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Contributed by Shirley Denney & Clyde H. Denney <>
			March 1998

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INTRODUCTION: Willie Bernice Haddock Wiley and her sister, Clara Louise
Haddock prepared this history of the Ione Baptist Church. It is based 
primarily on the original minute books of the church which at that time 
were in the custody of Lorena Wooten Bush. Mrs. Bush is the daughter of
P.C.Wooten who served as clerk of the church for many years. The original
history was hand written and later typed by Edgar B. Wiley, the son of 
Willie B.Haddock and Clyde E. Wiley. In transcribing the history to a 
typed and printed format we have tried to preserve the original information
as accurately as possible. For example, the history includes a customer 
list and representative prices of items available at the general store at
Belva, circa 1882. Also, the teachers for the Ione school are listed for
many years. This data was probably not a part of the church minutes, but 
was included in the document. We have left this information intact as it 
is of historical value and we felt it should be preserved. No doubt some 
errors, especially in the spelling of various names, have occurred. These 
may have been errors in the original minutes or may have inadvertently 
been introduced in the various transcription processes. If you see any 
such errors or have any information that you feel should be corrected or 
added to please contact the contributors: 
Clyde H. Wiley - 
Shirley Denney -

On October 17, 1873 a group of Baptized Believers met in the schoolhouse 
in the Carolan Community, near where the Long Ridge Baptist Church now 
stands, for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church.

The first minutes of the new organization is dated November 16, 1873, but
the name of the church is not shown. Brother Aaron Fitzgerald was pastor,
Brother Campbell was presbyter, and Brother Milton Cooper was Deacon.

Some of the early members were shown as:
Tom & Minerva Sikes
James & Melinda Moody
Phoebe Vester
F.C. Milton
Milton Cooper
P.M. Ward
Mr. Campbell

Sister Susan Milton was the first member received into the church.

At their first meeting the church drew up a covenant which was read at the
next meeting, but it was not written into the minutes. The "RULES OF 
DECORUM" were written into the minutes and were as follows:
5. A CALL FOR REFERENCE (This referred to information on members.)

The business conferences of the church adhered strictly to these rules for
a number of years until 1916. Item Number 5 usually took up most of the 
meeting, for that was when the body discussed the unchristian conduct of
members, and excluded some of them at nearly every meeting. The reasons 
for these exclusions were usually for such things as dancing, swearing,
drinking, fighting, and disorderly conduct. One member was excluded 
because he went to the Indian Territory without telling the Church. A 
committee was appointed to investigate charges about errant members. Often
the errant member came to the church and confessed his sins and was 
restored. At nearly every meeting the records show that a member or two 
were restored to fellowship. If they did not confess they were excluded
from fellowship. At one point a man was excluded for making his wife chop
all of the firewood.

The church had its business meeting on Saturday before the third Sabbath 
of each month. They "SET IN CONFERTENCE" on Saturday afternoon, attended
preaching Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday night. The early 
records did not show Sunday School or other church organizations.

>From November 16, 1873 until May 17, 1874 the minutes were either not 
recorded or were lost, as that is the next record logged in the old book.
That day Susan Ward was received for Baptism. (Could this be the Susan 
Milton referred to in the November 1873 minutes?) The moderator announced
that the Sacrament of foot washing would be observed at the Sunday meeting.

At the meeting of July 19, 1874 the church voted to withdraw form the 
Landmark Baptists, but stated: "WE BELIEVE THAT FOOT-WASHING IS AS MUCH OF
CONTINUE TO OBSERVE THIS ORDINANCE".  I. S. Moody was then church clerk.

The next recorded minutes were dated January 1875, with Thomas Sykes as 
clerk. He headed the minutes "THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT SHILOH." At that
meeting Brother Holland gave his experience and told of his call to 
preach. He was examined by the brethren and found to be sound in the 
faith. The church then licensed him to preach the gospel.

In November of 1876 the church was reorganized and Elder W.V. McNeely 
submitted the articles of faith which read as follows:

1. We believe that there is only one living and true God, Jehova, and that
in the unity of the God-head there are three persons: THE FATHER, THE SON,
2. We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the 
inspired word of God, constituting the only and all-sufficient standard of
faith, doctrine, and practice.
3. We believe that the election is the sovereign exercise of that eternal
love, by which God has, according to his infinite wisdom, chosen his 
people to Christ, before the world was, and has pre-destined them, unto 
the adoption of children, through the santification of the spirit and 
belief of the true God, and doth keep them, by his power, through faith,
unto salvation.
4. We believe that man was created Holy, but by the wilfull violation of 
the laws of his maker, he fell into a state of sinfulness and brought 
death upon his race, who being of natural decent in the unholy image of 
Adam, are children of wrath by nature, without redemption.
5. We believe that we have been led by the Spirit of uod to receive the 
Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and on the profession of our faith, 
having been baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy 
Spirit, do now in the presence of God and his assembly, most solomnly and
joyfully enter into the covenant of this love with as one body in Christ.
6. We engage, therfore, by the aid of the holy spirit, to walk together in
Christian love, to strive for the covenant of this church of knowledge,
holiness, and comfort, to promote the prosperity and spirituality, to 
sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrine; to contribute
cheerfully and regularly to the support of its ministry; the expense of 
the church, the relief of the poor, and the speaad of the gospel to all 
7. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions, to religiously
educate our children, and to seek the salvation of our kindred and 
acquaintances, to walk circumspectfully in the world, to be just in our
dealings, faithful in our engagements, exemplary in our deportment, to 
avoid all tattling, back-biting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the 
sale and use of intoxicating drinks; and to be zealous in our efforts to 
advance the Kingdom of our Saviour.
8. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to 
remember each one in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and distress,
to cultivate Christian sympathy and courtesy in speech, to be slow to 
offence, but always ready for reconciliations, and mindful of the rules of
our Savior to serve the church without delay.
9. We moreover, engage that when we remove from this place, we will as 
soon as possible unite with another church of like faith and order, 
wherein we can carry out the spirit of this covenant to the principles of
God's word.

The Church adopted the "ARTICLES OF FAITH" and called W.V. McNeeely as 
pastor. He served the church in this position until July 1877. During his
pastorage the church was known as the MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH AT SHILOH.

B.C. Owen followed W.V. McNeely as pastor and served until August 1878.
During this time R.J. Mason was the church clerk and his excellent 
penmanship was a pleasure to read.

At the August 1878 meeting messengers were appointed to the Concord 
Association. E.H. McDonald was the church clerk at this time and also had
excellent penmanship.

In September 1880 the church elected F.H. Holland as pastor.

In January or February of 1881 the church meeting house at Shiloh burned
and in March the church voted to move its place of worship into the Union 
Church House at French Prairie, which was near the present French Prairie 
Cemetery northwest of Ione.

The April meeting was held at the new facility and the minutes were 
members discussed plans for building a new house. The building committee
FEET UP BETWEEN FLORES (FLOORS.) The plan was adopted and subscriptions
Were taken. F.M. Holland donated 1000 feet of plank, John Johnson 1000 
boards, James A. Dickerson 1000 feet of plank, J. Wann $10.00 in cash,
A. Hampton $5.00 in cash.

There was much discussion about where to build the Church house. The 

A special meeting was called on August 30, 1881, the building committee
Binning were appointed to take subscriptions and prosecute the work as 
fast as possible.

At the regular meeting in August 1881 S.C. Binning was appointed church
clerk and served for many years. T.N. Pennington was guest preacher and 
was called as pastor where he served for eight years. This was a long 
meeting and the minutes reported that it "ENDED BY CANDLELIGHT."

