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Biography of Fannie Borland Moores, Pulaski Co, AR

Submitted by: Bill Bogges <>
        Date: 16 Oct 2008
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Author: Bill Boggess

"Solon Borland & FAMILY"
Chapter 3: "Solon's Children"
(Fanny "Fannie" Green BORLAND)

3D. FANNY "Fannie" GREEN BORLAND (1848AR-1879TN):

Once highly celebrated as a poetess and THE 'belle-of-the-ball' during
reconstruction years, -- Fanny "Fannie" Green BORLAND was second known
born, September 1848 in "City of Roses", Little Rock, to Solon BORLAND
(1811VA-1864TX) and Mary Isabel MELBOURNE (MILBOURN/E(?)) (1824LA-
1862AR), while father served as Arkansas' fourth United States Senator
(1848-1853), orphaned in Princeton, Dallas county, Arkansas on New Years
Day 1864 by father's pnuemonia death near Houston, Texas, married in
1869 at Little Rock home of Colonel & Mrs O C GRAY, one known son, lost
husband in 1878 Memphis yellow fever epidemic, died from yellow fever
morning of 23 August 1879 in sister's home, at "Bluff City", Memphis,
burial location unknown.

    Named Fanny Green (spelling in father's will), honoring father's
aunt Fanny (Green) GODWIN born 1785, who along with her husband George
GODWIN (1878VA-1866VA) raised Solon, later his first known son,
Thomas,--- who in 1811, lived on Main Street of Suffolk, Virginia, west
across from Solon's parents in Nansemond county, Virginia, which now is
the 400 N Block.

    "Fannie" is at Hot Springs in 1850 census, with brothers "Little
Solon" Harold, and George Godwin, and 24 y/o Dr William HAMMOND & wife
Elizabeth in household, next to maternal grandparents. Thomas (WM) was
attending Alexandria Boarding School, in Virginia May 1849, and at
Western Military Institute, Blue Lick Springs, Nicholas county, Kentucky
for 1850 census. 1850 is also year her uncle Euclid lost his wife and
their kids, Phocion Augustus (1839MS-1863VA), Euclid, Jr (1844MS-1896VA)
and Fanny (1846MS-1850AR), but Fanny died 22 November 1850, were cared
for by Solon and Mary till October 1851.

    She's found at Princeton, Dallas county (county her father may have
orchestrated creation of in 1845 while Adjutant General of Arkansas), in
1860 census ("Barland"), with brother George Godwin, sister Mary
Melbourne and mother Mary Isabel, Solon is in Memphis city, Shelby
county, Tennessee, Harold in Orange county, New York, at United States
Military Academy and Thomas died 9 January 1859 in Little Rock, buried
at Mount Holly cemetery without marker.

    "Fannie" & sister "Mollie" most likely attended Princeton Female
Academy, Princeton, Dallas county, Arkansas, created January 1855, first
under James L BARRY, then in 1860 under Virginia Davis GRAY
(1824ME-1886AR) with husband Oliver (1832ME-1905AR), starting their
Arkansas teaching careers in 1860, she for 21 years, he 45 years, till
death at Arkansas School for the Deaf.

    "Fannie's" first published poem, The Deserted Road, was written when
just 12 years old ,
likely in Princeton, found in newspapers.

      "This poem is of much more than ordinary merit, and whosoever
reads it will be glad to know that we are promised others by the same
author, whose first publication this is. We are not in the habit of
indiscriminate commendation or extravagant wulogy: and in praising these
lines mean quite as much as we say. The young lady (very dear to us) who
sends us this poem, says of the writer, "She is very young [12-y/o] and
just from school. Her friends think that if she could be encourged to
become more interested in writng, she might improve, and learn to write
very well." We should think so."

