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Pulaski County ArArchives History - Businesses .....Little Rock Board Of Trade 1901
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Cotton Receipts 
1899-1900, 124,556 Bales.
1900-1901, 205,129 Bales.
   Increase 65 Per Cent 
Value of 1900-1901 Receipts, $8,782,135.31.

Little Rock Board of Trade

Treas. and Mgr. Arkansas Democrat Co.

Mgr. Lesser Cotton Co.

Pres. German National Bank.


Pres. Hollenberg Music Co

Grain and Commission.

Attorney at Law.

Fire Insurance.

Wholesale and Retail Hardware

Pres. Exchange National Bauk.

Wholesale and Retail Hardware.

Manufacturer Sash, Doors, etc

Pres. L. R. T. and F., Co.

Cashier Bank of Commerce.

List of Members November 1, 1901

NAME OF MEMBER                         NAME OF FIRM                          BUSINESS                                     LOCATION
Abeles, C. T. & Co.                    Abeles, C. T. & Co.                   Manufacturer.                                215 Main.
Adams & Boyle                          Adams & Boyle                         Fire Insurance.                              123 West Markham.
Allen-West Com. Co.                    Allen-West Com. Co.                   Cotton Factors                               Board of Trade Bldg.
Alexander, L. J.                       Alexander, L. J. & Co.                General Merchants                            101-103-105 W. Washington Av., N. Side.
Alphin-Lake Cot. Co.                   Alphin-Lake Cot. Co.                  Cotton Buyers.                               Baucum Building.
Ark. Carpet & Furn. Co.                Ark. Carpet & Furn. Co.               Furniture                                    522-524 Main.
Ark. Cotton Oil Co.                    Ark. Cotton Oil Co.                   Cotton Seed Products.                        Newton Av., N. Side.
Ar. Democrat Co.                       Ark. Democrat Co.                     Newspaper & Art Ptg.                         214-216 E. Markham.
Ark. Pump & Pipe Co.                   Ark. Pump & Pipe Co.                  Plumbing                                     124 W. Second.
Asher, Joe                             Joe Asher                             Deputy County Clerk                          Courthouse.
Back, Wm.                              Joe D. Back & Bro.                    Dry Goods                                    412 Main.
Balch, L. C.                           L. C. Balch                           Attorney                                     2200 Main.
Baldwin, Warren                        Warren Baldwin                        Mo. Pac. Ry. Condr.                          2424 Louisiana.
Bateman, H. C.                         H. C. Bateman                         Gen. Agt. L. & N. R. R.                      122 E. Markham.
Beach, A. D.                           A. D. Beach                           Abstracts                                    215 W. Second.
Beal & Doyle                           Beal & Doyle                          Wholesale Dry Goods                          Miller Building.
Bennitt, Ziba & Co.                    Bennitt, Ziba & Co.                   Cotton Buyers                                106 Scott.
Blackwood, J. W.                       J. W. Blackwood                       Attorney                                     Herman Kahn Bldg.
Blass, Gus, D. G. Co.                  Gus Blass D. G. Co.                   Dry Goods                                    312 to 318 Main.
Jacob Blass                            Jacob Blass                           Dry Goods                                    402 Main.
Blum, Sam                              Sam Blum                              Liquors and Cigars                           305 Main.
Bodeman, B.                            B. Bodeman                            Real Estate                                  203 W. Second.
Boicourt, J. H.                        J. H. Boicourt & Co.                  Hardware                                     512 Main.
Bott, Leo P.                           Leo P. Bott.                          Caterer & Confectioner.                      223 Main.
Braddock, John S.                      John S. Braddock                      Real Estate                                  102 Broadway.
Bradstreet's Agency                    Bradstreet's Agency                   Commercial Agency                            Nw. Cor. Second and Main.
Brashears, Capt. T. P.                 Capt. T. P. Brashears.                Captain Steamboat.                           222 Cross.
Brizzolara, A.                         A. Brizzolara                         Liquors and Cigars                           417 Main.
Brooks, J. M.                          J. M. Brooks                          Restaurant
Brown, B. J.                           B. J. Brown                           Attorney and Banker                          605 West Third.
Buchanan, E. C.                        E. C. Buchanan.                       Civil Engineer.                              1308 Broadway.
Bunch, T. H. & Co.                     T. H. Bunch & Co.                     Grain and Hay.                               E. Second & McLeau.
Bunn, Judge H. G.                      Judge H. G. Bunn.                     C. J. Ark. Sup. Court.                       2000 Wolfe.