Nothing more was reported in the minutes of the building until December 
then moved and seconded that the deed be made to the deacons of the Shiloh
Church and their successors in office. The building committee was 
instructed to move forward as fast as possible in the construction of the

Some of the early settlers at Ione remember that the house was built and 
that it was later made into a residence after the house at Ione was

Others remember that in 1882 there was a small general store and post 
office just north of the present site of Ione called Belva, in Scott 
County. (At first I thought this was a mistake, but reading on in the
minutes it says that this area was later changed to Logan County.) The 
store was owned by R. L. Duncan, who was also the postmaster. Later W. T.
Holland and his son W.D. operated the store.

Some of the customers whose names appeared on the ledgers were C.A. Fox,
T.W. Harwell, John Brownfield, Andrew and W.E. Smith, J.N. Pennington, 
Daniel Farmer, S.B. McElroy, Wm.  Lassiter, R.N. Ward, George Abbott, 
Marshall Taylor, S.C. Benning, Thomas J. Wiley, Mrs. Hannay Walker, Berry
Sanford, and Alex Kelly. It appeared that H. Harwell and J.J. Lucas also 
had some interest in the store.

As another side note it is interesting to look at some of the items these
customers had charged, such as:
12 1/2 pounds coffee $2.00
1 pair ladies shoes 1.20
10 yards calico 0.80
1 wash board 0.43
4 dozen eggs 0.25
1 pair pantaloons	1.00
1 pound horseshoe nails	0.20
2 pair suspenders	0.55
1 Barlow knife 0.25
4 pounds butter 0.64
1/2 yard cotton cks	0.18
46 pounds beef 2.30
2 tucking combs 0.20
1 pair plowlines 0.25
4 coffin screws 0.15
1 bottle worm sirip 0.25
1 set knitting needles 0.05
1 box wagon dope 0.10

Also during this time period Mrs. W.D. Scott helped to carry a petition to
make that section of Scott County a part of Logan County. This petition 
was effective as this area is now a part of Logan County. (This would 
indicate that women had some political influence in the 1880's.)

In the minutes of July 1882 there was "A CONFERENCE CALLED FOR REFERENCE 
A TEST OF CHURCH FELLOWSHIP," so the practice continued.

The march 1883 minutes were headed "SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST." This
heading was continued until 1896.

The minutes of September 1888 read: "THE MOTION PREVAILED TO APPOINT A
that the Methodists were also using this building as a house of worship.

The April 1883 minutes relate that the church invited sister churches at 
Cedar Grove, Hopewell, Union Hope, and Whiteoak to visit with them sometime
in May. Elder (A title used in all of the early minutes ... whether it 
meant deacon or layman is not known) S.J. Fuller of the Hopewell church 
assisted J.N. Pennington in the service. Also these minutes were the first
time the word "communion" was used instead of "sacrament."  Later, in May,
the third Sabbath the minutes read: "THE LORD'S SUPPER WAS PERFORMED WITH

In July 1883 the church conducted a week-long series of services at noon 
and in the evening by candle light. The preachers were Elder Pennington,
B.C. Owen, J.M. Lindsey, and "Father" (in respect to his age) S.J. Fuller.
The minutes state that a number were received into the church.

In September the church was saddened by the death of B.C. Owen. "A FITTING

In November the church had as its speaker Elder Compere (E.L.) from the 
Southern Baptist Convention. This is the first time that the Southern 
Baptist Convention has been mentioned. Also at this meeting, J.M. Lindsey
was appointed by the church to represent Shiloh Baptist Church at the 
Sunday Sdhool Convention at Dayton, Arkansas. This is the first time that 
Sunday School has been mentioned. At this meeting messengers were 
appointed to the Concord Associational Meeting and to the General 
Convention of Arkansas and the Indian Territory.

At the September 1884 meeting, "THE PRESBYTERY WAS CALLED ON TO ORDAIN 

Brother Reynolds brought up the matter of legality of the ordination,
saying that he did not see the laying on of hands on the heads of the 
candidates. A motion was made to review the complaint, but the minutes do 
not show the outcome.

In August of 1885 the church held a "GLORIOUS REVIVAL" in which fourteen 
souls were saved.

At the December meeting, Elder Lindsey reported that the church still owed
$8.00 on last year's pledge to the association (Concord), and $1.00 on 
this year's. An offering was taken and only a nickle was received ... from
Brother William Slaughter.

Brother Rhodes was the special speaker at the May 1886 meeting. He was the
Sunday School secretary of the Arkansas - Indian Territory Convention. 
(This was probably Rounds instead of Rhodes.)

At the July meeting charges were brought against a member for 
Another member was excluded for using profane language. Brother John 
Wilson was ordained at the September meeting.

The fall meeting of 1886 and the spring meeting of 1887 were so poorly 
attended that there was nothing to report read the minutes.  Brother 
Wilson preached at both of these meetings.

At the September 1887 meeting, the first mention of Woman's Baptist 
Missionary Organization was made. The church appointed Hannah Walker, 
Chairman; Dora Slaughter, Secretary; Josey Kelly, Treasurer. The Woman's 
Baptist Missionary Society was an organization of the American Baptist 
Convention. (The Southern Baptist's "Woman's Missionary Union" was not 
organized until 1888.)

At the July 1888 meeting high tribute was paid to Sister Josephine Kelly,
who had drowned in the Petit Jean River on July ninth. She had been a 
member of the Shiloh Church since July 1883 and was a zealous worker in
the cause of missions. She was the daughter of John Wells and the wife of
J.A. Kelly. A copy of the resolution was sent to the family and to the
"Waldron Reporter" and "Scott County Citizen" for publication. Sister 
Gorham was appointed to fill her position as Treasurer of the Missionary Society.

Following the July meeting three sisters were baptized that afternoon in
Fletcher Creek (near the S.T. Carolan Store.) They were Hester Wann, Ellen
Frasier and Martha Myers.

The church met by candle light on the first Saturday in September 1888 to 
begin a protracted meeting. Many sinners were saved and baptized in the 
Petit Jean River at the Lucas Ford. Those saved were: J.B. Corbitt, J.K.
Binning, William Higgins, Albert Dickerson, Daniel Lassiter, John Methvine,
Thomas Well, W.W. Scroggins, Nancy Corbitt, Mattie Binning, Elizabeth 
Higgins, Mary B. Melroy, Annie Pilgram, Luvena Dickerson,.Ruth Hampton, 
Sarah Higgins, Sarah Lassiter, Cintha Lassiter, Pardee Corbitt, and Mary 
Higgins. Sarah E. Graham was baptized later. B.C. Lassiter was received by


Brother Pennington resigned as pastor at the August 1889 meeting. A long 
resolution of respect was drawn up by the church and a copy was sent to 
the "American Baptist Publication" and to the "Arkansas Baptist" for
publication. D.M. Bryan was elected to replace him as pastor.

B.C. Lassiter was elected church clerk in January of 1890. In June another
building committee was appointed. In August they reported: "WE HAVE AGREED

D.M. Bryan was elected pastor at the August 1891 meeting, and Ranson 
Godwin as church clerk. Mrs. S.C. Binning died on August 10 and at the 
September meeting the church passed a resolution of respect for Sister 
Elizabeth Binning.

At the November 1891 meeting the Reverend B.F. Haddock of Missouri was the
guest speaker. His daughter, Rachel, had married Johnnie Moore of the 
Lucas Community and was living there and he had come to visit her. He 
stayed in the area for some time (two years or more) and was often a guest
speaker at the church. His son, Silas Haddock, moved his family to Ione
in 1923 and was postmaster there from 1927 until 1932.

At the December meeting of 1891, Brother R.P. Claborne, Missionary of the
Buckner Baptist Association, was guest speaker at the church. An offering 
was taken and $2.70 was received for associational missions. After that 
year the Shiloh Baptist Church affiliated with the Buckner Association.

