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Pulaski County ArArchives Biographies.....Brough, Samuel Ritchie 
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Robert Sanchez July 21, 2009, 12:39 pm

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    Samuel Ritchie Brough, superintendent of the Arkansas Water Works at Little
Rock, is a man of high professional attainment and broad experience, well
qualified for the important duties that devolve upon him in his present
connection. His training has been thorough, his activity of a comprehensive
character and his developing powers have been recognized in his selection for
important positions. Mr. Brough was born in Helena, Mason county, Kentucky,
December 24, 1879. His parents were Samuel and Belle (Willette) Brough, also
natives of Kentucky. The father was born on a farm in Mason county in 1840 and
the mother's birth occurred in Helena, that county, in 1846. They were married
in Helena in 1872 and became parents of four sons and three daughters, all of
whom are living, Samuel R. being the third in order of birth. The parents
resided for many years in Helena and the mother still makes her home there. The
father became a physician, devoting his life to the practice of medicine,
following his graduation from the medical department of the University of
Michigan and the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. The
efficiency of his service made his life work of great value to his fellowmen and
he continued in active practice in Kentucky until called to his final rest in
1905. His political views were in accord with the teachings of the democratic

    Samuel R. Brough attended the country schools of his native county and
afterward had the benefit of thorough instruction in the Central University at
Richmond, that state. He has been identified with public utility interests for
many years. In fact, for twenty-two years he has been associated with water and
electric projects, first entering upon work of this character in Joplin,
Missouri. He has since been identified with similar work in the west, steadily
advancing from one position to another of greater responsibility and in June,
1918, he accepted the superintendency of the Arkansas Waterworks at Little Rock,
since which time he has acceptably filled the office, covering a period of three
years. He is familiar with all the problems connected with work of this
character and his services are giving general satisfaction to the company which
he represents.

    Mr. Brough was married October 18, 1911, to Miss Elizabeth Murphy, who was
born in Menominee, Michigan, in April, 1885, and is a daughter of John and Anna
(McCullough) Murphy, both of whom have departed this life. Her father was a
native .of the far distant Pine Tree state. Mrs. Brough is a graduate of the
high school at Menominee, Michigan, and also of the Marquette (Mich.) Normal.
Two children have been born of this marriage: John Willette, born in May, 1915;
and Samuel R., horn in February, 1919.

    Mr. Brough rendered active service as fuel administrator during the World
war, covering a district that comprised eight counties in Wisconsin. He filled
this position in 1917 and 1918 and he was also one of the two generals on three
Liberty Loan drives in Wisconsin. His political allegiance has always been given
to the republican party, but without desire for office, although a firm believer
in party principles. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which he has
not only taken the degrees of the lodge but also of the chapter and council and
his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Second Presbyterian

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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