Burchard, Geo. F.                      Burchard & McKay                      Wood & Willow Ware.                          407 E. Markham.
Burrow, C. C. & Co.                    C. C. Burrow & Co.                    Cotton Buyers.                               Second and Rock.
Butts, C. E.                           C. E. Butts                           Mgr. Atl. & Pac. Tea Co.                     520 Main.
Cansler, S. P.                         S. P. Cansler                         Grocer                                       109 W. Washington Av., N. Side.
Carl & Tobey Co.                       Carl & Tobey Co.                      Wholesale Grocers                            420-422 E. Markham.
Chapple, James.                        Chapple Grocer Co.                    Grocers                                      700-708 W. Seventh.
Claiborne, J. T.                       J. T. Claiborne                       Farmer                                       Bauxite, Ark.
Clark, Allen W.                        Arkansas Baptist Co.                  Newspaper                                    321 W. Second.
Coates, John E.                        John E. Coates                        Fire Insurance                               114 Louisiana.
Cochran, H. K.                         H. K. Cochran.                        Gen. Mdse. Broker                            501-503 E. Markham.
Coffin, Maxwell                        Maxwell Coffin.                       Real Estate.                                 103 W. Second.
Cohn, Al                               Al Cohn                               Gents' Furnishings                           210 Main.
Cohn, Mark M.                          M. M. Cohn & Co.                      Whol. & Retail D. G.                         306-308 Main.
Cohn, Albert D.                        M. M. Cohn & Co.                      Whol. & Retail D. G.                         306-308 Main.
Cohn, Morris M.                        Morris M. Cohn                        Attorney                                     Herman Kahn Bldg.
Connelley, Ed G.                       Ed G. Connelley.                      Clerk R. R. Com. of Ark                      Fleming Building.
Connor, Chas. M.                       Chas. M. Connor                       Chancery Clerk                               Courthouse.
Consumers Cot. Oil Co.                 Consumers Cot. Oil Co.                Cotton Seed Products.                        East Little Rock.
Coplen, G. H. L.                       G. H. L. Coplen.                      Cigar & News Dealer.                         Gleason's Hotel.
Cornish, Ed                            Cornish & England                     Banker & Real Estate.                        503 Main.
Cotnam, T. T.                          Johnson & Cotnam                      Fire Insurance.                              110 N. Main.
Dale, Horace G.                        Horace G. Dale                        Deputy Circuit Clerk.                        Courthouse.
Daugherty, Abe H.                      Abe H. Daugherty                      I. M. Ry. Conductor.                         120 N. Chester.
Deason, John L.                        J. L. Deason Prov. Co.                Commission Broker                            Nw. cor. Water and Commerce.
Dixie Cotton Oil Co.                   Dixie Cot. Oil Co.                    Cotton Seed Products.                        North Side.
Dickinson H. Co., W. W.                W. W. Dickinson H. Co.                Whol. & Retail Hdw.                          414-418 E. Markham.
Doerner, Geo.                          George Doerner                        Newspaper                                    710 Main.
Draughon's Practical Business College  Draughon's Practical Business College Business College                             Pythian Building, Fifth and Main.
Dreyfus, Leon                          Leon Dreyfus                          Capitalist                                   822 W. Second.
Dreyfus, Nathan                        Ark. Upholstering & Cabinet Co.       Manufacturer                                 704 Main.
Duley, W. R.                           W. R. Duley                           Mayor of Little Rock                         City Hall.
Duncan, J. T.                          J. T. Duncan.                         Broker                                       Board of Trade Bldg.
Dungan, John M.                        L. R. Steam Laundry.                  Laundry                                      Ne. cor. Third and Center.
Dunn, M. E.                            Dunn & Powell                         Commission Brokers                           306 E. Markham.
Ehrman, A. A.                          A. A. Ehrman                          Livery Stable                                Ne. cor. Third and Louisiana.
English, P. D.                         P. D. English                         Clerk Ark. Sup. Court                        Statehouse.
Ewing, P. C.                           L. R. Telephone Co.                   Telephone Co.                                811 Louisiana.
Exchange Nat. Bank                     Exchange Nat. Bank                    Bankers                                      Nw. cor. Second and Main.
Falk, D. G.                            Falk-Ottenheimer Co.                  Wholesale Hats                               206 Main.