When the church met in conference in April 1892, Brother D.M. Bryan made 
his annual report to the church, which showed that he had received $24.75 
for his services for the year. There was no May meeting on account of high

Brother J.N. Pennington was elected pastor in the August meeting of 1892.
However, he was ill most of the time and Brother Haddock or Brother 
Lindsey usually filled the pulpit. In September the church called Brother 
R.P. Claborne as pastor. He said that he would take the job for $50.00 per
year. The church accepted his offer and he preached at the November 

Over the past years the church had often excluded members because they had
joined other "societies." The church refused to call them churches 
although they ranged from Methodists to Cambellites. Since this was the 
practice, in August 1893, the church appointed a committee of S.C. Binning,
R. Godwin, and A.J. Pennington to draw up scriptural reasons why the 
church excluded members for "heresy." The report was presented at the June
practice continued.

At the April meeting of 1895 the matter of foot-washing came up again, and
was sustained as an ordinance by the vote of the church. The ordinance was
observed at the May meeting.

J.M. Lindsey became pastor in September of 1895 and served until 1896. 
S.C. Binning was again named as the church clerk.

A special meeting was called on October 10, 1896 for the purpose of 
perfecting the arrangements for the consolidation of the Freeman Baptist
Church, which was located on Price Jones Place west of Ione. The meeting 
opened with prayer by George W. Wiley (Father of E.A. or "Ed" Wiley), who
represented the Freeman Church. His brother, Thomas, was the father of 
three Baptist Preachers in the Indian Territory.

The two churches agreed to consolidate and build a house of worship on a 
parcel of land near S.S. Slawson's Place in the community of Ione. The 
meeting adjourned and agreed to meet again in November to select a name 
for the church. When they met they selected the name of "GOOD HOPE BAPTIST
CHURCH" of Ione, Arkansas in Scott County. W.P. Hall was named pastor and
S.S. Slawson clerk.

Ione was a community started by the Slawson's, S.S. and his wife, along 
with their two sons, Dick and Sim. They had built a sawmill and a cotton 
gin there about a year earlier. In 1897 a school house was constructed and
Frank Smith was named as the teacher. The place was named by Uncle Dick 
Hurt for a place called Ione in California.

At the January meeting, a committee was named to plan for a church 
building. The committee was composed of George Hawthorne, Boon Smith, and
Ira Miller.

Evidently, the building was started, for at the February meeting, the 
church asked the committee to contract with a carpenter to cover the 
enclosed building. Someone remembered that the church had been meeting in
the school house during construction of the new building. The building was
again discussed at the March and April meetings and was probably completed
that summer. At the May meeting the church observed the ordinance of foot-
washing. T.J. Padgett was then the church clerk.

At the August 1898 meeting, J.N. Pennington and Elowize Pennington were
received into the Good Hope Baptist Church by letter from the Shiloh 
Baptist Church at Belva, which would indicate that the original church was
still functioning.

During the summer months, there was no mention of the building in the 
minutes, but some remember that the foundation was laid in July.

During the August revival, the minutes stated that the brethren would work
until church time, stop and attend the meetings (probably at noon), then
return to work on the building. By the end of the revival, they were 
holding services in the partially completed building.

R.P. Hall conducted this revival, and the following were received by 
baptism: Sallie Brownfield, Ellen Wooten, and Willie Lasiter. W. J. Jones
was received by letter. By September the church was meeting in the new 
building, but there was no mention of a "dedication" such as we would have

In October 1898, the Good Hope Baptist Church was host to the Buckner
Baptist Association. Brothers J.W. Lindsay, J.M. Pennington, W.J. 
Pennington, S.C. Binning, and S.T. Jones were named on a committee to 
secure homes for the visiting messengers. One report showed that the fall
days were rainy and cold, and that the church had no stove. Those 
attending the Associational meeting would build a fire outside and go out
occasionally to get warm. They would then return to the cold building and
continue the business of the Association. In spite of the discomfort from
the cold, the Associational meetings were well attended.

In the fall of 1898 W.P. Hall was elected pastor and J.L. Reynolds became
church clerk, replacing T.J. Padgett, who was released by letter. Also the
Rowlett family was released by letter.

Not much is written about the church in 1899. In September, Brother L.E. 
Finney conducted a revival and several were saved. Among those baptized at
Lucas Ford in the afternoon on the first Sunday in October were: John 
Warner, Mattie and Nellie Pennington, May and Susan Browning, Elizabeth 
Cabe, and Dollie Slaughter.

The only minutes written in 1900 covered the November meeting, with S.C. 
Binning again the church clerk. The church had no pastor and Ransom Godwin
acted as moderator. The church voted to call G.W. Evans as pastor, but 
evidently he did not come, for in January 1901, a committee was appointed 
to find a pastor. At the February meeting the committee reported that 
Brother Evans had accepted. He served until September of 1901. At the 
March 1901 meeting they voted to send a letter of respect to the family of
Hannah Walker, who had died on February 6, 1901. Ransom Godwin was the 
church clerk.

At the September meeting a committee was appointed to check with W.P. Hall
and G.W. Evans to see what reason they had for leaving the pastorate, and 
to see if the church owed them any money. The Minutes never did report the
outcome of this committee's actions. J.F. Stevens was then elected Pastor.

During the revival in August 1901, the following were baptized on the 
third Sunday in the Petit Jean River: John M. Hurt, Mary Ellen Lacy, 
Myrtle Walker, Myrtle	Smith. Sister Susie Williams was received by 
Letter from the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, which the minutes read,
"Had gone down." Later others were baptized. They were: E.Q. Lantrip,
Oscar Amos, James Pennington, Rosey Watson, Maggie Godwin, and Minnie 

At the January 1902 meeting, the church paid its respect to the family of 
Sister Elvira McElroy, who had died on December 26, 1901, and to Brother 
J.W. Houston, who died on January 3, 1902, and to Brother J.W. Cabe, who
died on January 20, 1902. Brother Cabe had been a member of the church 
since 1897.

A committee was appointed at the June 1902 meeting to "SUPERINTEND THE 
COMPLETION OF OUR BUILDING." This committee was composed of: J.M.
Brownfield, Ransom Godwin, A.J. Pennington, A.F. Smith, and J.A. Kelly.
(This makes one wonder if the building which had been started in 1898 was
still not complete, or if they were constructing an addition to the 
original building.)

S.C. Binning, the church clerk, and a member since 1881, died on July 13,

At a called meeting in October 1902 a report was heard from brother 
Stevens on his reasons for resigning as pastor. His reason was that he had
been promised $75.00 for his services and that he had only received 
$31.00. Brothers J.N. Pennington and B.F. Haddock were guest preachers at
the meeting.

At the November meeting, Brother John N. Byers was called as pastor and 
was well received. He served until 1903 and was followed by C.L. Barnes.
In 1903 the Sunday School was organized and George W. Wiley was named as 
Superintendent and Ransom Godwin as Assistant Superintendent. Mattie 
Pennington was elected as Secretary.

On July 13, 1903 the church lost another long time member and deacon, 
James Wann. He had been a church member since 1881. A letter of respect 
was read to the church and sent to his family.

At the January 1904 meeting, a committee was selected to pay off the 
church debt. This committee was composed of: George Wiley, A.F. Smith, 
and A.J. Pennington. The Ladies Aid Society raised $33.50 to help pay the

In May 1904 the church observed the Lord's Supper, but there was no 
mention of foot-washing.

On July 2, 1904 Elder W.S. Wiley, nephew of George Wiley, and a missionary
to the Indian Territory, began a revival at the church which resulted in a
number of conversions. On the fourth Sabbath of July the following were
baptized: E.A. Wiley (son of George), Pirl Slawson, Ora Mae Jones, Helen
Cabe, W.W. Hornsby, Cari Allen, and Gertrude Binning.

At the August meeting the church voted to call C.L. Barnes on a half-time
basis and to pay him $200.00 per year. He had been paid $70.00 the 
previous year. However, at a called meeting in October the church 
rescinded the action and Brother Barnes was asked to serve on a quarter 
time basis. George Wiley resigned as Sunday School Superintendent in 
November and A.F. Smith was elected to take his place.

