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Biography of Joseph R Looper, Scott Co, AR

Submitted by: Charlene Holland <>
        Date: 9 Sep 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

	No matter, in what business a man may engage, if he is industrious
and fair in his dealings with his fellow-men, he is sure, sooner or later,
to win their confidence, respect and liking, and to become, in time,
well-to-do in worldly goods. Mr. Looper possesses these qualities, and,
as a consequence, stands remarkably high in the estimation of all who
know him. He was born is South Carolina, in 1845, to Joseph D. and Mellie
(Freeman) Looper, both of whom were born in South Carolina, where they
were reared and married. The following family was born to them: James G.,
William D., Elizabeth (wife of Benjamin Gibson), Marcus A., Joseph R.,
Henry M., and one that died in infancy. The parents removed from their
native State to Georgia about 1853 or 1854, and there Mrs. Looper died at
the age of about thirty-five years, a member of the Baptist Church, and
after her death Mr. Looper removed to Texas, but stayed there only a
short time, moving in 1857, to Scott County, Ark. In 1863 he was married
a second time, to a Mrs. Turmon, of this county, who died in 1872, a
worthy member of the Baptist Church at the time of her demise. Mr. Looper
enlisted in the Federal Army in 1863, becoming a member of Company H.
Second Arkansas Infantry, under Capt. Charles E. Berry, but his entire
service was confined to his own State.  He was with Gen. Steele on the
Camden Raid, and was in the fight at Saline. He received his discharge on
August 8, 1865, after which he returned to his home and engaged in
farming, marrying in 1868, Miss Frances Looper, a daughter of Henry and
Mary (Freeman) Looper, Mr. Looper and his wife being third cousins. They
have eight children: Henry E., Sonora A. (deceased), Minnie A., Joseph W.,
Myrtle B., Charles V., William B. and James R. (deceased). Mr. Looper has
a good farm of 161 acres, and on the 80 acres that he has under
cultivation, he raises corn, oats and cotton. He is one of Scott County's
most highly respected citizens and successful farmers, and socially
belongs to Lodge No. 163 of the A. F. & A. M. of Mansfield. He and his
wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and to this as
well as to other churches he has been liberal in his contributions.