Faucette, W. C.                        Faucette Bros.                        Bankers                                      400 Newton ave., N. Side.
Feild, W. P.                           W. P. Feild                           Clerk U. S. Court                            Post Office Building.
Ferguson, W. B.                        Ferguson Lumber Co.                   Lumber                                       West of Union Depot.
Fischer, Ed J.                         Ed J. Fischer.                        Contractor                                   823 W. Fourth.
Fleming, A. A.                         A. A. Fleming.                        Newspaper                                    North Side.
Flemister, J. A.                       J. A. Flemister.                      Trunk Manufacturer                           213 Main.
Fletcher & Hotze.                      Fletcher & Hotze                      Capitalist                                   101 1/2 W. Markham.
Fones Bros.                            Fones Bros. H. Co.                    Whol. and Retail Hdw.                        200-202 Main.
Forster, Mike P.                       Mike P. Forster                       Liquors, Cigars and Restaurant               104-106 W. Markham.
Fordyce, S. W.                         S. W. Fordyce                         Pres. L. R. & H. S. W. R. R.                 St. Louis, Mo.
Fox, A. H.                             A. H. Fox.                            Liquors and Cigars                           923-925 E. Second.
Frank, Aaron                           Frank's Steam Laundry                 Laundry                                      310 W. Third.
Frank, Sam                             Frank & Co.                           Cigar and News Dealer                        111 W. Markham.
Franklin Bros.                         Franklin Bros. Co.                    Gen. Merchants                               Nw. Cor. Second and Scott.
Fraser, John H.                        Engstroum & Fraser                    Merchant Tailors                             121 W. Markham.
Furth, R. A.                           R. A. Furth.                          Liquors and Cigars                           109 Main.
Gans, Sol                              Gans & Sons                           Dry Goods                                    421 Main.
Gazette Publishing Co.                 Gazette Publishing Co.                Daily Newspaper                              110 Center.
German Nat. Bank                       German Nat. Bank                      Bankers                                      100 Main.
Geyer & Adams Co.                      Geyer & Adams Co.                     Wholesale Grocers                            401 E. Markham.
Ginocchio, F. J.                       F. J. Ginocchio                       Cigar & News Dealer                          Capital Hotel.
Gleason, L. D.                         Gleason's Hotel                       Hotel                                        Second and Center.
Goodman, Isa                           Isa Goodman & Co.                     Cigar & News Dealer                          213 W. Markham.
Gracie, John M.                        John M. Gracie                        Planter                                      503 E. Sixth.
Gray, James A.                         James A. Gray                         Lawyer                                       107 Ark. Building.
Green, B. W.                           Green & Cates                         Reak Estate                                  Ne. cor. Second and Center.
Gress, R. B.                           R. B. Gress & Co.                     Fire Insurance                               112 W. Second.
Haizlip, J. T., & Co.                  J. T. Haizlip & Co.                   General Merchants                            Se. cor. Second and Scott.
Hanley, Judge F. M.                    Judge F. M. Hanley                    Railroad Commissioner                        Fleming Building.
Hanson, M. N.                          Ferling & Hanson                      Liquors and Cigars                           Sw. cor. Second and Scott.
Hayes, W. H.                           W. H. Hayes                           Agent I. C. Ry.                              116 W. Markham.
Heard, George M.                       George M. Heard                       Lawyer                                       118 W. Second.
Hennegin, H. W.                        H. W. Hennegin                        Waters-Pierce Oil Co.                        Masonic Temple.
Holden, J. F.                          Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R.        Vice Pres. & Traffic Mgr. C., O. & G. R. R.  1017 E. Second.
Hollenberg, F. B. T.                   Hollenberg Music Co.                  Pianos                                       317 Main.
Holt, W. S.                            W. S. Holt                            Postmaster                                   Post Office Building.
Home Water Co.                         Home Water Co.                        Water System                                 Moore & Turner Bldg.
Hooper, Dr. P. O.                      Dr. P. O. Hooper                      Supt. State Insane Asylum                    Insane Asylum.