The church lost two more of its faithful members in those years: Sister 
Sarah Jones died on December 3, 1903 and Brother J.L. Reynolds died on 
April 21, 1904 Brother Barnes resigned as pastor of the church in April 
1905 and W.F. Lynch took his place in May 1905.

Sometime during these years the Presbyterians had built a church house at
Ione and a number of the well known families attended services there. Some
of these families were Dr. LaRue and his family, Dr. Turner and his 
family, the Moores, and the Mullens. The Presbyterians had built a two 
story house and the second floor was used as a masonic hall.

Also during this period W.J. Pennington opened a general store at Ione to
go with the sawmill, cotton gin, lumber yard and school. Mrs. Ellen 
Binning had opened a millinery shop. (She was formerly Ellen Wooten.)

J.K. Binning, church, clerk, was ordained as a deacon in March 1906. 
Sister Peck resigned as Sunday School Secretary, and Sister Mattie 
Pennington was elected to take her place. In April Brother Ransom Godwin 
was elected as a deacon. In June brother G. E. Fuller and his wife were 
received into the church by letter. In July, Brother A.F. Smith (the
schoolteacher) and his wife were granted letters of dismissal, as they 
were leaving Ione.

In July Brother Otto Whittington, Missionary of the Buckner Baptist 
Association, held a two week revival. The minutes read: "THE LORD WAS 
FAITH." Of that number there were 29 received by baptism, two by 
restoration, and one by statement. The following were baptized: Alonzo 
Wann, C.C. Carbitt, Ellie Hurt, Leeann Ward, Pearl Wann, Ocy and Deller 
Hurt, Leona Scrimpture, Mary and Sarah Amos, Austin Fuller, Rosey Binning,
Rosey Lacy, C.F. Cochran, Mary Jane Cochran, P.C. Wooten, Rufus Wann, 
Archie Slaughter, Lucy Rowlett, Leonora Rowlett, Rosey and Ruth 
Pennington, Cora Slaughter, Jesse Lacy, Henry Peck, Vertie Evans, Ethly 
Jones, Henry Lynch, and Nathan Marshall. All of these were baptized on the
fifth Sunday of July, 1906 starting at 4:00 P.M. at Lucas Ford of the
Petit Jean River. J.M. Hughletter and Thomas Wann were received by 
restoration and Jesse Amos by statement.

That fall, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Irby came to Ione to teach school. Mr. Irby 
and his family of six joined the Good Hope Baptist Church.

On October 6, 1906 a Post Office was established at Ione, with James A. 
Farmer as the Postmaster. The office had been moved from Belva.

In 1913 a rural route was established out of Ione to run to the Tate and
Henscratch communities, and J.L. Partain was named as the rural carrier.
A Star Route was established from Ione to Booth and Girard with Uncle Bill
Gipson and James Farmer as carriers. The Postmasters at Ione after James 
Farmer were: W.E. Smith from 1913 until 1927, Silas B. Haddock from 1927 
until 1932, Paul Smith from 1932 until 1937, and Mrs. Ruth Smith from 1937
until the postoffice was closed during World War II and a rural route was 
established out of Booneville.

W.F. Lynch resigned as pastor of the Good Hope Baptist Church of Christ in
February 1907. At that meeting several members were "LETTERED OUT" for the
purpose of organizing a baptist church at Mountain View. These members 
consisted of the Amos, Rowlett, Ryles, Simmons, and Sloan families.

In March 1907, J.N. Pennington again accepted the pastorate of the church
on the condition that the church would pay him $100.00 per year for 
quarter-time preaching. The church agreed to these terms. He was to 
moderate the church conference on Saturday afternoon before the third 
Sunday, preach Saturday night and again on Sunday Morning and Sunday 

At the April meeting the pastor "PREACHED ON MISSIONS," to quote the 
minutes and an offering of $5.50 was given for home and foreign missions.

At the May meeting A.J. Pennington was elected as church janitor at $1.50
per month, but he resigned after the first month. The pastor appointed a 
committee to find another janitor, but if they ever did, his name was not
shown. (The women probably continued to clean up the curch house as they 
had in the past.)

At the June meeting something new was added, the preacher held a service 
on Sunday afternoon and preached to the children.

Seldom a summer went by without a "PROTRACTED MEETING." In July of 1907 
Brother Richardson of Booneville conducted a revival that resulted in 26 
professions of faith and 17 additions to the church by baptism. Those 
baptized on the fourth Sunday afternoon of July were: Rufus Slaughter, 
Nolan Irby, Eva Irby, Ider Green, Dora Fuller, Manda Fuller, Ester Wann, 
Omar Wann, Ora Kelly, William Fuller, Will Cheek, Mintie Lee Brownfield,
Myrtle Wooten, Lucy Williams, Cary Williams, and Oscar Pennington. The 
church gave Brother Richardson $7.42 in cash and $5.00 in pledges.

At the August meeting of 1907 the church voted to change its name to the
"IONE BAPTIST CHURCH." At the December meeting the church granted letters 
of dismissal to C.E. Fuller, his wife, his son Austin, and to Effie Irby.

In 1908 the Irbys resigned as teachers of the Ione school and were granted
letters dismissal. C.C. Ellis and Gertrude Binning were the new teachers 
and served until 1910. Miss Binning was a member of the church.

R.L. Slaughter was licensed to preach at the April meeting of 1908. No 
worship service was held in May, as the preacher conducted the 
commencement service for the school and all of the people attended.

In July W.S. Wiley, a missionary from Muskogee, Indian Territory, returned
to Ione for a revival. He held a great revival and the following were 
baptized at the end of the meeting: Sister Tangsley (or Langsley), Mattie 
Davis, Rosey Wiley, Icey Kelly, Netty Kelly, Josephine Mott, Luley Hanes 
(or Ranes), Nora Irby, Cleo Vandermark, Etter Jones, Brother Britton 
Dickerson, and Henry Lasiter. (The spelling of these names are as they are
shown in the minutes). Later Brother Tangsley and Rose Williams were 
received for baptism, and Brother Walker and wife and Arthur and Ellen 
Bird by letter.

In 1905 the church lost some faithful members. The Irbys, George W. Wiley 
and wife, Will, Dora and Mandy Fuller, Lucy Ward, and Pearl Owens. D.M. 
Bryant was elected pastor at $100.00 per year and J.K. Binning was the 
church clerk.

Brother Binning wrote the minutes for January 1909, but no other minutes 
were recorded until November and December. During this period J.W. Lindsey
had become the pastor and Ransom Godwin the church clerk. W.L.Slaugher had
been elected Sunday School Superintendent and P.C. Wooten was the church 

In December the pulpit committee reported that there was only $80.00 in 
the treasury to pay the pastor. Brother Lindsey agreed to accept that 
amount as full payment for the services he had rendered. That meeting also
granted letters of dismissal to A.J., Rose, Sarah, and Oscar Pennington.
A letter of dismissal was also granted to Maggie Carpenter.

The first minutes of any service in 1910 was recorded in May, when the 
service was held at the cemetary for decoration day. At the August meeting
new officers were elected as follows: J.W. Lindsey, pastor; P.C. Wooten, 
church clerk; W.L. Slawson, treasurer; A.F. Smith, Sunday School 
Superintendent, Cora Slaughter Sunday School Secretary.

In August an eleven day revival was held and Lula Fuller was the only one 
listed that was to be baptized. Ethel Johnson and Ida Slawson were 
received at the September meeting "BY EXPERIENCE." At that September 
meeting the minutes recorded "that some of the members were not at peace 
with each other." A committee was appointed to investigate the matter. 
This committee was composed of W.L. Slaughter, P.C. Wooten, W.J. 
Pennington, T. Wann, and R. Godwin. (This committee reported back to the
church at the January 11, 1911 meeting on the unchristian conduct of the 
members investigated and the matter was dismissed.) At the September 
meeting a letter of dismissal was granted to John Hurt, and in December 
J.K., Mattie, Gertrude, and Rose Binning, along with Nellie Parker, J.M.
Pennington and his wife were granted letters of dismissal.

