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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension File
John R. Tate
By his mother, Lurilla L. Tate
Contributed by Sandy Conant

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No. 276836
Acts of July 14, 1862, and March 3, 1873
Lurilla L. Tate 
Blue Ball, Scott Co., Ark
Mother of
John R. Tate
Sergt. Co. A 4th Ark. Vol.
Oct 1, 1880 S.H. Barnett, clerk
Application filed: Aug 4, 1880
Attorney: Geo. E. Lemon

Declaration for Original Pension of a Mother
Must be executed before a court of record or some officer thereof having 
custody of its seal.
If executed before a notary public or justice of the peace it will be 
worthless, and a new one will be required.
State of Arkansas, County of Sebastian
On this 10th day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty____ 
( blank )____ personally appeared before me, clerk of the Circuit Court 
the same being a court of record within and for the County and State 
aforesaid, Lurilla L. Tate aged 63 years, a resident of Scott County 
in the state of Arkansas, lives in the County 4 miles from Blue Ball P.O. 
who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration 
in order to obtain the pension provided by Acts of Congress granting 
pensions to dependent mothers, to wit: That she is the Widow of William 
Tate and mother of John R. Tate who volunteered under the name of John R. 
Tate at Waldron, on the 5th day of December, A.D. 1863 as a Sergeant in 
Company A, Fourth Arkansas infantry commanded by Ira D. Bronson (Captain) 
war 1861-5 who died with the measles on the 4th day of September, A.D. 
1864 at Little Rock Ark and who bore at the time of his death the rank 
of Sergeant in Company A Fourth Arkansas infantry volunteers that said 
son John R. Tate left neither widow nor child under sixteen years of age
surviving; that she was in part dependent upon said son for support; 
that her husband, the aforesaid William Tate, aged 42 years, is Dead, 
Killed April 3rd 1864 that she is still a widow of the aforesaid William 
Tate, I am still the widow of William Tate-have never Married that there 
were surviving, at date of son's death, his brothers and sisters, as 
Thomas W. Tate, born 1846
Mary E. Tate, born 1850
JM Tate, born 1852
HM Tate, born 1854
Sarah J. Tate, born 1857
Benj. R. Tate, born 1860
that she has not in any manner engaged in, aided, or abetted the 
rebellion in the United States: that no applications have ever been 
made until the present time.
She hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, 
George E. Lemon, of Washington D.C., her true and lawful Attorney, to 
prosecute her claim; that the Post Office address is Blue Ball Scott 
County Arkansas.................Lurilla L. Tate, Signature of Claimant

Read Carefully! In order for the mother or father of a deceased soldier 
to obtain the benefits of the Pension Law it must be shown in evidence 
that the father (if living at the date of the son's death) was 
physically or mentally incapacitated to provide a full support for 
himself and family in the last year of the son's life and since his 
State of _________, County of __________
In the pension claim of Lurilla L Tate mother of John R. Tate A 4th Ark 
Inf Waldron Scott County Arkansas December 9th 1880, I hereby testify 
that I am a physician of 30 years standing and that I was a soldier in 
the 4th Ark recruits afterward attached to the 2nd Reg Ark Vol and that 
I was acting hospital steward of said recruits and that Sergt John R. 
Tate died in the hospital at Little Rock on or about the 4th of Sept 
1864, cause relapse of measles.
Signed Elijah Leming M.D.

If the Custodian of the Assessment Records has no Seal, he must make 
oath to his statement.
State of Arkansas, County of Scott
In the pension claim of Lurilla L Tate, mother of John R. Tate from A 
4th Ark Inf
I James C. Gilbreath, circuit clerk of the County of Scott, in the 
State of Arkansas do hereby certify that I have carefully examined 
the Records of Assessments of real and personal property in and for 
said County, and of which I an the lawful custodian, and find the 
assessments and valuations therein recorded against property standing 
in the name of Lurilla L Tate for the years hereinafter designated, 
to be as follows, to wit:
Year---Real  Estate. Description---Value---Personal Property---Value assessment......................... no assessment assessment......................... no assessment 
1866..N1/2SEandSWNE7-3-26..........400.......two horses..........75
1867....." assessment
1868.....".........................200...1 horse 50 other prop 140...190
1869.....".........................240...personal property........80
1876.....".........................320..........".................94 assessment assessment assessment assessment
And I further certify that no assessments appear during the foregoing 
period except as above set forth; and that the average rate of the above 
enumerated assessments is upon the basis of full of the fair cash value 
of the property assessed.
And I further certify that I have no interest in this claim for pension, 
and that I am not concerned in its prosecution.
Witness my hand and official seal this 18th day of January A.D. 1881 
J. C. Gilbreath, clerk, Circuit Court Scott County Arkansas

