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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Applications
William P. George, USA
Contributed by Sandy Conant

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To all to whom these presents shall come...greetings
Know ye, that whereas, Jeremiah J. Tate has, on this day, by the Court 
of Probate, in and for the said County of Johnson, been appointed 
Guardian for Mary A., Sarah E., Nancy A., Matilda I. George, minors 
under the age of 21 years, by entering into bond to said minors in the 
sum of eight hundred dollars: And whereas, the said Jeremiah J. Tate 
has this day filed his bond in such sum, to said minors which said bond 
stands approved by the Court: Now, therefore, he, the said Jeremiah J. 
Tate, is hereby authorized and empowered to collect and receive all 
moneys, property, and effects, that now are, or hereafter may become, 
due to said ward, and in general, to do and perform all and singular 
the duties devolving upon him as such Guardian, by law, or that may 
be enjoined upon him by the lawful order, sentence, or decree, of any 
court having competent jurisdiction.
In Testimony whereof, I, J. P. Basham Clerk of the Circuit Court, and 
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Court of Probate, in and for the County of 
Johnson aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the Seal of 
said Court, at office, this day of eighteenth of August, A. D. 1865.
J.P. Basham, Clerk

State of Arkansas, County of Johnson. I, Robert F. Naylor County Clerk 
and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court within and for said County do 
hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the Record of the 
Letters of Guardianship issued to Jeremiah  J. Tate as guardian of 
Sarah E. George, Nancy A. George, Mary A. George and Matilda I. George, 
Minors, as recorded in Book "B" page 110 and I further certify that 
said Jeremiah J. Tate is still guardian of said minors. 31st day of 
March 1870, Robert F Naylor, Clerk 

State of Arkansas, County of Johnson
On this 18th day of August A.D. 1865 personally appeared before the 
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Johnson, Jeremiah J. Tate 
a resident of Hunt Township in the County of Scott and the State of 
Arkansas aged 26 years, who, being first duly sworn according to law, 
doth, on oath, make the following declaration as guardian of minor 
children of William P. George, deceased, in order to obtain the 
benefits of the provisions made by the Act of Congress, approved July 
14, 1862, granting pensions to minor children under sixteen years of 
age of deceased officers and soldiers; that he is the guardian of 
Sarah E. George, Matilda I. George, Mary A. George and Nancy Ann George 
whose father was a Private in Company "A" commanded by Captain Ira D. 
Bronson in the 4th Regiment of Arkansas Infantry Volunteers, in the 
war of 1861, and that the said William P. George died at or near 
Lewisburg Arkansas on the 25th day of October in the year 1864 of 
disease contracted while in the service of the United States. That the 
mother of the children aforesaid died on the 6th day of December in 
the year 1863 and that the date of the birth of his said wards are as 
follows: Sarah E. George, 1st November 1852, Matilda I. George born 
10th January 1857, Mary A. George born 7th May 1860 & Nancy Ann George 
born 20th Nov 1863. 
(These dates are corrected by the attending midwife and grandmother in 
a later deposition, see below).
He further declares that the parents of his said wards were married at 
Franklin County Alabama on the 5th day of August in the year 1851 by 
one Andrew Cain a Minister of the Gospel of the Baptist Church. 
(This is also corrected below).
And he hereby constitutes and appoints Lucien J. Barnes of Little Rock, 
Ark his Attorney to prosecute this claim and procure a certificate. 
His Post-Office Address is Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas
Witness Wm W. Taylor and A.D.King                                             Jeremiah  J. Tate, his mark

Also, personally appeared Thomas W. Tate and George W. Hunt residents 
of Hunt Township in the County of Scott, State of Arkansas, persons 
whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being 
by me duly sworn according to law, say that they were present and saw 
Jeremiah J. Tate Guardian sign his name to the foregoing declaration 
and Power of Attorney, and they further swear that they know the said 
Jeremiah J. Tate to be the legally appointed Guardian of the Minor 
Children of William P. George late a  Private in Company A in the 4th 
Regiment of Arkansas Infantry Volunteers in the War for the Suppression 
of the Rebellion of the Seceded States. They further swear that they 
knew the said soldier, and that he enlisted, and died or was killed, 
as stated in said declaration, and that Sarah E., Matilda I., Mary 
and Nancy Ann George, the above named Minor Children to be his lawful 
heirs. That their knowledge of the identity of the soldier as the father 
of the said Minor Children is derived from an acquaintance of 5 years 
and from seeing him performing the duties of the soldier frequently.
They futher testify they have no interest, directly or indirectly, in 
this claim for a pension.
Witnessess Wm W. Floyd     A.D. King    
           Thomas W. Tate     George W. Hunt, his mark
Sworn to, subscribed and acknowledged before me this 18th day of August 
A.D. 1865 and I hereby certify that I have no interest, direct or 
indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.  L.P. Basham, Clerk 