Frank Smith and Ruth Pennington were elected school teacher for Ione in 
1910 and they were both active in the church.

There did not seem to be much activity in the church in 1911, however, 
A.J. Pennington, his wife, and his daughter Rose returned to the church.

Following the annual protracted meeting in August, Ed Fuller and Nettie 
Smith were baptized on September 11, 1911. Those who came to the church 
by letter were: W.E. and Mollie Smith, Robert, Daisy, and Herbert 
Slaughter. A.F. Smith resigned as Sunday School Superintendent and P.C. 
Wooten was elected to take his place. Mr. Wooten declined to serve and
W.E. Smith was elected and served for many years.

Apparently, the members were not at peace with each other again, as the 
church lost several members by letter. They were Sister Anderson, Mandy
Browning, S.J. Jones John Amos and his wife, O.D. Amos and his wife, Rose
Godwin, W.F. Huggins and his wife and daughters, Ludy and Flora.

In 1912 Mr. Forrest and Ruth Pennington were the school teachers. P.C. 
Wooten reported that the church had 105 members with 90 enrolled in Sunday

In August W.F. Hall was pastor of the church and there is no mention of 
the usual long meeting and revival, but the records show that the 
following were received into the church by baptism: Eunice and Eva Smith, 
Conny Lantrip, Pearl and Rose Wooten, Emma Smith, and Ethel Vandermark. 
Also received by letter in August were: F.R. and Sarah Arnold, Pearl 
Sanders, and Josie Strickland.

The church lost five members in 1912. R.L. Slaughter, J.M. and Sallie 
Brownfield, and E.B. Jones were lost by letter and Mollie Smith, the wife 
of W.E., died that year. The minutes did not show the long letter of 
respect for the deceased as it had in earlier years.

At the December meeting W.E. Smith, Ransom Godwin, and F.R. Arnold were 
elected Deacons. Ransom Godwin and F.R. Arnold were ordained in January of

In 1913 the church lost three of its members. In April Henry and Mattie 
Peck moved to Oklahoma, and Gramma Kelly, a long time member, died. W.P. 
Hall resigned as pastor in June, and Brother Pharrow and J.W. Pickens took
his place. In November J.L. Partain, an ordained minister, joined the 
church by letter from the Baptist Church in Cisco, Texas.

There were no church minutes written in 1914 until May (this was the last
entry in the book marked 1913.) During this time G.R. Stephens had become

The church voted at this May meeting to send the pastor and a deacon to 
Mountain View Church for the purpose of ordaining J.W. Pickens as a 
minister of the gospel. In August of 1914 J.W. Pickens was elected pastor 
of the Ione Baptist Church.

At the June meeting of 1914 a committee was appointed (W.J. Pennington, 
W.E. Smith, P.C. Wooten, and E.A. Wiley) to solicit funds to cover the 
church house. No further mention was made of this matter so evidently it 
was done.

According to the records the church only received two members by baptism 
in 1914. They were Lora Fuller and Nettie McElroy. J.M. and Sallie 
Brownfield returned to the church by letter in September. (No mention had
been made of their leaving in previous minutes.)

In 1914 the church lost Ora Kelly, F.R. and Sarah Arnold, May Browning, 
and A.J. Pennington by letter and Minnie Turner joined another 

Mr. and Mrs. Norman were the school teachers in Ione for the 1914 school 
year but their names do not appear on the church roll.

The August 1915 records show that Dr. J. Pendergraf was the guest speaker 
and that W.L. Slaughter and E.A. Wiley were ordained as deacons, with J.L.
Sikes, J.L. Partain, and B.B. Taylor assisting in the ordination. On the 
same day the church began their annual revival with Erma Lacy and Samantha
Cheek being received into the church as candidates for baptism. The new 
pastor, S.W. Lindsey joned the church by letter. J.L. Partain was elected
as Sunday School Superintendent in August of 1915.

The church again lost more members than it gained as C.F. Cochran, 
Elizabeth Cheek, R.W.E. Slaughter and his wifed Daisy were lost by letter.
Ora Kelly, Warnne and Rose Stanley joined another denomination (probably 
the local Presbyterian church.)

In 1916 P.C. Wooten reported that the average attendance in church and 
sunday school was 30. However, things were looking better as the church 
added J.V. Pennington and wife Dicey by baptism. The church also added 
Carrie Slaughter, W.C. Littlefield and wife Pearl (they were the new 
school teachers), W.M. Gipson, Dora Wann and Mattie Pickens by letter.

In 1916 the church lost four members: Leo Godwin, Ethel Hodges, Ida 
Gipson and Mattie Loyd.

In 1916 Houston Grayson was called as pastor and J.V, Pennington became 
church clerk. J.L. Partain was elected Sunday School Superintendent with 
W.C. Littlefield as assistant. E.A. Wiley, J.V. Pennington, Thomas Wann 
and W. C. Littlefield were elected messengers to the Buckner Baptist 
Association and were instructed to invite the association to meet with 
the Ione church next year (1917.)

For some reason J.V. Pennington did not serve as church clerk and Arch 
Slaughter took his place. He changed the format of the minutes and the 
eight "RULES OF DECORUM" that were established in 1873 were not included 
in the minutes. Mr. Slaughter served as church clerk until May of 1917 
when P.C. Wooten was elected as church clerk. He served for a number of
years and kept all of the old minutes books from which this history was 

Ione did not host the Buckner Association in 1917 as it was held in Booth.
Ione Baptist Church sent as messengers Ransom Godwin, P.C. Wooten, Sallie 
Brownfield and Ellen Pennington.

The year of 1917 was a dark one for Ione as well as the rest of the world.
World War I had come and Ione gave many fine young men to the service. 
Those that I can remember from Ione were Hubert Smith, Arlie Brownfield 
and Elzie Pennington, but no doubt there were others.

Mrs. Hackett and Elizabeth Dunbar were the school teachers that year. 
There was not much church news to report that year evidently, as the books
did not show anything in the minutes.

 In 1918 the church minutes were brief. In March Houston Grayson and his 
wife Caroline were received into the church as members. The minutes showed
an average attendance around thirty to thirty-six.

The annual revival was held in July this year instead of August as it had 
been in the past. A.A. Dulaney did the preaching and Claude Hunt led the 
singing. The revival led to three coming into the church by baptism: 
Vivian Smith, Emma Wann and Elva Beshears and Sister Andrews was received 
by letter. Later in the year others were added by baptism: Joanna Cox, 
Bryan Jones, Mollie Partain, Mabel Slaughter, and Jessie Smith. Etna Horn 
and Charlie Franks were received by letter.  Letters were granted to Etna 
Horn and Myrtle Wooten.

1918 also brought new school teachers, as Bob and Arch Slaughter were the 
school teachers that year.

In 1919 only two minutes were recorded one in April and one in May. 
Houston Grayson was the pastor and P.C. Wooten was the church clerk. If 
anyone joined or left the church in 1919 it was not recorded.

1919 was the year World War I ended and the entire country was besieged 
by the terrible Spanish Influenza epidemic, which could account for the 
lack of minutes if the meetings were even held.

1919 also brought new school teachers to the community as Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Manus were the teachers that year. They taught until the 1920 school year 
when John Hampton and Carrie Slaughter (later Mrs. John Hampton) became 
the teachers. They stayed through the 1922 school year.

There were no minutes in the book for 1920 and the first meeting of 1921
was recorded in August. At that meeting a committee was appointed to find 
a new pastor as Houston Grayson had left earlier that year. This record 
also showed that P.C. Wooten was the church clerk and John Hampton was the
Sunday School Superintendent. Another committee was appointed at this 
meeting to look into buying an organ for the church.