    She learned responsibility early following death of her 16 y/o
brother, George Godwin, 24 June 1862, her musically talented 38 y/o
mother, 23 October 1862, when just 14, penning a couple poems, while
again living in Little Rock for a couple years, The Past and Future,
published in the Arkansas State Gazette, 22 November 1862,

      "Within the last four weeks a little girl, just fourteen years
old, sat by the sick bed of her Father, as he slept, a few evenings
after the deah of her Mother, she composed the following lines. At the
suggestion of those who think favorably, alike, of the filial piety, and
poetical talent, they exhibit, they are published for pursal of a circle
of sympathising friends:" and  "Judge Not By The Outward Look", on the
29th, with
two year younger sister, Mollie, while their father still lies sick in

    January 1863, Solon retained services of Ralph Leland GOODRICH
(1836NY- 1897AR) to instruct his daughters in arithmetic, then in March,
fearing the Fed's would attack Little Rock, moved back to Princeton,
Dallas county. Goodrich's diary vents his feelings towards the two

    Little Rock was easly captured by the Federals September 10, 1863,
-- her father, hearing Fed's were headed towards Princeton, provided for
their future care and education, then left from his sick bed for Texas
evening of September 13, 1863 where on New Year's Day of 1864, he died
leaving orphaned, Fanny 15, younger sister Mary 13, and 28 y/o
half-brother, Major Harold BORLAND (1835NC-192AR) held a Federal
prisoner in Boston's Fort Warren.

    Solon had entrusted funds of five thousand and forty-five dollars,
two female slaves, Pasty & Ann, and household furniture with Mrs Martha
Augustina (Gee) HOLMES (1816VA-1901AR) for the care of his daughters.
Martha's daughters, Lou 23 y/o (6 September 1865, married Colonel Henry
Gaston BUNN (1838NC-1908AR), later Arkansas' Supreme Court Chief Justice
(1893-1904), Lou died July 1866) and Roberta (Berta) 17, were closest of
friends, as was 29 y/o Virginia GRAY (Mrs O C GRAY).

    Half-brother, Major Harold BORLAND, exchanged from Federal prison,
is noted in Virginia Davis GRAY's, 1863-1865 diary, published by Dr.
Carl H MONEYHON in Arkansas Historical Quarterly of 1983,

  " of the persons not expected but most welcome, came. Mollie and
Fannie are in a blissful state of mind."

this in Princeton, Dallas county, Arkansas, Friday morning, 30
December 1864.

    Said diary's December 27, 1865 entry, was:

      "Our poem [most likely "The Dead Confederacy"] and paper were read
tonight, with immense applause, Fannie said she sat in clover, I
[Virginia Davis GRAY] did not feel much excited."

  A copy signed by Fanny of "The Dead Confederacy" is filed at Special
Collections, University of Arkansas, with pen name "Violet LEA", --
PS2235.L3 D33 1865. Father Abram J RYAN (1838-1886) is said to have
provided this and other of her poems to his friends in London and thus
was published 21 December 1871, in their "Cosmopolitan", (published from
1865 to1876) with following glowing words of its authoress' abilities,
to wit:

      " is from the pen of a daughter of Senator Borland. It is
with a feeling of pride and sadness that we present this poem to the
British public --- where, although the subject is among the things of
the past, its beauty will find a ready appreciation. It is touching,
tender, chasie, classic, beautiful. We are glad to take this young
author by the hand and welcome her among the ranks of the poets. We
regard this poem as one of the finest rhythmic tributes that has yet
been paid to the "Lost Cause;" and its sprit of tender resignation, the
heart brokenness of its entire utterance cannot but touch the very souls
of those whose sympathies and associations induced them to look upon
that cause almost as a crime."

    Both Fanny and sister Mollie were most active during war years 1863
to 1865 according to the many entries in Virgnia Davis Gray's published

    Fanny's talent as a poet came naturally from her father with a
little tutelage by artist, writer, friend, Virginia LaFayette (Davis)
GRAY (Mrs O C GRAY). I surmise her pen name, "Violet LEA" (found used
for four of ten poems, thus far found), may (?) have come from
association with Mrs. George Gallatin LEA, Sr. of Princeton, -- Eliz Ann
"Sarah" WRIGHT (1817VA-1888AR), an exceptional artist and friend,
possibly related to Solon's 1st wife Huldah G WRIGHT(?). "Sarah's" art
is thought to be better than Grandmother Moses', --- and is at Special
Collection, University of Arkansas, MC 1618, in Virginia Davis GRAY's
"Scriptural Album", numbers 109 &121(Virginia Gray used as model
November 1863).