No. 108577-143203
Act of July 14, 1862
Jeremiah  J .Tate, Scott Co., Arkansas, Guardian minor children of 
William P. George, Pri. Co. "A" 4 Ark Vols. died at Lewisburg Ark., 
Oct 25, 1864. Pension Office respectfully referred to the Adjutant 
General for official evidence of service and death. Joseph H. Barrett, 
Clarksville, Johnson Co. Received Sept. 7, 1865 Lucien J. Barnes, 
Attorney Little Rock Arkansas, Pulaski Co.

Adjutant General's Office, Washington D.C., Sept 23, 1865
Sir:  I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your office of 
application for Pension No. 108577, and to return it herewith, with such 
information as is furnished by the files of this office. There is no 
evidence on file in this office that William P. George was enrolled 
and mustered into service in Co. A, 4th Regiment of Ark Inf. Volunteers. 
But on the Muster Roll of Co A of that Regiment, for the months of 
July & August 1864, there is the following evidence of service: He is 
reported present for duty. No further evidence can be obtained as his 
name is not born on any succeeding rolls or any rolls of 2 Ark Inf 
with which the 4th Arkansas consolidated. Signed by the Assistant 
Adjutant General (unreadable)

Surgeon General's Office, Record and Pension Bureau, Washington D.C., 
Nov 22nd, 1865
Sir:  I have the honor to return herewith application for Pension No. 
108.577 with such information as is furnished by the records of this 
Office, Private Wm P. George, Co. A, 4th Regiment Ark Vols, is reported 
to this Office by a surgeon A.L. Ayres as having died Oct 25, 1864, 
at Lewisburg Ark. Regt Hosp of 2nd Ark Vols of Febris Typhoides.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, by the order of the Surgeon 
General  J.J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Army

State of Arkansas, County of Scott
I Jeremiah J. Tate, guardian for the minor heirs of William P. George 
dec'd late Pri. Co. A, 4th Regt Ark Infty Vols and with his wife who 
is now also dead, to wit Nancy A. George, that they were married 
according to law in Franklin County, State of Alabama on the 18th day 
of July 1850 by Isaac Hutcheson, a Justice of the Peace. A certified 
copy of the record I am unable to furnish as I am informed that the 
same has been destroyed.but I now here introduce evidence of eye 
witnesses to the fact of the marriage. The mother of the minor heirs 
for whom I am guardian to wit Nancy A. George died 7th December 1863. 
And William P. George died on or about the 25th day of October A.D. 
1864. And further states the said William P. George was never married 
but the one time. And the following are the only children that 
said George left surviving him who were under 16 years of age at his 
death and who now survive him and are yet alive whose names and ages 
are as follows To Wit:
Sarah E. George born 16th October 1851
Matilda I. George born 8 October 1857
Mary A. George born 18 March 1860
Nancy A. George born 2nd November 1863
That I herewith introduce proof by the attending midwife Sarah R. 
Tate showing the precise date of the birth of each child. I now again 
make this statement sworn to and should there be any descrepancy as to 
the dates herein given and those that was given by me in my application 
for a pension as guardian I now here state that the times and dates as 
herein given. I am now fully satisfied as the true dates and also the 
true facts and my means of knowledge is now derived form a true and 
full comparison of dates with those that I know, and (one) who had a 
good right to know, who was with the family of Willaim P. George a 
great part of the time and whose sworn statements are herewith produced 
for the examination of the Commissioner of Pensions.  My post office 
address is Clarksville Ark.
Witnesses Thomas J. Tate and Charles L. Hutcheson 
Jeremiah J. Tate, Guardian  his mark