Going over the church roll for the years 1920 and 1921 the only new 
members shown were: Mabel Kelly, baptism, 1920; Mattie Kelly, letter, 
1921; Myrtle Brownfield, baptism, 1921; Archie Partain, baptism, 1921; 
Bonnie Slaughter, baptism, 1921; Bess Springer, baptism, 1921. (Bess 
Springer was a new teacher added that year.)

The first meeting recorded in 1922 was in June when W.A. Bishop was called
as pastor.  Rufus Wann was granted a letter of dismissal.

In the September meeting P.C. Wooten was named as church clerk and Sallie
Brownfield as church treasurer. W.E. Smith was elected as the Sunday 
School Superintendent.

In 1922 the church added Jess Cabe, Vivian Carpenter, and Mintie Lee 
Godwin by baptism, and lost Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton and Mabel Slaughter 
Perry through letters of dismissal.

That year the school again had three teachers: Omar Hairston, principal; 
Bess Springer and Dot Pennington. At the March 1923 meeting George L. Hays
was the guest preacher and W. A. Bishop was still pastor. In July, W L. 
Thomas of Hackett and W. L. Bishop held the annual revival at Ione. This 
was a great meeting as the records show that the church had seven 
additions by baptism. These seven were: Albert Sills, Beatrice Partain, 
Oneta Fuller, Lorene Wooten, Jess Bryant, A. C. Goodwin, and Lottie 
The records also show that Jim Sills and A. W. Smith were received by 
letter at this revival. The church gave W. L. Thomas an offering of 

In August W.A. Bishop was elected pastor again and P.C. Wooten was elected
church clerk. W.E. Smith was elected as Sunday School superintendent and 
Bettye Wooten was elected as church secretary.

In the fall of 1923 Omar (Duck) Hairston was principal of the school with 
Billie Rice and Bettye Wooten the elementary school teachers. Later in 
the fall Mrs. S.E. Partain came into the church by baptism and Mrs. S.E. 
Smith by letter. The church also granted a letter of dismissal to Mrs. 
Connie McElroy as she was joining another denomination and a letter was 
granted to Mattie Binning.

There were no minutes written in November or December, but it was about 
this time that L. P. Thomas became pastor.

Another addition to the Ione community in the fall of 1923 was Silas B. 
Haddock, his wife Eliza, his four daughters; Alta, Louise, Willie, and 
Selma, and his son Paul, who died there on September 9, 1923.

The first meeting of the church recorded in 1924 was in March when L.P. 
Thomas resigned as pastor. P.C. Wooten resigned as church clerk and Archie
Partain was elected to take his place. In April of 1934 George L. Hays 
became pastor of the church.

At the May meeting, Brother King of Little Rock showed a moving picture 
of the work of the Baptist Hospital in Little Rock for the Sunday evening
meeting. At the Saturday conference in May the church discussed the matter
of establishing a church budget, and a committee was set up to look into 
a plan.
This committee consisted of J.L. Partain, P. C. Wooten, We. E. Smith, E.A.
Wiley, Mrs Sallie Brownfield, and Mrs. Ellen Pennington.

At the August election of church officers the only change made was that
Sallie Brownfield was elected church treasurer. In December she resigned 
and Mrs. E.A. (Dollie Slaughter) Wiley took her place.
At that meeting Miss Bonnie Slaughter was granted a letter of dismissal 
as she was going away to school.

1924 saw the following people baptized: Fern Pennington, Fay Johnson, 
Bercue Edwards, Hubert Eppler, and Willie Horn. The following became 
members by letter:  Lora Jones, Mrs. J.J. Organ, Mrs. Eliza Haddock, 
Willie Haddock, Louise Haddock, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crockett.

During the past year or so many of the young people had left Ione to go 
to high school at Booneville, Magazine, or Mansfield so the school and 
reverted back to two teachers. In the fall of 1924 the teachers were 
Bettye Wooten and Billie Rice with each teaching four grades.

In 1925, March and April meetings were recorded but nothing of importance 
was shown. The annual revival was held in August and lasted two weeks 
with George Hays as the preacher.

COMMUNITY!"  On August 16, 1925, as a result of this revival, fifteen 
people were baptized in Fletcher Creek near Carolan.  They were: Thelma 
Lasiter, Dewey Wooten, Beryl Wooten, Alta Haddock, Van Pennington, Mintie 
Lee Godwin, Oma Wann, Grace Wann, Vivian Carpenter, J.J. Organ, Fleta 
Oliver, Grace Oliver, Jim Kelly, Henry Jones, and Minnie Jones.  Lois 
Jones and Dot Farmington joined by letter and Bonnie Slaughter returned 
by letter. 
The following members were granted letters of dismissal during the year:
Netta Kelly, Mrs. Emma Wooten, Mrs. Joanna Cox, Mrs. Bess Cheek, and Mrs.
S.E. Smith.

This year, 1925 Ione had two new school teachers. Mr. L.E. Floyd taught 
grades five through eight upstairs and Miss Louis Haddock taught grades 
one through four downstairs.

For a number of years the church had appointed messengers to the Buckner 
Baptist Association meeting in the fall, but in 1925, messengers were also
appointed to the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
The messengers to the State Convention were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, 
P.C. Wooten, and Ed Fuller. The location of the convention is not shown 
in the minutes, but it was probably in Little Rock.

At the January 17, 1926 meeting, the church licensed Archie Partain, the 
church clerk, to preach. He was attending the Oklahoma Baptist University 
at Shawnee, Oklahoma so he resigned his position as church clerk. Mrs. 
Dollie Wiley was elected to take his place.

In the August election G.L. Hays was re-elected as pastor, P.C.Wooten was
elected treasurer, W.E Smith was Sunday School Superintendent, and Mintie
Lee Godwin was the church secretary.

If any new members came into the church in 1926 their names were not 
recorded, but letters were granted to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Buff 
Stills, Helen Low, and Mintie Brownfield Stauss. Lorena Wooten and I went 
to Russellville for summer normal, and if a revival was held in August 
the minutes did not report it. Mr. Floyd and Miss Haddock were back as 
school teachers for the 1926-1927 school term.

In 1927 no church minutes were recorded until the September meeting, when
messengers were appointed to  the Buckner Baptist Association meeting at 
Poteau. At the October meeting the messengers gave a report of the meeting
and recommended that Brother Rufus Hale be invited to the church. The
church members agreed and he was the guest preacher in November.

No new members were recorded in 1927, but letters were granted to Miss 
Lorena Wooten, who was attending the University of Oklahoma at Norman; 
and to Miss Bercue Edwards and Miss Vivian Smith.

In the fall of 1927 Ione had two new teachers. They were Miss Nell Hornsby
and Mrs. Cornie Williams and they were both active in the church.

At a Called meeting in February 1928, Archie Partain was called as a 
pastor for the remainder of the year. (Evidently sometime during the last 
few months, George Hays had resigned.) Archie Partain preached at the 
regular meeting on February 19, and T.R. Boydston was received by letter. 
He was the only member recorded that year.

At the September 1928 meeting, a committee was appointed to find a pastor 
as Archie Partain had gone back to school. The church was host to the 
Buckner Baptist Association that year.

Over the years the church meeting had changed. There was not always the 
church conference on Saturday preceding the Saturday night and Sunday 
preaching services. Now business meetings were brief and seldom recorded.
In 1929 the minutes of only two meetings were recorded and in 1930 only 
one meeting was recorded.

Many things happened in those years, however, as Archie Partain brought 
young people from Oklahoma Baptist University to conduct Daily Vacation 
Bible School, which was something new for the church. In fact, many young 
people had left Ione to go to college, bringing back many new ideas, 
which kept the church active.

