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Scott County Arkansas
Civil War Pension Applications
Martin Stephen Bates
Contributed by G.W. Cornelius

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From History of Arkansas, Montgomery County:
	Martin Stephen Bates is a man whom nature seems to have especially
designed to be a planter, for he has met with a more than average degree 
of success in pursuing that calling, and owing to his desire to keep out 
of the beaten path and to his adoption of new and improved methods he is 
now the owner of a good plantation. He was born in Cherokee County, Ga.,
March 2, 1843, a son of Elder J.R. and Mary Ann (Dobbs) Bates, the former 
a native of South Carolina and the latter of Georgia. When a boy Mr. Bates 
went to Georgia with his parents, there grew to manhood, married and lived 
until 1870, when he came to Scott County, Ark., having traveled over the 
county in 1848 and reported it a good one. At the above mentioned date he
and sixty other persons came here, and now 1,000 persons are the offspring 
of the members of this colony. Mr. Bates lived in Scott County until 1877, 
then came to near Mt. Ida, and here quietly breathed his last at the age 
of seventy-six years. He had studied medicine when a young man, and 
although he practiced his profession for about forty years before coming 
to this State, he afterward gave his attention to farming. In 1868 he 
joined the Primitive Baptist Church, was ordained an elder soon after, 
and preached the gospel until his death. He was a Mason for many years, 
was a Democrat politically, and while in Georgia and also Scott County, 
Ark., held the office of justice of the peace. He helped remove the 
Indians to their reservation west of the Mississippi River, being an 
officer. The Bates family are of Scotch and English descent, the
grandfather, Stephen Bates, being a Virginia planter and a son of William 
Bates, one of the wealthiest men of the Old Dominion. The mother of the 
subject of this sketch is still living and resides on the old homestead 
in Arkansas, being now seventy years of age. She has been a member of the 
Missionary Baptist Church for twenty-five years, and has always been a 
kind, considerate Christian lady. Of a family of fourteen children she 
bore her husband, Martin Stephen is their fifth son. In his youth he was 
given the advantages of the schools of Cherokee County, Ga., but put 
aside his books in 1861 to join the Confederate Army, becoming a member
of Company G, Twenty-third Georgia Infantry, with which he served four 
years, taking part in many battles: Siege of Yorktown, Seven Pines, 
Williamsburg, besides many others, but escaped without receiving a wound 
or being taken prisoner. At the close of the war he commenced to farm 
for himself, but in 1870 left his native State, and for two years was a 
resident of Scott County, Ark., at the end of which time he came to 
Montgomery County, settling on the old Willard place on Caddo road, 
which he has improved with excellent buildings, fences, orchard, etc.
On coming here he was without means, but his efforts have been attended 
with success, and he now owns a good farm, on which he raises excellent
crops. In 1874 he joined the Primitive Baptist Church, was ordained one 
of its elders eight years since, and has since been engaged in preaching 
the gospel. He was married, in 1866, to Miss Elizabeth Brooks, and eight 
sons and four daughters have been born to their union, seven sons and 
one daughter now living. Mrs. Bates is also a member of the Primitive 
Baptist Church, and Mr. Bates is a stanch Democrat.
(By Comrades if Possible)
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a County Clerk
within and for the County of Polk and State of Arkansas, citizens of Polk
County, Arkansas whom I certify to be creditable person and worthy of
confidence, who, being duly sworn, state that they are each, personally
well acquainted with applicant M.S. Bates and have known him 55 years,
	That he was a Confederate soldier. Belonging to Company G, Regiment
of 23rd Georgia Regiment. That as such soldier he served from 1862 to 1863.
That he was honorably discharged from such service and did not desert the
same. That he is now and has been for the past twelve months a bona fide
resident of Arkansas. That he is incapacitated for manual labor by reason
of old age and that such incapacity (or disability) is not the result of
his own vicious habits still persisted in. That we have no interest in 
this claim.
			R.S. Edwards
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 day of May 1909.
			W.L. Parker, County Clerk.