Houck, O. K. & Co.                     O. K. Houck & Co.                     Pianos                                       309 Main.
Hull, Alex C.                          Alex C. Hull                          Real Estate                                  Herman Kahn Bldg.
Hutton, W. P.                          W. P. Hutton                          Supt. R. G. Dun's Com. Agency                101 1/2 W. Markham.
Coolidge, H. B.                        Nelson Morris & Co.                   Agent Nelson Morris & Co.                    420 E. Markham.
Irwin. J. W.                           Capital Hotel                         Manager Capital Hotel                        Markham & Louisiana
Independent Comp. Co.                  Independent Comp. Co.                 Compress                                     North Side.
Johnson, M. H.                         Johnson & Cotnam                      Fire Insurance                               110 N. Main.
Johnson, S. J., Co.                    S. J. Johnson Co.                     Bankers                                      Sw. cor. Second and Louisiana.
Johl, Sol H.                           Sol H. Johl                           Liquors and Cigars                           217 Main.
Jones, Gov. Dan W.                     Gov. Dan W. Jones                     Lawyer                                       110 W. Markham.
Jones, Judge John B.                   Judge John B. Jones                   Lawyer                                       Arkansas Building.
Jones, T. H., Co.                      T. H. Jones Co.                       Commission Merchants                         Elm and Scott.
Jungkind, John A.                      John A. Jungkind                                                                   812 Main.
Kahn, Herman, Co.                      Herman Kahn Co.                       Wholesale Liquors and Cigars                 Herman Kahn Bldg.
Karcher, A.                            A. Karcher & Co.                      Candy Manufacturers                          200-202 Eim.
Kavanaugh, W. M.                       W. M. Kavanaugh                       Co. and Probate Judge                        Courthouse.
Keith, James                           James Keith                           Capitalist                                   111 W. Fourth.
Keith, J. B.                           National Specialists                  Physician                                    Fourth and Main.
Kempner, Ike                           Ike Kempner & Bro.                    Shoes                                        420-422 Main.
Kirst, M.                              M. Kirst & Son                        Grocers                                      900-902 Main.
Koers, Louis                           Louis Koers                           Manufacturer                                 221 Scott.
Knoop, Frerichs & Co.                  Knoop, Frerichs & Co.                 Cotton Buyer                                 Board of Trade Bldg.
Kraemer, Rev. Fintan                   Rev. Fintan Kraemer.                  Vicar Gen. Diocese Ark.                      Ninth and Sherman.
Kramer C. J., & Co.                    C. J. Kramer & Co.                    Grocers                                      319 Main.
Krickerberg, George                    George Krickerberg                    Baker and Confectioner                       416 Main.
Ladue, C. H.                           C. H. Ladue
Lasker Bros.                           Lasker Bros.                          General Merchants                            320-324 E. Markham.
Lafferty, Thomas                       Thomas Lafferty                       Stone Contractor                             Nw. cor. Markham and Spring.
Lamberson, W. H.                       W. H. Lamberson                       Contractor                                   E. Wash., North Side.
Lary, S. D.                            S. D. Lary                            Attorney                                     101 1/2 W. Markham.
Leigh, L. B.                           L. B. Leigh                           Fire Insurance.                              117 Center.
Lenow, Dr. J. H.                       Dr. J. H. Lenow                       Physician.                                   118 Louisiana.
Lesser Cotton Co.                      Lesser Cotton Co.                     Cotton Buyers                                Second and Cumb.
Letzig, William.                       Pearson & Letzig                      Sign Painters                                106 1/2 E. Markham.
Lincoln, C. J., Co.                    C. J. Lincoln Co.                     Wholesale Drugs                              112-114 N. Main.
Little, R. A.                          R. A. Little                          Cotton Factor                                209 Scott.
L. R. Brewing & Ice Co.                L. R. Brewing & Ice Co.               Manufacturers                                Second and Byrd.
L. R. Cooperage Co.                    L. R. Cooperage Co.                   Manufacturers                                N. Side.
L. R. Div. No. 321 O. R. C.            L. R. Div. No. 321 O. R. C.           Lodge                                        Markham and Chester
L. R. Gin & Machine Co.                L. R. Gin & Mach. Co.                 Machinery                                    313-315 E. Markham.