    (WM) Fanny's four page letter to cousin Euclid Jr, 26 April 1866,
written in Princeton, (WM says mailed from Little Rock), is barely
ledgible. Younger sister "Mollie's" letters show far better penmanship!!

    Confederate veterans, cousins Euclid, Jr who her father raised for a
while in 1850/1, and Thomas Roscius (1844NC-1900VA), raised by Fanny
Green and George Godwin since late 1845, --- both attending University
of Virginia. (same time as did Fay HEMPSTEAD), and journeyed to Europe.

In 1867, while Fanny Borland was visiting Albert Pike's daughters, Isadora
(who in 1869 took her own life) and blue-eyed Lillian (later Mrs Roome) and
family in Memphis, he suggested she write a poem in tribute to David Owen
Dodd. Probably published it in the "Memphis Appeal" which Pike then edited
before moving to Washington city, --- a newspaper her father started
January 1839, --- in 2008, the Memphis Commercial-Appeal.

    Tuesday morning, 21 April 1869 in Little Rock home of Virginia Davis
and Colonel Oliver C. GRAY, with whom she most often stayed when in
Little Rock, --- Fannie wed James C. MOORES (1834OH-1877TN) of Memphis
who had two daughters from earlier marriage, by Presbyterian Church's
Rev. Thomas Rice WELCH (1825KY-1886CANADA). The newspaper printed:

      "The Bluff City has snatched a lovely prize from our 'City of
Roses' ".

    Virginia's letter of 28 September 1871 notes, "Fannie's" moving to
Cincinnati (apparently his home town), taking with them, "Mollie".
Virginia's concern was over their moving so far from Little Rock. This
move (if such occurred), after living in Memphis and giving birth to son
George Borland, November 1869. 1870 census has her; 22 y/o, married to
James MOORES, a "saddler", 36 y/o, born Ohio, with 20 y/o "Molly" living
with them and two of his daughters, both born Ohio at 60 Monroe avenue,

    Strange however, "Mollie's" marriage license dated 22 February 1872
is in Memphis, with James C MOORES and John BEATTIE of Scotland, making
bond in amount of Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars for the marriage, of
"John BEATTIE and Mary M. BORLAND". John M. BEATTIE is possibly, but not
likely, the same John BEATTIE found in Virginia's diary noted in 1864,
#61, p. 75, being from Kansas City, Missouri, where I was born, 63 years

    Virginia Davis GRAY's (Mrs O C GRAY) transcribed, unpublished,
letters and diary of son Carl have numerous entries about "Fannie", some
of her son, of Harold and "Mollie", visiting Little Rock from Memphis.

    Memphis' 1877 City Directory lists "Fannie" living at same address
as brother-in-law John BEATTIE, indicating John may (?) have been alive,
but she without James. This is first time her name was listed in Memphis
City Directory in the 1870's. (Sedalia Missouri newspaper article said
he left her(?)).

    The Daily Arkansas Gazette news item concerning "Fannie's" death,
dated, Thursday, 28 Aug 1879, p. 4,c. 1, stating; (AR)

      "Her husband died in the epidemic of last year[1878]."

    More realistically is 1877, when "Fannie" moved in with "Mollie",
--- until she is listed as; Mrs. "Fannie" B MOORES, in front page
obituary Sunday, 24 August 1879, of The Daily Memphis Avalanche. Fanny
was among 177 yellow fever deaths of 677 cases in Memphis thus far in
1879 till her death.


  Copy courtesy of Joan F VITALE, Memphis cohort.

        The Daily Memphis Avalanche
    Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
        Sunday, August 24, 1879, front page

            MRS FANNIE B MOORES.

EDITOR AVALANCHE --- Will you allow a brief notice to Mrs Fannie B
Moores, daughter of the late Senator Solon Borland, of Arkansas, who
died this morning, after a short violent attack of yellow fever. Ten
years ago she was a reigning belle of Little Rock, and enjoyed, as many
will remember, considerable celebrity as a poet. General Albert Pike had
a high opinion of her talents in that line, The "Dead Confederacy,"*
republished in the London Cosmopolitan, and highly complimented by that
journal was one of the best of her productions. "Dilsey at the North,"
portraying the lament of an aged negress for her Southern home of
slavery, as contrasted with that of her new found freedom among
strangers, was also very much praised. "Born Dead," "The Baby of Lilie"*
and many more of her published pieces, were highly acceptable to the
public, and among the last of her poetical contributions was a tribute
of Walter Harvey [Colonel Harvey Washington WALTER] who died of yellow
fever a year ago, and was a member of Bluff City Gray's. She leaves
behind one child, a son.

