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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Applications
Thomas J. Jameson (Jimison)
Contributed by Patty Archer

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Private, Co. I, 2 Reg't. Arkansas Cavalry, USA

Company Descriptive Book

Jaminson, Thomas J.
Age 18 years; height: 5 feet 2 inches.
Complexion: dark
Eyes Black; hair black
Where born: Lincoln Co.,MO
Occupation: farmer

When: Nov. 12,1863
Where: Ft. Smith
By whom: Capt. Duff; term: 3 yrs.

Jimison, Thomas J.
Co.I, 2 Reg't Arkansas Cav.
Appears on Returns as follows:
Jan. 1864 Daily Duty Bugler
Mar. 1865 to Apl. 1865 Daily duty Bugler
*name also appears as T.J. Jameson

Company Muster-in and Descriptive Roll
Jaminson, Thomas J. Private, Co.I, 2 Reg't Arkansas Cavalry
Roll dated Springfield, Mo., Dec. 3,1863.
Where born: Lincoln Co.,Mo.
Age 18 years; occupation farmer.
When enlisted: Oct. 12,1863.
Where enlisted: Fort Smith, Ark.
For what period enlisted: 3 years.
Eyes: Black; hair: Black.
Complexion: Light; height: 5 ft. 2 in.
When mustered in Dec. 3,1863.
Where mustered in: Springfield, Mo.
Bounty paid $____; due $____
Where credited: Waldron, Scott Co.,Ark.

Company Muster Rolls:
Dec. 3 to 31,1863 -- present ; appt'd Bugler, Dec. 6,1863
Jan. & Feb., 1864 -- present
Mch. & Apl., 1864 -- present
May & June, 1864 -- present
July & Aug., 1864 -- present
Sept. & Oct.,1864 -- present
Nov. & Dec., 1864 -- present
Jan. & Feb.,1865 -- present
Mch. & April,1865 -- present
May & June, 1865 -- present
Company Muster-out Roll
dated Memphis, Tenn. Aug. 20,1865
Muster-out date: Aug. 20,1865
Last paid to: Feb. 28,1865
Clothing acct.:
Last settled: _____,186_; drawn since $ ____
Due soldier $ _____, due US $70.61
Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $_____
Due US for arms, equipments, &c. $5.87
Bounty paid $none due $100.00
From: Patty (Jamerson) Archer
Thomas J. Jameson(Jimison) was my Gr. Gr. Uncle, the brother 
of my Gr. Grandpa, Willis F. Jamerson.

Declaration For Additional Invalid Pension
Ind. Territory, Cherokee
On this 21st day of May 1900, A.D. one thousand eight hundred 
And ninety-_____, personally appeared before me, John Marshall, 
Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, Thos. 
J. Jimison, aged 53 years, a resident of Briartown, Ind. Terr., 
Cherokee Nation, who, being duly sworn according to law declares 
that he is the identical Thos. J. Jimison, who entered service 
during the War of the Rebellion under the name of Thos. J. Jimison 
on or about the 12 day of Nov.,1863, as Private in company I
of the 2nd regiment of Ark. Cav. commanded by James Duff, and was 
Honorably Discharged, after a service of at least 90 days during 
said war, on or about the 20 day of Aug. 1865, by reason of close 
of war; that his personal description is as follows: Age, 53 years;
height, 5 feet 4 inches; complexion, fair; hair, Dark; eyes, black.
That he is now suffering from disease of head, eyes, lungs and 
kidneys; asthma and rheumatism, and that the said disability
is of a permanent character, and is not the result of vicious 
habits, and that it incapacitates him from the performance of
manual labor in such a degree as to render him unable to earn a 
support, and that this declaration is made for the purpose of
being placed upon the pension roll, under the provisions of the 
Act of June 27,1890. That he has not been employed in the military 
or naval service otherwise than as stated above. That since the 20 
day of Aug., A.D. 1865, he has not been employed in the military or 
naval service of the United States. He hearby appoints with full 
power of substitution and revocation, Taber & Whitman Co., of 
Washington, D.C., his true and lawful Attorneys, to prosecute his 
claim; and in consideration of services done, and to be done, in 
the premises, he hereby agrees to allow his said Attorneys a fee 
of ten dollars, payable only in the event of the allowance of the 
claim by the Commissioner of Pensions. That he has _____ received 
_______ applied for a pension 673599. That his Post office address 
is Briartown, Cherokee Nation, Ind. Terr. signed, Thomas J. Jimison
Wit: J.H. Holder
R. Mooney 
Dated Pension Office May 25,1900
Certificate No. 673599 
Department of the Interior,
Name, Thomas J. Jimison 
Bureau of Pensions,
Washington, D.C., January 15,1898.
Sir: In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for 
Your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this 
circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
Very respectfully, M. Clay Grant, Commissioner.