(By Comrades if possible)
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a justice of the
peace within and for the County of Polk and State of Arkansas, G.D. 
Medford citizen of Polk County, Arkansas, whom I certify to be [a ]
creditable person and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, 
state[s] that he is personally well acquainted with applicant M.S. Bates 
and have known him most of my life, 50 years.
	That he was a Confederate soldier, belonging to Company G, 23
Regiment of Ga. Volunteers. That as such soldier he served from 1862 to
1863. That he was honorably discharged (paroled or released) from such
service and did not desert the same. That he is now and has been for the
past twelve months a bona fide resident of Arkansas. That he is 
incapacitated for manual labor by reason of old age and that such 
incapacity (or disability) is not the result of his own vicious habits 
still persisted in.
			G.D. (his "x" mark) Medford
Witness to mark}
Y.P. Purvis}
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of May 1913.
			Y.P Purvis, J.P.
State of Arkansas}
County of [blank]
	I, M.S. Bates do solemnly swear that I served as a soldier in the 
army (or sailor in the navy) of the Confederate States, being a member of
Company "G" 23 Georgia Regiment of Infantry from the State of Georgia or
a member of the crew of the ship called [blank]; that I was honorably
discharged from such service about the [blank] day of [blank] 1863, and
did not desert the same; that I am now, and for the past twelve months
have been, a bona fide resident of this State; that I do not myself, nor
does my wife, nor do we both together, own property, real or personal, or
both, or money or choses in action in excess of the value of $400.00
(exclusive of household goods and wearing apparel), nor has either of us
conveyed title to any property to enable me to draw a pension, and that
neither I [illegible] income, annuity, pension or wages for any services,
the emoluments of an office, in excess of $150.00 per year; that I am
incapacitated to perform manual labor in any of the ordinary avocations of
life, being seventy years or of age, accident or disease, and that such
disability is not the result of my own vicious habits still persisted in,
so help me God.
			M.S. Bates
Subscribed and sworn before me this 14 day of July 1913.
			[Signature cut off in copy.]
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	I, M.S. Bates do solemnly swear that I served as a soldier in the
army of the Confederate States, being a member of Col. Johnson, 23rd
Regiment of Co. "G" Georgia Infantry from the State of Georgia; that I
was honorably discharged from such service on or about the 10th day of
July 1863 and joined 1st Georgia State troops and served until the
surrender at end of the war, 1865, and did not desert the same; that I
am now, and for the past twelve months have been, a bona fide resident
of this State; that I do not myself, nor does my wife, nor do we both
together, own property, real or personal, or both, or money or choses
in action in excess of the value of $500.00 (not including the value of
homestead, or household goods, owned by either or both); nor has either
of us conveyed title to any property to enable me to draw a pension, and
that neither I nor my wife is in receipt of any income, annuity, pension
or wages for any services, the emoluments of an office, in excess of
$250.00 per year; that I am incapacitated to perform manual labor in
any of the ordinary avocations of life (or am totally blind), and that
such incapacity (or disability) is the result of old [age] and kidney
trouble, age is 72 years or of age, accident or disease, and that such
disability is not the result of my own vicious habits still persisted in,
so help me God.
			M.S. Bates
[Date cut off in copy.]
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk} 
	I, C.C. Gunnels [illegible] Polk County, Arkansas, do hereby certify
[that I am] well acquainted with M.S. Bates of Mena, Arkansas, who is
an applicant for a pension under the Statutes of Arkansas.
	That at his request I have made an examination of his physical
condition and find: State description and character of wound: Senility
Physical condition and to what cause is his incapacity for manual labor
attributable: Senility
and that said disability is not the result of his own vicious habits still
persisted in.
Extent of disability: total
			C.C. Gunnels, M.D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23 day of June 1915.
[Signature line cut off in copy.]
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, a County
Clerk within and for the County of Polk and State of Arkansas, citizens of
Polk County, Arkansas whom I certify to be credible persons and worthy of
confidence, who, being duly sworn, state that they are each, personally,
well acquainted with applicant M.S. Bates and have known him 12 and 20
years, respectively.
