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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Applications
W.A. McCormack
Contributed by Billie Cencarik

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Application of W.A. McCormack
Nola, Ark. P.O.
Scott County
Examined and Approved and $100.00 allowed and Auditor authorized to 
draw warrant for same.
Filed in Auditors Office Jul 31 1913
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}	
	I, W.A. McCormack do solemnly swear that I served as a soldier 
in the army (or sailor in the navy) of the Confederate States, being 
a member of second Ark. Cav. Regiment of Cavalry from the State of 
Arkansas or a member of the crew of the ship called [blank]; that I 
was honorably paroled from such service on or about the spring of 1863 
and did not desert the same; that I am now, and for the past twelve 
months have been, a bona fide resident of this State; that I do not 
myself, nor does my wife, nor do we both together, own property, real 
or personal, or both, or money or choses in action in excess of the 
value of $400.00 (exclusive of household goods and wearing apparel) 
nor has either of us conveyed title to any property to enable me to 
draw a pension, and that neither I nor my wife is in receipt of any 
income, annuity, pension or wages for any services, the emoluments of 
an office, in excess of $150.00 per year; that I am incapacitated to 
perform manual labor in any of the ordinary avocations of life, (or 
am totally blind), and that such incapacity (or disability), being old 
age. I am 83 years old have not been able to do any manual labor in 10 
years or more or of age, accident or disease, and that such disability 
is not the result of my own vicious habits still persisted in, so help 
me God.
			(Signature) W.A. McCormack
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21 day of July 1913.
			D.M. Kitchens, J.P.
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} ss.
	We, the undersigned, sitting as a Pension Board for Scott County, 
do certify that we have examined the application of the within named 
W.A. McCormack for pension, under Act of the General Assembly of the 
state of Arkansas, as approved March 11, 1901, and the proof in support 
of same, and find that said applicant is a Confederate soldier, is in 
indigent circumstances, and wholly incapacitated for manual labor, and 
that his claim is just, and that he should be allowed $100.00 pension.
			John W. Bratcher
			J.L. Evatt
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}
	I, H.L. Montgomery, a duly registered and practicing physician 
in Scott County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that I am personally well 
acquainted with W.A. McCormic of Nola, Arkansas, who is an applicant 
for a pension under the Statutes of Arkansas.
	That at his request I have made an examination of his physical 
condition and find: State description and character of wound: No wound

Physical condition and to what cause is his incapacity for manual 
labor attributable: Old age and sinility.

And that said disability is not the result of his own vicious habits 
still persisted in: his habits are good.

Extent of disability: Total disabled from manual labor.
			H.L. Montgomery, M.D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of June 1912.
			J.I. Cowger, N.P.
My commission exp[remainder cut off in copy.]
And Proof of Indigency
(By Comrades if possible)

State of Arkansas,}[sic]
County of Gavin} [sic]
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, J.T. 
Donham within and for the County of Garvin and State of Oklahoma 
citizens of Oklahoma whom I certify to be creditable persons and 
worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, state that they are 
each personally, well acquainted with applicant W.A. McCormack and 
have known him 48 years, respectively.
	That he was a Confederate soldier, belonging to Company D 
Regiment of 1st Tennessee. That as such soldier he served from Feb. 
1, 1862 to Aug. 1862. That he was honorably paroled or released 
from such service and did not desert the same. That he is now and 
has been for the past twelve months a bona fide resident of Arkansas. 
That he is incapacitated for manual labor by reason of old age and 
that such incapacity (or disability) is not the result of his own 
vicious habits still persisted in. That to the best of our knowledge 
all property now owned by him and his wife, together, is not worth 
exceeding $400 (exclusive of household goods and wearing apparel). 
That neither he nor his wife is in receipt of any income, annuity, 
pension or wages for any service, or the emoluments of an office, 
in excess of $150 per year. That we have no interest in this claim.
			J.T. Donham
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of Nov. 1912.
			C.L. Williams, Notary Public
My commission expires December 14th 1914.
And Proof of Indigency
(By Comrades if possible)

State of Arkansas}
County of Perry}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a Justice 
of the Peace within and for the County of Pulaski and State of Ark. 
Lee McCormack, citizens of Perry Co., Ark. whom I certify to be 
creditable person and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, 
state that he is personally well acquainted with applicant W.A. 
McCormack and have known him sixty years.
	That he was a Confederate soldier, belonging to Company "E" 
2nd Regiment of Ark. Cavalry Vols. That as such soldier he served 
from 1861 to 1864. That he was honorably discharged (paroled or 
released) from such service and did not desert the same. That he 
is now and has been for the past twelve months a bona fide resident 
of Arkansas. That he is incapacitated for manual labor by reason of 
old age and general disability and that such incapacity (or 
disability) is [remainder of document cut off.]

State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}
	I, Etta McCormack do solemnly swear that I was born the 3 - 17 
day of 1848 and that I am the widow of W.A. McCormack, who served as 
a soldier in the army (or sailor in the navy) of the Confederate 
States, his proof of service being now on file in the Auditor's 
office, at Little Rock, he having been allowed a pension under Act 
of the General Assembly, approved March 11, 1901, and subsequent 
amendatory Acts, while a resident of Scott County, Arkansas; that 
I am now, and for the past twelve months have been, a bona fide 
resident of this State; that I do not own property, real or personal, 
or both, or money or choses in action, in excess of the value of 
$500.00, not including the value of homestead, or household goods; 
nor have I conveyed title to any property to enable me to draw a 
pension, and that I am not in receipt of any income, annuity, 
pension or wages for any services, the emoluments of an office, 
in excess of $250.00 per year; that my husband died on the 10 day 
of Sept. 1921 and that I have not since remarried, so help me God.
			(Signature) Etta McCormack
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this [blank] day of May 1922.

	I, W.D. Utley do solemnly swear that I am personally acquainted 
with Mrs. Etta McCormack and that she is the widow of W.A. McCormack, 
			(Signature) W.D. Utley
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13 day of May 1922.
			S.K. Duncan, N.P.
My Com. Expires Jan. 2, 1925.

State of Arkansas,}
County of Scott}

	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a Justice 
of the Peace within and for the County of Scott and State of Ark., 
J.E. Goodson, Annie Goodson, Olen Goodson and Liddie McCormack, 
citizens of Scott County, Ark. whom I certify to be credible persons 
and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, state that they are 
each, personally, well acquainted with applicant Etta McCormack and 
have known her 10 years, respectively.
	That she is now and has been for the past twelve months a bona 
fide resident of Arkansas. That to the best of our knowledge all 
property now owned by her is not worth exceeding $500.00, not 
including the value of her homestead, or household goods. That she 
is not in receipt of any income, annuity, pension or wages for any 
service, in excess of $250.00 per year. That we have no interest in 
this claim.
			J.E. Goodson
			Annie Gordon*
			Olen Goodson
			Liddie (her x mark) McCormack
Subscribed and sworn to before me this [blank] day of May 1922.
			W.D. Utley, J.P.
*Note: This name was Goodson in body of document, Gordon in signature.
State of Arkansas}
County of Scott} ss.
	We, the undersigned, sitting as a Pension Board for Scott 
County, do hereby certify that we have examined the application 
of the within named Etta McCormack for pension, under Act of the 
General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, approved March 11, 1901, 
and subsequent amendatory Acts, and the proof in support of same, 
and find that said applicant is [the] widow of a Confederate soldier, 
is in indigent circumstances, and that her claim is just, and that 
she should be allowed $100.00 pension.
			A.W. Self
			E.B. Miller