A. A. L. ---- Memphis, August 23,1879

          ??? WHO WAS A. A. L. ???

* see below


    "A POET WITH A HISTORY"; was title of a newspaper article one month
later in September 21, 1879 issue of Sedalia [Missouri] Daily Democrat
about Fannie. describing her:

      "Miss Borland was a slender, fair-haired, brown-eyed women who
appeared to have the fixed and overcast look of one who was destined to
die young."

  and of her work:

      "America never produced a poetess of real genius, but among the
brilliant female writers of this century Miss Borland took no second

    Fay HEMPSTEAD (1847AR-1934AR), named in 1908 as Poet Laureate of
Free Masonry, a post before held only by Robert BURNS, Scottish poet and
Robert MORRIS, Kentucky, wrote on page 479 in "Historical Review of
Arkansas, Vol. 1", published 1911 (page copy courtesy of Arkansas
History Commission) to wit:

      "Mrs Fannie Borland Moores, of Little Rock, who was a daughter of
Senator Solon Borland, was the writer of many beautiful poems, that were
appreciated and enjoyed in the most cultured circles. Her verses were
"Many an old scrap book has as its most cherished clipping verses that
were written by this most attractive and talented women, which, from
time to time, are reprinted in the Arkansas newspapers. Father Abram
Ryan, during one of is European journeys, gave some of Fannie Borland
Moores' verses to English literary folks. They were published in the
"London Cosmopolitan", with accompanying tribute from the poet priest.
An oft-read poem of Mrs Moores' is,"At My Father's Feet". It was
dedicated to and descriptive of her father, who was statesman, soldier
and diplomat."

    Then in 1894, General John M HARRELL's article, in "Confederate
Veteran", ;

      "I congratulate you on republishing the "Dead Confederacy " of
Fannie Borland. How appropriate it is now[1894], and was when written
[1865], by a girl of not then twenty [17]. It reads to me like a
fragment from Keato. It glows with passion, but is crystalline in its
pride, mournful and graceful as winter and night, which it invokes. Miss
Borland was a great genius who perished too son (sic). I knew her, and
saw her in 1870, when she completed a rare quartette of gifted,
beautiful girls, that formed the family of Gen. [Albert] Pike, in
Memphis, the others being the Misses [Isadora & Lillian] Pike and Miss
Sallie Johnson, now Mrs. Cabell Breckinridge, each a type of surpassing
beauty. Miss Johnson was sole daughter of ex Senator R. W. Johnson, and
Miss Borland, eldest daughter of ex Minister Solon Borland.".

    Poem, The Dead Confederacy, is reportedly found in Confederate
Veteran, Volume I, No III, page380.


    "Fannie" was subject in a research project at Arkansas History
Commission, #76-0003, resulting in Russell P. BAKER, Archivist at
Arkansas History Commission [has added our new finds to his file,
October 2007], publishing an article in "The Pulaski County Historical
Review", Volume XXIX, No. 3, Fall 1981 titled FANNIE GREEN BORLAND
MOORES, in which is stated;

      "After the war, Fannie was evidently sent to Memphis, Tennessee to
continue her education. While there, she began [before the war, ie 1860]
her career as a poet, writing under the name of Violet Lea. Her name,
wrote Arkansas Gazette in 1869, 'can be no stranger wherever true
[poetry] is read and admired -- particularly in [Memphis], where the
most beautiful and touching of her lyrical compositions first saw the
light -------."

    Russell P. BAKER, of Arkansas History Commission, has been most
helpful to us and advised to wit;

      "...pages 26-30 from a [1933] book entitled; Poets and Poetry of
Arkansas by [Fred W.] Allsopp for two published poems and a short
biography of Mrs. Moores. This is all I know that have been "compiled".
She is completely unknown and forgotten at this time."