State of Arkansas County of Scott
I J. C. Gilbreath, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Ex-Officio county 
Clerk within and for the County of Scott in the State of Arkansas, do 
certify that all the record books and papers of my office were destroyed 
by fire on the 22nd day of May 1882.
Signed  15th day of July 1883 J.C. Gilbreath, clerk, Scott Co., Ark

Department of the Interior, Pension Office November 15th, 1882
Sir:  You are respectfully requested to furnish official evidence of 
the enrollment, muster, service, duty, and discharge or death of John 
R. Tate in Company "A", 4th Regiment of Ark. Vols, reported died at 
Little Rock Ark. Sep. 4th, 1864.
If the above name is not found on the rolls of said Company will you 
so state, and report as to enrollment, etc., in the case of any man 
bearing a similar name, whom you have good reason for believing to be 
the soldier inquired for.
Please, also, to furnish any evidence on file that may enable this 
Office to decide whether the soldier's death resulted from injuries 
received or disease contracted in the service and line of duty.
Full military history of Soldier is desired.  Please return this 
circular with your report. Claim No. 276.8.36
Very respectfully, Wm Dudley, Commissioner

General Affidavit
State of____________, County of___________
In the matter of Pension-Mrs. Lurilla L. Tate, Mother of Jns. R. 
Tate-A-4th Ark.
Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for aforesaid 
County and State of Ark. J.J. Tate, aged 45 years, and Martha J. Prewit, 
aged 50 years, whose respective Post-Office addresses are as follows 
Blue Ball County of Scott, State of Arkansas, and Blue Ball County of 
Scott, State of Arkansas, and who, being duly sworn, declare-
That we have been personally well acquainted with the applicant 
Lurilla L. Tate and have been acquainted with her for thirty-five 
years and have been personally acquainted with her since  (1864) and 
know her to be the Identical Person she represents herself to be and 
know her to be the mother of John R. Tate and we further know her to 
now be loyal to the U.S. Government and that She have been since the 
war commenced and the reason why we know her to be and has been Loyal, 
we know that she was robed (sp) of nearly all she possessed in the time 
of the war by the Rebel army on account of her Loyalty and we further 
declare that we have no interest in said case, and are not concerned 
in its prosecution.
Signed Martha J. Prewit and J.J. Tate (his mark)
Witnesses Thomas J. Tate and W.A. Morris

General Affidavit
State of Arkansas, County of Scott
In the matter of Pension Claim of Lurilla L Tate, mother of John R. 
Tate Co. A "4" Ark Inf.
Personally came before me, a Justice of the peace in and for aforesaid 
County and State, Jacob P. Tate, 46 years of age: Blue Ball Scott County 
Arkansas and Joseph Prewit 35 years of age Blue Ball Scott County 
Arkansas persons of lawful age, who being duly sworn, declare in 
relation to aforesaid case as follows:
We are well acquainted with Lurilla L Tate applicant for invalid 
Pension of John R. Tate Private of Company A (4) Ark Infantry 
Volunteers and have been acquainted with her for the past twenty-five 
years and we know her to be the identical person that she represents 
herself to be and that she is now living and that she has no means of 
support of her own as she is at the present time living with her 
children and we further know that as to her personal property or 
real estate-She has no personal property nor has not had for many 
years and as to Real Estate she only held her dower which was very 
small it not being sufficient to support her and we further know that 
she has been unable to support her self since the death of her Son and 
we further know that John R. Tate enlisted in Company A (4) Regiment 
Arkansas Infantry Volunteers and further know that the records the 
county of Scott and State of Arkansas have been destroyed twice by fire 
therefore the Assessment of her property cannot be furnished. We further 
declare that we have no interest in said case, and are not concerned 
in its prosecution.
Signed Jacob P. Tate and Joseph Prewit (his mark)
Witnesses W.M. Taylor