Lofton, A.                             A. Lofton                             Capitalist                                   719 Scott.
Lonergan, Thomas                       Thomas Lonergan                       Furniture                                    618 Main.
Lonsdale, J. G.                        John G. Lonsdaie                      Vice Pres. L. R. & H. S. W. R. R.            Hot Springs, Ark.
Longley, Frank T.                      Foster H. Co.                         Retail Hardware                              301-303 Main.
Lorch, Louis                           Wash. Life. Ins. Co.                  Life Insurance                               Arkansas Building.
Maddox, Prof. A. S.                    Maddox Seminary                       Seminary for Young Ladies                    Lincoln avenue.
Mahoney, J. J.                         J. J. Mahoney                         Merchant                                     1201 W. Markham.
Machin, A. M.                          A. M. Machin                          Engineer I. M. Ry.                           700 E. Markham.
Maloney, E. S.                         E. S. Maloney                         Lawyer                                       Arkansas Building.
Mann & Gibb                            Mann & Gibb                           Architects                                   112 1/2 Louisiana.
Martin, Judge Jos. W.                  Judge Jos. W. Martin                  Judge Circuit Court                          Courthouse.
Martin, John PI.                       John H. Martin A. Co.                 Sporting Goods. Wagon and Carriage           Fourth aud Main.
Mast, J. W.                            J. W. Mast                            Wagon and Carriage Material                  218-220 E. Markham.
Matthews, W. D.                        W. D. Matthews                        Life Insurance.                              1518 W. Ninth.
Merchants Transfer Co.                 Merchants Transfer Co.                                                             Markham and Scott.
Meyers, G. L.                          G. L. Meyers.                         Fire Insurance                               213 W. Second.
Mivelaz, P. L.                         Merchants Cafe                        Restaurant                                   106 Main.
Mo. Pac. Ry. Co.                       Mo. Pac. Ry. Co.                      A. R. Bragg, Agent                           Miller Building.
Moore, John M., and Smith, W. B.       John M. Moore and W. B. Smith         Lawyers                                      Moore & Turner Bldg.
Morgner, G.                            G. Morgner                            Merchant                                     115 W. Fifth.
Morrison, H. W.                        C. O. & G. R. R.                      Gen. F. & T. Agent                           1017 E. Second.
Morris, R. E., & Co.                   R. E. Morris & Co.                    Cotton Buyers                                Board of Trade Bldg.
Moore, J. D.                           J. D. Moore                           Pottery                                      Benton, Ark.
Muller, Louis                          Louis Muller                          Merchant                                     104 Main.
Murray. E. C.                          Central Lumber Co.                                                                 Sixth and Center.
Myers, C. B.                           C. B. Myers                           Dep. Com. State Lands                        Statehouse.
Myers, H. A.                           H. A. Myers                           Reg. U. S. Land Office.                      Post Office Building.
McNutt, S. R.                          S. R. McNutt Merchant                 Arkadelphia, Ark.
McDowell, W. S.                        W. S. McDowell.                       Plumber                                      121 E. Second.
Neff, W. B.                            L. R. Warehouse Co.                   Buggies and Wagons                           112-114 E. Markham.
Newton, Charles M.                     Charles M. Newton                     Real Estate                                  106 1/2 W. Markham.
New Wilson & Webb Co.                  New Wilson & Webb Co.                 Stationery                                   212 Main
Nolin, U.                              U. Nolin & Co.                        Motions                                      502 Main.
O'Brien, P. J.                         P. J. O'Brien                         Merchant Tailor                              203 W. Markham.
Odom, J. S.                            J. S. Odom                            Contractor                                   Eleventh and Cedar.
Omohundro, Lee                         Lee Omohundro                         Rep. Star Tobacco                            Board of Trade Bldg.
Oliver-Finnie Co.                      Oliver-Finnie Co.                     Grocers                                      514-516 Main.
Patten, B. E.                          The Advertiser                        Newspaper                                    315 W. Markham.
Paul, R. O.                            R. O. Paul                            Printer                                      115 W. Second.