	That he is now and has been for the past twelve months a bona fide
resident of Arkansas. That he is incapacitated for manual labor by reason
of old age, and has kidney trouble and that such incapacity is not the
result of his own vicious habits still persisted in. That to the best of
our knowledge all property now owned by him and his wife, together, is not
worth exceeding $500.00, not including the value of his or her homestead,
or household goods. That neither he nor his wife is in receipt of any
income, annuity, pension or wages for any service, or the emoluments of
an office, in excess of $250.00 per year. That we have no interest in
this claim.
			J.H. Sims
			M.D. Huddleston
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of June 1915.
			W.L. Parker, County Clerk.
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	I, Frank A. Lee, a duly registered and practicing [physician of]
Polk County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that I am personally well
acquainted with M.S. Bates of Ink, Arkansas, who is an applicant under
the Statutes of Arkansas.
	That at his request I have made an examination of his physical
condition and find: State description and character of wound: Probable
inflamed colon; Cystitis, and Senility.
Physical condition and to what cause is his incapacity for manual labor
attributable: The cystitis applicant states has greatly deprived him of
his rest, and he shows to be very much prostrated & depleted and that 
said disability is not the result of his own vicious habits still 
persisted in: There is no evidence of any viscious habits.
Extent of disability: 3/4 Incapacitated.
			F.A. Lee
[Date cut off in copy.]
County of Polk} ss.
	We, the undersigned, sitting as a Pension Board for Polk County,
do certify that we have examined the application of the within named 
M.S. Bates for pension under Act of General Assembly of the State of
Arkansas, as approved March 11, 1901, and the proof in support of same,
and find that said applicant is a wounded Confederate soldier, is in
indigent circumstances, and wholly or partially incapacitated for manual
labor and that his claim is just, and that he should be allowed $100.00
			John S. Kelly (Seal)
			H.L. Durham (Seal)
			J.R. Perry (Seal)
Filed in Auditors Office Aug. 2, 1915
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	I, Sarah Elizabeth Bates do solemnly swear that I was born the 
[illegible] and that I am the widow of M.S. Bates [who] served as a
soldier in the army (or sailor in the navy) of the Confederate States,
his proof of service being now on file in the Auditor's office, at
Little Rock, he having been allowed a pension under Act of the General
Assembly, approved March 11, 1901, and subsequent amendatory Acts, while
a resident of Polk County, Arkansas; that I am now, and for the past
twelve months have been, a bona fide resident of this State; that I do
not own property, real or personal, or both, or money or choses in action,
in excess of the value of $500.00, not including the value of homestead,
or household goods; nor have I conveyed title to any property to enable me
to draw a pension, and that I am not in receipt of any income, annuity,
pension or wages for any services, the emoluments of an office, in excess
of $250.00 per year; that my husband died on the 9th day of October 1917,
and that I have not since remarried, so help me God.
			Sarah E. Bates
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25th day of March 1918.
			Will Alexander
	I, W.L. Parker do solemnly swear that I am personally acquainted
with Mrs. Sarah E. Bates and that she is the widow of M.S. Bates,
			W.L. Parker
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25th day of March 1918.
[Signature line cut off in copy.]
For Widow's Application
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk}
	On this day personally came before me the undersigned, a J.W.
Bratcher and J.H. Sims, within and for the County of Polk and State
of Arkansas citizens of Polk County Arkansas whom I certify to be
credible persons and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn,
state that they are each personally well acquainted with applicant
Mrs. S.E. Bates and have known her 25 years, respectively.
	That she is now and has been for the past twelve months a
bona fide resident of Arkansas. That to the best of our knowledge all
property now owned by her is not worth exceeding $500.00, not including
the value of her homestead, or household goods. That she is not in
receipt of any income, annuity, pension or wages for any service, in
excess of $250.00 per year. That we have no interest in this claim.
			J.W. Bratcher
			J.H. Sims
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May 1918.
			Will Alexander
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk} ss.
