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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Files
Ambrose Hooper
Contributed by Terry Walker

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For Original Applicates[sic]
And Proof of Indigency
(By Comrades if Possible)

State of Texas}
County of Hood}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a County 
Judge within and for the County of Hood and State of Texas, G.E. 
McDaniel, citizen of Hood Co. Texas whom I certify to be [a] 
creditable person and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, 
state[s] that he is personally well acquainted with applicant A.H. 
Hooper and have known him 48 years.
	That he was a Confederate soldier belonging to Company "B" 
Pindells Batalian of Sharp shooters Mo. That as such soldier he 
served from 1862 or 1863 to 1865. That he was honorable discharged 
(paroled or released) from such service and did not desert the same. 
That he is incapacitated for manual labor by reason of old age and 
that such incapacity (or disability) is not the result of his own 
vicious habits still persisted in. That we have no interest in 
this claim.
						G.E. McDaniel
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of June 1911.
						J.P. Mahan, County Judge
						Hood Co. Texas

For Original Applicants
And Proof of Indigency
(By Comrades if possible)

State of Arkansas}
County of Union}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a County 
Clerk within and for the County of Union and State of Ark., D.C. 
Howard, citizen of Union Co., Arkansas whom I certify to be 
creditable person and worthy of confidence, well acquainted with 
applicant A.H. Hooper and have known him about fifty years, 
	That he was a Confederate solder. Belonging to Company F, 8th 
Mo. Regiment of Infantry and afterward transferred to Co. "B" of 
Pendells Battalion of Mo. sharp shooters. That as such soldier he 
served from 1862 to 1865. That he was honorably discharged (paroled 
or released) from such service and did not desert the same. That we 
have no interest in this claim.
Witness to mark					    his
T.W. Williams					D.C. "x" Howard
El Dorado, Ark.					    mark
	Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of June 1911.
						J.M. McCain, County Clerk

County of Crawford}
	I, Harriet Hooper, wife of the said A.H. Hooper do solemnly 
swear and affirm that on the 12 day of August 1921 A.H. Hooper died 
and was buried in the Bird View cemetery at Waldron, Scott County, 
Witness						 her				
W.W. Greer					Harrit "x" Hooper
Mrs. Anna Greer					 mark

State of Arkansas
County of Crawford.
	Be it remembered, that on this day came before me, the 
undersigned, a Notary Public within and for the County aforesaid, 
duly commission[ed] and acting [blank] to me well known as the 
grantor in the foregoing instrument and stated that she had executed 
the same for the considerations and purpose therein mentioned and set 
	Witness my hand and seal as such Notary Public this 19th day 
of May, 1922.
						Notary Public, Artie Humphreys


State of Arkansas}
County of Scott}
	I, Harriette Hooper do solemnly swear that I was born on the 
26th day of November 1851 and that I am the widow of A.H. Hooper, 
who served as a soldier in the army of the Confederate States, being 
a member of Missouri Regiment of Infantry from the State of Missouri 
or a member of the crew of the ship called [blank]; that he was 
honorably discharged (paroled or released) from such service on or 
about the [blank] day of [blank] 1865, and did not desert the same; 
that I am now, and for the past twelve months have been, a bona fide 
resident of this State; that I do not own property, real or personal, 
or both, or moneys, or choses in action, in excess of the value of 
$500.00 (not including the value of homestead, or household goods); 
nor have I conveyed title to any property to enable me to draw a 
pension, and that I am not in receipt of any income, annuity, pension 
or wages for any services, the emoluments of an office in excess of 
$250.00 per year; that my husband died in Scott County, Arkansas Aug. 
12th 1921.
Witness to Mark
K.W. Ninnan				Harriette Hooper (her right thumb mark)
Edythe M. Staley
	Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of July, 1922.
						J.B. Lucas Jr., Notary Public
	My Commission Expires January 5, 1924.

of Crawford County, Arkansas
Van Buren, Ark., July 17th, 1922

Mrs. Harriet Hooper,
% Lon Taft,
Checota, Okla.,

Dear Mrs. Hooper:-
	We are enclosing herewith application for pension and proof 
of indigency which you will have to execute before we can submit 
your pension papers to the local pension board. Will ask that you 
go before some officer authorized to take acknowledgements and have 
these papers properly executed and return to this office at once.
						Very Truly Yours,
						J.C. Smalley, County Clerk.

Capital and Surplus, $60,000
Checotah, Oklahoma.
July 20th, 1922.

Mr. Sam Duncan
Waldron, Ark.

Dear Sam:-
	We are unable to get mothers papers properly filled out here 
and I am sending them to you to have filled out. Please note the 
proof of Indigency must be made by someone who knows her well. Have 
this made and sworn to and then send all the papers to the county 
clerk and he will take the matter up with the state department. Let 
us know if there is any thing else that we can do. Be sure to mail 
the papers to the county clerk at Van Buren.
						Yours truly,
						Lon Taff

[Letterhead] BATES & DUNCAN
Attorneys at Law
Waldron, Ark.
July 22, 1922.

Hon. J.C. Smalley, Co. Clerk,
Van Buren, Arkansas.

