and Dr. P.L. Black, 
aged 52 years, a resident of near Boles, in the County of Scott, 
and State of Arkansas, whose Post Office address is Boles, 
Scott County, Arkansas, well known to be reputable and entitled 
to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to 
aforesaid case as follows: Nancy Jane Sumpter states: I am the 
mother of the claimant. I was present I saw her married to the 
soldier Maston Miner. Don't remember the date of the marriage 
now but the family Bible shows the date of their marriage to be 
July 15, 1869, which date I believe is correct. As well as I 
remember during the year 1898, soldier and claimant [word?] 
property [word?] and assessed as follows: Ten (10) head of 
cattle valued at $60.00 [cut off] mules valued at $50; 20 head 
of hogs valued at $20; 1 wagon valued at $25, and household 
property assessed at $20.00 and all income claimant has had 
from above personal property that I know of is only [word?] 
calf the increase of one of the cows. Claimant owns no real 
estate - she lives on a homestead claim soldier owned no real 
estate in Ark [word?] or elsewhere at time of his death and at 
time of his death he was living on a homestead claim on which 
his widow now lives [word?] and Eady Miner now owns the following 
personal property: 6 head of cattle including [word?] young calf; 
one wagon about 15 head of hogs - a few farming tools, and 
household goods and 2 mules - and all the personal property 
she now owns I consider worth about $160. Claimant has no one 
but herself and her children on whom to depend for support. Claimant 
has no means of support except the above property and her daily 
labor with what assistance her children may render her above 
personal property as I am informed and believe [word?] now under 
	P.L. Black says in relation to aforesaid case as follows: 
I live within about one mile of the claimant Eady Miner and know 
pretty well about the personal property she owns. As near as I 
remember her personal property consists of about the following: 
2 mules, 6 head of cattle, including only [?] young[?] calf, an 
old wagon - about 15 head of hogs - farming tools and household 
goods and I believe all of said property to be worth about $160.00. 
Claimant as far as I know and believe has no other means of support
except the above personal property which she has and her own daily 
labor with the [word?] of her children. The above personal 
property is mortgaged as I am informed and believe at the time 
[words?] of State as to the property of soldier or claimant [word?]
the year 1898, but I have examined the assessment and for the 
year 1898 in the County Clerk's Office and find property to be 
described and assessed as follows: [cut off] head of cattle, 
valued or assessed at $60; 2 mules, assessed at [cut off]; 20 
head of hogs, assessed at $20; one wagon, assessed at $25; [cut 
off] of other property required by law to be listed $20; making 
total personal property assessed at $175, in name of Maston Miner 
year 1898. Claimant does not own any real estate, lives on a 
homestead claim.


State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of Pension claim of Eady Miner widow of 
Maston Miner, No. 686299, Co. "G" 12" Mo. S.M. Vol. Cavly.
	On this 11 day of May A.D. 1899, personally appeared 
before me a Clerk Circuit Court in and for the aforesaid 
County, duly authorized to administer oaths Dr. P.L. Blck, 
age 52 years, whose Post Office address is Boles, Scott County, 
Arkansas, who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to said 
case as follows: I knew the soldier Maston Miner, deceased, in 
his life time, was personally acquainted with him before his 
marriage to the claimant Eady Miner, his widow. I am a practicing 
physician and have been practicing medicine for about 30 years. 
I cannot give the immediate cause of soldier's death because he 
had no physician before he died as he died suddenly. I saw the 
soldier however within a few hours after he died. The family sent 
for me and I went soon as I could and when I got to his house I 
found him dead. I could not state positively the immediate cause 
of soldier's death because I made no examination which would 
enable me to ascertain had it been possible to ascertain the 
immediate cause of his death. Soldier, however, I know was 
afflicted with chronic diseases which I believe caused his death. 
I do not now remember the exact date of the soldier Maston 
Miner's death but the widow informs me that the date of his 
death was Oct. 15, 1898, and I think that was about the time 
they sent for me to come to his house and therefore I really 
believe Oct. 15th 1898 to be the correct date of the death of 
said Maston Miner.
	He further declares that he has no interest in said case, 
and is not concerned in its prosecution.
				Dr. P.L. Black