	We the undersigned, sitting as a Pension Board for Polk County, do
Hereby certify that we have examined the application of the within named
Mrs. Sarah Bates for pension under Act of the General Assembly of the
State of Arkansas approved March 11, 1901 and subsequent amendatory Acts,
and the proof in support of same, and find that said applicant is a 
widow of a Confederate soldier, is in indigent circumstances and that her
claim is just, and that she should be allowed $100. pension.
			John S. Kelly (Seal)
			J.R. Perry (Seal)
[Dated 8 August 1918]
To Supplement Pension Application on File in the Auditor's Office
	It is necessary that this Questionnaire be properly filled out, 
Sworn to, and filed in the Auditor's office in order that your name may 
Be placed on the Confederate Pension Roll. Under authority of a ruling 
Of the State Pension Board and Advisory Board, appointed by the Governor, 
At a meeting of said Boards on the 7th day of January, 1932.

1. What is your full name? Sarah Elizabeth Bates
2. Your present address? 1100 S. 11th St., Mena, Ark.
3. When and where were you born? On the 26 day of June 1850 County of
	Paldon State of Georgia
4. To whom, when and where were you married to the Veteran whose war
	Record you are now drawing your Confederate Pension? (To be answered
	By widows only.) To M.S. Bates on the 30 day of November, year of
	1864, County of Paldon, State of Georgia
5. With whom do you make your home? I live at my own home.
	Address My health is so bad I have to hire someone to do my work. I
	am not able to do anything.
6. What relation are they to you?
7. Have you lived continuously in Arkansas for the last five years? Yes
	62 years.
8. Do you own any property, or interest in any property? I own my home.
	If so, give value of same $300.
9. Do you have any income other than Arkansas Confederate Pensions? None
If so, how much per month? [blank]
10.How much of your pension each month is spent for your benefit? All I 
	have drawn.

State of Arkansas} ss.
County of Polk}	Certificate of Confederate Pensioner
	I, Sarah Elizabeth Bates, a resident of the County and State
aforesaid, do solemnly swear that I fully and clearly understand the
questions above set forth and that I have truthfully and to the best of
my knowledge and ability given the answers set opposite each question.
			Sarah Elizabeth (her "x" mark) Bates
[Date cut off in copy.]
To Supplement Pension Application On File In The Auditor's Office
	It is necessary that this Questionnaire be properly filled out,
sworn to, and filed in the Auditor's office in order that your name may be
placed on the Confederate Pension Roll. Under authority of a ruling of
the State Pension Board and Advisory Board, appointed by the Governor, at
a meeting of said Boards on the 7th day of January, 1932.

1. What is your full name? Sarah Elizabeth Bates
2. Your present address? Mt. Ida, Montgomery County Arkansas
3. When and where were you born? On the 21 day of June 1846, County of
Paultin [Paulding?] State of Georgia
4. To whom, when and where were you married to the Veteran whose war 
Record you are claiming your Confederate Pension? (To be answered by
Widows only.) To Martin Stephen Bates on Nov. 31 1886 of Paultin County
State of Georgia.
5. With whom do you make your home? M.S. Bates, Jr.
Address Mt. Ida, Ark. and wife Cora Bates.
6. What relation are they to you? Son and Daughter in law.
7. How long have you lived continuously in Arkansas? Sixty six years.
8. Do you own any property, or interest in any property? None
If so, give value of same 
9. Do you have any income from any source? None
If so, how much per month? None
10. How much of your pension each month will be spent for your benefit? 

State of Arkansas}
County of Montgomery} ss.	Certificate of Confederate Pensioner
	I, Sarah Elizabeth Bates, a resident of the County and State
aforesaid, do solemnly swear that I fully and clearly understand the
questions above set forth and that I have truthfully and to the best of
my knowledge and ability given the answers set opposite each question.