General Affidavit
State of ________, County of __________
In the matter of Pension Claim of Lurilla L. Tate, mother John R. Tate 
Co. A, "4" Ark.
We the undersigned Citizens and householders in the County of Scott 
and State of Arks. do hereby certify that we have been personally 
well acquainted with Lurilla L. Tate mother of John R. Tate applicant 
for Pension.  We know her to be the identical person she represents 
herself to be we have known her for the past twenty five years and we 
have been personally well acquainted with her all this time and all 
through the war.  And we know that her means of support has been by 
her own labor and the labor of her children and her means of support 
was through and by these means until in the year A.D. 1877 when her 
youngest daughter married. Since that time she has been living with 
her children having broke up house-keeping.  Our means of knowing 
this is we have lived near her all the time or near so we further 
know that she has not had any other means of support only as here 
stated and we further know that during a part of this time her means 
was very scant having a large family of children and most of them small 
at the close of the war having been robed (sp) of all she had during 
the war by the meandering rebel bushwhackers until it was nearly 
impossible for her to live atal.
We further declare that we have no interest in said case, and are not 
concerned in its prosecution.
Signed Joseph Prewit (his mark) and Jacob P. Tate
Witnesses Thomas J. Tate and M.L. Hourck

General Affidavit
State of Arkansas, County of Scott
In the matter of Pension Claim of Lurilla L. Tate, mother of John R. 
Tate Co A 4th Ark Inf.
Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace, in and for 
aforesaid County and State, W. M. Taylor of the County of Scott and 
State of Arkansas person of lawful age, who being duly sworn, declare 
in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
I have been well (well crossed out) acquainted with the claimant 
Lurilla L Tate mother of John R. Tate and was acquainted with her 
husband William Tate in his lifetime, my acquaintance being ever since 
the year 1852 and was acquainted with him until his death in the year 
1864. He was killed in the month of April 1864 and all the time of my 
acquaintance with (him) he was an able bodied man and had no disability 
that I know of he being a laboring man all the time I was acquainted 
with him his occupation being a farmer, his age was according (to) 
recall was forty two (years) old at his death and I am satisfied that 
his widow has not married since his death and that she is still a widow 
and is now getting very old.  As to the assessment of the real & personal 
estate of her husband, it cannot be given as the Record of the Clerks 
office has been burned twice and therefore cannot be given.  There was 
no income devisable in the year 1864 from his labor for he was dead and 
therefore nothing could be devised.  My Post office address is Blue Ball, 
Scott County Arkansas and I am in no way Related to the claimant and I 
further declare that I have no interest in said case, and I am not 
concerned in its prosecution.
Signed, W.M. Taylor

General Affidavit
State of Arkansas, County of Scott
In the matter of Pension Claim of Lurilla L. Tate, mother of John R. 
Tate, late Co. A 4th Ark Inf
Personally came before me, a  (blank) in and for the aforesaid County 
and State, William M. Taylor aged (blank) years and F.W. Pollard aged 
(blank) years, whose respective Post office addresses are County of 
Scott state of Arkansas, and Scott Co. State of Arkansas persons of  
lawful age, who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid 
case as follows:
This is to testify that We William M. Taylor and F.W. Pollard citizens 
of the County of Scott and State of Arkansas States that we were well 
acquainted with William Tate, husband of the applicant for Pension, 
Lurilla L. Tate and that we know her to be the Identical Person she 
represents herself to be and further that we were well acquainted 
with the said William Tate in his lifetime and that we know him to 
be dead and our means of knowing the same is that we saw him after 
death and before burial and further that we were well acquainted with 
her son John R. Tate in his lifetime and that we have been well 
acquainted with the family for the last twenty two years and further 
that our Post office address is Blue Ball in the county of Scott and 
State of Arkansas and that we have no interest in the Prosecution of 
the claim for Pension nor in any way related to the Party this 
January 31st 1881.
Signed W.M. Taylor and F.W. Pollard
General Affidavit
State of _______, County of______
In the matter of Claim of Lurilla L. Tate, mother of John R. Tate 
Co A 4th Ark Vols
Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for aforesaid 
County and State, Jonathan Hunt, aged 38 years, and William M. Taylor, 
aged 34 years, whose respective Post-Office addresses are as follows 
Blue Ball County of Scott, State of Arkansas, and ________County of 
Scott State of Arkansas, and who, being duly sworn, declare in 
relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That we have been well and personally acquainted with Mrs Lurilla L 
Tate and her family for the past twenty-two years; that they knew 
her son John R. Tate the soldier; that he was unmarried and left 
neither widow nor minor children surviving him; that said son worked 
for support of his mother prior to his enlistment and such labor 
was actually necessary for her Comfort; that since his death, she 
has not been able to provide sufficient support for herself.  They 
further declare that they have no interest in said case, and are not 
concerned in its prosecution.
Signed Jonathan Hunt and W.M. Taylor

