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Pulaski County ArArchives Biographies.....Dillard, Samuel Givens 
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Robert Sanchez July 8, 2009, 4:59 pm

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    Samuel Givens Dillard, a well known cotton merchant of Little Rock, was born
on a farm in Lamar county, Texas. January 29, 1879. His father, Miles Anderson
Dillard, was a native of Illinois, born in the year 1812. He removed to the
south in early manhood and owned and operated a plantation. He served as a
private in the Mexican war and became a colonel in the Civil war, commanding the
Ninth Texas Infantry. He died in Paris, Texas, in the year 1907, having for four
years survived his wife, who in her maidenhood was Lucinda Olivia Burrow. She
was born in Mississippi in 182I and their marriage was celebrated in Tupelo,
that state. Her death occurred in Blossom, Texas, in 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Miles A.
Dillard were the parents of nine sons and four daughters, and of this family
four sons and one (laughter are yet living.

    Samuel G. Dillard, the youngest of the family, was educated in the country
schools of Lamar and Delta counties, Texas, and his youthful experiences were
those of the farm bred boy who divides his time between the duties of the
schoolroom, the pleasures of the playground and the work of the fields. Reared
in a cotton growing state he early became interested in the industry and turned
his attention to the cotton trade as a merchant in Paris, Texas. He continued to
operate there and at other points until 1905, when he removed to Little Rock and
through the intervening period has since been well known as a cotton merchant of
this city. He is the secretary-treasurer of the Little Rock Compress Company and
is now serving as a director of the Cotton Exchange, of which he was the
president in 1919. He is also identified with financial affairs as a director
and the vice president of the Central Bank.

    On the 9th of April, 1902, Mr. Dillard was married to Miss J erne Morris,
who was born in Cooper, Texas, February 11, 18S3. The two children of this
marriage are Loraine, born April 27, 1906; and Wilma, born December 25, 1910.

    Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Dillard has been a
stalwart advocate of democratic principles. Fraternally he is connected with the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and as a club man is well known through his
membership in the Quapaw and Spring Lake Clubs. His life has ever been guided by
high and honorable principles and he is a consistent and faithful member of the
Winfield Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, South.

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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