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Pulaski County ArArchives Biographies.....Cochran, Samuel Adams 
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Robert Sanchez July 18, 2009, 11:57 am

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    Samuel Adams Cochran, president of the Cochran-Foster Lumber Company at
Little Rock, is a native of the city in which he makes his home, his birth
having here occurred April 15, 1886. His youthful days were largely devoted to
the acquirement of his education in the public schools of Arkansas and in the
Cascadilla School at Ithaca, New York, from which he was graduated with the
class of 1904. In the fall of that year he entered Cornell University, where he
received thorough training and was graduated in 190S with the degree of
Mechanical Engineer. Having completed his college course, he returned to his
native city and here turned his attention to the lumber business, in which he
has since been engaged. He has thoroughly acquainted himself with every phase of
the trade and his ability and enterprise have enabled him to overcome all
obstacles and difficulties and advance steadily toward the goal of success. The
Cochran-Foster Lumber Company, of which he is now the president, is accorded a
liberal patronage and controls a large trade that makes its business one of
substantial results.

    On the 10th of June, 1909, Mr. Cochran was married to Miss Marion L. Foster,
who was born in Merrill, Wisconsin, April 3, 1889, and is a daughter of Harry
Howard Foster, a native of Wisconsin, who has now departed this life. Mrs.
Cochran is a college-bred woman of innate culture and refinement and presides
with gracious hospitality over their home. By her marriage she has become the
mother of two children: Harry Foster, born June 18, 1910, and Jane Aunis, whose
birth occurred July 7, 1914.

     Mr. Cochran is a member of Trinity Episcopal church, and his wife belongs
to the Second Presbyterian church. He is a member of the Kappa Alpha, a Greek
letter fraternity; of the Country Club and of the Boat House Club—associations
that indicate much concerning the nature of his recreation—and of the Rotary
Club, his membership in the last named being proof of his interest in the
welfare and progress of the city along lines of progressive municipal
upbuilding. His political support is given to the republican party and he keeps
well informed on the vital questions and issues of the day, but has never been
an aspirant for public office. He feels that business affairs make full demand
upon his time and energy, and the careful direction of his labors in the field
of trade and commerce has gained for him a gratifying position among the
lumbermen of the state.

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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