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Dec 8th, 1883
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
John R. Tate, a privt of Company "A", 4th Regiment Arks Inft Volunteers, 
was enrolled on the 5th day of Dec, 1863, at Waldron, Arks for 3 yrs, 
mustered in at Little Rock Arks July 25th 1864.
Roll dated Aug 31/64, Sergt present, consolidated transfer roll of 
said Co. to Co. "I" 2nd Ark Infty, dated Oct. 25/64 reports he died 
in Regt Hosp at Little Rock Ark. Sept 4/64.
Name John R. Tate not born on rolls of Co on file in this office.  
Final statement shows him Died Sept 4, 1864.  The records of this 
office do not show cause of death.  The records of this office afford 
no further information as to date place or cause of death than is 
stated on company rolls and final statement.
Assistant Adjutant General, (signature unreadable)

Department of the Interior, Pension Office, Washington D.C. Dec 15, 1883
Claim No. 276.836, has been filed in this office by Lurilla L. Tate, 
as mother of John R. Tate, who was a Sergt in Co "A" 4th Regt Ark. 
Vols and is alleged to have died Sept 4, 1864.  Will you please to 
furnish, with the return of this circular, a copy of such evidence 
as may be in your possession relative to celibacy of soldier, his 
relationship to the claimant, his age, the immediate cause of his 
death, and to whom arrears of pay and bounty were allowed and by 
whom claimed.
Very respectfully, Wm W. Dudley, Commissioner. 

(The following written in Dr. Leming's own hand)
Waldron Ark. Feb 19th 1884
Wm W. Dudley, Com of Pensions, Dear Sir, your note of 12th to hand,
The Tate family and myself were neighbors before the war. John R. Tate 
and Thomas W. Tate and me went out together and enlisted in the 4th 
Ark Inft recruits.  Bassel Blanchard acted as surgeon and myself as 
hospital steward.  Dr Blanchard drank considerable and I had to 
attend the soldiers.  I attended John R. Tate clostly but am not 
in possession of the records of the hospital but at the time that 
I signed the affidavit in question Lurilla Tate, mother of John R. 
Tate was present with a letter from Thomas W. Tate recording the 
death of his deceased brother exactly and she is here now and I 
know the facts contained in said affidavit by clost personal 
observation.  I remain your most obet servant
Elijah Leming, late hospt steward 4th Ark Inft recruits, now 
president of the Board of Medical Examiners for Scott Co., Ark.

(The following is written in Lurilla Tate's own hand)
Blue Ball, Scott County Arkansas March 17 (1884)
Mr Wm W. Dudley  Dear Sir I have just received your letter of 
instruction in regard to the prosecution of my claim for Mothers 
Pension for my son John R. Tate who was a Sergt in Company A: 4th 
Arkansas volun for which I have been working through my attorney 
in Washington DC and now in answer to your request will say that 
I have furnished Evidence after Evidence in Support of my claim 
that I can Possible.  As to the assessment of my property Personal 
or real cannot be given before stated to my attorney for the reason 
that the same has been burned and cannot be given and by referring 
to George E. Lemons, my attorney you can obtain the Evidence I have 
made.  All the evidence that I can and had the Justice of the 
Peace's ________ certified by the clerk of the county and now I will 
say to you that I have done all in my power to get up the evidence 
in support of my claim.  I am now getting very old and very feeble 
in my old days.  I am very much Disabled at times with Rheumatism 
and now I am willing to take the chance for Pension and if I am not 
entitled to Pension I do not want anything unless I an entitled.  
I cannot make any stronger Evidence in my claim that the Evidence 
I have already furnished.  I have been sworn time and again also 
have had my witnesses sworn as directed by my attorney.  And now 
if I am not entitled under the Law with the Evidence furnished 
inform me at once.  And if I an entitled I ask you as an honest 
and honorable man allow or disallow.
Enclosed you will find the blank Evidence you sent me in the care 
of Dr. E. Leming of Waldron which he forwarded to me. And I am now 
answering in the close, I will Say Please answer this as soon as you 
can and let me know what can be done.  My Post Office Address is 
Blue Ball, Scott County, Arkansas.  Please write immediately, 
yours as ever. (signed) Lurilla L. Tate