Pearson, R. M.                         Pearson & Letzig                      Sign Painters                                106 1/2 E. Markham.
Peckham, H. A.                         Gem Café                              Confectionery                                220 Main.
Penzel, C F., Grocer Co.               C. F. Penzel Grocer Co.               Wholesale Grocers                            600-604 E. Markham.
Pfeifer, Leo                           Jos. Pfeifer Clothing Co.             Gents' Furnishings                           224 Main.
Pillow, R. G.                          R. G. Pillow                          County Clerk                                 Courthouse.
Pledger, W. P.                         W. P. Pledger                         Life Insurance                               122 Main.
Plunkett & Jarrell                     Plunkett-Jarrell Gro. Co.             Wholesale Grocers N. Main.
Poe, A. B.                             A. B. Poe                             Shoes                                        Ne. cor. Second and Main.
Polk Transfer Co.                      Polk Transfer Co.                     Coal                                         321 E. Markham.
Polk, R. W.                            C., O. & G. R. R.                     Com. Agent C, O. & G. R. R.                  211 Main.
Pollock, Louis A.                      Pollock & Son.                        Shoes                                        208 Main.
Pope, J. W., Co.                       J. W. Pope Co.                        Cotton Buyers                                Baucum Building.
Porter, R. W.                          R. W. Porter.                         Real Estate.                                 210 W. Second.
Postal Tel.-Cable Co.                  Postal Tel.-Cable Co.                 Telegraph                                    122 Main.
Powell, s. M.                          Metro. Life Ins. Co.                  Life Insurance                               Sw. cor. Second and Louisiana.
Pratt, C. A.                           C. A. Pratt.                          Hotel                                        Union Depot.
Pumphreys, John                        John Pumphreys                        Planter                                      Wrightsville, Ark.
Pugh, H. G.                            H. G. Pugh                            Printer                                      Second and Spring.
Quinn, Joe P.                          Quinn Bros D. G. Co.                  Dry Goods.                                   Ne. cor. Second and Main.
Raleigh, P.                            P. Raleigh & Co.                      Real Estate.                                 311 W. Second.
Rayburn, Thomas B.                     Thomas B. Rayburn                     Photographer                                 612 Scott.
Reigler, Mike.                         Mike Reigler                          Produce                                      209 W. Fifth.
Remmel, H. L.                          Mutual Life Ins. Co.                  Life Insurance                               Sw. cor. Markham and Center.
Retan, A.                              A. Retan                              Real Estate                                  Pulaski Heights.
Reynolds, E.                           Metropolitan Life                     Life Insurance.                              Masonic Temple. Martin Building.
Rhoten, Lewis                          Prof. Lewis Rhoten                    Lawyer                                       Martin Building
Rice, Dr. E. S.                        Dr. E. S. Rice                        Veterinary Surgeon                           306 Louisiana.
Rice, Dr. H. E.                        Dr. H. E. Rice                        Veterinary Surgeon                           306 Louisiana.
Richards, E. B.                        E. B. Richards                        Sec. Direc. Weather Bureau                   Post Office Building.
Rightsell, J. R.                       J. R Rightsell                        Supt. Pub. Schools                           Eighth and Louisiana.
Rightsell, R. W.                       R. W. Rightsell & Co.                 Fire Insurance                               119 W. Second.
Robinson, Dr. O. P.                    Dr. O. P. Robinson                    Planter                                      Baucum Building.
Rogers, George W.                      Bank of Commerce                      Cashier                                      113 Main.
Roots, Major P. K.                     Major P. K. Roots                     Capitalist                                   Occidental Building.
Rose, Hemingway &                      Rose, Hemingway & Rose                Lawyers                                      316 W. Markham.
Rose, John M.                          John M. Rose                          Lawyer                                       316 1/2 W. Markham.
Rosenbaum, C. E.                       C. E. Rosenbaum                       Machinery.                                   113-115 E. Markham.
Ross, Charles H.                       Charles H. Ross                       Manufacturer                                 408-416 Center.
Rossner, Fred.                         Rossner & Woolridge                   Fire Insurance                               309 W. Markham.

