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Published in Memorial & Biographical History, Dallas County, TX - 
Lewis Publishing, 1892

Submitted by: P. J. Cowling nee Orlopp []

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Max A. Orlopp, Jr. 

"M. A. Orlopp, the talented architect of the new courthouse of Dallas, 
County, was born in Brooklyn, New York, May 26, 1859.  His parents are 
M. A. and Harriet Hail Orlopp, both natives of Germany.  The father 
has been a hardware merchant in New York City, Chicago, Cincinnati and 
Little Rock, Arkansas, at which latter place he has been living for 
the past twenty-three years.  in Cincinnati he was connected with 
Tyler, Davidson and Co., the projectory of the fountain on Fifth, Vine 
and Walnut Streets, about the time the fountain was built.  The name 
was first spelled Orloff and the father of our subject was a political 
exile from Russia and Germany at the same time that Carl Schurz was 
exiled.  He came to America, the land of the free and refuge of the 
oppressed.  He is now a man fifty-nine years of age and a member of 
the Masonic fraternity.  His wife also is still living, having come to 
America with her parents.  Mr and Mrs Orlopp were married in 
Cincinnati, Ohio in 1856.  They had four children, namely:  Henry, the 
eldest, is in Little Rock, Arkansas, in the cotton and oil business, 
married to Elizabeth Wright, and they have four children, Paul T., 
Harriet, Harry and Alexis:  Norman died at the age of two years; our 
subject is the third child, and Paul A. residing in Cincinnati, 
connected with the Adams Express Company is the youngest child and is 
as yet unmarried.

Our subject was educated in the United States Naval Academy at 
Annapolis, Maryland, graduating in June 1881.  After leaving the 
academy his time was occupied in civil engineering until 1884, making 
railroad surveys most of the time, and during this time he was 
connected with the United States Engineers.  He took up the study of 
architecture in 1885 and has been engaged in it ever since, with 
headquarters at Little Rock but lately he has changed his headquarter 
to Dallas, Texas.  He built the Scollard Building of Dallas on Main 
Street, 7 stories in height, which is one of the largest and most 
ornamental buildings in the city.  The work on which he is now engaged 
is the building of one of the city schools.  He was the architct of 
the courthouse and it is one of the finest of its kind in the country.  
He was married, in 1887 to Miss Jessie E. Culver, daughter of John 
Culver, of Little Rock, Arkanas.  They have two children, the pride 
and joy of the household.  Elizabeth and Helen. 
Mr. Orlopp is a member of the Elks.
This gentleman, whose biography is here so briefly sketched is one of 
the best workmen in his line that America has ever produced.  
Possessed of an excellent education, he has perfected himself in his 
art and now stands pre-eminent in his profession.  He has a standing 
as a gentlemen as an architect and is highly esteemed by his hosts of 
admiring friends."

In addition, it should be noted here that Max A. Orlopp, Jr. was also 
the architect of the Pulaski County, Arkansas Courthouse in addition 
to the Courthouse at Jasper, MO as well as others, which I have not as 
yet discovered.