State of Arkansas, County of Scott
On this day personally appeared before me a, Justice of the Peace in 
and for the county and state aforesaid, Lurilla L. Tate, of the County 
of Scott and State of Arkansas, and stated under oath that the reason 
why she is unable to furnish evidence of those not related to her is 
that near all those living near her at the time of her sons enlistment 
have either died, moved away or was killed by bushwhackers during the 
war.  There being none living in this county who are acquainted with 
the facts but what is in some way related to her.  This is the reason 
why she has not furnished the evidence as required by the department.
(signed) Lurilla L Tate, this July 28th 1885, B.L. Watson, J.P.

State of Arkansas, County of Scott, Blue Ball PO October, 20th A.D. 
I Lurilla L. ate, mother of John R. Tate Com A, 4th Arkansas. My post 
office address is Blue Ball in the County of Scott and State of Arkansas. 
Now I, Lurilla L. Tate, make this affidavit in support of my claim for 
pension of my son John R. Tate who died in the United States service: 
now I certify that my post office is Blue Ball, Scott County, Arkansas 
and that my post office in the year A.D. (1864) was Olio Scott County 
Arkansas and continued so until the year A.D. (1875) at which time it 
was changed to Blue Ball and my post office address has never been 
changed since, there being only one change in my post office address 
since the year A.D. (1864) to the present date and I further certify 
that the following named children were then members of my family in 
the year A.D. 1864.
Thomas W. Tate was born in (1846) on the 10th of November
Mary E. Tate was born in 1850 on the 17th of January
Jacob M. Tate was born in 1852 on the 6th of April
Henry M. Tate was born in 1854 on the 9th of April
Sarah J. Tate was born in 1857 on the 31st of May
Benjamin R. Tate was born in 1860 on the 6th of June
And that no person has been legally bound to support me and that my 
actual residence has ever been in Scott County in the State of Arkansas 
in the year A.D. (1864) to the present time.
Witness by (signed) Thomas J. Tate
(signed) Lurilla L. Tate
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20th day of October A.D. (1884) 
and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit 
were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing 
thereto, John A. Taylor, Justice of the Peace 

Affidavit of Lurilla L Tate.
I Lurilla L. Tate late an applicant for Pension of John R. Tate and his 
mother Do Solemnly swear or affirm that I am the lawful mother of John 
R. Tate and that I never received any letters from John R. Tate, my son, 
while in the service of the United States Army nor anything pertaining 
toward a support until after the war ended when I made application for 
his pay and bounty which I received-given under my hand this March 8th 
A.D. 1886
(signed) Lurilla L. Tate
Sworn and subscribed to before me this March the 8th 1886, 
T. W. Tate, J.P.

War of the Rebellion Dependent Mothers Pension
Claimant-Lurilla L. Tate, P.O. Blue Ball, County-Scott, State-Ark
Soldier-John R. Tate, Rank- Sergeant, Co.- "A", Regiment- 4th Ark. Vol.
Rate, $8.00, Commencing Aug. 4th, 1880, the date of filing declaration, 
and $12.00 from March 19, 1886
Recognized Attorney, Name Geo. E. Lemon, PO Washington D.C. fee-$25.00 
($10.00 paid) Articles filed Aug 30, 1884
Submitted for Adm. May 4th 1886, John H. Howell, Examiner
Approvals-Approved for allowance; Soldier died in service, dependence 
accepted May 21 1886
Important dates-
Enlisted Dec 5th, 1863 
Died Sept 4th, 1864
Declaration filed Aug 4th, 1880
Death of father April 3rd, 1864

U.S. Pension Agency, Knoxville, Tenn Oct 31, 1893
Sir, I hereby report that the name of Lurilla L Tate, who was a 
pensioner on the rolls of this Agency, under Certificate No. 222.909, 
and who was last paid $12, to 4 Feb, 1891, has been dropped because of 
Very respectfully, Wm Rule, Pension Agent.