Rothery, John                          John Rothery                          Mo. Pac. Ry. Conductor                       1004 Barber ave.
Rottaken, Col. H. H.                   Col. H. H. Rottaken                   Capitalist                                   519 Rector ave.
Rozell, George F.                      George F. Rozell                      Commission Broker                            2106 Center.
Rucker, Dr. W. L.                      Dr. W. L. Rucker                      Dentist                                      207 1/2 Main.
Rudolph, Sam                           Sam Rudolph & Co.                     Gents' Furnishings                           112 Main.
Sandefur-Julian Co.                    Sandefur-Julian Co.                   Whol. Liquors & Cigars                       320 Main.
Sanders, E. H.                         E. H. Sanders                         Livery                                       Scott, bet. Third and Fourth.
Sanders, M. B.                         Pettit & Sanders                      Plumbers                                     407 Main.
Sawyers, George B.                     George B. Sawyers                     Real Estate                                  103 W. Second.
St. Louis Sw. Ry. Co.                  St. Louis Sw. Ry. Co.                 James D. Watson, Agt.                        113 1/2 E. Markham.
Schader, A. L.                         A. L. Schader                         General Merchant                             Seventh and Izard.
Schader, Fred                          Fred Schader                          Sheriff and Collector Pulaski County.        Courthouse.
Schmelzer, Joe                         Joe Schmelzer                         Merchant                                     106 E. Markham.
Scott-Mayer Com. Co.                   Scott-Mayer Com. Co.                  Commission Merchants                         404-410 E. Markham.
Scofield, J. L.                        J. L. Scofield                        Sec. Y. M. C. A.                             Fourth and Scott.
Siebert, S.                            S. Siebert                            Local Mgr. Anheuser-Busch                    418 E. Water
Simons, C. M.                          Arkansas Stables                                                                   206-212 Louisiana.
Simpson & Webb                         Simpson & Webb                        Furniture                                    413-415 Main.
Smith, James A.                        James A. Smith                        Conductor                                    1003 Izard.
Smith, A. R.                           N., C. & St. L. R. R.                 Com. Agt. N., C. & St. L. R. R.              122 Main.
Smith, J. F.                           Alphin-Lake Cot. Co.                  Cotton Buyer                                 Baucum Building.
Snodgrass, Paul.                       Paul & Pat                            Grocers                                      219-221 W. Fifth.
Southern Cot. Oil Co.                  Southern Cotton Oil Co.               Cotton Seed Products.                        Foot E. Ninth.
Sparks, W. A.                          W. A. Sparks                          Pawnbroker                                   103 E. Markham.
Stewart, B. W.                         B. W. Stewart                         Contractor                                   215 W. Second.
Stewart, C. B.                         Stewart Bros.                         Cigar and News Stand                         600 Main.
Sw. Tel. & Tel. Co.                    Sw. Tel. & Tel. Co.                   Telephone                                    115 W. Seventh.
Stainback, Crawford & Co.              Stainback, Crawford & Co.             Wall Paper, etc.                             511-513 Main.
Stevens, C. B.                         Eagle Foundry                         Foundry                                      Third and Commerce.
Stiewell, Abe                          Abe Stiewell                          Banker                                       Third and Main.
Stifft, Charles S.                     Charles S. Stifft                     Jeweler                                      Third and Main.
Stratman, George H.                    George H. Stratman                    Shoes                                        207 Main.
Sugarman, Victor                       Victor Sugarman                       Fire Insurance                               116 Louisiaua.
Taylor, Geo. Com. Co.                  George Taylor Com. Co.                Cotton Buyers                                111 Scott.
Templeton, Jos. N.                     Southern Railway                      Com. Agt. Southern Ry.                       Board of Trade Bldg.
Taylor, Charles T.                     Charles T. Taylor                     Mgr. Capital Theater                         209 1/2 W. Second.
Taylor, Frank J.                       C. H. Taylor & Co.                    Fire Insurance                               215 W. Second.
Thalheimer, Sol F.                     Thalheimer, Sol F.                    Cigar and News Dealer                        Merchants Hotel.