On April 29, 1929 Brother Tom Finney filled the pulpit of the church and 
in a business meeting following, he was unanimously called as pastor. At 
this meeting a discussion was held to discuss raising funds to pay off 
the church debts and to pay the pastor.

The only new members recorded in 1929 were Otha Looper, Mazel Pennington, 
Robert Piece, Arvel Wann, and Virgie Wann. All of the new members were 
received by baptism.

Cullen C. Wooten, Bettye Wooten, and Fern Pennington were the school 
teachers for the 1929-1930 school year. Since there were three teachers 
again, we must assume that either there were more students in the lower 
grades or that Ione was again offering twelve years of school.

The 1930's were the years of the great depression but the church had a 
good year in 1930, with many additions. In 1930 the church set a budget 
of $15.00 per month, but ended up with an average offering of  $17.50 per 

A committee was appointed to promote a membership drive and to interest 
the church in the Cooperative Program, a financing plan of the Southern 
Baptist Convention. (This plan had been in effect since 1925 but 
apparently it was just now reaching some of the smaller, outlying 
churches.) In fact not very much had been reported on the church's role 
in the southern Baptist Convention and it would be interesting to know 
when it began and what part, if any, it played in the church's growth.

In July the church held its annual revival with Archie Partain as the 
preacher. Those received into the church by baptism were Ella Godwin, 
Inez Godwin, Frances Boerman, Annette Durham, Herman Halford, Harry 
Halford, Selma Haddock, T.D. Jackson, Sylvia Jackson, Agatha Lampkin, 
Lois Lantrip, Eula Lindsay, Omar and Mrs. Mott, Leonard Partain, Grace 
Partain, Rowena Smith, Opal Tucker, Belle Woody, Ailene Fuller, and Mollie
Fuller. The church received the following by letter: Audrey Halford, Ed 
Halford, Mrs. Mollie Halford, Pauline Fouts, R.D. Williams, and Cornie 
Williams. Letters were granted to Louise Haddock and Mazel Pennington.

1930 also brought sadness to the church as Ransom Godwin, a longtime 
member, died that year. His wife Sussana had died in 1926.

In September 1931 the church elected new officers. They were: Archie 
Partain, paster (Salary #12.00 per month); Mrs. Dollie Wiley, Church 
Clerk;  E.A. Wiley, Church Treasurer;  W.E. Smith, Sunday School 
Superintendent;  Selma Haddock, Sunday School Secretary. Zelmer E. 
Gardner, who had just moved to Ione, was named president of the B.Y.P.U.
and Fern Pennington was named leader of the Junior B.Y.P.U.

In November a committee of three (Fern Pennington, Selma Haddock, and 
Inez Godwin) were appointed to raise funds for the repair of the church 
building. These young people must have raised the money, for at the 
September meeting, there was a lot of discussion on the type of roof to 
put on the building. They finally settled on shingles.

Things were really looking up for Ione. They had just completed the 
construction of a new brick school house in 1930, hired three new teachers
(John H. Rowland as principal, Fern Pennington and Viola Hicks.  The new 
school was constructed by Hubert J. Hall with P.C. Wooten and J.J.Organ 
doing most of the work.

The first meeting recorded in 1932 was in April when plans were made for 
a Vacation Bible School and revival in July. Students from Oklahoma 
Baptist University came and helped Archie with the Bible school which was 
followed by a revival in which many were saved. Those that came into the 
church by baptism after the revival were: Zelmer Gardner and his wife 
Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. Irl Kelly, Era Kelly, Irene Lawson, Fay Moore, 
Forest Mullins, Penn Smith, Paul Smith, Vernon Turner, Clyde Wiley, 
Cullen Wooten, Lester French, Tea Fuller, and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Eppler.

At the September meeting the church officers elected were; Archie Partain,
Pastor; Clyde Wiley, Church Clerk;  E.A. Wiley, Treasurer;  Zelmer 
Gardner, Sunday School Superintendent; Selma Haddock, Sunday School 
Secretary; Cullen Wooten, Baptist Young People's Union President and Mrs. 
Mollie Partain Jr. BYPU Leader.

The new church officers began work with a new record book in which Clyde 
Wiley, who had married Willie Haddock, kept records of all that went on 
in the church.

At the first meeting that year there was much discussion about having a 
preacher half-time instead of quarter-time as had been the practice for 
years. A committee composed of E.A. Wiley, Van Pennington, Omar Eppler and
Zelmer Gardner were appointed to check into the feasibility of doing this.
Later, the committee recommended that the church pay off its debts before 
going an with this plan.

The church then attempted to raise funds to put its finances back into 
shape and named a committee to set up an "HONOR STANDARD," whereby each 
member would be asked to contribute $1.50 per month toward the church 

That year the church lost two of its long-time members, Mrs. Maggie and 
Miss Lottie Greenwood, who had moved to Wister, Oklahoma.

At the first quarterly conference in 1933 the church voted to retain its 
program of once-a-month preaching services (Sunday School and BYPU were 
held each Sunday - but there has been no mention of the Women's 
Missionary Society for years), and to increase the preacher's (Archie 
Partain) salary.

Clyde Wiley, his wife Willie, and young son Edgar left Ione that year for 
Clyde to attend Oklahoma Baptist University at Shawnee, Oklahoma, so 
Vernon Turner was elected Church Clerk.

That fall the new church officers were E.A. Wiley, Church Treasurer; 
Zelmer R. Gardner, Sunday School Superintendent; Mrs. Howard Barnett, 
Sunday School Secretary; Howard Barnett, BYPU President; Mrs. J.L. 
Partain, Intermediate BYPU Leader; and Miss Bettye Wooten, Junior BYPU 

Howard Barnett, who had come to Ione to teach school that year, married 
Oneta Fuller and had united with the church through baptism. The other two
teachers that year were Inez Gardner and Mrs. Cornie Williams.

Late in 1933 the J.L Partain family, including Autrey and Ina Grace, left 
Ione and the church. Archie was still at OBU, but returned each month to 

In March of 1934 Bettye Wooten became the Church Clerk and resumed the 
practice of writing the minutes monthly, rather than quarterly. Also, in 
March, Archie Partain resigned as Pastor and Houston Grayson was elected 
to finish out the year.

In September Melvin Walker was called as pastor. The other new officers 
for the year were: Mrs. Inez Moore (Inez Godwin, who had married Fay 
Moore), Church Clerk; W.E. Smith, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent;
Marguerite Fuller, Sunday School Secretary; Fern Pennington and Oneta 
Barnett, BYPU Leaders.

The new members listed in 1934 were Lois Godwin and Marie Brownfield by 
baptism, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen C. Wooten (she was formerly Ella Godwin) by 
letter. Members dismissed by letter were Dot Pennington, Kenneth and Nell 
Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Wann, Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Wann, Mrs. Otha 
Looper, Mrs. Cora McCutcheon, Archie and Leonard Partain, Mr. and Mrs. 
Omar Eppler, Mrs. Jim Beshears, Bryan Jones, Mrs. Eliza Haddock, Alta 
Haddock, Selma Haddock, and Lois Partain.

The minutes for 1935 reflect many plans for the year, but do not indicate 
how very many were carried our. At the January meeting the church planned 
a Vacation Bible School, in February the discussion centered around a 
revival in April with Brother Gant, the Associational Missionary, 
conducting. Also there was talk about planting a cotton patch for the 
church to provide funds to repair the building. Plans were also made to 
ask Brother Gant to come and help the women organize a Missionary Society.

At the annual meeting on September 7, 1935 the church called brother 
Swanson as pastor. Clyde Wiley was elected as Sunday School 
Superintendent. (He and his family had returned from OBU). Cornie
Williams was elected Church Clerk, and Mrs. E.A. (Dollie) Wiley was 
elected Director of Prayer Meeting. Other church leaders were also elected
but their names were not recorded.