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of pension claim of Eady Miner, widow of 
Maston Miner, No. 686299, Co. "G", 12th Mo. S.M. Vol. Cav'ry.
	On this 11 day of May A.D. 1899, personally appeared 
before me a Clerk Circuit Court in and for the aforesaid County, 
duly authorized to administer oaths Eady Miner, the claimant, 
age 44 years, I think, whose Post Office address is Boles, 
Scott County, Arkansas, who, being duly sworn, declares in 
relation to said case as follows Am confident my deceased husband 
the soldier never served in the army or navy of the United States 
prior to Dec. 31, 1861, or subsequent to Mch. 28, 1865, because 
I never heard him speak of any other service and he was not old 
enough to have served in the army or navy of the U.S. prior to 
Dec. 31, 1861, and after the service aforesaid or after March 28, 
1865, I was acquainted with the soldier, that is I became 
acquainted with him after the war and never knew or heard of 
his having served in army or navy of the U.S. after Mch. 28, 1865.
	I am unable to furnish a certified copy of the public or 
church record showing date and immediate cause of soldier's 
death because no such records exist. I am unable to furnish 
certified copy of public or church records showing date of my 
marriage to soldier because no such records are in existence 
that I know of, or at least I am unable to ascertain anything 
about such records. Neither can I furnish the affidavit of the 
person or preacher who married us because I am unable to 
ascertain his whereabouts and have heard that he is dead.
				Eady (her "x" mark) Miner
H.W. Miner
P.L. Black

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, SS:
	In the matter of pension claim of Mrs. Eady Miner, widow 
of Maston Miner, dec'd., Co. I, 5th Regt. Cav'y., M.S.M.
	On this 19 day of June, A.D., 1899, personally appeared 
before me a Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the aforesaid 
County, duly authorized to administer oaths the claimant Eady 
Miner, age 44 as well as I can tell, whose Post Office address 
is Boles, Scott County, Arkansas, who, being duly sworn, 
declares in relation to said case as follows: My name is 
Eady Miner; my age is 44 years as near as I can tell. I am the 
widow of Maston Miner, deceased, and the claimant in this case. 
The correct date of the birth of my daughter Arizona is July 9, 
1884. I know July 9, 1884 to be the correct date of Arizona's 
birth because the date of her birth I saw written down by my 
deceased husband in our family Bible. I saw him write the date 
of her birth in the Bible when Arizona, my daughter, was only 
about 3 days old, and July 9, 1884 is the date the Bible shows 
now and therefore I know the same to be the correct date. I 
further swear that there is no public or church record of the 
births of my children. And said family Bible Record of births 
now in my possession is the only proof obtainable showing 
dates of births of my children that I have any knowledge 
	I further swear that the farm on which I now live the 
same being also the farm on which my deceased husband lived 
in his life time I have heretofore designated as a homestead 
claim, as we lived there and it was commonly called a homestead 
claim, but the fact is that although the land as I understand 
and am informed and believe is U.S. government Vacant land 
yet although my husband lived there in his life time and I am 
still residing thereon the land was never really homesteaded 
by my deceased husband and the only claim he had or could 
claim to the land was simply that he had established his 
[word] lines thereon with his family and therefore as my 
deceased husband never homesteaded the land he never perfected 
or attempted to perfect his claim or title thereto and he 
therefore never left any title or claim to me by which I 
would have a right to continue my residence and perfect title 
to the land, either myself or my children and I am only simply 
residing on this land. The land is really U.S. government land, 
subject to homestead entry but I have never homesteaded the 
same since the death of my husband. I have not the means 
now to homestead the land even if I desired to do so, besides, 
it is poor land and rocky. If the land I have is homesteaded 
by someone entitled to make a homestead entry before I get 
able to homestead I would have to vacate the land. There is 
80 acres, 2 40s in the tract or claim on which I reside and 
on which my husband resided in his life time of which about 
20 acres is in cultivation. The average yearly crops on this 
land is about as follows: About 200 bushels of corn worth 
generally between $80 and [???] and about one bale of cotton  
worth generally now from $25.00 to $30.00 per bale. Myself 
and children are working the land this year and have no one 
else except myself and children on whom to depend for 
cultivation of the land and myself and children are supported 
only by our own work and daily labor.
				Eady (her "x" mark) Miner
Jno. W. Bratcher
T.J Center