Dear Sir:
	Herewith returned the application of Mrs. Harriett Hooper for 
pension as widow of A.H. Hooper, a deceased confederate soldier, 
formerly a member of Co. F, 8th Mo. Infantry, with affidavit of A.F. 
Smith and S.R. Sherrill for proof of indigency, and affidavit of G.E. 
McDaniel of Hood County, Texas and D.C. Howard of Union County, 
Arkansas showing the service and honorable discharge of the soldier 
and also the affidavit of the applicant showing the death of the 
soldier, returned as per your letter of the 17th, also herewith 
						Yours very truly,
						Bates & Duncan,
						B S.K. Duncan

For Widow's Application

State of Arkansas,}
County of Scott}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned a Notary 
Public within and for the County of Scott and State of Arkansas A.F. 
Smith and S.R. Sherrill, citizens of Scott County whom I certify to 
be credible persons and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, 
state that they are each personally well acquainted with applicant 
Harriett Hooper and have known her 10 years, respectively.
	That she is now and has been for the past twelve months a bona 
fide resident of Arkansas. That to the best of our knowledge all 
property now owned by her is not worth exceeding $500.00, not 
including the value of her homestead,* or household goods. That 
she is not in receipt of any income, annuity, pension or wages for 
any service, in excess of $250.00 per year. That we have no interest 
in this claim.
						A.F. Smith
						Sam R. Sherrill
	Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 day of July 1922.
						S.K. Duncan, Notary Public
	My Commission Expires Jan. 2, 1925.

To Supplement Pension Application on File in the Auditor's Office
	It is necessary that this Questionnaire be properly filled out, 
sworn to, and filed in the Auditor's office in order that your name 
may remain on the Confederate Pension Roll. Under authority of a 
ruling of the State Pension Board and Advisory Board, appointed by 
the Governor, at a meeting of said Boards on the 7th day of January, 

1. What is your full name? Mrs. Harriett M. Hooper.
2. Your present address? Van Buren, Arkansas.
3. When and where were you born? On the 26 day of November, 1845, 
County of Pope, State of Illinois.
4. To whom, when and where were you married to the Veteran whose war 
record you are now drawing your Confederate Pension? (To be answered 
by widows only.) To Ambrose Humes Hooper on the 2 day of April, year 
of 1867, County of Berry, State of Missouria.
5. With whom do you make your home? Mrs. Annie Greer; Address Van Buren, Arkansas.
6. What relation are they to you? Daughter.
7. Have you lived continuously in Arkansas for the past five years? 
I have.
8. Do you own any property, or interest in any property? Personal. 
If so, give value of same $260.00.
9. Do you have any income other than Arkansas Confederate Pensions? 
I do not. If so, how much per month? [blank]
10. How much of your pension each month is spent for your benefit? 
Any amt. I desire.

State of Arkansas} ss. Certificate of Confederate Pensioner
County of Crawford}
	I, Mrs. Harriet M. Hooper, a resident of the County and State 
aforesaid, do solemnly swear that I fully and clearly understand the 
questions above set forth and that I have truthfully and to the best 
of my knowledge and ability given the answers set opposite each 
						Mrs. Harriet M. Hooper
	Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of April 1932.
						Verna Williams

State of Arkansas
County of Scott
	On this day before the undersigned, a duly commissioned and 
acting Circuit Clerk in and for the County of Scott came Tom Owens & 
Miles Lovett who being first duly sworn, on oath states:
	That Harriett M. Hooper, who was a pensioner, on the Crawford 
County, Arkansas, pension rolls, died on October 6th, 1936, further 
deponent sayeth not.
						Tom Owens
						Miles Lovett
	Subscribed to before me this [blank] day of October 1936.
						Gene Davidson
						Clerk, Scott Co., Ark.

Waldron, Arkansas
October 7th, 1936

Estate of Harriett M. Hooper
In Acct. with

October 6th.	To funeral expenses Harriett M. Hooper	$50.00

State of Arkansas
County of Scott
	H.E. Rice, on oath states, that he is the Secretary-Treasurer 
of H.E. Rice and Company; that the above statement is true and correct, 
and that no part of the same has been paid.
						H.E. Rice
	Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Oct. 1936.
						Gene Davidson
						Circuit Clerk, Scott Co., Ark.

(Of Pension Due Estate of Deceased Pensioner)

State of Arkansas,}
County of Scott}
	I, W.C. Hunter, Clerk of the County Court within and for the 
County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Harriett M. Hooper 
was a Confederate pensioner, residing in said State, that the 
application of said Harriett M. Hooper was originally filed in said 
County; that said Harriett M. Hooper died on or about the 6th day of 
October, 1936; that the last allowance or issuance of a pension 
warrant to said deceased pensioner was made in December, 1935, and 
there being an administrator of the estate of said Harriett M. 
Hooper, the said Henry Batchelor, as such administrator, is 
entitled to receive, under the provisions of Section 8193 of 
Crawford & Moses' Digest, and to be disbursed by him under authority 
of Section 8194 of said Digest, the pro rata amount accruing from 
December, 1935, to date of death of said pensioner, subject to the 
apportionment of the pension fund made by the State Board of 
Pensioners for the present year.
	Given under my hand and official seal this 10 day of October, 1936.
						W.C. Hunter, County Clerk.