Proof of Marriage
Also at the same time and place came Mary E. Rogers, Sarah Hutcheson 
& Martha J. Prewit who were all duly sworn by me according to Law and 
whom I certify as being credible witnesses and who state that they 
were well and intimately acquainted with William P. George & Nancy A.
George in their lifetimes. That they were present on the occasion of 
their marriage which took place in the County of Franklin in the 
State of Alabama on the 18th day of July AD 1850. That the marriage 
as aforesaid was duly performed and solemnized by Isaac C. Hutcheson 
then an acting and duly confirmed Justice of the Peace for said 
County & State that the said Hutcheson is now dead and the records are 
destroyed, that we were eyewitnesses to the marriage. That Wm P. 
George never again remarried. We have no interest whatever in this case.
Witnessed by Thomas J. Tate and Charles Hutcheson    
     Signed Mary E. Rogers, Sarah Hutcheson and Martha J. Prewit
Proof of the Precise Date of the Birth of the Children of William & 
Nancy A. George 
At the same time and place came Sarah R. Tate who is to me personally 
well (known) as a reputable and a credible witness and who is a 
resident of Scott County, Arkansas who was duly sworn by me according 
to law and who doth make the following statement: That she was well 
and intimately acquainted with William P. George & Nancy A George his 
wife from & before the date of their marriage on the 18th day of July 
1850 until the dates of their deaths respectivley. That they lived 
together as husband & wife and were always so regarded until their 
deaths. That I was acting in the capacity of midwife and was the only 
person called in to act as physician and midwife when the following 
named children was born, when their mother Nancy A. George was 
confined in child bed and being there present at their births I am 
certain that the dates of the birth of each child as here set down 
is the correct & true date as this is my means of knowledge that 
the said Wm P. George never again remarried after the death of his 
wife Nancy A. George.
The following is the names & births of the children
Sarah E. George Born 16 October 1851
Matilda I. George Born 8 October 1857
Mary A. George Born 18 March 1860
Nancy A. George Born 2nd November 1863 
That the above is the true dates of there births for the reasons as 
above & heretofore given that I have no interest at all whatever in 
the above claim for a pension.
Witnesses Thomas J. Tate and Charles L Hutcheson  
                    Sarah R. Tate, her mark

State of Arkansas, County of Scott
I, Jacob P. Tate, an acting and duly qualified Justice of the Peace 
in & for the County of Scott & State of Arkansas do hereby certify 
that Jeremiah J. Tate, guardian and Mary E. Rogers, Sarah Hutcheson 
and Martha J. Prewit as witnesses to marriage & Sarah R. Tate as 
physician & midwife were all summarily sworn by me according to law 
and they signed their names and made their marks thereto in my presence 
and the same was carefully read over and full explained to them and 
was by them fully understood before signing the same and further that 
I have no interest at all whatever in the above and foregoing claim 
for a pension.
    Given under my name this 9th day of March 1870. 

State of Arkansas, County of Scott
We the undersigned whose names are hereto subscribed after being duly 
sworn according to law, state that our post office address is Olio, 
Scott County, Arkansas, that we were aquainted with William P. George 
in his lifetime who was a Private Co. A, 4th Ark Inf. Vols. That we 
were well acquainted with his wife to the time of death, that his wife 
Nancy A. George died on the 7th day of December AD one thousand eight 
hundred &sixty three (1863). That we have personal knowledge of the 
fact of her death and we know that the above is the time &date of her 
death, and we also know her to be the mother of the minor children of 
William P. George for whom Jeremiah J. Tate is guardian. That we are 
wholly disinterested & have no interest in the above claim.
Witnessed by Thomas J. Tate and C.L. Hutcheson 
             Mary E. Rogers and Sarah Hutcheson
Certified by Jacob P. Tate, Justice of the Peace, as above on May 16, 

War of the Rebellion                                                                                                  Act of July 14, 1862
Pension of Minor Children (by last Marriage) 143.203

Sarah E. George, Matilda I. George, Mary A. George, and Nancy A. 
George, children of William P. George Private Co. A, 4th Ark. Vols.
Residence of guardian, Johnson County, and State of Arkansas, Post 
Office, Clarksville, Ark. Attorney L. J. Barnes, Little Rock, Pulaski 
Co., Ark. Certificate to be sent to attorney.
Rate of pension, $8.00 per month, commencing 26 October, 1864, the 
date of death of soldier, and two dollars per month additional to each, 
as follows:
Sarah E. Born 16 Oct 1851  Commencing 25 July 1866 Sixteen 15 Oct 1867
Matilda I.Born  Oct 1857     "        "           Sixteen  7 Oct 1873
Mary A, Born  March 1860    "         "          Sixteen 17 March 1876
Nancy A. Born 2 Nov 1863    "         "         Sixteen    1 Nov 1879
Payable to Jeremiah J. Tate, guardian. Payments on all former 
certificates covering any portion of the same time to be deducted.
Admitted, 10th of June 1870    R. J. Powell, examiner
Approved, June 15, 1870   (unreadable), reviewer

Dates Shown by Papers
Enlistment, 13 April 1864
Muster into rank, Priv. 25 July 1864
Death, 25 Oct 1864
Minors' app. filed, 7 Sept 1865
Guardian Appointed, 18 Aug 1865
Claim completed, 10 June 1870
Marriage of parents, 18 July 1850
Death of mother, 7 Dec 1863
Cause of Death, Typhoid Fever.
Place of death, Lewisburg, Ark (referring to William P. George)