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Biography of John Rawlings, Scott Co, AR

Submitted by: Charlene Holland <>
        Date: 9 Sep 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

	Capt. John Rawlings, senior member of Rawlings & Son, dealers in
general merchandise at Waldron, Scott County, Ark., is a native of
Illinois, born February 14, 1834, and the son of John and Malinda (Blair)
Rawlings, the father a native of Chattanooga, Tenn., and the mother of
Kentucky. John Rawlings passed his boyhood and youth on a farm, and was
left an orphan at an early age.  When but two years of age he went to
Missouri and made his home with his grandmother until eighteen years of
age, when he crossed the plains to the gold regions of California. He
mined there for four years and met with fair success, after which he
returned to the east and located at Waldron, Ark. He followed agricultural
pursuits on rented land during the year 1858, and then entered a piece of
Government land, 120 acres, which he immediately began to improve by
erecting a house and barn, and clearing it of timber. Here he remained
until the breaking out of the war. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate
Army as lieutenant, but was soon promoted to captain, in which capacity
he served until discharged, account of disability, in January, 1863. He
was in the battles of Wilson Creek, Neosho, Elkhorn  (or Pea Ridge),
Corinth and Shiloh. At the last named place he was taken sick and sent
home, where he remained for thirty days. He was then sent to command in
the Western Department, and later sent home to organize a battalion; or,
rather a company to form a battalion. He was now captain of Company I,
Carroll's regiment of Cavalry, but on account of trouble with his eyes
was discharged. The company that he formerly commanded was Company I of
the Arkansas State Troops. At the time of his discharge he took his
family and went to the southern part of the State, where he remained
until cessation of hostilities. In 1866 he returned to his farm near
Waldron. A detachment of the Federal troops had made his farm their
headquarters and his house was pre served, otherwise the farm was laid
waste, fences burned and fruit trees destroyed. He at once commenced to
rebuild and improve his place. He was in poor health, owing to exposure
in the army, and had a wife and five children to support. He cultivated
the soil until 1877, when he entered into his present line of business at
this place. This he has since continued. He at that time formed a
copartnership with J. C. Bell, now of Fort Smith and at the end of a year
he bought out his partner's interest. He then formed a partnership with
Dr. James H. Smith, of Waldron, which existed about four years, when
Mr. Rawlings again bought out his partner. He then took in his son. He
began on a small scale, but his business has increased until he now
carries a stock of goods valued at $7,000, and the annual sales amount
to about $20,000. He has in all about 600 acres of land-the most of which
lies near the city. He also owns quite an amount of town property, and
deals considerably in real estate. His farm, which he rents, is well
improved and one of the best in the township. Mr. Rawlings and his
estimable wife are members of the Baptist Church, and he has filled the
position of deacon in the same for some time. He is liberal in his
support of all worthy enterprises, and is universally respected. His wife
who was formerly Miss Nancy J. Smith, and whom he married in 1858, is the
daughter of Dr. Smith, of this place. Eight children have been born to
this union, five now living: Annie E. (wife of J.D. Benson, of this
place.), Ida M. (widow of W.P. Evatt), Flood S., (who is in business with
his father), John O. (attending school at Fayetteville, Ark.), and
Charles F. (also at Fayetteville). When Mr. Rawlings first went into the
army he was with the State troops, but after the battle of Oak Hill he
raised a new company and entered McIntosh's regiment of cavalry. Here he
remained until he received a furlough on account of ill health, as above
stated. He was wounded in the shoulder at Pea Ridge, and this disables
his right hand and arm to this day. He was a brave and fearless officer,
and served the Confederacy faithfully and well.