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Biography of M Q Workman, Scott Co, AR

Submitted by: Charlene Holland <>
        Date: 9 Sep 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

M.Q. Workman is of that sturdy and independent class, the farmers of
Arkansas, and no follower of that calling is possessed of more genuine
merit and a stronger character than he whose name stands at the bead of
this sketch.
He was born in North Carolina, May 6, 1834, being a son of M.P. and L.C.
Workman, they being North Carolinians also, the former born in _____, and
the latter in 1813. They were married in their native State, and the same
year that their son, M.Q. Workman, was born, M. P. Workman died, and after
some years his widow married S.S. Plummer, by which gentleman she became
the mother of eight children: Sarah A. (widow of Henry Eater), M.J. (wife
of Mitchel Cross), L.C. (wife of William Condrey), L.S. (wife of Joseph
Singeltery), A.B., M.C. (wife of Henry Cauthron), M.H. (wife of W. H.
Marr), and J.E. The mother is now living in Scott County, Ark., and she,
her husband and all her children are members of the Baptist Church.
The subject of this sketch was married in Catoosa County, Ga., in 1861, to
Miss M. E. Pack, a Georgian, born in 1838. To them two children have been
born: J.A. and W.M., but in 1863 they were left motherless. Two years later
Mr. Workman married, a second time, Miss P.J. Smith, a native of North
Carolina, born in 1843, becoming his wife, and in time, the mother of seven
children, of whom are living: S.A., T.W., Ervin and J.P., J.L., H.W. and
one that died in infancy are those not living.
Mr. Workman was a soldier in the Rebellion, and in 1862 enlisted in a
company of infantry, serving in Georgia Regiment until the close of the
war. He received one severe wound, a ball entering his left jaw and coming
out on the right side of the mouth, cutting his tongue in two, which wound
was received at the battle of Peach Tree Creek. After the war he returned
home, and engaged in farming, which calling has been his occupation ever
since. He owns 166 acres of land, with 70 under cultivation, his crops
being corn, cotton, oats and wheat. In 1870 he emigrated from Georgia to
Arkansas, and settled where he now lives, where he has done well, and where
he expects to make his future home. He and his wife are members of the
Missionary Baptist Church, and socially, he belongs to Cauthron Lodge No.
385, of the A.F. & A.M.