The Institute                          The Institute.                        Commercial College                           Third and Main.
Thomas, Dr. A. D.                      Thomas Mfg. Co.                       Manufacturer                                 Foot E. Sixth.
Thomas, G. M.                          J. H. Hamlen & Sons Co.               Manufacturer                                 Foot E. Fourteenth.
Thomas. Prof. Wm. S.                   Prof. Wm. S. Thomas                   Farmer                                       Alexander, Ark.
Thornburgh, George                     George Thornburgh                     Newspaper                                    311 W. Markham.
Torrey, Spence                         Metropolitan Hotel                    Hotel                                        Markham and Main.
Townes, J. M.                          Townes Milling Co.                    Millers                                      Markham and Sherman.
Trieber, Jacob                         Hon. Jacob Trieber                    Judge U. S. Court                            Post Office Building.
Trawick, J. H.                         L. R. Trac. & Elec. Co.               Mgr. L. R. T. & E. Co.                       Cor. North and Chester.
Tucker, A. D.                          L. R. Tent & Awning Co.               Manufacturer                                 209 Main.
Turpin, J. E.                          Green & Turpin                        Real Estate                                  107 W. Second.
Union Compress Co.                     Union Compress Co.                    W. T. Black. Mgr.                            Foot E. Third.
Van Etten, J. A.                       Electric Construc. Co.                J. A. Van Etten, Mgr.                        216 W. Second.
Vestal, J. W.                          J. W. Vestal & Son                    Florists                                     317 Main.
Vick, W. L.                            W. L. Vick.                           City Detective                               City Hall Building.
Walt, R. E.                            The Citizens Co.                      Real Estate                                  210 W. Second.
Walther, L. E.                         L. E. Walther                         Fire Insurance                               503 Main.
Ward, Zeb                              Ward & Wise.                          Contractors                                  Arkansas Building.
Waldrop, R. B.                         R. B. Waldrop.                        Mo. Pac. Ry. Conductor                       122 N. Chester.
Watkins, J. A.                         J. A. Watkins.                        Lawyer                                       119 W. Second.
Wehrfritz, E. C.                       E. C. Wehrfritz Mch Co.               Manufacturer                                 Second and Commerce.
W. U. Tel. & Cable Co.                 W. U. Tel. & Cable Co.                Telegraph                                    Second and Main.
Williams Nal                           Yowell & Williams                     Life Insurance                               121 W. Second.
Whipple, Durand                        Whipple & Whipple                     Lawyers                                      Whipple Building.
Williams, B. D.                        B. D. Williams                        Planter                                      1019 W. Fourth.
Wilson, W. W.                          W. W. Wilson                          Life Insurance                               122 Main.
Wittenberg, F. J.                      Frank J. Wittenberg                   Sec. Mechanics B. & L. Association           110 W. Second.
Wolfort, Louis                         Louis Wolfort                         Live Stock                                   Third and Louisiana.
Wolf Bros. D. G. Co.                   Wolf Bros. D. G. Co.                  Dry Goods                                    300-302 Main.
Wood-Kraft Fuel Co.                    Wood-Kraft Fuel Co.                   Wood and Coal                                Foot Broadway.
Woodson, J. A.                         L. R. Trac. & Elec. Co.               Pres & Gen. Mgr. L. R. Trac. & Elec. Co.     Cor. North and Chester.
Woodsmall, W. H.                       W. H. Woodsmall                       Contractor                                   1112 College.
Worthen, W. B.                         W. B. Worthen & Co.                   Bankers                                      Markham and Louisiana.
Worthen, R. W.                         R. W. Worthen                         Planter                                      Arkansas Building.
Wright, W. F.                          W. F. Wright                          Sec. Capital B. & L. Association.            105 Louisiana.
Yates, Frank B.                        Frank B. Yates                        Supt. Ark. Deaf Mute                         Ark. Deaf Mute Institute.
Zeisler, William                       William Zeisler                       Soda Bottling Works.                         413 E. Third.
Zimmerman, J. V.                       J. V. Zimmerman                       Jeweler                                      506 Main.

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