    We found this most endearing poem, "At My Father's Feet" (see
below), (search "Solon
Borland") which had been saved by a Mrs Francis Marion (Harrow) HANGER
(1856- 1945), sister-in-law to Fannie Ashley HANGER page 218 in
transcribed, unpublished "baby diary" of Carl GRAY, at Special
Collections, University of Arkansas, M C 1618, Virginia Davis GRAY's
diary, first five years of Carl Raymond GRAY's life (Union Pacific
Railroad Corporation's vice-chairman at his 1939 death). The following
two years, 1872-'74, are NOT transcribed, being 845 most fragile pages,
briefly viewed by Dr Carl Moneyhon, bound in three books in files at
Arkansas History Commission donated by Farrar Clinton NEWBURRY in 1964,
obtained from grandson of Virginia Davis GRAY while in Omaha, Nebraska,
which are begging to be transcribed, revealing life during end of
reconstruction, and The Brooks-Baxter War of 1874 and possibly the 1874
fire which destroyed St Johns' College building.

  by Fanny Green (Borland) MOORES

I often think when the leaves are brown,

      And the noiseless snow comes down,

When the world is white and the trees are bare,

      And a winter stillness is in the air,

Of nights when life in my veins was sweet,

      And I sat, a child, at my fathers's feet.

He had borne in wars a valiant part,

      And he told of battles that shook the heart ----

Fought hand to hand ---- and he showed us a scar,

      That brightened the forehead it could not mar;

And the whole round world, from wood to street,

      Grew round me there, at my father's feet.

He had been in distant lands ---- and far ---

      From the Southern seas to the polar star ----

He told me of birds on rainbow wings,

      Where the crescent moon of the Orient swings,

And soft on my brow blew the South wind sweet,

      And palms grew tall at my father's feet.

He had sailed in ships that night and day

      Through mirrored heavens out their way ----

Through waves that dashed at the trembling sky,

      And grasped at the moon as they hurried by;

And lo! I looked on the white-winged fleet,

      And the sea called out from my father's feet.

He told me of forests vast and dim,

      With gray-mossed trees like hermits grim;

And fierce beasts hid in their treacherous shade,

      And reptiles coiled in marshy glade,

'Till tigers lurked in the coal's white heat,

      And I clung in fear at my father's feet.

Ah! many the winter nights I've seen,

      And many the snows that lie between,

Since glad from my nurse's arms I came

      To sit in the light of the dancing flame,

Knowing that Love and I should meet

    There on the floor at my father's feet.

The hair was white on his honored brow;

      Ah me! that brow is the whiter now,

And the years are many and thickly sown,

      And into a mighty harvest grown;

The days are shorter and time more fleet,

      Since I saw the world from my father's feet.

I have sown my grain. I have sown my tares;

      I have sinned my sins and prayed my prayers;

I have sown in laughter, and reaped in tears,

      I thank thee, Lord, that my harvest nears,

When I may pass through my garnered wheat,

      To sit, a child, at my father's feet.


  Fannie, not unlike other early Arkansan's who documentedly sacrificed
much of their lives performing significant deeds for Arkansas and its
people while Arkansas was developing its rich history during those early
tumultuous, pioneering years of civil war and
reconstruction, --- she too was FOREVER swept into oblivion by the
state's historians and academia while they chase the more affluent and
modern political figures.

    Fanny being the fourth such Arkansan we've researched since March
2003, who has been "cast aside" with this fatal Arkansas fate. Others
were; Fannie's brother-in-law, Colonel Oliver Crosby GRAY, who after 18
years as a highly respected professor at the University of Arkansas, ---
over 100 years ago (1906), honored his memory for his deeds, service and
contributions to man kind by building "GRAY HALL", in his memory, but in
1966 most readily demolished, dumping his memories with construction
debris, covering both with dirt to be forever forgotten.