			Sarah E. (her "x" mark) Bates
Witness to Signature
M.S. Bates
State of Arkansas}
County of Montgomery}
	I, Sarah Elizabeth Bates, do solemnly swear that I was born on the
21 day of June 1846 and that I am the widow of Martin Stephen Bates, who
served as a soldier in the army of the Confederate States, his proof of
service being now on file in the Auditor's office, at Little Rock, he 
having been allowed a pension under Act of the General Assembly, approved 
March 11, 1901, and subsequent amendatory Acts, while a resident of Polk 
County, Arkansas; that I am now, and for the past 66 years have been, 
a bona fide resident of this State; that I do not own property, real or personal, or both, or money or choses in action, in excess of the value of 
$500.00 (not including the value of homestead, or household goods); nor 
have I conveyed title to any property to enable me to draw a pension, and 
that I am not in receipt of any income, annuity, pension or wages for any 
services, the emoluments of an office, in excess of $250.00 per year; that
my husband died on the 20 day of Oct, 1917. That I am at the present time
a widow and in indigent circumstances.
			Sarah E. (her "x" mark) Bates
Witness to Signature
M.S. Bates
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30 day of March 1937.
			Amos Horn
State of Arkansas}
County of Montgomery}
	On this day personally came before the undersigned, Sarah Elizabeth
Bates within and for the County of Montgomery and State of Arkansas Sarah
Elizabeth Bates, citizen of Montgomery Co. Ark., whom I certify to be a
credible person and worthy of confidence, who, being duly sworn, state 
that he (or she) is personally well acquainted with the applicant and 
have known her for the past 40 years. That she is the widow of Martin 
Stephen Bates who died on the 20 day of Oct., 1917.
	That she is now and has been for the past 66 years a bona fide
resident of Arkansas. That I do know from my personal knowledge all 
property owned by her is not worth exceeding $500.00, (not including 
the value of her homestead, or household goods.) That she is not in 
receipt of any income, annuity, pension or wages for any services in 
excess of $250.00 per year. That I have no interest in this claim. That 
she is at the present time a widow and in indigent circumstances.
			Sarah E. (her "x" mark) Bates
Witness: M.S. Bates
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30 day of March 1937.
			Amos Horn, County Clerk
State of Arkansas}
County of Montgomery}
	I (or we), the undersigned, member of the County Pension Board for
Montgomery County, do hereby certify that I (or we) have examined the
application of the within named Sarah E. Bates for pension, as the widow
of Martin Stephen Bates, deceased pensioner, and the proof in support of
same, find that said applicant is in indigent circumstances and that her
claim is just, and that she should be allowed a Confederate pension.
			D.W. Murphy (Seal)
Amos Horn, County Clerk, and Sec'y County Pension Board
The State of Arkansas}
County of Polk} ss.
	I, O.R. Wood, do solemnly swear that the above and foregoing demand
against the estate of Sarah E. Bates deceased, is just and correct, and
that nothing has been paid or delivered towards the satisfaction of the
said demand, except what is credited thereon; that the sum of ($107.91)
One Hundred Seven and 91/100 dollars with interest from [blank] is now
			O.R. Wood
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 30 day of June, A.D. 1937.
			Carl Whisenant, Clerk
(Of Pension Due Estate of Deceased Pensioner)
State of Arkansas}
County of Polk} ss.
	I, Carl Whisenant, Clerk of the County Court within and for the
County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Sarah E. Bates was
a Confederate pensioner, residing in said State, that the application of
the said Sarah E. Bates was originally filed in said County; that said
[blank] died on or about the 23rd day of June 1937; that the last 
allowance or issuance of a pension warrant to said deceased pensioner
was made in [blank] 193[blank] and there being no administrator of the
estate of said Sarah E. Bates, therefore, W.E. Jones, sheriff of said
county, as public administrator, is entitled to receive, under the 
provisions of Section 8193 of Crawford & Moses' Digest, and to be
disbursed by him under authority of Section 8194 of said Digest, the pro
rata amount accruing from [blank] 193[blank] to date of death of said
pensioner; subject to the apportionment of the pension fund made by
the State Board of Pensioners for the present year.
	Given under my hand and official seal this 1st day of July, 1937.
			Carl Whisenant, County Clerk