First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name 
and her maiden name.
Answer. Manerva Jane Jimison Maiden name Jones
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. Feby. 21st,1867 Scott Co.,Ark. by Esq. Paine.
Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. Recorded in Clerks office at Waldron, Ark.
Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name 
of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer. No. I have only been married once.
Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their 
Names and dates of their birth.
Answer. Ruth M. Jimison born Jany. 14,1868--Allen F. born Jany.
25,1870-- Joseph Mc. Born Aug.20,1873-- Mary J. born Jany. 10,1876-
Alice R. Aug. 19,1878-Julia J. Oct. 23d,1882--James W. Aug. 25th, 1885.
Date of reply, May 9th,1898 signed, Thomas J. Jimison.
Act of February 6,1907.
Declaration For Pension
The Pension Certificate Should Not Be Forwarded With The Application
State of Oklahoma
County of Muskogee
On this 15 day of May, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and nine,
personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the 
county and State aforesaid, Thomas J. Jimison, who being duly sworn 
according to law, declares that he is ___ years of age, and a resident 
of ______, county of Muskogee, State of Oklahoma; and that he is the
identical person who was Enrolled at Ft. Smith, Ark. under the name 
of Thomas J. Jimison, on the 12 day of Nov., 1863, as a Private, in 
Co. I 2nd Regt. Arkansas Calvary Volunteers in the service of the 
United States, in the Civil War, and was Honorably Discharged at 
Memphis Tenn., on the 20 day of Aug.,1865. That he also served 
___________. That he was not employed in the military or naval 
service of the United States otherwise than as stated above. That 
his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 feet 
2 inches; complexion, Light; color of eyes, Black; color of hair, Black; 
that his occupation was Farmer; that he was born December 1st, 1846, 
at Lincoln Co.,Missouri. That his several places of residence since 
leaving the service have been as follows: Arkansas and Indian 
Territory (now Oklahoma). That he is ___ a pensioner. That he has 
___ heretofore applied for pension certificate no. 673599 That he 
makes his declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension 
roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of 
February 6,1907. That his post-office address is Briartown, county 
of Muskogee, State of Oklahoma. claimant's signature in full. 
Thomas J. Jimison
Attest: 1) J.H.P. Smith
2) J.A. Cash
Also personally appeared J.H.P. Smith, residing in Porum, Okla.
and J. A. Cash, residing in Briartown Okla., persons whom I
certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being 
by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Thomas J. 
Jimison, the claimant, sign his name (or make his mark) to the 
foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe,
from the appearance of the claimant and their acquaintance with 
him of 20 years and 21 years, respectively, that he is the identical
person he represents himself to be, and that they have no interest 
in the prosecution of this claim.
J.H.P. Smith
J.A. Cash

Subscribed sworn to before me this 15 day of May, A.D.,1909,
and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, 
etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and 
witnesses before swearing, including the words _______________, 
erased, and the words__________________, added; and that I have 
no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
R.L. Pearle
Notary Public
Dated Pension Office May19,1909
Drop Order And Report
Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Pensions.
Finance Division
Wahsington,D.C., Dec. 16,1910
Thomas J. Jimison
673599 Act Feb.6,1907
Co.I 2 Ark. Cav.
U.S. Pension Agent, Topeka
Sir: You are hearby directed to drop from the roll the name of 
The above-described pensioner who died Nov. 25,1910, 
J.L. Davenport, Commissioner.
Report- Commissioner of Pensions
Sir: The name of the above-described pensioner, who was last paid 
At $12 per month to Nov. 4,1910, has this day been dropped from 
the roll of this agency. 
A.W. Smith,
U.S. Pension Agent
Dec. 19,1910.
(Widow's Pension Application states that Thomas J. Jimison died 
in Boonville,Ark.)