    Adding insult to injury, --- in 2004 the University's History
Committee of five, including Chair of History Department, Jeannie M
WHAYNE and Special Collections, Ethel C SIMPSON, refusing to place even
a simple historical marker, as had been suggest from within, at the
nearly 100-year old building site of "GRAY HALL", --- ALSO showing NO
consideration of his 1st wife, Virginia LaFayette (Davis) GRAY's
significant contributions to the university, students, the communities
and state in which she adopted --- who was first to occupy 2nd floor
'Clock Tower', and their first chair of what now is Art Department, of
"Old Main", 9 September 1875, who had freely given her painting of the
then new "University Hall" (Old Main) to its Board in 1877 (only to be
lost), --- or of their son, nationally known Carl Raymond GRAY
(1867AR-1939DC). So be it, ---- this does not speak well for the State
of Arkansas, nor its academia system's people, a "cross" they must bare
as they rush to modern day political celebrities for fame and fortune.
3D-a. GEORGE BORLAND MOORES was born November 1869, orphaned, following
father's 1877/8 death, when mother Fannie died that morning of 1879 in
her sister's home. He's found in household of Fannie's half-brother,
Harold ("Little Solon") BORLAND, Faulkner County, Arkansas in 1880
census, but never again by us.

    The September 21, 1879 Sedalia newspaper article stated she had more
than one child, such is possible but we found no documentation except
her surviving first born, who the article claimed died, George Borland


          Fanny's known poems:


1)- First published poetic work of a 12 y/o girl born to poetry.

          The Deserted Road:

2)- "The Past and Future" written by a young grieving girl who turned 14
y/o month before her mother's death, which followed four months after
older brother's death, all while father laid sick in his bed and she's
looking after her two year younger sister.

        The  Past  and  Future:

3)- "Judge Not By The Outward Look" written by a young child, just
turned 14 y/o, after losing her brother in June and mother in October
1862, with a very sick father in bed, printed on front page of The
Arkansas Gazette but one week following printing her; "The Past and

      Judge  Not  By  The Outward  Look:

              Sunday, January 21, 1872

"The Dead Confederacy", no doubt her most famous, written in 1865, when
she just turned 17, at Princeton under alias "Violet Lea", later
published in London's Cosmopolitan, 21 Dec 1871, with a big write up in
Arkansas Gazette 21 Jan 1872. A signed copy is at Special Collections
University of Arkansas (PS2235.L3 D33 1865). This poem, acclaimed by
Father Abram Ryan, Generals Albert Pike and John M Harrell, most likely
the work mentioned in Virginia Davis GRAY's 1863-1865 diary, published
1983, in Arkansas Historical Quarterly, annoted and edited by Carl
Moneyhon, UALR see entry of 27 Dec 1865, page 168, Part II.

      The  Dead  Confederacy:

5)- A piece of poetry praised highly by General Albert Pike who starting
with the Mexican War, spent several years at odds with her father.

      The  Baby  at  Lilie:

6)- Short, sweet poem written at birth of Carl Raymond Gray (1867AR-
1939DC) later vice-chairman Union Pacific RR, in Virginia Davis Gray's,
1867-1872, unpublished diary about her son;

  Master Charlie Anti ___ Convention Davis, Harold, George, Ferdinand
and Rebel Gray's Address:

7)- The stern side of this belle-of-the-ball during reconstruction days.


8)- "At My Father's Feet", by far her most charming tribute to her
father, saved by Mrs Frances Marion (Harrow) Hanger (1856-1945) of
Little Rock. found in Fred W Allsopp's, 1933, "The Poets and Poetry of
Arkansas," See: History of the Arkansas Press for a Hundred Years and
More, 1922, By Frederick William Allsopp -- Page 549, (search "Solon

      At  My  Father's  Feet:

9)- "David O Dodd", from both Fred Allsopp's and a 1981 Pulaski County
Historical Society's publication article by Russell Baker of Arkansas
History Commission, a tribute encouraged by Albert Pike in 1867 of her,
to a young, brave hero in the eyes of many.

      David  O  Dodd:

10)- "To My Son's Scrap-Book" a daunting love poem to her son George
Borland Moores, born November 1869 in Memphis whose life we could not
follow after 1880 census with step-uncle Harold & 1st wife.

      To  My  Son's  Scrap-Book:


        Known, without copies:


Dilsey at the North, (?,?,?)

Born Dead, (?,?,?)

Tribute to Harvey Walter, (Memphis, 1878,?)

      For Fanny's family see:



      Half-brother Thomas:

      Half-brother Harold:

      Brother George Godwin:

      Sister Mary Melbourne:,Mary.htm