Cullen Wooten had become pricipal of the Ione School with Mrs. Green and 
Mrs. Williams as the teachers. New members in 1935 were Blanche Fouts, 
Hal Smith, and John Neta Woody by baptism. A letter of dismissal was 
granted to J.W. Methvine.

In 1936 the Partains returned to Ione and Archie was again called as 
pastor. Other new officers elected were: Mrs. Ellen Pennington, Church 
Treasurer; Mrs. Jessie Smith, Church Clerk; Ina Grace Partain, Pianist 
(I wonder when they purchased this .... years ago they had talked about 
buying an organ); John Neta Woody, Song Leader; Van Pennington, Sunday 
School Superintendent; E.A. Wiley, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent;
Onata Wiley, Sunday School Secretary. P.C. Wooten was the Baptist Training
Union (BTU) President. This had been changed from BYPU in 1934.

New members in 1936 were Louise Godwin, Bonnie Halford, Manual Walker, 
and Mabel Walker by baptism. W.E. Green was added to the church roll by 
letter. Letters were granted to W.P.J. Jones, Mrs. Glen (Icey) Cauthron, 
and Adriam McElroy.

Clyde Wiley and Mrs. Cornie Williams were the Ione school teachers in 
1937. Clyde also became the church clerk early in 1937 and J.E. Williams, 
a new member, was elected Sunday School Superintendent. In October the 
church bought new song books and voted to raise money to buy Aladin 
Lamps for the church.

New members in 1937 were Raymond Lantrip, Arline Brownfield, and Nell 
Wilson by baptism. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Wilson, Donald Wilson, Holly Wilson, 
Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Scroggins, Marie Scroggins, and Helen Scroggins united 
with the church by letter. Members dismissed that year were the Partain 
family, Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Moore, Rowena Smith, and 
Mrs. Oma Smith.

Charlie Ray, Cornie Williams, and Viola Hicks were the school teachers at 
Ione from 1937 until 1939.

In January 1938 the church appointed a "MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE" of E.A. 
Wiley, Van Pennington, Mrs. J.A. Kelley and Onata Wiley, to study the 
needs of the church. The church also adopted the "Standard of Excellence" 
for Sunday School.

The membership committee recommended: "THAT WE ENTER INTO A THREE MONTH
accepted and Onato Wiley was asked to keep a record of the work. In 
February the report read as follows:
43 church members attended church during the past three months.
31 was the average church attendance for the preaching services - Both 
morning and evening.
21 was the average attendance in Sunday School
14 was the average attendance in BTU
25 Attended the Saturday night preaching service.

In November the church accepted a debt of $30.03 for repairs to the 
building. J.J. Organ presented the bills for the repairs that he had done,
and the Church Treasurer was instructed to pay all that the present funds 
allowed and to defer the balance until more funds were received.

New members received in 1938 by baptism were: Lee Daily, Dorthy Daily, 
Wanda Epper, Arnold Epper, Royston Goolsby, Leon Godwin, Carl Halford, 
Ruby Halford, Mack Halford, Earl Halford, Eugene Lothian, Marcetious 
Partain, Haskell Scroggins, Walker Scraggins, and Anna Nelle Wilson. The
following were received by letter: Mr. and Mrs. Omar Eppler, Winton 
Mizell, and Mrs. Powell.  Onata Wiley, Dewey Wooten, Beryl Wooten, Belle 
Woody, Bob Williams, Cornie Williams, Eula Lindsey, and Mr. and Mrs. 
Zelmer Gardener were dismissed by letter.

1938 was a good year for the Ione Baptist Church, but it was saddened by 
the death of W.E. Smith, a long-time faithful member who died in November.

1939 brought an end to the turbulent thirties and the church had a new 
pastor, Winton Mizell. Clyde Wiley had moved to Fort Smith and Bonnie 
Halford was named the church clerk.

A budget was adopted to cover the months from February until September. 
It consisted of the following items:
Cooperative Program of the S.B.C. $10.75
Missions - Associational 0.75
Lights for church house 1.50
Literature 3.00
Pastor's Salary 15.00

The pastor asked that the other items of the budget take precedence over 
his salary. At that February meeting, the new pastor appointed a 
committee of Mrs. E.A. Wiley, Mrs. Omar Eppler, and Donald Wilson to 
secure pledges to meet the church budget.

That fall Mr. Mizell left the church to go to Arkadelphia and Murl Walker 
was called as pastor. E.A. Wiley was the church treasurer and Bonnie 
Halford was the church clerk. Paul Smith was elected Sunday School
Superintendent to take the place of his father, W.E. Smith, who had 
served for many years. J.J. Organ was director of BTU. The pastor had 
appointed a nominating committee to secure church officers and to bring 
them before the church for approval.

Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Ham, L.S. Ham, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, and Mr. 
and Mrs. O.C. Arnold joined the church by letter in 1939 and Winifred 
Owens, Alta Fay Ham, and Patsy Brownfield joined the church through 
baptism. Mercedes Partain, Van Pennington, Winton Mizell, Mrs. Myrtle 
Pennington, Mrs. Frances Boersman, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barnett were 
dismissed from the church by letter.

In 1940 the church was host to a BTU rally in February that was led by 
Brother Burroughs. Bonnie Halford, church clerk, married Donald Wilson and
left town. Marguerite Fuller Walker (Mrs. Tillman) acted as church clerk 
until she left Ione, and Miss Rowena Smith was then elected as church 

The revival, that was held in July, was led by Vernon Yarborough and 
resulted in a number of new baptisms. They were: O'Donnel Elmore, Troy 
Cartwright, Mrs. Paul Smith, Edith Melba Harwell, Charlie Elmore, Wanda 
Organ, Mrs. Florence Lothian, J.P. Davis, Lula Belle Hall, R.C. Lothian, 
and Carl Tucker. Mrs. Aubrey Elmore, Mrs. J.D. Blair, Emeric Blair, 
Flossie Hall, C.W. Elmore, and Lee Elmore were received by letter. Mrs. 
Cecil Elmore was received by statement.

Dismissed by letter that year were: Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Wilson, Annelle 
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, Carl Tucker, and Vernon Tucker.

New officers elected in August were: Murl Walker, pastor; Mrs. E. A.
Wiley, church treasurer; Rowena Smith, church clerk; Paul  Smith, Sunday 
School Superintendent; Mrs. E.A. Wiley, BTU Director. The year ended with 
a singing school in November, where fifty new song books were used, 

Murl Walker resigned as pastor in April 1941, and in June the church 
called Irvin Moshier, from Booneville, as pastor. They also voted to 
continue with the half-time service (when had this begun?) and to pay the 
pastor $30.00 per month. They also voted to renew the practice of having 
prayer meeting every Wednesday night.

The new officers elected in August were: Irvin Moshier, pastor; Thomas H. 
Ward, treasurer; Rowena Smith, church clerk; Paul Smith, Sunday School 
Superintendent; Alene Bates, Sunday School Secretary; and Mrs. Scroggins 
BTU Director. Irvin Moshier resigned in September and the church record 
ended before a new pastor was named.

New members in 1941 were Mrs. Maybelle Lacy, Alene Bates, Charles Organ, 
and Aaerl Mott by Baptism.  Mrs. Anna French joined the church by 
statement and Mr. and Mrs. Odus Kelly, and Reverend Moshier joined by 

Members that left in 1941 were; Mr. and Mrs. Omar Eppler, Wanda Eppler, 
Arnold Eppler, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen C. Wooten, 
Georgia Andrews, A.J. Kelley, Annie Kelley, and Irvin Moshier.

Three members were removed from the church roll by death. They were Mrs.
Florence Lantrip in 1933, Mrs. Thelma Lassiter in 1935, and Mrs. Florence 
Wann in 1940.

So ends the record as shown in the old minutes retained by P.C. Wooten 
and now in the hands of Lorena Wooten Bush of Hot Springs, Arkansas. 
The minutes from 1942 until the present have been retained by others and 
were not available to include in this record.